#and yes I know how to find 1 (one) type of mushroom /I/ am not mushroom girl unfortunately smh
wardingshout · 5 months
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Zelda goes mushroom girl
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selfox · 1 month
I had far too much time during these 24 hours of getting home Xd but I feel so dang proud surprisingly. Even if later I'll regret it cus I barely slept. A bit yes, but not as much as I should have
The Random Tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra
The villains retreat the ark
I was so invested in this ark I wasn't making any notes while reading hdhdhd so it's not first time reaction and more.... Of a second one ^^· So I had more time to think what I was writing and was monologuing
This is a behemoth of text
They are so husband and wife. Yhe opening scene reminded me about Mr and Mrs McAllister from Home Alone, when they already were on the plane and Mrs McAllister realized that they forgot something someone
Hoarder Drakken is an eternal mood to me.... But it also made me feel called out
“hard to mess it up” Shego, careful with words
«How could you mess this up?» ma'am.
To be honest, I would get a couples stuff and bunked with my friend, if it was a better deal. We all grown up… can't say it for sure for those two.
Ma'am 🤣 I wasn't and am still not surprised
“I'm done being mad at you” are you sure about that?
«You know how it is traveling with someone. Did he happen to tell you that it's our honeymoon?» just forge that marriage contract already.
Ngl I would want to chill in that cabin thing.
Jet lagged bby, breathe in and out. Feelings are hard
He was sleeping so soundly you didn't have a heart waking him up eh, Shego? ;3 mosquitoes are worse than evil tho
He is a man of many talents, Shego
Them getting ready for resting is making me sleepy XD so cozy
The fact that she keeps feeling insulted over how Drakken is reluctant to join her in the bed makes me laugh so hard
Maam, you are a tsundere... Well, definitely some kind of dere.
"A nice relaxing morning will kill this," sighed Shego as she curled up in her bed. - yeah *sure*
Drakken needs some undisturbed rest honestly, poor guy is so wind up.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
«Yes, can we alter orders, because I don't want to start this day having an argument about mushrooms," sighed Shego.» I love that she knows he hates mushrooms... And that they argued about them previously xD
🤣🤣🤣 I am so sorry, Shego, that must have been a holiday experience
“why are you naked?” 🤣🤣🤣
There is your answer. Hi, Cleo
The big awkward
You know, I really like those 4 in there. Even if it's just to make a huge argument.
Huh, and I guess it's a side effect of Drakken and Eddie growing up together? Cus I read them as siblings rather than cousins.
Oh boy low blows are all around.
Funny thing about rereading this one more time to make notes that I now see deeper details, that I didn't notice in my rush of the first time. Like Eddie trying to distract girls. He isn't idiot, the guy is smart, his boisterous personality does cover it a lot… which in hindsight, if he times it right can be a great distraction … it already does in some manner
Even for jabs, Eddie can read you so well Drew.
Hmm, hmm… I'm really curious what story lies behind that one
Jesus, someone get a hose
They all are hypocrites and I already forgot who started what
Have I heard before that Ed called Shego by her name? But that, does show that, he wants her to calm down.
What can I say? Villains.
Xd I still find it so funny that every villain decided to go on vacation. Feels like someone gave them this idea especially considering how the ark ended, unless it's some huge cosmic coincidence.… buuuutttt Murphy's law been following Drakken and Shego for a while.
Hellooooo~~~ Carmella. Hi, Hench
Aww, friend here! Hi Duff
Ooohhh, yeah I was reading too fast so I didn't see it Xx
Shego, your green is showing
Good candy call, but who knows.
Heh, why this family stuff makes me want to hug those two?
“Cleo? Ha, nah, she's more a casual fling. I mean, she'd go I'm sure, but you know Cleopatra. She's not exactly the ride or die type, seriously," chuckled Ed.” uhu *sips*
Miscommunication all around.
Hello, Pandora and Hermes~
Seriously (grumbles curses at Edward Bartholomew P Lipsky) how those 2 met? Another case of cosmos making foils to Drakken and Shego? Just put of all exes, just so curious.
Ouch OTL I wish there were some apologizes voiced OTL but alas
Eddie, I am still surprised that it was just 10.
PANDORA NO! Ruby… you are going to regret it!
Ok for me it's kinda cute sight of Ed putting arm around Cleo and Carmella - cus it “shows” how small they are xD But I get Drakken's and Shego's feelings too.
Pandora no OTL I have yet to read the whole thing on Tumblr, but with how it all goes in here... Man, thats brutal OTL Pandora... OTL Hermes you are a champ for putting 2 and 2 together. OTL OTL think its also the fact that she is very inebriated takes it to the atmosphere of the thing too.... Yeahhhhh villains were more hardcore back in the day OTL
I am so glad he went for her OTL ;-;
I want to pull them in a hug. OTL the issues *sigh* Drew, maybe time to be honest? You are just in love with her.
Hermes is a champ
*sigh* those two… Once again I say you need couples therapy on top of individual therapy
Hdhdhd like a child with hand in a cookie jar, but it's just dismantled kitchen appliances. Insomniac Drakken strikes back
I'll never get over how much she knows him, his little habits and reactions.
.... Hehe, Chekhov's gun.
The whole scavenger hunt heh I love every single one of those doofuses. I love seeing them all bond villainous style. And when Drakken sneakily made Shego go through it and her *knowing* what he been up to. And drakken being Indiana Jones
I guessed cooking in Lipsky family means something of a bond between significant others?
Shego, once again you are A CAT. Sidenote. I still don't understand salad with marshmallows, how's that a salad??
Wait is that a salad that Dylan B Hollis made? The diabetes one? ........ That doesn't narrow it down xD
Ah, right, Pandora.
Yeah... Chick fight alright.
Heh, like I've said. Brothers
“Ran off”? Huh 🤔
I have no words still, but ough OTL
YAAAY Eddie and Drakken are talking about feelings!
Yeah yeah, Eddie knows his cousin well.
«Ever think you'd be a little less uptight if you guys were...?» cannot believe I say it, I agree with you Ed. But there will be more feelings involved.
Ah :((
*takes a mental note*
The moment near fire pit it gives difficult combination of emotions. From melancholy, exhaustion to weirdly enough comfort and coziness. Her giving him the bottle without a question and then sharing her turmoil with him. His asking if he can do anything. Heh, even Drakken's quip about staying there or following her. I guess cus it was said in such sense of normality.
Complexity of this all. Even that complicated anger and sadness from Drakken.
OTL Shego, girl OTL
My thoughts about what animal Shego would represent is still a cat. OTL yeah... Shego tends to run away OTL not the best method of dealing with problems. Drakken would care though. And yes, birthday.
«You're not really going to ditch your best friend on his birthday...»
«Why do I trust you?»
I'm getting heart palpitations bdhdhdh
«Shego, how about some revenge for breakfast? It doesn't say you can't shoot at non-participating people. Eddie says Pandora spends a lot of time by the pool.»
I had such a stupid wide grin. That what it means best friend.
Aaah my favorite moment of this chapter! The paintball fight!
It feels me with giddiness seeing Drakken all pro during it, and that mental image of kiddies Drew and Eddie spending time at paintball.
Awwww Shego is so eager to shoot people
........... Is he angry cus they took his favorite color? Bsjxhd that question I had ever since I read it lol
Discussing strategy while having domestic dispute, such a drakgo vibe.
There!!!! There is shooting Drakken!
«Shego, now may be the time to inform you that my aunt and uncle ran a paintball arena... This was what Eddie and I did on weekends.”
“Motor Ed I can see..." Shego raised a brow as Eddie almost got hit and ducked behind a barrel. "Or not."
"Shego," said Drakken. There was a devious smirk forming on his face. "I made it a point not to lose to my little cousin. I'm not about to start now."
"Noted," said Shego. She felt the smirk tug onto her lips.»
Thats... Doing something for me... *cough* same Shego *cough*
«We've been played into a trap," said Drakken. Shego glanced to see him grinning. "Nice."
"I don't see..." Shego readied her gun, but Drakken tackled her just as shots were fired.
"What was that!" yelled Carmella as she was covered in purple along with Cleopatra, while Anubis and DNAmy had been saturated in pink.
"We won, that's what that was," smirked Drakken above Shego as he gloated at the four who grumbled and skulked off.
"Hah, classic accidental team fire, didn't think it would work.»
Standing ovation to Drakken!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hehe
They are so husband and wife without realizing it. And yes, Shego, you are a gold digger 🤣
I am so very curious what the hell happened between Drakken and Ed in the past so it so sour rn. Idk... Like yeah I understand what happened within the fic is also a major factor, but there feels something more. Especially when other chapters kinda indicated that they were close. And Eddie before idolized his cousin.
Well... Eddie you kinda were a dick
Well Shego… cus you *leans closer conspiraciously* maybe wanted him to pin you?
Kinda jealous of her ability to lounge like that.
F microwave
I've been making such a peculiar face at this back and forth.
Keeping your hamnds busy for sure, it's like heh a fidget toy for him. He probably needs many of those
Heheh oh the tense moment is coming
Morning, Sleeping Prince.
Why I love them shit talking others?
Ah hi there, Dr. Botox.
Ah, it's showtime
I've seen the illustration and it's amazing. Love Ed's and Dementor's shirts
Under table banter.
Eddie you have no idea. Tho... Maybe you have.
Drakken surely would have loved to hit both of them.
“blond mullet king” I am squinting at Demetor.
Ngl thats pleasant to hear correction from Shego dhdhdh :')
It maybe a wishful thinking on my part, but did Shego instinctively went for Drakken's comfort? Nevertheless it is heartwarming and him comforting her
«You're one to talk, you were double-crossing all of us just because you had some point to prove to yourself that you could work alone," said Cleopatra.» she got you there Shego. That's exactly what happened.
*sigh* Ed.
Hmm.... Yes a set up for sure, but was it from the very beginning of the vacation with that mass deal or something else🤔 it could have been a call from someone… Carmella? Maybe someone else hmm 🤔 thing is Botox from seeing Shego's shoes must have understood that descendants of Leviathan fam should be around cus how else Shego got those shoes?
I love this intense fight so much. From Ed and Demeter back to back, to Duff on the table and even guys were are out but they were still battling. And Drakken with his fast thinking.
Scary how Botox ... I assume Dollmaker helped them, modified henchwomen to get boost from Shego, it definitely shows that *she* is the target.
Villain solidarity!
OTL the moment when Shego got his was genuinely unexpected and scary.
I assume the scream was from Drakken hitting Botox's arm with toothpick gun. Which was badass as fuck especially considering... Well he went for blood for Shego.
I think... This specific character is one of my personal favorites. Especially the absurdity Xd but I guess after one maddening night of fighting for their lives and almost getting caught … they all need chill time.
Dr D you had the biggest instinct to protect.
Hench for the win!
Heh, Dr D. I think this mishap helped them all honesty.
And Hench is a very smart cookie. Props to him indicating to wait up in case of eavesdropping and ordering candles himself and getting them too.
Also yeah Duff was in between rock and a hard place for sure.
There was a scene in Transformers movie (the 2007 one) and villains being cramped in the kitchenette reminded of it. It was and still is hilarious. Both of those scenes djdhjd
DUFF DUFF OMFG you are a mad lad and suicidal at that
And still that question who tipped them....
I just love their stories so much.
Cleo, I might have done the same thing xD fuck that guy.
Dementor's sorry is honestly adorable, but ending is sad 😔
«Right... I once rebuilt the entire school staff's vehicles on the roof «
of the school building because I was bored," said Ed smugly. Drakken glared.
"Excuse me, I did that," said Drakken with a scoff. "It was four cars and I only asked you to help because you kept talking and it kept you quiet."
"Yeah, but I did it... And I was talking because I was bored, seriously, chill," said Ed with an eye-roll. "Why do you always have to have the attention?"
"Seriously?" asked Drakken.
"Seriously... It's like you need constant validation," said Ed. Cleopatra snorted and nearly choked on her drink.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, his brow furrowed."I think she snorted because it's funny how you're telling Drakken he acts like he needs validation, when you're the one taking credit for his story," said Hermes.»
Sorry but this whole moment sent me in such giggling feat, I couldn't breathe for a bit
Epic save with booze~
Strip poker scene is .... Delightful in my books xD
After this whole ark I kinda like this mentor relationship between Camille and Dementor. It's just so sweet... Thank you, Shego, I think I got that one from her.
This is a party :3
OTL you'll see soon Shego
Another moment where I had to wipe my eyes XD Dick jokes and puns
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Shego
I'm so glad she finally started to notice that she likes him... More than a friend.
Hello green Shego
She had hit the nail on the head with such accuracy Shego, go Adrena...... Omg no Xd well now yes, but still omg.
And now crucial moments between those two
*Sigh* Shego, just listen to what he has to say, please?
Drakken the badass, knight in the shining blue armor that is his labcoat.... Unfortunately not on him rn dhhdhd
I love those two, I really do.
The story time. Dollmaker. I don't knkw who is the creepiest still. But this guy ... Yeah in Shego words “Creep”. OTL poor Shego
;-; wiping away tears. Hug you two. Or kiss. You both want that. But probably, ngl it isn't right time. Some you... Even both, hadn't realized something important. And there is a hug. Slept together on one another's shoulder ; 0;
*Sigh*... I sometimes wish that she realized sooner how much Drakken was holding himself with not to act (to the point of it being unhealthy in the future) *sigh*
And now back home, you two
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grungeeuvu · 1 year
All of the questions for the ask game :)
Oh crikey, okay uhhh-
1. Chipotle order?
I've never been to Chipotle (idek if they're in the UK, I've never seen one before)
2. Thoughts on veganism?
I am impressed by those who have a vegan diet, I am not impressed with those who try to change my diet to fit with their views, and I am not strong enough to stick to that kind of diet :')
3. A specific colour that gives you an ick?
I don't really know? A sickly orange maybe? I've never really thought about it hmm
4. Mythical creature that you think/believe to be real?
D R A G O N S.
5. Favourite form of potatoes?
Hmmm. Maybe crisps. Salt and vinegar crisps 👍
More under the cut!! :))
6. Do you use a watch?
At the moment, I do not
7. What animal do you look forward to seeing when you go to an aquarium?
Stingrays and sharks!!
8. Do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
Nah, not unless I've been caught in the rain
9. Do you have a skincare routine?
Nope :) I just use a face wash when I have a shower and that's it
10. When on a plane, do you ask for apple juice or orange juice?
Usually I get water, but I'll probably pick apple juice bc I don't know if the orange juice has bits in
11. Anything from your childhood that you've held onto?
Technically I'm still a child but I've got loads and loads of old toys and a blanket given to me at birth which was dubbed "Night Night" and he stays in my bed 💪
12. Brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare you trust 100%?
L'Occitane 👍👍👍 it's expensive but very good. For cheaper stuff, Tresemme
13. First thing you're doing in the purge?
Hiding. I ain't that stupid.
14. Do you think you're dehydrated?
Judging by the fact I've only had half a pint of water all day, probably 😎
15. Rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning.
From worst to best, Drowning, Freezing, Burning.
16. Thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
Any kind of mint makes me feel really sick so I'm not a fan 😭😭 even the smell makes me ill
17. An anxious compulsion you do every day?
Pick at my split ends or the cracked skin on my lips.
18. Your boba/tea order?
Never had boba and not a fan of tea!
