#You know if something actually happened to his brother he would never ever forgive himself for putting the bad vibes out there.
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 3: Enveloping Feelings.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 (soon))
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#I wanted to try out a different paneling style for this one - sorry I'm a day late! (there will still be a post tomorrow to keep on track)#The original 3 panel comic idea was fine but the point of this new schedule was to take time to push myself a bit more.#I was taking a look back through some comic artists I felt inspired by#and I really loved how Lynda Barry fills her gutters with patterns and doodles!#Obviously I'm not going as absolutely wild with it as she does but it was a great exercise!#I truly think the gutters are the most important and most overlooked part of any comic. There's lots going on in that space.#It's the same with timeskips. The implied movement between moments that we don't see changes depending on how wide that gap is#You're here for the funny tags so here's some that ties this time talk together:#I think LWJ was thinking about that second note from day 2 but it took him 7 days of hazing to commit it to paper.#I think he sends it a day later and immediately regrets it. Chasing down the messenger and everything.#You know if something actually happened to his brother he would never ever forgive himself for putting the bad vibes out there.#Third time skip was the hardest because there was so many possible flavours of jokes here. Day 8/9 was a personal favourite.#day 14 was also funny (week by week). I think the debate on 'how long does lwj take to catch feelings' is more or less:#'how long does it take for him to arrive at a particular stage of grief and yearning (and awareness of it all)#This is a symphony. There is an act by act structure. Every day he is fighting to keep his old sensibilities. He is losing so badly.#(I'll be returning to the main comic soon but there is more of this AU to come!)
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
Yan!Parents Daemon/Rhaenyra Targaryen Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ 🐉 — lady l: Are these headcanons good? I don't know, but I hope you like it!! Forgive me for any mistakes ;) 🩵🤍
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotection, mention of death and murder, unhealthy platonic relationships and messy writing.
❝🐉pairing: platonic yandere!daemyra x gender neutral!reader.
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Rhaenyra and Daemon were looking forward to the arrival of their first child. Daemon already had two daughters and Rhaenyra her three precious boys, but they were very eager for the first fruit of their marriage to be born.
The day Rhaenyra gave birth to you was one of the happiest memories of her life. The pain of childbirth was excruciating, but when she could hold you in her arms, it was all worth it.
Daemon actually sobbed when he held you for the first time. You were so small, so innocent and so perfect. He swore to himself that he would do anything to be good to you. You would be loved and adored forever.
They are both extremely overprotective and possessive over you. You are their child, you belong to them, so you should not associate with anyone they do not approve of.
Any friends you may have will be investigated by Daemon and if he finds anything that displeases him, that friend will disappear from your life. He is not objective, if that person's great-grandfather was an bastard, for example, that means they will never be good to you. And you deserve only the best.
Rhaenyra not only agrees with this, but encourages her uncle-husband's actions. You are her baby, the most precious person in her life and she only wants the best for you. She will give you the best, she knows what is good for you. After all, mom always knows best, right?
Your older siblings would also have developed their own obsession with you, encouraged by their parents. It didn't take long for the Velaryon brothers and Daemon's daughters to become completely attached to you.
You were not only your parents' obsession, but also your siblings, meaning you can bet no harm would be done to you. You were spoiled and protected, the apple of everyone's eye in Dragonstone.
Whatever you want, you will have. Rhaenyra and Daemon are completely soft when it comes to disciplining you, just one puppy look and they will forget everything. You are their child, you could do no wrong in their eyes.
Everyone is instructed to spoil and protect you, the servants, the guards and your brothers will do so willingly too.
Daemon is very possessive, he feels entitled to you because you are his child. He will kill anyone who looks, says, or even breathes wrong at you. There's no way he's going to let anything happen to you.
Rhaenyra is more controlled, but she is still a dragon and you should never mess with a dragon's offspring. She loses all her senses, her reason when something happens to you. Even if it's a paper cut, she will go into a frenzy of rage.
Any love interests or suitors will also be dealt with quickly. They won't allow you to get married, no one will ever be good enough for you.
If something were to happen to you, gods be good, for the true fury of the Targaryens would be revealed. They will burn, kill and destroy everything in their path for you. All that matters is you, the war will be forgotten by you.
And when it was just ashes and the smell of blood and death was in the air, they would be satisfied. Daemon and Rhaenyra will go to extremes for you. You are their baby and no one, absolutely no one, can change that.
Daemon and Rhaenyra will not lose anyone else, not their child. And when the war for the Iron Throne begins, you would be locked in and protected the entire time. Your parents love you and would do anything, but they don't know boundaries or privacy. It doesn't matter, after all, they are your parents.
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l3viat8an · 5 months
Out of the demon brothers who’s most likely to take playfighting super seriously and who treats it more like a game? or maybe a little sexy ;)
I know I’ve talked about play fighting with the boys before but that was more rambling so I tried to make hcs this time!!
Little bit suggestive in a couple of parts but mostly silly hcs!
Lucifer knows his strength and he’d hate to accidentally hurt you (again) he’s the oldest too so he kinda thinks it’s beneath him 🙄 If it’s more his attention you’re after he’d rather just give you kisses.
That being said; if you can get Lucifer in a really good mood he’ll just chuckle, raising an eyebrow while watching you try to hit his chest. Not like you can actually hurt him- You’ll probably get bored quick and it’s only then that Lucifer moves. Grabbing your waist so he can turn you around and slap your ass- if you say anything he’ll just play it off, saying it’s how he wants to play~
Mammon oh you wanna fight?? Then get ready to fight!! he take it soooo seriously and it’s a good excuse to manhandle you just a little bit!!-
Mammon doesn’t work out for nothing ‘n of course he likes to show off for you! He carries you to your bed and even throws you around a little, laughing the whole time!
He’s fully convinced he’s in a wrestling match and even yells some silly slogan he just made up. Of course he still pays attention to every little thing you do, he’d never forgive himself if he actually hurt you while messing around.
Levi doesn’t really play fight- and if you hit him, he thinks you hate him- he’s more into tickle fights where you’re rolling around tangled up together and laughing!!
Tho there is a chance he’ll randomly bite you, it’s like cuteness aggression takes over and seeing skin = bite you in his head!!! ‘n this could absolutely happen mid tickle-fight!! You’ll feel his teeth nip at your neck / arm / shoulder / wherever he can reach, really. He just likes to bites you. you make him happy? He bites you. It’s simple really. Any excuse is a good excuse to cover you in his bite marks.
Satan also takes it way too seriously- he doesn’t want to hurt you! And he doesn’t really have a good reason for why he takes it so seriously….he just likes to play-fight with you.
You couldn’t beat him in a real fight anyways- but like this he can pretend and let you ‘beat him’ !!There’s also something really hot about the way you pin him to the floor, and smirk down at him while triumphantly shouting “I win.” in that moment all he wants to do is sit up and kiss you-
Asmo the first time he almost cries that you absolutely can’t hit his face!!
But after that he’s a little intrigued, and he can’t lie it is fun to toss you around a bit- ‘n more often then not it’ll turn into something a little hotter~
he’ll looks at you with a little smirk on his face and let you throw a punch or two at him. But before your blows can land you’ll hear Asmo’s little giggle as he grabs your wrists, pulling your hands up to his face and kissing each of your fingers before pulling you into a hug, whispering that if you really want to fight……you’ll have to fight naked~
Beel There’s no way either of them will fight back- even if it’s for a joke he’s too afraid he could to hurt unintentionally.
Beel is too big and worried about his size. He thinks whenever he’s touching you, it should be to make you feel good or make you feel safe. Not to play-fight, but if he ever did try it he’ll probably just kinda poke your cheek or just hold his firsts up while he lets you try and hit him. Don’t worry, your firsts feel more like taps to him.
Belphie loves to tease you, joking that ‘there’s just no way your little human punches would hurt him.’
But he’ll still let you try, his favorite part is when you do hit him and he lets out an involuntary ‘oof’ the huge, goofy, grin on your face almost makes him want to smile too-
He’ll get you back tho!- Belphie will full on tackle you as he starts to tickle you until you have to beg him to stop. But he just laughs tickling you a little longer.
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daytaker · 4 months
The Gang React to You Giving Them Chocolates on Valentine's Day
And other Valentine's Day miscellanea. I'm going with MC giving store-bought chocolates. I know in some places, it's more common to give homemade chocolates, but I for one do not have any idea how that is done and it's not something that's common where I live, so I'm going to go with what I know, which is very little. Enjoy! (Mostly below the cut.)
The length of these varies. Some are quite short. I just wanted to put out some sort of Valentine's Day themed Thing, even if I'm almost two days late.
"How thoughtful. I don't suppose there's anything deeper I'm meant to read into here?"
He's so smug. Unreasonably so. More than you would expect. Yeah, guys, he got chocolates from MC. But his pride doesn't allow him to flaunt the fact. He has to just hope and pray people actively ask him whether he's gotten anything or where those not-so-discreetly placed chocolates sitting on his desk happened to come from.
Lucifer is very traditional in his treatment of you. When it comes to events like this, he's almost painfully predictable. He'll certainly have roses for you, and depending on your relationship, he might reserve dinner for two at a high end restaurant. And if your relationship is at a certain level, you can expect a trail of rose petals leading to the bed. It's kind of cringeworthy but he means well.
"O-oh... Ahem... Is it Valentine's Day? Ha! I thought I was forgettin' somethin'. Heh, uh... thanks, human."
Obviously he didn't forget; he's been stressing over this day for the past week. He needs to get you something, but it can't be anything that's too cheesy or anything that makes him look cheap, so he's probably broken the bank to get you some sort of jewelry that he'll spend the next century paying off, but it's worth it.
When he gets chocolates from you, he plays it off like it's no big deal, but actually, he's so excited to reciprocate that before he has time to think it over, he's acting like he just so happened to have this expensive piece of jewelry on his person so you might as well take it for him. He spends the rest of the day kicking himself because now how in the world are you supposed to know that this was actually a very tactful and expensive gift from the greatest demon in the Devildom?
That, and he'll probably spend the entire day glaring at his brothers and the dateables from the corner as they shower you with gifts and attention.
"Wh...? For me? This isn't a prank, right? Because I'm not gonna forgive you if this box is full of tide pods!"
It's not full of tide pods, so all is well. He's so embarrassed to have doubted you that he tries to just shove his gift into your hands and push you out of his room, but it won't take too much persistence to get him to back down.
His gift is some sort of merch relating to an anime, manga, or game the two of you have particularly enjoyed together. Preferably something cute and evocative of the holiday. He doesn't know. He's never done this before. Why would he? Nobody would ever think to give him anything on Valentine's Day, so why would he bother with gifts? You do remember that nobody likes him, right? He doesn't like them either, so it's fine, but---
Let's just thank him for our gift before he falls too far down the self-hate spiral.
"I had hoped I might receive something from you today."
Satan is glad to get something from you, no matter what it is, but to be honest, chocolates probably aren't the best choice for him. He'd rather have something a little more heart-felt, that seems like you picked it out with him in mind. Literally anything cat-themed, or a book of some sort (bonus if it's a romance novel).
He's probably gone and done something stupidly romantic like buy you flowers and a book of poetry with certain parts highlighted.
But don't be fooled. Satan's favorite part of Valentine's Day is talking about its gruesome history, from the martyrdom of St. Valentine to a whole host of brutal murders that have taken place on the day. Catch him trying to figure out how to shoehorn the Chicago St. Valentine's Day Massacre into a casual conversation.
"Oh, for meeee? You're such a sweetheart!"
He adds it to his enormous pile of chocolates, cards, flowers, and love letters. But of course, it's special, because it's from you.
He loves it, but... he's another one who would probably prefer something a little more personalized. Being who he is, he's a very popular demon on Valentine's Day, so seeing you put in a little effort to get him something with a bit of Asmo-flair would thrill him.
"Chocolates...? This is the best thing I could have asked for. They'll taste even better knowing they're from you."
Well, obviously he loves them. He probably tried to get you chocolates too, but it doesn't matter how much he loves you. Beel's gonna Beel. The box is empty. He's shocked. He was sure he left some.
"...Wait, it's...? ...Thanks, MC. They look really good."
Belphie stares down at the chocolates in his hands, looking tired and mellow, while he internally panics because holy shit, it's already February 14? When did that happen? He doesn't have anything for you. He hates Valentine's Day. Why does it have to exist and lay bare all his inadequacies, like being a procrastinator and forgetting to prepare for things in advance even to the slightest degree?
"Ah, for Valentine's Day! It's a delight to receive this in person!"
Diavolo probably gets plenty of Valentine's Day presents from admirers (and suck-ups) around the Devildom, but most of them come in the mail or are otherwise delivered in an impersonal manner. So when you approach him directly to give him some chocolates, he's reminded why you're everyone's favorite human (himself included).
Also, you'd better clear out your schedule, because Diavolo booked out all of Ristorante Six for a dinner date tonight. Yes, the entire thing. Yes, on Valentine's Day. No, he's not worried about the dozens of disappointed couples who had probably been hoping to eat there.
"Any gift from you is satisfactory in my eyes."
It's kind of embarrassing to give regular old chocolates to someone like Barbatos who's a complete whiz in the kitchen, especially when it comes to sweets. But you figure he'd appreciate the gesture, and you'd be right. Of course, he will turn around and present you with a variety of immaculate, handcrafted artisan chocolates, tailor made to your personal taste. But sure, those store-bought candies you got in the heart-shaped box are completely fine, so stop stressing out about it.
"Aw, thank you, my adorable apprentice! I have some homemade chocolates for you! What? Aren't you going to try some?"
Solomon tries to kill you on Valentine's Day...with love, obviously! But seriously, aren't you going to try the chocolates? He put his whole heart into them. And the hearts of several unique Devildom species. They're not toxic, stop worrying.
"The fact that you thought of me means more than you realize."
And he means it. The fact that you thought about him, and when thinking about him, made the active decision to buy him something for Valentine's Day makes him stupidly happy.
Simeon strikes me as a flowers kind of guy. He got you flowers. Maybe some homemade treats too, but definitely flowers.
"Thanks! I got you something too. Happy Valentine's Day!"
Luke made cookies. They're delicious. Befriending this kid is the smartest thing you ever did.
