#Unhinged astarion simp
scarlet-ancunin · 2 months
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A/n: I may not draw but i can certainly write hc of this. Batstarian has become my go to for comfort after long day *sighs*
Spoiling My Little Love~
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Astarion was very excited the day he learned he can become a bat. But he was surprised he wasn't a normal one as what You informed him
"What do you mean im not normal?" He sounded annoyed until you explained "you are an all white bat with red eyes tiny fangs and more importantly your litterally have a white curl on the top of the tiny head of yours"
He huffs but found it amusing still "well at least im unique" you smile and kissed his cheek softly "indeed you are"
However, there are times when he was tired just from shifting or leaning how to fly so you came up with the idea to spoil him not just in his normal self but as a Bat to.
"Why?" He would have asked you. But you stood your ground stating it is important to be relaxed in his new form to. So he agrees.
For starters you realized the man is dramatic as a bat as he is his normal self. He would squeak loudly if you stopped to soon was cleaning / massaging his wings.
He would bite your finger warning you if you touch his ears to much while he was a blushing mess if you touch his ears when he is his normal self, it hurts a bit when you touched his ear to much.
He especially loved when you use a toothbrush to brush his back and his little bum. You tried not to laugh when he does happy squeaks or when he flops to the side because he fell asleep.
You loved when after his bath and massage he would rest against you while you pet the top of his head gently while reading.
Oh did you forget to mention he would love when you treat him by going outside to his favorite shady spot so he can enjoy the day without hurting from the sun by covering him with a cloak you try to surpress you happy giggles when only his small head pops out to peek at the world.
Once under a shady tree you would massage his little body while he rested on your lap. Letting the cool breeze hit you both.
If he was a little dirty you would pour some water on him and gently wip his body and wings and would smile when he stand and does a dramatic spin. "You are perfect every time" he would say knowing you understood since you drank a Animal speaking potion.
To say the least you was very happy to bathe Astarion in his cute bat form.
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A/n: hope you liked and enjoyed this 😊 batstarian lives rent free in my head.
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agirlswritingblog · 6 months
Just started playing Baldur’s Gate 3 like a few days ago and I’m addicted.
Except everyone kept talking about a tiefling party at the beginning of the game and I was so confused because I’m on the second act now and I didn’t get it.
Turns out it’s because I accidentally murdered them all when I was locked up in jail then escaped and Astarion thought it was cute that I threatened them so, of course I had to listen to him.
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ithinkyourerare · 8 months
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i seem to have found when i fucked up my brain chemistry (becoming an astarion simp) and now my hair is paying (i’m aiming for the whitest white i can possibly get)
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astarionconsort · 5 months
"You can like ascendant astarion so long you acknowledge_" "I'm concerned about your personal life because you like him_"
nope nope this isn't about real concern, it's just fandom policing disguised as a concern about how a stranger simping over a vampire blorbo, go have fun and be unhinged
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sorcerous-caress · 4 months
I'm one of those ppl who saw Astarion and was like: yeah seems good, found the guy I'm going to simp for
And then I saw this beauty of a creature
He had long thin legs, big butt, abs, pecs, arms that I would like to hug, hair that I would like to brush and braid, a cute smile like a little puppy's, and he's slightly insane?
Sign. Me. Up.
That first time you see Karniss is unforgettable. Literally no video could do him justice because just experience of seeing your own character next to him how he scutters and twitches ingame is just phenomenal.
Then he speaks and you realise oh, he is coocoo in the head. But it somehow makes him even hotter. He is not just crazy, he is unhinged with danger lacing every edge of every word leaving his mouth.
What was it that dnd said about driders again? That they've got a death wish? Because Karniss sure acts as if he's ready to bite anyone's head off if any more screws came any looser.
The way each one of his beautiful eyes blink separately, the way the spider exoskeleton like shell hugs his chest in an almost heart like design. The way it disappears below his abdomen and leaves his stomach all bare and exposed, right in front of your face almost as if he was taunting you.
Carrying the lantern so dutifully and scuttering while grumbling about you in third person to keep up with the pace, threatening to leave without you but never doing so.
He is so assured in his own hideous monstrous mutation that he lashes out when you give him a genuine compliment because he thinks you're making fun of him. His hair is unkempt and messy, he probably avoids looking in the mirrors or water not to face his reflection so he never noticed the state his hair is in.
