#and again dont be afraid to ask questions and stuff
hattiestgal · 6 months
If you don't mind my asking, how do you go about drawing fat? :3
So, for me personally, a lot of the time when I draw fat characters, I'm not looking to specifically capture the specifics of fat as much as the feel of fat. Bulkier, rounder shapes in the right places that has a feeling of weight to em! A lot of that is intuition and simplification at this point, but it all works on the same frame as just any ol' person. Like take this-
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For example. This is the basis for any body shape, not just the more average one that it may imply. Sure- it can be that average body shape:
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But also a fat one too!
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And a big part of that is knowing where fat usually tends to bunch up on the body, so lets take a look piece by piece! (Please keep in mind this is very simplified, and not completely precise in some parts)
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THE FACE: Cheeks (in purple) and especially the chin (in light blue) are the places where a lot of the fat is gonna wanna gather and round out on your face! Additionally, theres a small pocket of fat beneath the cranium on the backside of your head. It's small, but it is there. I believe fat can build up elsewhere like the bridge of your nose and forehead, but generally speaking, you're gonna have a whole lot more buildup in other places first.
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THE TORSO: A lot of the fat built up on the torso is gonna be sent to your tummy. More cushioning for vital organs, mostly out of the way, it just makes sense. Additionally, the lower backs fat builds up and joins with a patch of fat on your sides that forms what is typically referred to as the love handles to make that double belly look. Along with this, the immediate next target for the torso is the breasts, followed by the upper back!
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THE ARMS: For this limb, a VERY notable amount of the fat present builds up on the tricep and bicep areas, lessening once you get towards the flexor and extensor areas. You can almost think of the arm as a sort of triangular shape, wide side starting from the shoulder and tapering towards the hand, which itself mostly builds up fat around the back of the hand and the fingers. The shoulders themselves don't build up too much fat unless you got a lot
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THE LEGS: And finally, you can think of the legs having pretty similar curves to what you're probably already used to thinking. The front of the thighs getting a big buildup, along with the back of the calves, the other parts being flatter in turn. As far as the feet go- similarly to the hands, the top of the feet, along with the heels get most of the buildup, as fat on your soles would impede mobility. The glute, hip and crotch area will also especially build up fat, lending to the same triangular shape that you can see in the arm!
A big thing to note with fat is that it tends to taper off towards joints. Your knees, elbows, shoulders, hips, and all the other places are gonna have significantly less fat so that you remain mobile and flexible, as that's important!
Now that we have an idea of where fat builds up on the body, you might have something that looks kinda like this
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Which yes, does demonstrate a solid understanding of the places fat builds up, lacks the weight you're probably trying to convey, which brings us to out next point! Fat is well... heavy! Gravity is what gives fat much of it's shape, especially as you tread towards larger and larger bodies.
This is demonstrated really well on the arms especially-
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Those big ol' bits of fat'll really start to sag when left hanging, and they will squish like hell if they run into something. I like to think of these bits of fat as big ol' ovals that squash and stretch depending on if there's an obstacle in their way or not
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These are the important shapes to remember when it comes to the weightiness of fat! If you take all of this into mind, you should be getting something a lot closer to that shape you've been after!
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Oh, and always remember that fat bodies come in all variety of shapes and sizes! Play around with a whole lot, and seek out all the resources you can! it'll really lend to your knowledge when it comes to this kinda stuff!
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And as I always recommend when it comes to learning art- look at what your favorite artists do with fat bodies. See what you really like about the fat bodies they draw and try to replicate it in your own work, I promise you it's one of the most helpful things ever.
This is like the most basic of basics when it comes to drawing fat bodies though. If there's any additional thing about fat bodies, or maybe you want clarification on something, don't be afraid to ask! If there's enough to cover, I'll make an addition to this post!
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
alternate workings of the tmc unholy gift universe
i have randomly decided to explain how alternates work in regards to tmc unholy gift. hope y'all enjoy LMAO (some of this stuff will be copied from my really old au doc but the info is still pretty updated)
this will also be updated at some point bc there's a few things i haven't fully thought abt yet (specifically some of the alts special abilities and stuff so ye)
What are Alternates like in this world?
Alternates are a mix of pure demons who work for Lucius and humans who were converted into Alternates. They are mostly all the negative traits multiplied by 10 in a person if someone is converted.
There are currently 6 5 types of Alternates:
Type 1 - Unspeakable: - Can turn people into alts through a very specific and selective process (will be explained later) - If an Unspeakble's name is spoken in regards of directing something at them, they will summon them Examples: Gabriel, Six (technically)
Type 2 - Dopplegänger: - Look almost exactly like the person they are trying to copy - Usually cannot be spotted due to similar appearances with other people, therefore one of the more dangerous types Examples: Adam, Elizabeth, Abraham (the latter two are featured in vol 1)
Type 3 - Flawed Impersonators: - Usually look nothing like the person they try to copy - Most common type - Typically have some sort of deformity that has not been documented in human history Examples: Cesar, N, M
Type 4: Tulpa - Are typically found inside of old televisions and mirrors - Can travel through said TVs and mirrors into households and other places - Are usually stopped by breaking their paths of transportation (lemme say it again, TVs and mirrors) Examples: Stanley, Tiffany, Lynn
Type 5: Mimic - Cannot turn into humans but objects - Can be spotted through hearing/feeling an inanimate object breathing - Least common type Examples: Jude. That's it.
Type ??? - A specific category not documented by humans in which alternates cannot be placed into another category Examples: Mark, Evelin, Preacher, Puppet
Alternates also give Gifts to humans if they feel it’s their time to join Gabriel’s army. Also a thing to note: demons are usually Types 3, 4, and 5. Only converted humans can be Type 2, though they can of course be other types as well.
Wait, what are "gifts"?
“Gifts” are usually the items that people use to escape an alternate encounter. “Gifts” can be given to someone at any point in time but they will not take effect until someone has opened the gift. Examples being Adam having a A gift is also the term given to special abilities tied with Alternates. Examples being Adam having a teleportation apple “gift” and Cesar having a voice mimic “gift”. Let’s call the “gift” given to humans a “Gift” and the “gift” that alternates have a “gifT”.
How are Alternates made?
Alternates are made either by simply being a demon and just joining in on Gabriel's schemes, or by being a human when the requirements below have been met:
The victim must have received a Gift from an alternate previously
The Gift must be opened at some point, doesn’t matter when
The Gift must be the reason why the victim has died [literally (Mark’s gun) or metaphorically (Adam’s apple)]
The victim must have committed suicide
The victim’s body must not be touched by any other human skin before the transformation, including by Alternates in human form, otherwise the body has been “tainted”
The only two (technically) able to convert people into alternates is Gabriel and Six
Do Alternates have a distinct biology?
TBD bc i have not thought abt this too much FVGBHNJ
Important Alternates + their bios and abilities
Gabriel (any prns but prefers he/him): - Species: Devil/Alternates (like THE Devil, from the Bible /reference) - Type: Unspeakable - gifT: Creation - - Personality: As one would assume the Devil would be like; cunning, sly manipulative, but Satan’s deciding to be a bit more of a sadist today and likes to torture humans in any way possible. He actually has another form that he hides from everyone and only uses it if acting as the real Gabriel gets too tiring or frustrating.
Six (he/him) - Species: Human/Alternate - Type: Any, usually Tulpa - gifT: Type Swap - Can change into any type of Alternate, even turn into Unspeakable (Alt Gabriel doesn’t like that too much though and Six doesn’t like doing it anyway). - Personality: Fools around a lot, almost playful in a way. Loves kids a bit too much to the point of kidnapping them and kinda started a cult around kidnapping children? He loves messing with Gabriel and Stanley the most because he’s known them the longest. He does feel bad for Mark though with the way he went out as well as the whole "taking Adam" situation that happened. Adam was originally gonna be a part of the weird cult thing, but Six felt bad, so he let him go with a Gift.
Stanley (any prns + all neos, literally does not care what you call them) - Species: Human/Alternate - Type: Tulpa, previously a Flawed Impersonator - gifT: Summoning - Can spawn an Alternate within 30 feet of someone. - Personality: Extremely charismatic and manipulative of others, including other Alternates. He is only truly loyal to Gabriel and can mostly tolerate Six’s behavior. Actually might be the more sinister out of them and Six. It is also very neutral in terms of the weird cult with children thing, but got used to it overtime.
Preacher (they/it/she) - Species: Demon/Alternate - Type: ??? - gifT: Polyglot - Can understand any language - Personality: Mostly devoid of emotion but is good at faking them if they need to. Doesn’t go after people very much and is more of a secretary/bookkeeper to Lucifer. She is mostly mute and whenever they want to speak it will only whisper.
Tiffany (she/her) - Species: Human/Alternate - Type: Tulpq - gifT: Shatter - Can shatter and repair mirrors with her own mind, which is extremely useful to other Tulpas trying to kill victims - Personality: Extremely talkative and likes playing the long game with her victims, mainly as a way of gaining her power back from the time she died. She also used to have a previous name, but changed it to start a new life as an Alternate.
N (they/it) - Species: Demon/Alternate - Type: Flawed Impersonator - gifT: TBD - Personality: Almost a blank slate, mostly hangs out with M.
M (she/her) - Species: Demon/Alternate - Type: Flawed Impersonator - gifT: - Personality: Almost a blank slate, mostly hangs out with N.
Jude (he/him) - Species: Human/Alternate - Type: Mimic - Gift: TBD - gifT: TBD - Personality: Still smug, but not as smug as he used to be. Cares very much for Lynn even if he’s not supposed to show it as an Alternate.
Lynn (she/her) - Species: Human/Alternate - Type: Tulpa - Gift: Noose - given to her by Six and gives in immediately due to her losing Adam - gifT: Paranoia - can cause one to become extremely paranoid if they see her - Personality: Very sorrowful towards her human life though she doesn’t remember most of it. Clings to Jude like a lost puppy.
Mark (he/him) - Species: Human/Zombie/Half Alternate - Type: ??? - Gift: Desert eagle - Just the gun Mark uses to try and kill the alternate (as well as unfortunately kill himself with) - Personality: Very questionable of the authority running the Alternates (Gabriel), and tries to make a quiet effort to stopping them. He is unfortunately still very susceptible to being manipulated, seeing as he originally was on board with Puppet Thatcher's plan with overthrowing Gabriel.
