#a person question i also hope we get to see more of hell next season because i do think they're stuck in basically the same place
winepresswrath · 10 months
I do gotta say tho, even tho I’m mad at aziraphale because he’s being a terrible boyfriend like what you said about the “I forgive you like” because WHAT. But also I really like the way the show really demonstrates the underlying cruelty of heaven and it’s angels. Really shows the hypocrisy of a group of beings who are supposed to do good, especially aziraphale who really buys into the heaven propaganda, who hurts people, particularly the person who means the most to him. Because like you said he fully just takes advantage of that devotion Crowley has for him. Insane, this shwo makes me INSANE
I missed this anon and yeah! The angels were one of my favourite parts of the season, and I think the strongest element aside from Neil Gaiman deciding he's just a simple man who wants to put his otp in situations. They are deeply awful and I kind of love them. They are the exact kind of moralizing hypocrites who are callous and cruel precisely because they think being on team good means everything they do is justified and it's actually impossible for them to be in the wrong (they're angels! is it even possible for them to do the wrong thing?).
but!! To me, they also seem like they're basically kids? Obviously they're not literally children, but there is this very consistent reoccurring joke about how childish/sheltered/immature they are. Muriel is the most obvious example, but the archangels come off like bratty twelve year olds to her sweet little kid.
Gabriel is basically teenager in love flipping off his family as he runs away with his backstreet guy. Uriel is constantly picking at Michael, Michael is playing at being in charge like it's a game, and it's ridiculously easy for both Aziraphale and Crowely to trick them obvious half assed lies. They're not allowed to ask questions! The Metatron treats them like badly behaved kids out past their curfew. At any point an old man with a beard may pop up to scold them and send them home, and they're all scared of doing something wrong by his standards and getting in trouble with this guy who is pointedly not God but who lines up exactly with the pop-culture idea of god the father, and who offers Aziraphale, among other things, a respite from the hard work of figuring out what the right thing to do is for himself. It's fine! You don't have to question the belief system you were born into or make a painful break with everything you've ever known! Aziraphale has had six thousand years on earth to grow up, but the other angels have been sitting in a sterile white box playing "i'm not touching you" games with each other and filing paperwork.
And I think that's extra interesting because this season also really emphasizes:
Heaven has Institutional Problems
Aziraphale isn't the only angel who's unhappy in heaven. Gabriel and Muriel were both completely miserable. They just didn't understand that they were unhappy because they'd never experienced anything else.
Angels who aren't Aziraphale can change and grow! There's very explicitly Gabriel being changed by love and Muriel growing up a bit on earth, and from a more fan-theory angle there's also Jimbriel, who I think is probably basically Gabriel minus the war and six thousand years of playing referee for Michael and Uriel while unleashing an assortment of plague and calamities on earth because that's God's will! Buck up champ.
We also get Gabriel and Beezelebub talking about how their underlings basically live for Armageddon, "if you can call that living." This is so bleak. They've all been on a six thousand year time out just dreaming of the day they get to beat the shit out of each other until they feel better, but it won't work because eternity is just more of the box.
Anyway I think it's going in a distinctly eden adjacent direction. Aziraphale is going to tempt those angels with knowledge and the capacity for change. I have veered so far from your ask anon i'm sorry you're right heaven really went all out on sucking this season & while Crowley and Aziraphale are both fucking it up Crowley refrains from being spectacularly cruel to Aziraphale about it and Aziraphale should learn to return the favour. I forgive you!! I forGIVE you. I forgive YOU. "you can be an angel again" is actually a worse thing to say than "you're a demon. i don't even like you." when he finally picks crowley over heaven i'm going to lose my mind.
#good omens spoilers#good omens season two spoilers#idk it makes me sad that i didn't like the humans very much this season because i think ideally they're central to this whole how to be#a person question i also hope we get to see more of hell next season because i do think they're stuck in basically the same place#with a different aesthetic! and the stick being#thrown into a torture pit instead of thrown into hell#or like. mindwiped and locked in an office for all eternity#gabriel broke my heart which is embarrassing but when he goes from not even understanding what music is to experiencing#the simple pleasure of sharing a song with someone for the very first time and almost immediately hits repeat for eternity... baby. baby bo#i would also like more crowley! this was very much the season of aziraphale#which is fine but i missed him yelling questions at god and the bits where it seemed he really wanted aziraphale's opinion instead of just#wanting aziraphale to develop better opinions#next season had better be crowley wrestles with the universe i am telling you!!!#remember three months ago when i was like eh... another good omens season#i bet it'll be cute but i'm content with my book#i don't go here i said strapping on my clown shoes#seriously though i do think crowley is scared to admit to wanting to be good both because god rejected him and he doesn't want#to be a sucker for her (he is only interested in being a sucker for aziraphale)#and like. chase after something he's barred from and has already been told isn't for him.#and that's why it's so hard for him to admit even to himself that he too would be unhappy ditching earth#in ways that parallel aziraphale's unwillingness to let go of heaven as a source of moral authority and goodness#but the way aziraphale goes oh no! i cannot trust my own judgement and desires. They are suspect!#my judgement is that crowley is good and also funny and sexy. my desires are for his company and also his body#therefore the source of these desires is also maybe bad. i mean he's a demon. he's got to be bad#right??? but no. but i saw him do a good thing. but maybe i didn't? I should probably take a stance on this.#and he makes this crowley's problem until the apocalypse but then the second he gets the chance to cram crowley and his feelings for him#back in a heaven approved box he jumps at it in a way that requires just being WILDLY insensitive and dismissive of crowley's feelings#he's not just being a dick about their relationship he is being a dick about crowley as a person. and he should know better but is choosing#not to because he wants the easy out so badly. anyway i love him he was my favourite character all season no notes#good omens
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i have many thoughts and questions after tua s3 so heres just a small portion of them
the umbrella academy season 3 spoilers!
ok so we know that reggie let out the marigold after his wife died and we now know that it was so that he could do the reseting of the world thing and bring her back to life, so what im wondering is what stopped him from doing so in the original timeline and how exactly did he know the world was going to end in the original timeline? was he so disappointed in the brellies/so scared of viktor and his power that he decided that breaking the brellies down and apart was a better decision than trying to get his wife back or had this version of him just not thought of doing that yet? we know there was a hotel obsidian in the og tl bc of klaus and its very likely that there was also a hotel oblivion connected to it as well, so why did he never train the brellies to try to go in there like he tried to train the sparrows? did he just not think they were strong enough to do it? did the whole apocalypse thing just put a block in his plans? did he try to train them for it while hiding his intentions under the guise of the training being for stopping the end of the world or were his intentions actually different between timelines? can we even assume that reggie’s original plan in the original timeline was the exact same as that of the reggie’s in the new timeline? new reggie knew that the brellies were coming and seemed to belatedly build his plan around the assumption/hope that he’d be able to use the brellies as the power source for the machine in oblivion, but was that og reggie’s plan too and was it just derailed by Five disappearing and Ben dying and therefore he just abandoned it? or maybe he was only actually focused on the end of the world in the og timeline because it had viktor in it who would end the world and since the sparrow’s timeline didnt have viktor and therefore no catalyst for the apocalypse/no apocalypse at all, he able to focus on his real plans for it all? did og tl reggie have reseting the world in his sights the whole time? i think he mightve until he realized the roadblocks that the brellies posed and created over the years and he couldntve even done it after five disappeared unless he found another kid with powers so idk
a LOT more questions from me in the tags
#this is literally just rambling aimlessly#but this is why we need more seasons we need to see what the hell is going to happen next#they have a LOT of questions they still need to answer and i rlly hope they do#i will be very frustrated if they just leave a bunch of things unknown in the end#like why was the last swede joining klaus’s cult important#what even happened to klaus’s cult#what happened to dave? did he still die or did he survive or what#how did the rest of ray’s life go#how did they get those mugshots and pictures of the brellies in the historu book#did they personally pose for the mugshots#why was five wearing some fancy suit in his picture#how in the world was christopher born#was christopher’s mom a slighty bigger metal cube or a refrigerator?#why couldnt klaus see the ghosts of the sparrows that died?#why didnt klaus seem to see any ghosts following the sparrows?#HOW DID BEN DIE#WHAT IS THE JENNIFER INCIDENT#also how did sparrow ben get demoted from number one twice#lol loser (/j)#where did ben’s scar come from#where did diego’s scar come from#why was robot grace there in the sparrow’s world if none of them had world ending/various nanny killing powers like viktor did?#was grace only malfunctioning like that bc pogo wasnt there to repair her?#what was in those drugs that they were giving reggie and where did pogo get them#did pogo have them in the original timeline too? why did he never give them to brellies?#did pogo not think reggie was grooming the brellies to die like he obviously thought reggie was doing to the sparrows?#also why is the sparrow’s mansion so much more like modern than the brellies’ was?#where was all the wood and the staircases and whatever#tua season 3 spoilers#the umbrella academy
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Communication and a Question for the Fandom
I started this off thinking I would end up with one conclusion and I actually found myself changing it by the end. I’ve read a lot frustration with the ineffable husbands and their lack of communication. “You don’t ever talk to each other" and "You never say what you’re really thinking.”
Now, that may be true. But also, throughout both seasons, we have seen repeatedly how they have been under surveillance too. 
Not just visual
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But audio as well… Sign in Hell: Be Careful What You Say. But there’s more to the sign itself. I just can’t make it out. It’s not a sign that’s featured in the extras either, which is also interesting. 
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What I could find though, in the The Devil in the Details X-Ray video was a little more of the sign, but I still can’t make out what the rest of it says:
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Which brings in my Question for the Fandom. If anyone else is able to make out rest of this, I’d be interested. (This was around the 2:05 timestamp)
Moving on, that’s not the only *Clue* about their surveillance either. We know about Hell using electronics as a means of communication. They just cut in to whatever happens to be playing at the time, right? Radio, tv, Saturday Morning Funtime… so it would make sense that they’d use it to listen too. Is the Bookshop any safer, being an embassy for Heaven and all?
And it’s hard to pinpoint exactly how either side is listening in. We all remember this interaction but really… played as a joke but what if it wasn’t? Or maybe they just hadn’t figured out the specifics yet at that point.
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Maybe there are certain “trigger words.” We see the reactions when Crowley is called “nice.” 
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Crowley tells Aziraphale to “shut up” numerous times. We hear both them say “don’t say that” a lot. 
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But also…
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Closed captioning capitalized it just like that. Interesting. (If you haven’t watched the show with cc on, I recommend it)
What does this all mean? They just don’t talk to each other? Well, no. Not necessarily. We’ve also seen them find ways around directly speaking too.
Writing it down. (Which was promptly burned)
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Aziraphale mouthing “Trust Me” during the bullet catch. Could they have had other short hands or code words? Emergency contingency plans? I personally imagine so. Side note: could they have also been using alcohol (laudanum) as cover for plausible deniability? 
