snailpaint · 2 days
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zandiiangelspit · 2 days
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Ooh! I think this one is a curse! ✨
I cooked this just for Vcham2 (on twitter)
Mummy skin when??? 👀
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aluwett · 2 days
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I wonder what song they're singing... (shirtless version under the cut) Just wanted to doodle and it got out of hand... totally not because I wanted to draw them shirtless.... ;;;;;;;
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thequeenofcupps · 3 days
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klauw22 · 5 hours
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the morning after
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archangelsarchway · 3 days
Archaeology student Venture trying hard to charm the cute literature major girl that sits in their medieval studies classes. Endless rambling about ancient cultures and books to try and win you over. Can barely focus on the lecture when you're around. Yeah. College Venture <3
I love this concept gangalang! Im not in college (yet) so I don't have a first hand experience of what college is like, but I'll always try my best <3
I always headcanon that Sloan does enjoy reading the classics...
(wrote this in class)
You settle down in a seat in your medieval studies classroom, sitting in the middle section of the lecture hall. Not many people populated the classroom, just a few groups of people talking amongst themselves and getting settled down to take notes.
The professor started her lecture and you started people watching. Why did you have to choose this class...
You had a good view of most of the other students because everyone wanted to be close to the professor to hear her speak and record, but there was a person sitting 5 chairs down from you, sitting ramrod straight and trying to look nonchalant. Odd.
The professor mentioned something about a project and you snapped your attention back to her.
"... you will be studying the architecture of the Romanesque building style and you must work with another person for full credit..."
Oh now we have to work with another person. Great. You reach down into your bag to grab your laptop and supplies when—
"You know that even though we call them the Byzantines, they called themselves Romans?"
You jump a little bit and look up to see a person with wild curls, a chipped tooth and a eyebrow piercing. The same person sitting weirdly during the lecture. They're now sitting eerily close to you.
You feel awkward just staring at them without saying anything.
"If they called themselves Romans then why do we call them Byzantines?"
They seem shocked you asked a replied back and start stuttering.
"Well- because their capital city was called Byzantine before it was Constantinople and after that it was Istanbul after the Ottoman turks took it over..."
Now that you've gotten a good look at them, they're so handsome.. you catch a glimpse of a neck tattoo before they put their hand around their neck, rubbing it slightly.
"Sorry, I was talking too much— oh wait! Where's my manners, my name is Sloan– what's yours?"
You tell them your name and they seem to melt a little bit. You talk for a little bit more about the Byzantines and the topic of the project comes up again.
"You seem like you know a lot about history, Sloan. Do you want to work together?"
They freeze. They were about to pick up a piece of paper and they look like they were caught like a deer in headlights.
Oh crap.
"We don't have to if you don't want to—"
"NO! No I want to work with you, like how the Delian league and the Peloponnesian league combined forces to defeat the Persians!!"
They're blushing and waving their hands around.
"Um- I'm free later this week, but I have to get to my Geology class now– this is my number, have a great day ill see you later bye!!"
They essentially sprint away after basically throwing a scrap of paper with scratchy numbers written on it. You see them run to a thin man with patchy blonde hair with ash and grime on his shirt, them both talking excitedly and you hear Sloan proclaim their "successful first blow against the walls of Constaninople."
Whatever. If there's something you love most, it's history nerds.
I didn't wanna make this too long but I actually love this idea so here's some headcanons that I wish I could have fit in here ;3
- sloan would give you crystals meant to increase focus
- sloan would ALSO give you crystals because they "thought you would like them" but they're just all those affection stones like rose quartz.
- omg
- sloan gives you necklace/bracelet with those kinds of stones
- Now that you're working together they still sit up very straight at the beginning of class, but they progressively get more relaxed as they talk to you
- before, they wouldn't dare to get within a normal line of sight with you
- hence sitting 5 chairs away
- junkrat cameo. Had to do it
- junkrat got so fed up with Sloan
- "Sloan, if you don't get your big pants on and talk to them I'm blowing up your fossil collection."
- "you wouldn't dare. And besides, they would hate me..."
- "I wouldn't touch your fossils... but Mako might."
- that was the final straw for them LMAO
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venturelovebot · 1 day
I wish I could have a better pride month where I lived– so I'll do my best to use my platform as a place we can all celebrate our identities and orientations with the silly lil' goober!