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wolfiesmoon · 3 months
Deal or no deal
Azul x gn!reader
finally writing for my baby boy azul, i can't believe it took this long since i am an azul girlie myself
a very funny silly definitely innocent business man methinks
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"First, tell me what you desire. We can take it from there." Azul smiled slyly, interlocking his hands as he leaned on his elbows.
You were currently located in his private office, about to sign a contract with him. You had to think long and hard about coming to him, but you figured that if anyone can fulfill your wish, it would be Azul. You feel kind of guilty asking him for this in the first place.
You see, you've been in love with Azul for a good amount of time now, but are too afraid to make a move. You beat yourself up for being such a coward every day, and even moreso right now because you're about to ask him if he can make "someone you've had your eye on" fall in love with you. You're not sure what exactly he does to make it happen, but you hope it's doable without much instructions on your end. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Though you still feel like a bit of a villain for doing this at all.
Your guilt and nerves are probably showing in your body language, too. Which you suppose only makes Azul more interested in learning what you desire. You can practically feel the grins on the Leech twin's faces, too. It's like they genuinely like seeing you nervous and scared.
Why are they even here, anyways?
"I want... someone to fall in love with me. Someone who I've had my eye on for a while now." you fidget with your fingers, unable to look Azul in the eye when you say this.
"That's..." he tried his best to hold back from laughing but a snort escaped from his lips anyways. "Forgive the reaction, your wish was just... unexpected."
You suppose he thought your wish would be more sinister because of your body language. Or way more embarrasing. But still...
"Ehhhh, I didn't know Shrimpy was in love..." Floyd's eyes were slightly widened but his creepy grin was still as wide as ever. "It is quite surprising, indeed." Jade added on. By the suspicously calm way they're acting, you have no idea if the twins already know about your little crush and are just acting along or if they're actually surprised.
"Yeah, uhhh, I guess that's it?..." you had no idea what else to tell him. You just hope that this can be over as soon as possible since things are getting really awkward.
"I can certainly do something for you. Tell me, what is their name? They attend this school, I assume." Azul seemed delighted. Probably because that means he'll get free labour from you as a collateral. You don't have any magic to offer him, after all.
"T... their name? Is that required?" You froze up. There's no way you can say that. That would be the worst way for your feelings to get outed, ever. You suppose it makes sense, though. He can't do anything if he doesn't know who you're in love with.
"But of course it is. Don't worry, judgement has no place in business affairs." He smiled reassuringly at you. You felt your face heat up. No, no, nope. You can't do this. Not like this.
"You know what.... Never mind. I can't do it." You abruptly stood up from the cushy office chair, apologising curtly before practically bolting out of his office.
"Oh my god, that was so bad... oh my god..." you mumbled to yourself when you were out of Octavinelle. You just royally embarrased yourself in front of your crush.
Was it obvious?
"What was that about?" Floyd pouted at the direction of the door, which you left slightly ajar in your panic to escape the situation as soon as possible.
"Hmmm... how odd." Jade looked deep in thought about something.
"This is why I tell you to stop coming to my office when I'm trying to make a deal. You scared the poor thing off." Azul shook his head dissaprovingly.
"That wasn't our fault. Shrimpy was acting super weird the whole time anyways." Floyd defended himself and his brother.
"I suppose you're right..." Azul took a deep breath, seemingly... relieved? Not about the fact you ran away, but still relieved for some reason.
Jade made a realisation. "Oh. I see. I see."
He smiled knowingly at Azul, who raised a brow. "What is it? Is there something on my face?"
"No, it's nothing. Don't worry."
Azul gets the feeling that Jade knows something, but doesn't want to tell him.
"If you say so."
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alphajocklover · 17 days
Hi! How about if a nerd, or maybe a science teacher gets a bush by the jock of the school and he realizes a bit too late that his body is changing. It hits him that the sport teams didn’t have a coach for a while now, but that couldn’t be what’s happening, right?
Ned Stanson had hated highschool. The entire 4 years were absolute hell. He, having been an incredibly nerdy chemistry prodigy who everyone could easily tell wasn’t entirely straight, was constantly harassed by the popular jocks. They’d mock him, push him down, stuff him in his locker and perform incredibly cruel pranks. The jocks at his school weren’t smart or clever, but they were thorough. It was constant. He never felt safe, not for a moment, even outside of school. He didn't relax a moment until he was off to Harvard, and even then he was way too busy getting his double major in chemistry and education to really do anything except study. So why, after the years of torment that Ned had been through, that he still hadn’t gotten over, did he ever think it was a good idea to go back to his old highschool?
Ned put it down to desperation. A college degree, even with a double major, didn’t go as far as it used to, and he had no prior experience. He needed a job, badly, and his old highschool, Luther High, was eager to have him back. He expected it was because it made for good publicity more than anything else. The famous chemistry prodigy who went to Harvard, coming back to his old high school to teach a new generation. That, plus the general prestige of having a Harvard graduate working at your school, would do wonders for the small town highschool. So, drawn in by the surprisingly large salary, Ned forced himself to go back to his old school. He tried to tell himself it wouldn’t be the same, that as a teacher he would have all the power. He wouldn’t have to be afraid of jocks and athletes anymore. He could even help a few nerds the way he had once wished his teachers would help him. Things would be different.
He was right. Things were different. Maybe too different. Ned had found that teaching high school level chemistry was actually quite nice. He had always enjoyed teaching, it was just that he had pictured himself teaching college students, going over more advanced material. But something about going over the basics, introducing young minds to the world of chemistry, was thrilling. He felt amazing. Powerful even. Maybe a little too powerful. He wasn’t doing it consciously, and he felt like crap whenever he noticed it but… he found himself being especially hard on the jocks. They hadn’t done anything to him. He hadn’t even seen any of them bullying nerds like the jocks did back in his day. But some sadistic little part of Ned couldn’t help but pick on them. He’d give them harder questions, offer less help, and he even found himself being downright cruel and mocking them.
He knew he should stop but it felt so… cathartic. It was like he was getting his revenge, after all these years. Maybe that was why the kid he targeted most was Dylan Cooper, the little brother of his worst tormenter growing up. Ned knew it was wrong. A teacher bullying a student was way worse than a student bullying another student, no matter how bad the harassment he went though had been. But every time an opportunity to humiliate the legacy jock came up, he found he just couldn’t resist. After a few weeks of this he knew it couldn’t continue. He asked Dylan to stay after class so that he could explain himself and ask forgiveness. He knew he might be reported to the school board and fired, but… he couldn’t deal with the guilt anymore. As he sat at his desk, Dylan across from him, he tried to find the right words. Dylan spoke before he could, his voice cocky and confident.
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“I know what you’re gonna say teach. You’ve been treating me like crap because my big bro used to beat your nerdy ass when you went to school together.” Dylan said with a slight smirk, shocking Ned. How did Dylan know about that? Did his father tell him? Dylan continued, a strange look on his face
“… look, what my bro did to you was shitty. I used to be a bit of a bastard myself till my old football coach set me straight. But you know taking out old grudges on students is fucked up. I can tell you do. You get this guilty look on your face whenever you talk to me.” Dylan said, shocking Ned further. Ned remembered hearing about the football coach. He had been let go shortly before Ned was hired. Everyone said good things about him, and Ned had kind of wished he had met the guy. Finally he spoke, a slight tremor in his voice.
“Dylan, I am… I am so sorry. You’re completely right. I’ve acted completely unprofessionally. If you want… I’ll resign.” Ned offered. Dylan smiled slightly
“No need for that teach. I’ll forgive and forget everything. But you have to do something for me.” Dylan said. He took out what looked to a plastic whistle on a chain “The football team needs a new coach. I’m not asking you to say yes. Just… try on the whistle. See how it feels. Then tell me.” Dylan said. Ned hesitated. Something about this felt wrong… but Dylan was being so forgiving. How could he say no? He took the whistle and slowly slid the chain around his neck. Suddenly the world spun around Ned, his vision blurring. He felt like his entire body was stretching as his mind burned. He ended up blacking out, only for Dylan’s familiar voice to cut through the darkness.
“Coach… Coach… Coach!” Ned sat up with a start, looking around. What… What had happened? He looked over at Dylan, confused.
“What happened kid?” Ned asked, his throat feeling strangely rough. He stood up and stretched his arms, his incredibly large muscles flexing slightly as he tried to recall what had just happened. Dylan replied before he could truly get his bearings.
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“We were talking about the team and suddenly got weirdly dizzy. Are you not drinking enough water? You’re the one always telling us to drink a bunch after every workout.” Dylan said with a slight teasing smirk. Ned grinned back at Dylan confidently. Dylan was a cheeky kid, he had been even back when Ned first met him. Ned was an incredibly athletic and popular teen, the classic jock, and had been best friends with Dylan’s older brother all through highschool. Because of that Dylan was almost like a little brother to him too, and getting the chance to teach Dylan was one of the reasons Ned was so eager to accept his new job as gym teacher and football coach. He playfully slapped Dylan on the arm and smirked confidently
“I’m alright kiddo. Just lost my concentration for a moment. You should worry about yourself lil bro. I’m gonna push you hard at practice today.” Ned said with a smirk. As the studly coach and quarterback strut out towards the field, Ned grinned widely. He had loved highschool, and now he got to work here and inspire a whole new generation of manly jock bros. It fucking ruled.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
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Me: oh I just will take a day off from Tumblr! *writing the biggest fic I ever made.*
Anyways this idea was in my mind for a pretty long time but I was kinda indecisive to start this work. Feel more nervous than when I posted another pretty dirty fic as this time it's much harsher. So please read tags carefully.
Intoxication of love.. or of lust? Diavolo didn't know himself what exactly was outweighed in his chest, but there's something he knows for sure - he'll make you his today.
femreader, possessive!Diavolo, delusional!Diavolo, aphrodisiac, oral (receiving), fingering (receiving), dirty talk, crempie, drugging, dumbification, non-con, slut shaming, Master/slave undertones;; 3914 words;; Please contact me if you think I forgot to add something!
Just another evening in Demon Lord's Castle.. Well, at least from your point of view, as everything was so casual, casual as it was a few days ago, and a week ago, and a month ago. There's no fear or thrilling excitement that tickles in your chest when you visit such a luxurious place for the first few times. And of course you stop seeing Lord Diavolo as someone authoritative and powerful, more like a good friend who you don't mind to tease sometimes.
But that's what he's needed, that's what he expected to see - a zero suspicion or careful attention from you. And that is what would help him to put his plan into practice.
"Mm, s/o, you're here! I was waiting for you." - With a usual big smile he got closer, flung out his arms in a lavish gesture.
All speeches are well prepared. All his actions, every movement is well prepared. Not too perfect to evoke a feeling of falseness, but without any wild surprises, keeping your guard down.
Today he's more collected than before his official meetings or important events. Why? Because losing his status or just getting a little confused on scene is not bothering his heart as much as thoughts about losing you on a strange path of your relationship with demons around. Moving closer to one demon brother, than to another, like a little brat that just plays on crossroads but never stepping too far away in one certain direction. And moreover, never looking in his way, stepping on Diavolo's side only when you're too bored and have no right mood with these seven jerks. You just know how to play with their hearts, and today there would be a punishment. Don't want to get closer on your own? Be ready that sooner or later there will be a strong arm that just finally drags you to one of the ways. And the young Lord is willing to make you fall into his ground. To his feet.
"Sorry that I didn't text you back sooner.. Was a little bit busy." - your soft smile is adorable, but he notices how the corners of your lips twitch a little before lifting up. Oh, busy? You always have this 'guilty smile', that's what he called it, when getting late in RAD or in his Castle, or somewhere else, just because you were having fun with someone else, not because you're busy. Foolish and so air headed outside, Diavolo actually carefully remembered all pieces of information about you, all these small differences in your reactions..
"Ah, it's okay! I'm ready to forgive you, but only if you would tell me what happened.." - no indication of envy or anger, only this slight flirt that he always did, which always makes you think you're in charge and can tease him a little.
"Oh, nothing too serious. You know, just Mammon again is-"
Listening to your voice while you two sit at the table, Diavolo truly listens to all this nonsense, showing his usual reaction - laugh and just a little bit of jealousy about you all having such a good time in House of Lamentation. But it's just a piece of his attention, when inside his thoughts were far away from all these demons, as he concentrated on a cup of herbal tea in your arm. Almost full without a few sips, maybe he should shut your mouth a little and tell you something too so you would pay more attention to your drink? Effect would last pretty long yet his patience is otherwise.
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"Really? I never knew that.." - you mumble, smiling weakly as you look at your almost empty cup. It was such a pretty long day, that's why you suddenly start feeling kinda strange? Something like drowsiness, but at the same time like a second wind too.. Like if you didn't sleep for a few days and all your motions get so slow but suddenly a new wave of energy hits your body.. But not in some fresh way, as these goosebumps on your skin make you heated up. It's like it hits not your whole insides, but only the lower part…? The more you try to describe your own feelings, the more confused you get. Such a mix of thoughts in your head makes you dizzy.
Oh. oh. And of course Diavolo quickly noticed that. Who, as if not your generous, kind and cheerful friend who invited you to visit him today, will help you now?
"S/o, is everything alright?" - the itch to add some slight mockery in his tone was almost irresistible, but that's too early for something like that. There's plenty of time for him to have some fun with vengeance for all days that you ignored him..
"No, I think I just don't sleep that well tonight.." - a small trembling sigh escapes your lips, as you rub your temple in circle motions. But thoughts keep fading away in the middle of sentences, how can you even explain to him properly this strange sudden fatigue?
"Hm, maybe we should have a little walk around my Castle? It always helps me feel a little bit more fresh.."
Diavolo's right, as it helps you too sometimes, especially when you just want to clear your head, like right now.
But today the corridors of his residence were more like a labyrinth, and even familiar places were so far away and strange for you. Necessity of carrying on a conversation did not divert you from this nagging waves of pain, and the cheerful, unstoppable bubbling of the young Lord just turns your mind into a complete mush. Where were your thoughts, and where was his one, that he pushed in your mind with this chirping..? Your weak whining was the only response to his question that you didn't even understand. Perfect.
"S/o..?" - Snaps of fingers were so close to your nose but you didn't even react that well, only shrugging a little. You lazily turned to face Diavolo, but not for scolding him for such boorish behavior, your minds didn't even produce a thought about this being disrespectful or just strange. You turn just because he attracted your attention in this way, that's it, and Diavolo loves how quickly you get so obedient. What else can he try then?
