#anyway sorry this is not my usual type of post. i swear i am drawing more fanart rn. you can look forward to more toxic yuri macden
theoldkyokodied · 2 months
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I'm posting this here too, just in case anyone who doesn't follow me on insta is interested in getting one of these! You can find the shirt here or dm me to do it over paypal invoice, if you want to save 2€ from etsys greedy little hands.
the shirts will be ready for shipping in roughly 3 - 5 weeks from now! and sorry to everyone outside the EU, shipping from Germany is really expensive :(
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salubriousbean · 3 months
salutations and bonvenon! thanks for dropping by, I am the salubrious bean. I suck at interacting with people so if I seem weird maybe that's why. Also yea I usually mostly type how I speak stuff irl
"Let our hearts and hands be stretched out in compassion toward others, for everyone is walking his or her own difficult path." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
my pinterest account: https://pin.it/1NNV9VU3T
star wars rp blog with a clone trooper oc, go check it out! : @ct-7045 🫡
writing ask game thing! (with Screw!) ✨ (trying something new, send in something if it pleases ya!)
25 follower "celebration" thing! 🫶🏼🤟🏼
The 495th Division!
fandoms I am in: STAR WARS, EPIC: The Musical, LOTR, about every Brandon Sanderson book, Urinetown (the musical), also been revisiting my childhood with Roald Dahl recently, Moon Knight, BLUEYYYYYY!!!, curious George? (one of my fave childhood shows), Gravity Falls, Ranger's Apprentice/Brotherband Chronicles, Carmen Sandiego (2019), other assorted fandoms
While asks/messages are always welcome (I love asks!), please keep them appropriate. I will do my best not to follow/interact with any NotSFW & explicit, etc. blogs. I want this blog to be a safe space for everyone (like minors) and I'll do my best to keep it that way!
A post/reblog chain I found if you're having a bad day: https://www.tumblr.com/fiddlepickdouglas/644601820180840448/in-case-anyone-is-having-a-bad-night?source=share
other stuff under the cut so this post isn't too kriffing long:
I like getting tagged in things so feel free to tag me in (appropriate ofc) things (like those get-to-know-you reblog things or those picrew things)
Apparently I really like the words "thing" and "things" hehe
Yea also I'd love to post more of my art but 1) I don't always have access to a device where I can upload the pictures of my art, since I'm a traditional artist (but would really really love to get into digital art), and the device I use for tumblr won't let me upload a pic for some reason, and 2) I have wack schedule so I don't always have time to draw and then I stay up late to draw anyways so maybe that's not very good but whatever
✨MY PERSONAL TAGS✨ (I added colors bc I was bored) (they're all at the bottom of this post so you can click on them) (yea they are kinda redundant) (i just wanted tags that were uniquely mine) :
art: #salubriousbean art
writing: #salubriousbean writing
answering asks: #salubriousbean answers
posts I had in my queue: #salubriousbean queue
polls: #salubriousbean poll
tags I might use again?:
music rambling: #salubriousbean talks about music
rambling posts about other stuff: #salubriousbean rambles
things I declare Salubrious (which in this case means I really really really love it): #IT HAS BEEN DECLARED SALUBRIOUS
25 followers: #salubriousbean 25 follower celebration
other/random: #salubriousbean random
huh, pretty self-explanatory tags I guess, I'll try an tag all of the posts I make
i use star wars swears but not actual real life ones 👍 those might be in reblogs tho so sorry bout that
when I use omg it equals "oh my grapes" or "oh my goodness"
other information about me: music nerd, I play piano and double bass. I also dance but that doesn't mean I have balance lol. I'm in my second year of pointe. also I like hoarding the cardboard tab thingies you rip off of tissue boxes. I also like trying to balance those Cadbury chocolate eggs so they're standing up.
languages I am currently learning: ASL (American Sign Language), Esperanto (on Duolingo), and Italian (also on Duolingo)
lol the capitalization on literally everything original except my writing is so wack, sorry but also not sorry. also sometimes I forget to tag all my original posts and then they disappear into the void so I'll try and tag all of them with one of my tags at least.
I'll edit this masterpost as needed.
God is good. May the Force be with you. Always.
