#Sorry. I know I'm being super irrational right now
mako-island-moon-pool · 2 months
Why am I flipping tf out over my roommate going into my room when I wasn't home and leaving a package on my bed it's literally not a big deal and they were trying to be helpful but I am shaking right now I should be happy I got my new favorite shirt but I'm so angry
#Like genuinely seething with rage over something so innocuous I shouldn't be angry#But at the same time I'm like...#The door was shut. When did I ever say you could come in here (I didn't). I wasn't home. Don't touch my stuff. You could have left it#Outside the door. My room is a mess and they saw. AND DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF#I feel like I shouldn't have to sit them down and be like 'hey I don't want you going in my room when I didn't say you could go in there'#Like I feel like that's common sense when u live with other people but I guess not?????#Like it really bothers me cuz I'd NEVER go into someone's room when they weren't there w/o express permission#Fucks sake I linger outside the doorway til they say I can come in when they are there and we're talking#I feel like that's just basic decency because it's their space#Why can't you respect mine and not go in my room when you don't have permission?????#At least text me first????!#THE DOOR WAS SHUT THATS WHAT'S REALLY BOTHERING ME#THE DOOR WAS SHUT WHY WOULD YOU LOOK AT A CLOSED DOOR TO SOMEONE'S BEDROOM AND JUST WALK IN WITHOUT EVER ASKING#Sorry. I know I'm being super irrational right now#I just. My mom used to go through my stuff when I lived at home and throw out whatever she wanted#She would wait until I left the house and then throw things out and leave the rest in a giant pile of trash on the floor#It was always when I was having a decent day too. She'd treat me totally normally the whole way home and then I'd walk into my room to it#Absolutely destroyed and her response was always a cool 'well you should have cleaned it then'#I used to have to dig through the garbage to get the stuff I had attachments to back#She once threw out an entire shoebox filled with my drawings because it was 'too messy' but literally the lid was slightly askew from being#Overfilled. Instead of getting me a bigger container or another shoebox she just fucking tossed it#I lost so much childhood art from that it's part of the reason I refuse to throw anything I've ever drawn away#Anyway this is why I'm overreacting and being irrational and not letting people walk all over me with no complaints#Don't worry though I'm working on squishing any other reservations I have about being a doormat#That way in a couple more years I'll just be a shell of a person and then people will finally like having me around#AJDGDHDHDBMSBDGDJDHDBDMDBDBDN#Grumble grumble
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lixiepixiedust · 6 months
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pairing — badboy!felix x fem!reader; highschool au; friends w/ benefits
word count — 3.1k words
warnings — she/her reader, they argue way too much in this, jealousy (both ways), felix is kinda aggressive, uses of korean names, suggestive, small make out, almost sex
summary — you and felix have been friends with benefits for far too many months and everyone knows you secretly like each other. when mutual jealousy arises, you too get into an argument that makes your feelings way too obvious its silly.
"Y/n!" A boy in your year approached you with an eager expression. His name was Juwon, and you two have talked a few times in Chemistry class. He was nice, super weird, but nice. You still tried to avoid him when could since being around him was often draining.
You chuckled awkwardly, "Hey, what's up?" you asked.
"Can I ask you something?" he inquired, lowering his voice.
"Sure," you replied with a forced smile.
"You know, Felix?" he blurted out quickly. "Are you dating him?"
Your smile faded as your eyebrows furrowed, "Why do you want to know?"
"I don't know, I've just noticed you two walking home together and chatting in the hallways," he explained defensively.
"Are you stalking us?" you asked skeptically.
"No! I'm not stalking you," he clarified.
"Ok, this is kinda weirding me out," you chuckled, clearly uncomfortable.
"Sorry, I just see you two so often," he said.
You raised an eyebrow, still puzzled by Juwon's sudden interest in your relationship with Felix. "Okay, but why do you care if Felix and I are dating or not?"
Juwon scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well, um, the thing is, I sorta have a crush on you."
You blinked in surprise, not expecting that confession. "Oh," you said, not sure how to respond. You took a moment to process this information. It explained his odd behavior and sudden interest in your personal life. "Look, Juwon, I have to be honest too—I'm not looking to date anyone right now. I've got a lot going on."
Juwon nodded, disappointment evident on his face. "Oh, I see. Well, I guess I just wanted to know for sure. Sorry if I made it weird."
"It's okay, Juwon. I appreciate you being upfront about it," you said, trying to ease the awkward tension.
"Well, you know, cause you're not with anyone, I was wondering if, I could get your number, though?" he asked tentatively.
You thought about it for a moment. Despite his quirks, Juwon seemed like a genuinely nice person. "If you want it, you have to promise me it's just as friends," you said with a small smile. "I hope you understand that's all I'm looking for right now."
"Nevermind, then," he replied, a bit crestfallen. "Bye, Y/n."
After Juwon left, you sighed, feeling a mix of relief and sympathy for him. You gathered your things and decided to take a break in the hallway. As you walked towards your locker, you couldn't help but mull over the recent encounter. The hallway was relatively quiet, and you leaned against your locker, staring absentmindedly at the passing students.
As you were lost in thought, contemplating the conversation with Juwon, you suddenly heard familiar laughter approaching. Turning your head, you saw your boy best friend, Felix, walking down the hallway, engaged in a lively conversation with a girl who's name you completely forgot. They seemed to be getting along well, laughing and sharing jokes as they walked.
A strange sensation gripped your stomach, a mix of surprise and discomfort. You didn't expect Felix to be chatting so animatedly with another girl, and for some reason, it made you feel a twinge of jealousy. You shook your head, trying to dismiss the irrational feeling. After all, you and Felix were not dating yet, and you had no right to be possessive or jealous.
Felix looked up, and his gaze met yours. That familiar smirk played on his lips as his flirty eyes eyed you up and down, assessing you. You couldn't help but clutch your bag. You gave him a small wave, matching his energy, but he then continued his conversation with the girl beside him.
As you turned away from Felix, trying to shake off the strange feeling in your stomach, you unlocked your locker and gathered your homework and textbooks. With a deep breath, you tried to compose yourself before making your way to find, your bestfriend, Chaewon.
Spotting her not too far away, you weaved through the crowd and approached her. Chaewon's eyes lit up when she saw you, and she enveloped you in a tight hug. "Y/n! How's it going?" she exclaimed.
You returned the hug, grateful for the comfort of a friend. "Hey, Chaewon. It's been a bit of a day, to be honest. How are you?"
"I'm great! I'm ahead on all my work. Come to my locker, tell me everything."
You nodded, and you both made your way to her locker away from the bustling students. You stood beside her as you shared a bit about the encounter with Juwon and the unexpected interaction with Felix and the girl.
Chaewon listened attentively, concern evident on her face as she closed her locker. "Sounds like a lot's happening. You know, guys can be so confusing sometimes. Maybe Felix was just being friendly with that girl, you know, like how he is with everyone? You two have been fucking for like months, there's nothing getting in your way."
You chuckled nudging her playfully. "I'm not worried about that." you lied.
As you continued chatting, Chaewon suddenly looked past your shoulder, her eyes widening slightly. "Hey, speaking of the elephant in the room," she said, pointing discreetly behind you.
You turned around, and indeed, Felix was leaning against a nearby wall, observing the two of you with a playful smirk on his face. Your heart skipped a beat as you caught his gaze. "Hey, Y/n." he called, strolling over with a confident stride.
Chaewon shot you a knowing look before excusing herself, purposely leaving you alone with Felix. "What's up, Felix?" you asked, trying to sound casual.
He leaned against the locker beside you. "Just wanted to see you. How was today? We didn't have time to talk at all."
"Yeah, um, nothing else besides Lee Juwon asking if we were dating," you admitted, avoiding eye contact with Felix.
Felix raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "And what did you tell him?"
You sighed, "I don't even think I gave him an answer after all. Then he told me he liked me."
Felix remained silent for a moment, his jaw tensing. "Juwon has a crush on you?" he repeated, his tone more serious than before.
"Yeah," you continued, "he asked for my number, but I made it clear that I'm not looking to date anyone right now. I just wanted to be honest with him, cause I would've told him we weren't dating."
Felix's expression shifted, a subtle disappointment flickering across his face. "Oh," he said, his usual playful demeanor momentarily subdued.
"Yeah, sorry if that's not what you were expecting," you added, feeling a bit uneasy about the whole situation.
Felix leaned back against the lockers, running a hand through his hair. "No, it's cool."
You nodded, appreciating his nonchalant response. "I mean, we're just hanging out, right?"
"Right," he said, though there was a hint of something in his eyes that you couldn't quite place.
After a moment of silence, you mustered the courage to bring up the topic that had been bothering you. "By the way, who was that girl you were talking to earlier?"
Felix's expression brightened a bit as he remembered the interaction. "Oh, her? Just someone from my last period class. We started talking recently. She's cool." Felix nudged you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Don't worry, though."
You tilted your head, trying to maintain your composure. "Oh, I'm not worried. Why would I have any reason to be worried?"
Felix chuckled, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Right, right. We're just hanging out, after all."
The mocking tone in Felix's words didn't go unnoticed by you. You felt a surge of frustration, but you tried to brush it off. "Exactly, just friends," you replied with a forced smile.
Felix's smirk widened, and he looked down at you, a subtle condescension in his gaze. "Glad we're on the same page, then."
Your irritation grew, but you bit your lip, choosing not to escalate the situation. "Yeah."
The tension between you and Felix lingered as the conversation continued. The casual banter that usually flowed between you two felt strained, and there was an unspoken frustration in the air.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you found yourself heading towards the exit with a mix of apprehension and determination. You reached the school gates and you noticed Felix a few steps ahead of you, also making his way out. The distance between you felt like a vast chasm, filled with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Despite the silence, Felix glanced back and caught your eye, a momentary flicker of uncertainty crossing his face.
When you stepped out into the fresh air, Felix slowed down, allowing you to catch up. He reached over and effortlessly took your bag off your shoulders to carry it for you, a gesture he had made a habit of since the beginning of your friendship. It was a small comfort, a silent acknowledgment of a bond that seemed strained at the moment.
The two of you walked side by side, the silence becoming almost suffocating. However, Felix's act of taking your bag spoke volumes. Even in the midst of frustration and unspoken words, he didn't want you to bear the weight alone.
"So, Felix, anything interesting happen with you today?" you asked, attempting to steer the conversation away from the awkwardness.
Felix shrugged, his eyes still holding a hint of irritation. "Not really, just the usual. Classes, hanging out, you know." He snapped sarcastically.
"Mhm," you replied.
The silence that followed was filled with an uncomfortable energy. You could sense Felix's annoyance, and you were growing increasingly frustrated yourself. It was as if the unspoken tension was bubbling just beneath the surface.
Finally, Felix broke the silence with a sarcastic chuckle. "So, you and Juwon, huh? Quite the love triangle developing here."
You rolled your eyes, irritation rising. "Don't be ridiculous, Felix. It's not like that. I told you I rejected him."
He raised an eyebrow, a smug expression on his face. "Sure, sure. After all, we're just friends, right?"
