#anti sjm
hereathemoment · 3 days
Nesta wearing revealing clothes when she literally doesn't want to breaks my heart. Nesta being written as having sex with men outside of marriage when she literally doesn't want to breaks my heart. Nesta reading romance being made into her reading smut breaks my heart. Nesta wanting to travel and instead being caged in a house breaks my heart. Nesta being offered to Eris just like her mother would offer her to men during balls as a kid breaks my heart. Nesta begging Cassian to leave her alone just for him to follow her home breaks my heart. Nesta being willing to marry Tomas because Feyre called her a burden only for him to SA her breaks my heart. Nesta having her bodily autonomy being taken from her in every way imaginable in acosf breaks my heart. Nesta having her love interest say that he doesn't understand how her sisters could love her and that everybody hates her when her favorite genre is romance breaks my heart. Nesta never being able to forgive her father for his neglect but having to watch him be murdered in front of her breaks my heart. Nesta being told she's a problem in a million different ways and never being told that she's loved breaks my heart (seriously has anyone ever told her that they love her???).
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lilyslittlewife · 3 days
RIP Andras, you would have loved haunting the narrative
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yaralulu · 23 hours
I will not let anyone forget that the minute feyre was back in spring with her insane revenge plan in mind,the first thing tamlin does is admit his behavior in acomaf was wrong and he apologizes without trying to make excuses for anything he did. And we see him in acowar actually trying to be different and going through with his words here.
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A man reflecting back on his behavior and admitting he’s wrong and apologizing without giving us a 7 page monologue full of excuses?? Unacceptable!!! Kill him!!!
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misspookiehere · 3 days
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Dude had lots of freedom to go whenever he wants to Feyre's cell. He has months to make an escape plan & execute it. Even after this the most amount of help he could do was to drug her & paraded her like a his personal whore.
And then he has the guts to say that Tamlin in those 5 mins with Feyre didn't tried to get her out.
SJM be like let's blame Tamlin here no one will notice & they'll all jump on Tamlin hating train without thinking properly 🤡
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lainalit · 2 days
Me looking at all the people who said they saw the red flags in book one for tamlin but simultaneously romanticist feyre being drugged and forced to lapdance for rhysand in the same book
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helenofspartaa · 1 day
honestly I wouldn't have such a problem with rhysand if SJM just let him be morally grey and stopped excusing everything he does. like he is not a fucking knight on a white horse 💀
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gwandas · 2 days
The way it’s so obvious that SJM thinks the only way to write an “interesting” character is to give them a massively traumatic backstory.
But then she as an upper class white American woman has no real understanding of things like slavery, war, rebellion, oppression, etc. but she chooses to casually throw these concepts around with none of the gravity they need to be treated with.
Rhys’ SA is treated as a noble sacrifice, not SA
Feyre is fine with recreating UTM for ??? reasons.
Literally no one except Nesta has trauma from the war and so Nesta’s trauma sort of gets some brevity but literally only because SJM wanted to punish her.
Elain stops being catatonic after ✨going outside✨ which makes Nesta look worse.
Obviously I don’t take Cassian’s bastard complex seriously but the book wants you to take it seriously so Nesta can look worse.
Azriel was tortured and now his job is torture for ??? reasons.
Mor doesn’t have a personality outside her trauma and the book brushes over Rhys’ betrayal
Amren was locked up or whatever but is fine with Feyre releasing the Prison monsters and is also fine with locking Nesta up
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keepittoyourshelf · 2 days
Since the algorithm on my various socials thinks I actually want to see a ton of people simping over Rhys and ACOTAR, let’s get down to the bones of why that algorithm is fucked beyond all comprehension, shall we?
I’ve never hidden the fact that I’m pro-Tamlin, not in the sense that I approve of what he did, but from the place that I believe he’s worthy of forgiveness in the same way any of the men that SJM otherwise glorifies in her work is worthy of it for any of their transgressions.
I shouldn’t have to do a paint by numbers thing here to make this obvious, but based on the actual text written by SJM in her own words, Tamlin has objectively done nothing better or worse than Rhysand has.
The big complaint is his temper, of course, and pro-Rhysies love to bullshit about how the red flags were all over book 1 and SJM is such a master at foreshadowing.
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He locked Feyre in a house against her will to protect her, when she clearly didn’t want to be caged. How is that any worse than Rhysand…drugging her and making her give him lap dances, in order to protect her, when she clearly didn’t want to be dancing naked in front of strangers?
Go on. I’ll wait for your rationalization.
