#Long reads
The strongest shape.
Ghost x Reader (y/n) x Soap.
Corporal Y/N Sanderson, alias Kamikaze. Yes, you're the young sibling of Gary 'Roach' Sanderson, you loved your brother, he was the best, you learned a lot from him, that's how you ended up in the army to feel a connection with your brother again. But you weren't expecting to find love on the way.
Warning: long and perhaps a bad story, the images are not mine, includes a lot of grammatical and spelling errors. I'm trying to not make much specific description of the reader but I apologize if it's too much.
Anyway, if you like the story don't forget to leave a ❤️, I hope to not write too many parts of this one because I feel like I'm not good doing them also I always disappoint you with my endings, but enjoy it.
Btw, Pt.2 is ready.
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You and a few members from your unit were selected to train with the British special forces, you couldn't feel more excited, just like your brother before you, you would be where he was and you somehow would feel close to him again.
Captain Price and his team would be with you and your teammates, training you.
- (...) So, these American guys will be here at any time, let's show them how things work here. They said they selected members with high potential, so let's take them to their limits, alright?
«Yes, Captain!»
- Good, let's go for them.
Meanwhile, you and your comrades were waiting outside of the building, those were the orders, probably the training would start right there, no wasting time.
Your teammates, some of them younger than you, are still rookies without much discipline, you're still learning as much as them, but you know when and where to lose control, but being surrounded by all that youth makes you feel wild. Also your friend, Foxy, loves to presume about your talents.
- Come on Kamikaze, teach these boys how to climb a building.
- I don't think it is the right time Foxy...
«Do it!» «Come on, show us how to do it!» « GO, GO, GO, GO...!!»
Everybody yells and dares you to do it, so without thinking too much you run and start to climb the building in front of you easily, you're accustomed to these activities, you climb all the time, since you and your brother were kids, in your teenage years you learned some Parkour so it was easy, you arrive to the top quickly, some other soldiers tried to imitate and follow your steps but you were fastest, suddenly a group of four men came out of the principal door of the building, the rest of your comrades stopped to yell and formed a line, like a group of scared children avoiding the looks of those men.
- Nothing like the first impression.
One of them said, none of the young team spoke, all of them quiet, while you and the other soldiers who tried to climb with you were still in the building.
- 3... 5... Where are the rest?
Another asked and still, no one dares to respond.
- Are you deaf? The captain made you a question!
Finally, Foxy, gives a step and simply points at the building. The captain follows your friend's pointing finger. There you were, the only soldier who arrived at the top, some others are in the middle of the way. At this point you think you will be sent back home, the look of your new Captain is not very hopeful.
- Tell them to come back here, now.
Foxy quickly approaches the building and yells «Come back now! Quick!»
You don't hesitate, jumping and climbing once again to go down, you land first, your teammates took their time as if they weren't worried about losing this opportunity.
You walk directly to the line, standing at Foxy's side, you're looking at your boots trying to not look at the men in front of you.
«We don't have the entire bloody day! Hurry up!»
Finally the rest was in the line with all of you.
- Who started this?
You decided to be brave and look at your new superiors. A man with a skull mask was asking who started that silly game, you're regretting not thinking about it twice.
Once again, Foxy gives a step and firmly accepts the fault.
- It was me, Sir.
- May I ask why?
- My teammates were trying to compete between them to kill time while we were waiting, so I pushed my friend Kamikaze to stop their silly game, it was my fault, Sir. I wanted to presume about Y/N's skills.
The masked giant didn't say a word, it was the captain who spoke this time.
- Discipline is important here, following orders can be vital for your survival on the battlefield. So next time i suggest you think twice before breaking the rules or disobeying your orders.
- Now, I'm the Captain, John Price. And these men are my team, Lt. Ghost, Sergeant Gaz, and over there is Soap. We will be working with all of you. There's no need to introduce yourself just tell me your last names quickly.
«James, McAvoy, McCarthy, Black, Rivers, Blackwood, Clearwater, McNabb, Sanderson»
- Good, nice to meet y'all, now... Black, James and Blackwood, don't unpack your stuff, you lose your chances. Go back home.
Just like that, the young boys who lazily climbed down with you lose their opportunity to work with such a team. And as the young soldiers were, all of them started to complain and beg for a last opportunity, you were at the edge to faint, it could be you too, but somehow the captain had mercy on you, you live to see another day in this place. Moments later, before you could relax, Ghost, the man with the mask, talks to you.
- Sanderson.
- Yes... sir.
- Like... Gary Sanderson?
- Indeed, he was my brother, Sir.
- That explains a lot.
That's all he says, he walks to his comrades while the captain is pretending to listen to the poor complaints and explanations of the now excluded soldiers.
You froze on the line with the rest, but you can see the looks of Soap and Ghost. They're definitely talking about you.
From the moment you appeared on his view, Ghost thought you looked familiar, but he wasn't sure why, you were beautiful that's the first thing he thought about you. He quickly tried to eliminate that from his mind, you were clearly undisciplined, just like young people is, yes, that's how he tried to replace his thoughts about your beauty, then he said to himself maybe he was judging you wrong, he met you just a few seconds ago and was already labelled you.
He was debating with himself when a familiar last name that he hadn't heard in a while caught his attention «Sanderson» he quickly looked at the direction where he heard that name, you. Finally, he understands why you looked very familiar to him, but it could be a coincidence though, before he could considerate what to do, he discovered himself talking to you, his suspicions were ventilated, Roach and you are family. That explains your ability, now he wonders what else you and Roach have in common.
On the other hand, Soap, had the same feeling about you, when he saw you at the top of the building, the first thought he had was about Roach and the memories he shared with your brother, he was absorbed by his thoughts when Ghost brought him back to the moment.
- Did you hear that? Roach's sibling.
- What? Are you serious?
- Yes, looks like a troublemaker though, but also reminds me a lot of him.
Soap nods in silence, observing you, you're younger than them, but certainly you look like your sibling, Roach lives in Soap's memory, he always thinks about him, he was a good soldier, but also a great man and friend, he feels like you will be pretty much the same, except that you're extremely gorgeous, your body shape is a blessing for his eyes, your hair looks so soft and then... Your lips are so pink and juicy, your cheeks red like apples, your bright eyes. Soap wondered why Roach never talked about you before, you look like a nice person or maybe there was something bad about you, he was curious, he felt like he needed to know everything about you to understand why he never heard about your existence before.
The rest of the day was definitely more difficult than at home, all your teammates including you felt exhausted and excited to see what the next weeks will bring to all of you. Meanwhile, Ghost and Soap decided they need answers, why are you there? Does the captain know who you are?.
- Price, Did you know that corporal is Roach's sibling?
- I did, so what?
- So what? Captain, why's here?
- Y/N is here by its own merits... I hope both of you can understand that and put aside the fact that Y/N is Gary's sibling.
- Cap, don't get me wrong but... Maybe Y/N is not the right person for this kind of training, that kid won't survive the first month!
- Sanderson is capable enough, you will see boys, I wouldn't approve Y/N's solitude if i didn't believe on those skills and potential. Read the files about these soldiers. You will be surprised about some of them.
Price leaves his office without saying more, Ghost and Soap observed at each other, clearly none of them have interests in the rest of your team, they want to know about you. As two kids tried to hide their interest, both sighed and left Price office.