Cesar (he/she) - Species: Human/Alternate - Type: Flawed Impersonator - Gift: Cursed poppy - Convinces Cesar to eat the poppy seeds, and overtime it acts as a drug. It makes Cesar hallucinate voices and they convince him to eat as many poppy seeds as he can to stop the constant rashes he gets as well as the voices themselves. - gifT: Voice mimic - Can mimic any voice if he hears for a good amount of time. Yes, this includes Alternates. - Personality: Sly, manipulative, and stealthy (as all alternates should be). He will do anything to have his way with people, even if it means stand outside your best friend’s door for a week minimum and torture them psychologically. Can also be a more bubbly guy, especially if he's posing as a person.
Adam (he/nya) - Species: Human/Alternate - Type: Dopplegänger - Gift: Replenishing apple - If bitten, hunger and thirst are basically reset, and the apple never rots and will replenish (as its name would imply) after 24 hours of being bitten (no matter how much was eaten). Became a metaphorical representation of Adam falling to temptation and going down the basement in Cesar’s house. - gifT: Safety apple - If bitten, he can teleport to any location he thinks of, whether it be a specific place or if he just thinks of a vague idea of a location, such as “I need to get somewhere safe”. - Personality: Cold and dismissive to most. Only likes his new alternate cat, Jonny. He tries his best to avoid Jonah mainly because he feels very angry and distraught at the sight of him (pun not included).
Evelin (she/ze) - Species: Human/Mostly Alternate - Type: ??? - Gift: Replenishing Apple - Was given by Adam in an attempt - gifT: Intercept - Can communicate through any sort of radio, though it is her only form of communication. - Personality: very shy and became almost nonverbal to others due to becoming an Alternate. Makes friends with Mark and Jonah's ghost because they are literally the only somewhat sane people there. She still tries reaching out to Thatcher and gives him info that he would have never been able to collect without her new association with Alternates.
Puppet Thatcher (he/him) - Species: Alternate - Type: ??? - gifT: Perfect Copy - Can perfectly mimic the image of a human being, no matter who they are. - Personality: Extremely cunning and manipulative, will do anything to get what he wants. Can get extremely obsessive over things, specifically people. He also grew the urge to not only make people kill themselves but do the actual killing himself. Blood on his hands made him happier anyway along with stealing Thatcher's appearance. He is also a liiiiiitle bit obsessed with kind of becoming Thatcher and also overthrowing Gabriel, which can only lead to disaster.
[][][][] - Species: Alternate - Type: ??? - Gift: The Forbidden Fruit - Personality: TBD (not really ;) )
That's all I have for now!!! Hope you enjoy!!!!
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timothylawrence · 1 year
(you don't have to respond) it's been a while since I've been in borderlands fandom (like pre-bl3) and when it came to the story, specifically Rhys, I just breezed past it cuz i was salty he wasn't voiced by the old voice actor lol so like i just didn't pay attention to him.. but anyways what made his arc racist or like what makes him racist coded. i fully agree that all of the games can and do have racist characterization. I just didn't pay as much attention/care to bl3 to think too deeply about it
Hi anon :) thank you for asking this in a respectful manner. (lord knows people tend to just tell me to do unkind things for criticizing a vidya game) Putting most of this under a cut because it's kinda long!
To start, It's kinda poorly worded in the post, but Rhys himself isn't the character who is like. racist i guess. it's more to do with the villain within the arc Kat Jr. He's frankly not a character that can be ignored and if you recall, his whole schtick is like. being a "creep" (<- gb's word, not mine) towards Rhys and borderline stalking him in order to be friends. He goes as far as to constantly call Rhys, destroy Promethea, and most notably, kill the things Rhys loves for his attention/to get him to comply. In a sense, he's just flat out obsessed with Rhys.
So, typical villain stuff ig? Except the thing here is that Katagawa Jr is heavily coded to be Japanese and there is a history with gearbox and their writing of east asian men to be obsessed with white men. The only other notable east asian man in that series is Nakayama, who, if you recall, is also incredibly creepy (again GBs words) and infatuated with, you guessed it, another white guy: Jack.
Now we've got two east asian villains who are obsessed with a white guy. Some could argue it's a bad coincidence but considering all the parallels and other racist tropes found in the series... its kinda hard to believe this wasn't on purpose or the fault of a racist writer. The entire strive of these two east asian men being obsessed with white dudes is just. flat out racist. there's a history of East Asian males being depicted as inferior to white men + a handful of stereotypes that stretch back centuries in the US alone. here's a source on the relationship between east asian and white masculinity/feminization (as well as other things, it's a good read if you'd like to be more informed <- tw for antiblackness, misogynoir, anti-asian racism).
So yeah. It's just... hard to ignore that when I play. there's nothing wrong with not liking the "trivial" things (rhys' va change, the mustache, his last name) but I've been on tumblr fandom for 3 years and... i haven't many, if any, bring attention to the vile racism. It's unfortunately common to see people go as far as to fetishize katagawa further or villanize him even further which is just as uncomfortable as the source material.
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hyunjinswifelol · 5 months
study session. h.hj
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warnings: weed, getting high, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f!receive), reader wheres skirt, reader is called y/n, reader is also fem mostly, hyunjin wears rings, reader is a teachers pet, use of slut
summary: reader goes to hyunjin to study, knowing hes really smart. they end up getting high together and do interesting things.
“excuse me, do you know which dorm room is uh.. hwang hyunjins dorm?” y/n asked. the front desk lady gave her a weird look. “why do you need to know?” “hes the smartest in my class and i need tutoring lessons” she said. “hes in room 238 on floor 4. be careful, hes not really a good kind of boy” “i-.. okay thanks!” y/n ran to the elevator, trying not to drop everything, including her bag. she pressed floor 4, and hoped he was even in his room. “room 238.. where is it” she questioned herself, wondering the halls. she found it. her heart was racing. she knocked. “y/n?..” “hyunjin!! hi, can you tutor me please? the math is terrible and-“ “you want me to tutor you?” hyunjin asked, sarcastically laughing. she nodded slowly, afraid he’ll turn her down. “is it too much? are you busy? do i need to come another time-“ “no y/n youre fine. i just wasnt expecting you to come to me” hyunjin said, scratching the back of his neck. she nodded again, less worried. he was much taller than her, she just realized. he was about 5’10, and she was about 5’2. hyunjin opened his door more and let her in. “thanks.. im sorry. i didnt mean to bother you or anything” she said, slightly looking down. “hey its okay.. i understand, schools hard you know? dont worry about it” she smiled and nodded. he was really cute she thought. “do you want a drink?” he asked. “sure.. do you have sweet tea?” hyunjin nodded. “oh sorry.. you can set your stuff down on my table and ill get everything ready” hyunjin said, pulling a chair out for her. “thanks, youre really a gentleman” she said, patting his arm. he blushed. “thanks.. i try to help nice to women. i also try to be nice to you, youre the most favorite in the school you know? the teachers love you” “my parents donated a bunch of money to the school, thats the only reason they love me” “youre really kind to them, they probably like that too, respecting teachers is really important” she nodded. he poured her a glass of tea. “do you smoke?” he asked, sitting down infront of her, handing her the tea. her eyes lit up, and went wide. “do i.. smoke?” he nodded. “do you? i have some weed, we can share a joint before we study, it’ll calm your nerves. youre tense honey” she nodded. “ive never done this before hyunjin.. is it okay?” “ofcourse it is, i wouldnt harm you” hyunjin stood up and went to the kitchen. y/n followed him. he went to roll a joint. he was rolling it up and making it a cigarette type to smoke. y/n was staring at his hands the whole time. the veins, the tings, the tendons, his long fingers. she wondered what they felt like inside her. no. she cant think like that. this is her classmate, and possibly new study friend. “your rings are cool” she softly said. “oh thanks! im glad you notic- how did you notice?..” he said. “i was staring” she mumbled, slightly embarrassed. “you were staring st my hands?” he said, genuinely confused. “yeah.. i mean you have nice hands” “thanks.. are you like.. obsessed with my hands?” “no.. i was just staring cause theyre nice. your nail polish is cool too” she smiled. “thanks” he smiled back at her. “okay done. wanna hit first?” “can you?.. i dont know how to do this” she said, looking at the floor embarrassed. “its okay, dont be embarrassed.. i wouldnt expect you to know how to smoke anyways” he said. he took a big hit, then blew out. “when you take a hit, you’ve gotta inhale it, be careful, it’ll make you cough” he handed it to her. “thanks” she said. she hit it, inhaled, choked a little, then blew out. “wow.. i feel weird” “its normal, after a few more puffs youll feel like youre floating, trust me sweetheart” he said. her cheeks got red at the pet name. she never really liked pet names if she’s completely honest, but she feels warm when he calls her pet names. he took another hit, and did it like a pro. she took another hit, but coughed alot. “its okay, youll get the hang of it” hyunjin reassured her. they took turns back and fourth. after a while, y/n felt very high, and very clingy. “hyunjin.. can we watch a movie?” she asked. “arent we supposed to study?”
“fuck studying” she said. his eyes went wide. she just cussed? “i-.. sure hun, what do you wanna watch?” “romance. like.. shrek!” “thats not a romance honey” he said laughing. “dont laugh.. and yes it is” “okay then..” he took her to the living room. he sat down. she was still standing though. “you can sit down you know..” he said smiling, but slightly confused. “can you spread your legs?” she mumbled. he nodded and did so. she sat in between them. he froze completely. “can you scoot back a little? i dont wanna fall off the couch” she looked back at him smiling innocently. he nodded. he scooted back. she layed back to where her back was against his chest. he got the remote and found shrek and started playing it. she hit the joint again. “jinnie i think im getting high.. am i okay?” she said, now being serious. “its normal love, trust me you’ll be okay” she nodded. she got herself comfortable. her head was resting in ghe crook of his neck, her thighs pressed together between his, her back against his chest, and her hands on his thighs. “this is comfy” she whispered. “good. it is” he smiled. her hair smelled really good. his arms were right beside his thighs, and y/n took that as an opportunity to gran then and wrap them around her waist. he looked down at it, and smiled. “hold me” she said. “okay honey” he said, smiling brighter than ever. she held the joint up to his lips and hetook a hit. she took a hit after him. she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist. his arms were loosly wrapped around her waist. “hi lovely” he said. she blinked a few times. then smashed her lips on his. he immediately kissed back. his arms tightened around her. she pulled away after a moment. “can we go to your room?” she shyly asked. “what are you wanting to do in there that we cant do in here?” he asked messing woth her soft hair. “can you make me feel good?” she mumbled. hyunjins pants got tight, and she felt that. she was acting so innocent but shes not at the same time, hyunjin loved it. y/n got up and waited for hyunjin to. “right down the hallway lovely” he said, and held her hand softly. she went and sat on his bed, and he closed his door. the only lightin there was a lamp. she stared at him. he stared backat her. “are you sure you want this?” she nodded. “ive never done it before but i want you to be my first hyunjin. please?” she whispered. he nodded. he wanted this as much as she did. hes fucked multiple girls, but none like her. hes always thought that y/n was special and innocent and pretty, but that innocent thought was long gone. hyunjin kissed her, and they started making out. his tounge slid in her mouth, and he bit her bottom lip- making her whine. hyunjin felt his dick get harder. he slowly pushed her down to where she was laying on her back. his hands roamed her body, and she loved it. her mind and his were all fuzzy, most likely from being stoned, but for her it was that and the feeling of his hands all over her. his hand went down to her wet pussy. he broke the kiss. “do you want me to touch you sweetheart?” he asked, teasing her. “yes please” she whined. he rubbed her clothed clit and she moaned. “lets take these panties off okay?” he said, rubbing up and down her thighs. she nodded. he slip them down to her ankles and threw them somewhere across the room. hyunjin rubbed her clit, and it felt even better with her panties off. “you like that? you like my fingers touching you?” “yes- feels s-so good” she moaned out. hyunjin pushed his middle finger in her entrance. she whined and threw her head back on the bed. “you wanna lay down love?” he asked, still fingering her. she nodded. she scooted back to where her back was slightly against the headboard. he crawled in between her legs and he was face to face with her pussy. “can i?” he asked. “please” she whispered. and just like that that, his face was burried in her pussy. his tounge going in and out of her entrance at a fast pace. y/n’s mind was fully blank, only the thought of hyunjin eating her out like a pro. she grabbed his hair.
