#Sue & Mina
georgiacooked · 1 year
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Some sticker designs from earlier this year, featuring The Crew Of Light and additional friends!
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snow--witch · 5 months
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Little thorn 🥺♥️
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boredmuse · 2 years
Van Helsing is a Mary Sue. Everyone meets him once, and can't stop going on about how good and kind and noble and trustworthy he is.
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reneedenoailles · 23 days
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this scene is lowk so funny. i love gay girls
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justanotherrcblog · 11 months
Tony looking sus/aware of whatever’s going on…
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I’m not on his route, and I didn’t screenshot *everything*, so I’m probably missing a bunch of relevant moments, but what are your theories?
While we’re in the meta horror sub genre, this looks more specific to the situation than just trope awareness
M.C is definitely connected as well, dreaming of and being drawn to the castle. Does he know this too?
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phandomtaleweaver · 4 months
“Meet the Crew”
No pairings, fluff, 700+ words
Thunderbird is new to the team and eager to make friends, Rainbow’s main pilot seems to be a good place to start
Mina headed out to go look over her helo. It was only a few days into her second week at Hereford, and she didn’t quite know everyone. It was also only six in the morning, so no one was likely awake to hang out or spar. At least she knew that Sanaa would not be, she wasn’t a morning person. That all said, the last thing Mina expected when she walked into the hanger was for the lights to be on and someone playing music.
She was pretty sure the music was German and the song sounded like it was saying something about an “Aüslander” whatever that was. She was a fan of rock music so she didn’t mind, but she did wonder who was up this early listening to something energetic.
“Hello?” She called out. There was no response.
“Hello, is someone in here?” She called again louder. This time the music turned down and then off. On the far side of the hanger, where the music had been coming from, she heard a voice.
“Hallo? Mina Sky?”
She walked over and saw a blond man sitting on the floor working on some machine part with a radio next to him. He had twisted around to slightly face her and was smiling brightly.
“Yeah, uh, how did you know it was me?” She returned the smile.
“Oh, I’m just weird like that,” he smiled even bigger for a moment.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know if we’ve officially met.”
“Marius Striecher.” He stood but didn’t offer his hand for her to shake. Without missing a beat he continued. “Sorry, I don’t really shake hands.”
“That’s alright. You’re very chipper for the early hour.”
“Early?” Marius looked confused. He checked his watch and looked sheepish.
“Oops,” He turned to clean up his workspace. “I promised Dom I wouldn’t stay up all night. S’alright though.” Marius looked over his shoulder and smiled.
Mina smiled back and looked over his shoulder to see what he had been doing.
“What was that song you were listening to?”
“Oh that was Rammsien- that’s the band actually. The song is Aüslander. It means outsider.”
“Yeah, it’s not really that deep. It’s kinda about a guy who sleeps around I think…least that’s what Dom said. It just kinda makes my brain calm when I listen to loud music. Do you feel like an outsider?”
“You’re new to the team. Some people take some time to feel at home.”
“I don’t think so because I know Sanaa, and Tina and Sebastian are nice.”
“Oh yeah they are.” He looked down and murmured something. “I have to send that documentary about Dahmer to ‘Bastion” then he looked up again. “I saw you were a pilot, I mean I read your file- the declassified bit that is- and I like your chopper.”
“So you’re the other pilot?”
“Yep,” Marius nodded proudly. “Well the main one.”
“Do you want a tour?” She gestured to her helo. Marius nodded emphatically.
Half an hour later the tour was done and Marius was yawning. Mina had learned a few things about the other pilot in that time. For one he was very sweet and very intelligent and a bit straightforward. He bid her a good night, or good day? and wandered out of the hanger.
She stood in the hanger smiling to herself. What an odd fellow this Marius Stretcher was. A voice interrupted her thoughts.
“What’s got you smiling so early?”
Mina opened her eyes to see a bearded man leaning on the door frame smoking a cigarette. He raised his eyebrows at her.
“The other pilot is a character.”
“I see you met Marius then,” the man chucked. “He didn’t talk your ears off I hope.”
“Not in the slightest. I don’t think we’ve met.”
“Nein, I just got back late last night.” He put his cigarette out, walked over and stuck his hand out. “Dominic Brunsmeir, resident troublemaker, and don’t tell Gustave I was smoking.”
“Mina Sky,” she shook his hand. “Hiding bad habits from Dr. Kateb?”
“Always, but he’ll figure it out on his own soon enough,” Dominic smiled.
Mina knew she’d fit in with this bunch of misfits quite well.
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kattimaxx · 1 year
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Oh no! I raised my light stats!!! No please!!! I wanna join Shadow but Sue is her bestie so...😭
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
What d you think of the term "Mary Sue"? Does a Sonic character fit that criteria?
Well, hm. What is the definition of a Mary Sue? It's usually a new person inserted in to a world of pre-established characters, who everybody likes, they have an answer to every problem, and are effectively perfect at everything, right?