19. The veggie you dislike the most?
Mushrooms. I hate them.
20. Favourite Disney princess movie?
MULAN. HANDS DOWN. MULAN. I have memories of me in nursery singing 'Reflection' to a gathered group of younger toddlers. Very nice memory :))
21. A number that weirds you out?
I do not trust 46. It's evil.
22. Do you have an emotional support water bottle?
Um....... No?
23. Do you wear jewelry?
Yes, quite a lot! I mostly wear multiple rings and necklaces, and the occasional bracelet. No earrings tho, bc my ears aren't pierced yet lol
24. Do you find yourself using American or British English?
Definitely British, it's just superior. We don't say 'erb' for example.... 👀
25. Would you say you have good taste in music?
Absolutely! :) I've always got a song to recommend to people
26. How's your spice tolerance?
Not very good but, according to my dad, I have a heightened sense of taste so I'm not too surprised. Idm things a bit spicy but I'm not a big fan 😔
27. What's your favourite or go-to outfit?
Rose Docmartins, black tights, black skirt, the top I got from a Bon Jovi concert and my purple-patch jacket is my favourite but it's not my most fashionable choice, I'll be honest lol
28. Last meal on earth?
Toad in the hole with Heinz baked beans and some ketchup. Not healthy but my favourite. (And maybe cheesecake for pudding!!)
29. Preferred pasta noodle?
Uhhhh idk my types of pasta beyond the dishes ngl-
And 30 is ask me anything so I guess you get a free question? Lmao this took forever 😭
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justanotherfanfolks · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland Main Story Scattered Thoughts (Book 1 Chapter 5-8)
Another Twistune already? For moi? Oh TWST, you shouldn’t have! Okay, making a mental note: Poitionology is their first period. I wonder if their schedule works like high school or college. Hi Professor Crewel! …again, why isn’t he ??? ? It’s Dae-vus?! Oh, I’ve, heh, been saying that wrong. And will probably continue to do so because I’ve gotten used to it. What is mycelia? I mean, I know mycelium is a type of fungus, am I close? Ace, your special skill is memorization. Well, not rote memorization, but still. Rote memorization is my special skill! I usually end up using it for less important things though, like remembering too many facts about this game and pi. History of magic is period 2. Trein! Lucius! Heh, everyone’s always sleeping when I do history lessons! Y’all are yawning? I want that textbook, give it here! Coach Bargas! So Period 3 is PE. I wonder how many periods there are? No! No raw eggs! 20 laps? No sir, I’ll die after 4. My middle school PE days are behind me, never again! And I can’t even do one push-up. Deuce here to slay. No, watch Deuce say magical application right after Ace says that! Oh no, Grim’s on the loose! Where is he going? Grim, no! Don’t blow stuff up, we have Ortho for that! If I had a nickel for every time Grim needed to be chased down… I love Ace and Deuce’s prices for helping, iconic. It’s a deal. Ace, it’s giving Azul. The WORST Prefect? This is such a friendship. I don’t think we give Deuce enough credit for the absolute menace that he can be! THE NET THE NET! Grim-lin. They really want those treats! Oh my gosh! I was literally just thinking about Grim getting crushed by one of Deuce’s cauldrons and it actually happened! Yes perfectly in sync, as they should be! They earned that dessert!
The return of the battle! There is so much player engagement in the main story, I love it! Grim, you literally just started! How are you already bored of class? Well, actually, he acts exactly like my classmates during the beginning of school years. Sometimes I forget I’m a nerd and enjoying lectures is not the norm. Cafeteria! Some of my favorite vignettes happened here! Grim is so excited about the buffet. Side comment, in Jade’s labwear vignette we find out that Silver eats the mushroom risotto every day during lunch. Honestly, same. I am exactly the same. Have you guys ever heard of a chicken patty? Ugh, I love those! Best day of the week for elementary school me. And when I leveled up and went to schools that offered them every day, I was living the dream. I’m picky with bad intestines, I can’t eat anything else. Now I want a chicken patty… Okay, side piece over. POV: Grim is too short to reach the buffet. “Delinquent” oh no, confrontation. Wait, we have former delinquent here, oh no. “M-my carbonara!” I’m going to pretend I know what that is. Broskies, it’s a buffet. Just get another one! “HANGRY!” Grim’s going to commit a violence now. Ok, I looked up the carbonara and I’m seeing pictures of spaghetti with an egg on them. Deuce: Um, excuse me but fighting with magic is against the rules. He’s being a good boy. You know what, sorry another side tangent, I’ve always wanted to see a story with a magical school where people could go HAM with their magic. I mean it makes sense why they can't, but I wanna see it. I do love how they can use magic outside of class, though. I can’t remember which franchise it was, but I remember a story where the characters weren’t allowed to use magic outside of class and I was like “it’s a MAGIC school, why not?!” My pet peeve is magic schools not letting the students use magic outside of class, cause that’s lame. If I had magic, the spells would never stop. Okay, other tangent over, man I need to focus. Oh these are Heartslaybul guys… Interesting… Oh, I think they want to commit a murder, actually. What- where did the blonde dude come from?! Maybe I wasn’t paying attention. 12000, RIP they’re stronger than Cater! Wait, actually there are 3 of them. Doing the math, assuming they are at equal power level, that puts them at 4000 each. Ahahaha, I could demolish them in less than a turn. “But only ‘cuz I don’t want my pasta getting cold” excuses excuses, but a good one, cold pasta is sad. Yuu: I guess this is my life now. Why did you miss breakfast, Ace! Someone feed this boy! CATER AND TREY! Cay-Trey! Uh, does their duo have a name? Anyway, I love these two! Cater explaining the premise. Cater is a menace, actually. “I’m just a friendly mentor figure!” What, you don’t like Deucey, Deucey? Well, in Japanese it’s “Deuce-chan” so I guess he doesn’t like being called cute. How the heck does Yuu know Trey’s name? Omg, Trey’s first appearance, I just realized! The whole Heartslabyul gang is here! Now we just need Riddle! I need you guys to know spellcheck wants me to change “Heartslabyul” to “Heart Lab Yulgang”. Homeboys were not paying attention during their orientation party, they can’t remember Trey or Cater. “That dump of a-ah, I mean the ‘rustic’ dorm”. Trey can be rude too. Cater is just, the hotspot for gossip. Trey knows all the tea by association. Ace, you don’t want to eat with Cater and Trey? But it’s Cater and Trey! Cater is so eager for digits, that’s rich coming from the boy actively avoiding close friendships. Ace’s big bro absolutely failed him as a Heartslabyul alumni if Ace doesn’t even know the rules are a thing. I mean, I guess Riddle’s the first to actually enforce them, but to not even know they are a thing? “A kingdom of weirdos” you guys are a dorm of weirdos too. But that’s why I like ‘em! Grim, shush, I’m interested! 
Ah, we get to see all the dorms! Heartslabyul really coming in with all the exposition! That is not hard to remember, Yuu. Dorm flavor, Trey has the weirdest metaphors. Flashback to Phantom Bride. JACK! Live Jack appearance, wow! “Muscly dog man, sure why not.” Yuu’s just shrugging through everything at this point. “Macho dudes? Gruff big brothers?” I love his dialogue. Octavinelle boy? AZUL! Cameos, cameos everwhere. I love how they use the armbands to tell them apart instead of, you know, the very colorful vests and color-coordinated magical pens they wear. I mean, I guess not everyone ears the vest. *cough* Cater *cough*. Gotta be from, okay no way, that’s the housewarden, you must know that Mr. Vice Housewarden Trey. Oh, they don’t know he’s vice housewarden, yet! *grins* Oh I can’t wait to see that. JAMIL AND KALIM! JAMIL AND KALIM! The Scarabia Duo! These two single-handedly made me get this game, Book 4 my beloved! Why are they eating with Azul? CATER! Way to insult my boy Kalim, ouch! Ace calling him out for going on a tangent. And Trey agreeing, omg! Wait, Kalim and Cater are clubmates. CATER THAT’S SO FAKE OF YOU! Those two are supposed to be chill, how dare. EPEL EPEL EPEL EPEL EPEL EPEL! My OG fave, HI BUDDY! … and Rook. *wheeze* THE GIRL! GRIM! DEUCE! The way they don’t seem to understand the concept of an all-boys school. The term all-boys implies, you know, all-boys. Makes me wonder about other schools. The conversation about dimensions is killing me, I love them! Why did that sentence finish after the tap? “Who cares how many dimensions” could have been a stand alone sentence because I think it’s funnier that way. OH MY GOSH 5,000,000?! “True dat”. The introverts of Ignihyde not even being there. Oh, hang on I just had a thought. Why are Kalim and Jamil there, they eat at the dorm? Did Kalim already blow up the kitchen again? Did Azul get Kalim to eat lunch with him and Jamil got dragged along? But what about Ortho “So Anyway I Started Blasting” Shroud? I mean he’s not officially a student yet, but he’s not quiet and serious, he’s a blast and a half! I, I want to see Ortho, I love our little robot boy. Engineering dorm! I am so fascinated by technology crossed with magic! “Diahonyalara” I can’t breathe! They have their own special seating area, I wonder if Diasomnia wanted that or if everyone just decided that was their spot and avoided going near them. ¾ of the Diasomnia Family of Four! Sebek! Lilia! SILVER! They don’t get dialogue until Book 2, right? Book 2 is going to be great. Little kid! Lilia being short and cute! LILIA JUMPSCARE! I LOVE PEEPAW! Sebek and Silver are just staring. Okay, Sebek may not want to be friends, but go talk to Silver he’s sweet! Lilia’s hearing is crazy. Cater again not mentioning his association with his fellow Pop Music Club member. Malleus namedrop! Okay, so the thing with being in the top 5: If you are considered to be in the top 5, you're in 4th or 5th place. If you were in 3rd or higher, people would say you were in the top 3. Makes me wonder if Malleus is 4th or 5th, and what the heck 1-3 looks like! Oh no, Ace is badmouthing Riddle, you know what that means. RIDDLE JUMPSCARE! Nooo, he’s standing right behind him and Ace doesn’t notice! I’m telling you, I miss Riddle randomly appearing every time you talk smack or break a rule! It was so funny! My boy really summoned a To Be Continued. 
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ktheist · 3 years
finale — show me yours & i’ll show you mine
Tumblr media
➙ muses. seokjin x college student / gamer!reader ft. best friend! taehyung
➙ genre. best friend’s brother au. university au. working au. fwb au.
➙ word. 2.1k
➙ index. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | finale | side story 1 |
➙ synopsis. 
“show me yours and i’ll show you mine.”
“be nice," taehyung mouths across from you as he sits next to mina.
the red handprints on his cheeks becoming more apparent with each passing minute. it was half-believable to say taehyung fell face first in the snow, got stuck there for more than two minutes and voila, sported a red face upon your return to the kim’s.
but now, you’re just lucky no one’s pointing out the very obvious palm shaped mark on his pudgy cheeks as he stuffs his face with food.
“oh, mina, do you have any plans tomorrow? you could stay over and spend christmas morning with us," mrs kim asks as she passes the bowl of the roasted potatoes seokjin’s been boasting about.
“o-oh,” the brunette stammers, holding the fork with both hands as if citing a prayer of hope, “no, i couldn’t intrude on you any longer.”
“no such thing, we’re all family here.” mrs kim waves a dismissive hand and even that brief gesture feels warm, “___’s mother and i have known your mother since we were kids and i watch you two grow up with my boys - you’re basically  daughters i never had,” she shoots you a smile, eyes crinkling in the corners.
not seeing the remark coming, you end up almost choking on the mushroom soup you’re just in the middle of enjoying.
“i can’t say i’d love to have tae as a sibling but here we are,” you jest, half-heartedly while laughter erupts from everyone at the table.
if there’s a god, please don’t let mrs kim find out i fucked her oldest son.
“i heard yuukal co is interested in your flower arrangements and wanna buy exclusive rights to have you deliver them to the company whenever they have an event lined up?” namjoon chirps up, dimples digging into his cheek as he digs into his 
“the secretary of yuukal co was an acquaintance of mine in college, that’s probably why.” the brunette says shyly, pushing her hair to the back of her ear.
“so, you’re not planning on going back to college?” 
but it’s your voice that makes her blink once and stare at you like you’re some tricky math question.
“what- oh,” she shakes her head, as if shaking away the trance that delayed her response, “i don’t know, my major has nothing to do with what i want to do so i’m thinking of taking another year off.”
you nod casually. understandingly. “i’m sure the college has plenty of spots for people who actually wants to be there, i guess.”
it’s not a new low. but it’s a kind of low you never usually stoop to.
no one seems to notice though, as mina laughs. obviously uncomfortable by your remark, “haha yeah.”
“taehyung got offered a job at the company he interned in last year,” with a smack on the aforementioned boy’s back, seokjin proudly announces.
and just like that, taehyung takes the spotlight to himself.
“oh my god, that’s wonderful news. kim taehyung, when were you going to tell us?” mrs. kim is the first to say something, eyes brimming with anticipation as she looks at him, waiting for him to tell everyone at the table more about it.
but the fact of the matter is, kim taehyung is torn between working a nine-to-five, subsequently making his parents proud or going professional as a full time gamer.
he breathes out an ‘uh...’ before his lips curl into a forced smile.
some time after dinner, you end up drinking and playing card games. mrs kim already went to bed and it's a hour past midnight and all four of your find yourselves in your house to not disturb the kim couples.
the grinch is playing in the background because you, taehyung and mina won against namjoon and seokjin who wanted to watch frozen.
“frozen is so unchristmasy,” taehyung complained.
though, at one point, you did backtrack a little - only a teensy bit - and sided with seokjin who looked like he just won a lottery when you casually say, “i mean frozen’s got that wintry feeling and christmas is in-”
“oh girl, not you choosing a man over your best friend,” taehyung started tickling your sides as giggles erupted from your lips while trying to beg for forgiveness.
 “okay! okay! i’m grinch team all the way!”
“is that allowed? yah! you can’t say that after converting to team frozen!” seokjin’s rebuttal sounded every bit casual.
in retrospect, him joining taehyung’s ticklish assault would have felt out of character had you not fucked behind taehyung’s back nor kissed like you were star crossed lovers just hours ago.
“two against one! not fair! seokjin- ah- hahahaha!” 
one good thing came out of it though: you ended up sitting next to seokjin. it made you a little too conscious of him - of his cologne, of his thigh that brushes against yours with every movement you make and pretend like it’s nothing and of the ghost of a touch of his pinky finger that lingers on your knee when he seemingly places a hand on his own knee. 
still, it’s the closest you could ever be in public and it’s enough to tell mina to back off.
she doesn’t seem to notice but her compliments are equally distributed to everyone in the room. she seems to be the giggly drunk. giggling at every single thing everyone say.
somewhere deep in your heart, you feel the guilt gnawing because of your uncalled for hostility.
“i better get home,” she starts to stand at 3:07 am and you wave a dismissive hand, “no, it’s so late. stay over. please. you promised to make me your special hot chocolate in the morning.”
she objects at first like she turned down mrs kim’s invitation to spend christmas morning at the kim’s. and that’s how you know your views have been blinded with jealousy to see mina for who she is - a cute, lovable girl who’d be the heroine of every romance novel there is.