hyunjin looked up at her. she closed her eyes and whined. hyunjin came up and kissed her, and started fingering her again- but with two fingers. “hyunjin” she moaned. “yes darling? you like it? you like taking my fingers?” he softly said, playing with her hair in his other hand. she nodded and whined. “you look so fucking pretty. a princess getting fucked in that slutty skirt.. my princess getting fucked in her slutty skirt” she moaned. she liked him calling her a slut. “im your slut?” she whispered. “yes darling youre my little slut okay? youre my princess, my slutty princess” he said, fingering her at the fastest pace possible. “hyun- your fingers” y/n moaned out. “my fingers? you like them? they making my princess feel good?” he asked kissing her forehead. “yes they feel so good-your rings they feel” she said before moaning. “they feel good dont they” he said. she nodded. “lets take this little shirt off okay?” he said, pulling her little pink crop top off. she covered her chest. “hey dont cover or be shy my love” he said slowly pulling her arms softly. “here ill take mine off so youre not alone lovely” he said removing his fingers from her pussy. “hyunjin-“ she whined, feeling empty. “i know darling, youll get what you want soon, i promise” he whispered, taking his shirt off and going back down on her again. “you taste like heaven darling” he whispered. he sucked her clit, and she almost screamed. she bucked her hips in his face, practically riding it. “hyunjin im gonna cum- please can i?” she cried. “yes love” he tounge fucked her for a minute and she came right in his mouth. he slurped her juices and came up to kiss her again. she tasted herself. “lets get this slutty skirt off hm?” he said. she nodded, and he ripped it right off. he got off the bed for a minute. he unbuckled his pants and slid them off, as well as his boxers. his cock sprung right out. her eyes went wide in fear. it looked about 9 inches. she was worried it wouldnt fit. “will it fit hyunjin?” she whispered. “yes love, dont worry okay? ill take care of you” he said, laying her down. he aligned his cock with her hole. “im gonna go in slowly okay? squeeze my hand if it hurts” he whispered. he offered his hand and she held it. he pushed in his tip. she squeezed his hand a little. “you okay darling?” he whispered, his thumb carresing her knuckles. she nodded. “you got this” he whispered. he pushed in another 3 inches. he waited a moment and pushed in a few more inches. he still had about 4 more inches to go. so, he went balls deep in her pussy. “youre tight love” he said, smiling at her. “youre big hyunie” she said, eyes welled with tears. “do you want me to move now?” he asked, holding her hand tight. she nodded. he moved about halfway out and pushed back in very slow. he repeated that for a few minutes. “hyun.. faster please” she whispered, eyes shut tight. he hummed an ‘mhm’ and picked up his pace. “shit” he whispered. he went faster now. she moaned his name a few times. “hyunjin faster-“ she said, and then he went at a rapid pace. she moaned even louder than before. “im gonna cum darling, can i cum in you?” he asked. she nodded, tears streaming from her eyes. she felt herself getting closer too. she clenched around him, and then he came. she came a few seconds after him. he layed beside her. she was panting. “you did great love” he said, still holding her hand. sweat was dripping down his neck. she lookrd over at him, and stared at the sweat. she caused that sweat. “lets get cleaned up and head to bed hm?” he said. “im staying here tonight?” she asked. hyunjin stood up and went to grab a towel. “yeah.. if you want to obviously” he said and smiling at her. “can i sleep in here?” she asked, stars in her eyes. “ofcourse lovely” he cleaned themselfs off. she put her underwear and bra on. he put some boxers amd sweatpants on. “hyunjin?” “hm?” “can i borrow a shirt?” “ofcourse, let me get you one” he said. he walked to his closet and found a white t shirt. he handed it to her and kissed her forehead. she smiled and giggled. “what?” he asked.
“you give me butterflies when you kiss my forehead” she said, looking up at him and smiling. “then ill do it more often” he cockily said. she put the shirt on and collapsed on his bed. he layed doen next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. she rolled over and shoved her face in his chest. “you smell good” she mumbled. “do i?” “mhm” he smiled. he kissed her forehead. “goodnight darling” he said. “goodnight jinnie” “love you” “love you too” she smiled. her face was in his neck and her arms were around his neck, while his was around her waist. they both eventually fell asleep.
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cherigu · 1 year
— ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Lessons!
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Genre: smut, best friends / roommates to lovers Pairing: sub!jeongguk x softdom!reader Word Count: 2.3k Warnings: low-key fuckgirl!reader, inexperienced!jk, mutual pining, choking, corruption kink, voyeurism, mutual masturbation
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“So you want me to tell you how to..” you trailed off while still trying to process the question that was asked not even a minute ago. “How to finger someone, yes” Jeongguk mumbled, suddenly ashamed at the scandalous question. He began to fumble with the long sleeves of his white shirt, nervously speaking up again to ease the tension. “I mean.. Y-you don’t have to of course! Not if it makes you uncomfortable, y’know? Just found it easy to ask you.”
The thing is, you had no issue teaching him. He was your best friend and roommate so naturally he’d heard it all. You were pretty open about everything, including your sex life. You weren’t one to have shame in your game, especially with how many stories there were to tell. Ranging from one-night stands that had you drier than the Sahara desert, to hookups that left you seeing stars. Jeongguk was okay with this, never feeling uncomfortable with the taboo subject. You still decided to maintain boundaries, making sure to never bring anyone home.
Out of respect for Jeongguk and his precious sleep, you strictly fucked at the other person’s place, with no exceptions. Strangely enough, you stuck by this rule even when Jeongguk wasn’t home. The whole idea of another man entering your and Jeongguk’s space just felt odd to you. Part of you knew why, but that bit of information would be stored far in the back of your mind. Maybe if you were in denial for long enough you’d finally get rid of the feelings you had for Jeongguk.
It sounds hypocritical to go on rambling about how many men you’ve fucked and then admit that you have a crush on your best friend, but who could blame you? He was so mesmerizing, the way his hair had grown out to frame his face beautifully, big brown eyes that glittered even in the darkest settings, matching the glint of the piercing on his lip. Speaking of which, his pretty pink lips were hard to not stare at while he talked, almost as if they were begging you to kiss them. You could go on but you’d never stop. If you would ever fuck anyone in your apartment, it’d have to be him 100%.
You knew this wasn’t an option though, you couldn’t risk over 10 years of friendship just because your pussy got wet with something as simple as him readjusting his glasses. Perhaps the casual one-night stands were your way of suppressing what you felt for him. But how successful could this coping mechanism really be if you found yourself imagining it was Jeongguk inside of you instead of a random man?
“I don’t mind, but can’t you just watch porn or something?” You cocked a brow, watching his cheeks suddenly grow pink. 
“I dont.. I’ve never watched it..” He dropped his head as if it were something he should’ve been ashamed of.
There was another reason his bold request had caught you off guard. Jeongguk was a virgin, making hookups fall out of the question. This suddenly made your chest bubble in jealousy as you wondered what he could possibly need fingering lessons for, or much rather for who. He didn’t have a girlfriend, but that was only as far as you knew. You were sure he’d tell you if he was seeing someone, right?  
“Why do you need to learn?” Your eyes redirect elsewhere, afraid of your shallow gaze letting him know you were slightly mad at the thought of him pleasuring someone else. His, however, were glued onto your face as he threw his hands up.
“Why so many questions n/n? ‘m just embarrassed.. feel like I should know this stuff at my age” He pouted. 
Feeling relief from the fact that there wasn’t someone else involved, you spoke to Jeongguk as his best friend again.
“Gukkie, you know there’s no pressure in becoming sexually active y’know? This stuff comes naturally, some quicker than others, but there’s no definite age at which you should learn this stuff.” You raised your hand to pat his head. "Learn it 'cause you want to and not because you feel like you should know it"
If Jeongguk were being honest, he had only exposed half of his truth to you. Sure, he can admit that he's a bit inexperienced for his age, but he had a reason. That reason being you. Ever since the day he met you, he swore he’d never met anyone else more perfect than you. You were so gentle with him, from the times you bandaged his knee after scraping it on the pavement as a kid, to the time you held him while he fake-cried about his ex-girlfriend cheating on him.
It’s not like he loved Jieun very much anyway, he’d only dated her as a poor attempt to get over you. Seeing as it had clearly not worked, the only option he had was to convince himself, and everyone else, that he had been truly in love with Jieun. So as soon as he heard that she’d hooked up with her dorm mate, he put on his best act and cried endlessly. Apart from doing it to seal the deal about Jieun, he had also secretly enjoyed being in your arms that whole time you comforted him. He strained his body to release every tear he could for the sake of staying as long as he could in your embrace.
Ever since then, he couldn’t muster up the courage to date again. You had ruined his life in the best and worst way possible. Yeah, he was a 23-year-old virgin who never had a legit girlfriend to gain experience with, but he was also Jeon Jeongguk who got coddled by his best friend every chance she got because she loved him very much. He knew you loved him, but maybe not in the way that he loved you.
He was no match for the men that ripped the moans out of your mouth at night while you desperately clutched the sheets, begging for release. He had to learn how to surpass them one way or another, and for that, he’d need to start from the root. He couldn’t learn from porn, no, those girls weren’t you. If he asked you directly how to pleasure someone, you’d subconsciously speak about how you prefer to be pleasured and to learn that was his goal. 
