iamred-iamyellow · 2 days
HAPPY PRIDE <3 here have a meme
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piastronaut · 3 months
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2024 liveries if they slayed
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box-box-blorbos · 4 months
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Formula 1 2024
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aviscarrentals · 2 months
f1 x textposts p5 i’ve officially committed to the silliness
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blueballsracing · 9 days
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haas got a new team principal and he started putting in work
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magnusstan · 2 months
Shirtless in the gym, kissing his bub. Thank you Louise, you are a real one. 🙏
How many times have I watched this? Yes.
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httpsleclerc · 5 months
out of the woods
pairing/s: Mick Schumacher x Vettel!Reader, Hanna Vettel (?) x Daughter!Reader, Sebastian Vettel x Daughter!Reader
summary: Romeo and Juliet without the violence and hate but with race car drivers? yeah that seems about right.
cw: nothing much other than a couple suggestive scenes, vettel!reader is a chronic overthinker if you were to squint, not proofread!
w/c: 2.9k words
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You weren't quite sure when you had fallen in love with your best friend, but you were sure you could pinpoint it somewhere around the time that him and his sister had tagged along on your family's summer vacation, your father telling you that there, under no circumstances, was there to be any funny business with Mick. Hanna was quick to remind Sebastian that they were 16 once too, and you were the proof of that - It wasn't that your dad regretted having you, no, not at all, it was just that she  wished that herself and Sebastian had waited a little bit longer before having children, hence the large age gap between you and your two younger sisters. But you were sure that sometime during your sixteenth summer, you had fallen in love with Mick Schumacher - You had fallen in love with the way that his hand always rested on the small on your back, the way that he leaned over you to reach for something and how he always laughed at you innocently about how small you were in comparison to him.
That night you hoped and prayed to some higher being that it wasn't true that you were indeed falling head over heels in love with your childhood best friend. How were you supposed to admit your feelings for him? What if he didn't feel the same way as you did? You would be throwing away 9 years of friendship all over a silly teenage crush - And it wasn't as if this was just some boy you were friends with at school, this was one of your dad's friends sons, he was your best friend and you were head over fucking heels in love with him.
Hanna knew that something had been bothering you, however - Of course she would, you thought to yourself, she was your best friend (after Mick, of course). The fact that Sebastian and Hanna had you when they were so young meant that you had grown up being extremely close to your mother and father, and it now meant that you struggled to hide anything from either of them, but more specifically your mom, she knew you both inside and out so hiding anything from her was impossible.
"Can I come in?" You heard from the other side of the door, you were lucky that you were able to have your own room at this point, but your two younger sisters shared a room, while Mick and his sister shared a bedroom, meaning that everyone was at least satisfied with where they were sleeping. You thought you would have fallen asleep easily, having lit a candle and having the rain battering against your window - some summer vacation this was turning out to be, you thought to yourself. For some reason however, you couldn't seem to fall asleep. Although you blamed it on the fact your body clock was probably entirely messed up from travelling around so much, deep down you knew it was because your mind was racing with thoughts of your best friend. Thoughts of how he had gotten so much taller over the summer, thoughts of how his hand sometimes would rest sometimes too long on the small of your back, thoughts of - hold on, your mom was outside.
"Yeah, come in," You called back to your mom, turning your phone off and putting it on the bedside stand to charge, shaking yourself of all thoughts of your best friend who you were separated by only a wall. Hanna opened the door to your room and made her way over to your bed, silently motioning for you to budge over so she could sit beside you. "Am I in trouble or something? Because those beers of dads going missing had absolutely nothing to do with me, mama." You were so so confident in thinking that was what your mom wanted that you had just inadvertently snitched on yourself.
"...No, but we'll talk about that later," Hanna laughed as she watched the realisation dawn on your face at the fact you had snitched on yourself. "No, I just wanted to talk to you, your dad just put Emilie and Mathilda down so I thought I'd come see if you were still awake." You smiled as you leaned your head on your moms shoulder, it was rare that you had any moment at all with your family since you had moved up into formula 3 after winning the formula 4 championship last season - Sebastian and Hanna liked to joke that you were driving a kart before you could walk and talk.
