#addison montgomery one shot
storiesofsvu · 1 year
A Cup of Juju
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Addison Montgomery x reader warnings: maybe some language, just some cute fluffy flirting. a little drabble from a request that's been sitting in the inbox for like, 2 years LOL. oops. Taglist here. Buy me a ko-fi.
Seattle Grace had been your placement for a few years now and as chaotic as things could get, you found that it was exactly where you wanted to be. You’d been specializing in obstetrics and had been debating transferring to a different nursing program considering the lack of an OB attending until The Addison Montgomery walked through the hospital doors and you knew you were staying put no matter what. She was incredibly talented, hardworking, admirable, professional and as friendly as she needed to be, but she would always fall into the group of fancy high level doctors who half the time didn’t even realize just how much work the nurses were putting in. It wasn’t anything against her personally, it was just the way things fell through the cracks and honestly, she was better at getting to know patients personally than others around the hospital.
You were sitting at the nurses station, a single ear bud in to keep an eye on videos playing on your phone while you were finishing up a couple of charts and discharge paperwork. It had been a relatively uneventful day, a couple of check ups on moms and babies, some who were staying for another night and some who would be out of there before you could even punch out. The view in front of your phone was suddenly blocked, the white flash of a doctor’s coat before a coffee cup remained sitting on the counter. You glanced up to see Dr Montgomery standing on the other side of the counter with a soft smile on her face.
“Thank you?” You cautiously raised a brow, “or is this some sort of bribe to deal with the mom in two oh eight? Because I’m pretty much done your charting already.”
“You know I was coming back after lunch to finish that.” She replied in a near teasing tone, leaning against the counter, “and it’s not a bribe, just… good juju. Half sweet vanilla with oat milk, right?” She said with a little shrug and your head tilted as you continued to stare at her and she suddenly faltered, ducking her gaze while her cheeks pinkened.
She was about to step away from the counter and pretend like it never happened when you finally reached for the cup, cautiously taking a sip to not burn your tongue. You let out a near dreamy sigh as the flavour and warmth spread through your body and Addison couldn’t help but smile when the corners of your lips curved up.
“Juju, hey?”
“I mean, you’ve been my scrub nurse for over a year now, I figured it would be a decent way to start an actual conversation… maybe even convince you into joining me for coffee one morning?”
“What?” Your brow furrowed as your head titled once again and Addison let out a groan, her face dropping into her hands.
“Oh god. I completely misread things… you’re one of the ones who calls me spawn of Satan behind my back, aren’t you?”
“No!” You nearly jumped up out of your seat, “no, no. Sorry! I just..  I— honestly didn’t think you even knew my name. And honestly if I was going to call you spawn of Satan it would be to your face, not behind your back.” She glanced up at that, a small chuckle on her lips.
“So what do you call me behind my back?” She asked with a raised brow and it was your turn to blush, though she didn’t give you time to fully answer, “and of course I know your name, why wouldn’t I?”
“Because you’re The Addison Montgomery… you always have a million things on your plate, and half the doctors on this staff don’t know the nurses names unless they’re sleeping with them.” You paused, “and from what I’ve heard sometimes even then they get them wrong…”
“God.” She muttered, rolling her eyes because you were in fact, correct, leaning back against the counter, “well I do in fact know your name. You’re y/n Fossen, you’re without a doubt the best scrub nurse I’ve had, I’m pretty sure I got your coffee order right and…” she surveyed you for a moment, her lip tugged into her mouth, “your drink of choice is gin, but with soda… and extra lemon on the side instead of lime.”
“Have you been stalking me Dr Montgomery?” Your voice softened as to not be overheard, raising a brow at her and she chuckled, her own voice lowering.
“No. I just happen to have a bad habit of staring at pretty things who are also incredibly smart and happen to be absolutely adorable when they’re blushing.”
“You don’t say.” You murmured over the rim of your coffee in an attempt to hide behind it and she laughed, the smile lingering on her cheeks.
“To get to the point, I’d really like to buy you a drink tonight, maybe dinner?”
“You already bought me a drink.” You raised the coffee up in your hand. Before she could reply, the call light went on over room two oh eight and practically the whole floor groaned. You moved to stand from your chair but Addison held up a hand to stop you.
“No. I’ll deal with her.” She paused after a couple of steps, “are you really done my charting?”
“Okay well then drinks really are on me tonight.” She flashed you a dazzling smile before making her way down the hallway and you knew the one on your face in that moment was a dreamy one.
Turns out all it takes some days is a cup of good juju to secure a date with the stunner you’d been lowkey crushing on for a year. From that day forward, if you were ever offered juju, you were definitely going to take it.
@svulife-rl @temilyrights @summergeezburr @ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @hbkpop @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @borg-queer @swimmingstudentchaos891 @red1culous @imlike-so-gaydude @disneyfan624 @littlegaybabe @mysticfalls01 @bumblebear30 @solemnnova @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @narvaldetierra @dxtery @kellykidd @poisonedcrowns @summergeezburr @temilyrights @alexxavicry @anya-casablanca  @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @wandsmxmff @7thavenger @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @msvenablesbitch @peanutbutterprincess @kdaghay  @sapphicprentiss
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milfswriter · 2 years
On Your Service
Addison Montgomery x reader
Summary: Bailey flusters you
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“No..” was the same answer bailey gave you everytime you asked to be on Addison’s service. “Oh, come on! Shepherd hates me, and I despise cardio” you complained and she filled your hands with charts to fill.
“I really do not care what you like or don’t like, Y/L/N. You will NOT be on montgomery’s service because you get distracted and all….lovey dovey everytime she asks for you, you can be on her service outside of work”
“What does that even me-” you gaped as you got what she meant, blood rushing to your cheeks. She smirked with a hand on her hip.
“I..will be working on these” you pointed at the charts under your arm and she nodded, “you go do that” she shooed you away before Addison stopped next to her to sign off one of the charts.
“What’s up with y/n?” She asked Bailey who smirked again, “No..Idea”
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Distraction- Addison Montgomery
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Pairing: Addison Montgomery x Reader
Characters: Addison Montgomery
Warnings: N/A
Request: @dannyboy-writes - Hey, may i request being secretly with Addison, and if it's possible for the reader to be gn id much appreciate it
Word Count: 419
Author: Charlotte
Normally you weren’t one to skive off when you were on shift, but this day was too long and strenuous to care. You had exchanged a look with your girlfriend before heading into the on-call room to check that no one was in there. The coast was clear, and you waited the few minutes until Addison joined you, closing the door behind her, wedging something under the edge of it to work as a lock or at least a warning for someone coming in.
The two of you had been together for a while but with the hospital being worse than a high school when it came to gossip, you had kept the whole relationship a secret. You weren’t thrilled about sneaking around but it had its enjoyable moments such as hiding in the on-call room together to not only get to spend time together but also have an escape from the workday.
Addison joined you on the lower bunk of one of the beds, instantly leaning in to press her lips to yours.
“I won’t have long before O’Malley will look for me,” she stated. “He’s on my service today and we have a surgery this afternoon that he’ll have questions about.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “He can look as much as he wants, I’ve got you for now.”
Addison rolled her eyes at you, pushing off her surgical jacket to give her a larger range of movement as well as knowing that soon the rest of her scrubs would be joining it.
“Whose service are you on today?” She asked.
“Sloan’s,” you stated. “So he won’t even notice that I’ve gone, at least not until he wants me to do some menial task for him. It’s the main reason I needed to get out of there for a bit, it’s been one of those days.”
She leaned in to press her lips along your jaw, smiling against your skin.
“Well, I can provide some distraction,” she said as she moved onto your neck.
“I think that would be much appreciated,” you smiled. “Do you think anyone saw you follow me in here?”
Addison shook her head. “Our secret should be safe from their prying eyes, but if you don’t want to risk it…”
Her words trailed off. You lifted her chin so that she had to look you in the eyes.
“When have I not been up for a little risk?”
Your lips collided together once more as you used one another for the much needed distraction.
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oneshotnewbie · 9 months
Hey! Hope you're okay! I wonder if you could do an addison montgomery x reader where she finds out you self harm? And maybe even a Rafa Barba/Alex Cabot one? Don't worry if it's too triggering. Keep being amazing ❤️
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of self harm. The plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
The sun was slowly dipping towards the horizon as Addison made her way to your house. She had not seen her best friend in a week, and that made her spontaneously stop by to check on you, her concern growing with each passing day without contact. The redhead knew you had been under a lot of stress lately, often withdrawn and thoughtful and she just wanted to make sure you were okay.
When she reached your well-kept house, she rang the doorbell and waited patiently. But even after the second ring and subsequent knock, she did not hear any footsteps or a key being inserted into the lock to open the door. It was quiet. Too quiet for her liking.
A little uneasy, she stumbled down the terrace and shuffled around the house, hoping that she would find you there. When the certified gynecologist entered your garden and walked towards the terrace, she could already see you from afar. You sat on one of the lawn chairs, staring at the ground.
Your hair, which had once been so soft and shiny, seemed dull and unkempt. They lay disheveled on your head like a bird's nest. She could clearly see that you did not look well - your eyes were puffy, with deep circles under your eyes while your skin had taken on a pale tone. You seemed absent, not even noticing her, your vision was clouded and your eyes had a shadow that the redhead had never seen in you before.