Sitting face to face with you, hand on his cheek, he couldn’t help but feel warm inside. His gaze dropped to your cherry-glossed lips, harshly gulping while resisting the urge to kiss you.
This didn’t go unnoticed by you, beginning to smirk at how obvious the boy in front of you was being at this very moment.
“Or how about..” your fingers caressed his cheek, slowly beginning to drop to his neck. “Instead of teaching you, I show you, hm?” you whispered, carefully testing the waters while slightly confused as to where the confidence came from, swearing you wouldn’t ruin the friendship only a few minutes ago.
The doubt in your mind was quick to subside when Jeongguk began to nod his head. The grip your hand had on the sides of his neck slightly tightened, whines already beginning to slip past his lips. His sounds alone made your imagination go wild, loving how sensitive and reactive he was to your touch. You couldn’t wait to see how fast he would get riled up, leaving you to enjoy every last bit of his neediness. The thought of being able to turn your sweet, innocent boy into a fucked out mess had arousal leaking into your underwear. 
“Sit here, m’kay? No touching, just watch, can you do that for me?” your body moved away from his, positioning yourself against the headboard with your legs in his direction. He hummed a quiet, “yes” and you smiled, “Good, good boy” Your legs began to part, exposing the wet patch in your white panties that his oversized tee previously concealed. Your delicate fingers traveled to your thighs, inching closer to your heat with slow movements. “Gotta feel her up first”
Four teasing fingers became two as your hand finally left your thigh and reached your clothed cunt. Your middle and ring fingers rubbed small circles in the middle, making sure to spread the arousal and collect new slick. Once the material became soaked and sticky enough, you began to slide the panties down your legs, fully exposing yourself to the wide-eyed boy in front of you.
“Like what you see?” 
Jeongguk didn’t even need to answer the question, his erect cock did all the talking for him. The grey sweatpants he wore only emphasized the size of his bulge, noticeably growing painfully hard. His tip began to throb at the sight of your two digits parting your lips, showing how wet you were.
“Rub slowly, like this” you demonstrated, sliding your fingers up and down your glistening cunt, “Never fast, unless she’s close. This isn’t a competition on how fast she can cum, take your time and focus on pleasing her.” your voice wavered towards the end as your lower body began to grow more sensitive by the second. Your eyes looked up at Jeongguk who frantically nodded, making sure to take mental notes despite the aching length inside of his pants. 
“Here’s the cli- mmm, t-the clit.” a moan escaped your mouth after your hand had traveled up to stimulate the perky nub. Heat began to build up in your stomach, letting you know that this lesson would soon turn into you focusing on your climax. 
“Can cum like this, or by touching down here, ah fuck” you whined, feeling the familiar stretch of your fingers entering your hole. Slowly pumping in, you tried to stay collected. Jeongguk needed your help, and you would provide it by all means necessary. That didn’t mean it wasn’t becoming increasingly hard for the both of you to not break, though. “D-don’t just ngh go in and out hmm, curl your f-fingers too, yea?”
Jeongguk was doing everything in his power to not lunge at you. His brain was going numb at the sight of your head thrown back, bottom lip caught in between your teeth as you struggled to swallow back your needy moans, doing everything you could to continue talking Jeongguk through the process. He was desperate for any sort of contact at this point, a hand immediately flying to cup his cock. Giving it a short squeeze, he began to softly palm it. Sitting at the foot of the bed, he felt so close to you yet so far. The squelching sound of your fingers pounding in and out of your pussy had him leaking enough pre-cum to make a patch of his grey sweatpants grow dark.
So caught up in your own pleasure, you had forgotten about the boy in front of you. His whimper was enough to make your eyes shoot open. Before you stood a desperate Jeongguk, tears welling up in his eyes due to the pain of the erection that wouldn’t stop growing impossibly harder. He was rutting against his hand, feeling so hot that his bangs were now stuck to the thin sheet of sweat forming on his forehead. You hummed at the sight, causing his rosy pink face to rise up. “Take off your pants, baby” you barely breathed out, more fucked out from your fingers than usual. 
Jeongguk wasted no time in stripping his lower half, excited cock hitting his lower abdomen with a slight smacking sound as he sat there waiting for your next instruction. Your head flew back again as your fingers uncontrollably quickened their pace at the sight of Jeongguk’s big, pretty cock. You regained enough composure to slow down your movements, not wanting to cum just yet. A free hand reached out to your side, grabbing at the sticky lace panties before throwing them at Jeongguk. “Touch yourself with them,” you ordered.
Jeongguk swore he could come from your words alone. His mind stuttered, already feeling so pussy-drunk despite not having touched it yet. He snapped back with the pain that shot through his eager cock, needing release. He grabbed your panties and quickly wrapped them around his cock. Moans flew out of his mouth as he slid the wet material up and down his cock. Pleasure fogged his mind causing everything around him to become a blur. 
You were quick to catch up with Jeongguk’s pace, drawing your curled fingers in and out of your gushing pussy as they grazed your g-spot. This was all overwhelming, a good overwhelming. On one hand, you had your shy boy with his cock out, desperately tugging at it and shamelessly jerking himself off in front of you. On the other hand, the coil in your stomach felt so close to bursting with the delicious pleasure your fingers offered you, leaving you wondering how Jeongguk’s would feel after the lesson. 
The boy was delirious, babbling an incoherent mix of curses as well as your name due to the scent of your sweet essence mixing with his own. His balls tightened, a sign that he was close until a whiny voice spoke out. “Cum with me baby, so c-close” You stared at his hooded eyes through your own. 
“Don’t know if I can” he cried.
“Wanna be good for me? Don’t cum til I say so, yea?”
He nodded frantically, his movements were becoming sloppy but he was determined to show you how obedient he could be. The only sounds that echoed through the room were those of skin slapping against each other with a mix of needy whines. That soon changed when your voice filled the room, giving him permission to cum as you reached your own orgasm. The both of you felt as if you had transcended into a different universe, seeing nothing but stars and feeling euphoria flow through your veins. The high was never-ending, white stripes shooting into the soiled panties while cum dripped down your entire hand.  Your spent bodies laid on the bed momentarily, shortly before wasting no time cleaning up in order to tangle your bodies together.
 Masturbation had never felt so heavenly.
A/N: omg this was literally written with no plan whatsoever i had to do some serious improv😭 kinda rushed the end because i typed this up with plans of sleeping at 12am but it is now close to 2am and my mind is a lil foggy >.< anyways hope u liked !! don't forget to leave feedback or requests<3
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chaoticsomeone · 11 months
Heartrender!Reader x The Spiderverse Characters
(Im new a writing so i'm giving this a shot)
| Heartrenders have the ability to manipulate the body. They can snatch the air from your lungs, slow your pulse until you fall into a coma, or even literally crush your heart—all from a distance |
Seeing/when told that you put a villain into a coma
Miles, Miles 42, Gwen, Hobie, Pavitr, Miguel, Jessica, Lyla?
Miles Morales
Doesn't know whether or not he should be afraid or amazed. (Hes more amazed than afraid)
Immediately asks alot of questions
"So can you actually just murder someone in a second?"
"Can you hear/feel people's heartbeats?"
You told him yes to both of that questions and he just goes "That's amazing. How did you get your powers. I mean we spiderpeople get bit by spiders but what about you?"
"I'm born with it" you said smiling
More wows
He continues asking about it again but now 'scientifically'
(Miles x Gwen) Asks you if you can find out whether or not gwen likes him
(Romantic you x him) Asking you out buy bringing you to a science museum
(Platonic) He got tickets to a science museum for you and the crew
You showed him and the others that you can manipulate a heart on display to move
(Romantic) melts and heart speeding everytime you impress him even though he knows you can sense it
Miles Morales (Earth-42)
(Romantically) Fell in love with you the moment you walked into his dimension with the spidercrew even though he doesnt know anything about you
Think its cool that you're a heartrender
Asks you to slow down the other miles's pulse
He tells you he ships the other Miles and Gwen
Asks you to make them both blush and get a higher heart rate near each other
You both laugh together
Thinks you're the coolest person he has met when Hobie tells him how you put someone into a coma so easily
Asks you 2-3 questions but thats it
Will actually ask you politely to come with him on one patrol to help him put his enemies into a coma for a few months so he could take a leave and break
Gwen Stacy
First time you told her she asks you to knockout a villain just for jokes
When you actually did she was shocked and a little bit afraid
When you told her you 'accidentally' put them into a coma she was like "Wow"
(If platonic)Secretly annoyed that Jess didn't adopt her too because she wants to be your sister
(Romantic) Has a crush on you but is wary so that you dont detect her heart rate
Shes just listening closely to miles basically interviewing you
At one point asking you to help her at a science fair when shes teaming up with Miles to perform a trick on people
The trick being making them pass out for a second then bringing them back
Hobie Brown (Im sorry idk much abt him)
Says smth along the lines of "cool, try doing it to Pav and bring him back out of it"
After this he asks you to come to his universe to give the people he dislikes a heart attack.
A painful one
Proud of the science fair you and Miles did
Pavitr Prabhakar
Same reaction as Miles
Continues asking stuff with miles
Like "So you can actually know if someone has a crush on you?"
Becomes happy when you say yes
Asks you to come with him to meet Gayatri
At the end of the three of you meeting he asks you if you felt Gayatri or his heart beating up
Blushes and becomes giddy when you tell him both of them has a high heart rate near eachother
(Platonic)Eventually becomes best friends in crime and inseperable
(Romantic) both him and Gayatri became close with you and asks you to date them(?)
Miguel O'hara
Wary of you
Asks Lyla to watch over you during missions
Keeps a close eye of you to make sure you don't distrupt Cannon because you aren't a spiderman
When Jess recruited you he wasn't happy
Gave you a long speech when he learned that you put someone into a coma
Told you about dont do that or that or this when it is this that just to make sure you dont disturb cannon
Warms up to you eventually
Keeps you close to help him calm down sometimes
Jessica Drew
Recruited you even though you aren't a spider
Trained you to do combat outside of your powers
Genuinely adopts you
Looks out for you
Defends you against Miguel any day
You helped her name her daughter
You always is there to help her with her pregnancy by checking on the baby's heartbeat and all
If she has a health issue you are always the first she calls (everyone too tbh)
"That's my girl" when you put that one villain you and the others were fighting into a coma.
Watches over you every second of everytime because of two things
Miguel or
Just pure curiosity of your powe4s
Reports back to miguel in an instant when you put the villain into a coma
Writes/keeps track of everything she knows about heartrenders
Interviews you with Miguel and Jessica every now and then to aks if you found or learnt anything new about heartrending
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dwntwn-strnlo · 9 months
HELIX matt sturniolo
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎, dwntwn-strnlo.