You clenched your jaw, annoyed by his insinuations. "Yes, Felix, just friends. Is that so hard to believe?"
He leaned in closer, a challenging glint in his eyes. "Well, if we're just friends, then why do we-"
"Felix, stop." You interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.
Felix sighed. "I was about to say: Why did it bother you so much to see me talking to another girl?" That was clearly not what he was about to say.
Your cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "It didn't bother me. I was just curious. That's all."
Felix's smirk only widened. "Curious, huh? Seems like someone's a little more invested than they're letting on."
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your composure. "You know what, Felix? This whole thing is ridiculous. If you're going to act like this, maybe we should just stick to being actual friends and nothing more."
"Wait, I thought we were friends to begin with." Felix laughed which pushed your buttons even more.
The irritation between you and Felix continued to escalate as you walked towards the intersection where you two normally split up to go to your own houses after school.
Finally reaching the familiar crossroad, you stopped and turned to face Felix. "Give me my bag."
Felix crossed his arms, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, come on, Y/n. No need to be so uptight about it."
You gritted your teeth, frustration bubbling to the surface. "Felix, I mean it. I just want to go home."
He chuckled, seemingly enjoying your discomfort. "You know, you're being quite stubborn about this. What's the harm in hanging out a bit more? We're just friends, right? "
You sighed, feeling a mix of annoyance and fatigue. "Felix, we're not in the mood for this right now. Can we please just go our separate ways?"
But instead of acquiescing, Felix shook his head with a playful smirk. "Nah, I've got a better idea. How about you come over to my place?'"
The irritation reached its peak as you reluctantly allowed him to guide you in the direction of his house. "Fine, but only for a little while. I've got things to do."
Felix grinned triumphantly, his playful demeanor seemingly unaffected by the tension. "Deal."
As you and Felix approached his house, a familiar sense of comfort washed over you. You had been there countless times before, and despite the current tension between you two, a small part of you couldn't help but feel a fleeting sense of happiness at the prospect of spending time in a familiar environment.
Felix swung open the door with his usual flair, ushering you inside. The air inside his house was filled with a mix of warmth and familiarity.
You had been to Felix's house many times before, and despite the current tension between you two, a small part of you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort at the prospect of spending time there.
Reaching Felix's front door, he swung it open with a flourish, gesturing for you to enter. "After you, my friend,"
You stepped inside, the familiar surroundings evoking a strange mix of emotions. It was a place filled with memories of laughter, shared secrets, and casual hangouts. The familiarity momentarily lifted your spirits, and you found yourself slipping into a momentary sense of contentment.
Felix closed the door behind you, and you both made your way to the living room. "So, what do you feel like doing? Homework?" Felix asked, attempting to break the awkward silence.
You hesitated for a moment, still grappling with the unresolved tension between you two. "Honestly, Felix, I don't know why you insisted on dragging me here."
Felix plopped down on the couch, looking at you with a casual grin, ignoring your question. "Or..." he took your hand and pulled you onto the couch with him, "My parents aren't home, but that doesn't matter cause we're just friends hanging out, right"
"Why can't you let it go, Felix?" you retorted, your frustration reaching a boiling point. "I don't understand why you're so pressed about this whole thing."
Felix's anger suddenly bursted out of nowhere. "Because we're not just friends, and you damn well know it!"
His words hung in the air, the weight of the unspoken tension finally surfacing. Before you could respond, Felix closed the distance between you two in an instant. The sudden intensity caught you off guard as he slightly pushed your shoulders against the side of the couch, pulling you into a hot, angry kiss.
The kiss was a collision of conflicting emotions—frustration, desire, and a hint of desperation. Felix's lips pressed against yours with a fiery intensity, as if trying to convey everything he couldn't put into words. The anger that had simmered between you two transformed into a raw, passionate exchange.
For a moment, you were suspended in a whirlwind of conflicting feelings. The familiarity of Felix's touch, coupled with the undeniable chemistry, ignited a spark that had been smoldering beneath the surface. It was a heated kiss that spoke volumes, a silent admission of the unspoken connection that neither of you could deny.
The air crackled with the intensity of the moment, and for that brief instant, it felt like the world outside ceased to exist. The kiss lingered for what felt like an eternity, and as Felix finally pulled away, hovering over you.
Felix's eyes bore into yours, looking down on you. "Do friends make out every week, or is that just us?"
You took a moment to collect your thoughts, the conflicting desire within you. "Just us," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
"So, we're not just friends, are we?"
Felix, sensing the subtle shift, leaned in closer, his eyes locking onto yours. There was a quiet intensity in his gaze that spoke volumes. Without saying a word, he traced a gentle path with his fingers along your jawline, sending shivers down your spine.
Your breath caught as Felix's lips latched onto the sensitive skin of your neck. A soft gasp escaped your lips, and your heart raced in response to the unexpected touch. His kiss was rough, mirroring the unspoken desire between you.
Felix sucked on your neck, leaving a mark. It sent a wave of tingles through your body, and you couldn't deny the magnetic pull that drew you closer. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the sensation of his lips against your skin.
As Felix continued to explore the delicate curve of your neck, a mix of emotions flooded your senses—desire, uncertainty, and the undeniable chemistry that had always simmered beneath the surface. It was a moment suspended in time, where the boundaries between friendship and something more became increasingly blurred.
Finally, Felix pulled back, his eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of playfulness and sincerity. "Friends don't usually do that, do they?"
You took a deep breath, attempting to process the whirlwind of emotions that had just unfolded. Felix's eyes searched yours for a reaction, and a vulnerable tension lingered in the air.
"No," you replied, your voice dripped with lust.
Felix grinned, his playful demeanor returning. "Well, I guess that means we've crossed the line ages ago."
He gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face and leaned in for another kiss, the intensity of the moment still lingering. You reciprocated the kiss, but as Felix's hands began to wander up your skirt, you felt a surge of hesitation. Even though you two have had sex a few times already, you first needed to talk this whole thing out. Pulling back slightly, you met his gaze with a hint of caution. "Felix," you breathed out, "Stop, slow down."
Felix's hands halted immediately as you pulled away, and he looked at you with an understanding expression. The room, once charged with a heated atmosphere, seemed to cool down as Felix maintained a respectful distance.
"Sorry," he said softly, catching his breath. "I got carried away."
"It's okay," you replied, your voice a bit shaky.
As the tension eased, Felix reached out to gently fix your hair, his touch tender and considerate.
Felix, with his usual playful demeanor, leaned back with a smirk, the glint of mischief in his eyes undiminished. "Well, that was unexpected of friends, right?"
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chiikasevennn · 11 months
Ok now I'm kinda creeped out.
Warning: Miguel being deemed as a crazy guy like really crazy, doppelganger things, Miguel's replacing his variant to be w his desired happiness exploration
Okay, but isn't really insane for miguel to replace himself who was from another dimension as he tried to achieve the life he had always wanted?
I'm sorry y'all if I ever ruin your perspective of Miguel just wanting to have a good life in a good way(im sure not everyone thinks this way and im super interested in seeing oneshots or fics abt miguel being batshit insane), but wouldn't our Miguel O'hara need to hide his variant's dead body so that he would be able to replace him "properly" and so that nobody would know the truth about him taking over someone's life who was from another universe?
Like??? Isn't that just??? Crazy hot, a man desperate to live a life he'd never had, was willing to do all that. I'm sure that if his variant's friends and relatives knew that the Miguel of their world died, they would know, right?? Otherwise if they didn't and Miguel came in and just "replaced" himself, everyone would question him, be suspicious of him, especially Gabriella, so wouldn't it be necessary to properly hide or dispose of Gabriella's real dad's body so that our Miguel could have the life he'd always wanted?
LMAO THIS IS WHY HE'S MENTALLY INSANE IN MY HEADCANONS THAT I CREATED IN MY HEAD. If he wanted to be crazy, he would. Furthermore, it was incredibly irrational for Miguel to shower affection and provide care for a child that he was never responsible for and never was supposed to be responsible for. What? solely because Gabriella was the ideal remedy for his own deeply troubled state of mind?
Hehehehehehhehehehe this is why i love yandere! Miguel 🥺🥺 PEOPLE NEED TO MAKE HORROR FANFICS OF HIM UGHHHHHHHH I'm like 50/50 when it comes to him
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luveline · 1 year
hi!! hope you’re doing well and having a fantastic december so far <3 do you think maybe you would write something with James where the reader has always kind of been in toxic relationships where sex was the only way to move on from or get past a fight, and he like kind of rejects that and tries to (super gently and kindly) teach her how to talk about it in a healthy way and work through it together? i just think it could be cute :) ily!
hi! tysm, i hope you are too, ily <3 i think i focused in on the wrong thing but i hope you like it anyhow!!! cw past unhealthy relationships + conversation about sex 18+ mdni ♥︎ fem!reader 1.5k
James is practically radiating anger across the room. You can tell he's trying not to show it.
You're angry too, of course, but you're more scared than anything. Not of James (he'd probably rather die than hurt you, and you know that) but of the possibility that you might break up. 
It feels irrational and rational at once. He'd sounded so mad. He'd sounded hurt, which was worse. You'd made a snarky comment you now regret about his never being home because he's always at training, and he'd argued how this wasn't fair because rugby was literally his job, and you'd said it wasn't fair that you never saw him. So on and so forth, the argument had devolved into your saying stuff you didn't explicitly mean, backed into a corner, and James being upset because of it. You'd said… a lot of stuff that wasn't really true, and you'd accused James of not caring about you. 
That's what blew his top. 
You understand why he's mad about it. If he said the same to you, you'd be livid. But you don't really know how to fix it. 
Well, you do. Though James isn't looking at you like they would, no expectancy, no Well, aren't you going to say sorry? 
He's stationed himself on the sofa, elbows to his knees and facing the floor. While his anger is slipping, hurt and frustration are evident in his hunched posture. You stand up from the arm opposite where you'd been perched and take the few steps needed to close the distance, sitting primly by James' side. 
He's kind. He turns to look at you as soon as you settle, and it's with an openness that makes your mouth dry. In your head, you're thinking that this is more than salvageable, that James will fuck you and forgive you and that if you do a good enough job, he'll spend more time with you during the week. 
You put your hand on his knee, feeling the slightly tensed muscles underneath. 
"Jamie," you murmur, one part apologetic, one part something else, "I'm sorry." 
He holds your eye and then sighs inaudibly. 
You keep talking. You don't want him to get mad again, or impatient. "Really sorry, and…" Your hand inches upward. "I can make it up to you." 
He stiffens ever so slightly. You really hate that, unsure and unhappy and thinking maybe you can't fix anything after all. You pull your hand away, worried you've made him uncomfortable. He must see the flash of concern on your face as he sits up properly. 
"Sorry," you mumble, eyes on his leg. "I thought…" 
"That we would kiss and make up?" 
His sudden response startles you, but James doesn't sound as mad as you'd imagined. "No," you say quickly, although that is exactly what you'd thought. "No, but I- I-" 
You flounder for the right thing to say, embarrassed beyond words with the beginnings of panicked tears in your eyes. 
