#OC Lin
tea-potato-gt · 2 months
Kæmpe Stør’s Life Part 2:
Part 1 here
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By now Stør has been living with Joseph and Rudy for about 6 months. In that time, they have been teaching Stør how to interact with people smaller than him. They bought several mannequins for Stør to pick up and use all his strength on so he can know the limits of himself and other creatures. And eventually, Stør was allowed to pick up his parents when they ALL felt ready.
Stør is taught to only pick up people when absolutely necessary or if a person wants to be picked up. Stør cannot touch people outside his family without expressed permission and consent.
He’s also scolded for picking up objects that aren’t his, because of how easily he could accidentally break something. At the age of 6, Stør can pick up a motorcycle with one hand. It’s only a matter of time before he could pick up a car or a truck.
Joseph and Rudy never want Stør to think of objects or people as toys, which wasn’t really a problem in the first place, but they wanted to be sure. In order to adopt Stør, the couple made an agreement, that Stør could be taken away by the government at any moment for messing up or hurting someone.
House wise, Joseph and Rudy moved to a lot by the sea. There, they built a entire new house and off to the side a large barn that would house their growing giant child. Nobody knows how big Stør would/could get, so the couple decided to be safe and just build him a separate room/building that he can grow into. They also added several skylights on the house roof with hatches on the outside so if Stør gets tall enough he can open them and look inside the house.
The food and clothes issue was solved at the same time. Joseph’s best friend (Elijah) married (Magie) one of the most powerful Witches in the world. (Strega’s parents.) Joseph asked for her help. Magie developed a potion that, when put in food, would multiply its nutients and portions size to Stør’s. His clothes were enchanted by another powerful Witch. When Stør isn’t touching his clothes they are human sized, but as soon as Stør picks them up they grow proportional to his giant stature.
But the family needs to constantly get refill on Stør’s food potions, which leads to the young boy hanging around the Witch house hold a lot. There, Stør met and befriended Strega and her two older siblings (Lin & Jadis). Strega is 4 years old.
Learn more about Strega here
Stør and Strega: ☺️🥺
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Stør also spent his days at the Witch house because both his dads had to work during the day. Elijah is a stay at home husband, so he watches Stør and Strega while Lin and Jadis go off to school.
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When Stør first started being watched by Elijah, he’d cry when his dads dropped him off. He had SEVERE separation anxiety and worried his parents wouldn’t come back.
Stør at this point has not gone to school, his parents want to make sure he’s comfortable around other smaller people and understands the power/danger he could pose to those around him.
Elijah, Joseph and Rudy all worked to fill in Stør’s education he already was missing before sending him to a real school. Basic reading/writing/etc.
After six months, Stør’s fathers felt he was ready to go to a real school.
At this age, being only 11 and a half feet tall, Stør can go inside the school, though he hits his head on the ceiling and door frames. He needs a large bean table for a desk.
At recess, Stør is forbidden from playing with the other kids for fear he might accidentally hurt them. So he sits to the side with the teachers all recess.
It's here that Stør meets Yilan, his future best friend.
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Yilan didn’t want to play with the other kids during recess, so he hid behind Stør. There they begin talking and quickly become friends.
Yilan, much like Stør, was alone. Yilan is half human and half snake, a very dangerous combo leading many people to fear the 7 year old, much like people fear Stør.
More about Yilan here
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Keep in mind, Stør is still a very energetic 6 year old and being cooped up all day unable to expel that energy is not doing the kid any favors. He became jittery, restless and irritated. Joseph and Rudy had to get creative.
They turned to the ocean in their very back yard. Rudy taught Stør to swim, he learned quickly and grew to love it. Everyday after school Stør would go to the beach with his fathers and swim. If he was frustrated? Swim. Happy or excited? Swim.
Being in the water became calming to him. He loves all kinds of water, the feeling of a stream through his fingers or just floating in the ocean. (Maybe that's why he likes to be around Mizu so much?🫣)
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Part 3 here
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hyenakat · 3 months
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seal n otter
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sunny-arts-blog · 26 days
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A comm I did for @dreamtydraw! Feat Qiu and Darcie!!
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nobieka · 2 months
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Asher is explaining the fnaf lore to them
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covesdadappreciation · 7 months
Qiu: Where did your freckles go?
MC: Oh, sometimes they fade during winter.
Qiu: That makes sense.
Qiu, glaring at a snowflake: Give. Them. Back. Their. Freckles. You bitch.
