markscherz · 1 day
Fun fact: before we understood inheritance, some academics literally thought it was some kind of vibrations picked up by the nervous system.
They literally thought evolution happened through vibes alone.
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artofmaquenda · 2 days
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Cretaceous Memory
Finished! Very happy with this one ;0;
Prints are available: https://artofmaquenda.etsy.com/listing/1728553128/cretaceous-memory-print-geese-dinosaurs
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mindblowingscience · 2 days
Evolution is often thought of as a haphazard process acting on an assortment of traits that randomly appear through genetic variation. So much so that if we were to wind back the clock on evolution and "replay the tape of life," the late paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould said, he doubts "anything like Homo sapiens would ever evolve again." But a new study of stick insects suggests that evolution may sometimes repeat itself in a predictable manner, which could help our understanding of how organisms may change in response to selection pressures.
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slutpoppers · 2 days
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Remastered evolution sequence for Silphymon from the Digimon Adventure 02 movie
: The Beginning
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"The universe and the light of the stars come through me." - Rumi
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crystalsenergy · 2 days
the development of personality according to astrological houses which part of you remains to be developed, to evolve? | Past Lives & Astrology
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Which part of you remains to be developed, to evolve? | Past Lives & Astrology
I understand a person's natal chart from various perspectives, and one of them is the idea that:
what we are now is the result of past choices and actions (thinking in terms of past lives and the idea of reincarnation).
And indeed, in my experience, this makes sense, as I have encountered many people whose charts already indicated certain patterns brought from past lives.
I could see this, and only later what these people did and were in past life/lives emerge, through holistic therapies the person did with me, with other therapists or on their own - in the case of therapists - (depending on the relevance, this appears in sessions, especially in Multidimensional therapy sessions).
Based on this, I brought some information that I had typed about 3 or 4 years ago regarding our natal chart.
Below, I will speak only of one of the possible points of analyzing a person's evolution from an astrological perspective:
the astro houses.
I believe I posted it on the blog but couldn't find it, and anyway, since I added this past life information above and added more things below, it makes sense for a new post with more additions:
(main ones)
1st House ✨💫
From an evolutionary perspective, it represents early childhood, the notion of "I and I," our first steps in creating our conception of the world and ourselves. Here, the ego as the center of self-consciousness is barely formed. It represents identity in constant construction, but always focused on the internal, not on external exchange. The sense that there is only you. In excess, it will signify the inability to see the other, to deal well with otherness.
You may notice that despite seeming exaggerated, this is exactly what happens in people with this type of choice - which the chart is not defining but merely representing.
People with a strong 1st house in the chart,
or with personal planets in the 1st house, especially if there is a notable absence of Libra or 7th house, need to develop their personality beyond just themselves; they need to learn to look less at their own navel and more at others. Learning from people is also important.
4th House ✨💫
Strong influences from home and the internal environment that already begin to shape the personality. The superego and ideas of what is right and wrong can be quite strong, especially those learned from the family. You may notice that your interaction with the world is almost a reflection of your relationship and roots with your family.
People with a strong 4th house in the chart,
especially if there is a notable absence of Capricorn and the 10th house, or who have personal planets strongly marking their personality in the 4th house, need to learn not to be solely tied to what their family said/says you have to be, live, and do or not do.
Learn to develop your personality outside of home too. Roots are important, but so is independence. Our Ancestors, when loving, recognize the importance of seeking our own path. This is not dishonor. It is independence, self-choice, and self-love.
5th House ✨💫
Here we can talk about the formed ego. The ego, the center of personality, with strong characteristics that mark who you are. Individuality. Your main personality, what you tend to show to the world with a certain solidity. In terms of development and evolution, it represents someone with a strong connection to their ego (center of consciousness, personality). Whether it will fall into negative ego or the ego as a catalyst for evolution, your choices will define.
People with a strong 5th house in the chart,
especially if there is a notable absence of Aquarius or the 11th house, or who have personal planets strongly marking their personality in the 5th house, need to learn not to live solely for their desires, their wants, learning to look at others' needs and what others have to say (and perhaps teach you).
In other words, despite the joy in developing and recognizing your personality, see if there is indeed self-love or just a need for "Hey, look at me!" as an exact effect of this self-recognition situation. See if your self-recognition is as healthy as it seems or if there are still steps to be taken. Furthermore, such people may need to learn not to be solely attached to what their ego says.
7th House ✨💫
This house represents a personality very based on exchanges. It is a being above the ego's desire to focus only on itself but may still have challenges in valuing its own intentions, as deep down, the ego may still seek approval.
Therefore, it is a house that represents relationships with others.
It represents the other, exchanges, relationships. A slightly deeper level of self-development, one that takes human exchanges into account.
People with a strong 7th house in the chart,
especially if there is a notable absence of Aries or the 1st house, or who have personal planets strongly marking their personality in the 7th house, need to learn not to follow only what others want, need to know how to follow their own internal desires, know how to be less influenced by others.