He's so beautiful, so mesmerising and his skin is like a painting with all of the scars, scales and burn marks. It's so breathtaking yet he will never believe you no matter how much you swear to him that you're earnest in your compliments. His heart must be the most scarred part of him courtesy to Lolth.
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zebrapancake · 2 months
Simping over Astarion truly brings me back to my unhinged middle school days except unlike middle school I can actually draw now and I'm sneaking him into my thesis illustration just because I can omg Im actually so excited for this I should be ashamed 😭😭😭
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lunian · 7 months
to be fair i simp for astarion the most in his Bad storyline where he decides he owns you and ur essentially his pretty pet
also id like him to suck me dry please and thank you
understandable, my anon friend
i need to see more unhinged Astarion simps tbh
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arcielee · 7 months
✨🧡🌙SEND THIS TO OTHER BLOGGERS YOU THINK ARE WONDERFUL. KEEP THE GAME GOING ✨🧡 - accompanied by the unhinged musings of ur resident Astarion simp, love you.
I would make a thousand of these edits to fuel your muses. You were my first Tumblr mutual on this hellsite and have always made me feel safe and welcomed. I adore you so much.
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Thank you for being you. 💜
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i know i simp for astarion the most but in my head kore and everyone in the camp are all in a polycule that's basically just "hey i'm karlach and this is my partner kore and their boyfriend astarion and his boyfriend gale -" and most of the time it's literally half the camp making googoo eyes at kore begging for their attention while they gaze longingly at astarion and shadowheart.
gale is like "kore is soo courageous and kindhearted <3 unfortunately they have a type and i have to compete for attention with like ten other hot people with severe trauma. i've gotta step up the traumatic backstory. hey kore wanna hear about my childhood-" and is immediately shoved aside by karlach "kore! come splash water on me so i can kiss you for .5 seconds!" meanwhile shadowheart is gazing moodily into the distance but she keeps checking super quickly to make sure kore is looking.
laezel takes a more direct route and just beats kore up <3 wyll is of course struggling with his whole identity change so he's not super smitten but he does get the enviable honor of being able to share the most commiserating glances with kore (they keep a tally) because he's the only one who isn't like. unhinged.
astarion is super smug because all he has to do is saunter through camp and kore will immediately interrupt any conversation they're having to stare at him for five seconds then struggle to remember what they were talking about.
meanwhile kore is oblivious to this whole thing and is like "wow this whole situation isn't great but i sure do love my good friends <3 i wish shadowheart would talk to me more and laezel can be kinda mean but i'm sure she's just stressed out <3 anyway astarion do u want to drink my blood tonight <3" and everyone collectively groans except for astarion (smug) and shadowheart (gets to lay hands on kore's bulging muscles when she casts lesser restoration in the morning)
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scarlet-ancunin · 25 days
Shh We Are Not Alone
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One of the things you learned while being with Astarion is once he sets his mind on something he will do it. Even if the man can't think of a proper plan.
Which is why it wasn't a surprise when he comes to you one day and informs you that he will be with you even if he is not there physically. "Huh?" You looked at him confused but he just gave you that lopsided smile and simply said "don't worry about it love"
So you did just that not worry about it. The days you had to go out you grab your pouch wondering why it was heavy but you just assume you still had things you) didn't sell yet.
Little did you know a small white head with large bat ears a white curl in the middle two cute red eyes peeking from the pouch watching where you were going
When you reached the Blushing Mermaid you sat in the corner to wait for your next assignment or rather side quest and when he comes you were surprised to see Wyll coming over and smiled "hey Wyll long time how is the blade of frontiers" he chuckles and started to express how everything was going so far and how he still needed help with some of the request the civilization asked for.
While talking you don't hear or feel Astarion slip out your bag and make his way up the wall and now watching you from above.
You feel a set of eyes on you but you weren't sure where. You would look around at times and before you know it Wyll asked if you was okay.
"Shh i don't think we are alone here" you whispered to Wyll who raised a brow "we are not this place is packed with people-" "no no like watching and listening to us specifically" Wyll nods and looked around now.
Soon enough Wyll looked up and there he was in all his tiny glory staring right back at Wyll "i think i found our culprit" Wyll said amused and you looked confused before you follow his line of sight.
You could feel your eye twitch lightly already knowing who exactly that was above them "Astarion seriously!? Get down here and how did you even get here without me-" you realized why your pouch was big.
