#also the amount of time i spent on this isnt even funny lmao
andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
꒰crossteaming pt.2 !꒱
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genshin characters as your streamer bf/gf !
character x gn!reader
includes kazuha, venti, itto, thoma, and shenhe!
warnings : none.
a/n : thank you for all the notes on the 1st part , much appreciated <3
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of course the wanted criminal knows all about geography. (and poetry of course too, but well get to that later)
doesnt matter where in the world he is plopped down in, kazuha knows exactly where he is, and hes quick about it too.
competes in geoguessr tournaments too and often wins with ease.
hes the type to do google maps speedruns as well, and none of his friends are nearly as good as he is.
if youre ever lost somewhere, just send kazuha a pick of your surroundings on twitter, and hes sure to find your cross streets soon enough!
“you said how i got your address…? dont even worry about that bro.”
youre literally just there to distract kazuha, if im being entirely honest.
oh, hes 1 guess away from a 50 state streak ? not if you can do anything about it. especially if he had a penalty set up for getting answers wrong.
he has called you a pest multiple times, but its out of love <3 i dont genuinely think he could ever get mad at you for real, hes very calm all the time.
he also likes to share poetry! on the days you (lovingly) annoy him he likes to write funky lil haikus about how annoying you are <3 isnt that sweet?
what can i say, hes a funny little jokester, at least on camera. when its just the two of you alone hes a lot more romantic, i promise.
“shall i compare thee to a summers day? no, a summers day is not a bitch.”
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pretend for a second that hes not a character in the game, or even better yet, he voice acts one of the characters. venti never shuts up about how good his team comp is and how he always manages to get the characters he wants. (secretly hes just spending a LOT of money.)
character build reviews but hes actually pretty nice about it! sometimes there will be a build that he cannot physically say anything good about and its entertaining, so chat started sending in builds that were purposely bad just to get reactions out of him LMAO.
adventure rank 60, no doubt about it.
the most annoying co-op player. oh you wanted to be that character? too bad, now hes going to play them and hes got a better build too, guess you should switch <3
SOOO many unfinished quests yet he complains he has nothing to do. (guilty)
“go touch grass? im a genshin player… what is that supposed to mean?”
venti loves telling the story of how you two met in genshin co-op. you on the other hand.. well you wish he would stop talking about it every stream you appear in.
lots of streams together! he wont wish for a character without you, he claims youre his good luck charm. (he loses most of the 50/50s.)
will help you do any quest! as long as he wants to, and its one that he knows how to do. so maybe not ANY quest, but hes trying his best.
he may be annoying with strangers in co-op domains, but any character you want to play you can. no questions asked, hell switch immediately.
he does more damage than you but hell still say that you did all the hard work and hes proud of you <3
“wow you did so much damage just now, you absolutely carried me! thank you, i love you. :)”
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the best part about itto being a fortnite streamer is hes not even good at the game.
he tries his best, really he does. but somehow those cracked 12 year olds have got him beat.
has spent an embarrassing amount of money on the game, but you can tell how much he appreciates every item hes acquired.
plugs his creator code CONSTANTLY. hes gotta make that money hes spent back somehow!
whenever he has a really bad loss he just blames it on stream sniping because he can. yeah i basically turned him into ninja, whoops!
“oh my god bro again? you know what, reported for stream sniping!”
you and itto are truly a dynamic duo. youre actually decent at the game and hes entertaining to watch.
chat loves when you play duos games together, and you both do too! (even though hell take all the credit if you win.)
his favorite item is the chug cannon, mostly because he wants to make sure youre full health and shield at all times <3
has made many sacrifices of his characters life in you honor, even if you still dont end up winning, you appreciate it.
lots of moments from his streams have been clipped and put into funny moments montages and they all go straight to his neverending ego.
“we are the clowns and you all have front row seats to the circus.”
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i couldnt see thoma sticking to one main category, i feel like every stream hes doing something new, and hes somehow pretty good at anything he tries out.
his commentary is really what gets people to stick around for his content, he can make anything sound interesting.
think of him as a steamer like rtgame! hes got really fun sims and hitman series, games you dont think could be made funny, but then he does and its overall a really great time.
hes got so many inside jokes from all the games hes played, youve got to be there for every stream otherwise you miss out heavily.
nobody even knew what he looked like for awhile because he didnt have a facecam, but once he started using one his viewers went up by 100k, no joke.
“where is that from? oh, its an inside joke, you probably wouldnt get it.”
thomas viewers are literally so jealous of you. youve pulled the ultimate man right there.
honestly i dont see you appearing on his steams much other than for the occasional mario party game.
i feel like since you never really appear most of his viewers didnt even know you two were dating until those random streams happen. everytime it does twitter goes wild with “THOMA HAS A S/O?” and half the replies are also freaking out while the other half is like “you didnt know?” its a mess every time.
most likely youre in thomas chat instead of in the room, and you tend to instigate chat into spamming emotes a lot and getting it turned to sub only mode. its honestly pretty funny.
one time you walked into his room to ask if he wanted mcdonalds and he was watching paint dry. this had been going on for 4 hours. you didnt ask questions.
“the hoes gonna love this.”
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i think call of duty lobbies are the only place on earth that can handle shenhe if shes genuinely angry.
shes a toxic gamer for sure, dont get on her bad side.
shes gotten pretty good at the game too, shes one of those people who buys the new game everytime one comes out instead of just playing the same version.
chongyun will make appearances at times, they played mario party together once and it was hilarious. (for the viewers at least, maybe not chongyun though LMAO)
chongyun won and she 1v1ed him in nuketown right afterwards. (hes never won against shenhe again)
“everybody gangsta til chongyun is in the lead.”
chat doesnt understand how you can handle shenhe half the times, but truthfully she just has her own way of expressing her emotions.
for example, she broke one of your controllers playing once, and she drove her ass to best buy at almost midnight to go get you a new one, along with a note saying nothing but “sorry :(“ in the prettiest handwriting youve ever seen.
sometimes you even make her angry on purpose just because its funny, and you know no matter how much it may look like it, she could never get mad at you.
i know i said shenhe was a cod streamer, but imagine also playing apex with her alright? definitely a loba main, and shes literally just as toxic on here as she is on call of duty. 
probably has had 3 xbox accounts banned already.