James' hand is warm as he places it on your shoulder, and his expression much softer than it had been. 
"Is that something you've done before?" he asks. 
"You don't want to?"
He can likely hear how mortified you are. His hand climbs to the curve of your neck as he shifts toward you, his knee pressed into yours. 
You perk up and immediately realise you've read the signs wrong again. James isn't going to kiss you. He's letting you down easy, which means he doesn't want to make up. 
You backtrack hard. "James- I swear, I'm sorry, and I won't- I won't complain again. I know you have to go, and I know it's selfish to expect you not to. I won't mention it again." 
You drift off, hoping he has something to say. 
He stares at you for a beat that's too long. 
"Sweetheart," he says finally, so softly, "back up a second, okay? I'm just trying to understand here. Did you think you had to have sex with me to say sorry?" 
You wince and lean away.
"Because you don't have to. Ever." 
You didn't think you had to have sex, but you're out of your depth here. You don't really know where to go from this point. "I know," you say weakly.
"Do you?" James asks, offering you his hand palm up over your thigh.
You take it like a lifeline. 
"I don't think that it's a good solution to our problem," he says. 
"What's our problem?" 
"We're not on the same page." 
You have never felt this awkward around James. To read the signs so wrong, to come onto him when he doesn't want it. "I'm sorry, for trying to-" 
He squeezes your fingers. "Hey, don't be. Is it okay if I talk for a little bit?" You nod stiffly. "Alright… I'm not sure what you've- what's happened before, but I want to say that you don’t have to feel like you need to apologise in that way with me, because it should be on your terms completely, always. You know?" He weighs your expression. He can't find what he's looking for, because he continues. "With us, I don't want sex to be a kind of," — he searches for the right word — "currency. I don't want that for you." Again, his voice turns soft as silk. He massages your fingers with his lovingly. "Understand?" 
"Yeah, I understand." 
His eyebrows pull together. "I'm not mad at you, angel. It was a misunderstanding." 
"I feel so-" Silly. Icky, immature. You shake your head. "I'm sorry." 
You're still trying to soak in what he's said. He doesn't need sex to know you're sorry. It takes a second, but you realise how nice that feels.
"It's okay, you don't have to be sorry. I just needed to make sure you knew. We might be fighting but you're still my girl, right?" 
Your throat aches as you say, "Right." 
He leans in a little closer. His voice quietens. "I'm sorry someone made you feel like you had to do that, sweetheart. Really. There are better ways to work through it." 
Tears come on so suddenly they're dripping off your jaw before you comprehend that you're crying at all, heavy teardrops that bump down your cheeks fiercely. 
James is as surprised as you to see them, and he proves to you how big his heart is for the second time in as many minutes when he starts wiping and kissing away your tears, placating you with little murmurs and reassurances. 
"It's okay," he says quietly, hand splayed behind your neck. 
You hide away in his neck. Embarrassment rolls hot over your skin and still you can't get the tears to stop. This is possibly the most whirlwind you've ever been in front of him, and you know how lucky you are to be treated so delicately through it all. 
"I'm sorry," you say again, thick with tears and genuinely appalled by your inability to stop crying. 
"Don't be sorry, my love," he says, quiet still. 
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." 
He scrubs his hand up and down your arm. "You didn't. I was more surprised than anything. I think… all the best make up sex comes after the making up, yeah? When we're both happy, and when we both want it because we want each other. Not because you feel like you need to." 
You mean to say thank you, but "I love you," comes out instead, all sniffly and scratchy. 
"I love you, too. You know that." 
You're lucky enough to say that you do. James surprises you, as that is by no means the end of the conversation. He talks about things you should've talked about a while ago, and he makes a lot of things clear. That sex isn't something you ever have to do. Not to make up, not because you owe him anything, and not because you think it's expected. And all these things are normal — they're, as James says, the bare minimum, but he doesn't understand. They may sound like the bare minimum to some, but you've never actually had them before. He apologises for that, too. 
And after, you talk about the argument. James tries to express his frustration, how he'd only been trying to resolve the issue, and you're gutted when you understand. You'd let insecurity guide you and you'd exacerbated the fight. Made it something that it wasn't. 
James assures you that it's okay. 
"I said stuff I didn't mean as well," he says. "Everybody does that." 
You talk it out. When you do have make up sex, it's much later, and it's because you want to. James must ask "Are you sure?" twenty times, and he insists on being able to see your face. You don't mind. 
He's right. All the best make up sex does come after the making up, not in place of it. 
to clarify this isn't me dogging on all make up sex, just in situations where the reader felt like she had to because it was the only way to make up, as requested <3
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muddyorbsblr · 9 months
after hours visits
'one look and they'll know' collection masterlist See my full list of works here!
Placement: hours after 'a tale of ice baths and hot sauce'
Summary: An unwelcome visitor knocks at the door of Tom's hotel room while you two were trying to enjoy your evening together
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: 18+ | smuttish steamy moments (minors & pearl clutchers please exit the chat…like right now); coitus interruptus; language; insecure reader moment towards the end; mentions of cheating (not Tom, our precious meow meow would never); Brynne (yeah she's a warning now) [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established relationship
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"I think we should break the facade," Tom exhaled softly, his breathing already evened out while he held you to his naked body in a blissful post-coital haze, fingers aimlessly stroking your hair. "There were far too many comments today that had me fuming, it physically hurt me to hold back my tongue. Those immature, disrespectful--" He let out a sigh, chest muscles tensing under your touch telling you he was getting worked up over just the memory of how you were undoubtedly the topic of immature locker room chatter. What with your flowy little outfit earlier today and the hickeys your boyfriend so generously placed throughout your neck last night and early this morning.
"I'll make a note to cover up a little more tomorrow," you murmured, absentmindedly tracing the curls of his chest hairs with your fingertips, silently stewing in your own irrational jealous annoyance because of the comments so carelessly thrown his way. "Sorry, sweetie."
"Why are you apologizing for their disrespect, goddess?"
"Force of habit," you sighed. "And I know it gets to you that these guys are just flat out disgusting because they think they can be, so if I can ease that a bit I can just--"
"I don't want you to prioritize anyone's comfort but your own, and they'll make those comments even if you're wearing sweats. What ticked me off wasn't that your clothes made them let out those revolting comments, but that they said those things and I couldn't say anything to get them to stop. That the subject of their sexual daydreams was already unavailable because--"
"Because I'm yours," you finished for him, placing a soft kiss on the mark on his shoulder from your wakeup call shenanigans this morning that became quite prominent. "And that same subject of their stupid little daydreams gave you that."
He tilted your chin upwards, pressing his lips to yours and letting out a sound of contentment when you let him deepen the kiss and his tongue began to gently tangle with yours. "Yes you did, sweetheart," he mumbled against your lips, stealing another kiss as he wrapped his free arm around you to pull you on top of him, pressing your chests together. "I didn't like having to bite my tongue when they were being so vile about you, talking about how you were probably a hellcat followed by bitter retorts of you probably being a lousy lay. They shouldn't be so bold to talk about you. They're unworthy to even be saying your name let alone thinking such lewd thoughts that should only be mine."
"Then tell them exactly that," you told him, kissing along his jawline until you felt the tension in him start to subside. "We said we would keep things private, not secret. And if our privacy comes at a price that one of us isn't willing to pay anymore, then we start making it…less private." You began to smirk against his skin when you heard the most minute whimpers once you started kissing his neck. "Besides, just because we're not super quiet about it doesn't mean we're suddenly gonna start fucking in the middle of the field because I for one do not want to have to wash the grass off of me," you finished with a little giggle, letting out a squeal when his hands grasped your waist and began to maneuver you again, sliding you easily down his body until your hips were nearly aligned with his.
"Sometimes I'm convinced there's still sand on me from Ibiza," he chuckled, playfully nipping at your shoulder when you started laughing along. The memory played in your head so vividly of the day you made a mental note that while 'sex on the beach' made for a naughty bucket list item and the occasional indulgent drink, it wasn't meant to be more than that.
"Impossible," you murmured, letting out a soft moan when your lips met his again in a delicate kiss. "We've checked. More than twice. It's been years." You both laughed into your kiss, the sound quickly turning into breathy moans when you felt him lining himself up at your entrance. "Again?" you asked him breathlessly, fighting back the urge to make a quip about his stamina knowing full well that if you did, you'd be feeling the consequences of that comment until well after the match was done on Sunday.
"You should know by now that I'm nowhere near finished with you for--"
Knock knock knock
"What in the world--We didn't order anything!" Tom called out toward the direction of the door, the lust quickly returning to his expression as if you two were never interrupted to begin with when he turned back to face you, his hands moving your hips so that they started rolling against his and making you delirious for him again. "Now, before we were so rudely interrupted--"
Knock knock knock
"Fucking dammit," you hissed out, your voice dropping an octave into your more 'boss lady domineering' tone and making you feel the tip of his length twitching against you in response. "Really?"
"You know the effect you have on me, goddess. After all this time are you honestly surprised?" he quipped back, nipping at your skin again as he started to move you again, only this time it was on to your side of the bed. No doubt so he could make himself somewhat decent and address whoever was on the other side of the door.
That was until you heard the person in question speak.
"Mr. Hiddleston? It's uhm…I'm from staff and I was wondering if you needed anything from me—I mean us before we all locked up for the night?"
"Fucking hell, it's Brynne," you spat out, the dislike even more pronounced when you said her name. "The fuck is she doing here?"
"And does committee staff really go door to door asking if players need anything or…?" he trailed off, hand immediately wrapping around yours when you sat up from the bed, your shoulders squared as if you were readying yourself for a face off.
"We had no more duties for the night. And I was the one that locked up. Hours ago." Your blood began to boil when her words from this morning about 'shooting her shot' came barreling back to you. "This bitch is here to try her chances with you. Again," you seethed, the gesture of his thumb stroking the back of your hand doing nothing to soothe you.
"Answer the door, then, my love."
His words broke through your raging thoughts, your gaze finding his like you were looking for confirmation that you understood exactly what he was saying. "You're sure?"
He brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles as he kept your gaze with those unfairly beautiful eyes like there was a star that paid rent just behind them. "You're clearly distressed with how brazen she's become. Don't get me wrong, I adore how insatiable we get when either of us becomes a touch possessive." He scooted a bit closer to you, eyebrows scrunching together in a second's irritation when Brynne started talking again outside, wrapping his arm around you and pressing a line of delicate kisses from your shoulder across your collarbone. "But your prolonged discomfort is too high a price to pay for our privacy. I refuse to endure you paying it for the rest of this week."
"You're sure you want this?" you choked out, whimpering against his lips when he sought yours out. You mentally smacked yourself for even asking it. You knew exactly where he stood when it came to your relationship. His words from a few years ago echoed tauntingly in your head.
I know you're not ready yet, but I want you to know that I am. I've always been.
"Completely," he murmured against your lips, pressing one last kiss before stepping off the bed and starting to make his way to the closet. "I'll get you a robe--What are you up to, sweetheart?"