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bellesowl · 3 years
kiss and make up
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- multiple characters 
⤷ atsumu, sakusa
genre: (an attempt at) angst to fluff ; established relationship, timeskip 
synopsis: in which you have an almost relationship-ending argument
word count: 2.1k total - about 1k each
warnings: fighting (obv), being called a burden, the boys are kinda mean but they make up for it i swear
- a/n: tbh i was kinda getting sick of writing just fluff so i wanted to spice it up a lil! if this sucks i’m probably going to stick to fluff fics but i think it should be fine? this one also only has 2 characs cause idk how i would be at writing angst LMAO if this does well enough i’ll post the one i have written w kuroo and iwa <3 but i feel like this kinda sucks so oh well
- thank u @kybabi for beta-ing <3
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- miya atsumu
you n atsumu have been together since high school which is why you’ve always been inseparable
you went to the same college & moved in together right after, but once he got his job with the jackals, he insisted that you didn’t work and focused on getting your master’s degree
you reluctantly agreed, if only to be able finish & earn your phd soon after
because atsumu is always busy, it’s kinda become commonplace for you to do the chores around the house- like doing the laundry or washing the dishes or cooking dinner for him
but it’s gotten to the point where he expects it
atsumu sighs, unlocking the door to your shared apartment. today’s practice was rough, it was a day of hard conditioning and bad sets and he wanted nothing more than a good meal and to cuddle. the first thing he noticed when he walked in was the mess. instant ramen bowls were scattered everywhere, empty coke cans and dirty napkins were all over the floor, and there you were, in the eye of the hurricane. the second thing he noticed was that there was no homecooked meal.
surprised, he walks into the dining room to see you, furiously typing away at your laptop with four different books surrounding you. you hear his footsteps and look up.
“hey baby! how was practice?” you ask with a smile
atsumu grunts in reply and gestures toward the kitchen, “so.. what’s for dinner babe?”
your eyes widen, “oh shoot! i’m sorry, i was so busy studying for this final that i forgot to cook. do you mind-“ you stop when you see him roll his eyes and head out.
“um, where are you going? you just got home?” you ask, following him.
“out. i have to get food somehow” he replies, “especially because my useless s/o can’t cook a goddamn meal for me” he mutters under his breath
you stop in shock because did he really just say that?
“i’m sorry, i don’t think i heard you right.” you start but he interrupts you
“i said, i have to go get food because someone is too busy to cook a goddamn meal. what do you even do anyways- well, besides spend my money? the least you can do is cook for me, god.” he finally turns to look at you but he feels his heart stop at the look on your face.
not wanting to escalate the situation any further, you try to calm him down, “tsum, hey, i’m sorry i forgot to cook okay? this is my last final before the year ends and i just can’t afford to fail it, so i’ve been studying all day. if you come back to the kitchen, i’ll make you something, okay?”
“i don’t want to eat your half assed attempt at a meal, y/n. the whole point is that you couldn’t get off your ass for an hour to cook when i make the money, i paid for the apartment, hell, i’m even paying for your school! is it really too much to ask for you to stop being such a burden and cook and clean everyday?” he fumed.
you gape at him, shocked that he would even say that. to hell with not escalating things
“at least i want to do something more with my life than hit balls around and retire at 35” you hiss, “and i do everything in this house! i do the laundry, i clean the bathroom, i cook - i do all the things you refuse to. and do i complain? no. i offered to get a job but you refused.”
you turn around to grab your laptop and your textbooks, “just- just do whatever the hell you want to, atsumu.” and with that you walk out the door.
atsumu’s heart drops when he realizes that you actually left. sure, you’ve had arguments here and there, but you’ve never left. he pulls out his phone to call you when he sees you’ve left yours on the counter. knowing there’s nothing to do but wait at this point, he begins to clean up and calls osamu over.
it’s already 3 am when you walk back into your apartment, and you blink multiple times when you open the door. it’s ... clean? you’re sure it was a mess when you left, so how would it be clean? you sigh, too tired to think about it more and walk into the kitchen. your eyes widen at the sight. not only is your favorite food on the stove, but there your boyfriend is, asleep on the dining table. you smile slightly, well that explains things.
“ ‘’mu, hey, wake up babe.” you kiss him lightly and shake him.
he grunts and sits up, “baby! i’m so so sorry for what i said. you are in no way, shape, or form a burden, i have no clue why i said that. today’s practice was just really tiring, but i know i shouldn’t have taken it out on you. just please-” he sighs, “just please don’t leave me again.”
your heart breaks your teary eyed boyfriend. “shh, of course baby. i’ll never leave you again okay?” you say, tugging on his arm, “cmon babe, let’s go to bed, okay?”
“mm okay my love.” he replies and practically pulls you into bed. “i love you, okay?”
“i love you too baby.” you reply
“to the moon and back?” he asks
“yeah, and to infinity and beyond.” you reply, your lack of sleep hitting you hard
“oh, i didn’t know i was dating buzz lightyear”
you let out a loud laugh and just like that you both fall into the same routine, love radiating off both of you in waves.
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- sakusa kiyoomi
dating sakusa was,, challenging
it definitely took him a while to get comfortable with you
so you guys have been dating for a couple years now, and at this point he’s def clingy
however there still moments when he reverts to his old self
this just happened to be one of those times
the stadium is silent before the ejp cheering section erupts in cheers. you stay silent, watching your team below. you watch as sakusa stills, still in disbelief. you make your way down, practically sprinting to your boyfriend.
he sees you on the sideline and makes his way over to you. you put on your biggest smile and attempt to make him feel better.
“you did great, kiyo! you’ll get them next time, yeah?” you beam, knowing how hard he’s been training to beat his cousin
he eyes you warily, not knowing what to say.
usually, sakusa gets pretty clingy after games, so you you move to give him a hug.