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Rhysand’s whole shtick was that he’s only playing the villain to keep Velaris (and only Velaris) safe…those fucks in the Hewn City can eat a bag of dicks, right? But tell me again how Tamlin is the really bad one for enforcing a tithe because it’s unfair to those who can’t afford it (fair point). But Rhysand chooses to save the one city in his court that has zero problems. Let’s let those that might already be suffering from poverty get kidnapped and tortured by a psychopath. That’s probably better than a tithe, right?
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And let’s not forget how Tamlin mocked Feyre and Rhys at the High Lords meeting. While funny, it was in poor taste. At least Rhysand didn’t publicly mock Tamlin. He had the decency to do it privately when he went out of his way to go to a deeply troubled man’s house and, in the midst of an obvious mental health crisis, not only had the gall to ask for resources from a man that has no resources because his own wife fucking destroyed them out of spite, but proceeds to rub in his triumph over a man that has nothing left. Nothing to see there, right?
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Even if you could ignore all of that (and you’d have to be willfully fucking thick to do so, which a lot of these people are), I shall leave you with Tamlin’s role as a spy for Hybern. That’s obviously supposed to be a real shock because TaMliN BaD at this point, so why would anyone believe him? It’s not like he had a really good explanation like Rhys gave when he murdered literal children and innocents just to ensure Amarantha didn’t know how noble he actually was. Right? RIGHT?! And it’s not like anyone would have a harder time believing someone who had played evil and done actually evil things for the “greater good” (a collectivist dog whistle if there ever was one) for fifty fucking years over the dude that suddenly goes bad after being a progressive and respected high lord for the same period of time? I mean, it’s not like we’re dealing with severe mental anguish and trauma here. That’s crazy talk.
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Shadow Daddy does no wrong. Even when he does. Because reasons.
Those idiots on TikTok making stupid videos showing their bf’s being all shocked and I KNEW IT when Tamlin “turns” can chew glass along with all those dipshits selling mugs that say “Tamlin’s Tears” on Etsy right next to merch glorifying a man that literally gaslit his soulmate into believing that forced drunken naked lap dances were actually a good thing, when you think about it.
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SJM isn’t a master of foreshadowing. She’s a sloppy writer of moderately entertaining fiction that has a kink for glorifying severely unhealthy behaviors without the benefit of a trigger warning.
Fuck off if you think that’s all okay and think that anyone that says Tamlin isn’t any worse comparatively is the crazy one. Projection is a real disorder. Look it up. Right after you order your 543rd Rhysand candle.
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wingsdippedingold · 2 days
Ngl everytime I see a “silly little TikTok” with memes joking about Feyre dancing UTM for Rhysand a piece of my soul wilts
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maevecrom · 16 hours
how do you feel about the scene when feyre goes down on rhysand and there are soldiers dying outside? do you think it would have been okay if worded better or if the scene was cut as a whole. i was honestly disgusted by it.
I think, honestly, the way it was worded was what made it so revolting to readers.
Having sex before a major final battle is extremely common for soldiers as a last ditch effort to ground/distance themselves. Especially since they thought they were going to die, I didn’t think twice about it.
However, the fact that sjm specifically pointed out the fact that there were soldiers dying just outside is what made it abhorred. The point of it is to forget your fear - to reconnect with your partner for what may be the last time.
If sjm left out the part about the soldiers, people wouldn’t have taken it nearly as bad as they did. Hell, she did the same thing in throne of glass and no one balked. She just doesn’t understand what details should be included and which shouldn’t.
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theweeklydiscourse · 2 days
What do you think of Rhysand?
Rhysand Whateverhislastnameis: The Male Lead Who Was Hindered by Authorial Favouritism
I just can’t like him. Part of the reason for why is that the bulk of Maas’s contradictions are channeled through his character. On one hand, I can see what she was trying to accomplish but on the other, I can’t respect her efforts because of the underlying fecklessness of her approach to romance. It’s clear that she enjoys elements of dark romance, but ultimately cannot commit to them fully (almost as if she’s afraid to go all the way). This is evident from her defanging of Rhysand in the second book after doing so much to build him up as this dark, sexy, dangerous villain in ACOTAR. She takes the dubious/non-consensual scenes she used to up the sexual tension and then tries to retract it with clumsy explanations that completely contradict what she’d written before. It’s so dumb.
Stupid explanations like: “Actually, it only looked like I was harming you for my own satisfaction, the truth is that I was protecting you by coercing you into a contract and drugging you to the point of sickness.” Sarah J Maas, I implore you for the sake of god to just admit that your male lead has some self-indulgent and sadistic tendencies instead of playing this ridiculous game of “ackshually I was good and wholesome the entire time!” She can’t admit that though because she’s a coward who wants to have a wholesome and progressive male lead in the streets and a dark romance book boyfriend in the sheets, but those two things are fundamentally incompatible with one another and she doesn’t have enough skill to reconcile the two. Her bias is so strong that it defies all narrative logic and forms a gaping black hole.
