#and 20 more years of op
sunflowerthiefsunny · 2 months
Ok, so deductions so far: "It's the only name I can say."
-Kalina is trying to push the bad kids towards information from someone she entered into a spy's tongue curse with.
-The person is in some way connected to Ragh.
-Kalina can say Lydia's name, so the bad kids' initial idea that Kalina was talking about Lydia is wrong.
So, there are a few options for people who are Ragh adjacent:
Ragh is a barbarian, Porter was his teacher; Fig could finally be right about her Porter suspicion.
Ragh saw Jace and Arianwen at the school in freshman year and mentioned it to the bad kids, Jace's inability to become interim principal is really funny so I think he's the more comical choice, but Arianwen going for another power grab (and revenge) by getting the favor of a dead God is possible.
Uh, that racist elf from spring break Ragh hooked up with, probably not a real option, but I'm running out of ideas.
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oh-warizoro · 9 months
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Luffy -- the sun -- is the power source feeding the ancient iron warrior, isn't he?
The drums of liberation sound ドンドン is killing me yeah; and it is probably that sound -- that sounds coming off Luffy’s heartbeat -- that is reawakening the iron warrior.
Also worth mentioning that Luffy was "knocked down there"; probably close enough for his song to reawaken the warrior.
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so-fish-icated · 2 months
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woot woot!
i enjoy this show so much
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lumiereandcogsworth · 6 months
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It is love we must hold onto…
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hartenlust · 2 months
just got invited to a housewarming in JUNE. which is literally 1.5 months away but to me it feels like such a far future. yeah sure I'm not doing anything then yet. I'm sure by then we'll have flying cars so I can come no sweat
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vergess · 8 months
Once again: if you want a clear cut villain in the Israel/Palestine conflict, there is one you could actually target. A clear cut, absolute villain with no grey areas to fucking speak of.
The United fucking States of America.
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fishyartist · 1 year
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think ive finally figured out a building process i dont despise. still got a LONGGG way to go improvement wise (a whole lifetime even) but the process occurs regardless :3
#danny phantom#fentonworks#background art#lineless art#drawing process#my art#fan art#ignore the lack of sign btw i forgor :skull:#VERY messy in places but! im reaching a point where i can bust out something like this kinda quickly :)#which is good because i really dont have the focus for cool week-long pieces most of the time#so if i can get fast enough at making shit that looks ok? thatd b so awesome.#btw expect some ops center concepts soon because im not happy w how restrained i made it#like it looks fine. but i want it to look like the abomination cobbled together over the last 20 years it is#like i wanna feel the same emotion looking at this thing that i feel looking at the pathologic polyhedron#i think thatll both be cooler and more accurate to the show fentonwork's vibe#i also wanna explore the modern industrial thing i had in mind w that giant window#think i could do better w a few more iterations. i like it as a starting point though!#anyways my wifi is really slow so im just gonna ramble while the video uploads ok? :3#So! im starting to write out some worldbuilding for my rewrite#basing shit off of ohio mostly because i live here#but also personally i hc amity park being around where/in the place of cincinnati#tho i have way more experience in the northern part of the state#because lake eries a daytrip whereas a wisconsin trip needed a sleep break#like i doubt theres an Official Location in a meta sense due to all the inconsistencies#like id genuinly b suprised if they even had like “midwest” written down#but its more fun to work w a solid base so :p!!!#ANYWAYS rewrite ideas#1) major change. im fusing amity w elmerton#because im a hater but also because i like the idea of east/west clevland applied to amity so im doing that.#although cincinnati is north/south...
