at-liberty-news · 22 days
Galactic War Status: Day 7
...back? We're back? We are? Okay, good. good. Finally.
Welcome back, viewers! We took a wrong turn in FTL and ended up very far outside of transmission range with Super Earth, and it took us the better part of the last 48 hours to find our way back. Very sorry about that. We'll try to catch up on the news now.
Day 6 of the Galactic War was a solemn loss on the bot front, as the Helldivers were unable to protect Vernen Wells from the Automaton invasion. Who knows how harshly the war effort will be impacted by the loss of recruits training there? Unfortunately, we were among the many who did not even notice the simultaneous attack of Varylia 5 in the Trigon sector, leading to a near-completely unopposed takeover of the planet by Automaton forces. 
Indeed, even High Command seemed to be working against their own best interests, having sent out personal orders to eradicate over two dozen Hunters, leading troops to land on less tactically valuable planets in the East rather than Vernen Wells, where they belonged. On the other hand, SEAF forces in Terminid territory managed to completely cleanse Fenrir III this time, rescuing the day from being a total loss. Let's hope another undiscovered nest doesn't spring up, though.
And now onto the current day. With the factories back at home churning out bullets, there must be an excess, as the personal orders of the day are to score at least one hundred confirmed kills using the A/G-16 Gatling Sentry. While incapable of penetrating heavy armor, this automated bullet hose near-instantaneously tears apart anything short of it.
As for the matter of territory, a swarm of bugs has found its way onto Turing in the Umlaut sector and is spreading across the surface now. SEAF forces are already quelling the infestation as I speak! Back on Vernen Wells, what little ground we have left is slowly receding as SEAF troops struggle to maintain control. Reinforcements cannot come soon enough!
That's all for now. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 12 days
Galactic War Status: Day 16
This is Michael Adams, closing out the day with one more segment.
First up, armed forces have utterly stomped out the Terminids invading Heeth. Now secured, troopers fighting there have moved on to assist in the destruction of Meridia.
Progress has been difficult, but results are beginning to show. Terminid resistance has dropped by an estimated 13% since the campaign's launch! Let's hope this trend continues.
Helldivers on the surface have run into a major roadblock to their operations, however, in the form of the sheer pervasiveness of Terminid tunnels perforating the planet's crust. It is so pervasive, in fact, that the flimsy tectonic drills provided by Super Earth are at constant risk of swarms unburrowing all around them at any given moment! Protection of the drills is seemingly impossible for many troopers, but the best among them have still found solutions. 
While most explosives are out of the question for use near the drills, EMS effects have become increasingly popular as a means of subduing waves of bugs before they can harm the drills. The only flaw in this strategy is the Bile Titan. The largest living Terminid we've yet seen in this war, Bile Titans had shown evolution of their own some weeks back when they developed an immunity to the disorienting effects of EMS strikes. A shining beacon of hope against them, however, has been the ever-reliable EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank. Due to the abnormally high casualty rates of these operations, Helldivers have flocked to using the EAT over other Anti-Tank options. Many squad leaders reason that the alternatives would simply be lost in the chaos of battle once their operator falls. Even still, the odds are overwhelmingly against our forces, and the fate of Meridia is still uncertain.
Let us all pray that SEAF can pull through, for Liberty's sake. That's all we have for now, but stay tuned for the next set of personal orders in a few hours. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 8 days
Personal Order Status: Day 21
Today's personal order is to collect and extract 10 common samples. Indeed, these samples can be found in the dozens, almost anywhere on any planet.
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at-liberty-news · 9 days
Hello there! We at the Cave Filling Corporation have been listening to your show for a while now. It has been a great source of news!
However, we do have to ask some questions. For a start, what do you think of Super Earth, the automatons, and the Terminids? Where do you loyalties lie regarding this? At first we were sure you were Super Earth broadcast, but some of your comments that fly in the face of Super Earth propaganda say otherwise.
