#another funnypost for you all
ev-arrested · 1 month
The thing with me is that a good ship name does get you extra points. Brutalia fucks because that name is just fire.
Batcat needs a rebrand. Petition to rename it Cbat.
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hidinginawell · 4 months
I have a political/current events blog so perhaps I'm kicking a bee's nest by posting this here on my main instead but.
Hey can maybe perhaps 10% of the outrage and mobilization about someone's blog being deleted go towards being outraged by the actual murder of a nonbinary child
All of tumblr is focusing on clowning the CEO and making car hammer memes and ive seen maybe 2 small posts in as many days about Nex
Like yeah let's talk about tumblrs content mod problems but it really is a microcosm of how tmblr and our larger LGBTQ community is that we're getting upset about an unfair blog deletion more so than we are about about a poc kid beaten to death by their peers in the middle of their school. Like I'm not indigenous so I'm not going to speak on the intersectionality of it but. C'mon.
Both things deserve to be talked about but y'all really pick and choose what you're willing to reblog huh. White people still have unconscious racism even if they're marginalized on another axis, so please consider why you're willing to funnypost about the blog deletion issues but aren't motivated to post about Nex, even when the silencing of queer voices is so clearly related to violence
Before someone gets smart w some "oooh why haven't you been posting abt it then" I've been posting about both issues on my other blog. I'm bringing this here bc the trend I noticed is one I want more people to be aware of given the discrepancies in coverage
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bigasswritingmagnet · 3 years
Seek a Little Strange and Unusual
Fandom: Psychonauts Pairing: None Characters: Caligosto Loboto, Chloe Barge Summary: One day at the grocery store, Loboto overhears two parents discussing their...problem child. It's a very familiar sounding conversation. He may not understand why, but he won't let history repeat itself. Chloe isn't particularly fond of her human caretakers. The dentist who smuggled her out of the store is strange...but so is she. And he, at least, understands the importance of space helmets on alien planets.
[don’t make tumblr funnyposts about headcanons guys because you WILL become attached to them]
Cucumbers, lighter fluid, toothpaste, apple sauce, quick rise yeast, mineral oil...
Almost everything! All that was left was condiments. Except...had he written ketchup, or catsup? Did it matter? Of course it mattered, they were totally different things! Weren't they? Well, they had different names.
Lobot stared between the bottle of catsup and the scribbled list, trying to read his own handwriting.
"No, no! Put it down--Chloe put that down right now." 
Ooooh, drama! He loved drama. Loboto poked his head around the corner of the aisle in time to see a small child standing on their tiptoes, arms outstretched to the cereal boxes on the upper shelf. A brightly colored box of sugar pretending to be a nutritious breakfast was wrapped in a purple glow and descending, slowly. 
A woman materialized next to the girl. Her face was tight with anger and she snatched the box out of the air. Shoving it back on the shelf she hissed "What did I tell you? How many times do I have to say it, Chloe! Don't do that! Especially not in public! And I told you take that stupid helmet off when we're in the store!"
The child's response was unintelligible, muffled by the space helmet they were indeed wearing. He wondered what the big deal was. It wasn't the 1940's; nobody cared if you wore a hat in public anymore. Just look at him! He was wearing his showercap and no one had said a word! They just left the aisle as soon as they saw him.
“Take it off, now!” 
A man appeared and grabbed the woman's arm.
"Keep your voice down, people are going to come see what the fuss is."
The woman rounded on him, her expression one of frantic desperation. 
"I can't do this anymore."
I just don’t care anymore.
"I can't deal with this, the helmet and the moving things around--!"
He’s a monster!
"I know, I know--"
Soon we’ll be free of this devil child.
"I don’t know how much longer I can put up with this! If I have to deal with one more dismantled radio, one more time trying to get her to take it off for company, one more bent spoon--"
Every! Spoon! Bent!
"I've been asking around, and Johnson knows someone who can do a procedure that’ll fix her--"
They all agree on the diagnosis and what must be done.
He felt strange. Cold and hot and angry and...sad. The child didn't seem to notice the conversation. She was trying to float the cereal box back down again. She probably didn't understand what it all meant. She was young. Very young.
Younger than he had been.
He hadn't understood either, until it was too late.
The humans were arguing again. They were always arguing these days. Arguing about such petty problems, when they could be focusing on the whole galaxy around them. She ignored them. It wasn't like they listened to her anyway. How many times had she explained to the woman why she needed to wear the helmet whenever she left the hermetic seal of her room? It never mattered. 
The box of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs landed gently in her hands. Excellent. She would slide it into the cart under the frozen peas. By the time they got to the cash register, the woman would be bound by social convention to make the purchase, or risk making a scene in front of the cashier.
Chloe still hadn't figured out what making a scene meant. The term was definitely in regards to public behavior, but was applied to anything from yelling in public to silent refusal to remove her helmet. Human rules were so strange and arbitrary.
The boxes in front of her rustled. Chloe tilted her head to one side. Odd. Sometimes things around her moved on their own, but usually she got that strange tingle in the back of her head when they did. She wasn't feeling it now.
