#annie pressley
bluesnailsstuff · 30 days
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drawing boarddd
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londoneh · 25 days
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She belongs to @bluesnailsstuff !!
I love her so much she’s so cute ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
• 🦋 🪲 🦋 •
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caroleditosti · 9 months
'Infinite Life' by Annie Baker, a Review
'Infinite Life' by Annie Baker is provocative and profound.
(L to R): Kristine Nielsen, Brenda Pressley, Marylouise Burke, Mia Katigbak in Infinite Life (Ahron R. Foster The premise of award-winning Annie Baker’s play Infinite Life, premiering off-Broadway at Atlantic Theater Company’s Linda Gross Theater, is that pain is the crux of life. Directed by James Macdonald, the production focuses on individuals who deal with pain along a continuum from…
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yourdailyqueer · 11 months
LGBTQ+ North and South American female footballers
The Women's World Cup is going on as of writing and so made a list of all the LGBTQ+ footballers posted here 2018 to present (2023).
Below are the professional female footballers from North and South America (retired and current), who have been posted on this blog since 2018. Some posts may be out of date/innacurate and so if you see any errors please get in touch. Have gone through more than 14 pages of this blog to provide this list. Hope you like it.
Total: 43
North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)
Abby Wambach - Lesbian
Adrianna Franch - Lesbian
Ali Krieger - Bisexual
Ashley Nick - Lesbian
Ashlyn Harris - Lesbian
Bianca Henninger - Lesbian
Bianca Sierra - Lesbian
Christina Burkenroad - Lesbian
Christine Nairn - Lesbian
Ella Masar - Lesbian
Erin McLeod - Lesbian
Kelley O’Hara - Lesbian
Krystyna Freda - Lesbian
Liliana Rodríguez - Lesbian
Janelly Farías - Lesbian
Jill Scott - Lesbian
Marie-Ève Nault - Lesbian
Maya Hayes - Lesbian
Megan Rapinoe - Lesbian
Melissa Tancredi - Lesbian
Meleana Shim - Lesbian
Meredith Speck - Lesbian
Natasha Kai - Lesbian
Nayeli Rangel - Lesbian
Rebeca Bernal - Lesbian
Sarah Gorden - Bisexual
Sarah Huffman - Lesbian
Saskia Webber - Lesbian
Stephanie Labbé - Lesbian
Stephany Mayor - Lesbian
Tahnai Annis - Lesbian
Toni Pressley - Lesbian
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia)
Andressa Alves da Silva - Lesbian
Debinha Miri - Lesbian
Camila Nobre - Lesbian
Cristiane Rozeira - Lesbian
Francielle Alberto - Lesbian
Jaylis Oliveros - Lesbian
Lorena Benítez - Lesbian
Macarena Sánchez - Lesbian
Marta Vieira da Silva - Lesbian
Valentina Kogan - Lesbian
Yoreli Rincón - Bisexual
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ailendolin · 1 year
Six Idiots Headcanon Masterlist
BBC Ghosts - General
Ghost power headcanons
Ghosts meets Buzzfeed Unsolved
Daley can see ghosts and meets his dad again
The ghosts watching Night at the Museum
Mike can see the ghosts instead of Alison
Francis sold Thomas's body to anatomists after his death
Halloween's effect on the ghosts and the livings
Bone Suite
BBC Ghosts - Ghost-specific
Norne and the matter of appearances
Nigel's family
Thomas's family & the time right after his death
Robin stops befriending ghosts for a while & Robin and Mary
Pat died hungry & Pat knows about the Captain's pillow talk
Kitty's death & Alison painting a picture of the two of them
Julian and the beagle & Rachel and the beagle
Fanny knows how to lead in a dance & Dante became a ghost
Humphrey and the little things in life & Humphrey and Sophie
Mary had children but they died young & Mary and Robin
Thomas loves hugs and Robin gives him one
Mary & Kitty watch the clouds
Humphrey plays with Barclay's dogs
Thomas gives Isabelle a rose without thorns
Thomas once looked up to Francis
Kitty's father read her bedtime stories
Pat teaches the Captain some knots
Eleanor loves birds
Eleanor shows Kitty the perfect hiding place
Francis is more a Thorne than Thomas is
Fanny doesn't know how to connect to people
The Captain was married once
Alison finds the rose Thomas once gave to Isabelle
The Captain once visited Havers's family while on leave
Alison used to dream of being an artist
Humphrey & Sophie once had a baby daughter
Julian and Robin consider the nook their safe space
George gave Dante to Fanny
Julian and Fanny bond over the difficulties of loving their children
Fanny and Humphrey talk after her affair with his body
George allowed Fanny to have so many pets for a reason
Humphrey can sometimes feel his body like a phantom limb
Julian and Mike's friendship if Mike could see ghosts
Kitty used to catch glimpses of Mary and Annie when she was a child
Sophie tries to fix her marriage
Julian/Robin Soulmate AU
Julian/Cap Coffee Shop AU
Instead of running away, Sophie stays
The Plague Ghosts have a pet ghost rat
Thomas/Nigel Bookshop AU
Thomas needing glasses
Thomas hides himself away in the safe to cry
Thomas & Pat and hugs
Thomas/Nigel and PDA
Thomas/Julian and sleeping habits and nightmares
Thomas/Nigel being soft and tender
Thomas would love The Lord of the Rings
The Youngers' names
Vex is the son of an Overlord & Irk killing someone was an accident
Choop once had a fling with the Crone & Debbie's kids love Grandpa Choop
Ho-Tan and the meaning of gifts & Ho-Tan never admits she's sick
Ho-Tan was the main caretaker of her younger siblings
Ho-Tan learning and practicing her scribing skills
Debbie brings her family to Yonderland & Debbie takes in Boo
Flowers is allergic to pollen & the beginnings of his friendship with Ho-Tan
Pressley used to be in the military & drinks to forget
Negatus adopts a dog & continues to play Santa for Ben and Hayley
The Elders find out Vex is the son of an Evil Overlord
Voltari has trouble sleeping. Being near Dissectus helps.