"You hear me? Are you alright?" - This time there's undisguised mockery, yet you didn't get mad, once again. And even when he steps closer and squeezes your waist with his hands, in a pretty firm grip on purpose, you only furrow your brows and mumble:
"Dia.. Wha.." - Without that much resistance. The way you place your hands on his shoulders even can be called like some romantical move, only slight attempts of pushing tells him that you're not really understand what's going on. Maybe even not like it or hate it, in the very depth of your minds, where his drug didn't reach for now? But it just turns him more.
That's it. You ARE weak now. The kindness and compassion have left, leaving you with a cold, dominant demon - one who is in control.
Throwing away this obligation of controlling his wishes, he drops his hands on your hips and moves you closer to himself with one quick, harsh pull. Warmth of your body was intoxicating, almost a Siren's call but in physical form. He even can feel slight movements of fingers that were now sandwiched between your and his chest. Honey, are you still trying to push him away?
"Dia.. It's wrong.." - And there's a Siren's call itself. Weak call that shows just how dizzy you are, how far away from reality.. A call to destroy your minds completely.
His hands squeezed your ass, pushing you closer and higher, on the same level to his face. Already on weak legs, all you can do to scoot up is just lean to Diavolo's body, letting him manhandle you now.
Somewhere through this fog in your brains you hear your own scream that beg to fight, to push him away. Somewhere through this wild burn in your body you feel some kind of fear and disgust, that telling you this is not a right way to do the thing, that something is wrong.. But these smacks of a little desperation were too weak to make a breach in the wall of thick, strange arouse that start arising in your bosom from such close contact with another body. Moreover, every minor thought faded away under pressure of Diavolo's lips.
It's more like he tries to devour you than kiss, pushing his tongue inside your mouth without warning as soon as you just gasp from his tight grasp on your ass. Rolls his tongue over and around your own, pushing it as deeply into your narrow mouth as he can, Diavolo didn't pay any attention to a new way of struggling from your side. Or maybe he feels every small push, enjoying it?
Tickles of the tip of his tongue on your palate sends waves of goosebumps directly in your minds, making your whole body hummed in response. And small vibrations of your moans titillate both you and him, boiling your already heated up minds.
Even a loud thud of the door behind you didn't bother you that much, and only when Diavolo pulled away himself, throwing on the mattress, did you wake up. Just a little, only able to realize you're in another room, with a big soft bed underneath you.
It's actually his bedroom that you visited oh so many times yet never leave your scent on his pillows or sheets, sitting only on the same couch every time. But right now whatever sense you got left in your brains wasn't enough to remember that, or even to panic from the fact you got dragged here and didn't even notice this. Everything was concentrated on Diavolo, who's towering over you, and on this burning feeling in your chest that makes it hard to breathe.
"You look so much better like this, darling." - It’s like a lover’s whisper but there’s a cruel, depraved edge to it that chills the heart. It’s almost like the whisper of a predator that knows its prey is helpless and won’t escape no matter how much it struggles. - "So much better with me, than with anyone else.."
The moment you weakly open your mouth to mumble some nonsense he gobbles you up again, no less but even more hungrily than before. Even Diavolo himself didn't know his appetite for you was so wild, but now, when he finally unleashes his true intentions, that doesn't matter. He can do anything he wants with you, and as long as he wants..
Every touch and kiss lewding you in some dirty, twisted way. Trails of his hands on your body were like burning sharp knives, like electrical discharges that increased this unbearable heat. Fragile whine in his mouth was the only retort you were capable of, but for Diavolo it sounds like some needy beg rather than a strong protest. You're not asking to leave you alone, you're asking to reduce this dizzying temperature in your insides.
Ripping and throwing away all your clothes sounds like a good help, isn't it? Your arms falling slack on sheets, too powerless to resist his actions, so pretty soon the only thing that hid your body from his sharp gaze was your underwear.
Just for a moment Diavolo pulled away to admire this new view that he imagined in his dreams for so long - round chest heaves with your deep, unsteady breaths, and your stomach rises and falls with each. Smoothest of your skin was on a higher level than any expensive, luxury fabric he ever was able to touch. And this scent.. No one of all incubus or succubus can compare with this throbbing seduction of your smell. But doesn't this mean he's the victim here, acting under the charm of your beauty?
"It's all your fault, s/o.." - leaning closer, he groans in your ear. Maybe you don't really understand what he's talking about, as every small brush of his skin on your naked one interrupts any incipient thoughts, but it doesn't mean he has no right to tell all these things that are stored up in the depth of his soul. - "Everything could have been different if you wouldn't be like that, playing and fucking around with everyone.."
He grabs your chin to make look up at him - eyes have taken on a distant look, and your lips are trembling, trying to breathe more.. Yes, you definitely almost don't understand him, only sligh shine of confusion and fear in your eyes through a fog of lust can be seen. But it's better like this, cause now you at least don't resist his action.
Long, wet path of kisses on your body, as if Diavolo tries to mark every small part of your skin with his lips. The closer he moves to your trembling hips, the more sloppy his movements get, and when he finally stops right in front of your waistband, heavily breathing, his kisses are more reminiscent of some hungry impatient licks. Hot unsteady breath makes you whimper again and you look at him with half-lidded eyes, confused with his action. Your body is being flooded with a mix of unreal arouse and some creeping fear. Maybe this drug was good enough to turn your brains and body into a complete mess, but something in your guts keeps screaming to stop this.
"Dia.. Don't.. S-stop.."
"Don't stop? Of course, my darling.." - a low growl as his lips are within a breath of distance from your clit.
He presses his whole face to your cunt, drowning into warm wetness and intoxicating scent. Thin fabric of your panties was more like a tease for you when he started licking your folds right through panties. Like some poor, starving for months puppy, he pounced upon your pussy like it was a sacred dish.
His big hands moved from your waist to your thighs, spreading them apart as you kept squeezing them together and bothering his fun. One warning bite on your inner thigh before he pulled down your underwear with his teeth.
For a moment your and his eyes meet each other, as if he gives you another warning to not keep being a brat even in such a state and just gives him what he wants.
But his visage started to warp, along with this stern look - you break. Moaning, you toss your head back and lift your hips, begging to continue. All last hopes and screams leave your mind, nagging, painful ache that was waiting for release, win.
"That's it. What a fucking good girl you can be.."
Leaving your legs apart, he moved his hand to open your labia. Small throbbing clit, and this clenching around nothing hole.. His own dick twitch, so hard and hot in his pants, but Diavolo can wait just a little bit more to play all his fantasies.
Nimble fingers up against a bundle of nerves, then upwards, enjoying every millimeter. Such a small thing and such a light stroke, yet your whole body hummed in response. Slowly moving up and down, then in circular movements, Diavolo remembered every reaction, every gasp and whimper along with sudden shrugs of your shoulders or legs.. Do you not love like this, and prefer like that? He'll keep that in mind for the future, when you wake from drugs just to see him ready to repeat everything.
His fingers get lower, playing between folds, soaking in your juices while he presses his mouth to your clit. Just a small kiss, as he squeezes a sensitive spot with his lips, but your voice immediately gets higher, hips lift even more, as if you try to find more friction. What a cute reaction.. Opening his mouth and sucking your clit in, at the same time pushing it with his tongue, he didn't move his eyes from your face even for a second, devouring every slight twitch of your brows or lips. The way you start whining more, the way your needy cunt clenches more every time his fingers pressed around your entrance… In Diavolo's mind it means only one thing - there's no way you're enjoying this only because of befuddling drugs, you're enjoying it because you're just a little obedient slave that waited to be taken in some harsh and rough way. And Diavolo doesn't mind to show who's your master now.
Even when he pushes his finger in, without any warnings, you didn't pried him off, but moved further, letting him sink inside you and he quickly added another finger. Are you so loosened up because of an aphrodisiac he also added to this tea, or is it just a normal reaction of your body when somebody is being so irreverent with you? Thoughts about you always being like this just for him, only for him, always ready to feel him inside you and being so obediently silent with your disagreements but so loud with your sinful moans.. It's starting to be unbearable for him too, so his fingers quickly get in pretty fast pace, stretching your walls.
"You liked it, didn't you? You liked being such a fucking slut.." - Diavolo groans, tickling your clit with a low husky breath. Weak gasp from your lips didn't sound like a good response, so he disdainfully squeezed your tensed nerves between his teeth, just a little, but enough to draw more pleasant to his ears high pitched whine from your chest. - "Keep showing me how you like that.."
Like if your body is drawn to follow the orders of the young Lord, you immediately moan again, but this time from a strong aggressive hit of his fingers inside you cunt. Your surroundings began to swim with every thrust, as your hips jut upwards in one rhythm with his hand. Pulsation in your core reaches its peak, making you shudder in agony of enthralling pleasure, before you cum.
Such a strong wave that it is almost painful, like some piercing discharge. Your muscles feel more relaxed yet your insides are not revealed but filled even more with some dirty coercion to ache and beg for another release, and then for another and another.. Like you never would be satisfied, feeling this yearning that is amplified with drugs in your body again and again. And Diavolo knows that, ready to use you, who's now at his disposal, till blackness would crowd in on your vision and you would fall into deep narcotic sleep… Or maybe even after that?
Low groan thundered on the whole room when his now exposed dick twitch from cold air. Diavolo leans closer and grope your waist, almost buries you under his weight when his flushed head glides down your folds and presses to your clenching cunt, mixing his precum with your juices. Your hips wiggled a bit to grind back to his cock and he can't help but smirk, enjoying the way you completely forget about your arrogant behavior and get so obedient.. so needy to his dick. Now he just needs to make sure to pound you so good that you will be like that even without any aphrodisiac.
Pushing himself deep inside your wet cunt, he froze for a moment. Not to make you get used to his pretty thick length, but to give himself some time to overcome his strong goosebumps from your tightness. It feels much better than he ever can imagine, than he ever can make himself feel with the calloused seal of his own hand.. Almost if he's the one who's being corrupted here, not you.
He starts to slide back his cock out of your pussy and then to slide in with more force, just to experience this tickle on the back of his head once more. There's no way he can be gentle even in the beginning, when you lewding him like that with these pathetic whines. You wrap your legs around his wait yourself, you just BEG to be fucked, not crying to stop. Even your grasp on his shoulders is just the way to show your desire and these scratches from your nails on his skin is just a passion, he knows for sure.
Hovering over you like a predator over his prey, he just starts thrusting in some aggressive speed, stretching your walls with such force it's turning your minds into havoc. More marks on your body - kisses, hickeys, scratches - he will make sure there's no place that he didn't touch with his lips or didn't grope with his hands.
But the main act that will reinforce his point of owning you is only in the future, but his dick already starts grinding from thoughts about filling your pussy with his cum again and again. And even if you would be too full to take more with this greedy cunt, there's another holes in your body he would be glad to fulfill to the very end.
"You were waiting for it, didn't you? Whining my name like a little bitch in heat." - he whispered right in your ear but even such close contact didn't help to get his words into your empty head. Your mouth moved on its own, calling him in desperate moans as you didn't know yourself if you actually started begging for more or still resisting his wild urges.. But did it actually matter at such a moment? As there is no escape from the suffocating delight of unravel underneath him.
Your pussy starts to spasm, ready for another breakneck orgasm. And you feel his dick grinding against your walls in response, spreading soaking precum inside you. Grasp on your waist was strong enough to break a bone, but Diavolo moved one arm to hold your chin in the same firm grip and make you look up at him. He just wants to see how your eyes would be darkened by another wave of pleasure, how you would look when he finally made you completely his.. Rough sloppy kiss before he slammed his dick fully inside you, shooting hot sperm in your cervix. Tightening around the base of his dick, your cunt was almost milking him, sucking every drop with wild pulsations.
Some sort of sore starts nagging in your body and you collapse on the bed, mewling for some break. But only a few seconds was enough to catch a breath to a demon, as he started moving again even in a more aggressive way, slapping your hips with his own. None of your whines never would be considered as asking to stop, Diavolo just doesn't hear any painful undertones on your voice, just some luring possession that resonates with his delusional mind.
His dick was stiff again, hitting your sensitive spot with swollen glans with every thrust. Hitting your whole body with new waves that turn you more and more into some dumb, empty doll for his wishes and desires.
Diavolo will make sure to turn you into some obedient cock slave through some good punishment for all this time he was the one who's missed you. Now it's his time to be in charge and make you beg, and yearn, and cry for him.. to make you addicted to his love.. or lust?
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the-ace-with-spades · 12 days
I like the concept of Bradley calling Mav dad but realistically I think it'd be... complicated?
I think Mav would acknowledge that he is a parental figure to Bradley when Bradley is young and I think in the right scenario, he'd become okay with occasionally being called Dad --- especially if Carole approved on that and talked to him about it --- but he still wouldn't refer to himself as Dad. I think it'd take him years to get to that point and certain circumstances and even then I think the majority of the time he'd be Bradley's Mav.
(Also, I think all the people who say Bradley would never call him dad because Goose is his dad have never ever met a child that lost a parent at a young age or a child that had a good step parent... As much as I like to think Goose's memory would be cultivated, he's more of a memory than a tangible parent. Simplifying, of course, but yeah...)
I also think that this would be to some extent a point of conflict/mutual but separate angst. Because I feel like Bradley would genuinely see Mav as his father figure and Mav not wanting to be it (through refusal to call himself dad) seems like a big kick in the ribs and will not help his self-worth issues at all, especially combined with the USNA papers fiasco and being told he's not ready (not good enough).
At the same time, Mav could possibly even like being called (and being a) dad, but would feel not only guilty, but like he's betraying Goose's memory. I think there's just something so crushing about the realization that the outcomes/consequences of your best friend's, brother's tragedy are giving you some form of happiness, that you're taking his place and you like it. I think he'd have to forgive himself for what happened with Goose (or finally actually feel like it wasn't his fault) to actually be able to fully acknowledge he became Bradley's dad, and we all know that by the events of TGM, he's far from forgiving himself.
Grown-up Bradley I think would have some kind of blockage from calling Mav dad post-TGM, especially if Mav didn't do it first. I think it'd take him a long time to call Mav dad explicitly and to his face (he'd clumsily say that Mav is his dad to others tho...), just because their relationship would still be fragile and the feelings he had as a little boy didn't really disappear.