“oh thank you, thank you!” her arms flail around before they wrap around you in a drunken hug.
you laugh, hugging back.
the memories of how you huddled together like children and fell asleep in the living room, is hazy but when you wake up - the time on your screen displaying a 6 something am - you find a blanket draped over your body.
the light from the kitchen pours over the living room but not enough to wake the slumbering bodies there.
seokjin shoots you a smile when he sees you ambling over to the dining table with hair pointing in every direction, eyes squinting trying to block out the light while holding the blanket around your shoulders.
“you’re working? jinnie, it’s christmas,” you whine, head resting on his shoulder, feeling your heartbeat skip at the small contact.
he chuckles, bumping his cheek against your head before you hear the sound the keyboard again.
you stay like that, blanket curled around your body, seokjin typing away at his laptop.
that is, until his velvet voice cuts through the silence.
“so... i reckon that red handprint on tae’s cheek isn’t because he fell face first in snow.”
“it was because i slapped him in the face,” you wave your injured hand that’s now wrapped with a panda printed band aid instead of the duck ones seokjin used in the beginning.
he takes your hand, making sure not to apply too much pressure on the injury and kisses the top of your hand, “why would you do that?”
your cheeks warm at the gesture but you clear your throat, trying to play it cool, “because he told me we looked good together after all that shit he put us through.”
silence lulls in once again.
it feels like the longest you’ve ever gone with your heart palpitating inside your chest and unspoken words hovering over you but not quite reaching the who they’re supposed to reach.
“do we?” seokjin muses.
“do we... what?” you ask despite having an inkling of what he means.
“look good.” he turns to you, one arm on the table, thumb brushing against your pinky finger.
“i don’t know- we never even took selfies together.” you shrug.
“i think our selfies would look cute,” he pauses, naturally pouty lips curling into a smile, “so cute that the guys in your dm’s would be devastated to know that you’re dating me.”
“i can’t... do this,” the words slip out of your mouth like a waterfall like it’s bound to pour out of your heart through your mouth at some point, “because taehyung was... right. i don’t have a love language - even if i did, it’d be being jealous of every girl that talks to you. lashing out at those girls even though it’s completely understandable why they’d have heart eyes when they talk to you because you’re just that amazing... and... and... you like me? why?”
seokjin’s eyes look like someone personally plucked stars from the sky and trap them in those dark brown irises.
no- actually, he’s looking at you like you’re the star and he’s the moon that shines silver white rays just to have you notice him.
“who’s to say i don’t get jealous?” he cups your face, brows furrowing like you’re a math question without a solution and he’s going mad trying to figure you out, “i get so jealous at the thought of guys sliding into your dm’s, let alone make a pass on you but then i thought ‘if she’s not looking at me then i just have to try harder to make her notice me’ and i might or might not’ve reciprocated mina’s passes to make you jealous...”
you feel the corners of your lips tugging into a smile as you smack his chest lightly, “ass.”
that earns a chuckle from the man before he goes on, “but i’m not even sure what my love language is either, last i used it, i ended up getting dumped because apparently i’m too boring.”
“you’re not boring...” red flashes in your vision as you spit out the word, offended, “your dad jokes are bad but that’s what makes them so lovable. you’re so tall but you’re a literal walking teddy bear. you have biggest, kindest heart... and you’re so hung.”
something devious and prideful flashes across his eyes for the briefest moment before he asks ever so softly, “yeah?”
“yes.” you take his hands and grip them tightly, wishing the touch would convey your feelings.
“isn’t that kind of your love language?” his thumb feels callous against your skin as he rubs circles on the back of your hand. but that’s what makes this feels real - an affirmation that you’re not dreaming, “so... show me more... show yours and i’ll show you mine.”
you’d want to say you share a deep, passionate kiss to seal your promise for each other. but when you open your eyes - not knowing when you closed it - you’re staring at the white ceiling with neon starry stickers tacked up on it. 
and seokjin?
he’s nowhere to be found.
the morning air sends shivers down your spine as you pull your blanket over your head, trying to tune out taehyung’s voice.
but the universe seems set on kicking your sleepy ass of your bed when the door swings open with a bang! 
“get up! get up! it’s christmas!” the tall boy literally screams in your ears before hoisting you over his shoulder like a sack of potato and setting you down on the toilet in the bathroom with a “you better wash your face by the time i come back!”
you do as told.
since the presents are all set under the christmas tree at the kim’s and you’re not looking to upload a christmas morning story in mismatched pj’s, you change into a cute totoro onesie.
mr and mrs kim got mina - she thanked you for letting her stay over last night even though you woke up to an empty house, she even has different clothes on than last night - new kits for the florist.
taehyung almost hugged you to death when he unwrapped his new ps5 that he’s been dying for.
namjoon got a new pair of gucci loafers from taehyung and booked an interrogation slot with their mother because-
“kim taehyung, where did you get all this money?”
you suspect he’s going to reveal his gaming channel to her where he got sponsors from to buy namjoon those loafers.
and seokjin gifted you with a heartshaped necklace as well as a new pc set for taehyung and a signed book of namjoon’s favorite writer that he’d been talking about for ages as well as an all expense paid trip for his parents to thailand.
“thanks for the necklace,” you lightly bump seokjin’s elbow as you come to stand next to him at the sink. he’s washing the mug he used for hot coffee.
he steals a glance at his family and mina in the living room. they’re laughing over taehyung having his head down, sitting on his calves like he’s asking for the forgiveness of a lifetime after confessing that he didn’t want to work a nine-to-five and wanted to go pro.
then his eyes find yours again. the glint in them makes your heart stop before he leans down, lips brushing yours ever so gently yet very seokjin-like.
you think your heart just burst as you freeze in your spot, staring up at the man with slightly parted lips and warm cheeks like a high school girl whose crush very obviously hinted he likes her back.
he raises a quizzical brow at your reaction before realization settles on his face and his lips curve into a smirk, “what? did you think last night was all a dream?”
taglist.  @aretha170 @scalubera @ambersaesthetics @heyjiminnie @hyuck-me @fanfuckingfic @fangurl-ontgeside @bri-mal @waves-and-woods @rjsmochii​ @kimmieloveswho​
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lancermylove · 3 years
Hidden Message (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: All x fem!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: @weebslawyer
Prompt: So.. This idea popped up in my head last night so I want to request HC with bsts guys and Unei with a fem s/o. But the thing is.. What if she can make silver jewelries? And it doesn't matter if they are rings, necklaces, bracelets or earrings. And at some point in their relationship she give them something made by her, they can be even matching rings or something, but somewhere they can see something like. "-. - -   - - -  . . - / . -   . - .  . / - -   -. - - / - -  - - - - - -  -." who means "you are my moon" in morse code and for everyone is a different meaning but never straight "I love you".This, sounds so complicated. I am so sooorry😭
A/N: Ooo this is such a sweet request! X3 It’s not complicate at all~ I like unique request!
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Your message to him: “-.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / ... --- ..- .-.. -- .- - .”
Mokuren finds the symbols to be unusual and asks, "What do these marks mean?" 
You are too nervous to reply, so you mumble, "Look up Morse Code." 
Moku watches you walk away quickly before pulling out the phone and searching for the meaning. 
The next day you receive a text: "If you think of me as your soulmate, then I would like to be by your side forever." 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / - .- -.- . / -- -.-- / -... .-. . .- - .... / .- .-- .- -.--”
Qu finds the designs to be unique and questions, "Why did you choose this particular pattern?"
"O-Oh..that's Morse Code for...you take my b-breath away," you whispered nervously with your eyes on your feet. 
A light blush spreads on his cheek as he leans down to kiss your forehead, "You take my breath away as well." 
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Your message to him: “.. .-..-. -.. / -... . / .-.. --- ... - / .-- .. - .... --- ..- - / -.-- --- ..-”
Kasumi squints and tries to make out the message but chooses to leave it for a later time. "Thank you for this beautiful gift." 
Before he closes Starless, he looks up the meaning, and a wide smile dances on his lips when he reads the words on the translator: "I'd be lost without you".
He sends you a text message: "Thank you for loving me as much as you do. I love you, too." 
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Your message to him: “.. .-..-. -- / - .... .- -. -.- ..-. ..- .-.. / ..-. --- .-. / -.-- --- ..-”
As Hari examines the necklace, he recognizes the patterns on them right away. "Thank you for this thoughtful gift. You put quite a bit of effort into it...it shows."  
He waits until he returns home to translate the message. Hari is pleasantly surprised when he sees the words: “I’m thankful for you”.
He smiles to himself and sends you a text: “Your gift is lovelier than I initially thought.”
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Your message to him: " -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.- . / -- . / -... .-.. ..- ... ....”
Zakuro sees the code and chuckles, “Ara Ara, I know you well enough to know these dots and dashes are not there for show. What do they mean?” 
"Look it up,” you chuckle and walk away. The singer raises an eyebrow and takes out his phone. 
Within a few minutes, your back is pressed against a wall and his face is only a few centimeters away from you. “Oya Oya, do I make you blush? Then it will be my honor to turn your cheeks the color of a tomato.”
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .-. . .- ... --- -. / - --- / .-.. .. ...- .”
"Thank you," he smiled softly, "I will cherish this gift forever." 
 As he studied the bracelet, Kei recognizes the Morse Code. He doesn’t tell you right away, but he checks the meaning a little later. 
When he sees the translators displaying: "you are my reason to live", the gentlest smile appears on his lips, and he finds you quickly. 
Kei pulls you in a deep kiss and whispers against your lips, “and you are my reason to live.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.- . / -- -.-- / .... . .- .-. - / .-. .- -.-. .”
Sotetsu runs his thumb over the message on the bracelet and asks, "What does the Morse Code translate to?" 
You blush and mumble, “You make my heart race.” 
His signature smirk finds its way on his lips as he tilts your chin up. Sotetsu stares into your eyes and whispers, “Is that so? Let’s see how fast I can make your heart beat.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / ... .... .. -. .. -. --. / ... - .- .-. ” 
Ginsei is surprised to learn that you make jewelry as well. "This is the first time someone has made me a gift by hand. I will guard it with my life."
One day during Team K's rehearsal break, he asks Kei what the dots and dashes mean. Kei takes out his phone, types the message, and shows it to Ginsei: “You are my shining star”.
Ginsei's cheeks turn vermilion when he sees the message, and they only get darker when Sotetsu teases him.
A few days later, Ginsei gifts you a matching handmade necklace with the words “you are my sun” on it. 
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Your message to him: “ - .... .- -. -.- / ..- / ..-. --- .-. / -.-. --- -- .. -. --. / .. -. - --- / -- -.-- / .-.. .. ..-. .”   
"Thank you," he smiled, but his smile was soon replaced with a slight frown, "what are these symbols?"
 "That is Morse Code for 'thank you for coming into my life'," you explain to him.
"You like that I am in your life?" Gui asks with an innocent smile.
When you nod, he wraps his arms around you and whispers, "Thank you for coming into my life."  
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Your message to him: “ .. / .- -- / -.-- --- ..- .-. ... / ..-. --- .-. . ...- . .-.”  
Yoshino sees the ring and is happy but nervous at the same time. In this apprehensive state, he doesn’t register the Morse Code. 
A few days later, he studies the ring carefully and approaches you, "Do these marking means something?" 
You chuckle and nod, "Yes, they mean 'I am yours forever’."
Yoshino turns bright red and mumbles with averted eyes, “I...want to be yours forever too.” 
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Your message to him: “-- -.-- / .... . .- .-. - / -... . .- - ... / ..-. --- .-. / -.-- --- ..-”   
He sees the Morse Code and frowns, “The hell did you choose dots and dashes for the pattern?” 
“It’s not just dots and dashes!” You pout and stomp away, leaving a stunned Kokuyou behind. He finds Takami and asks him what the patterns on the bracelet say. 
“This is Morse Code for ‘my heart beats for you'. Did a fan give it to you?” Takami asked out of curiosity. 
“Yeah...something like that,” Kokuyou mumbles and takes the bracelet from his teammate’s hand. 
He takes out his cellphone and sends you a quick text message: "you are even sappier than I thought. Thanks, I like the gift."
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .-. . .- ... --- -. / - --- / ... -- .. .-.. .” 
"You made this? It looks great!" He grinned, "Maybe I should ask you to make all my accessories."
He held the gift in front of his face and stares blankly at the message for a moment, “Um...what are these symbols on the necklace?” 
"Oh, it means,” you avert your eyes and whisper, “you are my reason to smile.” 
The singer flashes an ear-to-ear grin before pecking your lips, “And I will continue to be your reason to smile.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.- . / -- -.-- / .-.. .. ..-. . / .-- --- .-. - .... .-- .... .. .-.. .”  
"Thank you," Sin smiles and glances at the Morse Code for a bit. 
When he returns home, he looks at the translation: ‘you make my life worthwhile'.
Sin immediately sends you a message: “water cannot form without cloud as clouds cannot form without water.”  
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .---- ..- .--.”  
 As soon as Taiga gets his gift, he hugs you tightly. "Thanks! I'll wear it." 
He looks at the ring again and examines it carefully. He runs his index finger over the markings and says out loud, “You...are..m-my...1 UP.” 
“Wait, you know Morse Code by heart?” 
Taiga chuckles and nods, “If I am your 1Up, then you are my super mushroom...you give me the strength to break through any block standing in my way.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / ... - .-. . -. --. - ....”  
"Such a beautiful gift. Thank you," he returns his gaze to the bracelet, “do you see me as your strength? If so, then I will continue to be your strength forever.” 
He kisses your forehead and walks away chuckling, leaving you in shock.
You spend the rest of the day wondering how Takami has Morse Code memorized, and for what reason. 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.- . / -- . / .... .- .--. .--. -.--”  
Mizuki is happy about receiving a handmade gift from you but misses the message completely. 
Only when Ran asks what the symbols on the necklace mean does he notice them. 
Mizuki finds you and asks, "What are these dots and dashes?"
"It's Morse Code for ‘you make me happy’," you smile. 
He rubbed the back of his neck and averted his eyes, “Why don't ya just tell this to my face? Um...you make me happy too." 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -- . .- -. / - .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / - --- / -- .”  
Kongou sees the message but doesn’t want to ask you directly, so after he thanks you for the hard work you put into the beautiful gift, he finds Sotetsu. "Do you know what this means?" 
Sotetsu examines the bracelet and looks up the translation on his phone. “Seems like this fan of yours is in love with you. It’s Morse Code for ‘you mean the world to me’.”
Kongou turns red, thanks Sotetsu, and comes to find you. He quietly pulls you into an embrace. “I love you too.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .- -. --. . .-..”  
Heath stares at the message but doesn’t say anything. You pick up on his confusion and say, “That's Morse Code for ‘you are my angel’.”
He is startled but shakes his head, “You are my angel. You give me the strength to push on and make me happy.” 
Heath wraps his arms around you and buries his face on the top of your head. “Please always stay with me.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -... .-. .. --. .... - . -. / -- -.-- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -..”  
“Woah, you made this? It’s pretty! Hm?” Ran traced out the code with his thumb and tilted his head slightly, “What are these symbols?” 
“T-That’s Morse Code,” you reply with a smile, “it means ‘you brighten my world’.” 
Ran’s eyes start to twinkle and a grin dances on his lips. He throws his arms around you and holds you close to him. “I love you too!”
