#alanna kennedy
aus-wnt · 2 days
matildas | On the top level? No worries 👟⚽️
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wileys-russo · 2 months
alanna kennedy, “I always preferred macca anyway”, tillies night out at a bar
competitive streak II a.kennedy
"everyone is going to give us shit for being late!" your girlfriend groaned in annoyance, checking her watch for the tenth time as the uber zoomed through the streets of manchester.
"lani are we talking about the same girls? the girls who are late for movie nights when we're all in the same hotel?" you laughed in amusement, squeezing her leg reassuringly.
"we wouldn't be late if you hadn't taken a hundred hours to try on every single piece of clothing you own." alanna grunted with a huff, thumbs flying against her phone screen.
when she felt your eyes burn into her head she looked up and met your unimpressed glare. "i mean but you look just so gorgeous that its worth it babe. so so gorgeous!" alanna attempted to fix things, smiling charmingly as you only hummed.
"mm thats what i thought you said." you warned as she grinned and kissed your cheek a few times, the uber nearing the restaurant you were meeting a handful of your national teammates at.
by some scheduling miracle a large group of them were all down in manchester with games this weekend allowing for the impromptu meet up. "el is jealous." you chuckled showing your girlfriend the annoyed selfie from your best friend who was living and playing in france.
"film this." alanna tapped your knee as you chuckled but clicked record. "serves you right for living in france carpenter, fuck you and i hope the fomo eats you up!" alanna flipped off the camera as you laughed and ended it, sending the snapchat to the blonde and tucking your phone back in your bag as you arrived.
"thanks mate." your girlfriend smiled appreciatively, sliding out of the car first before holding the door open and a hand out to help you up which you took.
"i've changed my mind, looking drop dead gorgeous or not if they give us shit for being late i will be throwing you under the bus."
"alright, pair up and lets get a tourney going!" sam clapped her hands together eagerly as you all hovered by one of the pool tables in the sports bar you'd all moved onto after dinner, losing a few of the girls to their beds along the way there was only six of you still standing.
"not a chance babe!" your girlfriend laughed grabbing caitlins arm as you tried to pair up with her and made a face of shock. "lani!" you huffed in offence as the blonde shook her head firmly.
"i'd just like to win baby, nothing personal." the taller girl winked as you sent her a scowl and someone else drew you into their side. "such a shame you won't be winning then. i'll be taking your girl and the trophy!" mackenzie grinned with her arm slung over your shoulder.
"with her hand eye coordination skills? you can have her." alanna dismissed with a shrug as your mouth formed a small o of shock and even caitlin winced at her best friends words. "you've never even seen me play kennedy." you reminded with a roll of your eyes.
"nah but i do live with you babe, and theres a reason i'm on an undefeated streak at game night. so get ready to lose!" the blonde smirked cockily as you scoffed again.
"hope you're hungry lanz, cause you'll be eating your words soon!" macca swooped in with a grin, guiding you away as you sent your girlfriend a mean glare over your shoulder.
"hope your couch is comfortable tonight lani." cait sighed and patted the taller girls back who rolled her eyes and pushed her away, sam and steph teaming up to play against the two of them for the first game.
you watched on with a silently smug smile at the range of shocked expressions which rocked your girlfriends features as you proved your worth, mackenzie grinning with delight as the pair of you won game after game.
"no way! you bumped the fucking table." alanna scowled as you sunk two balls in one shot, blowing on the top of your cue like a smoking gun before lining up and sinking another ball.
"just call it now! you and cait haven't won a single game lani." sam laughed, she and steph having beat them but no one was yet to beat you and mackenzie.
"nah fuck this, they're cheating somehow!" the blonde huffed dropping her stick onto the table as you sunk a further two balls, winning the game, and storming off to the bar.
"good news! you don't need to get me a birthday present this year, because the look on her face just then...priceless." mackenzie kissed the tips of her fingers as you laughed and pushed her lightly.
"better go do some damage control, hey cait take my place. you might even win a game!" you teased as your friend smacked you lightly and took the cue in your hands, sam setting up the balls for a new game.
it took a few minutes but you eventually located the defender who was leaning against the balcony of the empty smokers area, scowling out into the chilly night air making you smile.
"so is this where the losers hang out then?" you teased appearing beside her as she rolled her eyes and refused to look at you, crossing her arms a little tighter with a huff.
"you know if you'd have just paired up with me like i wanted, you'd have avoided all this horrid horrid humiliation." you knocked your shoulder into her, looking up at her with an amused smile as she groaned.
"don't remind me, should have known cait would be fucking useless." your girlfriend grumbled, flicking you a frown and huffing again before her eyes returned to the skyline. "i'm sure she's thinking the same babe, you sunk what maybe...two balls? and they weren't even for your team." you laughed as alanna groaned again.
"go gloat somewhere else, cockiness doesn't suit you."
"well are you going to be this pouty and moody all night? because i think i deserve a reward for playing so well." your tone shifted as the defenders eyes snapped toward you, seeing the familiar smile tugging at your lips.
"you just want to ditch them?" she questioned a little in surprise as your own eyebrow raised at the unexpected reaction of her not jumping at the opportunity like she normally would.
"no its fine, we can just go back inside and play a few more rounds. i mean i always preferred macca anyway." you smirked as you started to back up toward the door and her face hardened.
you grinned in victory as she surged toward you, taking your hand and practically dragging you toward the exit, calling out a goodbye over her shoulder and ignoring the shouts of protest from your friends in the distance.
"alanna!" you laughed as the blonde called an uber and promptly shoved you against the wall outside the bar, looming over you with a wolfish grin, leaning down so her lips ghosted you and ignoring the ping of her phone that the uber had arrived.
"think i've got a better idea of what i'd like a few rounds of tonight babe."
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chaotic-toasters · 30 days
AUSWNT x Teen!Reader
"Hi, Macca!" You grinned, rushing into the Keeper's waiting arms. "I missed you!"
"I've missed you too, kid," she smiled, squeezing you tightly. "How's Spain treatin' you?"
"What about me?" Alanna questioned. "I haven't seen you in a while too, y'know."
"Oh, hi Lani," you patted the defender on the shoulder. "Didn't see you there."
"You're so mean," the cityzen feigned hurt, all too familiar with your playful antics. "Kyra said to go and meet her and Charli in her room. They need you for something. Probably a prank."
"Alright," you gave her and Mac fist-bumps as you walked past. "If I turn up dead tomorrow, you know what happened."
"Hey, Ky, hey Char," you greeted, eyebrows raised as you followed Kyra into the room. "What was it you needed?"
"Y/N, perfect," Charli was suspiciously gleeful. "We've got some Tim Tams that we need eaten, but Ky and I have already had too many. You mind finishing them for us?"
"Sure," you agreed instantly, never one to deny a Tim Tam (even if it was way too early in the morning. "I'm down."
In short, you consumed three whole packets of Tim Tams. Kyra and Charli had shared a look, the former getting up and grabbing a coffee from otherwise empty desk. "You look kinda tired. Have some coffee, it'll help you get through the jetlag for now."
You hadn't thought much of it, so you'd graciously accepted it and finished it within the hour.
"Y/N! Kyra! Charli!" Lydia's voice called through the door, followed by a couple of knocks. "We've gotta head to training! Get ready to go!"
You rolled your eyes, much to Kyra and Charli's amusement. "Yes, mum!"
"MINIMINIMINIMINIMINIMINI!" you practically yelled, barreling towards the surprised Midfielder excitedly. "LOOKLOOKLOOKLOOK!"
"Woah, kiddo," she sidestepped, glancing over at Alanna. "You're a lot stronger than I am. Careful."
Alanna was quick to pull you into a hug in a fruitless attempt to calm you down. "What's goin' on, Y/N? You okay?"
You were shaking, bouncing up and down rapidly in the defender's arms. "What d'you mean? I'm great!"
You bolted away, somersaulting across the pitch before slamming your foot into a ball that had been laying on the ground. "WHEEEE!"
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," Tony ran over with Steph in tow. "What's happened, kiddo? You just excited?"
"Yeah yeah yeah!" you did a random backflip for no reason other than you feeling like it. "I'm excited! Yup yup yup!"
Ellie looked severely ashamed for what she was about to whisper to Hayley. "Is she... is she high?"
"No, there's no way," the Madrid player shook her head instantly. "She cares about her career way too much to jeopardize it with something like drugs."
"Yeah, you're right. But if she's not high, then what?"
Across the pitch, Lydia and Mackenzie's eyes swept over each and every player like hawks.
Instead of being worried that a new, younger keeper would take their places when you joined the national team, they immediately took you under their wings and declared themselves as your team moms. It wasn't a secret that they'd kill anybody who messed with you.
"Mac," Lydia elbowed the West Ham captain. "Over there."
Mac's eyes zeroed in on two best friends, seemingly worried as they whispered in each other's ears. "Oi! Cooney! Grant! You got somethin' to share with the team?"
Both of their heads snapped up, fear written clearly all over their faces.
Two tall, angry Australian goalkeepers was a terrifying sight for anybody, but up until now, none of the Tillies had been on the receiving end of your team moms' wrath. Safe to say, no one was prepared.
"You give my kid something?" Macca demanded, rolling up her sleeves. "Why's she actin' weird?"
Charli gulped. "We— we, uh..."
"Spit it out," Mackenzie growled, ignoring the fact that you were currently clinging onto her leg like a koala. "What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Kid?"
"We gave her a bunch of Tim Tams," Kyra blurted out, caving as soon as Lydia dragged her thumb across her throat menacingly. "And... and... Charli gave her a coffee with, like, eight packets of sugar in it!"
"Me?!" Charli cried. "You literally handed it to her! And it was your idea! I only agreed!"
"Oh, you two are so dead," Mac glared, lumbering forward with much difficulty considering there was a 140-pound human attached to her right leg. "I swear to God, I'm gonna murder you both."
Lydia did it for her, seizing both troublemakers by the fronts of their shirts. "You think this is funny? Y/N can be fuckin' dangerous when she's hyper! She coulda run over Mini!"
Kyra looked past Lydia's shoulder to where you were snuggling into Macca's knee and babbling about racecars. "Uh—"
A smack to the back of the head shut her up real fast.
"Not now, Ky!" Charli hissed through gritted teeth.
"Tony!" Kyra pleaded as Lydia's grip on her training bib became tighter. "Tony, please!"
The manager held up his hands, walking backwards and almost tripping on the drinks cooler. "Nope. Not getting involved."
The skipper looked around wildly. "I... I have to go plan your funeral! In the bathroom! Bye!"
"Ras, please—"
The Madrid player was gone before the gunner could even finish her sentence.
Lydia's eye twitched.
"Y/N, babes, you good?" Ellie asked, nudging you slightly.
You blinked slowly. "Huh?"
"I'm gonna go get Mac, I'll be right back."
True to her word, the Lyon defender returned a minute later with the ever-protective older keeper at her side.
"Y/N's kind of out of it," Ellie explained as your head bobbed slightly. "I think she's crashing from the sugar."
"Aww, kiddo," Mackenzie sat beside you on the bench, using a hand to place your head on her shoulder. "It's only three, you tired?"
"Mhmm," you murmured, only half-paying attention. "Sleepy."
She sent a cowering Kyra and Charli a death glare. "Go to sleep, kid. I'm sure Tony wouldn't mind. Right, Tony?"
The manager instantly agreed, giving you both an awkward and slightly terrified thumbs-up. "I— yup. Whatever you want, girls. It's- it's totally up to you."
Lydia walked over, brushing a flyaway out of your face. "I'll bring you up to your room when we're done here. Get some rest, kid."
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pixiesfz · 5 months
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invaded l.wm
plot: y/n moved from man city to Arsenal and one specific man is not happy about it.
warnings: violence, talks of a stalker, more of a arsenal x reader than a lotte x reader, blood etc
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He was one of the main reasons you left Manchester city, his eyes that lingered on you when in the crowd.
When you first met him he seemed like a normal fan. He asked for a photo and challenged you to a rock paper scissors to secure your top, you noticed his anger when he lost but you gave him your jersey anyways to soften the blow.
He came to every game and yearned for your attention everytime, whenever you didn’t he would then wait outside in the parking lot.
At first you thought it was cute, you had never had such a big fan well that was until he started showing up outside of the field.
You were having a coffee with your mum when you heard the clicks of a camera, turning around you saw him, with his Man City scarf on taking photos of you and your mum.
You politely waved at him and he smiled. When he next showed up it was in the off season as you went to see your girlfriend Lotte.
“You alright love?” Lotte asked as you spotted him behind a tree, how did he know you were here “Lotte we need to go” you ordered as your heart sped up, he scared you “y/n-“ “now” you cut Lotte off as you grabbed her hand and ran to your car trying to ignore his pleas as he followed you.
He stopped for a month after that but maybe it was because you stopped going out as much, he was still at every man city game and still waited for you in the parking lot where you politely smiled and waved at the crowd but he took it as you were only waving at him.
Lotte had told you to try and get a restraining order but their had never been enough evidence to even try.
One day before you announced your transfer to Arsenal you saw him again but at your front door. You slammed the door before he could try and get in but it didn’t stop him.
He bashed his fists on the door “You’re leaving me!” He yelled “your betraying me like this?” He asked.
You pushed your weight on the door, tears falling down your eyes as you pulled out your phone to call Lotte.
“Hey y/n” she answered sweetly as you sniffed “he’s here” you whispered out “he’s where y/n?” Lotte asked and you could tell her by her voice that her heart had dropped.
“My house Lotte. He’s found my house!”
“I’m calling the police, can I hang up darling just for a little bit I will call right back” she told you and you closed your eyes “I love you” you whispered in fear
“Don’t talk like that y/n” he is not going to hurt you” she said and you shook your head “I’m scared” you admitted as his fists became louder
“You bitch! I saw you at the Arsenal training grounds, you’re leaving!” He shouted and Lotte’s face turned white from the loudness of his voice “y/n I’m going to call I’ll be back”
The beep of the phone call ending made you sob again, without Lotte’s voice calming you down you were in a forensic mess.
His voice was drowned out by your thoughts and you heard sirens wailing from nearby, he did too as his fists stopped.
“You’ll regret this” he finally stated before you heard him ruffling away.
You never felt safe fully after that whilst you played your last weeks at Man City, you scanned the crowds in fear and always walked to your car quickly after a match, sometimes having Lotte pick you up.
When your news about transferring came out rumours started to spiral, until an anonymous writer came out.
Y/n y/l/n moving to Arsenal because of stalker?!
You pressed on it right away as you laid on Lotte’s chest, photos of you on walks and at cafes, one of you in your home which you moved out of as quickly as you could.
He had took these photos and now he was sending them in to make profit, your privacy for his benefit.
‘We hope y/n is well before her move to Arsenal’ it ended with and you felt yourself snuggling to Lotte even more.
You had been with Arsenal for almost a month now and it was time you versed your old team. It was bittersweet.
You loved the girls on the team and they were now your on field enemies. Lotte was the captain of the game and you were proud of her.
