weewoow-20706030 · 5 days
Batfam members as things my family has said pt.1(?)
Jason *after an argument with Bruce*: [I am] currently on [my] poor arc so...
Dick: If you don't do the YMCA you will be shot on site.
Tim: Why are you breathing like that?
Damian: I'm looking at bedsheets idiot
Dick: I will not let you remove my eyes for torture unless you have a doctorette.
Tim: Y'know if I killed someone and they died I would be pretty upset too.
*literally any of the batkids*: It's not lying. It's making up information.
Steph: How do you plead? Guilty, not guilty or gleek.
Tim *about Damian*: We all know traumatized children are just as bad as the devil.
Bruce: I should get kids and put them to work.
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weewoow-20706030 · 11 days
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We are once again entering headcannon alley where everything I say goes. So basically Tim has never really been good at receiving or giving compliments to people, instead he usually just ends up listing attributes or characteristics that person has (wether it’s good or bad he’ll just point it out and in his mind it counts as a compliment.). His understanding is that to be seen is to be loved, so most of his ‘compliments’ are him calling out repeated traits or actions. For example, a compliment he might give to Jason, or maybe Damian, would be “You have a short temper.” Or “ You often solve problems with violence.”
he’s not trying to call people out or anything, he just genuinely thinks it’s a compliment to pick up on other peoples patterns and let them know that he’s noticed them.
Another compliment he might give is something extremely straightforward and obvious like “You have Blue eyes.”
anyways hope you enjoyed my little rant and my little art work! Thank you all so much for all of the love!
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weewoow-20706030 · 16 days
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The fact that the villains really like Tim Drake
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weewoow-20706030 · 17 days
WRITE IT!! I fear I must become the change I wanna see in the world and write more stories in which Tim is a dad...
This is a weird question. But I'm in a mood.
I wanna read focs where Tim is a dad... Do you guys know any?
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weewoow-20706030 · 18 days
WORST??!?!?! WORST?!?!?!!?? BULL!
Whoever said that is very wrong. Very very incorrect.
I would sooner due than let anyone say that this one is worse than-
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🤢Drake suit🤢
Ffs even his normal red robin suit look at it!!
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Not bad just- not as good.
Even- his pre robin robin suit. (His first fight before he became Robin)
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He has had much worse I assure you. New 52 is probably my third fav overall (second to the Jim Lee Robin and Tims unternet suit) but he has 100% had worse
DUDE. I have had so many people sit here and tell me that THIS
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weewoow-20706030 · 20 days
when there are barely any merch of your favorite character so you just—
Anyway, here's the things I customized or made of Steph <3
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Steph Shelf :D anytime i think this is bad, i just remember it could be worse
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Amigurumi of Stephanie Brown as Spoiler, Robin, and Batgirl!
i have posted these before, but I am including them here too (i do have an etsy, if you did want these)
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Imaginext of Spoiler!
It was more textured than I expected, so I had to sand it down. Then I used hot glue to mold the belt and glove and boots. The hood can still come off and on with little to no paint chipping.
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Imaginext of Robin Steph!
Easy repaint. No issues. Basically just primed then painted and cut a new cape for her.
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Very Basic Spoiler Repaint :D
I've seem other people do Spoiler custom figures and they are so SO NICE. I still don't know how people can make custom figures and not have the paint pushed off, so I'm still sticking to play line toys for things like this.
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Also Very Simple Robin Repaint!!
I think this was my first repaint, which means there's no mask and the Robin logo is painted onto foam then glued on, because I was scared of messing up :')
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I also painted these 3D prints.
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Stephanie's Robin Run! Collected in a (nonoffical, duh) TPD
THIS IS MY PRIDE AND JOY. I LOVE HER. Like, the entire Steph shelf is <3 but this took my two brain cells (and fifty ish dollars, and however much I spent on the actual comics, because I bought those before I decided to get it printed 🤮 ). Like I was and still am obsessed with how this turned out. It's a bit warped, by being stretched vertically a little, but it's not noticeable unless you're being attentive. The pages also just don't meet the edges of the page properly, but I'll take that over it being cut off. The ISBN and barcode are from the Robin #126 cover. The actual order in this is Robin #126, Batgirl #53, Solo #10, Teen Titans #13, Detective Comics #796, and Robin #127-128. (For Solo and Teen Titans, it's just the parts with Steph in it.
And that's everything that I made/repainted on my Steph Shelf :D
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weewoow-20706030 · 21 days
In my heart of hearts Tim isn't a coffee addicted sleep deprived maniac.