“no chat i am not saying slurs in general chat, this time at least.”
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infintyonhigh · 7 months
I am and will continue to be your resident Gaylor follower, popping up at an album release, hi!👋🏻 Here with a scroll as they did in ye olden days lmao
Yeah tons of people are upset at the album prologue, many of them have received hate and threats online, getting doxxed and outed on top of that. Funnily enough they receive those threats from people that only want to see Taylor married off with kids and the whole picket fence spiel. Which is kinda funny. In an ironic way.
Anyway, I just wanted to say, there are shitty fans on both the Swiftie and the Gaylor side. You have one side trying to figure out when she lost her virginity and to whom, and another trying to figure out if one of the dance moves she does on stage is her subconsciously moving her hand in the same way you'd finger someone. So it's obvious that theorizing like that would make her uncomfortable. And those are just surface level, I'm not even gonna try going deeper and explaining every mental gymnastics moves each group makes to come to those conclusions.
You also have infighting inside each of those groups, which is just like, ridiculous? It feels just like the L and G attacking the B in LGBTQ+, like, c'mon?
My point being, this is just a regular release cycle ever since Taylor decided to become the sheriff of Pride Trailer Town back in 2019, with bi flag colored hair and all (it's called You Need to Calm Down lmao), after she liked a +18 wlw gif on this very platform, talked about "dating him or dating her" in an interview, saying "Gay pride makes me, me" and talking about decorating her girlfriend's apartment because she was too busy to do so herself. Just a small collection off the top of my head that's kinda difficult to misinterpret, and there is tons more, without ever going into lyric analysis and the sheer amount of queer flagging, but I digress.
The goal of this long-ass ask isn't really to defend, because I've seen first hand how many shitty people are there on each side. I know it's really fun to make fun of them, I've done it myself, even though I consider myself to be a part of this group of people. I straight up made crack pairings and figured out ways to connect lyrics to those pairings to show how silly some theories sound. But I'll reiterate, only one group has seen its members doxxed and outed which put these kids (yes many of them are kids) in very dangerous situations as it wasn't safe for them to be out. And that's something I'll always hold over the head of regular Swifties, because it's a life threatening act that members of the group have done. Meanwhile their strongest "ammo" is secret Kaylor baby (I strongly don't recommend THAT rabbit hole) which has very socially negative ideas interwoven in the theory, depending on who's your source of info, but has never physically put anyone in harms way.
Sorry for putting this block of text in your ask, it's been a long release day and while it's super easy for me because I'm in a way, a closeted Gaylor and remain anonymous online, some of my friends that received threats and insults today don't have my privilege. Lastly, whoever reads this, please do not fall down the rabbit hole of the monetized Gaylor theories if you ever do decide to look into it. They pretty much take old (and some new) theories people spent time putting together (because it's a really fun time) and put those behind a paywall. Also they don't have "sources", just give it a minute and think, who would provide information to a literal random fan? On tumblr of all places?
Ty for coming to my ted talk, it's now for me to get some shut eye! <3
Einstein was wrong, rpf isnt fine
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pestopascal · 4 years
who were llonvynes parents? how did she end up with a job watching the (whispering) door (i see what you did there)? and whats her relationship with raym like like do they have a coven together? please tell me more
truthfully idk how dunmer ages work there are some dunmer only 200 and there’s some like several thousand but its funnier to assume her parents are still alive by eso’s time and she sends them letters like ‘hey guess what i did today? got sacrificed to molag bal and lost my soul! haha isnt that a riot? kiss kiss’
anyway her mother is dalare and her dad is ethytheru, and i also thought it would be funny for her to be from house sadras bc they have 0 info save for like a vague bunch of shoutouts later on (her waking up in skyrim like that fuckngdiugndfg tails meme like ‘we’re a great house now???? man i gotta call them and figure out if i need to behave now. do i have an inheritence lying around?’). otherwise they’re very chill idk if she should have siblings i havent thought that far ahead yet.
she ended up with the job bc it was like one of the reasons to get out of the house for a while (except it ended up turning into a several yr thing) but she spent more time flirting with the voice mephala than like ignoring the door. smh. literally like the kind of job she saw listed on a board but instead of a crafting writ it was guard duty. she doesnt truthfully remember a huge amount before taking the job but like. thats the daedra for you.
and as for raym, llon and him genuinely do enjoy each other’s company even if like they spent technically not as long together compared to others bc of her stasis. i’d say she was like the third person he turned as such, just bc it was hilarious actually being straight up asked and not like... how he got into vvardenfell. more concerned with like getting outta vivec than how one singular khajiit managed to walk around without too much notice. in terms of coven i think he has like the few ppl he has turned (maybe like five total, llon is the middle one LMAO) and then maybe picked up one or two stray vamps along the way, kind of like verandis. they were based out of anequina at one point but after llon’s disappearance they moved across to grahtwood.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up! (◠‿◠✿)
hiya!! can i pls get a matchup for ikesen, if its ok? 💞
bi girl i prefer guys! ambiverted intp, gryffindor, n true neutral. i have an older twin sis n i love/hate her sm lmao!!
i have medium-length straight-ish black hair (w/ a side bang to the right) & dark brown eyes!! im 5'5-ish, fun fact: im a filipina!
sooo im a complex daydreamer!! i NEED attention/affirmation or ill feel unwanted/sad. emotional scorpio, im quite sensitive. anxiety, i overthink too much! quiet w/ people im not close w/. easily annoyed but guilty after ‘cause im soft-hearted. im like half funny/playful/kind & half deep/mature/awkward- hopeless romantic! i have a way w/ words, sorta poetic? i wanna be the best! sorta socially anxious, i have a fear of judgement. im not innocent but ppl think i am at first. i look fine but deep down im a big mess. rlly smart & knowledgable. vv passionate, big nerd actually! im like a kid w/ my twin but w/ others im more mature. im the type to do fun stuff and loosen up but would also just cuddle and have long convos. im vv good w/ technology! very imaginative, i come up with stories a lot- around others im very quiet because i literally have no idea what to say. actually a big history fanatic, hehe. i act confident but im not rlly, actually vv insecure and i regret a lot of things.