But nothing could stop the weird feeling in your stomach, it made you nervous and your mind was racing.
You thought it would go away as you play but the feeling was still there.
You had subbed on for Beth for a fresh pair of legs on the field on the 64th minute and it wasn’t long before you started making an impact, high giving your girlfriend as you scored a goal agains Man City.
You hadn’t even checked for the man in the crowd as you now sported the red, you should’ve maybe you would’ve seen him and the state he was in.
His eyes were baggy and it was clear to anyone around him that he would be drinking but security weren’t the best for the women’s games so they gave no mind.
It was about the 75th minute he jumped the barrier, a beer bottle in his hand, he wore your old jersey you had given to him as he stormed over to you.
You had your back to him so you couldn’t see him but some of your team mates did and the audience as they boo’d at him in the crowds, thinking he was a trouble maker wanting his 5 seconds of fame.
You looked behind you out of curiousity before you locked eyes with the man, your heart dropped before he raised his arm which the glass bottle was held in and smashed it on your head.
You dropped instantly as he yelled “traitor!” And kicked you at the head.
You had been near the sidelines so the low number of security members latched onto him as he yelled out to you but you were unconscious, on the floor with blood pouring down your face.
Almost the whole field and Audience went quiet and the TV channels who were broadcasting were lost for words.
Medics were on you quick as Lotte tan over with tears in her eyes. She looked at you and towards the man who was tackled to the floor “that’s him!” She yelled and told the security to take him to the jail.
The blood on your face wasn’t going away as more blood from your forehead and your eye fell down.
“Lotte” you choked out and sue dropped to her knees and grabbed your hand “I’m here, I’m here” she told you and kissed your knuckles “I’m scared” you cried as the medics came back with the stretcher “he’s gone now” Lotte told you, tears running down her eyes at the sight of you.
The medics pulled you up and the whole stadium was silent, the Arsenal and City girls watching you with tears in their eyes.
The game stopped.
Lotte followed you to an ambulance and most girls quickly got into their cars to follow you, not bothering to change.
You only needed a few stitches but Lotte demanded for a plastic surgery, saying you would never forgive her if she let you have a big scar from your eye to your temple.
So she waited with her head in her arms, her bright yellow captains arm band tightening around her bicep as she was joined by both the arsenal and Man city team in the waiting room.
“She’s going to be fine” Leah told her England team mate and she nodded “I know it’s just she- she was so scared” Lotte sobbed as she leaned into her team mates embrace and cried.
Both of the teams waited for you to come out of surgery, on their phones as some read articles or watches the film clip multiple times in shock of what had happened.
Lotte saw it every time she closed her eyes, the way you had no idea of the danger running towards you, the way he moved so quick nobody could stop him before the action was done.
The TV was on in the corner as the news talked about what had happened to you. Lotte watched as the reporter talked about the lack of security and how they interviews some of the games watchers, some crying.
Two hours later a doctor came into the room, shocked to see so many players waiting to see your results.
“Y/n y/l/n?” She questioned and everyone’s head shot up “yes?” Lotte stood up and the nurse nodded “she’s awake now but I think it’s best if we send people in groups” she said and Lotte let out a sigh of relief.
“You go first” Alanna said from her seat in the corner to Lotte and she nodded and walked behind the Nurse who took her to your room.
Your stitches looked oily from the numbing cream that they had lathered on top of the stitches. You don’t say anything, your eyes stuck to the ceiling.
“Why me?” You breathed out and Lotte grabbed your hand
“I don’t know baby” she replied and you looked at her, your eyes were blood shot “did they get him?” You asked and she nodded “he is behind bars and the court is allowing us to ask for a restraining order, he’s already not allowed to attend a soccer game ever again” she said and you nodded.
“Do I look as bad as I feel?” You asked and Lotte let out a little laugh “Do you really think I care about what you look like?”
“No but I care what I look like” you smiled and Lotte kissed your hand “you look beautiful, just like you always do”
You smiled “is it just you here?” You asked and Lotte scoffed “uhm actually” she started and went to the window and opened the blind which revealed the waiting room.
“Oh wow” you breathed out seeing both of your teams sitting down in the uncomfortable chairs.
“Maybe send in my national team mates, they’re most likely to tell me if I look ugly or not” you joked and your girlfriend rolled her eyes playfully at your comment.
“Actually almost all your national team mates are here” she breathed out before walking out to collect them.
When half of the Matilda’s team walked in Caitlin scoffed
“You just had to one up me from the World Cup didnt ya”
The whole room laughed at her before she laid on the bed and cuddled into your side.
“Well this will be a fun story to tell in a couple of years” you joked and your team mates laughed.
You smiled as you looked around, Lotte chating to your team mates with a smile as you cuddled into some of your younger players “I was so worried” Kyra told you and you shook your head.
“Takes a lot to take me down chicken”
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
You belong with me II Alanna Kennedy x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1516
a/n: we combined two requests for this oneshot, hope you guys like it !
As the social media manager of the Australian national team, you never got tired of working with the players to create new content together.
In that moment you were already focused by placing the big camera on the tripod in front of you, after that was done you looked up to Mackenzie Arnold, your girlfriend’s best friend, humming:” Ready?”
“Yes, fire your questions away.”, the goalkeeper responded smiling brightly at you.
Satisfied by her okay you clapped into your hands: ”Alright, let’s start.”
“Yes, please.”, the brunette nodded happily. You two were suddenly interrupted by Harper, who was running excitedly into the open arms of the player: ”Macca!”
“Hi Harper and Cait.”, Mackenzie greeted the intruders warmly.  
Noisily Caitlin Foord wanted to know from both of you:” What are you two doing?”
“Recording a video for the Matilda’s Instagram?”, you replied shrugging, because it was quite obvious for everyone to see what was going on here. 
In good spirits the goalkeeper explained:” It was supposed to be a quick round of questions.”  
“What questions?”, Katrina Gorrys’s daughter asked big eyed. Casually
Mackenzie shrugged her shoulders:” Just random questions?”
“Like?”, the toddler pressed on stubbornly.
Her curiosity was endearing to you, that’s why you patiently answered her:” Like who’s her favourite roommate and what’s her favourite food in camp.”
“It’s so obvious. I’m her favourite roommate because Lani sneaks out to be with you at night.”, the Arsenal forward said with a cheeky grin on her lips.
With a frustrated sigh you interrupted the conversation you have been filming since Harper appeared a few minutes ago:” Cut!”
“I thought we didn’t even start anyway.”, Mackenzie giggled confused.
Sheepishly you told her:” I already hit the record button.” “And she’s getting paid for that.”, Caitlin teasingly rolled her eyes at you.
Groaning you hid the face behind your hands: “Girls!” “What?”, the forward threw up an eyebrow.
Meanwhile Harper who realized you were filming them was now in her element, clapping her hands like she was the director of this set, exclaiming delighted:” And action.”
“See, they should pay her. She’s carrying our social media appearance.”, Caitlin remarked amused.
To your defense came Mackenzie who pointed out to one of her closest friends:” She does, but y/n always makes you look good in photos as you said earlier.”  “She does.”, the Arsenal player admitted.
Clearing your throat, you draw back the attention to the task which lay ahead of you all:” So who’s your favourite and worst roommate in camp.”
“They’re both going to kill me. Caitlin and Alanna but I’m not saying who is which.”, the goalkeeper responded with a wink to the camera.
You bit back a laugh and continued; “Okay, next question. What’s your favourite part of the training camp?“
Without missing a beat, Mackenzie answered; “Seeing the girls.“
“Awww!“, Caitlin cooed from somewhere next to you with a smirk.
The goalkeeper made a dismissive hand gesture in her direction; “Shut up. I’m talking about Mini and Harper!“
“Rude!“, Caitlin complained, laughing.
You shook your head at the two football players; “Girls, please!“
“Focus.“, Harper said as strictly as possible for a toddler and pointed her finger into Mackenzies direction.
You smiled at the little girl; “Thanks, Harper.“
Mackenzie looked at Caitlin in disbelief; “Can’t believe we’re getting called out by Harps!“
“She’s already a social media pro.“, you shrugged. Caitlin grinned; “We can tell.“
The filming was again interrupted by Katrina; “Oh, here she is!“ Harper immediately ran into her mothers arms who gently picked her up.
“Harper was in safe hands, Mini. I’m a keeper.“, Mackenzie commented, smiling about her own joke.
Caitlin rolled her eyes; “Worst joke ever, Macca.“ “Shush it. Time to go back to filming.“, the goalkeeper decided and you were more than happy to comply.
After you managed to film the video without any further interruptions, Alanna was impatiently waiting for you. With her arms crossed over her chest, she was playfully pouting; “You did a video without me?“
“It was Maccas turn.“, you explained matter-of-factly.
Mackenzie who left the room right behind you winked at her friend; “Yes, and it was fun. Even though Harper stole the show as usual.“
“She did.“, you agreed with a laugh. Alanna pretended to be shocked; “Rude.“
“Jealous that your girlfriend didn’t work with you today?“, Caitlin teased, closing the door of the hotel room that you used to film.
Unimpressed, Alanna shook her head; “She only does videos with you, guys.“
“So that’s a yes.“, Mackenzie concluded with raised eyebrows.
You eyed your girlfriend from the side while you remarked; “I mean at home she only takes photos with Leila recently. So it’s fair.“
The defenders jaw dropped open; “Don’t start with Leila now. You never want to be on my photos.“ “
Well, you never ask me.“, you continued.
Alanna retorted; “Don’t distract. You also never ask me to be in your little videos.“
“That’s something different.“
“Not at all!“
“We’ll talk about this later.“, you ended the discussing while fondly rolling you eyes about your girlfriends teasing.
“Fine.“ Your small dispute attracted some of the drama-loving Matildas.
Mary Fowler looked at you with curious eyes; “Trouble in paradise?“
“Yes, Mary. Obviously.“, Alanna shook her head, laughing. Kyra Cooney-Cross grimaced; “Trouble? No way, that’s our thing.“
Steph Catley shot her an inquisitive look; “What did you do again that we haven’t noticed yet?“
“What are you talking about, Steph?“, Alanna asked.
“Talking about Kyra. I think she was onto some mischief again.“, her fellow defender explained without taking her eyes off the younger player.
“I’m going to bed now. Good night, girls.”, you announced.
“Lani is she still pouting because of the Leila photos or is this just a thing you love to tease eachother with?”, curiously Mary turned to look at your girlfriend, expecting a dramatic reply.
“No, we’re just making fun.”, Alanna reassured the younger forward. 
“You two are such weirdos.”, Steph commented smirking.
Unimpressed by the teasing of the fellow Matilda’s she shook her head:” We’re cute.”
“Sometimes.”, Mary admitted.
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes: “You’re too young to have an opinion.”
“Rude.”, the younger player scoffed playfully.
The evening went on as usually, but Alanna decided to say goodnight to the team because she wanted to see you desperately after your dispute earlier.
When she came into your room you were already laying on the hotel bed, the only thing you were wearing was an old jersey of your girlfriend which was big enough on you to cover all the important parts. “Hi love.”, you hummed.  
Noticing your sleeping clothes Alanna lifted an eyebrow:” What are you trying to do?”
“These are my normal sleeping clothes.”, you answered innocently.
“You never sleep in my jersey.”, the Mancity player remarked. 
“Okay, fine, maybe I wanted to show you that I belong to you.”, you sighed.  
The blonde nodded slowly: “I do hope so.”  
“And you belong to me.”, you concluded with a seducing smile.
“I do?”, Alanna asked grinning while letting her eyes glance over your whole figure taking it all in.  
“Yes.”, you replied confidently, now looking at her the same way she did a few seconds ago.  
“I see.” cheekily she took your camera from the nightside table, I think it’s time for a couple photo.”
“Fair enough, through the mirror?”, you suggested beaming.
Shrugging her shoulders, Alanna agreed to it: “Fine. If you want it artsy.”  
“I do.”, you told her.
“Of course you do.”, the defender smirked at you. 
After a couple of tries to take the photos, you looked up to her:” Thanks, it turned out really cute, don’t you think?”
“Yes, I love it.”, she said equally satisfied with the photos and the pretty picture you two made together.
For a moment your girlfriend hesitated before adding:” Can we post it?”
“Great.”, Alanna kissed you, afterwards she quickly posted it, the rest of the evening her focus was entirely on you.
The next day you were back taking photos of the Matilda’s during their training.
“Look who’s coming now.”, Hayley nodded in the direction from where Mackenzie, Alanna and Caitlin were arriving on the pitch side.
Immediately you were blushing, remember the night you had with the blonde defender, while taking a photo of the trio:” Name a better trio, Hayley. I’m waiting.”
“The powerpuff girls.”, the forward laughed. 
Jumping on to your back Kyra almost screamed into your ears:” Charli, Mini and me!”
“Nirvana.”, Ellie giggled.
“I shouldn’t have asked.”, you mumbled but couldn’t help to smile at all the answers the player had given.
“Don’t forget the Jonas brothers.”, Charli winked at you while pulling the young Arsenal midfielder away from you.  
“I’ll make this the next random question for a video.”, decided.
The Tottenham player immediately supported your idea:” You should.”
Meanwhile Alanna was hugging you from behind, whispering:” As long as you think we’re the best trio.”
“Always.”, you replied, turning around to kiss your girlfriend on her lips ignoring the howling noises Caitlin and Mackenzie made.
You were never more certain that you and Alanna belonged together.
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trulyhblue · 4 months
If you write for her, I will not be opposed to a Kerstin Casparij one because I have the biggest fattest crush on her. Maybe a fan keeps showing up in the fanzone (an area of the Joie stadium where a selected few are allowed to meet the players, but it's random each time and should make it so its different every time so everyone gets a go.) And nobody knows why she's there or how she keeps getting chosen but the players find it funny and make sure to get round to her every time. But Kerstin always spends a particularly long amount of time with her, until it's revealed that she's pulling strings and getting the girl in every time just so she can see her. (You can either do it where she does it because she likes her or because they're dating, it works with both and I'm not sure which one I want more.)
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Kerstin Casparji x Reader, Lauren Hemp x Platonic! Reader, Esme Morgan x Platonic! Reader, Man City WT x Reader.
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, established secret relationship
A/N — Thank you for this request!! Love it so much. Will definitely write more for Kerstin if anyone is willing to send in some requests!!!!!
You had met Kerstin in a bakery down the road from your house. When you first saw each other, the woman nearly tripped over her own feet. You were surprised by the shock on her face like she was starstruck by being in a metre of your presence. You gave her a friendly smile, hoping your open ambiguity would keep things humble.
It was during your final exams, the ones where you needed to pass so that you could continue your degree. You were very passionate about what you did, and sitting down in a quiet coffee shop with your headphones on and books open was your idea of being productive.
Kerstin, on the other hand, had the impression that you didn't want to talk to her.
Which, well, to be honest, you were in the middle of studying, but you gave no clear indication of what she thought you were thinking.
