#alastor has a heart
huskersbooze · 2 months
Helloo! Can i Request an alastor x reader angst? (I love angst im sorry😭) where reader n alastor are good friends, but soon alastor starts catching feelings, he didn’t like that so he starts ignoring reader hoping it’ll go away, but when alastor realizes it doesn’t, he wanted to apologize for ignoring reader and maybe confessing, but he couldn’t cause he found out reader got redeemed into heaven? Please and thank you!!
A/N : Oh fuck yes I'm a sucker for angst. This is actually a really interesting concept! Completely opposite to my other fic where Reader ignores Al. Thank you for the ask <3
Alastor Doesn't Do Feelings
Alastor x Reader
Pairing : Alastor x F!Reader (M!Reader here, Gn!Reader here)
Warnings : Cusing(what do you expect? It's Hazbin Hotel)
Additional Tags : Angst, no use of (Y/n), use of dear/darling
Word count : 1.25k
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It was never supposed to turn out this way. Alastor, the fucking Radio Demon, doesn't do feelings.
But here he was, finding himself getting flustered, his cheeks red, ears pinned back and his smile faltering.
And it was all because of you.
"-and so I told him to back the heck away, but I swear his brain can't seem to comprehend simple words! He-"
You went on and on about your day, but Alastor could only focus on the close proximity between the two of you and your hand came so close to brushing his every minute or so.
"Alastor! Freaking hell!" He snapped out of his trance when he heard you yell his name.
He cleared his throat, quickly gathering himself once more, "Yes, darling?"
"Were you even listening to me?"
"Of course, I was." Which, frankly, was a lie.
"Just go to bed, dipshit."
"I don't need sleep."
"Your brain is hijacked, Al." You try to give his ears a scratch. Alastor attempts a dodge but fails. "See? You can't even dodge a simple pet on the head."
"I let you do that."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"Darling, you know I don't sleep."
"It was an expression, babe."
He knew you meant it as a joke, a light-humoured name you called him; like how he called you "dear" or "darling".
But he couldn't help the blush that found a way to his face.
"Alastor! You're doing it again!"
"I beg your pardon?" He snaps out from his trance.
"You're dozing off again. Are your radio parts radio-ing properly?"
"I'm not an actual radio, my dear."
"Well, you sure act like a broken down machine." You let out a giggle, him doing the same, but it ultimately sounded like he was buffering.
"You need help." You get up and give him another ruffle behind the ears, catching him off guard. "G'night, Al."
He doesn't respond.
He's too busy screaming internally.
Alastor doesn't do feelings. Yet, here he was a broken mess because of you.
No, this was unacceptable. All he'd work for. His reputation. The danger it'd put you in.
He couldn't afford any of that gone — especially not you.
How was he to get rid of this weird churning he gets in his stomach when you near, though? How was he to stop loving you?
Alastor doesn’t do feelings. He nearly did, once, because of you. But he’d found a way to stop it.
Or so, he thought.
“Good morning, Al.”
Out of everyone in the hotel, you were the one person he could tolerate. Despite your polar interests and behaviour, Alastor actually found it quite enjoyable to be by your side.
Sure, you rarely cursed, was so sweet and couldn’t bare the thought of killing, but Alastor never minded. You were the one person he looked forward to seeing everyday. He would usually only talk to you.
“Husker, may I have a word?” Yet, here Alastor was, completely ignoring your existence like you were some irrelevant imp a few rings down.
“Uh, sure, boss.” Husk sends you a questioning stare as you return the favour.
He didn’t actually have anything to say to him; it just hurt to see you. The feelings still lingered and he couldn’t do jackshit about it. 
Staying away from you was only supposed to get rid of his feelings, not intensify them.
“Alastor?” Yet, your voice captivated him in every way possible and his desire to be yours increased.
He simply left the room, and the two of you never spoke after that.
“Alastor doesn’t do feelings, honey.”
“I know, Rosie! But we’re just friends and he knows that.” You take a sip from the tea Rosie prepared for you. “Though, lately, he’s been completely disregarding my presence like I’m the bane of his existence.”
“Don’t look too much into it! I’m sure it’s nothing. It’s just Alastor being Alastor.”
“But it’s not.” You sigh. “Something’s changed between us and I’m not sure what it is.”
“Well, did anything specific happen?”