"Well, I am," You confirmed to her, just in case she hadn't noticed, and as much as you were tired and need the sleep, you wouldn't miss sitting up and having a girly chat with your mom for anything in the world. "I don't know how you keep up with Emmy and Tilly as well as dad, that like...3 toddlers." The two of you laughed at your joke as you rested your back against the headboard of the bed you sat on. You missed your mom more than anyone when you were gone, more than Mick, but that wasn't the point - No one quite understood you like your mother did.
"So...I saw the way you were looking at Mick earlier," You blushed as your mom nudged your sides, Hanna giggling at the way you became all sheepish and blush - she knew you were in deep for the young Schumacher. "Aww, you have a little crush on him!"
"No! No I do not!" You defended yourself poorly, you knew it was a poor attempt since your mom burst out laughing at you for it. "Okay, fine. Maybe I do, but I can't do anything about it because if I do he might not feel the same way about me and then I just make things weird and we stop being friends and then-"
"Please take a breath, honey," Hanna cut your rambling off, fearing that if you kept going that you would run out of breath and pass out. "If he doesn't like you back, then he's an idiot, okay? You're funny, and you're beautiful - He'd need to be an idiot to not love you," Your mom assured you, holding your head as you leaned on her shoulder. "I just can't believe that you might have your first boyfriend," She smiled almost sadly. "I wish you had stayed as my tiny baby girl forever but I guess you had to grow up at some point, and now you're this talented double of your dad who I feel like I know less and less everyday but I somehow still know everything about." You sighed as you laid down beside your mom, shifting down so you could lay your head in her lap which was covered by the duvet which you both lay under.
Everyone assumed that since you followed in his footsteps that you were a daddy's girl, but you were your mama's girl through and through, and you could almost feel any stress or tension exit your body as soon as she started threading her fingers through your hair. 
"What do I do, mama?" You asked Hanna, remaining in the same position as thoughts of Mick's varying reactions ran through your head - would he admit that he felt the same as you did all along? Would he be mad at you for ruining your friendship? Would he laugh at you and call you an idiot for thinking that anyone as handsome as he was could ever, ever love you? Hanna let out a heavy sigh as she continued to run her fingers through your hair.
"I think you should tell him, baby, you know that your dad will definitely have some...stern words with him if he makes you upset." In some way, you thought you would be able to blame your mom, since it was her that had gotten you and Mick introduced in the first place.
Sometime in 2006
You wandered around the F1 paddock, your tiny heart almost beating out of your chest as you called out for your mother, only to be met with the roaring of the engines of the cars which surrounded you seemingly at all times. You held tightly onto your beloved blanket, white and adorned with a print of small bees all over the fluffy piece of fabric which smelled like your mother, hence the reason you clung to it so tightly.
"Mama?!" You called out for her, your voice breaking as you came to the overwhelming conclusion that you were lost forever and would never see your parents again - Hanna did say that you got your dramatics from Sebastian. You sat down as you became so overwhelmed with emotion, breaking down into tears as you clutched your blanket in your small hands and continuing to cry your little eyes out. 
You were sobbing so hard, you barely registered the man in a bright red suit crouch down in front of you, gently reaching out for you so's not to frighten or disturb you since you already appeared to be significantly stressed out.
"Hey," The man gently shushed you as you tentatively took the hand he held out for you, he made that sure you didn't drop your beloved blankie - judging by the grip you held onto the fabric with, it clearly meant a lot to you. "It's okay, just take a big deep breath," He tried his best to soothe you, but it seemingly worked as your sobs died down to mere sniffles. "There you go, you're okay, yeah?" You sniffled and nodded in response to the mans question, as you tried your hardest to remember where you had seen his face before. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"
"I lost my mama and I dunno where she is," You told him, a pout forming on your face as tears once again flooded your eyes and threatened to spill over. "And I dunno where my daddy's garage is."  Okay, that gave him more to work with.
"Do you know which team he is with? Then we can go to the garage together and maybe your mama will be there," He asked you, smiling in relief as he knew now that he'd be able to get you back to your parents safely.
"Yeah, the one with the blue and white circle," You told him, you didn't quite remember the name but with the information of the logo, he knew where to take you and who you belonged to.  Micheal held your hand as he led you to the BMW Sauber garage, where your mother and father could be heard bickering over whose fault it was that you were now missing. "Mama!" Hanna turned quickly as she heard you call out for her, quickly crouching down to hold you in her arms tightly.