Instead of going about her day — she should've been at training twelve minutes ago, but it was only media day so they could wait — she slowly sauntered closer to where you sat, pretending to be interested in the decorative flowers that embellished the cafe. You watched her out of the corner of your eye, smiling at her piss-poor attempt in remaining discreet.
You were dressed in very basic clothing, similar to hers save for the Manchester symbol embedded on her jumper. Only one ear was covered by your headphones, meaning that Kerstin would be heard loud and clear if she plucked up the courage to speak to you — which she was trying to do now. She thought you were the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen, and she was surrounded by women almost every single day of her life. You looked extremely immersed in what you were doing, which should of been an indicator of apathy but it only lured Kerstin in more.
She wanted to know everything about you. Your name, you favourite colour, what you did, what you loved, who you loved—
It sounded a bit creepy, so she shook off her thoughts and focused deeply on the flowers. The woman was staring at her screen distantly, aimlessly typing away on the keyboard with a mug by her side.
When she realised you had caught her staring, she buried and swallowed down her pride. “They are nice flowers, don't you think?” She asked, her cheeks burning a vibrant red as if she had just run a marathon. You noticed her accent, one that wasn't accustomed to Manchester, and nodded like you cared about the topic.
“Yes, but I think they are fake.” You replied, smiling wider as the woman’s flustered state only grew in size when she caught sight of the very fake-looking plants.
“Oh.” She gulped, shoving her hands into her pockets. She's so stupid, she thought to herself, she’d blown her chance of even talking to this gorgeous stranger by talking about some stupid, fake plants.
You wondered whether the woman would continue the conversation she started, but the silence that followed was a pretty good indicator that she was audibly stumped on what to say.
“They are pretty, though.”
“Like you,” Kerstin spoke without thinking and instantly regretted it. She slapped her hand across her mouth, nearly walking out of the coffee shop, packing her bags and moving back to the Netherlands. “Fuck, sorry. That just— erm, came out. Sorry.”
You took off your headphones, pretending to act offended, raising your eyebrows and sighing. “You don't mean it?”
“What— no, no, you are so pretty. Like, beautiful, gorgeous. That's why I'm here. Well— yeah, I saw and thought you were pretty. I didn't mean it like that. You're probably smart, too, but— erm, yeah.”
The look of remorse almost made you feel bad, but your amusement — and somewhat endearment — overturned your hesitancy.
Instead, you laughed, took a sip of your drink and smiled, hoping it would calm the woman’s nerves.
“You worry too much.” You said, moving across the booth you were sitting on, offering the space beside you for her to sit down. She did so without delay. “I'm not someone you should waste your worry on.”
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” Kerstin answered wholeheartedly, pleased when she noticed the blush that dusted your cheeks. “I would rather worry about you than anything else for the rest of my life.”
You laughed, crossing your arms over your chest. “You don't even know me.”
With a push of confidence, Kerstin wrapped an arm over the back of the booth, scarcely missing your shoulder. “If you’d let me, I’d like to.”
It was from there that you and Kristen started to hang out.
Seven months had passed, and you were now completely and utterly in love with the woman. Kerstin was an externally affectionate person despite her introverted persona. She loved showering you with compliments, giving you everything you needed at exactly the right time with just the right amount of love and devotion.
You found out she was a football player pretty early on in your relationship due to the tight and busy schedule the girl had, including her diet, exercise, and all of that. You weren't a massive football fan, but going to your first game a week into knowing Kerstin made it seem to find a way into your heart.
Your girlfriend wasn't the only one to give compliments. You had your fair share in making sure the Dutch woman knew how much you were enamoured with everything she did. It took you a while to get used to her career and the publicity that came with it, but you found pleasure in knowing that once you got back to your shared apartment you could tell and show her just how much she made you feel so so proud.
It was in mutual agreeance that you both wanted to keep your relationship under wraps. Your feelings for one another and how you cared for each other were one of the highest concerns in your relationship, and by keeping your love between yourselves, you've found that it worked better overall. You didn't want to indulge in a media presence, and Kerstin respected that.
Kerstin was fine with putting herself out onto social media, but when it came to you, she wanted to make sure you were comfortable at all times.
Because of this, you both came to the decision that at games, you wouldn't sit within the family and friends section, and instead, in the crowd with the fans.
You were among the group of fans that were guaranteed to meet the players after the match, whether it be cause they paid more or if they were chosen randomly by officials. For many weeks, people just assumed that they were lucky or could just afford to pay the extra money to be seated in the same section. Both you and Kerstin found it amusing when fans would wonder why you were always the first one to be greeted, or why you knew her.
After a month of this recurring theme, some of Kerstin’s teammates started to notice.
Surprisingly, Lauren, who wasn't the most observant, caught sight of it first.
“Do you know her?” She asked Kerstin after a game against Everton, watching the Dutchie make eye contact with you from where they were signing shirts.
Kerstin looked at Hempo, a blush running across the bridge of her nose.
Shrugging, she thanked the last fan, handing back the pen. “She's a friend of mine.”
Lauren’s eyebrows furrowed. “Then why isn't she in the friends and family section?”
When Kerstin didn't instantly reply, silenced by the prodding questions she was receiving, a distant idea clicked in Lauren’s mind.
“She's your girlfriend?” She sounded, obviously a little too loudly since the Dutch international nudged her warningly.
“Alright, nosey, keep your voice down.” She snapped, pulling the girl away from the crowd. “You can't tell anyone, alright. It's still pretty new.”
Lauren’s eyes widened in alarm, not exactly thrilled with the commitment of keeping a secret. “Does Jill know?”
“Why would Jill know?”
“I don't know, I didn't think I’d be the first person to find out,” Hempo replied, looking back at you. “Can I tell someone?”
Kerstin’s eyebrows furrowed. “I just said you can't.”
“Yes, I know, but I'm terrible at keeping secrets,” Lauren whined. “Please, let me tell Jill, at least.”
“No, because Jill will tell Viv and Viv will tell Beth, and Beth will tell literally everyone.” She quipped, only half-heartedly digging at the Arsenal girls. She watched Hemp sigh like a child, looking down as if the burden of her knowing was too much. “You can tell Esme but that's it.”
That was how the first people found out about you and Kerstin. When she told you that night, you weren't necessarily fazed. It was bound to come out at some point, and you’d rather Kerstin’s teammates find out from her than the internet.
Unfortunately, though, the rest of the girls weren't afforded the same luxury as Esme and Lauren.
All of the girls at Man City couldn't believe their eyes when they found out Kerstin was in love.
Well, to be fair, they weren't quite certain this was true. Lauren and Esme saw it first at the next game against West Ham, watching their teammate smile cheekily at the girl in the stands when she should've been stretching.
Sandy mentioned the Dutch International’s love-sick countenance to some of their teammates over lunch a few weeks later, promoting Hempo and Es to spill their not-so-long-kept confession.
None of the girls knew who Kerstin was talking to — or even if their suspicions were acclimated, but Sandy, Esme, and Lauren all made it their mission to keep their lips closed.
Sandy was the one to come up with the pact, yet the demanding eyes of Roebuck after an endurance training session set her tongue loose.
Lauren wasn't at all happy. Esme ended up spilling the secret to Mary as well, meaning the secret was already spreading across the team.
Meanwhile, fans were growing more and more suspicious of you and how you managed to steal the attention of Kerstin after each and every game.
The media surrounding you two got so big that Kerstin’s national teammate Viv called her one day asking what was going on.
Kerstin knew Lauren and Esme had told at least half the team by then, including Jill, who had run up to you after a game and pretended to flirt with you just to annoy her teammate. Viv was quick to point out that if she wanted to keep your relationship private, putting you in the midst of cameras and media attention wasn't the most suitable option.
You ended up deciding that if you were to stay in the crowd, both of you needed to be willing to make your relationship more public.
It had been seven months of concealing your obvious love for one another. Pretty much the whole team knew about you, and it only took fans a quick video of the two of you looking at each other to piece the clues together. You were both mature enough to keep your private lives private and social lives up to your discretion.
You made the decision to share very minimal parts of your lives together without spelling it out. This meant that you could hug your girlfriend for that little while longer in front of everyone. You could kiss her and not look around to see if anyone was looking. You could tell yourself that Kerstin was yours and you were hers.
But you didn't need public knowledge to make you feel loved by her.
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kerstincasparji — bit of a charmer ✨
viviannemiedema — ❤️
laurenhemp — love that bakery
*liked by kerstincasparji and yourusername
esmemorgan — busy girls
^ wosofan — SHE KNOWS
maryfowler — 🐐
user23 — is she dating the fan??
^ manchestergirl — if you mean the girl in the stand then yeah I think so
jillroord — ew cooties
^ viviannemiedema — shush
^ jillroord — no 😍
user7 — why does she sit in the stands and not in the family and friends section
^ laurenhemp — that's what I said 🫢
yourusername — charmer, huh?
^ kerstincasparji — idk, some pretty girl called me it
^ yourusername — didn't you call her beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, talented, incredible, out of this world
^ kerstincaslarji — she likes to think so.
^ user12 — IS THIS HER??????
^ arsenalwosoxx — THEY HIT THE PENTAGON
385 notes · View notes
katiemccabeswife · 5 months
Daddy Issues
Biv Meadema x Teen!Reader || The Christmas break was ruined by your Dad's anger issues but Beth and Viv are there to pick up the pieces of your broken heart.
4.9k words (proud ✊🏼)
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You were more than happy to be back in dreary London after the Christmas break, which was abnormal because you loved your home country and having Christmas with your family.
This Christmas had been a good one, after a couple years of cold and rainy summers, Australia had finally had a cracker of a summer and for the first time in years, the lead-up to Christmas actually felt like Christmas again.
You always loved getting to be home with your family and being able to go to the beach every day and this year was no different. Christmas day was wonderful, it started with a swim at the beach and was followed by a beautiful lunch filled with laughter and joy from friends and family.
Your relationship had always been a bit rocky. Sometimes you got on like a house fire, poking fun at your sister together and doing work around the house but other times you got on like cats and dogs. Your mum had always said that you two were too alike and that’s why you fought as much as you did. But it was also known within the four walls of your house that your Dad could be bipolar at times and had an explosive temper and should definitely be in some sort of program for his anger issues that seemed to come out of nowhere.
It was a few days after Christmas and only a few days were left before left to go back to London. You and your Dad were joking like usual and everything seemed fine, until it wasn’t.
You had some family friends over and you guys had just started a game of poker when your Dad asked you to go clean up the kitchen.
“Dad, we literally just started. I’ll do it after, don’t worry,” You weren’t facing him so you couldn’t see his unamused face and took his silence as a silent agreement.
Not even five minutes later he asked you again, “Alright. Now go do the dishes, Y/N,” He said sternly. You had an ongoing joke between the two of you where he would pretend to be stern about something and you would jokingly say ‘No’ right before getting up to go and do whatever he had asked of you. As you were still facing away from him and knew he could see you were still engaged in the game of poker, you assumed he was only joking.
“No,” You giggled slightly and so did the others around the table, “I’m almost out anyways, I’m running out of candy canes,” You joke as candy canes had been the substitution for money.
He only became more consistent with his asking and it was starting to piss you off. You weren’t very good at gambling and were trying to focus and his nagging was throwing you off.
Once you finally got out, first by the way, you were getting up to go and clean the kitchen when your Dad once again asked you to go and do exactly that, “What does it look like I’m doing?” You were fed up with his nagging and your voice portrayed that and the others around the table picked up on it.
“Someone’s mad they lose,” Your sister called out to you.
“Don’t be mad just because you lost!” Your cousin teased.
“Off you go to clean the kitchen,” One of your Dad's mates called out.
“Don’t be mad that you lost!” Your Dad called out which was the final straw for you.
“I’m not mad about losing, I’m pissed off because you’re sitting right behind me asking to clean the kitchen every 5 seconds when you can clearly see that I was in the middle of a game!” You can understand why your Mum says you and your Dad were so alike, but to be fair, he was extremely annoying with his constant nagging behind you.
After making your way inside and to the kitchen you began cleaning but were soon interrupted by your father storming into the kitchen pervaded with anger, "How fucking dare you?" You turned around and saw him making his way over to you.
You thought he was joking in the way you two had been for the past week you spent together, "What?" Your tone held an essence of humour to cover the genuine confusion.
"Get the fuck out!" Your father screamed at you.
"What!" You screamed in confusion as your entire body filled with dread and fear.
"After everything we've done for you! Get the fuck out!" You were trembling with fear when he stepped closer to you, held your arm with one hand and raised his other. You coward away from the large man you recognised as your father.
You ducked under his arm, picked up your keys and ran out of the house and towards your car. You got in and sat in silence for a moment before a wave of sadness washed over your body like a cold shower and you began to sob. You held your hands over your face and cried, you cried like you did when you were 7 years old and didn't finish your dinner because you were sick and your Dad yelled at you just like he had just now, like you did when you were 14 and stood up for your sister who was too scared to and your Dad's face was just as angry as it was a few minutes ago, just like you did when you were 16 and talked back to your Dad, fed up with his borderline misogynistic comments and you were almost as scared of him as you were right now.
You cried because you were scared your father was going to hit you. Your Dad always had a temper and exploded from time to time but never had he ever grabbed you and never had you genuinely believed he was going to hit you. Your hands were shaking and your chest hurt as you couldn't take in a full breath of air and your head was beginning to hurt from crying so hard. You were 19 years old and still crying over your Dad.
After 15 minutes of crying your heart out you started your car and went on a drive. You drove to the beach and took out the towel that was still in your car from your trip earlier that day and you walked towards the water. The waves had calmed and were no longer crashing into the shore with great force but softly rolled through the water and flattened against the sand with grace. You set down your towel and stripped from your clothes, thanking yourself for staying in your bikini all day and walked into the water.
You dove under the water and relished in the calmness and quietness you felt swimming. Once you'd swam out until you couldn't touch you moved to float on your back, closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You floated there numbly for at least 20 minutes before you got out and wrapped yourself in your towel. You sat in the sad, silent tears rolling down your cheeks as you watched the sun dip below the horizon. Once the light had been stripped from the sky you walked back to your car before the light of an ice cream shop caught your eyes.
You treated yourself to a double-scooped waffle cone and sat down outside the shop, looking over the beach you could barely make out. You knew how your Father would act if you went back home, he would ignore you, pretend you didn't exist and not talk to you until he felt better and after that time was up you would have to pretend nothing happened. You always did so because he was your father, your best friend at times and how could you not forgive him for screaming in your face?
You were grown now though and you weren't going to pretend this never happened and you decided that you weren't going to talk to him until he apologised. You knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon so, you got out your phone and booked a flight back to London.
Once you had finished your ice cream it was well into the night and you had a flight to catch in 6 hours so you went back to pack your things.
You thought that everyone would have left by now and your family would be asleep but by the number of familiar cars littered through the street and the lights still on in your house, you knew that was not the case. You took a deep breath before walking into the house, keeping your head held high but not making eye contact with anyone. You walked straight past the living room ignoring the calls of your name and headed straight to your childhood room.
