#Mrs. Doyle
dduane · 9 months
This old sale has decided it's still running
(insert vague late-night flailing) This thing was supposed to be over! Now it seems to have turned itself on again. The fault's apparently being caused by a disagreement between two apps at our ebook store, and I can't turn either of them off, as they're both vital. [sigh] Time to open a service ticket, I guess.
Meanwhile, WTH, if you want one of these 36-ebooks-by-DD packages at the more deeply discounted price, go on, go for it! (helpless laughter) Somebody may as well get something out of this... :)
ETA: And here's Mrs. Doyle, because why not.
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weedle-testaburger · 9 months
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i had a vision of a wonderful way to spite graham 'world's most divorced man' linehan
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sleepy-sham · 3 months
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another CM meme drop !! ((Big Post #2))
more CM memes
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winguontheweb · 6 months
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Tarry Rudolphe retired after this game
Cinnabar and Tarry belong to @mirrorvi in the lovely baseball universe expansion of Fords :p
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clowncarstars · 1 year
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I will not elaborate
The template: X
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sarnie-for-varney · 10 months
Holmes being moved to tears by the opera:
I like that Granada Holmes not only portrays Holmes as a real person with real feelings, but it also shows how he hides those feelings. He's stood behind in this scene, not letting anyone see him cry.
I love, too, that we see multiple instances in Granada Holmes of Holmes' love of the arts.
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dyke-will-graham · 1 month
Been listening to Sherlock & Co. and it’s gotten me through my last couple tremulous weeks of college so ofc I had to do a bit of fanart @docjwatsonmdblog
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rihaaish · 4 months
Canon (Arthur Conan Doyle) Sherlock: Watson, you are my dearest friend. People are in trouble; we must assist them. Do not worry, I will solve this peculiar crime. I am tormented by this puzzle; I shall sit before the fire, smoke my pipe and think about it. I might try cocaine, IDK. Let's ruminate on it.
Elementary Sherlock: Joan, we are partners through and through; I like you and I respect you. Here's breakfast. Someone is in trouble, let's help them even if it comes at a personal cost. Eat the rich. Screw your profit margins. Arrest the incels. I'm feeling bad; I'm going to a group meeting for support.
BBC Sherlock: *flips table* Watson, you idiot. Your jumpers are ugly. Shopping at the supermarket is for poors. No, I won't explain myself. Bend to my will, fools. I did it for your benefit. My sister's smarter than me but she's a weak woman and can't handle her own intelligence; it drove her mad so off to jail with her. Ugh, women. iM a PsChYoPATH!
Guy Ritchie Sherlock: *accuses Mrs Hudson of trying to poison him when all she did was bring him tea, spitefully calls her Nanny when all she does is take care of him* Watson, let's fuck, but ironically.
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sherolck · 2 months
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captain leland stottlemeyer
monk (2002).
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nachuisblog · 10 months
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dduane · 9 months
Who is the Mrs. Doyle in the gif on the latest sale ad for your ebook store? Thank you.
(grin) Something of an Irish superheroine.
She appears as a supporting character in the Irish comedy series Father Ted. Mrs. Doyle is the housekeeper in the Craggy Island parochial house, looking after the three priests who're the main characters. Among various other talents, she prides herself on being able to get anyone to have a cup of tea (or a sherry, or a sandwich...) whether they want one or not. Here's a brief "Best Moments of Mrs. Doyle" compilation.
If there's a spectrum for the classification of housekeepers, Mrs. Doyle can be placed on it at the furthest possible distance from BBC!Sherlock's Mrs. Hudson. :)
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missellaneousworks · 8 months
Apple from Tree - SDJ OC Drabble
Started off as a warm-up while I got back into the swing of things and then it turned into a whole thing. This came from me musing how having a relationship with a ghost could affect my OC, Ella, and her relationship with her parents.
