#albert dasilva
“haha wdym newsies has fish symbolism and it’s important” LISTEN. when Jacobi says “who says water isn’t important? just ask a fish… in the desert.” what does a desert notoriously lack? water. what does a fish notoriously need? WATER. but where do the newsies come in, you ask? these kids are being made to survive in an environment that isn’t giving them what they need to survive. doesn’t that sound familiar? ALSO, in CTB when buttons goes “we’s as free as fishes”— this enforces the fish metaphor. fish also travel in schools- similarly to how the newsies rely on each other to survive.
that’s pretty much it, thank you for listening to my rant
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newsies quotes but it’s things me and my friends have said.
jack: you don’t get to be mean to him… only i get to be mean to him
race: how about die?
race: i love you so much
spot: shut up there’s people around
specs: when i was five, i accidentally pushed this old lady into a lamp post and then i cried for a week straight.
albert: you didn’t do it on purpose?
i would’ve done it on purpose…
davey: i’m not gay but if i wa-
jack: WAIT YOU’RE NOT GAY??????
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bigmack2go · 3 days
Albert and spot bickering in Spanish supremacy???
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military-newsboys · 17 hours
Spot: I want someone, anyone, to look at me and say: “Hey, I see you, I accept you. I fear for my safety around you.”
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wekiaam · 11 months
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"One for all, and all for one!"
124 years ago today, the newsies of New York started their strike against The World and The Journal!! To celebrate I made my own version of the front page picture<33
Here's which newsie is which!
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broadwaytwitter · 2 months
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fancy-clam · 6 days
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happy pride month
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 3 months
Give me Newsies who developed or were born with disabilities over their time in the refuge and growing up in the streets of New York.
We obviously have Crutchie, who crushed his leg in a trolley accident during the trolley strikes, but how about the others?
Kid Blink, who's eye was cut badly during a fight and totally lost all vision in that eye, leaving a nasty scar where he was sliced. He jokes that he's secretly a pirate to the younger kids because he wears an eyepatch, but the real reason he has it is to hide the scar because he is embarrassed and ashamed of his scaring and how scary it can look.
JoJo, who was born with a vision impairment that makes everything extremely blurry through his perspective. Somebody always needs to read the headline to him in the morning, and he sometimes needs a selling partner to lead him in the correct direction without getting run over by a carriage.
Splint, who's broken her arm so many times and in so many different ways that it's practically unusable. It's covered in nasty scars and bruises and is swollen and bumpy from where the bone never fully set back properly.
Elmer, who deals with chronic fatigue and sometimes having to be dragged away from selling for at least a little bit because Spot can see that if he doesn't sit down soon, he will pass out from ache and exhaustion.
Albert, who lost most of his hearing in a fight at the refuge and has Katherine teach him and a few of the others some sign language so he can finally communicate as well as he can with the other newsies.
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blinkinbrothershark · 3 months
Things In Newsies Live I Think About A Lot #1
Y'know that part at the beginning of KONY, when Race mimicks the Statue of Liberty by clutching the paper to his chest and holding a glass above his head? Well, you mightn't have noticed that when he does this, Henry is standing in front of him on the floor and he mouths "I'm the king of New York" when Race says it.
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Does this mean that Race frequently goes into song and dance about being the king of New York? Does this mean that Henry knows Race so well that he can predict what he's about to say? Or is Henry magic and can read Race's mind?
Now, I don't want to make any assumptions here, but I like the sound of that last one.
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abovethefoldd · 3 months
albert better have gotten his seltzer after the strike was over
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racetrackmybeloved · 10 days
i adore how quick the boys are to help crutchie when he needs it. no discussion, no pity, just support.
when morris pushes him over, it isn't jack (who is right there) who helps him up, neither is it race nor romeo, who we saw him interact with earlier in the song. it's albert who helps him up, and it's albert who carries him until he gets his crutch back. did they have a system? was it albert's job to carry crutchie when needed? was it because they're close friends, and we just never get to see it again? or was it that any of the newsies would have done it, but albert happened to be the closest?
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when the nuns hand out food, kid blink and smalls don't hesitate before hoisting him onto their shoulders. jack and specs both place their hands on his back to ensure that he doesn't fall backwards. it's so smooth, so natural, like they've done it a million times before.
and note: i don't think crutchie interacts with any of those characters (albert, kid blink, smalls) at any other moment in the musical.
conclusion: crutchie is so so loved.
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ask--the--newsies · 2 months
/RP withhhh Race and/or? Maybe a little bit of a return from the refuge type of plot!! I've got a character named Jasper who got caught by Snyder and sees Race and/or Albert as his older brothers!! (saw the ooc message!!)
[ albert paces nervously outside of the refuge, constatntly checking the massive clock on its front wall. ]
"he should be out by now. why ain't he out?"
"i dunno, al!"
[ race says, leaning against a wall and chewing on his cigar; trying to keep himself calm. ]
"we'll just... give 'em another minute."
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knockoff-conlon · 10 days
sky flaherty's arms
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military-newsboys · 3 days
Jack: that’s what she said.
Race: what who said? What bitch is talking shit about me?
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loiteringandlurking · 4 months
after the strike, the older manhattan newsies are *ruined*. like, comatose, barely awake, exhausted to the CORE. and the younger newsies are SO full of energy like 'YAYY WE DID IT' and the older newsies can only respond with 'ough' before they collapse onto a table at jacobi's. some of the older newsies have taken to sleeping in the same beds at the lodge because it helps them sleep easier. after jack moves to be with davey working in pulitzer's office, race and albert take over the manhattan newsies, trying to keep the morale up while barely keeping it together themselves. when albert suddenly breaks down in tears trying to get the younger newsies to just please listen to him, the only thing race really knows to do is hug him as tight as he can and try to kiss his cheek as inconspicuously as possible.
of course, it doesn't go unnoticed. it creates tradition and openness within the younger newsies; they feel comfortable crying in front of each other for the first time, and often kiss each other on the cheek or forehead to cheer each other up. when jack comes to visit and he finds such a supportive environment, led by race and albert holding hands and wearing steel promise rings, he's spellbound.
he can't believe that race and albert brought this about.
he's so proud of them because now they can finally be themselves.
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broadwaytwitter · 3 months
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