You were putting the few things that were spread around back into your suitcase when your Mum walked in, "Y/N, what happened honey?"
You tried to contain your tears as you turned to look at your Mum but as soon as you started speaking, the floodgates opened and you sobbed again, "I thought he was going to hit me," You said through the tears and your mother took you into her arms, securing your head with one hand, the other rubbing up and down your back to comfort you.
"I'm sorry, y/n/n, I'm sorry, but you know that you shouldn't push your father like that," You ripped yourself out of her hold and stared at her in betrayal, "You two are too similar, it's only a matter of time before joking become reality and laughing becomes crying. You know he has a temper, you need to be careful. I also think you should be the bigger person and apologise." She said. Whilst you didn't blame your mother for your father's actions a part of you despised how she always sat and watched you and your sister cry while he yelled at you two minutes after laughing with you.
You turned around silently zipped up your suitcase and walked to leave, "Where are you going, baby?"
You faced her with fresh tears born from anger, " I am leaving, I'm going back to London because I shouldn't have to 'be careful' around my own Dad. You know how fucked that is!? I shouldn't have to be the bigger person! He's a grown man, he needs to learn to regulate his fucking feelings and act like it!" You had never shouted at your Mum and you barely ever swore around her but you were tired of her picking your Dad's side over yours.
She tried to reach out to you but you brushed past her slightly and walked out the door. You should have been the bigger person and left silently but you heard your Dad laugh in the living so you left your suitcase at the door and walked to where your Dad sat. You walked straight up to him with a straight face, flung your middle finger into his direction and said, "Fuck you, you fucking pussy." You walked straight out the door and didn't hear a word from anyone in the house.
You spent the entire 24-hour trip back to London reflecting on the past day and what it meant for the future of the relationship with your parents. You knew your Mum just wanted to be the mediator and that your Dad was too stubborn to apologise. You also knew that you were going to stick to your word and not speak to your parents until they apologised. You also grieved the relationship with your father as you knew that it would never be the same ever again. It was one thing that he grabbed you and then he had to restrain himself from actually hitting you.
You grieved for the little girl who just wanted to please her father, who wished she was a boy because your Dad often talked about how much he wanted one. He was the reason you started football. Girls didn't really play it, it was seen as something only boys should be doing, so you cut your hair and signed up for the local club. He came to every game and cheered you on and after a good game he'd say to you, "Who needs a son when I've got you," It seemed like a nice statement but looking back on it, it really messed with you.
It was only when you moved out and overseas to play for Arsenal at 17 that you realised that your Dad really wasn't the best guy and an even worse Father. Albeit that you never said or did anything about it because you thought of all those kids whose Dad hit them or left them when they were young and reminded yourself that you were lucky.
But now, after 2 years of living by yourself and a therapy session here and there you realised that just because other kids had it worse didn't mean that what you went through was ok or that you didn't deserve to be treated the way you were.
When you landed and got your luggage it was 8 in the morning and you felt your phone buzzing in your hand. Beth was calling you and you weren't sure if you should answer but you knew she would worry if you didn't so you headed to the nearest bathroom and answered her Facetime, "Hey, Beffy," Your voice was a little hoarse from crying and you hoped Beth wouldn't pick up on how red your eyes were.
Beth smiled at you, "Hey chicky," She must have noticed that you were hiding in a bathroom, "What you doing?" She questioned.
"Umm," You hesitated, "I'm in the bathroom... In the airport," You said sheepishly.
Beth's smile dropped and her face took up a concerned look, "Why are you at the airport? Which one?"
You picked at your nails, anxious to tell her where you were and scared she would ask why, "London," You almost whispered.
"Oh," She looked really concerned now, "Do you want me to come pick you up?"
You shook your head quickly not wanting to be a nuisance, "It's alright thank you, I've ordered an Uber," You smiled slightly at the thoughtfulness of your friend.
"Well, why don't you come over for breakfast. I want to hear all about your holiday and I can even get Vivi to make the special waffles you like?" She was so hopeful you couldn't deny her offer and you really wanted Viv's special waffles.
"Yeah ok, I'll be there around 9? Is that alright?" Anxiety pulled at your chest at the thought of telling her and Viv about what happened with your Dad.
"Perfect, I'll see you soon, chicky!" You smiled and hung up the phone. You walked out of the cubicle and splashed water on your face to try and even out your breathing.
"Fucking idiot."
Thanking the Uber you rushed up the stairs towards Viv and Beht's place eager to fill your hungry stomach although once you'd got to the door you hesitated to knock. You checked your eyes in your phone camera and concluded that you could blame the slight redness and puffiness from sleeping and hayfever (it seemed you had hayfever all the time and the girls always made fun of your sneezes and even kept count, each time urging you to beat your 'high score').
You took a deep breath to release the hold anxiety seemed to have on your heart before knocking on the door. You instantly heard Myle and Rona barking and the sound and smiled, now excited to play with the puppies.
"Y/N/N! Oh, my little chicky," You were immediately wrapped in a hug from the girl and whilst reciprocating it you felt the urge to cry taking over you once again but you had cried enough for a long time and told yourself to suck it up.
"Hi, Beffy," Your voice was muffled from you pressing it into the crook of Beth's neck.
Beth waited for you to release the hug (she seemed to have a sense of when people needed a hug) and when you did she took your face between her hands, "How have you been, y/n/n?" She asked worriedly.
You smiled sadly at her, "I'm alright, thanks, how are you?"
Beth didn't seem convinced but knew you were aware you could talk to her at any time and if you weren't ready, she would wait, "I am even better now that you are here!" She exclaimed before taking your suitcase in one hand and your hand in her other and dragged you into the house, "Oh, Vivi! I've just gotten a very special delivery!" She turned back and winked at you but continued to lead you to the kitchen.
"Y/N/N!" Viv said with mock enthusiasm, trying to match Beth's with great difficulty with it being early in the morning.
You met her in the middle and gave her a hug, knowing she was joking and that she wasn't a morning person, "Hi, Vivi," You greeted.
Once you broke out of the hug you sheepishly looked to the waffle machine and back to Viv who caught on to your looks, "They'll be 'bout 2 minutes. I know two fluffy little girls who would love to see you," She egged on and you quickly went to find the puppies.
Once you spotted them you dropped to your knees and soon you had two dogs jumping on you and licking your face, "Hello Miss Rona and hello Miss Myle! How are we today my girls!" You spoke in a baby voice and continued to talk to the dogs as if they were such, oblivious to the conversation happening in the kitchen.
"Is she alright? She looks like she's been crying. And wasn't she supposed to come back in another 4 days?" Viv questioned.
Beth sighed and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, "I don't know what's up but she definitely has been crying and I bet that would explain why she's back so early. When I called she looked like she'd only just stopped crying, I don't know what happened," She looked desperately at Viv. Beth and Viv were unofficially your step-in parents whilst you were in London or wherever you travelled with Arsenal. Beth was a second Mum to you and she took her role very seriously, always checking if you'd had a good sleep and what you had for dinner and if neither of you had plans she would always invite you over for dinner and a movie.
Viv was your unofficial 'Dad' as you'd claimed and would come over to your apartment to fix anything that needed to be done and give you piggyback rides when you were 'too tired' to walk, "Do you want to ask after breakfast? I don't want her to feel overwhelmed, maybe I'll take Myle and Rona for a walk and you could talk to her then?"
Beth nodded, "Yeah alright, I'll do that," She agreed with a sad face.
Viv noticed the look and hugged her again, "She'll be alright, she's with us now, yeah?"
"I just worry about her when she goes home. I miss her as well," She took a deep breath and put on a brave face when you walked in with Rona and Myle on her heels.
"Umm, I think the waffles are done?" You pointed to the waffle iron that was lightly smoking.
Viv rushed over and took out the waffles that were only slightly burned around the edges, "Crispy edges give them more flavour," she told you when she put them in front of you.
You looked up at her in amusement, "Of course, Vivi," You joked while adding your choice of toppings.
You, Beth and Viv conversed lightly over breakfast about your trip home and what you got up to whilst in Australia. You told them what you did with a smile on your face but they both noticed how it didn't stretch as far as usual and how you talked as if your parents hadn't been there at all albeit you staying in their house.
"Right, y/n/n you can go get yourself sorted in the spare room. You are staying tonight," Beth ordered jokingly to which you smiled and nodded in agreement, not really wanting to be alone for another night, "Vivi's gonna walk the puppies and I'll clean up." She clapped her hands and everyone spread off to their 'assignments'.
As Viv was a very clean cook Beth's cleaning was more or less tidying and she quickly joined you in the spare bedroom, "Hey chicken," She spoke softly when she walked in and noticed you staring at the wall looking crestfallen.
You smiled as brightly as you could, "Hi Beffy, sorry I got distracted. I'm a little bit jet-lagged," You waved off, "Do you need help cleaning the kitchen?"
Beth joined you on the bed, "It's all sorted don't worry sweetheart. How you feeling?" She questioned looking you deep in the eyes.
Her stare was so loving and concerned that it made that stupid feeling of crying come back, "I'm fine? You?" Your voice was slightly off as you had a lump in your throat but tried to play it off.
Beth sighed as she didn't want to press you but had to know what was going on with you, "Chick..." She spoke softly and you had to turn your head so she wouldn't see your eyes filling with tears.
She placed a hand on your shoulder and rubbed it gently and you couldn't hold it anymore, your hands came to cover your face and you brought your knees up to your chest and sobbed loudly.
"Oh, honey, no," Beth hated seeing anyone cry but you had a special place in her heart which hurt her even more. She moved your head to be on her shoulder and your legs to lay across her own. She rocked slightly and continued to rub your back. You were hysterical at this point, the comfort Beth was bringing you reminded you of your mother which reminded you of her taking your father's side which brought on another loud sob from deep in your chest.
Beth had to lift your head from her neck to make sure you could get enough oxygen and wouldn't pass out, "Honey, I know it's hard but I need you to take a deep breath for me please," She grabbed your water bottle from the nightstand and gave it to you and you clung to it like a lifeline.
You truly were trying to calm yourself but you couldn't stop crying and you couldn't get enough air to your lungs which was starting to hurt and you began to cough and gag. "Lovely, what's going on?" Beth was extremely concerned you were going to pass out.
After another minute of coughing and gagging you managed to get enough air into your lungs and nestled your head back into Beth's neck and she took your body back into her arms, "I thought he was going to hit me," You cried out as if the words caused you physical pain.
Beth was shell-shocked from the words that came out of your mouth but quickly recovered to comfort you. "Your dad?" She questioned as you had confided in her before about his temper.
You nodded and whimpered slightly as you had calmed down and were no longer audibly sobbing, "And mum," The thought of your mother made you sob again and it took you another minute to rein it back in all whilst Beth sat there patiently waiting for you to talk.
You managed a deep breath and Beth wiped your face free of tears although they were quickly replaced with new ones, "My dad got really angry and then he grabbed my arm and he had his fist up," You cried, "I thought he was going to hit me!" You sobbed.
Beth shook her head and cooed, "Did he?"
You shook your head and Beth relaxed slightly, "And then mum said- she said that I should know better than to push his buttons and that I needed to be careful and that I should apologise!" You weren't the only one who was angry now but Beth had to contain hers to continue to comfort you.
Beth shook her head, "That's not ok, y/n/n, it's not and I am so sorry you had to go through that and I'm glad that you told me, thank you for trusting me,"
You nodded sadly, "I love you Beffy," And you collapsed into her hold and cried silently as she rocked you.
"I love you too, chick, did you leave straight after that?" She questioned wanting to get a better idea of how quickly you left.
She felt you shake your head 'no', "I drove off to the beach and then got myself an ice cream and booked the flight. And once I got home, that's when mum said all that stuff but I'd already packed my bag so I went to leave but my dad was in the living room and he was laughing. I don't know what he was laughing at but it made me so angry so I went and called him a 'fucking pussy'," You both giggled slightly at it, you weren't known to swear and it always sounded weird coming from your mouth.
"I'm proud of you, sweets," Beth kissed the top of your head.
You nodded into her chest, "Thank you, for being here for me" You spoke quietly. Beth continued to rock you and had to look to the ceiling to stop herself from crying. She looked down when she heard quiet snoring coming from you and laid you down against the pillow and laughed quietly at you hugging your water bottle.
She had walked into the kitchen before she started crying. She didn't know how long she'd been standing there crying until two sets of paws jumped at her thighs and when she looked up she saw Viv's concerned face.
Viv dropped the leads on the kitchen counter and gently took hold of Beth's arms, "What's happened? Where's y/n?" She questioned quickly.
Beth sobbed quietly, "She- and her dad- oh and then her mum-," She couldn't get a full sentence out so after holding her in her arms to calm her down, Viv gave her a glass of water.
They had moved to the couch which was where Beth explained the whole story to Viv who was extremely concerned, "And she was crying so hard she was coughing and gagging. Vivi, I was so scared she'd pass out and oh her little face! I don't know how I kept it together!" She outraged quietly, acknowledging the fact that you were asleep down the hall.
Viv once again held Beth, just like she had you, "I can't believe it. I've met him and he seemed lovely. I mean I know they didn't always get along but I never thought it was that bad," She spoke in disbelief.
Beth nodded and was significantly more calm than she had been previously, "She's sleeping now. God, she must be exhausted. I feel so bad for her, my poor little chicken," Beth pouted at the thought of your sad face.
"I know, love, but she's here now, right? She is safe and she's sleeping, it'll be ok," Viv consoled.
"Yeah," Beth nodded dejectedly.
Once you woke up you checked your phone and realised you'd slept for 5 hours but it felt like you could sleep for an eternity. You didn't feel up to talking to the girls yet so you opened your phone and scrolled through Instagram for a while. Most of the Arsenal girls had posted photo dumps of the year and you smiled every time you saw yourself in one and when you saw the girl's comments. Beth and Viv's photo dumps warmed your heart. You appeared in almost all of the photos and laughed when you saw Katie's comment.
katie_mccabe11 might aswell adopt y/n/n now, hey?
You felt so loved and warmed that you decided to post your own.
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liked by stephcatley, lliawaelti and others
yourusername eternally grateful for my girls, i love you all ❤️ happy new year!
view 567 comments
kyracooneyx awe stop it you sap 🤭
alannakennedy love ya darls 🩷
leahwilliamsonn my favourite chick 🐥
bethmead_ love you chicken ❤️
Once you had plucked up the energy to head outside you were met with Viv and Beth tucked under a blanket with Netflix loaded on the screen in front of them and a variety of your favourite snacks on the table.
"Hey, y/n/n," Viv noticed you first and Beth quirked up at the sound of your name.
You were standing sheepishly in the hall with one of your pant legs pushed up to your knee, your hair a mess and your water bottle between your arms. Beth cooed at the sight of you, "Come over here chick," She moved over so you would sit between her and Viv.