a habit of mine is that i tend to drift away and just… think? i also tend to care a lot abt my appearance! i get competative but there are also times when im just chill. i get vv embarrassed when i lose control tho n i regret it sm :(( i have loads of trouble asking for help even if i like to help others a lot! i like being organised but i tend to be… chaotic.
hsjsh- fun fact: there are times where im just,, super hyper n say the weirdest things? im good in school but,, im lazy yknow- i love math (surprisingly, i got a natural talent?), science (esp abt stars n space), history, and english (actually my 2nd languange but im very fluent) the most. bilingual but im also learnin french! wanna learn latin too tho but id break down- i have the fear of the unknown, failure, n loneliness! im scared of the future cause its beyond human ability to know,, the only guys ive rlly talked to r family members so my awkwardness goes 100x hsjsjs
oh, i rlly love affection, but i need a lot of space too, tho! girls gotta have privacy- games r a hUge part of my life, so is technology and the modern era! i actually like sports too- not very good at em tho :((
some likes: gaming, jokes (esp corny/stupid/puns), space, stars, weapons (esp swords/guns), philosophy, psychology, testing myself, affection, animals, doing exhilirating things, music, movies, books, writing, astrology, astronomy, learning new things, & mythology.
some dislikes: too much heat, school presentations, creepy dolls, being under pressure, dirty things, blind faith, & annoying people.
tysm! omg i hope this isnt too long- i think this is too long?? yIkes i hope that this is ok!! love ur writing btw! stay safe 💞
Hi hi love! thank you so much for the request! You sound like a wonderful person and omw it soooo cool that you have a twin! I actually think she sent in a request right after you did lol! Anyways sorry for making you wait sooooo long and i hope you enjoy it! @x-joie-x
 So i match you with...................... Mitsuhide
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The first time you meet this sneki boy, you were quiet and reserved. War council had just ended and you were named as a princess of the Oda forces. You were super socially awkward, and anxiety was slowly starting to creep in, as the curious warlords started to surround you. It wasn’t until Mitsuhide had pulled you away in a teasing manner to save you from the crowd that you finally started to calm down. He had noticed this new little mouse had been on edge since arriving. However, he didn’t suspect you of being an assassin or spy as, during the whole council, your hands shook, and you could barely speak up against Nobunaga’s demanding and commanding tones. 
Mitsuhide had found you incredibly amusing from the first moment you walked in, you caught this foxes eye. He didn’t know if it was the innocence or naïve purity that just seemed to radiate from you, but for some reason when he was looking at you, he found that he simply couldn’t look away.
It took all of one day for all the warlords to officially drop all suspicions of you. You were just such a sweetheart how could they not instantly love you and feel the need to protect you. You had started helping a few of the maids that first morning after you were named princess. You didn’t want to be a freeloader, so you worked hard to earn your keep and soon, the maids were fighting over who would get to work with you cause all of then just loved and adored you so much. 
You got annoyed with Hideyoshi when he first found you helping the maids, as he was 100% started micromanaging you. You lost you cool and raised your voice at him, TBH Hideyoshi didn’t think anything of it, but it wasn’t until you had pitched up at his manor an hour later to apologize for being so rude to him that he realized what a sweet and sensitive person you truly were. Of course from that moment onward you had gained yourself a big doting brother.
All the Oda forces agreed that you were too sweet and naïve for your own good, so Mitsuhude was assigned to give you princess lesson to prepare you for your new life as Oda princess. You were super excited when Mitsuhide had told you that he was going to teach you a variety topics such as economics, politics, history and self-defence. You even managed to impress the sneki boy, by getting all the questions correct on the first test he had handed you. You had found that first test incredibly easy as you were a bit of a history buff, and all the questions had been based on Nobunaga’s history. This low key shook the sliver kitsune a little bit, as this proved that not only were you pure and naive but you were also super smart. You kind of reminded him a little bit of Mitsunari, a cleaver professor with their head in the clouds. 
Mitushide praised you for your ability to pick up on concepts quickly and work diligently as a student, “I dare say little one, you are the best student a teacher could ask for.” You spend masses amount of time with sneki boi, and through that time you realized just how sweet Mitsuhide truly was, although he was a massive tease leaving you a blushy mess almost every day after lessons with his teasing comments. And naturally, the more time Mitsuhide had spent with you, the more in love he fell. It was also noted by the fellow warlords that, Mitsuhide always wore a soft gentle expression when it came to you, and in your experience he had been a kind gentle patient teacher. SO naturally you found yourself more and more drawn to this mysterious man.
Through all the time spent with the kitsune, you found yourself opening up more and more. He was one of the few people that got to see your playful side. You now would make the puniest, corniest jokes he has ever heard, leaving this kitsune in a fit of laughter mid-way through a lecture. Not only that, but he loved loved loved your competitiveness side. 
This side of you slowly started to surface after the 3rd or 4th self-defence lesson when you started challenging the kitsune to rematches whenever he would pin you down, ultimately beating you in your little makeshift sword fight. Boy oh boy, don’t even get me started on the shooting lessons, once you were able to fire the rifle, you were straight-up challenging this boy, the best marksmen around to a shoot-off. “Come on Mitsuhide, the first one to get 100 bulls-eyes in a row wins, and the loser has to buy tea.” Needless to say, you always lost and even though every day you would make that exact bet, Mitsuhide would always insist on sticking you for tea and lunch as reward for being such a good student. 
He really enjoyed spending time with you and would absolutely insist on holding your hands whenever the two of you were on your way to the tea house together after your lessons. “I can’t have my clumsy little mouse tripping and falling now can I.” Every day without fail, he would say that to you as he wraps his big hand around your small one, while leading you to your favourite tea house.