Vex finds a way to keep the rabbits.
Ho-Tan passes her seat on the Council on to her son.
Dissectus/Voltari Flower Shop AU
Alvin comes to Vex for advice
Vex finds Ho-Tan crying
Irk surprises Ho-Tan on a difficult day
How Voltari and Dissectus met
Edith and Sue deal with Lynn getting hurt
Negatus's childhood and relationship with his parents
Choop & Sepal and Choop being hurt
How Bradley and Mojo met
Bill (2015)
Ian once made a cake for Gabriel she couldn't eat
Gabriel/Ian Soulmate AU
Ian is friends with a cat
Horrible Histories
Milton comforts Mike after a call from Mike's father
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purposefully-lost · 2 years
About William West
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Name: William Pressley West
Age: 28
Birthday: 4/23
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: he has never thought about it ever in his life (bisexual)
Profession: Accountant and notary
Talents: calligraphy & writing in general, horseback riding/fox hunting
Physical Traits
Hair: Brown, much lighter than it used to be due to all his time spent outside while travelling
Eyes: Blue/Gray
Scars: Faded scar on his upper back from where he took a bad fall while riding as a teen
Build: Fairly average, a little more toned since he's been doing more walking and riding these days
Usual hair style: Short, neatly combed, see the above :)
Usual expression: Thoughtful/Day-dreamy
Usual clothing: Dresses for the weather, but tries to maintain a neat and professional image
Aspirations: Right now, just to travel, and write, and figure out what he actually wants to do next. He knows he can't just keep wandering around forever, but he can put off going home for as long as possible.
Positive Traits: honest |  trustworthy  | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient |  selfless  | ambitious | tolerant |  lucky | intelligent |  confident | focused |  humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever |  charming | cheerful  |  optimistic |  decisive  | adaptive  |  calm
Negative Traits: moody  |  short-tempered | emotionally unstable  | whiny | controlling | conceited | dishonest | possessive  | paranoid  | impatient  | cowardly  | bitter  |  selfish  | power hungry | greedy | lazy |  judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful  | stubborn |  sadistic |  petty  | unlucky
Faith: That sort of.. vaguely christian in appearance and culture, but he's not an active follower of the faith. He used to occasionally attend services on Sundays as more of a social event, but never after Annie got sick.
Ghosts: Loves the concept, terrified of and denies the potential reality
Afterlife: He hopes so.
Reincarnation: No.
By blood: Deceased mother & father, still living sister named Diane West.
Other: Annette West (Wife, deceased), James Ainsley (Brother-in-law)
Month: August
Season: Summer
Place: It used to be home
Weather: Overcast, or rainy, so long as he's indoors
Sounds: Thunder/rain
Scents: Baking bread, floral scents
Animals: LOVES dogs
Colors: Blues, purples
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didtheykiss · 9 months
Infinite Life at Altantic Theater
Did they kiss?
No. Sofi (Kirk) and Nelson (Simpson) did not kiss, although there was a proposal of kissing that was not taken up on because Sofi likes to get to the airport really early. However, there were some dirty messages left and some very specific declarations of characters' desires. The other characters did not appear to be romantically or sexually interested in each other, although one could argue the ladies shared an intimacy of a different kind.
Should they have?
No, it was good that they didn't kiss. The relationship between Sofi and Nelson is not about personal connection and more a way to explore desire, and at least for Sofi, desire is a way that she attempts to have some control over a body that feels like it controls her, to give pleasure to a body that is filled with pain. So for her to have control in the last moments of the play to say no to the proposed tete-a-tete, as tempted as she was, felt important to witness. Also, it really is so important to get to the airport early. Sofi does ask for and recieve a picture of Nelson's colonoscopy which, weirdly, did feel like a consumation of their "relationship".
The most intimate moment in the play was when Sofi lifted Eileen's (Burke) legs to give Eileen a moment free from pain. That was very tender, sweet, and simple, like the best kisses are.
Infinite Life written by Annie Baker directed by James Macdonald produced by the Atlantic Theater and the National Theatre (UK) starring Marylouise Burke, Mia Katigbak, Christina Kirk, Kristine Nielsen, Brenda Pressley, Pete Simpson Infinite Life runs at the Linda Gross Theater from August 18 – October 8, 2023. The show runs 1hr 45min.
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moocowmoocow · 5 years
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First day of a new era. 