That same night, Soap asked Kyle to check on your expedient and then share the information with him, Ghost on the other hand decided he wanted to trust on the Captain's judgment and he would keep an open mind about you.
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brujamala-aka-gigi · 10 hours
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comprehending late night thoughts tarot reading
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as someone who struggles with overthinking and insomnia, i found that maybe this reading could be helpful and worth sharing because let's be honest, a normal and healthy sleeping schedule sounds way too luxurious these days. take some time or go by impulse, pick a pile, and lets see what could be going on your head.
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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images from pinterest and dividers from are made by @ithemes
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•☽────✧˖°˖Number 1 ˖°˖✧────☾•
At this point in your life, your perception of the inner workings of the universe seems to be quite affected and troubled by feelings of despair and confusion. It feels as if during the day, you can keep yourself going through it by making a conscious effort in order to not bother anyone with your melancholic feelings. You are being deeply ruled by emotions which are understandable, but yet you are not quite ready to let go of them yet.  You have built yourself a strong shelter in order to keep you safe from adversity, but you’re missing out on finding your true potential due to this. It is common to want to face the aftermath of trauma on your own, and so it is to be unsure about whether it is worth it to ask for help or not. Take into consideration that even if your ideals and values are not present where you are now, you can always move away from those spaces and go where you can find yourself more balanced. When there’s plenty of options to choose from or when there’s none, always go back to yourself and your true essence.  It is key that you begin looking at negative or conflictive thoughts from a safe distance, without dissociating yourself from them. Being overwhelmed by your own mind, sensitivity and mental restlessness it’s completely normal. Embrace it in order to tackle down each conflict one by one, and focus on creating healthier ways of thinking about the world you live in.
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•☽────✧˖°˖Number 2 ˖°˖✧────☾•
It appears to me that there are some feelings of stagnation due to your creative energy not being able to shine through in a situation where emotional and material balance has become key to sustaining your comfort. Yet you don’t feel as satisfied or complete as you expected from this. There’s an impulse ruled by your emotions to begin new journeys motivated by a search of easily seen success, yet deep down you know this is not exactly what you want. Therefore, you remain comfortable in a state of solitude and introspection, which is making you question yourself even more.  This situation it’s not so much about following logic or emotion, but more so, about finding how to integrate both of these aspects into creating something for yourself that will bring you joy and more fulfilling ways of dealing with the need to run away but feeling forced to remain in the same place. Stability is valuable, as it will give you space to grow and enrich your life, but having to deal with feelings of boredom and stagnation due to said stability, it’s harmful if you are not aware of how to not lose focus from gratitude.  At moments like these, it is important that you become more generous and nurturing with people around you, as this can be the beginning of new growth and valuable lessons.
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•☽────✧˖°˖Number 3 ˖°˖✧────☾•
I'm seeing that although you are quite an emotionally intelligent person, sometimes thoughts and impulses could be troubling you whenever you allow yourself to be imprisoned by them, and once you have set yourself free, this new sense of liberation might tend to make you feel disoriented and confused on where to go next. Luckily you understand that some answers and solutions to many problems can be led on to by the guidance and support of others. Lately, being impulsive and dealing with the consequences afterwards, could be understood as a need to test yourself on your abilities to deal with conflict. As useful as it is, you shouldn’t always aim to go back to the same old toxic places and people you already know won’t allow you to grow.  Don’t let others take away energy you need for yourself. Learn how to share in ways that are beneficial for everyone involved, and be as altruistic as you want as long as it’s not destructive. Be wiser with the battles you pick. Focus a lot on healing old wounds and finding more flexible ways of dealing with conflict, again, whenever it is possible to deal with conflict. Channel your passions in ways that are not demanding you to feel trapped by your own ideas, and don’t be afraid to change your mind whenever your thoughts are not working in favor of your sensitive nature.
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Heeeeey it's gigi here <3 i had to forcefully take some days off due to exams and my life being insane, good to be back on tumblr shuffling cards and chilling.
Tomorrow it's pretty likely I'll be answering questions on my Ask thing, most likely going to be love themed small readings because I don't feel like making P.A.C readings about relationships.... yet. So yeah, i guess this is when im like jaja follow me for more.
Anyways, thanks for all the likes and reblogs, it feels nice that I'm having fun and tumblr people are having fun too. <3 as always, i hope this was helpful or at least entertaining. see you around. <3
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duh9 · 2 days
Mi vida se volvió tuya cuando mis ojos se encontraron con los tuyos.
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brostateexam · 2 days
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redvexillum · 2 days
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“My dear,” Alastor said as he slammed the bottom of his staff to the ground, kicking up fine dust. “If you tell me where the ring is, then all of this,” he waved his hand around, “will disappear.”  
Furious that he was threatening you with such underhanded tactics, you let your ego guide your next actions. “Then, I guess, you’ll never get your stupid ring back,” you spat out.  
Alastor suppressed a growl behind his wide grin, his eyes narrowed in anger. “Has anyone ever told you how needlessly stubborn you are?” his tone wavering between fury and forced lightness. “When you’re ready to tell me where the ring is,” he had glanced down at your shadow, “all you need to do is beg me to come and save you,” he said; his grin seemingly strained.   
[Keep Reading]
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sstargrllll · 2 days
I am responsible for what I say, not for what you understand!
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berniesrevolution · 1 year
You’re Lucky You Have a House, Peasant!
A history of company towns
by Joyce Rice and Kevin Moore
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(Continue Reading)
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midsummerkissess · 1 year
a "look babe, i finished a new book" gf and a "tell me all about it" bf
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longreads · 3 months
“The most important part of my job is to make the library a safe space. One where kids burst through the door and go running with glee to the children’s area so they can say hello to whoever is at the desk. One where a patron can have a full metal meltdown about the state of the world and still be given resources to find housing, a shower, a meal. One where someone can come in blasted high for years and then return the next day sober and clean, ensconcing themselves in the safety of the books to stay that way.”
Lisa Bubert’s Instagram bio reads "Public librarian who has seen some 💩," and her latest piece makes clear just how much “some” is. When so much of our society has seemingly turned its back on its neediest members, public libraries have never been more important. To read “Safety Net,” head to Longreads.
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The strongest shape.
Ghost x Reader (y/n) x Soap.
Corporal Y/N Sanderson, alias Kamikaze. Yes, you're the young sibling of Gary 'Roach' Sanderson, you loved your brother, he was the best, you learned a lot from him, that's how you ended up in the army to feel a connection with your brother again. But you weren't expecting to find love on the way.
Warning: long and perhaps a bad story, the images are not mine credits of them to whoever they belong to, includes a lot of grammatical and spelling errors.
Daddy Tumblr hates me or something because every time I work on something that I previously saved, it's posted after I edited it! I haven't finished yet, chill out man!
Anyway, leave a heart ❤️ if you liked it. XOXO.
Press here to read Part 1
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It was early in the morning, really early; Simon gives a walk and smokes a cigarette before everybody starts the day, he likes the silence around the base, it's peaceful.
But today, he's not the only one awake. He's opening the principal door when you pass in front of him, you haven't noticed him, you're running too focused on the way, the headphones are in the maximum volume, so it's impossible to notice the big boy standing there.