EDIT: For some context, Ella grew up as an only child to loving but strict parents, who constantly worked in her early childhood due to unsuspected hardships. As such, though she was loved and cared for, parts of her childhood were rather lonely until she became friends with Ian, who became close to Ella's parents over time.
CW: miscommunication, family issues, angst, manipulation, Jack being Jack
Something is Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is a +18 ONLY series. MINORS DNI.
Despite waiting for her mother to pick up the video call, Ella couldn't help but fidget. She was going to tell her parents about her new boyfriend, Jack. Or... rather, what she could say without it sounding completely out of left field. It was something Ella had been mulling over for a while now, though the situation with her newfound love was a bit more... complicated since Jack was a ghost(?). It wasn't a topic that was discussed lightly when Ella brought it up to her primary-colored boyfriend.
"I'm... really touched you want to tell your parents about me, really, I am, Sunshine. But ..."
"...you're worried about how they'll react to someone they can't see or hear?" Ella tilted her head,
"Maybe. A little. It might be hard for them to accept right away, is all I'm saying."
Ella nodded thoughtfully, contemplating her next move. "Maybe we can ease them into that first? I should at least tell them I'm with someone. And after that we'll figure out a way that you can communicate with them. It's bound to happen eventually!"
Jack couldn't put a damper on Ella's optimistic glow, but... he was skeptical that this would work, for Ella's sake of course. He'd hate to see her go through with this and not be the outcome she had hoped for. However, Ella had her mind set. And he would stand by and support her if needed.
"That sounds... doable," Jack muttered, thinking carefully. Ella reached to his hand resting on his knee and gripped it reassuringly. Jack's gaze softened "All right. I trust you, Sunshine."
Which now left Ella picking at the loose strings on her blouse, as she sat at her desk with her laptop open as the video call connected. Jack gave her some space but reminded her he'd be on the other side of the door. While he wasn't physically in the room, that didn't mean he wasn't eavesdropping--no, no. He was just in a position where he could happen to overhear them. Completely different.
He heard another woman's voice voice on the end of the video call, warm and friendly, followed by a man's voice. They shared pleasantries and updates with each other. Apparently, Ella's parents were planning a trip to see some relatives, and they might be able to visit sometime in the future. Ella nodded and responded appropriately until there was a lull in the conversation.
"Soooo, um, I have some news for you guys."
"Oh yeah?" Her father, who had spoken the least had perked up this time. "Everything okay, kiddo?"
"Yeah, things have been great recently. Really great!" Ella replied enthusiastically. "I'm actually seeing someone."
"'...seeing someone--?'"
"OH MY GOODNESS!" Ella's mother bounced in her seat and practically shoved her father to the side and out of the range of the camera. "I knew it! You've been extra happy during our weekly phone calls recently! Good for you, sweetheart! What's their name? Is it the new friend you mentioned before? What do they do for work? When did this whole thing happen?!"
The questions that spilled from her mouth were growing infinite at this point, so Ella calmly yet cheerfully interjected and answered the questions in order. "His name is Jack, Mom. Yes, it's the new friend I made a few months ago. Jack is a... councilor of sorts? He usually works with kids, but he really likes helping people in general." Technically that wasn't an outright lie, but it was the closest to the truth Ella could get without sounding too fantastical. "I guess this happened a few weeks ago?"
"Whaaaat?!" Her mother guffawed. "You waited that long to tell us anything?"
"S-sorry, sorry! Everything just happened so fast between work and Shaun coming over-- things kind of got jumbled."
"Hmmm, all right, all right. Is he nice, though? Handsome?"
"...yes and yes." Ella couldn't stop the blush as it crept onto her face. Her mother continued to gush and ask small questions, while Ella answered as best as she could. When hee mother asked how they met, Ella stated they sort of met when each of them were least expecting it. And that while Ella wasn't too sure about Jack when they first met, he really grew on hee the more time they spent with one another. Her father was oddly quiet throughout the whole call, only discernable reaction from him was the occasional raised eyebrow and 'hmm' in response to an answer. Finally, after a few more minutes of talking, they bid each other farewell and hung up the call.