“Y/n?” Addison called out quietly so as not to scare you. Still, you jumped and turned your head to look at her, nervously tugging at the sleeves of your sweater. Your eyes seemed empty but you still tried to force a smile at her. "Addy. What are you doing here?"
Addison Montgomery walked closer to you, sat down on one of the comfortable lawn chairs and placed her bag in her lap. "I am worried about you, sweetie. You do not look well. How are you?" she asked carefully, reaching out her hand. She carefully took your cold fingers and intertwined them with hers, the redheads thumbs twirling tender circles over the pale skin.
The gynecologist felt her heart beat faster as she looked at you and was met with total physical coldness. You sighed deeply and looked past her into the distance to avoid her gaze. She noticed that you were acting strangely, you were usually like an open book to her, but now you seemed to be hiding something. "I am fine."
With a short tug, you pulled your hand away from her and for a brief moment your sleeve, which you had previously placed above your upper knuckles, slipped up. Fine red lines decorated your wrist and Addison swallowed hard. Her heart sank when she realized what was going on and how bad you were feeling. Some of them were still quite fresh while others had already turned a purple color and were trying to close up in order to heal.
With shaking hands, she grasped your hand again, pulled it towards her and stared at it for a moment before gently pulling the material up and seeing the full extent of your feelings. She stared at you, stunned. She could not believe what she was seeing. "Oh darling.. You could have spoken to me. I am here to listen to you and help you when you need me."
You finally let the tears you had held back for weeks flow and let out all the emotions you had suppressed for so long. "Your job is so stressful and your relationship with Derek is at a dead end. I did not want to be an unnecessary burden on you." you whispered and Addison immediately jumped up from her seat and hugged you tightly as she rocked you back and forth.
"I am here for you. We will get through this together," she whispered soothingly and you sniffled loudly, trying to calm yourself down. She sensed the eerie tension in the air, but still encouraged you to continue. You hesitated for a moment before you continued speaking with a hiccup between each word, all your worries and fears flowing out of your system. "I feel like I have lost myself."
Addy smiled softly and stroked your hair lightly, listening to you carefully and reassuring you that she would stand by you. She struggled for the right words when she saw how fragile and vulnerable you seemed and was afraid of saying the wrong thing. "You are not lost. You just went astray and we will find the right path again. We will find a way to deal with this."
You nodded, your tears not stopping falling. You sat in silence on the terrace for a while, holding each other in your arms and feeling your friendship grow even stronger. The evening sun bathed the place in warm light and painted a sad picture on the white wall of the house. "Thank you, Addy."
Addison knew it would be a long journey to bring you out of your darkness, but she was determined to be there for you and support you through this difficult time. She had discovered that her best friend had been in a moment of despair, and she knew that together you could overcome any challenge because your friendship was strong enough to overcome anything while finding your way back to the light together.
This was just the beginning of a long and painful process, but together you were able to overcome it. Albeit with a lot of time.
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smartycvnt · 9 months
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Title: Lucky
Pairing: Addison Montgomery x Reader
Prompt: "Thanks to you, I know what it means to love again."
WC: 646
"Addison, I don't know where we are, but I'd rather be on solid ground," Y/n said as she allowed Addison to walk her through the docks. She knew it was only a matter of time before she found herself either on some sort of boat or something. They were coming up on their anniversary, and Addison had been talking about going all out for the big day. Y/n had been apprehensive at the sound of it. Addison's version of "all out" and Y/n's tended to differ by several thousand dollars. Y/n was all for a good time, but she didn't want to break the bank doing it.
"Shh, relax. Trust me, this will all be worth it," Addison assured her. Y/n took a deep breath as continued to follow Addison. Their trip up to Seattle together had been a big enough deal, and Y/n had no idea how Addison managed to arrange some special little trip for just the two of them like this one. Y/n came to a stop in between some sort of railing and Addison, who had moved behind Y/n and started to press a few kisses against the back of Y/n's neck.
"Can I take the blindfold off now please?" Y/n asked. Addison hummed as she thought it over.
"Not yet, we aren't there yet," Addison told her. Y/n pouted as she turned her head towards where she assumed Addison was. Addison smiled as she looked out at the ocean beyond Y/n. "There's something I want to tell you that I think is going to come easier like this."
"If you did all this to dump me, I'm throwing you overboard," Y/n threatened. Addison laughed as she squeezed her arms around Y/n's waist.
"No such thing. In fact, I am going to tell you how much I love you," Addison said. "There have been so many guys that have come so close to being the love of my life. I've lost so many great friends and partners because things kept going wrong. With you, I don't have to worry about that. I've learned from my past mistakes enough to know how to not fuck us up, but I didn't think that I deserved love anymore. I gave up on it after this last divorce because who the hell am I to expect someone else to waltz into my life? Thanks to you, I know what it means to love again. I can't imagine having any other person in my life other than you. And that's why I can't ask you to marry me."
"All of this for a non-proposal?" Y/n let out a small laugh. Addison pulled the blindfold off of Y/n's eyes, surprised to see the lightheartedness in her eyes. "That was beautiful, but you had asked me to marry you, I would have called you an idiot."
"That's not very nice, maybe I take back some of my words," Addison pouted. Y/n rolled her eyes and took Addison's hands in hers. "Now you have to say something sweet or the whole night is ruined."
"You always knew what it meant to love Addison. You always knew how to open your heart, even when you thought it was hopeless. You opened up your mind and let me into your mind because deep down, I think that you knew we were meant to be in love with each other. I don't know if this will last the rest of our lives or not, but I know that when I die and go to heaven, I'll be seeing you," Y/n said. Addison leaned against Y/n just enough to pin her against the railing while they kissed. "I love you, Addison Montgomery, and I'm the luckiest motherfucker on the planet because you love me too."
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justamonkeyonautopilot · 10 months
Flufftober 2022 Drabbles Ch.14 Truth or Dare/20 Questions
[Sorry that this got a little long as I got slightly carried away with it, I am also not so sure that I am very happy with the ending.]
Grey's Anatomy Meredith Grey x Addison Montgomery
Chapter 14 Truth or Dare/20 Questions
[High School/College AU] Addison was a couple of years older than Meredith. She couldn’t keep her eyes off her whenever she saw her pass in the corridor. Originally Meredith couldn’t stand the redhead, she came across as incredibly snobby and up herself. Which at first Meredith would state she couldn’t understand why. Then the blonde felt herself slowly starting to fall in love with the redhead. It started with a field trip where all three years of their college course had been taken on some team building escape. Meredith had spotted the redhead across the car park whilst they were being separated onto coaches. At first she felt the usual anger boil up, but then she noticed how the woman’s jeans fitted her just right. Hugging curves that Meredith hadn’t actually paid attention to before. Looking further down she noted that the woman was wearing boots that went almost to her knees, the already tall woman was wearing heels. The blonde flushed thinking about how much taller than her that would make the redhead. Skimming her eyes back up and over the jeans she further noticed that she was wearing a form hugging red jumper. Hidden slightly under a black leather jacket and a green scarf. Meredith watched as the woman crossed her arms over her chest. Looking up to Addison’s face, Meredith came eye to eye with a rather angry looking redhead. Making Meredith flush and quickly look away turning to continue her conversation with her friend Cristina who was looking at her weirdly. 
These feelings continued to grow from this day onwards for Meredith. To the point she would purposely look for the redhead. Whether that be in the corridor, canteen, lecture halls when they’d mix year groups, everywhere that Meredith believed the redhead may be she would be looking for her. Unit things eventually came to a head. When Addison got fed up with being watched all the time. It was starting to become incredibly uncomfortable and with final exams coming up for the redhead she decided enough was enough. She needed to find out what was going on and put an end to it before she ended up failing her exams because she was focusing completely on why the blonde appeared to find her so fascinating. So on a warm summer’s day Addison finally caved, walking over to the blonde, grabbing her arm and dragging her into an empty classroom and locking the door behind them so that nobody could disturb them. Moving them both away from the door so they couldn’t be seen through the window.
“What’s going on?” Meredith’s quiet unsure voice just pushed Addison’s frustration at the situation higher.
“What’s going on? Seriously!” Addison watched Meredith’s face flush before she looked away from her. “What’s going on is that you keep staring at me and have done so for almost a year now and I want to know why”.
Addison watched as Meredith seemed to be retreating into her shell, building up walls quicker than Addison was even able to process them.
“No, I want the truth Meredith and I can see on your face it’s written all over it that you’re about to lie to me” Addison crossed her arms across her chest leaning back against a table. She watched as the blonde sagged in defeat. 
“Fine” Meredith straightened up, imitating the posture of someone getting ready for a fight. “I find you attractive, everytime I see you…it just makes the day seem that bit better.” Addison watched Meredith’s face get a brighter red. “I’m aware you probably don’t think the same but…”
“Do you know how distracting you staring at me is?” 
Meredith looked at the floor “I’m sorry”.
Addison felt sympathetic towards the blonde. “Well you could make it up to me” Addison watched Meredith look up at her in shock.
“Date…you can take me on a date”
“What?” Addison was feeling more and more amused at the look on Meredith’s face.