“I.. I don’t know.” Your voice cracks at the agony. “I just.. Everything was fine that night. I just told him to sleep and the next morning it’s like I never existed.”
“Hm. That does sound odd.”
“Exactly! And I’m not sure what to do or if- if I’ve angered him- or- or maybe he’s sick of me-”
“Honey, breathe.” Rosie’s hand finds yours across the table as she rubs soothing circles on the back of your palm. “It’s in his nature to be sending mixed signals. Just give him time. He’ll come to terms with you eventually.”
“Are.. Are you sure?”
“You came to me for a reason.” She jokes, though her warm smile never left her face.
“Thank you, Rosie.”
Alastor, your beloved strawberry pimp, doesn’t do feelings. He didn’t, he doesn’t and he won’t.
At least, that was before he realised he was catching feelings for you.
He’s tried so hard to ignore it. He’s done everything he could to ignore you, but despite his best efforts, you still found a way to float straight back into his mind.
“Yes, darling?” It took him a while to comprehend the fact he accidentally called Husk “darling”. His mind was just filled with thoughts of you.
“Uh.. anyways.” Husk cleared his throat. “You were close with the kid, right?”
“I suppose.” He shrugs, saying it as a matter of fact-ly. “Nothing serious.”
Alastor nearly flinched as he said it himself. 
Nothing serious.
But in fact, it was starting to get serious. He was in love with you, head-over-heels obsessed, but he couldn’t come to terms with the fact and decided to push you away.
Fuck. What was he thinking?
“Yes, well I just.. wanted to let ya’ know she’s-”
“In a minute, Husker.” He says, taking off and trying to find you. He had to apologize. He had to talk to you and explain himself. But then, that would mean he had to confess.
Confess. Alastor’s smile widened as he thought of the idea. Blush crept from his face all the way down to his neck and his tail was uncontrollably wagging under his coat.
He loved you.
Turns out, Alastor does, and will do feelings.
“Husker, have you seen her?” After a whole day of looking around the hotel, he couldn’t seem to find you anywhere. 
“Her?” He asks, then immediately realising there could only be one her. “I was trying to tell you, boss. The kid.. The kid passed.”
“What?” His smile falters, eyes twitching, but still keeping his composure.
“Some drunk ass dude got hold of an angelic weapon from the last extermination. She was stabbed on her way back from cannibal town.”
The static in his ears were ringing louder by the second. This wasn’t supposed to happen. No, it wasn’t supposed to end like this. He was only supposed to get rid of his feelings, not you.
This whole plan backfired. It was a mistake. He kept what he hadn’t wanted, and lost what he desired.
Alastor doesn’t do feelings.
He does, but only for you. He keeps his heart closed in hopes you’re still somewhere out there.
Any other demon who tries to get with him, ultimately gets turned down.
Alastor doesn’t do feelings, no; but he does feelings. He saves the romantic kind for you. The platonic ones, however, are open doors now because of you.
Alastor didn’t do feelings, but he does now — in hopes he gets redeemed and can find you in heaven.
———[ End. ]———
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radiohusbandaskblog · 26 days
who fucked up yo hair
Well actually, no one did. My haircut is like this because I actually rip out my hair during moments of stress.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Alastor/Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Charlie Magne | Morningstar/Vaggie, Angel Dust/Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Alastor & Vox (Hazbin Hotel), Alastor & Rosie (Hazbin Hotel), Charlie Magne | Morningstar & Lucifer Magne | Morningstar Characters: Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Alastor's Shadow (Hazbin Hotel), Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel), Alastor's Mother (Hazbin Hotel), Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel), Exorcist Angels (Hazbin Hotel), Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Vox (Hazbin Hotel), Valentino (Hazbin Hotel), Cherri Bomb (Hazbin Hotel) Additional Tags: Protective Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Possessive Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Alastor Has a Heart (Hazbin Hotel), Hurt Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Hurt Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Alastor loses his cool, Post-Season/Series 01 Series: Part 1 of Falling Doesn't Feel So Bad When I Know I'm Falling With You, Too Summary:
“Good afternoon sinners and saints alike! It’s a pleasure to be broadcasting to you live from Extermination Day!”
Alastor has a new appreciation of the king, forcefully.