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misslacito · 5 years
Premiere de Angry Birds 2
Premiere de Angry Birds 2
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Ahora vamos con un nuevo estreno de cine. Llega Angry Birds Movie 2. Los pollos y los cerdos más gamberros de los videojuegos dan un segundo salto a la gran pantalla. Y no me extraña porque son divertidísimo. La premiere tuvo lugar en Los Ángeles. En esta secuela volvemos a tener como protagonistas a los pollitos Red, Chuck y Bomb. Se unen a los cerdos para luchar contra las aves agresivas de una…
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corallorosso · 5 years
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Usa, deputata risponde con una poesia alle offese razziste di Trump: “Puoi spararmi con le parole, ma io mi solleverò” Di Marco Nepi “Puoi spararmi con le tue parole, puoi tagliarmi coi tuoi occhi, puoi uccidermi con il tuo odio, ma ancora, come l’aria, mi solleverò” Una poesia su Twitter per rispondere alle offese razziste di Donald Trump: lo ha fatto Ilhan Omar, deputata Usa, rifugiata dalla Somalia e americana dal 2000, presa di mira dal presidente per le sue origini e invitata ad abbandonare il Paese. Omar, nata a Mogadiscio nel 1981, scappata all’età di 10 anni con la famiglia dalla guerra civile, è una delle quattro deputate americane che l’inquilino della Casa Bianca ha definito anti-americane invitandole a tornare “nei paesi corrotti e infestati dal crimine da cui sono venute”. Insieme a lei Trump ha preso di mira anche Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley. ...I sostenitori di Trump durante un comizio in North Carolina, rivolgendosi proprio a Ilhan Omar, e proprio su invito del presidente a “farsi sentire”, hanno urlato di “rimandarla indietro”. Così lei, la deputata, ha deciso di replicare con i versi della poetessa afroamericana Maya Angelou. Quella della deputata è la storia dei rifugiati che riescono a rialzarsi dopo anni di sofferenze. La famiglia di Omar arrivò negli Usa nel 1995. Nel 2000, a 19 anni, lei divenne cittadina americana. Ma la convivenza nel nuovo Paese non fu semplice inizialmente. Da ragazza è stata vittima di bullismo per il suo hijab. Negli anni ha ottenuto il suo riscatto, con lo studio e l’impegno civile. Nel 2016 è diventata, con l’elezione alla Camera dei rappresentanti del Minnesota, la prima donna di origini somale musulmana eletta in una carica negli Usa. Ora è amatissima. E seguitissima.
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bluesnailsstuff · 1 month
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ailendolin · 2 years
Remember when I said I might be writing the odd little drabble for Whumptober 2022?
Yeah, that escalated a bit. I have now filled 20 of the 31 prompts, so naturally I feel the need to write something for all of them now. Why do I have to be like this? 😂
Anyway, I thought I'd put the prompts under the cut in case anyone wants to see what characters / pairings I've chosen for them.
No. 1 - "This wasn't supposed to happen." - Julian
No. 2 - Caged - Voltari
No. 3 - Impaled - Dissectus/Voltari, Mike
No. 4 - Waking up disoriented - Jeff/Nigel (Historical Paramedics)
No. 5 - Blood Loss - Thomas & Alison
No. 6 - "I've got a pulse." - Milton (DI Bones)/Mike, Sam
No. 7 - Silent Panic Attack - Thomas
No. 8 - Back from the Dead - Ian, Chris & Bill
No. 9 - Sleeping in Shifts - Ho-Tan/Vex
No. 10 - Alternate Prompt: Tears - Mark & Craig (Miss Smashing Guards)
No. 11 - Self-Done First Aid - Ian/Gabriel
No. 12 - Rusty Nail - Edith/Lynn
No. 13 - Dislocation - Choop, Pressley & the Elders
No. 14 - "I'll be right behind you." - Nigel & the Plague Ghosts
No. 15 - Lies - Thomas / Nigel
No. 16 - "No one's coming." - Fanny
No. 17 - Breaking Point - Julian & Robin
No. 18 - "Take my Coat." - Milton/Mike
No. 19 - Knees Buckling - Ian
No. 20 - Alternate Prompt: Touch Starved - Thomas/Nigel
No. 21 - "You're safe now." - Billy (Mat's Page) & Charles (Larry's Chamberlain)
No. 22 - Withdrawal - Thomas & Humphrey
No. 23 - Forced to Kneel - Voltari & Mike
No. 24 - "I don't want to do this anymore." - Martin/Dan (Bounty Hunters)
No. 25 - Lost Voice - Ho-Tan/Vex
No. 26 - Separated - Mary/Annie
No. 27 - Muffled Screams - Thomas & Francis NatM AU
No. 28 - Carried to Safety - Alison, Mike & Thomas NatM AU
No. 29 - "Better Me Than You" - Dissectus/Voltari
No. 30 - "Please don't touch me." - Thomas NatM AU
No. 31 - Comfort or "You can rest now" - Thomas & the Plague Ghosts NatM AU
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full-imagination · 5 years
Nancy "Jo" Morris
Nancy Josephine Morris, 89, fondly known as Jo to all of her friends and family, passed away peacefully on Friday, August 23, 2019 after a lengthy illness. Jo was born on July 24, 1930 in Charlotte, NC and was the daughter of the late William Cyrus and Mamie Hagler Long. She was a loving and devoted wife of 63 years and was predeceased by the love of her life, Dowd Wilson Morris on February 24, 2015, and her daughter, Denise Ann Morris, on September 30, 1984. She began her banking career in 1950 at Wachovia Bank in Charlotte, North Carolina. While she enjoyed having a career, a move to Spartanburg, South Carolina in 1964 focused her attention on raising her family. This role as wife and mother was her greatest joy. By nature, she was a nurturer and a caretaker, and always served her daughters and husband with great love. She took immense pleasure in sharing her passion for cooking, especially baking with the people she cared about. Her favorite pastime was hosting others. This is the way she showed her love. She had the ability to care for and love those around her by welcoming them into her home. She will be remembered by all who knew her as a loving, caring, and nurturing wife, mother, and friend. She is survived by her daughter, Donna Morris, son-in-law, Lothrop Morris, and granddaughters Emery and Rowan Morris of Palm Beach, Florida. She is also survived by her sister Betty Kabas of Greenville, South Carolina. The family wishes to thank Eden Terrace Assisted Living for the compassionate care they extended to Jo. A special thanks to Becky Allen of Integrys Caregiving, Hospice Care of South Carolina, and especially to Rena Huskey who was her true friend and guardian angel for the last 5 years. They would also like to express their deepest gratitude to the amazing caregivers that have helped Jo over the years: Ginger Bowen, Annie Littlejohn, Bridget Smith, Eva Brown, Dianna Floyd, and Teretha Pressley. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date at the Reserve at Lake Keowee, Sunset, South Carolina. Floyd’s North Church Street Chapel from The JF Floyd Mortuary via Spartanburg Funeral
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ultimavoce · 5 years
Trump contro deputate democratiche, è guerra di tweet
Per il presidente #Trump se non ti chiami John Smith non puoi esprimerti sul suo #governo
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez di New York, Rashida Tlaib del Michigan (prima donna islamica a venire eletta al Congresso), Ayanna Pressley del Massachussets e Ilhan Omar del Minnesota, nata a Mogadiscio e giunta negli Stati Uniti a 10 anni, di cui è ufficialmente cittadina: queste sono le quattro donne esponenti della sinistra al centro delle polemiche del presidente degli USA.
