#anti feyre
hugevanserrass · 2 days
the amount of times nesta is told by her sisters and cassian how she "isn't trying" to get better is kind of ridiculous especially considering how all of them behaved after their own traumas. feyre was wasting away in acomaf and couldn't get out of bed, elain wouldn't eat and was basically in a catatonic state throughout acowar, and cassian admits it took him years to get over the aftermath of battles/war. nesta is the only one who isn't allowed to fall apart. and the worst thing about this is that nesta takes their words to heart, internalizes them and then hates herself even more after every single one of these interactions.
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keepittoyourshelf · 2 days
Since the algorithm on my various socials thinks I actually want to see a ton of people simping over Rhys and ACOTAR, let’s get down to the bones of why that algorithm is fucked beyond all comprehension, shall we?
I’ve never hidden the fact that I’m pro-Tamlin, not in the sense that I approve of what he did, but from the place that I believe he’s worthy of forgiveness in the same way any of the men that SJM otherwise glorifies in her work is worthy of it for any of their transgressions.
I shouldn’t have to do a paint by numbers thing here to make this obvious, but based on the actual text written by SJM in her own words, Tamlin has objectively done nothing better or worse than Rhysand has.
The big complaint is his temper, of course, and pro-Rhysies love to bullshit about how the red flags were all over book 1 and SJM is such a master at foreshadowing.
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He locked Feyre in a house against her will to protect her, when she clearly didn’t want to be caged. How is that any worse than Rhysand…drugging her and making her give him lap dances, in order to protect her, when she clearly didn’t want to be dancing naked in front of strangers?
Go on. I’ll wait for your rationalization.
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Rhysand’s whole shtick was that he’s only playing the villain to keep Velaris (and only Velaris) safe…those fucks in the Hewn City can eat a bag of dicks, right? But tell me again how Tamlin is the really bad one for enforcing a tithe because it’s unfair to those who can’t afford it (fair point). But Rhysand chooses to save the one city in his court that has zero problems. Let’s let those that might already be suffering from poverty get kidnapped and tortured by a psychopath. That’s probably better than a tithe, right?
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And let’s not forget how Tamlin mocked Feyre and Rhys at the High Lords meeting. While funny, it was in poor taste. At least Rhysand didn’t publicly mock Tamlin. He had the decency to do it privately when he went out of his way to go to a deeply troubled man’s house and, in the midst of an obvious mental health crisis, not only had the gall to ask for resources from a man that has no resources because his own wife fucking destroyed them out of spite, but proceeds to rub in his triumph over a man that has nothing left. Nothing to see there, right?
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Even if you could ignore all of that (and you’d have to be willfully fucking thick to do so, which a lot of these people are), I shall leave you with Tamlin’s role as a spy for Hybern. That’s obviously supposed to be a real shock because TaMliN BaD at this point, so why would anyone believe him? It’s not like he had a really good explanation like Rhys gave when he murdered literal children and innocents just to ensure Amarantha didn’t know how noble he actually was. Right? RIGHT?! And it’s not like anyone would have a harder time believing someone who had played evil and done actually evil things for the “greater good” (a collectivist dog whistle if there ever was one) for fifty fucking years over the dude that suddenly goes bad after being a progressive and respected high lord for the same period of time? I mean, it’s not like we’re dealing with severe mental anguish and trauma here. That’s crazy talk.
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Shadow Daddy does no wrong. Even when he does. Because reasons.
Those idiots on TikTok making stupid videos showing their bf’s being all shocked and I KNEW IT when Tamlin “turns” can chew glass along with all those dipshits selling mugs that say “Tamlin’s Tears” on Etsy right next to merch glorifying a man that literally gaslit his soulmate into believing that forced drunken naked lap dances were actually a good thing, when you think about it.
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SJM isn’t a master of foreshadowing. She’s a sloppy writer of moderately entertaining fiction that has a kink for glorifying severely unhealthy behaviors without the benefit of a trigger warning.
Fuck off if you think that’s all okay and think that anyone that says Tamlin isn’t any worse comparatively is the crazy one. Projection is a real disorder. Look it up. Right after you order your 543rd Rhysand candle.
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lainalit · 1 day
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Artists: Rhysand @charliebowater  | Feyre @madschofield
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misspookiehere · 2 days
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HE TAXED HIS PEOPLE TO DEATH? His provided lots of flexibility in his tax system.
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When Lucien was explaining Feyre he said if they don't pay in 3 days Tamlin is expected to hunt them down.
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But during tithe Tamlin said they have 3 days or the offer double next tithe. He don't want to hunt them down.
Plus they can literally give anything. Money is not necessary.