Mav, on the other hand, would feel like he failed Bradley and like he didn't deserve to refer to himself in any way as Bradley's dad and father figure even more because (Goose-related guilt aside) he'd be and has been a shitty one. I think it'd take him a long time to realize that Bradley still sees him as such and wants to see him as such, even as an adult.
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eisforeidolon · 6 months
Forgive me for restating the obvious, but I was reading through an old post and it just kind of hit me in a way it hadn't before: One of hellers' most fundamental disconnects with the show (and media literacy in general) is how they try to insist parallels establish romance.
SPN used parallels to couples and romantic tropes a lot in regards to the brothers. But it was never meant as a signal that they were romantically in love or to tell you something you otherwise couldn't figure out. It was to underline what we already knew from the entire rest of the story about how they were the most important people in each other's lives. It used romantic relationships because that's a central status typically reserved only for romantic relationships - that was part of the point.
Let's take an example or two. Dean compares himself and Sam to Jesse and Cesar from The Chitters. After interacting with them for a while, Dean is like, 'Haha, you fight just like brothers, almost as bad as Sam and me' and they say that it's more like an old married couple. This is Dean comparing an exact thing that actually happens between him and Sam, silly petty bickering, to something that exactly happens between a married couple. Likewise, let's take Dean's expression and the script note he's thinking about Sam's close call in Red Meat. Michelle is talking about watching the man she loves die and how nothing can be the same, and Dean is thinking about how he believed he lost Sam earlier that same episode and reacting to what she's saying. No one is under the impression that these are signposts telling you for the very first time that Sam and Dean are weirdly, claustrophobically close in a way that compares to romantic couples. They're quick moments which draw an underline on what you already know from the way they've acted towards each other for the entire preceding (and following) length of the show. If you cut either of those moments? It would change nothing about what we understand of Sam and Dean's relationship, because that's how using parallels in storytelling actually works.
Hellers want to insist that romantic couples and tropes being parallels to D/C in and of itself proves that D/C is romantic. Why else would SPN use couples and romantic tropes?!? Well, because SPN does that all the fucking time, maybe? Which is even before you get into how superficial the basis for their supposed parallels typically are.
Let's take an example or two. Hellers want to insist that Dean and Castiel were paralleled to David and Violet from Bloodlines because and I shit you not, one of them wore a tan coat. As well as the absurdly generic dialogue line, "I was there, where were you?" being used both in the backdoor pilot and in 6x20 by Dean. Aha! David and Violet are clearly stand-ins for Dean and Cas, and they were planning to run away together, so D/C is clearly romantic, BOOM! Except literally nothing about Dean and Castiel's actual relationship lines up with that. In no sense were Dean and Castiel ever planning to run away from their families together - not at the point where Dean was calling Castiel out for pretending he didn't know where Dean was if he really wanted advice or otherwise. Unlike the actual parallels with Sam and Dean, there is no underlying narrative base. Likewise, hellers want to insist that Castiel is Dean's Colette. Aha! Cain said Dean is living his life in reverse, and he killed Collette last and his brother first, so since he said Dean would kill Castiel before Sam, Castiel=Colette, and Colette was a romantic partner, so Dean lurves the angel! BOOM! Just for the sake of being pedantic, let's break this nonsense down one more time. Cain lists Crowley as well as Castiel as people Dean will kill before Sam. Collette was special to Cain because she saw everything he was, never gave up on him, and was able to get him to drop the blade. Which is literally what Sam does during the time Dean has the Mark - meanwhile Castiel tries to get Dean to not go and slaughter the Stynes and fails and is ready to give up and kill Dean after he goes demonic. Which doesn't even get into the part where ... Cain is literally just wrong in telling his little fairy tale. Dean is not him. When given the choice of killing his brother, Cain does it. When given the choice of losing control, Cain does it. Dean tries to get Death to shoot him into outer space and then kills Death rather than actually kill Sam. Dean and Dean's love for his brother are both far stronger than Cain is capable of understanding. So the parallel life thing? Is fundamentally hooey anyway. Again, there's no narrative there for a parallel to be drawing an underline on because none of their cobbled together meta resembles anything going on in the actual text. That's not how storytelling uses parallels or any other kind of subtext, by creating something entirely separate and expecting the general audience to decipher it. Though it's no surprise they try to insist that a show would do that, because they have nothing else.
TLDR; Their entire argument is that a comparison to a romantic couple makes two other characters' relationship automagically romantic because reasons. Which even putting aside the lack of validity in their parallels ... continues to be a boldly idiotic statement given the number of actually textual comparisons the show makes between Sam & Dean and romantic couples. Again, it's no wonder they freaked the fuck out over that forehead touch, because they very fundamentally refused to understand what SPN was actually doing on literally any level.
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ranna-alga · 6 months
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I think about this conversation between Ellie and Tommy in TLOU2 a lot, particularly this line, because what if it was Ellie that died instead of Joel?
(Disclaimer: this text will make absolutely zero sense probably since I put very little thought into it and there are likely some plot holes. You can choose to dislike it or not but this is all hypothetical so let me have my depressingly whimsical wonders here)
Imagine it this way: Joel's death scene pretty much plays out the same way as it does canonically, except that the roles are reversed: Joel is the one who is pinned down and forced to watch Ellie be brutally murdered in front of him. Perhaps, in whatever way, Abby's group discover that she's The Immune Girl™ that Joel killed almost the entire Saint Mary's hospital for - the reason why Abby's father was murdered. If she's here, and is still as close with Joel as Abby may assume, then he couldn't be that far (say that members of the group saw Joel and Ellie moving together for a while before taking separate directions for whatever reason or something). The plan was to originally kill Joel, but Abby can't help but think: why do they get to live a picture-perfect life with each other as father and daughter, when he was the one who robbed me and my actual father of that life and she was the reason my father was in that position in the first place? How can he commit the sin and live without consequence after? Knowing that Joel would be looking for Ellie, the attack on her would start and continue even when Joel finds her and is made to watch - a sort of 'you took away the thing I cared about the most in this world, so now I will do the same to you and make you feel the pain I felt' message to Joel from Abby.
This would have been the second time he watched his daughter die. The second time he lost the one thing he lived for. The second time he's failed - as a protector, as a survivor, as a father. He had only four years with her, two of which was lost due to her anger towards him for what he did at Salt Lake City. And only the night before her murder did she confide in him about possible forgiveness, only for that to be taken from him? For her to be taken from him? After everything he did for her to ensure her safety, even if it meant the cost of her trust in him. Every part of him that died alongside Sarah was brought back to life slowly but surely thanks to this girl who stole his heart in only one year after two decades of being an empty shell of violence and resentment towards the world and himself.
His biggest fear came true - losing Ellie, failing her too - and it happened right in front of his eyes, just like Sarah.
Remember when it was heavily implied that both Tommy and Joel had a very violent and vicious past during the early years of the apocalypse where they were their darkest selves? Joel would have likely reverted back to that in this scenario. Absolutely nobody in Seattle will be safe. That man would turn that militarised city into a fucking ghost town, no doubt about it.
As for Tommy... Would he have been the same? Would he also want vengeance for Ellie as much as Joel did? Or would the pain of having another niece die + watching his brother descend into bloodlust and resentment again be simply too much to bare? Could he tolerate losing his brother and not get him back this time ever again?
It took twenty years after Sarah's death to find solace in life thanks to Ellie. He can't wait another twenty for another one - he can never go back, never again. He failed to save the lives of those he cared for (Sarah, Tess, Sam/Henry) and he feared the same for Ellie. But at least they made it into Jackson, their new home, alive and safe. But now? What more does he have to live for? How much more stronger would his self-hatred become for failing again and again and again where he can no longer see the light Ellie brought to him?
Knowing now that the surgeon he killed was Abby's father, he probably thinks it was an error to kill him instead of just knocking him out so that this WLF ambush costing Ellie's life wouldn't happen. But one thing he's certain he doesn't regret? Dooming humanity of a cure, because taking both of his daughters away from him proved Joel's decision to save Ellie from the Fireflies: to him, humanity didn't deserve to be saved, not anymore.
TLDR; I may be aromantic asexual but I'm still a proud Joel Miller simp who loves the thought of Joel in the bloody Santa Barbara appearance Ellie had in the canon TLOU2. No shame.
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Best friend's little sister | Javy 'Coyote' Machado
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Pairing: Javy 'Coyote' Machado x Fem!Seresin!Reader (call sign: Valkyrie)
Summary: Don't let Jake know that her little sister and his best friend are in a secret relationship. Easy, right?
Word count: 2.3k
Requested? Yes / No
Warnings: mentions of death, javy doubts himself, reader helps him see he's better than that, secret relationship, mentions of sex, idk maybe i'm missing something.
A/N: THIS IS THE FIRST COYOTE THING IN MY BLOG WHOO! Thanks Coyote anon, I needed an opportunity to explore Jake being a big brother and here I have it. Changed the part of 'getting caught on a date' bc i got carried away and i completely forgot about that part. oops. I also tried a new form of writing, i'm not sure if i like it, but if i can't experiment here, then where? Hope y'all like ti <3
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Javy 'Coyote' Machado and Jake 'Hangman' Seresin are best friends. There's no doubt about that. Having graduated together in Top Gun as the two best pilots of their promotion, the duo became inseparable ever since. Even though they ended up in different stations after graduation, that friendship never halted. 
Another thing that left no place for doubt is the fact that Javy and Y/n liked each other. Everyone with eyes could have known. It wasn't that hard to see the quick, awkward glances they shared with each other, making the girl blush profusely due to the eye contact. It would have been easier for Coyote to make a move on her if Y/n 'Valkyrie' Seresin didn't share a surname with his best friend. Yes. She was Hangman's sister. Twin, actually. Because being related wasn't enough, no. They had to be twins. 
Valkyrie was the younger one for three minutes, and Hangman took the role of big brother those 180 seconds gave him. He would always protect his sister. In kindergarten. In elementary. In high school. Even in the Navy. Because, yes, the Seresin twins did everything together. And when Jake announced to his family on a Sunday dinner in mid July that he'll be going to the Naval Academy, Y/n simply said: "We're going." 
Hangman could be older, but Valkyrie was always there to protect his brother from the many tense situations Jake's cockiness led him to. They always had each other's back.
There were two people that Hangman did not leave behind when they were flying. Coyote and Valkyrie. If something happened to those two because he wasn't where he had to, he would never forgive himself. He trusted them more than anything. 
And they betrayed this blind trust Hangman had on them. 
When the best of the best were called back to Top Gun for a classified mission, the Seresins were there. Being the third also counted as being part of the best, and after graduating and ending up in the same base, Valkyrie became Hangman's wingman. People around the base called them 'The Devil's twins' as they never failed a target, their aim was ways on point, and if you were unlucky enough to see them behind you in the radar, well. You could prepare yourself to say hello to the Devil himself. Of course they would get involved in such an important mission. 
When Javy saw her entering the Hard Deck with her brother, he thought that he was seeing a deity in front of him. One of the legendary valkyries had come down from Valhalla to end his suffering and open the doors of the feast hall in which he'll spend the rest of his days, drinking and eating his problems away. He wanted her. God, he was infatuated. 
Valkyrie could see every thought in Javy's eyes. She knew he wanted her. But she could never get involved in such a way with his brother's best friend. What if something went wrong? What if they ended up hurting each other and Jake had to choose one of them? Of course Y/n would never make him choose. She wasn't a little girl, she could be in the same room with her ex and be fine about it. However, Jake would choose her. Always. And he would probably never have his friend and his little sister in the same room again. Y/n couldn't do that to him. She couldn't be that type of person.
But when someone looks at you as if you were the most perfect creature to walk on Earth, it tests your willpower. And Y/n couldn't ignore her feelings any longer. After Coyote almost crashed his airplane when blacking out due to the high-Gs, Valkyrie waited for everyone to leave the locker room and approached the male, who was still a bit shaken up. 
“You scared the shit out of me.” said her, sitting next to him on the bench. He nodded, acknowledging her feelings with a distant, agitated expression. Javy didn’t think he was going to make it. His first instinct was to pull up and save the expensive aircraft, but he realized later on, that he should have ejected from it. All he could think of was you and the amount of things he wanted to do with you but didn’t because he was scared of Hangman. 
 “I know. I fucked up. I should’ve been better.”
Y/n could feel the remorse in his muttered words. She moved closer, her hand squeezing Coyote’s one, trying to reassure him. “It’s not your fault, Javy. Those were a lot of Gs. It was bound to happen.”
“You didn’t black out. Nor Jake. You’re better.” he said, his eyes falling to the soft hand that was holding him and caressing her knuckles with his thumb. “You’ve always been better than me.” 
Y/n looked at him, and instead of expressing all the thoughts that were in her mind, she dropped his hand and flicked his forehead. “Darling, you’re an absolute idiot. I’m not and I’ll never be better than you. We’re working under a lot of pressure and our bodies are tired, you egressed with a force of 9-Gs, Javy. It’s not usual and we just need a few tries ‘til we get used to it. It’s not that big of a deal and you’re not a bad pilot for it.” 
Javy ran his fingers through his forehead, trying to sooth the pain from her flick. “No need to hit me like that.” 
“It was just a warning. Next time you doubt yourself, I’m doing it harder.” she said, laughing and rising from the bench. 
“I doubt myself with a lot of things, you know.” Javy looked up at Valkyrie’s face, lightened up by that sweet smile that was always there, even in the worst situations she managed to smile. It was like an angel. 
“Well, tell me those things. Let’s see how wrong you are.” she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the lockers, waiting. 
“I already told you about you being better than me” 
“Complete bullshit. Next” 
“I think I should work on my aiming skills. Your brother is always better” 
“That’s some kind of superpower he has. He aims like Legolas himself, but doesn’t have proper social skills. Nothing to envy if you ask me. You, my friend, have a very good aim and an excellent ability to flirt with every girl we’ve ever encountered. So, again, bullshit. Next.” 
“I don’t know if I can stop ignoring my feelings for you any longer.” his words, coming in a whisper, as if he was trying to not be heard by Jake, fell heavy against his tongue. 
Y/n and Javy looked at each other, both realizing that the ball was now in her court and she needed to make a move, or retire from the match. She was scared. All those years, all those glances, the light touches, the whispered conversations, the little small gifts after coming from a deployment, the FaceTime calls at 2 in the morning when one of you couldn’t sleep… all those things could become something more at that moment. Or become a memory if Y/n rejected him. 