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- Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / ... - --- .-.. . / -- -.-- / .... . .- .-. -”
Rico sees the Morse Code and wonders why you would choose such a design. Though he doesn’t want to ask you, thinking that it might break your heart. 
When he’s sitting in the break room staring at the bracelet, Sotetsu sits next to him and asks, "Do you know what that means?"
“Why do you care, and why should I care? They’re just some dot and dashes.” 
“It’s called Morse Code, go look it up.” Team K's member laughs and walks away. 
When Rico checks the translation, he is shocked to see the words: "you stole my heart".
He lowers his head to prevent anyone from seeing the tears in his eyes.
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / - .... . / .-. . .- ... --- -. / .-- .... -.-- / -- -.-- / .... . .- .-. - / -... . .- - ...”  
“Thank you for this precious gift. I promise to wear it in all my performances,” he says softly while smiling sweetly, “but these marking...I feel as though I’ve seen them before.” 
“Are you familiar with Morse Code?” 
“Ah, that’s it. I have heard of it. What does this message mean?” He asked and patiently waited as his heart nervously pounded against his chest.
“You are the reason why my heart beats,” you replied. 
Rindou’s eye grew wide momentarily. He took your hand and pressed it to his chest, “I can say the same.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / ... ..- -. ... .... .. -. .”  
“This is the best gift I’ve ever received. Thank you so much,” Sinju flashes one of his bright smiles and presses his lips to your forehead. 
“There is a special message for you on the gift...please look it up,” you whisper and walk away, blushing. 
He examines the code, takes out his phone, and searches it online. Sinju’s lips stretch widely when he sees the words “you are my sunshine” appear on the translator. 
He touches the bracelet to his chest and blinks away the tears. “I l-love you, (y/n).” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .--. .-. .. -. -.-. . / -.-. .... .- .-. -- .. -. --.”
"Thank you for the gif-", Maica stops speaking when he sees the dots and dashes. Without looking at you, he takes out his phone and looks it up.
You see a playful smile on his lips, “I am your prince charming? Then, my princess, would you give this prince the honors of taking your out on a date?” 
Maica slightly bows and holds out one hand in front of you. “I promise to make this date memorable.”
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Your message to him: “ .-.. . - .-..-. ... / -... . / - --- --. . - .... . .-. / ..-. --- .-. . ...- . .-.”  
Menou, being meticulous, notices the message right away and shifts his eyes to you. “What does this mean?” 
You translate the message for him in a shaky voice, “Let’s...b-be together for-forever.” 
Menou chuckles, “Seems like we will have a lot of hot spring dates.”
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Your message to him: “ .. .-..-. -.. / -.-. .... --- --- ... . / -.-- --- ..- --..-- / . ...- . .-. -.-- / - .. -- .”  
Yakou stares at the necklace pendant for a moment before whispering, "Thank you for working so hard on his gift."
When you walk away, he quickly looks up the meaning of the Morse Code. 
His eyes scan the words over and over to make sure he is not misreading it. “I’d choose you every time...”
Your words make Yakou happy to the point where his eyes get a bit moist. “Thank you for not rejecting me like everyone else.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / -- --- --- -.”  
"T-This is for me? T-Thank you so much!" He bows and gives you a genuine smile.
Unei is very happy to get a ring from you and thinks the symbols look familiar. He is too nervous to ask you directly, so he tries hard to think what it could mean. 
While he is browsing his blog, he decides to type the symbols exactly into the search bar and is shocked to see "you are my moon".
The next day he brings a special lunch for you with a note that says "thank you for the beautiful gift. I will treasure it."
➣ BSTS Masterlist
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tetrakys · 4 years
Eldarya A New Era - episodes 1 and 2
Let’s start with a brief recap and then my comments at the end.
Not much happens plot-wise, which makes sense since the first chapters are always about exposition and introducing the characters.
Episode 1: 
We wake up in the new Crystal room and are swiftly taken by Huang Hua to the infirmary, we are perfectly healthy and have a chance to meet one of our old friends. Since we have been revered as a deity for the past 7 year sin the Crystal, Huang Hua has to make an announcement to the whole HQ saying that we are back into the living world, then we can finally explore HQ, meet old and new friends, get a new outfit and later attend a party in our honour. This is pretty much the plot of the first episode. 
Episode 2:
In the second we have the chance of picking a Guard to belong to, Huang offered the Light one but Erika refuses because she doesn’t feel ready yet. We also get a new sword that Jamon has created for us and we can train a bit with him, afterwards we join a mission and go the forest. Once there we realise there is something wrong, as if some areas looked corrupted. We find a hurt companion and a very human shotgun bullet next to it and an evil-looking companion who attacks us causing us to end our very first mission at the infirmary, as usual. Once we are back on our feet we talk to Huang Hua about the bullet and realise that there is something she is hiding from us, then we help Ewe making a potion to save the companion. The companion got attached to us so we decide to adopt it.
Now a bit of info dump about the characters:
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Huag Hua is the new head of the guard since Miiko went back to her family obligations. She is no longer the Phoenix apprentice although we don’t know why yet, she is in a romantic committed relationship with Ewelein who is still the head of the infirmary and member of the Light Guard. 
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Aleja and Sonse got married and left, Colaja joined them and she and Jamon broke up since he stayed. He was sad for a bit but then got over it. Kero left when most people left no one knows where he is. Ezarel left with Twilda and Mary Anne to try to make a new life for themselves. Memoria disappeared and no one knows what happened to it and all the dragon spirits. Karuto is still he chef and he became much nicer in time, also is food much better after fruits and vegetables in Eldarya became edible. There is speculation about his relationship with Feng Zifu who is still very polite but much older looking, however nothing confirmed yet.
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Huang Chu is the new head of the Absynth Guard, she looks and acts kinda strict and matter-of-factly but she is also surprisingly open-minded, she encourages Erika to think with her own head and never blindly accept anyone’s order not even her own. She doesn’t get along with Mathieu at all.
Koori is a kitsune member of the Absynth Guard, she is funny, provocative and flirty. She wants to become friend with Erika and even flirts a bit. We see her both flirting with and mercilessly teasing Mathieu, not sure if she’s actually hitting on him or playing him, but this seems to be her normal behaviour. 
Chrome is now the head of the Shadow Guard, he and Karenn are still together and while he is the official head it seems that she is his boss as usual so hierarchy is a bit blurry. The both became more mature in time, she is less into gossip and he went through a rough self-blaming patch, but he looks pretty happy right now, eating a lot and constantly making lame jokes, and she seems to have become a real fighter (everyone is recommending to never train with her).
Adalric is a sylph, Erika comments he kinda looks like a genie. He has constantly his head in the clouds forgetting all the most trivial tasks, he talks with the stars and the wind apparently.
Ophelia is this little girl we see for just a moment, we feel that she has the same aura as the Oracle, we hug her but she just smile and leaves. We are told she showed up after the White Sacrifice and no one actually knows anything about her, not even if she sleeps and eats and where. 
Mathieu is a human who stumbled in a mushroom cricle about one year ago, he was sort of a recluse with no friends nor family on Earth, only thinking about fantasy and adventure, so he is very happy to be in Eldarya and couldn’t care less about going back to Earth. To his dismay the test assigned him to the Absynth Guard and he’s constantly hoping to be reassigned to the Obsidian instead. He’s the happy-go-lucky type but seems to also have a certain depth that we will hopefully find out.
Nevra is now a member of the Light Guard and Huang Hua’s right hand (he basically got Leiftan’s old job). He looks more severe and it seems that the events of S1 hardened him. He is back to his slutty ways but in episode he admits frivolous relationships don’t bring him happiness. 
Leiftan got out of the Crystal with us but it took longer for him to wake up. He says that he needs to find himself and wants to put distance between him and everyone else, in fact he refuses to rejoin the Guard. When Erika asks him to train her aengel powers he refuses and says that he won’t ever touch a blade again and will never be responsible of further violence. Nevra can’t stand him at the moment because he thinks he is escaping his responsibilities. 
Since people liked the expression I’m going to repeat it again, let’s address the elephant in the room first. (Guys “elephant in the room” is a figure of speech, it’s not a real elephant lol).  No one mentioned who is the head of the Obsidian Guard, when Erika tries to ask one time the subject is swiftly changed and people seem to go out of their way to not go there. Everyone, including their grandparents, their cousins, neighbours and the cousins of their neighbours has figured out that the head of Obsidian is Lance, who is name dropped constantly. I know that there are some people who still like to live in denial, kudos to them. BV all but told me that Lance is coming in episode 3 before Christmas, the release pace is like MCL’s so I’m expecting episodes every second Wednesday of the month at this point, but we’ll see.
The situation with Nevra and Leiftan is heavy not gonna lie. I’ve only played the episode with Nevra so far and my heart broke in tiny pieces, but I want to savour the angst and enjoy the ride. I don’t blame either of the two, Leiftan went from traitor to saviour in a matter of what two days? He had not time to think about his choices and properly reflect on himself. I think it’s fair that the writing his giving him a bit of depth as a character now and not just using him for his abs and to kill and save people when needed. So yeah, I approve him going to therapy or whatever is going to do to achieve self-growth. 
Nevra is a bit trickier, he spent one year moping in front of the Crystal every day, then moved on simply out of survival, and he’s well aware that the life he has now brings him no joy so one would think he would jump into Erika’s arms immediately? He is probably still very much hurting about everything that happened and he still has a fight or flight reaction about everything regarding it, his subconscious reaction when he saw Erika must have been DANGERDANGER RUN. Sleep around is easier because he doesn’t care and can’t be hurt again. While I can understand this, I also think it’s pretty cowardly and I would’ve liked to have given the reaction to get mad, to demand him to spend time with us, because yes he hurt but we spent 7 freaking years in a coma and no time has passed for us, the day before we were swearing love to each other and now this coldness. And yes I could’ve chosen angrier options with him instead of being understanding, but then my LoM would’ve dropped. 
So what I think I’m trying to say is that I would like to have the option of getting mad without having devastating consequences on all the relationships. I know that the next episode is called Rage-something so I am hoping Erika will blow up. We are probably going to run into Lance, find out that he’s been forgiven and working with the Guard and go full violent mode. And hopefully she will get mad with the other guys as well. Homegirl needs to unleash since episode 13 AT LEAST.
Also, since Leiftan refused to train her, I’m expecting that Lance will at some point. Sweaty training sessions with a strict instructor who she kinda hates but also kinda thirst for... 😏😏😏 I have expectations now.
My general comment is that I like the writing so far, I see much improvement from the previous season although it’s too early to judge. I loved the shade thrown at Miiko and the Guard test, you can really tell the writer’s thoughts sometimes, he uses Mathieu to tell us what he thinks. 
The one think I didn’t like is that, while I can understand most of the choices and the events of these two episodes, I don’t understand how the writing can justify Erika not looking for Ezarel if she were on her route. No time has passed for her, anyone would go looking for their lover in a situation like this, not just “oh well, he’s gone”. I know he can’t be brought back, but give me a good, logical reason in game. (Also, I hope to never see him and Valkyon as secondary non-datable characters because I would die inside).
About the other characters, I like Koori and Huang Chu, I don’t like Adalric, just personal taste, he seems to be the type of person who would be into yoga and spiritualism and it’s just not me at all lol.
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baylardo · 2 years
TV Show Ask Game
But I just answer them all because I am a whore.
if you could reboot one TV show, which one would it be? - There was this kinda lame show on Sci-Fi called Helix that I really enjoyed just,,, Conceptually I guess, but it was a Sci-Fi channel show so it inevitably was doomed to be cancelled prematurely like everything on it lmao. But yeah it’s a funky take on zombies??? I guess??? At least for the first season. I’m kinda a slut for black ooze I think it’s scary and cool and that’s what the first season was. Just a bunch of crazy people puking black goo. I liked the second season too though ‘cause it was about mushrooms + spores and that horrible bile yellow and idk I LIKED IT but it was Sci-Fi show quality and bad haha. 
if you could have saved one TV show from cancellation, which one would it be? - FARSCAPE LOL. 
have you ever quit a show before it finished? why? - I watched series 1-8 of Doctor Who, I never particularly enjoyed it and once I got to Capaldi I was like,,, why am I here,,, I’ve bailed on a lot of crime series too just ‘cause you can get a feel for how the series will progress relatively early on. 
are there any shows you wish could just be cancelled already? - Doctor Who haha.
what’s your comfort show? - Farscape. :)
which shows do you think are underrated and need more love? - The Leftovers is like, INSANELY GOOD imo. I also think if people are looking for really light television that they should check out The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency it is VERY WHOLESOME AND CUTE. 
have you ever been inspired to start a new show based on gifs or memes it has produced? - Already said it but like, prrrrobably? I can’t think of any specifically I tend to watch shows with no social influence. 
do you prefer week-to-week content, or just binging all in one go? - BINGING. Week-to-week especially nowadays seems like such a subscription-oriented money grab approach on streaming services it’s kinda infuriating. It’s also a way to keep your show trending on Twitter for multiple weeks in a row woah! 
what’s one show you thought you’d hate but turned out to really enjoy? - Farscape. :) I thought it was soooooo ugly I thought everything in it was ugly lmao. Admittedly because as I’ve said in the past it’s really the show that opened my eyes to TV, like I was ONLY into animations as a kid and so Farscape was one of my earliest introductions to live action.
what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate? - Westworld started out really strong and interesting and cool and it just kept falling in on itself and getting worse every season and I was sad ‘cause it’s conceptually SO COOL and it’s totally squandered. 
which TV show has the best musical soundtrack, in your opinion? - LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST.
have you ever watched a show just for a specific actor? did you enjoy it? - YES FREQUENTLY LOL. I watched American Gods for Gillian Anderson and hated it like that’s probably bottom tier TV for me dude lmao. 
what genre of TV show is your favourite? - Gosh I really love crime series but they’re very easily done boring, predictable, wrong, bland, etc. I also love fantasy and science fiction and they’re typically the TV series I give the most GRACE in quality. 
do you tend to stick to one type of TV show (eg, short-form comedy), or are you into many different genres? - Nah, I deviate a lot. I like to watch popular things to have opinions on them, I like finding hidden gems, I like HBO shows Too Much hahaha. It’s rare I’ll commit to a comedy but it does happen on occasion.
do you feel like there are any overrated TV show formats? - I hate filler TV series but it seems to be a rapidly dying trend YAY. 
do you feel like there are any underrated TV show formats? - I wish there were more limited-series out there. Just concise little stories that typically have an intended and planned ending and know when to STOP.
have you ever written fanfiction for a TV show? - Bro I wish haha, I always wanna write season four Farscape stuff but I am veeeeery self-conscious about my writing. :’’’)
have you ever drawn fanart for a show? - TOO MUCH.
are there any shows on your “to watch” list right now? - I have a few shows my friends have wanted me to watch over the years that I’d still ideally like to get to! Xena’s one of them, so is Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Netflix, Hulu, or Prime originals? - Netflix SOMETIMES hits for me. Prime makes so many stinkers haha. Never watched anything on Hulu unfortunately. 
if you could be a guest star on any show, which one would it be? - Like any sci-fi or western or fantasy I don’t care those are my brand. 
if you could write your own TV show, what would it be like? - Farscape revival.