“don’t touch me” he barked, jerking away from you. “if you hadn’t been distracting me, we would’ve won.”
you stare at him, refusing to let the tears flow. you both turn when you hear a certain setter yelling at the opposing middle and you sigh.
“um, okay then. i’ll see you at home, yeah?” you ask
sakusa merely nods and makes his way over to his teammates. you look around to see if anyone saw what just happened and you lock eyes with your boyfriend’s cousin, who walks over.
“congrats on the win komori! you guys did so well!” you cheered
“thanks, y/n! and i’m sorry about kiyoomi. i’m sure you know he gets that way sometimes.” he explains
you smile and shake your head, saying that you’re used to it and you both bid your farewells. as you walk out of the stadium, you think back to how your boyfriend, the one person you loved with everything you had in you, utterly embarrassed you in front of his whole team. before you know it, silent tears start streaming down your face. 
you enter your home and immediately rush to the bathroom. you draw yourself a bath and make some dinner while waiting. you assume that kiyoomi wouldn’t be home to have dinner with you anyways- and now that you think about it, you can’t remember the last time you had dinner together. after you finish your bath and eat your dinner, you decide to wait up for boyfriend and watch a couple episodes of your favorite show to pass the time. 
kiyoomi walks into his apartment at around 1 am, completely and utterly exhausted. he kicks his shoes off and drops his bag on the floor. The rustling rouses you from sleep and you sit up.
“hey kiyo” you say with a yawn, “where’ve you been all night?” 
sakusa ignores you in favor of getting ready for bed and you frown when he brushes past you. 
“kiyo, babe, what’s wrong? you’ve been ignoring me all night and i-” you start but he interrupts you before you can finish. 
“god, just shut up, y/n. can’t you tell i don’t want to talk to you right now? i’ve already had the worst day, i don’t need you making it any worse.” he snaps
"kiyoomi, look, i understand you’re upset but you shouldn’t take it out on me.” you reason, reaching out towards him, “listen, i’m here if you wanna-” 
“i said, do not touch me.” he seethes. “you are so fucking clingy y/n, lord, let me breathe a little.”
with those words, you explode. “you know what, sakusa,” he flinches when he hears his last name come out of your mouth, “i think i have the right to want to spend some time with my boyfriend! i haven’t seen you in god knows how long- you leave before i wake up and i fall asleep in an empty bed. i’ve been working my ass off to get some time off to watch your stupid volleyball game and what do you do? you embarrass me in front of your whole team!”
you sigh, wiping away the tears that continue that continue to fall. “listen, i don’t want to fight right now. i’m going to go stay at a friend’s house for the night, alright? i’ll see you tomorrow” you say, grabbing your purse. “if you’re even home tomorrow,” you add under your breath.
sakusa is in shock. the moment he saw your tears start to spill, he felt an undeniable and unrelenting ache in his chest that only seemed to grow with every work that came out of your mouth. and when the door shut? sakusa fell on his knees, his heart dropping. he truly couldn’t believe he said that to you. now all he had to do was wait till you got home.
2:38 pm - you check the time on your phone before pulling out your keys. you hope you made the right move, choosing to come back home while kiyoomi was still at practice. you open the door and the sight causes your eyes to widen.
there, on the couch with your favorite flowers in hand, is your boyfriend. he hears the door open and stands up abruptly.
“y/n, my love, i am so sorry. i truly cannot express how horrible i feel, and i cannot begin to understand how you feel.” he takes a deep breath, seemingly holding back tears. “i- i do love you. i love you more than i’ve ever loved anyone in my entire life. i know i’m not the best at expressing it, but you mean the world to me- no, you are my world. without you, i don’t know what i would do. so please-” his voice cracks, “just, please give me another chance?”
you run towards your boyfriend, practically tackling him. “kiyo, baby, of course. i love you too, you know? you just can’t do that anymore, yeah? you shouldn’t feel like you have the right to embarrass me just because you had a bad day. and please, don’t call me clingy? i know i do stick to you like glue sometimes, but that’s just because i never see you anymore.” you reply.
“that will all change, darling.” he answers sincerely, “i’ll make more time for you, i swear. in fact, i’ll take the week off, how does that sound?” at the sight of your smile, he relaxes.
“that sounds wonderful, yoomi.” you answer
sakusa feels the weight that’s been dragging him down lift and he realizes the effect you have on him- you’re his breath of fresh air. he also realizes how utterly idiotic it was to push away the one person who could make him feel better.
it’s fine, he reasons, he’ll just never make that mistake again. he swears it.
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valwentinefics · 3 years
I’m saving you - Dark!Helmut Zemo x F!Reader
A/n: Hey guys It’s your friendly neighbourhood Zemo simp Aur. Law class is kicking my ass big time so sorry this took so long for me to post. I really like dark Zemo so if you’d like to send requests that’d be really nice but I can’t promise they’ll be out fast! Also the gif on this just makes me go AAAAA. Not sure if I like this or not, but I loved the concept and it was a request so it’s being posted anyways.
