scopophilic1997 · 26 days
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_971 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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taxed-up-trotter · 1 month
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dr simptio anyways isnt aventurines boss form wife material
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braisedhoney · 6 months
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fighting back? against who? they're so happy—they've been waiting for you.
you are wonderful. don't you know that?
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bonus: they play sims together :)
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poopopto · 11 months
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sualne · 1 year
something i wish i'd see more in trigun fanarts is people having vash speak their native/non-english languages completely unprompted, ive seen folks have him speak french, which he canonically knows, but i really do believe he's a polyglot. mostly because of that one time in the desert when he saw the samurai and wanted to greet him in japanese but struggled to remember how to even say hello.
my headcanon is that rem had them learn as many languages as possible but with the big fall and so many people dying, which i think is what led english to became No man's land main (or even only?) language, means that vash (and knives!) both got horribly out of practice and are various sort of rusty in every others languages.
what im saying if there's any pun or joke you've been dying to write but just doesn't work in english vash (and knives!!) are right there!
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19burstraat · 4 months
Idk why you would hc or interpret that Kaz would be possessive of / excessively jealous with Inej once they're 'official' post-canon (major misreading of their relationship imo) when instead you can have shit like Sailor's Wife Brekker:
Kaz, ten seconds after Inej leaves: It Has Now Been Twenty Years Since Inej Put Out To Sea And I Am Certain I Will Never Live To See Her Return, Or That She Has Found A Superior Man Who Truly Deserves Her On Some Distant Shore. I Tragically Make My Peace With Being A Sailor's Widow And Never Seeing Her Again. I Will Dedicate My Life, My Anger Issues, And My Demonic Intellect To Her Noble Cause.
Inej, somewhere on the True Sea on the boat he bought her: hope my ketterdam mobster husband is still alive and hasn't been beaten to death in a gang brawl! miss him :)
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edscuntyeyeshadow · 2 months
no matter how many times i watch episode 10, the “namby pamby in a silk gown pining for his boyfriend” line never fails to completely turn my stomach.
the entire scene is probably one of the most enraging moments of television i’ve ever witnessed tbh. this show is so good at making you feel shit oh my god.
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“i should have let the english kill you. what you’ve become (queer/feminine) is a fate worse than death.”
nobody besides ed in canon knows that this is what actually went down. and nobody besides ed ever will! because They Cancelled My Fucking Show!
punching a wall
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ripplerain · 2 months
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remember the original of this? no you don’t.
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hxllo-hui · 2 years
Read The Wedding Planner on ao3 by @famousinthatanonymousway a while ago^^ baker Phoenix my beloved
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kamishinonomes · 4 months
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Really old doodles i dug up from april last year lmao
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creativesplat · 5 months
I would also like to see some miphlink, if that's okay!
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I was really struggling with what to draw, and then I remembered your ask from ages ago (dang ADHD brain...) anyway, sorry its such a late answer, but Miphlink inspired by Dicksee's La Belle Dame
#thank you so so much for the ask stars!! I had completely forgotten about it (I'm so so sorry!!) and it saved me from an artist-not-arting#you know the sort of pent up unpleasant feeling you get when you need to do something creative but its not happening and then its sad?#yeah I didn't get that because your ask suddenly popped into my head! so very happy about that :) thank you!#link is a horse girl and we need more of it in life#also to try and get the flowy fabric look that Dicksee's La Belle Dame has without putting Link in a dress I decided to modify Mipha's fins#and then added some of that gorgeous salmon colour from the original piece#also the reason the reason the champions tunic etc have that grey tinge to it is because the knight was wearing armour in the original piec#with a beautiful duckegg blue grey colour and I thought including that might be fun too!#anyway#the couple that is perfect for one another and should always be together for all time: Mipha and Link#mipha#link#botw#creativesplat draws#breath of the wild#miphlink#lipha#I really need to catch up on the miphlink tag... its so exciting to have so much wonderful art and writing to look through but I am a rathe#busy/ adhd forgetful bean so whenever I get round to reading or looking at art... there will be a long reblog/ queue of miphlink stuff!#eventually#at some point#because fashionably late (coughjustlatecough) is my middle name!#enough rambling sorry#I love drawing miphlink its like a comfort drawing thing#like her head is so squidgy and so easy to doodle so if ever my brain is bored or I want to draw and need happy hormones but can't find the#mipha is the answer because the squishy head is just sooooo good#the designers of mipha were amazing and I love them#epona#tloz#zelda
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biblicalhorror · 9 months
Has anyone addressed the fact that laszlo and nadja had matching hair highlights AGAIN in the finale but this time they were blue
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angeart · 11 months
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"I think you’re the first person who’s ever done that for me."
“What, pointed a crossbow in someone’s face? Or scared off potential customers?” 
Scar inhales sharply, “You chose me.” 
art for @mochiwrites fantastic fic and like an arrow, you broke me down, because it makes me insane
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zerosocialskillz · 15 days
Amaterasu, what do you think of some of the other competitors in the tourney?
“If I talk about all of my thoughts, we’ll be here all day, so perhaps I should talk about a couple.”
“Rubi, my competitor… they’re cute, not going to lie. I’m surprised that she is friends with a dark matter.”
“Clark… I hope he gets out of the IKEA. Zero could really need another awoofy friend.”
Zero looks at Amaterasu, surprised. Amaterasu gave it a smug look.
“Rimuri… they seem nice. Them being the new leader of the dark matter of their world was surprising to me, but considering that each Zero’s biology seems to differ from world to world, why should I be surprised?”
Amaterasu’s smile fell.
“It… pains me to learn of his fate. I know that’s not my Zero doing those terrible things, but… it still hurts to hear that it did those terrible things to him…”
“…and the worst part? I can see it doing that exact same thing. Before Kirby came and changed its ways.”
“…say, where did our ‘Noir’ went, anyway?”
Zero looked away.
“…Kirby killed him. I saw it with my own eye.”
Amaterasu looked down.
“You… you said that he only wanted a friend, yes?”
Zero nodded slowly.
“I think, if we’ve met Kirby in different circumstances, then he could have… we could have…”
Zero trailed off. It then looked upwards. A red tear fell from its eye.
“Is this what it feels when one loses their own child?”
“I… I didn’t even feel guilty…”
Amaterasu placed her hand on the fallen god’s fur, massaging it. Comforting it. Zero closed its eye, feeling content.
And yet…
“…sometimes, I wonder why you forgive me despite everything I did.”
Amaterasu looked at Zero.
“Because you’re not that person anymore. You don’t want to harm your children, even if they are defective or otherwise, right?”
Amaterasu then cleared her throat.
“Sorry, anon. It got off-topic at the end.”
Tsukuyomi pops out of nowhere.
“And how about Sir Uther?”
“Don’t vote for him. And don’t vote for Tsuku if he joins next year.”
“Hey! I was just trying to lighten up the mood!”
“I appreciate it, but I don’t think Amy forgives you for digging that up.”
Tsukuyomi pouted.
OC owners in order of the mentioned characters (apologies!):
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whipped-cheese · 5 months
Friend requested I draw something with their sona and one of the skrunklies from my (A Bad Teaser au/lust au) aaaaanndddd so i drew this!! :]
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[click for quality]
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snakeoid · 2 years
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i wanted to do ganyu for blacktober too..
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