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sonics-atelier · 22 hours
Hello Everyone 👋
I'm making a very long meta / analysis of how sjm has plagiarized ideas and writing from other authors and another one on her misusing culture, I would appreciate it greatly if you guys have any points and proofs of sjm stealing ideas.
Have a great day <33
Edit : I Will Credit the person who informs me of the things sjm has stolen.
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weaponizedducks · 4 months
you know what i think kids/teen books do 'fantasy romance/fantasy books' way better than any of the adult fantasy books booktok raves about. i try and read some of them and 90 percent of the time its just smut and abusive relationships disguised as 'dark romance'. then i read books like Keeper Of The Lost Cities, The School for Good and Evil, Percy Jackson, Land of Stories, the Nevermoor series, that kind of thing, and they are all actually so amazing because they have fleshed out characters with flaws and an engaging plotline instead of just badly written romance. and when they do have romance it's well written and about the people rather than the tropes.
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misspookiehere · 2 days
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HE TAXED HIS PEOPLE TO DEATH? His provided lots of flexibility in his tax system.
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When Lucien was explaining Feyre he said if they don't pay in 3 days Tamlin is expected to hunt them down.
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But during tithe Tamlin said they have 3 days or the offer double next tithe. He don't want to hunt them down.
Plus they can literally give anything. Money is not necessary.
Girly thinks Rhysand have a tree that grows money or maybe they got occasional money rain in Velaris. Huh? How do you think he is running his court.
Lo jiii now their fae tradition that they've been doing for thousands of years is now suddenly Tamlin's fault.
Girly make it seem like he is dragging women to sleep with him. All the women participating in Calanmai is there on their own.
Yes he locked her in, biggest mistake but did he controlled what she eats?,did he forced her to do physical training?,did he forced her to work with no salary? Did his people in the mansion was verbally lashing on her? When she locked Nesta in the name of therapy they forced her to do all of these things.
Pls don't start saying that in Nesta's case all these things helped her. Bcoz in Feyre's case staying in the mansion will make sure she is still breathing. Do I need to remind you that Attor & Hybern were still lurking in the SC borders ready to snatch her any moment they got. Yes in SC borders bcoz at this point everybody knows she is in SC they don't exactly have to find her. They are more closer to her than she thinks.
I thought this one is clear. Looks like I still need to talk about this. Tamlin & Lucien didn't know about Ianthe's plan. How did Ianthe know about her sisters? Almighty Feyre herself told her in details.
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And also didn't they visited her sisters when Rhysand was fully aware that Attor was tracking them. And then they invited those Queens who betrayed them later in the same house.
And don't even think about saying If Tamlin hadn't made that deal none of these would have happened bcoz he made the deal after Ianthe was already in the SC. That woman has her own agenda so it doesn't matter if he made the deal or not she still would have carried out her plan.
And also Tamlin's deal was not only to bring Feyre back. 1st of all the deal allowed him to spy on them and 2nd the other part of the deal was that he'll allowed them to cross the wall if they don't attack anyone in SC. Let's just say What if he hasn't made the deal then the war will still happen, they'll still cross the wall, the first court they'll attack will be his but without the deal they'll kill each & every person in SC. I would say it was a thoughtful idea but unfortunately not everything thing was fulfilled.
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(putting this here bcoz I commented it somewhere & atleast 10 people said they don't remember & even more people said that this never happened & that I'm a crazy girl making fake scenes in my head)
okay fine he didn't give her HL title (the title that didn't even existed) but he was marrying her in front of his people that means he is basically introducing her as the lady of SC ( if not HL) to his whole court . That still gave her lot of power plus respect. 
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What exactly Rhys did? Married her privately with only one witness ( I'm guessing) that is the priestess. And then he introduced her as a whore in his court.
What kind of leader? Like Rhysand?      Haah Funny coz that dude can't even rule the other half of his court properly.
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lainalit · 3 days
IC Stans: " Tamlin doesn't deserve a redemption/ healing arc, he is an abuser they don't deserve anything"
and yet you are out here defending Rhysand's and Cassian's abusive actions against feyre and Nesta in utm and in acosf, so there do we go from here?
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spaceshipkat · 3 months
mmkay so the words sjm is apparently trying to trademark are: Fireheart, Sarah J Maas, Lunathion, Velaris, Feyre, SJM, Aelin, ACOTAR, Rhysand, Hunt Athalar, Throne of Glass, Illyrian, Nesta, Suriel, Bryce, and Umbra Mortis
genuinely. what the fuck.
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