Girly thinks Rhysand have a tree that grows money or maybe they got occasional money rain in Velaris. Huh? How do you think he is running his court.
Lo jiii now their fae tradition that they've been doing for thousands of years is now suddenly Tamlin's fault.
Girly make it seem like he is dragging women to sleep with him. All the women participating in Calanmai is there on their own.
Yes he locked her in, biggest mistake but did he controlled what she eats?,did he forced her to do physical training?,did he forced her to work with no salary? Did his people in the mansion was verbally lashing on her? When she locked Nesta in the name of therapy they forced her to do all of these things.
Pls don't start saying that in Nesta's case all these things helped her. Bcoz in Feyre's case staying in the mansion will make sure she is still breathing. Do I need to remind you that Attor & Hybern were still lurking in the SC borders ready to snatch her any moment they got. Yes in SC borders bcoz at this point everybody knows she is in SC they don't exactly have to find her. They are more closer to her than she thinks.
I thought this one is clear. Looks like I still need to talk about this. Tamlin & Lucien didn't know about Ianthe's plan. How did Ianthe know about her sisters? Almighty Feyre herself told her in details.
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And also didn't they visited her sisters when Rhysand was fully aware that Attor was tracking them. And then they invited those Queens who betrayed them later in the same house.
And don't even think about saying If Tamlin hadn't made that deal none of these would have happened bcoz he made the deal after Ianthe was already in the SC. That woman has her own agenda so it doesn't matter if he made the deal or not she still would have carried out her plan.
And also Tamlin's deal was not only to bring Feyre back. 1st of all the deal allowed him to spy on them and 2nd the other part of the deal was that he'll allowed them to cross the wall if they don't attack anyone in SC. Let's just say What if he hasn't made the deal then the war will still happen, they'll still cross the wall, the first court they'll attack will be his but without the deal they'll kill each & every person in SC. I would say it was a thoughtful idea but unfortunately not everything thing was fulfilled.
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(putting this here bcoz I commented it somewhere & atleast 10 people said they don't remember & even more people said that this never happened & that I'm a crazy girl making fake scenes in my head)
okay fine he didn't give her HL title (the title that didn't even existed) but he was marrying her in front of his people that means he is basically introducing her as the lady of SC ( if not HL) to his whole court . That still gave her lot of power plus respect. 
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What exactly Rhys did? Married her privately with only one witness ( I'm guessing) that is the priestess. And then he introduced her as a whore in his court.
What kind of leader? Like Rhysand?      Haah Funny coz that dude can't even rule the other half of his court properly.
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sherell-x · 9 hours
Y’all the way I totally & completely forgot that Feyre was a whole willing side piece!!😭😭
Isaac Hale told Feyre he was getting married which meant he must have had to have been courting some girl beforehand and still Feyre was not only ACTIVELY CHOOSING to pursue a soon-to-be married man but also WILLINGLY engaging in sex with a man in a whole relationship…💀💀
you know the more I think about Feyre & the way she is the more I see the narcissistic traits just leap out of her…Feyre knew Isaac was getting married & still chose to continue fucking him…& like this creator said Nesta was NEVER slut-shaming Feyre but only pointing out how she was essentially lowering herself down to being a man’s secret…A SIDE PIECE.
If you think about where Feyre is even now she is nothing more than a glorified house/trophy wife for Rhysand, she deserves better but you can’t help someone that doesn’t see any wrong in their actions & Feyre didn’t see any wrong in sleeping with Isaac knowing he was to be wed or even now in her relationship with Rhysand.
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bookbitchx · 2 days
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This scene... the whole library scene, actually fills me with so much disgust.
The way Feyre compares what she went through with Tamlin and I'm assuming UTM to what the women of the library went through.
Don't get me wrong, what she went through UTM was horrific. What Tamlin did wasn't okay. However, all three are very separate issues. I don't like how they just blended them all into one.
The whole scene that follows this, where Rhysand and Feyre get handsy and almost have sex in the Library, the Sanctuary for women who were SA.
That had me staring at the pages for ten minutes straight... bc what the fuck?
Their High Lord, out of all people, should have known better. Feyre, who has supposed PTSD should have known better.
Now, for the actual kicker, Feyre and her PTSD.
"I suppose it's a miracle that I can even stand to be underground."
This straight-up fills me with rage. Oh, she's grateful the library didn't trigger her, but she can go to HC, you know, the mountain that Amarantha moddled her own mountain after, dressed exactly like she was UTM while her mate parades her around... and doesn't bat an eyelash.
The way SJM picks and chooses what Feyre reacts to when it comes to her PTSD pisses me off to no end.