With her heart beating faster than it should be humanly possible, she answered: “Don’t ignore them” 
Valkyrie had never been kissed with such an intensity. His hands were fierce, pulling her closer while his plump lips were soft, tender and loving. She knew, then, what being loved felt. And it was a feeling that she wanted to experience every single day of her life. They kissed for a while, until they heard someone approaching the room and pulled apart, as if they had been struck by lightning. That day, Coyote and Valkyrie began their secret relationship. 
They learned which were the best places to hide and kiss like hormonal teenagers during the next months. They knew every corner, the empty offices, the perfect angles to hide behind an F-18. It became easy after a while. But lying to a brother should never be easy, Y/n thought. And she was afraid that the longer they kept it hidden, the harder would be for Jake to forgive them. 
Now, the Dagger squad is deployed to the Pacific Ocean in an important operation. Being on the carrier offers a big amount of places to hide, and several different opportunities to be away from Jake’s sight. “We should tell him, Javy.” says Y/n, laying down on Coyote’s bunk bed while her brother, who shared a room with her boyfriend, was away on a meeting with Rooster. 
He is laying on her, his head pressed against her stomach so she can pet his head. He’s obsessed with her hands, how they are strong to control an aircraft yet soft enough to give him comfort. It’s a complete mystery for him. 
“We’ll do it, baby.” he turns his head, pressing kisses over her clothed stomach, a tiny smile appearing on her lips. “Let’s just wait until we finish this deployment, okay?” 
Valkyrie nods, grabbing Javy by the collar of his shirt and making him move closer to her lips. She just wants an innocent kiss. But no kiss remains innocent with Javy. His hand moves from her hip to the curve of her ass, kneading it through her uniform pants. She gasps at the sudden action, and he slides his tongue inside her mouth. 
“What the fuck is goin’ on here” says Jake from the doorway, shock and anger in his voice. 
Y/n pushes Coyote away from her with such force that he falls from the bed. Luckily, they were on the lower one, so he doesn't get hurt. He just hopes that Jake doesn’t hurt him after this. 
“Jake, let me explain…” Javy begins, but Jake is not having it. 
“Y/n, you’re my sister. I’m hurt because he’s my best friend and he hasn’t told me anything either but I can understand it, somehow, wanting to keep the new girl a secret from the rest. I get it, we’ve all done that before. But you? We tell each other everything!” Jake’s words hurt you more than anything. He’s right, you tell each other even the most tiny details of your life. And you have left it out from the most important one. 
“I know, Jake. I-I’m sorry but he’s your best friend and I wanted to know what was going on between us before telling you anything.” 
“Tell me, then” says her brother. 
“Tell you what?” 
“What is going on” 
Her eyes look everywhere but her brother’s face. She doesn’t know if she should tell Jake this without telling Javy first… but here goes nothing. “We’ve been dating for a few months. Two, almost three.” 
Jake ignores Javy’s presence, the only explanation he wants to hear right now is from his little sister. “Is he treating you right?” 
She lets out a dry laugh. “Of course, Jake. You know him. He’s a good man” 
He sighs deeply, shaking his head. “And are you serious about it or is it just-”
“I’m serious, Jake,” Coyote states, interrupting his friend mid-sentence. “I’m not messing around with her” 
Jake turns and looks at him for a moment, before talking to his sister again. “How serious?” 
“I love him” she confesses, her cheeks growing hot under Javy’s stare. She hadn’t told him about it yet. 
“...damn, it’s serious” Jake looks at Javy and then, as if nothing had happened, the blonde pilot hugged Javy. “Welcome to the family, Machado” 
Javy and Y/n let out a breath at the same time, knowing that Jake is not mad anymore. “Thanks, Jake” 
“My mom is gonna love you. Anyway, I’ll leave you two lovebirds but let me take something first” says Jake, while moving around trying to find Coyote’s bag. “Here it is” 
“What are you doing?” asks the owner of the bag, who has joined Valkyrie’s side and is now holding her hand and whispers softly for only her to hear. “I love you too” 
Jake opens the khaki sack and takes out a blue box that was hidden inside Javy’s toiletry bag. “I’m making sure that you don’t have sex with my sister when I’m on the same carrier than you” 
Valkyrie rans from the dorm faster than an F-18, leaving the two men alone. She never had to talk about sex with her brother and is not going to begin now.
“I’m trusting you my sister. Do something to her, and I don’t care if you're my best friend. I’ll kill you anyway” Jake warns. 
“I’m gonna marry her, Jake. It’s too soon now. But I will. I’m not letting her go” this confession makes Y/n’s brother smile warmly. 
“I always knew you would end up with her” says Jake, patting his future brother-in-law on the shoulder. 
“Then why did you put on that show?” 
“Because it was my job as an older brother! C’mon, help me find Rooster. He owes me fifty bucks” 
Javy is now very confused. “Why?” 
“Because we had a bet going around. And I won” 
Javy stops walking, turning to face his friend. “What? Did you bet on us?” 
“My bet was that you had been dating since the Uranium mission. And I was right” 
“I can’t believe this” Coyote laughs, totally shocked by the news. 
“Wait until you find about the other one” says Jake, walking about with a smug smile. 
“WHICH OTHER ONE?” Javy yells, scaring a few people that come out from their rooms to look at him. He apologizes quickly and leaves the area. This isn’t exactly how he thought Jake was going to deal with the whole thing, but at least he hasn’t have to hide anymore from his best friend. 
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writersmess · 1 year
Pairing: Derek Hale x fem!reader
Summary: you came back to Beacon Hills after so many years and definitely didn’t expected to find Derek Hale in town.
Warning: mentions of abusive relationship, mentions of SMUT, swearing, jealousy reader, fluffy, no use of yn.
Word count: 4k
a/n: hey there, this one is my first writing ever hehe, actually im a lit bit nervous. Also english is not my first language so forgive me if you find some mistakes.
They’ve met since highschool.
He was a Hale.
She was a McCall.
She was best friend with his sister, Laura. He was popular, everyone liked him and she was quiet, smart, what so called nerd.
She was always in his house, even became friends with Peter, which no one agreed, but he liked her. Everybody liked her.
How could they not.
She was sunshine, her smile would light up any place she was in. She didn’t like to talk much, but when words came out of her mouth it was like a song, a really beautiful one.
And her eyes, so bright, so full of life, of hope.
They got close, really close. Always together, sharing secrets, had their own inside jokes. Laura was so jealous, after all, she was her friend first. He couldn’t steal her like this.
But she ended developing feelings for him, not that she wanted to, but how could she not. Derek was so much.
So loveable. So caring, so funny, so beautiful, so kind.
And Talia loved her so much. Always joking around about her being in the family for good.
Everybody seemed to know about her feelings for him. Except for himself.
Derek was so blind about her feelings, of how much her heart belonged to him, and without even realizing it he broke her heart. Shattered it. When he chose Paige.
He chose Paige over her. Over sunshine.
It hurts so much. It was so hard to see them together all the time. To have the feeling of not being enough. Because if she was enough, he would’ve chosen her.
Laura always tried her best to get her friend out of her sadness. Hell, ever Peter was hating so much to see her like that. That light in her that once was so bright, was completely off.
But then it all happened.
Paige was gone.
The Hale’s were gone.
Suddenly Derek was all alone. She was all he had left.
He could only find comfort in her.
But she had also lost them. They were also her family. She had lost her best friends. The only ones she has ever had.
She was trying so hard to be strong for him.
But then he was also gone. He couldn’t bare live without them, without any of them.
And then she was there, all of sudden, alone.
You never thought you would return to Beacon Hills, especially under these conditions. You were so strong, why didn’t you fight harder? Why were you standing here at your mother’s doorstep with bruises all over your body?
You got back to reality after hearing your name being called.
“what the hell happened?” it was Scott, your little brother.
You couldn’t find the right words in that moment. You were so broken, words could never describe how you were feeling.
Tears streamed down your face and all you wanted to do was hug him, and you did. In a failed attempt to feel safe, to feel cared for.
It was a misunderstanding to say scott was preoccupied. He was desperate. What the hell happened to his big sister. What happened that he wasn’t capable to protect you. Was it supernatural? Was someone after you in order to get to him?
He could see the bruises all over your body, some bandages in your head and even a broken arm. But the look on your face, that would be something he would never forget. That sadness in your eyes.
You hadn’t noticed the people gathered in the living room, paying attention to what was going on. Some of them not even knowing who you were and some feeling heartbroken to see you like that, wondering what had happened.
“who is that” Malia asked and Derek quickly answered.
“do you know her?” Stiles inquired curious but without taking his eyes off you still at the door with Scott. His heart was beating like crazy in his chest, you were the big sister he never had and he loved you with all his heart.
Derek never answered, he was too preoccupied with this hole situation. His jaw was clenched and his fists ready to knock someone down.
After promising Scott you’re going to explain it all to him later, you just got to your room still not noticing the group in astonishment looking at you.
Your mom was there hugging you, stiles was holding your hand and Scott was about to make a hole in the ground from walking back and forth.
You’re telling them about what happened. How you were so involved in this relationship that you couldn’t realized how toxic it was. Not even when you were mistreated, or when you were accused of drawing too much attention to yourself wherever you went and were cursed at. But things changed when he decided to hit you and you fought back. And when you fought back, he wanted to kill you.
And he was going to.
If it hadn’t been for your best friends and their teammates, he would have killed you.
Thanks to them you were alive. But that doesn’t mean you came out unscathed. Oh no. You had so many bruises on your body, he hit your head so many times on the wall that you ended up with a concussion. And the broken arm. He managed to do this after you hit him on the head with a vase. He was so enraged.
But you were okay now. You were with your family and that’s all that mattered now.
Even your dad was aware of your situation, he was there with you in the hospital and he made sure he would end up with that boy’s life. And you believed him.
A few days has passed by and you were still unable to leave your room. You could not face reality, not yet.
Scott and stiles were trying so hard to make you feel better, at least to make you feel less miserable.
Today you finally agreed to attend their weekly meeting, it would be at your house so all you had to do was go downstairs and spend the evening sitting on the couch dodging the curious looks that the teenagers would give you all night long. You sighed tiredly at this thought and started to go down the stairs, breathing deeply in pain when you reached the end.
As soon as stiles saw you, he ran to take your hand and help you get in the room. You didn’t look at anyone directly in the eyes, you were too embarrassed to do this. When you were comfortable settled, stiles started to introduce their friends.
You laugh when he introduced Lydia and mocked him for his crush on her since kindergarten. You got shocked when he introduced Malia as Scott’s girlfriend and how you had no idea he had someone. You smiled at Liam and Mason, blushed at Parish because if there was a beautiful man in this room, it would be him.
“and thats Peter-“
You froze.
What the- Peter was dead.
“yo- you were dead” you gasped unable to say anything else.
When you tried to get on your feet, Peter was fast enough to catch you. You were paralyzed. When you look around expecting to understand what was going on, you heart beat even faster if it was possible.
It was him.
You never thought you’d see them again.
Your eyes locked with that green eyes that you were so in love with many years back.
“do you know Peter?” stiles asked confused taking you out of that shock.
“i- i studied with Derek and somehow Peter was one of my best friends” you answer looking at Peter who had that grin in his face. That stupid grin. You missed him and Derek so much.
You could not believe they were here.
Actually why were they here with you brother and his teenagers friends, you started to wonder.
The boys come to sit close to you and you were still so shocked with all of this that they did the most talking. You’re so flustered around Derek again, how could you be like that after so many years. Your cheeks couldn’t find their way back to the normal color, you’re so embarrassed. And after all these years of not seeing Derek and thinking Peter was dead, they got to see you at you worse.
After a couple hours of talking and laughing with the group, you could feel the effect of the drugs wearing off and the pain coming back with full force into your body. You head to the kitchen to drink some water and when you finally found yourself alone, you let the tears silently roll down your face.
You tried to pull yourself together when you heard someone coming, but soon calmed down when you saw those green eyes looking at you so deeply. Derek didn’t have to say anything, he put his hand on your face and you saw when his veins turned black, taking your pain with them. You left a relief groan slip out of your mouth, and the tears soon stopped to roll down your face.
“thanks” you murmured and he just smiled at you. You could feel the pity in his eyes and it made you look somewhere else.
“i wish i could do more” you felt the sincerity in his words and did nothing to stop your arms from hugging him, wich he returned quickly. “I’m so sorry i left” he murmured against your neck and you could feel the shivers running down your spine.
“you don’t have to be sorry, Derek” you looked him in the eyes and you could feel the pain irradiating from them “it was your family, it was your pain and you had to find a way to deal with it”
“they were your family too.” and with that you could feel those damn tears again. It was true, you loved them so much, all of them. And they loved you too.
After he brought you to your room, you noticed when he kept wandering around the room, looking at the details that were the same as so many years ago.
“it didn’t change at all” he said looking at some pictures on the photo wall.
“as soon as that school year was over, i left too” you said laying in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position and he gave you those eyes again “i went to med school and i didn’t think i would ever come back, until- you know”
You stared at each other for a few seconds and you weren’t sure if he was listening to your heart at that moment, but if he was, he would know exactly how you were feeling.
“c-could you lay with me a lit bit.. like the old times please?” if he didn’t have that super audition you were sure he wouldn’t have listened to what you said.
“sure” he smirked and laid down with you.
Back in the old days when you had trouble sleeping he would come running to help, he would just lay there with you until daylight or until your mother almost caught you. She would have killed you.
Despite the shyness you got comfortable into each others arms and that would be the best sleep you would have had in weeks.
You had just came back from the hospital. It was the first job interview you had since you arrived the town a couple months ago and your mother gossiped you that the job was definitely already yours.
You were so excited humming in the kitchen as you started to prepare your dinner. That was until you heard the loud noise coming from outside the kitchen doors.
Suddenly Scott came in with stiles screaming and leaning on his shoulders, he was limping and your brother quickly put him on the couch. You could see the wound on his leg and from a distance you could tell that it was not a matter of life and death. When you were getting ready to go to Stiles, your heart nearly burst out of your mouth. Peter and Liam followed behind with a half unconscious Derek and you soon noticed a hole in his abdomen.