A quanto pare,il fatto…
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theliberaltony · 6 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to our Election Update for Thursday, Oct. 25! Democrats currently have a 5 in 6 chance (84 percent) to flip the House. That’s a little lower than Monday’s mark of 87 percent. Their average gain is 38 seats.
Many of those gains will be because of women. Women appear poised to vote for Democrats in record numbers this year, and many of the candidates themselves are women. The 116th Congress could have a record number of female legislators; at present, the historical high-water mark is the 107 women (84 in the House, 23 in the Senate) currently serving in the 115th Congress.
Our model agrees that it’s likely that a historic number of women will serve in the next Congress, but how many female legislators can we expect? Using gender data that we collected with Ballotpedia earlier this year, we identified 238 women from major parties (186 Democrats, 52 Republicans) running for the House. Then, using our House forecast,1 we compiled a list that’s impressive for its length: all the women favored to win2 a House seat this year.
A potentially record-breaking roster of women in the House
Female candidates in 2018 House races with at least a 1 in 2 chance of winning, according to FiveThirtyEight’s forecast as of Oct. 24
Candidate District Party Incumbent? Female Opponent? Chance of Winning Ayanna Pressley MA-7 D 100.0% Frederica Wilson FL-24 D ✓ 100.0 Kathy Castor FL-14 D ✓ 100.0 Lois Frankel FL-21 D ✓ 100.0 Terri A. Sewell AL-7 D ✓ 100.0 Val Demings FL-10 D ✓ 100.0 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez NY-14 D >99.9 Sheila Jackson Lee TX-18 D ✓ ✓ >99.9 Marcia L. Fudge OH-11 D ✓ ✓ >99.9 Tulsi Gabbard HI-2 D ✓ >99.9 Diana DeGette CO-1 D ✓ >99.9 Anna G. Eshoo CA-18 D ✓ ✓ >99.9 Pramila Jayapal WA-7 D ✓ >99.9 Jackie Speier CA-14 D ✓ ✓ >99.9 Robin Kelly IL-2 D ✓ >99.9 Carolyn Maloney NY-12 D ✓ >99.9 Ilhan Omar MN-5 D ✓ >99.9 Joyce Beatty OH-3 D ✓ >99.9 Jan Schakowsky IL-9 D ✓ >99.9 Grace F. Napolitano CA-32 D ✓ >99.9 Zoe Lofgren CA-19 D ✓ >99.9 Nancy Pelosi CA-12 D ✓ ✓ >99.9 Yvette Clarke NY-9 D ✓ >99.9 Brenda Lawrence MI-14 D ✓ >99.9 Maxine Waters CA-43 D ✓ >99.9 Karen Bass CA-37 D ✓ >99.9 Marcy Kaptur OH-9 D ✓ >99.9 Gwen Moore WI-4 D ✓ >99.9 Doris Matsui CA-6 D ✓ >99.9 Judy Chu CA-27 D ✓ >99.9 Nanette Barragan CA-44 D ✓ ✓ >99.9 Nydia Velazquez NY-7 D ✓ >99.9 Rashida Tlaib MI-13 D >99.9 Norma J. Torres CA-35 D ✓ >99.9 Bonnie Watson Coleman NJ-12 D ✓ >99.9 Debbie Dingell MI-12 D ✓ >99.9 Katherine Clark MA-5 D ✓ >99.9 Linda T. Sanchez CA-38 D ✓ >99.9 Kay Granger TX-12 R ✓ ✓ >99.9 Alma Adams NC-12 D ✓ >99.9 Barbara Lee CA-13 D ✓ ✓ >99.9 Susan A. Davis CA-53 D ✓ ✓ >99.9 Mary Gay Scanlon PA-5 D ✓ >99.9 Veronica Escobar TX-16 D >99.9 Sylvia R. Garcia TX-29 D >99.9 Grace Meng NY-6 D ✓ >99.9 Eddie Bernice Johnson TX-30 D ✓ >99.9 Betty McCollum MN-4 D ✓ >99.9 Liz Cheney WY-1 R ✓ >99.9 Rosa DeLauro CT-3 D ✓ >99.9 Suzanne Bonamici OR-1 D ✓ >99.9 Dina Titus NV-1 D ✓ ✓ >99.9 Nita Lowey NY-17 D ✓ >99.9 Julia Brownley CA-26 D ✓ >99.9 Debbie Wasserman Schultz FL-23 D ✓ >99.9 Lucille Roybal-Allard CA-40 D ✓ >99.9 Cheri Bustos IL-17 D ✓ >99.9 Vicky Hartzler MO-4 R ✓ ✓ >99.9 Lori Trahan MA-3 D >99.9 Kathleen Rice NY-4 D ✓ >99.9 Suzan DelBene WA-1 D ✓ 99.9 Chellie Pingree