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falled-over · 6 months
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#photos of my guitar my dad posted to his blog years back when he bought it#it’s the most beautiful guitar in the world. it feels warm and alive to play#as you can see in the first two pics it used to have a newer pickup installed on the bottom. luckily he found an era appropriate online#it’s from 82 if you were curious#it says squire on the headstock but it was made on the fender line. they bought squire out and swapped in the name soon after this#but he got it a little cheaper than it was worth at the time because people aren’t as autistic as him and don’t know about production lines#basically it wasn’t brand name#basswood body and dark rosewood on the neck 😋✌️#it’s actually a replication of a ‘62 model! which was 20 years old at the time. mines now twice that. isn’t that incredible#i actually saw a modern fender replication of this exact model in an op shop yesterday#for more or less exactly how much this was bought for#dad finished his blog post by saying he thinks this is better made than the original. and despite not knowing the og i’m inclined to agree#people in the comments of his post are saying that this era was supposed to be something special. hehe. they’re right#i’ve played many guitars. i own this one because my dad collects them and he let me try them all out#and i have a lot of friends who play guitar and ive hung out with them to do so#and i’ve never felt one like mine before or since. it’s so obviously beautiful#when i picked it out i hadn’t played much but i knew right away how good it was. i prefer strat bodies because i can hug my torso around#them without getting poked like a tele and the necks are thinner than acoustics (small hands. bad)#unless we’re talking parlour#love a wee parlour. pa has a little one he got for 30 bucks that’s one of my favourites of his#he’s insanely good at finding deals#he fixes them all up#anyway. the body feels#how would you even describe it#heavy. and alive. warm and wet and still full of sap#i feel like it’s breathing#it’s sort of the only thing that motivates me to be better. i could cry just thinking about it. i want to be good enough to play it
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ladycrimsonandblack · 2 years
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Love that you would be able to tell he’s a D even without knowing his name just by reading this panel.
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narcissaea · 5 months
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to the light of my life, my sun and stars, there are not enough words to express how much you mean to me and how indescribably proud of you i am.
my ult for 13 years, i am so happy to have been able to spend this time with you. the joy and happiness you've brought into my life is immeasurable.
as you continue to shine, i will always be by your side. i love you.
gif cr.
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princekirijo · 4 months
Writing Shadow Ops lore is pretty fun actually
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echofromtheabyss · 1 year
Something you all need to understand is that crime/murder mysteries and even true crime were just really normie genres for my age group and above. Lots of seriously normie people watched CSI but so did nerds. Boomers and up loved detective shit. Really. Housewives ate this shit up. This was just really normal for those generations
We can analyze what that means for the culture but I notice that now I'm afraid to admit to the wrong people that I ever liked this stuff.
I'm not talking about what's on YouTube. I'm talking about what was on TV most of my entire life, until relatively recently
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jotarrokujo · 10 months
this episode was so good im actually going insane thinking about whats to come
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so-fish-icated · 11 days
i have to say before the battle begins i am a raging lesbian all day everyday but seeing everyone emo i’m like my bisexual friends i see you you must be having an absolute field day tonight
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oh-warizoro · 2 years
I got this big boy yesterday.
After 25 years my country finally decided it was time to translate one piece 😂
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I'm not gonna lie. While it is very strange to read manga in my native tongue, I'm actually super proud of this translation?!!!
The manga was clearly translated from Japanese, and I'd say this translation portraits much better what the characters say than the English version. (I've only read vol. 1 and a bit of 2 in Japanese, so I'm only using those chapters as reference when I say this.)
The names were all kept like the original romanji, but the nicknames were translated. AND YES!! THEY KEPT THE R.
The names of the devil fruits (so far Luffy's and Buggy's) were kept like the original (gomu-gomu, bara-bara). Terms like Grand Line, Red Line were translated to English which is awesome because in jp these terms are meant to sound/be read like that.
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The volumes are 3 in 1, which means each manga is huge. I'm not a fan but they kept the covers of volume 2 and 3 in full color! Which is a nice touch at least ❤️
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Overall, I was pleasantly surprised 😂 I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun reading this and laughing at silly linguistic expressions!
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081098 · 1 year
tell me why im stressed trying to figure out my 2022 fave kmusic gifset. like this is not going to be worth the amount of thought im putting into it
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