The two of you would talk about everything and anything over tea, these topics ranged from you making stupid jokes, to talking about random topics such as philosophy and psychology. Either way, Mitsuhide loved to spend time with you. He would always listen to and hang on to every word you said, storing every word in his memory. 
You were his precious little mouse, and he knew you were an extremely sensitive creature. If anyone dared say a single bad word to you or make you sad, they would face the wrath of this very protective kitsune. Like one time, one of the visiting daimyos had talked down to you for accidentally bumped into him. You were busy cleaning the windows when you accidentally lost your balance and bumped into him. He was so disgusted that a mere maid had touched him. He started yelling at you and insulting you, this escalated to such a point that he even had his hand raised ready to hit you for getting dirty window water on his shoes. That’s when sneki boi decided to intervene. Mitsuhide legit stood protectively in front of you with his rifle pointed at the man’s heart, with the full intention to shoot. “Golly me it appears like you are quite the troublesome little mouse, my dear.” He then turned his sharp gaze towards the daimyo “I do suggest you apologize to the Oda princess, lest you want to answer for your crimes directly to Nobunaga.” The man simply scoffed and walked away. Mitsuhide then turned to you and enveloped you in a warm hug while kissing the top of your head, “Are you alright, my dear little mouse?” Mitsuhide looked into your beautiful eyes and gently took your hands in his, “Come little one, I have something I wish to show you.”
The two of you walked hand in hand to Mitsuhide’s manor, Mitsuhide led you out into his garden, where you saw something so beautiful you could cry. The garden was filled with flowers and candles and in the centre was a table set up, with a feast laid out op top of it. 
Mitsihide had told you that night that he was hopelessly in love with you. He was overjoyed when he had discovered that you like him, was also a hopeless romantic and that you had an incredibly poetic, romantic way with words. You handed him a letter in which you had expressed your feelings for him in the form of a beautifully written poem. You were actually intending to leave the poem on his desk as a way of confessing your feelings. This instantly melted sneki bois heart into a giant puddle and he couldn’t help but pull you in for a sweet kiss. 
After diner Mitsuhide had led you deeper into the garden where a fluffy blankie was sprawled out on the grass, he guided you to sit down and the motioned for you to lookup. Above you, a thousand stares were shooting across the sky in a big meteor shower. Mitsuhide pulled you into his arms and kissed your cheeks as the two of you watched the sky. He always remembered every detail you had told him about yourself, so when you revealed that you loved the sky and the stars, he knew he had to incorporate this rare meteor shower in your date somehow. 
This had sparked a new tradition between the two of you, to stargaze and spend the whole night in deep conversation. These nights were full of love and affection as Mitsuhide would pull you into his lap and just hold you there for hours and hours as the two of you talked and watched the sky
Of course sneki boi also had a bit of a spontaneous side, and would take you on exhilarating trips around Nobunaga’s territories. They were mostly missions but after you had nagged Nobunaga to give you permission to go along on the missions, you and Mitsuhide would finish the official work asap so that the two of you cuties had plenty of time to enjoy yourself in the new environment.
Mitsuhide loves everything about you from your slight messiness, to your love of learning new things. He also knows that his sweet little mouse sometimes needs some space and alone time and will be sure to give you as much alone time as you need to recharge. He knows that you will seek him out when you have had enough of your own company. He will always welcome you back with outstretched arms when you have had enough alone time, and shower you with endless amounts of affection.
Whenever you are feeling insecure or worrying about the future Mitsuhide is right there by your side, whispering words of affection and reassurance in your ears. He makes sure to remind you every day just how perfect you are and just how much he loves you. 
Often you can be found in sneki boys lap with your head resting comfortably in the crook of his neck as he soothingly strokes your hair. Don’t be surprised if this sneaky kitsune drops a few kissed on your nose, cheeks or lips during these quiet and peaceful moments, just as a way to convey how much he loves and adores you.
Other potential matches……………..Masamune 
I hope you enjoyed it dear and i hope you have the best day! 
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hobslobster · 5 years
desi tag
no one tagged me to do this but it seemed so fun! and honestly i’ve spent so long unconsciously trying to be Not Desi that i think it would be good for me if i tried openly embracing my culture.
1.What’s your name and what does it mean? im just gonna say my real name means light, it also refers to a traditional candle of sorts in my culture. funny bc my fake name on here is the opposite.
2.Where from the motherland is you/your family from? ahmadabad, india
3.Would you move back to where your family is from, why or why not? no because it’s literally sO hot and although i love my family there, my entire life is here.
4.What language(s) can you speak? english, hindi, gujarati, and about as little french as possible
5.Favorite Bollywood movie? veer zara and if u say it’s not in your top fav movies then you’re lying to yourselves
6. Favorite desi meal? oof that’s tough uhh i love ras madhuri it’s kind of a dessert and also there’s this one shak with potatoes and cabbage and i lob it
7.Where in the motherland do you want to visit? delhi, but like ALL of delhi. i’ve been to agra but i want to see more (although when i went it was like 45 degrees there so i have a bad memory of it klsjdf)
8.Favorite desi singer? for like classics i would say adnan sami and she’s fairly new but shreya goshal. recently arijit singh has been around and he has an absolutely beautiful voice.
9.Describe your favorite desi outfit? i actually don’t really like dressing up but like the anarkali style dresses oof 10/10 would reccomend
10.Can you make a round roti? yeah my mom taught me lmao
11.Favorite Bollywood actor? i like akshay kumar ig but idrk i’ve stopped watching movies entirely so im really out of the loop these days
12.Favorite Bollywood actress? i’ve alwayS loved priyanka chopra she was my idol. like her in krish was when i first saw her and ever since it’s been heart eyes for days 
13.Favorite desi in the western media? lmao idk? i’ve only seen like 3 people so i cant say
14.Strange superstitions you’ve heard from relatives. to get rid of ghosts you have to fill a plate with food (offerings) and put it in the middle of the street, you cant ask someone where they’re going or something bad will happen to them (so “kya jao chho?” turns into “si jao chho?” im pretty sure si isnt even a word sdkj), drinking water before going into labour is bad, if you have the hiccups it means someone’s remembering you, the amount of white spots you have on your nails are the number of friends you have
15.Describe your spice tolerance. i dont think it’s too high but compared to my white friends. high.