As someone with PTSD, believe me, I wish I could turn it off and on a whim.
"Oh, it's not that deep. She's fictional." She is, but the disorder isn't.
If SJM is going to write about something very real that real people live with every damn day, she better fucking educate herself on it first.
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copypastus · 7 months
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Feyre's selective hearing is the origin of my villain arc.
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spacerockfloater · 2 months
The way people switched on Tamlin the moment Rhys was introduced is diabolical.
“Tamlin never really loved Feyre, it was all a trick from the start”: It is stated that Tamlin was disgusted by the idea of forcing someone to fall in love with him and considered it slavery, but ended up being so in love with her that he ultimately lets her go and choses her freedom and safety over that of his own people. Rhys confirms that Tamlin loved Feyre too much. And he loved her truly. Not because he had to. Tamlin treated Feyre with dignity when she was engaged to him. He introduced her as his lady, to be respected and cherished by all. And she really was loved by his people, too. Rhysand uses her as his lap dog to scare Hewn City and parades her as his whore.
“Tamlin never did anything for Feyre, he just used her”: He improved her and her family’s life in every aspect and offered her everything he had.
“Tamlin had sex with someone else in Calanmai”: Out of duty and responsibility because he didn’t want to force Feyre, who still wasn’t sure about her feelings, into it. All of the High Lords perform the Calanmai. Lucien says so. How convenient that this is never brought up with Rhysand. He surely does perform it as well. All the theories in here, “Lucien doesn’t know what he’s talking about/ This is a SC ritual only/ He probably just passes the duty on to someone else” are just a way for people to villainise Tam and glorify Rhys again. All of them inaccurate. The Calanmai is canonically performed by every High Lord. There’s no evidence that proves otherwise. As the son of one High Lord and the ambassador of another, Lucien would know. He is 500 years old. It’s just more convenient for SJM to never bring this up again because it raises the question of “Who was Rhysand fucking all these years?” and it makes her favourite character look bad. And once he is engaged to her, Tamlin flat out refuses to do it. Let’s be real for a second.
“Tamlin didn’t help Feyre under the mountain”: He literally could not. He was bound by a curse. He was forced to be Amarantha’s consort and a consort cannot oppose you. His powers were bound. Alis warns Feyre that Tamlin will not be able to help her. Stop acting as if he didn’t want to help her. He decapitated Amarantha the moment he got his autonomy back. Claiming that there’s no proof that Tamlin was under the influence of a spell when he literally didn’t break the curse and Amarantha’s magic didn’t allow him to use his powers is crazy. And even if he tried, he could never provide actual help. We see this when he begs Amarantha for Feyre’s life. Him showing he cares about her would only make Amarantha more jealous and vicious towards Feyre.
“Tamlin made out with Feyre instead of helping her”: He couldn’t help her run away. No one could do that. She would never make it, Amarantha would find her. In fact, Tamlin specifically could not help her in any way. He could only assure her he still wants and loves her. And she wanted that just as much. Rhys abused her physically, mentally, verbally, drugged her and much worse. And he enjoyed all of it. If he didn’t want to raise suspicions, he wouldn’t have placed a bet in her favour. Rhys is a masochist, SJM just decided to mellow him down in the next book so that we’d all like him over Tamlin.
“Tamlin ignored Feyre’s wishes and only wanted her to be his bride, he didn’t let her be High Lady”: Both Tamlin and Feyre were bad communicators going though trauma and Tam had a whole court to care for. Tamlin was unaware of how Feyre felt because she barely spoke up once. Rhys knew because he literally lived inside her head and had all the time in the world to focus his attention on her since his court suffered zero consequences during Amarantha’s reign. And Tamlin simply told her the truth: there’s no such thing as High Lady. Even her current title is given to her by Rhys, the magic of Prythian has not actually chosen her to be High Lady. The title and its power are decorative. And she said she didn’t want that anyway.
“Tamlin locks Feyre up and uses his magic to harm her”: He locks her in his humongous palace to keep her safe, after she just came back from the dead and his worst enemy is kidnapping her every month, while he runs off to protect his borders. Rhysand lock Feyre in a fucking bubble. Tamlin loses control of his magic. He doesn’t want to harm her. That’s not abuse. Abuse is intentional. Feyre and Rhysand lock Lucien and Nesta up. They lock the people of the Hewn City up in a cave. Feyre loses control of her magic and harms Lucien’s mother. Double standards I guess.