"Any movie suggestions?" Viv asked teasingly, knowing which movie you would want to watch.
You smiled at her and leaned against Beth, "Grown Ups?" You offered and Viv snickered at the choice, it being your go-to movie.
"Of course," She put it on and whilst you could recite the entire movie off by heart you were still upset that you missed most of it but blamed Beth running her hands through your hair and Viv rubbing your lower legs for putting you to sleep, somewhere where you felt safe, warm and loved.
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avaf00rd · 5 months
little shits
kyra Cooney-cross x teen!Reader (platonic)
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why is posting my first fic embarassinggg…
anywho enjoy this piece of shit. I’ll open my requests and try to write as much as I can. Luv u all xxx
You were kind of out of it though as Caitlin was trying to mouth something to you further up the gym with her hands, you put your hands up in shrug towards her, but from the conversation in front of you you heard something along the lines of “if you don’t” and Kyra saying “deal”.
“Got that y/n?” Beth grinned at you
“yup!” You quickly said before running over to Caitlin who was motioning you to help her with something.
You had lost a bet. You were reminded by Kyra that you “weren’t supposed to do anything stupid towards anyone in the team for a week” 8 days later she shrieked at you as she was changing into her swimmers in the bathroom of the locker room.
And that’s where you found yourself, In the 15 degree London weather, you were being dragged by Beth, Jen and Katie who just wanted to see this play out, down to the ocean. As you all walked down to the cool air of the beach you shrieked at the harsh breeze “nup” you said as you started running back but was caught by Katie “bets a bet” she giggled grabbing you and dragging you down the beach.
You and kyra took off both of your jumpers as you looked at each other, regret filling your eyes. There were some lunatic surfers in long wetsuits, none like the ones back home in Australia but if you were honest you were terrible with cold water. Beth pulled out her phone to camera when Jen gave Kyra a light shove towards the water, she didn’t move though.
“Ok let’s be quick” you started walking down, just ready to get it over with, a shivering mess once you got down. You noticed the 21 year old was no longer behind you but was being carried over the shoulder by the tall Jen Beattie. Your jaw hit the flor as she was completely thrown into the water head first, with Jen now in the water too. “Okay giant” you giggled as Jen quickly ran out of the water but looking back to yell at you.
“Five whole Minutes!” was screamed from the top.
“Nah it was two!” You exclaimed as Beth shook her head with a grin. You were still only up to about your bellybutton in the ice-like water. That was until ‘little shit no. 2’ jumped on your back causing your head to be pushed under water. The cold water feeling absolutely hell-like on your skin. “KYRA!” You screamed as you came back up again, knowing she was done she started swimming away fast. Though luckily you were a fast swimmer, you caught up to her and completely dunked her.
On the shore, Katie, Beth and Jen slowly started to go ankle-deep into the water to feel the temperature for themselves. “Christ that’s worse than an ice bath” Beth exclaimed quickly before removing her feet from the water.
“They are gonna turn into ice” Jen said
“Or worse completely taken out by a shark” Katie said, as Beth’s face rose with concern. “Wait how much time left?
“It’s been up for about a minute now” Beth said “you two out you come!” she yelled running up to grab your towels.
But of course, you and the slightly older girl were in your own world once again. Trying to drown each other while laughing your heads off.
On a slightly chilly December weekend, you had broke the curse. You and your teammates had smashed Chelsea with a wicked 5-1 and you couldn’t be more excited, your were a striker, quite a significant one for the team, and had managed to slot in a goal in the extra time just minutes before the final whistle. As that whistle went you jumped straight to Caitlin buzzing with excitement before Alessia joined your two by jumping on your back. As you went around to all your other teammates.
You made eye contact with Leah as she quickly went on to the field, the twenty-six year old meant so much to you since joining at the club, so you sprinted into her arms. “Lee!”
“Your goal was incredible I’m so proud of you tiny!!” You grinned at the nickname the team gave you and the fact that she was proud of you. She motioned for a piggy back to you when you were put down, when you jumped on her again she started sprinting towards the rest of the team you saw Kyra talking to vic with her back to you when Leah had come to a stop you tried to jump onto Kyra’s back straight from Leah’s but failed miserably when Kyra was completely knocked down long with Vic and you. Kyra’s funny bone hit your head which she squealed in pain. Nothing serious though.
And just like all the girls around knew that a child’s fight would break out between the two of you, you got up and started running backwards away from her. She started to chase you as you were laughing your guts off. You and Kyra were absolute toddlers anytime everywhere as the crowd and team completely stopped and watched in amusement.
‘Harps!” You squealed as the Gorry toddler jumped into your arms in the lobby of the Hotel. You noticed most of the team standing around chatting as all the ‘London Aussies’ piled into the building.
“I missed you!” Her tiny voice exclaimed which made your heart melt. “I missed you heaps!”
You and Harper got along beautifully, she was like your little sidekick when at camp, the girl would not dare to leave your side the whole two weeks. Steph laughed with Mini behind you, greeting each other and laughing how you left your bags stranded right near the bus when you saw the small girl, Steph having to wheel them in.
“Mins!” You smiled as you gave her a warm hug.
After more hugs and hello’s were exchanged you all headed up to your respective rooms. Since it was only around lunch time you had a small meeting with Tony but were then allowed ‘chill out time’ before dinner and bed time. You, Mackenzie, Alanna and Caitlin were sitting on bean bags in the main room talking about random things and your Christmas plans. When Charli was completely thrown onto your head from behind.
“Ow” you laughed.
“Kyra!” Charli said towards the girl that was pushed onto you.
“Little shit” you mumbled
“Oi you can’t talk miss” Caitlin smirked before quickly going on about your latest stunt you and Kyra pulled together back in London making the other girls laugh. You soon got tired of hearing how good you are at getting away with pranks. As you curiously went to search through a cupboard that had some coloured things peaking out the bottom which amused you. You opened it to find random things from craft kits to movie projectors. You started to move things a little as you crouched down to find more. That’s when you pulled out a large white karaoke machine laying on it’s side, it was beyond you on how it got in there and managed to fit.
“What’s that?” Macca asked as you stood it up-right once it was pulled out. You didn’t reply as you smirked at Kyra who knew exactly what it was. “Awesome” Macca sarcastically said after no reply from you.
For backstory, you and Alessia found one in a room at your training grounds back in London. And you pair along with Kyra and the help of Leah’s terrible singing completely wore it out as it sparked and suddenly broke. Obviously, the mums of the team like Kim and Viv got mad that you nearly could have sent it up in flames.
“Oh no no no” Steph breathed out as she walked in to see you and Kyra teaching Macca and Alanna how to start it up so they could perform their duet to some random old Justin Bieber sing. “You set this hotel on fire, no blaming me to Kim that I didn’t stop you”.
And that’s how the night ended the whole team gathering around and taking turns in partners to sing away. With you and Kyra taking over the micv for more than half of the songs. “No way” you muttered as it suddenly stopped working.
“You-“ Hayley started and then laughed from where she was laying on the floor watching you.
“They’re cursed I swear” Kyra said as you put your arms up in a shrug towards steph.
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overtrred28 · 6 months
Gnomeo and Juliet | alanna kennedy x reader
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Summary; Two players steal each other's hearts and keep it from everyone because they know how controversial their relationship could be to their club’s rivalry. OR Y/N and Alanna soft launching their relationship over time until they decide to share it. *Features social media posts.*
Pairings; Alanna Kennedy x Manchester United reader
Words; 2.2k
Warnings; swearing (i think that's it)
A/N; i literally love alanna so much and don't think there are enough posts about her so naturally i write one. i just thought this was cute and different from a chealse v arsenal rivalry (though i really love those). enjoy and please give it some love and feedback xx
Lioness star Y/N Y/L/N set to leave her club of four years, Brighton & Hove Albion W.F.C, and join Manchester United W.F.C on a two year contract at the beginning of the 2023/2024 season. 
You had really valued your time at Brighton, starting your senior career there and blossoming into a strong forward for both the club and the England Senior Women’s team, better known as The Lionesses. 
But when the offer from Manchester United came in at the end of last season, you knew it was the right move. Leaving the team you had come to know and love was tough to say the least but the adventure before you sounded a lot more exciting. So during the break before pre-season began, you made the move to Manchester and took a few days to settle into your new home and surroundings. 
Manchester was very different from Brighton; no beach and much bigger city life, but it was a good different. You had found that everything in Manchester was so much closer, and in great reach of your new club and housing. 
You had officially settled into your new home, very quickly making it feel just like your last one, then decided to go exploring through the city. The first thing a person would normally do would probably be going shopping or searching for a new café to become the regular, but you had spotted the Manchester Art Gallery and decided to go in. 
It was quiet, as expected for midday on a Wednesday when most people were at work, but you found it peaceful. It was a break from the regular hustle and bustle of your regular life as a professional footballer. 
It wasn’t until a particular painting caught your eyes that you realised someone else was in there, because you quite literally walked into them. 
“Shit. I’m so sorry.” You apologised quickly to the taller person, picking up their phone you had knocked out of their hand, from the floor. “Here…” Your voice trailed off as you met bright blue eyes while handing them their phone.
“It’s all good, thank you.” The woman met your eyes and she also felt the world pause around her, you were no longer in the gallery but just in a moment of time with each other. 
“Sorry the painting distracted me.” You snapped out of your trance and nodded to the painting on the wall; the story of Romeo and Juliet portrayed on a large canvas. 
“Well it is quite captivating.” Alanna spoke, still looking at you, now at the side of your face as you looked at the painting. 
“It is.” Your eyes fell back to hers and realised she was still staring at you, a slight blush rose to your cheeks, both smiling at each other. “Hi.” You extended your hand out, indicating a handshake. 
“Hi.” She laughed at your chivalry for a second before shaking your hand. “Nice to meet you.” She spoke softly in the quiet gallery.
“You too.” You smiled up at her, quite literally encapsulated by her. 
That was three weeks ago before you decided to get coffee after finishing a self led tour of the gallery, then the conversation kept going and you ended up at dinner together, continuing to learn about one another until the night ended. 
What you didn’t seem to bring up was that you both knew who each other were, but there was a mutual agreement that it didn’t matter. You weren’t professional footballers who had gone up against multiple times in the past at both national and club level, you were just two people who met and wanted to get to know each other. 
Now you were both deep into pre pre-season, you at Man United, her at Man City, and there wasn’t as much time to meet up for fun dates every night, now relying on text messages and late night calls before bed to catch up. 
The first kiss took a while to get to, but boy was it worth it. 
You had both decided to keep whatever this was between the two of you, soaking in the quiet moments shared in one anothers apartments and over long phone calls. It was still labelled a friendship, you both knew you wanted more, both scared of what the other might say if you revealed your feelings. But when you both had a free long weekend, you decided to take Alanna down to Brighton and show her your old home, soaking in the last of the warm weather before winter began to creep in. 
It was the best decision you could have made, relishing in being able to spend time together away from your normal lives. You had rented a small air bnb right near the beach, enjoying the solitude together as you cooked together and watched the sun rise and set each day by the ocean. 
It was on the second night after dinner that she finally made her move, unable to swallow the feelings bubbling inside her. You sat on the beach alone as you waited for Alanna to join, wrapping your arms around yourself to shelter from the cool breeze. 
A blanket had been wrapped around your shoulders and a warm body nuzzled into your side, a small smile on your face as you rested your head on her shoulder, Alanna looking down at you as you watched the waves crash. No words were said for what felt like ages, the only sounds being the waves and the seagulls heading off to bed. 
“Y/N.” Alanna suddenly spoke, a thick Aussie accent breaking the silence. 
“Hmmm.” You hummed in response, keeping your head in its place. 
“I want more than this.” Her statement made you move your head, turning it to meet her blue eyes. 
“More?” You spoke softly. 
“More.” She nodded with a small smile before she moved her hands from her legs, twisting to cup your face before moving closer. You thought she was going to kiss you straight away but her forehead came to rest on yours, both closing your eyes as you basked in the silence. 
“Just kiss me already.” You breathed out and she smiled before closing the gap, joining your lips in a strong kiss. Her hands cupped your face, yours held her waist before trailing up to meet her face. It was passionate but soft, saying so much without any words and your heart grew. 
y/n.y/l/n.. just posted a story
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alannakennedy just posted a story
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Since you were both heavily in the public eye, it was an easy decision for you both to keep this new found relationship to yourselves, not wanting to receive any unwanted attention from the media, fans and even your own teammates. 
You were able to keep it that way for a while, without you guys being on the same national team or at the same club keeping this secret relationship a secret was quite easy. And since no one thought you would even know each other personally, there were no fans sifting through evidence to put two and two together. Of course though, you both wanted to show each other off, you were so happy and so was Alanna, so maybe a soft launch would be best until you decided to go fully public. 
It started small.
y/n.y/l/n.. just posted a story
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alannakennedy made a post
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alanna kennedy almost as good as home
y/n.y/l/n.. made a post
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y/n.y/l/n.. felt like a fairy tale
alannakennedy just posted a story
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Your teammates began to ask about the secretive posts, hammering you about it in the locker rooms at training, Alanna's friends and teammates doing the same.
“When are you going to tell us more about these mystery posts?” Mary had asked Alanna while she was tying her boots before training. Alanna paused for a second before sitting up and looking up at the other Australian. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Alanna simply shrugged with a straight face before standing up and walking away. 
“Oi mate.” Ella Toone had caught your attention as you walked out to the carpark after a late friday night training session. You paused and turned around, waiting for her to catch up, instantly wrapping an arm around your shoulder as she met you. 
“What’s up?” You turned to her as you walked towards your cars.
“Few of us are going round Zelly’s to watch a movie, you in?” She asked with hopeful eyes. 
“Sorry love, got plans.” You apologised, knowing you had a certain blonde already waiting for you at your apartment.
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with a possible mystery woman you refuse to tell us about, would it?” Ella asks with a suggestive smirk, nudging your shoulder as you remain stoic. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You simply shrugged and patted her shoulder as you let go of her, walking to your car door. “Goodnight Tooney.” You waved before getting in and racing home to Alanna, preparing for your own movie night of Gnomeo and Juliet and a weekend spent in each other's arms.
The day had come, the one you and Alanna refused to talk about until the night before.. It was the Manchester derby day. The day every City and United fan had waited for and the one you and Alanna dreaded. 
y/n.y/l/n.. made a post
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y/n.y/l/n.. Derby day. Let's bring it on home red's! ❤️
alannakennedy made a post
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alannakennedy The day we've all be waiting for. Come on blue! 💙
Sure you had come up against each other in the past at both club and national level, but you had yet to do it since being in a relationship together. So it was going to be different this time; harder. You both decided it would be best for your teams if you didn't interact with one another from the moment you joined your teams for the match, and until that final whistle blew.
The plan was going well during the first half of the match; Alanna had started with City in the defensive line and you were sitting on the bench waiting to get subbed on. Katie Zelem had secured the United side a goal through a penalty early on, but City fired back and took the lead 2-1 at halftime. 
