#angel wing
punkedsolar · 4 months
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Funguary Feb 6 - Angel Wing Mushroom (Pleurocybella porrigens)
The celestial Angel Wing Mushroom is the same size as the lioness that she resembles, though her proportions are very different as a result of her fungal mane. When cave lions went extinct in Britain around 10000 BC, she became very difficult to find, though she would for some time remain visible to knights on their quests or women seeking justice. When the wolf was reintroduced to some areas across the collective of islands there, she started to appear again as well. She exists only in places with strong stands of juniper and yew trees, and reproduces by spores, and is considered an aide to those who seek truth.
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gildedfeathers · 1 year
You know what? Fuck you
* smacks you with my wings *
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pink4chocolate · 4 months
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Angelic Pretty Angel wing 2024 spring collection
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sprinklesharkie · 17 days
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🥣 ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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angelalchemist · 10 months
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darcydoesfuckall · 4 months
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palatteflags · 10 months
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Angel wing and wings based Bisexual moodboard~ ^^ For @hoolay-boobs c: Hope you enjoy!
Want one? Send an ask!! -mod Jay
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itsthequeercryptid · 4 months
Awwww yeah y’know what time it is it’s Shroomies o’clock babeyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! 🍄🍄🍄
Day 6 - Angel wing 🪽 ☠️ ✨
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I went for very femme fatale vibe here, as a reference to the real life shroom being poisonous yet closely resembling edible oyster shrooms, so anyone could mistake it for an oyster and… well, you guess what happens. It actually used to be classified as edible throughout much of history in multiple societies, but in more recent times people started to connect specific outbreaks of encephalopathy with consumption of angel wing. I imagine she likes to trick her victims into drinking a glass of her poison wine. Truly a classy killer ~
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Destiny, a member of my subsytem that helps me with a lot of stuff!
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How to draw Bird Wings
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Credit: Etherington Brothers
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thorsenmark · 8 months
Mountains Are the Perfect Backdrop for the Many Glacier Hotel (Glacier National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While walking from the parking area over a rise around the Many Glacier Hotel with a view looking to the southwest This is in Glacier National Park. My thought on composing this image was to find a balance as I looked to the horizon between the buildings of the Many Glacier Hotel with that of the ridge and peak of Grinnell Point. I wanted to include some foreground interest with the nearby hillside that I was on, and include some blue skies and clouds above to add to the balance in the image. The rest was later making adjustments with control points in DxO PhotoLab 6 to bring out the contrast, saturation and brightness I wanted for the final image.
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phenioxflame · 9 days
Transformers- Armored Alliance: Season 1 - Mission 1: Operation Corruption
The cybertronian moon showed its light above the planet. Lights from the city vaguely outlined the city from afar. It had been almost two decades since the corrupted council was defeated. After that, Optimus Prime took over as overseer of Cybertron, just as he did once before. Angel wing and Optumps both created Decepticon refugee camps for Decepticons who were targeted by rogue AutoBots. Cybertron was fine, at least, for now….
Six Autobots drove through the dark shadows cast by the broken and torn parts of mechs and ships; broken by the third war.
The lead autobot, Angel Wing, transformed and looked around. Her team followed suit. Angel Wing waves her hand over and points over to the broken door. Ultra Violet, the weapons specialist of Alpha, lifted the rubble aside. The team walks into the building.
“Is this the place”, Wolf Fang asks. She looks around to see if there was anything that didn’t belong.
“Yup”, Ultra Violet Continued, “But this place is dirty.”
“Angel Wing, why are we here”, May Flower asked.
“My father said the sensors picked up a few wandering autobot and decepticon signals near sector seventeen”, Angel Wing explained. “He wanted us to check it out.”
“Of course”, Silver Eyes said in annoyance over the radio, “Send Alpha to clean up the mess.”
“Come on, Silver Eyes, you know Optumis has been busy since the collapse of the council”, Tiger Lily said. She looks back and whispers, “Plus, with the new recruit she could learn a thing or two.”
“You know I can hear you, right”, Wolf Fang said in annoyance. “My hearing is just as good as my eyesight.”