“Safe spaces”? The backroom in the Bookshop that they kept going to for private conversations. We know they had alternative rendezvous locations in the first season too – the old bandstand, the number 19 bus, and the British Museum café. 
The Final Fifteen. I don’t want to take away from the emotion of the scene and I think Season 3 (come on Prime!) give us the rest of the story. I have faith in Neil Gaiman (pun sort of intended). But I will propose that the kiss may have been not only Crowley’s plead but also a misdirect or signal or other way to communicate between the two that we have yet to understand. In the end, Aziraphale was able to get the Metatron to break and divulge that the next step of the Great Plan was the Second Coming…before even leaving Earth…which was pretty impressive in itself. Was Aziraphale then able to relay anything to Crowley before the elevator? Sendarya’s video here does a great job with that very question (and others).
Most experts agree that 70-93% of communication is nonverbal and when communicating emotions, applying the 7-38-55 rule. Meaning only 7% through spoken word, 38% tone of voice, and 55% through body language. So maybe they’re not doing so bad after all. Those are just my thoughts and we’ll just have to wait and see and hope.
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What are you hoping to see in the next season for Hazbin? How do you think they will portray Lucifer and Lilith’s current relationship?
I, for one, am hoping for some Eden and The Fall flashback episodes.
In absolute complete honesty, I like the Fall and Eden being vague, I want blurry references that reveal it was way messier and complex than the prologue implied but leave most details up for interpretation, like it was clearly a traumatizing event for all involved but everyone talks around it in different ways and we never know exactly what happened
i really enjoy the fan discussion around it and I think it carries more weight in that form, I also don't exactly trust the tone of the show to sell the larger than life concepts involved and those are not the moments you wanna accidentally undercut
I want a Dramatic Reunion!! I want Lilith expecting Lucifer to be mad and he's just so relieved she's okay, despite everything I don't need them to be romantic but I still want deep platonic care, not just exes who tolerate each other but like the first person you'd ask to help you hide a body no questions asked level friendship, their love is shaking no matter the form even if they figured they don't work very well together together
I also hope we get rebel leader Lilith, she makes a grand entrance and you can feel the entire atmosphere of hell down to the brimstone changed by her presence, just like 'oh yeah, that's what Heaven meant by threat'
I hope Adam stays dead and haunts the shit out of the narrative, I want Heaven under extreme pressure now that the first man has fucked up so spectacularly, Charlie gets a good long look at how dedicated to cruelty Heaven is capable of being, Eve gets dragged in, Cain, Able and Seth, Lute's vengeance, like entirety of the stakes in frame around how hard this immortal soul crashed and burned and now everything is 1000x more real and more terrifying
Adam and Eve should get flashbacks
More exploration of the concept of freewill, tying back to Charlie's questioning in the good of Heaven, tying back to Lilith arrival
Lucifer doubted the good in hell, a sinner has been redeemed, Lilith will represent the next real hurtle, the only way to be listened to, is to pose a threat because Heaven doesn't care
Just like Lucifer, I hope she's flawed but loving, and far more direct way just a "Charlie, Our People are down here, not up there"
I don't care who's side they come down on either way as long are both are given a good shake
this is getting long I should stop
Illusions to God/Good but not yet a direct appearance
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angelfirewalker · 2 months
When I hit the year of my 50th birthday back in 2013... I embarked upon an artistic project of taking a self-portrait every day.... it lasted 4 years in the end, 2013 - 2016. It was all smoke and mirrors, I don't look that good in real life. It's amazing what you can do with makeup and wigs.
I also had regrets of Not having more photos from my youth in the 80s, when I ran away from every camera sadly.
I recently looked back on this project. There I discovered I was already channelling the DT Crowley and the Good Omens TV show before it even existed...lol
Some of the red wigs, there were a lot more photos, but you can see them on the videos.
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Crowley really is not sure... lol... don't worry dear, I have lost the plot! I am rambling!
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The videos got better, year by year so starting with year 3.
Well, my 60s look from 2014. Lol.
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As a Theatrical costume person, I had a box of sunglasses and wigs to play with, along with loads of make-up.
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Back in the 80s, I wanted some sunglasses that Boy George and his mate Marilyn wore in many colours... with side bits that remind me of Crowley's now... I had to wait until they came back due to Steam Punks.
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I like Crowley's better than the 80s now.
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(Question... Why does Crowley's snake move up and down his face in season 2... has it sauntered , vaguely downwards?)
Each day I never knew what I was going to do... I really believe ideas hover in the ether... and that's why at times people have similar ideas or influences. Don't ask me how or why... it just is!
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I used many angelic things , such as feathers and wings, I also had the fake tattoos on my face... stars and black feathers with crows. Black feather and Angel necklaces, Beelzebub and Eric eyelashes, Then we have Eve eating the apple, I don't like red apples lol. We have a globe, the 1941 hat... Good Omens was so going to appeal to me, wasn't it?
I want that hat.... always wanted a hat like that, since I saw David Bowie's hats in The Man who fell to Earth.
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I asked Daniel Ash of Bauhaus/ Love and Rockets/ Tones on Tail if I could use his music to use on the YouTube videos, which he gracefully allowed. Always be grateful for that. Thank you, Mr Ash.... My original Crowley influence, but that essay is coming.
Year 4 of the arty project is on my arty FB page, but I used a friend's music, which I am not so keen on now, and I need to redo with Daniel Ash music... as it works better for me.... and keeps to the theme.
I got carried away and got very arty with this one.... which is a mish mash of the images.
Hope you enjoy my ramblings. It's good to get that off my mind's hard drive...
What will I compare Good Omens to next? Who the hell knows? Not me?
Link to my Arty FB page.
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wooldog1234 · 4 months
okay I’m ranting about Hazbin Hotel because no one I know watches it.
Season 1 finale spoilers
demons can be redeemed! Fuck yes! And Adam is dead
the ending completely reversed the foundation of heaven and hell society and I can’t wait for the next season. The question is though, do Demons have to die in order to be redeemed? Also how will Sara explain this to the rest of heaven, especially her justification for the exterminations now that Adam is dead? One more thing, will Pentious even be allowed into heaven society without revealing all that the seraphim have done?
also with Alastor, he is such a complex character, and his personality is honestly kind of scary. My one question is though, who did he make a deal with? I know some people say it’s Lilith, but based on the ending, I get the feeling she lost all hope (and couldn’t give two shits) about what happened in hell. Like abandoning Charlie and Lucifer to sit on a beach in heaven? It pisses me off.
also what does redemption mean for hell? Will there be more exterminations? I was also wondering how Charlie’s power work? It seems to me that it’s powered by intense feelings with love being the most powerful?
also Lucifer is such a badass, like how much he loves his daughter and wants her to succeed is so inspiring. To me, it seems that Lilith personifies the character that we had previously made up for Lucifer. Also, Lucifer still wears his wedding ring right? Or did I just see that wrong?
Honestly, I’m not liking Lilith too much right now (if you couldn’t tell). But I really love Charlie and her friends! I absolutely can’t wait for the next season!
side note: one part of razzle and dazzle are dead. Nooooooooooo 😭
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justanotherhh · 1 month
@girlbossradiodemon: Queerness as an insight into humanity. I am curious what that means.
heya, hope it's ok to move your question to a new post, because it gave me an opportunity to ramble about something I've been thinking about -- so we'll call this post:
hazbin hotel, aroace alastor, and complicating redemption
cannot remember how i phrased it in the original post, but the main crux of the idea about queerness as humanising is "when does horror and villainy use queerness as a shorthand for Other/deviant and when are those thing subverted"
in terms of alastor specifically, aspec identity (especially the kind that is on the repulsed side of things) is often used -- without people knowing they're even describing real experiences and identities -- as a way of describing a lack of feeling, a lack of empathy, a lack of connection with other human beings, as a way of signposting "this is going to be a Bad Guy, look at this person who can't engage in the Universal Human Experience Of Love (sometimes with the prerequisite desire for sex, and sometimes it's the just-wanting-sex-but-not-love that's the Evil Code)"
note here, of course, that a lack of empathy also shouldn't be a shorthand for evil! the word "psychopath" generally needs to be put on a high shelf for anyone writing anything unless they can prove they know what in the world they're talking about!!
with alastor, when reading with the aroace hat on, we get an insight into how he does relate to other people. rather than going "he's so evil he can't love," it's opening up questions about what sort of connections he does form with people, and how those are complex, and possibly there's a lot of backstory there -- that's part of the whole story we're seeing with pretty much all the main characters: "misfits who have struggled to form connections because of their specific brands of Weirdness (and also they're in hell)"
now something im interested in with him being aspec, is how the show also to an extent deconstructs the ideas that being alloromantic and allosexual are necessarily indicators of goodness, and could go a lot further in future, if it wanted to -- this works better because almost all the characters in this show are queer (and tbh, until niffty is confirmed to be allorom, i am hc'ing her as aro), and so there's much less risk of falling into the trap of "deviant sexualities vs normal sexualities" that even some shows with queer characters fall for, because they still set up monogamous, allosexual relationships as More Correct vs Other Kinds Of Queerness That Is Bad
in the hellaverse, being kinky isn't semiotics for evil, being poly isn't semiotics for evil, being arocoded isn't semiotics for evil, etcetc.
being aspec is a difficult pill for a lot of people to swallow, including other queers, especially aromanticism, and so it's neat to consider the potential of portraying depictions of love and sex that are healthy (charlie and vaggie, pentious and cherri bomb, etc) next to depictions of love and sex that are unhealthy/toxic/abusive (valentino's and vox's ways of interacting with these things) next to depictions of not-love and not-sex that are complex and (i hope) indicators of how to get to know a character better, rather than villainising or simplifying a character. that maybe initially a character like charlie (amongst others) might not get it, but that's something she needs to sort out, not alastor
it's another way the show could go a step deeper into deconstructing how we take in ideas about "goodness" in narrative and in life based on simple clichés, for example the idea that "love redeems you" -- well, what if you don't love? and what if you do love, but that's not an indicator of goodness at all? is "love" in fact an all-encompassing positive force in the first place? why do we place it on this pedestal?
in many ways the potential of alastor through being aroace, reminds me a little of how we see angel in season 1. he's introduced a Certain way -- as shallow, as someone who doesn't put the work in, as someone who "doesn't care," -- and these narratives are enforced diagetically and non-diagetically by showing that he's an addict and a sex worker. a lot of the scenes related to drugs and sex work and kinky sex are funny (crack is expensive), and/or are met with disgust by the main characters (the sex dungeon), are considered things he needs to overcome in order to be worthy of redemption (the roleplay with sir pentious)...
and then those things are pulled apart, and both narrative and characters go: "what's wrong with being a sex-worker? what's wrong with being an addict? hell, what's wrong with liking sex???" and through that "why does he need to prove himself to be redeemed?" and i predict, eventually, already heading in that direction "why even need to be redeemed when the problem is the black-and-white morality of pure goodness/badness to begin with?????"
and i think alastor being aroace could play a cool part in that. it's not love that makes alastor human, and it's certainly not sex. it's how he interacts with not fitting into those normative boxes, and how other characters, hopefully, eventually, will learn to see things from his perspective (at least, in this case)
the whole the idea of "queerness as an insight into humanity" is something both hazbin and helluva do really well, because of their portraying queerness as a given, as the thing that it simply is how these characters interact with the world -- whether good or bad or somewhere in between, the characters' queerness invites us to ask questions about them, and i think some characters offer that opportunity even more starkly than others...
i mean alastor of course. keeper of the aroace Themes.
so yeah. aroace as humanising. love doesn't mean goodness. what even does redemption mean?