As I recall, it literally comes from a 1970s/1980's Star Trek fanfiction where a woman literally named "Mary-Sue" made her way on to the Enterprise and everybody on crew fell in love with her. I believe the climax of the story saw Mary-Sue committing the ultimate act of nobility and sacrificing herself to save the crew, but don't quote me on that.
Generally, the view is that a "Mary Sue" is an author (or viewer) insert. They are best friends with the main cast and go on cool new adventures like they were one of the gang. It's wish fulfillment. That doesn't always have to be the case, and the term has broadened to describe bad, "flawless" characters overall.
Over the years, Sonic has had a couple of Mary Sues, yes.
The one I think of sometimes is in the Archie comics: Mina Mongoose.
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Mina was created for one reason, and one reason alone: to complicate Sonic and Sally's "will they/won't they" relationship. She was there to make Sally jealous by drawing Sonic's eye. They even gave her super speed like Sonic, in order to give him someone he could relate to more. All the characters liked Mina, and even Sally couldn't really hate her. Mina even did the ultimate Mary Sue thing and took a bullet for Sally, sacrificing her own life for the main characters (she lived, though).
Later stories featuring Mina tried to make her a little more three-dimensional (particularly when Ian Flynn came in), but she was eventually erased from the continuity when the lawsuit troubles began.
And then of course the biggest and most obvious Mary Sue would be Christopher Thorndyke from Sonic X.
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His mother is a famous movie star, his father is an outrageously successful business man. They have an effectively infinite amount of money. Chris doesn't live in a mansion -- it's more accurate to call it a palace. He has his own personal maid and butler. His grandfather is a famous inventor. His uncle is a famous F1 racer (who is now the squad leader of elite highway patrol cops). And he has plenty of friends at school, because he's kind, generous, and likable. The third season of Sonic X even reveals he has a genius-level intellect, just like his grandpa.
In short, this kid has zero flaws. Anything he could ever want in life he either already has, could buy easily, or could even just build. At some point he solves interdimensional travel and tours the galaxy in a spaceship. On top of all that, he gets to hang out with Sonic and be one of his buddies. When viewed like this, it's easy to see why he gets a lot of hate online.
There may be more, but those are the two strongest examples.
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artistaforever · 4 months
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conandaily2022 · 6 months
Miss Earth 2023 results: Mina Sue Choi crowns successor in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
beauty pageant: Miss Earthedition: 23rddate: December 22, 2023 venue: Vạn Phúc City, Hiệp Bình Phước, Thủ Đức, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnamorganizer: TNA Entertainmenthosts: James Deakin, Huỳnh Thị Thuỳ Dungperformers: Shontelle, Jaykii, Mono, Sara Luujudges: Mika Vanhanen, Jesson Capuchino, Jay Barbo, Arvin Cabachete, Lisa Song Sutton, Mel Caparas  candidates: 85 FINALISTS PLACEMENTNAME…
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oh2e · 1 year
Had the absolute genius idea that my character Wolf would go by the name Dean and I could even make it make sense if I changed her name from Wilhelmina to Wilmadean
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normanblogs · 1 year
Hanna Kim: Will she take inspiration from Korea’s win in Miss Earth?
Hanna Kim: Will she take inspiration from Korea’s win in Miss Earth?
Miss Universe Korea Hanna Kim possesses a couple of qualities that are similar to Miss Earth 2022 Mina Sue Choi. Their physical features are not far apart. They both stayed in the US, with this lady having been born in Los Angeles where grew up till she was 4, returned to Orange County back in 2010 and moved to New York five years later. Hence, she has a decent facility in English as spoken…
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thethirdromana · 7 months
His bundle of names links all our little band of men together; but we call him Quincey.
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on 6000 years of longing. on love, even in the face of annihilation.
Mitski, "Star" // Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone., This is How You Lose the Time War // Mitski, "I Don't Smoke" // Anne Sexton // Phoebe Bridgers, "Moon Song" // Mina Loy, "Three Moments in Paris" // Mitski, "I'm Your Man" // Emery Allen // Lilith Kerr, from unloving the knife // Hozier, "From Eden" // Sue Zhao // Lilith Kerr, from unloving the knife // Yves Olade, "Belovéd" // Hozier, "NFWMB" // Natalie Wee, "Least of All, Our Bodies & Other Fine Machines // Richard Siken, Crush // Richard Siken, Crush // unknown (I'm sorry, I can't find the original author) // Hozier, "Francesca" // Hozier, "Unknown / Nth" // The National, "Don't Swallow the Cap" // Neil Hilborn, "A Place Where Someone Loves You" // Lucille Clifton, "climbing" // The Crane Wives, "Never Love an Anchor" // Richard Siken, "Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out" // Jane Austen, Emma // Phoebe Bridgers, "Waiting Room" // unknown
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justanotherrcblog · 11 months
Ok, they’re cute 🥰
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