“You…can…take…me…on…a…date…with…you…tonight…” by this stage Addison was smiling like a mad woman as Meredith looked more and more baffled by the second.
“But…how? What? You…” Addison started laughing, straightening up and walking towards the door, stopping before she unlocked it.
“I’ll meet you outside of the main building tonight say…” Addison checked her watch “seven?” Noticing Meredith was not going to respond Addison laughed, unlocking the door and walking out the room. 
Meredith wasn’t entirely sure if this was a prank or not. Going back to her accommodation Meredith got ready for her…was she supposed to call this a date? With Addison. She hesitated about whether to actually go or not and the closer to the time that it came the more hesitant she became. 
Checking her watch as she walked back towards the main building she realized she was early. Walking towards one of the benches outside she noticed the redhead sat with her legs crossed nervously bouncing her foot whilst looking down at her phone. Meredith slowly walked towards Addison. 
“Addison?” Meredith watched as the redhead looked up sharply watching as a smile took over her face. 
“Meredith” Addison breathily whispered before standing up, unsure of whether to hug Meredith or not. Hesitating after stepping towards the blonde. Meredith feeling calmer at seeing Addison’s nerves closed the gap pulling the redhead into a hug. Feeling the tension leave her body. “So where are we off to?”
At Addison’s question it was Meredith’s turn to freeze. She had forgotten that Addison had implied that she was to make the plans for the date. Moving back a bit Meredith awkwardly smiled up at the redhead. 
“You haven’t planned anything have you?”
“No..no I have…it’s…a movie followed by…..a meal?” Meredith smirked at Addison thanking her quick thinking.
“What movie?” 
“Erm..the new one?” Meredith continued. Addison started laughing at the blush covering Meredith’s face “okay so I haven’t actually thought…but I panicked okay…you did corner me unexpectedly”. 
Addison stopped laughing and glared “that’s because you’d become a huge distraction and I need to be able to study to pass my exams”.
“I know I know, I wasn’t saying I wasn’t pleased to be asked on a date”.
With Addison’s smile back on her face Meredith tried again “so what do you say to my…impromptu plan?”
“I say…next date?” This was the time for Meredith to stop smiling.
“Have I ruined it already?”
“No, I just…maybe we should go somewhere we can get to know each other first?” 
“Oh…definitely” Meredith paused, “where would you suggest?”
Meredith watched as Addison thought “bar?”
Meredith smiled nodding “bar”.
As they sat nursing their drinks Addison turned to Meredith “what do you say to a little game of truth or dare? To liven the night up a bit”
Meredith tilted her head to give Addison a stern look “do you worst Montgomery”.
Addison grinned “okay then, truth or dare Meredith?”
“Drink it in one” Addison nodded towards Meredith’s drink. 
Meredith lifted the glass to her lips “easy” Addison watched as Meredith drank the entire pint glass with no difficulty. Trying not to look shocked. Slamming her glass onto the table Meredith met the redhead's eyes “so…truth or dare?”
Addison sat up straighter trying to ooze more confidence than she actually had right now “Dare”.
Meredith smirked “go order the most expensive bottle of champagne from the bar, once it’s been opened start drinking it directly from the bottle” Addison looked appalled before nodding and walking to the bar. Meredith sat back and watched as Addison did as she asked, trying her hardest not to laugh at the redhead. As she came back to sit at the table going to pour herself a glass Meredith stopped her with a hand on her wrist “no Addison you must continue to drink it only from the bottle” she watched as Addison was trying to think of an argument.
“But I’ve already completed the dare!” Addison looked more flushed as Meredith started laughing.
“I never actually said that once you had taken a sip at the bar that you could continue the bottle with a glass. I said that once it was opened you needed to drink it from the bottle” Addison grumbled continuing to sip.
“I don’t even like champagne anyway” 
The evening continued with each dare getting more and more outrageous. As each woman seemed to forget that the game was actually truth or dare. Choosing to only request dares. Becoming more than tipsy they sat giggling opposite each other flushing with the effects of the alcohol. Addison hiccuped before addressing Meredith. “I have one more dare for you” Meredith looked up at Addison “yeah?”
Addison smiled lazily “yeah…I dare you to kiss me” Addison watched as Meredith seemed to sober suddenly. As Addison tried to backtrack on the dare, suddenly feeling more than sober herself Meredith came round to her side of the table. Tilting her chin up to look her in the eye before leaning down and kissing her. 
Stepping back Meredith made eye contact with Addison again “dare complete?” Addison nodded dumbly before pulling Meredith back towards her again.
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marasmadness · 5 months
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Hi angels, I’m Mara <3 I’ve been writing for a few different fandoms for a while now but I figured I’d attempt starting something on here so I could answer one shot requests :)
Things I will write: smut, BDSM & most related concepts, 2+partners, dark!characters, etc. ( always feel free to ask)
Characters I’ll write for:
- Emily Prentiss
-Elle Greenaway
-Jennifer Jareau
-Alex Blake
- Lena Luthor
-Lou Miller
-Debbie Ocean
- Maeve Wiley
- Addison Montgomery
- Emma Swan
- Regina Mills
- Ruby Lucas
- Diana Prince
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horsetailcurlers2 · 1 month
addison montgomery fanfiction recs by pairing
(although i am *relatively* new to the greys fandom, once i finished season three i immediately obsessively scoured the internet for any addison montgomery centric fanfiction i could get my hands on. here are just a few of my favorite ones for each of my addison ships (of which there are many). this is by no means an exhaustive list. my qualifications for this are that i’m cool and have good taste and spend way too much time thinking about fictional people)
-“The Climbing Way” by winter machine (this is actually probably one of my favorite fanfictions of all time, period. this author is just absolutely brilliant at capturing their dynamic and all of its complexities. the entire thing is actually from derek’s POV which i was surprised how much i enjoyed considering i can sometimes be a derek hater lol but it provides some really good insight into his character without being as forgiving as canon or as bash-y as some fics (if that makes any sort of sense?). it also combines two of my favorite addek tropes: “sad baby backstory” and “traumatic event forces them to actually confront their issues”. it is also a very captivating portrait of derek and mark’s realtionship and has lots and lots of flashbacks. big angst warning especially for the early chapters.)
-“Some Bright Morning” by winter machine (i just can’t get enough of this author. i love any addek fic that heavily features savvy and weiss bc i think they should have made more appearances in canon. or savvy should’ve at least lmao. weiss was kind of a dick. but i like him in this fic! this is a very very interesting AU because it takes place largely outiside of canon settings and features a lot of OCs. it also takes place around early season one so the mark wound is still very fresh. its set entirely on a small island in georgia during savvy’s mother’s funeral so there’s plenty of forced proximity and bed sharing. the original setting and cast of characters are really fleshed out and completely captivating. like, i would read a whole separate story just about this island and its inhabitants. also features lots of background on savvy and addison’s friendship. and plenty of angst of course. you may be sending a pattern with these recommendations)
-“do you think i have forgotten (about you)” by crime_wives (this one legitimately made me sob. like, my body produced actual tears. angsty one shot. not happy-addek. a perfect snapshot of their tragic ending)
- “Unhinged (AddisonandDerekandMark)” by RulerOfAllThatIsEvilChiFlowers (very dark. very twisty. somewhat non linear.)
- “This Hurt Can Teach Us Both” by darlingwrecks (oh my lord this one is so so addek- bittersweet, sexy, nostalgic, painful and delightful all at once. my favorite thing about this writer is the way they write backstory, especially for the Med School Trio. this is also kind of fun because we never got to see how these two dealt with their post divorce logistics. derek was just kind of like “take all the property and fuck off” which is not at all how these things work lol)
- “lately she’s undressing for revenge” by emilyprentits (only read this if you want to be driven to tear your own hair out by the emotions this will make you feel. this is one of the fics that fully convinced me to ship meddison. so so so good and it’s like it was written from inside of meredith’s actual brain)
-“i’ll show you every version of yourself tonight” by withpeopleinperson (two words: stripper addison. read it. be forewarned it’s only one chapter and has not been updated in a few years but it’s a GREAT chapter regardless)
-“the seven stages of intoxication” by theprincessdiarist (meredith grey doling out meredith grey levels of emotional dysfunction. featuring loads and loads of delightfully frustrating mutual pining)
-“Sex and Caring in Seattle” by Bluefall (meredith once again having totally normal and regular feeling about her ex boyfriend’s wife. i love this one because they are both just kind of bisexual disasters and derek is just Also There. i love the way this author perfectly captures meredith’s perpetual inability to navigate her own emotions)
*EDIT: i also realized i forgot to add that these last two were recommended to me by @crime-wives !!!