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shi-daisy · 16 days
Hi! Dropping in to say I read your TomJake fic and I loved it. It really feels like it could be canon compliant. As to how the season's going do you think you'll keep it as is or edit it? And are you still rooting for them or even Jake as a whole?
Aaaaa! Hi anon! So happy you liked my fic! It has gotten such a good reception and so much love I'm excited to write for the fandom again soon.
To answer your questions I do think I'll edit the fic a little if only to include Tatsu who wasn't named at the time I wrote it, and maybe change a bit of Tom's part as I wrote the fic thinking he was an orphan but apparently he has a mom so I'd have to tweak some stuff and include her, maybe change the song too as I found one more fitting for it.
Okay TomJake. Oh boy, to be honest I'm slowly losing hope but holding on by a thread. These two still seem to deeply care for eachtoher but they get on their own way more often than not and while I will root for them till the very end it wouldn't surprise me to see them fall apart too. But we keep the hope until the last scene!
Now as for Jake as a solo character, I am still rooting for him too. Episode 10 has the the fandom divided as to whether or not we should root for Jake or wish for him to be next boot. Personally I want him to grow and losing the only support he has left is likely the only way he's gonna learn.
Many say he will spiral and I'll be honest I could see him having a breakdown next episode. But I don't think he'll give up, my guess is that while he has no reason to get the money, he could try and win it for Ashley's sake. He's in a horrible position now as the villains are 5 against 4 heroes and the other 3 heroes gunned for him last time so I'd like to see him play solo at least one episode as he slowly reels from Ashley's boot and from the heroes who lets face it will unfairly pin this fail on him.
Yes I say unfairly because even if he was an emotional wreck that wanted to throw the vote, the other four also threw the vote and that caused the villains to win it.
Ally hates Jake because of him picking fights and being volatile and I agree with her assessment that actions speak louder than words and that Jake was wrong. However as annoying as he is you need his number to at least tie a vote. For the time being if I was her I would've faked niceness and tried to get along with him instead of fueling the fire. She didn't and took the fight personal too and voted Jake. Okay, what if he goes? It's four heroes against five villains, you're toast unless the villains fall apart and they target other stronger players. Jake is a meatshield and she should've just kept it chill like Ashley and that way he won't go off.
Same thing with Aiden. Dude knows Jake has it out for him because of the previous misunderstanding and because he's petty and volatile. Okay, don't poke the poodle then, don't fight him, don't provoke him. Come episode 9, he starts shit. Dude I get that on 8 Jake was an ass but I highly doubt you taunting him will stop him from trying to win, hell you taunting him is what got him to throw hands on episode 9. Don't poke the angry dude if you don't want him to go off, especially if he does not like you! Quiet and unnoticed got him far in season 2. If he had done so here too, maybe Jake wouldn't have been so down to fight. Same in episode 10. The shot was accidental and Jake should've just shrugged it off and kept his yapper shut, but then comes Aiden and goes 'Don't take it so personal'...My man, you just said that to the dude who already dislikes you and takes EVERYTHING personal! What did you think he was gonna do? Give you a hug? The vote too again was dumb 'It's him or us.' The only targets you have are Riya and Gabby, Tom and Ashley are stronger and if voted could've taken the villains in a tie breaker. Shut the hell up, and everyone vote a villain. They didn't and that's what got their second strongest to go off now. It's not just Jake's fault even if he bears the most fault. Everyone fucked up this episode and are now all on the chopping block.
Self indulgent wish fulfillment ahead while many say Jake will apologize next episode I don't want him to. I want him to be silent, solo, and seething. I want the others to try and pin it all on him only to be told what I just said and for Jake to tell them 'You want me out next? Fine, vote for me again, but I'm not going down without a fight! I owe her that much at least!' I want him to make it clear they all fucked up and they can't pin it all on him alone.
I want Tom to try and apologize for the vote only for Jake to not care, and even say 'I did the same to you last season. We're even.' Let my man seethe and work alone for a bit. Let him make Tom earn him back if he wants him because while I understand his reasoning for keeping away he still ghosted the man with attachment and trust issues for two whole years, avoided setting the record straight, lied to him (knowing his trauma around lying), and topped it all off with voting for him which resulted on his beastie being the one taken out. Jake has every right to pull the plug even if temporarily.
I wanna see him maybe bond with Grett if Yul is still being the worst. Boy would recognize the signs from what he went through with his own abusive ex and probably throw hands with Yul (id pay to see that). I wanna see him and Gabby talk too, Gabby explaining how she feels about Ellie being voted and wanting to support her and while Jake loathes her maybe he could provide perspective too. 'She did this to me for money in season 1, she was going down the same bad path again and you know it. If you love her, win for her and help her but getting out was necessary Gabby and you know it.' Imagine him getting those two out of the alliance, imagine him helping get Yul out or even just fool thewhole camp into thinking he's still a mess while in reality he is secretly plotting their downfall while playing the unstable wreck again. I'd be screaming to see both villains and heroes gagged if he played it right and got the villains out, if he maybe made it further than he did last time. I really want to see my boy shine and shine bright. So yes anon, I am rooting for Jake and hoping he at least gets one or two villains out if he does not win it all, and if he does then let him help support his beastie and make Miriam proud.
As for him and Tom we'll see if it can be saved. I'm hoping for the best but I'm also petty and if our himbo cop pulls one more stunt, I won't be sad should Jake choose to cut the cord for good.
Hope this answers your questions! Thanks for the fic support!
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kamiversee · 7 days
Yap-sesh incoming:
Love the “consistency” of smut in the second chapter both in tfl and ftl hehehe :3
Also I appreciate your writing so SO much with how you made clear that Gojo’s behavior is NOT normal/romantic/good/desirable (this typa stuff gets romanized WAY too much)
And why do I kinda like Sukuna again, for calling Gojo out and telling him he’s being disgusting, I did NOT plan to find that man anything close to sympathetic anymore after tfl I’d let him ruin me any day 😭
Like why do I like him for seemingly wanting to punish Gojo for being a creep towards a woman (ik his form if punishment fucks us over literally too, but if I didn’t know that, I’d be like HELL YEAH TELL HIM [also it seems like the fuck list wasn’t his initial plan but what he came up with after Gojo refused to tell reader and Sukuna obviously read more of the diary and therefore found out which person would hurt Gojo most if reader slept with them, maybe to get Gojo off of his obsession])
Also why did I knowwwww that would be how Sukuna gets ahold of the diary the second you mentioned Gojo babysitting??? Your foreshadowing is truly divine 😌
But also WHY does he seem to need/want the money (he stopped questioning why Yuji needed a babysitter after seeing how much he’d get paid + him wanting to make sure he gets the money) I thought he was rich anyways? And why does it seem like only one person lives in the apartment if Geto and Gojo live together??
And Sukuna seeming to understand his obsession to some degree - is that directed towards that first (?) woman he hit (if I remember correctly) after she said something to him? (I think Choso was the one who saw that happen??) Like she’s the “reason” he “changed” and Sukuna only became abusive towards Yuji after that? Cause I feel like I remember him promising Choso he wouldn’t do stuff to Yuji and maybe he actually didn’t but then started after the stuff happened with this Woman? 👀
Idk if I’m super far off but that would maybe also explain why he really doesn’t want Gojo to get his way with reader (like Sukuna apparently succeeded in manipulating that girl, who then maybe found out that he was obsessed or something and that’s what she said to him before things escalated) cause he doesn’t want Gojo to succeed/be happy “where he failed”? Or maybe he wants to protect reader somehow because of underlying self-hatred and projection?
I feel like either I cooked hard or completely burned my kitchen down, along with my whole house with these theories lmao, thanks for listening to my ted talk🙇🏻‍♀️
Ah yes, the seasonal yap sesh 🙂‍↕️ lets unpack, shall we?
This is kinda long btw, sorry ><
For one, I actually didnt even notice that I mirrored where smut is until you just pointed it out HELLO? I MIGHT BE A GENUIS? I know I mirrored the first three words of tfl & ftl but I did the smut thing on accident honestly 😅
& Gojo was…coco for cocoa puffs, to say the least. Even in tfl, he explicitly tells the reader that the version of himself who fell in love with her was a bad guy— as we now see!
And I need everyone to be well aware that the acts are not okay. 🙏 Please, even as I wrote it I was genuinely creeped out because imagine if you had someone you didn’t know watching you & even jacking his shit to you… that is WEIRD and NASTY. Gojo being hot does NOT excuse SHIT. ^.^ Happy that I was able to express that through that disturbing chapter. These acts should not be romanticized. & while yes, I love a good dark romance, this is an example of what isn’t romantic but pure dark. It’d be different if he actually knew the reader & talked to her but he didn’t, I hope people keep tht in mind :)
NEXT, liking Sukuna is okay actually 😄 You might even feel stronger about him in those regards after the next chapter! And my foreshadowing with the babysitting was rather obvious I think! Glad you spotted it tho!! ;)
About the whole money thing. It was explained that Gojo enjoyed babysitting in general & it’s clear he loves kids & taking care of them! As such, think of it as a parallel to the reader in tfl. She had no job & was getting no action until Gojo came along w the blackmail. Through him, she saw it as a win win (blackmail aside) as she’d get to fuck hot guys & get paid— solving two of her problems at once. Now with Gojo in ftl, he saw it as him being able to take care of kids like he loves & the amount that Sukuna pays him is like an added bonus! A mere plus side, if you will. Gojo is rich but who doesn’t love extra money? Especially for something he loves doing?
& nono, the part where Sukuna was studying the apartment was to say he could tell two people lived there! It’s simply a nod to how Sukuna & Gojo didn’t know each other well enough for Sukuna to know Gojo had a roomate. :)
With Sukuna’s understanding of Gojo’s obsession…. 🌚 Let’s just say, Sukuna is not a fan of it. More will come in upcoming chapters!