Later while walking back home a familiar head pops out from your light armor you roll your eyes "you know your cute in this form so i wont be mad but you have to at least tell me you can turn into a bat. You look so cute" you teased and Astarion bites your finger that you had decided to pet the top of his head. You sighs but laugh.
Lets just say ever so often you had to endure tiny eyes watching you everywhere you go but on the bright side it came in handy when bandits thought you was alone.
"Well that was fun~, lets do this again darling" Astarion says happily.
A/n: more Batstarion for you~
Request open~
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 months
Batstarian Zoomies
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A/n: I saw this and immediately wanted to make a little Headcanon of Batstarion sipping Tav's surgery drink. Hope you like it.
Thank you @carooosa *gives you a cookie-shaped Bat*
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Tav Decided since it was their day off it will be nice to just relax and try that new drink Karlach told them to try.
Tav has a bit of a sweet tooth and because their friends know this they made it their mission to find a drink that would satisfy Tav's addiction to sweets.
Did we mention Tav lived with their beloved Pale Elf? Who just so happens to achieve the ability to turn into a bat.
It was a surprise to them both when Astarion stumbled upon a book that showed the hidden abilities a Vampire Spawn can have and he was excited to try them.
Tav Supported Astarion as he studied shape-shifting into a Bat and once accomplished Tav made it their business to remind Astarion how adorable they looked as a white ball of fluff with wings.
Today was no different Astarion was flying about in his bat form when he suddenly landed on the table and noticed the drink.
Now while he was a bat he still has the curiosities of a cat and crawls over (cutely) towards the drink.
Normally he wouldn't try anything Tav drank because it was either too bloody sweet or tasted bland but right now he was thirsty which can happen at times to a perfect creature such as himself.
"Hmm... well what's the harm?" He said to himself though anyone with an animal-speaking potion would only hear a couple of consistent squeaks.
Astarion leans in his tiny red eye scaning the contents before giving a quick sniff with his leaf-like nose before lapping away.
By the time Tav returns from finding the perfect book to read he hears flapping and not the somewhat calm kind it is erratic and swift.
When they look up they just see a fast white fluff past their eyes quickly going into the next room along with loud rapid squeaks from Astarion.
Tav called out to his little love and ran after him but not before taking a sip of their drink not noticing half of it was gone
Needless to say it took a while for Tav to catch Astarion, who was squeaking happily and zooming back and forth around their house.
"ASTARION! Be care-" Tav winced because the moment they called out to him it was the moment Astarion felt his zoomies running out and he crashed face-first into the table in their recreational room.
In his defense, he had a sugar crash.
Tav tried not to laugh at how tired and annoyed their tiny love looked, but they were positive Astarion was not saying nice words at the moment. with or with an animal-speaking potion to understand him
"Don't blame me for trying my drink.... alright don't give me that look I'll make it up to you I promise"
With a gentle touch, Tav picks Astarion up and places them on their chest while they sit down reading their book and sipping their drink.
Batstarian remained asleep on their chest making tiny content noises ever so often.
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A/n: I had to stop because more ideas kept coming but I really loved doing this Batstarion is just too cute and needs to be protected.
Hope you liked it darlings. Request for astarion is open
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 months
omg BATSTARION, please can you please write about Tav being a druid ( a cat or dog whatever you like) who visits a cave just to visit Batstarion, and then one day Astarion is normal sitting in the cave waiting for the cat to visit and when they do it is Tav and that is the first time they see each other as there normal self.
A/n: heh sure okay, and because Astarion is a cat person and we purr for him i will make our gn Tav a cat but they will also be a druid for obvious reason. Enjoy~
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We Meet Again
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Tav made it a tradition to visit a cave near the beach at Baldur's Gate it was secluded and did have a pretty sight of the ocean and the sunsets. Today was just like any other day, small black paws trailed along the familiar path towards that cave entrance.
Being a druid came with perks and this certainly was one of them since said cave wasn't exactly big it was small so by rights of being this size Tav deemed it a cave to them.
The question was, why did Tav visit this cave? They always seemed to come three times a week when they had business near this part of the city. Well as they crawled into the falled rubble they walked along until they hopped on top of a large but smooth surface.
"Meow" Tav called out softly and after a few moments They could hear the familiar flap echoing before a white bat with a unique curl of fur on top their head, with red eyes and cute little fangs of course their perception failed since they didn't had a red flag seeing them.