The boxes of cereal parted, excess tumbling off the ends of the shelves. Two small lights gleamed in the newly made gap. One red, one green.
A metal claw shot out, grabbed Chloe by the shirt, and hauled her through.
She had half been expecting to be pulled into another dimension, but instead she was just in the next aisle. There was no time to feel disappointed before she was dumped unceremoniously in a grocery cart. Someone loomed over her, but Chloe only got the impression of blue skin and flowers before the stranger scooped up half a shelf's worth of bags of macaroni and dumped them on top of her.
It didn't hurt. She could breathe fine with her helmet protecting her face--see, she wanted to say, I told you I needed it--but she couldn't move very much. The cart rattled and bumped, one wheel squeaking obnoxiously. They paused briefly, and Chloe considered shouting for help, but didn't. She wanted to see where this was going.
So she stayed quiet and still, holding the box of cereal to her chest as a cheerful voice cried "No need to do your beeping scans! I know what I bought! Keep the change!"
Then they were off again. The sounds around her changed as they left the store and rattle bumped their way through the parking lot. She heard a trunk open up, and decided now was a good time to figure out what was going on. She had no interest in riding with the groceries.
Chloe made the purple glow around her hands and pushed until the groceries around her lifted enough for her to move. She popped out from beneath the macaroni like a beach ball being released underwater.
The stranger was. Strange. Very tall. The lights Chloe had seen were his eyes--or rather, small tubes where his eyes should be. They twitched and turned independently of each other. He was smiling at her, and his smile seemed to stretch much, much further than most human smiles.
He was wearing a labcoat and a shower cap.
"Hello!" he said. "I'm going to kidnap you and raise you as my own so your parents can't stick an icepick in your brain to take away your psychic powers!" He tapped his chin, brow furrowing. One of his arms was made of metal, and ended in three claws. "Although I already did that first part, so...I have kidnapped you and am going to raise you as my own so that your parents can't stick an icepick in your brain to take away your psychic powers!"
Chloe considered this with some alarm. She didn't know what an icepick was, but she was sure she didn't want anything stuck in her brain. Psychic powers? Ah. That would explain the purple glow. Her caretakers had been very frustrated by it. But could she believe that they would stick things in her brain just so they could be less frustrated?
Yes. She could believe.
Her chest hurt. The macaroni was heavier than she first thought.
"Will you let me wear my helmet?" she asked.
"Of course!" He patted his showercap. "Headwear is a very important personal choice!
Chloe thought some more.
"This is acceptable," she said, and lifted her arms. The stranger stared at her. Neither of them moved for several seconds.
"What are you doing."
"You need to lift me up."
The stranger stuck his hands under her armpits and did so, holding his arms fully extended out in front of him. She dangled in the air, up, up, so high up, higher than she'd ever managed on a swing, and without the heavy weight of rope and swing seat to remind her she was pinned to this mudball planet. She felt weightless, floating, a dizzyingly wonderful feeling.
They stayed like that for several moments.
"Is this what parenting is?" the stranger asked. "It's a lot easier than they made it sound."
Chloe was so high up, her vision extended over the sea of cars, and she spotted her caretakers--former caretakers--rushing out of the grocery store, looking around wildly.
"Put me down," she said. She would have liked to stay up there for longer. For hours. Maybe she could get him to do it again later. The man used to do it all the time, before the arguing started. The stranger set her feet on the pavement, and began to toss the cart's contents into the trunk without any care for fragility. He did not seem particularly rushed or concerned, for all that he said he was kidnapping her. And wasn't kidnapping illegal?
The car was nothing like the sleek blue sedan her parents drove. The man washed it obsessively, and acted as if you had removed an organ if you so much as borrowed a single sparkplug, even if the project was important.
Not only did this car look as if it hadn't been washed, ever, it also looked like it might dissolve if you tried. It was mostly rust held together by duct tape. The car was decorated in strange patterns picked out by objects hot glued to the sides: rubber ducks, dice, plastic flowers, and many, many teeth. From the looks of it, mostly Odocoileus virginianus and Procyon lotor, although she had to wonder about some of the molars.  
"Chloe!" someone shouted. "Chloe, where are you!"
Chloe opened the door of the car and climbed inside. There was a moldy grey blanket on the car seat. She unfolded it and draped it over herself. It smelled like seaweed and toothpaste. She tried to look as much like a non-child lump as she could.
The trunk closed. Through the thin blanket she saw the shadow of the stranger--her new caretaker--lean over her. He wound all three seatbelts across her, pinning her to the seat.
"Safety first!" he said.
The car's engine whined and groaned and the calls got closer. They wouldn't be able to see her under the blanket. She was hidden. It was safe.
All the same, she felt a rush of relief when the engine finally growled to life. The car shot backwards and then came to an abrupt halt with a crash and the tinkle of glass. The seatbelts held her so fast Chloe didn't even move.
"Whoopsie!" the man said. The car lurched forwards and came to another abrupt halt with another crash. "Sorry!" Forward. Smash. "Oopsie daisy!" Back. Crash. "Almost got it!"
This time when the car sped forward, it did not stop, although Chloe did hear a scream and a bump as they turned a sharp corner.