↳ 𝐀/𝐍. this request is from july HELP
↳ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. matthew sturniolo x reader
↳ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. piercing date 🤭
↳ 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃? yes! . . . reader is best friends with the triplets (and has a soft spot for Matt), they are recording a video and then they talk about things they wanna do, like visiting a certain country, just some rambles. Reader then talks about how she always wanted to get a piercing but is afraid about it and never had the courage to do it. So the next day Matt takes her on a surprise date to a piercing studio where she gets it done. Just some fluffy stuff where he holds her hand and tries to encourage her to do what she always wanted to do. ( @hedgehogperalta )
"okay, okay, here's one." you say, finding a good question. "'what's on the top of your bucket list?'"
"scuba diving for sure," nick answers almost immediately. then trailing on while chris counters with his bucket list.
after the two of them finish, matt turns around in his seat, meeting your eyes. "what about you, y/n?" he smiles lightly, visibly interested in what you would like to do.
"oh," you huff, scanning your brain. you were so invested in nick and chris' rebuttal that you didnt think of your answer. "ive always wanted to get a tattoo or a piercing, but ive always been too scared to do it."
"ooh ive always wanted a helix," nick adds.
matt smiles, "y/n you would look really cool with a helix."
you return the smile, a light blush creeping on your cheeks. "would I really?"
"or just a straight up nose ring," chris encourages.
"right," nick laughs, "you need to go get a piercing for sure."
you smile. ego definitely boosted from all of this encouragement.
. . .
"can i-"
"no." matt huffs, cutting you off. you've asked him the same question over and over, 'where are we going?' 'can I know what we're doing?' and so on.
"well are we at least close?" you ask, looking out the window beside you. watching as the buildings and cars flash past.
matt hesitates, taking a left turn, "just like four more minutes."
you turn to the radio, turning the music down. trying to figure out why in the world matt randomly texted you that he has a surprise for you. but nothing crosses your mind.
"and. . . here we are!" matt says, lightly biting his lip in excitement.
you look out the windshield to find yourself parked in front of a piercing studio.
"matt, holy shit-"
"you were talking about how you wanted a piercing last night and so I figured might as well." he smiles at you, pulling the keys out of the ignition.
suddenly you felt small. nervous butterflies erupting in your stomach. "I dont know if I can do this, matt." you awkwardly chuckle.
"sure you can," he assures, leaning over to meet your eyes. "this is wear nick gets his piercings, it's safe, and they're all kind. I promise."
you look at him with an untrusting look in your eye. still not sure about going through with this.
matt reaches out and grabs your hand, "I can hold your hand while they do it." he says, knitting his brows with an assuring smile.
looking down to you hand intertwined with his, your breath hitches. "well- I can't aff-"
"my treat." he rubs his thumb against the back of your hand, "i wouldn't have drove you all the way out here just to make you pay."
"y/n." he giggles. "quit stalling, kid."
releasing a shaky breath, you nod. "okay." you mumble, nodding your head again before getting out of the van.
matt gets out and meets you at the door. then asking if your ready and opening the door. he lets you walk in first, and then following you in. "appointment for sturniolo." he says, walking up to the front desk.
the lady at the front nods, leading the two of you to a room. "which one of you is it today?" she asks, pulling two gloves on over her hands.
matt gestures to you before sitting down in the chair next to you, "she is."
"awesome," the lady smiles. "you can sit here. and what are you getting?"
"oh- uhm a helix?" you say.
she nods before spinning slightly in her chair to set everything up.
you meet matt's eyes, your face clearly washed with panic.
"you're alright," he whispers soothingly. he picks up your hand you holds it in both of his. gently rubbing your knuckles. "you'll be fine and you'll come out of it looking badass." he laughs lightly.
amusedly rolling your eyes, you smile, "sure."
"okay, you ready?" the lady asks, turning around with her things.
you look at matt and he smiles, silently assuring you again. "yeah, I am." you nervously laugh, squeezing matt's hand tightly.
shutting your eyes, you try focusing on the unintentional rhythm of the way matts thumb slides across your skin. doing your best to completely ignore the quick sting in your ear.
"all done." the lady says.
you open your eyes, looking around confused. "I didn't even notice."
matt smiles, "see, I told you it would be okay."
"thank you, matt."
"of course," he says, his cheeks going a light pink at your praise.
@thetriplets3 @stxrniqlo @ifilwtmfc @iha8you @oneirophobic @20nugs @gracietaylorsversions @fenoy7 @mlimmm @prettysturniolo @ssturniolo @gabbylovesreading @oh-toseewithoutmy-eyes @matthewmurdockswife
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calliesmemes · 3 months
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UNHINGED SENTENCE STARTERS FEATURING THINGS SAID BY MYSELF AND MY FRIENDS WHILE WRITING AS OUR MUSES IN A CRACK-BASED NONCANON GROUP CHAT. This post is dedicated to Em, Liz, Tanny, Nellie, Mel, Ange, and everyone else in the server who recognizes these quotes — you know who you are 😈
CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Have you forgotten that you should not steal someone’s property? ”
“   I could slap that smug look off his face right now! ”
“   Your ears are a lie. ”
“   Woah woah that's - that's a bad word. ”
“   I don’t know if it’s allowed and quite frankly I don’t care. Fuck the rules. ”
“   Time for gremlin activities! ”
“   I hate this man. Let's prank him. ”
“   We are all going on strike today I swear ”
“   Looks like I need to invest in a kid leash. ”
“   I support her saying what needs to be said! I am done with the silencing of women!!!! ”
“   I like the dramatics. ”
“   I did not ask for a second opinion. ”
“   You seem to be doing a great job at being a nuisance. ”
“   do you want me to bring you cheese? ”
“   Next move, start chewing on the door frames ”
“   I like crumbs. They are like a little midnight snack in my bed at night. ”
“   if he wants to be a worm, LET HIM BE A WORM ”
“   the rest of you suck my toe ”
“   To be fair I am simply vibing. ”
“   I am going to commit a war crime! ”
“   I am manifesting being happy. ”
“   Am I gonna talk shit WITH you guys? because im down to talk shit about pretty much anyone ”
“   Who says? We shall revolt without question. ”
“   Let's just start burning stuff. ”
“   Did you just call me... small? ”
“   Can I convert you with my kazoo propaganda? ”
“   We were radicalised by The Little Mermaid. ”
“   Penny in the swear jar, now. ”
“   My last words are, bros before hoes. ”
“   The old men are trying to be trendy. ”
“   I can do whatever I want too! ”
“   Can we go one day without an interruption from an American? ”
“   I am so sorry. He enjoys conflict. ”
“   Why is he so tall? ”
“   For legal reasons, kids, that's a joke. ”
“   Would you like to fight the adults? ”
“   You're not meant to bite people, it's frowned upon. ”
“   He’s a fun killer, don't listen to him! ”
“   Ow! Stop kicking me! ”
“   I have quite literally begged you not to kick, hit, or bite today. ”
“   BUT I thought we were buds, pals, amigos, chums, friends. ”
“   Oh shiiiii someone’s in trouble ”
“   How much caffeine have you had in the last hour? ”
“   I'll be honest they wouldn't be so bad if they didn't speak. ”
“   Is this goof meant to be dead or what? ”
“   I am a witch. ”
“   This one reeks of self confidence when he clearly doesn't think before opening his mouth. ”
“  I call bullshit on that rule! ”
“   The point is I have a cane and I’m not afraid to use it. ”
“   If you slap me, I’ll cane you. ”
“   Yippee for women. ”
“   Sorry for being British. ”
“   Oi who's playing that ominous music? ”
“   I'm strong because I eat carrots. Oh wait or is that to see in the dark.... it's for something. ”
“   I will say sorry when i'm caught, don't you worry. ”
“   ... He's done for. Broken beyond repair. Someone play Taylor Swift. ”
“   Please refrain from punching one another. ”
“   He is becoming one with the spider I believe. ”
“   If anybody asks I will say I made you, then you will not get in trouble! ”
“   Can I be a girlboss too? I am not rude to women and I do what i like ”
“   Yippee for patriotism! ”
“   … i could make you guys rat costumes ”
“   Do you think if we started stealing bread we would lose our jobs? ”
“   why do British people ”
“   … you all need therapy. ”
“   Do you ever feel if you breathe the wrong way he will bite you? ”
“   I actively avoid whatever this is. ”
“   CARRY ME. ”
“   What if, and hear me out, they both promise not to do it again? ”
“   I wanna steal all his socks. ”
“   My socks were stolen! ”
“   Hey, watch it now. Only I'm allowed to insult me. ”
“   You couldn’t whisper to save your life. It’s pitiful. ”
“   Both of you are insufferable. ”
“   The law is overrated. ”
“   I’m afraid. Miss, you aren’t my type. ”
“   No. I swear on my life. I am being a gentleman ”
“   I support women’s wrongs. ”
“   He bites? Are you .. joking? Please say you're joking. ”
“   If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain ifyou're not into yoga if you have half a brain if you like makin' love at midnight in the dunes on the cape then I'm the love that you've looked for write to me and escape 🎶🎶 ”
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parkerdoeswriting · 9 months
Anyone Else But You
(TASM!Peter x PregTeen!Reader)
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category: fluff oneshot that has semi angsty undertones?
summary: teen!reader gets preggo, is afraid to tell Peter
warnings: (teen) pregnancy, reader is referred to in GN terms but is AFAB or whatever, teen pregnancy, brief mentions of intimate encounters but not really talked about, brief mentions of termination/not keeping baby
word count: 1.6k
A/N: I just recently watched Juno and thought it’d be a cute concept DONT COME AFTER ME
Also make sure to be safe while canoodling guys!!
That’s the only word you can think of as you look at the positive pregnancy tests.
“Shit, shit, shit”.
How could this happen to you? I mean, you and Peter were always careful, you don’t understand?!
You think of Peter and your family, how would they react to this? Would they be supportive? Would Peter break up with you? Would your parents kick you out? You’re only 17… you have your whole life ahead of you!
You stuff the tests into a plastic baggie, zipping it up and shoving it in your backpack. You look at your stomach, lightly rubbing your fingers over it.
You undress and throw on your pajamas, heading to bed and hoping that when you wake up, today was just a dream…
Beep… beep… beep…
You groan softly, your hand sleepily reaching for your alarm clock. You shut off the noise, rubbing your eyes as you awaken, remembering the events of yesterday.
You get up, swiftly pulling on a comfortable outfit for school. You grab your bag and check it, looking once again at the pregnancy tests, you sigh.
You head downstairs to the kitchen, backpack in hand as you grab a granola bar, shoving it in your bag as well.