“We’re at the checkpoint”, Angel Wing said. She looks at her comp and says, “Silver Eyes, track out locations.” She turns to the others and says, “Tiger Lily, Wolf fang, take the left. Mayflower, take the right. Me and Ultra Violet will look up ahead.” Angel Wing, May Flower, Tiger Lily and Ultra Violet take out their guns while Wolf Fang takes out her sword. “We do this quickly, and we do this with no casualties. Move out.” Angel Wing and Ultra Violet run up ahead and head to the upper floor. May Flower runs to the right side of the building and heads for the bottom level. Tiger Lily and Wolf Fang run to the left side of the building and head to the middle level. The two look around to see if there is anything out of place.
“You know, I heard a rumor about sector seventeen”, Wolf Fang said.
“What”, Tiger Lily asked.
“There was a couple living here about sixty years ago”, Wolf Fang said. “They were killed during the war, but they had a dark secret. They killed multiple decepticon and autobots.”
“And what does this have to do with sector seventeen”, Tiger Lily asked. She looked back and saw Wolf Fang gone. “Oh you have got to be kidding me. Wolf Fang Ichagawa, where are you?! This isn’t funny!” Tiger Lily looked around to see if Wolf Fang would stand out from the dust and darkness. “Wolf Fang….?” Before Tiger Lily could turn her head, Wolf Fang came up from behind, and scared Tiger Lily! “That wasn’t funny Wolf Fang! You almost made my spark jump out!”
“What’s wrong? Can’t take a joke”, Wolf Fang teased.
“Did you not just hear me”, Tiger Lily said in anger, “What wasn’t a joke!” Before Tiger Lily could scold Wolf Fang for her stunt, a shriek could be heard from up ahead. Tiger Lily snapped her head back and asked, “What was that?”
“That wasn’t me.” Tiger Lily and Wolf Fang walked over to the corner of the hallway. They poke their heads out to see an infected feeding on oil dripping from the wall.
“Is that…..?”
“An Infected? Yes”, Tiger Lily answered. Tiger Lily takes out her gun while Wolf Fang takes out her sword. “Can you take this one?”
“You bet”, Wolf Fang said. “Leave it to me.” Wolf Fang jumps up to the higher level of the building and runs to the far end of the room. Tiger Lily takes a breath before running out from the hall and shouts, “Hand Up!” The infected decepticon looks back and stands on its hind legs. Tiger Lily takes a few steps back while opening her comp screen. “Angel Wing, It's an O-Variant! He’s here!”
“I knew it”, Angel Wing said over the comp. “Keep your eyes open girls.” Tiger Lily closes her comp and shoots the infected decepticon. The infected decepticon runs to the far end of the room. Tiger Lily chases them and corners them into the wall. The infected decepticon growls at Tiger Lily once last time before being impaled by Wolf Fang’s sword.
“One point for us, zero for the infected”, Wolf Fang says, resting her sword on her shoulder.
“Silver Eyes, we got one of the infected”, Tiger Lily says over the radio.
“Good. May Flower, Angel Wing, and Ultra Violet are still going after the rest of the infected '', Silver Eye says.
May Flower walks down the hall with her flashlight in hand.
“If I knew we were gonna split up, I would have asked Celestia or Suu to come along”, May Flower said to herself. She took a breath and said, “It’s alright…. Be brave, May.” Before May Flower could look behind her, a shriek came from up ahead. May Flower shook in fear but pushed it in the back of her mind. She took out her gun and held it up. She took a few steps forward until she saw a mirror laying at the bent corner. She then heard a low growl come from the otherside of the shelving unit. She pointed her flashlight down to the mirror and it reflected off of the mirror. The light landed on the infected autobot who was looking the other way. May Flower took a breath and ran to the corner and shot the infected with a vaccination. The infected autobot screamed with pain and agony as it squirmed on its back. May Flower runs up to the infected autobot and injects it with a vaccination. The organic matter falls off clump by clump with only blue energon light coming through the autobots plating. May Flower runs over to the Autobot and scans them.
“Silver Eyes, I got a survivor”, She says. “I think this was the last one.”
“Copy that”, Silver Eyes response. “Angel Wing, we have a survivor.”
“Copy that”, Angel Wing says. She looks over at Ultra Violet hiding behind a shelving unit. She waves her hand to go and they run over to the empty room. They quickly raised their guns and Angel Wing said, “Armored Alliance! Stefano, Put your hands up!” No response. “I said put your hands up!” Stefano puts both of his hands up and looks back to reveal  his red glowing eyes.