Warnings: Zemo is basically a yandere, kidnapping and drugging, mentions of Zemo’s family’s death, past suicidal Zemo, swearing.
Word count: 1736
Plot: It was difficult for Y/n not to fall for Helmut Zemo and soon she would realize it would be even more difficult to get away. When she tells him he can’t protect her from everything he knows he has to find a way... even if his methods are unconventional. (Takes place during episode 4 of tfatws, cannon divergent and possible part 2)
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Y/n laid in Zemo’s bed, her fingers gently tracing the small scars from knives and bullets that littered his bare torso. His warm earthy eyes watched her with soft adoration as she laid her head on his chest, sighing contently as his hands ran through her hair. This was something that happened often between the two and Y/n arguably loved it more than the sex that came before it. It was nice laying in the quiet. The only sound that filled the room was their breaths or Zemo’s occasional quiet and rough humming.
Y/n had been apprehensive about Zemo when she first met him. She had never before encountered him in person but he was a popular topic on the news when he was arrested and tried for what he had done. As a friend of Bucky she had originally been against the man, giving him harsh glares whenever he spoke or came too close to her, but eventually against her better judgement she began to develop a fondness for him. It was hard not to when he would talk to her oh so kindly with his beautifully articulate accented voice, or how he’d look at her as if she was the only person in the room when she spoke. His intelligence and various skills attracted her to him even more, and Y/n found herself falling for the man before she even had a chance to breathe.
She lifted her head off his chest and sat up, running a hand through her hair to try and fix it from the messy state it was in from their previous activity. Y/n sent a smile to Zemo, her arms in the air and back arching as she stretched before getting off the plush bed, walking around the room to gather her clothes.
“Where are you going, Liebling?” He asked sitting up, a few unruly bits of hair falling into his face. She was the only one he would allow to see him like this, soft and not well put together.
“Well, me and Bucky have plans to walk around and see if we can find out any information about the Flag Smashers.” She said casually, pulling on her clothes.
Zemo’s body tensed. “I’ll come with you.” He said as he picked up his clothes that had been discarded on the ground and putting them on as he found them.
“No, two people is enough, any more and it’ll look weird.” Y/n explained, placing a hand on his chest to stop him.
“But what if you get hurt, you know what they’re capable of.” He countered, his eyes wandering over her face, filled with concern.
Y/n let out a soft laugh. “You know, you won't always be able to protect me from everything Helmut. I’m not fragile, have some faith in me.” She pressed her lips against his for a second before walking out, not seeing how his eyes hardened as her words sank into him.
Helmut Zemo had lost everything before he found Y/n. Formerly the leader of EKO Scorpion, a Baron of his country, and a father, Zemo had it all until it all came crashing down. Literally. When the dust settled upon Sokovia he wasn’t only looking at the ruins of his country, but of his life and everything he had achieved. After that he was consumed by vengeance and sorrow, dedicating what he believed and intended to be the last year of his life to avenging his late family. When he was put into prison he felt no joy for how his plan worked, only numbness as he waited patiently, anticipating his eventual death. However when Bucky assisted his escape and brought him to the mechanics where his eyes met Y/n’s, he suddenly found a reason to stay around longer.
Zemo ran his gloved fingers through his hair, his jaw clenched as he thought to himself. He couldn’t lose Y/n, she was the one thing he had. He had lost so much previously that even the thought of losing the one last person who belonged to him was almost enough to send him into a frenzied state. Y/n’s words kept echoing in his head, mocking him as he stood. He had to do something, he had to find a way to protect her from everything. 
Y/n laughed at Bucky’s joke as the two walked back into Zemo’s home, a smile plastered on her face. She was unaware of Zemo’s glare burning holes into where Bucky’s hand rested on the small of her back. Y/n didn’t see any issue with how close she and Bucky were, even leaning more into his larger body to steady herself as she slipped off her shoes.
“Y/n, how did it go?” Asked Zemo who laid on the couch, his voice sounding tense.
“Nothing productive.” She sighed, waving to Bucky as he quietly went to the room he was staying in. He didn’t like being around Zemo more than he needed to which she understood.
“You should have let me come along, I’m good at getting information.” Zemo said, standing up. His movements were smooth and confident. She admired how he always stayed and looked in control no matter the situation. “Would you like a drink Liebling?”
Y/n nodded in reply, heading to the couch and sitting by the arm rest, enjoying the simplicity of the situation. Just two lovers enjoying a drink together. It made her feel awfully domestic and she enjoyed it. In another life maybe they could have lived like this everyday, quietly enjoying each others company, but it was an unrealistic dream. She was a friend of Bucky and Sam, she would never truly experience peace and safety. There would always be a villain threatening someone, and Y/n would always have to help stop it.