-“open the floodgates up” by SugarsweetRomantic (this has EVERYTHING you could want in a meddison fic: mutual hurt/comfort, bed sharing, friends to lovers, these two being absolute dumbasses about each other. had me crying and also kicking my feet. genuinely)
-“Make This Go On Forever” by darlingwrecks (i am so in love with this universe. i usually don’t gravitate toward kid/family centric fics but this one is so so much more than that. it’s maddison, if those two had made a real go of things, stayed in new york, and kept the pregnancy. there’s even some background merder eventually (which is not usually my jam but i like in this context). very very fluffy at times, a bit angsty at others, super in character but iirc i think this was written pretty early on in the show so addison and mark’s backgrounds may be a smidge different than in canon. this is the link to the rewritten version (i think?) on ao3. the author had the original up on live journal back in the day and i could have SWORN i read a sequel that i found a link to in the depths of their LJ but i cannot find it anywhere rn)
-“When I Grow Up” by winter machine (another maddison-if-they’d-stayed-in-new-york-and-addison-kept-the-pregnancy, but with a twist that brings them to seattle to see derek, who they haven’t spoken to in seven years. a fantastic plot but also sort of just a brilliant exploration of how mark and addison would be as parents given their own childhoods and how they have pretty much been cut off from the one healthy(ish) family dynamic that either of them have experienced. there’s also background merder in this one and it actually kind of made me like merder which is a major feat)
-“Celery” by winter machine (a fun little one shot featuring Derek Being An Idiot, Drunk Addison, and Mark Crossing Boundaries. a little bit sad and a little bit funny. again, everything by this author is just great)
- “A Certain Slant of Light” by darlingwrecks (this is for those of us that were weirded out by addison’s convo with amelia in season 18. a more fleshed out exploration of addison’s mental health during the pandemic. it’s a very raw and honest portrayal of depression and anxiety and how someone like addison would navigate it while being a doctor in a global pandemic and raising an 8 year old. it’s not nearly as bleak as it sounds though. lots of fluff, a little smut. also touches on how addison might’ve grieved mark and derek. and archer makes some appearances which i loved (i know he’s an asshole but i really like addison’s brother lol))
-“Diamonds in the Sky” by Ziaaaaa_sdc (there’s so few jaddison fics out there, probably because of how compressed their relationship timeline was as they tried to wrap up the show, but this writer has several and they’re all so good. there definitely aren’t enough fun AUs for them so i was really excited when i first found this. its Ballet School Jaddison and there’s actually only three chapters atm. no idea if it will be updated ever again but it’s still more than worth a read. a smidge angsty so far. also seems to be setting up a little enemies to lovers arc)
-“Help Me (With The Butterflies)” by BlackRoseMatron (a very sweet one shot. this author is single-handedly keeping the caddison shippers fed and i love it. they also have some really great meddison stuff)
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redhairedwolfwitch · 10 months
Doctor Y/n - Attending Orthopedic Surgeon - 10 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
"What is that on your head?" Jo raised an eyebrow, about to reach over when you ducked, avoiding her hands by taking them into yours and holding them instead.
"Okay, as cute as you are, do not grab my antlers- you didn't read your emails did you? Teddy's doing a Silly Hat Day, and it was these reindeer antlers on a headband, or one of the children's tiaras. You have grand rounds, go!" You instructed, nudging Jo to get going before you went to remove the antlers.
"These are going to give me a migraine..."
"Nice to meet everyone. I'm Doctor Addison Montgomery, and you must be the group that's been screwing up the program. Kidding." Doctor Montgomery chuckled to herself, leading the residents to grand rounds on it's feet, as Webber put it.
Joey: Doctor Addison Montgomery is here!!!
Braces: groundbreaking uterine transplant, I heard
Joey: Wow so you sound so excited
Braces: I'm reading more articles Callie sent
Joey: Don't you have surgeries as a big shot ortho attending?
Braces: Link and Nico keep taking the good ones, so I just get the children who had broken their arms or legs falling from trees or trampolines
Braces: when I'm not checking on post-ops
Joey: you sound bored:(
Jo however did not get a response, as another article caught your eye. An article which included the name of a doctor you once knew. Doctor Leah Murphy.
You only stopped reading when a rumble from the vents interrupted your thoughts, glancing through the window to spot Link reaching up from on top of one of the desks at the vents.
"Damn. No aircon." You realised, hurriedly putting down your tablet to check on patients who could be at risk with the HVAC system down.
"Where the hell is Link!" You shouted as you ran through the halls, but it was Webber that answered, stopping your run.
"He's on the roof looking at the HVAC with Altman."
"Teddy and Link are on the roof... okay I know Teddy installed an air con unit this morning but what the hell?" You replied before you had to check up on another patient.
"I delievered two babies today in 115 degree heat." Jo announced as she sat in the morgue, eating her snowcone.
"I mean, it's not a competition but I did help out on a successful uterine transplant." Schmitt added before you arrived, missing your reindeer antlers as Teddy frowned slightly, but you were making a beeline for the snowcones before landing on Jo.
"Oh god, you're all sweaty!" Jo grimaced, pushing your snowcone into your face as you went to speak but Jo who was asking Schmitt to put in a good word in for her, in case Doctor Montgomery came back to Grey Sloan to help deliver the uterine transplant baby.
"Leah's thriving in cardio. Articles and everything."
"Murphy? Good for her." Jo shrugged, glancing over at where Owen was talking to Teddy before leaving.
"Yeah. Good for her... I'm so glad I stashed ice cream in the freezer." You admitted, glancing at where Teddy was wearing her bobble hat indoors and saying bad puns.
"Hunt and Teddy are investigating something with veterans, but neither have said much." You explained, checking your phone to see Callie had asked your thoughts on the articles.
"Y/n, are you hiding here looking at research and letting Nico take all the good surgeries?"
"Nico got all the good surgeries, and the patients I do have are waiting on x-rays so I'm reading articles that the former head of Ortho sent me. I haven't been to New York since before the pandemic but there's not a lot of ortho stuff going on this season... I mean lately."
"Well, stick around, ortho still needs you, Y/n." Link replied, looking over your shoulder at the article you were reading and muttering a 'wow' under his breath.
Link had barely made it down the corridor when the hospital began to shake, an explosion heard somewhere that had you ducking under your desk.
You were quick to call up to daycare, finding out that everyone was fine as Hunt sent over messages wanting everyone in the ER.
"It was a pipeline explosion. He's still not answering." Bailey tried over and over to call Ben, whilst your eyes lingered on the TV displaying the news.
Your face fell as a deceased firefighter was brought in from the pipeline explosion scene. Dean Miller had died on the scene. Dean Miller had died on the scene and Victoria Hughes was in trauma one, alive but experiencing heart arrhythmias due to the electrocution.
Walking down the corridors, your eyes landed on Bailey and Warren with a two year old girl you didn't recognise, with many more firefighters in the room of the injured firefighter from before.
Down another corridor, in another room, you recognised Farouk in a patient bed, with Megan, Teddy and Owen. You didn't intrude, instead pretending like you had a patient to attend to. You didn't really fit with the Hunt family, not like Teddy did, or Allison.
"What happens if I die? What happens to Luna?"
"I get the penthouse, and Luna, Scout and I buy an 80-inch, high-def TV with your insurance money." Link replied, but Jo frowned, not even realising you were within earshot.
"I've got Luna. That's not even a question, okay? I've got Luna. And you know damn well that Y/n won't let you die without a fight. Honestly, Y/n would go toe to toe with the grim reaper if it meant saving you." Link pointed out, Jo looking relieved at the prospect.
"Thank you."
Letting out a breath you didn't realise you were holding, you unlocked your phone, hitting 'call' on a contact that you knew would probably complain that it was late for her, but you needed to talk to someone.
"Are you sleeping through Thanksgiving?" Was the first thing you heard as you reached for and answered your phone from under the blanket on your couch you had fallen asleep on.
"Joey took a shift, so Luna's at daycare. Allison and Leo are at Hunt's mother's house, Teddy is at the hospital with Megan and Farouk. Link is apparently at Amelia's with Scout and Meredith's kids. I am alone for Thankgiving after falling asleep on my couch last night."
"Are you avoiding Owen, or Owen's mother?" Arizona enquired but you didn't respond at first, rolling over in bed to get more comfortable.
"Both, but Teddy is avoiding Hunt's mother too... because she dislikes Leo's clothing choices, whereas Hunt's mother just doesn't like me. I get the feeling she would have preferred Teddy and Hunt to marry and be a happy little nuclear family." You explained, letting out a sigh.
"I don't fit. I don't really fit in anywhere anymore."
"Tell mini-me to visit us in New York-" "Callie, not right now!"
"I should go, happy turkey and whatever day, 'zona." You forced a smile even though Arizona couldn't see it, hanging up before Arizona could get another word in.
Sitting on your couch that lived in the living room of the penthouse, you were waiting on an order of Chinese takeaway to arrive. Jo was at the hospital eating gathered up Thanksgiving food with Bailey, Webber, Nico and Schmitt.
Link and Amelia were looking after Zola, Bailey and Ellis with Scout there too. Amelia had sent you a video of Link dancing with Meredith's children.
Heading towards the door once you knew the delivery person was near the building, your eyes landed on a pile of post that had been left near the door.
The Chinese takeaway tupperware sat on the coffee table as you began to go through the post, your heart fluttering at the postcard that Stephanie had sent you, along with one from Jackson that made you laugh. It wasn't until you were opening a letter from someone you didn't think had your new address that your eyes filled with tears.
Leah had sent you a letter, whilst Callie and Arizona had sent you cards from New York.
Heading over to the fridge to put the leftovers, your eyes landed on the familar photos from your intern year. You and Brooks. You missed Brooks. Glancing over the photos next to that one, you spotted the one of you and Leah at the Space Needle, and the photo that Jo had taken of you and Hannah Brody too.