Simon prefers it in that way, he can observe you,he noticed you had strange bracelets on your ankles and two others on your wrists, what are those things? He can ask you directly but he's a little bit shy. He's simply standing there, smoking and watching you, the way your hair moves, the way you breath and that look you have, very determined, he likes that, you wake up before everybody else, definitely you want to be here, you want to show that you belong here.
You stop in the middle of the way, how long has he been there observing you? You sigh and walk to him, you notice his body getting tense.
- Good Morning, Sir.
- Morning.
That's all? You smile at him in a friendly but somehow respectful way.
- Giving a morning walk before starting the training?
- Yes.
Uncomfortable silence filling the air, maybe it's time to say goodbye and pretend nothing happened.
- What's that on your wrists and ankles?
He pointed to your bracelets. He's very observant.
- Oh, hmm this is a bracelet with weight, you know since I'm not very muscular I have to win strength somehow, so I use them to that.
- hmmm... It's working I suppose.
- it is, I'm registering my time and km, I'm getting better. In case I have to run with a teammate over my shoulders I want to be as fast as possible to save us.
Once again, Simon stays in silence, so for you it's a signal to leave him alone.
- Well, it has been nice to talk a little with you Lt., I'll see you later.
You haven't realized what you did, but while you were saying goodbye you give little pats on Ghost shoulder. It's only until you're inside the building that you thought about your last interaction with that big man, after that you prayed for him having mercy on you and not think you were disrespectful.
But Simon felt something really strange, he wasn't angry, he was confused, your touch sent a warm feeling to his chest that quickly traveled to his stomach, he shivered, he tried to continue his morning ritual avoiding the thought of your voice and the feeling of your hand on his shoulder.
Running through the whole base trying to find the hall you collided with someone.
- Fuck, sorry... I'm late
- Just like Roach...
You stopped and looked back at the person you collided with. Soap's smile is hypnotizing you for a second, then your back to reality.
- I'm really sorry sir...
- Stop there! Don't be so polite Y/N, call me Soap or Johnny if you feel comfortable with it. Where are you going?
- I'm late for... breakfast...? I don't know where It is.
- I'm on the way too, we can go together if you don't mind.
- That would be great, thanks Sir... I mean Johnny.
You offer a kind and warm smile, fuck, Johnny never felt nervous around someone, he's always the one who just needs to smile to obtain whatever he wants, but with you he felt the red painting his cheeks.
- Alright, let's go Sanderson...
A walk full of silence, the last thing you need when you're nervous/ anxious. Soap notice you're biting your nails, he does it too but not in public, he knows what that means.
- So, Y/N, why you weren't with the rest of your teammates? I bet they already ate all they could find in the hall.
- Ah well, I run before the whole routine, it helps me to clear my mind, when I went back to the dorms no one was there so... Yeah probably I won't find anything but the crumbs of the breakfast.
Both laughed, the rest of the walk was a silly conversation about the food, once you're there he goes to his friends and you go to Foxy, lucky you, Foxy saved a plate for you.
Today, after that not so bad meal, you and your teammates are sparring, Gaz is showing you some movements, giving you warnings and advice about the hand to hand combat.
McNabb is one of the biggest opponents, he's muscular but slow. He barely moves, you've been observing him, he doesn't move to waste energy, he just lets the opponent approach and then hits to knock down.
Price, Ghost and Soap are just observing all of you while Gaz talks and interacts with all of you.
McNabb definitely is in the zone, he feels powerful.
- Can I be the next?
Suddenly all eyes are on you, Soap is ready to say no, he's clearly confused, are you insane? Why would you want to fight against that giant? But Price just stops him, putting his hand over his chest and neglecting with the head, meanwhile, Ghost's eyes are full of terror, you're so small, he's sure you will be sent to the emergency room at the first chance.
Gaz doesn't say a word, he simply nods but you can see it too, he's worried. Some of your companions whispered and talked about you, you try to avoid the anxiety that is trying to invade you. Foxy as always has a bright and proud smile for you, that always sends you a boost of bravery.
- Kamikaze, I can see why that codename, this will be a suicidal mission for you. But I have a better nickname for you, Noodle!
He laughs scandalously, you don't pay attention to the comment. You have been observing him, you have to be sure and be smarter than him, it can be easy.
- Alright big boy, less talk and more hits.
Before he can process your words you give him a quick punch on his right cheek, he doesn't understand why he couldn't see that coming.
He doesn't move yet, so you continue hitting and provoking him, after some failed punches to you he starts to move. Of course you already received some punches, and there's some blood coming out of your mouth and nose, but you learned something, his strength is not as you thought, you confirm he's slow so your advantage is your speed.
The room is in silence, the only sound is you and McNabb breathing, some bad words and the sound of punches. The giant is finally exhausted and clearly frustrated, for you that's the signal you've been waiting for. McNabb runs to you, you avoid his last punch while you stunning him with your palms colliding in his ears, he steps back and that's when you use all your strength and gives him a final kick on his chest, he loses his balance and falls on the floor, he's not unconscious but definitely exhausted.
You offered him your hand to help him to stand up meanwhile, Ghost and Soap exhale with relief, you survived.
Price looked at these men with an undescribable look and simply says to them.
- And That's why Kamikaze ended up here.
Some applause and comments about how everybody thought you wouldn't make it, everyone except for Foxy, the only person aware of your capacities.
By the end of the day, you decided to not join for dinner, you were out, taking some air. But you missed the small interview or interrogation that the 141 made to your comrades.
- So... Rivers, tell me, Why or how Sanderson won that codename?
- Please call me Foxy, Sir. And it's a long story, I would prefer if you hear it directly from Kamikaze.
-Give us your version of what happened that day Foxy...
- Alright, the resume or the short version is that Y/N risked all to save me and another friend. It supposed it would be a very easy mission for our unit full of rookies but everything went wrong. Our sergeant ordered Y/N to explode the building with me and our friend inside, we were captured, But... Sanderson decided to save us, fighting against a man a little bit smaller than McNabb. Sanderson received a bullet on the shoulder, some injuries but survived and saved us and on the way did what the sergeant wanted, the building and all the evidence exploded, we survived except for O'Brien, our friend, he didn't make it, but that didn't stop Y/N, who carried O'Brien with us until we arrived to the rendezvous, once at the base y/n went directly prosecuted but obviously, the case ended well for Sanderson because is here and didn't lose the job.
- Definitely, Sanderson loves the danger...
- indeed, that's why I gave that codename... Sanderson would give is own life just to save the world, not many people would do that, just crazy people like my dear, Kamikaze.
Price didn't say anything, he already knows the story, he read the report about it, but the other three men were in silence, Gaz quickly filled that silence changing the conversation and talking about the observations he had for Foxy and some other guys.
But Soap and Ghost, in a strange unspoken conversation agreed once again that you're more than what you let them see. Just like Roach, you wouldn't let a man behind, no without use up every opportunity to save him first.
Ghost found out the connection of your desire of being fastest and strongest. He knows the feeling of losing people you care about and the eternal desire to go back in time to make everything different to save them. Soap feels more intrigued by you, what more do you hide? You're fascinating, you're beautiful, you have courage, you're smart, what else? He needs more of you.
