#and we’re gonna be Nona and Pash one of the other days too!
crowsandkings · 25 days
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I made a cape for Harrow ^-^ I’ll be going to fanime for the first time with @bawdyknocker as Gideon at the end of this month and I’m so excited
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ninthhousedyke · 2 years
Nona The Ninth Live Blog - #2
I’m on chapter 15.
My thoughts are as follows:
I fucking KNEW Crown was gonna be Coronabeth!! It was maybe chapter 3 I thought, “wouldn’t it be funny if Crown were Corona because Corona means queen? And then I WAS RIGHT!
On that note. “I don’t even know you anymore Coronabeth.” LIKE WHAT? I wanna know what kind of falling out happened here.
Nona wanting to know what everyone finds sexy was so cute. Pyrrha loving toxic and explosive redheads was not at ALL evident! /sarcasm
On that note. Palamedes wtf
Nona just fucking READING Corona too like. Don’t feel bad Cor, we all want Camilla Hect to cuddle us and look at us like we’re the most fascinating thing in the world.
Also poor Judith. She’s a prisoner AND suffering from the resurrection beast. (That is what’s up above the planet right? Like it’s gotta be.)
I would die for Hot Sauce and Honesty and Kevin. Still debating on Ruby and Born.
The Angel and Noodle have gotta be important somehow.
Man these people REALLY hate necromancers.
Love how We Suffer is all “Lyctors have helped us do some great things” but is also like “Lyctors evil don’t trust Dve” and also like “hey how fast can you make Nona a Lyctor we can fight with?”
Pal and Cam are totally gonna die *sobs aggressively*
WHERE’S GIDEON’S BODY? No one has mentioned her and Cam’s whole “we lost something important” in the battle that happened post Harrow makes me think John got his hands on her somehow. Or they traded her for Harrow’s body maybe??
Pyrrha holding Camilla in her arms is a SCENE I NEED DRAWN
Pyrrha Dve can hold me in her arms any day of the week.
Everyone thinking Pyrrha is a pimp is hilarious.
Also since I’m on a Pyrrha kick, her staring at Wake’s portrait was sjsgdkagdksgdkdg SHE STILL LOVES HER GINGER PSYCHOPATH
Love how so many BOE members have cool shortened versions of their names like We Suffer and Crown and Wake but then there’s fucking Pash. You really got the short stick there baby.
Also the double machetes? I can already tell Pash is a character I will want to top me.
“Boobs and hair” lmao dont do Corona dirty like that Pash. She’s also got insanity in her family tree.
Speaking of insanity, when do we get to see Ianthe again. Almost missing her.
Nona having a crush on Cam tho…like join the club babygirl
John casually traumadumping in his dreams to “Harrow”. Is it actually Harrow’s soul and they’ve met in the River? Is he creating Harrow in his dreams because he feels she would understand the burden of needing to save your people? The fear of being seen as a sin?
So the trillionaires who escaped Earth as it was dying became the Blood of Eden now. Loving the “there are no good guys” theme here.
Ulysses and Titania being child corpses who were John’s first necromantic acts going on to create the Fourth House and it’s child soldiers is making me feel some type of way.
Cassiopeia and Nigella were in love *screams*
Wonder if John protected Mercy and Augustine more than his other Lyctors because they were his closest friends as humans….
John grave robbing corpses and Pyrrha being annoyed she has to clean it up rather than being annoyed he GRSVE ROBBED CORPSES is amazing
There’s probably more thoughts I had but that’s all I can think of for now! Gonna read more tonight and post thoughts maybe late this night or tomorrow morning. But I am enjoying Nona so far! It’s not too confusing like HTN but it’s definitely missing the spark of GTN.
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