16.Best street food. the pani puri in india is like 90% pani but still good so yeah. oH also there are these really good tiny sandwiches in india!!
17.The weirdest question you got from a non desi person. "is that bits of plastic?” (referring to the chevdo i brought in for snack time). they tried it and for some reason still believed it was plastic.
18.How do you like your chai? i dont lmao i don’t drink cha because idk i just never acquired the taste. 
19.When was the last time you have visited the motherland (if you dont live there)? 4-ish year :(
20.Your favorite and least favorite part of your culture?
favorite: desi culture really just takes in the idea of love and makes it their own like friendly love, maternal love, sibling love, romantic love - everything is celebrated in grandiose in it’s own special way and it’s really beautiful. there’s friendship day in india and they make a whole thing about giving each other bracelets, my dad has friends he’s known since kindergarten and they say shit like “we love each other sm you’d think we were all gay”. mothers are worshipped, and indian weddings make you believe in true love even if you never had before. also there’s so much respect given to all living things and there’s just something nice about taking off your shoes in your house or touching the feet of an elder to get their blessings idk it’s a really nice culture to be a part of. 
least favorite: women are still treated badly and it’s hard to even think about it. like they’re the ones being blamed when divorce happens (something that is literally forbidden) even if they were in an abusive relationship, they’re the ones being told to stay at home to do the cooking and cleaning, they’re the ones blamed if a baby girl is born instead of a baby boy. it’s difficult to think that such rigid ways of living still exist in some parts of the world but they do. societal progress in general in india is slow and takes a lot of time to shift and change into something more fitting with today’s generation, they’ve come far but it’s still not far enough. also the conservative way of life sucks. there’s a lot more but i don’t want to rain on my own desi loving parade lmao.
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rouge-the-bat · 7 years
Your OTP for the ask meme?
YEASS itsss shadouge timee :33!!!!!
Who hogs the duvet: neither !! rouge doesnt have much fur so she needs the extra warmth and shadow isnt accustomed to the cold, and neither want to leave the other chilly so they try to make sure theyre both getting plenty of the duvet (which is easy if theyre snuggled right against each other :3)
Who texts/rings to check how their day is going: both, rouge checks up on shadow often bc his mental state isnt exactly in the best shape with all the shit he’s been thru - and shadow maybe does it a bit more often with her bc he gets a bit worried easily (also bc of all the shit he’s been thru djdhfjd)
Who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: defintely rouge, shadow typically just goes for gems and jewelry to gift her (no going wrong with those lol)
Who gets up first in the morning: probably shadow mostly, if rouge is up in the morning before he is its likely that she was just awake all night dhishfjd (bats are nocturnal so,,, plus nighttime good for thievin)
Who suggests new things in bed: i mean itd have to be rouge bc shadow wouldnt have the slightest idea about that sorta stuff fibdjfhfe
Who cries at movies: rouge probably cries at movies a bit less than average amount, shadow on the other hand can be stone cold thru the entirety of an extremely sad movie but then some small moment in an otherwise cheerful/funny movie will send him trying to stifle down tears but completely failing, it depends on what happens and if it hits close to home with his past or fears (tho if its not just him and rouge then he’s much better at keeping himself from crying at all - but when he’s alone with her he’s more comfortable being more emotional and doesnt feel the need to hide it)
Who gives unprompted messages: both, but more often rouge bc she usually does it to relax shadow when he’s tense, which he often is. shadow tends to do it more on the lines of thinking like “this feels really good and i want rouge to feel good too”
How they are when they’re sick: shadow doesnt really get sick ? but when rouge is sick she’s typically kinda grumpy (i mean being sick is annoooyyying) and shadow refuses to leave her side except to get her something until she feels better
Who gets jealous easiest: i dont really see either getting jealous much really ? rouge is flirtatious by nature obviously, which shadow would probably get a bit bothered seeing her flirt with others but it doesnt get to him too much bc he knows that she uses it as a tactic to mess with and even steal from people (and its just kinda ingrained with how she talks normally)- besides, she’d keep any flirting with others to a minimum if shadow’s around anyways
Who collects something unusual: hdkdjdhe well rouge collects gems lol
Who takes the longest to get ready: rouge, i mean she has the hair, makeup, and clothes to do while shadow maybe just has to smooth out his quills. unless he happens to be dressing up too for whatever reason, but still rouge would take longer regardless since she’s more interested in her appearance than shadow is with his (i dont see her taking like a super long time tho)
Who is the tidiest and organized: maybe more shadow by just a bit, i think theyd both like to keep things organized tho
Who gets most excited about the holidays: definitely rouge, shadow just isnt really a festive person lol
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: i think theyd often switch, maybe rouge is more often the big spoon ? its a good position to give him little ear smooches and she can also wrap him up in her wings :3 his quills might be hard to deal with normally but i tend to draw them super poofy so she probably can easily just use them as pillows lol
Who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: they both get super competitive but shadow definitely more so
Who starts the most arguments: umm maybe shadow ? it might kinda source sometimes from him misunderstanding certain things or something, misreading what something means, or like taking things too seriously
What are their nicknames for each other: rouge calls him shad/shads sometimes, other times she’ll probably use stuff like handsome, cutie, sweetie, hun, etc. shadow doesnt really use nicknames much but if theyre alone he might occasionally call her something he knows just kills her- liiike whispering “good morning, my love” in her ear while theyre cuddling and just waking up in the morning :3
Who suggests that they buy a pet: neither, i see it more like shadow just comes back one day from babysitting cream with a chao egg and hes just like “im sorry she offered it to me i couldnt just say no” gdisgf they both (and omega too) end up loving the little guy to pieces tho. ofc it becomes a shadow chao ;p and with bat-like wingss
What couple traditions they have: ummm idk maybe just like traveling a lot ? bc back on the ark shadow always wanted to experience what the world was like and im sure he still has that curiosity to check out everything (and im sure rouge would find it incredibly fun to go out traveling the world too)