The photos were high up enough on the fridge that none of the small children could reach them yet, luckily.
Tugging the hood of your Yale hoodie over your head, you laid down on your couch and put on one of the movies that Brooks had suggested on her list years ago now. A movie from 1989 called the Little Mermaid.
The buzzer going off stirred you from your sleep, sleepily walking over to see who it was, your eyes widened in shock, pressing the intercom to speak.
"Mac! Cody! Rory!"
"Did you really think we'd let you spend Thanksgiving alone?" Cody grinned at the camera, holding up Rory who squirmed and squealed in excitement to see you.
Tags: @nnightskiess @emskisworld @multifandomlesbianic @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @inquisitive-nix @grey-warden-commander @unexpected-character @youralphawolf72 @incorrectlycorrectfun
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drghostwrite · 1 year
prompt list: -> here
“rules”: -> here
Shows & Characters:
Criminal Minds:
Any character
Jennifer “JJ” Jareau:
Two hearts collide
A baby for Christmas
Once Upon A Time:
Regina Mills (favorite to write in like love/wife stories)
Scars for Love pt. 1, pt. 2
Until My Last Breath
Out at Sea
Running Back to You
Emma Swan
Other characters
Larissa Weems:
Always You, pt. 2, pt. 3
Give You Everything
other characters per request
Marvel CU:
Natasha Romaoff:
You’re Not Alone
Dark Nights
Maria Hill:
You are the Calm to my Chaos
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
When Lightning Strikes
DC Universe:
Diana Prince
Lena Luthor
When the Sky Falls
When the Sun Sets on Us
Arthur Curry(Aquaman)
A Royal Bloodline
Grey's Anatomy:
Arizona Robbins:
If I Just Lay Here?
Already Taken
You’re my Comfort
The Shooting(request)
Next Time We’re Driving
My House, My Rules
Snowed In
Callie Torres
A Superstar with a Scalpel
Addison Montgomery:
Code Black
Supply Closets & Satin Sheets
Some other characters but those are primary
Dana Scully (obvi):
You Remembered(prompt)
True Temptation
Fox Mulder
Others are special request
Desperate Housewives:
Lynette Scavo
Bree Van de Kamp
To love again(request)
Other wives and some other characters can be special request
Law & Order SVU:
Olivia Benson (The only right answer for a wife)
Something to Fight for...
other taskforce members
Rizzoli and Isles:
Jane Rizzoli:
That Thin Line pt. 1, pt. 2
Maura Isles:
Drown Our Problems
When the Music Fades
Frankie or Tommy Rizzoli
Sidney Prescott:
We All Scream Sometimes pt. 1, pt. 2
Orange is the New Black:
Alex Vause:
Ex-Lovers (request)
The 100:
Clarke Griffin:
Takes a Village
Abby Griffin
Octavia Blake
Game of Thrones(GOT):
A Rightful Heir
(Criminal Minds) x (X Files), Pt. 2
There are some things I just won't write for but I do case by a case basis, I will put warnings if there is anything I view as may be triggering. Please give me more shows or characters to write for, I'm begging you! most fics are reader x character, some involve pregnancy and marriage but they will mostly be one-shots.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Sweet As Pie
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Addison Montgomery x reader Warnings: minor language, minor mentions of alcohol, just all fluff. A wee lil drabble folks, covering the "autumn festival" square for @adarafaelbarba 's bingo!
Despite thoroughly enjoying her stint out in Los Angeles, Addison had to admit, she was glad to be back in Seattle. Sure, it rained a hell of a lot more, but honestly it rained in California too, and at least here she got to actually experience proper seasons. Her favourite of which was autumn, made even the more better by the fact that it also happened to be your favourite. It was an easy discovery, the two of you had gotten together during the winter, spending the spring falling in love and the summer on a lavish vacation split between New York and the Hamptons. It was on a walk late one night that you stepped on a crunchy orange leaf and let out a probably over dramatic gasp, thrilled at the first leaf of autumn. Once the two of you were back in Seattle you were all the rage in planning weekly date nights of every single autumn themed thing you could think of.
Addi spent weekends in the kitchen with you, peeling apples to make cider, pies and jams. You eagerly decorated the house for Halloween, mainly on the outside with a few things right in the entry way for the trick or treaters to see on Halloween night. You curled up on the couch every Friday with a new fall themed movie, cozy sweaters, warm blankets and mugs of spiked warm apple cider. You went through your yearly pumpkin phase, smiling warmly and filled with so much love when Addison would bring home every and each pumpkin flavoured treat she found.
One of your favourite things to do together each fall was the Harvest Festival at Pike Place Market.
You strolled through the market hand in hand, stopping in at nearly all the stalls, either picking things up or making a mental note to buy the bigger, heavier things on the way out. You sampled more than your fair share of treats and drinks, indulging in as many of the boozy options as you could, knowing you had the next day off. One of your personal favourite parts of the festival was the professional pumpkin carving contest, and they weren’t your run of the mill pumpkins, they were all giant, very oversized ones leading into a very dramatic contest. One that Addison couldn’t help but beam down at you at just how excited it made you and how into it you got, yelling and cheering the contestants on, taking bets on who was going to end up winning.
You enjoyed the live music, live art demos and even more before winding your way back through the marketplace. You’d barter with each other on what things you wanted to buy on the way out, Addison usually presenting the argument that two of the things you wanted were basically the exact same and you’d simply giggle, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before explaining how you thought they were different. Naturally, you’d always win, leaving the market with full bags and even fuller, happier hearts. On the walk home you’d pick up a few leaves here and there, only the prettiest ones that you deemed worthy of saving, pressing them between sheets of wax paper in the biggest books in the house later on.
Once home, Addison would press a gentle kiss to the side of your head, placing the bags down onto the kitchen island before darting away to change, bringing you back the coziest of sweaters. In the meantime you’d put away everything you’d bought, turning the stove on to heat up some beef and stout stew you’d picked up at the market. There were autumn apple bourbon fizz premade cocktails to pour out into your favourite glasses and freshly homemade pumpkin pie for dessert too. Addi surprised you with crispy yet still fluffy sourdough bread to server the stew in and she couldn’t help but chuckle at the sudden sparkle in your eye at the thought.
After you’d served everything up she’d wrap a steady arm around your waist, kissing your cheek softly as the two of you wandered back into the living room and settled on the couch. The television was turned on to Practical Magic and a small smile would break out on both of your cheeks as the rain began to patter against the windows. The day of the festival was always the most magical, somehow one of the most romantic days of your year together, and it always ended just as wonderful, with the two of you curled up on the couch with some incredible food, drinks, entertainment and most importantly, the person you fancied the most in the entire world.
You let out a happy hum, nuzzling into Addison’s shoulder and she smiled, leaving a kiss on the top of your head.
“You have a good day?”
“How could I not?” You turned your head to look up at her, “I mean, every day with you is already the perfect day. This one just had the added bonus of autumn stuff.” She couldn’t help but laugh softly.
“You’re sweeter than pumpkin pie, you know that?”
“Only for you baby. Only for you.”
Yes, there truly was something incredibly tender about autumn in the Montgomery household, and you would forever and always be thankful that you got to spend the season and holidays together, because there was no place either of you would ever be.
________________ @svulife-rl @temilyrights @summergeezburr@anya-casablanca @ssa-sapphic @ms-calhoun @clarawatson @hbkpop @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @andreasvu @softgamerking @somethingimaginative17 @borg-queer @swimmingstudentchaos891 @newyorker14 @red1culous @thatesqcrush @imlike-so-gaydude @disneyfan624 @oliviaswifey @littlegaybabe @mysticfalls01 @bumblebear30 @molllss @solemnnova @mmmmokdok @imaginaryoperagloves @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @muscatmusic18 @ladysc @drduckthief @narvaldetierra @dxtery @kellykidd @poisonedcrowns
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milfswriter · 2 years
Addison Montgomery x Reader
Summary: Going home with Addie after a long shift at the hospital
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Today was…a lot. 3 surgeries back to back really took a toll on you. You, Meredith, and Cristina were now laying on stretchers in your usual hallway, it was 3 am and almost the end of your shift before you saw a familiar redhead approaching. 
“Hey, y/n/n..Grey, yang” she gave them a weak smile before you got up, walking to her and throwing yourself on her, closing your eyes as she wrapped her arms around you. You heard chuckles behind you and raised your arm from around Addison’s waist, giving them the finger. 
“Remind me, mer..” you heard Cristina’s snicker, “is this the same person who’s been making fun of us for months for dating our attendings?”. you saw Izzie making her way in, too. “Oh..” she stopped behind Addison with a raised brow to see your face nuzzled in the older redhead’s shoulder. 
“Don’t. Say. A word” you warned with a glare and she looked down to stifle a laugh, failing miserably as she looked at the pair behind you. Addison ran a hand through your hair. “See, she chose well, unlike you two. McDreamy and Cocky heart master” you were sure she made a face at them because they shat up immediately. 
“You’re on my service next week, Stevens” She stated, letting you go and looked around at them, “now go home, all of you, you stink” you were going to laugh but you knew you were definitely not an exception. You’ve been doing surgeries for the past 48 hours.