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curiosityunsated · 3 months
Alastor: *looks at Charlie*
Charlie: *has a run-away mom and a distant and grieving father*
Alastor: “Yup, I’m coming home with you”
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inuhalfdemon · 3 months
Dirty Dealings (5/21)
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Word Count: 3,643 Words
Chapter 5: The Attack
“The fucking brute…” - Alastor
[[Reader discretion advised: This chapter contains a moment of physical and sexual violence. Though not explicit, I understand there may be some who wish to read past this content and continue on with the story. I have placed a page break (double lines) below that marks the content beginning just after the event. Take care reading.]]
New Orleans, Louisiana
April 7th, 1975
Evening found Addie quietly walking the streets of New Orleans alone. Lights along the walkway were only just starting to flicker to life. Soon, moths would be dancing circles in their dim-casted light. She hummed to herself softly, watching the colors of day draining slowly from the sky in a wash of purple, orange and yellow.
So distracted was she, she didn’t catch the movement of someone reaching for her from the shadows of a long, dark back-alley before she was roughly yanked to the side.
Addie gasped, a very large man pinning her hard against the corner of a brick wall. She started to scream but his large hand covered her mouth, slamming her head against rough stone.
“Shhhhhhhhhh….” He snarled softly. The smell of alcohol and a nauseatingly-pungent body odor wafted off of him. “None of that now, little missy.” His voice rumbled, blowing stank, hot breath across her face.
“Where’s your money?” He asked her, keeping her pressed against the wall of the alley, he drug her roughly against the brick, bringing her further into the dark.
Her eyes were wide, his large, dirty hand still pushing her hard against her mouth. She shook her head helplessly.
“What? No money?” He grunted. “None?” He pushed himself against her, pinning every part of her to the cold alley wall. “Well, at least you’re a pretty thing….” She could feel his erection against her hip.
Panic gripped her and she tried to twist herself from the tight grip he held on her. His fingers closed roughly along her mouth and jaw, slamming her head into the brick again, harder this time. She made a sharp, muffled cry at the pain that violently erupted from her skull. Dazed, she saw pinpoints of light dancing across her vision. He was now pushing her arms up above her head, clenching both of her wrists easily in one heavy hand as he quickly fumbled with his belt. She tried to jerk away, but his hold on her was absolute. Adrenaline shot coldly through her, realizing she wouldn’t escape this. He couldn’t kill her but he could certainly harm her. And, even when it was over and her body healed; he would forget her and everything he had done, but she wouldn’t.
“Fuck it.” He growled, giving up on the belt for now, he grabbed at the waist of her jeans, pulling them down.
“No!” She cried, “No, don’t! Please…” The alley was becoming engulfed in more darkness. Maybe if she was lucky, she would pass out, wake up battered but alive in a dumpster somewhere…
“Well, what luck have I!?” A voice cried out happily in the dark.
“I was just on my way to find you, and here you are!” Alastor stood in human form, his hands folded atop his long black cane set before him, dim light from the opening in the alley glinting off his spectacles…a wide smile splitting his face.
The man, easily keeping Addie pinned to the wall, barely even assessed Alastor’s spindly frame when turning to look at him. The man easily towered over and greatly out-weighed him.
“Oh! And good evening, Adeline!” Alastor beamed, lifting one hand in a small wave. “Good old, New Orleans…bringing fine folks together!” He shook his head and laughed.
“What the fuck do you want?” The man demanded, finally letting go of Adeline and facing Alastor.
“Why, I am here to settle up with you on a deal, my friend!” Alastor told him, his smile creeping wider across his face.
“I don’t know who the fuck you even are.” The man said, stopping just in front of who he thought to be a rather small, silly man.  
“No, you don’t.” Alastor allowed. “But, you do know a very good friend of mine. A gentleman by the name of….Husker."
The change in the man was instant. All strength and confidence leaving him.
“Well, where is he then!?” The man barked, suddenly entirely unsure of Alastor now.
“Oh, well,” Alastor began, walking past the man to stand beside him, facing Adeline. “Husker and I had a bit of fun at gambling, you see. Your soul -among others - just happened to be part of the whole pot - which I won, naturally. Of course, Husker…” Alastor laughed, seeming to be very much enjoying telling the man all of this. “He lost a lot more than that. Never knows when to quit while he’s ahead, that one. Such a shame really, he had such great potential as an Overlord in Hell.”
The man was facing the opening of the alley, his eyes on Alastor. Addie watched as they both starred at each, neither of them moving.