are you a fan of will-they-won’t-they plots? - Sometimes! I hate pining that tends to be heavily involved in most plots like this. I think prolonging it for too long gives the impression you simply don’t know how to progress the characters’ relationship and that’s bad!
how do you feel about bottle episodes? - Hey man if you can get it to work like good on you that’s so sexy. I’ve seen good bottle eps before. 
do you prefer proper opening credits, or a simple title card? - Either I don’t care haha. I think a good slapping opening credits hits different though. 
favourite TV show theme song? - Stargate SG-1′s theme song is SO GOOD. I also love Westworld’s and Game of Thrones’. 
which actor do you think deserves an Emmy for their work on TV? - This question is too hard on my brain sorry lmao. Can’t think of an acting performance that stood out at the moment
who would be your dream cameo on your favourite show? - Virginia Hey (Zhaan) and Anthony Simcoe (D’Argo) are both alive in Farscape revival because the writers accidentally killed off too much of their main cast and a revival would be bad without D’Argo especially. :/
do you tend to quote TV shows a lot? have you ever started using a word/phrase because of a TV show? - YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. I say too many Farscape quotes naturally throughout my day it’s insane like “Where are you my little husky, I’ve got a stick for you” is burned into my brain.
what’s one show you could probably write a 2,000 word essay on, and what would be your topic? - Farscape’s We’re So Screwed: Fetal Attraction scene at the end of the episode when John’s portrayed as the tired + broken soldier and Aeryn as this quiet sense of hope with naivety toward her future and they’re essentially wearing the opposite outfits of each other that they wore in the first episode of the series in how he’s in Peacekeeper uniform and she’s in a yellow smock. 
do you use subtitles while watching TV if you can? - Yes. :)
what’s one show you could watch over and over?  - Farscape. :)
would you be interested in trying a show in another language? - Rarely inclined to, but not opposed to it. 
what are your top 5 shows right now? - Farscape, Fringe, The X Files (Bad), The Leftovers, Raised By Wolves.
who are your top 5 TV characters right now? - Aeryn Sun (Farscape), Olivia Dunham (Fringe), Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones), Vala Mal Doran (Stargate SG-1), Dana Scully (The X Files)
what TV character would you die for? - I don’t like this question. Die.
which TV show setting would you most like to visit? - Hell on Wheels my beloved 1860′s yeehaw. 
do you prefer hour long episodes, or 30 minute? - Hour long baybeeeeeee.
do you prefer 22 episode seasons, or 13? - Me like 13.
is there a show coming out soon that you’re really excited about? - Baby want last season Better Call Saul and also Raised By Wolves season 2 and also last of The Last Kingdom.
if you could change 1 detail about any show, what would you change and why? - Delete Dream a Little Dream from Farscape.
what’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever watched a show in one sitting? - I’m sure I’ve had entire days of Farscape man. Toxic.
what do you think is a good amount of seasons for a TV show? - 4-ish.
if you could replace any actor on TV in playing their role, who would you like to play and why? - This question is also cringe. Die. 
do you own any TV shows on DVD? - I own AAAAAAAAAALL of The X Files like even the revival, I own Farscape on DVD AND blu-ray, I own Tin Man (Cringe), Pride and Prejudice (1995), The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, Game of Thrones but only seasons 1-4 I think lmao, and Lost.
do you prefer to watch TV alone or with friends? - Both. :) I really love watching things I’ve SEEN with friends, and new experiences by myself typically. 
are there any shows you love but your friends aren’t interested in? - The Leftovers lmao.
are there any shows your friends love but you aren’t interested in? - Bro literally every and all anime hahaha. 
who are your favourite couples on TV? - John and Aeryn ruined TV romance for me forever. 
what’s one TV cliche you love? - Body swap tropes hahahah. I also love when two characters are stuck together and hate each other but then they like fall in love overtime and it’s cringe.
what’s one TV cliche you despise? - Bro I hate love triangles and I hate pining. 
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ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: I had already started on the second chapter before I posted the first one, so don’t expect updates every day... I also had to do a lot of googling for this chapter.
Chapter 1 in case you missed it:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Warnings: Cussing, needles, character conflicts, intentional poisoning, poisoning, Jaws reference
“Humans are [and text here]”
Chapter 2: What is this, an interview?
Tommy was now restrained to a chair six feet away from the weird scientist alien. He had a dark brown lab coat with a fuzzy yellow sweater underneath, matched with black pants and black leather boots. His gold rimmed Harry Potter glasses slipped down his nose bridge a bit before he pushed it up and shuffled through papers. He wore a red beanie with a big whiff of his curly chocolate hair. His skin was a weird translucent grayish color with blue speckles decorating it. He had deep brown eyes with an odd electric blue circle outlining the pupil.
His tongue licked his finger as he turned the page. This was a habit that most of the weird teachers and counselors did. It always annoyed Tommy. This time fear was also mixed into that annoyance. His saliva was tinted blue and he had sharp teeth which immediately reminded him of a shark.
“You have shark teeth.” Tommy stated absentmindedly. Clearly, this caught the scientist alien off guard.
“I have what?” The alien asked, confused.
“Shark teeth.. ya know like the weird fish creatures that eat people.” Tommy started rambling causing the shark-alien to become even more confused and slightly alarmed. “I mean I think they eat people. That’s what the shark movie showed… what was its name, Jaws I think? I dunno, my foster mom freaked out in the middle of it and we went home. That lady was weird.. She made us wear itchy clothes and take weird photos before she sent me back to the group home.”
“What?..” The shark-alien asked. Tommy jumped a bit. He forgot he was rambling to a stranger. Alien stranger at that.
“Doesn’t matter.. What's the first question bitch-boy?” Tommy liked the way the alien jumped at the randomly timed insults.
“Er- right.. First off, what’s your name?” The shark-alien asked after collecting himself.
“Tommy Innit. Yours bitch-boy?” Tommy replied.
“Wilbur Soot. Stop calling me bitch-boy!” Wilbur huffed.
“Next question, bitch-boy!” Tommy emphasized the name, getting an even angrier expression in return. Wilbur’s weird blue circle flashed red for a second which caught Tommy off guard.
Wilbur took a shaky breath before asking the next question. “How old are you?”
“Old enough! I am a big man!” Tommy stated. Yet another thing that pissed him off.
“Age?” Wilbur asked, clearly irritated.
“18.” Wilbur raised a brow, “14.” Tommy huffed. His age should only be his business not some alien-bitch who didn’t even have his file.
“If you keep lying, I may have to get the truth serum from the back.” Wilbur half-heartedly threatened. Tommy, the big man that he is, did not get scared at that statement, only slightly unsettled which clearly showed on his face.
“Now, do you have a family?” Tommy tensed at the question. It was a touchy question and was not one that was asked often especially with his reputation.
“I am a big man. I don’t need a family to be great.” Tommy stated, happy with the answer. The alien-bitch shifted awkwardly.
“Right… What is your diet?”
“Umm.. I dunno, whatever I can find. I am allergic to nuts though..” Wilbur nodded in understanding and wrote things down in his notepad.
“What plants are poisonous to you?” Wilbur asked without looking up from his notes.
“Ermm, poison Ivy, poison oak… uh I think parts of rhubarb, and most wild berries. I am not sure other than that.” Wilbur nodded while adding bits to his notes.
“What was the place you lived like?” This time Wilbur glanced up to look at Tommy. This was again another touchy subject… How many times would this alien bitch get into the sad background?
“Shitty.” Tommy snapped. That was the only response the bitch was gonna get.
“Right.. Do you have music on Earth?”
Tommy scoffed, “Of course we have music, dumbass!”
“Can you tell me about the animals there?” Wilbur asked, almost hopeful.. which was weird. What was he hoping for?
“Erm I guess..” Tommy mumbled, trying to figure out where to start, “There’s a bunch of animals. Mainly on land. My favorite would be the cow.”
“What’s that?” Curiosity stained Wilbur’s face. This got Tommy excited; he was practically beaming as he started talking.
“Well they are these big ruminants that make milk and have horns. There are a bunch of types too like the highland cow, which obviously is the most poggers one. They are a Scottish breed with really long hair. I met one once, on a field trip his name was Henry.” Tommy rambled on for the next two and a half hours, jumping from topic to topic and explaining anything that wasn’t personal. He usually ended those paths with short insults.
Wilbur hated to stop the kids' detailed story, but two and a half celestial hours had already passed, and Dream would be coming to check soon. Luckily, he had a couple new poisons that could pass off as a research development. He had even managed to send the distressed signal and no doubt Phil would already be there with the SBI craft ready to fly at any given moment.
“Alright Tommy.” His voice dropped to a serious tone causing the kid to stop his story of how he got poisoned by mushrooms on a camping trip. “You’re gonna have to trust me just for a bit. I am going to get you off the ship at the next stop but in the meantime I need you to tell me how allergic you’re to nuts.” The kid immediately tensed at the question.
“I am mainly allergic to tree nuts.. almonds being the worst. After a few minutes I can’t breathe properly and I usually pass out. The doctor said if I don’t get it treated within 15 minutes, death is most likely.” He took a moment to go through the information. The kid most likely has an anaphylaxis reaction to tree nuts. Meaning either he would have to know the exact time of landing and exactly where Phil was or he needed another poison that was less severe.
“Alright, here is what we’re gonna do. I have a chemical mixture that is similar to that of rattlesnake venom. I also have a chemical substance that numbs any pain you may feel. Side effects would include being very very tired and delirious over the next few days. Along with being knocked out for a good ten hours. To put it simply I am gonna fake poison you, in order to get you off the ship. It’s your choice if you’re willing to do it.” Wilbur paused to study the kid still restrained in front of him. It was odd how relaxed the kid seemed to be in a situation like this. He had no urge as far as Wilbur was aware, to fight against anything that happened. His complaints only being those that touched on personal matters. It was unsettling to say the least, and intrigued Wilbur. He really wanted to unravel the life the kid had lived before this and how he was actually dealing with the situation.
There was a long pause before the kid spoke, “I wouldn’t mind getting away from the weird smiley bitch.. plus you seem nice and to know what you’re doing so sure. Poison me bitch.” He said the last sentence with an enthusiasm Wilbur wasn’t expecting. He took a moment to rethink his plan, which was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Dream says you better have advanced in your stupid testing. Otherwise he’s gonna kick you off the ship at the next stop.” Stated the rather rude blazeling, Sapnap. The blazeling never liked Wilbur and made a point to argue against any advancements at meals. That led to Dream installing a new system of emails and Wilbur eating meals alone.
“Yea yea, it’s going!” He yelled through the metal door.
“Better be.” The blazeling snapped before making a non quiet track back to his quarters.
“Stupid blazeling.” Wilbur grumbled as he sorted through vials and picked up new needles and measured out the substances. “We are going to start with the anesthetic then move onto the poison.” He softly addressed Tommy.
Wilbur swiftly disinfected Tommy’s shoulder and gave the needle. He then gave the second needle. Immediately Tommy slumped over. Wilbur swiftly took off Tommy’s restraints and moved him on to the patient bed in the back corner of the room. After the transfer was done he clipped the body restraints around Tommy and waited for the alert signaling landing.
After about five minutes the light next to the door turned blue. He moved over to his seat and clipped on the safety belts. The light turned green and the ship shook momentarily before a thud could be felt. Quickly as Wilbur could, he emptied the needles into the waste bin and waited for his soon-to-be-ex-boss to arrive.
Dream stepped through the door and glanced around the room before heading to Wilbur for his report.
“Report.” The dreamon commanded.
“The subject's body would have gone through a painfully slow death and have multiple organ failures if I did not intervene. The chemical mixes used created a conflict in the patient’s body which resulted in the patient falling into exhaustion as they recovered.” He responded in a monotone tone. Dream looked over Tommy. He flinched back in disgust as Tommy grunted in his sleep.
“Is that all?” The dreamon questioned.
“No.” Wilbur swallowed down his panic, “This is the last testing I will be doing with this crew.” The dreamon scoffed.
“I am assuming you’re getting off at this planet?” Dream spit. Wilbur knew he absolutely hated when people left his crew as he saw it as a direct violation of his loyalty.
“Yes.” The phantom stated, keeping his even tone apparent. With that Dream stormed out cursing in Siestian. Somewhere in the mess of words he told Wilbur to get his things.
Without hesitation he grabbed his bag from his quarters, which was held in a small room that branches off the lab. He half sprinted down the short hallway and straight to the bed Tommy was on. He swiftly unrestrained the human and sat him up. He slipped on boots and gloves then tied a cloak around the kid. He pulled the hood up and carried him off of the closest exit. There were faint yells from Dream down the hallway and reassurances from the only two beings that put up with him. And with that Wilbur was off to find the only craft he had ever called home. The SBI ship.
Chapter 2- End
Words~ 1774
End Notes: ‘‘twas to lazy to reread... sorry for minor mistakes. Also suggestions are always appreciated!! Please reblog...
Chapter 3:
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ot3-watch · 3 years
Episode 3: The Wedding Job
And so we begin the “The Network Fucked Up” saga with episode 7 which is SUPPOSED to be episode 3. 
Huge men drinking out of tiny teacups is hilarious and will never stop being so. 
Nate, stop being such a control freak. “I thought I pick the clients” DUDE CHILL
“No more, no less” honey you getting much more
“We’ll get back to you” FUCK YOU NATE
“They just need validation” BITCH ME TOO THE FUCK
Hardison is so gregarious it’s so amazing to watch
“I don’t have to type anything right” oh my god
Jersey Boys I can’t, it’s terrible guys. Do mobsters have no taste
Oh look, it’s that woman who’s in EVERYTHING
What is Parker wearing on her head
Everyone talks about bridezillas, but no one talks about mother of the bridezillas. 
He’s so mad that she doesn’t like it I lovehim I LOVE HIM I FUCKING LOVE ELIOT SPENCER
“Imagine if we had bugs planted all over the house” WHY THE FUCK DON’T YOU
I mean, other than, like, me @6 years old. But really, no one should be wearing the clothes I wore at 6 years old. 
Also it’s just.. the worst length. Like if it was a long dress it might be better. 
Nate the pastor episode 1
God that future son in law seems like a dream guy I love him
Maria Moscone deserves better than her scumbag parents let’s be real
“What did you do?” “Me? I liberated CROATIA!” *angry apple bite* i CAN’T I LOVE HIM
Hardison in love with Parker is so pure
… Okay but shouldn’t maria and blonde n’ bitchy know that Parker isn’t a bridesmaid? Wouldn’t the other bridesmaids know? Why does no one in the wedding party question ANYTHING?
The Butcher of Kiev is the best subplot of this episode but HOW THE FUCK DID THEY ALL KNOW HE AND ELIOT HAD A PAST
Sophie is so fucking annoying in this episode I hate her right now
“In my day, no one would do business at their daughter’s wedding” WELL THEN DON’T DO BUSINESS 
Parker’s face smushed against the glass is great
Ahh yes, you don’t get the money so you SHOOT THE BRIDE. Because THAT’s not gonna cause a scene and get you arrested. 
OK be honest is there anyone who was surprised by the wife being responsible? Bc I’m not
Eliot’s face is like “TFW the guy whose face you burned shows up at a wedding you’re supposed to be pretending to but actually are catering with a cleaver and backup and the overwhelming urge to kill you”
I know that’s super specific but that’s what it is
Parker’s really good at playing drunk
But also, why did they not question what she was doing behind the curtain
Like she just happened to appear after they were finished talking about VERY ILLEGAL THINGS and they aren’t at all suspicious?