What tv shows they watch together: tbh i barely watch tv anymore itd be like impossible for me to match any shows with them lmao. shadow probably just watches whatever rouge watches (thas how shadow got into anime fjdhifhd)
Another couple they hang out with: i mean probably none, shadow doesnt like to hang with people much besides his team lol
How they spend time together as a couple: i suppose if theyre not working or on an adventure saving the world or whatever theyre probably either hanging out at home or at someplace that’s not crowded, rouge is probably often times showing shadow things hes never seen before or never experienced in person since all he knows is whatever was on the ark 50 years ago (also thered be lots of cuddling and smooches going on too :3 less so in public bc shadow doesnt like bein all mushy with others around but rouge would still be doing a bunch of stuff to get him to blush)
Who made the first move: i can imagine several ways this going down but one way i see is its just rouge making all the moves all the way lol. like shadow notices these feelings he has for rouge but he doesnt really understand them and isnt sure how to handle them, so he just becomes an extremely blushy dork whenever she’s flirting, trying to act unfazed but its so clear that he likes her- and of course rouge would notice this. so what does she do? flirt with him even more lmao, she just keeps it up and keeps being more flirtatious with him until one day she actually kisses him and that sorta just kicks off their relationship officially
Who brings flowers home: S H A D O W fihdihf i took that thing from lego dimensions and fuckin ran with it lmao. shadow loves flowers fight me. he makes rouge flower crowns
Who is the best cook: rouge by a landslide fhdihfih shadow can make…. hot pockets lmao. things he make typically either: 1. taste awful/comes out completely ruined or 2. is some weird combination that somehow tastes good to him
Who snores: uhh idk, i dont really see either snoring tbh
god uhhhhh i spent way too much time on this than i should’ve lmaooo. anyways thanks for the ask !!! it was fun to answer :3
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torterragarden · 7 years
top 5 female and top 5 male characters in anything (top 10 if 5 isnt enough), add reasons if you want to 🙋 and a happy new year 🙌
OKAY SO I’M FINALLY GETTING AROUND TO POSTING MY ANSWER FOR THIS THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT. I spent so much time thinking about this because I loved this question and I ended up coming up with a top 10 female characters + reasons and I probably went way overboard like this is so long and I’m sorry. So unfortunately I haven’t made a list for male characters because I got so extra with this female characters list, but another time perhaps. Anyway, top 10 female characters here we go!!
10. Piper Mclean, Heroes of Olympus series - I think what I really like about Piper is that she has a lot of qualities that badly written female characters tend to have, but… she’s written well. What I mean is like… Piper is selfish. She’s whiny. She’s a brat. She’s emotional. Usually when a female character has traits like that, she isn’t likable and probably wasn’t intended to be. But Piper is given a depth and respect that those other female characters aren’t usually afforded. She’s flawed, but she knows it, and she hates her flaws and she tries to better herself. And she’s more than those flaws too! She’s brave and kind and loving, and her emotions - all of them, no matter how ugly - are ultimately her strength. I love that she’s allowed to be so emotional, that it’s good that she’s so emotional, because I feel like there’s this idea that female characters have to be emotionless in order to be “strong” or whatever so anyway yeah I love Piper
9. Emily Davis, Until Dawn - I have a knack for taking a liking to female characters that the majority of the fandom hates, and then loving them even more out of spite. Admittedly, a lot of my aggressive love for Emily is a reaction to the amount of (unfair, reeking of double standards and sexism) hatred she gets in the fandom, but even disregarding that, I do really like her. I started liking her very early on in Until Dawn. She seemed like she had a lot of personality and I liked that, and I only liked her more as the game went on. I mean… I literally have a post listing all of the reasons that I love Emily so that should tell you everything, right?
8. Amethyst, Steven Universe - I hesitated to put Amethyst on the list, since I’m not sure if she technically counts as “female”, but at the very least I think it’s fair to say that she’s female-coded and female-aligned so… I thought it would be okay? She would probably have been a lot higher up if not for the fact that I’ve lost a lot of my interest in SU, but I still love Amethyst a hell of a lot. I relate to her very strongly, for reasons that are not super comfortable to talk about. Much like Amethyst, I tend to bottle up everything and let it eat away at me until everything just explodes in the ugliest way. I think very little of myself, but I try my best to stay chill-passing because I’d rather die than tell anyone how I’m actually feeling. I don’t like going into detail about this but basically Amethyst is important to me because I relate to her in a lot of ugly and painful ways, and loving Amethyst is almost like learning to love myself. Almost.
7. Princess Bubblegum, Adventure Time - It’s funny that Adventure Time as a whole is one of those “I Definitely Like This But I’m Not Super Passionate About It” things, but there are like, four things in that show that I do feel Super Passionate about. Princess Bubblegum is one of them (the other three are Ice King, Marceline, and Bubbline, in case you were wondering). Gotdamn dude I love Princess Bubblegum and I think she doesn’t get nearly enough attention for being as interesting as she is. From the beginning I loved how she was simultaneously really sweet and morally ambiguous, that’s a really funny and intriguing dichotomy. I love that while she’s ultimately working for the Greater Good™, she’s really ruthless and vindictive. She has good intentions but she’s so very flawed, and she can be downright terrifying. Bubblegum is just endlessly fascinating to me and I really love her.
6. Cassie Cage, Mortal Kombat - Well obviously she had to be on this list, she’s where I got my url from. My love for Cassie Cage is less about who she is and more about what she represents to me, I think. Mortal Kombat isn’t exactly known for having great depictions of female characters but they did improve a lot in Mortal Kombat X, and I fell in love with Cassie partially because, to me, she embodied a lot of the positive changes. I loved that she was the heroine of MKX, I loved that she wasn’t overtly sexualized, I loved that she was funny and confident and just so damn cool, in that way that classic action heroes are cool. Chewing bubblegum and flipping people off and sassing everyone and just being exactly what comes to mind when you think “bad ass”. She was so different and so unexpected and I was so pleasantly surprised with Cassie Cage.
5. Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games - Katniss is one of the most important fictional characters ever written okay. This is a girl who grew up in extreme poverty, who took it upon herself to take care of her family at age 12, who was hardened because of her circumstances but still compassionate, and still so vulnerable. She suffered from severe PTSD, she was used as a pawn by the Capitol and by the rebels, she was manipulated and taken advantage of and she lost everything because of it. And in the end she still found a way to stand up and keep going. She didn’t magically get better but she made a life worth living for herself, even if she had to constantly remind herself of the good things in her life. I fucking love Katniss okay.
4. Jaehee Kang, Mystic Messenger - Yeah I kind of feel like trash for having a character from a god damn dating sim on here but tbh Mystic Messenger is so good it makes me angry (you are a dating sim what business do you have being that good fuck you) so I don’t feel too much like trash. Only a little bit like trash. Anyway, Jaehee. Holy god where do I even start. She is just so beautiful. That’s the first word that comes to mind, and I’m not even talking about her appearance (although yeah she’s definitely very attractive). It’s just her, man. She is so kind, so patient, so hard-working, so strong after everything she’s been through. I love that even though outwardly she’s more serious and formal than most of the other characters, there’s this underlying sweetness and quirkiness that shines through, like when she fangirls over Zen or when she says things like “benefits were effing amazing” when explaining to her boss why hosting fundraising parties is a good idea. I also love that as kind and polite as she is, she can and will mercilessly drag people she’s a fucking savage and I love her. I just love her so much. Jaehee is effing amazing.
3. Asami Sato, Legend of Korra - First of all, she’s canonically a bisexual woman in a relationship with another bisexual woman and that’s super important to me for representation. Second of all, even before Korrasami was made canon I really adored Asami. Because seriously, Asami is one of the kindest and most loyal characters in anything ever, she is such a good person through and through, even though there are so many things that have happened to her that sound like the sort of things that would motivate most characters to be villains. Her mother was murdered, her father was a terrorist who betrayed her and threatened to kill her friends, her boyfriend cheats on her, her closest friend and love interest leaves her for three years, her father fucking dies in front of her after they had just barely started to reconcile. Asami faces so much tragedy, if anyone has a right to be an asshole it would be her, yet she is still so unfailingly kind and brave and good. Also, for the record, she is probably the prettiest animated character I have ever seen in my life.
2. Agent Texas, Red vs Blue - Okay so. Red vs Blue has a lot of… issues with how it writes the few female characters it has, and I’m not going to act like Tex is this amazingly well written female character because she’s really not. But this isn’t my top 10 well-written female characters this is my top 10 favorite female characters, and whatever writing problems RvB may have, I really do love Tex. So much. It’s also a bit complicated to love Tex cause it’s like… which one lmao. I love Beta!Tex, who was tough and snarky and effortlessly bad ass, but also kind and compassionate and very, very chill. Like sure she could kick your ass and you know she could, but eh, she doesn’t really need to. The fact that you know she could is enough. And then there’s Epsilon!Tex, who was just angry, but who in many ways was the most important iteration of Tex to me. She was angry because ffs she was tired of not being her own person. She was tired of Church seeing her as His Girlfriend and not much else, she was tired of being Allison’s shadow, tired of her existence being all about other people, never about herself. Tex’s story is ultimately about a search for agency, to create an identity for herself separate from what other people want from her, and that’s always stuck with me.
1. Hermione Granger, Harry Potter - Honestly, I’m not sure if I’m putting her here because she is genuinely my favorite female character, or I’m putting her here because I can’t imagine putting anyone else here. Though I guess if I can’t imagine putting someone else here, that’s a sign that she is my favorite? Idk. I like Harry Potter less than I once did, less than I think a lot of people in my life realize, but being a Harry Potter Fan is such a big part of my identity to them that I don’t think they can see me any other way. But, even with my enthusiasm for HP these days being relatively low, I can’t deny that the series had a huge impact on me growing up and it definitely did a lot to shape the type of person I am, and it’s always going to be a bit special because of that. Hermione played a big part. She was one of the first female characters I can remember really admiring. I was nothing like her but I wanted to be, because she was smart and bad ass and complex and honestly do I even need to explain why Hermione is amazing? You all know. However I feel about HP now, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget the impact it had on me and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget Hermione.
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legos-lass · 7 years
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@astrolindsey​ u dont have to read all of this youre my fiance and ik you love me already
1. Favorite (Reprise)
honestly part of your old (reprise) from the little mermaid (alan menken) just THOSE HIGH NOTES MMM. i love theres a fine fine line (reprise) from avenue q cuz its adorable but it is like two lines so.
2. already answered
3. If you could go back in time to see a certain production, which one would it be?
4. Who should write a musical?
i would watch the shit out of an existentialist comedic musical written by bo burnham. hes so hilarious and his songs are so catchy sjiowehefhe.
5. The routine you recreate when home alone:
every. part. of. one. day. more. from. les. mis. simultaneously.my bio used to be something like “my main hobby is recreating all eight parts of one day more by myself” and it is still true. but also hello! from bom but it fails miserably because i try to act out all the parts oof ouch.
6. A duet you’d love to perform and with whom.
if you were gay from avenue q with me as rod and john tartaglia as nicky. now hear me out ik john is supposed to be rod and rick lyon is supposed to be nicky but 1. rod is like My Role™ and as much as i also love rick, john was my fave member of the obc and ik he can do different voices well so...yeah hes gonna be nicky now so i can sing with him.
7. A musical everyone can learn from.
here we go again but avenue q. wowie zowie i like went through a midlife crisis the first time i listened to it but for now actually? changed? my? life? and everyones a little bit racist i mean cmon read my bio. theres so much about it that is so useful even if it seems a bit pessimistic. also elder price from bom learning to use his mission to actually help others and not just to be treated really well if heaven is some good shit but avenue q wins cuz i wasnt religious to begin with.
8. already answered
9. Favorite person to play (insert role)
okay well im gonna fill this in myself and say elder price and say MY BOY THE ETERNALLY PERFECT NIC ROULEAU I CANT BELIEVE I GOT TO SEE HIM ON BROADWAY AND MEET HIM!!!