ME-1 D ✓ 99.9 Madeleine Dean PA-4 D 99.9 Lisa Blunt Rochester DE-1 D ✓ 99.7 Annie Kuster NH-2 D ✓ 99.5 Chrissy Houlahan PA-6 D 98.8 Susan W. Brooks IN-5 R ✓ ✓ 98.7 Debra A. Haaland NM-1 D ✓ 98.1 Martha Roby AL-2 R ✓ ✓ 97.3 Jahana Hayes CT-5 D 96.9 Abby Finkenauer IA-1 D 96.6 Ann Kirkpatrick AZ-2 D ✓ 96.2 Virginia Foxx NC-5 R ✓ ✓ 95.5 Susan Ellis Wild PA-7 D 95.4 Jackie Walorski IN-2 R ✓ 95.4 Stephanie Murphy FL-7 D ✓ 94.3 Katie Arrington SC-1 R 90.0 Elise Stefanik NY-21 R ✓ ✓ 88.5 Jennifer T. Wexton VA-10 D ✓ 87.9 Carol Devine Miller WV-3 R 87.9 Ann Wagner MO-2 R ✓ 86.6 Mikie Sherrill NJ-11 D 84.8 Angie Craig MN-2 D 84.0 Donna Shalala FL-27 D ✓ 79.4 Haley Stevens MI-11 D ✓ 78.8 Sharice Davids KS-3 D 77.8 Karen Handel GA-6 R ✓ ✓ 76.9 Cathy McMorris Rodgers WA-5 R ✓ ✓ 76.7 Debbie Lesko AZ-8 R ✓ ✓ 75.9 Jaime Herrera Beutler WA-3 R ✓ ✓ 74.8 Katie Hill CA-25 D 71.8 Susie Lee NV-3 D 71.4 Katie Porter CA-45 D ✓ 64.4 Cindy Axne IA-3 D 61.3 Mia B. Love UT-4 R ✓ 59.5 Debbie Mucarsel-Powell FL-26 D 56.2 Yvette Herrell NM-2 R ✓ 54.7 Amy McGrath KY-6 D 52.3 Elissa Slotkin MI-8 D 50.9 Kim Schrier WA-8 D 50.0
Show more rows
The races with a chance of winning at 100 percent are uncontested.
Source: Ballotpedia
If every woman currently leading a district were to end up winning, there would be 100 women in the House, plus 24 in the Senate.3 That totals 124 women in Congress, which easily blows past the current count of 107.
But this kind of seat gain isn’t guaranteed. Women could gain dozens of seats — but they might also add only a handful. For example, say we limit our forecast data to women with 3 in 4 chances of winning or better; there would be only 115 women in the next Congress. That would still be a historic high, with 92 female representatives compared with 84, but it would mean no gains for women in the Senate4 and only eight more seats overall. On the other hand, let’s assume that every woman with at least a 1 in 4 chance ends up prevailing. In this more optimistic scenario for women, there could be 120 congresswomen and 26 female senators on Jan. 3, 2019. That total of 146 women would be a 36 percent increase over the current number — but it’s worth noting that, even under this scenario, Congress would still be nowhere near gender parity.
As my colleague Perry Bacon Jr. has written, progress in electing more women to Congress has come mostly on the Democratic side of the aisle. As you can see in the chart below, the number of Republican women in Congress has plateaued since the 1990s (when the first “Year of the Woman” in 1992 was also Democrat-fueled), while Democratic women have made steady gains even as the number of Democratic men has shrunk.
Our forecast suggests that trend will continue: Assuming all 100 forecast leaders win their House races, 83 of the next session’s congresswomen will be Democrats, compared with just 17 who will be Republicans. Currently, of the 84 total congresswomen, there are 61 Democrats and 23 Republicans; that means that the gain would be among Democratic women, while the number of Republican women would actually decrease. If our model is correct, the ratio of Democratic congresswomen to Republican congresswomen will the be highest it has ever been.
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181 Democratic women candidates for the US House of Representatives.