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sunbloomdew · 8 months
guys you gotta believe me, i have been doing stuff
for example i've been playing ol2 again after the demo update and i'm havin a lot of fun! :D
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after seeing the preview of step 2 this idea was born! i feel like those two would notice whose name was said first (especially if they are both jealous for mc) so my mc, Primrose, avoids saying their names for that reason if they are all together /hj
i've been brainstorming her ever since i found the ol2 demo (which was actually first our life game i found) back in may and i am loving it :D
so stay tuned for more mc stuff?
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littledoodles501 · 7 months
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Based on a prompt my freind gave me
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minthe-drawings · 7 days
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☀️🍂autumn and sun🍂☀️
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cinna-rose · 4 months
Doing Our Life meme/text posts/whatever these are called! :)
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tea-potato-gt · 2 months
Meet Strega
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Name: Strega
Age: 15
Height: 5'1
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Yes
Species: Witch (human)
Birthday: June 21st
Family: Mother Magie (Most powerful Potions master in the world), Father Elijah (human, Stay at home husband), The older Twins Jadis & Merlin "Lin" (both competent and powerful mages), Strega is the middle child, Little brother Sortem (starting to show signs of prophetic abilities), little baby girl Yaga (Already showing high levels of magic energy).
Likes: Showing off her magic, her friends, cute stuffed animals, doodling on her robe, Flying.
Dislikes: Magic tests, being treated differently because of her mom, being compared to her siblings and mother, worrying
Strega struggles with controlling the amount of magic she puts out when casting a spell, usually leading to a single strong burst of power and Strega passing out.
Fun Fact: Witches powers can be put into 3 main categories: Magic, Potions, and Enchantment.
Magic is self explanatory, memorizing spells to do specific tasks, it requires a constant flow of magic
Potions requires a lot of training of the magical herbs of the world, and knowing what goes together. And at the end one needs to add magic to get the ingredients together properly.
Enchantment means a witch embus an object with their magic that doesn't constantly need a spell to keep it going. The witch who casts a chair to dance can leave the room and the chair will keep it up with out them. Enchantment requires an EMENCE amount of magical energy to be put into an object all at once. Enchantment usually requires at least 2 witches to work on so one doesn't loose all their magic at once.
Each witch should have a basic understanding of each category. To fly a broom it requires the broom to be enchanted in the first place, then a witches magic to get it to fly where is needed.
Each Witch is given a medallion that represents their station/level. Within those medallions are color coordination to indicate one's class within, but here's the four basic categories of medallions given. The Star represents a beginner/practicing mage, Strega has this. Bubbles represent Potions, her mother has a mastery level of this. Wand represents Magic, her sister Jadis is about to get her’s. And finally a Rose represents Enactment, The hardest one to achieve.
Bonus Fun Fact: Strega's father was Joseph (Stor's dad) grooms men at his wedding to Rudy. And in turn Joseph was her dad's groomsman at his wedding to his wife Magie. When Joseph and Rudy adopted Stør, they had a problem of trying to feed a constantly growing giant, so they reached out to Strega's mom, the strongest potions master in the world and she came up with a potion that allows for Stør’s meal's nutrients/size to be proportional to Stør, ensuring he can eat without it becoming too costly.
More on Stør and Strega here
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anikiri · 6 months
Soooo... y'a girl can't pick which hairstyle to draw Qiu in, so~~!
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I just end up doing all of it!✨(⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ꁞ⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠)
Step 3 Qiu and Rena. After all the nightmares and hardship they went through, This two can finally and property start healing together. ✨as a couple✨ FINALLY! FOR GOD SAKES!!
PS: I don't know what's wrong with me with proportion, but- Qiu and Rena supposed to be the same(kinda) height in this step. Not to mention I draw them in a weird angle! Why the hell I keep doing this ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ
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srenorsomethin9 · 8 months
Trick or Treating with the Cul-De-Sac Kids!
Happy Halloween Guys!
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I drew the kids to celebrate(?) today! I love them so much, especially Tamarack! Like, why tf is she wearing a Santa costume? lmao that's so like her tho
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kohikat · 8 days
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whisper of the heart redraw featuring Qiu and my MC Bintang 🌟
(ref under the cut)
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sunny-arts-blog · 14 days
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another commision for someone on tumblr!
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nobieka · 1 month
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the boys club would often tease Asher for his height (lightheartedly ofc)
Tamarack absolutely loves the fact that there is a boy who is more in the same height as her though, she finally doesn’t feel alone for being short!
Qiu however has never seen a boy his age that short before, and he thinks its the cutest thing ever.
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covesdadappreciation · 8 months
[Step 2]
Qiu: What’s with the bag of purple marbles
Tamarack: They’re amethyst orbs. They’re for emotional protection
MC: Nice! … what’s with the slingshot
Tamarack, loading up a amethyst marble and aiming at Qiu: To banish anything that threatens my emotional wellbeing
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