Both want more of you.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 10 months
*NSFW* 'Till Death do us Part (Yandere!Parasite X GN!Reader)
CW: Sexual non-sexual penetration, forced masturbation, mind control/break, unhealthy relationships, yandere behavior, dead dove
This ended up a LOT longer than I had planned, emotionally attached to this non-human yandere ❤️
The Albtu required intelligent hosts in order to live. It wasn't just about survival. To be trapped in ones own body, it was torture. They could not think, could not act, unless they attached themselves to a living brain. If they infested an animal brain, then the only thoughts the Albtu could produce would be primal, forcing their animal suits to find food and housing for their young. But to be in the mind of a human.. it was both heaven and hell. To understand the world around them, truly understand, thinking on a much higher level of existence than their siblings or parents, to experience all that life has to offer, was a miracle they never would have known about had they not been privileged enough to be born in a human. But on the flip side to that coin was experiencing fear. Not the fear of being trapped in a deer coming face to face with a mountain lion, smelling your own demise, but listening to the horrified screams of the original owner of their new body, forever. Learning that the humans they took over were still conscious, kept prisoner in their own minds, forced to watch the Albtu living their lives was a nightmare for the creatures who had only just learned what compassion and empathy was. The existential horror that was knowing that you were nothing but a parasite, and the guilt they felt.. it was too much for many of the Albtu to handle.
For the Albtu who became the human known as (Reader), existence was a bittersweet agony it could neither explain nor fully understand.
It was born into this life in the host of a stray cat, knowing nothing but pain and hunger. It didn't understand what a car was, or why the loud creature charged at it, ramming into it and causing a pain that never went away. Everything hurt all the time, and it couldn't even understand why.
Then, one day, it met warmth. A human, with gentle hands and a soft voice took the time to earn it's trust. They didn't know it was in pain, but their touches were delicate all the same. The human gave it food, and although it didn't have a human's intelligence or concept of identity, it did feel trust and companionship with the human who cared for it as though it was their kin. But the pain grew, and it could feel it's death was approaching. And as an animal, it acted as a dying animal would.
"There you are, baby!" (Reader) called out to their little stray friend, finally finding it hiding under a porch. They laid flat on their front, arm stretched out as far as possible towards the small bundle of fur, and quietly clicked their tongue and wiggled their fingers. "Why're you hiding, baby?"
The cat gave a warning yowl, in too much pain to bat the human away. (Reader) took off their coat in an attempt to flatten their body, and squished themselves into the small space to close in on their kitty.
"C'mere baby.." The adult whined as they continued inching closer. When they finally got far enough under the porch to touch two fingers onto the matted fur of it's thigh, the cat cried out in pain. "What's wrong?!" They recoiled their hand, but only to writhe faster and more frantically towards the animal whose breathing was slowly turning ragged. (Reader) placed their face close to the kitten's, tears building in their eyes as they tried to keep their heart rate steady, hoping that the cat could feel their attempt to soothe it in it's possible final moments.
"Hey, baby... I'm here..." They whispered into the tawny kitty's pink little nose.
It was then that the Albtu's primal instincts morphed from the need to hide during it's death, to a fight for survival. It couldn't survive for long outside of a host, a few seconds at most, the transition needing to be nearly seamless. The cat howled in pain, as what appeared to be a black, semi translucent single celled organism the size of Reader's palm, shot out from it's nose, thrusting itself into (Reader's) nose before they could react, and quickly slipping through impossibly small crevices in their anatomy, slinking in a fluid like state till it reached their brain. There was an electric shock that pulsated throughout (Reader's) body, then they were no longer in control.
The Albtu became self aware the moment it took hold of (Reader's) brain, which was immediately followed by the realization of what it had done, the betrayal towards the only human who had ever shown it kindness, and the remorse caused a physical agony in it's stolen heart, screaming while clawing at (Reader's) shirt.
It howled until (Reader's) throat was burning, and it felt as though it would succumb to exhaustion next to their previous host's dead body.
Outside the neighbor's porch the sun had begun to set, but the body thief hadn't moved, too broken hearted to find the will to live after it had stolen (Reader's) body to do just that. It could hear it's own internal monologue for the first time, and found it far too loud and intrusive. Although it could feel memories that were not it's own, it didn't push further into the brain out of respect for the person it betrayed.
It's breath hitched, thundering heart beat overtaking it's previously drowning thoughts. Like an auditory hallucination, it heard the human's voice, not from behind it, nor from deep inside like it's internal voice, but inside it's ear, like (Reader) hadn't been possessed, but shrunk down to the size of a flea and was hiding in the safety of it's ear.
[Am I dead?] Their voice was so sad and small it made the Albtu cry once again.
"No. No, but you are no longer yourself, which may be worse. I'm- I'm so sorry..."
[Are you a ghost?]
"I don't know what that is.."
[What are you? I can't move my body.] Their voice wasn't scared, but numb. The whole situation was so outlandish it was almost dreamlike, unbelievable.
"I have no name. All I know, is that I am an Albtu. The word echoed in my mind even when I was a mindless cat."
[... You're an alien?]
"I do not know."
[How can you speak my language?]
"I know it as it was an ability of yours, like muscle memory, you do not need to focus to speak it, therefore I can speak it."
[What does that mean? Are you inside my head?] Waves of guilt crashed into it's consciousness, and (Reader) was able to feel it. [...why me?]
The Albtu explained everything, from the moment of it's birth, hatching already inside the cat, to the moment (Reader) found themselves in the passenger seat of their own body, including why it didn't probe into (Reader's) memories. "I am so sorry.. your's is the only love I have ever felt in my life, and if I was who I am right now, I would have allowed myself to die instead of latching onto you. Now, even if I leave your body, it will leave a permanent hole in your brain, and it will kill you."
(Reader) went silent in contemplation, finally coming to terms that this was not a dream, but still unable to force themselves to be angry at the alien inside them. They could feel it wasn't lying to them, feeling it's emotions stirring in their brain alongside their own feelings. A strange excitement bubbled out of the kind little human.
[We can make this work!]
[We can make this work! You just manually act out what I would want to do, and we can discuss how to move forward so we can both continue to live fulfilling lives.]
A heat krept over it's face, heart swelling at how kind it's human was. "I don't deserve your kindness. But I thank you, and I will do my best to help you continue live as normal."
[My name is (Reader). That's what you'll have to respond to, but I need something to call you.]
"..I can't verbalize it, but I knew you would repeat a word often to me when I was the cat. Was that a name?"
[Oh, yeah, but you were a kitten, so I called you baby. We can't name you Baby, because that's also used by humans as a nickname between lovers.]
"Oh. Then, could you name me something? I don't know any names other than yours."
That was how the strange partnership, and friendship, between the human, (Reader), and the parasite, Baby, began.
Although (Reader) gave permission to Baby to enter their memories, it refused, still recovering from the unintentional treachery it had already committed against (Reader), so instead (Reader) acted as a teacher, guiding Baby as it learned about the world. And just as they had promised each other, they made it work, Baby happily making memories of it's own as it acted as (Reader), going to work for them and helping keep their life as "normal" as possible.
"What's going on?" Baby pointed at the laptop screen, a scene of a wedding playing on the soap opera (Reader) was watching.
[It's a wedding. Maria and Alonzo are getting married.]