(Revised list, Oct 20 2018)
US House, District 2: Tabitha Isner (http://tabithaisner.com, @TabithaK) 
US House, District 3: Mallory Hagan (http://haganforhouse.com, @HaganforHouse) 
US House, District 7: Terri Sewell (Incumbent) (@RepTerriSewell, @Sewell4Congress)
US House, District 2: Ann Kirkpatrick (http://kirkpatrickforcongress.com , @Ann_Kirkpatrick) 
US House, District 5: Joan Greene (http://joangreeneaz.com , @joangreeneaz)
US House, District 6: Anita Malik (http://anitaforarizona.com , @AnitaMalik)
US House, District 8: Hiral Tipirneni (http://hiralforcongress.com , @hiral4congress) 
US House, District 4: Hayden Shamel (http://haydenforcongress.com , @HaydenShamel)
US House District 1: Audrey Denney (http://audreyforcongress.com , @audrey4congress)
US House District 4: Jessica Morse (http://morse4congress.com , @Morse4America) 
US House District 6: Doris Matsui (Incumbent) (http://matsuiforcongress.com , @DorisMatsui)
US House District 12: Nancy Pelosi (Incumbent) (http://pelosiforcongress.org , @NancyPelosi) 
US House District 13: Barbara Lee (Incumbent) (http://barbaraleeforcongress.org , @RepBarbaraLee) 
US House District 14: Jackie Speier (Incumbent) (http://jackiespeier.org , @RepSpeier)
US House District 18: Anna Eshoo (http://annaeshoo4congress.com , @RepAnnaEshoo) 
US House District 19: Zoe Lofgren (http://zoelofgren.com , @RepZoeLofgren)
US House District 23: Tatiana Matta (http://tatianamatta.com , @Matta4Congress)
US House District 25: Katie Hill (http://katiehillforcongress.com , @KatieHill4CA) 
US House District 26: Julia Brownley (Incumbent) (http://juliabrownley.com , @JuliaBrownley26) 
US House District 27: Judy Chu (Incumbent) (http://judychu.org , @RepJudyChu)
US House District 32: Grace Napolitano (Incumbent) (http://napolitanoforcongress.com , @gracenapolitano) 
US House District 35: Norma Torres (Incumbent) (http://normatorres.com , @NormaJTorres) 
US House District 37: Karen Bass (Incumbent) http://karenbass.com , @RepKarenBass)
US House District 38: Linda Sanchez (Incumbent, http://voteforlinda.com , @RepLindaSanchez) 
US House District 40: Lucille Roybal-Allard (Incumbent, http://lucilleforcongress.org , @RepRoybalAllard) 
US House District 42: Julia Peacock (http://peacockforcongress.com , @peacock4ca42)
US House District 43: Maxine Waters (Incumbent) (http://maxinewatersforcongress.com , @RepMaxineWaters) 
US House District 44: Nanette Barragan (Incumbent) (http://barraganforcongress.com , @Nanette4CA) 
US House District 45: Katie Porter (http://katieporter.com , @katieporteroc)
US House District 53: Susan Davis (Incumbent) (http://susandavisforcongress.com , @RepSusanDavis) 
US House District 1: Diana DeGette (Incumbent) (http://degette.com , @DeGette5280 )
US House District 3: Diane Mitsch Bush (Incumbent) (http://dianeforcolorado.com , @RepDMB)
US House District 4: Karen McCormick (http://mccormickforcongress.org , @McCormickForCO) 
US House District 5: Stephany Rose Spaulding (http://stephanyroseforcongress.com , @StephanyForCO)
US House District 3: Rosa DeLauro (Incumbent) (http://rosadelauro.com , @rosadelauro) 
US House District 5: Jahana Hayes (http://jahanahayes.com , @JahanaHayesCT) 
US House: Lisa Blunt Rochester (Incumbent) (http://lisabluntrochester.com , @LisaBRochester)
US House District 1: Jennifer Zimmerman (http://jenniferzimmermanmd.com , @DrZ4Congress) 
US House District 3: Yvonne Hayes Hinson (http://yvonneforcongress.com , @YvonneHinsonFL) 
US House District 6: Nancy Soderberg (http://soderbergforcongress.com , @nancysoderberg)
US House District 7: Stephanie Murphy (Incumbent) (http://stephaniemurphyforcongress.com , @SMurphyCongress) 
US House District 10: Val Demings (Incumbent) (http://valdemings.com , @RepValDemings) 
US House District 11: Dana Cottrell (http://danacottrellforcongress.com , @DanaforCongress)
US House District 14: Kathy Castor (Incumbent) (http://castorforcongress.com , @KathyCastorFL) 
US House District 15: Kristen Carlson (http://kristencarlsonforcongress.com , @KristenForFL) 
US House District 18: Lauren Baer (http://laurenbaerforcongress.com , @laurenbaer) 
US House District 21: Lois Frankel (Incumbent) (http://loisfrankelforcongress.com , @LoisFrankel) 
US House District 23: Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Incumbent) (http://debbiewassermanschultz.com , @DWStweets)
US House District 24: Frederica Wilson (Incumbent) (http://fredericawilsonforcongress.com , @RepWilson) 
US House District 25: Mary Barzee Flores (http://marybarzeeflores.com , @MBFforCongress) 
US House District 26: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (http://debbiemucarselpowell.com , @DebbieforFL)
US House District 27: Donna Shalala (http://donnashalala.com, @DonnaShalala) 
US House District 1: Lisa Ring (http://lisaringforcongress.com , @LisaRingGA01) 
US House District 6: Lucy McBath (http://lucyforcongress.com , @LucyWins2018)
US House District 7: Carolyn Bourdeaux (http://carolyn4congress.com , @Carolyn4GA7) 
US House District 10: Tabitha Johnson-Green (http://johnsongreenforcongress2018.com , @TJG4GA) 
US House District 2: Tulsi Gabbard (http://votetulsi.com , @TulsiGabbard)
US House District 1: Cristina McNeil (http://cristinaforcongress.com , @McNeil4Congress) 