You got subbed on for Nikita Parris at the very beginning of half time, taking her place as the left forward and a strong striker. Though this became a slight issue because of who was currently defending the City goal and in charge of blocking your shots at goal; your very own girlfriend. But in that moment you had to act like you didn’t know who she was on a personal level, right now you were just opposing players who both wanted their teams to win. 
It was hard for you both to act like that, stealing glances on the pitch, brushing past each other ever so slightly without anyone noticing too much. You had both been able to get away with this secret relationship so far because you’ve haven’t had to be in the same place yet, but maybe it was time for that to change. 
The final whistle blew and City had won 3-1, your side not being able to score any further goals despite your best efforts. You looked around at all your teammates, defeated looks all over as City celebrated together before exchanging handshakes with the other team. 
You and Alanna had purposefully left each other till last, waiting until you could be alone with each other in a busy and full stadium. You had finally found the blonde Australian and began walking towards her and she finally locked eyes with you. Seconds before you had very different expressions, one filled with happiness and one filled with disappointment. But as soon as you got closer the one expression you both shared was one filled with love, and your heart melted as she brought you straight into a hug rather than a friendly handshake. 
Her hands wrapped around your waist as her slightly taller frame leant down, your hands found their way around her neck before you buried your head in her neck. An instant feeling of warmth and security flowed through both of your bodies as you hugged, Alanna pressing a soft kiss to your neck as she buried her own face in your shoulder. 
Confused looks fell to both sets of teams at the interaction, at first because of the more than friendly hug and second because of the familiarity they could sense between the two of you. 
“I’m so proud of you.” You murmured, still holding tight around Alanna’s neck. 
“You played so well, it was a tough game.” She spoke back instantly, squeezing your waist before slowly pulling back to look at you. You smiled at her as you exited the hug, genuinely happy for her but still very upset your own team couldn’t secure the win like they wanted. 
“You should go celebrate.” You nodded to the City team who gathered in the middle, preparing for their post-match huddle, your team doing the same further down on the pitch, all players still watching the interaction with lost eyes.
“I’ll find you after and we’ll go home together.” Alanna nodded to you, looking down to your now interlocked hands, a small laugh leaving her lips. “This is going to be everywhere tonight.” She looked back up at you as a small smile grew on your face. 
“Definitely.” You laughed too. “Are you okay with that?” You raised a brow at her. 
“Yeah. I’m ready to show off my girl.” She winked playfully at you, now both of you laughing, shaking your head at her before playfully pushing her shoulder and walking over to your team. 
y/n.y/l/n.. made a post
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y/n.y/l/n.. the gnomeo to my juliet
tagged @alannakennedy
alannakennedy made a post
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alannakennedy my girl in red
tagged @y/n.y/l/n
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midnight-ramblingswfc · 8 months
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It’s the women’s footballer of the traveling jacket
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skipper1331 · 8 months
youngster // Lionesses
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a/n: based off this request. Hope you like it :D
Getting your first senior call up at the age of 17 was shocking. Your call up came shortly before the euros and it was scary. You felt two sides of emotions, you felt the positives, the wow I’m in the senior squad and the negatives, shit I’m the in the senior squad with legends. You knew most of them, played against many of them as well yet the thought of having an actual conversation with them freaked you out.
But thinking back, you wouldn‘t change a thing.
Your first ever training session was interesting to say at least. As a striker, your goal was it to score but you didn‘t. At each opportunity, you passed the ball to someone else, so they could score. You were too afraid what the girls would think if you scored and if the ball wouldn‘t cross the line or if they thought it was selfish to shoot from your position.
By now, you knew the girls, you had to talked to some of them (not many) but something in your mind was telling you: keep distance, they‘re legends, you‘re just a 17 year old girl who got lucky with the call up.
Your behavior didn‘t go unnoticed - the squad questioning what the matter was with you.
"Kid, what‘s up?" Lucy asked one evening as she saw you sitting alone, watching the sunset.
"Lucy, hey"
"How are you feeling?" the older woman took it as her mission to get to know you. With the intention, that you would eventually warm up with her and the team, "First senior camp, hm?"
"Ye-yeah" nervously, you scratched your neck. You were literally talking to someone who you had admired since you were a little girl. As you felt the blush arose on your cheeks, you looked away, back at the sunset. "It’s okay to be the best version of yourself you know" she didn‘t look in your direction either, staring at the sunset as well.
"I- I don’t know what you’re talking about"
Scooting closer to your figure, the brunette looked briefly at you, "you‘re holding back. I‘ve seen you score goals for your club but not a single one here, why?"
"I don‘t know" you felt caught in fear yet Lucy made you feel like she wouldn‘t judge you for it. "It‘s scary? It‘s weird to know that I’m in the same room as you guys. Look at Ellen, she‘s a top scorer and when I am next to her in a scrimmage why would I shoot if I‘m in the same team as her?" you muttered the last part as you pulled your knees closer to your body.
"It‘s okay to be scared. But you‘re here for a reason. You have the talent, show them. Show everybody that you‘re not just the 17 year old," she laid her arm around your shoulder, bringing you some comfort before she whispered, "and by the way, all the girls think you‘re amazing. Even Ellen" she winked at you as you stared at here with wide eyes. Ellen White thought you‘re amazing?! The legend herself?
After the conversation with Lucy you were a changed woman. Slowly but surely, you felt comfortable with everyone on the team. You scored goals, worked hard and you’d proven yourself.
The girls became your family.
"Last one in the changing room is a loser" you shouted to Lessi and Ella while you began running, the best friends sprinting after you and Alessia almost tripping over her own feet as she tried to catch up with you. "You cheater!" Ella yelled as she chased after you, yourself laughing at her.
"Winner!" you threw your fist in the air, celebrating your little win as the striker and midfielder entered the room, "took ya long enough, huh?" mocking Ella’s thick accent, you yawned, acting as if you waited ages for them.
Ella and Alessia shared a look, smirking as they stepped closer to you. You looked at both of them, the mischief smiles obvious. "Oh no" you muttered. Before you even had the chance to react, the girls tackled you in sweaty hug as they started to annoy you with weird noises or tickle fingers.
"You‘re the loser" Lessi stated, laughing while Ella claimed, "I don‘t sound like that!"
During the international break you had two friendlies planned - one against Ireland and one against Australia.
Both tough opponents.
"Y/n" Sarina called over the pitch as you were about to take a shower like the rest of the girls. When you saw walking in your direction, you walked towards her, "yes?"
"Do you have a moment?" she asked nicely.
"Um, yeah sure!" nervously you scratched your arm, "is something wrong?"
"No! Actually quite the opposite. Let’s take a seat" she pointed towards the bench before she went there, yourself following behind. "In two days we‘ll face Ireland and you‘ll give your debut" she started, shushing you as you were about to cut her off, "you‘ll come off the bench and then you will show the world your talent."
Dazed, you nodded, "I’m really proud of you. This and last camp you improved very much, you deserve this" with that she left. Sarina was nice and a very good coach but also kind off mysterious which she had shown just now. You liked her.
You came on in the 75th minute for Ellen. The Og-lioness gave you a quick high five before she hugged you, cupping your cheeks while she told you "go smash it!" as well, she pressed a loving motherly kiss to your forehead. Everything’s going to be fine.
On the pitch, you looked around, assuring smiles coming from all of your team mates, even from one or two Irish girls.
Senior debut with 17, that’s world class.
While England was 2-0 in the lead, Ireland got desperate and angry, players like Katie McCabe showing it with the tackles she did.
Your moment came when Keira passed the ball to you. Dribbling around the defender you ran up to the goalie, no other defender near you, the goal keeper came out of her goal, off her line, with open legs. You had many possibilities, you could chip over her, shoot past her right/left or through her legs. And even though you had many possibilities, your brain decided on one before you could even consider which was the best option.
It was your moment to shine yet you embarrassed the gk by nutmegging her. You didn‘t care though and neither did your friends, you scored your debut goal on your debut match. It felt surreal. The stadium erupted in cheers and roars while the girls jumped on your back. Alessia was the first by your side, jumping on your back as Ella jumped on you from the side, the rest of the lionesses joining close behind. Millie and Rach smacked your head in appreciation and pride while others patted your back, Lucy being different as she squeezed your cheeks like an old aunty.
"So proud of you, little one" Leah whispered in your ear as you walked back in your own half, "thank you" you whispered, cheeks already red by all the attention you had gotten.
Like Ellen did earlier the England captain as well pressed a kiss to your forehead, showing her love.
The came continued until the ref blew the final whistle. Cheers were heard around the stadium, the girls happy with the outcome of the game. After every opponents hand was shaken the girls huddled around you, yelling, singing and the ManCity girls even dancing your name. "Debut oh oh oh, debut goal oh oh oh" they sang, hugging you in a group hug before they lifted you up.
Finally, you felt like a part of the team, like a lioness.
The game against Australia was a whole different story. With players like Sam Kerr and Mary Fowler up front, Alanna Kennedy and Steph Catley in the back and a brick of wall like Arnold in goal, you knew for sure that match wouldn‘t be easy. Not one team going down without a fight.
The difference this time was though, you were in the starting line up.
Arriving at the stadium, you walked out of the bus towards the building, your hand slipping in Georgias, the bayern player looking down at you. She knew how it was to be a newbie and young. Ever since you had warmed up with the team it was known fact that you loved physical touch. It calmed your nerves and just made you feel free. None of the girls minded, they enjoyed it, you were like their kid and/or little sister. So a routine had developed;
walking out of the bus in the stadium? You would hold hands with Georgia.
Scoring a goal? The skipper would kiss your forehead.
You talked to Lucy? She would‘ve her arm around your shoulder.
Ella, Lessi and Mary? Bear hug.
The thing you enjoyed the most though was the group hugs in games, it didn‘t matter if you were squished in the middle, on top or barely in the hug - just hugging the limbs around you - it was special.
"Less, could you braid my hair, please?" you asked the blonde who was already in her warm up gear. "Yeah sure!" the striker replied sweetly. You took a seat in front of her before she started to comb through your hair and eventually braid it.
In the tunnel, you stood in front Lucy, nerves kicking in as you shuffled with your feet. The brunette saw your state, her hands creeping up to massage your shoulders. She leant towards you, "deep breaths. You‘re gonna be fine" she said and that was it.
Both teams walked out of the stadium, music playing as you stood in a row. When the official part (singing the national anthem, high-fiving your opponents, etc) was finally over you were happy. You wanted to play football.
The game started intense, Australia pressed high and played very physically. Your enemy of the night was Alanna Kennedy, the Manchester City defender. She defended and distributed balls as much as she could - she was fantastic. All of her tackles were clean, too.
Then there was a corner kick.
Alex stepped up to take it as everybody positioned themselves in the box or close to it. You remember the ball flying in your direction, you remember jumping in the air and something hitting your face. It wasn‘t the ball, it wasn‘t an elbow either - it felt painful.
Your body hit the ground with a thud, your vision already black as (unknown to you) blood trickled down your face. Everyone was so focused on stopping the counter attack that no one on your team, the opposing team or the referee noticed that you were on the ground, knocked out. Macca was the first by your side, she got the message instantly - you weren‘t going to get up. She yelled something, her gloves already tossed aside as she turned you around. There was a nasty cut on the right side of your forehead, going down to your temple and blood running out of your nose. When the ref finally realized something was wrong she blew her whistle, too far away to check on you immediately - she gave the sign for the medics to come on the pitch. It took one look at your numb body before the first girls started running. Ellen and Lucy were by your side while the medics did their job. Leah was arguing with the ref, angry words leaving her mouth as Millie tried to stop her. Yet Millie also having not so friendly words resting on the tip of her tongue.
When the replay was shown on the big screen every person in the stadium inhaled sharply. It showed you jumping up and Hayley Raso jumping up as well with an outstretched leg which then connected with your face. That was enough for Millie to let go of Leah and march over to the Australian, Rachel close by. Angrily, she poked her chest as she muttered how reckless that was. There was big huddle, other players got involved but still, you were laying on the pitch. Everything happened so fast and got out of hand way too quickly.
"My head hurts" you rasped out. Ellen’s eyes grew wide, "hey" she sighed in relief.
"Do you have a twin?" you asked, eyes closing again.
"why do I see you twice?"
Helplessly, Ellen looked at Lucy who shrugged her shoulders before she looked at the medics.
"The stretcher is coming"
You laid on a bed, head bandaged as you mumbled something. Benched Lotte sat next to you, Sarina with the strict order to look after you. Lotte held your hand in a comforting manner even if you didn‘t realize the act. "You know, a shrimp‘s heart is in its head" you muttered, smiling at the ceiling, high on painkillers. Lotte smiled to herself as the next random fact left your mouth and another one. Actually, she was quite impressed by your random knowledge.
"How is she?!" Jill asked as she harshly opened the door, the other girls behind the tall woman. Squeezing together in the room, the whole squad including Sarina stood inside, all eyes on you, "hi hi" you giggled, clapping your hands.
"I like you, you, you and you, you, you, oh and you," you pointed at each of the girls until you didn‘t feel like it anymore "ah, I just love all of you. My heros"
The days after, the girls took care of you like you were a royalty. They helped you to get dressed, reminded you to take your medication, walked with you - so if something happens, they could help you and everything. You really appreciated it, even though it annoyed you, after the first week where everything was almost back normal.
When the euros call up came, you were beyond excited. A European championship on home soil, could it get any better?
You loved everything about that tournament. The mood in the team was untouchable, the flair unreal and the games on fire. It surprised yourself when you got the chance to play in an actual euros match and even scoring. You felt a high like everyone else did.
It was the match against Spain when you scored the winning goal. The stadium erupted in roars, the girls celebrating jumping around you as each of them gave you a forehead kiss. Leah was the first who did - she always did it after a goal of yours but when Lucy did the same after that and Georgia joined as well, all the girls pressed a loving and thankful kiss to your forehead. It was the perfect moment, could’ve been a movie moment.
Winning the trophy was your and the highlight. Ella scored the opening goal and Chloe the final one, it was surreal. You had never felt prouder in your life.
When the final whistle blew, you ran for your dear life. You ran to the person who was the closest and jumped onto her as you shouted something cheerful. You - like everybody, felt euphoric. It was phenomenal.
You did it. The girls did it. The lionesses did it. They brought the trophy home.
With just 17 you won your first major senior trophy, many to come and as the youngster of the group, there will never be a day where you have to worry about anything. The girls had your back and you had theirs because you‘re a lioness.
All for one and one for all.
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aus-wnt · 10 months
Yeah, can’t pass up a cheeky Tim Tam 🍫🎥 TSN
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wileys-russo · 3 months
alanna kennedy, “my left side is my best side”, golden hour beach
golden hour II a.kennedy
"mac gimme a piggyback!" you launched yourself onto the taller girl who grunted and stumbled forward slightly, hurrying to grab your legs as your arms wrap around her neck.
"can't your girlfriend do this?" the goalkeeper sighed, alanna a hundred or so metres ahead deep in conversation with ellie and hayley.