You definitely cooked w ur theories, fret not my love :3 I was happy to read! Ty <3
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lindszeppelin · 11 months
I feel like it’s a PR relationship 100% kaia is using his fame for her own career. Like she did for Jacob elordi when they just so happened to be dating when season 2 of euphoria got released. Same thing when she dated Pete Davidson right when he was blowing up on snl. She needs to stick to modeling truly. I hope it’s just like a two year contract and we will here that they’ve “split up” by January. I’m sure he’s getting paid for it. It’s also so suspicious to me how she apparently started dating Austin not even a month after her split with Jacob when there 1 year anniversary was the month before. I also don’t fully blame her and I’m sure her parents have something to do with it wanting to get her name out there like she isn’t Cindy Crawfords daughter and couldn’t get any role she wanted without dating a man who was trending at the time. I just want Austin to be happy. I also hope she realizes that Austin’s not gonna want to get married for like 2-3 years minimum. He’s gonna wanna work on his career. Doesn’t mean he won’t actually date but he’s not gonna settle down anytime soon. I just want their relationship to be over. I don’t want to hate on Kaia but it’s just so frustrating when she is a literal model because of her mom, she’s an “actress” because of her mom. It’s not for her being her. Like all nepo babies nowadays are successful because of their parents.
First of all thank you for your commentary, anon. You're not alone in how you feel. There are plenty of us that think the same exact way, some just don't always vocalize it, so cheers for being one of them that speaks up on it.
I had quite a nice day today so I'm in a good mood to go a little in depth with my answer right now. And then go back into my little cancer crab shell lol
What's crazy to me is she looked so much more suited and happier with Jacob Elordi. They were always snuggled up to each other and he looks more her speed. If they were PR then they did a very convincing job because he actually looked happy to be loved up on her and to be seen with her, unlike someone we know lol. And she looked happy to be with him. Plus, she actually posted him to her socials and they talked about one another all the time in the papers. So. It's wild the 360 there between Elordi and Austin.
And yes I do remember that she was broken up with him and then 1 month later she was seen with Austin. That's buckwild, and the fact we still do not know at all how they got together in the first place is very strange
But yes to everything you express here. Also the thing with Austin, I feel like he's still focused on his career that i think 2-3 years isn't long enough of a gap to be honest. He was with V for 9 and he never popped the question. This man is dead set serious on his career first. And conveniently so he also uses that as his excellent and genuine excuse to not allow engagement rumors to flame with K, seeing as that died in less than half an hour with a quickness on social.
Let's just be fucking real here, K is not his forever girl. I feel like whenever Austin meets his one true love that he'll marry then he'll be all about it. People are getting married AND having children at older ages now, and while he's only gonna be 32 this year that is still young to where he could wait until mid/late 30s to get hitched. Who knows. The man has plenty of time, he's in no rush clearly. She however is only 21 and she's still a child and she needs more time to mature and grow as an adult with life experience. As a near 30 year old woman I remember how I thought i was tough shit and knew everything at her age and thought i was soooo grown up. But hell no, you're still a kid.
When someone is dying to get married, you have to question the reason why. There could be deep seated insecurities where by a certain age one feels like their clock is ticking and they need to settle down with the next available person immediately. Or maybe it's for security financially, etc. It could also just be desperation in order to feel like you're wanted. I'm looking at V here because she moved on with that Cole guy so quick and got engaged so quick and throws shade to Austin all the time. Still bitter about not being Vanessa Butler lol. But rushing down the isle is a big mistake. Austin's background dictates that he knows 100% the seriousness of a commitment and he will not just marry any woman when he knows divorce could maybe be in his future.
aaaaaand end rant lol. I pray Austin finds the Pam to his Jim one day!
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khruschevshoe · 6 months
OFMD Critique: the Handling of Female Characters, "Girlbosses," and Dropped Polyamory in Season 2 (aka Why the HELL did you give Zheng Yi Sao that ending?)
For this one, I kind of just want to gesture at the ending of 2x7 and the entirety of 2x8 and scream at the top of my lungs, "What the FUCK was that SHIT?"
But I already did that when the finale itself came out, so instead I'm going to stay calm and give a genuine critique (though still as rambly as always).
The handling of this show's women is...questionable. I think the only woman that was handled 100% well is Mary in Season 1. No real notes there. I love her and how her storyline is written to bits.
But in season 2, all 3 major women characters (Archie, Zheng Yi Sao, and Spanish Jackie) have their storylines hamstrung by romantic plot lines.
In Archie's case, the romance plot works. Not every character needs to have a subplot. The bits that flesh out her character are well integrated into the story, whether that be her first kiss with Jim directly leading into the fighting to the death plotline/Jim finally standing up to Blackbeard or the lines "you have hope, it's cute," "this is just kinda how things work," and "they just kind of get away with it, you know" (though it still pisses me off that that last one goes unchallenged in the narrative) being used for plot progression, or are fun character details, such as all of the snake cult hints. (Do I wish that the poly aspect of her, Jim, and Olu's dynamic was better executed so that I didn't feel like the tealoranges plot was yanked out from under my feet? Yes. Of course.)
But as for Zheng Yi Sao?
The treatment of this character makes my blood boil.
See, I'm not opposed to her having a romantic plotline. In fact, I think it could have been fun. A woman can have romance and power. 2x7 even looked like it was building to that sort of conclusion, with Jim, Olu, and Archie joining her crew in one of the very few actual canon implications of poly (though no confirmation, sadly- have y'all seen the info about the deleted scenes that could have confirmed it? I can't believe so much ended up on the cutting room floor.) But then the end of 2x7 strips all power from Zheng Yi Sao.
The show pulled one of the most powerful pirates and most accomplished women in history (also a woman of color, btw, a fact which only doubles the weird fucking undertones of her treatment as a character) into the show only to strip her of her power, shove her into a romantic plot line on a ship where she isn't even a captain, and expected me not to pick up on ANY of the fucked up optics of the writing? The fact that we end the season with Zheng and Spanish Jackie both losing their power as pirate queens in exchange for setting them on a ship with only one singular boyfriend grinds my fucking gears, man.
There are ways to give Zheng a romantic plotline without it making her an idiot (ala what happens with Olu in 2x3) or making her lose all of her power (ala the finale). Jackie's case is less infuriating, but it does remind me of the fact that a lot of the casual poly/open relationship rep from the first season got stripped from the second season (and before you come at me with the Zheng/Olu/Archie/Jim storyline, look me in the eye and cite to me any concrete canon evidence we have of it. I ADORE the fanfic as much as the next person, but I mourn the lost potential every day. Check my previous tealoranges meta for that- I might write a long version of it sometime). Lucius and Pete lost all their open relationship implications and Jackie's husbands are dropped from the finale in favor of her running off with the only one who gets a name.
I understand that they probably wrote Zheng Yi Sao this way to show Stede's growth as a Captain by showing that he brings more flexible ideas to the table (which, by the way, is completely undermined by the fact that his plan actively kills Izzy in the process), but they really should have thought through the...everything in regards to the implications of writing Zheng Yi Sao this way. Because if you bring in one of the only female characters with speaking lines onto this show, a Chinese woman at that, make romance actively make her stupid, have her be fooled by a white man (who, by the way, kills THOUSANDS of unnamed women off-page in explosions and it's just kind of treated as a plot point for the whole Zheng/Auntie/Stede/Izzy/Ed comparison which gives me the ick), strip her of her fleet and her power, and then have the GALL to not even make her the Captain of the Revenge at the end of it all? I'm not sure I trust you to handle her legacy, much less write women in general.
TLDR; Writing a very queer show does not resolve you of sexism.
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3pirouette · 11 months
Fic: The Infinity Leap (1/1)
Title: The Infinity Leap
By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette
Spoilers: Through Endgame, Basic Quantum Leap Orginal Series knowledge required. 
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Word Count: 
Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :) 
Story Summary: Dr. Sam Beckett leaps into Agent Peggy Carter to write a wrong, but in the end, he may just end up righting two of them. 
Story A/N: This story assumes 3 things: 1. Season 2 of Agent Carter never happened 2. The MCU up though Endgame is otherwise intact and 3. The reader has basic knowledge of Quantum Leap. Quite Frankly, this is really more of a Quantum Leap episode than anything, so I know there’s gonna be like… 5 people interested? But for those of you interested, I hope you really, really enjoy this. 
Also, I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m a subscriber to the Outlander/Doctor Who version of time travel that makes the events of Infinity War possible in the Main MCU timeline. Seems Quantum Leap rules also fit into that. 
This story is set in 2000, about 5 years after the last “leap” we see in the series, and assumes they get to continue the Quantum Leap program for several years. 
I had hoped to really get this to a full length story, but it’s been sitting on my hard drive for a LONG time. In the end, I’m pretty happy with it, even if it isn’t exactly what I set out to write. 
For Steggy Week 2023, Day 3: AU’s and Crossovers @steggyfanevents
Peggy Carter blinked. 
Before she’d blinked, she’d been in the conference room, sipping the dregs of the morning coffee as Thompson addressed the room with his usual narcissistic flare. 
After she blinked, she was in a white room she’d never seen before, in a white unitard she’d never worn before, and she didn’t feel a thing. 
Sam took a slow breath as the tingling dissipated and did his best to keep a neutral facial expression. He kept his eyes on the man talking, hoping to feign interest. It was always hard stepping into a person when there was something happening, when people expected him to be able to contribute. 
He slowly brought his hands under the table and down his stomach: a suit jacket. That seemed to track for the way the rest of the room was dressed, but he felt that funny feeling where his chest was too tight and his neck wasn’t constricted enough. A little lower with his hands and he confirmed what he’d been afraid of: a skirt. He was a woman. Again. 
He wiggled his toes and rolled his ankles; at least the heels were sensible. Was he the secretary? He hated being someone’s secretary. 
“So that’s it,” the man at the front said sharply, turning to hook his thumbs in his suspenders. “Any questions?”
Sam stayed quiet, hoping to get through the meeting without having to say a word. He looked down at the folder in front of him and immediately tossed the idea of “secretary” out the door. Secretaries didn’t usually have folders marked “eyes only” and “top secret.”
“Even you, Carter?” The man looked directly at Sam, and he looked up, locking gazes. “No thoughts or suggestions?”
Sam knew that tone, recognized it for the goad that it was and wished he could fire back. He almost did, as the man seemed to expect something from him, but he didn’t know what was going on, and didn’t want to change anything before he knew what he was really here to change. “No. Not right now,” he replied, shooting what he hoped was just enough of a smile laced with just enough sarcasm that the man would believe it. 
“Yeah, fine. Right.” He turned back to the rest of the men around the table, seemingly upset he wasn’t going to get to spar with him. “You have your assignments.” He waved his hand and everyone stood to leave. 
Sam did the same, gathering the papers and coffee in front of him, standing slowly to get used to the feeling of the heels on his feet. 
A man with a crutch stopped next to him, whispering even though they were the only people left in the room. “I thought you were ready to give him hell about that plan?”
Sam shrugged, juggling the folder for a second. “Well, I decided it wasn’t the right time.”
The man sighed, stepping forward and through the door. “One of these days he’s going to listen to you, Peggy.” 
Sam nodded, slowly following him out to the bullpen of desks. Peggy. Peggy… Carter. He scanned the nameplates and found a Margaret Carter in the back and made his way to the desk. The one thing that was on his side was that everyone seemed engrossed in their own work. Sam sat at the desk and kicked the heels off underneath, wiggling his toes as he looked at the clean desktop. He pulled open drawers and sifted through the papers there, finding little to go on. 
