#Pride poetry
poetryorchard · 1 year
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🤠 @nashira here kicking it off with our first Pride workshop, and what better theme in the face of 🐘💩 than this?
We'll read poems exploring liberation, resilience, and rage.
All are welcome; allies encouraged to support!
Sign up here!
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finalboyy · 2 years
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God Cannot Stop a Lion by Jude B. @finalboyy
A poem I wrote in response to anti trans legislation.
[Text ID: Those like you Those like me Whose bodies hold a clarity Calloused hands and weathered skin Pious flesh and tender sin Creation myth, you’re my twin They say Eve was made out of Adam’s rib I think we came from something holier Something made from the soot and soil That knows of love and all its toil Of salted rocks and ancient waves In self-construction, we are saved We are born anew We are flint to fire Rock on stone Beware of dog You’re in our home Kick me as a mutt then, and I’ll bare my teeth too Treat me like an animal, go on I dare you I will eat you raw and lick up the carnage You think we’re sick and metamorphic I’m telling you we’re prehistoric Blinding light, the sun's first rise Fallen corpse, with sacred flies Lead to gold, And Water to wine I belong to me, My body’s mine You can only dream of such alchemy Your lies and malice, you begin to rise in Be careful Daniel, God cannot stop a lion / End ID]
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maryhall · 10 months
in 2013, i was thirteen
and the internet spoke
it said i couldn’t be me
because i was too young
to really know.
so i convinced myself
that i was someone im not
and for seven years i lied
to myself and to everyone 
that i was straight.
in 2018, i was eighteen
and the internet spoke
i was now old enough
to know my self.
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trashypoemsbyscar · 1 year
the girl I could not love
she is the sea but I do not swim
so I admire her from afar as if drawn by tides and pulled by currents but I am fearful of the waves
I do not wish to drown.
(I would. drown, that is. I would plunge and never resurface, lose myself washed over and away by the ocean)
so I stand on the shore - salt in my lungs and sand in my heart - isolated on this beach
alone on the island, in love with the sea
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lovablegf · 1 year
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to my love; with all of my love
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atompowers · 11 months
When Time is Unlike a Sonnet
being Queer feels dangerous. I dread back to 14 (still dancing, winsome wincing smiles, still queer) when I found the fear. Being here, however, even in this liberal bubble popping shot through near
familiar street corners turning memorials, haunts me, through the lineages of queer kin that existed we who exist, despite deferrals claiming that's enough. To be smudged our color explodes twisted —
like great turning jellyfish swarms thrive catastrophic in the depth and diversity of deepsea oceans weird beauty. Neon frills and fins swim whirlpooling in volta formation found within found family herds
I want to spin and grind, to catch all careening. A love so dangerous. With every queer being.
On this dancefloor from the seafloor in a world/time on fire.
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revenantpoet · 2 years
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- @RevenantPoet
Text Version:
Carmen Cygni
Love conquers all Love wins All you need is love
There are so many phrases Culminating in a single message That love is power Love is righteous Love always overcomes
I disagree
Not because I don’t want to agree Or that I don’t want to be able to open my heart And know it will be safe And happy And cared for and caring For forever and then some
Love sure feels like that, doesn’t it? In that moment of bliss Like a life raft in a storm A calm amidst the chaos Unsinkable Unknowable Unending
And in those quiet moments, maybe that’s true Maybe in those precious seconds Love is unshakable
But the waves around us are giants They are angry They are careless And they crush us Or at least Those like us
We who step outside the lines of the norm Who dare to love outside the boundaries To break that word That framed definition Of what “love” is And build it anew with our own hands Into something more beautiful than imaginable To love ourselves and others Fiercely Wholeheartedly With no shame
It’s the most powerful kind of love Those threads that connect the different The other The ones who shouldn’t love That should be hated That should fight and die Who deserve nothing When compared To those who are “normal”
And who desires that? Who wants this conditional love? This love tied in thorns Designed to bleed you dry If you try to escape
Our love isn’t pretty It isn’t kind Not to us The ones who invest everything in it Who are this love Embodiment of it and bathed in it Diverse and beautiful and ethereal Bathed in the color of life itself As varied as life itself As beautiful as life itself
It terrifies the others Our careless beauty A threat A whisper of change A fire to the thorns that control them Define them In pain and suffering
And they take those sharp edges Their own restraints And tear us apart In all of our splendor Destroying all that makes us Us
After all They want normalcy And we may love differently We love what they said is forbidden Rotten Wrong Lovely Colorful Different
But we All Bleed Red
Love is beautiful Love is patient and kind Love will show you things New things You never thought possible In yourself In the world In everything
But it is not a shield that will protect us
This beautiful love Cupped in my hands Is more fragile than any glass Even though it shines so brightly Refracting the world into a rainbow
It’s cracked And it’s been shattered Countless times Carefully pieced together again and again Not with glue Not with gold But my own blood and tears My own life not even enough to hold it together
I’ve almost given up— No I have given up Many times Hopeless and lifeless Not having the energy To care To destroy my own Fragile Foolish Heart
But I can’t do that And I don’t want to I never want to forget Even if it would hurt less Because love is weak But it is beautiful It is precious beyond compare It is worth saving
So, no Love does not fight for me Nor does it fight for you Love does not naturally overcome all Not when you’re different When you love wrong When you live wrong When you look wrong
But until my heart slows to a stop While there is still strength In these ancient, tired bones Until my last breath Escapes my lungs And my body collapses My life exhausted While my blood still flows I will fight For a love so beautiful So precious And priceless
It’s worth everything
My brain has been haunted by Vampire in the Garden since I saw it. The overarching themes spoke so deeply to the broken parts of me, so like... all of me lmao. A lot of people have gripes with it, and it's not perfect, but the messages and the earnestness of it spoke deeply to me. And I figured, before Pride's over, might as well try putting some of it to words? 