"don't act like you don't miss me when we're not on camp maccy." you cooed pinching her cheeks, the other girls turning to make their way down the stairs and onto the beach.
you'd grown up playing football with the goalkeeper and it was her who introduced you to alanna long before the two of you even started dating, but from day one you couldn't help but be drawn to the tall blondes confidence.
"right freeloader off! rides over." mackenzie dropped you down to your feet, racing onto the beach after caitlin who had taken peach off the leash, all of you playing a friendly in wollongong against portugal the coming weekend.
"don't you dare!" you stopped mid step, foot hovering above the sand as your girlfriend appeared. "my vintage dunks are not getting sandy or wet." alanna warned sternly as you gave her an innocent smile, forever raiding her extensive closet which may as well have been just as much yours as hers.
"piggyback then? turn around." you gestured as the blonde simply scoffed. "yeah you wish babe, sit." you nearly fell backwards as her hands fell to your shoulders and pushed you to sit on the stairs.
"lani!" you protested as your girlfriend pulled your shoes off, swatting your feet away as you tried to kick her away. "seriously? i'm not walking around barefoot its freezing!" you scowled as she shrugged.
"stop stealing my shoes then." the blonde smirked, holding them hostage in one hand as the other was extended for you to take. "give me yours then, they're already sandy." you bargained nodding down to the shoes on her own feet.
"why should i walk around barefoot? like you said babe, its freezing." the blonde scoffed as you fixed her with a firm look. "would you like to get laid in the next two weeks alanna?" you warned, her smile dropping and you could have laughed at the speed in which her shoes were stripped off and shoved onto your feet.
"you're like a horny teenage boy." you shook your head in disbelief, accepting her hand up. "well when your girlfriends as hot as mine is, you just can't help it babe." alanna smirked, lightly smacking your ass and stealing a kiss before you could tell her off.
stepping down onto the sand you watched a look of disgust cross the blondes face as she did the same. "why didn't you take your socks off you freak!" you laughed as she groaned.
"fuck i don't know i didn't think about it." she moaned in annoyance, handing you the shoes you'd previously been wearing and bending down to slip her socks off. "lani!" you shrieked as she tossed them at you with a grin.
"you're such a child." you shoved the shoes into her chest and took off walking, hearing her follow after you with an amused chuckle.
"work it for the camera, work it!" caitlin yelled out in a funny accent, mackenzie off running with peach and ellie as hayley posed for photos in front of the water and you all gassed her up. "oi el!" the brunette yelled as the defender zapped past and pushed her, sending her tumbling onto her ass.
"fuck now my jeans are all wet. ellie!" hayley took off after her with a growl, peach sprinting with them. "let me guess. you want trio photos?" you sighed as three phones were thrust toward you, the sunset meaning for optimal lighting as the mostly empty beach was bathed in a soft golden glow.
"would you like me to take these before its dark?" you smiled in amusement as the three girls bickered back and forth about how to pose and who to stand, finally falling into some sort of agreement as you snapped at least fifty pictures.
"okay. our turn!" alanna clapped, grabbing your hand as you hastily passed the phone to caitlin before you were dragged into your girlfriends strong hold.
"c'mere sexy." you squealed as suddenly your legs were wrapped around her waist and you clung onto her shoulders as she teasingly pretended to drop you. "now kiss me like you love me." the blonde grinned before puckering her lips expectantly.
"wait! my left side is my best side." alanna pulled back right before you could kiss her, your eyes rolling as did her best friends as she turned so her left side faced the camera.
"babe that was your cue to go 'oh lani baby you don't have a best side, they're both equally as gorgeous'." your girlfriend reminded, making a face as she clearly awaited the words to fall from your mouth which only curled into a smile.
"just shut up and kiss me you freak."
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chaotic-toasters · 2 months
Alanna Kennedy x Teen! R
You don't know why you didn't say anything. You don't know why you didn't tell your mum that you were running out of your ADHD meds, but now you didn't have any more and you'd have to go to training without them.
"Y/N?" She called from the kitchen, voice echoing around the house. "We've gotta go, kiddo."
"I'm comin', I'm comin'," you grumbled. "Hold your horses, mother."
The defender flicked your ear teasingly. "Grumpy today, are we?"
You couldn't help but smile at the goofy grin on her face. "Only when you start yellin' for me even though we're not gonna be late."
The two of you slipped into the car, listening to the radio in an unusual silence.
"You alright there, baby?" your mum asked, glancing over at you where your hands were shaking in your hoodie pocket. "You're quiet today."
"Yeah, I'm good," you dismissed her concerns, twiddling your thumbs under the cover of your comfortable top. "When do you leave for the next Matildas camp?"
The question caught her off guard, making her forget about her previous statement. "In two weeks. You're on the roster, silly."
"Oh," you giggled sheepishly. "I forgot."
The rest of the drive was uneventful, though your mum did take offense to you jumping out of the car before she finished parking once you arrived at training. "Oi! Where you goin'?!"
"To find Hempo!" You yelled back, sprinting into the building to find your best mate at Man City. "She's fun!"
You could practically feel the offense radiating off your mum. "And I'm not?!"
"You cheeky little—"
"Hiii, Hempo!" You jumped on the older girl's back in excitement as she made her way to the changing room, a shit-eating grin on your face as she grunted from the sudden weight.
"Hiii, Y/N," the forward mocked, pushing the door open and carrying you into the room where some of the girls were already gathered. "How are you?"
"I'm good!" You chirped, jumping off of Lauren's back and somersaulting on the floor.
Your teammates paid you no mind, simply thinking you had a bit of extra energy. But as the day went on, you became more hyper and more restless.
"RAHHH!" you screeched, sprinting at Laia. "TIM TAMS!"
A hand snatched the back of your jersey, causing you to jerk back.
"Y/N," Steph scolded. "Calm down."
You grunted, hiding your ever-twitching fingers behind your back. "You and Mum are so boring."
"Her fingers are wiggling." Leila deadpanned.
You spun around, annoyed. "Shut up, Leila!"
Steph tutted disapprovingly. "I think someone didn't take their meds this morning."
Luckily, the whistle blew as the trainers called for a scrimmage, saving you from any further investigation.
Steph opened her mouth to say more, but you ran off to your position and clapped for the game to start. The skipper just shook her head, amused. She'd bring it up to your mum later.
It hadn't even been ten minutes. To Steph's defense, you had been much calmer before the scrimmage, but you and Hempo were on opposite teams and your will to beat her only fueled your uncontainable energy.
"WAAAAAHAAAHA!" you yelled, sprinting down the field. "I'M A GONNA WIN!"
"Woahhh, slow down, Waluigi," Chloe reached out to grab you, but you just dodged her hold and continued your charge towards the ball. "Alex! Grab the kid!"
The Brit tried in vain to snatch you by the collar, but you only shook free and shrieked, "SHE'S A RUNNER SHE'S A TRACKSTAAAAR!"
Lauren screamed as you chased after her, leaving the ball abandoned in a futile attempt to shake you off. "WHERE'S ALANNA?! WHERE'S ALANNA?!"
"Seeing the physio," Demi said. "For her ankle."
Lauren screamed again, running like her life depended on it (it did). "GO GET HER! GO GET HER!"
"ARARARARARARARARARUFF!" you barked, your ADHD taking total control of your limbs and vocal cords. "AIAIAIAIAIAIAIAAIAIAIAI!"
Lauren jumped onto Sandy's back, scrambling away from you in a panic. "HELP ME YOU SHITS!"
"Hey, hey, hey," your mum rushed towards you before you could react, arms wrapping around you and holding you in place. "What's the matter, baby? What's going on?"
Your head whipped to the side. "Boomerang!"
She smiled at you worriedly, waddling off to the sidelines with you trapped firmly in her hold. "Yeah, kiddo. You're exactly like a boomerang, flying all over the place."
Steph jogged over as you babbled nonsensically, eyes meeting your mum's. "She didn't take her meds this morning. She was acting like this earlier, and she hasn't had any sugar."
"Aww, kiddo," your mum ran her fingers through your hair, trying to calm you down. "Why didn't take your meds? You know they're important."
Something in your brain briefly turned off the hyperactivity long enough for you to hear the slight disappointment in her voice. "I- I ran out."
"You've gotta tell me before that happens, sweetheart," she murmured, rubbing your temples. "You scared the hell out of Hempo today."
You buried your face into your shoulder, suddenly tired from your rampage. "'m sorry, mum."
"It's okay, kiddo," she assured, suddenly smirking. "It was hilarious."
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pixiesfz · 3 months
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teammates k.c
plot: you vowed never to date a teammate every again.
warning: suggestive, sorry Courtney Nevin I love you
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You swore you would never date a teammate again.
At first you opened your arms to the idea, your heart exploded when your crush kissed you at your game at the under 17’s World Cup.
You remembered Courtney’s smirk when you backed away with fluttery eyes and blushed cheeks.
You didn’t know the heartbreak it would cause you months later.
“Courtney we only see eachother at camps I- I don’t think I can do the long distance anymore” you sobbed to the blonde girl who sat on the bed next to you.
Courtney stayed silent, looking down at her feet.
“Please say something” you begged, leaning over to grab her hand.
“I slept with someone” she blurted out and you quickly pulled your hands away, your mind ran a thousand miles per hour.
You stayed silent as she was now the one who was begging from a sound out of your mouth.
“With who?”
“Just some random girl- I swear it didn’t mean anything I swear” she talked but you jumped off the bed.
“Courtney I need you to stay away from me right now, or for a while” you muttered, walking back to the door.
But it was too late you had slammed the door shut, making your way to your and Mary’s shared room.
You swore never to date a teammate again.
You had met Kerstin through Mary, constantly having to deal with the girl FaceTiming her Man City friend. “Fowler let your friend sleep” she laughed as it was clear you were trying to sleep in the background.
“Please listen to her Mary I told Kyra I would sit next to her in the bus and she won’t let me sleep”
You heard the Dutch woman’s laugh in the other end as Mary huffed.
During many camps after that you were invited into the FaceTimes, sometimes even talking to Kerstin yourself whilst Mary’s in the bathroom or running errands.
You found your cheeks blushing one time after a game, you were talking to Kirsten as Mary was washing her hair for the teams dinner tonight.
“I took Inspiration from you” she smirked “oh how?” You asked and she lifted her arm
You tried not to draw your eyes to the veins that popped out but you couldn’t help yourself. “Look a number three, inspired by your hatrick” she laughed and you rolled your head back “what is it you Australians say…you’re a gun!” She cheered and you blushed, too embarrassed to see the notification that Kirstin had taken a screenshot at the interaction.
Mary walked into the room with her hair wrapped up in a towel “looking fancy” you stated and panned the phone to her “nice Fowler, looking scrumptious” the Dutch girl laughed and you joined.
“if you guys are ganging up on me now I wonder what it’s going to be like when y/n joins city” Mary sighed and Kerstin gasped “your joining city?” She asked and you nodded your head “signed a contract not that long ago, so surprise?”
You were welcomed to City with open arms from all the girls Alanna taking you under her wing as she felt protective over you.
After all she was the one who caught you crying in the hallway after Courtney had told you she cheated, your eyes filled up with so much tears you could barely see.
“How’s Manchester treating you?” Allan’s asked as you sat with her and Leila, a Spaniard you had grown close with.
“Good I’m enjoying my time here everyone is so nice”
Whilst the three of you sat in the corner Jill cornered Kerstin who was ‘subtly’ looking at you from the other side of the room.
“You like her” Jill piped up and Kerstin jumped “nuekan!” She whisper yelled and Jill smirked “no I don’t” she denied.
“Yes you do”
“No I don’t”
“Yes you do”
“Yes I do”
Jill smiled triumphantly and clapped her hands together “then ask her out” Jill encouraged
“Ask who out?”
The two Dutch girls widened their eyes at Mary who had innocently jumped in on their conversation “uhm” Kerstin started and Jill looked around.
The two spoke at the same time and Mary’s eyes widened as she turned to her friend and hit her “why did you tell Jill before me” she said as Kerstin pulled away “ow stop” she said as Jill laughed and turned to Mary, pulling her away from her friend.
“So” Jill trailed off “do you know what y/n thinks of Kerstin?” She asked and Mary’s face fell and with that so did Kerstins “oh my god” she groaned.
‘I’m so stupid’ she thought but Mary grabbed her arm “It’s not that she doesn’t but it’s just that she doesn’t date teammates, she’s very big on it” Mary said and Jill shrugged “why?”
“Well when we were younger her and Courtney dated during Matilda’s camps and well when Courtney moved to Leicester and y/n stayed in Melbourne well…” she trailed off
“It’s easy for a couple to break up cause of long distance” Kerstin said as she thought of couples she knew “it wasn’t just the long distance, Courtney cheated on her and it really hurt her, so she’s vowed ever since” Mary said and the two girls nodded “oh” was all Kerstin said as she looked over to where you sat.
You were roomed with Mary for your first away game as your international teammate now was on edge from keeping Kerstins secret from you.
“You and Kerstin are close” she spoke up and you blushed, thankfully you were facing away from your friend so she couldn’t see the small smile that erupted on your face.
“I guess” you shrugged and Mary nodded “I know you vowed off dating-“
“Mary” you warned her and she groaned “I know but Kerstin isn’t like that”
“Yeah well I thought Courtney wasn’t like that either” you defended and Mary dropped her head “look” you started “if we weren’t teammates and there was no chance of having a weird team dynamic after we break up sure yes I would take her on a date” you shrugged
“I mean she’s nice, really cute, makes me laugh aswell as laughs at my jokes and has the tattoos that I’m attracted to and sure she would probably make a good girlfriend and-“ you stopped talking as you looked up to your fellow Aussie who was grinning ear to ear.
“I like her” you realised
“You like her a lot” Mary sang out and you slapped her.
You didn’t know what to do with your newfound information. Everytime Kerstin came up to you at trainings or at games you blushed and ran away like a little school girl.
“Y/n/n what’s up?” she asked you one day as she ran behind you “oh nothing” you trailed “any weekend plans?” She asked shakily as you both stopped.
You could lie and say no just incase she wanted to hang out but you found yourself wanting to hang out with her, by yourself…with nobody else there.
“None at the moment why?” You asked with a smile and the girl blushed “we should go out for coffee or lunch or something” she said and your breath hitched “or we could not-“
“I’d like that actually” you smiled and the Dutch girl nodded “great”
And with no thought your mouth betrayed you.
“Sounds like a date”
And you ran off.
The weekend came and you found yourself with Kerstin walking through a couple of clothe stores before you went out.
You couldn’t lie and say you didn’t like the way how Kirsten’s body would press behind you when you looked at a top for too long.
“That would great on you” she mumbled, her breath hitting your neck due to the height difference.
The top was nice and you were looking for your size until and idea popped into your head.
You turned your body to her, faces inches apart “how about we buy a piece of clothing for eachother and wear it out”
“wear it to our date?” She asked and you smiled, nodding and dropping your head to hide your blush.