Just a reminder that Venture would accept you regardless of everything! It doesn't matter how "complicated" your identity/orientation is! They love you just as you are and nothing can change that!
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bumblebeeig · 2 days
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mightbebubz · 1 day
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claw404 · 1 day
Quick ask for science (:❗❗
Do you think Venture is an ass, tits or thighs kinda lover?-
Personally, in my humble opinion...
I believe Venture is a thighs and breasts kinda lover. They love squeezing and squishing there any chance they get. They never overdo it in public, only sneaking appreciative quick glances if you're wearing something fitting or revealing.
But when the situation allows for it, when you allow it -or when you two are alone- their hands will be all over you, mainly your chest and thighs. Its even more soothing for them than it is exciting.
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bellasmeiia · 2 days
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this is what i imagine whenever mauga and venture are beefing
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prince0fpaints · 2 days
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A pretty big art piece to open up summer, Enjoy Venture Nation.
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poprocks-molerat · 9 hours
Venture: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk.
Junkrat: Go the fuck to sleep Venture.
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cryptcoop · 2 months
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Queen's Gambit (2020)
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mirykka · 2 months
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venture overwatch !!
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archangelsarchway · 2 days
College!Venture Anon here again... you said Sloan reads the classics? BET THEY WOULD! Like the "Odyssey"? The "Illiad"? The "Oresteia"? If you sit somewhere in the library, deeply immersed in your reading, Venture will s t a r e you down. Like "omg she's reading that. I love that book." When you catch them they blush and start rambling, trying to engage u in convo whilst at the same time being too nervous to shut up lol. And whenever you read a different book, god forbid they just ask, no, Venture cranes their neck until they see what you're busy with. "Why are you on the floor, Sloan??" "NO REASON!"
Anyways, fun times at the library with Venture. What if you really need to work on a paper/a presentation but neither of you can stop yapping about books, history or teachers that you don't like... perhaps this gives you some inspiration!
- Sloan sees you immersed in a book. They're looking to see what you're looking at so they get up (multiple times) to go to the shelf behind you (filled with cooking recipes) to look for books (they're really trying to see what page you're on)
- they see you're on the page where Odysseus murdered his wife's suitors
-"damn. i wish someone would do that for me"
- they said it too loud, holy shit
- "Um! nothing just looking at the... crawfish boil." the recipe book clearly says vegan recipes.
-quizzical expression from you
- nervous laughter from them
- "I saw. that you were reading. Greek literature." theyre literally staring at your book
-"Yeah it's for my class?? what are you a TA or something"
-"no i major in archeology and history..." now they're focused on you, pretty deep brown eyes stare right through you but you have to get focused - the project isnt gonna do itself
-"uhuh... so you can help me with this project here- i need to analyse Homer's writing style or something? I don't know, Professor de Kuiper makes no sense sometimes."
- "oh my gosh you have him too. he went off on this tangent about gravity?? he's a history teacher not a fucking physicist, just go back to lecturing about... whatever he was lecturing about before, i can never pay attention in his classes."
- you talk shit about how Professor de Kuiper and Professor Amari don't even teach the things they should be teaching- and Sloan helps you write your thesis and essay frame but then-
- Sloan points at the book, but they are standing and you are sitting and the book is on the library table so they are standing above you, their chest radiating warmth even though you are barely touching them and their head is almost laying on yours. - Sloan doesnt realise how close they are to you - they keep talking but since this is a library they have to keep it low - they basically are pillow talking to you about how Homer's prose was a game changer for Greek literature
- okay. let's lock in, focus. - their hand brushed your arm - you look to the arm that was touched, off instinct - their face is looking back at you - you study their piercings, chipped tooth and browned skin -"um." - ok. awkward. you've been staring too long. let's make a joke "you gonna kiss me or what?" - their eyes open wide, like comically wide - they lean in swiftly and give you a peck on the cheek -"um. traditional greek greeting?"
bonus, establishedrelationship!
-+- "whatcha reading?" Sloan appears on your shoulder, looking down at the book you picked up. "Sappho." "Oh nice." later that day Sloan comes home with a boquette of violets
"...sloan." "yes?" "why did you get me gay flowers"
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