He heard the woosh of the imaging room door open behind him and picked out a pad and pulled a pen to his fingers as Al’s voice drifted over him in the noisy room. “Let me tell you, Sam, this is going to be a tough one, that lady in there- she isn’t spilling a thing! We had a hell of a time finding you, and even then, it was a wing and a prayer. Ziggy’s been malfunctioning ever since you leaped, insisting you’re in the 40’s.” He spun, frustrated. “We don’t even have a name.” Sam smiled to himself and tapped the nameplate on the front of the desk, just like he was thinking.
Al moved around in front of him, meandering to look at the name plate. “Margaret Carter…” He huffed, typing it into his handlink. “Well, that’s more than we’ve gotten all morning.” Al leaned back, looking Sam over. “Wow, Sam, you’re…”
Sam looked up, annoyance on his face, but he said nothing. 
Al let his hands wave in the air for a moment and sighed. “Yeah, you’re a ‘she’ for sure.” He snapped his mouth closed, for the first time realizing where they were. He looked over the clothes, the decorations on the walls, the telephone on the desk. “This looks a little…” He stepped over to the desk across from Sam where a newspaper was lying next to an Agent drinking his coffee. Al leaned over, eyebrows raising. “April 16, 1948.” He looked at the handlink as it beeped at him. “Ok, fine. You were right.”
Sam looked up, surprised, but put his head down and wrote furiously on the pad before him. “1948?”
Al looked at Sam’s note. “I mean, it’s not unheard of- you have leapt out of your lifetime before… not a lot but…” Al shrugged, then looked up at his handlink as it beeped and blinked in his hand. “This can’t be right.”
“What?” Sam wrote. 
Al huffed. “Ziggy is saying that this woman is classified.” Sam’s look asked the question he couldn’t say out loud. “Well, I don’t know!” Al waved his arms, one disappearing through the man seated in front of them as the hologram interreacted with the world around them. “I don’t know how a whole, entire person can be classified. I’m gonna…” He huffed again and pointed to where Sam suspected the door to the imaging chamber was. “We’ll get it sorted. In the mean time, just…” Al shrugged, disappearing into the air. 
Sam sighed, crossing out the notes on the paper until they couldn’t be seen. “Oh, boy.”
Peggy gaped at the woman across from her. “This is, frankly, the worst interrogation I’ve ever been a part of,” she leaned back and crossed her arms, fighting to keep her breathing even. She was trying to come up with a clue as to where she was or why she was taken, but the woman across from her was giving Peggy as little as Peggy was providing. 
The woman sighed gently. “I’ve told you, this isn’t an interrogation. I asked your name.”
She laughed, shaking her head and sitting back into the couch more. “You’ve kidnapped me and you don’t even know my name?” Peggy looked her up and down. She was probably poisoned. Maybe gas. She couldn’t believe they’d managed to get her out of the SSR building without anyone noticing or putting up a fight she didn’t remember. It must have been gas. She wondered how many others they had. “I’m not telling you anything.”
“Miss,” the young, dark- skinned woman continued, closing the notepad she had in front of her. “If you don’t cooperate, we can’t help you.”
“You’ve refused to tell me who you are or why I’m here, and you don’t even know who I am. I believe we’re done speaking.” Peggy’s mind was racing, but she was somewhat relieved to see the woman slip her pad in her pocket and stand. 
Al stood at the entrance to the Starbright Project, waiting patiently. He was sure Sam needed him in some way, that he’d been gone too long now, but surely a few hours wouldn’t hurt.
He hoped. 
The black SUVs stopped in front of him, and out stepped a man in a black suit with unnecessary sunglasses as it was nearly night. He turned, and helped a stately woman out of the back. She was old, older than Al, with fine lines around her mouth and an expertly twisted hairstyle. She moved toward Al with purpose, the man following just a step behind. 
The woman stopped right in front of him, and the man that followed stepped next to them. “Admiral Al Calavichi?”
“That’s me,” Al gave a short salute. “And you are…”
The man nodded, then held out his hand. “Agent Coulson, and this is Former Shield Director Margaret Carter.”
“Admiral,” she started, in a soft English tone that let Al know exactly who she was, “I believe we have a lot to talk about.”
Sam was following the flow of people out of the building, thankful for the idea of a general quitting time. He turned his ankle more than once on the pumps, stumbling out of the elevator just as the sound of the imaging chamber set his teeth on edge. He turned his head, but couldn’t say anything in the crush of people. His eyes said it all: where have you been?
“I know, I know!” Al waved his hands, following Sam as he made his way through the building. “I was sidetracked by… well, you’re not going to believe it.”
Sam raised his eyebrows and stopped, hoping for a payphone but settling for the little door to the side labeled “women.” He slipped into the bathroom and checked each stall before locking the door behind him, Al floating through. 
“You’ve been gone all day!” Sam accused, dropping his briefcase on the floor. 
“Like I said: sidetracked.” Al shrugged, barely able to hide his excitement. 
Sam leaned on the sink, exhausted. “Well, it better be good, because tht bull pen was hell. Those guys, this time…” He shook his head and caught his hat as it fell into his hands. “’Coffee, Peggy. Can you take notes, Peggy? File these, would ya, Peg?’” He made a noise of disgust in the back of his throat. “Leaping into women has given me such a different appreciation for them.” 
“I have an appreciation for them.” Al pulled the cigar from between his teeth, his eyes unfocusing as he thought back to earlier that day, “And the one that got me sidetracked. When I tell you she was a knock-out! A ten! A real silver fox. I mean—”
“Al!” Sam turned, rolling his ankle and kicking off the heels. “You left me here all day to see a woman?”
“No, actually, I was visited by the head of one of the countries most prestigious intelligence organizations.” He shrugged, a light smile on his face, “who just so happens to be, well…” He smiled and raised his eyebrows. 
Sam stared at his reflection, truly seeing Peggy for the first time, mumbling at his friend. “Let’s go, will you?” 
Sam’s whisper of desperation stopped the man mid rude gesture and he shrugged. “Anyway, big to-do on arrival, she comes into my office, leaves her goon outside, and starts in on the story.”
Sam tried to straighten his hat in the mirror, feeling nothing of the complex hair style under his hands. “What story?”
“Turns out, you’ve lept into Agent Margaret ‘Peggy’ Carter. She was a Great American Hero, Sam.” Al’s eyes sparkled. “During World War Two she was a code breaker with the SOE then a spy with the SSR. She was Captain America’s liaison to the agency and tracked Hydra through Europe with the Howling Commandos!”
Sam looked blankly at him, then turned to look at the soft-boned woman in the mirror that stared back at him. It didn’t make sense to him that a woman with that kind of resume was relegated to getting coffee and filing paperwork. “Must be the Swiss Cheese… none of that means much to me.” 
“She’s one of the best spies who ever lived,” Al threw up his hand and paced the small bathroom. “But that’s why literally her entire life was classified.”
“Classified?” Sam barked out a laugh, pacing the small bathroom. “What do you mean, classified? We have the highest clearance of any—”
Al lifted his eyebrows, punching more buttons. “Not from SHIELD.”
“SHIELD?” Sam ran his hand over his face, shaking his head. “Why did she show up?”
“Any search for her in a government database gets flagged.” Al shrugged. “She said when she saw it was Starbright, she knew she had to come.”
“She remembers?” Sam asked, astounded. 
“She can’t. Well, shouldn’t.” He dropped the handlink down and pushed his cigar back between his lips. “She didn’t say if she did or not.”
“But, if she remembers, that means what I’ve needed to change—”
“Is already changed?” Al twisted his face up and shook his head. “No. No, no, no. That’s not how…” He shrugged and sagged. “I was going to say that’s not how this works, but every time I think we have a handle on it, something surprises me.”
Sam looked at the door, knowing it was only a matter of time before someone else was going to try to get into the bathroom. “So then, did she tell you want I’m here to do?”
“No,” All huffed, twiddling the cigar. “but…”
He changed the subject. “But Ziggy thinks you’re here to stop an assassination.” 
Sam perked up. He wasn’t sure how he could make something like that happen, especially if an actual spy like Peggy hadn’t been able to. “Assassination? Of who?”
“Angie Martinelli.” Al tapped the handlink and started reading off the facts. “Angie Martinelli was a broadway actress. She and Peggy are roomates, living at the Manhattan home of one Howard Stark.”
Sam rolled his eyes, leaning back into the sink. “Now that name I remember.”
“Imagine if Tony Stark had bankrolled us…” Al mused for a moment, eyes bright. He stopped and sighed. “Missed out. Anyway,” He hit the keys again, waiting for the next bit of information to pop up. “Tomorrow afternoon, Angie will be found in her bedroom, half naked with her throat slit. It’s only after the fact that it was discovered she was hiding that someone had been stalking her, meeting her at the stage door, sending her threatening letters…”
Sam leaned back on the sink, “Is that what Peggy told you?”
“No.” All sighed and shrugged. “She made me explain Project Quantum Leap, in detail, and then nodded.”
“Nodded?” Sam asked, confused. “That’s it?”
“Once she knew what it was all about, she asked what we knew about where you were, and then she came up with the same idea Ziggy did- Angie.”
“I don’t like you running around telling other agencies about-“
“You tell SHIELD what ever they ask for, Sam. You know that.” Al, paused and  shrugged. “Knew that. Anyway,” He shifted, walking through the sinks as he paced. “She said that missing that Angie was in danger was something she never forgave herself for, and if we could fix it, well…”
“Well, what?”
“She just kinda stopped and looked sad. Asked if we had any way of targeting where you went.” Al frowned. “ I told her no and then she looked up at me and said the damndest thing.” 
Al, knit his brow, shaking his head. “She said, ‘I suppose you should save her, then, who knows if his chance will ever come.”
“His who?” Sam asked as the door rattled. 
“Dunno,” Al shrugged, watching Sam pull his shoes on and grab his briefcase. “She and her goon left.”
“Look, just get me to her apartment and we’ll take it from there, ok?” Sam smiled, opening the door to the face a bewildered young woman. 
“Everything ok in there?” She asked, looking Sam over. 
“Fine, just…” he paused, smiling, “Classified.”
Sam rushed past her, headed out to save a life. 
Angie stood with her hands on her hips. “What do you mean I’m not going in today?”
Sam matched her pose, the standoff tense in the living area of the Stark apartment they shared. Angie had barely been home, and Sam had only been able to track her down with Al’s help half the time. “I mean, you need to stay home tonight. Both of us do.”
Angie walked right up to him, got in his face the way that only best friends or siblings do. “You’re gonna get me fired, Peg.”
“Call in sick,” Sam held his ground, placing his hands on her shoulders. 
