momentarily returning from the dead to say that I saw fall out boy last night and it’s made me remember just how much I adore Patrick ok he’s just a lovely lil dude
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heyyy just wanted to pop in and make sure you’re doing okay? missing ur presence on my feed
🪰 swarm
hello sweet swarm!
I’m okay… ish? Haha it’s been a wild few months, med school is kicking my butt big time, and I’ve started therapy + antidepressants pretty recently so my head has been a big wobbly mess 💀
Not sure when I’ll be back to write, but I’m always here lurking in the background <3
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ooh a tag!!
lockscreen - me n Will from Creeper hugging on stage during my fave song (if you recognise this picture from other internet hellsites,,, no u don’t let me keep my gremlin identity here thank u!)
last celeb - does obi wan kenobi count (he does in my heart 🥹)
last song - angel of mercy by otdh which SLAPS and you have to listen to the whole entire thing because the secret track at the end??? Insane
I shall tag the 2 ppl everyone wants to know are alive rn: @xocasper and @partypoisonzz (because I know nobody else here 😘✌🏻) and then anyone else who feels like it!
Tagged by: @envydean!
Rules: Show your lock screen, last celeb photo, and the last song you listened to.
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I’m counting my screenshot of Xiran Jay Zhao for this.
Tagging: @evilwriter37, @ashleybenlove, @knowerofuselessfacts, @poisonedyouth, @uh-ohspaghettio, @stand-up-and-screamo, and @cascigarette
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are casper and pen alive???????
bruh I barely know whether or not I’m alive
(all honestly tho I have no idea I just hope they’re doing ok!!)
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I was just wondering something. Why are the Kinktober stories no longer available? I particularly enjoyed the Mikey ones.
I haven’t deleted any of them, so if you scroll down through my page they should all still be there — I think Tumblr has just eaten the masterlist and all the links that used to work 🥲🥲
Had a similar ask a while back and the fic in question was still there, the link had just stopped working 🙃
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gone back to hibernating and hyperfixating on star wars again don’t mind me
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Ok update it’s still here!!! I think the search function is just a bit broken rn, but if you scroll down far enough she’s still where she should be 😍
Wuddup!! Did you take down impatient (the ray fic) or is my tumblr just being weird? No worries if you did I was just curious
I haven’t taken it down so maybe tumblr’s eaten it 😭😭 will do some investigating and see if I can figure out what’s going on 🤞🏻
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Wuddup!! Did you take down impatient (the ray fic) or is my tumblr just being weird? No worries if you did I was just curious
I haven’t taken it down so maybe tumblr’s eaten it 😭😭 will do some investigating and see if I can figure out what’s going on 🤞🏻
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haha i’ve had that happen to me before! i was at a concert once and let out the loudest sob anyone had ever heard, i swear to god. almost everyone within six feet of me turned and stared. i would’ve been embarrassed if i wasn’t sobbing hard enough to puke and pass out lol.
the it takes time bridge is so beautiful and the “oohs”?? not sure what to call them but damn. that song is gorgeous. i’ve seen you mention having chronic wrist issues, so i’m glad you can find solace/relatability in it :-)
my cheeks were practically zebra pattern within 30 seconds of the song starting because my mascara went everywhere and so many people were trying to check on me and I was just,,, bawling my fucking eyes out so hard that I didn’t notice
And then when I kinda calmed down a bit near the end of the song I looked up at just the right moment and made eye contact with Frank and he looked a lil frowny so I gave him a thumbs up and he smiled and gave me a thumbs up back and I swear to god my heart fucking exploded
I basically am the wish version of Frank Iero tbh:
- short
- definitely not straight
- big Stephen king fan
- fucked up wrist
- snarky bastard
(the emotional attachment is probably mildly unhealthy but I don’t give a fuck 😌)
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yoooo it takes time is my favorite song on past lives. also, i love how thought out your song choices were. i threw fuckin veggietales in there and called it a night LMAO
it takes time fucks me up SO HARD I heard it live and my mascara was down to my fucking chin
not even five seconds in and people were tapping me like ‘dude you good???’ Because I was just bawling my soul out in the middle of the pit
Picking songs was so tricky there’s so many bands I’m in love with it’s just not fair 😭 like I could easily have put a full ten MCR or Creeper or holding absence or Hozier songs (and multiple of the others too) I’m so indecisive that it hurts 😭
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literally on my knees for the mcr Brisbane looks, oh my god i wanna peg Gerard so bad
- 🪰
(ps: vampires will never hurt you is an incredible choice of song)
Gerard keeps repeating the secretary outfit because they know how much it’s fucking everyone up and that’s the TRUTH
(When I tell you that I sobbed my fucking eyes out when they played it for the first time on the US leg that’s not an exaggeration,,, I was sat there crying at my iPad at 4am,,, I am a GROWN ADULT )
vampires is the love of my life
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eeeee I have no idea who to tag because everyone interacts with me on anon but this is such a cute thing that I HAVE to do it
(also I like the ugly Spotify blocks shush)
Ten Songs I Really Really Like (Because They’re Just That Cool)
She is my all time favourite MCR song. The love of my life. I have her tattooed on me. I cannot live without her
Mine and my dad’s favourite Creeper song. We’ve seen them live together 28 times and every single one was insane. We’ve made some of our best friends through this band.