“Yes, Dr. Montgomery” they grumbled, taking their stuff and leaving the hospital with you before you parted ways and you and Addison walked home, hands together as you shivered. “Tell me again why we decided to walk to work?” You looked to your side to see Addison’s flushed face, “because the weather was amazing, unlike many days” 
You sighed, recognizing the turn to your house and felt relieved that you wouldn’t have to shiver for much longer. Addison’s hand let go of yours and before you were going to protest, you felt her wrap her arm around you tightly. “Better?” she asked, kissing your hair. 
Nodding, you kissed her hand that was on your shoulder. You really felt like a hypocrite for falling in love with an attending a few days after you made fun of Meredith for dating Shepherd, but when you saw his ex wife, you were honest with meredith when telling her you didn’t know why he’d leave a woman like her.
“She cheated on him” she stated and you shrugged, “Seriously, y/l/n?” Cristina chimed in, “She’s ‘Satan’ for a reason” she sipped on her juicbox and you sighed. “I’m not an angel, either” you finished your lunch before going to check on your patient.
“Angel?” her voice brought you back to the present. You blinked before turning your head to look at her, “hm?” you saw her beautiful face, illuminated by the street lights.
She gave you a smile, “you really were making fun of them?” you scoffed, looking away, nodding. She chuckled, kissing your temple, “my little hypocrite” You smiled, unlocking the front door to your house and letting Addison in before locking it and getting in.
She moved in a few weeks ago, long before your friends knew about you two when she asked to crash in after an argument with Derek and you agreed, letting her in from the rain. 
You took your coat off, hanging it next to the door before following Addison upstairs to your newly - shared bedroom. You saw her taking out her coziest pyjamas from the closet and rose a brow as you saw her take out a second set of pyjamas. 
“Join me?” she offered, walking up to you and taking your hands in hers and kissing your knuckles. “Yes” you said with no hesitation whatsoever.
She let out a sigh of relief before taking you to the bathroom, where you saw the bath already filled with bubbles in it. The weight on your shoulder disappearing as soon as you got in the tub and felt Addison behind you, pulling your head to lay on her shoulder.
“Love you” she kissed your cheek, sighing in relief as she felt your tense shoulders finally relax against her, “love you, too Addie” 
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she-karev · 2 months
Pregnancy (One Shot Request)
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Two
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
AN: Hey guys I see you liked my last post. I finished the last chapter so here it is and the next story will be posted soon.
Summary: Andrew brings a heavily pregnant Amber to work after she complained about maternity leave and she goes into labor.
Words: 3035
October 20, 2022
Andrew opens the door to the attendings lounge for me and I happily enter. After our little staring contest, he submitted and drove back to work with me in the passenger seat. Along the way we came to an agreement that I would watch his surgery from the gallery and watch him teach the interns after as long as I let him know the second, I get tired or go into labor. As long as it got me out of the house, I would agree to give Kwan a big fat kiss and among the new interns he’s my least favorite. Alex and Jo are also in the room eating lunch at the table when they look up at me surprised. Jo immediately stands up and rushes to me.
“Amber are you okay? Are you in labor?” Jo asks me worried, “I can get Dr. Montgomery if she’s not busy with the sex video.”
“No, I’m fine I am not in labor and did you just say Dr. Addison Montgomery is doing a sex video?” I ask surprised after processing that startling piece of information. Normally having a world-renowned surgeon visit the hospital I work at would be my main focus if the words ‘sex video’ didn’t come after.
Alex chuckles at that and explains, “She’s here to do a sex ed video for teens and put it up on social media so we don’t see kids come in with unplanned pregnancies or sepsis from back-alley abortions.”
I turn to Jo who still looks at me worried, “See that right there is how you should have paraphrased take notes.”
“Will do, just to be clear you are not in labor?” Jo asks me and I clarify.
“Not currently no.”
“She’s here because she’s going crazy with boredom and it was either take her with me or get another false alarm from the O.R.” Andrew explains.
“And you couldn’t win an argument against her?” I glare at Alex underestimating me who notices and turns back to Andrew, “Never mind you never had a chance.”
Andrew chuckles, “Exactly. Besides without her here the interns are getting sloppy, maybe she can scare them into doing better or make them pee their pants.”
I gasp at that wonderful suggestion and turn to Jo with a smile, “Where are the interns?”
Jo chuckles, “Their busy with Dr. Montgomery’s video unless you want to work your magic into scaring teenagers to use contraceptives.”
“As appealing as that sounds and I am using very heavy sarcasm, I came here to watch surgeries. I’m gonna save moralizing teenagers for my own in about 13 years. And now I have a craving, are there pickles in the fridge?”
“Yeah.” Alex gets up, takes the jar of pickles out of the fridge and hands them to me.
“Thanks.” I sip the sour pickle juice straight out of the jar completely ignoring the pickles. I exhale in content and see Alex and Jo looking at me strangely no doubt thinking it’s weird I drank from the pickle jar, “What?”
“That was nasty kid.” Alex tells me with a wince, “You kiss your husband with that mouth?”
“Yep.” I turn to Andrew who takes a sliced pickle out of the jar and eats it, “She’s got the fridge full of pickles, olives and anchovies. She drinks all of them straight from the jar.” Alex groans in disgust, “I save the kissing until she’s brushed her teeth for at least three minutes.”
Jo nods in agreement still appalled by my weird cravings, “Good call.”
I sip my juice before I lay it on her, “I got a Chestburster in me and while I love your daughter like she’s my flesh and blood you did not physically carry her therefore you don’t know the hormones and strange cravings I get. So, you both can save the judgements until one of you gets a baby in your uterus, got it!” I don’t mean to be rude but pregnancy brain is getting to me in more ways than one.
Jo takes a step back and stands by Alex who also looks intimidated, “I think we hit a nerve in your sister.”
Alex nods, “Yeah let’s not look her directly in the eye.”
I roll my eyes at them and eat a pickle slice when Dr. Benson Kwan comes in, who’s eyes widen at my appearance.
“Dr. DeLuca or DeLuca’s sorry I didn’t know you were gonna be here.” Kwan is suddenly alert, “Wait is the baby coming? Do I need to get a wheelchair?”
“Relax Kwan your safe from the giant green-eyed resident.” I inform him annoyed.
“Oh no I wasn’t thinking that at all.” He’s trying to butter me up and gives me his most charming grin, “I mean there are plenty of interns that think that but I don’t. I practically defended you to Adams and Griffith when they complained about you rightfully scolding them on their mistakes. It’s intern year it comes with the job they shouldn’t take it out on a chief resident who also happens to be carrying a new life quite beautifully I might add.”
“Kwan as her husband and your superior I’m gonna suggest you don’t flirt with the mother of my unborn child unless you want me to end your surgical career.” My husband says threatening clearly peeved by Kwan trying to flirt with me to get surgeries. Kwan stops grinning and faces Andrew who keeps a cool face, “Whether it’ll be by going to the medical board or breaking all of your fingers depends on what you say next.” I grin at that seeing that four years with me has made him more assertive and tough. I never would have expected this level of intimidation from the clumsy and gentle resident I first met.
I step in with a sweet grin at Kwan, “Kwan I’m gonna save you the trouble and tell you what I really think of you and your attempts to placate me for surgeries. In short from the moment, I first met you I thought ‘wow he’s just like my oldest brother when he was that age’” Kwan grins slightly taking it as a compliment until I crush him with my disappointed frown that follows with harsh words, “I hated my brother when he was your age.” I can hear Andrew snickering behind me, “If you think I’m being amusing I am not, ask anyone who was here circa 2005 and they can tell you my brother was hate worthy even by his lovely and sweet sister. Alex?” I turn to said brother who looks up from eating clearly trying to keep out of my rant to a random intern, “How much would you say I disdained you when you were an intern?”
He speaks to Kwan while chewing on a sandwich, “She hated my guts.”
“Exactly.” I turn back to Kwan who is taken back by this scene, “If you want to flirt your way into the O.R. and risk pissing off your superior you picked the wrong girl because the way I see it I am a ticking time bomb filled with hormones and I feel like punching someone more than I normally did. So, pissing me off is like poking a tiger when the zookeepers let it out of its cage.” Kwan’s eyes widen at that allegory, “I think you can see where this is going and if you’re as smart as you think you are you should know what to do when I count to three. One, two-” Kwan finally processes that last statement as he quickly runs out of the room like I’m Freddy Krueger. I hear chuckling from Alex, Jo and Andrew who are all pleased by my actions and I smile victoriously.
I sit in the gallery by myself watching as Andrew does an open splenectomy with Griffith assisting. It’s not an ALPSS procedure or a gastric bypass but it’s better than slowly going insane in that house. He keeps looking up at the gallery every ten minutes to check that I’m still there and not going into labor. He does it again and I stick my tongue out to mess with him, I see him smirk behind the mask and look back at the open abdomen. A brown coffee cup appears in front of me, I look to my right and see that Jo is here to check on me.
“Ginger tea?” I groan in disgust at what I’m forced to drink but take it anyway. Jo sits next to me, “I would have been a cool sister and gotten you coffee but I’m also in OB and know that caffeine being bad for the baby isn’t just a myth. Plus, I’m guessing you already had a cup this morning.”