Jack entered the room with a knock and a hopeful expression. "How'd it go, Sunshine?"
"It went really well! My parents are happy for me, I think. Well, my mom is. Dad was kind of quiet, but he'll come around--"
Ella's ringtone for her Dad interrupted her. Speak of the devil. "Huh. It's my Dad..."
"Would you like some privacy, Sunshine?" Jack offered helpfully.
"Nah, you're okay. I'm sure this'll be quick." Ella hit the green button and picked up. "Hey, Dad! You forget something?"
"Erm, hey, kiddo. I... couldn't say this in front of your mother earlier, but I have some... some concerns."
Ella rolled her eyes. Her father wasn't always the best at communicating emotions, such as sadness or fear, so she replied back in an attempt to alleviate any worries he had. "Dad, I'm fine. I'm doing okay on cash and I'm eating just fine."
"What? No, no, not about that!" Her father took a breath, to give himself a moment to choose his words. "I didn't want to say anything earlier, but... this new guy you're seeing... it sounds like you're serious about him." It felt like there was more he wanted to say, but stopped himself from elaborating.
"Um, yeah, I care about him. A lot." Ella answered matter of factlly.
Her father made a noise on the other end that sounded like he was bracing himself.
"Don't you think you're moving a little too fast?"
She wasn't sure why but she felt a tad defensive when her dad brought it up. "No? It's not like I met him yesterday and got married in Vegas, Dad. We were friends first for a few months then things kinda... happened." Her heart began to race as she saw a concerned expression cross Jack's face. Had she known the conversation was going to be about him, she would have asked Jack to leave the room earlier.
"Uh-huh. So why am I just hearing about this guy now?"
"Dad, I told you about him," She replied flippantly, trying to keep the tone light despite her anxiety beginning to spike. "Or at least I told Mom? He was the friend who finally helped me organize my kitchen?"
"I thought you were talking about Shaun?"
"Wha?" Ella's replied, utterly confused. "Nooo, Shaun helped me organize my movie and book collection. That happened before he moved away on his last movie project."
"Oh? Oh. Gotcha. So, completely different guy?"
Ella sighed, hoping the conversation would take a better turn now. "Yes, Dad. They're completely different people."
There was a long pause before he spoke up again. "So, I guess you're done with Ian, then?"
That question alone brought back a lot of negative emotions. Jack sensed that, too, as a wave of suppressed resentment, anger, and heartbreak flowed began to fester beneath Ella's skin.
"Dad," Ella's voice sounded tired, trying not to let her emotions get the better of her. The moment she got emotional, her father would get defensive, then they'd get into an argument. It happened countless times, especially during her teen years. Her father meant well, but there was always some sort of... disconnect between them. She couldn't explain what it was, but there seemed to be something that prevented them from truly getting along with each other. He always had opinions that went against her own, and she always had to fight to get him to understand her. Despite that, she took a deep, calming breath like Jack had taught her.
In 1, 2, 3, 4... and out 1, 2, 3, 4...
"I told you what happened between Ian and I. I know he was... a part of my life--of our lives--for a long time. But that's over now." Her dad loved Ian like a son, and he meant well--she knew that. But she did not want to get into this again. She already told her parents what had happened, at least the parts that Ian had told her on that horrible night, during their final phone call. Her mother was furious towards Ian, while her dad reacted to the situation with utter confusion and disbelief. 'That can't be right, that doesn't sound like something Ian would be capable of!' Ella had assumed her father had said that in denial, much like what Ella had to go through when the breakup first happened. But now it felt like he was siding with the man who hurt her.
"I know, kiddo, I know," he attempted to tone it down. "I guess I'm still stuck on it because it doesn't make a lick of sense after all of this time."