“What the–?!” Stefano whipped around and extended his arm to aim for Angel Wing. Angel Wing moved out of the way and shot Stefanos’s arm with a vaccination. There was no effect.
“What’s wrong, Angel Wing? Can’t strike a nerve”, Stefano teased in a demonic voice. Ultra Violet runs up and hits Stefano to the wall.
“You're coming with us”, Ultra Violet said with a stern tone of voice. Stefano smiled demonically at Ultra Violet and tried to bite her. She jumped back and pointed her gun at Stefano. Stefano raised himself up with his organic tendrils and looked at both Angel Wing and Ultra Violet.
“He does not leave this building”, Angel Wing said, changing her gun into wrist guns. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Captain”, Ultra Violet said. Silver Eyes looked at the live feed from Angel Wing’s chest cam.
“Oh no….” Silver Eyes moves over to the second monitor and says to the others, “Girls, Angel Wing and Ultra Violet need help!” Angel Wing and Ultra Violet climb to the second platform and shoot Stefano from above. Stefano blocks all the shots and climbs up the wall. Before he has a chance to strike, a sharp pain comes from his back and he screams in pain. He looks back to see Wolf Fang impaling him brom his back. Wolf Fang looks up at Stefano and says, “Wow. you look uglier up close!” Wolf Fang jumps back while Stefano tries to scratch her. “Sorry, did I hurt your feelings?”
“Why you little….!”
“HEY!” Stefano looks up to see the origin of the bullet; Angel Wing pointing her gun at Stefano’s face. May Flower stabs the end of Stefano’s infected tail with the Spike. She looks at the data on the spike and says, “It’s the O-Virus. He’s modified it.”
“In only three years”, Silver Eyes said in surprise. “That’s not possible!”
“And it’s only the beginning….” Stefano roared with all his might; calling the rest of the infected by his side. “Now all will be realized!” Angel Wing and Ultra Violet jump on to Stefano’s back and stab him. Stefano shakes them off and runs out of the building.
“He’s getting away!”
“Not For long!” Angel Wing runs after Stefano with every strength in her body. She follows him outside and runs up beside him. She takes out her boomerang and aims for his front leg. Stefano trips and falls. Angel Wing catches her breath and points her gun at Stefano’s head.
“For almost a decade I have tracked you down”, Angel Wing said. “And now…. Your life will come to an end.” Stefano looks up at Angel Wing with his red eyes. Angel Wing looks away and says, “Goodbye…. Stefano.” Angel Wing fires a shot but Stefano quickly moves out of the way. “WHAT?!” Stefano towers over Angel Wing and says, “This is not over, my friend.” He roars and a space bridge appears behind him.
“Angel Wing!” Angel Wing looks back and sees Wolf Fang running down the hill. She looked back to see Stefano backing up. She raises her gun and shoots Stefano in multiple places such as the legs, arms and head. No effect. Before Angel Wing could act, Stefano was gone, and the space bridge closed. Angel Wing falls to the ground and looks up. She punches the ground in anger and frustration. The rest of Alpha runs down the hill and looks around.
“What happened to Stefano”, Tiger Lily asks, looking down at Angel Wing. Angel Wing looks up at Tiger lily and says, “He got away…. Through a space bridge.” Silver Eyes grips her hands on the control table.
“Does that mean… we failed the mission”, May Flower asked. Angel Wing lifts herself up and says, “No. You didn’t fail. This one is on me.”
“Cap, don’t say that”, Ultra Violet said. “We’re all responsible.” Angel Wing shakes her head in disagreement and says, “A leader bears the burden of a mission going wrong. This is my fault.” Ultra Violet scratches the back of her head and says, “Optimis isn’t gonna be happy about this….”
Angel Wing follows Sharp Sting through the hall of history. It had been a while since she had been in the hall of history since she and her father formed the armored alliance. She looked down, preparing herself for the meeting about to take place. Sharp Sting knocked on the door and then opened it.
“Optimus Prime? Angel Wing has returned”, She said. Optumis puts down his scroll and says, “Let her in.” Sharp Sting opens the door; turning to Angel Wing and bowing her head before walking away. Angel Wing walks in, closing the door behind her. She stands in her guard stance.