“In the biggest mug we have so it’ll technically be three cups of coffee.” I confess as I sip my bland hot brew, “This is vile.”
“Well it’s good for you and it’s good for the baby.” I turn to Jo fully with an inquisitive look that she catches, “What?”
“Come on give me the gossip, what’s in the tabloids since I’ve been gone?” Jo chuckles, “Don’t laugh I live for this, I’m angsty for surgery and the drama that comes before, during and after the O.R. and in this place there is a lot. Fill me in.”
Jo sits up straight and clears her throat, “Okay uh what’s been happening? Oh! Link slept with one of the interns before she started working here, it’s the pretty one the one you said looks like a CW star.”
“Millin? Damn she doesn’t strike me as one to sleep up the totem pole.”
“Your one to talk.” Jo criticizes, “You’re a resident and your married to an attending.”
“We started dating when we were both residents.” I say defensively and add, “And weren’t you a resident when you shacked up with my attending brother? And you technically still are with the OB scrubs so not much has changed. What do you have to say to that?”
“…Hi Pot, I’m Kettle.” Jo holds her hand out grinning and I chuckle at that shaking her hand, “So we agree we’re in no positions to judge. Besides there aren’t gonna be wedding bells this time since she told Link they should just be friends.”
I chuckle at that irony, “Which is translated to ‘you’re not my type so stay away from me’ and coming from an intern that is next level low. What else?”
“Hunt and Altman are still at each other’s throats, I’m pretty sure you saw a little of what went on before you left.”
I bitterly nod, “Even my baby was cringing at them arguing.” Jo laughs, “I’m serious you try doing rounds in trauma with a married couple who work together like they’re in a cock fight.” Jo coughs the coffee she sipped and I roll my eyes at her not getting my metaphor, “Fight’s between chickens their all the range in Mexico it has nothing to do with what you obviously think it is. It’s when you have chickens trained to kill each other in the ring for money but instead of chicken it’s Hunt and Altman and instead of getting money out of it you get uncomfortable situations.”
Jo nods understanding, “Well we can’t all be Andrew and Amber.”
“Or Alex and Jo. Speaking of which, how is my niece doing? Is she excited to meet her cousin?”
“Well, she’s a baby so she’s excited about everything I think she’s gonna be ecstatic when you bring your baby into our house.” Jo looks at me worried, “Are you sure it’s okay to be here? I mean you look ready to pop right here.”
“You mean right here in a hospital one floor down from OB where my sister in law works while I’m talking to my favorite sister-in-law who switched to OB during covid?”
“You know I hope your kid gets your smartass mouth then you’ll know what it’s like to deal with that for once.” Jo retorts with an evil grin that I look to respond to only for a sudden feeling in my stomach to stop me.
“Oh!” I hold my bulging stomach as a dull ache forms in my lower back and pelvis. It feels like menstrual cramps only ten times stronger which can only mean one thing. I try to stay calm but Jo can tell something is wrong and looks at me anxiously.
“What is it? What are you feeling? Do not lie to me I know that face I might be a resident but I know all the faces of a woman in labor.”
“Then I guess I don’t need to tell you my contractions just started.” Jo’s eyes widen at that and I look back at Andrew who is still doing his surgery oblivious of what’s happening to his wife above him. The pain gets worse it feels like a bunch of needles from the pits of hell are being inserted in my stomach, “Ahh! Holy John Hurt!”
Jo runs to the intercom as I breathe in and out trying to ride out this contraction, “DeLuca please tell me your about to close.”
“I am.” DeLuca sounds calm even as my guts feel like their being torn apart.
“Okay great because your wife is in labor like right now.” I can see that he’s now alert and looks up as I’m leaning forward holding my stomach.
“What?!” Andrew asks panicking, “Are you sure?”
Another contraction comes and I yell out in pain once again with Jo pressing the button making my pain clear to the O.R. “Yep pretty sure that is the sound of your wife having a contraction. Griffith take over closing.” I can see Griffith looking back and forth at DeLuca and Jo startled, “Now!” DeLuca hands her the tools and immediately runs out of the O.R. Jo runs back to me and holds my hand carefully lifting me to stand up and helping me out of the gallery.
“Please tell me Lachman is on call today.” I ask in pain.
“No, she’s not I’m sorry.” I groan at that, “But good news Dr. Montgomery is here and lucky for us she is an OB and not related to you so she can take over.”
“As long as I get the drugs, I will let Adams deliver this baby.”
Andrew immediately runs toward us looking anxious not that I blame him, “Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
I groan as he takes over holding my hand, “First contraction and I know exactly what John Hurt felt in that scene of Alien.”
“I’ll go up and get a room ready for you.” Jo runs to do that and I spot Lucas Adams and Mika Yasuda chatting and walking down the hall.
“You two!” They jump startled by my presence and I command them with a tone that would scare a military soldier to their mom, “Front and center now!” They both run to me clearly afraid.
Andrew rubs my back to soothe me and turns to the interns, “Yasuda get a wheelchair and Adams page Dr. Montgomery for us.”
Yasuda looks at us confused, “A wheelchair?”
Clearly my husband is less willing to use force so I do with a clear and loud voice, “A wheelchair Yasuda now!” She runs and almost trips to get a wheelchair and Adams looks at me scared but confused.
“What should I tell Dr. Montgomery?”
I ignore Adams and Andrew is talking to me trying to see if I’m okay as my stomach rumbles like the baby is trying to kick her way out. It feels more uncomfortable than painful, “What do you need? Ice chips? Maybe a bear to strangle?”
I exhale as I take in his options, “I don’t want an innocent bear to suffer because of me.”
“Dr. DeLuca?”
“What?!” Andrew snaps clearly annoyed.
“What should I tell Dr. Montgomery when she answers her page?” As if the gods wanted to give him a clear answer my water breaks over my sweatpants and on Adams shoes that he notices and looks up in shock with Andrew looking down surprised but composed. I looked back up at the intern with an annoyed face due to the leakage that just happened ruining my clothes.
“Tell her my contractions just started and my water broke all over your shoes.” Adams nods and pulls out his phone. I know he struggles with directions so I decide to make myself clear, “And so help me Adams if you send her to the wrong room or forget to page her, I will forget the bear and strangle you instead.” He gulps but nods.
Andrew gently guides me to the wheelchair behind me that Yasuda thankfully brought in, “Okay let’s sit so I can take you to OB.”
“Okay, hey, hey.” Andrew focuses on me and I grin as the joyous occasion hits me, “We’re having a baby.”
Andrew laughs and smiles at that too, “We’re having a baby.” He then kisses me and pulls back still smiling, “I’m overjoyed and terrified you?”
I chuckle, “I’m those things too and it’s worse because I have to push a bowling ball through a keyhole that is my vagina so there is that. If you want to walk away now and be like those 50’s husbands that stand outside the room to smoke here’s your five second chance.”
“I’m not going anywhere not this time.” He references when we went through a rough patch during his mental breakdown and when he left, “I promise.”
My emotions are sky high with that because of the love I feel for him and the surge of hormones coursing through me. I even feel a tear down my cheek but I sniffle and compose myself, “Good that was a test and you passed. Now take me to a bed and get me a damn epidural so this baby doesn’t kill me.” He gets behind the chair and pushes me to the elevator leaving Adams and Yasuda behind.
“Congratulations Dr. DeLuca!” Yasuda yells out and I respond with a thumbs up as the elevator doors close.
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oneshotnewbie · 4 months
how about an addison montgomery x reader and finding out reader has abusive parents thanks!!!!!
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of abusive parents. This plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
The bright sun shone through the large windows of the waiting room at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital as you paced nervously in the waiting room. The thought of the upcoming check-up with Dr. Addison Montgomery made your heart beat faster even though you repeated this year after year. Despite your fears, you knew it was important to get regular checkups, especially after you noticed some unusual symptoms.
When you were finally called, you followed the nurse through the corridors of the gynecological clinic until you finally stood in front of the door to the treatment room. Once inside, Dr. Montgomery greeted you with a warm smile. "Welcome back, y/n. How are you today?"
You forced a smile, concern for your health and life's obstacles overshadowing your usual demeanor. "Thanks, I'm feeling okay so far. I'm here for a checkup because I've noticed a few symptoms that are worrying me."
Addison nodded understandingly and asked you to take a seat. However, as she began to ask the usual questions, she immediately noticed that something was wrong. Your posture was stiff, your answers were short, and you seemed uncomfortable. Quite the opposite from the last times she had seen you. "Can you tell me about the symptoms you've been noticing lately?" She asked softly and you hesitated for a moment before answering. "Well, I have unusual pulling and pressure in my abdomen. I feel very tired in general but I think that's probably just normal."
The redhead frowned slightly as she began to do the examination. When she gestured with her hand to ask you to sit on the exam chair, you flinched and promptly avoided making eye contact with her. "I´m sorry..." you simply interjected and as you continued to sit on the chair, Addison felt an inexplicable restlessness arise within her.
She watched you carefully as she took swabs and checked to see what was going on. As she did so, she recognized subtle signs of fear and insecurity manifesting in your behavior that she had never seen in you before. It was as if there was something in the air, something unspoken, standing between them and demanding their attention. She could practically feel the tension surrounding you, and her instincts told her that there was more going on here than what seemed like a checkup.