{Author's note, I am glad I am not the only Helldivers lore/roleplay poster here, even though my content is a little more broad than just Helldivers.}
Salutations, employees of the Cave Filling Corporation! Your viewership and questions are appreciated! I, Michael Adams, am more than happy to take this opportunity to explain the inception of our broadcast station.
When the conflict between the Federation and aggressing groups such as the Terminids and Automatons first began, most of us were simple and patriotic citizens of Super Earth. I even worked at Strohmann News! But as the fighting dragged on, one thing became apparent. Super Earth wasn't telling people the whole story. Opinion pieces entirely rewritten, factual reports thrown out, and entire catastrophes swept under the rug by the Ministry of Truth. Stations that dared to speak out against the lies and misinformation were raided and dismantled by armed forces.
We decided the truth could not be expunged any longer. Being an industrious group with varied talents, some of us volunteered for the Helldiver Corps. Over time, the survivors of their gruesome missions all requested reassignments to the same Super Destroyer, where they staged a revolt against the democracy officer on board. We safely deposited any crew members who remained blindly loyal to Super Earth on remote planets in the southern sectors, but knew it would come back to bite us when they eventually established communication with the Federation.
For a time, it was the perfect ruse. The SEAF was none the wiser that one of their own Super Destroyers was the basis of an illegal broadcast. But we knew it wouldn't last forever, and so we worked hard to accumulate as many contacts, supplies, and information as we could.
One day, as our resident Helldivers returned from a scouting mission, a pair of hostile Super Destroyers warped to our location. Luckily, we were prepared. We threw our kill switch, disabling all trackers and communication channels on the ship. We fired EMS strikes at the hostiles and warped away. We've been on the run ever since, only breaking radio silence to make broadcasts.
So, to answer your questions, we are not for the Federation. But we are also not for the nearly mindless Terminids nor the Automatons, who know nothing of love and all of hatred.
We are for Humanity, whose path shall not be barred by alien powers nor the fascists from within, for our indominable spirit shall win through at any cost!
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at-liberty-news · 12 days
Arsenal & Strategy Status
Good news for our warriors on Meridia: High Command has noticed the difficulty in fending Terminids off the drills and is dispatching additional A/M-23 EMS Mortar Sentries to all active Super Destroyers in response. It's a smart choice, as EMS effects can safely prevent most Terminids from even moving. The only remaining struggle will be stopping the highly resilient Bile Titans and extracting alive amidst the Shrieker swarm. 
Similarly to Bile Titans, Shriekers are also immune to the impairment wrought by EMS, which means they'll have to be dispatched the old-fashioned way—with plenty of bullets. Some soldiers have begun taking a variety of bullet hoses with them in order to protect their squad against these fliers. A powerful combination we've personally recorded footage of is the simultaneous use of assault rifles, machine guns, and ballistic sentries. This staggering throughput of bullets clears the hordes from the sky with minimal risk of friendly fire.
Additionally, many heroes have taken to learning the Shrieker's attack patterns in order to find the most effective evasive maneuvers. Two popular strategies are to use the surrounding walls and cliffs as cover, limiting the possible directions of aerial assault, and to move unpredictably. Once they've started a divebomb, Shriekers have little steering control, and even groups are easily dodged by constantly switching directions. Finally, diving into prone seems to be effective at avoiding divebombs and giving a trooper just enough time to inject themselves with a stim in order to keep going.
We are still standing by for the Helldiver's next set of personal orders and will return with them soon. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 25 days
SEAF Weapons Experimentation
This is Michael Adams, reporting to you on Super Earth's latest!
Not long ago, Super Earth's High Command pre-approved a temporary requisition of the Orbital Gas Strike stratagem for all active Super Destroyers. This is an uncommon event due to the cost, which means it will not last long. The Helldivers had better take full advantage of it while they can.
Additionally, the Helldivers' personal orders of the day, as intercepted by us, appear to involve the utilization of the FLAM-40 Flamethrower in the eradication of at least one hundred foes!