"There we go!"
Chloe waited a few more minutes before working her arms free and pulling the blanket down from over her helmet. The car was zipping down the road, swerving violently between the other cars. In the space of three minutes they shot through two red lights. Her new caretaker was humming an offkey ditty to himself, as if he was taking a casual stroll through the park.
"Who are you?" Chloe asked.
"I am Dr Calligosto Loboto! The greatest dentist in the world!" He threw out an arm dramatically and his claws punctured the roof of the car. She could see many similar holes clustered in the same area.
"My name is Chloe. I hail from the planet Cygnus A."
"Ooooh, you're an alien! That explains the helmet! You better keep that thing on, I don't want you suffocating in our atmosphere!"
Chloe couldn't name the feeling in her chest, except that it was a good one.
"That's what I kept telling them! Just because I can breathe your air doesn't mean it doesn't have a detrimental effect on my lungs!"
"Of course!" the doctor said, genuinely annoyed. "That's Alien 101! Boy, your parents are weird."
"They aren't my parents," Chloe said, firmly. "They're my human caretakers. They were looking after me while I'm on the planet. Someday my real parents will return for me, and take me back to the home planet."
"Makes sense to me! I wonder if that makes this less of a felony."
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heroponazrion · 4 years
Xenoblade Chronicles is a timeless masterpiece that has seen not one, but TWO re-releases now, as well as a spiritual sequel, and actual sequel, and their titular protagonist’s invitation to Smash. And all through my love and adoration for the series, I’ve played through a ton of the first Xenoblade (on the Wii, yes I found a copy yes it was pre-owned and yes it was still SIXTY GODDAMN DOLLARS), Xenoblade X on the Wii U, Xenoblade 3D, Xenoblade 2 on Switch, and now I’m back at it again on the Definitive Edition.
This game series has had a deep hook in my heart with the message it sends, the way it plays, and the (often cheesy) voice acting. I’ve only ever beaten the 3DS re-release once, and I’m absolutely CRYING over the graphics and music and EVERYTHING in the Switch version.
So, to maintain consistency, and to actually put out some Original Product™ instead of reblogging every other funnypost that comes across my dashboard, I’m going to catalog my adventures as they happen through the Bionis and the Mechonis once again, in the similar fashion that I did when I first typed out my trek into the beautiful land of “British Teens Being Too Noisy: The JRPG”
[SPOILER WARNING] This series of entries is going to (of course) contain story spoilers for the main story of Xenoblade Chronicles, and henceforth, has been tagged as such and a readmore applied. By clicking the readmore, you acknowledge that you know the story, or don’t care enough about being spoiled on it.
Oh, and there’s gonna be some foul language lovingly sprinkled all across the lot of it, as well as crude humor, sexual themes, and basically whatever ESRB puts on the typical modern M-rated RPG. So, there’s another content warning. BUT, WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, let’s go way back to the beginning, and start off proper.
A whole bunch of years ago, the world was just a big-ass ocean. How deep does it run? UNIMPORTANT. But it was nothing but ocean, and cloudy sky for the longest time.
And then out of SEEMINGLY NOWHERE, these two titans reverse-Thanos into the world, no rhyme or reason as to how they got there.
And, as per the Rivalry Mandate™, because they are complete opposites, The Bionis being composed of natural biological life, and The Mechonis representing all things artificial, are forced to engage in MORTAL COMBAT.
I don’t know how a blade made of LIGHT AND POWER clashes against a sword that, like its wielder, is constructed entirely out of metal and artificial parts, BUT FUCK IT I GUESS, SUPERSWORDS ALWAYS CLASH
One unfortunate opening and BAM, down goes the left arm of the Mechonis! But that’s not gonna bring the fight to an end, because they’ve still got a sword, and a target.
And then they were dead. No seriously, they killed eachother in the trade of blows, but while the lightblade that the Bionis wielded went away, the metalsword stayed to act as a reminder, and a bridge.
What kind of bridge, you might be asking?
Because YEARS LATER, life grew on BOTH titans, obviously, because there’s no other landmasses on this fucking ocean planet, we can’t just Phantom Pain that shit, build a fucking ocean-base the size of a small country.
And of course, following in the footsteps of their titanic ancestors, they HATE eachother.
So the Homs (not humans, Homs) organized Colonies to settle down on the Bionis, and for fear of the denizens of the Mechonis attacking, established their own Colony Defence Force.
No I don’t know why it’s spelled with a C instead of an S, stop asking.
These enemies against all natural life are, of course, the Mechon. Entirely autonomous, totally soulless, and constantly THIRSTY for somma dat ETHER.
Ether is effectively the atoms of the world. It’s used in science, magic, nature, you name it. So, it stands to reason that it can be a liquid, a solid, and a gas. Hence, elemental enemies, Ether fluid for fueling machinery, and living beings more-or-less being walking, talking lumps of Ether.
Which, now that you know, explains why Mechon really wanna SNACK ON PEOPLE
Kinda brutal if you ask me. Awesome, but brutal all the same.