"There you are! You scared me, Y/N!" Hanna lifted you up and held you at her hip, holding you tightly as though if she held you any less you would suddenly go missing again. Sebastian let out a sigh of relief, thankful that his friend had returned you safely - meaning that he wouldn't have to sleep on the couch for losing you. 'Thank you so much for bringing her back." Hanna thanked Michael, who smiled and waved her off as a response
"It's fine, really. My son Mick wanders off all the time so it's a normal occurrence for us at this this point," Michael smiled as he thought of his son. "Maybe they could be friends, at least then they would be wandering off together."
current day
You groaned quietly as you started waking up, the Swiss sun streaming through the gap where your curtains didn't quite meet. Turning on your side, you smiled to yourself as Mick slept peacefully beside you, his arm around your bare waist as he pulled you closer to him.
"Stop watching me, schatz," Mick grumbled sleepily, a small yet tired smile coming to his face as he heard you giggling to yourself, he could listen to your laugh for hours and hours on a repeat loop - He wasn't sure when he had fallen in love with you so hard.
"You watch me sleep all the time before you go to the gym in the morning, so it's only fair," You countered his argument with your own, placing a small kiss on his lips as he hummed in response to your argument.
"Oh yeah? And how would you know if you're asleep?" He chuckled as he saw the realisation on your face and the pout that followed, God, you were so adorable. "Good morning, Meine Liebe." You grinned as you looked at Mick, carefully studying every feature on his face, just in case he ever disappeared from your grasp, not that you would ever let him, of course.
"Good morning, Micky," You laughed once again as Mick groaned as you used the nickname you had been using for Mick since you were both small children. You smiled as you placed a small kiss on his lips and you hummed contentedly as he returned the favour, his tongue smoothly sliding into your mouth at the first opportunity. You giggled as Mick moved you so you were straddling him, wearing nothing but an oversized Mercedes T-Shirt, his oversized Mercedes t-shirt, something you knew that if anyone saw you in, would get you in hot water with Horner.
As you continued your early morning make out session, you felt Mick's large hands rest on your hips, bunching up the t-shirt just below your boobs. Your hands made their way to Mick's hair, gently tugging as he bucked his hips up to yours. It seemed that everything was going your way, before your bedroom door burst open and you were quick to roll off of Mick, pulling his t-shirt back down to cover you and covering the two of you with your duvet.
"Good morning, you two," Your dad greeted the two of you as he made his way into your bedroom, you swore he'd become a bigger pest now that he was retired and was around all the time. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything important in here." Sebastian grinned as he knew that he was winding you up and you were falling for it, you rolled your eyes and groaned in response to his antics and hid your red face in Mick's chest.
"Go away, old man!" Your grumbled words were very clear to your father though your face was hidden in Mick's chest. Sebastian just laughed you off, even though he could hear Hanna's voice in the back of his mind telling him to just wake you and Mick up and not wind you up in the process. Mick also laughed as he put his arm around you, finding it adorable how easily embarrassed you got despite the fact that the two of you had been together since you were teenagers. 
"Okay okay, well your mother sent me up here to tell you that breakfast is going to be ready in 15 minutes if you're going to be joining us," Sebastian informed you, finally getting to his point and seemingly leaving the two of you to get ready, until he turned around and pointed at both you and Mick. "And no more funny business between you two, I was 16 when I was a dad, I don't want to be a grandpa at this age." 
"DAD!" You groaned as you threw your pillow at him, Sebastian grinning as he dodged your toss and laughing as he shut the door of your bedroom. "God, he's been such a nuisance since he retired, I don't know how mama puts up with him." You complained to Mick, the two of you rolling out of bed.
"I dunno, love, you do make it pretty easy to get you all wound up," Mick defended his mentor and friend, but quickly took it back when he seen the glare that you were giving him. "I-I mean, I know he was so out of line for that." He feared his reflexes weren't as finely attuned as your dad's appeared to be and it felt too early for you to be throwing projectiles at his head. 
"Yeah I thought so, I was very nearly taking back your bedtime privileges." You joked with him, watching his jaw drop in fake offence at your empty threat.