Suddenly, the man made to bolt away when a frighteningly huge, long, clawed and twisting limb caught him and smashed him into the brick wall. The limb was a grotesque form of Alastor’s arm, holding the man fast to the stone wall. Alastor smiled wickedly at the man, green tendrils of smoke curling and uncurling around him as his body started to twist and lengthen, large, razor sharp fangs protruding from his mouth.
“You-you can’t do this!” The man was yelling. “I didn’t make a deal with you!”
A sharp, distorted and piercing laughter was emanating from Alastor’s shifting form now, “The terms of your contract have been met,” The words came in sharp, hissing… “I now hold it within my possession.” A rippling, chuckle reverberated off the walls within the alley. “I own you.”
The man was screaming now, struggling as green and shadow came for him. 
“Oh, Adeline…” Alastor sung to her in a high, screeching radio-static voice. “Please, be a dear and excuse us. I have…private business that needs attending to.”
She rushed down and out from the mouth of the alley.
Her legs shaking, she went to the nearest streetlight, sliding down an empty store front to collapse on the walk. Her hands shook and she could feel her heartbeat racing against her chest and her temples. The hackles on the back of her neck were standing on end; a natural instinct sending her into a state of flight. She swallowed down her growing panic, fighting to steady herself. Luc had saved her, she wasn’t actually afraid of him... But, she knew that wasn’t fully true…a part of her most certainly was afraid of him; of whatever he really was.
After some time, he strolled out of the alley – having shifted back into human form, brushing dirt from the sleeves of his suit and straightening one of the lapels of his jacket. “Well, that just gave me an appetite for a proper meal!” He laughed. “Would you care to join me for dinner? My treat, of course!” He went to her, offering his hand and helping her to stand up from the cold and damp walkway.
Addie had had enough time to recover herself, but she was still rather shaky and felt out of sorts. She brushed the hair back from her face absently, trying to find something to say to Luc when he hissed sharply,
“The fucking brute…” She flinched at the sharpness of his disgust, though his ever-present smile was still there, wide across his face.
He had noticed a trickle of blood seeping from her hair line. The man had split Addie’s head open, smashing her into the wall but the injury had already healed completely. Flourishing, his hand, he produced a handkerchief and gave it to her so that she may clean the area.
“I give you my most sincerest apologies, dear Adeline.” He told her, as sincerely -she thought- as he had ever been with her.
“It’s fine…it’s-it’s already healed-“ She pressed the cloth to where the blood remained.
“It most certainly is not fine.” He corrected her. “I’m afraid I have been rather…slack…in my responsibilities. I’ve held Husker’s souls to be gathered for some time now. Had I gotten the job done, this never would have happened to you. For that, I am deeply sorry. It will not happen again.”
She was surprised by how bothered he really seemed by the whole event. She didn’t think - or fathom – why he would possibly care. It’s not like it impacted the terms of their deal. She couldn’t be killed. What did it matter to him if she were hurt, molested or raped? She just couldn’t make sense of it.
She wiped at the line of blood with the handkerchief. When she had finished, he took it from her briefly, using it to swipe away at a small spot she had missed.  Then, with a quickly performed flourish, the bloody handkerchief was gone again.
“Now, then,” He regarded her, still smiling but his eyes soft. “How about that dinner? Or,” He reconsidered. “Perhaps, I should see you home and we can do that some other time. Our anniversary is not that far off, after all.” He was very kindly offering her an out.
She suddenly realized…it wasn’t their anniversary. This was the first time he was making a point of spending time with her outside of the yearly date of their deal.
“I think dinner sounds great.” She told him.
“You-,” He tilted his head, watching her closely as he asked, “You’re sure?”
“Yes, Luc. I’m fine, really.” Something very briefly changed in his expression, darkening his mood. It was there and gone in an instant. She knew he really hated being called that name. Still, he allowed it and she felt like it just might be a healthy dose to his ego; so she kept it.
“Did you have something in mind?” She asked him.
“Only to visit the very best dining establishment ever to grace our dear New Orleans!” He announced happily. He spun his long black cane, opening a green, flowing portal.
“My dear,” He offered her his arm, before they both stepped through and directly into a very old, very unique restaurant.