“Tamlin is a bad and conservative ruler”: Tamlin is such a beloved ruler that his sentries literally begged to die for him. Feyre had to fuck with their minds to finally turn them against him. They were his friends. He was so progressive that the lords fled his court once he became their ruler because he wouldn’t put up with their bullshit like his father did. He loved all of his people. He is against slavery. The Tithe was just tax collection. Rhysand practically rules over just one city, while ignoring Hewn City and Illyria. He treats 2/3 of his realm like shit and everyone except the residents of Velaris hates him. He collects tax, too, but we conveniently never see this. He ranks the members of his inner circle (my 1st, my 2nd etc.) and reminds them every moment that they are his slaves first and anything else second, while Tamlin treats them equally and even gives Lucien an official title by naming him Ambassador.
“Tamlin conspired with Hybern”: He was a double agent and his short lived alliance, two weeks all in all, not only didn’t harm a single soul, but ultimately saved all of Prythian as he was the only one who brought valuable information to that meeting. He dragged Beron to battle. Rhysand’s alliance with Amarantha harmed thousands and only helped save one city, Velaris.
“Tamlin is responsible for turning Nesta and Elain into Fae”: No, that was Ianthe, who got the info from Feyre. Tamlin was fooled by her, just as Feyre obviously was, or she wouldn’t have trusted her. Tamlin was disgusted by that act.
“Tamlin is less powerful than Rhysand”: Rhysand himself says that a battle between them would turn mountains to dust. Tamlin killed Rhysand’s dad, the previous High Lord of the Night Court, in one blow. He is just as powerful as Rhysand. SJM again just wants us to believe otherwise. And he is smarter, too. He was the only one not to trust Amarantha. And he was a good spy for Prythian against Hybern.
All of these takes are cold as fuck. SJM was testing the waters with ACOTAR and she made sure the main love interest, Tamlin, was insanely likeable, so that the book could be a satisfactory standalone story in case she couldn’t land a trilogy deal. She didn’t know it would be such a big hit. But once she realised she could turn this into a franchise, she had to figure out a new story to tell. She may claim otherwise, but there’s just too many plothotes to convince me. And in order to make her new main love interest seem like the best choice, she had to character assassinate the old one. There was no other way. ACOTAR Rhys was too much of an evil monster to be loved by the majority of the audience. But Tamlin was introduced to us as such a heroic and passionate man that is literally impossible to turn him into someone despised by all. Feyre’s relationship with Rhysand reads too much like cheating on Tamlin. That’s why anyone with basic analytical skills is able to realise the flaws of the narration.
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littlefeltsparrow · 2 months
Schrödinger’s Feyre: Where Feyre is simultaneously a cunning and badass girlboss with a mind of steel and a fragile little lamb who doesn’t know any better. When they’re proud, she’s a skilled strategist and competent High Lady, but when it comes to facing the consequences of her actions and the implications of her power, suddenly she’s a little baby waddling through fairy land.
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danaedanette · 29 days
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What the fuck Feyre. What. The. Fucking. Fuck.
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asilentfrenzy · 3 months
remember when
"Rhys bared his teeth. My limbs turned light, trembling at the dark power curling in the corners of the room. Not fear - never fear of him. But at the shattered control as Rhys snarled at Lucien, 'My mate may one day find it in her to forgive him. Forgive you. But I will never forget how it felt to sense her terror in those moments.' My cheeks heated, especially as Cassian and Azriel stalked closer, those hazel eyes now filled with a mix of sympathy and wrath. 
Lucien, to his credit, didn't back away a step. From Rhys, from me, or the Illyrians. 
The Clever Fox Stares Down Winged Death. The painting flashed into my mind."
(it's the "forgive you" for me lmfao like shut the actual fuck up)
he has the audacity to say this shit to lucien when two books prior -
"'You draw blood from me, Lucien, and you’ll learn how quickly Amarantha’s whore can make the entire Autumn Court bleed. Especially its darling Lady.'
'Oh? Here I was, thinking you still mourned your commoner lover after all these centuries,' Rhysand said, stalking toward me."
"'I knew you liked to stoop low with your lovers, Lucien, but I never thought you’d actually dabble with mortal trash.” My face burned. Lucien was trembling—with rage or fear or sorrow, I couldn’t tell. 'The Lady of the Autumn Court will be grieved indeed when she hears of her youngest son. If I were you, I’d keep your new pet well away from your father.'"
"'Amarantha will enjoy breaking her,' Rhysand observed to Tamlin. 'Almost as much as she'll enjoy watching you as she shatters her bit by bit.'" 