"That's just a lie because then you wouldn't be limping like you are right now," He smiled as you furrowed your eyebrows and pouted. 
"Oh yeah, I wonder who's fault that is, Micky."
"You weren't complaining last night."
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scrollonso · 24 days
simi and their adopted son
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ariesrain · 1 year
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they are so unserious lmao 
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f1girlygirl · 2 months
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It looks like the announcement of the tributes in The Hunger Games
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aviscarrentals · 2 months
f1 x textposts p21 (average logan sargeant championship position)
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tyrannosaurus-maxy · 4 months
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The 2024 liveries :)
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zcorners120 · 10 months
Could you do mick x Angie new vet
yes ! good timing i picked this rec with mick blowing up lmaoo
mick schumacher x vet!reader MASTERLIST
synopsis; mick's hesitant taking his dog Angie to a new vet, but after seeing you he has nothing to be nervous about.
"Are you being serious? Okay.. Was good working with you." The dial tone clicking, Mick looked down at Angie with a frustrated face, met with Angie's head tilting to the right.
His vet, Dr Wilson just announced he had retired, his practice being passed onto someone else. It just wouldn't be the same, Angie had a good connection with him meaning that Mick didn't have to drag Angie into the office.
She jumped up attacking him with kisses making Mick stumble back a bit laughing, her warm and fluffy body hugging him.
He was a bit nervous about bringing her to someone new, she was a fairly picky dog about who she did and didn't like, and if she didn't like the new vet then boy was he in for a long time.
"Morning Mr Schumacher, if you take a seat Dr L/N will be with you in just a moment." The receptionist said with a smile.
Dr L/N, seems fairly nice so far, he sat with Angie hoping she'd like the new vet to save him some peace of mind.
"Mick?" A soft voice spoke out from a door next to reception.
He stood, holding Angie's leash as he looked up at easily the most beautiful woman he's seen.
"Hi! I'm Dr L/N and I'm presuming this is Angie?" You knelt down slightly, as Angie ran from Mick's loose grip and jumped onto you.
"Yep, this is Angie." He held his hand down to you, helping you off the floor due to Angie's excitement, to which you took the grasp of his bigger, rougher hand.
A bit embarrassed you looked down, "My office is just down here." Mick followed behind, Angie abandoning him and taking stride next to you.
You got Angie up onto the table and did some routine checks, and some basic paperwork.
"She's usually quite standoff-ish but she loves you." He spoke as you looked up from your paperwork.
"I tend to have that effect." You joked, seeing his face light up with an infectious smile.
"I'll just need your signature here, and here." You pointed, before stroking and playing a bit with Angie.
"Since you were so well behaved Angie, I've got a special treat for you!" You turned in your swivel chair, getting a dog treat.
She woofed some excited barks, tail wagging rapidly as you threw it in the air slightly, her catching it fast.
Mick stroked her head as your hands grazed, looking up at each other at the same time.
"Your next routine appointment will be in 6 months but you're free to call anytime for any concerns." You spoke to Mick, nodding his head.
He clipped Angie's leash back onto her, but his dismay, she refused to leave. Humiliating to say the least, but with you being the angel you are, you walked Mick and Angie out to help him out.
He was most definitely calling about any small concern to bring Angie in, and it looks like Angie doesn't seem to mind.
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alocon · 2 months
My Person - Mick Schumacher
written by alocon
Summary: You're an aggressive driver... except when it comes to him
Before you read: Couple of curse words x
fc: N/A
[The Masterlist]
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MS47 X Fem!Reader
Mad Max had seen nothing on you when you got crashed into in a race. The media, especially Drive to Survive, had always portrayed you as some evil, harsh, aggressive woman when you were nothing but a sweet, loving soul behind the camera, behind the racing where people actually know you. Sure, you weren't too big on making friends or pursuing friendships with people you didn't trust. You were friends with all the drivers, though. Even if you weren't best friends with them all, you were still relatively close with them all. That didn't stop the media from treating you as though you were the human equivalent of a pile of garbage. Typical. 
The drivers insisted that you were completely different from racing but no one believed it. Your positive radio messages praising good moves, even those against you, weren't shown and all your good deeds seemed to be overshadowed by DTS. You had fans though who knew all that you liked and what you were actually like. 