The place was the very embodiment of New Orleans bayou aesthetic. There were skulls and skeletons of various animals – particularly of alligators and snakes – that ordained the walls, old style furniture, tables and a long bar that extended across the diner. Soft lights and candles glowed from all sorts of places, presumably placed about at random.  Odd symbols were burned into bits of old wood here and there about much of the building. Knowing the history of New Orleans, Addie guessed that they were symbols originating from the practice of voodoo, but she wasn’t entirely sure. The whole place was bizarre, almost a classy kind of macabre, and everything…shimmered…in strange, soft transparent green and blue colors.
“Are we-?” She stopped, suddenly. “Are we in Hell?”
He erupted into such a cackling fit, she wasn’t sure if it was because her question was actually that funny to him or if he truly had drug her into his realm of sinners and outcasts just for the sheer enjoyment of it.
“Why, no! Of course, not!” He was still laughing heartily. “This was an old favorite restaurant of mine back when I was alive.” He explained, still snickering. “The staff isn’t the same, of course, but the fine cooking hasn’t changed a bit, I promise you.”
“Wait a minute-“ It was getting to be too much for her to take in. “How-How is something like this even possible!?”
“Oh, dear sweet humanity…” He rolled his eyes. “Best to not overthink these things, darling. Now, I’m famished! What do you say!?”
He led her to an old, rustic round table that sat center in the spacious room, awkwardly surrounded by other tables and empty chairs as if the place was expecting many more patrons. On the table, there were dishes and pots and pans; all sorts of an abundance of hot, steaming Cajun food placed and ready for serving. It smelled….amazing. Two empty plates, two sets of utensils and two crisp glasses of Sazerac were set aside near to the food, as well.
“You’re…eating with me?” She asked, looking at him.
“Of course.” He said, “I hope that’s alright!”
“I just didn’t think you ate-“ She started, then stopped at the expression he was giving her. “Right. Overthinking it…”
He went to one of the chairs, smoothly pulling it out and offering her to take a seat.
She sat down and he quickly busied himself with piling the plates with an assortment of what there was to try. Coming back to their placements, he set her food steaming and hot down for her before seating himself to enjoy his own meal.
She starred at the plate, her mouth watering. She knew she never had – nor ever would she have again – food like this.
He was humming happily, very much enjoying the meal. “Would you be more… ‘comfortable’ in another…form?” She asked him. “I really don’t mind if you’d prefer something else.” She gestured, awkwardly, to his human profile.
“Oh!,” He said, dabbing at his chin with a napkin. “That would be just…lovely,” He leaned back in his chair, his voice melting into radio and his appearance shifting smoothly as he stretched. Red, ears and antlers. He quite liked this form in particular, it seemed.
She started into her own meal and everything she tasted erupted in perfectly heated-flavor across her tongue and in her mouth. She enjoyed it so much, that it was some time before she realized they had spent much of their dinner together in a comfortable and companionable silence.
She briefly felt the strangeness of it when he asked her, “So, Adeline, how are you enjoying your freedom?”
“It’s-“ She started to say, but then she paused.
“If I’m being honest…” She told him truthfully. “I’m not sure.”
Alastor had finished eating for a moment. He raised his glass of Sazerac to his lips, long, furry ears trained on her as he listened.  
“It’s been nearly 25 years.” She sighed, “And, I haven’t accomplished anything I wanted. I’ve just spent all this time and energy just trying to…just trying to get by! It’s-“ She reined herself in. “It’s frustrating.”
“Ah, well,” He said, setting his glass back down. “You’re a smart girl, Adeline. I’m confident you’ll find your way around it.”
“Is that even possible?” She asked him. “Things have changed so much…already. Technology is advancing and there’s so much more being set in place for different things…It just feels like it’s going to get harder and harder.”
He smirked at her. “After everything you have experienced, you still have doubts? That you have possibilities….potential?”
“I’m not sure what I believe anymore.” She told him. “I made a deal with you – for my soul – because I was sure it meant little to me if I died without finding something…something I was meant for here, first. But, you seem to want it, so it must be worth something.”
“A soul like yours, Adeline, a soul that holds so much potential. It’s priceless, no set value can be placed upon it.” He told her. “Consider the soul I only just recently… acquired.” His grin growing at the thought. “Still valuable to me but a sinner’s soul, one who is destined for the rings of Hell…it can’t be compared. Which,” He lifted a finger, and added a little off-handedly, “Is why my friend, Husker, and I will be having a little chat about…standards. So, yes, your soul – in particular – is very valuable to me. I can assure you.”  