The first song I listened to after my second and third wrist surgeries. I am and will always be a whore for fall out boy. They were my gateway drug to emo and now I am addicted and gay and trans and mentally unwell and-
Fave book fave musical fave everything. This was the musical I listened to before every med school interview. It’s getting inked on me as soon as I have more money
again we’re back on songs that make me feel things about my chronic pain. I relate too hard to frank iero it’s almost embarrassing. This song is emotionally traumatising but like in a good way
tiny little welsh band that I love!!! loveliest humans ever!!! haven’t seen them in forever and I miss them so muchhhhh
song hasn’t even been out a full day and yet I would kill for her I would die for her I would spread my legs for her I would-
classical piece may be a slightly rogue choice but she was my favourite piece to ever play with an orchestra and I love her to death
look I’m Jewish ok I have to have one sappy emotional song in Hebrew on here like I’m legally required to this one is just soul touchingly emotional and I love it so so much
who doesn’t love screaming about being mentally ill??? one of the best songs to belt out at a gig I sob my little ass off every single time
(Just picking ten songs was hard ok I’m too indecisive and I love so many bands 😭)
Tagging: anyone who’s bored bc yous all interact with me on anon so I don’t know anyone’s handles 😭
Wasn’t technically tagged by @sylveonikovilhelm - but it looked fun so I figured what the hell. The idea is to post 10 songs you like with names in the title, the tag 10 people. These games are great, you get to see how truely awful my music taste is. I doubt I’ll get 10 people, but I know I have at least 10 songs. In no particular order. I’m not gonna Spotify link them though, because those boxes are huge??? So I’ve got YouTube links for you instead. Let me know if I’ve mixed them up or something. 1) Helena - MCR Obviously. 2) Born Bob Dylan - The Veronicas I love them and I love this and yes, this is where I got my title from. 3) Tallulah - Sonata Arctica A very, very old favourite. 4) Suzanne - Creeper They filled part of the MCR shaped hole in my heart once upon a time. 5) Adrienne - The Calling The singer was actually my first music love. 6) Who’s David? - Busted I think this goes back further than number 3. 7) Mary On A Cross - Ghost They’re rather excellent live actually! 8) Cinderella - Britney Spears Ahhh. Britney was my gay awakening. Not that I knew it at the time! 9) The Harold Song - Kesha I like her particular brand of almost trashy pop and this song is ~feelings~ 10) What A Catch, Donnie - Fall Out Boy A bit of a mastepiece this one. No pressure tags - @xocasper @anystalker707 @robinruns @aprilpoison @x-whyareyoureadingthis-x And also, if you’re not tagged and want to, go ahead.
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(to Swarm Anon as well) i actually watched the newest Scream on Friday! it was good for a slasher film, but a Scream film? questionable. it was really funny though, my friend and i were throwing popcorn at the screen whenever an emotional scene popped up
throwing popcorn at the sappy bits is one of the best parts of going to the cinema (especially if ur with friends in the row in front, then you can just throw popcorn at the back of their heads!!)
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i’m definitely treating myself to a trip to the cinema for scream vi (and sneaking in drinks!!) i’m literally so excited, even though I’ll be super paranoid for like a month after it’ll be so worth it!!!
- 🪰 :)
(that’s so real,, i’m literally in love with jenna ortega omg)
omg yes sneaking drinks and snacks into the cinema is the best part!!!
(I don’t trust ppl who aren’t in love with jenna ortega tbh)
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oh my god i love scream!!! (even though i cry like a baby whenever i watch horrors) how do you feel about scream vi? I’m binge watching all of the films again to prepare myself
- 🪰 :)
(sorry for rambling!! scream is one of my special interests!!)
I really wanna see scream vi when it gets released if I can!! I haven’t been out to see a movie in AGES and it’ll be so so fun
I am surprisingly un-chicken about horror movies, it takes a lot to freak me out 😂
(also Jenna Ortega loml if ur free let’s go on a date yeah?!)
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What's your favorite scary movie? (mine's Scream 1996) -⭐️
Ooh I like scary movies!! I feel like my answer is kinda not that scary though because I LOVE The Omen films
They’re just so good!! Demon child!! Spooky birds!! Funky music!! What’s not to love
(also a big fan of the scream films so hey bestie 😍)
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tipsy and writing let’s goooooooo
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