The bat simply plops on Tav's cat body and squeaks loudly flapping his wings as if happy to see them. The other perk of being a druid a special ability to speak to animals without spending money on animal speaking potions.
"Hello darling its been to long" The white bat squeaks at the end and flops dramatically on Tav's furry back. They rolled their eyes lays carefully as to not disturb the moment. "It was only a day ago i saw you" "still long as far as im concern, now say your sorry"
Tav's ears twitch lightly before saying sorry which seemed to brighten his mood once more. In truth Tav felt bad to be deceiving the cute little white bat since they can shift to human but they was thinking about taking them home where they can see the sights instead of being stuck in a cave. Sometimes they would bring him something to eat insects. He appreciated the kind gestures but Tav noticed he would look dazed whenever it was brought and they seemed sad on those days so Tav rarely does it luckily Astarion informs they he does eat.
Tav also had a odd infatuation with this dramatic Bat, sure it wouldn't be normal but they always wanted to be with him whenever they can and spend as much time as possible.
Tav decided to do something different today "when the sunsets can we sit at the beach" the bat scrunch his tiny face "thats new why?" Tav ears went back their paw lightly pushing a stray pebble Astarion found it cute seeing that meant they was embarrassed.
"I wanted to see the stars with you. Thats what your name means after all" Astarion was surprised by this squeaking cutely and flapping his wings before crawling over cutely and climbing unto Tav's back once more "only if you carry my last thing i want is my nails getting dirty by sand" he complains and They purr loudly as if happy. Luckily no one mentioned it.
The calm waves was soothing to hear whole the stars seemed to give them a beautiful scenery twinkling away like a person that is carefree.
Tav sat on the sand looking at the Moon slowly rising reflecting nicely on the ocean waves while Astarion was resting on top of there head squeaking happily. "Your right this is nice" he sniffs the air making his little nose twitch before looking down at Tav having the sudden urge to bite them. So he does and nips their ear making the black cat yelp low and hiss "Astarion you promised you wouldn't do that", "At that time not now so it doesn't count" he turned his little bat head to the side slightly and squeaks.
They stayed they way until Astarion slowly fell asleep on top of Tav while they curled up. Of course Tav woke up in time to gentle wake Astarion to head back inside since they had to go there was a sad look in his eyes if the sudden wetness around the cute red pupils didn't say anything. He made his way back inside whole Tav ran back to the city tiny paws left behind.
There was a week since Astarion last saw Tav. He missed them he also felt bad for lying to them because this was not his form. He made up his mind to take Tav home with him so she won't live on the streets anymore. His home wasn't big but it was in the corner of the city and blocked the sun a little better.
When the wall of the cave he was in crumbles more and a human crawls in now they both stare at each other shocked "your-" Astarion says at the same time Tav says "your not"
Now they stare at each other Tav slowly feeling a blush growing since the man before them was very handsome. "So your not an actual bat" Tav asked suddenly after they realized they was staring.... Respectfully. "Clearly not darling, but your not an actual cat so i suppose we both are full of surprises"
Tav chuckles and suddenly hugs Astarion which surprised the man but he slowly responds to it slightly awkwardly but he surprisingly welcomed it to it felt nice. Upon agreement Tav wanted Astarion to stay with them so they wont be alone and possibly make more money together then separate. Which Astarion agreed to after informing them he was... well a vampire Spawn which Tav didn't mind oddly. "I figured it out finally when you keep nipping me on those occasions and the bite mark on my cat ear left two tiny holes"
"Its sunny outside i cannot-" "turn into a bat and go inside my cloak" Tav said this to happy and almost as if they hoped he would. "Uh. Okay" he ignored how they whispered yes happily before shifting into a white bat with that same unique curl before slipping into their cloak tiny head peeking out which They happily pet the top of earning a content Squeak.
"Im truly happy i met you Astarion"
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Narrator: Little did Tav know the small creature in their bossom was just as happy to have met them.
Hope you like this~
BTW your welcomed to send me Batstarion and im oddly interested in Astarion being a father he deserves to be happy so you can send me those as well yep :)
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scarlet-ancunin · 1 month
Okay what about Jealous / insecure Astarion 🥺❤️
A/N: ooh i know the perfect part of the game to use for this. so there will be spoilers for this story but if you dont care about reading spoilers like myself enjoy darlings~
I Was Being Foolish~
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It was after they reached Baldur's Gate Astarion was walking close to you while you walked past another store selling goods you didn't need. You had just finished declining the reward given to you in Sharess' Caress for your job well done.