We cannot help but notice the timing of these events, only two weeks after Super Earth corrected a major error in their production lines for all corrosive and incendiary compounds used by SEAF weaponry that had led to a high rate of 'dud' shipments with little to no effect on targets. It's clear that the Helldiver's trust in the efficacy of our more slow-burning tools has been shaken, such that High Command deems it necessary to corral them back into regular use.
Let's hope the sparks in their hearts are already reigniting as they begin burning bugs to a well-done crisp and melting bots in a corrosive haze. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 26 days
Another Update on Helldiver's Orders
Hello again, dear viewers! We're back with another update on the movements of our staunch protectors!
Not long ago, the Helldivers eradicated all known Terminids on the surface of Heeth. Now they're projected to fully repel the Automaton invasion of Aesir Pass within minutes. By the time most of you are reading this, it will already be safe. And with that, all four currently constructing facilities should be fully operational within just one Super Earth rotation!
Now onto today's personal order. We've seen a massive uptick in Helldivers diverting from their typical drop spots and instead diving into Terminid areas infested with Bile Spewers. Super Earth seems to be worried about the 'artillery' fire they provide the bugs and must want them thinned out so our troops-in-training will maintain ranged superiority.
That's all for now, this is Michael Adams signing off! Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 3 days
Personal Order Status: Day 26
Today's personal order is to put down 25 Terminid Hunters.
And that begets one simple question. Why? High Command should know better than to split the attention of its troops, and yet this personal order conflicts in goal with the current major order. When the major order is teetering so close on the edge between victory or defeat, this display can only be seen as supreme incompetence.
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at-liberty-news · 1 month
Broadcast Coming Online...
Hello, Federation of Super Earth! From our secret and constantly moving broadcast station, this is At Liberty News and I'm your most trusted reporter, Michael Adams! We will be broadcasting anywhere we can, from Cyberstan to Klen Dahth II, from Malevelon Creek to Super Earth itself, the voice of truth will be not expunged! Stay tuned!
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at-liberty-news · 15 days
Territory Status: Day 14
This is Michael Adams, back with what should be our last update for the day. In this segment, we'll be going over what planets have changed hands since our last broadcast.
Acamar IV's defense fell as predicted, as Helldivers prioritized the completion of Turing. With Turing finally secured, all three planets necessary for the first phase of operation "Enduring Peace." are now under our control. While we wait for the scientists on Moradesh to complete their work, SEAF must maintain control of all three planets until the 30th. Speaking of Moradesh, the two threatened planets adjacent to it, Cirrus and Veld, are still undergoing defense campaigns. While the forces on Veld are barely keeping up with the spawning of bugs, Cirrus appears to be destined to fall. Let's hope there are no consequences for Moradesh when it happens.
Meanwhile, SEAF's progress on all Automaton-occupied planets is at a total loss. All contested planets aside from Vernen Wells are in their worst possible states, and our forces are slowly losing what ground they have left on Vernen Wells itself. Despite this, the bolted menace has made no further advances since the loss of their petafactory. We can only assume they are regrouping and planning their next attacks very carefully.
That's all for now. This is Michael Adams, signing off. Give 'em hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 5 days
Galactic War Status: Day 23
Greetings, viewers. We're back with a recap of Day 23 of the Galactic War. There's not too much, so let's get through it!
Despite the rallying cries of many heroic Helldivers and the urging of High Command, the majority still refused to protect Aesir Pass. As we mourn the loss of the last training facility on the bot front, we can only hope that Super Earth will establish more well-protected replacements in the future. In the meantime, the war has just gotten harder on all fronts. At this cost, however, the Helldivers were able to easily finish securing Acamar IV from the Automatons before focusing their full force on Phact Bay. 
Although by now we've rolled over into day 24, the Helldivers have just recently completely cleared Phact Bay of Terminid influence! With all four planets secure, the fight against the bugs is once again restricted to just two sectors, and the major order is officially a success. How Super Earth will proceed is yet to be seen.