“How did the mission go”, Optumis asked.
“The target got away”, Angel Wing said. “I failed to take him in, and he escaped through the space bridge… along with several other infected Autobots and Decepticons.”
“I see”, Optumis. “I will inform Beta of the situation.”
“No.” Optumis looks back at Angel Wing. “I do not think this is the best solution.”
“Your reason?”
“When it comes to Wasp, he makes rash decisions that puts his team at risk”, Angel Wing explains. “Beta wouldn’t know how to handle Stefano properly. Father, let Alpha handle this one.”
“Very well”, Optumis says. “But where did he go?”
“The very place the O-Virus originated from: Earth”, Angel Wing said.
“Then go”, Optumis said. Angel wing nods her head and walks out of her fathers study.
Alpha waits outside the hall of history. Ultra Violet grips the side of her arm in worry. Silver Eyes puts her hand on Ultra Violet’s shoulder and says, “I’m sure Angel Wing is fine.”
“It’s not that”, Ultra Violet says. “We’ve been going after Stefano for almost a decade now. We should have caught him by now.”
“Come on, Girls, we all knew this wasn’t going to be easy”, Tiger Lily said. “We knew that when we joined the armored alliance we would have to face infected.”
“Yeah… but they’re gotten stronger”, Wolf Fang says. “And Stefano was infected too….”
“I’m sure Angel Wing has a solution”, Tiger Lily says. Angel Wing walks out of the building and sees Alpha waiting.
“What did your father say”, Tiger Lily asks.
“We’re going after Stefano”, Angel Wing says. Everyone looks at Angel Wing with confusion and says in unison, “What?!”
“I thought Beta deals with off-planit situations”, Silver Eyes says.
“Stefano is our case”, Angel Wing says. “And I don’t trust Wasp with dealing with Stefano.”
“So in other words……?”
“We’re going to earth.”
Sargent Strong Arm holds a communication device up to the light of the moon.
“Come on…..” Strong arm tries to get a signal from above, but nothing. She lowers the communicator and frowns. She had hoped that Angel Wing, her longest friend, would answer her call. She looks back up at the moon and thinks, “I guess she’s busy…. Oh well.”
“Come up here to jam out?” Strong Arm jumps and looks over to see her teammate, Side Swipe.
“Side Swipe, what is the matter with you”, Strong Arm yelled, annoyance taking over her brain. She kept on forgetting that Side Swipe could be annoying most of the time.
“For Someone who’s a sergeant, you get scared easily”, Side Swipe teased. “Remind me how many years you’ve been a sergeant for?”
“Ha Ha, very funny”, Strong Arm said sarcastically. “Ange you shouldn’t be talking when you have a fear of enclosed spaces.”
“What are you doing up here anyway”, Side Swipe asked. “Last I checked, you don’t have look-out tonight.” Strong Arm looked down for a second and then up at the moon.
“Do you know about Angel Wing”, She asked.
“Optumis’ daughter? I remember Optumis talking about her a few times before”, Side Swipe says. “Why do you ask?”
“I’ve known Angel Wing for a long time”, Strong Arm says. “Once in a while… We call each other to see how we’re doing and catch up. But lately…. She hasn’t called me.”
“She’s a prime, Strong Arm”, Side Swipe says.
“I know that”, Strong Arm says. “But she never forgets to call me. I’m worried.” Side Swipe could see the worried look on Strong Arm’s face. He looked down for a second and then looked back at Strong Arm and said, “Well, you can always talk to me if you need to.” Strong Arm blinked a few times and then chuckled.
“When did you become nice”, Strong Arm jokingly asks.
“I’m not always a jerk”, Side Swipe says. “And I know how you feel.”
“What do you mean?”
“I haven’t told anyone about this…. But I have a little sister”, Side Swipe says. Before I met you and Bee, I would take care of her since our parents….”
“Side Swipe… I had no idea”, Strong Arm said with sympathy. She knew what that pain was like. She had lost her own parents during the third war.
“It was a long time ago”, Side Swipe said. “But I left her behind on Cybertron.”
“I’m sure you’ll see her again.”
“Yeah… I know I will.”