You recall how distant and uncomfortable he was at first 'sorry pet, i just dont feel comfortable doing this yet' you felt bad for even thinking of doing it so you quickly told him you wouldn't let him do something he felt uncomfortable doing. His reaction made you smile 'ugh dont be so nice to me it makes me want to be nice back' he respond looking away. It made you have butterflies in your stomach.
You, Astarion, Halsin and Gale was walking towards the Elfsong to make lodgings there but due to your inability to leave things thay catch your eye alone you ended up getting side tracked by going to the beach following clues to another murder you found out about. And because you was nosey.
You ended returning back to camp with a guilty look "sorry guys i promise i will get us a nice bed tomorrow"
At the camp after planning out the next days events going to the Elfsong being the first stop then everything else that follows which everyone agrees to you decided this time you would take Astarion, Shadowheart and Karlach with you this time to give Halsin and Gale a break which they appreciated.
But as you was walking back to your tent which looked alot like Astarion's but who's really paying attention, you notice Halsin look at you as if he wanted to talk.
You wave slightly and he springs into the conversation "its because of you im able to see clearly now, and i thank you for it" he starts off smiling down at you "your Welcome Halsin" you commented only to hear him start to change his tone a bit not in a bad way but a way of....was you hearing that correctly? He wanted to sleep with you?
"You know im woth Astarion right?" Halsin nods "if he allows this to happen and maybe im hoping for his future participation. But first ask Astarion" you wasn't sure if your face was red but it certainly felt like it.
You turned and walked towards Astarion almost on auto pilot and he looked up from his book arching a brow with those lovely lips pulled to a half smile. "What troubles you my love"
"Astarion you won't believe the conversation i had with Halsin-" you startle slightly when Astarion burst out laughing "i was wondering when you was going to ask me about this"
"How can you tell?" You asked Astarion bends forward slightly "I guessed. The man can't stay quiet about "enjoying the freedom of natures gifts" " he snickers "i bet he outlaw clothing if he could" he waves a dismissive hand looking at you.
"I wouldn't have considered it, if it bothered you" you said truthfully. Halsin was the kind of man and body type that did make you curious to try, but you are staying strong with Astarion and always wanted to know his thoughts on it. And you study his reaction strongly.
"Im happy for you to have as much Halsin as you wish- but i do have one question though, its not because we haven't, you know in a while is it?" His voice was calm and Collected but you can hear the vulnerability in it as well the Insecurities that was bubbling to the surface. "Love what i have with you is wholly different and special to me" Astarion gave you a timid smile "Aww, i know i was being foolish, but thank you for saying it"
The conversation was reeling in your head as you walked back to Halsin who looked hopeful but you recall as you turned and walked away how Astarion's adorable ears twitched lightly and you could have sworn it lowered slgihtly as he went in his tent.
"Im staying strong with Astarion, i love him and i don't want to lose anything we have because of any carnal lust. Im sorry Halsin" he nods his head respectfully "its alright i don't wish to ruin your relationship. But im glad i tried rather then let it bother me and never tell"
With that you went back to Astarion's tent he was struggling to trance and you had a feeling it was probably your fault so you slip inside and close the tent for privacy and slowly wrap your arms around him securely. "I love you Astarion never forget that"
You felt the tension when you touched him slowly release and a soft sigh "i love you to darling and i will never forget it" you felt one of his arms wrap around you and both of you fell into a fitful sleep / trance.
No you wouldn't trade this for anything.
A/n: well i hope you all like this, stay beautiful darlings. I can hear half of this while writing it lol
Request are open ye
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 months
♡You Love Me To♡
A/N: The song below inspired the fic for me
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" I Care About you to"
Those five words rang through the vampire spawns head over and over. They really like me. Astarion was sitting alone in his tent thinking about it. Of course the events that happened after struck something he didn't think was possible... but was it.... Love... from such a simple moment between them such a simple hold.
It wasn't forced but gentle. It didn't have strings attached- wanting something in return... no it was a genuine feeling of love and care that came with that simple gesture of affection. He enjoyed it he wanted to feel more of that.
After 200 years of abuse from Cazador, locking him in the dark with nothing, feeding on rats and bugs he forced him to eat, trying to break his mind, using his looks and his body to bring him poor helpless souls to his lair. Like lambs for the slaughter. And he was the cause of it all. He had many lovers or rather flings but at this moment the only person who stayed on his mind was You. You were special in ways he couldn't understand and that probably is what led to his original plan of using you to fail miserably.