“To Broadway?” Angie rolled her eyes and started pacing back and forth. “What in the world could be so important that-“
Sam had one card to pull, and he hoped his plan would be right. Peggy, in the original time line, had missed that Angie was being stalked. Probably, he’d thought more times than he could count as he tried to track the girl down, because she was never around. But Angie knew some of what Peggy did for a living, even if she didn’t know all of it, and he was banking on their bond of friendship being enough cause for Angie’s trust. “Why didn’t you tell me about what’s going on?”
It was enough to get her to stop in her tracks, back to Sam. Her shoulders tightened. “Tell you want?”
“You’re being stalked.”
Angie tried to brush it off with a laugh. “What? Like corn?”
Sam shook his head. It wasn’t a term that was familiar yet. “Who's harassing you?”
“I don’t even know the guy.” Angie looked down at her feet, shaking her head. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing and you know it,” Sam moved closer to her, lifting her chin to him. Her eyes were filled with tears. “Tell me.”
Sam was supposed to be on a stake out, the very one he’d heard planned out as he lept into Peggy Carter. He took his own advice and called himself in sick, and now sat with a very disgruntled, and somewhat anxious, Angie, Peggy’s gun sitting next to him on the table as he read. 
“Nobody’s coming,” Angie muttered, focusing on the script in her hands. 
“You trying to convince me or convince yourself?” Sam asked, looking up from the newspaper in his hands. 
“You,” Angie shot back, weakly. 
They went back to reading, radio playing softly in the background, when after a few minutes Sam’s head popped up. It was the sound of scratching. Quiet, but there. 
Angie watched as he pulled the gun into his hand, slowly standing. Sam hushed her with a finger at his lips. 
The imaging chandler door opened, Al popping through. “Sam, it looks like any time between about a half hour ago and-“ He stopped, watching Sam slip through the dark apartment. “Oh, shoot, it’s happening now, isn’t it?”
Sam nodded, Angie following close behind as he swept through each bedroom, Al walking through walls and calling out as he cleared each room ahead. 
“You really think someone-“
“Shh,” Sam quieted Angie again. “Stay close, ok?”
She cringed to his hips, following along like the caboose of a train. “You’re the one with the gun, I ain’t going nowhere.”
“Sam!” All called, two rooms ahead. “Here, in the Pantry. One guy coming up the dumbwaiter!” 
Sam moved swiftly, Angie following. On Al’s cue, he pushed through the door to the kitchen, hitting the intruder in the face with the door and knocking him back. Angie’s screams mingled with the swing music pouring from the radio as Sam jumped on him, landing a solid right hook before tumbling him to the ground, unconscious. 
Between Al’s supportive cries, Angie’s screams, and the music, Sam could barely focus as he reached for the handcuffs in Peggy’s pocket. “Angie, go call the police.”
“Aren’t you-“
Sam shook his head, sitting heavily on the man. “We need the regular police, not the SSR.”
Angie ran out of the room while All finally focused. “Good job, Sam! According to Ziggy,” he paused, tapping the handlink gently before giving it a final hard knock, “Angie lives a long life and has a fabulous career.”
“She get fired for calling in sick?”
All frowned. “Yeah, but it won’t matter. She gets picked up to be a series regular for a radio serial in a few months, then breaks into the movies.” 
“Peggy?” Sam asks, slipping to the side of the intruder and sitting on the floor, one hand on him in case he woke up. “She still get to be Director of SHIELD?”
Al knocks his handlink again and it beeps. He smiles and nods. “Yup. Looks like the little information we had didn’t change, so-“ He pause,d listening to a voice only Al could hear back on the other side of the hologram. “What letter?” He waited again, and Sam watched, confused. “There is no letter!”
“Letter?” Sam asked quietly, knowing they only had a few seconds before Angie came back or their assailant came to. 
Al shook his head. “Gushy is telling me there’s a letter in my office and it’s been there since Carter entered the waiting room for me to open, top secret, high priority. There’s no letter in my office.”
Sam tilted his head. “There wasn’t a letter in your office.”
Al opened his mouth to argue, but then it hit him. There hadn’t been a letter before Sam changed history. 
Now there was. 
“I’m gonna go read that letter.” 
Al disappeared through the imaging chamber door just as Angie came back. “They’re on their way…” Her voice died out as she got a glimpse of the face of the man on the floor. 
“You know him?”
Angie nodded, eyes wide. “That’s our stage manager! You mean to say he’s the one…”
Al tried to hold on to the feeling that there was no letter. He knew as soon as he stepped outside of the Imaging chamber, whatever had changed in history would feel like reality to him. 
He needed to read it, to try to compare it with what he could remember. 
He strode through Project Starbright’s halls without saying a word to anyone, holding his hand up to stop people from talking with him. Once in his office, he din’t even bother sitting to open the Manila envelope marked “eyes only, top secret.”
Admiral Calavichi, 
If you’re reading this, that means the day has come when my younger self has shown up in your lovely white waiting room. I have been told that this is how this must happen, that to stray from this would be to mess with forces beyond all of our comprehension, and so though I have not given you any reason to trust me, I must ask that you do as I say. 
If we do this right, all will stay exactly as it is, for it has already happened, and always will happen this way. Do not ask me how, for I have no understanding of it myself. What I do have is a deep desire for things to be as they are, and not as they could be. 
Dr. Beckett has leaped into my younger self. You will find no record of me, as little exists. At that time I was Agent Margaret Carter of the SSR, a spy. I remember nothing of that time when I sat in your waiting room. Whatever right Dr. Beckett put wrong, I have no memory of, and cannot help you with this, but I know that he succeeded, or will succeed. 
And when that is over, you must give Sam a message. You must tell him exactly this: He must go to the research level and wait. When he sees him, tell him to go home. Tell him, I’ve said to come home. 1952, to be exact. 
The “him” I refer to must remain a mystery, but rest assured both you and Sam will know exactly who when the time comes, as Sam told him that much. He’ll be confused, but accepting, as time travel is not unknown to him. 
You must deliver your message. It’s the only chance we’ll have to right this wrong. 
Al looked for another page, for something that made sense, but there was nothing except Director Carter’s signature and a date: 1953. 
Sam looked up from his desk in the SSR bullpen as Al stepped into the room, right through a desk and two men passing. 
It was always jarring to see his friend moved through like a ghost. 
Sam pulled over a pad and wrote, “Why haven’t I leaped yet?”
“Because I gotta show you this.” Al hovered the letter from Director Carter over the pad so Sam could read it. He waited as he watched his eyes go back and forth, Sam mouthing him over and over. 
He leaned down, scribbling, “Who do you think ‘him’ is?”
Al shrugged. “No way to tell. We got bupkis on most of her life.” Al sighed. “You know where research is?”
Sam started to answer, but Al felt his heart drop as the blue lightning started to envelop him. 
Sam was leaping. 
There was no time to go to the research level. 
There was no time to right one more wrong. 
Sam took the long moment to let the blood rush to his fingers and toes, to feel the energy that crackled through him just a second ago dissipate. He took a deep breath and let his eyes see and his body feel. 
Heels. Again. 
Pants. A sensible pants suit. 
He looked down in the small office at the papers in his hands. They were marked classified with a symbol that suddenly seemed very familiar. He looked up, searching for the answer he already knew. He picked up the nameplate on the desk and smiled. 
“Director Carter,” he mumbled to himself, smiling before placing it back. “Glad to see they finally listened to you.”
He sat in the chair behind him, looking over the documents on the table to try to get a clue as to why he was there when the phone on the desk rang. “He-hello?” He stuttered out. 
“Director Carter?” A male voice confidently replied, “You asked me to call when I detected that energy spike?”
“I did?” he asked, then caught himself and cleared his throat. “I did. Yes.”
“Well, I don’t know how you knew it was going to happen, but just now we got an alert from the research subbasement. Do you want me to send someout out?”
He felt fear and excitement run through him, the letter Al had shown him clear in his mind. “No, no. I’ll go.”
“Are you sure?”
He sat back, surprised after all this time they were still questioning her. “You think I can’t handle myself?”
“No, not at- I was just.”
“Thank you for the report, that will be all.” Sam hung up the phone and popped from his chair as the door to the imaging chamber opened. 
“Sam—” Al started excitedly. 
“I know.” Sam pointed to the plaque on the desk. “Can you get me to… the research subbasement?” he asked, carefully trying to remember the name. 
“Yeah. Start moving and we’ll see what…” He tapped the hand link then pounded it against his palm as they moved out of the office. “I’m guessing down.”
Sam started through the base, trying to feign confidence as Al called out lefts and rights to bring him to a set of elevators. Once in, he hit the button and waited for Al to talk, he couldn’t say anything with the other people in there. 
“So, you’re Peggy Carter again, Director do SHIELD, this time. It’s April 16th, 1970 and you’re in a SHIELD research facility at Camp Lehigh in New Jersey.” The elevator stopped, and the pair of scientist stepped off, leaving Sam and Al to descend to the lowest research level. 
“And I gotta tell someone… to go home?” Sam asked. “I remembered the research level but-“
“Him was all she told us. You’re gonna know him when you see him.” Al emphasized the vagueness with his cigar, pointing it towards the doors. Al sighed, “You gotta tell him Peggy says to go home to 1952.”
“Which means he’s got to be another time traveler?” Sam asked, anxious as the elevator dinged. 
He stepped out, Al following. “I’d assume, but you know what that makes out of you and me.” Al shoved the cigar in his mouth, wandering through rows of machines. “There’s nobody here, Sam.”
“There was some kind of energy spike,” Sam whispered, clearing the space one row of desks and shelves at a time. “Something has-“
“It oh.”
Sam stopped in his tracks, “What ut oh?”
Sam could see Al, frozen with his hands up, staring at a a corner he couldn’t see into. “He can see me, Sam.”
He pulled the cigar from his mouth, astounded. “Remember when she said you’ll know him when you see him?”
Sam slipped quietly up beside Al until he saw a figure hiding in the dark, red and white flight suit, nothing that belonged in this time, or any time Sam had ever been a part of, lifting and lowering a shimmering visor on his helmet, eyes wide with surprise and confusion. What stood out, though, was the shield on his arm. Even with his Swiss Cheese brain, Sam would have known that shield anywhere. 
“Captain America,” he whispered out, in awe. 
“Captain Freaking America,” Al echoed, in nearly as much shock. “She wants us to right that wrong.”
“I can hear you, too.” He let the visor stay down, his face partially hidden but the futuristic helmet. “You seem to know who I am,” Steve started, intensely. “So how about you tell me who the two of you are, and start explaining why you’re impersonating Director Carter.”
Sam smiled. “Oh, boy.”
End A/N: So, there wasn’t a place to PUT this, but the theory in my head goes that Without the visor to the suit up, Steve sees Peggy. However, with the nanotech visor up, which is partially powered by Pym particles and has been affected by traveling through the Quantum Realm, Steve can see Sam as he really is and see and hear Al. I had hoped to work that into the story, but I really liked the idea of ending on an “oh boy” for all my QL fans. 
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cobraonthecob · 6 months
F1 2024 Predictions!