“So, you really enjoy this, then? What you do? Collecting…souls?”
“Yes. Very much.” His smile spreading. “I rather like dealing in favors, truths, what-have-you but I find true enjoyment, - empowerment even - in the dealing and collection of souls. It brings me great pleasure and satisfaction to my time in Hell and…it’s awfully rewarding.” He snickered to himself.  
“Well, good for you, then, I suppose.” She said. “Maybe I’ll find that someday…”
They were both quiet for a moment, then he spoke, “Perhaps…I can offer you a favor of my own…a secret, if you will. I still feel somewhat responsible for your having a bad time of it today...and well, could it really do any harm?” He shrugged.
 He leaned forward slightly in his chair, his eyes steady on hers. “No one…actually knows what they are doing, Adeline.”
She starred at him, not fully understanding what he was trying to convey to her here.
“Well…you seem to have it all figured out.” She told him when he didn’t elaborate. “And, what about all this talk about heaven and hell; potential and purpose and –“
“Really, must you overthink everything?” He groaned, moodily, still smiling at her. “Now. I think that’s quite enough of that.” He told her, obviously wanting to be done with the conversation. “There’s a lot more food here for us to enjoy and I – for one – do not like my Cajun cold. So, let’s dig back in!!!”  
He excused himself briefly from the table, gathering both their plates and heaping them high with more food. When she went back to eating what he had brought back for her, she noted that no part of it had cooled, even the slightest. Each part of the meal was still hot, steaming and as delicious as if it had just been pulled from the kitchen to be served.
“Look,” He said, lifting his fork with the end of a steaming sausage stuck within the prongs. “I’ll say this: The clause, it’s not going away. Our deal, is not going away.” He was clarifying to her, “But, know this: my dearest Adeline...”
He placed the fork with the sausage down back onto his plate, eyes on her.  “The potential you carry with you, it’s immensely valuable. To both of us. You may not see it there. But, I do.”
“You wouldn’t know this about me,” He continued. “But, I’m very…picky, with the deals that I choose to make. This deal - in particular - has been especially…” His ears laid back, the tips curling as he finished, “ interesting and entertaining for me.” A wry smile, playing across his face.
“You say you have accomplished nothing,” He went on. “Well, 25 years later and here you are!” He exclaimed. “I’ll admit. I’m impressed.”
 She wasn’t sure why he was telling her this. Her whole perception of him was always so muddled, confused…He loved to tease and torment her. Hell, he wanted to see her completely and utterly fail: to break down. give in and give up her soul so that he may have it and use it for whatever benefit he had in having it. But, he also did things like this. Every year he gifted her something meaningful. He went out of his way to protect her when she needed him... He sat across from her now; sharing in a meal - that he had, somehow - personally prepared and he was saying actual nice things to boost her morale. She couldn’t make head-or-tails of any of it.
She gave him a genuine smile. “Thank you.” She told him. “I really-.” He was watching her, one of his ears tweaking slightly as he waited. “I really needed to hear that.”
“Think nothing of it.” He flashed her a wide grin. “Now, let me tell you about how I came across this fine establishment way ‘back in the day’.” He lifted his fork again, going back to working through the food he still had left to eat. “You see, a dear lady-friend of mine often sang here. ‘Mimzy’ is her name! Such a talent! Why, she could sing and dance the night away like nobody’s business! This one night, I was nervously waiting to hear back from this new ‘local news radio station’ in regards to some employment and-“
And, so the evening went. Alastor and Addie enjoyed their meal together, happily chatting about various things and enjoying each other’s company. When it grew to be quite late, Alastor saw her home to her small studio apartment that she was currently staying in while in New Orleans.
Addie had discovered that the document Alastor had given her when she was staying in Lafayette – the year 1970 – worked to assure anyone she showed it to that she was a resident of their housing; despite them never having remembered her. The blank paper had been a complete game-changer for her, ensuring she would always have somewhere to stay.
New Orleans, Louisiana
June 25th, 1975
When Addie came home to her apartment that evening, she found a beautiful red rose set atop of a pile of neatly stacked papers on her small entryway table. On top of the documents, just beneath the rose, was an envelope with her name beautifully scrawled across its face in delicate cursive letters. Addie took the envelope, opening it to find a small note, scrawled in the same elegant penmanship.