Silver Eyes types on the ship's computer while Tiger Lily puts guns in the extra locker. Wolf Fang lays on the hood of the ship and asks, “What’s earth like?”
“It’s beautiful, Wolf Fang”, May Flower says. “There’s no metal at all. There’s birds, owls and sea life. It’s beautiful.”
“You make it sound like a daydream”, Wolf Fang says.
“Do I?”
“It’s also where the O-Virus got its name”, Ultra Violet said.
“Oh please tell me you know its origin name”, Ultra Violet said.
“No…?” Ultra Violet sighs and shakes her head in frustration.
“Organic-Virus. That’s what it means”, Ultra Violet says. “And Earth is one of its origin points.” Wolf Fang shakes in fear for a moment and hides under the ship.
“I don’t wanna go….”, Wolf Fang says in fear.
“It’s gonna be alright, Wolf Fang”, May Flower says. “And Angel Wing has been to earth twice in her lifetime. We have nothing to worry about.”
“Do you think the earth has change”, Ultra Violet asks.
“I’m sure it’s still the same”, May Flower says. “It’s only been, what, thirty years?” Wolf Fang blinks a few times and asks, “Wait, how old are-” Before Wolf Fang could finish her question, May Flower covered her mouth and said, “What was that?”
“Nothing”, Wolf Fang said in a scared voice. She crawls away. Tiger Lily walks out of the ship and looks around. She looks over at May Flower and Ultra Violet and asks, “Have you seen Angel Wing?”
“Nope”, Ultra Violet says.
“I haven’t seen her since we got in here”, May Flower said.
“Angel Wing said she had something to do”, Wolf Fang said.
Angel Wing looks over the city lit by the cybertronian sun. She closes her eyes and remembers the conversation between her and her mother.
“Remember, Little one: those who are by your side will always be with you. In this life, or the next. But it’s up to you how you lead them.”
Angel Wing holds her relic tight to her chest.
“I’ll set this right”, Angel Wing thinks to herself. “I’ll set this right.”
Angel Wing walks into the ship cabin.
“There you are”, Wolf Fang says. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine”, Angel Wing says. “Is everything ready?”
“Yup”, Wolf Fang says. She turns around and says, “Everyone has done their part.”
“Good”, Angel Wing said. “We leave tonight.”
“I’ll give you my report when we arrive on Earth.”
“Be careful, Angel Wing”, Celestia said. “Stefano might know you're coming for him.”
“Don’t worry. Stefano is slick, but he doesn't know what we have up our sleeve”, Angel Wing said.
“We’ll miss you, Angie”, Dynasty Rail said. Angel Wing hugs Celestia and Dynasty Rail before walking onto the ship. The hatch to the back of the ship closes and flies off into the sky. Angel Wing walks into the command chamber where the rest of Alpha is at their post.
“You okay, Cap”, Ultra Violet asks.
“I’m fine”, Angel Wing says. “Where are we on the portal?”
“It’s almost charged up”, Silver Eyes says. “It won’t be long now.”
“Good.” Angle Wing looks at her relic and thinks, “I’m coming after you, Stefano. Be ready.”
FixIt works on the monitors until the sensor picks up a strange signal from the city.
“That is odd.”
“What’s wrong”, Denny asks.
“The sensors are picking up large amounts of decepticon and Autobot signals in the city”, FixIt says. “They’re not normal.”
“Something wrong”, BumbleBee asks.
“The sensors are picking up multiple Decepticon and Autobot signals in the city.”
“That’s not normal”, Strong Arm says.
“Why would a huge amount of Autobots and Decepticons be in the city”, Side Swipe wonders.
“We’ll go check it out”, BumbleBee says. “Grim Lock, stay here. Your our back up.” BumbleBee, Side Swipe, and Strong Arm transform and head to the city.”
The trio drive through the back alleys of the city. They transform into their standard form and look around.
“I don’t see anything”, Side Swipe says.
“This is where the signals are coming from”, Strong Arm says.
“Let’s look around”, BumbleBee says. The trio look down multiple alley ways. Strong Arm looks down an alleyway to the north and notices a crimson red puddle with metal parts.
“Lieutenant! I found something”, Strong Arm yelled. BumbleBee and Side Swipe walk over to Strong Arm and look at the crimson puddle.