He began to smirk as you shook your head, standing from the bed yourself and walking over to his discarded jersey on the floor. "Yeah, no…fuck that. If we're painting a picture, I'm making sure she doesn't have any room for misinterpretation," you told him with a cheeky little wink as you slipped the jersey over your head, indulging yourself of the view of your boyfriend walking into the bathroom without a stitch of clothing on him before you answered the door to a visibly irritated and bewildered Brynne.
"Mister Hi--Oh, Y/N. I'm so sorry, I must've gotten the wrong room." She plastered on a wide smile as her gaze nearly felt like nails on a board the second she clocked Tom's jersey looking like an oversized t-shirt dress on you.
"Well hey Brynne," you greeted her with an equally fake wide smile, taking note of the lacy navy blue silk camisole and shorts she was wearing. "You look all dolled up. Are you looking for someone?"
She started to pull at the hem of her shorts, suddenly seemingly self-conscious at how scantily dressed she really was. "Uhh…yeah. I could've sworn this was Player 6's room, but I must've remembered wrong do you rem--"
"No no, you're in the right place," you answered simply, practically seeing the gears turning in her head as she put the bigger picture together. Come on you're so close. Figure it out and get the fuck out of here, you sneered in your head.
Her expression quickly became haughty, looking like a kid that just caught their classmate stealing the answer key to a major test. "And what exactly would your boyfriend have to say about you being here? Wearing Hiddleston's jersey and probably nothing else? Or maybe…he's on your list and now your boyfriend that you claimed earlier today you were so happy and in love with is back in your room trying to pretend that he's okay with--"
Maybe not close enough. "Wow, your brain must be extra smooth," you scoffed, cutting her off again. "You really wanna know what my boyfriend would think? Why don't we go ask him." You turned away from her to call out in the direction of the bathroom. "Hey sweetie, you know I'm wearing your jersey, right?"
"Hold on, he's--"
Tom's answer, echoed by the bathroom tiles, stopped her words short. "Yes and it's an outright crime that you're not letting me see you wearing my jersey. So if you could please do away with our visitor, that would be great, my love."
You turned back to face your visitor who was now visibly seething at you, her face contorted into an expression of pure indignation. "You can go now," you told her as calmly as you could manage, clearing your throat and letting your voice drop an octave lower before you continued. "There's nothing you could offer him that he couldn't get from me."
The second she stepped back from the doorway, you closed the door on her, not even giving her a chance to let out a snarky comment in return. That didn't stop her from yelling out in the hallway, however. "He'll get tired of you! You don't deserve him, you snobby little bitch!"
Much as you tried to let the words just roll off your back like you'd done for the better part of the last decade, on nights like this they still stung. They still got to you. Just thinking about how easy it was before to have a relationship slip through your fingers over someone just like Brynne that so audaciously made her way to your then boyfriend's hotel room while he was on a business trip.
The half-hour sobbing phone call where he managed to blubber up a guilt trip of how you shouldn't "just throw away a year long relationship over something that meant nothing".
"You think I don't know that?" you mumbled, deadpanned, trying to block out her sardonic yelling muffled by the door.
You'd gotten so lost in your unwelcome trip down memory lane to your time before Tom that you didn't hear your boyfriend's footsteps padding toward you until his hands gently grasped your shoulders, coaxing you to turn and face him.
"It seems she refuses to receive the message that she's not welcome," he commented, looking intently at your expression and gauging where your thoughts were. "Y/N?" When he called your name, you tried to shake all the haunting memories from your head, giving him a bright smile. "Don't do that, sweetheart. Don't wear your mask around me." He shook his head at you, framing your face with his hands before kissing your fake smile away.
"I can't not hear her," you admitted. You could actually feel your ears straining from your efforts to block out her bitterness from the other side of the door.
The feel of Tom pressing tender kisses to your temple had you letting out the breath you realized you were holding, feeling as if he was lifting away a weight at your chest. "Just focus on me, goddess. Her words mean nothing to us." He kissed his way down to your lips, murmuring against your skin, "If she insists on trying to make us listen to her childish remarks, then it's only right for us to return the favor."
He wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you flush against him, holding you steady when your knees went weak as he licked into your mouth. You felt his smirk when you let out a muffled moan from him tracing along the roof of your mouth. You could barely gasp out any words when he pulled away. "What--"
"If she won't leave then she'll simply have to stay out there and hear us." He moved you until you felt your back against the door, his fingers skimming the sides of your body over his shirt. "Hear how much I love you…" He pressed a trail of soft kisses down the side of your face and along your jawline, just like you had minutes earlier. "How devoted I am to you…"
He proceeded to suck another bruise into a spot behind your ear, nipping at your skin when you let out an indecent moan that you were sure was heard by your neighboring rooms. You vaguely wondered if it was loud enough that you two were practically goading someone to call security with a noise complaint against you, but as you felt Tom's lips latch on to the base of your throat and proceed to give it the same treatment, you realized that you honestly couldn't bring yourself to care that much.
"And most importantly," he mumbled as he kissed at a spot above your heart, wrapping his arms around you in a gentle yet firm embrace. "How no matter how hard anyone tries, there is no one that will ever succeed in taking me from you." He pressed his forehead to yours, brushing his nose across yours. "My body, my heart, they're yours, goddess. They've always been."
All the words you had stopped in a lump at the back of your throat. The only thing you could do was throw your arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss that you tried to pour your heart into. Words were never your forte. "I love you," you breathed out, letting out a little squeal when you felt his hands grasp the backs of your thighs to lift you into his arms and make you wrap your legs around him.
"And I love you." His lips never left yours as he leveraged you against the door, grinding his hips against yours while he slowly lifted the hem of his jersey up to your stomach, only pulling away when he playfully swatted your hands away when you made a motion to take the garment off. "No no, sweetheart. You know how I adore you in my clothes. The jersey stays on."
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A/N: Aight it took me a while and honestly I've been on a slump the last few weeks but it's here and I hope y'all are still enjoying where I"m taking the story because…there's a reason I've turned this into an entire collection and lemme just tell you all right now: There's more coming from this couple 🥹🥹
Not right now though because I'm working on 'relinquish the crown' next. 😅🫡
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @gigglingtiggerv2
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
could i request the brothers with an mc who has trouble sleeping at night thanks to anxiety that causes them the fear of someone being in the room like under the bed or in the closet? mc has stated that they like to go to sleep early so they can fall asleep before the brothers do because they bring them comfort and make them feel safe enough to sleep without worry. they also want one of the brothers to sleep with them but just dont know how to ask because it might seem like a childish fear to demons especially.
unsure if i worded this correctly or made any spelling mistakes, im currently sleep deprived but wanted to request because i love your work! sorry!
Hi, anon! I'm one to talk but please make sure you get enough sleep. Also I'm super glad to hear you like my work! I hope you like this one as well!
the brothers with a mc who has trouble sleeping
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: sleeping issues, implied irrational fears
he's very observant, he noticed you might have trouble sleeping pretty fast, like you didn't seem well-rested in the morning
lucifer asks you about it, he's not going to judge you if you tell him the truth, but he also respects your choice to keep it to yourself
regardless of what you say, lucifer is going to stay with you a couple of nights to see if that makes you feel better,
if yes, he's now your personal sleeping buddy, lucifer even stops working earlier so he can be with you when you fall asleep
you often fell asleep before mammon around him, for example, you could be watching silly videos on deviltube in his room and you'd fall asleep on the couch
mammon liked this (but would never admit it), until he saw that your quality of sleep is sometimes worse when you're alone
he's going to help his human, he makes up some crazy excuse every night just so he can stay with you
'mc, my car leaked oil on the floor and it's real bad, that's why I gotta stay in your room for a week'
levi himself tends to stay up until late in the night because of games and anime, which leaves him pretty tired the next morning
he just assumed you have been doing the same in your room when you show up looking tired at breakfast
eventually you ask him to spend a couple of nights together, levi almost passes out but agrees
and what do you know? both of your sleeping cycles gradually improve
he connected the dots: you fall asleep relatively early, seem more at ease around him and get better sleep than when you're alone
satan got the feeling you were afraid of something, so he straight up asked you, if you tell him, he'll reassure you it's nothing to be embarrassed about
if you want, you're welcome to spend every night in his room, satan will clean the place up a bit and read you books to help you fall asleep
asmo is probably the brother with the healthiest sleeping habits, he goes to sleep at a reasonable time and gets the proper amount of hours of sleep
you'd have to go to bed quite early if you want to fall asleep before him, though, this is when asmo realised something wasn't right
if you tell him, he won't think it's childish or anything, in fact, asmo is no stranger to irrational fears himself
he'd gladly sleep next to you, he'll even hold you if you want
he knows what it's like to miss out on a proper night of sleep, and he'd notice the signs
beel wants to know if he can help you, he asks you if you're okay and if you need anything to help you sleep
when you confess to him it would really help if he stayed close to you, beel will be in your room every night
if you tell beel what's bothering you, he's prepared to check the bed and closet if that helps you calm down
belphie sleeps a lot, and often invites you to take a nap with him
he notices you seem way calmer and well-rested after a night of sleep or nap with him than when you're alone
belphie doesn't ask you about it, he just assumes there's something you're scared of and doesn't bring it up
but he will now be by your side every night, using his powers to give you nice dreams
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Right, we're actually doing this.
I'm super nervous posting something like this, but with the encouragement of friends I feel ready to share with y'all the first chapter of this Franklydear mpreg fluff-fic I've been writing! Might post more chapters if reception to this one turns out to be good, but for now, have this!
~Little Flame, Chapter 1~
It began on a day like any other. That's when Frank first began to notice it anyway. He woke slowly, morning light streaming in from a crack in the blinds directly into his face. Combined with the strange coiling pain inside their gut, it made being awake on this particular morning rather unpleasant. Sensing his lover's stirring, Eddie tried to pull them close, but the same awful pain made Frank pull away.
Of course, that definitely woke the man up. Frank was never one to refuse the morning cuddles of his husband, in fact he cherished them more than anything else. "You feeling alright love?" Eddie asked, the rumble of sleep mixed with gentle and loving concern in his voice.
"Mm, s-sorry dear, " Frank said, sitting up and gently rubbing the sore spot in his stomach. "I feel a little nauseous right now. Don't know why."
"Nauseous?" Eddie was wide awake now, sitting up himself and looking worriedly at his partner. "Was it something you ate maybe? I hope my cooking's not that bad." The last line was added with a dry and awkward chuckle, clearly hoping to lighten the mood they'd woken up to a little bit.
"No! No, those were delicious," Frank assured him quickly, thinking back to the tacos his husband had made last night. Eddie really was an excellent cook, though the stress of his job often left him with little energy for such things. It was a treat to be enjoyed whenever he did have time to cook. Unfortunately for Frank though, thinking about food at the moment was a bad idea.
With a surge and squeeze of their insides, Frank was sent leaping off the bed, rushing into the bathroom just in time to throw up in the sink. Staring weakly up at his reflection, a sorry sight met them- bleary eyed, hair still in tangles, mouth wet with drool and leftover puke. What did Eddie even find appealing about such a wreck? Why would anyone look at this and not want to vomit themselves?
