#The Journey Home
arcanespillo · 8 months
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“The Journey Home”
Supernatural S1E09
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saisons-en-enfer · 9 months
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Caleb, holding out the bead that summons a fire elemental and offering it to the group
Beauregard: Are you sure you don’t want it? Fire’s, like, your thing.
Caleb stares at her for a moment before quietly saying “Fire’s not my thing...” Sounding very very hurt. 
Like, obviously it is very much this thing, but Caleb just��realizing that that’s how the others see him, an agent of fire, the very thing he used to murder his parents... 
What an uncomfortable realization
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twopoppies · 1 year
This looks amazing - a trailer for a new dance film that has used Harry's Fine Line album as the soundtrack
Oh wow. That looks intense. So cool that they used his music. Fine Line really is that album, isn’t it?
"The 38th House on the Left" is a mesmerizing episodic dance and poetry infused film that follows the journey of its central character as he navigates through different mental states in search of his true self. Set to the evocative soundtrack of Harry Styles' critically acclaimed album 'Fine Line', this film is an exploration of the human experience and our ability to process difficult moments.
On this journey, we experience the highs and lows of self-discovery, learning to embrace his vulnerabilities and celebrate his unique journey.
The themes of love, discovery, and celebration of oneself are woven throughout the film, as the character learns to navigate his past and present and embrace his true identity. The use of dance and poetry serves to amplify the emotional intensity of each scene, with every movement and word conveying a deep sense of vulnerability and authenticity.
As the character moves through each mental state, he gradually sheds his inhibitions and embraces a new sense of freedom and liberation. The film is both exciting and vulnerable, full of life and love, and ultimately represents a journey home, the journey back to oneself.
The film asks the audience to reflect on the question "what you do you know of love?" as it explores the power of love to transform and heal even the most wounded of souls.
"The 38th House on the Left" is a powerful cinematic experience that offers a profound exploration of the human condition. With breathtaking cinematography and a soulful soundtrack, this film is a must-see for anyone seeking to find their way back to themselves and celebrate the power of love.
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quotablefanfiction · 3 months
“You are going to break that one of these days,” Bilbo scolded. Above his head, the light swayed and shimmered. Gandalf grimaced and rubbed his head. “It’s going to break me one of these days.”
Gandalf has continued issues with Bilbo’s chandelier (chp. 1)
The Journey Home by tirsynni (AO3) The Hobbit – General – Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield #Alternate Univers #Canon Divergence #Everyone Lives #Misunderstandings #Mild Angst #Happy Ending
Bilbo awoke alone on the battlefield. He had no idea that his request to go home would keep him alone for a long time.
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goranvisnjicdaily · 3 months
The Journey Home
Good morning! It's Friday and spring has ran away from what I see.... Winter is still here!!! 🤔
Soooo, I decided to watch "The Journey Home" or "L'aventure Polaire" for my Canadian Frenchies ;) The Movie was filmed in Canada from what I saw on IMDb 😁 (yes, you guess it, I'm a Canadian girl! 🍁) I'm not yet done with screencaping the movie, but I'm telling you, Goran is ultra adorable in it! I love it when he's the villain Nicholae Schiller, or Flynn, but can we appreciate the good and lovely Muktuk saving that teenage boy from frozing to death?? And that Polar Bear Cub?? I can't, I just can't, it's too lovely!!
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Credit: https://quinlan.it/2014/10/20/mio-amico-nanuk/
The Stills are also available 👉 here
I will add the screencaps later tonight or tomorrow.
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leonaquitaine · 1 year
The Journey Home, Part 1
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This visual project is an adaptation of a wonderful, bittersweet one-shot manga that I read a while ago using XIV shots and post-process. My plan is to release a few new pages every couple of weeks - or faster, depending on how much real life allows.
I hope you enjoy it!
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girl4music · 5 months
Wow. Holy shite. What an amazing human being.