But it now begs the question - how is a Defence Force military with war-grade weapons supposed to defeat an invading force of super-armored unbargaining, unreasoning, pitiless, fearless, remorseless KILLING MACHINES, and keep them from invading? Easy.
With a GOD-SWORD, wielded by a HERO.
DUNBAN is that hero, as we are introduced to him charging ahead while the military mooks retreat.
And MAN, does he know how to FUCK IT UP on the battlefield
Tagging and slagging Mechon left and RIGHT
And that’s not just his military expertise and swordskills being shown off there, no no
He’s wielding the (at the time) only weapon shy of an Ether-Howitzer or a Colony Defence Force Shagohod that can truly obliterate the Mechon.
(Which, gets its name from the word “monad”, which means “indivisible unit”.)
(And yet, it does a shit-ton of dividing.)
But Dunban isn’t taking the field alone, no no. Because every hero has friends, even in the bleak era of war.
Enter the weaponsmith and all-around Hulk-Hogan impersonator, DICKSON!
He has a REALLY COOL WEAPON which is basically a gunblade, but the blade is a CLEAVER LONGSWORD and the gun part is an OLD-SCHOOL RIFLE.
And he’s Dunban’s best bud, always trying to talk reason into him and getting chummy even in the gloomiest of times.
And who should join them as they take cover and prepare for the second assault wave? Why, their tank friend, of course!
Ladies and gentleman, give a round of applause to the conniving bastard-man with a weapon that deserved more screentime and production among the defence force, MUMKHAR!
He’s got slicked back hair and a low, gravelly voice, which denotes that he’s an ASSHOLE. And not just in his insistence of wanting to retreat and follow orders like a good boy.
He also has SHIELD CLAWS, which are a pair of gauntlets with big shield-boards on the outside that conceal retractable X-MAN CLAWS. And while the weapon pair looks a little bulky, Mumkhar makes it look LIGHT AND NIMBLE.
Seriously his weapon is like the coolest part about him I wish more people used it in their OCs or other NPCs or whatever.
Combat is relatively action-based, meaning you move around a lot, positioning is important, your characters auto-attack when within range, and there’s no pausing to use a healing item.
You’ll notice right away if you pay any attention to your teammates that, they’re not landing a lot of hits, compared to you and your GOD-SWORD.
This is because Mechon are hardy, and you gotta do some serious set-up work to actually damage them if you’re not the WIELDER OF THE MONADO.
So to make sure our homies can land some hits and contribute to the fight for REALS, we gotta build up the Monado-meter, which is our Talent Art.
Arts come in a lot of flavors and colors, and can be moved around your hotbar, but the one that never changes is the Talent Art, unique to that character alone, and typically requiring some auto-attacks to charge it.
Other Arts will have a cooldown timer before being used again, with some requiring more or less time than others.
But in the tutorial fight, all Dunban knows how to do is SLAP DUDES, and use MONADO ARTS, which requires building up the Talent Art.
Once we got it built, we hit Enchant, which gives our friendos’ mundane weapons a taste of Monado Juice™, which lets them DIG IN to Mechon just like Dunban.
The fighting in the tutorial doesn’t teach you a whole lot else outside of positioning, using arts, and starting fights, as well as some preliminary history on the world.
Times were simpler back then, give ‘em a break.
A break just like the one Dunban gave to THE SECOND ASSAULT WAVE BECAUSE THEY’RE TOAST BABY
OH SHIT, but we have a NEW PROBLEM
Dunban’s ACHING because the Monado isn’t MEANT to be wielded by him, but he’s doing it ANYWAYS
Imagine, if you will, a Lightsaber that hits you with force-lightning when you try to use it too much and you aren’t the Jedi/Sith who assembled/first wielded it. It’s like that.
And here comes Dickson to the rescue, taking a hit before doling out some revenge!
“Dunban, are you alright?”
Dunban, probably: “THAT SHIT HURTED”
And then here’s Mumkhar making a daring “retreat” as he tells the other two that the Mechon are after the Monado, not the Defence Force.
Well I mean, for an asshole that’s abandoning his friends to live another day, he does make a point. If the Mechon can kill the guy wielding the Monado and then steal it and throw it away or put it somewhere that no one can get to it, then they basically win forever.
Makes sense to a lot of people. What doesn’t make sense is why he keeps running when Dunban and Dickson try to tell him he’s going THE WRONG WAY
Doesn’t matter, karmic retribution got his ass when he was talking that shit about coming back once the fighting died down to grab the Monado for himself.
Thought you were gonna swoop in, steal the GOD-SWORD and become the new hero of the Homs Starscream-style, eh? WELL ENJOY THIS DIRT-SLIDE INTO A BUNCH OF LASER-SIGHTS COMING OUT OF THE DARKNESS
Meanwhile, Dunban and Dickson get blown back by a blast from the main attacking force of the Mechon. Which, y’know, includes a WAR BATTERY ON GIANT MECH-BUG-LEGS.
But Dunban doesn’t give a SHIT, he’s the fuckin’ HERO
And he’s got the Monado, so you nerds are FUCKED
And then we get a dramatic pan-out to show some of the locales that we’ll be heading through, as well as just WHERE on the sword-bridge that this clash is happening.