“Sweetie?” your mother calls for you, noticing you are awake.
Your body tenses as you turn around, making eye contact with her.
“Hi” you quietly say, running your hands through your messy hair.
“How was your sleep?” she questions, pouring you some cereal.
“It was alright… I guess” you answer, sitting down at the table.
She slides the bowl onto the table, sitting down next to you with her breakfast.
“Are you gonna take the bus or do you want me to drive you today?” she asks, eating.
“Can you drive me?” you sigh, playing with your cereal.
She nods, smiling.
“Bye sweetie!” your mother exclaims as she drives away, leaving you in front of your highschool.
You look around, clutching your bag as you look at it. You pray you don’t run into Peter, but knowing him, he’ll be hunting you down in the halls.
You sigh and head to your locker, getting ready for the first bell to ring. You open your locker, browsing through your various binders and textbooks.
“Hey” a familiar voice whispers in your ears, hands wrapping around your waist.
“Hey Pete” you say, smiling faintly.
You turn around, seeing your boyfriend in all of his glory. He smiles widely at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“How are you?” he asks sweetly, his fingers interlocking with yours
“Fine” you shrug, avoiding eye contact with him.
“You sure?” he tilts his head, “You look upset”.
“Just tired” you give him a fake smile, bringing both thumbs up.
The first bell rings, and you are internally thankful.
“Bye” you whisper, taking off to your class.
He waves you off, the look of concern evident on his face.
For the next month, you don’t tell a single soul. Your head battling the idea of keeping it or not.
Luckily though, you aren’t starting to show any signs of visible pregnancy
Another weekend arrives and you’re stuck at home. You’ve been blowing off hanging out with your friends and your boyfriend. Not having any energy to do anything except worry about your future, you knew it wasn’t healthy, but you couldn’t stop.
You could tell your boyfriend was frustrated, and that he knew you were hiding something, but he wasn’t aware of what that was.
Your phone vibrates on your nightstand as you watch tv, you look to see who it is.
You ignore it, snuggling more into your bed as you cup your non-existent bump. You don’t mean to be so distant with him, but you can’t stand to face him.
There’s a knock at your bedroom door.
“Sweetie? Peter’s here for you” your mum says through your locked door.
You groan and get up, looking at your not really presentable state.
“One second” you shout from your room.
You try smoothing your hair and outfit, which makes a slight difference, but not a lot.
You head downstairs, going to the front entrance, where you see a nervous Peter anxiously waiting for you.
“Hey” you say, shoving your hands in your pockets.
He smiles faintly at you, heading up to you and wrapping you in a big hug. You reciprocate, laying your head in the crook of his neck and wrapping your arms around his waist.
You stay like this for a while, either one of you waiting for the other to let go first.
“Wanna go on a walk?” he asks you, cupping your face with his hands.
“Lemme get changed first” you say, heading back upstairs.
You internally freak out as you swiftly grab a change of clothes, choosing a pair of jeans and a cozy sweater. You slip them on and head for your bedroom door again, but as your hand gently turns the brass knob, it stops.
You look back into your room, looking at your backpack, which is lying next to your bed. You bite your lip nervously, wondering if telling him right now was the best idea.
You quickly throw on your backpack, racing down the steps once again. You see Peter talking to your dad about whatever, and you swiftly stand beside him, taking his hand.
“Ready to go?” he asks you, giving your hand a firm but gentle squeeze.
You nod, saying a swift goodbye to your parents as you both head out. One hand clutches your backpack strap, and the other clutches your boyfriend's hand.
The air outside is crisp, not too cold, not too warm. You decide to head to a playground near your house, one you and Peter tend to hang out alot at. You walk mainly in silence, just enjoying the presence of one another.
“Are you okay?” he asks quietly, frowning as he looks at you, his hand never once leaving yours.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I respond, not looking at his face.
“You’ve been ignoring me” he states, sighing.
You don’t say anything, not wanting to admit it. You both reach the playground, and you head to the swing set.
You both sit down on the two swings beside each other, swinging faintly. Your head leans against the chain closest to Peter, your hands in your pocket.
“Do… do you want to break up?” he asks sadly, slowly rocking on the swing.
“What?” you exclaim in shock, looking at him with widened eyes.
“It’s just, I feel like you don’t wanna be with me anymore, we never talk and when we do it’s just small little answers” he sighs, looking back at you.
“Of course I want to be with you, Peter” you say, your hand reaching for his.
He sniffles softly, trying to hide his face so you can’t see.
“Peter, baby, I’m sorry” you sniffle as well, tears brimming in your eyes.
Stupid hormones.
“I don’t wanna break up with you, I really love you” his face contorts to hide his distress.
You ball your hands into fists, feeling the weight of your backpack on your back. You swiftly take it off, scavenging through it.
“What are you doing?” he questions as he wipes his face, his tone still sniffly.
You grab the plastic baggie, opening it and shoving the three tests in his hand.
“Wha-“ he stumbles, looking at the tests.
You can see the cogs in his brain working, his brain trying to figure out what lies in his hands. Once he does figure it out, his eyes widen and his jaw drops.
“Are- are you joking?” he chokes, gripping the tests.
You start crying, not knowing if he’s mad or happy. You bury your head into your palms, too ashamed to look at him. He hears your sobbing and quickly springs into action.
“Baby-“ he says, getting out of the swing seat and crouching in front of you.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m pregnant, we were so careful” you cry out, ignoring his presence in front of you.
“Baby, please look at me” he gently takes your hands away from your face, holding them.
You are then forced to look down at him, his eyes still wide. His mouth curls into a small smile, pressing kisses to your palm. Tears flow freely down your face, dripping into your lap.
“You’re pregnant?” he smiles widely, his hand gently caressing your belly.
You nod, your hands heading to rest over his.
“Are you mad?” you ask sheepishly, frowning as you scan his face for any emotion.
“No, why would I be?” he replies, looking up at you as he kneels between your legs.
“Because we are both young.. and we have our whole life ahead of us..” I sigh, sniffling softly.
“Do you want to keep the baby?” he asks, being genuine.
“Because if you do or don’t, it’s your choice okay? I’ll love and support you any which way” he adds.
“I think.. I think I want to…” you reply, biting your lip.
“Really?” he exclaims, his smile widening.
You nod, smiling at him.
“I’m so happy for us” he buries his head into your lap, hugging your waist.
“I’m scared” you confess, running your fingers through his thick brown hair.
“I’ll always be there for you, okay? Anything you need..” he says, pressing kisses to your clothed stomach.
“Thank you” you smile softly, your face blushing.
“Anything for you” he says, seriousness in his voice.
You smile, and for the first time in a while, you feel safe.
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Yuu is Tired
So idk what this is but I just had an idea for a drabble yk?? A bit angst. Yuu snaps and is GN and is on meds and stuff. I'm get back to reqs afterwards so enjoy
This is also kinda backstory for one of Juatclems reqs I'm working on and potential mean Yuu lore??? Anyways @blushing-concubus since u liked RSA Yuu
The Housewardens along with their vices all sit in Crowley’s office for an annual meeting. By some miracle, Malleus was there, probably because Lilia dragged them, however. As everyone settled in, Crowley took his seat, ready to start the session. “Alright, everyone so today-“
A knock at the door interrupts all of them, “I’m here headmaster, coming in.” You opened the door and visibly stiffened in surprise at everyone there, before giving Kalim a friendly wave back. Your eyes locked with Malleus for a moment, surprised to see your friend here, but a voice snaps you out of your thoughts, “Mx. Yuu, what are you doing here?” Your small smile dropped to confusion. “Did you forget, Headmaster Crowley? You said today you were available to talk to me… You know… About my situation…”
Leona sighed, just wanting to get this meeting over with, he hated prolonging these boring discussions, even more since Malleus was here. Riddle also huffed, such poor planning is making everyone waste their time. Trey put a hand on Riddle's shoulder to calm him. Vil wore the smallest scowl, glancing at the papers in your hand. Crowley looked around at the members there before clearing his throat.
“Ah… Aahhh yes, I totally remember! It was about your way home, yes? Terribly sorry Mx.Yuu but we are having a meeting right now, can’t this wait later.” You paused. Don't get upset. Don't get mad. “Well… I am also a prefect. Maybe I can join in until the meeting ends?” “Yuu, I’m afraid your dorm doesn’t have any other students, this meeting is for actual housewardens.”
Your heart sank at that. Putting off everything yet again. “Well can I just ask you the one question I have? It’ll be quick I swear!” “Mx.Yuu. I am going to have to ask you to leave.” “Right…” You sounded dazed for a moment.
You’ve been trying to have this conversation with him for a full year now. A year has passed with no information regarding your situation. And there has been no support for you as a foreign student both mentally and academically. You've spent a year here in total darkness with no support. “Sorry but uh… I’m not leaving until we discuss this.” “Pardon?”
"I mean…” You refused to bite your tongue now. “It’s not like you would have considered anything they say anyways. You would just drop all your work on me again like you usually do after threatening my basic right to food.” Besides Ruggie choking back snort, the room went deathly silent. “Mx. Yuu…”
“No. None of that. If I dont bring this up now, it’ll never happen.” Your voice was stuttery and a bit wobbly. “I-I I mean- I’ve been trying to talk to you about my situation for a year now and just- every time it gets dismissed or something. I can’t even talk about my problems or get help with my stay here.” Azul and Jade perked up at this, cogs spinning in their mind to create the perfect contract.
“Like, for example, I am always laughed at or humiliated for asking basic questions. I’m new this this entire world and yet everyone expects me to know everything! People are always upset when I dont know of some obscure wizard from a few hundred years ago or old trends that were popular.” 
Crowley sighed, making your blood boil. Your voice sped up, used to being cut off. “It’s really impacting my grade and there's no support for students with similar problems.” Crowley interrupted, “It sounds like you just need to study harder.” You didn't hide your irritated expression. “I did! I have been! I’ve been trying my absolute best but I don’t have a phone and the library doesn’t have anything beginner friendly! I-I mean—``''There are plenty of books in the library and teachers to help, you have no excuses.” 
Your voice trembled, a year's worth of frustration building up, finally coming out. “Okay then, tell me who Nikola Tesla is! Explain to me what Thomas Edison did! If you don't know them surely you must know of Julius Caesar or Cleopatra right?! You see? It's not that easy! And no matter the explanation I give you, you would still need to know more about my world to fully understand anything! And not only that but Grims grades can impact mine? It's not fair!”