Zemo walked back over, handing Y/n her glass and placing his on the coffee table, freeing up his hands to pull Y/n into his lap. They stayed in silence, Y/n enjoying the whiskey. She downed it quickly, noticing Zemo must have gotten her a different type than usual, it had an odd aftertaste but she didn’t mind it enough to bring it up. It was calming being with Zemo, so much so that her eyes grew heavy, and she leaned into his chest while letting out a content sigh.
The sound of soft music gently pulled Y/n out of her sleep, her eyes squinting as they adjusted to the bright light coming from a window and falling onto her face. The place she was in was odd and unfamiliar. The realization that she had not fallen asleep here and her arms being bound tightly behind her back with a soft fabric sent waves of panic through her body as she jolted up, looking around the room. Where was Zemo and the others? Were they safe? The room itself didn’t seem dangerous, the furnishings similar to that of a nice hotel. It was tidy and well kept which almost made it more frightening than it would have been if it was dilapidated.
“Hello?” Y/n called out, moving to the edge of the bed, her feet dangling off as she was about to stand up when the door creaked open, revealing Zemo. Relief flooded her body as soon as she saw the man, instantly feeling a little safer.
“Helmut, where am I? Why are my hands tied?” Y/n looked at him questioningly.
Zemo smiled at her as he approached. “This is all to keep you safe.” He said, his hand tucking some stray pieces of hair behind Y/n’s ear as he stood before her.
His words confused Y/n. “What do you mean this is to keep me safe? Helmut what’s going on?” She struggled to free her hands. Something wasn’t right here. The feeling of dread ate at her stomach as she watched him.
He shushed her softly, his hand gently stroking the soft skin of her cheek. “Stop struggling, you don’t need to worry about anything anymore. I couldn’t handle the thought of you getting hurt any longer. I knew I had to do something, I can’t lose you too. Maybe I slipped something into your drink, I apologize for that. It was a necessary evil to get you here, where you could be safe with me.”
Y/n’s eyes widened as she stared at the man in front of her, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon her. “Helmut, why the fuck did you kidnap me?” 
“Don’t look at me with such fear Y/n, it hurts me.” He frowned. “From the first time I looked in your eyes I knew you were different from the rest. You just have a quality about you, something indescribable that draws me to you. I was lost, suicidal, every day I spent waiting for death, until I looked in your eyes and found something to live for. The thought of you getting hurt… I just can’t even stomach it. You’re all I have and I can’t lose any more people I love.”
His words scared her, sending a chill through her body. “I won’t tell anyone if you let me go, I won’t leave you either. We can pretend this never happened!” Y/n pleaded desperately as her mind raced. 
Zemo’s hand tightly gripped her jaw in anger, his gloved fingers digging into her skin roughly. “Don’t speak like that, I’m risking so much for you right now, a little gratitude would be nice.” He growled, before exhaling, letting go as he calmed himself down. “Apologies, I suppose I do understand where you’re coming from, I know what it’s like to be locked away. Liebling, I promise to you that I will never hurt you. I’ll give you everything you could possibly desire. All I ask for in return is your love.”
A sob escaped Y/n’s throat, tears falling down her face. Zemo pulled her into his body as if she was made of glass, his arms tenderly holding her against his warm chest. “I want to go home.” She cried.
Zemo sighed. “This is your home meine Liebe. I’ll cherish and care for you. One day you’ll learn to appreciate it, and we’ll have a perfect family. You’ll thank me for this once you realize I’m saving you.”
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skieswords · 3 years
Sorry For The Wait {Charlie Gillespie x OC}
Summary: Alex is a lowkey youtuber, known for funny vlogs of her just existing. She’s avoided the relationship question for the longest time, but has decided it’s time to come clean to her followers. 
Warning: Fluff, swearing, mention of alcohol, and sexual innuendo cause I’m incapable of writing anything without it.