You are standing in the middle of the room looking at the two people you cared so much about and seeing all the commotion you had to make a quick decision on who you would take care first. You looked at Derek for a second-
It had to be Stiles.
“look at me sweetheart” you were talking him down while opening the first aid kit “i need you to stay calm, you’re going to be just fine” he was screaming like crazy.
You took a good look at his leg and notice it was a graze wound. He was going to live. You sterilized the place and put some gauze over it, as well as give some pain medicine to Stiles. You made sure he was okay for now so you could move on to Derek and Lydia said that she was going to look after him. She also had some bruises in her face that you would give a look as soon as you had Derek okay.
Once you ran to Derek, you took his shirt off so you take a good look at his wound. He was about to go unconscious. You took his face in your hands giving him a look.
“why aren’t you healing” you didn’t notice the looks your brother and his friends gave you, but Scott definitely wouldn’t let that go. It took you a second to realize what was causing the veins around his wound to get black and why he was pale as snow. “wolfsbane” you murmured to yourself and ran to the kitchen to get something.
Once you had the small porch in hands, you came back to him. He was in so much pain. You knew that was about to happen now was going to hurt even more and took a second to prepare yourself.
“Der look at me” you said trying to catch his attention but it didn’t work.
As you were setting the wound on fire, you tried to stay still when you heard that roar coming out of Derek’s mouth. His eyes turning into a bright blue you’ve seen before. You let a few tears roll down your face and took a deep breath when you finished.
“you’re going to be okay” you murmured looking at his face while he was now unconscious.
After stitching Stiles in silence and making sure Lydia’s injuries was superficial. You took a minute to take a deep breath and tried to stop your hands from shake.
It didn’t go unnoticed the look Scott gave you.
Derek was lying on your bed still unconscious after peter and scott brought him here to rest a bit. So as you thought.
You had just left the shower after everything that had happened a few minutes ago, and were so mad after finding out that Peter had turned your brother, that you didn’t bother to check if Derek was still sleeping.
Which he was not.
He couldn’t believe his eyes when you left the bathroom wearing just a towel and stopped in front on the wardrobe. He didn’t want to get you embarrassed so he didn’t make a sound, at least he was trying to. And how he was trying. Especially when you let the tower fall to the ground. In that moment he could swear he was dead and head straight to heaven.
When you bent down to put on your panties he swore his eyes would roll away from his face. You definitely couldn’t look at him right now or you would see his completely hard cock.
You were so fucking beautiful.
It has been so hard for him since you came back. You looked so different since the last time he saw you, so beautiful, so hot. Being around you, sleeping in the same bad, it would kill him anytime.
Once he came back to Beacon hills after a few years, he didn’t expect you to be gone. Which was selfish from him to want, but he missed you so much. After Peter was back to life, he told Derek how much you liked him and how he had broken your heart. He had no idea, he would never do that to you. He loved you. The only reason he chose Paige was because he never thought you would feel the same as him. How stupid he was.
After you got dressed, you sat in the armchair by the window and were too distracted to notice how hard Derek was. A few minutes were enough for him to calm down and pretend that he was finally waking up.
“hey derbear, how are you feeling” your touch was so soft at his face. He had to take a deep breath.
“like shit” that smile on your face.
He was so fucked up. He was in love with you.
“come on, let’s get your ass to your place so you can take a proper rest”
It was your ass that he wanted to-
A few days has passed by and you got the job at the hospital and also got the house you had visited a few days ago. You were finally putting your life back in tracks again.
You were eager to tell the news to him. After so many years, so many relationships, a really bad one and yet here you were again, in love with your best friend.
You texted Peter so he could meet you at Derek’s and he quickly replied that would get there soon.
“morning derbear” you hummed as you entered the loft “got some big news” you continued to sing while shutting the door, and the minute you looked at the living room you froze.
“and you must be her.” A woman was sitting at Derek’s side with a huge smile in her face.
“and you are?” you asked her back in defensive.
“oh I’m an old friend of Derek” she laughed as she touched him. “im Braeden, nice to meet you” she introduced herself while was still leaning on Derek
Why the hell she needed to touch him this much.
As you continued frozen in the middle of the room, you could notice the way they looked at each other, the way Derek had a smile in his face. That smile.
This could not be happening again.
You heard Peter getting in the loft and after leaving a kiss in your cheeks, he went straight to the kitchen.
“ahm, my mom just texted me. She needs me right now” you pretended that you were reading something in your phone. You just needed to get out of there.
“do you need us to go with you?” you controlled the urge to roll your eyes when heard derek speaking
“no it’s a family emergency. Thanks though”
When you looked at Peter you could tell he was listening to your heart. That bastard. His eyebrows were raised and had that grin in that stupid face.
“but what about the news you were so eager to tell us” he was teasing you
“no big deal. Gotta go, see you later”
You tried not to run to the door, but as soon as you stepped outside you could feel your face burning with anger and the tears threatening to come out. You were so damn stupid.
As the day went by, derek tried to reach you but you never answered his messages or called him back. You just needed a time to yourself.
You’re a mess in your bedroom, sitting on the floor putting your things in the boxes. You have to confess that you’ve been crying all afternoon. You were a mix of anger, sadness and jealous, everything in once. When Peter called you, you stared at the phone a few seconds wondering if you should answer him.
“hey Pete” as soon as you picked up, he knew you’ve been crying
“hey babygirl” he knew you loved when he called you that.
What both of you didn’t know, was that Derek was sitting on the other room listening to your phonecall. He didn’t want to, but when you avoided him the entire day he knew something was off.
“you’ve been crying” he stated the obvious and heard a muffled laugh coming from you “do you need me there with you?”
“no sweetheart, i just need to be alone right now” you sighed feeling the tears coming down again “im just so stupid you know, how after so many years im feeling like this again” he just stayed there, listening to you “you know how i was, you were there with me, i- i just didn’t want to have feelings for him, specially when i am sure now that derek doesn’t feel the same way”
That was it.
All Derek needed to hear.
He was madly in love with you, he has always been. How could you think otherwise.
He waited until everyone was asleep and went to your house. He climbed up to your window like he had done too many times before and knocked waiting for you. But you never showed up. You had also locked your window. You had never done that before.
That was enough.
You’ve been avoiding Derek over a week now and he had enough with that. He found out that you were no longer living with your mom and brother and no one would tell him where you were living. That was until today when he had to threaten Peter and even sunk his claws a bit into his uncle's neck. He was enough with that shit.
Derek was so mad with this hole situation. He wanted to see you, to talk to you.
He needed you.
He waited in the hospital parking lot until he saw you. He pulled up in front of you and you didn't calm down until you saw who it was. Your eyes were still wide open and your heart was beating faster.
“get in” he said in a serious tone that scared you a lit bit
“but my ca-“ he didn’t let you finish the sentence
“get in the fucking car. Now.”
You got into the car without a second thought and you could have sworn that at any moment you would die of how fast your heart was beating.
The drive to his house was was silent and it felt like an eternity.
You both entered his loft and you went straight to the kitchen to drink some water. You were totally running away from him.
“Would you care to explain to me what the hell is going on?” his voice was so serious that a shiver ran down your spine. This was definitely not the right time to be having such impure thoughts with Derek.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about” you definitely knew.
“you had been avoiding me this hole damn week”
“I had not” you definitely were.
“what is going on? Why you don’t wanna talk to me”
He got close. Really close. You put the glass in the sink before your trembling hands knocked it to the floor.
“why did I have to find out from Peter that you moved and got a new job” his voice was getting lower as he was getting closer to your body
Fucking peter.
“It’s not as if I didn’t try to tell you. But you were too busy with your old friend to pay attention to anything other than that beautiful smile of hers”
He smirked.
Why was he smirking.
“so you were so jealous that you decided to avoid me? Tell me how that worked”
His body was now pinning you on the kitchen counter. You could feel the heat radiating from Derek’s body. And you felt the same way. Your face was burning, and this time it wasn’t from shame or anger.
“tell me baby, did it work?” his voice was now so low, so deep near your ear. You had to hold back with all your strength to not let a groan escape your mouth.
“no” you muttered and for a brief moment you doubted he would hear you. But he did.
“i want you to tell me what you want”
One of his hands was on your waist, and the other went slowly up your waist, your belly, the hollow of your breasts until it stopped at your face, where he held you firmly.
You could cum right there at the touch of that big hand running all over your body.
“look at me and tell me what you want”
His mouth was so close to yours that you had to close your eyes for a second, but opened them quickly when you felt a slight tightness in your face. He wanted you to look at him when you said what you wanted. He knew what it was and how bad you wanted, but he wanted to hear you, he wanted to hear you beg.
“you Der... i want you”
You whispered and it was enough for him to glue your mouths together. You had no idea how much he dreamed of this moment, how much he needed this.
You felt him asking you to deepen the kiss and you didn’t hesitate for a moment. The moment you felt his warm tongue on yours, an involuntary moan came out of your mouth.
You would be the ruin of Derek Hale.
He grabbed you by your ass, forcing you to wrap your legs around his back, and led you into the bedroom.
Before you knew it you were both naked. You could feel his warm skin on yours, his scruffy beard running across your skin, his hands touching you like there was no tomorrow.
At that moment you had no more doubts, no more questions. It was only a certainty.
You were his. He was yours.
You had never felt such pleasure in your life as you did at that moment, when you felt Derek get inside you calmly, slowly. You could feel every inch of him and he could feel how tight you were.
You were a mess of moans and pleasure. He started out slowly wanting nothing but to feel you, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted more, needed more, you both did. Before you could realize it Derek was moving masterfully inside you, taking you to places you had never been before. Taking you to your edge.
Your moans were like music to his ears and he wanted more and wanted it for the rest of his life.
You were his.
Before you could hold back, it hit you. You could only moan and arch your back as if begging him to go deeper.
Derek couldn’t hold on much longer after seeing you like that, totally surrendered to him, surrendered to the pleasure he gave you and would give you for the rest of your life.
You were in the shower, the water falling on his back, when he looked at you deeper than ever. Those green eyes tattooed on your soul.
“i love you. Always had and always will”
Your eyes filled with tears, the happy ones. That was the moment you had waited for your entire life.
“love you too, derbear”
That moment would forever be in your memory, the moment when you silently made love wows and promised to always have each other.
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hbyrde36 · 3 months
Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
Chapter 14
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7
Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 ao3 link
It was eerie walking through the burnt out remains of Hawkins lab. It would have been a surreal thing either way, but it was worse now that he was remembering. 
Ever since he’d worked with El earlier that day, more and more had been coming back to him in bits and pieces—flashes of growing up trapped inside white walls, his early childhood wasted in the cold unfeeling hands of Dr. Brenner and his colleagues.  
He made his way quickly to the building’s basement, slipping into the Upside Down through a newly reopened crack in the wall. It looked almost exactly as he had always pictured it—a cold, barren, and slightly alien landscape. A dark mockery of the town he’d come to know as home.
He walked on, choosing his direction based on instinct alone, trusting himself that he knew the way to the Creel house even if he’d never actually been there. He just had a gut feeling and let himself follow it. If he was going to do this, if he had any hope at all of getting Steve out of this situation alive, he’d have to trust himself—all of himself. 
Chittering growls in the distance made Eddie freeze in place, trying to discern where they were coming from and make sure they weren’t headed his way. Just as suddenly, he also heard the soft footsteps of something coming up rapidly behind him, too light to be a demogorgon or even a demodog, but still concerning. 
Before he could even manage to turn and check on the something, it ran right into his back with a quiet, “oof.”
He whirled around with his hands up ready to fight, only to come face to face with a wide-eyed and startled Eleven.
“What are you doing here?!” He hissed.
“What are you doing here?” 
The growling intensified, seeming much closer and in greater numbers than before. The sound sent shivers down Eddie’s spine.
“Okay maybe we shouldn’t be yelling.” He whispered, and took her by the hand, pulling her along at a jog in the direction he’d been going. They didn’t slow down or stop until he was sure they’d lost the unseen pack of predators.
“I should really be making you go back. Everyone’s going to be worried when they find out you’re gone.” He said when it was safe—safer.
“And they will not be worried about you?” She argued.
He shook his head, sputtering. It wasn’t the same thing at all! 
She was… 
And he… 
“I’m an adult!”
“You need me,” she said, tearing herself out of his grip and putting both hands on her hips, in startling similarity to her adoptive big brother. 
“El, you’re just a kid! Steve wouldn’t want you putting yourself in danger like this.”
She quirked a brow and raised both hands palms-out at a nearby fallen tree trunk that was at least as big around as she was tall. It lifted into the air seemingly of its own accord, though Eddie knew better, and was flung clean across the road to the other side. 
“I am strong. We can get Steve out and fight Henry, together.”
She made a hell of a point, though he still didn’t like it. If anything happened to her he’d never be able to forgive himself.
“Fine.” He said between clenched teeth and motioned to the street ahead.
“He would not like you being in danger either, Eddie.” She said softly, slipping her hand back into his as they resumed their journey.
“I know.”
When the Creel House finally came into view Eddie was still struggling to come up with any sort of plan, and as they approached the front door with its cracked and filthy stained glass window, resigned himself to playing it by ear.
He was almost certain they no longer had the element of surprise on their side, having realized along the way that there was very little chance Henry didn’t already know they were coming. The way there had been far too easy to traverse, almost as if he were letting them in. Eddie couldn't decide if that was a good thing or not.  
Still, they took care in avoiding the intricate web of vines that ran up and down the staircase on their way to the top floor of the house. No need to make things easier for their enemy if they actually had somehow flown in under the radar. 
Eddie pushed the attic door open as quietly as he could and tiptoed inside, El following closely behind. The first thing he saw was Steve, strung up in a corner across the room by his arms and legs with the same tendrils that had littered the stairs, that seemed to be scattered all over this hell dimension. 
His body was disturbingly limp, head lolled to one side, eyes closed, and Eddie hoped with everything he had that he was just unconscious.
Without taking so much as a second to glance around the rest of the space, Eddie rushed towards the place where Steve hung, only to find himself unable to move—his feet becoming glued to the floor about halfway there. Out of habit he looked down first, expecting to find one of those snake-like things holding him back, or or even some substance sticking him there, but there was nothing to see. 
Eddie swiveled his head around and finally he saw him. Vecna—Henry, hovering with the aid of his own set of tentacle-like vines that seemed to grow out of his back, in the middle of the space in front of a large boarded-up window. He had a single long-clawed hand held in the air aimed in Eddie’s direction.