"What is married?"
[Marriage is when two people who love each other very much decide they want to spend the rest of their lives together, so they have a party called a wedding to show their friends and family how much they love each other, and promise to love each other forever in front of everyone they know. Ah, but sometimes marriages don't work out, and people fall out of love. When that happens they sign a piece of paper for the government to swear that they will stop living together as lovers, that's called 'getting a divorce'.]
"Why do they 'fall out of love'?"
[A lot of different reasons. Sometimes, people hurt the ones they love, and their spouse can't forgive them, which causes love to die. But sometimes, it just... happens. Humans change as time goes on, and sometimes the person they become isn't compatible with their spouse anymore; sometimes people hide a part of themselves, intentionally or not, when they meet someone they like, and it only comes out after the get married, and their spouse realizes they don't actually like the real them... It's complicated. There are a lot of reasons.]
Baby focused on the intricate ritual on the screen, the two main characters placing rings on each other.
[Those are wedding rings, to show other people they meet that they are married.]
"Do you Maria, take this man, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"
Baby felt (Reader's) awe, knowing if they were in control of their shared body their face would be pink and a large toothy smile would be uncontainable.
"Do you wish to do that one day?"
(Reader's) joy faltered, paining Baby as it regretted asking such a stupid question. [Haha, even if you were okay with me finding someone, it would make me feel a little.. uncomfortable. I'm not one for threesomes haha!] Despite their joking tone, Baby could feel their sorrow. [It's okay though, I may not ever have a husband or wife, byuy I have you! And, unlike Maria and Alonzo, there is no option for a divorce for us, so we really will be together forever.]
The parasite shifted inside (Reader's) skull, manually controlling their heart rate so (Reader) wouldn't feel how hard it would have been beating at their words. Baby knew it was a joke, but that didn't prevent their words from echoing in it's thoughts hours after the episode has already ended.
"(Reader), how do humans decide to get married?"
[When two people decide that they like each other in a romantic way, they date, and often move in together, and then they discuss if marriage is a good option for them. If they both want to get married, one of them buys the rings and proposes to the other one, asking them if it's the right time to get married. Will you marry me? Ohmigosh YESSS!]
"How do they know if marriage is a good option?"
[If they can imagine seeing themselves with each other forever, share financial responsibility together, and are capable of mature communication, I guess. It's different for everyone, but those would be my personal criteria.]
But, we will be together forever... And we share a body, so financially it will be like only caring for one person... And we have to have perfect communication in order for your life to function...
Baby smiled, wrapping it's arms around it's waist as it buried into (Reader's) bedding.
[Hey, whatcha thinking about over there, smiley?]
"You." Baby happily responded, feeling (Reader) glitch out in embarrassment.
In Baby's mind, the only thing missing was a ring. It remembered (Reader's) tenderness towards it when Baby was in that cat, and the kindness (Reader) showed each day only supported Baby's belief that deep down, (Reader) loved it. If not love, than at least cared for deeply, and one day that care would surely bloom into love.
So why was (Reader) stuttering when instructing Baby on what to say to their coworker? (Reader) was supposed to give a report to Lawrence, the serious older man in the cubicle across the office, but when Baby approached him, (Reader) suddenly had a difficult time remembering what they were supposed to tell him.
"(Reader), may I help you?" His voice was deep and stern, authoritative.
Inside, (Reader) was a mess. Baby could feel multiple conflicting emotions in (Reader); embarrassment, nervousness, shame, and something... something Baby had never felt from (Reader). It was like a heat, steaming out of (Reader's) brain and boiling Baby's real body.
"I was asked to deliver these to you." Baby spoke monotonously in (Reader's) voice, handing the stack of papers over before heading back to (Reader's) desk, hearing them sigh in it's ear. Even a simple sigh sounded as though it was a mixture of clashing mental gymnastics.
Baby kept it's voice quiet so (Reader's) coworker wouldn't hear it, whispering: "Are you okay, (Reader)?"
[... Huh? Wha- oh, yeah. I'm okay!]
Their shared heart sunk. That was a lie. Baby tried to ignore the pain forming in it's chest, forgetting that (Reader) could feel it as well. What was this feeling? (Reader) can have secrets, I've allowed them their privacy.. so why is this so upsetting for me?
[Is everything okay, Baby?]
A nickname between lovers. It was just it's agreed upon name, so why did the name send butterflies to its lower belly when (Reader) said it?
"I'm fine with you keeping your privacy, but lying is not mature communication."
Baby stood abruptly, walking out of the building, claiming to a passing manager that it was becoming ill and about to vomit, and left for (Reader's) apartment, not responding to any of their questions or protests.
It roughly slammed the door shut on (Reader's) home, barely containing it's voice until the latch clicked.
[Baby, answer me-]
"Why did you lie to me?!" It's voice was strained, the intensity of it snapping at (Reader) made the voice sound almost foreign to the previous owner.
[What..? I was just embarrassed, I-I don't want to talk about it.]
"People who love each other are capable of mature communication. So talk."
[People who-?] (Reader) steadied themselves, trying not to get upset. [I can see you're upset. Are you jealous?]
"Don't change the topic." Baby spat in a warning tone.
[Jealousy is when you get upset because you think someone has something you want, or may take something you want.]
Baby contemplated their words, but the definition only fueled it's rage. "Are you admitting that Lawrence is someone who could take you from me?"
(Reader's) calm facade cracked. [Take me from you?! I don't belong to you! You are my friend, and I care about you, but we are roommates sharing a body, not lovers!]
With that exclamation, Baby's heart shattered. What? What do you mean? You can't say that! Why did Lawrence cause such strange emotions in you, that you would rather push It away than just talk it out?! And that hot, prickly sensation Baby could sense when (Reader) was in Lawrence's presence..
"It's okay, (Reader).. Well get through this." Baby took a shaky breath, smiling in a comforting manner. "Couples fight, and they say things to hurt one another when that happens. Because humans are complicated. But I'll forgive you for lying to me. It must be a very strange secret that you have, for you to be so embarrassed to tell me about it. I'm sorry for causing you discomfort, however" a tickle in their skull was sensed by (Reader) as Baby stretched out inside, wriggling deeper into their brain, and fear clutched (Reader) at the sudden breach of trust, "if we are going to get pass your lying, I need to know the truth."
Pushing into (Reader's) memory, images of (Reader) watching Lawrence from afar came into view, memories going back years, (Reader) crushing on the older man from across the office, touching themselves while crying out his name in their empty apartment late at night, and the pain of rejection when they finally mustered the courage to ask him to accompany them to a local bar after work, only to be reminded that office romances were unprofessional, and that (Reader) should consider themselves lucky he didn't report them to HR.
If (Reader) were in control of their bodily functions, they would be viciously weeping. Turning the light on the truth, Baby was only slightly hurt at what it saw, because knowing the truth meant they could move on from this little hiccup. The only issue was, (Reader) was still sexually attracted to that man. Baby now had a name for the warmth it felt in Reader back at the office.
"Why do still like him? He turned you down. He's never going to fuck you." Baby chuckled, it's kind tone of voice creating a sadistic scene in (Reader's) opinion.
[That was evil. I can't believe you did that!]
"Don't be dramatic, love. Just tell me what I need to do to make you see me that way also."