Also, Parker using Hardison as a cover is just… I love it. 
You’re laughing. Eliot brought a whisk to a knife fight and you’re laughing. 
The saddest part is Eliot has any sort of cooking implement. You should be terrified right now
Okay so let me get this straight. A guy is StrANGLING you, you get your hands on a rolling pin, and your instinct isn’t, “hey, I can use this rolling pin to clobber him over the head,” the instinct is “Let me use this rolling pin to get my hands on the appetizers?” Like, yes, lemon juice, but also ROLLING PINS ARE HEAVY AND YOU COULD AT LEAST KNOCK THE GUY OUT
But no, let me shove fucking MUSHROOMS in his eyes because otherwise how else would we get the symmetry of the butcher yelling “IT BUUUURRRNNNNSS” both times he fights Eliot
And then he uses the fucking serving tray to bonk him on the head INSTEAD OF THE DUCKING ROLLING PIN
Like, just… If I had a choice between being hit over the head with a thin sheet of metal or a log of wood with metal inside it, I’d pick the sheet, because at least that one has some give. 
“It’s the lemon juice” How does Eliot make that sound badass
“You just kill a guy with an appetizer?” How the FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW THAT??
Also, he’s clearly not dead. What the fuck
...who honeymoons in Kansas? Is that a thing? 
They are a very cute couple i’ve gotta be honest
“Exactly what denomination are you reverend?” He isn’t
“You’re not Mary Poppins, youre a bitch” Okay pot. Okay. 
How does Hardison remember all those numbers? He didn’t even hear a bunch of them, but he takes the book out so slowly? DOES HARDISON HAVE AN EIDETIC MEMORY? WHY IS THAT NOT A PLOT POINT MORE OFTEN
Like I’m just saying, someone tries to tell me their phone number more than 3-4 numbers at a time and I get confused. But hardison just… remembers
What happened to the cash? The daughter gets the fucking wedding present she DESERVES for putting up with her awful parents that’s what
Hardison appreciating Eliot’s cooking is EVERYTHING
“I left him five dollars for socks” Well everyone needs socks. 
Okay wait I just had a thought
If Nate isn’t an actual Reverend, is that marriage even legal? Does Nate just happen to also be a legally ordained minister? Did they have to get him an online ordainment? WhY did we not see that scene? WHAT IF HE’S NOT AND THEY AREN’T ACTUALLY MARRIED
And today on “I clearly think far too much about these things”
Eliot cooking for his family I love it
Was Eliot’s arms the most important part of this scene? Probably not
Is it the only thing I care about? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY
Final thoughts: 9/10. I love this episode so much guys. Points off because really who the fuck wears white to a wedding. I know that’s the point but its very off putting. Also for the bridesmaid dresses because they were ugly as sin. Actual point off for the wife secretly being awful. Very predictable, ew. Extra points for Chef!Eliot. Extra points for Eliot’s arms. Points off for Nate and Sophie being completely insufferable. Extra points for Parker being great in this episode. Points off for the FUCKING ROLLING PIN YES I’M STILL ANGRY DONT @ ME. Extra points for Eliot killing a man with an appetizer because it’s still funny. Extra points for no IYS or Sam references THANK THE FUCKING LORD. Or, at least, if there was, i didn’t notice, meaning it wasn’t egregious so whatever. So yeah, anyway I really fucking love this episode. 
IYS Count: 2/3
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deathandmushrooms · 3 years
It's been raining for forever and will rain for the foreseeable future. Great for future-mushroomer me, but it's driving present-me batty. So, here's...
Some non-exhaustive-but-potentially-exhausting maybe-helpful mushroom-foraging guidelines for the curious-but-anxious beginner...
We can assure our readers, whom we wish to preserve, that there are only two facts to bear in mind when selecting fungi:
- Discworld Almanak by Terry Pratchett
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Below, you'll find:
Finding and Identifying mushrooms
Foraging mushrooms
Eating mushrooms
Finding and Identifying Mushrooms
Don't eat anything unless you're so confident with it you would feed it to you favorite writer currently working on the dramatic final installment of whatever you're most excited about. Ask yourself: would I feed this to renowned author and local Tumblr treasure @neil-gaiman? No? Then spit it out, Jeremy.
Mushrooms aren't scary. The more knowledgeable you become, and the humbler you remain, the more confident you'll be. Find people who know mushrooms, and preferably not just on The Internet. Get a guidebook or 3 (ideally local) and learn relevant terminology and identifying features (e.g. different kinds of pore surface: gills, tubes, etc). Find a lot of mushrooms and take them home to ID.
But before you do, take many pics in situ if you can. Environment and ecology can be key to a positive ID. Harvesting mushrooms you don't plan on eating is a great way to practice learning relevant terminology and building up a sommelier-esque mushroom vocabulary. "Ah yes, this coral fungus smells woody, with hints of moss....and a soupçon of string cheese."
Research, forage, and cook with intention. When hunting for a mushroom, learn all its look-alikes, especially toxic ones. Don't just note what the mushroom looks like, but where it's growing, how it's growing, amongst whom it's growing, whom it has beef with. Is it growing saprotrophically off a dead log (I.e. Breaking down dead material)? That's probably not a chanterelle, but it might be a jack-o-lantern and supposedly they're slightly bioluminescent so you should probably take it home, bring it to some dark corner, see if the gills really glow and then not eat it regardless.
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Mushroom identifying apps are a good way to get some ID possibilities to research more thoroughly, but do not rely on them alone.
Set yourself up for success by starting off with mushrooms with no toxic look-alikes, or those with a few key features that clearly distinguish them from their toxic look-alike (morels, chicken or the woods, lion's mane, etc). Research mushrooms in your area, pick a few (seasonally appropriate) varieties to keep an eye out for. The fewer varieties you focus on, the less likely you are to get your wires crossed. And...
... learn their ecology and save yourself a lot of heartache looking for mushrooms in places they could never grow. Do they grow mycorrhizally with a certain type of tree? That is, do they form a symbiotic relationship with certain trees? Or do they grow saprotrophically, breaking down dead wood. Do they prefer certain environments? For example, I started off with black trumpets. They have no toxic look-alikes, and they are usually growing mycorrhizally with oak in mossy areas. I look at my feet for moss and acorns and then I know my chances are fair, weather permitting.
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Foraging mushrooms
Get a knife, maybe a brush, and a breathable container (e.g. Basket, canvas tote) where your mushrooms won't get crushed. It's amazing how fast a plastic bag can speed up rotting. Also...maybe look up local knife laws.
Clean as much as you can in the field. Trim off the dirtiest part of the stem, check for debris.
Before you're confident with field identification, store different species and mushrooms from different patches in different containers. I take a canvas backpack with me with paper lunchbags that I label with a number. When I take pictures of the mushroom and it's environment, I also take a picture of the bag I'm putting them in. Because I am anal.
Just because a mushroom is a member of an edible species, doesn't mean that particular mushroom is good for eating. Mushrooms can get infested with bugs, or mold, or succumb to the ravages of time that come for us all. Give it a sniff, and if it smells off, it is. Check for bugs; especially with boletes. Scrape away the tubes to check (but only after you've gotten a confident ID; after you do this you can't take a spore print). For example, here are some pictures of some black trumpets which are choice edibles.
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The ones on the left are good, but the ones on the right are no good. With black trumpets, I'll smell a bad one before I even see it. It's important to learn how a mushroom's appearance changes over its life cycle, or how weather conditions might change the appearance.
The "real" organism, so to speak, is the mycelium. The mushrooms are the fruiting bodies. So, make note of nice patches of your favorites. Depending on the type of mushrooms, it might fruit several times over a season. I take a screen cap of where I am on Google maps and save it alongside pictures of the mushrooms and selfies of me doing my excited mushroom face. Some mushrooms, like chanterelles, are slow growers. But others might only need a few days after a good rain to pop up.
Eating mushrooms
Don't eat multiple foraged mushrooms in one meal. Wait 1-2 days between varieties. Poison Control has a hard enough job as it is without you complicating things unnecessarily.
Thoroughly cook all mushrooms. Safety aside, that's just good culinary sense. Gotta caramelize those natural sugars, dontcha know. Maillard reaction and all that.
Even if a mushroom isn't "toxic," you might learn something new and upsetting about yourself when you eat it, like an obscure food sensitivity you inherited from that ancestor you never knew you had but now get to secretly resent. So, when eating a new mushroom COOK AND EAT A SMALL PIECE AND WAIT 24 HOURS. Wait for what? Hopefully nothing. But if you start getting stomach cramps, itching in weird places, or visual hallucinations, you may want to toss those mushrooms back into the wild. TBF to mushrooms, this is true of all food. I've yet to experience this with mushrooms, but I have had this experience with fruit! Did that stop me from eating fruit? No: my survival instincts aren't great. My ancestors were very lucky.
Different mushrooms can be stored different ways for the long term: drying, freezing, etc. But in the short term, a paper bag in the fridge is ideal.
When in doubt, butter or olive oil and a little sea salt. Also, cream and thyme are lovely with most mushrooms. Very thin mushrooms (e.g. Craterellus) barely need any time on the heat at all before they're done or past done, i.e. shrivelled up into a small non descript mass in the pan with all the texture of sad dirt jam.
Or just fry them in pancetta. You do you.
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Most importantly: do your own research and a lot of it.
Foraging for mushrooms is hugely rewarding, and learning is a process: in this case, a very enjoyable one.
I mean... unless you poison yourself.
But still,
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reality-exodus · 3 years
Episode 7 1/2 pt.2
"For Duskwood?" The driver asked through the speakers and I shot up looking around "Yes... wait a moment please." I spoke up as the loud sound of the speaker woke me up from the abstracted oblivion I had sank into during the route of the bus. The bus stopped, it didn't go to Duskwood it left me in the outskirts. I took a deep breath and disembarked the vehicle. It was high time I met my, for so long, pen friends. It had been a week since Richy's early passing, I haven't been able to talk to anyone but Jake, who was filling in the group for my progress via Lilly. I didn't talk again about this subject to anyone.
I got out of the bus and my gaze fell on the magnificent forest of Duskwood. It indeed looked scary... and dark. I hadn't realized that I was staring at it insistingly until I heard a horn and shot my head to that direction to notice two familiar faces with beard. I smiled at the vision of them expecting me on the road and started walking towards where the car was. Dan got out of the car and he raised his arms up as I was approaching with my suitcase.
"M/C" He sighed and pulled me in a hug, I let out a soft chuckle and hugged him back rubbing his back. He was taller than me, nothing compared to how he was as when we first talked to each other.
"Hello Dan" I let out a sigh of relief as we both tightened the hug for some moments. "How are you?" I asked him as we broke the hug and looked at each other. Things were sort of awkward, it was normal and it didn't bother me.
"We are doing the best we can... Hopefully you will upbeat Jessy a bit. But we will have time for that" Dan sighed and picked up my suitcase and I got in the backseat.
"Hello" I greeted Thomas as he turned and looked at me from the rearview mirror.
"Hey there..." I sighed and smiled awkwardly as Dan shut the door of the car, getting in.
"So how was your trip?" Dan asked me as I put on the utility belt. You never know what happens.
"Tiring... dull." I exhaled once again taking out my phone as I felt it vibrate and blushed a bit as I saw Jake's contact popping up on my screen. "It's Jake ..." I sighed and looked at them.
The boys looked at each other and sighed. "I really do want to talk to him..." Dan huffed looking at me with the corner of his eye. In the past he told me times galore to not trust the hacker... But well who knew I fell in love with him.
I took a deep breath and slid my finger upon the screen. "Hey..." I smiled blushed looking at the camera. "Hello M/C. Are you alright?" Jake was heard, he still had the voice altering application.
"Yeah... I am with Dan and Thomas actually. They just picked me up from the bus... They are here actually." I spoke to him and there was some silence.
"Hey Hacker!" Dan exclaimed loudly to be heard.
"Daniel, Thomas" Jake was heard.
"How are you doin?" Dan asked at the same tone.
"I am good. Still working on Hannah with M/C..." Jake spoke up.
"Good... Now if you'll excuse us we are busy." Dan said rudely.
"Dan!" I exclaimed annoyed frowning at him.
"Do not worry M/C. Text me when you are available..." Jake said and finished the call before I could even say goodbye.
"Good one Dan" Thomas huffed as his expressionless face was fixed on the road.
"Yea Dan, way to go" I deadpanned as I took out my headphones in order to listen to some music.
"Don't let his ass drag you down. Here connect your phone to the car." Thomas offered trying to repair the atmosphere Dan ruined.
"Oh Thanks... I appreciate" I smiled a bit to Thomas' intention and connected my phone to his car radio and put on my music. "You are probably the rap sort of guys or Metal or Rock. Billie Eillish and Bishop Briggs won't be your type of music..." I commented.
"Well You are not worse than Jessy... she listens to Justin Bieber." Dan laughed as 'Good girls go to hell' started being heard.
The way was long and Thomas said we were going on Phil's place where both me and Jessy would stay. I had fallen asleep on the backseat. I was extremely tired from my trip and the boys closed the music to keep me sleeping as Dan said I was even snoring.
"M/C" Thomas extended his hand and shook me as I ended up laying across the seat. "Wake up, we are here." He said smoothly and I blinked my eyes open sitting up. I fixed my dress and got out of the car as we moved in the block of flats with Thomas who was helping me with my bags. Dan did not do well with Phil so Thomas would show and help me upstairs.
I knocked the door as Thomas was leaving, he waved at me as Jessy opened the door. I took a deep breath at the footsteps I heard and the door opened soon and I faced a redhead girl, she was pale, and her hazel eyes were red and swollen from the grieve and the tears. I knew it was Jessy, I could recognize her despite the blues that worn upon her petite figure. She was shorter than me but with elegant curves. She was more beautiful in real.
"Excuse you my brother is not here." Jessy spoke with a huff, her shaking voice sounded angry.
"Thank god then..."I replied "I wouldn't be that fond of his arrogance right now." I added with a sigh.
"Oh my gosh M/C" she exclaimed and hugged and I responded rubbing her back. I expected the hug and I really liked it too."Its so good to finally meet you Jess" I sighed as I placed my chin on her shoulder as she is shorter than me.
"Me too." She sniffed. "You must be tired come on in" Jessy dragged in my suitcase and closed the door behind us.
"Indeed I am, I even fell asleep at the car on our way here..." I sighed. "I am going to make something for you to eat, you change and pick a movie and I'll get the pizza, no mushrooms extra tomato sauce." Jessy said and I smiled brightly at her as I moved to the bathroom and put on my pajamas and crushed back at the couch we were sitting before. "I am ready with a film." I spoke as I set up the TV with my laptop. "What movie?" Jess was heard. "V for Vendetta" I said with a smile as I texted good night to Jake. "You can't be serious?" Jessy let out a small laugh as she poked her head to look at me. "No really that's the movie we are watching." I nodded gazing at her innocently. "Is this some sort of type you have?" she asked as she sat next to me placing the pizza and the wine on the coffee table and covered both of us with the blanket. "Is this a Jake reference?" I asked and blushed as I took the glass of red wine. "You are really smart aren't you?" she giggled and I sighed in relief as she seemed to be forgetting reality, with Richy.