In my mind he often gets focused in on a case and when he does that's when he has a bunch of coffee and stays up until it's done.
But normally. When he has his normal cases and his normal life he just- naps a bunch. And drinks tea over coffee.
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weewoow-20706030 · 24 days
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Everything’s fine :)
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weewoow-20706030 · 28 days
Rb again cus I've been thinking of writing this.
Next fic idea ig.
Joker Junior happens, before Jason comes back. I was thinking after Tim's mums death and while his dad is in a coma. But it can really be at any point before Jason comes back.
Tim manages to get past the brainwashing and is able to go back on the field after months of therapy and whatever.
After that there are some remaining rumors of JJ but nothing solid so most think it's either false or the kid had died.
But as things go the batfam have to find out at one point or another.
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weewoow-20706030 · 29 days
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stray!tim design plus a little timbern because
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weewoow-20706030 · 29 days
I switch between saying R twice and red Robin.
But double r never even crossed my mind!! Might start using that lol.
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weewoow-20706030 · 29 days
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he’s actually the cutest—like he’s so little 🤏
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weewoow-20706030 · 1 month
Tim: for me?!
Bernard *holding a cute bento box*: for us <3
Tim: awww. Let's sit over here babe.
*sound of distant explosions sirens and general chaos*
Bernard: you look so good like this my love. 😘
Tim: your one to talk.
Batman *over the comms*: Red Robin, where are you! We need help with these explosions!
Tim: one sec babe.*turns to his comm* I am seduci- I mean- negotiating with the enemy. Leave me be! Now- where were we?
An au where Bernard becomes a supervillain/anti hero purely to see Tim more, because between WE work and Batman pushing more and more hours on Tim, and conflicting work shifts. even though they try their best, they're seeing less of each other actually awake. (Best they've been getting is cuddles but they're asleep for those)
So Bernard looks at the old BatSpotter threads and finds a pattern- Batman and Catwoman? Met up when Bats was on patrol, frequently. For romantic rendesvous and... other things. Batman and Thalia Al Ghul? Also met when on patrol, with Thalia on business doing assassin things. Clearly, Bernard needed to become an antihero, villain, or other criminal, so that he and Tim can have dates. And as Damian exists, clearly dating a criminal is not bad, according to Batman, so there'd no way he'll stop Tim, because they can just point out he's a hypocrite!
Bernard then proceeds to be a chef by day and villain by night, messing up random shit and causing (solvable, non stressful- on tim-) chaos, in order to flirt with his boyfriend.
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weewoow-20706030 · 1 month
This is so real, but only if he refuses to talk to anyone that isn't red robin.
Bernard *commiting misc crime*:
Jason *expecting his voice alone to send this new criminal running*: hey man.
Bernard *unbothered*: you don't sound like Red Robin.
Jason: I'm not but I can kick your ass a thousand times better.
Bernard: get Red over here, then I'll surrender, yeah?
Jason: wtf??
An au where Bernard becomes a supervillain/anti hero purely to see Tim more, because between WE work and Batman pushing more and more hours on Tim, and conflicting work shifts. even though they try their best, they're seeing less of each other actually awake. (Best they've been getting is cuddles but they're asleep for those)
So Bernard looks at the old BatSpotter threads and finds a pattern- Batman and Catwoman? Met up when Bats was on patrol, frequently. For romantic rendesvous and... other things. Batman and Thalia Al Ghul? Also met when on patrol, with Thalia on business doing assassin things. Clearly, Bernard needed to become an antihero, villain, or other criminal, so that he and Tim can have dates. And as Damian exists, clearly dating a criminal is not bad, according to Batman, so there'd no way he'll stop Tim, because they can just point out he's a hypocrite!
Bernard then proceeds to be a chef by day and villain by night, messing up random shit and causing (solvable, non stressful- on tim-) chaos, in order to flirt with his boyfriend.
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weewoow-20706030 · 1 month
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weewoow-20706030 · 1 month
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tim's got the vibe of the viet mom who makes way too much thịt kho and gets stuck eating it for leftovers for weeks
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weewoow-20706030 · 1 month
clark, discussing what to do about kon with bruce: you know what this means right?
bruce, nodding: yeah, you owe luthor a buttload of child support
clark: what - i - no??
bruce: i mean, it sucks that he baby trapped you but you don’t want to be a deadbeat
clark: he did not - i am not his father, luthor stole my DNA and put that [pointing at kon] into a tube
bruce: i want you to take one good look on how damian came to be
clark: … oh my rao… i am dead beat aren’t i?
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