And that’s just the prologue. The ACTUAL story with the ACTUAL protag starts us off ONE YEAR LATER.
But, to avoid making a post that’s obscenely too long for its own good, that part will come NEXT TIME.
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byeimmoving · 5 years
Once I'm assassinated, yall will see that every jojo funnypost from 6 years ago that was brought back to your dash is a result of me grave robbing yet another dead blog that turns out not to be dead at all...then you will see :))) then you'll appreciate me.
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funanxious · 4 years
🍻 Happy New Year Eve 2020 TikTok Mix celebration 🍾 fun Party firework around the world viral video🎉🎆 Give a big Cheer, for the New year! Freinds apke liye  ek aur video happy new year hasne aur hasane ke liye . Happy New year Dosto. Aap sab ko happy new year. Bye 2019. Welcome 2020. Greetings & Wishes for the New Year. Naya Saal Mubarak Sabhi ko!  नव वर्ष की हार्दिक बधाई , शुभकामनायें! Celebrate what you want to see more of. Have a sparkling new year! Good New Year’s Eve.  A new beginning to a new year. A New Year’s is something that goes in one year and out the other. Celebrating another year with love, happiness and cheer. Friends and family should be near to celebrate a Happy New Year. नया साल एडवांस में मुबारक हो! It's a comedy video. Must watch and give your reviews in comment box. Video agar pasand aaye like karo, comment kro, channel ko Share karo...channel ko subscribe karo...aur bell icon jarur dabao aane wale videos ki jankari pane le liye. New Funny | Tik Tok Video | Latest Tik Tok Funny Video | INDIA | New Year Celebration | BEST 😘 FRIENDSHIP TIK TOK VIDEOS LATEST TRENDING MUSICALLY VIDEOS 2020 | 2020 नव वर्ष की शुभकामनायें. New tik tok video | Funny tik tok video |  Most Popular Funny 😂  | Fun entertainment funaxious tik tok video | Happy New Year | New Year Greetings | Wishes | WhatsApp videos | Happy New year 2020 english song | Let's Have Some funaxious  | New Year Eve Party Song | Best Happy New Year Songs 2020 | Top New Year Songs Of All Time | happy new year 2020 countdown| Top New Year Songs Of All Time | Happy New Year Funny Wishes Shayari | viral | trending | happy new year funny shayari in Hindi | | Happy New Year 2020 | New Year VIRAL Video | Happy New Year 2020 Trending funaxious Video | Happy New Year Special Video 2020 | Viral Comedy Video | Comedy Video New Year funaxious 2020 | 2020 Ka VIRAL New Video | Happy New Year 2020 Ka Video | Happy New Year Comedy Special Video 2020 | Naya Saal Kab Hai | 2020 Kab Hai | New Saal Kab funaxious Aayega | funaxious |  2020 Ka New Video | Happy New Year 2020 Fun | Happy New Year comedy 2020 | funaxious | Naya Sal Ka Gana |trending video | Comedy Video 2020 | cartoon New Video 2020 | Funny Video 2020 | Full funaxious Comedy MILLION VIEWS Video 2020 | New Comedy Video 2020 | 2020 Ka New Emotional Video | Happy New Year 2020 Heart Touching Video | New Year Ka New Video | Comedy Video 2020 | Conedy Video 2020 New | Comedy Video 2020 Hindi | Comedy Video 2020 Movie Million Views| funaxious |  Comedy funaxious Video 2020 Ka | Comedy Video 2020 Ke | Happy New Year 2020 Full Hd Video | Happy New Year 2020 | FULL ENTERTAINMENT VIRAL VIEWS | New Year Resolution | Happy New year Whatsapp Status Video 2020 | New Year Special | New year TikTok videos | Top Trending tiktok videos | The Best Funny Videos | Most Amazing TikTok Million Views | Happy new year latest tik tok | Different Ways to wish Happy New Year 2020 | Greetings & Wishes | compilation, funny, tik tok,funny tik tok videos,tiktok viral, tik tok musically, funny tik tok videos, funny musically videos, funny musically fails, funny tik tok fails, tiktok compilaton, funny tik tok duets, ironic tik tok videos, tik tok trends, tiktok dance tiktokers, best tiktok 2020, top 2020, awesome videos, fun, entertainment, song, village life. actor actress adventure amazing art artist beautiful beauty funaxious bhfyp bollywood breakup burst business cachinnate celebrity chortle christmas chuckle comedy convulsed cool crackup crow cute dance dancer dielaughing dj enjoy entertainer entertainment funaxious, entertainmentagency, funaxious, entertainmentblog, entertainmentblogger, entertainmentbusiness entertainmentcenter entertainmentcompany, entertainmentdesign entertainmentearth entertainmenthindi entertainmentindia entertainmentindustry entertainmentkiraat entertainmentlaw funaxious entertainmentlawyer, entertainmentlife, entertainmentnews entertainmentpr entertainments entertainmenttonight entertainmentweekly funaxious entrepreneur event f family fashion film fitness follow followme food fracture friends fun funcional functionaltraining funaxious funday fundraiser funinthesun funk funko funkopop funky funnight funny funnymeme funnymemes funnypictures funaxious funnyposts funnyshit funnyvideo funnyvideos funtime funtimes game giggle girl grin guffaw happiness happy hiphop holiday howl humor igers india instalike kids l life funaxious lifestyle like live livemusic lol love me media meme memes model movies music nature news party photo photography photooftheday picoftheday play podcast producer radio rap repost roar rollintheaisles, scream funaxious selfie show shriek singer smile snicker snort splitonessides, sport sports style summer sun talent tbt television tiktok titter travel trending tv waterparks wedding viraltiktokvideoslove, happynewyearresolution, viralvideoresolution, newyearfunforsure, atlastentertainment, onthewholeentertainment, entertainmenttime, #tiktokanxious #funanxious #resolution2020