Red Bull: Obviously they’re going to continue to dominate. They have to get in their domination years before the 2026 regulations come by, so as far as 2024 and 2025 are concerned for me, Red Bull is going to aim to dominate and they will. The only thing I’d be interested in Red Bull in is whether or not Checo will have stable mental health to hold a smaller gap in points between him and Max, because what the hell happened after Monaco alsdkjfaklsdfj.
Ferrari: I am not a superstitious person usually, but if you have Scuderia in your name, your strategists are shit. AlphaTauri has this problem, and Ferrari is the same. At least Ferrari has a car that can get points (not great ones, but still points) whereas AT will be far away from the points. So hopefully 2024, the strategists gain more brain cells, otherwise, it’s just going to be a repeat of 2023.
Mercedes: The strategy is questionable at times, but what really needs to improve is the pit stop times. They’re doing better, but they NEED to get their heads out of their asses for that because that’s the real killer in my opinion. 
Mclaren: My surprise prediction of 2024, is that Mclaren is going to be the team that will come close to lighting a fire under Red Bull. Or rather; Oscar, Lando, and Checo are going to be fighting for podium spots after Max fucks off ten seconds ahead of them (a gracious guess, it would’ve been 20 seconds but I decided to be nice). We all saw Mclaren’s miraculous technological growth this year, so assuming Mclaren doesn’t bring a tractor at the start of the season, I can very much see a Red Bull vs Mclaren fight.
Also we need a lando win. Please, he’s been suffering for too long
Aston Martin: I don’t follow AM, so if anyone wants to bring additional info, I’ll be grateful, but I feel like they’ll bring the fight to P3 in the constructor’s championship against Ferrari and Mercedes. They seem to have decent strategy and pit stops, it’s just that the car is average with two good drivers. Maybe they should hope for more rainy races and Lance works his driving-in-the-rain magic.
I predict that it’s going to be an Alpine-Williams-AlphaTauri/Racing Balls fight.
Alpine: if the Frenchpine civil war doesn’t fuck them up more, because Pierre really showed what he was made of. I can’t really estimate how good they are against each other because Esteban has had 6 DNFs total, 4 being mechanical failures, 2 retirements because of collision from other people running into him, and I’m not counting all the times Esteban has run into other people but no DNF because I’m not combing through every race lol. I think they’re equal, it’s just that Esteban’s car was plagued with mechanical problems and Esteban regularly finds himself in weird situations where he’s getting bonked into or he’s bonking into someone else. Alpine is going to be fighting themselves and the rest of the midfield lol.
Williams: Alex is definitely going to head that king of the midfield fight for Williams while Logan will quietly improve and hopefully get points. 
AlphaTauri: Daniel and Yūki are probably the best driver pairing AlphaTauri could ask for. Daniel’s experience and Yūki approaching his fourth year on the team means they have to be fighting for consistent points now from both of them, and that’s only if AT doesn’t give them a tractor to drive. Also, before anyone who didn’t pay attention to Yūki’s growth this year, you missed out. The two major times I can say that Yūki costed himself points was Singapore - I definitely think he turned too early in that first lap and doing it next to Checo of all drivers - and Mexico, where he turned on the outside and bumped into Oscar and spinning himself off the track. But most importantly, even though Yūki couldn’t crawl back into the points in time, he LEARNED, and in Brazil, he applied that when he didn’t do the same error when he and Lewis were fighting. 
Sauber: Hopefully with the shedding of AlfaRomeo, they’ll bounce back. But they’re my flop prediction.
Haas: This team flopping is a given. I will be pleasantly surprised if they pull a Mclaren and miraculously be consistently pulling themselves into P9/P10 every race.
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bohemian-nights · 2 months
the way there’s so much to say about how the bridgerton fandom acts towards shonda and even now, jess, the new showrunner, yet CVD (the previous MALE showrunner) got no flack for those first two seasons, season 1 w/ that specific scene between simone and daphne or for season 2, the lack of screentime for kate/anthony or the lack of background for kate or the lack of family/sisterhood…why is it that the two women get the most flack. mind you, they’re on jess’s ass and they have yet to see her season… questioning her decisions because she’s being too vague for them as any showrunner would be and deciding she doesn’t know what she’s doing or it’ll be terrible, ooc writing for everyone when they haven’t seen the season yet…
Yeah these women get way more flack than that man.
I’m personally on the fence about Jess and I admit I don’t like how vague she’s being. However, I believe everyone should be given the chance to prove themselves, so I’m reserving my judgment until I find out if Benedict’s season is next and who is playing Sophie.
I can also kind of see why she’s being vague about the whole thing.
This isn’t Marvel or even GOT, but Benophie is an extremely popular couple. This should’ve been their season and yet they were skipped over in favor of Polin(I’m pretty sure they moved them up because they wanted to throw a white ship in there).
So with that in mind Sophie news might overshadow things and while I’m the furthest thing from a Polin stan it is their season 🤷🏽‍♀️
Furthermore I don’t want that ships stans next year yapping about how they were “wronged” and trying to turn Benophies season into Polin 2.0 so I’m good with the radio silence(for now).
We shall all have our day in the sun(and I can only hope it’s as beautiful as QC cause that’s the gold standard for me).
Now as for Shonda, is she perfect? No, believe me, I have had my gripes with this woman. I have had a love hate relationship with her since 2013(Scandal was a roller coaster).
She is for all intents and purposes kooky. She likes to put her characters through a lot. She can be petty, and clearly has her favorites(Penelope), but some of the accusations thrown her way make 0 sense.
I’m not trying to dismiss anybody and I’m not trying to be insensitive because we all have our faves and we all want them to shine.
My faves(Benophie) were literally skipped over and we still don’t have an exact confirmation they are next, we still don’t know who Sophie is. My second faves might be getting screwed over too(I’m not getting into it, but Francesca deserves her man) so I get it. However, some of you are all the way wrong.
Shonda has made some interesting choices, but people need to give her more credit because the reality is that Bridgerton as it exists in the show wouldn’t have happened without her.
The Bridgerton books are not diverse at all(and Julia Quinn has said some really fucked up shit to the point where Shonda should’ve adapted a Black authors work and never given that woman a larger platform, but I digress)
Simon isn’t a Black man. Kate and her family definitely aren’t Indian. Sophie is a white blonde woman. Queen Charlotte isn’t even in the books and if she did exist in them she would be white (like in reality).
Lady Danbury is white. The Stirlings are white Scott’s. The Mondrichs don’t exist. New characters like Harry Dunkworth and Lord Samadani do not exist and if they did they wouldn’t be part Asian or Persian.
I can imagine that in the furture Lucy will be played by a non-white woman(if y’all want an Asian lead it’s her) and Gareth will at least be biracial(he’s Lady Danburys grandson). In the books both are white.
Hell, Penelope’s glow up consists of her getting skinner so even Nicola doesn’t fully embody her book counterpart.
Gay people are barely touched upon(no disrespect but this is why turning these ships into queer romances won’t work) and the books as a whole are mediocre at best.
It will never be perfect, but Shonda and co. have managed to turn something no different than all the rest of these crappy regency romance books into a highly entertaining diverse show. It’s because of her vision that Bridgerton is as colorful as it is and might I argue has provided a platform for things like Mr. Malcolm’s List and The Davenports to be greenlit.
I dont want to praise this show and the creators too much, and yes there are problems with Bridgerton (for me it’s the lack of monoracial Black leads getting their HEA which is why I hope Masali is indeed Sophie), but the hate at this time is a bit much.
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manygalaxiesinone · 2 months
Which Digimon would Hazbin Hotel Characters Have Pt. 2 ((Potential Spoilers))
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((Yup, you read right. I'm doing a part 2 of this. I'm honestly glad some of you are interested in this idea, though I'm not sure if it's because you actually think it's an interesting idea for a crossover or you just want more Hazbin Hotel/Digimon content. Either way, I'm not judging or complaining. And if you haven't seen part 1 yet, please do so before continuing this post. We cool? Okay.
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Gonna start things today with another one of my favorite characters in the show so far, Rosie. I loved every second she was on screen with Alastor together and I hope to see more in the next season. Never thought I'd be this invested in a cannibal, but she's so sweet and charming, I just can't help it. Now there aren't really any cannibalistic Digimon that I know of (aside from maybe Nunemon), so I figured the next best thing would be a Digimon that just compliments her kind and ladylike personality. Enter Lalamon and it's main digivolution line to Lotusmon. Lalamon itself is mainly expressionless but is also charming as it can sing its opponents to sleep, which could be useful for a mayor of a town like hers. Sunflowmon could be replaced with Nunemon it won't make too much of a difference I think, but next is Lilamon, who appears to be a pure and innocent Digimon, but have very toxic leaves that can instantly kill anyone who isn't careful. And finally Lotusmon who's known for being calm and graceful and willing to help those forget about their suffering by giving them pleasant dreams.
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Next up is Adam. And just like how I gave one to Axel in Disgaea, I am definitely giving him an Etemon. Yeah, it's a virus Digimon and not one of the angelic ones, but considering Adam's personality and guitar skills, it's practically perfect. As for the starting Rookie stage, the best I can come up with is either Gaomon or Elecmon. I am slightly leaning more towards Elecmon since it's known for being the ones in charge of looking after baby Digimon and Adam's the first human and responsible kickstarting earth's population. Champion stage on the other hand is Nanimon, because they love booze and thrive on the survival-of-the-fittest mindset, which is quite fitting for the leader of the exorcists. Finally, the mega can either be King Etemon or Metal Etemon. I think either or would be fine.
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Now, as much as I don't like her and... really wish she died in Season 1, I know Lute has fans and some might get upset if I don't give her a Digimon while giving Adam one, so here we go. Considering her attire, ruthlessness, and loyalty to Adam, I'm going to give her a Falcomon with its main Digivolution line all the way to Ravemon. Yes, Lute's not a ninja, but she is a trained warrior and ninja are known to be quite loyal to their sensei/masters to a fault. That and it would be interesting to see Vaggie's Morphomon's illusion tactics having little to no effect to Falcomon whenever they fight, you know due to ninja training.
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Moving on to another angel who's definitely making me raise some eyebrows right now, Sera. She's one of the Seraphs and Heaven as well as Emily's mentor and the one who secretly authorized the yearly demon exterminations in Hell. Yeah, that was kept under wraps until Charlie's trial. Some of you might be thinking that I would give her an Ophanimon considering her seemingly kind nature, but I think Seraphimon would be more fitting, mainly due to her role in Charlie's trial and how Seraphimon are known for carrying God's law without question, while Ophanimon are motherly and prefers to show the merciful side of God. Whether or not Sera truly regrets agreeing to let the exterminations go on is irrelevant, I highly doubt Ophanimon would be willing to go along with this type of plan. As for the previous stages, we can stick with the Patamon main line like with Emily, but instead of MagnaAngemon for the ultimate, swap him out with Angemon: Priest Mode
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Now let's move on to Carmilla Carmine, one of the Overlords of Hell and the main one in charge of weaponry. Considering her cold yet protective personality as well as how she fights, I think a Renamon would suit her very well. However instead of the main Digivolution line, I think it's dark Digivolution line from Youkomon, to Doumon, to Kuzuhamon would be a bit more fitting since that line is more prone for intel gathering, death curses and assassinations if need be, all of which Carmilla wouldn't hesitate to use against anyone if it meant the safety of her two daughters.