“What is that?”
“It looks like ... .blood”, BumbleBee says, rubbing the continents between his fingers. “This isn’t normal.”
“And what are these parts”, Strong Arm wondered.
“They look like scrap”, Side Swipe says. As the trio look at the crimson blood and scraped parts, a shadow passes over them. The three of them look up to see nothing.
“What was that”, Side Swipe asks. Before BumbleBee could answer, he and the others see another shadow pass overhead. “Another one?”
“You two stay here”, BumbleBee says. BumbleBee grabs a big enough pipe and climbs up to the roof. Once BumbleBee gets to the roof, he looks around and sees an autobot with black-suited armor. The autobot looks back at BumbleBee with a menacing glare. “Who are–” Before BumbleBee could continue his sentence, the autobot pounced on BumbleBee and pinned him down. The red autobot chuckles and says, “Looks like I got a good one! I–” The autobot looks at BumbleBee with confusion. “Wait….. You're not infected. No matter. I’LL END YOUR SUFFERING!”
“WOLF FANG, DON’T HURT HIM!” Another autobot runs in and takes the red autobots hand. She drags them away and says, “He’s one of us!”
“What? You can’t be serious?” BumbleBee gets up and asks, “How do you know me?” The Autobot walks out from the shadows, takes off her mask and says, “A friend never forgets her friend. No matter how many years go by.” BumbleBee’s eyes widened and asked with happiness, “May Flower? Is that you?”
“There’s only one of me in all the world.”
“Wait… This bot is BumbleBee”, Wolf Fang asks. “I thought he was taller.”
“Sir?” Wolf Fang and May Flower look back to see Side Swipe and Strong Arm. Wolf Fang gasps with excitement and shouts, “Big Brother!!!”
“Wolf Fang?!” Wolf Fang pounces on her brother and hugs him from the ground.
“I missed you, big brother!” Side Swipe chuckles and asks, “What are you doing here?”
“Right, what are you doing here”, BumbleBee asks. “Last I heard, you went back to Cybertron.”
“Me and Wolf Fang are here on assignment with our team and Angel Wing.” Strong Arm looks over and asks, “Angel Wing is here?! When?”
“We came here a few hours ago”, Wolf Fang says. “We’re here for a criminal who escaped Cybertron.”
“Wolf Fang!”
“A decepticon criminal”, BumbleBee asks.
“No”, May Flower says. “It’s an autobot.”
“What was that”, Strong arm asks.
“That was Silver Eyes”, Wolf Fang says. She takes out her comp. “Silver, Ultra, what’s your status?”
“We got a problem”, Ultra Violet yells. “We found two infected!”
“We’ll explain later”, May Flower says. She turns around and sees Wolf Fang gone. “Oh, are you kidding me?! Where did she go now?!”
“Down here!” May Flower, Side Swipe, Strong Arm, and BumbleBee look down to see Wolf Fang running to a different alleyway.
“That kid!”
“She’s really your sister”, Strong Arm says.
“Yeah, but she doesn’t know when to stop”, Side Swipe says. He jumps down and runs after Wolf Fang. The others follow behind.
“Wolf Fang, stop”, May Flower yells into the radio.
“Silver and Violet could be in danger”, Wolf fang responded. Wolf Fang runs down another alley and sees Silver Eyes and Ultra Violet running away from a group of infected. “Get down!” Silver Eyes and Ultra Violet run past Wolf Fang. Wolf Fang jumps up and takes out her sword. Electricity makes the sword glow from within. Wolf Fang struck at the infected from the center and with its electricity, the herd of infected dies in an instant. “You two okay?”
“I think so”, Silver Eyes said.
“What happened”, May Flower asks. Silver Eyes and Ultra Violet turn back to see BumbleBee, Strong Arm, and Side Swipe.
“Bee? Is that you”, Ultra Violet asks is dissbelief. “It’s been too long.”
“Um, Silver? Violet? Where’s Angel Wing and Tiger Lily?”
“We thought they met back up with you”, Ultra Violet said.
“You mean you don’t know where they are”, Strong Arm asks. Before anyone could answer, May Flower’s radio turned on. She looks at the screen and sees that it’s Tiger Lily.
“Tiger Lily, Angel Wing, where are you”, May Flower asks.