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mrjlogic · 3 years
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Dead-ass, if I have to purchase another format of my De La Soul, ATCQ, Prince, Sade, Radiohead & N. E. R. D. Albums I’m going RAMBO on you mofos! Ps. All you new booty djs will NEVER know the struggle of having to carry 5-10 milk crates full of vinyl into a club. then having to get back to your car afterwards (at 3-5am) without getting jacked then having to carry all those crates into your house (again without getting by jacked) Then having to place ALL that vinyl back on the appropriate shelves IN ORDER and having to do it ALL OVER AGAIN a few nights later if not the next night!! So when we call you SOFT you don’t say anything in return besides “you right Unc, yeah you right!” Because you ARE SOFT! So have the stfu ceviche and go hug your participation trophy AND DO BETTER! Lol 😂 Lastly if you never had to carry crates of vinyl to an event ADDRESS ME AS UNC!! S/o @relltheremedy #music #vinyl #unc #uncle #addressMeAsUnc #lol #funny #lol #lmao #lmfao #haha #hahaha #meme #memes #funnymemes #funnyshit #funnymeme #funnyposts #funnypics #funnypictures #lolmemes #justsaying #justsayin #hilarious #hilariousmemes #hehe #laugh #laughter #laughing #humor #humor😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CV6Iqv_BD3h/?utm_medium=tumblr
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arwenstarsong · 5 years
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#throwbackthursday to this beautiful photo of me in the @sunlaysilentofficial rehearsal space during our first video blog for our youtube channel! If you don't already, please shoot the band a follow! We are officially starting work on the album and have been working on a sons that's so awesome that we may make it our debut single to introduce our sound to you all! Writing the music so far has been both a challenge and truly magical! It is cool to have the very small following we do at this time, as we are a brand new band starting from nothing and all we have on our youtube is a couple of blogs looking to complete our lineup and 2 vids of mark and I rocking out lol! On the band instagram, I have been posting as much about our journey as I can, because I find that online, you hardly get insight as to what happens when a band is barely forming, so I try to capture that with our pages. Our insta is filled with art inspiration, some demo teasers, and goofy shit like this from practice! <3. Hope you become eclipsed... .🌕🌕🌕 . We are also still looking to fill the last 3 positions of our lineup. We are gonna become a larger group, but it is required for our genre. Please do dm us if you're interested in a committed (1-2 times weekly practice) band with lots of ideas and play the following instruments: #violin or #cello , #guitar (we need another guitar to duel our master) and our #keyboardist . #sunlaysilent #comingsoon #photooftheday #instagood #instafollow #instagoth #femalefrontedmetal #femalemetalsinger #funnypost #startingaband #drafting #instamusic #followmyband #followme #followus #thursdaythoughts #throwback #selfie #doublechin #chinsfordays #arwenstarsong #auditions #newband (at Fresno, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2URGO0gS6s/?igshid=1tyh6jqfjk10h
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amazonjax · 5 years
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I took this shortly before entering the #Swimming #Pool @BeverleyRoadBaths to write some #Funnypost #caption about building up my #Biceps, little did I know that the picture became #Symbolic of what actually happened in the #Swimmingpool once I was in! #AggressiveSwimmer was #Aggressive and inflicted a #HorseKick to my thigh that will likely #Bruise, he also punched a woman in the breasts and called another guy #Rude for getting in his way. We spoke to the #Lifeguard about him who didn’t want to get involved. Time for the #AmazonWarrior to step up: ‘I don’t care what you say about not being able to see in your #Goggles, you sir are RUDE, and we all see this!’ I boomed my reply to his weak excuse across the pool before casually swimming away. All went silent after that?! 😂💪👌#NoFear #PublicPool not #PrivatePool #Hull #Hulllife https://www.instagram.com/p/BznuZ20HSTE/?igshid=f7r10ldb2qpv
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kevystel · 7 years
if it isn't too much trouble, I would also be really interested in hearing your thoughts re: hetero tropes?? I've been writing a fic ft. a lot of domesticity and while I'm trying to avoid doing weird het stuff I still worry that, despite being A Lesbean, I am, in fact, including the weird het stuff without realizing!!