Eleven stepped out in front of Eddie, mirroring Henry’s stance and using her own power, somehow distracting him enough to sever the connection.
As soon as he was free from his invisible bonds, Eddie ran to Steve’s side, hands flying to his neck to check for a pulse. He sagged in relief as he felt a strong steady beat against his fingers, and briefly rested his forehead against Steve's chest, feeling its shallow rise and fall with each wheezing breath.
“I’m here, sweetheart. We’re gonna get you out, don't worry.” He whispered into the fabric of Steve’s shirt and pressed a kiss through it right over his heart.
“The same way you got Eleven out when you were both small children?” Henry quipped, having somehow overheard him. His voice was deep and gravelly, more a growl, like the creatures who served him, than actual human speech. 
Eddie breathed Steve in, committing the feel and smell of him to memory one last time before turning to face the monster of a man that might in fact be his biological father, putting himself between his past and his present.
“Let him go.” Eddie demanded.
“And why would I do that, Eddie?” Henry asked, drawing his name out as if to mock the very idea of it, an expression of distaste pinching his disfigured face. 
“Because, if you let him go… I'll stay.”
“We.” Eleven said firmly, stepping up to stand next to him—adding herself to the human shield standing between her brother and Henry. “We will stay, but only if you agree to let Steve go and leave the rest of our friends alone.”
“Is that what you think I want?”
“Isn’t that what this has all been about?” Eddie blurted out. “Sure, you wanted to get back at Eleven for sending you here, at me for abandoning you, but you wanted us by your side once and now you’ve taken the one thing that guaranteed we would come to you.”
“You think I took him to draw you out?” Henry threw his head back with a deep rumbling laugh, as he was slowly lowered to the floor. “I took him to hurt you, to hurt both of you. You serving yourselves up for me like this is merely a bonus.”
With a casual flick of his wrists, Henry sent both of them skidding across the floor until their backs smacked into the wall. More of Henry’s never ending supply of sentient vines began to coil themselves around Eddie's legs, starting at his ankles and snaking upwards until he was too entangled to move. Another set had taken hold of his wrists, pinning them out at his sides. Eddie struggled in their hold, trying to get any part of him free, to try and fight back, but it was no use. His bindings only grew tighter and tighter. 
All he could do was turn his head and watch as the same happened to Eleven right beside him. She cried out, but the sound was cut off abruptly as a final slimy tendril wrapped around her throat. Her eyes went wide, tears streaming down her face as she was slowly choked into unconsciousness.
Henry must have been sandbagging before. He’d let El free Eddie from his hold, it was the only explanation. The power he’d just displayed was far beyond what he had shown when they first entered the attic.
But why? 
Just to fuck with them? Just to make them think they had a chance? What did these mind games do for him—what did it prove? 
Maybe he just enjoyed tormenting them. 
Eddie screamed El’s name as her small body went limp and soon found his own head being wrenched back. His heart beat frantically as he was pinned in place against the wall by another tentacle sliding across his forehead and a final one around his throat, constricting his airway. 
“It didn’t have to be this way.” Henry said quietly to himself, almost sounding regretful.
Eddie wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, tried to make his mouth form the words but could only open and close his lips like a fish struggling out of water. Before long, black spots began to dance over his vision, and Eddie could do nothing but glare at his would-be father as the darkness slowly overtook him, vowing to himself that if he ever woke up again he would see him dead. One way or another.
Miraculously, he did wake again.
Slowly, at first—small bits of sensory information flooding his consciousness. The feel of the hard floor beneath his cheek, the chill of the air that surrounded him, its stale and musty smell, the taste of ash sitting on the back of his tongue. 
His head was pounding, but he was alive. 
He took silent stock of his body, finding that, apart from the pain in his head and a bit of rawness around his neck, he was mostly unharmed. He was also no longer tied up.
Finally, he opened his eyes and sat up. Henry was still there back up in his high position, but he was in a trance, or at least he seemed to be. Though Eddie wouldn't put it past him to be putting on a show again. He looked next to him, half expecting, half hoping to find Eleven to be sprawled out similarly free, but she was gone.
He looked around in a panic, scrambling to his feet when he saw she was now hung over in the corner with Steve as if on some kind of gruesome art display made special for him. He ran to check on her. The ties that bound her were looser now, merely holding her up in place just like her brother. She was paler than ever but her pulse was strong.
She was alive. 
He didn't understand why Henry hadn’t killed them when he had the chance, unless he’d been bluffing when he said drawing them out wasn’t his goal—unless he wanted something from them. Frankly, Eddie didn't care what his motivations were, he was sick and fucking tired of all of it. Henry’s mind games, his own fear, and doubt, and guilt. He had to find some way to end this.
“Ah, you are awake, good.” Henry said, drawing Eddie’s attention back to the rest of the room.
“What do you want? Why are you doing this?” Eddie asked. Less for an answer and more to buy some time for him to think, and for El to wake up. He couldn't do this alone, he knew that now. 
“If you would only stop and think about it logically for a minute, you would see that I am not the evil villain you think I am. I’m the reason you were able to free yourself from that place, after all. Without me you would still be living under Papa’s thumb.”
It was true, in a roundabout way, but Eddie wasn’t fooled. “Then why don’t you just let us go and leave us alone if you’re not the bad guy in this story?”
“Humans are a unique type of pest, don’t you think?” Henry continued conversationally, as if they were discussing current events, or the weather. “Multiplying and poisoning our world all while enforcing a deeply unnatural structure of their own creation, as if it were some kind of improvement over the natural way of things. Some call it order, I call it a straitjacket. A cruel, oppressive world built on a foundation of made-up rules. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Each life a shadow, a lesser version of the one before. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce, and die. Everyone is just waiting for it all to be over. All while performing in a silly, terrible play, day after day. I didn’t want that for myself, nor did I want it for you. We can make our own rules, and restore balance to this broken world. Burn it down only so that we may save it, together.”
The word echoed in Eddie's mind like the ringing of a bell. Evoking thoughts of Wayne, Claudia, and Dustin—the boys. His friends, his family. Even Hopper, who he’d never liked but had unflinchingly had his back since the day he’d heard about the scared little boy who’d escaped from Hawkins lab. 
A flash of white behind Eddie’s eyes, and he saw him, Hop. There were others with him too. Wayne for sure, marching along right next to him. The others were fuzzy though he thought he got a glimpse of Chrissy’s ponytail. They were all walking down an abandoned strip of road, ash falling lightly around them. He saw it all in a split second before the vision fell away. 
“Son, Five, Eddie—you are capable of more than you could possibly imagine. You can see things, yes, past, present, future; but if you wanted, like me you could reach into others minds, explore their memories. With practice and my help you could influence their very thoughts, their feelings. You must see how this ability could be used for good? To control that which comes after, in our new world. To make sure it never comes to this again.”
Eddie feared for a moment that Henry would know what he’d seen. He knew the man was able to reach inside and root around in people’s brains, but no reaction came. He wondered if his own abilities served to block his father out. He would still have learned much through Steve’s mind and others, but to his relief it seemed as though he couldn't read Eddie himself. 
He couldn't be sure exactly when the vision had found him from. In the now? In the future? He chose to believe it was in the present and if he could only stall Henry long enough, help would arrive. He hummed, crossing his arms over his chest and doing his best to look interested, if suspicious, hoping it would prompt Henry to continue.
“But first you must disabuse yourself of this idea that all human lives are precious. They are nothing but a source of power now. With each life I took back then I became stronger, more powerful. You and me? We are the only ones that matter. I had hoped for a time that Eleven could be like us, but she doesn’t have the constitution for it.”
Henry sighed, and there was that suggestion of regret again, as if he had truly cared about El at one point. Eddie didn’t buy it.
“When Papa finally realized he could not control me, he tried to recreate me. He began a program. Its subjects were powerful but none came close to having my abilities, the ones Papa was so desperate to wield. He came up with a new…experiment, and nine months later you were born.” 
“You are better than they are.” Henry said, pointing a claw at his two captives. “Superior. For the first time in your life you could be truly free. Imagine what we could do together. We could reshape the world, remake it how we see fit. End them. Cut your ties to this pretend life you’ve been leading, and join me.”
And Eddie couldn't help it. He shook his head and began to clap slowly. 
“For someone who claims not to be a villain it was one hell of a monologue, I'll give you that. I guess I can see where I get my storytelling abilities from. But, uh, I do have to ask—what the fuck is wrong with you? And where in that twisted, rotted-out brain of yours did you get the idea that I would ever, ever, go for that?”
“We are family.”
Another flash and he could see them, his real family, approaching and opening the front door of the Creel house. Inwardly, he could have cried in relief. 
Outwardly, he scoffed. 
“You’re not my family. Wayne, the only father I’ve ever known, he’s my family. Claudia and Dustin, and the boys, they are my family.”
He began to take short slow steps towards where Steve and El hung, which happened to be the furthest point from the attic door, keeping Henry’s eyes on him and away from where the others would hopefully be entering any minute. 
Eddie gestured to El as he spoke. “She may have been lost to me for a while but Eleven is my little sister. And Steve…” He trailed off, smiling sadly to himself as he pictured his boyfriends face the last time he’d seen him awake—smiling, and warm. 
“You said I was better than them, superior? But that’s where you’re wrong. There is no one better than Steve Harrington. He cares about people. He took in a girl he knew nothing about for no reason except it was the right thing to do. He loves with his whole soul, never expecting anything in return. That is greatness, that is power. And I would rather die right now than spend one day without him, or her, or anyone else I care about, in your new world order.”
Eddie stuck his hand into his pocket, trying to be casual about it, palming the small pocket knife concealed there before pulling the hand back out. For what good the small blade would do him.  
“So, no, daddy dearest. I will not be joining you. I am nothing like you, and I never will be, even if we do happen to share DNA. You are nothing more to me than a monster who needs to be put down.”
Henry snarled, thrusting his clawed hand out once more, the unseen force sending Eddie falling backwards, landing on the floor hard. It stunned him for a moment, knocking the wind out of him as well as the knife from his hand. Before he could recover he was snatched up by the ankle, dragged across the room nearly to Henry’s disgusting feet, and then hoisted up to be dangled upside down in front of him, their faces inches apart. 
Something small but heavy fell from his breast pocket to land with a metallic clink on the wood beneath him. He glanced down, barely registering the sight of his old Zippo lying there that he’d completely forgotten he had on him, before a gunshot rang out.
It was loud in the small space, or maybe that was because the bullet had whizzed right past his head to graze Henry in the shoulder. His body jerked with the blow and Eddie was dropped instantly. 
He was dazed from the fall and the fact that he’d lost all hearing in his right ear, replaced by a high-pitched ringing sound. Hands grabbed him under the armpits from behind, at the same time someone, Robin he realized distantly, appeared in front of him, first scooping up his fallen lighter and then taking hold of his legs, helping to carry him back and away from the firefight. 
More shots rang out and Eddie spun his head around just in time to see Hopper getting another shot off while Wayne reloaded, both of them brandishing matching hunting rifles. 
When they finally came to a stop, Robin started fussing over him, as did Chrissy—who was, apparently, the person who’d gripped him up from behind. But he waved them off, slapping their hands away and shouting at them that he was fine and to check on Steve and El. They looked like they wanted to argue, but one glance at the two others hanging limp in the corner was enough to convince them to go. 
“The lighter!” He yelled to Robin. “Everything down here hates fire, use the lighter to release them.”
Trusting the girls to that task, Eddie turned his attention back to the fight, watching Wayne step up to take his own shot while Hopper re-loaded. He also noticed for the first time that Nancy and Jonathan were there too, though they were stuck in the doorway, barred entrance by more of the vines. They must not have made it through before Henry realized he was being ambushed. 
Jonathan hacked at the tendrils with an ax, while Nancy went at them with a can of Aqua Net and a lighter. Improvised flamethrower, color him impressed.
Eddie took a few deep breaths, sweeping the ground with his eyes for any sign of his dropped pocket knife, the only weapon he’d brought into this place with him.
His search was interrupted by the sound of both men’s rifles clattering to the floor, one after the other. Eddie’s head shot up and he had the perfect view of Wayne and Hopper both being lifted off the ground as if by invisible strings. The men’s bodies grew stiff as their heads were forced back and blood began to seep from their eyes and ears. It was the classic Vecna attack and he had no idea how to stop it.
Henry locked eyes with Eddie through the space between the two floating men and did his best approximation of a smile with his lipless mouth. Eddie jumped to his feet on shaking legs and limped towards them. 
“Stop this!” He shouted, and it was the strangest thing—like his voice reverberated off the walls and back to him. 
Henry looked shaken for a split second, but the emotion was gone as quickly as it had come. He made a show of considering his two captives before striking out with one of his hands, and sent Hopper’s body flying across the attic. He hit a wall and slid down, landing in an unmoving heap at the bottom of it. 
Wayne began to make a gurgling noise, his eyes bulging, blood pouring out of them in increasing amounts.
“Mr. Wayne! No!” El shouted, running straight at Henry with both hands raised. Eddie didn’t know when she’d woken up but he was so fucking grateful for it. She screamed wordlessly, blood already trickling from one side of her nose from the effort.
Wayne fell instantly, released as Henry was forced to focus all of his energy on holding Eleven back.  
It was like a juggling act. Henry could only keep so many balls in the air at once for so long, and that number seemed to be dwindling as he got tired. There were so many of them, and only one of him, it should have meant they had the upper hand finally, but nothing they did ever affected him for long. 
Eddie lunged for Wayne, throwing himself down at the man's side while he sputtered and gasped for air. 
“Hey, Asshole.”
Nancy, who had taken up one of the fallen rifles, shouldered the weapon, aimed, and fired—landing a perfect shot directly in the middle of Henry’s forehead. 
El was freed from his psychic grip as Henry rocked back from the force of the bullet, but somehow he didn’t go down.
And Eddie? He’d had enough.
Why didn't he go down? Was he the fucking Terminator or something?!
Eddie was exhausted, frustrated, feeling all but hopeless as he’d watched his people get hurt again and again.
How dare Henry be stronger than all of them combined!
How was that fair?
They were outmatched. 
He felt worthless, his powers no help to them in a fight like this.