It didn't matter to them, though. To the media, to DTS, you were nothing but an evil, harsh, rude, disrespectful driver. You couldn't help being passionate about your job, though. You wanted to make your family proud. You wanted to make the whole of Brazil proud. You needed to make the whole of Brazil proud. So it made you tough, determined, it made you realise that there isn't much you wouldn't do to achieve your dreams. If it meant all your time and effort, it meant all that time and effort. Every. Single. Bit. But that's just something that came with being a Brazilian, determined Formula One driver who's dad was THE Rubens Barrichello.
Your dad and Michael Schumacher were closer than people believed. It was sometimes played off as a rivalry with a hint of friendship but, realistically speaking, they were relatively good friends. You weren't too close with their family, though, until around 2009. You had always been a very determined racer. And that meant being overly competitive in your karting days. Most of your karting group weren't as close with you because of that. Except one person - Mick Schumacher.
The friendship between you both had started off with you being quiet and closed off to everyone. He had been very determined to change that. Over time, you had learnt to tolerate his bubbly, smiley self and had started to care deeply for the man. He was the only person you allowed yourself around. You had never once raised your voice at him. Then again, you had never been angry at him post race. He had always been there if you had been taken out of a race. Whether that be him having DNFed as well or after he finished a race, he would always be there for you. And you were for him. No matter what happened, if he finished the race, if he dnfed, etc. you always made it very very clear that you were proud of him. You never let him feel anything but an incredible driver, an incredible person. Because that is exactly what he was. A good talent in a shitbox Haas. A good person. Your person. 
A fond memory the pair of you held was when Gina had convinced you both to watch Grey's Anatomy so she could discuss it with someone and you had watched it together. When Meredith first called Christina her person, Mick had looked down at you, where you had been cuddled into his gentle embrace. “You know,” he had said softly, pausing for a moment as you looked up at him, watching you as your beautiful eyes had met his, softening the second you had looked at him, nothing but adoration in your eyes. “You're my person.” He had stated it so genuinely, his hand running through your hair as you both just stared at each other. He had watched the way your eyes seemed to light up the second he said it. Just when he was convinced he couldn't pine over someone as much as he did, you once again had proved him wrong.
Mick had never considered himself scared of you. Lots of people would say that he was only friends with you because he was scared of you. But that wasn't true. That had never been true. He loved who you were when you were with him. He knew how misunderstood you were. He knew that, sure, sometimes you got pissed off when you DNFed, but everyone did. Sure, sometimes you would exchange a few words back and forth with another driver who took you out, but you always apologised if you got angry and the occasions you were very angry were incredibly rare. As in, he had only seen you properly shout at someone 3 times in the time he'd known you - once when Pierre Gasly had been driving incredibly recklessly and you had yelled at him a little bit because he easily could've seriously injured someone, once in Karting when you were 11 and someone had cost you the championship through a stupid move (yes, you had apologised for that), and in 2021 when Max Verstappen had crashed you out of the championship fight. You wouldn't have yelled at the man (and slapped him) had he not had that fucking smirk on his face when he found out that he was still in the championship fight, even though you weren't. He didn't care about you no longer being in the championship. In fact, it suited him better because it had been a two way tie instead of 3. He had later apologised for that though so, not wanting to cause any drama, you accepted.
Mick had never felt so scared in his life as he had been during the 2022 Japanese Grand Prix. Someone, he wasn't sure who, had hit the back of his car and he had felt his heart stop when he felt himself latch onto the back of your car, dragging you with him, quite roughly. What had stopped his heart most, at that point, was the tractor that was on track without a red flag. Luckily, to both of your luck, you were both in a position where you were just out of the way so you had both hit the barrier, albeit pretty hard, but without any tractor incidents. And the race had finally been red flagged. You hit your hands on the steering wheel, speaking over the radio. “For f**ks sake. Please tell me I'm not out of the championship.”
“You're not, Y/N. You're still in the championship race.”
“Thank f**king God. Who even crashed into me? That could've been so dangerous for both of us if we had gone into that tractor.”
“Uhm, it appears to be Schumacher. All cars are past, you can get out of your car now.”
You had taken your seat belt off with record speed, getting out of the car and replacing the steering wheel. You turned, seeing Mick. He was sitting on the floor, knees brought up to his chest, helmet off, and his head in his arms. You were confused. Was he hurt? You headed over to him, crouching down.