10. Best digital #ham4ham
uhhhh well like i said in my last post i dont like hamilton really so i have no idea what this means sorry
11. Make up a name and the ingredients for a Waitress pie.
okay well ive only just started listening to waitress and im not nearly as creative with names (or passive aggressive with them) as jenna but uh i really like chocolate pie but ive never seen a nutella one so. yeah that sounds delicious. the name would be something about remington leith idk.
12. already answered
theres no 13 i guess cuz it is unlucky lmao
14. Express your love for the orchestras!
15. Favorite musical written by (insert composer, lyricist)
well lynz youre a FOOL and didnt send me a composer or lyricist so im just gonna reiterate that i love les mis it has been my favorite musical for so many years and i cant believe that my friend ryan saw it on broadway and i didnt.
16. Which part (or parts) do you sing in One Day More?
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but especially my love eponine
17. A line that never fails to make you laugh.
runs to get my official avenue q script that i spent $20 on to make sure i get the line perfectly right
rod: well--i have this friend--
christmas eve: nicky?
r: no no--another friend. and i think he has a very big problem. i think--ithink my friend is (whispers) gay
ce: what wrong with that? you know rod. gay people make major contribution ro art and philosophy and literature for many hundreds of years now
r: but my friend isnt an artist--hes a republican. and an investment banker.
ce: ew. well tell him to stay in closet then. he good for nothing.
r: (a moment) ...well okay! great! thanks for the advice!
ce: yeah i wouldnt want a friend like that!
r: thanks again!
ce: bye now (she goes inside)
rod: bye bye! (beat. to the audience) ...shit.
18. An upcoming production you’re excited for.
19. Do you have any funny misheard lyrics from a showtune?
yknow im sure i do but i cannot think of any right now...all i can think of is i used to think (on my own) “the trees are full of starlight” was “the tree’s are fluff’s delight” i have no idea what that means but it made sense to my young mind
20. A musical you would NEVER see with your parents.
avenue q. hahahahahahaha no puppet sex with rebecca and michael. but lets be honest my mum wants to go back to the city to see it off broadway since only i got to see it and if shes gonna buy me a ticket im totally seeing it again idc.
21. Musicals can introduce you to new cultures, interests, fancy words and so on. Name 3 things you’ve learned form musicals.
bom: literally everything i know about the church of jesus christ of latter day saints is from this musical except for polyamory and salt lake city.
hamilton: alexander was NOT a president. i really dont care about us history whoops
les mis: I Learned Im Not Straight Because Of Samantha Barks
22. Favorite OBC.
avenue q mmmmm love u john tartaglia
23. Cast recording you know by heart.
les mis movie sountrack i literally have like 98% of this musical memorized
24. Cast recording for a long car ride.
grease (movie soundtrack) is a bop and my whole family likes it *fingerguns*
25. Favorite Miscast performance.
i havent listened to too many and ik this one doesnt really count but idc cuz i love it. nic rouleau singing go the distance from hercules is my sexuality.
26. already answered
27. Showtune of the day:
im gonna go with two by two from bom cuz im listening to it right now and suidfuesrf it just kills me -the fucking chicken waddling walk ass choreography -WE ARE THE ARMY OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST oflatterdaysaints -ORLANDOOOOO I LOVE YA ORLANDOOOO -PUTT putt golfINGGGGG -arnold: thats me thats me hello. kevin: oh. hi! in the most fucking “:)” voice ever
28.  Who would play you in a musical about your life?
i would hope samantha barks (les mis 25th anniversary and movie eponine) cuz we have similar ranges and shes so beautiful and she is my Favorite Theatre Actress
29. Who would play your best friend in a musical about your life?
im gonna go with dana steingold (ave q current kate/lucy) really for no other reason than shes adorable and has a versatile voice and seems really sweet. i feel like we would be friends in real life.
30.  Who would play your romantic interest in a musical about your life?
honestly like maybe ben durocher (ave q current princeton/rod)? idk he just has a voice that i love and looks adorable in his glasses
31. already answered
32. Describe yourself with 3 musical theatre characters.
eponine from les mis (what a surprise), kate monster from avenue q, sophie from mamma mia
33. A character that inspires you to be better. (does la la land count? im counting it) mia from la la land cuz she has a similar personality to me but less Anxiety which ends up helping her achieve her dream. i want to be like that
34. A showtune that always puts you in a good mood. bend and snap from legally blonde idk it’s just so fun and makes me feel confident it is nice
35. A showtune that makes you feel melancholic. there are worse things i could do from grease
36. Best showstopper. i believe from bom oh my gosh when i heard nic rouleau sing it live for the first time i had GOOSEBUMPS and it has just the right amount of humor to bootedit: OH JUST KIDDING LOVE U BOM BUT DEFINITELY BEING ALIVE FROM COMPANY OH Y GOD. I CANT CHOOSE BETWEEN NEIL PATRICK HARRISS’ VERSION AND RAUL ESPARZA’S THEY BOTH GIVE ME SHIVERS
37. A place you consider to be your Santa Fe. this must be from a musical i havent seen? idk well it looks really beautiful and not very busy so i guess...oakland? it feels like home to me
38. The name of the prettiest theater you’ve been to. eugene o’neill theatre (bom on broadway) was lovely. i had standing room only tickets so i didnt really get to experience it cuz i was stuck in the back under the mezzanine (still great view though) but i looked around a bit during intermission and the was very royal looking and they had a nice bar area upstairs with CHAIRS I COULD USE
39. The most intense scene from a musical. mmm thats tough. from the little ive seen of moulin rouge so far the tango de roxanne part looks really crazy. so is the cell block tango from chicago. or honestly a LOT of american idiot...i love how badass letterbomb is
40. A great cover of a showtune: i really love this male cover of maybe this time from cabaret (i found this thanks to hetalia 2p!america fanart lmao)
41. Put your phone on suffle and write the first 2 showtunes that appear. 1. master of the house from les mis (10th anniversary)2. mamma mia from mamma mia (original cast)
42. Best design of a Playbill. i love effective minimalism so once
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