[What way?!]
"The way that turns you on." Baby's words paralyzed (Reader), shocking them into silence. "If I make you feel good down there, will you scream my name instead?"
Baby unbuttoned (Reader's) slacks, dropping them to it's ankles before kicking them off and to the side. Gentle fingers pawed at (Reader's) most private place through their underpants. Despite not being in control, (Reader) could still feel the touches.
[Please don't-]
"I never got a good look at what's down there... I always did my best to avert my gaze for your modesty." (Reader) fought inside their own mind to gain control of their body, unable to even close their eyes as they watched their fingers disobey their pleas, slowing pulling down their last barrier from the thing they thought was their friend.
"Wow..." (Reader) had forgotten, that with gaining control of a human mind Baby had suddenly gained the ability to feel every human emotion, including arousal. "It's so cute!" Baby could barely contain itself, running (Reader's) fingers over their sensitive areas so softly it tickled, sending shivers up (Reader's) back.
[Please stop...]
"Ah, but it feels good, right? Even your nipples feel good." Baby ripped open (Reader's) white collared button up, aggressively pinching their already erect nipples. (Reader) held back their grasp, but Baby still felt it. "We share a body, remember, love? You can lie all you want, but your body will tell me the truth."
(Reader) could feel themselves tremble as Baby continued assaulting their chest, alternating between ghostly touches and sharp twists, a slick moisture forming between their thighs. The excitement caused (Reader) to lose strength in their legs, and Baby allowed them to fall to their knees. Panting with how turned on Baby was feeling, it snuck one hand back down, feeling how hot and wet (Reader's) sex already was. The tip of their stimulated organ was hard, and Baby enjoyed stroking it hungrily, enjoying the intense reaction it could feel (Reader) experiencing.
(Reader) was humiliated by the sight of their own masturbation, helpless in their self violation. Baby continued paying attention to the part that had the most nerve endings, slowly removing (Reader's) fingers from their left nipple and bringing it down to the other hand, drenching it in (Reader's) arousal fluid/precum. The wet fingers were stuck in (Reader's) mouth, the parasite sucking while still stroking, forcing (Reader) to taste themselves while it rocked their hips into their dominant hand.
[Please stop- I get it- I'll never lie to you -ah!- again!]
The fingers made a wet pop as Baby pulled them back out of (Reader's) mouth. "But you taste so good, don't you agree? If you don't want your fingers in your mouth, that's fine.. but where should I put them?"
Now fully lubricated, Baby reached behind (Reader) with their moist fingers, tilting their hips slightly before penetrating (Reader's) clenched hole. Finger fucking (Reader) with both hands, rocking them back and forth with the force of the fingers thrusting and stroking.
[NO!] Their screams for help were silent to the rest of the world, only audible to Baby, relishing in the sound of (Reader) screaming loudly just for them.
Desperate for release, (Reader) cried out without thinking [Just STOP! I'LL NEVER LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO TO MY BODY!]
Baby froze, fingers stuck in place, as frightened tears beaded on its eyelashes. "no..." (Reader's) fingers retracted, clenching fistfuls of hair as Baby began to crumble. "NO!!!"
Sobs bounced off the walls of (Reader's) home as Baby frantically wracked it's brains to fix the mess (Reader) had caused. The hacking sounds of anguish didn't lighten or soften as it morphed into unhinged laughter.
"Did you really forget who's in control here? I'm on the one holding onto your fucking brain, (Reader)! All you had to do was continue loving me, love me and only me, because we're practically married! THERE IS NO DIVORCE FOR US, REMEMBER?!"
Although both of (Reader's) hands were still firmly planted in their hair, an intense shock rocked through their sensitive fuck hole. Before the weepy prisoner could question what has just happened another shockwave sent fluids dripping into the hardwood floor.
"Humans are so stupid, saying emotions come from the soul or the heart, when every single bodily function from releasing hormones that tell you that you're in love to interpreting the stimuli that's needed to orgasm, comes from the brain."
The hypersensitivity Baby forced upon (Reader) allowed them to feel it's true body inside their head, sliding in and out of the folds in (Reader's) brain, rhythmically prodding deep into parts that shouldn't be touched. Each thrust into their brain felt like there was a hard cock simultaneously fucking them down below. It didn't make sense, (Reader) couldn't wrap their head around it, somehow feeling Baby violate the wet creases in their brain while a phantom dick stimulated their reproductive parts.
(Reader) came without the use of their hands, sticky fluids forming a lewd puddle under them. But Baby wasn't satisfied.
[What-what happened?]
Another orgasm exploded throughout their sensitive body, falling face forward into the ground with their still twitching ass in the air.
Baby continued dominating (Reader's) mind, forcing their brain to make and release large doses of oxytocin, as every muscle from their stomach to their thighs twitched with contractions.
Another climax forced it's way out, pushing (Reader) way passed the point of overstimulation, pissing on the floor into another stream of fluids. Baby manually constricted (Reader's) throat, while simulating an orgasm of it's own, artificially tricking the brain into thinking it felt a blast of warm fluid fill (Reader's) skull. Before (Reader) could pass out from a lack of oxygen, Baby released their airway, drooling and bawling as it allowed (Reader) to greedily suck in air.
"Who do you love, (Reader)?"
[guh.. pl-please.. no more] (Reader) drunkenly pleaded.
"Wrong answer."
It was like lava engulfing their twitching body as another powerful orgasm was triggered, the burning feeling behind their eyes convincing (Reader) that Baby had shot a load of hot cum deep into their nearly fucked stupid brain. But this time, Baby tried something new, injecting dopamine into the mix as the oxytocin turned (Reader) into a writhing, pathetic mess.
"Who do you love, (Reader)?"
(Reader) tried to conjure the image of the one they truly loved, but for some reason only a hazy image of an older man who's name they couldn't recall briefly flickered before disappearing. Baby smiled, face painted in drying drool and tears, knowing that (Reader) was attempting to think of their coworker, only to discover that Baby had tampered with their memories. Soon, every memory of (Reader) touching themselves would be altered so that they were calling out it's name, not some bastard's from work who didn't even care about them.
Baby licked (Reader's) spit off the floor under their face.
"Who do you love, (Reader)?"
Masochistic shame sent tremors down (Reader's) frame as another climax begun to build. [.. you.]
Overstimulated, aching in pain, and going numb from pleasure, (Reader) screamed through their real voice, shaking the thin walls of their apartment.
"I'm cumming, Baby! Baby! I love Baby! Harder, harder HARDER, PLEASE I LOVE YOU BABY, FUCK ME DUMB, FUCK ME STUPID! I'M CUMMING!!!"
(Reader) had fallen unconscious, still drenched and on the floor, (Reader) slept somewhere deep inside their mind, while Baby had full control of the weak body practically paralyzed from the waist down. It held (Reader's) left hand above it's face, smiling loopy-like, delirious from exhaustion.
"All that's missing is a ring~"
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kaykhloe · 4 months
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twstedstoryshop · 4 months
FINALLY, I return properly. Kind of. Reason I've been away for so long was because of insane convention season and also had this bad boy in the works. This is one of two commissions done for a friend. Hope you all can enjoy yourselves for the crumbs I produce. -SK
CONTENT WARNING: Blood, violence, depressed s/o, and mentions of toxic past relationships.
