bigb-enthusiast · 3 days
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Drew my friends minecraft skins eyes..
@mapleejay @eevee-eclair @nniko-i @itsnotjustgibberish
Og eyes under cut
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@mapleejay’s art is so good! i love his style and snow has such fun designs for everyone. really good shapes and colors
@mapleejay !!!
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itsnotjustgibberish · 11 days
are gay people real
Only for 29 more days
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badnewlifesmpideas · 11 months
i have thoughts but i cant say them cause words cant word
But i think everyone should be aware my friend mapleejay got his art in the art room
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I love Mapleejay's art, and it is just so cool that Pearl did as well.
Now their art shall forever rest in Pearls art room...Rip :'( She did well by honoring it.
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viky-somebody · 7 days
boops you !!!!!!
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shading practice with my favorite wet cat (wolf in this instance though)
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go-to-the-mirror · 9 months
Made this a bit ago because of @mapleejay. It's just... Dear Wormwood really is a Jon song.
ARCHIVIST: It ends now, all of it. SONG: I know who I am now. ARCHIVIST: (Overlapping) I am going to take this world that you used me to create- SONG: And all that you've made of me. ARCHIVIST: (Overlapping) And I am going to burn it out. SONG: I know who you are now. JONAH: I don't want to die. SONG: And I name you my enemy. ARCHIVIST: Neither did they. SONG: I know who I am now. ARCHIVIST: I'm sorry, Martin, I am, but it's done. SONG: I know who I want to be. ARCHIVIST: Cut the tether, send them away. SONG: I wanted to be more than ARCHIVIST: Maybe everything works out, and we end up somewhere else SONG: This devil inside me. MARTIN: Are you sure about this? ARCHIVIST: No. But I love you. MARTIN: I love you too.
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myrathefarmer · 2 months
[boops you]
boops you <3
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raspberryssoulmate · 2 months
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Fanart for @mapleejay !! :D ( if you don't want tagged for things please let me know !! )
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chambers003 · 4 months
some messy new fish (and a returning one)
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grian is loosely based on a parrotfish . because thats funny to me.
gem is spooky. she’s going to get spookier. dredge moment.
pearl is silver salmon-ing it up (inspo from jay mapleejay hehe) but she’s also anglerfishing it up because there was that one time i drew voidwalker!pearl as an anglerfish and it was awesome.
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His art is so cool!! She has great character designs with such cool shapes and all the colors are so bright and awesome! His designs are also really unique. She doesn’t do backgrounds often but they always look fantastic!
@mapleejay !!!
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itsnotjustgibberish · 17 days
meowmeow meow meow meow :3 meow meow meow
MEOW meow meow meow meow :3 meow meow ^_^
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dailypearldoodles · 1 year
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Day 353
Today's outside Pearl is from @mapleejay! She is such a cool lil buggy! I love her design its so cute :D
Also apologies if the colors arent quite there asdfkjlasfd i had to kinda guess with the color relativity and stuff XD
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bigchumpus · 1 year
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Saw @mapleejay's dtiys and thought it was cool, so uh
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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alien pearl doodle using @mapleejay's very silly very cool design!! not sure how accurate this is to the current design vers. cause I used a random post I saved a while ago as reference but she's still very silly
made some changes to better fit my art style/bc I didn't notice some details lol but I really like it. I'm not okay about this alien pearl design /pos
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
he/they jonbinary rights. also oh god oh fuck, time for MAG 132.
CW: canon- typical suicidal ideation and attempt, canon-typical self sacrificial tendencies. Both discussed more frankly than in the actual podcast.
Also, I'm allowing myself free use of my reaction images (with image descriptions) because I'm in SHAMBLES. Mostly words though.
ARCHIVIST Hello, Melanie. I know I said we’d wait until Basira was back, but I don’t… I’m sorry. I know she won’t… She’d want to do it a different way.
Wish me luck. Although, I suppose if you’re hearing this, then I didn’t have any.
The way he says "wish me luck" with that levity and then just hhh like yk joking is one his coping mechanisms for like, crushing fear and grief and stuff, and just the way they SAY it just makes me want to CRY, AAA
I don’t know. I’m… I’m scared. When does the fear go away?
I remember in my first listen, this line stood out to me, I was in shambles, shambles. "When does the fear go away" I'm so, so sorry Jon.
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[ID: Drawing of a person sitting at a computer, hands covering their face, crying. /End ID]
Anyway, I’m sorry. You too, Basira, if you’re hearing this. I know you’d stop me. You’d be right to, but … But if this goes wrong, all you lose is … I’m not risking anyone else.
This is a suicide note. Now, he's hoping he'll get out -- probably -- maybe -- but that. It is. Similar. The apology. All you lose is another monster. He might get stuck there forever, he's terrified, he's doing this for someone he doesn't even like out of guilt, out of the crushing -- ha -- amount of guilt, over Tim, over Daisy, over Martin and Basira and Melanie, over his... victims.
In case I don't make it. In case I don't get lucky.
Jonny stop making this podcast so good I'm going to cry.
Let’s do this one properly.
A reference to the Unknowing, where they... did not do it properly.
Stone steps. Roughly hewn. They… They keep going.
Just wanted to point out that he's like, ooh, information gathering. For information's sake, for the people in Artefacts. I think it's neat that he's doing this, and it's a way that makes sense in the world to let us know what's going on. Like how in Malevolent, Arthur's blind and John describes stuff in eloquent detail like some sort of poet or whatever, the statement givers describe the environment and people in their statements, and Jon is describing The Buried.