I've been thinking about all day long. What he said, he heard a scream calling his name specifically, and then he recognized Hannah's voice. And then the his wide eyes staring right at me as his last breath was abandoning him. I haven't told anyone, not even Jake. The only thing I want is to find Hannah in one piece. I don't have anyone to worry or miss me... Atleast not someone who knows me. And things with Jake are really blurry but he simply denies to say anything or give me a hope...
I fell asleep on Jessy's lap during the film and I felt her stroking my hair, cover me better with the blanket and then leaving. I didn't pay much attention I was too tired for it so I let sleep take the best of me.
I shot my eyes open at the sound of cricking that came from the main entrance. I didn't move an inch from my position in fear... The man without a face? The governmental pursuers of Jake? I sincerely do not know which is worse. I surveyed the dark living room at Phil's place, seeking for something, an object, that I could defend myself with. I caught a glimpse of the wine bottle me and Jessy drank earlier. I extended my hand and grasped it as I fell off the couch and crawled to the hall standing by as a figure with a long coat stepped in and looked around.
I lost no time and brought with force the bottle to his head as he let out a gasp and turned around. It was too dark for me to see any features upon his face I made a move to punch him in my effort to prevent him from doing what ever he was to do to me and Jess. He grabbed my wrist and turn me around stretching my hand to my back and pinning me to the wall as he leaned his face to my face and
"My sister usually has less violent friends M/C" I heard him whisper as he breathed down my neck and stroked my waist.
"Phil Hawkins" I breath out in relief and let loose.
"In flesh" He chuckled and let go of me still holding my hand. "And you are M/C..." He spoke in realization and switched the light on and looked at me.
"Are you alright?" I asked feeling embarrassed as I was trying to calm down.
"I am but you will have to pay me back for the hospitality and my destroyed hair." Phil had a smirk upon his lips as his eyes were upon me.
"Oh of course" I nodded recovering from the embarrassment from before. "What can I do for you?" I asked politely.
"Oh many things. But how about I take you out for a drink. You can see me on duty too." Phil smiled softly.
"Sure I could ask the rest to come too." I smiled politely making an effort to avoid him.
"I was hoping for something more private but whatever makes you feel better." Phil spoke and stroked my waist discreetly and I pulled myself to drink some water.
"Um I should go and sleep, Jessy will wake me up in a few hours for... for the funeral." I stuttered and sat down "Good night Phil." I spoke and covered myself with Jessy's pink blanket.
"I would be better with you cutie but Good night" Phil waved and winked at me vanishing in the corridor.
I laid back down and closing my eyes praying that sleep will come after this scare. But it didn't so I reach for my phone
'Jake? Are you awake?'
'M/C everything alright?'
'Yes, I mean, I was sleeping Phil walked in his house and I got scared and attacked him... I am still edgy'
'I assure you are safe. Are you alright now?'
'Yea I shooed Phil to sleep and laid back down. Can you imagine I slipped away only with a cocktail date at aurora's with everyone 😊'
'Well I knew you were smart. Did he tried anything cute?'
I choked on my water as I saw the screen, I liked that he didn't bother being elegant and discreet with the question 'No I put him back in his place.' I said as the smile wouldn't leave my lips any time soon.
'You should sleep, the funeral is in three hours' He texted
'You are right, Sweet dreams Jake' I texted and placed my phone to the coffee table and heard it buzz with his reply, I didn't see it now. I wanted to see it in the morning.
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harryhoney-bee · 4 years
I thought parents didn’t have favorites.
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anonymous asked: hi! could i request a dad!harry imagine where he favors one child over the other and causes some angst in the family? thanks!
Hope you liked it!
Words count: 2.2k
Angst to Fluff/ Dad!Harry
It was 6 pm, and Y/N was at the kitchen preparing Creamy mushroom pasta for dinner, her children’s favorites, Harry also liked, but not as much as the kids.
“Mom, is dad going to be home soon? I am so excited to show him my drawing!” Maya said while sitting on the couch looking proudly at her colored paper “Do you think he will like it?”
Y/N looked at her with soft eyes “Of course he will honey, is such a beautiful picture.” She goes near her daughter and puts her arm around Maya “My favorite part is the sunflowers in the back, I think it’s gonna be your dad’s favorite part too”.
“Well, I hope so!” Maya says looking happily at her mom.
she was such a beautiful girl, she was kind, smart. Different from her dad, she did not like to be the center of attention, in fact, Y/N and Harry found out she was a little artist just two years ago because she didn’t like others to see her sketches, the poor girl was too insecure about it, but Harry was trying to teach her how to be more confident. She had a lot of talent for twelve-year-old.
Y/N came back to reality when she hears a loud noise coming from downstairs, the basement, where Harry decided to make a little studio for himself, but the one person who was always there wasn’t Harry, but their son, Charlie.
Different from Maya, her brother loved being in the spotlight, he was outgoing and friends with everybody. He was the copy of Harry, from personality to talent. Charlie loves to sing, write songs, and play his guitar, but sometimes he would just go too far at the last thing, like right now.
Y/N makes her way downstairs, watching her son giving a real rock concert, she smiles at herself, he was so much like Harry…
“Hey little Rockstar, can you keep down, please?”
“But mom, a rock show without a loud guitar’s solo is not a rock show” The boy whines.
“Good thing we are at home, and not at a Rockshow, right?”
“I guess…” Charlie says “Mom when dad will be home? I want to show him my new guitar’s moves.”
“You and your sister just want to know about your father, huh?” She says pulling her hand to her chest, pretending to be hurt. “I am pretty cool too, just so you know”
Charlie laughs and gives his mom a hug.
“Mom, you are pretty cool, but dad is cooler”
“Such a kind boy I raised” She laughs, kissing him on the head.
She makes her way back to the kitchen, to finish the dinner, when she gets there, she notices Maya wasn’t in the living room anymore, assuming she went to her room, Y/N keeps doing her business.
Around 7 pm, Y/N heard the door open, and Harry shows up by the kitchen.
“Hi darling, how was your day,” Harry says kissing his wife.
“Really good, me and the kids just chilled all day long, what about yours?”
“It was really productive, just find a different way to do the melody of track 6 of the album, I can’t wait to show it to Charlie, he will love it so much!”
Y/N wasn’t surprised by his declaration, Charlie and Harry always had this special bond between them, Charlie’s love for music just made it all stronger. Sometimes she worried about Maya getting jealous of their relationship, but she never showed any type of different behavior. But Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t wish Harry and Maya were closer.
As Harry would cross the door of the kitchen, Maya showed up, with the brightest smile on her face. “Hi dad,” she says hugging him, he did the same. “Look the drawing that I made!”
She shows him, but Harry didn’t even take the drawing to look closer, actually, his eyes lays on the picture for a few seconds.
“Hi! it’s cute, honey” He pats her head and goes to the basement, to find Charlie.
Y/N sees the worst sight a mom could see, her daughter’s face falling because of sadness, the little tears starting to pour from Maya’s eyes.
Before Mays can say anything, Y/N is there to hug her.
“Shh baby, mommy is here” She doesn’t hear anything but her sobs.
“Mom, why da-dad always wants to be with Charlie?” She tights her arms around her mother “Dad never want to spend ti-time with me-me, or give me at-attention, I thought that parents didn’t have favorites, but dad ob-obviously does! Mays cries even harder.
“Baby, come on, let’s talk in your room, ok?”
Both goes to Maya’s room, Y/N puts her on her lap, like she used to do when Maya was a toddler.
“Maya, I want you to listen to me, ok?” She grabs her daughter’s chin, she was now looking at her teary green eyes “Your dad loves you so much baby, you are his whole world! When he found out we were having a baby girl he cried for a whole week, you know?”
“He did mom?”
“Yes! You are his little girl”
“I wish I was a little girl forever, maybe then dad would like me as much as he likes Charlie”
The sadness in her voice makes Y/N want to cry “Maya, your dad loves you both the same, the only difference is that your dad can get really worked up about his music, and turns out that Charlie has the same excitement and passion as your dad. Charlie isn’t his favorite or the one he loves the most, he is just the one that shares more common interests.
“I love you mom” She says, “But can I sleep now? I don’t wanna go down there, not right now.”
“Yes baby, but tomorrow you have to eat a lot on breakfast, ok, since you don’t want to have dinner.”
“Ok mom” Y/N gives Maya a kiss on the forehead, and before she lives the room she hears her voice “Mom, I heard you and Charlie earlier, and I think you are the coolest”
Y/N laughs “Thank baby, good dreams”
Her smile leaves her face as soon as she left the room, Y/N has never been more pissed at Harry than she is right now, she goes to find him in the little studio downstairs. As she approaches, she hears both laughing, her heart softens a little.
“Hi guys”
“Hi Mom”
“Hi baby’
Y/N sits on the little puff next to Harry “Hey Charlie, could you let mom and dad talk a little in private? Please?”
Charlie looks at Harry, that looks at you with confusion on his face.
“Ok mom” He hangs the guitar on the wall, but before he left the room, his mother says “If you want to eat dinner you can, it’s ready, just be quiet because your sister is sleeping”
“Alright,” The boy answers, leaving the room completely.
“Why is Maya sleeping already? Is she ok?” Harry askes with worry in his voice.
“No Harry, she is not ok!” You left the puff and stand in front of his sit “she was crying because her father doesn’t give the attention she deserves”
“Wait, what? I made her cry?” He stands in front of her “And what do you mean I don’t give attention to her? I always do” He says, feeling hurt hearing such nonsense.
“No Harry, you don’t, when it comes to your free time you always favorites Charlie over Maya, don’t get me wrong baby, I love the bond you have with him, but it is hurting Maya that you don’t have a special solo time with her.” She looks at her husband, there was concern on his face, he opened his mouth, but closed right away.
“She was so excited to show you her drawing Harry, you had to see the smile on her face, she was counting the seconds for you to come home so she could show you, but you didn’t even look, baby.” She stares at his green eyes, the same as Maya, and sees tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I am such a bad dad” He breaks in front of Y/N, both adults hug each other.
“No Bub, none of that, you are an amazing dad, the best of all” The girl says, feeling her heart crumbling, in one hour she saw 2 of the 3 most important people in her life crying.
“Good dads don’t make their daughters cry, Y/N” Both of you sit on the floor, you are still hugging him, “And I didn’t notice I was favoriting Charlie over Maya when it comes to attention, you know?” He looks at you, his face washed with tears and sadness.
You passed the thumb in his face, taking away the tears.
“Is just easy for me to talk to Charlie, he likes the same things as me. I am aware Maya is my kid, but sometimes she intimidates me” He says laughing between is cry “She is so smart and knows so much about art and everything in general, last week we went to the market together, and she started to talk about European Vanguards, and I just couldn’t keep up with the conversation, ‘cus I know nothing about it” He laughs even harder, this time you follows him.
“Damn, I feel like crap,” Harry says, getting serious again “I was just so excited to share the new melody with baby number 2 that I forgot about baby number 1,” He says
“First, they are not babies anymore, are they?” She smiles sweetly at him “Second, parents are still people, baby, they make mistakes. Remember the time Charlie broke his feet playing in the tree?“ Harry nods his head yes “Remember how I go extremely protect over him because I didn’t want him to be hurt again? You showed me I was wrong about it, and we talked, and I cried, I felt like the worst mom in the world, but then you told me it was alright”
“So, now I am the one telling you it’s alright” She pecks him on the lips.
“Thanks, wifey, I love you” Both of them get up off the floor. “Hey, would mind if tomorrow me and Maya spent the day together? It’s not gonna fix everything, but at least I can apologize to her”
“No baby, not at all, Charlie and I could also use some alone time too.”
“Ok, tomorrow I will be taking her to have breakfast and spend the whole day together”
“Ok, so now let’s go sleep, tomorrow you gonna have a busy day”
It was not a surprise Harry found Maya in the kitchen so early in the morning, both are early birdies, what did surprise Harry was the lack of conversation between them, when his little girl did not wish him good morning, he realized how much he screwed up.
As she was about to take her cereal in her bowl he sits by her side.
“Hey baby, I just want to say that I am so sorry about yesterday or on any other occasion I didn’t give you the attention you deserve.” She looks at him for the first time since the incident, unlike Charlie, who looked so much like him, Maya was the perfect mix, her little green eyes and her mouth were exactly like Harry’s, but her hair and nose were all her mom’s.
“Daddy loves you so much Maya, you have no Idea-‘’Before he can continue, Maya hugs him, he felt tears in the corner of his eyes.
“It’s ok dad, mom explained to me last night, you and Charlie have the same passions so it’s easier for you to spend time together.”
“No baby, it’s not ok, I wasn’t being a good dad, I love you, to the moon and back, and I love spending time with you, I am genuinely sorry.”
“I forgive you dad, and I love you too, you are the best dad!”
He kisses her head softly “What about both of us have a day just for us?”
“Really dad?” The girl questions smiling brightly “I would love to! What are we going to do?”
“Well, I was thinking of getting breakfast at the doughnut shop and then we can go to a daddy/daughter art class, what do you think?”
“Only if I can order the doughnut with extra chocolate,” The girl says smiling.
“Whatever my baby wants, now let’s got, go change your clothes and please, bring your drawing for dad, ok? I need to admire the masterpiece my little artist did” He pats her head.
“Ok dad!”
He sees her leaving to her room, the amount of love he has for this daughter is incalculable, and he won’t bear to the reason for her tears again, because she is just too angelic to feel sad, and she looked just like her mother when crying.
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hi again 🥺🥺 this is for the match ups you are doing :))
appearance :: i am 5'4 and have brown hair and eyes, though my eyes are a little green with sunlight too. i can say i have a curvy body(? and i was told i have a cute and bright smile.
personality :: when i first meet someone i tend to be very shy, sometimes i even barely speak. but once i get to know someone i open myself up a little more (still, i find it very hard to open up to things that are personal or make me sad). i could say im calm, positive and patient but i tend to be jealous a lot and sensitive over not so important things. i do have a tendency to put others before me way too much which causes me to forget about myself.
hobbies :: i love to read ! i usually use my savings for buying new books or mangas :)) i also like painting and drawing but i dont know if i should count those as hobbies now bc they are very related to what im majoring in. I love playing the guitar and listening to some calming music while laying in bed.
aesthetic :: my favorite aesthetics are cottagecore and goblincore. however in my daily life i use a combination of both + a little bit of light academia <3
likes :: greek mythology, conspiracy theories, kdramas, romance and adventure books, fantasy, mushrooms 🥺, cats, guitars, picnics, inceses, meditations, study dates, libraries, watercolors and relaxing//acoustic music.
mbti + zodiac sign :: with my mbti is kinda difficult to say because i took different tests and i had two different types as results:: INFJ and INFP. i relate to both in a lot of ways but i still find myself relating to more people or characters that are INFP. my zodiac sign is virgo, my rising taurus and my moon leo.
type :: i dont know if i have a type? i would love to date someone who understands me and makes me feel loved. who's love language are words of affirmation or/and physical touch. someone who, if he does not share interests with me or preferences in dates, can adapt and be willing to learn about the things that i like. someone who will cheer me up. maybe a little dorky? i dont mind if they are not extroverted as long as we help each other to get out of our comfort zone :)) in appearance maybe just not too beefy ah 😅 lol but other than that, someone who will respect me and will make me smile
i think that is it? sorry for making it so long and thank you sooo much for taking your time to do this 🥺🥺 have a great day 💛💛💛
Romantic Matchup
Tendou Satori
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐚'𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐭
Ok picture this...