“Mick. You okay?” He looked up at you, nodding. “You're not hurt, no?” He shook his head. “Alright. Come on, let's go get in the car and get back to the pits, alright?” He followed you.
However, once you got out of the car, he rushed off straight to the Haas garage. No goodbye or anything, just left. Placing your helmet into the hands of your race engineer, you watched Mick wipe his face as he headed into the Haas garage. You turned to your race engineer, zoning in as he questioned you on you being okay and not injured and stuff.
You had joined Formula One in 2021 with Porsche. Porsche weren’t meant to be coming into F1 for a few years, however, they had somehow managed to convince the FIA that there should be an 11th team on the grid and, somehow, they had agreed. Willingly. Thus, Porsche F1 Team was born. The grid increased from 20 drivers to 22, with you being joined by someone you drove in F2 with - Felipe Drugovich, another Brazilian driver. You had been beyond hyped, especially when Porsche had absolutely ripped, bringing you all to P4 in the constructors in its first season. Now, however, there was a chance of it being P1. And you were going to take that chance. Your dream was to be a champion, to make your country and your dad proud, and you would do anything to make that happen.
Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you turned to see a frantic Haas employee. “I'm so sorry for interrupting. Mick is freaking out, we need you.”
“What happened? Is he okay?”
“He's really worried that he took you out of the championship. I think he's scared to lose you. We tried to reassure him but I think it would be better coming from you. He also isn't going to medical despite needing to.”
You turned to your race engineer. “Can we catch up later?”
He shook his head. “Y/N you need to go get checked in the medical centre. That should be your priority right now.”
“No. I don't think you understand. Mick is my priority. Always. I'll go to medical with him.” You walked away quickly, following his race engineer towards Haas.
You walked into the garage, ignoring the weird looks you were getting, and straight over to the German driver who was sitting in the back corner, just like how you found him at the track, but inside this time, surrounded by people. They quickly cleared off when you signalled for them to. You knelt down in front of him. You didn't say anything, placing your hand gently on his knee.
He looked at you. “I am so so sorry,” he whispered, and you could see that he'd been trying.
“For what? You didn't mean to take me out with you.”
He had already looked away from your face.  “Yeah but I ruined your chance of winning the championship again. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me, I don't want to lose you.”
You placed your finger on his chin, lifting his head so his eyes met yours. Your hand then moved up to his cheek, taking his face into your hand softly. “Mickey, you didn't take me out of the championship. I can still win. And even if you did, you wouldn't lose me, alright?”
“But… Max last year.”
“Mick Schumacher, the only way that you will lose me is the day that I die.” He smiled slightly and you took the opportunity to wipe a bit of the wetness on his face away with your thumb. “Plus, that was so, so different. Max smirked and made a comment when he found out I wasn't in the championship, it was deliberate, and I still forgave him. But he's nothing compared to how far you would genuinely have to go to push me away.”
“I don't get it, why?”
“You're Mick. You're my Mick. You're my person and I love you more than I'll ever be able to express to you.”
You hadn't felt his hand on the back of your neck until it pulled you to connect your lips with his. You didn't react at first, just genuinely in shock at the feeling of his lips on yours. His soft, gentle lips. The thing you had always wanted. And it was what you had wanted for years. And then he pulled away. “Fuck, I'm so sorry Y/N, I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have-” You cut him off again to reconnect your lips, which he seemed to appreciate, as evident by his grip on your hair tightening slightly. 
You pulled away from the kiss. “Odds on our PR managers having heart attacks right now?”
He chuckled quietly, showing you that beautiful smile of his that you adored. “Oh, almost 100%,” he responded, causing you to laugh as well, head leaning to rest on his shoulder. “We're on camera,” he whispered in your ear. 
“Give them a wave,” you joked in response. “I believe we have to take a trip to medical.” You stood up, hand outstretched to take his. You shot a wink at the camera as you both stood up, before you walked out of the garage.
-Word Count: 2,083-
Hi All, This is short and quickly written and unedited. Apologies for not posting this on Monday. Let me know if you want to be on my general taglist Have a good day x Alocon
General Taglist: @casperlikej
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princemick-archive · 2 years
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