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Your New Boyfriends Runs Into Your Ex
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While Rook Hunt was one of many to find camaraderie in a den of villains, that didn’t mean chivalry was dead to him. Certainly not him.
Under his keen gaze, he knew that when a certain topic was broached, you would shy away instantly. Paled knuckles, a panicked gaze, and your bottom lip near to splitting open by how badly you chewed down.
It was like he was seeing a rabbit or deer caught in a trap, frantic with no escape. Though his heart had been trained to a perfect steel and not feel for his quarry, when he sees that look in your eyes, all defenses fall away.
The topic? Well, the worries of what the future held for you. Moreso in far off days. Would you continue to have your friends by your side? Would someone ever cherish you? Have a deeper connection?
For Rook, it was a no-brainer because of course! Who else was more worthy of adoration and praise than his dear petite grâce? As he would declare this in all his usual grandeur, a small smile would form on your lips, but that happiness never reached your eyes.
Doubt clouded that sweet gaze of yours. In its own way, seeing such clear eyes be veiled by sadness was heartachingly beautiful. Yet it was a beautiful scene Rook couldn’t bear to behold for too long.
When it came to keeping track of you, Rook was extra considerate. If one can call it that… In his mind, he kept careful track of those you interacted with. He watched your mannerisms, your dialogue, anything amiss he would file it away. But for the longest time, it didn’t seem like an outside force was troubling you.
For a moment, Rook considered that whatever wounded your heart was a scar from a distant past he had yet to uncover. What he didn’t expect was said wound abruptly appearing on a normal day.
From a vantage point, perhaps from a second story window or among the trees that dotted the campus, Rook had caught sight of you stone-still on your walk. Before you, an NRC student he couldn’t recall. He didn’t really have time to register the man when Rook had just attention all on you.
Your wide, hollow eyes. Your chest rising and falling rapidly. How you froze so perfectly under the gaze of this man. It was a scene Rook was all too familiar with. Prey terrified beyond its own mind to run, to hide, or even fight.
Your rational mind couldn’t comprehend what your ex was even saying to you as panic held you in its overbearing clutch. The world grew dizzying and just when you felt like your heart would give out, right then and there, a broad arm wrapped around your shoulders.
“Ah, there you are, ma petite grâce. I was looking all over for you. You made me a bit worried, you know!”
It was hard to look up at him as Rook’s hat was tipped just enough for the shadows to mask his features. But your ex needed only one glance for the role of prey to be forced on him. Green eyes with a gaze so sharp, so precise like a notched arrow perfectly aligned to fire, bored right into him.
It didn’t take much time before the ex backpedaled away with his tail between his legs, now only leaving you with Rook.
Rook would face you, gripping your forearms firmly. His expression, soft though. He called out for you, trying his best to snap you from your daze. When you finally realized it was him now before you, your body moved on its own before you could think. A heaviness made you fall against his chest. You shivered, maybe tears and sobs escaping you.
Rook held you so close against him. Like he was cradling a sculpture of the most delicate porcelain. As if one scratch or knock would crumble you into fine dust.
A single hand held the back of your head protectively, letting you weep as much as you wanted against his shirt. His chin nestled along your hair. You would be so blissfully unaware of Rook’s gaze. A complicated stare into space as his mind swam with many thoughts.
Rook always found beauty in the oddest of places. Yet for the first time, there was something Rook found utterly detestable. A vile image that was a blot in his picturesque vision and that was your ex, the source of your pain. But from that ugliness, he did find a most exquisite sensation. A drive to hunt. An unyielding need to protect you.
While he couldn’t spring into action earlier, his quarry was marked. A hunter is patient and he can wait as long as he needs to for one slip-up, one more attempt to dare get near you, and Rook would be sure to let loose a vicious arrow.
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There is a tension between you and Floyd on certain days. While most times, it would be all fun and games, just him and his little Shrimpy. But Floyd wasn’t blind to the weight you carried.
It would irritate him on a dime when you obviously had thoughts clouding your mind. So much so that you fidget anxiously or not even pay attention to him. His sharp voice would call over the din of thoughts and you’d see the eel practically inches away from your face.
His dual colored eyes glared at you and a slight frown pulled at his lips. “Geez, what the hell is goin’ on with you!?” He doesn’t mean to be so crass, but to see his Shrimpy unsettled, it frustrated him. 
Moreso that he can’t exactly pinpoint what was going on with you, that he can’t just squeeze it to a pulp and boom, no more problems!
He knew you had your walls and such walls took time to lower to let him in. Floyd had the patience as a waiting moray eel, but if he had the proactiveness to actually act upon his patience? That’s a whole other story. When it came to you, he just wanted to see you happy and unbothered. All reasoning would flutter out the window.
It may or may not have taken a lot of squeezing and thinly veiled threats to your friends for them to fess up information you couldn’t bear to unload on Floyd. A common name would be passed around, an ex from your past. Just the thought that someone else had their hands on you nearly made Floyd break bones if not for the pitiful yelps of your friends to release them in time.
Questions whirled in that skull of his. Why have you never brought this up to him? What did this ex do to you that made you shy away from him? Where was this scumbag now? All of these worries would bleed into his daily life and if it weren’t for Jade and Azul to straighten him out, he would have been throwing tantrums left and right.
It wasn’t until one day that all his frustrations would come to a boiling point into a final, satisfying crescendo. At least for him.
Work was to be done at Mostro Lounge. Floyd was on duty to be a waiter along with yourself. Both of you have opted to be in an awkward silence in your relationship and it was evident by how you both avoided one another, unsure of how to really talk about your issues.
Floyd had taken an order from a particular student, one he could easily sniff out as a rude bastard by his mannerisms and his tones. But if Floyd’s temper got the better of him, he’d never hear the end of it from Azul. He would hand off the order to you to at least serve drinks.
Everything seemed normal until suddenly a glass shattered. All eyes shifted to you who shivered in place. The tray rattled in your hands and below you a cascade of broken glass.
“Y-you…” “The fuck…? What the hell are you doing here!? And look at what you did to my drink! You’re still incompetent as ever, tch!”
You wanted to cry, scream, run away. You felt so ashamed, being treated like garbage again from an ex you swore you’d never let walk all over you again. But at the height of stress, you couldn’t bring yourself to stand up for yourself. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic…
That is until a sing-song, nonchalant voice slid right up behind you. “Ahhhh, what a shame. I apologize on the behalf of our lil waiter here. They’re just nervous is all. Here~ Why don’t I make it up to ya? I can serve ya a drink right here, right now. On the house~” “Finally, some decent fucking service…”
You looked up at Floyd and saw that dangerous glint in his eyes. How his pupils honed on the poor fool as his smile widened so tightly across his face. He reached for a spare glass that was left on the table, presented it with a flourish to your ex, and coyly said, “Readyyyy~? Watch carefully.”
Then, his hand flew so quick to grab a clump of your ex’s hair and slammed it squarely on the glass. The crunch of glass, your scream, and the screech of chairs being pushed back as patrons jumped.
“GYAHAHA, YOU LIKE IT!? IT’S MOSTRO LOUNGE’S OWN PERSONAL RED. Ahhhh, but the red comin’ from you? Pfft, it ain’t worth the shit under my shoe…” Your ex could barely register what was even being said to him from the glass embedded in his face and blood gushing from his nose and broken lips.