He realized while skimming through the same page in his book that more than anything he wanted to see you smile more because of him. Its probably what led to this sudden idea to walk towards the tent that occupied the "blade of frontiers".
'This is a stupid idea' the pale elf thought while approaching the man cradling a goblet of wine looking up. Astarion cleared his throat to catch the mans attention. "Oh? Astarion a rare occurrence to be visiting me at such an hour what do you need?"
Astarion also found wyll more annoying then he care to admit out loud but right now he was the only one he could... Trust with this little idea. "I...I need a favor I'll gladly pay you back later but i need your help can you help me?" Astarion says this with a vague motion and a simple wave of his hand.
Wyll ever the "hero" agrees "sure but what does this favor intel?" Astarion suddenly found the dirt on the ground more interesting avoiding eye contact. "Astarion?" Wyll asked softly but a hint of curiosity.
"Can you teach me... ugh can you teach me how to, well, dance" that was all Astarion said nothing more nothing less and certainly not sharing his reasons for this request. Wyll was surprised "Astarion you don't know how to dance?"
The vampire glares at the man suddenly "i wouldn't have ask for the damn favor if i did" seeing Wyll frown made him pause and look away with a huff. "I- never really got around to it.. can you teach me?" He sounded more calmer slight hints of plea.
Wyll nods smiling "sure a man shouldn't miss the opportunity to show off not only his skills with the blade but also with movements of his body" Astarion grimaced at this before rolling his eyes. "We can practice at nights while everyone is asleep" he said before walking away quickly. Wyll blinks before chuckling low and retiring for the night.
Astarion was surprisingly a quick learner he watched each move just like he watched his prey before feeding. There was one problem... the man wanted to learn something a little but more romantic and rather closer.
"Ah as much as i like to prance around all day i was hoping for something a little more on the intimate side of things" Wyll gives him a knowing smile "fancy wooing someone in particular?"
Astarion plays ignorant "oh please i simply want to learn because it is a good skill that's all" he crossed his arms and tilts his head up towards the night sky eyes closed. Wyll hums low "well i suppose i don't need to show you because i taught you the good skills already"
Astarion was quick to change his tone "alright, alright it is to flatter someone I suppose" "anyone I know of?" Wyll asked enjoying this to much. The Pale elf rolled his eyes with a huff he mumbles out a soft maybe.
"Its Y/n isn't it?" Wyll said matter-of-fact and it annoyed Astarion to no end. He doesn't meet his gaze but Wyll knew he was right. "They will like you no matter if you dance or not Astarion i see the way they look at you with adoration not many hold such a gaze to anyone they didn't care about."
Astarion sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. "I am aware my looks draws-" Wyll cuts him off "its more than that Astarion even Halsin knows this" Wyll pressed and Astarion red eyes flicked between wylls devil eyes and the small fire they made far from the camp.
"Just teach me...." he stares at the man before him for a moment "please"
Luckily Astarion had fed the night before so he was happy and was able to be useful for the team consiting Himself, You, Gale and Halsin. Every time you wasn't paying attention behind you it was fine because the sound of a fast ice, fire or lightning arrow whizzed through the air landing strong damage on them.
Back at the camp Gale and Halsin made it their mission to make sure everyone else especially Scratch stayed occupied to give Astarion a moment alone with You which meant going far from the camp and taking a wine bottle and some simple food to snack on but most importantly the fancy music box he stoled from that pompous man when he wasn't looking.
Gentle laughter filled the air as Astarion mentioned how he stoled the music box giving a fake story of "how can you blame me I'm a victim to" and how gullible they were. Astarion smiles at you. A real one enjoying your laughter and company all the same. Its when he stood up walking to the tree truck with the misic box opened and ready. He gave the dial behind it a few twist and it started to hum to life.
You blush deeply when Astarion holds his hand out to you "may i have this dance" You stood up grinning like an idiot and nod taking his hand in yours "well i suppose you can" you teased playfully before you both slowly began to dance to the soft tune.
It was perfect you thought to yourself looking up at him getting lost in those crimson eyes of his. His smile was sharp and while he doesn't like when you mention the crease of his smile to him, it always made you admire him more. What he assumed was imperfect meant so much to you.