Those invisible claws lazily caressed my mind again - then vanished. I sank to the floor, curling over my knees as I reeled in everything that I was, as I tried to keep from sobbing, from screaming, from emptying my stomach onto the floor. "
(damn. i wonder how it felt to feel her terror in those moments 🤔)
anyway, friendly reminder that rhysand is the biggest fucking hypocrite in the series and feyre & co's self-righteous attitudes are absolutely insufferable 🤗
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stargirlie25 · 6 months
´´Everybody tried to help Nesta but she would not listen!´´
Everybody helping,
“You look horrible,” Amren said… . “though it’s hard to look good,” Amren went on, “when you’re out until the darkest hours of the night, drinking yourself stupid and fucking anything that comes your way.” -Amren
“Your sisters love you. I can’t for the life of me understand why, but they do. If you can’t be bothered to try for my happy little circle’s sake, then at least try for them.”-cassian
“You,” Cassian said from the armchair to her left. “This bullshit behavior.”-cassian
“Nesta is … she’s Illyrian. I mean that as a compliment, but she’s an Illyrian at heart. So there is no excuse for her behavior.”-Rhysand
“I’ll talk to her.” “Don’t,” Elain said flatly, “She won’t listen.” Like hell she wouldn’t.-Feyre and elain
“I want you out of Velaris,”-Feyre
“You have become a pathetic waste of life”-Amren this is actually exactly what nestas abusive grandmother said to her
If i could go to velaris, first person i attack would be amren and id win because this girl cant even reach my shoulder 🤪
The whole Inner circle should die.
Elains gotta get out of the IC
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Oh my god, I somehow forgot (probably because it was abhorrent and my mind subconsciously buried it in order to protect my already fragile grip on reality) that SJM literally states that Rhys’s orgasm drowned out the sounds of his own people being killed while he bangs Feyre in his tent. During a war. EDIT: It was oral sex, which we know from President Clinton (if you’re old enough to remember it) is still sex.
Like, I somehow convinced myself it was more of an “alluded to” situation as opposed to writing something so blatantly offensive and wrong. But there it is, words on a page in Chapter 39. But somehow I’m the weirdo for thinking Tamlin deserves another shot?
I can’t even with these people. I vow to feel no more shame for telling them they’re as fucked up as they think people on the other side of this argument are.
Kink shaming is one thing and I don’t abide that crap, but with the world in the state it is today and war raging in Palestine (that SJM is curiously quiet on because everyone knows she’s a Zionist) fiction becomes startlingly real. You’re fucked up if you like that shit, and SJM is fucked up for writing it.
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hugevanserrass · 14 days
wondering if feyre would've reacted differently if she'd found nesta playing cards at Rita's instead of the "seedy tavern" feyre judged to be beneath her. she even catches herself before almost openly insulting the place, not wanting to offend her subjects. the whole situation is so odd because sjm makes a point to mention how much time the inner circle spends out clubbing and drinking and gambling. it makes the criticism of nesta's behavior that much more ridiculous—and also makes it hard not to assume it really is just about the money she's spending.
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nesta-is-my-queen · 2 months
An ACOTAR curiosity for the fandom:
Do you think SJM is aware of how many readers in this fandom critically analyze the characters and their actions?
Does SJM know people despise Rhysand for keeping the people of CoN locked up and letting the women there be sold as sex slaves or brides? For performative feminism by outlawing wing clipping in Illyria but not having punitive measures to back that up? For telling Feyre she always has choice but then withholding medical information about her pregnancy and how it may or may not be fatal for her?
Does SJM know people hold Feyre accountable for the destruction of the spring court—because Feyre purposefully destroyed it? Readers understand Tamlin’s role in it as well, but it was actually Feyre that led spring to its demise. That is collective punishment. Go after the high lord and the high lord alone if you wanted revenge on Tamlin for what he did, not after his people.
Does SJM know how much people hate Cassian for being written as a male who doesn’t publicly defend or side with his mate? And that he took her to forced “wilderness therapy” while she was having a mental health breakdown?
Does SJM know how much people despised Rhysand and Cassian after the Ember Randall bonus chapter??
Does SJM know how wrong it is to write about a queer character who was abused and essentially given a hysterectomy by being stabbed through the uterus and left to bleed out - and then have a male character sideline her story and say she isn’t telling the truth?? Especially when SJM wrote her powers as “truth”?
On a lesser note, does SJM know people have the ick for Azriel after the necklace scene?
Idk… sometimes I LOVE these books… I live for the world and the good parts… but then I remember all of this and I don’t know what to make of it all…
What do you think?
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sherell-x · 9 days
Feyre having the nerve & audacity to be upset at Tamlin & Lucien for BELIEVING HER LIE that Rhysand was still SA’ing her will FOREVER piss me off beyond reason!!
That was such a green flag that I’m convinced the delusional hoe is colour blind too.
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