He thought back to that small room, the day when he’d been trapped together with Brenner for hours as a little boy. How he’d tried and tried but it was never enough, and he’d gotten so angry, and overwhelmed, and frustrated, and it had built and built until finally he’d just burst with it—slammed his small fist down on that table and sent all of Papa's papers flying. 
Eddie felt similarly now, it had been building up in his blood since the moment he’d woken to find Steve gone, a rage simmering in his veins, flowing through his body like an electric current—all of it meeting at his center, coiling, getting tighter and tighter until he had no choice but to snap. 
He screamed his fury, releasing it from his body as he pounded both of his fists down into the hard wooden floor. 
Eddie was no longer a child, and though his power was wild and untried, it was fierce. He’d had enough sense to try and control the blast at the last minute, sending most of it forward rather than out in all directions. His own people staggered in place but those on their feet had managed to retain that footing. 
Henry, on the other hand, had been knocked flat on his ass and Eddie was determined to keep him there. He threw a hand out using it to help focus what power he could still feel hovering just there outside of his body, concentrating on using it to keep Henry pinned to his spot on the floor. 
Eddie stood, staggering closer to his target and felt a presence fall into step next to him. It was Eleven, adding her power to his as she held her own hand out to help lock their enemy in place. 
His hand shook, his arm ached, and blood ran in thick hot rivulets from his nose down his chin, but he would not stop. He refused to falter when they finally had Henry on the hook. 
Nancy stepped into sight on the other side of Henry’s splayed form, reloading the rifle she still held in her hands and aiming it down at her target. Jonathan joined her wielding a gas can Eddie hadn’t noticed before, something they must have carried in with them all the way from the cabin, and began splashing it all over Henry’s body, soaking him in the accelerant. 
Jonathan dropped the gas can, and pulled out the lighter Nancy had been using earlier from his pocket. He tried several times to light it but it just wouldn’t catch. 
Before anyone even asked, Robin appeared at Eddie’s elbow brandishing his own shiny silver Zippo. With one hand she flicked the lid up and struck the little wheel. The flame sparked to life instantly and she tossed it right down into the middle of Henry’s chest, setting his whole body alight in a millisecond.
Robin smiled, her face shining in the bright light of the fire. 
Chapter 15
Thanks forever to @penny00dreadful for being the best friend, cheerleader, and beta in the whole fucking world💜
Taglist: @newtstabber @goodolefashionedloverboi @adaed5 @buckleybarnes @soaringornithopter @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @bestwifehaver @5ammi90 @sofadofax @ellietheasexylibrarian @manda-panda-monium @hardboiledleggs @mentallyundone @epiclazershark @herebedragons404 @estrellami-1 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @the-s-is-silent @brbsoulnomming @goinsteddie @steddie-there @yeahhhh-suga @thestarslittleking
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tossawary · 11 months
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have. Tagged by @otakuchan449.
I did all of my fics, which are unsurprisingly all SVSSS, because I was curious as to the patterns. I usually like to name the POV character and illustrate their style of narration in the first paragraph, which is generally humorous, so people know quickly whether or not they're going to vibe with my style. I also like starting in the middle of a situation / inciting incident if possible, so we can hit the ground walking briskly if not running, and get to the good stuff.
23. Shang Houhua - someday unfortunately to be known as Shang Qinghua, once unfortunately known in another life as Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky - came back to himself abruptly. (if words could make wishes - WIP MBJ Time Travel AU from SQH POV)
22. If the System was to be trusted, which it generally was when it came to making Shang Qinghua’s life worse for no good reason, then today was the day! (Stepping Up - 90k Canon Divergence AU, An Ding Disciple LBH)
21. Shen Yuan was conscious when he was reborn, though he didn’t know what was happening at the time, because all he knew at first was pain and golden dust. (Sit With Your Soul - 61k SQQ & SY Daemon Fusion AU)
20. Shang Houhua was thirteen going on, uh, fourteen plus a whole other life that sometimes felt more like a dream than something that had actually happened. (hey, share the weight a little - 70k Canon Divergence AU, YQY/SQH)
19. “Shifu? Forgive the interruption, but there’s a woman here to see you?” (love to the ones I've never met - 83k Fic Companion, Dimension Travel)
18. Jiahui just needs to check that her restaurant hasn’t burned down. (forgiveness for whose sake? - 48k Fic Companion and Epilogue)
17. Luo Binghe knows he isn’t supposed to be doing what he’s doing, but given that he has no other way of getting answers, he does it anyway. (you had me at hello - 5k Non-Canon Fic Extra)
16. “My king, don’t touch that-!” (A Child Once - 101k Canon Divergence AU, Deaged SQH)
15. The world was dark, woven from a black so infinite that it looked flat, and it was full of light. (Catch a Falling Star - 122k Bingliushen Stardust AU)
14. Shang Qinghua woke up having a bad day - forget going through puberty twice, because in this transmigrator’s opinion, having to experience a new round of “first day of school” bullshit year after year was worse - and speed-walking through the Cloud Recesses wasn’t helping him get through it any faster. (Nothing to Me, Nothing to You - 60k Moshang MDZS AU)
13. Mobei-Jun’s search for Shang Qinghua had taken him to many strange places. (dreams that had never come true - 14k MBJ Time Travel AU)
12. It would be a lie to say that Shang Qinghua wasn’t too sure what had happened. (every haircut I've ever had has been a bad haircut - 5k Moshang Hurt/Comfort)
11. The situation was bad. (Babe in the Woods - 19k Canon Divergence AU, MBJ has a baby brother)
10. Shen Qingqiu was perfectly capable of piloting his own ship, but that day, like many others, found Liu Qingge leaning against a column by the hangar entrance, waiting for Shen Qingqiu as he prepared to leave Qing Jing Peak Temple. (this point of pale light - 18k Liushen Star Wars AU)
9. Liu Mingyan was the model of a refined and accomplished cultivator. (but that's fine because I like a hot mess - 3k Mingling Getting Together)
8. Shen Qingqiu had made use of many excuses over the years to avoid the presence of the man who was now his own sect leader, some of which had even been good. (the ability to remain sober and gracious - 4k Canon Divergence AU, Qijiu Xuan Su sword reveal)
7. Shang Qinghua’s head hurt and his eyes were watering and he was beginning, just maybe, to think that creating an experimental stimulant because he missed the non-organic goodness of energy drinks with an unreasonable passion had been a bad idea. (anxiety and caffeine are having a cockfight in my brain - 2k Moshang Hurt/Comfort)
6. The library’s front door flew open so violently that it could be heard even at Shen Yuan’s desk nearer to the back of the main hall, which sat in front of the way to the computer rooms. (Absolutely Ineffable - 10k Good Omens Fusion AU)
5. Once there was a summer in which upon arriving home from university, Shen Yuan was immediately told that he was being sent away to the heart of the country to stay with his distant uncle, whether he liked it or not. (The Red Cabinet - 7k Narnia Fusion AU)
4. It took… Shang Qinghua… a while to figure out that demons actually had horns in this realized version of his sellout stallion web-novel. (Horns - 11k MBJ has sexy horns AU)
3. So, apparently, a portal burning with demonic energy had opened up over Qing Jing Peak and another Shang Qinghua had fallen out of it, and the wound in the sky had unfortunately closed again pretty much immediately. (ever wonder if the person in the puddle is real - 7k Non-Canon Fic Extra, SQH meets AU SQH)
2. So, Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky, the dearly despised and fervently favorited author of Proud Immortal Demon Way, died in a vaguely humiliating fashion… and then he transmigrated. (it must follow, as the night the day - 26k Moshang Role Reversal AU, Demon SQH and Cultivator MBJ)
1. Shang Qinghua has not been having a stellar transmigration experience. (pride is not the word I'm looking for - 400k Canon Divergence AU, LBH's Mother Lives)
This serves as a pretty good round-up of all my currently posted fics! There are far too many in my WIP folders to begin including everything in there.
I've been a little out of touch with reading fanfiction lately, so please, if you wish, take this post as an opportunity to participate in this game and tag me in it! I highly recommend taking a moment to revisit and admire your own fan works! Look at all that cool stuff you did! If you only have WIPs, then I don't mind if you use WIPs. Sometimes our pieces of writing are full, intensely detailed paintings that take years to complete and sometimes they're just rough sketches we do to warmup or have creative fun when we have the time, and sharing both is nice.
And if you don't have your own fan works to pull from, then I'd still love to see a list of opening lines from some of your favorite fics by other people. Any fandom you like! Give me those fic recs! Give me the opening lines of your favorite published novels if there's one you've been itching to gush about.
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sleepy-moron · 1 year
Super messy kingdom hearts feelings
Riku is genuinely one of my favorite characters in any piece of media full stop, and it’s really hard for most people to understand why I love him so much. To a lot of people who only really played kh 1 and 2, Riku is just a kind of generic rival character, and for a lot of fans of the whole series he’s one of the best characters in the franchise but nothing particularly special in the grand scheme of all media ever.
I think understanding that Riku is deeply in love with Sora is essential to understanding what makes Riku such a wonderful character. There is so much more to him as a character, but his primary motivation has always been deeply intertwined with his love for Sora, and that’s not something you can ignore.
Riku speaks to a very specific experience that most people probably have not had, but if you do relate to it he becomes so special and important. So I’ve got to get a bit personal here to properly articulate what I mean.
When I was younger, I was best friends with one of my neighbors. We had been friends for years and spent a lot of time with each other. Then, a new kid our age moved into the neighborhood, and my best friend was suddenly spending all their time with another person. I had a lot of very strong feelings about this, to the point I would feel physically sick from it all. I didn’t understand what I was feeling or why I felt it so strongly, I just knew it hurt and I hated it.
What I didn’t realize at the time was that I am very much not straight and had a massive crush on my best friend when all this was happening. I was jealous, sad, angry, guilty, and legitimately disgusted with myself and my friend. Our friendship was never really the same after that. On top of all this I was also dealing with undiagnosed mental illness as a kid, so I was basically just an emotional wreck pretending everything was normal for a few years.
I also watched my dad and brother play a lot of kingdom hearts as a young kid. I didn’t really understand the games but I was entranced by them despite this. Flash forward quite a few years to right before kh3 came out, and I decided to start watching people play through all the games so I could actually understand what the story was. I had by this point mostly finished having a sexuality crisis and was starting to deal with the unaddressed feelings I still kept locked up.
And then I got to see Riku in all his messy emotional gay coded glory, and it just resonated with me in a way I didn’t know I wanted or needed. Watching this kid feel all these messy and ugly things that he couldn’t really understand and lashing out because of it, to get to see him atone for his mistakes and begin the long journey to not only forgive himself but also accept himself and all the things he felt, it was just so emotionally significant for me. I had never really thought about what it would be like to see this part of my life reflected by a character, but once I had it I was just overwhelmed with how strongly I connected to the Mickey Mouse anime games.
I finally had the time to watch the 6 hour Riku is gay and why it matters video the other day, and it emotionally destroyed me all over again. I don’t think I’ll ever really stop being emotional about Riku, sometimes you just consume a piece of media at the right time and it just stays with you forever. That’s really why he’s so special to me, I happened to get to fully see his character at the right time for him to be so important to me in a way very few characters are.
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misslavenderlady · 4 months
OK Since you left me some questions about Cherry, I'm gonna leave you some asks about Bree!!
Who's our gals go to when it comes to late night rides? Which of the boys is she sticking with?
Each of the boys nicknames for her? Do they share a collective one?
Which of the baby bats are mama's girls or daddy's girls?
Do you think she and Michael would ever start a family in the future?
Awwww thank you!! You're too sweet! 💜
Being on motorcycles makes her nervous as hell. She's constantly worried about getting into an accident, so her go-to is actually Michael. He sometimes takes her on rides (😏) around Santa Carla or gives her a lift to work if she's having car issues. He's very sweet and patient and doesn't drive faster than what she's comfortable with. If she's with the Lost Boys, then her go-to is Dwayne. In her mind, if Laddie is safest with him, then he's the best pick.
And unlike the others, Bree wears a helmet. She doesn't care how much the boys tease her about it, brain damage is no joke. She will not get on the bike without it. She'd rather walk than not wear a helmet.
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2. These are their nicknames for her:
David - Darling, Pretty Girl, Little One
Dwayne - Sweet Girl, Little Lady, Honey
Paul - Babydoll, Hottie, Wifey (makes her blush the most)
Marko - Bella, Angel, Nightingale (as in Florence Nightingale)
Michael - Bee/B, Babe, Beautiful (the second two are only for when they're in a relationship)
All five of them call her "Baby" most of the time
3. Honestly? It's an even split. The baby bats are basically clones of their fathers in both looks and personalities, meaning they're very attached to their dads, but their mother is so loving and kind to them. They all follow her around like ducklings.
Kira does tend to gravitate to her dad just a smidge more. She got her mother's need to take care of everyone, and her anxiety as well (sorry bby), so she wants to learn from her dad about being a strong, brave leader so she can protect her sisters. She's always spending time we David, getting guidance from him on how to hunt, fight and outsmart her enemies.
4. Okay......here's the thing. She kinda already does have something with Michael. This is a long answer, so I'll divide the post and add the answer below:
When I played this all out in my Sims game, I had a separate family for Michael and Star. Now, we all know about the terrible "sequel" to the Lost Boys called The Tribe, where our main characters are Chris and Nicole Emerson. I've seen some sources say they're Michael's children and others say they're his cousins. I feel like it makes more sense if they're his children. Not that I would ever enjoy acknowledging the movie as canon, of course.
But I thought "I can make this better".
So in this setup, Michael was in a relationship with both David and Star (Michael has two hands! He can share them!). He ended up having Chris and Nicole with Star while David became a step-dad to them. This was while the other baby-bats were around. Kira is the only one of the girls to have siblings that aren't biologically related to her. She sees herself as the big sister of Chris and Nicole.
Tweaking this story a bit, Chris and Nicole become the children of Michael and Bree. There's a bit of an age gap between the two Emerson kids and the Lost Girls, but they're all still family. Unlike in the movie, Chris and Nicole are still kids when the girls are grown up. Kira teases her brother a lot, but she's also a good caretaker to him, making sure he knows how to be a good big brother to Nicole.
That advice comes in handy because Chris grows up to be a very cautious and protective brother while Nicole is adventurous and reckless. He has to keep her in check so she doesn't wander into danger. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to her.
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Bonus Grandma Lucy:
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