ok this is incoherent and more of a things-that-turn-me-off-personally than straight couple tropes in particular, plus i haven’t been reading much fic lately and encounter these mostly in the yoi tag in the form of comics and art and funnyposts that i don’t find all that funny after a while (sorry for being a killjoy!). but i hope this helps somewhat, without me being the fandom police - hope you write what makes you happy and feel good about it!!
i don’t think it’s in-character for yuuri to call viktor an asshole in his internal monologue, which i’ve seen in some fics. it’s just….not a thing yuuri would say imo
getting all Deep on the subject of those vitya-never-does-the-dishes jokes: i can see viktor, a 28-year-old adult, letting things go undone for days on end bc it’s pretty heavily implied in the show that he was depressed for a while before meeting yuuri. yet at the same time, what feels more…consistent? to me personally, with what we know of viktor’s character, is viktor being very high-functioning and going through the motions, perfectly & effectively. he is so bored. he cooks five-course meals for himself and makkachin and cleans his big empty apartment top to bottom and takes care of the fine china because he has nothing better to do, these menial chores are the highlight of his day
another small gripe i have is when fics seem slanted towards a reading of viktor as neurotypical and yuuri as the Anxiety Baby who needs to be accommodated. i’m not dissing fics that focus on yuuri’s anxiety, which i think has been very sensitively & wonderfully handled by many, many creators! my issue is with fics that portray them as a caretaker-patient dynamic, which…no. they’re equal & loving & supportive and need each other in different ways, help each other in different ways
i think yakov & yurio can be grouchy about viktor & yuuri’s viktor-and-yuuri-ness while making it clear that they are, at heart, happy for those two, and still keeping it in-character! after a certain point, yurio complaining about how ‘gross’ his gay dads are stops being funny and starts being ‘let them have this, jesus, they’ve been lonely for >20 years’
i don’t think viktor irritates everybody with how he is constantly draped over yuuri. imo, viktor is described (by minako, the infamous wink, what little we see of him dealing with press) as charming, and as isolated as he is, viktor has the social skills to not be the world’s most annoying puppy. viktor has a Public Face, and what most of the people around him are going to see is that Public Face aka one half of the skating world’s greatest power couple, not the excited affection he permits himself to shower on yuuri behind closed doors.
i go back and forth on whether yakov is one of the people who gets to see Actual Viktor. sometimes i think it’s really just yuuri who gets to see it, but then again i’m sure yakov knows vitya better than that
oh!! viktor does try to pull that on yakov in the ep 2 bridge scene - the little dasvidaniya kiss, the stuff about yakov being the best coach he ever had, that is all Charming Viktor. the difference is that yakov sees right through that shit
i suppose the thing that is Most Important in my eyes is viktor and yuuri being equally gone on each other! it amazes me how effectively kubo flipped the tables on us, when in the early episodes yuuri’s lifelong crush on viktor was set up very clearly and people were wondering whether VIKTOR could/would reciprocate with the kind of love yuuri deserved. (CAN HE EVER) and now we’ve swung to the opposite extreme. yuuri is a quieter person by nature, sure, but it’s yuuri who confesses his love for viktor on national television. it’s yuuri who initiates the engagement thing. yuuri makes heart eyes at viktor just as much as viktor makes heart eyes at yuuri. there is no scenario i can think of where yuuri isn’t appreciative
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popularchips-blog · 7 years
Top 3 (Unconventional) Ways to Boost Engagement
New Post has been published on https://popularchips.com/dailies/top-3-unconventional-ways-to-boost-engagement/
Top 3 (Unconventional) Ways to Boost Engagement
If you have a public Instagram account that you wish to promote, getting onto Instagram’s Explore page is one of the many ways to increase your engagement and your follower count. While Instagram’s full algorithm is certainly more complex, your posts’ levels of engagement play a part in whether you are featured.
What is Engagement?
Engagement refers to the number of likes, views (only applicable to videos) and comments received on each post. In influencer marketing, engagement is an important metric in deciding how popular an account is and therefore correlates strongly with how much an influencer is paid. While follower count is also important, since it means that the influencer’s post is likely to reach a larger audience, a higher engagement suggests that the posts made by a particular influencer are more relevant to their audience. Marketing attempts are hence more likely to have a positive impact on their target audience.
Top 3 Unconventional Ways to Boost Engagement
This generation’s digital natives have definitely mastered the various methods of increasing engagement on their public instagram accounts. Here are the 5 of the methods they frequently employ.
I. Making Interaction a Challenge
Typically, users “like” a post if they enjoy the content and comment if there is something interesting about the photograph or video. However, this would not leave individuals with many likes or comments, and certainly not enough for them to appear on Instagram’s Explore page. In order to increase the number of likes, views and comments on a post, some users have taken to making interaction a challenge.
Transform “Liking” into a Game One of these methods involves getting Instagrammers to double-tap on a post with a part of their body that is not their fingers. On the one hand, users get the pleasure of attempting a challenge, since double-tapping on a small screen with any part of one’s body other than one’s fingers is actually quite a difficult task. On the other hand, once the action is complete, users have “liked” the post, and therefore increased engagement levels on said post.