Ella couldn't bring herself to reply. This wasn't anything new to her, she overanalyzed the breakup and their entire relationship to hell and back. Jack moved a little closer to her, keeping his voice down.
"Sunshine, I know he's your Dad and you care for him a lot, but this is upsetting you. Maybe you should hang up for today."
She mulled on her lover's words, considering them. For whatever reason her dad wasn't getting the message that there would be no take-backs for Ian. Ella tried one more time to get the message across to her dad. If he really did care about her, he'd respect her decision and be happy for her, right?
"It was pretty cut and dry from what I heard, Dad. I can't--I won't-- go back to someone who can't commit to the bare minimum of a relationship."
"Okay, okay, I know! It's just... with Ian you guys knew each other for forever before getting together. And now this guy pops up out of nowhere? I'm just playing catch up with brand new information, kiddo."
"That's how dating works, Dad? I mean, you met Mom in college. Didn't you know each other for a short amount of time before you guys made it official?"
"I knew your mom for a whole year before we decided to give dating a go. You met this guy an unspecified amount of months ago. I just want to make sure you really like the guy and are not with him to get back at Ian."
The silence on Ella's side of the call was defining. This was her dad, someone who was supposed to know her. How could she say something so shallow about her?!
"Ella," Jack's voice nudged her again. "You really don't need this. It's okay to hang up the call."
"...Wow, Dad," Ella's voice wavered. "That was, uh... pretty shitty of you to say. Siding with the guy who betrayed my trust and not with the one who's making me happy."
"Hey, now hold on! I don't appreciate the tone you're using, kid. And don't take this the wrong way! You're putting words in my mouth! I'm trying to understand the chain of events, here!"
"He doesn't need to understand us. If we love each other, no one needs to understand, but U S. Put down the phone, Sunshine."
"It's just that I knew Ian, but I don't know this guy. I'm hoping you're not flying into the next available relationship just because you're lonely! People make mistakes when that happens!"
Ella's blood ran hot then... utterly cold. As if she was a pot about to boil over until she was taken off the heat. Jack's soothing voice snaked around her mind that was both suffocating and... safe.
"Your feelings for me and our L O V E could never be a mistake. Don't keep tormenting yourself, Sunshine."
"It's okay
to L E T G O."
Ella bit the corner of her mouth so hard she tasted a metal. Maybe... maybe what Jack was saying was the truth. Why was her Dad being so cruel and questioning who she chose to be with? Did he actually respect her own capabilities on deciding her own future? She loved Jack, and Jack loved her. He made her happy, she told her Dad that much. Maybe if he could actually get to meet Jack properly, actually got to talk to him, he could learn they had a lot in common.
He didn't even get a chance to meet Jack, but he made a snap decision on Ella's choice in partners going on little to know information. The next words out of her mouth was uncharastically monotone, bitter.
"I was really hoping you could just be happy for me, but if you care about Ian so much, then I won't stop you from keeping in contact with him. Just don't expect the same from me. I think it's best we don't talk for a while. Good-bye, Dad..."
"Wait a--!"
After hitting the end call button, Ella's phone fell onto the floor as she buried her face in her hands, her mind began to spiral and race. Except this time... she wasn't alone.
Jack's hand rubbed circles on her back, his voice low. "It's okay, Ella. It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. Shhhh..." He soothed as he cupped her cheeks and whipped a tear from the corner ofher eye.
"I don't understand!" Ella sobbed, letting the rest of her tears fall free as he clung to his chest. "I thought h-he'd be happy for me! M-Mom was happy, why can't he be?! What did I do wrong?"
"Nothing," Jack's voice was resolute. He carefully lifted Ella up and placed her securely in his lap. His strong, muscular arms wrapped around her, as if to shield her from the world and all its unfairness. "You did absolutely nothing wrong, Sunshine. If other people can't understand what we have is special... they aren't worth your time."