After she had also completed an ultrasound on you, Addison sat down on the lounger next to you and quickly decided to ask carefully. "I want to be honest with you. I noticed some signs during the exams that could indicate something might be wrong. I think it might be helpful if you talked about it." She murmured questioningly, placing a soothing hand on your thigh, making you jump at the touch as well.
You looked at her in surprise, your eyes fixed on her with relief. But only hesitantly did you begin to talk about your concerns, which went far beyond the physical symptoms. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" The person you spoke to nodded at you, giving you time to express yourself. She sensed that there was more here than your body had yet revealed, and she wanted to give you the opportunity to open up when you were ready. "I'm your doctor, y/n. Everything you tell me is confidential."
You swallowed hard before finally finding the courage to say the words you had suppressed for so long. "It's my father," you began hesitantly and the gynecologist listened attentively without interrupting. "Since the pandemic and losing his job, he's... he's not exactly... friendly to me."
The reticence and fear had crumbled as you revealed the truth about your home situation to her. You confessed to the constant insults, humiliation and physical abuse you endured from your father and Addison continued to listen intently, offering you an empathetic embrace of comfort and support as you revealed the painful details of your abuse.
When you finished, an oppressive silence fell across the room. Addison felt the weight of your words on her own shoulders. She felt powerless in the face of the suffering you had to endure at such a young age, an inner anger boiling up towards your parents and at the same time a burning desire deep inside her to help you. "Thank you, y/n, for trusting me," she finally spoke in a quiet voice and rubbed your shoulder reassuringly. This time you didn't flinch. "What has been done to you and continues to happen to you is unacceptable and you deserve to be safe and protected. I will do everything in my power to help you get out of this situation."
The shock of what she had heard was deep within her, but she forced herself to remain calm and empathetic. Her first priority was to reassure you that you were safe and that she would help you. She hugged you gently and held you close to her, giving your tears a place to disappear. "Please believe me when I say that you are safe here," she began to speak to you calmly. "No one will hurt you in front of me and if it happens again, you come straight to me, okay?"
You lowered your gaze, tears glistening in your eyes as you let yourself fall into her embrace, feeling the instant warmth and comfort she offered you. For a moment you felt safe, surrounded by the care of this remarkable woman who was willing to stand up for you. “Thank you, Dr. Montgomery,” you whispered, your voice shaking. "It means so much to me to know I'm not alone."
Addison smiled softly and rubbed your back. "From now on it's Addison. I think we're past the formal part. And of course, I'll help you through the difficult times, and I'll be by your side as long as you need me."
At that moment, you knew you had made the right decision to reach out to her. You felt strengthened by her words and beneath all the vulnerability you showed there was also a spark of hope. Hope that you weren't alone, that there were people who cared about you and were ready to help you when you needed it. You felt relieved that you had confided in someone, and Addison promised to support you every step of the way, whether through further testing, therapy, or any other form of police or court help you needed.
As you left the office, you felt a little more confident with her personal phone number and address. Addison Montgomery, who promised to protect you if your father became abusive again and you needed a place to stay. You knew that from now on you were no longer alone but had found an ally in her in the fight against the darkness that surrounded you.
In the weeks that followed, Addison Montgomery and you developed a deep bond that went beyond the boundaries of an ordinary doctor-patient relationship. She had given you her personal address and phone number in case you ever had to run away from home and didn't know where to go. The gesture of care had touched you deeply and shown you that you were not just a patient, but now also had a friendship that you could rely on.
The conversations between the two of you became more and more open and intimate as you worked together to come up with a plan to get yourself out of the dangerous situation you found yourself in. And one Saturday morning, after you had escaped from your father's attacks and came to her, Addison offered to take you in and give you a safe haven, away from your parents' abuse and humiliation.
At first you were unsure whether you should accept the offer. The fear of the unknown, the worry of the consequences, and the fear of becoming too much for Addison held you back. But in the end, your trust, the hope for a better life and the love that she conveyed to you every day prevailed.
At midnight on that same warm spring night, you packed your few belongings and made your way to Addison's house. As you opened the door, a feeling of relief and freedom washed over you. The redhead welcomed you with open arms and a warm, loving smile that showed you that you were finally safe and that she would never let anything happen to you again.
Over the coming weeks and months, you began to settle into your new home, helping Addison with Henry while she was at work. Under her loving care, you slowly blossomed, gained self-confidence, and finally found the courage to leave your past behind you.
Addison supported you every step of the way in your healing, whether it was through therapeutic conversations, medical care, or just her unconditional love and support. Together you went through ups and downs, but you always stood by each other, determined to overcome the darkness together and step into the light of a better future. Your connection was strong, characterized by mutual respect, trust and love and you knew that you would be connected forever.
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smartycvnt · 5 months
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Title: Abandoned
Pairing: Addison Montgomery x Reader
Prompt: "What kind of trouble are you going to get me into?"
Word Count: 742
Ash chewed on the end of her pen as she stared down at the paperwork in front of her. She knew that Meredith was leaving, and yet, everything still hit her like a ton of bricks. Seattle was never supposed to be Ash's home, but when the time came for her to leave, she couldn't. Even without the person keeping her in Seattle, Ash couldn't let herself go anywhere else.
"I thought I'd find you here." Addison sat down next to Ash. There was no response or even acknowledgement that Addison was there, but the redhead expected as much. Ash had a tendency of getting very into her work. She was a talented surgeon, one who could have gone absolutely anywhere. "Are you almost finished?"
"It's been done for the past two and a half hours. I keep waiting for Meredith to walk in and take it from me," Ash muttered. Addison frowned at the sadness in Ash's voice. It wasn't like her to be so torn up about anything. Addison knew how childish the rumors about Ash were, but there was a bit of merit to them. Ash wasn't the most emotionally open person, but it had come in handy before.
"Tell me what I can do to help you," Addison said. Ash shrugged as she placed the pen she had been chewing on in her pocket. Addison sighed as she sat down on the edge of Ash's desk. "Come on, let's get out of here for a little while."
"Where are we going?" Ash asked. Addison didn't answer her as they walked out of the little office.
"I think that you need to get out of this place for a little while," Addison said. Ash sighed, but let Addison lead her into the elevators anyway. They went up to the top floor of the hospital, and Addison made a beeline for the rooftop access. They didn't have any flights coming in or out for the time being, so it was surprisingly peaceful.
"Addison, I have work to do," Ash huffed.
"Not for right now," Addison said. She put her arm around Ash's shoulders and just sort of held her for a moment. "I know that you don't want to talk about it, but just listen, okay?"
"Okay," Ash sighed. She had been dreading this talk for a long time. Meredith was gone. She had left Seattle and left Ash. They were supposed to be best friends, and once again, Ash was left to feel almost completely alone.
"You've been through a lot. This place has taken almost everybody you've ever loved away from you. It did the same to Meredith. You guys were close because of it, and she left too. I can't imagine how you feel, but I can promise you that Meredith didn't abandon you. She'll come back, and even if she doesn't, there's an open invitation to go visit her."
Addison could see that Ash was uncomfortable. For a moment, she looked like the scared girl who had come in with her brothers to be there for her father. Ash looked like George: small, scared, and a little bit pathetic. She wasn't her older brother, though. Ash was brilliant, and Addison didn't get to see the journey there, but she was more than happy to see the woman Ash had grown into.
"It's not fair that every time I open up and let myself get close to someone, they die," Ash muttered. Addison tilted Ash's chin and stared down at her. "I don't want you to go too. I love you."
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I love you too much to let that happen," Addison promised. Ash threw herself into Addison's arms and stayed there as she started to sob. Addison could tell that it wasn't out of sadness, but relief. Ash let everything out before quickly composing herself.
"Thank you for taking me up here," Ash said. Addison just nodded and smiled. The smile was forced, but Ash was too distracted to tell. "I really should get back to work. They've got me checking the intern reports."
"Good luck," Addison laughed. Ash went back down, but Addison stayed right where she was. The realization of how important Ash was scared Addison. It was worse than Derek or any other person that she'd been with, and all of them had left Addison in shambles. "What kind of trouble are you going to get me into?"
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itwasrealtome · 1 day
[If you’d like to be tagged in the upcoming posts, please let me know in the comments, my dm, or fill in the FORM. It’s free and I don’t bite 🫶🏻]
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One Shots :
Cupid Screwed Up — Part One : Y/N, a surgeon at Seattle Grace Hospital, is at the center of a rumor that she herself knows nothing about. Karev, who started the rumor, tries to make amends with the doctor, but... is his mistake forgivable?
Redemption — Part Two : Y/N's long-awaited break is interrupted several times, including once by Addison, who's looking for any way she can to make amends. [SMUT]
Time To Say Goodbye — Part Three : When a team of surgeons finds a bomb in a patient's body, Y/N has no choice but to stay in the room, her hands on the detonator. Addison refuses to stay behind the security cordon and joins her soulmate in her face-to-face encounter with death.
Lean On Me : After the sudden death of her brother, Y/N, a young medical student, refuses her days off and quickly returns to work. If everyone was advising Y/N to find comfort, no one would have imagined she'd find it in the arms of Addison Montgomery, herself.
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