Shonen Jump just came out with a new LIMITED EDITION magazine
These things are just disappearing off shelves
There is one. Singular. Copy in the store you are currently at
Obviously you see it
And OBVIOUSLY your gonna go get it!
However when you reach to grab it your hand touched the hand of the one and only
Tendou Satori
Both of you had a deadly tight grip on this magazine rn
Neither of you are backing down
You look him dead in the eyes
“I’m sorry sir but I do believe I touched this first”
He looked right back at you
“I’m sorry ma’am but I’m pretty sure I was the one who touched it first”
You both went back and forth bickering about who should get to have the magazine
And that’s when Tendou came out with the GENIUS idea of...
Rock. Paper. Scissors.
Simple, whoever wins gets the magazine
Thus the match began
Long story short Tendou lost 2-1
Seeing his sad face you decided to be nice and offered to read it together at the nearby park
Of course he was gonna agree this is SHONEN JUMP WERE TALKING ABOUT
So you both headed to the park to read
Honestly you busted out the entire magazine within an hour
And after you finished it you two talked about it for about another hour
And shit since you we’re both at the park, why not have a little fun
You guys spent the rest of the day messing around on the playground
You know... harassing kids and shit
And when it was time to go home you both agreed to meet back up next week to discuss more manga
This became sort of a routine for you two
Every Friday you guys would meet up somewhere and talk about or read some manga
And then afterwards you two would go find something fun to do
And over time he started having feelings for you
But poor boy was to scared to tell you
But lucky for him, you also grew to have feelings for him
So YOU where actually the one to confess :D
And he obviously said yes :)
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Omg cheesy moment real quick
He loves your smile
Absolutely fricken adores it
Like he will do ANYTHING to see you smile
He loves how positive you can be!
Sometimes Tendou can get a little down on himself
But you can always pick him back up and get him smiling again!!
And he gladly does the same for you :)
He likes the fact that you get a little jealous 👀
To him it just shows that you care a lot about him
Annnnd last one
He loves the fact that you enjoy manga as well :D
Because you both have something to do together that you both enjoy!
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Ok so he obviously likes reading manga with you
One of his favorite things to do with you is
🥁 🥁 🥁
Exploring mythology with you!!
Honestly tendous kinda into that witchy type of aesthetic
So mythology, crystals, spirits, he’s ALL for it
One time he even invited you ghost hunting ❤️
Fun times
But I’m pretty sure y’all have a ghost tied to you 😀
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐜
Tendou loves taking you to haunted places!
He genuinely thinks he can talk to ghosts...
He always links your conspiracy theories to paranormal activity
He loves to meditate with you
Especially before a game 😁
He says it “grounds” him
Ever since y’all met you take turns buying weekly shonen jump magazines and snacks
Ok Tendou likes painting
But he ALWAYS makes a mess
Because he specifically likes FINGER painting 🥲
When Taurus and Virgo come together in a love affair, it’s a union of innate practicality.
Both of these Signs employ practicality in their daily lives as the most efficient means to most problems.
They can be quite sincere and devoted to one another; as people, both have a great deal of integrity.
Virgo likes Taurus’s strength and dedication while Taurus appreciates Virgo’s quick mind.
Due to Virgo’s naturally cautious nature, this relationship can take awhile to develop, but once it’s established that both partners are in it for the long haul, it’s like a runaway locomotive, running on its own power and difficult to stop.
These two Signs have much in common: They highly value common sense and practicality; they’re both materialistic but work hard for the creature comforts they so enjoy.
Taurus is more sensual and indulgent than Virgo is; Virgo tends to be the inhibitive force in the relationship, tending not to get involved in the chaos of life in favor of analyzing all available options.
Virgo’s analysis leads to criticism, which Taurus can tend to take too seriously. Conversely, Taurus’s stubborn nature can get on Virgo’s nerves, causing Virgo to criticize even more!
This pair must take care not to take one another too seriously.
The good thing is, they’re similar enough that they can learn to be patient with one another, especially Virgo, who loves to indulge Taurus’s penchant for fine treatment and good food.
Their dedication to working toward the same goals.
Both partners enjoy luxury and nice things, and Virgo likes helping Taurus achieve their goals.
Their common interests and desires make theirs a highly compatible relationship.
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼 ✨ 🔮 ✨
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Fuck it i love all of these questions so 1 - 30 ❤ (if you want that is)
okay so i answered all of them, this was so fun thank you!!!!
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
i just want to come home happy after
2. whats your “type”
nice to me
3. do you want kids?
yeah, 2 or 3
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?
i'd like to be pregnant at least once, but i've also always wanted to be a foster parent
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
i once invited a girl from my class over to my dorm and i made us stuffed mushrooms and salmon for dinner and it was so good, and we got to cuddle and watch movies... it was really nice
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)
i haven't had sex with a girl yet and men disappoint me
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
night-time gay
[already answered]
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?
probably not, it's just not my thing
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
straight, conservative, racist etc
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
non really, i was raised in a house where i knew what gay meant but my parents never talked down about gay people really? other than the fact my dad found ellen annoying, my parents were pretty cool so i never had any misconceptions about gay people. i knew i was gay around 5 too so I've been gay longer than i haven't been
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
when chris asks to kiss you at the church in 2010, kick him in the nuts.
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?
not really, i can crush on anyone who's nice to me
16. who is an ex you regret?
... all except katie
17. night club gay or cafe gay?
in my room on ft gay
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for
well I'm non binary so there really isn't a straight option for me, I'm gay with men and woman and other enbys
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?
movie gay... also crime tv gay
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)
Spirk, the original ship <3
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21. favourite gay youtuber
honestly... don't have one anymore.
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?
23. have you ever been in love?
currently am
24. have you ever been heartbroken?
a few times
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
if i just find them incredibly cool then i want to be them, but if i think they're cool and want to fuck then its a crush
26. favourite lgb musician/band
taylor swift. yes i said what i said.
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
be unapologetically you, fuck everyone else's opinion
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
i am out, my dad picked me up from a sleepover once and said, unprompted, "if you were ever gay, you know I'd still love you?" and then i was out for good.
29. what is the most uncomfortable/strange coming out experience you have
i told one of my teachers once and she said "I'm a try sexual, I'll try anything once" and i laughed so hard i almost peed
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
my askbox is always open if you have questions or need advice, i may not be the best person to ask but I'll do everything to help you feel safe
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Wedding Job
leverage 1.07
Nate: No. No, it's-it's not right. But, you know, uh, we're not detectives. And if you want to prove your husband's innocence, there are plenty of agencies I could recommend.
eliot and hardison share tired, annoyed looks and I felt that in my soul
- - - - - 
Teresa: I understand. Thank you. Where did my daughter go?
Hardison:I think she was with Parker.
(Parker is teaching the little girl how to pick locks)
Parker: Go! 
(they both begin to work on the locks, after a few seconds, the girl gets hers open)
Parker: 6 seconds! Give it up! Good job.
parker can be good with kids and it’s adorable
- - - - - 
Hardison: Just take the mob out of it.
Nate: What? Take the mob out of it?
Hardison: Hear me out. Isn't this just a breach of contract?
Eliot: These guys had a deal, right? And your boy, Ray, he lived up to his end, but Moscone didn't. And for that, there's not a court of law in this world this lady can go to.
Parker: Which is exactly the kind of case we take
the ot3 immediately jumping in to support sophie’s idea
- - - - - 
Hardison: We can't. That thing's a fortress, man. I clocked four armed guards, a Tikva security system. That thing's Israeli-Made. It's used to protect their military bases. It's unhackable. Oh, and then there's the FBI parked around the corner.
Parker: FBI? Where? (looking through camera lens)
Hardison: You see that crappy van that says "plumber"?
Sophie: Did you say "plumber"? That's their cover? Oh, that is so cute. It's like it's 1978 all over again
- - - - - 
Parker: I saw some rubber gloves. What do you do with those?
McSweeten: Oh, actually, we've just been kind of blowing them up and playing volleyball. But, uh, yeah, if we need to do any kind of investigation…
big boredom during quarantine mood
- - - - - 
eliot being proud of the one (1) thing he did on the computer 
- - - - - 
parker winked at mcsweeten that poor boy, I’d be smitten too
fic writers get on this, parker smells like jasmine
- - - - - 
Hardison: All you have to do is rip them on my flash drive and run.
[FBI Offices]
(Eliot closes the door)
Eliot: I don't have to type anything, right?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: No, just plug it in. It does the rest.
Eliot: All right, 'cause you know I just learned the Photoshop thing you told me.
Hardison: I-I know. Baby steps.
[FBI Offices]
Eliot: So I just plug it in.
(Eliot forces open a set of cabinet doors and they open, revealing stacks of cassette tapes. He looks at the flash drive in his hand)
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: Now, audio files, they can take a little while to run, but, uh, the servers are pretty loud, so that should give you some cover.
[FBI Offices]
Eliot: It's tapes.
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: Wha-hold, wait. Did y-you just say "tapes"?
Eliot: I just said "tapes"!
Hardison: Cassette tapes?
[FBI Offices]
(Eliot picks up a cassette case and taps it with the flash drive)
Eliot: Your little thing, it's not gonna work.
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: But at least you ain't got to type nothing.
[FBI Offices]
Eliot: Hardison, how am I supposed to get out of the FBI offices with a boxful of surveillance tapes, huh?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: Punch somebody.
[FBI Offices]
Eliot: Oh, I’m gonna punch somebody
- - - - - 
Nate: Can you break the codes?
Hardison: The codes? The codes to the Cayman Bank and Trust, where the Cali cartel and the African dictators keep all their dirty money? The ones that Moscone changes anytime he damn well pleases? Like, it's-c-come on. Dude, are you kidding me?
Nate: You know, you're-you're very negative lately. 
Eliot: Yeah. 
Nate: And the sass, it doesn't-doesn't help.
bruh lay off hardison
- - - - - 
[audio of mob family fighting playing off of hardison’s computer]
Sophie: It's a bit like an opera, isn't it?
Eliot: You mean 'cause I want to run away
- - - - - 
Nate: Sophie. Where are we at?
Sophie: Huh? I don't know, Nate. I think you need to ask yourself that question. You called me, remember? And now we're working together every day. I don't know what you want. And to ask me that dressed like a vicar? You're a very strange man.
Nate: No, no, no. I meant where are we at with finding the money?
Sophie: Oh.
chaotic sophienate 
- - - - - 
Nate: How are we doing? How's the search?
Eliot (chopping vegetables): I haven't started yet.
Nate: Okay, you know, I haven't gotten one answer I was looking for today. What is it that you're doing? What's going on?
Eliot: I'm cutting onion, deveining shrimp, uh, pan-searing some scallops. I've got 200 people I got to feed, all right? Back off.
Nate: Okay, okay. Hmm.
Eliot: What, you think the only thing I know how to do is bust heads?
Nate: No, well, yeah.
Eliot (demonstrating): Look, hold a knife like this, cuts through an onion. Hold a knife like this, cuts through, like, eight yakuza in 4 seconds. Screams, carnage. People are like knives. Everything is in context.
Heather (enters): Okay, hors d'oeuvres.
Eliot: Yes, ma'am. Stuffed mushrooms, pine nuts, kiss of basil, some sun-dried tomatoes, and the finishing touch, lemon juice. (gives her bite)
Heather (spits it out): Does this look like a food court? Does it? I want high-End food - High-End! What are you— (walks out)
(Eliot starts to go after her with the knife, Nate stops him)
Eliot: I know.
also, eliot only becoming murderous when someone insults his food? iconic
- - - - - 
Sophie (to bridesmaid): You look lovely.
Cindy: You don't think it makes me look fat?
Parker: Oh, definitely. I mean, why do you think I had to let out the waist? To make you look less skinny?
Sophie: She... she didn't mean that.
Heather: Oh, suck it up, Cindy. You'll be fine.
if someone did this to me I would c r y and that’s the truth lmfao
- - - - - 
the ot3 eating pizza and laughing as nate verbally fucks himself over with sophie lmao
- - - - - 
Hardison: Yo. No way in hell I could ever imagine getting married. I mean, it's just - It's just a piece of paper.
(Eliot, eating an apple, looks at Hardison)
Hardison: I take it you've never been married.
Eliot: No.
Hardison: Ever come close?
Eliot: No.
Hardison: What was her name?
Eliot: It was a girl I grew up with. But anyway, she married somebody else, so...
Hardison: Hot-hot damn, what did you do?
Eliot: What did I do? I liberated Croatia. (leaves)
Hardison: Oh, see, now, me, I would have just got fat and started up a comic-Book shop. That's you and me right there.
relationship foreshadowing in s1 we love to see it
- - - - - 
Hardison: Now, I know that you're in charge of the bridesmaids' dresses, but why are you wearing one?
Parker: A bridesmaid's dress is like an all-access pass at a wedding. Plus, I kind of said something, and the maid of honor cried. And Sophie said I should make it up to her. 
Hardison: By looking much, much better in the same dress? Yeah, you let me know how that goes.
Parker: Hmm, you really think I look good?
Hardison (pinning flowers on her dress): And now you're perfect
they’re BABIES your honor
- - - - - 
(of course the trashy mom wears a sparkly white dress to her daughter’s wedding) 
- - - - - 
(Eliot walks up to the rest of the team)
Eliot: What is it? I got bacon on.
Parker: The Butcher is here.
Eliot: Does he have the baby lamb chops?
Hardison: No. The butcher of Kiev.
Nate: Think he'll recognize you?
(flames surrounding them, the Butcher has Eliot by the neck and is trying to cut him with a meat cleaver. Eliot is barely holding him off)
Butcher: I kill you!
[Exterior House]
Eliot: Yeah, I think he'd remember me
I live for wacky eliot flashbacks
- - - - - 
Nate: You're staying? Sophie, Sophie, it's the Butcher of Kiev.
Hardison: Have you ever been to Kiev? The cake-maker of Kiev would whup all our ass. This is the butcher.
Sophie: Uh-Huh.
this isn’t that notable, but it’s funny
- - - - - 
parker smushed up against the glass door ,,, just imagine if anyone saw that lmao
- - - - - 
eliot using a frying pan to fight the butcher of kiev,,, iconique
- - - - - 
we need to start making a list of things that are Specifically Not Weapons™ that eliot uses as weapons:
for this episode, a frying pan, a whisk, an appetizer platter, the platter itself 
- - - - - 
Hardison (eating appetizer): This is pretty good, man.
Eliot: Thanks, man. I squeeze, like, fresh lemon juice on it.
Hardison: Cool. Cool.
(they follow Nate out of the kitchen)
eliot is so genuinely happy when someone finally appreciates his food, you can see it in his face ,,, he starts to love hardison just a little bit for that
- - - - - 
Nate: Did you clear out Moscone’s accounts?
Hardison: I left him five dollars for socks
we love the team being petty
- - - - - 
the girl immediately jumped into parker’s lap at the restaurant I’m soft
- - - - - 
soft chef eliot serving his -friends- family is everything 
- - - - - 
I understand that this was technically supposed to be the third episode, so this would have been their first meal as a family and I stan them so hard for it
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