He twirls you slowly and then dips you smiling lightly "your full of surprises my love" you said softly smiling up at him then giggle before moving in closer and kissing him passionately.
"I love you very much" he said softly before leaning his head on top of yours when you rest your head against his shoulder. The music a soft background to the moment you both are sharing.
Narrator: hidden behind the trees and bushes silently observing the intimate scene before them was their loyal companions all supportive of their friends successful moment
As always i hope you like it, thanks for your support and requests are open for Astarion from BG3 😁❤️
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scarlet-ancunin · 20 days
A/n: inspired by the song two sweet, also the gangs all here!
Your So Adorable~
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Tav was never one to go to parties but their friends insisted they do. It was because Tav's other half of friend was coming back from their long vacation of exploring Faerun. The only ones that stood behind with Tav was Gale, Karlach and Wyll.
The ones coming back was Astarion, Lae'zel, Shadowheart and Halsin was returning.
How did it happen? Well it started with Karlach barging into the room Tav, Wyll and Gale were currently talking about their next course of action to catching a runaway Prisoner for a client they were currently working for.
They started a hunter association that hunted any criminals around the city of Baldur's Gate. The friends coming back from their vacation also worked there so it was nice to be together again.
The loud bang of the door slamming open, rattling the hinges slightly and Karlach's excited booming voice announced "Guys the gangs coming back and we agree to meet at the Blushing Mermaid to have a welcome back party."
"You look to excited my friend is there a particular reason for this excitement?" Gale asked raising a brow already knowing there was a catch.
Karlach chuckles "sure is gotta dress up makes it more lively and everyone would have more fun!" Tav laughed and covered their face "of course.... Fine we will do it" they said seeing Wyll secretly liking the idea and Gale already looking through his collection of books to take one with him. "Yay!" Karlach said jumping excited.
Walking inside the tavern it was loud and of course dancing was involved but Tav and the gang could spot the rest of their team and Tav waved at Shadowheart and Lae'zel and Halsin. Everyone hugged, lightly tapped or bear hugged each other and sat down immediately discussing what everyone did.
Tav looked around not so subtle and Shadowheart and Karlach smirks knowingly. "He went to swindle us a free round" Tav looked back at them "i don't know what you mean" they played off before blushing happy that it was dim in their.
However it was cut short when a familiar voice called from the back "Darlings you made it" their favorite sassy vampire finally made themselves known with drinks that was in fact free.
Wyll takes his drink lifting it in the air "cheers!" Everyone said smiling brightly.
Tav was enjoying everything until they turned and Watched Astarion talk to Gale or rather bothering and teasing him on the book he was reading. Karlach wasn't helping the matter laughing but tapping his shoulder "don't worry soilder you can enjoy the book even if its boring" Gale opened his mouth to defend him but Tav was smiling
"You know the man can probably sense your staring might as well talk to him everyone knows he's your type" Shadowheart teased and Tav glares playfully and looked away "I don't see why i shoul-" Halsin grins "Astarion my friend can you go with Tav to get us more drinks"
Tav pales feeling betrayed but they was being dramatic about it. Everyone watched Tav walked beside Astarion slightly tense but relaxed at the same time it made everyone laugh low.
They took in Astarion's choice of light armor being an all black drow outfit with a high end fancy black hat tilted forward it really brought out more of how handsome and beautiful he was.
"Why thank you dear you look tantalizing as well" Tav blushes realizing they said their thoughts outloud.
"I uh..." Tav was good at saving people and helping but they could be blank when faced with the reality that Astarion is right in front of them. The person they cared about but never had the courage to face them about their feelings.
"Go on Tav, now is a good of time as any" he purrs leaning in closer. This adds to the sudden drum of their heart. Which Tav was certain Astarion can hear more then the music playing.
"Well i um never got around to telling you, because of everything going on and i know its so sudden" Tav began to Ramble and Astarion chuckles.
"You know when we first met i didn't care for how helpful you were how sweet, but i grew to respect you and how much you cared for me and trusted me when thats realistic a stupid thing to do, but i do care about-"
"I like you, very much and not just for your looks but for who you are, not letting anything stand between you and what you know is right even if you don't care to admit it. Your perfect and i know sometimes you question it but you are"
Tav blurted out suddenly and Astarion's eyes widen slightly. Then a broad smile breaks out and show casing those fangs they at times think about opening. "Well, to quote you, "i like you to" they both smile
Everyone was talking but Halsin stops them in time to point and all their friends witnessed Astarion and Tav sharing their first kiss.