Alex was wandering round the kitchen, in his old shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts that really didn’t cover much. She hummed an undistinguishable melody under her breath as she went about making her morning coffee, dancing to the song in her head. Charlie grinned from his position in the doorframe, leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed as he watched his girlfriend be her usual dorky self. She spun round suddenly, feeling eyes on her. “Oh, morning Char, when did you get back?” Charlie laughed under his breath and uncrossed his arms, stepping towards her and pulling her into his chest. “It’s not exactly morning, is it.” He nodded towards the clock on the oven that read 13.47, sighing when she shrugged and pressed a kiss to his cheek before stepping away to pick up her coffee cup. “It’s my morning.” Charlie rolled his eyes but nodded, helping himself to a banana from the fruit bowl, and leaning against the counter. Alex jumped onto the counter opposite, and swung her legs, sipping happily. Sitting there looking absolutely content, in his clothes and drinking her coffee, Charlie felt his heart swell. “I wanna go public.” He blurted it out, rather unexpectedly, for both parties. His eyes widened as he realised what he’d said, and looked down to his boots, still caked with mud from that morning’s not so sunny hike. “Didn’t we agree you’d stop wearing boots in the house? You hate vaccuming.” She jumped off the counter and made her way towards him, wrapping her arms around him and setting her coffee down on the countertop, resting her chin on his chest. He looked down at her with a soft smile, her blue eyes bearing into his hazel ones. “If you’re up for it, I’m down.” She smiled up at him, her voice soft and slightly excited. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and let his hand wrap around her waist, fingers drawing light patterns on her spine. “Yes please. I want everyone to know you’re mine.” Alex grinned and kissed along his jaw, until pressing a lingering kiss to his lips. “Okay. When?” She broke away from him and unwrapped some toaster waffles, pushing down the button on the toaster before making her way back into his arms. “Today. Fuck it, let’s do it now.” She raised her eyebrows at him, and fiddled with his chain nervously. “Have you checked with Kenny? Didn’t he say-” Charlie sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Uh, Kenny gave me the all clear like 2 months ago. I just wasn’t sure if you were okay with it.” Alex rolled her eyes, and patted his head jokingly, stretching like a cat and moaning happily when her back cracked loudly. “Of course I am. Dude do you know how many videos I’ve got planned for when people know about us?” Charlie laughed and stood up properly, kicking his shoes off and frowning slightly at the mud that scattered the floor as he did. “Great, let’s get them all filmed. Go get changed though, I’m not taking you on live in them.” He indicated her shorts, reaching a hand round to grab her ass. “Hey, they’re not that bad.” Charlie raised his eyebrows at her, and pointed to the doorway. “Fine. But I’m not wearing a bra and you can’t make me.” He rolled his eyes and smirked, pulling his phone out and walking through to the living room, stopping outside their bedroom door and watching as she pulled her shorts down. He bit his lip and caught her eye, shooting her a wink, before settling onto the sofa, setting his phone up on the tripod. 
“Hellooo, people. Okay, so I’ll just let some people file in. Sheesh, how many of you are there? That’s like 4000 already and it’s been like 10 seconds. Okay just a few more... Great. Hi everyone, uh, this is just a quick one to answer a question a lot of people have been asking me since the show came out. Before I do, I just want to say you guys know how much I love you, and how grateful I am for all the support, but I really need you guys to respect me with this. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I’ve only held off because I was waiting for someone to agree.” 
From behind the camera, Alex emerged from their bedroom, her hair freed from it’s bun and falling around her shoulders as she fidgeted. She was nervous, having only been in front of an online audience of a couple thousand before, and she’d never been exposed to Charlie’s followers. They read the comments on his posts together sometimes, and she often stalked fan pages when she was bored and he was out hiking. The girls were crazy about him. Understandably of course, the man was gorgeous, and talented, and funny, and a million other things that had indeed made her fall in love with him in the first place. Kenny had asked that cast members (besides Jeremy, who already had a very public fiancée) to keep any relationships on the downlow, in order to keep the guys sex appeal up to fans. Alex had agreed, knowing it would help the show sell, and had deleted the few posts of Charlie on her instagram profile. None of them really made it look like they were in a relationship, and they were mostly group shots anyway, taken on day trips to Newfoundland, or on the beach with other friends. So her own followers, besides her close friends and family, had no idea she was even in a relationship. Still, it wasn’t fair to tease his fans, so she’d removed the posts all the same. Thinking of her instagram, she pulled her own phone out and took a picture of herself in the living room mirror with her tongue out, captioning it ‘head over to @charles_gillespie for an exciting announcement!’ before leaving her phone on the sidetable and grabbing her coffee from the kitchen.
“Okay, so we’ve waited like 3 years or something to do this. Guys, this is Alex. My girlfriend.” Alex walked into the frame and took a seat next to Charlie, avoiding eye contact with the camera. She wasn’t camera shy- she was a youtuber, it was second nature to her. But a bunch of batshit crazy fangirls? Terrifying. Charlie slipped an arm around her shoulders and made a show of bringing their heads together, plastering a silly grin on his face. His smile was infectious, and Alex mirrored it, sipping her coffee carefully before setting it down next to wear Charlie’s foot sat on the coffee table. “Knock that over and I’m kicking you out.” He laughed and kissed her hair, leaning forward to read the comments. 
“OMG, it’s @alexmvlogsz!”
“I knew it, there are old photos of the two of them everywhere.”
“It won’t be serious, they’ve probs only just got together.”
“She’s defo with him for the fame.”
“He’s too hot for her.”
“I’m so here for this!” 