 I tried to make this split between both Momo and Fine, but man I relate to and love Fine on such a deep level and it definitely slipped through. Anyhow, if someone actually reads this far, I hope you enjoyed, and that all's well on your side of the screen!
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blossomingasbeth · 1 year
Pride, the ancient vice that dwells within,
A trap for the ego, a path to sin.
Arrogance and hubris, its poisonous allure,
A seductive dance that leaves hearts unsure.
Yet, pride is a virtue, a beacon of light,
A source of strength, an inner fight.
In the face of adversity, we proudly stand,
Defiant and bold, united, hand in hand.
As the rainbow flag unfurls high above,
Pride month arrives, a celebration of love.
Colors vibrant, voices strong and free,
A symphony of diversity for all to see.
Yet, within my own soul, a struggle persists,
Yes, pride can be a demon, its grip hard to resist.
And if arrogance blinds, compassion takes flight,
Leaving a void, where empathy should ignite.
Grandma Beth
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softsophos · 2 years
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Well this is... very late. This is for @angelcaswinchester 's 6k Follower Celebration. Congratulations Bex Jasmine! We are the truly lucky ones! I missed the day because I was, ironically, at a wedding, and then I missed the rest of the event and the rest of pride month but here it is! Text and ID under the cut.
[Image ID}: A black background with the text:
It is something so grand and so small It is something so grounded and so precious We can have a house and we can have some kids We can keep the dog and you can have a cat too We can tell sappy tales until our faces turn blue Then I can pull you close and ask "did you know I love you?"
Sweet mundanity didn't need to be made legal Though it's true this too was a crime But no one permitted that first claim on my shoulder And it's our choice to choose us every time
But I've heard it time and again Take the house, kids, and dog slice-of-life Just don't pretend you can have something holy You're just two men who live and die by the knife
But my love My love My Love,
It is something so deep and so calm It is something so eternal and so present We can build a home and we can love our kids We can love our dog and I'll even love your cat too And I've fought God but I've never known something more holy and true So let me be greedy because I think I want to marry you
End of text. The text is in white with words from each line highlighted in rainbow colors to write out:
It is something we can have We can keep until you know I love you
Sweet it's true that first choice
time and again Take something holy live and die by
my love My Love
It is something we can love We can love And something I want
[end ID]
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captainwaffles · 2 years
Why is the worlds obsessed 
With what sort of love I feel
Why is it your business
why do they care 
I don’t even know what love I feel
Is it romantic
next sign or something I don’t know
But regardless I can’t feel it
Unless I have a label for it
Emotion so strong
Go on noticed
Because unless you can describe it
No one cares 
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abracazabka · 2 years
"Your powers are great, are growing. / One day you will create an online personality quiz that also freshens the breath. / The next day you will tell your father, You were wrong to say that I had to change. / To make me promise I would. To make me promise. / & promise."
Chen Chen, Summer (2021)
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byronicist · 2 years
"a jobless god / a striking god / a hungry god / a fugitive god / an exiled god / an enraged god / a god / who longs / from jail / for a change / in the order / of things / I want a / more godlike / god."
Francisco Alarcón, Prayer (2002)
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laikacore · 2 years
it’s dark inside when the night streams through the window, streetlight chrysalis your eyeburn pink and blue fishnet tights, smudged lipstick on a baby wipe, smiling with all your pretty teeth
you had a good day, didn’t you? happy oh my gd happy to be seen and to see and to be seen and to
over and over. spinning down. rising up
not bile this time. just happiness. just pride.
it’s light inside when the night streams through the curtain, warm happiness spilling out under fridge between cupboards, clattering glasses without malice, a home you never knew
you’re gonna have a good life, i promise that. the warmth doesn’t have to fade even as the stages are taken down and the booths shuttered and the streets swept
it isn’t over. home is here. home is safe
no fear this time
just happiness, just pride by laika wallace
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W(holy) Rage
I am angry at You
We didn’t just grow apart
I flung You away violently
I don’t like the company You keep.
No, I'm talking now.
You listen.
You have done enough
You did nothing.
I am angry at You
For the brokenness of the world
For the people that kept breaking it in Your name
And for my loved ones who didn’t survive it
They believed You.
I believed You.
We were abandoned by You.
You did not save them.
I am angry at You
But not on Sunday morning
Because “Worship isn’t rage”
They told me as I drowned.
"Don’t be angry," they said,
"He will be with you."
"Feel something else."
"Lay down your rage."
I am angry at God
There. I said it.
And the more I say it
The more I feel like a toddler
Throwing a cosmic tantrum
Still, I wondered,
Where can my fury live
If I cannot bring it
To the foot of the throne?
I am angry at You
Because rage is keeping me alive
Keeping me sharp, and safe,
And marching in the streets.
Tears of fury
Tears of loss and fear
Mixed with glitter
Streaming down my face as I march.
I am angry, and holding a sign that says “Not One More”
And it has a picture of my friends.
We grieve together
We grieve alone
And church is more
Than the walls on a Sunday.
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fixing-bad-posts · 4 months
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You DEFINE YOU and thats enough.
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
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happy pride month <3
- a poem about self acceptance
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