The pain had begun to subside, fading into a dullish ache in his lower gut, but they still inexplicably felt like he wanted to cry. What was with them right now? Pushing the irrational feelings down for the moment, he turned just in time to see the sheepish face of Eddie poking through the bathroom door. "Now I know that ain't right," he said with genuine worry. "You're clearly sick Frankie, I really hope it wasn't me that caused it."
That got the floodgates open on Frank's emotions. How much he loved and was loved by this man! Such simple gestures of care might as well have been heroic acts in their mind right now, and he almost reached to embrace and kiss him. But then, remembering the taste of bile on his lips, they turned back to brush their teeth quickly, a toothbrush-munching smile thrown his way around the drying tears.
"If's pr'lly jus' flu," Frank said.
Eddie was clearly not yet convinced (and more than little bit confused by this point) but some more gentle reassurance convinced him to leave it be for the moment. It probably was just a case of the flu, it was the right season for it.
Once they'd finally shooed the man off on his work route with promises to rest and recover, Frank fell onto the living room couch, finally allowing himself to feel the full extent of the sudden pain. Their back was killing him since they'd woken up this morning, and the peristent throbbing pain of his guts had shifted into their womb. That part felt reassuringly familiar. Maybe it was caused in part by his period starting again. He was due for one soon.
Actually...they were overdue.
The thought struck him like an arrow to the chest. The nausea, the cramps, the weird mood swings...the missed period. Could he be...
Shaking slightly, Frank's hands raked through his messy morning hair, tangling it further as they held his head steady and fought the urge to throw up yet again.
You don't know that's the case, they chastised himself, It...it could be the flu, like you said. Or a hormone imbalance.
But what if he was pregnant? How would the two take care of children? Did Eddie even want them? Frank certainly wasn't opposed to the idea, but it had always been in the abstract, "one day" vibes, not it actually happening!
Slowly, they forced himself to breathe and calm their swirling mind. I need to think about this logically, he thought.
There was really only one way of knowing for sure, of course. He'd need to buy a test from Howdy's shop. But he couldn't do that. The mere idea was agony. Frank wasn't out to most of the neighbors, at least not in regards to his sex. Julie knew, of course, she'd been there since before their transition, helped get him their first dose of T and worked odd jobs to pay for his top surgery. And Eddie knew. He definitely knew all that by now. As far as the others were aware though, Frank might as well have been AMAB. It was none of their business anyway.
But now it seemed, one more would have to be made aware. If I'm not I can finally relax and be sick, Frank told himself, steeling themselves for the journey. And if I am...
What would they even do? How would they possibly take care of a child, the responsibilities, the stress? And before they even got to that, the idea of birthing one! The pain and stress and mess of it! That was-
Frank looked up suddenly from where they'd curled up on the couch, eyes still speckled with the anxious tears as they met the soft black face of Bacon, their cat. Behind her, brothers Egg and Cheese soon followed, seemingly drawn to comfort their nervous parent. Or maybe they just wanted him to feed them. Whatever the reason, he was grateful they were there. Anything to get their mind off things.
Gently patting and kissing each, Frank stumbled to their feet and wandered into the kitchen for food, both his own and the cats'. The trip to Howdy's would happen, it had to. But maybe not yet.
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loveharlow · 2 years
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PAIRING‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Ex!Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚ [1.6k] A quick glimpse into the pain and emotional turmoil caused by the breakup between JJ and Y/N...
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mentions of a failed relationship, mild angst, irrational jealousy, self-isolation, no fluff in this y'all 
A/N‧₊˚ This is the first part to something that was requested and honestly I fell in love with the concept the moment I read it. Anyway, this is a small prequel to Love Sick. Now, I'm making this request two parts because I honestly could not think of a way to transition from before the events in Love Sick to after sooo, yeah. This is also loosely inspired by Dynasty - MIIA.
Italicized paragraphs are flashbacks.
˗ˏˋ jj masterlist ˎˊ˗
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“OH, I REMEMBER THAT!” Sarah cackles from her place on John B’s lap, throwing her head back and slapping a hand on his chest as everyone else laughed along.
Except me. I forced a smile and swirled what was left in the bottom of my red solo cup as we all sat around a bonfire at the Chateau. It was super late but we didn't care.
I was trying to have a good time. I really was. But it was like no matter how hard I forced a smile or choked out a laugh — I still found myself turning my head and wiping away any tears that would fall at the sight of him.
Having the time of his life with Kie. You would think they were together. It was stupid, I know. My best friend and ex-boyfriend didn’t like each other and they’d never do that to me. Maybe I was just bitter at the sight of him talking to everyone but me.
But that was my own fault, I guess. He’d greeted me when I’d gotten here, or tried to. Almost too cheerfully, as if he didn’t rip my heart into two just a week ago…
“Are you alright?” I questioned as the blonde paced quietly around my room. He stopped in his place, faint track marks in my carpet from his previous relentless movement. He shifted his gaze up to mine, rubbing his hands nervously on his cargo shorts.
He’d texted me asking to come over and of course I told him that that was fine. However, ever since he’d walked through the door, something seemed off. Wrong.
“I think...we should break up.” JJ spat quickly, his cheeks flushing red. I stared at him blankly for a moment, eyes darting back and forth between both of his own that I wasn’t completely sure were filling with tears or not.
All of sudden, catching JJ off-guard and myself as well, I laughed. “Yeah, right.” I scoffed, my mind flying to the best case scenario of this being some kind of joke. When no smile broke out on his face and instead a lone tear rolled down his cheek and he looked away, my sarcastic demeanor fell and I could almost physically feel my heart drop to my feet. “You’re not serious, JJ.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and turned away from me completely, rubbing a calloused hand down his face. I took a swift step towards the distressed boy and put a firm hand on his shoulder, pushing it back to swing his body towards me. Not aggressively, no. I’d never hurt JJ.
“Tell me you’re not serious.” I pleaded, willing the tears in my own eyes to go away.
His tone said it all. And soon I was the one backing away, hot tears falling past my water-line and trailing down my cheeks that felt hot. My ears too — my heart was pounding and my throat felt tight. Then, I was whipping around to face him so fast I almost gave myself whiplash. “Why?” I choked out.
Then JJ was running a hand through his hair as I shook my head and walked over to my bed, plopping down on the mattress carelessly. “It’s just not working out.”
“Oh, don’t give me that shit. Don’t lie to me, JJ. The least you could do is tell me the truth.” This was me and JJ we were talking about — we always worked out. As cheesy as it is, I truly believed he was my soulmate. The only piece of the puzzle that fit my own. The soul that I’d meet in any timeline you threw out there.
“That is the truth. I’m sorry, okay? But that’s all it is.”
…And truthfully, anything from that night on is a blur. I’d been trying to act normal, do my best to get over it, y’know? But it was too much. Everything was just too much.
Nothing felt right anymore. Suddenly, my friend's laughter and loud voices became increasingly annoying, the sight of Kie’s hand on JJ’s shoulder made my blood boil, and the sight of Sarah cuddled on John B’s lap as she ran her fingers through his hair made my chest tighten knowing that used to be JJ and I as our friends told us to 'get a room'.
Standing up from my place on one of the fold-out chairs, I held up my cup as all eyes turned to me. “I'm gonna refill.” I announced before setting off into the kitchen as I heard their chatter start back up.
I was cracking open a cold can of beer when I heard the most distinct footsteps enter the quiet space. The heaviness of them gave it away. “You doin’ alright?” The blonde inquired as he leaned against the countertop next to me.
I shrugged and met his eyes for a brief second, plastering a smile on my face. “Just fine. You?”
I could see his head turn away from me as he took a sip of his own beer. “I’d say I’m doing okay. I haven’t really seen you around much.”
“You’ve seen me everyday this week.” I spoke shortly, tossing the empty tin can into the garbage and swirling my cup around to scatter the ice.
“You know that’s not what I mean-”
“Yeah, well that’s usually what happens when people break up, JJ. They distance themselves.” I snapped, my fiery gaze now on him as he straightened himself out. I could see the guilt swimming in his eyes and it made me feel guilty myself. Letting out a harsh sigh, I dropped my eyes to the floor.
“Sweetheart- Y/n. I didn’t know you were still upset about that.”
Suddenly, my head shot up and I no longer felt guilty as my eyebrows pinched together and my eyes squinted, my head tilting in the most judgmental stare one could ever receive. “You didn’t know I was still upset- JJ, what the fuck? Of course, I’m still upset. I gave 2 years of my life to you. I was in love with you. And you break up with me for what?” I hissed.
His blue eyes went wide as he sputtered to find the words to respond. It was a rare moment when I’d get angry at JJ. Throughout the duration of me knowing him, even before we got together, I always held a certain gentleness with him — knowing the nature of the relationship between him and his father, I tried my best to keep it civil and calm even when he worked my last nerve.
So, taking a brief second to collect myself and breathe, I spoke again. “You have to understand that this isn’t easy.” I muttered, already feeling my throat start to constrict itself.
He nodded and palmed the back of his neck. “I know that. And I’m sorry. I don’t know how to make it easier.”
Biting my lip and nodding my head slowly. “It’s fine. That’s not your job anymore, anyway.”
Then I felt his touch on my arm, holding back a sob that caught in my throat as I turned my head behind me as I felt the tears start to roll. “You’re still my best friend. I’ll always care about you. I’ll always love y-”
I slammed the plastic cup on the counter, some spilling over the edge as I shifted my gaze to the floor in front of me and moving back from his burning touch as his fingers slipped from my arm. “Please, stop. I can’t..” I struggled to compose myself or form a coherent sentence so squeezing my eyes shut and shaking my head, I wiped my eyes and looked up at JJ.
“I can’t do this.” And before he could so much as part his lips, I was power walking out of the door and back out into the yard of the Chateau where the others were gathered. I did my best to avoid eye contact with them all as I grabbed my phone and car keys from the chair I previously sat on.
“Woah, you okay?” Pope piped up as I stumbled behind his chair on my way to leave.
“Oooh, Is y/n tipsy? How many beers did you throw back, party girl?” John B joked, mistaking my distressed state for drunkenness. I choked out a laugh but it even sounded watery. I never met any of their eyes once. 
“I'm not drunk, asshole. Not everyone is a lightweight like you.” I tried to joke back, talking loudly as I walked to my car — unlocking it as I approached the door where I’m sure it was too dark for them to make out any of my features from far away.
Kie turned around in her seat. “Are you leaving?”
Opening the driver side door, I waved my phone in the air knowing they couldn’t see the screen from such a far distance, anyway. “Yeah, it’s getting late anyway. Don’t want mom to worry.”
I could hear their murmurs of understanding just when the door of The Chateau flew open again, JJ moving to stand on the porch — beer in hand as he followed their lead and stopped his gaze on my fleeing figure, feet away in the darkness.
Bidding farewell and getting into my car, I drove off, sparing a glance to my group of friends as I left — not missing the seemingly comforting hand Pope laid on JJ’s shoulder.