“I’m afraid we’ve gotten ourselves in a bad situation”, Tiger Lily says, struggling to keep the infected back. May Flower turns off the radio and turns on Angel Wing and Tiger Lily’s location.
“They’re outside the city”, May Flower said.
“I know a shortcut”, Side Swipe says. “Follow me.”
Angel Wing and Tiger Lily shoot multiple infected from left to right.
“Where the hell did they come from”, Tiger Lily shouted.
“Move up the hill”, Angel Wing shouts. The duo run up the hill; the infected chasing them from behind. Angel Wing reloads her gun and shoots the infected behind her. Angel Wing and Tiger Lily run through the forest and jump down to an open field. The both of them turn back to see the infected fall down the small cliff; each body falling on top of each other.
“What the hell?” Angel Wing narrows her eyes to take a closer look at the infected.
“They’re brain waves are still active”, Angel Wing says.
“How can that be”, Tiger Lily wondered. Angel Wing walked up to the pile of infected. She uses her wrist watch and scans the infected.
“Their nerves are still active too”, Angel Wing thought. “They can’t be acting on their own.” Angel Wing noticed movement from one of the infected under the rest and moved back with caution. Tiger Lily takes a few steps forward to inspect but Angel Wing moves her hand in her way. The pile of infected gather up together; legs, arms and extra limbs growing at its sides. Angel Wing and Tiger Lily take out their guns and aim at the mutated infected. The mutated infected shrieks and gets on all its legs.
“Angel Wing…?”
“Hold your ground”, Angel Wing said. “We do not let this one get away!” The mutant charges Angel Wing and Tiger Lily. Angel Wing and Tiger Lily run to each side of the mutant and shoot it’s sides. The mutant charges at Tiger Lily and scratches her plaiting. Angel Wing jumps on top of the mutant and stabs it’s back.
“You okay?” Tiger Lily looks at the scratch and says, “Yeah. I’m fine.” Tiger Lily looks behind Angel Wing and sees a scorpian like tail rising up to the light of the moon. “Look out!” Angel Wing looks back and jumps out of the way.
“Angel Wing, we’re getting no where”, Tiger Lily says.
“I know”, Angel Wing says. “We need Wolf Fang’s sword.”
“That won’t be a problem!” Angel Wing and Tiger Lily look up to see Wolf Fang siluetted by the moon. She charges down and killes the mutant with the electricity from the sword. Angel Wing and Tiger Lily sigh in relief.
“Right on time”, Angel Wing thought.
“Angel Wing?” Angel Wing looked behind and saw a very old friend of hers. In fact, two old friends of hers.
“BumbleBee? Strong Arm?” Strong Arm smiles and runs over to Angel Wing and hugs her.
“I thought I would never see you again”, Strong Arm says. Angel Wing hugs back and says, “I’ve missed you, too.”
“It’s good to see you again, Angel Wing”, BumbeBee says.
“It’s good to see you too, old friend”, Angel Wing says.
“What brings you to earth?” Angel Wing looks back at Tiger Lily, then looks back at BumbleBee and says, “Can we talk back at your hide out?”
“So this is where you’ve been for the last two decades.” BumbleBee leads Angel Wing and Tiger Lily to the command center.
“You didn’t answer my question before”, BumbleBee said. Angel Wing and Tiger Lily look at each other. “Well?” Tiger Lily puts her hand on Angel Wing’s shoulder and whispers in her ear, “Can we trust him?” Angel Wing looks at BumbleBee and says to Tiger Lily, “He can be trusted.”
“Very well.”
“Over fortytwo hours ago, an autobot named Stefano Highway escaped Cybertron with a deadly virus”, Angel Wing explained.
“Virus? What virus”, BumbleBee asks.
“It’s called the O-virus”, Tiger Lily says. She shows BumbleBee data from the previous ten years. “Stefano used organic matter from earth and infused it with autobot, and decepticon energon.”
“So those bots where infected”, BumbleBee says. “How is that even possible?”
“Stefano kidnaped multiple cybertonians from the city and exsperimented on them”, Angel Wing says. “We had him apruhended, but she escaped though a space bridge.”
“And now he’s here on earth. Do you have a way to find him?”
“No”, Tiger Lily says. “Without a reliable signal, we’re in the dark.”