Ella continued cry into his chest in a mix of anger and regret billowing within her, and the uncomfortable twinge of shame for having such a negative reaction over her father's disapproval. It sounded like he wasn't anywhere near her Mom when they spoke over the phone. Did she also have secretive reservations about her relationship with Jack? Or was she unaware of the the disastrous conversation that transpired?
What was she going to do now...?
"I feel like I don't say this enough, but... it was really incredible you held your ground against your own dad. I'm... so proud to be yours, Sunshine. And so lucky you're mine."
She could only sniff, rubbing her face into the soft cotton fabric of his shirt. "I-I know, Jack."
She exhaled as Jack rested his head on top of her form, his voice wrapped around her trembling form like a blanket. "Remember, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, so long as we have each other. You're all I need, and I'm all you ever need. Isn't that right... Sunshine...?"
Ella felt herself sinking further into Jack's embrace, so much so that she couldn't even think before re replied back. "You're right... I love you, Jack."
"And I love you, Ella. F O R E V E R and E V E R."
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no-side-us · 11 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - July 15
The Empty House, Part 3 of 3
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I mentioned how Watson must have been at least a little annoyed that Holmes told Mrs. Hudson of his non-death before telling him, but Holmes also telling Scotland Yard first must have been even more shocking.
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And speaking of Scotland Yard, it's nice to see Lestrade back in a story, which he evidently volunteered for, alongside some surprising words of praise towards him. I suppose it makes sense to bring him back if you're bringing back Sherlock Holmes as well.
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Moran used a kid as bait for his hunts? No wonder he eventually became a criminal. Although, if he's as good a shot as Holmes says he is, then I guess those kids would have survived unharmed, physically at least.
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Someone mentioned how Baker Street was set aflame by Moriarty's goons in The Final Problem in regards to how so much of the original rooms survived. I must therefore conclude that the goons did an absolutely pitiful job at arson. And that if Moriarty hadn't died at Reichenbach they would have been fired immediately.
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And so Sherlock Holmes has come back to life, back to London, back to Baker Street, with Watson by his side ready to solve many more crimes. This really is just a "more adventures await" sort of ending, but I really like it.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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ohmrmulletman · 4 months
if you're a fan of subversion of tropes, incredibly well thought out and nuanced world building, political intrigue, forbidden love, incredible characterisation, and beautiful writing, I really recommend You must have hesitated (for you lingered a good two steps) by ghosttamer on ao3.
It's so glorious, I adore castiel with all my heart in it. The parallels the fic draws with canon are SO fun and juicy, the way canon is woven into the world building and the references and nods to the show or certain destiel moments is so fun to read but the way it's still very much unique and its own thing is so deftly done. Anyway, I just think everyone should be reading it. It's still a wip but don't let that stop you!! And I don't often read soulmate aus but this is SUCH an interesting look at the trope, in the way its incorporated into the culture of the world in the fic but also taking a trope and subverting expectations and exploring non normative stories about it.
Most importantly it has insane destiel who are not normal about each other. And also it has castiel pov and well.... I not immune to the gay angel yk
You must have hesitated (for you lingered a good two steps) by ghosttamer
It was heralded, once upon a time, that unity resided in four small symbols etched in the skin of the newborn princes.
This was, of course, a poorly made translation,
Dean and Castiel as Guinevere and Lancelot to Michael's Arthur.
Castiel/Dean Winchester, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Historical, Royalty, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Prince Dean Winchester, Knight Castiel (Supernatural), Arranged Marriage, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Not Soulmates, but they still end up together, Infidelity Outside of Castiel/Dean Winchester, Courtly Love, Happy Ending, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence
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bapydemonprincess · 5 months
Sebastian Michaelis: "The shoemakers son goes barefoot", yes? But do the morticians son stay alive forever?
Arthur Wordsmith: >implying the mortician is the one who actually kills everyone like some grim reaper
Sebastian Michaelis: You don't know the people I know
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dougielombax · 2 months
How does one get cocaine and raisins confused?!
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