I had to pull over halfway home because of how hard I was crying. I needed JJ Maybank more than I could care to admit right now. 
WHEN I GOT HOME, I HAD A TEXT FROM KIARA ASKING IF I WAS OKAY. Somehow, she always knew when I was lying. I’d texted back assuring her I was alright but she called me when she, herself, got home and demanded I’d talk to her.
I told her everything and she listened as usual. I was always grateful for her moments like this — moments where she would comfort me even if I’d just admitted I was jealous of her for no reason.
She’d also advised me that JJ kind of sulked the rest of the night and went to bed not long after I left but she said he looked drained. Needless to say, I told her I probably wouldn’t be coming around as often and she understood for the most part.
I just needed time.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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unofficialmuilover · 10 months
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For the past few weeks, you did nothing but to strive harder to gain your strength back. Throwing yourself in harsh training. Never stopping once to rest. Setting aside your exhaustion. As Shinazugawa said, this is the matter of life or death situation, no time to play around.
Being trained by pillars who are always on duty, it was agreed upon that the Flame, Love and Mist Pillars will take turns on training you before your Final Selection. Shinazugawa only agreed to train you if you were able to pass the Final Selection.
Today, You are in the Mist Pillar's Estate, currently sword sparring with a certain Mist Hashira. Your stamina has evidently improved for the past few days and able to keep up with Muichiro's move but something feels different, you started to have a gut feeling that he was holding back and you were getting frustrated by it.
"Don't hold back" you muttered sternly, Final Selection is near and it's making you aggravated, how would you be able to know your true strength if he keeps holding back. Today's training will be about defense. Mui will attack and you will counter defend all his attacks.
"You need to warmed up first" He objected your protest. Staring at you intently, noticing your frustration.
"No, attack me with your true strength" You snapped, you were being irrational right now, you know you couldn't beat him but the pressure you are feeling right now is too immense.
"Don't let your emotions control you Y/n" he narrowed his eyes at you, he knows that you have improved drastically but not enough to match a pillar's true strength yet here you are, letting your emotions got the best of you.
Still in your fighting stance, you let out a deep breath, "Please Muichiro-san, I need to do this, I need to know how far I still need to work for" You asked your friend desperately.
Muichiro stared at you in his usual emotionless stare, before nodding at you, "tell me when you're ready" he mumbled quietly, unsure of himself if he's going to let you taste of your own medicine but you were too stubborn.
Taking a deep breath, you grip your katana tighter, before nodding at the mist hashira, "I'm ready"
In an instant, he dashes straight forward, you could barely blink before he was in front of you making you gasp at the super human speed, it was like a lighting speed. You braced yourself to deflect the attack, you were only able to deflect the first one but didn't able to block the incoming ones making you fall on the ground with Mui falling on to you. He quickly pushes himself off to you, mumbling his apologies. You ignore the offering hand to help you stand up but you stayed there, feeling defeated, frustrated, disappointed at yourself. You have guess it right, you are far too weak.
"Y/n?" Muichiro tried to call your attention but you were too disappointed to talk to anyone right now. A hand gently tapped your shoulder before you glance at him. "I'm sorry Y/n" he murmured, he felt bad using his strength on you. He shouldn't have give in to your request. It was stupid request.
"I should be the one apologising Muichiro-san" You spoke sheepishly, your head hanging low as you couldn't face him, too embarrassed how you had wasted a pillar's time to a mere slayer like you.
"Don't be, you're being... Not you.. right now" he couldn't muster a word to describe you right now, but he knows you're not being you right now.
You didn't answer him, just sit there on the ground and stare blankly. "C'mon now Y/n let's go to shelter from the sun" when he didn't receive a response, he sighs before putting his hands on each of your upper arm to raise you up making you gasp "Mui" eyes widen in shock as he lift you up like you were a feather. He's definitely strong.
"Let's rest first before training again" he muttered before pulling your wrist towards under the shade.
The both of you sit in silence and it was unsual for Muichiro to see you not talking. He got used to your talkative persona, you always blabbering about something or anything. And you're being different right now.
"What's bothering you Y/n" He asked you softly, eyebrow furrowed, head tilting towards you, confused at your sudden silence.
"I thought I became stronger but you made me realize that I'm far too weak" you whispered bluntly, You could almost taste the bitterness of your words. You're not upset with him, it's not his fault that he was far stronger compared to you, a mere slayer.
"That's not true Y/n" Mui spoke, unsure how to comfort you right now, he couldn't muster the right word to ease up your frustration. Seeing your red face from irritation and teared up eyes has made him feel weird.
You shook your head frantically, closing your eyes to keep it all together, taking a shaky deep breath to stop yourself from breaking down.
Words from past events and earlier today made you doubt yourself.
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You were on your way to the Mist Pillar's estate when you stopped over to buy some snacks at a food cart you saw when you were passing by.
"Two takoyaki order to go please" You asked nicely to the vendor. Nodding at your order "Two takoyaki, coming right up"
You waited as the vendor prepared for your order when you saw some of the demon slayer passing by, though without acknowledging them, you mind your own business.
"Hey isn't that Y/n over there?" At the mention of your name, you quickly look over to them, eyes meeting them, you offer a sweet smile but quickly falters when they roll their eyes, frowning at the sight of you before turning their backs.
You could hear them not so subtle talk about you.
"Huh, I thought Y/n has died after failing her last mission"
"No, I heard she got kick out in Demon Slayer Corp after realising she was too weak haha" The boy slayer laugh, you froze upon hearing them. Was that the real reason why you need to re take the final selection? Because you were too weak?
"Oh right! She was being train by the pillars, shameless!"
"Eh, poor pillars, their time getting wasted on some mere slayer who was too weak"
"I know right, she was only getting special treatment because she is favourite"
"Pfft bet she's working on her charms so she could flirt with the pillars haha"
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You wanted to convince yourself that none of those words were true, but Shinazugawa's word echoes.
"Hashira's time should not be wasted on some mere slayer"
"This life or death situation"
"This is no time to play around with your little crush"
You facepalm, letting out a shaky breath to gather yourself but a sob betrayed you as soon as you heard Muichiro's genuine concerned voice asking you "Are you okay Y/n"
Shaking your head once again, your lips quivering as you try to hold the pain to yourself but a tear escapes through your eyes and not for too long, tears starts streaming down your face. Making the mist hashira panic at the sight of your tears. Frantically reaching out to you but you flinched, shot up to walk away as you were too embarrassed for making a scene but a hand grasped your wrist and pulled you back down.
The mist pillar, being not the best person for these situations, was dumbfounded, he didn't know what words to comfort you, to ease up your frustrations, to take away whatever is bothering you but he knows not to let you go on your own. He scoots closer to you and gently rubs your back, not sure of himself if this is the correct way to comfort you but he has seen people rub people's back when they are crying.
Seeing as you lean on to him, he pulled you closer, making you lay your head on his shoulder as he rubs your back soothingly "shhh it's okay Y/n" he murmured softly, your tears had gradually stopped, sniffles can be heard as the both of you sit in silence.
The training and crying made you exhausted, making you fall asleep on the mist pillar's shoulder.
Letting out a small sigh as he sees your puffy and red face sleeping figure. He didn't know what triggered you to act this way. He will definitely ask you this when you wake up and had calm down.
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Slowly fluttering your eyes open, blinking a few times to clear your blurry vision, it was dark, making you sit up and look around frantically, it slowly dawned to you that you're in the Mist Pillar's Estate and remembered your foolishness earlier. 
"Kill me now" you grumbled as you facepalm as if to wipe your humiliation. You slowly got out of the bed and made your way to the bedroom door to apologize for making a fool of yourself. You should be training not sleeping. You scolded your inner self.
"Huh" It was awfully quiet, no signs of the mist pillar.
"Did he leave?" You mumbled, you went to look for the certain mint-green eyed hashira around the estate when you heard a rustling sound outside, quickly making your way over to the sound, you see him sitting by the porch, as you quietly approached him, you could make out that he was noddling at his crow before it flew away. Silence engulfed your surrounding, the sound of cicadas can only be heard. Muichiro look upon the star, you couldn't see his face but you bet his eyes were twinkling with the same amazement whenever you star gaze. He look so peaceful watching him from behind. You didn't want to interrupt his peace so you slowly back away.
"How was your sleep?" you paused upon hearing him, you look over to see he was still gazing up the sky. Without taking his eyes off from the sky, he patted the seat next to him to which you quietly walk over to, joining him with his star gazing. You have always been drawn to the stars, which was probably why you are a star user. 
"It was alright. I'm sorry for earlier" you muttered quietly. Muichiro took his eyes from the stars to glance at you, mint-green eyes filled with curiosity, "Do you want to tell me why are you upset?" he tilted his head as he wait for your answer, his eyes were looking intently at yours, waiting for you to open up but you were too ashamed to admit. 
How could you open up? It was not easy to say, 'Hey some slayers thinks that I'm too weak and wasting your time but I'm a favourite that's why I'm still being train by you' you would rather take it to your grave instead of telling him, you didn't want him to pity you or worst admit that it's true. It would totally crushed your heart. 
"It was nothing" you mumbled, hanging your head low to avoid eye contact with him, "Doesn't seem like it" he muttered, scooting closer to you. Your breath hitch when you felt his fingers reach for your chin, lifting them up to look at you, his usual blank stare was now filled with intense emotion, staring directly into your eyes as if he was looking through your soul. 
"Their words affected you" He stated the matter of fact. You froze at his statement.  "I..uh.. how did.. " you were loss for words, how did he know? 
"Ginko told me" he explained upon seeing your confused expression. Breaking your eye contact with him, you pretend to look up at the sky, pressing your cold hand to your cheeks as you feel it heat up.
"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Muichiro wondered, eyebrows furrowed as he curiously glanced at you.
Shaking your head slightly, letting out a defeated sigh, "It was humiliating" you answered so quietly, you hoped he wouldn't hear you.
"I don't understand" he mumbled, sighing as he looked upon the stars. "I don't understand why you're affected by those rascals, you didn't even know them. It was a waste of time bothering about it." he continued, you could hear in his voice that he was irritated.
You look in his direction, he was still gazing at the stars as if trying to find an answer by looking at them. You were silent for a while, questioning yourself, why are you affected by someone you didn't know?
"I don't know" you mumbled, "maybe it was the feeling that you know someone out there thinks so low of you and spreading hates about you and while you're unaware that you were getting hate and only finding out later on but you couldn't do anything to confront them or defend yourself" you starts rambling, not sure if you were making sense.
"I could torture them if you want" Muichiro suggested in his serious monotonous voice with a hint of mischievous in his eyes. His words made your eyes bulge out and slap his arm "No! You're not torturing anyone" you scolded him. "It's only going to make it worse."
"Mmm.. it won't" he shrugged his shoulder.
"It's against the Corps" you protest, not wanting him to do some drastic actions. People will hate you if he did that.
"I could get away with it" he said simply, Looking at you intently, eyes challenging you how would you convince him not to torture them "I thought you wanted to do something to defend your side"
"I thought you said it was a waste of time bothering them" You said, throwing his words back at him. Smiling triumphant as you knew you got him.