[The Archivist struggles forward]
Jon's voice in this, it sounds like they're confined, Jonny did a great job on the voice acting there. And the soundscaping in general is like, oh boy claustrophobia time! It's so good.
ARCHIVIST I heard someone. He was begging for me to save him. He said he couldn’t breathe. I can barely breathe. I couldn’t find him, but I am not here for him. I don’t even know him.
The Buried and putting you under the crushing weight of responsibility? Jon went into the coffin because he felt 'crushing' guilt over Tim's death and Daisy's imprisonment in the coffin, and the whole mess that The Unknowing was. In the coffin he's being called by others, and the responsibility of their safety is put on him. Now obviously it's not the other victims who are at fault, however it's interesting that The Buried does that. Perhaps that's how it makes people stay in it, alongside the spooky magic. With putting the responsibility of others on them, making them dig themselves a hole, and not be able to climb out. But Jon has Daisy's tapes as an anchor, he has a purpose, and so he can press on without getting too weighed down?
Just some thoughts.
For all this place closes around me, I feel adrift, like nothing can get through the dirt and the muck and …
This reminds me of how a lot of people say that The Buried and The Vast are quite similar, as an example -- the statement in MAG 195 - Adrift could be either Buried or Vast, big creature, but also crushing depths of water and drowning, but also lots of water. Also the categorizations aren't really like that, again like gender and colours.
The air is heavy – soil and dust. I am very thirsty, but I know I won’t die of it.
Two fun facts about me!
1. I used to live in a desert and the air was like weighted blanket air. I loved it.
2. I used to forget to drink water a lot, and I'd go days where I'd drink like... a glass? Now I drink a minimum of two glasses a day because meds, which has really helped lessen the constant headaches lol. Yea um. Drink water, kiddos.
[He struggles to breath as the Buried squeezes him. The Buried relaxes.]
DAISY —just alone. I think, I think … I hear this, sometimes, singing, when it’s wet. Or, or scratching, trying to get out. But I don’t … I don’t think there’s anyone there. It’s just been me, until now.
Fay Roberts did an excellent job as well. The voice acting <333 10/10 no notes, or like yes notes, and the notes are Feeling Claustrophobic well done.
ARCHIVIST It’s okay, I’ve, uh … I’ve got a plan. DAISY This like all your other plans?
If by "all [their] other plans" she means impulsive, borderline suicidal, and likely to fail... yes.
ARCHIVIST No. I know where we are. There is no out. Not here. This is … This is forever deep below creation, where the weight of existence bears down. This is the Buried, and we are alive. There isn’t even an up. Oh God. What have I done? What have I done?
I really like the way he delivers that line, especially the "This is the Buried, and we are alive" and "Oh God" parts.
DAISY Not alone, though? ARCHIVIST No. No, not alone.
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[ID: A blurry screenshot of CC!GoodTimesWithScar from his stream. He's a bit further away from the camera than usual for streams, and has his head in his hands. /End ID]
DAISY Scared. I’m scared. I’ve been scared the whole time here, not just when it’s crushing, when it fills your mouth with dirt. It knows when to stop, or when to ease back so you don’t lose it or grow numb. Leaves you terrified for when it starts again, and when it does, you’re scared it’ll never stop.
My friend, Jay Mapleejay -- who you should follow by the way, @/mapleejay or @/mapleeowl everywhere -- once wondered how the Domains in the Eyepocolypse kept people afraid without the memory loss like in MAG 170. And there's your answer probably.
Also :(
The Hunt was me, but I don’t think I liked it. I think it just made me need it.
Idk what to say, just like this line.
I don’t … I don’t know who I am without the chase. I just know that I don’t like who I was back outside. I don’t want to be her again. I want to be better.
Same for this.
ARCHIVIST One thing I’ve learned, Daisy, is that we all get a choice. Even if it doesn’t feel like one.
Themes of choice in The Magnus Archivessssss this podcast makes me abnormal in so many ways <333
ARCHIVIST And now? DAISY Don’t know. I miss dreaming. You don’t sleep down here. ARCHIVIST Daisy, you should know I’m … If I wasn’t human before, I’m even less human now. DAISY Yeah, well. At the moment, I don’t care. ARCHIVIST And if we get out? DAISY But we can’t get out. [The Earth shifts.] (The Archivist grunts in pain.) DAISY (Pained) I’m sorry. I’m sorry, John. I’m sorry.
I just really like this exchange :(
[The coffin door creaks open and, groaning with effort, the Archivist and Daisy crawl out into the office. There are many tape recorders playing in the background.] [...] ARCHIVIST Tape recorders. M-must be dozens of them.
The Web my absolute beloathed. Now, I love Martin K-Anchor Blackwood as much as the next hopeless (a)romantic, however I don't think that it was Martin's love for Jon that pulled Jon out The Buried, I think it was The Web. Well, The Web definitely influenced Martin, however we do know that The Web has used their... undying love for one another against them *cough cough* *wink wink* *nudge nudge*, so it could have been the act of Martin leaving the tape recorders, but my personal theory is that it was just The Web. Uh oh, Jo(h)n (/ref).
Anyway! Ain't it great! Daisy's back! Jon isn't constantly alone!
I'm going to have a lot of talking to do come MAG 136.
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