Happy Anniversary Yours truly,
There was no signed name to be found but she wasn’t lost on who had left it for her to find. Addie took the stack of papers from the entry table and gasped. They were travel documents. Papers that were similar to the apartment paper in that she could see words and images pooling, shifting, and melting across the parchment; taking whatever form would be required for anyone to know she belonged wherever she might be or going. She had everything she needed; identification, tickets for transportation, destination, everything.
Addie pulled the papers close, holding them tightly to her chest; silent tears running from her eyes.
“Thank you…” She whispered.
Chapter 6
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killjoy-toast · 4 months
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As the #1 one Mary Poppins truther, I legally had no other choice
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forget-me-ghost · 4 months
So in the Sneak Peak for ep 7 Alastor is frowning for like a split second
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He looks so... tired and sad.
The fact that he drops his smile for this one second while saying "Dooming everyone you love?" is also interesting. Does Al have some regrets after all? Maybe it's somehow connected to his mother?
Later on, Alastor talks about how a smile doesn't always mean that someone is happy, that it can be used as a tool to fool people around you that you are in control/that you are fine. It seems as if Al's permanent smile is a copying mechanism. Makes me wonder what the hell happened that he does this.
I like that we get those lil snippets about Al and we're left to figure out if we want to trust him or not. He is such a well written character.
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az-roser · 2 days
“The world is a scary place, now that you’ve woken up the demon in me.”
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Yoooooo ngl I’m so SO in love with how this piece turned out 😭🖤
bonus points if you know what song these lyrics are from lol👀
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paperdemonic · 3 months
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This was honestly just an excuse to draw my two favourite animals
Horse and cat-deer-demon-creature
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alastor is so severely rotting my brain i can't
like imagine. just imagine, if you will. the hazbins holding a little memorial for sir pentious and alastor speaking because he isn't affected by anything happening except being salty that adam beat his ass.
"deerly beloved, we are gathered here today—"
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shootinwebs · 2 months
alastor: (probably drunk because probably would never say this shit sober)
alastor: anyway, congrats again on being married!
husk: ...angel and i got hitched four fucking years ago... you were there... you played us a song...
alastor: yes, well! the next step is to fill this horrible place with your hellion children. should be rather quick and easy. you both have the parts, after all! lucky you! why not go upstairs now and hop to it?
angel: oh my god he wants us to go make a baby literally
husk: no he just wants us to leave the bar so he can steal all the absinthe to go cry and black out in his tower again
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arttsuka · 4 months
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Alastor would kiss him and he would fucking die.
Slight tw/cw for a heart (basically I edited a 'real' heart I found online because I couldn't draw it). It's not that bad I promise, but just in case I'm putting it under the cut.
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alastorslefthoof · 3 months
alastor is SO touchy with charlie already imagine if they were legitimately together 😭 that man would never let go of her
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hypervoxel · 2 months
The first time Vox said, "I love you," to Valentino, it went horribly wrong, because Val laughed and made a joke about how often he's heard that as a sex worker (especially now that he's in Hell and has become a walking talking aphrodisiac that Vox was currently high on). Vox is now so self conscious about his feelings and has never voiced them that way since. In Val's mind, he told Vox to only say that if he means it, but Vox hasn't told Val he loves him ever again, so Val certainly isn't going to be the one to say it first.
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lustrethings · 3 months
Ik the idea of Lucifer disliking or having generally negative feelings about his wings is a more or less popular take (on most fics I read anyway) for the sake of hurt/comfort and I love it don't get me wrong but I really love the idea of Lucifer being his most confident with his wings in full display (bc apparently in canon that happens!)
I imagine it's a lot of work to take care of them, but I can see him taking great pride (hah) in his wings and keeping them tidy, and it's exactly why they're not out often (pocket dimension for the wings like bonnets are for curls), bc he's often lacking the energy to tidy them up if they do get messy or dirty!
So anyway Alastor learns how to take care of them and Lucifer starts to have them out more, because he feels more at ease knowing someone else will help keeping them, and that helps him feel more confident on good days.
He also likes being able to fly to Alastor's height whenever they're arguing but that's beside the point
In return he tries to help Alastor with his antlers and hooves when the sinner is feeling particularly at ease with it.
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lilfriezatyrant · 4 months
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✨I dub thee King Roach! ✨
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