#original poetry
n-ehpamoi · 3 days
I'm not telling you that you must change you.
There, in and of yourself, you do and will have every right and reason to exist as you are, and/or want to be.
But so often we can only find our edges by meeting with the edges of one another -- that is where we must choose whether to shift, and willingly falter.
I don't know about you, but if they do not want for my imposition, I do not want to force the breadth of my existence upon them.
If I ask you not to cut me, do not cut me. If you ask to be left, I will be gone --
There are walls to our hearts for a reason -- and it means all the more when you get to choose to let someone in.
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words-never-spoken · 3 days
i don't believe anyone knows who i am
i've been hiding for so long
i've done it since i was a kid
push certain parts of me forward
when with different people
try to alter my persona
repeatedly, different for everyone
try to make people like me
it never did work
but now i'm left with the aftermath
i stopped doing it as much
i'm not the me that people remember
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robertjw4688 · 3 days
I trip over
the discarded Zs
strewn across
my apartment's floors.
Forgotten meds
and remembered noise
linger in my heartbeat.
I daydream
of memories
that never were
and move on.
Robert J. W.
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fluffyydumplings · 1 day
Alone, Alive, In Love, In Time
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If alkanes have single bonds
And alkenes have double bonds
Why doesn’t she have a bond with the perceivable world around her
The man with a criss-cross scarf swinging across his hanging hand
The woman with a marmalade cat gingerly spread across her lap
Is there a connection to be made
Is there a reaction to take place
Ultraviolet rays penetrating the hearts of a crying course compound of calamity
Two souls formed from a moment of light in a life of darkness
Separated and dancing around the chances of love
Free from the world that previously encapsulated their quivering souls
But never to meet in the freedom of their separate loving gazes of affection
Fission of two homologous souls
Watching from the guidelines
As one bonds with the titan with no name
And another with a goddess with no conviction
Only to flutter away as more can arise from their insatiable myogenic muscles of ardour
They desiderate for the warmness of each of their hands
Get on a train to the other side of this island
But if one flutters to the left
And another to the right
Will the goddess meet the titan
Will the lonely soul meet a different soul
Will the woman form a bond with the unpredictable world
Propagation of the romance-laced faith of homo sapiens
Fitting in places they used to be scorned from
Terminating the love they have trusted in for eternities to be right
Oh is this what it is
The dismay that loneliness keeps in a basket filled with futile and fleeting hope
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yan-yangs · 3 days
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arseholism · 15 hours
You can’t stop looking in the mirror at that flawless face
It’s a perfect blend of divinity and grace
Chiseled to perfection, a work of art
From myths, and legends of many broken hearts
A smile that can cause angels to sigh
Make the devil sing and cause the gods to lie
The kind of beauty that cannot be described
Now, If only you were just as beautiful inside..
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willowspoems · 1 day
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an original poem by willowspoems
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the tie that binds us coils tighter every passing moment; 
tethering me to you with a knot tied by some smitten, lovesick sailor. 
but truth lies somewhere in the middle, 
doesn’t it, my dear? 
so we’ve read our palms together, 
to test my skeptic’s fear.
i’ve always been so cynical, 
a woman full of doubt, 
too scared to trust in goodness, 
but the roads on our hands have seemed to turn it about.
these maps on my skin have taken me the long way, 
all to lead me to you,
and i’ve traveled them carefully to diminish my blue. 
once obstructed by another’s cruel hand, these grooves have cleared now that i’ve taken my own stand. 
and finally, fate’s intricate script has revealed its plan, charting courses only we can understand.
‘cause when it comes down to it, 
when i study my flesh, 
envision this bind,
 it turns out my lifeline has always been your studied hand in mine.
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I love you
I love you
for all that you are,
and for what is in your heart;
I love you
when we are together,
and when we are apart.
I love you
to do what you desire,
and give you what you need;
I love you
every morning I wake up,
and each night that proceeds.
I love you
and I pray for you,
each and every day;
I love you
enough to be accepting,
and know when to walk away.
I love you
and it doesn’t hurt,
to let you go be free.
I love you
and I always will,
but I don’t need you to love me.
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ink-flavored · 2 days
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Magnet Monday Week 44: Vision
i bring you! a poem of hope and love!! <3
If you’re interested in being able to choose the topic of the next poem, make sure to vote in the weekly Magnet Monday polls! Or if you want a commission just like it, check out my pricing sheet!
Transcript under the cut!
[Ko-Fi] [Magnet Monday]
Magnet Monday Taglist (Check out my Google form to get added): @elegant-paper-collection ​ @polyphonetic @qelizhus @livums @maxdamax @auroblaze @stardustanddaffodils @thelaughingstag @ceph-the-ghost-writer @auntdarth
I had a vision about us
​flying through mornings
reunions at night
we're crazy but changing
our lips almost together
we have joy in the future
just know this
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I could stare at you for all eternity, It would not be enough. I could never learn you in the detail you deserve. 
~ inbetweenimperfectmusings
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n-ehpamoi · 2 days
My sadness is no raging ocean there are no vicious waves lapping unrelenting at the shore of my mind it’s a lake placid in the moonlight and it’s driving me insane that my pain will always seem so calm.
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words-never-spoken · 3 days
you hate me
i know, that's hardly new
it's spread among the crowd
there's tension, gossip ensues
but i think at this point
i've figured out you
you're no better than me
for i'm so much better than you
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You meet god and she's mostly dead fish. You ask her why and she says most of the world is dead fish, and she's made herself to appeal to the most common denominator, the everyman funnyman comedy show that runs for eleven seasons but with the entire universe in mind. You ask her how much of the dead fish is your fault, she says it's far less than you'd think, in the grand scheme of things. You ask her if you matter at all. If you can do anything. She shrugs her rotting shoulders and says mattering is a made-up concept, like life, but sure, you can matter if you want to, on some scale. She has many scales. She doesn't know what you mean by 'anything', but you can do everything you can. You ask her if it's enough. She says there's no base requirement for deserving to exist. She's smoking a joint and the smoke filtering out of her gills gathers and forms gas giants and red dwarfs. You ask her if there's any hidden secrets of the universe you should know and she says it's not a secret if she tells, plus it's fun to let you figure it out yourself. You ask her if any of your questions were right questions and she says you worry about being right so much it might keep you from fucking around, which is as close to meaning of life as she ever bothered to make. You don't ask but she says she loves your hair, also your whole being, also your planet. She says she figured out what love is yesterday and is trying it out, which explains the ten thousand rainbows and sudden influx in rains of fish. She offers you a drag of her joint and you wake up half past midnight behind a chain restaurant clutching a smoked salmon. The new stars are winking like they're in on some joke and you're sure if you try hard enough you'll remember what it is.
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and-corn · 9 months
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yan-yangs · 3 days
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studying for my histopathology finals
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aurevives · 11 months
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— Aure Vives, from ‘km ⇢ xo’
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