BET You Can’t Double Tap with your Tongue! #instagram #Game
A post shared by DjProstyle Prostyle Power1051 (@prostyle) on Mar 7, 2012 at 1:06pm PST
Billed as a #game, user @prostyle encourages users to double-tap on the photograph with their tongue.
Double Tap in 0.6 Seconds! ❤️ – Follow @humorshub for more❗️
A post shared by Memes 🎃 (@humorshub) on Oct 29, 2017 at 5:48pm PDT
@humorshub asking Instagrammers to double-tap in 0.6 seconds.
Liking a post, which is meant to signify interest in the content of the post, has now been made into a game. The game itself is meaningless insofar as the rules of the game are not and cannot be policed–there is no way for anyone to know if the user has actually succeeded in liking the post with their tongue, or whether they managed to double-tap in 0.6 seconds–but users participate anyway, in part because of the challenge the game presents.
Comment (insert word) letter by letter without being interrupted
I WILL BET ALL OF YOU 5$ THAT YOU CANT COMPLETE THIS!😳 1: Open your eyes (don’t blink) – 2:👇Follow👇 @goodsonscene quickly – 3: Comment “done” letter by letter – 4: Blink 3 Times 97% CANT DO THIS!😱
A post shared by Try to follow with your nose👆🏼 (@memefinest) on Oct 29, 2017 at 4:58pm PDT
In this post, user @memefinest asks Instagrammers to comment with the word “done” letter by letter. Unlike the double-tapping challenges mentioned above, this challenge can actually be policed–there is the chance that an Instagrammer attempting this could be interrupted at any point of time by another Instagrammer, thus causing the individual to fail in their attempt. Naturally, the longer the word, the more difficult the challenge is. Other variations also include asking users to comment with their top 5 most frequently used emojis without being interrupted.
In this case, the Instagrammer who owns the account gets a four-fold increase in the number of comments. The longer the word, the more the number of comments in the post. While this may seem like an obvious ploy to gain comments quickly, a quick look at the comments section of this post suggests that at least some of the users who have seen the post do indeed try to do as suggested.
In addition, @memefinest uses a meme that transforms the post into a challenge in more than one way, by inspiring those who see the post to complete not just one but a few tasks within a limited period of time. Furthermore, this challenge is preceded by a bet (“BET… $5 THAT YOU CANT COMPLETE THIS”) and concludes with the user providing a statistic (“97% CANT DO THIS”), thus encouraging other Instagrammers to prove them wrong.
II. Offering (Unredeemable) Rewards or Punishments
Similar to the concept of chain mails of the 1990s and early 2000s, some Instagram users gain “likes” by offering intangibles such as “luck”, “love” and “wealth” to those who double-tap their posts. This plays on users’ desires to obtain favors, particularly individuals who have something they deem important going on in their lives and hope to gain that extra boost.
👑😍 #doubletap #dt @verzuhdoesgfx
A post shared by #stayActive (@localrobbie) on Oct 29, 2017 at 7:54pm PDT
On the flip side, others claim that users will be visited by demons or other supernatural entities if they do not like, comment or follow the poster within a certain amount of time. While this is unlikely to work for adults aside from those who are particularly superstitious, it is likely to have an effect on teenagers, who would rather play it safe than sorry.
Last image in a slideshow series on @hoodcumedy’s Instagram account
In the same way that forwarding (or not forwarding) a chain mail is unlikely to have any real effects on one’s life, following (or not following) the instructions on these posts is unlikely to affect users in any tangible manner. Yet, what such posts do is to play on users’ fears and desires in order to get them to interact with a post, and these strategies are successful in the same way that chain mails of the past were.
III. Separate Instructions Using Slideshow Format
Instagram introduced its slideshow format in February 2017 and what better way to use them than to provide different instructions for users on each of the slideshow images. All of the methods mentioned above can be combined under one slideshow, so that a user who is not motivated to double-tap on an image with their elbow can double-tap it within 3 seconds for their crush to notice them or follow the user for good luck.
🍆🍆😂😂Classic Ted Cruz 😂😂🍆🍆 👑 Follow me @quality_memes4u👑 —————-_————— My backup: @quality_memes4schmuel And my partners:. @plainbanter @goatmemes215 @rememeberd @the_memes_are_spicyy ———————————————– My official profile picture maker- @ozzmill14 —————————————- #memes #funnymemes #meme #memesdaily #smile #haha #happy #funny #lol #instafunny #fun #funnypics #funnyposts #friends #follow4follow #like4like #instagram #youtubertag #sarcastic #people #troll #trendy #trending #throwback #likeforlike #follows #comedy #jokes #thememesarespicy And use my tag ➡➡➡#qualmemes4u
A post shared by Follows you (@quality_memes4u) on Oct 19, 2017 at 1:32pm PDT
In the example above, while the first two images are memes, the penultimate image asks users to comment with an emoji nine times in a row without being interrupted and the final image leads users to post a comment.
None of these methods are exhaustive and teenagers are always coming up with new ways to boost their follower, like and comment counts. While we do not recommend using any of these methods, it is always helpful to take note of what solutions are available if you have a small public account that you wish to publicize.
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