#Q and Dazai but it’s just sibling energy
triplethewinds · 8 months
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posting Q before Kouyou feels like a crime but they’re up there in my favs so
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leonawriter · 4 years
Dazai’s background, clues in canon, and my theory.
Y’know, there’s a couple of things that I think are very informative about Dazai’s character, when trying to get a canon read on him (and not an AU or “I prefer it this way” or “but it’s good for the fic” one).
One of these is that I do not believe that Dazai has ever wanted for anything in his life - in a material sense - prior to going underground and then having only an ADA detective’s salary... and no, I’m not one of the ones who believes he has money saved away (from the mafia, at least) that he can use at any time - if he needs to keep his record clean, then that means not using dirty or laundered money. Those two ideas also do not cancel each other out. If he has alternate funds, they’re personal.
The other one might end up being another post, but here goes-
To back up this first point, are several things throughout the series. I know that someone once pointed out that Dazai uses a high-end smartphone. He also is still able to keep two of them - his old mafia phone and his personal one. 
I personally find it interesting how Dazai is *always* seen in a suit of some kind, especially in his younger years; it’s reminiscent of how young men in wealthy families are often characterised as not knowing how to dress down and be casual. Everything is formal. We see him in a suit at fourteen years old, and I think we can safely say that this isn’t just Mori saying that he has to dress that way, because Mori doesn’t seem to have any problem with assorted characters such as Q and Tachihara dressing in ways that are either strange, or much more in line with one being a punk teenager. Instead, Dazai is seen in a suit - and consistently - for four years. And even now, that’s still a suit, just a sloppily put together one.
Another aspect that informs us about Dazai’s origins is the way that he speaks.
At fifteen years old, when he isn’t talking to Chuuya (and that’s an important distinction to make, since Chuuya is one of the few, if not the only, person who makes Dazai act like a child) he tends to have a habit of speaking in measured tones and with a high vocabulary. He’s definitely still a child, but he knows how to talk to adults in a way that will get him listened to - specifically, adults in positions of power. Not just “power of him, as a child” but power. I think it’s important to remember also that the light novel of Fifteen makes note of how Mori and Dazai “colluded” - worked together on - the assassination of the previous Boss. 
So this wasn’t just drilled into him by Mori. Mori just found what was already there and utilised it.
Also relevant from Fifteen is this one line here:
“Dazai is not Mori’s subordinate. He isn’t even in the mafia. And he certainly isn’t an illegitimate child, or an orphan he picked up, or a medical assistant.”
Emphasis mine.
The important thing here is that Dazai isn’t an orphan. In a series where everyone is even in the present still recovering from a massive war, the fact that he’s pointedly not an orphan despite being with Mori like this and no parents ever mentioned, is interesting.
Now, as far as I’m aware, one of the popular things to do is to have him, in AUs, be Mori’s heir, or Mori’s adoptive son in some other respect. The thing is - I don’t think he needs to be. He clearly had a family he was with before Mori. And yet, they aren’t present.
I do have a particular theory about perhaps not who they are in a specific sense, but certainly who they are in a general sense, where even if the details change the idea stays the same.
The idea, which is just my theorising, is this: Dazai was born to someone of influence. Possibly a high-up government official or nouveau-riche, or possibly an old family. Either way, they had money, and they had power. His parents weren’t close with him. He may have had older siblings (he may even have young siblings, by this point, not that he’d recognise them). 
Dazai would have had notable issues regarding suicide well before he is first seen in the manga at fourteen; his family, however, effectively disowned him by leaving him with an underground doctor, assuming that he would not survive (remember: he had bandages over his head, as well as all of those other areas) or not caring if he did. Their family may have collectively decided that it would be easier to forget about him than to carry on with the shame of a child who would attempt suicide at such a young age. 
Dazai would have had the education of a young rich boy, a “bocchan,” and not taught that there was right and wrong as a child. Only that there were people who had, and people who took, about money and power and how to talk to people at stuffy parties, maybe expected to marry one day and have children to carry on the family name, in case his potential older siblings weren’t able to.
I also believe that Dazai at least in part chose to cut ties with his family, and that on the off-chance that, like with Mori Ougai and Elise calling him “Rintarou,” he had a different name as well in the past, he chose to change his name, and would never willingly go back to his prior name.
As for where I’m getting a lot of this?