Alex noticed Charlie’s frown and leant forward, reading them over his shoulder. “Ha, you guys are funny. Yes, hi it’s me, Alex. Yes, there are a lot of photos of us going around. Yuh okay you’re wrong, been together for like 4 years now I think? Also, we started dating while I had more followers than Charlie. So, uh go follow me because I’m cooler than him. Oh you are so right, he’s way too hot for me. And we are also here for this!” Charlie looked at her with an adoring smile, kissing her head again and pulling her into his side. “She’s hotter than me, actually. Anyways, this is Alex, love of my life. Just thought I’d share that with you guys.” Alex waved and laughed as a storm of comments came through, a combination of support and hate. “Okay, I’m gonna end it there. Bye y’all.” Charlie clicked the end button and collapsed back onto the sofa, frowning slightly. “People are so mean. Why can’t they just accept that I love you?” Alex shrugged and kissed him, moving to straddle his lap. “They will in time. But half of them are in love with you, they don’t want to accept it. It’s fine though, I’m used to it, don’t worry.” Charlie grumbled under his breath, leaning forward to rest his head against her chest. “Hey, while their all still on their phones, do me a favour and put a question box on your story for a Q&A video?” Charlie nodded and grabbed his phone from behind her, keeping one hand on her back so she didn’t fall. Alex yelped as he stood up, automatically wrapping her legs round his waist, and her arms round his neck. “What the fuck Charlie?” He laughed and wandered over to the same mirror Alex had taken her selfie in a few minutes earlier, holding up his phone and taking a photo of them. “For the story. I can post photos of you now, thank god.” Alex held on, resting her head on his shoulder as he typed behind her back, before tossing his phone onto the sofa and grinning at her. She raised her head and looked at him with her eyebrows raised. “Are you going to put me down now?” Charlie shook his head and walked towards the bathroom, arms wrapped around her. “I need a shower, and you’re joining me. “ Alex laughed but let him carry her, kissing along his jawline with a happy smile. 
Hair soaking wet and faces flushed, they collapsed into bed side by side, Alex resting her head on Charlie’s chest. “I have an idea.” Charlie looked down at her, and ran his fingers through the damp strands of hair. “We should call Owen over. We’ll do a Q and A, but he has to read out the questions, and if we try to answer wrong or something, he can reveal the truth. Plus he can throw in his opinions, and it’ll be funny.” Charlie laughed softly, and nodded, reaching over to his nightstand to grab his phone. He clicked on Owen’s contact, and facetimed him, pulling the duvet up to cover Alex just in time. “I didn’t mean ask him right now. But okay.” Owen picked up, and grinned into the camera as he saw Charlie. “Hey, I’m just heading out to do some stuff but I can speak to you in the car. What’s up?” Charlie didn’t speak, simply angling the camera so that Owen could see them both, Alex’s red cheeks standing out against the white of the duvet cover pulled up to her shoulders. His face fell when he took in her appearance, groaning and pulling his hat over his face. “Look, Charlie, I love you, and I tolerate you Alex, but I saw enough of this in Vancouver. Seriously man, she has no clothes on.” Charlie nodded, and smirked. “Yuh, and she’s staying like that for the rest of the day. Anway, she wants to talk to you.” He handed the phone to Alex and sat up, reaching over to grab Alex’s phone from the charger. Owen rolled his eyes and sat Alex on his car stand, turning the keys in the ignition, and starting to drive. Alex made sure the sheet was tucked tightly under her arms, before moving out of Charlie’s grip, and leaning against the headboard. “Okay, so I was thinking.” Owen grunted in response and raised his eyebrows, avoiding looking at her. “Never a good thing. Just saying, if you flash me it’s not my fault, and manchild over there can’t get mad.” Charlie stuck his middle finger up at Owen, not looking up from Alex’s phone, which he was spamming with selfies. “Yeah, whatever. Anyway. I was thinking, Charlie just told all his followers we’re together- just incase you didn’t notice- and I want to do a Q & A on my channel. I think it’ll be even funnier if you ‘host’ it, and you can throw in random stories and opinions and whatever? You know us better than anyone,” Owen laughed bitterly and leaned forward, looking out his window. “Yeah, unfortunately. God, I was so happy when you went home. Okay, so when do you want to film this?” Alex looked over at Charlie and smiled seeing him scrolling through her instagram feed. “I don’t mind, when you next free?” Owen shrugged, and the familiar ticking of an indicator came through the phone. “As long as you two are fully clothed, I’ll come over on Wednesday? I have to come to LA to meet some people anyway, we can grab dinner after?” Alex nodded and watched as Charlie set her phone down, and slid down the bed, resting his head on her stomach. She ran her free hand through his hair, smiling as his eyes closed at the sensation. “Yeah that works. I’ll see if Sav wants to come too. Okay, I’ll see you then.” Owen nodded and waved at her, smiling as she flipped the camera to show Charlie. “He’s such a baby. Okay, you two go do whatever you two do. I’ll catch you later.” Charlie flipped him off once more, not lifting his head from where it rested, and Alex hung up. “You want a nap?” Charlie groaned slightly, indicating yes. “Cool, me too. Let me get the blinds.” Charlie sat up with an incredulous expression. “You woke up like an hour and a half ago woman, how are you tired already?” Alex looked at him with raised eyebrows and pulled a shirt out of their wardrobe. His shirt, to be clear. He watched as she dragged it over her head and flipped the blinds so that the room was darker, and held his arms out to her as she climbed back into their king sized bed, cuddling into his warm chest as they passed out for a couple of hours.