Sighing defeatedly, "Fine, I won't waste my time on some nincompoop" he muttered, rolling his eyes. "You better not let me catch you crying over those little shits" he added, narrowing his eyes at you.
You quickly nodded, "Thank you Mui" you mumbled, fumbling your hands. Keeping yourself busy, not wanting to discuss the matter any longer.
"Keep in mind that we're not wasting our time training you, we see a great potential in you. You shouldn't listen to other people's thoughts about you. You know yourself, you always should believe in yourself."
His words echoed to your mind.
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So you did, believing in yourself even if there are times it was impossible.
One day, the pillars took you somewhere to show you something. You were walking to unfamiliar path up in the mountain. Rengoku was carrying a basket full of snacks and a blanket while Mitsuri brought another basket full of her favourite foods, specially sakura mochi, Muichiro however, just brought himself.
"Where are we going" you ask with excited twinkling in your eyes, this was the nth time you asked and they wouldn't give you the answer. Making your curiosity grow the further you walk, making you more excited. You love surprises.
"Tadaaa" Mitsuri let out a squeal pointing both of her hand to a.... big rock..
Your excitement quickly vanishes as you eyed the boulder with confusion, eyebrows furrowed, glancing at them, "what are we supposed to be looking at?"
"This is your final test" Rengoku answered, smiling brightly at you before glancing back at the big rock. "You're going to cut the boulder Y/n" Mitsuri added, eyes twinkling with excitement.
"What?! That's impossible!" You shriek. You would've flat out laughed if it weren't for their encouraging serious face that stare right back at you.
"Nothing is impossible" Rengoku exclaimed! Ruffling your hair as he laughs.
Mitsuri was already seated on a spread out blanket and already munching on the mochi, giving you an encouraging thumbs up, while muichiro was seated besides her, his mint-green eyes stared at the clouds with curiosity.
Rengoku gently pushes you towards the boulder indicating for you to slice it.
You unsheathed your katana, gripping it in your hand as your stare at the big rock in front of you. 'I can do this. I can do this' you mutter to yourself as you focus all your strength on both of your biceps and arms.
"Star Breathing: 1st Form Dust of Hope"
Setting your swords with blue flame, you jumped off your position, striking after the rock.
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Tagging @mistymxxn for her continuous support. Love you 🩵💙🩵💙🩵
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pumpkzsafeplace · 10 months
| serious topic (cw: physical violence, anxiety, dissociation)
- Just letting you know that my bf uses It/They/He prns for easier reading
I got a text from my cg saying the they were assaulted by its ex boss today when it went to get the money he’s owed them for two weeks now. He went up to him and asked for it and the guy grabbed them by the neck. My bf ended up shoving him off and screaming for help. His mom came outside and asked what happened, the boss came over and said he didn’t do anything and then also asked how old my bf is (he’s a minor so it would be a bigger charge). Bfs older brother came out with a bat (didn’t do anything tho) and cops got called. My boyfriend was told to finish the task they were doing before it went to its bosses house and his phone ended up dying.
I got the text while at work and immediately told my boss I was going to have a panic attack, she sent me outside to call him and I was told the whole situation. We decided to let them finish the the task before I came over to debrief everything but of course after their phone died and it sent me into a really bad spiral bc at that point it had been two hours since we talked and when I called to make sure everything was ok the call went straight to voicemail. I have severe anxiety over things like this bc of my anxious attachment style and this really just threw me over the edge. I had to take an extra server pad to write down all my thoughts to not have another breakdown. Eventually they texted back and said I could come over. Immediately had a panic attack when it got in my car bc of all the pent up feelings and they also cried a bunch due to the situation and also how their family reacted to it.
Their mom is refusing them therapy bc of other issues it has and decided to bring it up again tonight and instead suggested just venting to me as help even though they constantly claim that I make them more depressed and “irrational” and hate me being with them. It’s just been a rollercoaster of a night and I was hoping you could maybe give some advice or reassurance to both of us bc honestly we both seek comfort in your content and I think we both need it tonight
Sorry for the long rant and I hope this isn’t too much with everything going on in your life right now, I’m very sorry for what happened at the doctors and I hope you can find someone else that can take you seriously and respects you as much as we do (I have a similar situation with a boss at work that believes my mental illnesses are fake and me being asexual isn’t true bc I’m a teenager and apparently don’t know how things work). I understand how hard things are to get over when someone invalidates you but I hope you know we all love and care for you and hope you get the assistance you deserve <3 If this is too much to reply to in just a day please feel free to take as much time as necessary. Right now both me and my partner are ok enough with the situation to wait a bit, just wanting some extra support if at all possible
I hope your days are abundant and you always feel the love you deserve <3
- 🌷
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
i'm so so so sorry to hear what the both of you went through :<
neither of you should have been put in that situation- and i'm sorry that everyone else sorta pilled it all on the both of you.
first, your boyfriend? are they alright? i couldn't imagine the ray of different emotions running through their mind at the time. i'm so proud of them for being brave- especially in such a scary scenario. i know their mum is refusing therapy, but i really think it'll be a good step. i know you want to help them- but sometimes opening up and loading all of your feelings onto someone already going through something of their own can be incredibly tough & difficult.
especially with what happened that night- i think it's best for them to speak to someone else. i do hope they feel a little better though & super duper big hugs for them <3.
and you, i hope your anxiety didn't take it out on your body too much- i know how bad anxiety & panic attacks can get <3. you also went through a lot that day & i'm super duper proud of you for doing your best to stay strong at work- i know how hard that it to so, espeically when you're so overwlemed by everything. the notepad technique was quick thinking! so i'm very proud at you for that! <3
i'm here for the pair of you & i hope you both feel a bit better soon <3. i'm always a message away & we all wish you both a speedy mental recovery <3.
big big big big hugs! <3
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
HOLY SHIT HI KOTO ANON!!! UR ASKS R LIKE… SUPER COOL. Anyways this ask is unrelated w/ koto-anons ask, i just think they’re cool,,,
anyways, more shiobi brainrot and expanding on my last ask abt kakashi because oh my fucking god, these bitches make me so fucking sad. (also the fucking naruto timeline makes my head hurt so fuck the timeline!)
Ever since he was little, Obito would always make up stories about his team in a fairytale-esk way. For example: “the white wolf who's always a stickler for rules!” and “how he saved a princess!” (this is kinda relevant idk– i wanted to include this part into the confrontation but things just don't work out)
Later on, Obito would die during THE mission– with shisui’s genin team dying within the same month. Shisui was well, inconsolable. That doesn’t help with the fact that the Uchiha clan is now looking at him with those eyes and– obito-nii please. I'm scared. please come back… – and how he’s now treated as a weapon.
Then boom Inoichi and Shisui bonding time. (more like therapy sessions but shhh…)
During this time, Shisui has never seen Kakashi ever since Obito’s death. And with the rumors of Kakashi being well… a friend killer. Uhm. yikes.
Later on in his life, he was well recruited into anbu– he saw like kakashi in his hound mode (kakashi’s inner thoughts: oh god oh fuck– OBITO’S LITTLE BROTHER. IS IN FUCKING ANBU. FUCK. (kakashi’s a mess and i love him)) 
He passes yada yada. Skipping to Kakashi’s and Shisui’s confrontation–
“S–Shisui...?” and just like that, the air within Shisui’s lungs [just evaporates.] He knew that voice– no, he knows that voice. [smth smth about being obito’s teammate)
His mind is clouded with denial, grief, and.. and.. 
… and anger. [so so so much anger boils inside Shisui]. He wanted to yell why Obito died instead of him. He wanted to sob into him knowing that his older brother’s death didn’t go to waste and how he knew he cared way too much about his teammates and and– He wanted to attack Kakashi right there and then because how dare he–!
He… … feels a lot of things about Kakashi and it takes [his entire willpower to not contort his face.] “... I hate you so much,” He blurted with [such venom in his voice]. He knows he shouldn’t let his anger get the better of him– he knows it isn’t kakashi’s fault but… feelings are so so irrational, aren’t they?
Hou– Kakashi [took a step back– no, backpedaled.] and and … fuck.
“I’m… For what it’s worth, I’m.. I’m sorry,” Kakashi said, his voice hitching. “Sorries won’t bring Obito back.” He spat, before walking away from him.
Ok so, i cannot believe i actually wrote that WHOOPS. Is Shisui a bit ooc? Maybe but shh! Anyways! After that, they both tip toed towards each other before they decide to actually get to know each other and bond through the trauma they both went through.
Shisui never knew how Obito truly died just that he knew that Kakashi had Obito’s eyes (and for all that he hated Kakashi, he knew he wasn’t a bloodline thief.) and then boom trauma bonding then boom Shisui died presumeably from suicide. (which uh… not the best move Shisui)
Kakashi just went straight to grieving mode because he lost the last connection to Obito and spent his life devoted to protecting Naruto because he isn’t gonna lose another precious person of his.
This is just a rough idea, my daydreams are wayyy more in depth but i need to get this outta my system lol.
It is currently 11 pm. I think I have a problem with asking during ungodly hours <3 ALSO IF ANYONE ELSE WANNA WRITE ABT THIS… PLS DO. I DON’T HAVE THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE 😭
- N
N-anon 🤝 me, star struck for Koto-anon lmao
This ask is a feat! I'm so impressed, let me try to respond systematically
Fuck the Narutoverse timeline? Fuck the Narutoverse timeline! I spent three days in 2021 trying to make it make sense and then i just gave up and built my own timeline (hence some wonky ages, most notably Shisui) 😅 it was waaaaaay too long for my AO3 A/Ns (not because i thought so, c'mon i don't shut up, but because it literally went over word limit) so...idk if people are interested, I could talk about it more on here???
Honestly the fairytale element just makes me desperately want a fantasy, magical, or even an InkHeart AU 🥺
Honestly, I'm not sure it IS OOC because, let's be honest, Shisui probably has a fair bit of repressed anger and he probably (ironically) would have some feelings about eye implants so writing a scene/fic where Shisui flips his tits at Kakashi just sounds cathartic to me! I can't believe you wrote honest to God dialogue in my askbox, I'm very honoured (genuinely, this takes time) ✨
This sounds like a great wip idea! If it ever hits the page (I'm not sure my askbox counts?) then please link me!