Real Life Dazai’s own family were new money. His father held a high position in the government, which was respected at the time. It’s heavily implied through his works that he didn’t know how to relate to his family, feeling pressured into liking and wanting things he didn’t feel interested in, and scared of disappointing them. He mainly saw a specific servant woman as his mother figure more than his actual mother, since his actual mother was barely in his life. They had money, and could afford to get him a very good education, and the only reason why he didn’t is due to two different reasons: one of those was how he was involved in communist activities, and the other is, in a more impactful way, his suicide attempt/s. His inheritance was also cut off until he vowed to improve himself - several times, even!
You can read up on this more by looking up his real life self’s wikipedia page, but all one really has to do to get from this to what I wrote out as my personal ideas for BSD Dazai, is to adjust for the fact that he would be living in a more modern time period as opposed to having been born in 1909, and an alternate world history, and the fact that BSD Dazai takes less time to reach such a low point as he is at fourteen.
Bearing in mind that BSD is prone to changing things, it’s also prone to not changing things as much when it’s not necessary, or making stealth references. Which is why I said that although the details may shift and change and not be accurate, the idea that Dazai came from a wealthy family where his mental health problems were simply left unaddressed (and possibly made worse) for long enough for him to get to such a state as he’s in at fourteen years old only for them to ignore his existence after leaving him with Mori and for him to choose never go get back in contact, seems fairly in keeping with things.
It’d also give extra weight to what he says to Atsushi in Portrait of a Father. That he “doesn’t have much advice to give, except for one general thing - when one’s father dies, they tend to cry.” Dazai himself would in this case have complicated feelings about his own family, and much like Atsushi, would have later gone on to find that “positive father figure” in someone else, even if the older male figure themself is barely that much older than him. 
(I’d love to go deeper into this with the way this would affect him in his present situation, but for some reason I started this post when still very tired, so maybe when I have more energy.)
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drangues · 3 years
To be fair, I can absolutely imagine Dazai and Kunikida investigating an alleyway or something, and they think the noise in the dumpster is just a Really Big Raccoon or something- But no, no, it’s Atsushi, looking half dead and asking what day is it, do you have any food it’s been a while and he feels like he’s gonna pass out- I’m sorry I could just see it going in a very funny way, ahaha. And! That’s fair, they’d have a lot on their plates and any assistance would be appreciated. (Nyanon, 1/5)
And Atsushi being oblivious to how horrible his past sounds to other people is hilarious and sad all at once. Can someone please hug him. I’m willing to bet that Q acts like a little angel around Atsushi once they warm up to him, and they’re like a kinda annoying but still loved nibling (or sibling, in Kyouka’s case) to most others (though they also act like an angel around Fukuzawa, he’s just got that Energy you know-), but to Dazai? Around him, they’re a hellion. (Nyanon, 2/5)
They live to make his life difficult. Nothing actually malicious, but they give very smug looks whenever Atsushi hugs them or carries them around or just spends time with them in Dazai’s general vicinity. He hates it (but he does become fond of them. Eventually. Not that he’d ever admit it). Anyways listen platonic cuddles are one of my favorites, I just want them all to snuggle and be happy and fall asleep on top of one another, is that too much to ask??? (Nyanon, 3/5)
Also please imagine them going and complaining to Atsushi about all these weird Cat Things they wanna do while he just stares because he’s done this song and dance before, there is no saving them. ALSO also ten bucks says Kunikida screams in despair the first time he does it while Dazai just. Cackles in the background. Onto my next Concept, though: You know how Atsushi is associated with the White Tiger- Hence him calling his ability Byakko? (Nyanon, 4/5)
And how Shibusawa is associated with dragons- Which I’d connect to the Blue Dragon, so, Seiryu... But what if that was expanded, and other characters were associated with the other two Symbols? I feel like Kyouka could be the Black Tortoise, since it’s also called the Black Warrior- Which would make her (ability?) Genbu. But I’m not sure about the Vermillion Bird (Suzaku). I’m sorry I’m just a mythology nerd. (Nyanon, 5/5)
I SEE IT IN A VERY FUNNY WAY TOO AGSJDKS but dude omg yes Q is a whole baby angel once they warm up to Atsushi, even go as far as being a complete devil to everybody (read:dazai) else when atsushi isnt looking (i can also see Q being very nice towards fukuzawa!! mainly at first cus theyre Intimidated but after a few very quiet snacks being slided towards their direction they quickly feel welcomed by the cat lover)
OWO the names are definitely interesting, and i can tell that youre a mythology nerd which is endearing. but i agree the names are very cool (i agree with almost everything you say, you are Very Smart and if u disagree ill go and cry in the forest)
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