US House District 2: Robin Kelly (Incumbent) (http://robinkellyforcongress.org , @RepRobinKelly) 
US House District 9: Jan Schakowsky (Incumbent) (http://janschakowsky.org , @RepSchakowsky)
US House District 13: Betsy Londrigan (http://betsydirksenlondrigan.com , @BetsyforIL)
US House District 14: Lauren Underwood (http://underwoodforcongress.com , @LUnderwood630)
US House District 16: Sara Dady (http://saradadyforcongress.com , @Sara4Congress)
US House District 17 Cheri Bustos (Incumbent) (http://cheribustos.com, @CheriBustos) 
US House District 3: Courtney Tritch (http://tritchforcongress.com , @CourtneyTritch) 
US House District 4: Tobi Beck (http://beck4indiana.org , @BeckForIndiana)
US House District 5: Dee Thornton (http://deethorntonforcongress.com , @VoteThornton) 
US House District 6: Jeannine Lee Lake (http://jeannineleelakeforcongress.com , @JeannineLeeLake) 
US House District 9: Liz Watson (http://lizforindiana.com , @LizForIndiana)
US House District 1: Abby Finkenauer (http://abbyfinkenauer.com , @Abby4Iowa) 
US House District 3: Cindy Axne (http://cindyaxneforcongress.com , @Axne4Congress) 
US House District 3: Sharice Davids (http://shariceforcongress.com , @sharicedavids)
US House District 6: Amy McGrath (http://amymcgrathforcongress.com , @AmyMcGrathKY) 
US House District 1: Tammy Savoie (http://tammysavoie.com , @tammyforla)
US House District 3: Mimi Methvin (http://votemimi.org , @VoteMimi)
US House District 6: Andi Saizan (http://voteandie.com , @andiesaizan)
US House District 1: Chellie Pingree (Incumbent) (http://chelliepingree.com , @chelliepingree)
US House District 3: Lori Trahan (http://loritrahan.com , @LoriUSCongress) 
US House District 5: Katherine Clark (Incumbent) (http://katherineclark.org , @RepKClark) 
US House District 7: Ayanna Pressley (http://ayannapressley.com , @AyannaPressley)
US House District 3: Cathy Albro (http://cathyalbroforcongress.com , @cathyalbro) 
US House District 7: Gretchen Driskell (http://votedriskell.com , @gdriskell) 
US House District 8: Elissa Slotkin (http://elissaforcongress.com , @ElissaSlotkin)
US House District 10: Kimberly Bizon (http://electbizon2018.com , @electbizon2018) 
US House District 11: Haley Stevens (http://haleystevensforcongress.com , @HaleyLive) 
US House District 12: Debbie Dingell (Incumbent) (http://debbiedingellforcongress.com , @DebDingell)
US House District 13: Rashida Tlaib (http://rashidaforcongress.com , @RashidaTlaib) 
US House District 14: Brenda Lawrence (Incumbent) (http://brendalawrence.com , @RepLawrence) 
US House District 2: Angie Craig (http://angiecraig.com , @AngieCraigMN)
US House District 4: Betty McCollum (Incumbent) (http://mccollumforcongress.com , @BettyMcCollum04) 
US House District 5: Ilhan Omar (http://ilhanomar.com , @IlhanMN)
US House District 3: Katy Geppert (http://katygeppertforcongress.com , @KatyforCongress) 
US House District 4: Renee Hoagenson (http://reneehoagenson.com , @ReneeHoagenson) 
US House District 8: Kathy Ellis (http://ellisformissouri.com , @ellis4missouri)
US House: Kathleen Williams (http://kathleenformontana.com , @WilliamsForMT)
US House District 1: Jessica McClure (http://jessicamcclureforcongress.com , @Clure4Congress) 
US House District 2: Kara Eastman (http://eastmanforcongress.com , @karaforcongress)
US House District 1: Dina Titus (Incumbent) (http://dinatitus.com , @dinatitus)
US House District 3: Susie Lee (http://susieleeforcongress.com , @SusieLeeNV) 
US House District 2: Annie Kuster (Incumbent) (http://kusterforcongress.com , @RepAnnieKuster)
US House District 11: Mikie Sherrill (http://mikiesherrill.com , @MikieSherrill)
US House District 12: Bonnie Watson Coleman (Incumbent) (http://bonnieforcongress.com , @Bonnie4Congress)
US House District 1: Deb Haaland (http://debforcongress.com , @Deb4CongressNM)
US House District 2: Xochitl Torres Small (http://xochforcongress.com , @XochforCongress)
US House District 2: Liuba Grechen Shirley (http://liubaforcongress.com , @liuba4congress)
US House District 4: Kathleen Rice (Incumbent) (http://kathleenrice.com , @KathleenRice) 
US House District 7: Nydia Velazquez (Incumbent) (http://reelectnydiavelazquez.com , @ReElectNydia)
US House District 9: Yvette Clarke (Incumbent) (http://voteyvette.com , @VoteYvette) 
US House District 12: Carolyn Maloney (Incumbent) (http://carolynmaloney.com , @CarolynBMaloney) 
US House District 14: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (http://ocasio2018.com , @Ocasio2018)
US House District 17: Nita Lowey (Incumbent) (http://loweyforcongress.com , @NitaLowey) 
US House District 21: Tedra Cobb (http://tedracobb.com , @TedraCobb) 
US House District 23: Tracy Mitrano (http://tracymitranoforcongress.com , @MitranoForNY23)
US House District 24: Dana Balter (http://electdanabalter.com , @dana_balter)
US House District 2: Linda Coleman (http://lindacolemanforcongress.com , @LindaForNC) 
US House District 5: D.D. Adams (http://ddadamsforcongress.com , @DDAdamsCongress)
US House District 12: Alma Adams (Incumbent) (http://almaadamsforcongress.com , @AlmaforCongress) 
US House District 13: Kathy Manning (http://kathymanning2018.com , @KathyManningNC)
US House District 2: Jill Schiller (http://voteschiller.com , @jillschill) 
US House District 3: Joyce Beatty (Incumbent) (http://beattyforcongress.com , @JoyceBeatty) 