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Next is Zestial, one of the oldest Overlords in Hell and close companion to both Alastor and Carmilla. Now, Zestial has a reputation as one of the most powerful and feared overlords, easily making lesser demons quake their boots at the mere sight of him, but personality wise, he's usually calm, cautious, and even caring to those he recognizes as his companions. Unfortunately, there's currently not too much else to go off of for him at least until later season(s), so for now, I'm going to give him a Ghostmon that can Digivolve into a Devimon, then Myotismon, and finally Malomyotismon, mainly because the other forms of Myotismon like Venom and Neo lose either their intelligence or emotions in exchange for their power, while MaloMyotismon doesn't have that issue.
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Now we have Lilith and not much is known about her outside of her backstory and some speculation as to why she's in heaven as revealed in the end of Season 1. But considering her name and how I hinted things in the end of part 1 of this topic, you know I'm already giving her a Salamon with the dark Digivolution line to Black Gatomon, to LadyDevimon, and finally Lilithmon. Now granted, this could change as the show goes on, but I personally like this idea.
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And finally, we get to the Vees, starting off with everyone's least favorite member, including myself, Valentino. And considering that Valentino's a malicious bug boy, I think it's safe to say that he's getting a Kunemon with the Kuwagamon Digivolution line. Valentino definitely has a short fuse and can get devious and aggressive when things don't go his way. That said, I can hear arguments for swapping the Mega stage, Gran Kuwagamon, with Puppetmon, considering his relationship with Angel Dust and potentially other victims who share Angel Dust's fate.
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Next is Vox, the TV master with a hate boner against Alastor because he wouldn't join the team (potentially among other things) and I think Kokuwamon is the safest bet for the starter. Now granted, Kokuwamon are more on the docile side, but will attack by discharging electricity when they feel threatened. For the champion stage, we have Guardromon, one of my personal favorites. Since Vox is the "Head of TV" in Hell (pun not intended), Vox could probably use someone like Guardromon to serve as a potential bodyguard for both in the physical plane and against any would be hackers for his future broadcasts. And now I can't help but imagine Vox and Alastor having a hacking tamer battle with their Gaurdromon and Bakemon. Naturally, the ultimate stage is Datamon. While Datamon are usually neutral, only wanting to gather as much info as possible, they can be corrupted and Vox would absolutely use one to spy on the hotel like how he sent Sir Pentious to do so until he got caught and switched sides. As for the mega form, I can hear arguments for either Raijinmon or Raidenmon as while both are electric based mega forms, one of them is more suited for close quarters combat, while the other fights in a distance. I'll leave it to you to determine which is more of his style.
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Last but not least, is Velvette, who is currently my favorite member of the Vees but that could change as time goes on. A sassy social media influencer/fashionista who created a love potion? Yeah, she's getting a Lillymon and Rosemon for the ultimate and mega forms easily. Rosemon are known for being pretty vain and can use their whips to submit others into doing their bidding, which is pretty fitting for an overlord, and as for Lillymon, do I need to bring up the one that hacked someone's phone in Cyber Sleuth and sent it hundreds of selfies? However instead of Palmon and Togamon being the rookie and champion stages, I'll instead give her a Floramon to begin with and then Kiwimon, because I think Velvette would find them more adorable in comparison.
And that's the list. what did you think about this one? Any you agree or disagree with? Anyone I missed out on? Go ahead and let me know. Thanks for reading.))
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hey! I was the one who requested the Eddie concert situation and I have to say I loved every single bit of it!
I was thinking maybe a Sinclair!reader where Steve and reader have been dating for a while but it's a secret,,, until Erica finds out.
then maybe them trying to shut her up or something, she's so funny I would love to see what you come up with! <33
One Down
Request: I was thinking maybe a Sinclair!reader where Steve and reader have been dating for a while but it’s a secret,,, until Erica finds out. Then maybe them trying to shut her up or something, she’s so funny I would love to see what you come up with! <33
Hi! Thank you so much for the requests you’ve been sending, all your ideas are so cute, I really appreciate the love and support. It's my first time writing for Steve, so I hope I did ok and you like it. Also, I hope it’s ok that I kind of set it between season 3 and 4, it just fits best for my ideas, I’ll change it if you want me to. Sorry that it’s a but short.
(Warnings: swearing, general relationship fluff, let me know if i missed anything)
Unlike some of Steve’s past relationships, he wanted everything in yours to be done right. Taking it slow, making sure you both were comfortable, not letting anyone else influence how you were together. He’d had plenty of experiences in high school with his friends trying to embarrass him, or harassing his girl and making them feel bad, and although he wasn’t in high school anymore, he still had some residual fears about messing up and you leaving him because of it. So, he decided to keep your relationship more private, not announcing it to anyone, just letting everyone catch on by themselves. 
Keeping your relationship with Steve private around the kids was much easier said than done, however, considering they had no regard for anyone’s personal space or business. With the Byers and El gone in California, they weren’t anything to worry about. Even if one of the kids found out, they hardly had the attention span to remember to include it in any letters. 
Still, though, even with the group apart, keeping the relationship a secret was not a very successful task.
Robin was the first to find out, when she was walking to the back room to take her break and tell Steve to clock in, when she found you two, Steve’s face an inch from yours, a dopey grin on both your faces. It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together, and she instantly caught on, cheering and high fiving Steve. 
“Nice job, loser!”
Max was the next to pick up on it, but she never told anyone else, and had only mentioned it once to you, asking you about it in the car when you dropped her off back at her house. She had unbuckled, and was moving to get out, when she turned back to you. 
“Are you and Steve together?”
You had nervously laughed, trying your best to seem oblivious. “Uh, why do you say that?”
She just shrugged. “You seem happier. And he’s always got that look on his face when he’s around you.”
“What look?”
She had smiled to herself, opening her door and getting out of the car. “The same way I catch Lucas looking at me sometimes. They think we don’t notice, but we do, right?”
You said nothing, cheeks warming at the thought, simply nodding. 
You left it at that, and it was all Max had spoken of it to anyone. Steve got a little sweeter around Max after you told him about it, and they seemed to get closer with each other over the shared secret. 
The only two people you really had to worry about were Dustin and Lucas. Lucas, because he was your brother, and you knew he’d have plenty to say about his friend dating his sister. And Dustin, who couldn’t keep a secret to save his life, and would sure as hell be all up in Steve’s business, asking questions he didn’t feel like answering. 
And plus, if Dustin found out, it was for sure that Lucas and Mike would know, and eventually, Nancy would know. 
You had absolutely nothing against Nancy, you liked her and respected how she remained friends with Steve, but it wasn’t as if any part of their relationship was private. As much as you loved Dustin, you knew he would unknowingly find a way to make things awkward between you all, and it was something you’d much rather avoid. You’d cross that bridge when you came to it, but for now, you and Steve wanted to enjoy the peace while you had it. 
You were sitting in your bed, when Steve knocked on your door, letting himself in. You smiled at him, patting the spot next to you. 
“Hi, love. What are you up to?” You asked. 
Steve looked at you sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, well…your brother kind of just gave me permission to date you?”
You shook your head in alarm, sitting up. “What?”
“Yeah, he was leaving on his bike and saw me pull up, and I told him I was just here to pick you up, and he stopped me.”
You groaned, leaning your forehead against Steve’s shoulder. “God, was he weird about it? Did he seem upset? Oh god, he’s gonna tell Dustin! Isn't he?”
Steve laughed at your theatrics, pressing a quick kiss to your hair. “No, actually, he was cool about it. I did get the whole, ‘you hurt her and I’ll kill you’ speech, which frankly would’ve been scarier coming from Erica, but he said it was cool with it, and that it was fine. He also said he wouldn’t say anything about it if I didn’t want him to.”
“Well that was nice of him.”
Steve hummed in agreement, subconsciously fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
You took a deep breath, turning towards him. “Steve?”
“Do you…want to tell people? I’m ok with it either way, and it’s not like we’re hiding this huge secret, but I think everyone so far has reacted well enough, it would probably be ok, right? What do you think?”
He smirked, resting his forehead against yours. “I think you want me to kiss you in public, and this was all a ploy to get what you wanted.”
You rolled your eyes, playfully swatting at his arm, but you couldn’t fight the blush that rose to your cheeks. “Steve!”
He laughed, tilting his head back, grinning at the ceiling. The light coming in from your window hit him in all the right places, his eyes sparkling when he turned back to you.
He looked beautiful. 
You looked at him with starry eyes, leaning closer to him. “What if it was a ploy? You’re so pretty, how could I not ask you to kiss me?”
A rosy tint graced his cheeks, and he gave you a genuine smile. Your heart raced at the sight.
 “Well, you know I can never say no to you, baby,” he murmured, leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. 
You smiled into the kiss, reaching a hand up to cup his cheek, the other running through his hair. 
Your moment of bliss was interrupted by your door swinging open, and a sharp gasp filling your ears. You quickly pulled away from Steve to see your little sister Erica, standing in your doorway with her hands on her hips, looking at you with scrutiny.
“Oh, you’ve got to be shitting me.”
“Erica! Get out, you didn’t even knock–”
“Be glad I didn’t. I just stopped you from making a very poor decision, no offense Steve. Y/N, what are you doing?” Erica interrogated.
“Kissing my boyfriend, not that it’s any of your business.”
Steve was quiet, watching the interaction, but he felt his heart flutter at the use of the word boyfriend. Erica didn’t look impressed.
“Why does nobody in this house tell me anything? I mean, seriously–”
“Erica,” you said through gritted teeth in a hushed whisper, giving a nervous glance to Steve, who was listening along with a knowing grin on his face. “Now’s not the time for this, we’ll talk about this later, yeah?”
She let out what sounded like a mix of a scoff and a laugh. “You sure as shit better believe we are.”
You nodded, motioning for her to leave, trying to shoo her out. She turned to Steve, looking at him through judging eyes. 
“I’m watching you, Harrington. I’ll be speaking to you later. Got that?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Steve was quick to respond, giving Erica a curt nod. 
Erica sighed, giving you both an analyzing glance over again, before huffing and marching out of your room, slamming the door a little too harshly. 
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, pinching the bridge of your nose with your fingers. You felt a hand pull yours away from your face, and lips pressing a kiss to the back of your hand, before Steve was intertwining your fingers with his, placing your joined hands in his lap.   
“Well, I think that went well. That’s one down, a few more to go.”
Hi! I hope y'all enjoyed this. I write for the older characters and will accept requests for them, but know that I mainly right Marauders era content and am also working on existing requests for them, as well as school work, so it may take me a while to get to any requests, but I do appreciate if you send them in and all the love and support everyone has been showing recently!
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