“Would we be able to stay here until we fins Stefano”, Angel Wing asks.
“Of course. You can stay as long at you need.”
“Thank you. Now, I have to go.” Tiger Lily blinks a few times and asks, “Where are you going?”
“To catch up with Strong Arm.” Angel Wing walks away.
Meanwhile in the forest: Side Swipe and Wolf Fang drive to a cliff.
“Whoa… the moon is beautiful”, Wolf Fang says. “It’s just like the moon on cybertron”
“I know”, Side Swipe says. “Actually, the moon here influences the earths seas.”
“Oh, so now your a scientist”, Wolf Fans teased.
“Um, no”, Side Swipe says. “When you live here on earth for two decades, you pick up a thing or two.”
“So, how did you meet Angel Wing?”
“I met her seven years ago”, Wolf Fang explains. “She saved me from the infected. She offered me to be her apprentice, so I took it. But Angel Wing and the others have been dealing with the infected even longer.”
“What are those things anyway”, Side swipe asks.
“From what Angel Wing told me, Stefano made the O-Virus from earth.”
“I have no idea. None of us do. But I’m glad to see you again”, Wolf Fang says. “I really missed you.” Side Swipe smiled and said, “I missed you too.”
Strong Arm and Angel Wing sit on the sign in the junk yard.
“I hear you became Sargent a few years ago”, Angel Wing says.
“Yeah. It kinda took me by surprise”, Strong Arm said.
“You earned it, Blue bird”, Angel Wing says. “You always said you wanted to be like your father, and you ended up getting your wish.” Angel Wing chuckles.
“What’s so funny”, Strong Arm asks.
“Remember when we where young? You though it would be a good idea to sneek into the police station and surprise your father.”
“I was young, Angie”, Strong Arm exsclaimed.
“But you almost gave him a heart attack!” Angel Wing laughs out loud.
“Hahah, very funny”, Strong Arm says sarcastically. “So… those monsters… is that what you’ve been dealing with for the last few years?”
“More than a few years”, Angel Wing says. “For me, I’ve been dealing with since 2004. When I formed Alpha, they’ve been only dealing with this for a decade. And Wolf Fang, only seven.”
“You never told me this when you came back to Cybertron”, Strong Arm said.
“I couldn’t. From what I’ve seen on earth…. The horror…. I couldn’t tell the people of Cybertorn”, Angel Wing says. “They wouldn’t see earth the same way again. But when I found out that a virus made its way to Cybertron, me and my father formed the armored alliance.”
“That’s why you didn’t talk to me those last few years.” Angel Wing looks at Strong Arm. It was true. After the third war was over, Angel Wing went underground when she returned to cybertron. Not once had she tried to contact Strong Arm, even after Strong Arm went to earth. Angel Wing puts her hand on Strong Arm’s shoulder and says, “Blue, I’m sorry. I should have called you when I came back home. But I was so lost back then… I promise I won’t leave you again. And, now that me and my team are gonna be staying for a while, we can make up for lost time.” Strong Arm smiles and say, “I think I’d like that.”
Stefano walks through the halls of a ship. Flesh patches hang from above.
“So they follow me to earth…. No matter. My plans will not fail. Hell will rise, and chaos will concur!!!!”
This is my new Transformers fanfiction! It's a horror series so I hope you enjoy.
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gildedfeathers · 8 months
Pluck a feather from my wings and keep it close to your heart ʚ♡ɞ
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ladyaster · 1 year
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A Squinoa piece I did for my portfolio! I love this game and I love its characters and I love the themes and I love that deep lore and MMMM! I’m always happy to draw more FFVIII art. ^w^
Absolute power couple. I always low-key headcanoned that Squall and Rinoa eventually end up really gravitating to Quetzalcoatl & Alexander and Carbuncle & Bahamut respectively.
Hope you enjoy and have a good one!
Edit: I just realized I accidentally posted this on FFVIII’s anniversary!!! Holy moly that is pure serendipity and it does me a smile!
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midnightfire1222 · 3 months
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I hosted a 25 follower prize on blue sky, and here's the first raffle prize for hunter2x on blue sky of their OC Heru, a really adorable winged cat!
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dreamdroplittles · 1 year
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this user is an angel
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