It is important to pay attention to how much people have defined your behaviors, as you may be diving too deeply into the idea of learning from the external. Learn through exchanges, experiences, but PAY ATTENTION to how much you absorb others' ideas and environments. Always connect to who you are.
10th House ✨💫
This house represents the construction of life's purpose, the way you want to present yourself to the world in a more stable and concrete way, where you will be developing your personality potential and contributing to the external world.
Represents a more mature ego, but which can still be tied to a negative binding: that of control, appearance and the "unique way of living, doing, and being".
People with a strong 10th house in the chart,
especially if there is a notable absence of Cancer or the 4th house, or who have personal planets marking their personality in the 10th house,
need to be less focused only on building a future, stability, and an image to be shown to the world, also knowing that they need to develop their internal world and see what is inside, not just what people will tend to see.
In summary, they need to be less attached to appearances to develop something more solid with themselves.
Furthermore, they need to see the world beyond the four concrete walls, beyond objectivity, connecting with the surroundings in a more supportive, sensitive, empathetic way.
You built solid foundations, but now you need to learn to share, let go, release control and attachment, be less rigid. Let go of the belief you hold, under your arms, the absolute truth of everyone's life if this is your case.
11th House ✨💫
11th house represents another type of exchange and human relationships, like the 7th house, but on the other hand, it does not mean being easily influenced, as the 11th house means much more being attentive and open to everything, having contact with many things, with collectivity, social groups, but not always allowing this to alter your personality.
In fact, this is where the balance and imbalance possibilities lie:
Balance: being open, listening to ideas, positions, and, depending, even seeking to understand the dynamics of larger groups and things, but not necessarily getting involved in everything, it's like: always being in, but being out.
Imbalance: falling into intellectual arrogance, mental arrogance, emptiness of meaning and significance, due to always being skeptical and detached from everything, and also falling into inflexibility, the impossibility of accepting help, and so on.
The 11th house means transforming the world with what is already inside you. It is seeing others, their desires, and needs, and giving them something they need.
People with notable 11th house in their charts,
especially if there is a notable absence of the 5th house and Leonine traits, or who have personal planets marking their personality in the 11th house,
may need to learn about opening their minds not just to listen but also to truly learn (avoiding mental inflexibility);
learning to leave the field of impersonality and skepticism all the time and, moreover, allowing their individuality to shine, learning to receive things too, recognizing their value and letting their personality shine.
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theartofmadeline · 5 months
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i promise i wouldn't blame you
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casualcarpetshark · 11 months
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druid-for-hire · 1 year
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[image id: a four-page comic. it is titled "immortality” after the poem by clare harner (more popularly known as “do not stand at my grave and weep”). the first page shows paleontologists digging up fossils at a dig. it reads, “do not stand at my grave and weep. i am not there. i do not sleep.” page two features several prehistoric creatures living in the wild. not featured but notable, each have modern descendants: horses, cetaceans, horsetail plants, and crocodilians. it reads, “i am a thousand winds that blow. i am the diamond glints on snow. i am the sunlight on ripened grain. i am the gentle autumn rain.” the third page shows archaeopteryx in the treetops and the skies, then a modern museum-goer reading the placard on a fossil display. it reads, “when you awaken in the morning’s hush, i am the swift uplifting rush, of quiet birds in circled flight. i am the soft stars that shine at night. do not stand at my grave and cry.” the fourth page shows a chicken in a field. it reads, “i am not there. i did not die” / end id]
a comic i made in about 15 hours for my school’s comic anthology. the theme was “evolution”
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prokopetz · 6 months
If you've seen trivia posts going around, may have seen ones about the baculum, a bone in the penis whose purpose is to help support erections which is present in most placental mammals, including non-human apes, but which is conspicuously absent in humans.
Those posts typically don't go into why this is the case, which is fair enough, since the question is far from settled. However, there are a lot of hypotheses about it, and some of them are pretty fucking wild.
I think my personal favourite is the recently proposed idea that, since soft tissue injuries tend to heal more rapidly and completely than broken bones, a flexible and resilient boneless penis constitutes a reproductive advantage in situations where genital trauma is common, possibly as a result of the development of upright posture rendering the penis more prone to blunt encounters.
Like, imagine humanity's proto-hominid ancestors going "actually, bipedalism is great" and promptly getting whacked in the ding so much that it exerted evolutionary pressure on the morphology of the penis.
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Further new discoveries have been made on my theory.
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The human brain may have steadily grown in size not because evolution plucked some big-brained ancestors out of the crowd, favoring their smarts over others, but because energy allocated to growing egg-laden ovarian follicles went to our heads instead. That's a new idea from Mauricio González-Forero, a mathematical evolutionary biologist at the University of St Andrews in the UK who modelled hominin brain expansion from australopithecines to modern humans. Building on previous work, González-Forero used basic math to create equations that describe how brain and body tissues grow under limits imposed by the energy costs involved and the genetic traits controlling energy allocation in the body at various stages of development.
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Master Your Emotions..
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courtingwonder · 1 year
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Visual Comparison Of Bird Beaks And Their Uses
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markscherz · 8 months
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now accepting guesses as to what this embryo becomes when it matures
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