“Okay but the top I like for you is near so close your eyes” she said with a grin as you did so “you pick yours then I pick mine I saw something at the start that is perfect”
Kerstin tried to be quick as she picked up a flowy top near where you stood, she remembered how your eyes lingered on it when you walked in.
“Okay I’m done” she announced before you smiled, a jump in your step as you made your way to a sweater vest that you knew that she would like and you knew she would look hot in.
“Okay I’m done too” you said and the Dutch girl laughed “alright let’s go pay and then get changed because we are already five minutes late to our reservation”
Getting changed you tried to ignore the way your heart was racing when she picked out the top that you secretly hoped that she would.
Kerstin stepped out with a grin “Love it” she smiled and lifted up her arms to flex as you laughed but secretly admired.
You both sat down and ate, Kerstin offering to pay as she invited you out. “Well next time I’m paying” you told her
“Next time?” Kerstin asked and you sheepishly nodded “yeah”.
It wasn’t until your next international camp that your teammates buckled down on you.
“No love life in Manchester?” Kyra teased as you smiled and you blushed, ignoring the stare on your face from a certain blonde.
“She would tell me” Alanna boasted and Mary choked on her food “no she would not” Caitlin told her “Yeah Lani if I was y/n I wouldn’t want you Interrogating my new girl” Mackenzie laughed.
“Well is there?” Charli asked with a grin and you shook your head as a ‘no’ but your facial expressions betrayed you.
“I have to approve!”
“Aight everyone off her” Mary laughed before Steph quirked her eyebrow “you know” she stated and Mary shrugged “Well I’m the one who has to leave our room whenever she comes over” she groaned and you laughed from your spot.
“So does she follow you for all your matches?” Teagan asked and you nodded “you could say that”.
You laid on top of Kerstin, straddling her hips as you kissed down her neck “you know people are starting to catch on” you smiled, lifting your head up to press a kiss to her lips.
“So let them I don’t care” she mumbled “you’re just saying that cause you’re enjoying me right now.
“I have a pretty girl on top of me what else is there to ask for?”
“The FA cup?” You perked up as you both laughed.
“I’m just happy I finally got my own room this camp” you tutted “also my team knows I’m seeing someone but they don’t know who”
“Even Courtney?” Kerstin asked and you nodded. You saw hunger creep into your soon to be girlfriend’s eyes as you talked about your ex.
“I don’t like that your with her for the week” she said, her grip tightening on your hips.
“Then why don’t we show her that I’m taken” you smirked , leaning back down and kissing Kerstin.
You moaned in pleasure as she moved her lips down your neck, sucking hard on certain parts, knowing when to stop so they wouldn’t show up for your Matilda’s game.
You decided that you liked it when Kerstin was jealous.
You broke away as Both your hands went to the ends of your top, trying to take it off before knocking was heard at your door.
“Y/n!” Little Harper Gorrys voice yelled out as you rolled off Kerstin pulling your top back down “ow” you cursed and threw a blanket over Kerstins body who was silently laughing at your fall.
Opening the door you looked down to Harper who was smiling “you make weird noises in your sleep” she giggled and you nodded “where’s your mum?” You asked and she pointed down the hallway where you saw Katrina talking to Allanna who was on the phone.
“There you are Harps” Katrina smiled and walked over to you where Harper put her hands out for her “go to mama” you coed as Allanna got off the phone.
“Hey you and Kerstin are close yeah?” she asked and you nodded “yes” you nodded, panic laced in your voice as the said girl was hidden underneath a blanket metres away.
“Jill called said she’s not at the hotel they’re staying at” she said “oh” you mumbled, trying to look around your room to see if there was a clear body on your bed.
But a gasp was heard.
Katrina had her hand to her face and the running footsteps of both Kyra and Mary were heard as they went to your room.
“You have a hickey!”
“I know who you y/n is seeing!”
The mother daughter duo spoke at the same time as all eyes returned on you.
“Did your girlfriend follow you to Netherland for one game?” Alanna asked as Katrina laughed.
“That’s who you’re seeing?” She asked, putting the pieces together and you sheepishly nodded.
“Who?” Alanna asked, still confused as your nerves rose but a hand grabbed onto your back for comfort.
“Jeez Lani you’ve suffered one too many concussions in your life”
she latched onto your waist and placed her head on your shoulder “surprise?”
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pitchsidestories · 25 days
breathe II Leila Ouahabi x Reader
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a/n: Hi, the oneshot is inspired by this fluffy request here, as always feedback is very appreciated. :)
masterlist I word count: 2118
In the evening you sat in front of your laptop, while the typing of your keyboard was the only sound which filled the apartment.
The tension of your body was something your girlfriend noticed immediately when she stepped into your office, you turned around to look into her concerned brown eyes:“Leila, let me just finish writing this page-.”
“You’ve been writing day and night.”, the Mancity player interrupted you frustrated, folding her arms in front of her chest.  
“Yes, because the deadline is coming closer.”, you tried to defend yourself.
“You need a break.”, Leila shook her head in a determined manner.
“I don’t have time for a break.”, you said.
The Spanish woman snorted annoyed: “Fine. Okay. I’ll ask the other girls.”
“The other girls?”, you asked her.
“The city players.”, the defender explained exasperated.
“Okay.”, you nodded before you kept on writing much to your girlfriend’s frustration.
Already at the door, Leila paused for a second to turn her head around to mumble:” See you later.”
There was a longing in her voice, which you ignored because of the stress surrounding the deadline for the first draft of the book you’ve been working on an entire year. Everyone seemed to anticipate it, the editor, the publisher, even your girlfriend.
Fondly Leila remembered the start of your novel project, which begun on one of your holidays together. The trips like the one you had usually involved good food, beautiful trips to the beach and deep talks around midnight.
Back when you were so excited to write the sapphic love story which was inspired by your own. The first who fell in love with your idea was your girlfriend who couldn’t wait to read it.
Meanwhile Leila flinched when she heard Ellie talking to her, in her mind she was still thinking of those lighter summer days with you.
“Leila, where did you leave your girl?”
“She’s too busy for us.”, the older woman attempted to shrug it off although her teammates could see right through her cool façade.
“She’s still busy trying to finish her book in time?”, Alanna asked her as she and the other players sat down at the table in one of their favourite restaurants.
With a sad expression on her face Leila proclaimed:” She never has time for anything anymore.”
“You know what helps in such situations?”, the Australian questioned in a warm tone.
“What?”, the dark-haired woman retorted with a hint of curiosity.
“Taking a mental health day.”, Alanna suggested winking conspiratory.
“She refuses to take a break.”, Leila grumbled.
Empathetically Laia touched her bare arm:” You could try it, Leila.”
“I did try it.”, the older Spanish defender remarked, she wasn’t able to hide the disappointment she felt in front of her friends.
“You need to try it again.”, Ellie said encouragingly before the women turned their conversation to something much more light-hearted and soon their table was filled with joy and laughter.
The sadness and frustration Leila had expressed was still in the back of her mind, but she was able to enjoy the liveliness of the evening nonetheless.
You were already fast asleep when Leila returned. But when your alarm rang the next morning, her side of the bed was empty again. You blinked a few times, looking at the rumpled up sheets next you.
“Morning.“, Leilas voice said from somewhere.
Yawning, you let your gaze wander across the room to find your girlfriend leaning in the doorframe and watching you.
“Morning.“, you whispered, your voice was still hoarse. “I smell coffee and breakfast.“
A soft smile appeared on Leilas lips: “Yes, it’s time to get up.“
You sat up sleepily, stretching your arms over your head in an attempt to get ready for the day. “Right. Do you have training today?“
“No. It’s a free day today.“, your girlfriend replied.
“That’s great. Any plans for that?“
Leila walked over to the bed and sat down next to you: “Yes, with you actually.“
“With me?“, you echoed, frowning at your girlfriend.
Leila nodded determinedly, leaving no room for objection: “Yes.“
You could feel a smile tug at the corners of your mouth: “This reminds me…“
“Of the way I asked you for our first date way back when?“, Leila finished the thought for you.
“Yes.“, you grinned.
“But this is not our first date, this your mental health day.“
Your sleepy brain did not seem to comprehend what your girlfriend had just suggested: “Uhm, my what?“
Leila laughed: “You heard me.“
You tilted your head, intrigued by the idea even though you could come up with a million reasons why you should say no: “What contains a mental health day, Dr. Ouahabi?“
Your girlfriend sat up a bit straighter, holding up one finger: “First, we’re starting with a long, extensive breakfast.“
You knew you should have declined and went back to your laptop but instead you asked: “In bed?“
“Yes, just wait here.“ Leila got up and disappeared for a while.
“Oh, that’s perfect.“
The sinking feeling of guilt in your stomach seemed a little smaller as you tried to convince yourself that you did deserve to take a break.
“There’s your breakfast.“ Leila reappeared in the bedroom with a tray in her hands.
She sat it down in front of you and crawled into bed.
You marvelled at the stacks of pancakes, croissants and bowls with yoghurt and granola. There were slices of fruit, delicious smelling coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice as well.
You happily took a bite of one croissant and sighed: “Thank you. It tastes really good.“
“You’re very welcome.“, Leila smiled as you pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“Feels like we haven’t done that in forever. Which I guess is my fault…“
Leila only shook her head: “Don’t think about it. We’re doing it now.“
“Right.“, you nodded. Obviously Leila was right, your brain was just lying to you.
“Look, I didn’t even burn the pancakes this time.”, your girlfriend pointed out proudly.
“Well done, love.”, you couldn’t help but to laugh a little about her remark.
“Only for you.”, she replied with a sheepish grin on her lips.
After a bite of the pancakes, which only tasted slightly burned, you told her:” I appreciate it. Do we go to our favourite restaurant later?”
You were aware that a question like this wouldn’t have crossed your mind yesterday as you have been too busy with your work. But in the moment, you felt a thrill going through your body at the thought of eating the delicious food they were serving there.
 “Yes.”, Leila confirmed who was just as excited as you.
“Sounds perfect.”, you admitted quietly.
Sounding more serious, the defender added:” I’m glad you’re excited for that.”
“It’s nice to have some distance from my laptop screen and the prospect of having a great dinner.”, you begun.
“I knew it would work.”, she interrupted you with a triumphantly smile illuminating her face.
“Because it involves food?”, you asked her giggling.
“No, because you needed a break.”, Leila answered earnestly.
“Yes, I did.”, you were surprised at how easy this truth went over your lips now. With a wink you continued:” Do you want to take a bath together.”
“Yes, and then we’ll get dressed and go for a walk.”, the Spanish woman nodded delighted.
“That sounds like a good plan.”, you hummed.
“Can you run the bath while I bring our dishes to the kitchen.”, Leila directed the question at you as she was getting up from the bed.
“Bath is ready!”, you announced only a couple of minutes later.
“Coming!”, Leila shouted back, the giddiness in her voice was undeniable.
“Good.”, you replied satisfied with her answer.
Normally you both used the shower, but at the beginning when you first moved into this apartment, you used the bath to relax together as you were doing now. Clearly enjoying this Leila closed her eyes, her long arms hugging you from behind:” This is perfect.”
“Yes, it’s.”, you declared.
After a moment of comfortable silence between you two you went on: ”You girls had a tough season too, so this is important for you aswell.”
“Yes, but this is your time to relax.”, she said, kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear, which send you shivers down your spine.
“I’m trying. Really.”, you tried to reassure her, turning around to give her a soft kiss on her lips.
“Good. I want it to be worth it.”, she mumbled against your mouth, before kissing you again, sealing her promise.
You both took your time in the bathroom and drying off. You kept getting distracted by each other until you ended up lazing in bed next to each other, still undressed. When you finally get ready for your walk, you were even blessed by the rare afternoon sun illuminating Manchester.
Holding Leilas hand, you enjoyed the warmth of the sunlight on your face as you walked. But the sight of a beautiful lilac bouquet let you stop in your tracks.
“Leila, don’t you think those flowers would be pretty on our dinner table?“
Your girlfriend stopped, inspecting the flowers: “Yes, you’re right.“
Without another word, you walked into the flower shop to return only a few moments later with the flowers in hand.
You could feel Leilas gaze on you, studying you.
“Oh, nothing.“, she shrugged, taking your free hand back into hers to continue the walk. A satisfied smile still on her lips.
Your walk ended right at the restaurant. In the dimmed light, you were both studying the menu extensively.
You looked up at your girlfriend who wrinkled her nose in concentration: “Do you know what you want to eat?“
“Of course. What about you?“, Leila laughed, knowing full well that you were horribly indecisive when it came to food.
“I do.“, you replied, a bit proud.
“Let’s order then.“ She waved over the waiter and ordered your food and a bottle of Spanish wine.
You were relieved that the food arrived rather quickly.
“Want to share?“, you asked, eyeing your girlfriends fish.
“Sure.“ She shoved her plate towards you, so you could steal a piece.
“It looks so good.“, Leila commented as she dug her fork into your pasta.
“Try it.“, you requested.
“It’s delicious.“
��Oh yes.“, you grinned at her with a knowing look.
You spend the evening talking over the bottle of wine and even ordered dessert to share. In your opinion, it was the absolute perfect day and as soon as you got home and into bed, you let your girlfriend know.
“Thanks for the mental health day, Leila.“
You knew that these words did not even remotely express the gratitude you felt but you hoped that she still understood.
Leila wrapped an arm around your waist and smiled: “What do you mean? We’re not done yet.“
“We’re not?“, you repeated, only slightly surprised.
“Absolutely not.“
“What else do you have planned?“
She buried her face in the crook of your neck, placing soft kisses on your skin and giggled: “The most important part of the day.“
“Uh, I think I like this best.“, you laughed.
As Leilas finger pushed under your shirt, she smirked: “I hoped you would say that.“
The next morning you were still smiling while you were thinking about the last night with your girlfriend. With a freshly brewed coffee in your hand, you made your way to the office, where you noticed a small note in Leilas handwriting on the laptop which said: don’t forget to breathe deeply and exhale softly.  
Reading this warmed your heart, you decided to spontaneously call the defender, hoping she was able to take it:” Hi love, I just found the message you left for me.”
“Hope you’re taking it to heart.”, Leila replied.
“I’ll. What do you think about a coffee date after your done with your training?”, you asked her in a hopeful tone.
“Aren’t you busy?”, she returned the question, while her voice couldn’t hide her surprise.
“Yeah, but I could need a break from writing in between.”
“I’ll meet you at the café.”, the football player told you, clearly happy about your suggestion to take breaks from your work.
In the afternoon, you stepped into the cafe, it greeted you with the smell of freshly baked goods and coffee beans while it just started to rain again. But the bad weather didn’t matter because the sunshine in human form crossed the distance between you two to hug you:” Hi, beautiful. The two cappuccinos are already at our table.”
You breathed out the stress and inhaled the beauty of the moment. Deep down you knew that you were going to be alright.
all pictures are from pinterest.
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