Of course Tav slips Astarion's hat off and placed it on their own head before pulling Astarion in for another kiss pulling away to bump their nose gently with his.
When they returned to the table everyone said finally laughing and their next toast was to the new couple.
"Your still to sweet for me, but i guess i make make an exception" Astarion teased
A/n: hope you like that and as always thanks for the support and Requests are open 😊
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 months
Omg i know Astarion is a Vampire and all but, can you do a headcanon or one-shot with Astarion denying he is sick but he is Tav see's it his companions see it and they do little things to make him feel better even if he denies it. Thank you so much
A/n: heh interesting I'll make it happen *cracks knuckles to regret it later*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧
I'm A Vampire, Forever Healthy
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Everyone in the group was sick.... in the head due to your undying fiend living in your brain.
But luck was on your side and your companions side since no one seem to get the symptoms of becoming a mindflayer. You learned that day to count your blessings.
You met some interesting people along the way to a one in particular caught your interest more. A pale elf who you found out was a vampire spawn, who also happened to greet you in a unique way. A knife to your throat.
You chuckle at the memories by the camp fire while everyone else talked about random things. But you notice one member missing from you little band of misfits the vampire spawn. 'Hm?' You thought to yourself.
Turned out Astarion was acting a little strange sitting inside his tent sipping some wine which looks more along the lines of blood but he looked slightly.... out of it.
"Astarion are you okay? You look a little pale" you said before realizing what you said doing a mental facepalm
"Obviously darling last i checked im a vampire spawn comes with the territory" he sneers.
You winced "i mean paler than normal hows that are you feeling well?" You asked and Astarion waves you off dismissively "im fine, no meed to worry thay pretty head of yours" he said smoothly.
You drop it but something in your gut tells you. The man is clearly lying.
Next time it happens you watched Gale dodge a stray lightning arrow that Astarion let out making him turn to scold Astarion but noticed the man was holding his head pain etched in his features.
Gale made it his business to hunt down two boars amd drained it perfectly into two jars and walked over to him in camp holding the two jars "i believe you need some nourishment my friend so i took the liberty of draining the boars i caught for dinner so enjoy"
Astarion looked up his elf ears twitching lightly surprised and he was going to respond with a snarky remark but it was a nice gesture. But he didn't need to be owing anyone favor but Gale spoke up "our deal is try to stay healthy so you wont shock me" he chuckles and walked away.
The next time was when they entered a cave Astarion was shivering and his body just felt awful he didn't think typical weather can effect him. What in the hells was going on. He was thinking until Karlach stood beside him "hey Fangs you okay? Shivering like a leaf over here" Astarion scowls "im fine just.. just saw something- um disgusting" Karlach rolled her eyes not beliving him but mentioned you was making camp soon
When everyone turned it Karlach saw Astarion was struggling to meditate because he felt awful still and cold. He didn't hear when Karlach came over and simply sat next to him her body heat was welcoming but Astarion still scowls "i said im fine-" "easy fangs im just sitting here because gale is snoring"
If Astarion wasn't feeling terrible he wouldn't have believed such a deception. But he did and huffs "fine"
After a few moments Karlach felt a weight on her shoulder before looking at down to see Astarion head was on her shoulder slipping into a light meditative state.
You had the last stray and glare at Astarion the team behind you "Astarion your sick and your going to rest and be taken care of understand"
Astarion was taken aback "sick what do you mean im sick, im a vampire forever Healthy" he sticks his head up in resentment, much to his protesting headache.
You frown "please let us help you its clear you feel aweful and i-.... um" you look away having a faint blush since you never really told Astarion how you felt since he probably wouldn't believe you.
Then Karlach steps in "you see Fangs, this one care about you alot more than you think. And they want to see you okay get it?"
Astarion looked over at You and gave you a blank stare before sighing in defeat. "Alright fine, but you better not mention this little group meeting to everyone else" he complained and their little band chuckles quietly agreeing.
Later that night you made it your business to remain in his tent tending to him and even stayed back to keep Astarion company until he was on his toes again and when he was fully healed he pulled you in for a timid kiss before smirking.
"This is a gift, i won't forget it" he said softly holding your hand
⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇
A/n: he got everyone sick later one oops.
Requests are open for our favorite vampire spawn 🥺💞 thank you everyone hope you liked it.
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