You were breathing heavily and you seemed panicked. Crowley tensed up, trying to diffuse the situation. Trey and Riddle both cringed, this wasn’t going to be good. “No, no. Listen to me. I know nothing of this world that I was dragged into! On top of that I have no basic necessities— I barely got my own toothbrush a month ago— and I dont have the medications I need to be mentally okay even though I’ve been requesting them for over a year now! I-I just! ... On top of all of this I need to worry about food and do your job for you. I-it’s just not fair. It’s all taken a toll on my mental health and I just want to go home.”
You locked your eyes with Crowley “Please for the sake of my mental health tell me you have found something. Anything. I need to go home. I need my medication! I can’t be here anymore, I can't take it- I'm scared. I'm scared to even be alone with myself now. I see no way out besides…” You choked back a sob. “Please. Please tell me something. Anything. I can't take it anymore. The stares. the judgement. It's so… suffocating...”
Everyone turned towards Crowley, giving him a few judgemental and wide-eyed stares. Crowley cleared his throat “Mx. Yuu… Finding you a way home is going to take a while. We still don't know what dimension you even—``''Bullshit!” You snapped, glaring at him.
“Bullshit! I had visions about coming here before I did and you were there. Hell, I've been having visions and hearing voices and seeing things since my time here. I don't know if I've officially lost it or what, but…” You paused, to take in a breath. “I mean- You think I managed to deal with all these blots by myself? Don’t get me started on how you expect me to somehow be okay with them after everything too, I have fucking scars on my body that no magic can fucking heal, and you expect me to act like everythings okay?” The housewardens and a certain Vice-Housewarden looked away, guilt building up inside when they watched you pull up a sleeve to show your damaged arm.
“Do you not hear how insane it sounds— And-and-and— you guys don't even have a therapist here to talk to! Fuck, it seems I’m the schools only therapist having to deal with everyones problems and of course no ones there for me because why would they be!” Your voice was getting louder. “I’ve been predicting everything so far! I've been the one having to just… deal with all of this, all while being hungry! It's not fair!” 
You gripped the sleeves of your oversized and dusty uniform. “And I know you have to know something from what I’ve seen. I've reached out to RSA!” Rook’s eyes lock with yours for a moment and you swear you see his expression seem sad for once in all the time you’ve known him. You feel everyones staring at you. Some angry, some guilty, some sympathetic. You can especially feel the shock, most notably from your horned friend along with the floating tablet now on mute.
“RSA, says they know shit about interdimensional magic. I've told them about my situation and they actually offered to take me in and help! Fucking Chenya even said they offer help for foreign students! I don’t know if your just that incompetent or just scheming Headmage, but I am not leaving until you sign these transfer papers. And you are just to transfer me, not Grim. I am still pissed that you dropped him on me and consider us half a student!” Your breaths steadied as you calm yourself.
“I am done, Crowley. I am leaving, and you are going to approve of it.” You stared into the yellow orbs that peaked from behind his mask. Your voice cracked. “Please.” You can't imagine how they would’ve reacted to you foreseeing the future long before you came here. Where NRC is in ruins and the housewardens had to fight a very familiar looking cat…
You don't care if they called you selfish. You e been selfless your entire time here and that got you nowhere. So maybe you have to be selfish...
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stupidsketchpad · 22 days
hey guys. im here to rant about how 2econd 2ight 2eer (second sight seer) by will wood is secret life bigb's song because god its eerie how similar the song lyrics are to his character. AHEM (also spoilers for secret life)
My grip on my secrets slipping while I'm speaking in tongues
ok. this is a really good start lol. basically bigb's task don't mean much when he does weird shit anyway for fun and, quote from grian, "writes his own tasks"
Screaming at the top of my lungs in the confession booth
he's saying stuff that litterally makes no sense. even after his task is done he wont tell anyone (confession booth is kinda like people asking about your task after it's done. your confessing your task to someone)
Take it with a pillar of salt, H.A.L.T., it's not my fault
i got nothing man
The devil made me do it, but I also kinda wanted to
I'm cut from a different kind of meat
More than you can chew, hard to swallow me
"what the hell are you doing??" is a common question he gets asked. hard to swallow. y'know
Forget bored stiff, I got rigor mortis, call it morbid curiosity
How I cannot commit to reality, when my third eye's open and I like what I see
he's doing shit for the sake of doing shit.
Baby, I may be crazy but I didn't lose it, no I set it free
AAAAA THIS LINE TOOO!!! ok so he didn't just randomly start lying in secret life. it was weird before that too! i cant speak for double but LIMITED LIFE he was also confusing people about being the boogeyman. basically that one meme with the "guy weird about everything but its drowned out by how weird about everything the other people are"
I can't ignore what's under dance floorboards, the rhythm of my heart a dead-as-disco beat
But I still move my feet
To slip out of this groove, I'm free
dont got much here but i think this is just him having fun, yknow
Now to row, row, row my boat over the falls
And maybe wake up from but a dream, yeah
"but a dream" is the games. there are three rows in the line. lose your lives to get the game over with.
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
once again, this wasnt the first time he was being weird!!!
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I'm only passing through
say weird shit, refuse to elaborate, leave.
Oh, oh, o-o-oh
If you knew what I knew, if you saw what I see
You'd look through illusions, hallucinations, and lucid dream
And I know that meaning can be such a pretty thing to keep
But I got facts and I'm not afraid to use 'em, take the good with the bad, take off the back you make a new front
evo, anyone? anyway this man knows about watchers and doesnt care. he knows! he just doesn't give that any meaning.
Some days I'm glad that I am a madman and I'd rather be that than
An amicable animal, mild-mannered cannibal
red lives and how bigb doesn't have the same bloodlust as they do. this guy doesn't kill much, he's like the most passive on the server. /srs
But I'm more level-headed and clever than ever and I'm getting better one forever at a time
how many people guessed any of bigb's tasks? that's right, zero! (if i remember correctly.) he's getting better at the games (btw the games being referred to as "forevers" is just ahshahdghs)
And if sick is defined by what's different, well then pull the plug out and let me die
not much here
Vice-versa, vice versus virtue
Well who I am I choose through all the things I do
And if it rhymes, it's true, but I hate poetry
contradicting himself. easy peasy analysis here folks.
Now with my moral compass pointing south, I'm going down
With no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no respect for reality
could say this is going red! but also. "going down?" LIKE A HOLE? HE MADE A HOLE?????
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I'm only passing through
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
same stuff
A tourist passing through
Well that was fun, goodbye
he died. but hey, he had fun!
anyways thats all thank you for listening to me ramble about songs and minecraft i WILL do this again. sorry if this is incoherent i wrote it at 10:00 pm.
psst... moot... @bigb-enthusiast... would you like this?
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yanpotatowriter · 1 year
To Young morticia and Gomez I think possessivenes and over-protectiveness maybe? Since they come from very high status family and rich,they know they are untouchable. But their darling? So innocent and beautiful for this world, anything can harm them! They are ALWAYS watching, they wont share their chosen one with this world. They know they have the power to keep you. You are theirs and that is the end.
They fell for their darling at the same time. ( if u watched the addams family there is a scene where they say they met and married at same day etc, very yandere dont you think? I think this mindset is same for when they were young)
Oh absolutely, the entire Addams family is pretty much yandere in canon already with how much they are about love and doing illegal stuff in the name of love and yeah they would be overprotective and possessive about their darling, no one can taint their obsession and no one should interact with their obsession because they already staked their claim, and only they can say who can interact with their obsession. I can also see them courting their obsession with more obscure/gorey gifts because that is their idea of courting gifts but if they notice that it creeps their obsession out they will give them more mundane and normal courting gifts like jewellery and other expensive gifts that will slowly turn again towards their (Gomez and Moritica’s) version of courting gifts only now their obsession will be alright with it because they got eased into it. I can see Gomez and Mortica also already telling others that they are dating their darling before they actually are to absolutely make sure that no one else tries to ask their darling out, it will be a death sentence for the poor person who decided to ask out their darling. When they start dating their obsession is pretty much also the end of their darlings social life outside of Gomez and Mortica’s social circle, they will bring their obsession into the nightshades and make sure that the rest of the nightshades just accept the fact that their obsession is in it now and that if they have a problem with it, they know where the door is.
They definitely have already planned out their entire wedding when they start dating their obsession, the only adjustments that their wedding plan gets is the opinion of their darling and what they want to see at the wedding. I feel like they won’t expect their obsession to love them in the hardcore way that they love their obsession because they see their obsession as naive and innocent so instead of having the mentality that their love should kill for them, they have the mentality that their darling should live for them as Gomez and Mortica cannot live without their darling. They also absolutely use their wealth to make people disappear when they ask too many questions or when they try and interfere with their relationship. If they get pushed too hard I can see them removing their obsession's family from their obsession life, telling their obsession that there has been a tragic accident surrounding their family, and they will go with their obsession to the funeral consoling their obsession while their darling has no idea that Gomez and Mortica were behind it. They will also ease up their obsession to the idea of a family when the subject comes up and their obsession is slightly hesitant to become a parent, telling their obsession that while their worries and fears are valid they will never let them drown and that they will be a happy family and that kids could actually bring something positive in their life.
Mortica might suggest taking care of plants first if their obsessions main concern is that they are afraid that they might screw up on taking care of the kids if they were to have them later in life.
Gomez and Mortica are willing to endure their obsession wearing pastels if it really makes their obsession happy and in another way it makes them see how innocent their obsession is.
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starii-lins · 2 months
this is purely to fund my dca addiction, its not a problem i swear /hj
There will be 7 requests at once (so i dont overwhelm myself) Payment/commission details below :] Info here may change, this is my first time so pls be nice-
Slots open: 7
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If interested, DM me about the details of your commission here (pls feel free to be as detailed as you want, infodump even, it helps! /gen) and if you have any questions or special requests, don't be afraid to ask! Drawings will hopefully be done in 2-3 weeks, and if not feel free to yell at me
Payment: Touch N Go (MYR/RM (i will DM)), Ko-fi (USD)
Doodles & Sketches: Full price upfront, send proof
Coloured & Comics: I will send a concept sketch, and once agreed on, send proof of payment
Ive also decided to accept commissions for donations to Palestine as well. Any donation (worth the same prices as the usual commissions) can be used to request something drawn according to the price given for the normal commissions! Screenshots of proof must be given, and donations must be to a credible charity or family in need etc.
Here are some links to info and the donations I will be accepting:
I will be open to discussion/negotiation if you can't donate the exact amount, just lmk beforehand :] (only for donations)
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httpseiki · 1 year
Hi ! Can I ask for a prompt request with numbers 37 and 117 ?(both from the comfort list :3)
I've thought of a chan x reader where they're still in the friendship phase but really into each other like taking care of the other and stuff (really in love hehe)
We know how chan loves swimming but what happen when reader has some ptsd with water (let's just say she's really afraid of it) reader could be willing to try to overcome because she trusts chan and maybe it could lead to them really dating somehow :)
Thank you in advance and don't worry if you think you take too much time ! We dont need to rush ♡
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- bang chan x reader
note: hello yes ofc!! ty for detailing this way, it helps me get a better vision of the story. also, you're not mad I included two more prompts... aren't you?? hope you enjoy it!! 😻
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ the prompts!!