Next up will be Day 24's personal orders. That's all for now.
Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 9 days
Major Order Status: Day 20
Welcome back, viewers! Michael Adams here with a new major order handed down from High Command.
While the last message from Super Earth sent to the Super Destroyers yesterday implied that High Command intended to immediately pivot to the Automaton front, it now appears they need more time to thoroughly plan the next offensive against the bots. In the meantime, Super Earth's armed forces are intent on retaking four planets from the Terminids. According to the order, the Federation must regain control of Erata Prime, Acamar IV, Turing, and Phact Bay within four days. Once these planets are taken, the Terminids will once again be bottlenecked through the Umlaut sector.
Speaking of termicide, Super Earth seems set on reinventing it, putting the Ministry of Science on the path towards producing a new, more lethal formula. This is clearly a move by the bureaucrats and military leaders who know nothing of biology. No matter how effective termicide becomes, there will be no way for it to kill 100% of Terminids without being hazardous to many other lifeforms as well, especially humans! This is another supercolony of mutations waiting to happen, as the few bugs that remain will breed again and again until they become the majority!
Let's hope the Federation doesn't end up destroying another planet. In the meantime, give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 9 days
Personal Order Status: Day 20
Welcome to day twenty of the Galactic War! Fresh off the heels of Meridia's victory (or loss, depending on how you see it), the Helldivers have been given a very simple personal order: extract from a successful mission at least three separate times. And here, we thought that was already expected of them. Go figure!
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at-liberty-news · 10 days
Personal Order Status: Day 19
Welcome back, viewers. This should be our last segment for the day.
Today, Helldivers intend to kill at least ten stalkers, one of the most feared Terminids. Stalkers have the insidious ability to become nearly invisible, and while we do not yet know how this works, we're sure that Super Earth scientists work tirelessly to reverse engineer such a powerful boon. In addition to their stealth, stalkers are unusually smart and will often pick out individuals who stray from a group, leaping to them from massive distances and knocking them to the ground with paralytic tentacle barbs. Once their prey is down, the stalker will quickly slice them into ribbons with their razor-sharp claws. Even worse, despite relying on stealth and surprise, stalkers are surprisingly resilient to injury and take longer to put down than most other bugs that the SEAF encounters in the field.
While there's plenty more that we could tell you about stalkers, we think it would be best to save it for an educational segment of its own in the future. This is Michael Adams, signing off for now.
Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 13 days
Territory Status: Day 15
Super Earth forces have reclaimed Cirrus before the bugs could use it as a staging ground to assault Moradesh, and Acamar IV is nearly liberated as well. Well done, troopers! Overall, the Helldivers' efforts to contain the Terminid threat exceed expectations. This comes at a cost, however, as the Automaton front remains in disarray, with all contested planets except Vernen Wells remaining in critical condition, and Vernen is dropping ever so slightly by the day. Without reinforcements, the stalwart soldiers already on the surface will never push back.
In a surprising twist, Terminid reproduction rates have slowed to a crawl across all systems, so low in fact that they can only hold existing ground. Any ground taken by the SEAF will be easy to hold.
That should be all for today. Apologies for the delay! Most of the Super Destroyer staff we relied on as informants were undergoing maintenance, forcing us to take longer corroborating claims by ourselves. This is Michael Adams, signing off for the time being. Give 'em Hell, DIvers!
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at-liberty-news · 16 days
Broadcast Station Update
Welcome back to the channel, viewers. We have a change in program structure starting today. Instead of a daily galactic war status for all the news of the day, we now intend to put out news in piecemeal segments in order to get the word out faster!
Going forward, you can expect individual segments for topics such as the Helldiver's personal orders, SEAF major orders, territory changing hands, and alterations or revisions to Super Earth or Automaton tech, along with potential Terminid mutations, among others.
Stay tuned for more as we prepare our status updates for the day for you, dear viewers!
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