They get it. They absolutely get it. The whole fitting into a box bullshit. Pushing aside our true nature as human beings to be and do what we think is our truth but is actually just force-fed social conditioning to please everybody that doesn’t have our best interests or care about what or who we are as a human being.
Whenever I talk about not believing in identity, what I mean is it’s a story of “I am” that we tell ourselves to be and do to navigate in this incredibly harsh and toxic world thinking that we’ll be better for it when it’s really just preventing our soul’s evolution. The pain in our bodies and minds that we can experience when we force ourselves to be somebody we’re absolutely not.
I’m not surprised that now Dom has come home to their most authentic self that they don’t want to act anymore. Playing characters that don’t align with who we are as people must be incredibly tough to do when you value your higher self and true nature as it really is.
They were very brave to express this and post it knowing the reputation they have as an actor.
I am really just completely floored at this. It was very beautifully and candidly put. They’re clearly a writer.
And I’ve really got to stop referring to them by and as “Dominique” when they’re only comfortable with “Dom” for any kind of noun to refer to them by and as. Not sure about “Provost-Chalkley”. But I will always have massive love, respect and support for someone who is being the most ‘me’ that they’ve ever been even when it would work in their favour professionally and financially to continue portraying not like them.
I’ve noticed actors/singers in the spotlight are a good majority of famous people that go on this journey and I can totally understand why. The industry sucks balls and it takes behemoth courage and strength to look it in the eyes and say “This is not who I am or where I’m meant to be but I’m grateful for the journey because without it, I would have never come to my true self.”
And Dom’s right. You have got go through a few wrong lifestyle turns before you finally find the right path for you. I often say that “all ways are the right way always” which can sound confusing and contradictory to what I actually mean by it. But essentially, I just mean that you never come home to what and who you truly are without first being lost on the journey of it.
And this is why I take issue with phrases like “finding yourself” or “discovering yourself” when talking about this subject because it’s a misunderstanding of what actually happens when you go on this spiritual journey.
You never “find” or “discover” anything. You create it because it’s already inherently what and who you are. So you’ve been, are and will be creating it for eternity. Therefore, fundamentally, the journey of it never ends. We are tied with nature because we are nature and the true definition of nature is change or transformation so we are not meant to fit into specific little boxes because it’s counterintuitive to our true authentic self.
It’s really bloody difficult to explain “I am” without using references or expressions of identification. Without using terms and definitions and categories. Without using language and semantics and concepts.
You can’t assert your authentic self to someone else without using layers of lies attached to your person. But thankfully, you can express it through creation.
And that’s obviously what Dom PC has chosen to do.
I wish them all the best on continuing their journey and will be there to support their endeavours on it.
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deansamnatural · 2 years
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arcanespillo · 7 months
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“The Journey Home”
Supernatural S1E09
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Inktober Day Four: The Journey Home
Prompt: Cave Entrance
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Caleb to Fjord about being kidnapped: You cannot blame yourself when you had been taking advantage of, ja?
Yeah Caleb, that’s such a good point: waves frantically at sixteen year old Bren
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ancestorsalive · 2 months
The Hour of Reckoning - An Elder's Stark Warning & Advice to the Young (...
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goranvisnjicdaily · 19 days
Goran as Muktuk in "The Journey Home" It is the cutest scene ever! ;)
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ruporas · 18 days
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trigunned the hades or hadesed the trigun (id in alt)
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kannemeinelauthor · 8 months
El viaje de regreso a casa (Spanish for The Journey Home)
En medio de la Gran Depresión, Cassandra (Cass) Scheimer intenta mantener a flote la granja familiar en los Grandes Bosques de Wisconsin… sola.  Como comadrona local y médico en apuros, no necesita más bocas que alimentar. Stephanie Evans es viuda y está embarazada de su tercer hijo.  Acepta la oferta de matrimonio de un amable desconocido a cambio de cuidar de su casa… pero él nunca aparece…
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