“The water is sooo warm.”
37. "just come here. let me hold you."
117. “i don’t mean to bother you.” - “you’re not.”
❛ don’t worry, i’m staying right here. ❜
tw: afab!readerx chan, ftl, fear of water, mentions of drowning, overcoming phobia, uses of pet names, cussing(sorry couldn't help myself), slight anxiety.
song choice: glued - melanie martinez
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contrary to how much you loved the sea, how much time you spent on the beach, having sand in nearly every pocket, you couldn't stand water. nor swimming, hell, you didn't even know how to do that.
you've spent all of your evenings on the beach. you would place your light blue towel down, take out your romance novel from your backpack and read to the sound of waves hitting the shore.
near the end of the summer season, you started to notice someone doing the opposite. chan - that's his name - would drop his backpack directly onto the sand, leave out a wrinkled towel and sprint into the sea.
you found his behavior immature, what if someone stole his stuff? and his clothes are gonna get full of sand. was he even wearing sunscreen?
putting your book aside, you walk up to his place, you spread the towel down and lay his clothes out, placing his backpack on them.
"thanks," he mutters when he comes back, droplets falling down from his skin.
you offer him some sunscreen and a little bit of scolding, before the both of you jump into a conversation.
two months later, and here you are. after the first month of college, you and chan decided to hang out at your spot,
“The water is sooo warm, " chan sits next to you, placing a towel over his showers.
despite being the start of fall, the temperatures were pretty much summer coded. you smile at his remark,
"boo, why are you reading all the time?" he pushes your book down and puts his tongue out.
"'cause it's for school?" you reach for it.
"nerd," he closes it and puts it in your bag. "why don't you come swim with me?"
you felt your heart freeze in that moment. something round got stuck in your throat, making you unable to speak. memories flood back of your younger self almost drowning,
"I... uhm-"
"you have your swimsuit, right?" he questions.
"yah, yeah, it's just that... "
silence occurs while you try to find the right terms. how could you tell chan you're deadly frightened by going in the water, especially the sea? he's so good at swimming, how could he understand that you're scared of waves pushing you?
"is it because you're on that part of the month..?" his voice is quieter than earlier and full of worry.
"no, chan, I'm not on my period, it's just that... " you sigh. "I can't swim."
he chuckles, taking your hand into his, your head raising up,
"honey, I work as a swim coach to pay my tuition fee. you think I can't help you?"
"no, chan, it's... I can't swim and... FUCK, I'M SCARED OF WATER!" you pull your hand from him.
he nods, a feeling of easiness fullfilling your chest. it was as if the black clouds that covered you whenever the sea was involved cleared away, the sun warming your soul again.
"it's cringe, I know and-"
"no, it isn't. many people deal with that, y'know... " he adds softly.
"I've been scared since I was a baby... " you scoff. "I wish I could overcome this..."
"let me help you, ___." his eyes lit up.
you beam, why was he always so kind?
“thanks, channie, but 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢, you probably have other-
“𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡.” he interrupts you. "hey, you said you want to overcome it? "
you nod, unsure of what would happen next. you swallow, hands shaking.
"okay, do you trust me?" chan asks you.
and you would be stupid to say no. you trust him more than anyone. if you had to hide as body, he'll be the one to call. he has helped you with so much. his kindness made your heart melt and take the form of his, you loved him.
"yeah, I trust you."
"come to the water with me?" your lack of answer made him frown. "look, we don't have to go further than you can, even just sticking our toes is go-"
"okay." you agree, heart beating so loudly.
you throw your shirt off, the boy giggles, shyly hiding his face in his palms, as if he wasn't the one who indulged authority in you just seconds ago.
chan gets up and leads you to the edge of the sea. as you get closer, the heavy clouds seem to return, fingers grabbing at your necklace to fidget.
you close your eyes and take in the salty breeze of soft air. drops of water splashes on your face whenever the waves broke.
"this isn't so bad after all, right? "
you manage to bring out a crooked yes, too drowned out by the beautiful scenery in front of you. the sun was setting behind the ocean, an orange reflecting in a deep blue water.
"shall we go further?" he suggests.
you do as told, the water level covering your knees by now. he was right, the water is warm. you gulp, hearing your one true love hum next to the sunset.
chan looked ethereal. he looked so calm, so relaxed. opposite of you who was buried in deep fear. the warm rays settled on his face like a work of art, like that's where they belong.
your legs went weak when a wave unexpectedly came towards you. but he was there to catch you. your glances met, he smiled softly, arms linked around your waist. he brings you back up.
chan moves forward, and you rush to do the same, not noticing how far the level was going. the water was covering your hips now.
another wave was sent your way, the soft foam touching your belly. suddenly, thunder erupted from the clouds around your head, fear settling on you,
"chan?... " you reach for him and grab his arm, "let's not go further."
"𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒. 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢."
he holds your waist again. the wind started blowing a bit tougher, the sea catching on the hint. you moved closer to his chest. this way, you felt protected. you knew he was always gonna take care of you.
"'s okay, I'm here, " he would whisper every time a wave approached you.
you were shaking a bit, not knowing if from the chilly splashes or fright. the boy noticed immediately and rubbed his hands on your back.
and with just a single touch, he made the clouds go away once more. you relaxed under his warmth, watching the horizon turn into a burning red. burning as hard as your love for him.
you wish he felt the same. you're scared to confess, you need him to guide you through that, too.
"what's so funny?" chan catches you giggling.
"nothing... just, " you cuddle closer to him, "don't leave me, okay?"
you look up at him, the corner of his mouth rising up as he moved the wet strand of hair from your face.
"𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦, 𝐼'𝑚 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒."
you nod in agreement, and he mimics your acts, you laugh and he kisses the top of your head.
"good. because I wanna be with you forever, " you confess.
"perfect, cause I feel the same way." chan winks.
you burst out in laughs. you splash him with water, he yelps, doing the same to you. you covered your face,
congrats, you just read 1,2k words!!
"i love you, ___." chan pulls you in for a kiss, the sun rays warming your skin to the same temperature your heart felt.
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neonross · 1 year
Alr so it's okay if your not taking anymore questions on your au anymore but I do have a few I wanted to ask! I made a few post based off your au on Twitter and I really enjoyed the au btw!
Anyways something that has been really on my mind is Home. Is wally scared of Home? Is there a specific reason wally freaked out over the sleepover post you made?(the one we're he yells no and that's when Frank first realized something was wrong) From one of your animations/animatic he was horrified of home (the one based off his nightmare(s)?) so this question has been getting to me!
Also the Barnaby sleepover comic thing you made, did something happen to Barnaby that's causing Wally's reactions?
Sorry if that's a lot and sorry if you already answered these I'm just really hooked on your art/au lately!
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oh- I dont mind answern questions from what if au- its just on hold for a bit- i still have plans for it hehe,
and yeah- Wally is terrified of home in the AU home in the AU is taking more of antagonistic role. so they torment Wally to keep him in line and to remind wally to not pull any schemes again and stuff, hence the nightmares. and well, he freaked out because he does'nt want any of his friends, getting near home because, as i said, home is a lot scarrier.
oh and what happened to barnanby he got possessed by home, and that basically just added more to why wally is afraid of home
and thanks!! plannin to post more about royalty au real soon ^v^!!
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kachowden · 1 year
Hiiii omg I LOVE Chata sm(^^) I love Pinnies works so much and your character looks so good for their world!1
I have a question regarding Chata if you dont mind!you mentioned he doesnt eat much but also has a numbing saliva right?whats its purpose and what does chata eat?
also dont be afraid to get into the nitty gritty ^-^
A/N: Thank you so much for the support and ask!! It means the world to me <3 I love pinnies works as well !!
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Tw: Cannibalism, starvation(?), gross-ness?, nsfw themes
The question about his diet
Put very simply, he’s a carnivore
Chata’s particularly species, due to the climates they prefer to live in, don’t often find themselves in need of a meal as often as you and I might.
They can go around 2 weeks without any proper meals, and just a little bit of sun bathing to keep their energy up
On the off chances that one of them finds themselves isolated, and unable to find any food or water for a long period of time, they may often resort to a form of cannibalism
Their tails, being detachable and able to regrow like any other lizard, are a very large source of protein and nutrients for any species, demon or otherwise.
They’re also considered a major delicacy!
Since his species is so rare, getting your hands on a piece of Lacn meat is incredibly difficult
Not to mention the entire ritual of a Lacn giving their tail to another monster or human makes obtaining the meat 10x harder if it’s not given consensually
It’s considered a very sacred tradition amongst his species, involving the consumption of their tail, given to their desired partner.
If a Lacn were to give its tail to its desired partner, it’s essentially considered a “mating bond”. A sign of eternal trust, love, companionship etc
Lacn meat also in its self is quite delicious! Often compared to a number of meats, and very dependent on the diet of the particular Lacn itself
Chata being the greeter glutton he is, has no qualms with selling his tail for a bit of hard cash, if he finds himself really down on his luck
His tail in particular, is described by those of the underground, has a very sweet and salty flavour. Usually best paired with something a bit spicy and a bottle of wine.
He’s a popular client amongst any butchers
The guys scummy, but for a meat connoisseur, he’s a gift.
But it does take a week or so two grow back, so he doesn’t resort to this method often
He’s not patient enough for that
Also try not to get any funny ideas regarding his tail either. It’s got a few sensitive spots just like any other tail
Now onto his saliva
I already stated that while they don’t need to eat much, his species still do infact hunt
Their saliva works as a very potent paralyzer, and can even kill his prey if excreted in heavy enough quantities
Essentially, if the dosage exceeds or matches the preys body weight, it will to some extent, boil their blood
Quite an unpleasant way to go
But if done in small dosages it can be quite the pleasurable experience.
Commonly described as a pleasant buzz or feeling of intoxication by his past bed mates
And again the guys not a lust demon by any means, and I wouldn’t recommend taking in large quantities of the stuff either
But it still can make fun in the bedroom a bit more pleasurable yeah?
A number of symptoms, in order of increasing dosage, would be
tingling, numbing, drowsiness, deliriousness , overheating/dehydration, paralyzing and then death.
Again not a super exciting way to god
A/N: Once again, this creature, and the world he lives in are very heavily inspired by @eldritch-spouse ‘s the clergy/other characters. Thank you again for the ask! <3
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