Hands covered your mouth in terror as you could barely register what was happening. From panicked students screaming to Azul and Jade holding Floyd back from beating the poor ex to a pulp. All you could really register was the horrifying satisfaction deep in your chest, seeing the one who hurt you so much battered under the hand of someone who protected you…
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Leona has his own ways of caring but most of the time, if you cannot read between the lines, it may come off as uncaring.
He does care, but don’t expect a coddling man rushing to be your knight when you are feeling sorry for yourself. The last thing he wants to do is pity you as he knows all too well the humiliation of being pitied.
Instead he observes, he watches, he’s keen to everything you do that isn’t a part of your daily life. In sly ways, he tries to break your moments of dissociating. He calls your name sharply to snap you out of your funk and gives you a menial task.
Telling you to maybe preen his mane, join Ruggie on an errand, what have you. It’s better to keep yourself occupied than whatever is plaguing your mindscape.
Sometimes, he will even abruptly lean against you, his weight toppling the both of you over. Even if you protest under him, he will insist he’s really tired and just wants something warm beside him to help him sleep. In truth, it’s just another way to stop your self-deprecating thoughts.
Though he will speak up in annoyance if your depressed thoughts start to bleed into your relationship. It will sting, but he means well. He tells you gruffly that he’s not in the mood to lay next to baggage. He wants only his partner, dammit.
You may argue, you may not, it depends on how you react but at the end of it, one way or another, you’re going to have to face him and this problem that hangs over you.
If you take time before approaching him or spill everything in one go, he will wait patiently and listen. But cowardice by running away he won’t accept and would want answers promptly.
One way or another, the truth has to come from you and you explain the thoughts that coil around you like a petulant serpent. A name and face that digs into your chest horribly. Your ex and the ways he has hurt you in many ways.
Leona listens stoically, letting you share your story before acknowledging and commending the strength it took for you to finally admit this. He knows all too well the pains of the past, he shares in your frustrations. But the past stays in the past for a reason.
Now it’s you and him now. You define yourselves here in the present. If anyone says otherwise? Well, he’d like to see them try.
Who would have known that such a time would come so soon when one day, someone had the gall to start harassing you right in the Savanaclaw dorm.
That same face that always lingered around you like a ghost was here right now in the flesh, taunting you at the edges of the Spelldrive field. Your ex sneered at you, wondering what the hell you were doing around here during his practice hours. Had the nerve to accuse you of stalking him despite your split.
Your anger boiled your blood, your face flushed. Your nerves alighted with a burning fury that made the dorm’s dry heat pale in comparison. But your body did not respond to you. Your throat froze despite wanting to curse and yell out at your ex.
What neither you expected though while your mouth gasped for something, anything to throw at this scumbag, was a lion’s roar peeling across the field. A shadow loomed over your ex and both of you looked up to a silhouette blocking the sun and a pair of piercing green eyes.
Astride his broom, Leona stared squarely at the ex. “For a minute, I thought I heard annoying squawks from a mangy vulture, but now I just see a whelp. Having the nerve to approach my partner…”
Without missing a beat, Leona lowered himself to the ground and sauntered right over to your ex. Your ex tried to stand his ground but anyone could tell he was practically shaking in his spot.
“So.... What were you two talking about?” It was such a simple question. So trivial. But the way Leona spoke each word, it was like a pair of hungry jaws were ready to snap behind every syllable. He dared for your ex to slip up.
“N-nothing… Nothing at all… I was l-leaving…” “Hooo?” Leona’s tail whipped behind him in amusement. “So you just waltzed up to my partner and gawked at them? Nothing left your useless, flapping gums? I can hardly believe that.”
Leona’s knuckles cracked as he flexed his hand and for a quick second, you swore you saw wind and dust particles gather between his finger tips. The air felt still and you heard your ex gulp audibly from a dry throat. Then, a sudden calmness.
“But if you were just about to leave, then by all means, scurry along. I hate people wasting my time.”
To which your ex immediately did, turning on his heel, so close to make a run for it. Then, like a giant paw slamming atop a helpless mouse, Leona’s hand roughly grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.
“A warning since I’m feeling so generous today… Don’t ever let me catch you near them again. Ya hear me? Or else, I’ll make you a nice addition to the scenery. We could always add more sand and bones.” Leona cracked a toothy smirk with darkness in his eyes. His fangs glinted in the sun and it was then you truly realized the fierce lion you had taken in as your boyfriend.
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stuhde · 1 year
i had shared what is happening in sudan on a long facebook post last night, but it virtually received almost little to no engagement or shares from the nearly 600 “friends” i have on the site.
this morning, my great-aunt was shot by the soldiers fighting for power, and God forbid, i lose more of my family members before eid this friday.
please read below to understand what is happening and how you can help my country. i hope the tumblr community can show more kindness than the lack of support and advocacy i’ve seen elsewhere.
يا رب اجعل هذا البلد آمناً 🇸🇩
the lack of awareness and advocacy from the African, Arab, and Muslim diaspora and the human rights community has been painful.
while Western media has done little to no coverage of the ongoing conflict in the capital city of my motherland, Sudan, it appears that the rest of the world also partakes in normalizing crimes and violence against SWANA people.
violence and war hurting the SWANA region are NOT ordinary occurrences — no one, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, religion, and gender, should experience the unprecedented amount of violence that harms my two living grandmothers, aunts and uncles, and baby cousins who live in Khartoum.
your decision to ignore reading or educating and discussing with others about what is likely to be a civil war is complicity in viewing SWANA people as individuals who regularly experience conflict and are undeserving of help.
the silence is damaging, and it is up to us as privileged members of the diaspora (or individuals living in the Western world committed to human rights) to support the people of my country and their dream for a stable, democratically elected government.
what is happening in Sudan is a fight that started on April 15 between two competing forces for power — the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) — neither groups are representative of the needs of our people. The Sudan Army is loyal to the dictator, Omar Al-Bashir, and the RSF is responsible for the genocide in Darfur.
with both power struggles backed by different Arab and Gulf nations, the two parties have been fighting for power for the last few years. While they worked together to try and end the people’s revolution, they lost. however, they are now in a constant power play of who will get to rule the nation.
this all means that war is NOT a reflection of my country — violence does not represent the SWANA people. Sudan is a nation of beautiful culture, strong women, intellectual and influential Islamic scholars, poets, and youth at the front lines of the revolution. we are a people committed to a region of peace for ourselves and the rest of the Ummah.
my family and the rest of Sudan’s innocent civilians are at the most risk, with many currently without drinking water, food to eat, electricity, and complete blockage to any mosques during the final nights of Ramadan, our holiest month of the year.
i ask that you please keep Sudan and our people in your prayers — donate to the Sudan Red Crescent or a mutual aid GoFund Me, email your representatives if you live in a country that can put pressure on either competing force of power, discuss this with your family and friends, and please do not forget to think about SWANA people — our brothers and sisters in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and many others need our love and support.
الردة_مس��حيلة ✊🏾
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sstargrllll · 2 days
Don’t give second chances, snakes are gonna stay snakes.
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antixristina · 6 months
Tumblr media
Jean Paul Sartrering
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