US House District 4: Janet Garrett (http://janetgarrett.com, @Janet4OH)
US House District 6: Shawna Roberts (http://shawnarobertsforcongress2018.org , @RobertsOhioD6) 
US House District 8: Vanessa Enoch (http://enochforcongress.com , @DrVEnoch) 
US House District 9: Marcy Kaptur (Incumbent) (http://marcykaptur.com , @Marcy_Kaptur)
US House District 10: Theresa Gasper (http://gasperforcongress.com , @GasperforOH10) 
US House District 11: Marcia Fudge (Incumbent) (http://marcialfudge.com , @mlfudge) 
US House District 14: Betsy Rader (http://betsyraderforcongress.com , @BetsyRaderOH)
US House District 16: Susan Moran Palmer (http://susanpalmerforcongress.com , @SusanPalmerOH) 
US House District 4: Mary Brannon (http://electbrannon.com , @ElectBrannon)
US House District 5: Kendra Horn (http://kendrahornforcongress.com , @HornForCongress)
US House District 1: Suzanne Bonamici (Incumbent) (http://bonamiciforcongress.com , @RepBonamici) 
US House District 2: Jamie McLeod-Skinner (http://jamiefororegon.com , @JamieforOregon) 
US House District 4: Madeleine Dean (http://mad4pa.com , @mad4pa)
US House District 5: Mary Gay Scanlon (http://scanlonforcongress.com , @marygayscanlon) 
US House District 6: Chrissy Houlahan (http://chrissyhoulahanforcongress.com , @HoulahanForPa) 
US House District 7: Susan Ellis Wild (http://wildforcongress.com , @wildforcongress)
US House District 11: Jessica King (http://jesskingforcongress.com , @jessforcongress) 
US House District 14: Bibiana Boerio (http://boerioforcongress.com , @Boerio4Congress) 
US House District 15: Susan Boser (http://susanboserforcongress.com , @BoserforPA)
US House District 3: Mary Geren (http://marygeren.com , @MaryGeren)
US House District 2: Renee Hoyos (http://hoyosforcongress.com , @Hoyos4Congress) 
US House District 3: Danielle Mitchell (http://mitchell4congress.com , @DMMD4TNCongress)
US House District 4: Mariah Phillips (http://mariah4congress.com, @Mariah4Congress)
US House District 6: Dawn Barlow (http://dawnbarlowforcongress.com , @Barlow4Congress) 
US House District 8: Erika Stotts Pearson (http://erikastottspearson.com , @erika_stotts)
US House District 1: Shirley McKellar (http://votemckellar.com , @Vote4McKellar) 
US House District 3: Lorie Burch (http://lorieburchforcongress.com , @LorieB4Congress) 
US House District 4: Catherine Krantz (http://catherinekrantzforcongress.com , @Krantz4Congress)
US House District 6: Jana Lynne Sanchez (http://sanchez4texas.com , @janasanchez)
US House District 7: Lizzie Pannill Fletcher (http://lizziefletcher.com , @Lizzie4Congress) 
US House District 11: Jennie Lou Leeder (http://jennielouleeder.com , @JennieLouLeeder)
US House District 12: Vanessa Adia (http://vanessaadia.com ,@VanessaAdiaTX12)  
US House District 14: Adrienne Bell (http://bell2018.com , @AdrBell) 
US House District 16: Veronica Escobar (http://veronicaescobar.com , @vgescobar)
US House District 18: Sheila Jackson Lee (Incumbent) (http://sheilajacksonlee18.com, @JacksonLeeTX18)
US House District 23: Gina Ortiz Jones (http://ginaortizjones.com , @GinaOrtizJones) 
US House District 24: Jan McDowell (http://janmcdowell.com , @JanForCongress)
US House District 25: Julie Oliver (http://oliver2018.com , @JulieForTX25)
US House District 26: Linsey Fagan (http://linseyfagan.com , @LinseyFaganTX)  
US House District 29: Sylvia Garcia (http://sylviaforcongress.com , @SenatorSylvia)
US House District 30: Eddie Bernice Johnson (Incumbent) (http://ebjcampaign.com , @RepEBJ) 
US House District 31: M.J. Hegar (http://mjfortexas.com , @mjhegar) 
US House District 36: Dayna Steele (http://daynasteele36.com , @daynasteele)
US House District 2: Shireen Ghorbani (http://shireenforcongress.com , @ShireenGhorbani) 
US House District 1: Vangie Williams (http://vangieforcongress.com , @Vangie4Congress) 
US House District 2: Elaine Luria (http://elaineforcongress.com , @ElaineLuriaVA)
US House District 5: Leslie Cockburn (http://lesliecockburnforcongress.com , @LeslieCockburn)
US House District 6: Jennifer Lewis (http://jenniferlewisforcongress.com , @JenniferForVA) 
US House District 7: Abigail Spanberger (http://abigailspanberger.com , @SpanbergerVA07)
US House District 10: Jennifer Wexton (http://jenniferwexton.com , @JenniferWexton) 
US House District 1: Suzan DelBene (Incumbent) (http://delbeneforcongress.com , @SuzanDelBene) 
US House District 3: Carolyn Long (http://electlong.com , @ElectLong)
US House District 4: Christine Brown (http://christinebrownforcongress.com , @ChristineForWA) 
US House District 5: Lisa Brown (http://lisabrownforcongress.com , @lisa4congress) 
US House District 7: Pramila Jayapal (Incumbent) (http://pramilaforcongress.com , @PramilaJayapal)
US House District 8: Kim Schrier (http://drkimschrier.com , @DrKimSchrier) 
US House District 9: Sarah Smith (http://votesarahsmith.com , @SarahSmith2018) 
US House District 1: Kendra Fershee (http://teamkendrawv.com , @teamkendrawv)
US House District 2: Talley Sergent (http://talleysergent.com , @TalleySergent)
US House District 4: Gwen Moore (http://gwenmooreforcongress.com , @Gwen4Congress) 
US House District 7: Margaret Engebretson (http://vetfordemocracy.com, @vetfordemocracy)
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