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firstkanaphans · 11 months
hi!! I just wanted to pop by and say your soulmate fic has been living in my head rent free since you posted it 😆 idk how im gonna survive the weeks between updates considering im already losing my mind at ch 1?? but the premise is fascinating and i also echo the other anon who mentioned that the kan line about how devastated he was about not feeling your soulmate stuck with me sooo much because it was so gut wrenching 😭 (how did you manage this, to pack so much top tier angst into one line and from a side character at that?!?! haha) i was stuck on that bit for so long! It breaks my heart that kan probably took comfort in his soulmate's touches like akk did too, but that brief panic at it being a boy and doing something irrational without thinking it through then suddenly kan realizing that one comforting presence he'd always had was gone with no way to tell his soulmate he was sorry :(( GODDD the Pain!!! (I am curious though, how a couple who are both not virgins might find each other if they don't have that psychosensory cue?)
annother thing about the kan part was that it made me think about aye - ohh i can't wait to see more of him in the next chapter because i'm so curious about where his headspace on soulmates is. because i feel like aye must have been SO yearning for anything at all from his soulmate but if he never felt anything back i wonder if he thought he just didn't have one/they were gone. which also breaks my heart to think about, poor aye 😭 especially added in with the fact that akk was so startled by the sudden absence of his soulmate's presence that he finally even reached out himself but by then it was too late or aye would have reached back.... aaaand now i'm aching all over again for akk because im thinking of him dealing with the idea of thinking his soulmate had died and grappling with the regret of not having reached out when he could have...and i wonder if aye is unabashedly thinking of akk directly, because he thinks he doesn't have a soulmate so he thinks its harmless... omg. this fic is making me feel ALLL the things and its only chapter 1?!? what kind of sorcery is this?????
also wooow so sorry for the unsolicited word vomitting essay spiraling about the fic in your askbox!! 😂 its not very coherent and its all over the place but this is just a horribly long winded way of me wanting you to know that i'm super excited about your fic and can't wait for the next update! thanks for your writing :) ❤️
Kan, my beloved 🥹. He really is a hot mess in every universe. Honestly, I may end up writing a companion piece about Kan and Thua because I have a lot of feels about them and I don't think I'm going to be able to include it all in the main fic.
As for how two people who aren’t virgins might find each other, it would just be the same as you and me. They’d have to go about it the old-fashioned way: through trial and error. Although there are some subtle signs that you might notice as the fic goes along.
Chapter two (which should be posted later today!) will focus very heavily on Aye’s feelings towards his soulmate, but I think you're definitely on the right track. Since he never really felt Akk, he didn't think he was there and made decisions accordingly.
And please never apologize for word vomiting in my inbox about my fics! This was an absolute delight to read. Sorry I didn’t respond earlier! It’s been a busy week 😅. And thank you so, so much!! I’m happy you’re enjoying it 💕
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echosong971 · 2 years
Hi I don't remember if I ever asked this before but and its kinda probably stupid but well my anxiety is a things so yeah. Is it betraying for me to get an xbox when I grew up with mostly playstation consoles?
I mean I ask this really because my dad keeps saying that he doesn't understand why I wanted an xbox because we always played on PlayStations. (besides the few nintendo consoles we got on occasions. ) to be honest the xbox was a spur of the moment thing I randomly mentioned to my mom while we where at the store and now I am kinda second guessing myself because everyone keeps talking about how I wanted a nintendo switch all year. (which I do want one its just I figured I could buy it myself when I get a job and not have to worry about anyone else getting it for me. ) which i'm just struggling to really explain it all to my dad because the only reason I ever wanted an xbox was for certain games like halo and others that aren't on the ps4 . I don't know how to tell him that I don't really know why I got the xbox or why I really wanted it because for years its always been my secret thing I wanted for me and now its real and its here and everyone knows I wanted it and yet somehow I don't know if I am really happy for it. I thought about just taking it back to be honest but at the same time I want to keep it.
honestly you don't have to answer this but I kinda trust that you are a nice person that hopefully wont call me a complete idiot. I don't have any friends to talk with so you are like the closest person I would consider a friend kind of? anyway thanks for just reading this and have a safe weekend because the weather is being wacky lately where I live anyways lol
Aw man sorry to hear you’re goin’ through that!! And you’re right, I don’t think you’re stupid at all or that you’re an idiot. Anxiety can just be super irrational like that sometimes.
I don’t think you are betraying anyone at all by getting an Xbox despite being more of a PS person. Heck, I usually play on Xbox, but I’ve been considering also getting a PlayStation cause there are some games I would LOVE to play but can’t cause of the console restrictions.
Being dissatisfied in something you get is also a perfectly normal emotion to have and you’re not a villain for feeling it. Sometimes we idolize the experience of getting something and then have our joy dashed when it doesn’t meet all of our expectations. So if the Xbox isn’t really doing it for you anymore, that is alright! And if you feel like you wanna return it, trade it in or sell it, all the more power to you my dude! Do what makes you comfortable and what you feel would make you happy.
On the flip side, if you wanna keep it, that’s also totally chill! I don’t see the harm in having both consoles haha. And I think your dad will understand the logic of you telling him “there are games on this console I can’t play on the other, that’s the main reason I got it,” cause that’s usually the reason most other people get the alternate console to the one they have.
All-in-all, you’re not betraying anyone at all for having both consoles. And honestly, I think it’s super sweet that you got both of them haha and I also might just be a LIL bit jealous xD
I hope this helps alleviate your anxieties and I wish you much peace of mind no matter what your decision ends up being!!
Have a safe weekend! ♥️
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duck-era-lexi · 9 months
olivia rodrigo GUTS review
i didnt write this yesterday bcuz my house power went out cuz of hurricane
all american bitch - oh okay so this is a ROCK album. comparing this to traitor is funnnyyy, and this is coming from someone who's fav sour song is traitor. this is abt just like patriotism in a teenage girl gen Z type shit way, like a loyalty to the basic bitch culture lmfao
bad idea right - damn i love this song, the lyrics make me like be like ughhh girl r u fr right now. it's abt her going back to her ex because she's irrationally attached to him, but the way she tells the story is so funny. she's so sassy and it's so extra
vampire - ah yes the taylor swift song. this is very sour olivia but she sounds older, it's abt dating an older guy. the vampire metaphor isn't perfect but i love the "girls your age know better." i don't really take it as alt pop type beat despite the dark metaphors. vocals are absolutely amazing but like i havent listened to the rest of the album so ...
lacy - where is rock... i can imagine this being a skip because it's a very quiet song in a very loud album. this is about being lacy in like the sex appeal way of lace but also fragile and sensitive. i don't really like the melody it's kinda dull but the lyrics are particularly intuitive. OR it's about a person??? news articles r confusing me but lacy the word makes more sense to me
ballad of a homeschooled girl - the song that's everyone talking abt, the ex disney prodigy life. Very rock again and i also take this as a possible gifted kid anthem. yes olivia is a theater kid but no hate theater kids don't listen to olivia rodrigo or any type of mainstream music. sorry i got off topic but yes prodigy toxicity
making the bed - wow okay back to pop. song abt being objectified and used as a housewife, and the irrational behaviors that come with that. working too hard in a relationship, but she's also very quiet and sort of unsure about speaking up.
logical - someone not making sense but it's a super dramatic loud song. similar tones to vampire in terms of intensity and super strong on the men Bad and Stupid annoying bitches. "love is not logical" basically the entire song not super deep
get him back! - yo this album kinda's exhausting. can girl catch a break. this is literally about teenage delusion... i guess it's also about that "sweet revenge" but the entire thing to me reads like absolute teenage girl delusion. her narrative is that he sucks so she's gonna get him back and then break his heart even further. ok sure
love is embarassing - kinda self explanatory. cute song and she sounds like she's trying to cope by lifting herself up. it's like that feeling you get when you deal with drama and you're complaining to your friend but at the end of the day you still have to go out and live your lives so you're just like "yeah it's whatever i guess... but kinda stupid"
the grudge - this is about after a breakup, hearing your ex's voice in your head telling you you're not good enough. but at the same time you hold a grudge against them they are also negatively affecting your life in Your head. "cuts are never equal"
pretty isn't pretty - beauty is pain and yeah i agree with this one heavily. this is abt teenage girl bullshit insecurity, and how all the pretty girls are built from inherent insecurity and not feeling good enough.
teenage dream - song about not being good enough, and getting the teeange dream but not being able to sustain the life. and thinking it's all your fault. i'm also pretty sure this is about her blowing up at 17 and thinking that she'll never achieve the same popularity and success she did with her debut album.
conclusion- i hope olivia gets a good man in her life. the most positive song relationship song in this is "bad idea right" and that's well... certainly a stretch. olivia is compared to taylor swift a lot but it's probably much more accurate to compare her to paramore. comparing this album to fearless is crazy, taylor's albums are generally much more positive (regardless of the authenticity of that) while olivia talks a lot about the corruption behind most of gen z's personas, and the issues teens struggle with. but like... girl u deserve better <3
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burning-sol · 1 year
eldtrichstrings ask game your honour
you probably have and i havent seen but have you thought much about how it would go if exandroth successfully possessed rumi like he was trying to do in ep 13?
INTERESTING QUESTION. I have indeed thought about it!! I made a little post with *some* exploration of the concept-- but what I find is that I get really hung up on what sorta dynamic these two would even have, because where the story had left off these two are in a complicated spot to say the least.
The BIG conflict that I see is that Rumi is VERY upset at Peter dying, and it is NOT going to go down well if Exandroth pops out and is like "HEY RUMI, I'M FREE FROM THE SWORD!! ALSO PETER IS DEAD-DEAD SO I HOPE YOU DIDN'T CARE ABOUT HIM THAT MUCH--" like Rumi is EXTREMELY volatile at this point, and if Rumi found out about that then I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to kill Exandroth themselves. Trying to possess Rumi would be a constant fight, it's just not going to work.
But I guess that's under the assumption that Exandroth KILLS Peter... Which wasn't necessary. If Exandroth had managed to slip out WITHOUT killing Peter, then maybe the response would be relief? Annoyance? But not outright intent to murder Exandroth, so that's a start.
^^^ Oh and ig to make it clear. I find this detail super important because we know that the host is able to fight for control of the vessel AND can override the possessor. So while Peter just sorta LET Exandroth take control, I cannot see why Rumi would!! Rumi is assertive!! Rumi would beat the shit out of Exandroth!!! The idea of Exandroth being able to take control so easily is very laughable to me <- it is overestimating itself for realsies.
And even then, Peter is right about possession hurting Rumi!! If Exandroth tries to shove Rumi around like it did with Peter then that's going to be Exandroth choosing VERY directly to hurt Rumi - which Exandroth has not done up until that point. Exandroth is in love with Rumi, like CRAZY in love, by this point, so it's hard to tell how willing Exandroth would be to do that? It's one of those things where its up to you how far Exandroth would go, because there is no canonical answer. It's a tricky question.
Just personally, if it wasn't clear already, I think that this divergence in canon sounds REALLY cool, but more realistically would be a moment of... "So what now?" Exandroth may talk hot shit but Exandroth was NOT thinking things through when it came up with the idea, and you can see this with how Exandroth can't actually answer Peter's questions. What are you going to do when you possess Rumi? You know that's going to hurt them right? Why would you want to do that? ..Exandroth can't come up with an answer because it doesn't KNOW. All Exandroth knows is that it doesn't wanna be trapped in a sword, and it jumped to an irrational, poorly thought out plan.
Sorry if this feels too long or rambly or isn't a very good answer. I'll probably end up writing more about fun hypotheticals later, but I guess here's my thoughts on the concept itself.
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birchghost · 2 years
The thing about mental health diagnoses is that all the ones that seem like they could fit me also say like "irrational fear of __" or something to that effect. However all of my fears and idiosyncrasies and totally rational
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