#alyssa targayren
chiaracognigniart · 18 days
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Six Fanarts challenge part 1 - character 4
❤️Alyssa Targaryen❤️
requested by MalicesRose on twitter
"Princess Alyssa Targaryen was the fifth-born child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Alyssa was a dragonrider whose dragon was Meleys, the Red Queen"
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elementroar · 2 years
I want to add only one thing to daemyra discourse here or whatever.
Daemon’s parents - Baelon and Alyssa - were infamous for having incredibly loud and enthusiastic sex. Like, this isn’t speculation, this is part of the written lore. In their Wiki article, them having great sex is of equal notoriety as their general history.
Also they were notable for, despite showing romantic interest in each other since they were young (they’re siblings, #targayren-things), were able to hold off going at each other until they officially wed. Which then led to the infamous loud wedding night sex.
Daemon’s mom was basically a female version of him but also prolly less psychopathic, let’s be real. Brave, bold, gave no fucks, very in love and loyal to Baelon, great fun mom.
Baelon himself also, super loyal. When Alyssa died and his other sister tried to seduce him, he wasn’t having any of that shit. Stayed single even tho his sons could’ve maybe needed a mom, till his untimely deaths
What I’m just saying is that, especially in the show, Daemon right now has got a combo of his parents’ qualities, for better or for worse. Live and love hard, turn into emotional depressed mess. Mixed in with his psychopathic ways.
Also that he needs to live up to his parents’ legacy for the beach-shack-sex moment. It was audible throughout the Red Keep man!
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Fire and Blood/HotD Characters
Aegon I
Visenya the Conqueror
Rhaenys the Conqueror
Aenys I
Rhaena Targaryen (Dreamfyre’s rider)
Aegon the Uncrowned
Alyssa Velaryon
Rogar Baratheon
Maegor I
Tyanna of the Tower
Elinor Costayne
Jaehaerys I
Alysanne Targaryen
Septon Barth
Saera Targayren
Viserra Targaryen
Daella Targaryen
Vaegon Targayren
Alyssa Targaryen
Baelon Targaryen (Vhagar’s rider)
Aemma Arryn
Viserys I
Rhea Royce
Daemon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Lucerys Velaryon
Joffrey Velaryon
Baela Targaryen
Rhaena Targaryen (Morning’s rider)
Rhaenys Targaryen (Meleys’ rider)
Corlys Velaryon
Laena Velaryon
Laenor Velaryon
Alicent Hightower
Aegon II
Aemond Targaryen
Alys Rivers
Helaena Targaryen
Daeron Targaryen (Tessarion’s rider)
Otto Hightower
Larys Strong
Harwin Strong
Criston Cole
Vaemond Velaryon
Alysanne “Black Aly” Blackwood
Benjicot “Bloody Ben” Blackwood
Sabitha Frey
Roderick Dustin
Cregan Stark
Borros Baratheon
Maris Baratheon
Samantha Tarly
Lyonel Hightower
Aegon III
Viserys II
Jaehaera Targaryen
Daenaera Velaryon
Unwin Peake
Myrielle Peake
Marston Waters
Larra Rogare
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agentrouka-blog · 3 years
Fox_Maiden: I am glad you mentioned that there are many problematic aspects to Jon's births including it being a direct cause that contributed to Elia and Rhaenys' deaths. Just to be clear, I am NOT blaming Jon himself. Rather, it's the circumstances surrounding his conception and the way the fandom glorifies R/L. Truth is, Jon is a bastard not only by birth, but in the sense he truly had no preordained role in his birth dad's prophecy obsession. Cont.
Fox_Maiden: Cont. He wasn't the Visenya 2.0., that Rhaegar wanted; He also wasn't TPTWP because Rhaegar considered Aegon that mythical messiah. Jon was by his mad father's own estimate...a failure. Fans think he had it tough at WF? Imagine being an unwanted Targ bastard that your own father saw as useless to his grand plans. Furthermore, Rhaegar was so fixated on getting his Visenya (Jon) that he ignored his other prophecy kids and their mother which resulted in two innocent deaths.
I am not sure I mentioned such a thing? I mean, I agree with it, but I am quite certain that was a post I reblogged from someone else.
Also, I actually find it interesting that everyone just assumes that he was going for a Visenya because that’s what Dany speculated and he used the names Rhaenys and Aegon. Why do we trust dany’s judgment?
Visenya was the elder sister of the three conquerors, born before Aegon and Rhaenys, who were second and third born respectively. If he was trying to recreate the conquerors, would he not have named his first born daughter Visenya?
Far be it from me to say something un-hateful about Rhaegar, but what if he named Rhaenys after a different Targayren?
Rhaenys was a great beauty. She had black hair and pale violet eyes.
As her father was the Prince of Dragonstone, and she was his firstborn child, many considered her as being next in line for the Iron Throne, after her father Aemon. Queen Alysanne Targaryen, when being presented with her granddaughter, called her "our queen to be".
Perhaps Rhaegar identified with her father Aemon Targaryen:
As a young child, Aemon was very serious, cautious, careful, and obedient. Before he was able to read, he loved being read to. His mother Alysanne would often say, whilst laughing, that Aemon's first word had been, "Why?". Aemon was a modest child, and neither as quick nor as fierce as his brother Baelon was.
We don’t know which kingly Aegon he had in mind when naming his son. Perhaps it wasn’t the Conqueror but the Unlikely, a reformer with a Dornish mother, embroiled in prophecy who died on the day Rhaegar was born?
We cannot know what went on in Rhaegar’s head, but I wouldn’t assume that he expected a Visenya at all. For all we know, he hoping for an Aemon the Dragonknight, or even a Daeron the Drunken who had prophetic dreams, or even a wise Alysanne, or a wild Alyssa, reminiscent of Lyanna.
We know he at least considered reforms (against Aerys), and he was obsessed with prophecy and likely the impending War for the Dawn (what with “the song of ice and fire”) but what exactly he was hoping to achieve with “the dragon must have three heads” remains a mystery.
What we do know is that whatever he had hoped for was destroyed by the careless and entitled way he tried to make it happen. He truly is Dany’s brother.
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