“Hey guys! Most of you will already know, because we announced it a few days ago, but for those of you who don’t, today I’m introducing you to my boyfriend properly! The incredibly hot Charlie Gillespie.” Charlie waved awkwardly to the camera from his spot on the sofa, looking to Alex who was on the other side, almost 2 feet of space between them. “We figured we’d do a Q and A, so you guys sent in some questions, and well, we’re gonna answer them. Also, we have another special guest with us.” Owen appeared, and sat in between them, grinning at the camera. “Wouldn’t be a show without me. Okay so basically these two are disgustingly in love, and have been for a disgusting amount of time. Alex is using me for clout, and now you’re going to find out all of the gory details about their relationship.” Alex smacked him gently and handed him Charlie’s phone, the question response boxes all ready to read. “Okay, first question.
How long have you guys known eachother, and how did you meet? Owen looked between them, and pointed to Charlie. “I want to hear him get this wrong.” Charlie rolled his eyes and leaned forward, looking at Alex, who nodded. “Okay. We met nearly 4 years ago, when Alex moved over here for college. I was in LA that weekend, and I bumped into her in the street. We got to talking, and I ended up taking her out that night. That was pretty much it if I’m honest, nothing that exciting.” Alex scoffed and flipped her hair behind her shoulders. “Not quite. I took him out, and he fangirled the whole time. His sister had watched a few of my youtube videos, and he- and I quote- thought I was really pretty.” Charlie stuck his tongue out at her, and Owen groaned, resting his head in his hands. “We’re only one question in and I’m already sick of the both of you. Okay, next question.”
Do you guys live together, and if so where? Alex raised her eyebrows and laughed. “Most of the time we live together, yes. This is my apartment in LA, and I’d say we’re here at least 8 months of the year. But at christmas we go to New Brunswick to see Char’s family, and we go visit my family in thesummer. And sometimes I’m in New Zealand, and he’ll go on holiday with his boyfriend here.” Owen grinned and held Charlie’s hand, resting his head on his friends shoulder. Charlie leaned into him, making them appear like a very loved up couple. “Yeah, so we live together most of the time, apart from when we’re visiting friends or family, or if he’s working.” Charlie nodded and looked to Owen, who continued scrolling through boxes. “Oh my god some of these are dodgy. Jesus, look at this one!” He showed it to Alex, who burst out laughing. “Okay, I’m answering that but we’re not reading out the actual question.” She climbed to her feet and turned side on to the camera, smoothing out her t-shirt against her chest, giving a decent view of her side profile. “Whoever asked what kind of man Charlie is, I’ll let you figure that one out for yourself. He doesn’t get a choice in the matter- I only have one of the above.” Charlie read the question over Owen’s shoulder, before frowning and reaching out for Alex, pulling her onto his knee. “Shut up, you’re perfect and I love every bit of you.” He started peppering her face with kisses, laughing alongside her. Owen jumped to the other side of the sofa, grimacing. “Disgusting. Okay, next question. Ooh, this one’s juicy.”
Alex, do you and Madison get along, and have you ever been jealous of her relationship with Charlie? Owen made a show of trying not to laugh, and Alex rolled her eyes. “Mads is like a little sister to me. We get on really well, and her and Charlie’s relationship is best friends, nothing more. I mean, to be fair I’d totally adopt her if I could. Having her living with me would me pretty cool.” Charlie frowned and shook his head. “No. I’m not living with the both of you. You’d never stop singing.” Alex nodded happily. “And the only thing I’m jealous of her for is she doesn’t have to live with him. Or share a kitchen with him.” Charlie flicked her in the side of the head, kissing the afflicted area shortly after, while Owen nodded in agreement. “That brings us nicely on to the next one.”
Who’s got the worst eating habits? Owen rubbed the back of his neck and looked straight at the camera. “I can’t believe I’m about to say this. Alex is worse than Charlie, folks. And you’ve seen how he eats.” Charlie pushed Alex off him and jumped up, pointing his fingers at her as he danced around in front of the camera. Alex’s jaw dropped, and she leant forward, pointing at Charlie accusingly. “He eats eggs with peanut butter. Do you know how gross that is?” Charlie grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles, sinking back into his seat. “You eat ham, and peanut butter. You can’t talk.” Alex groaned and flipped him off behind Owen’s head. “Fine, what’s the next one?” Owen grinned and scrolled a bit, laughing out loud before putting the phone facedown.
Who’s most likely to get jealous? He smirked at the camera, and shared a look with Alex, who was grinning. They turned back to the camera and spoke simultaneously. “Charlie.” At his name, he groaned and grabbed a pillow, smothering his face with it. “Very much Charlie. Do you want to hear something funny? Of course you do. Owen, I’ll let you take this one.” Alex sat back, smiling smugly, while Charlie looked at her with pure betrayal written all over his face. “While we were in Vancouver last year, filming for the show, Alex here, came to stay with us for 2 months. This was the first time I’d met her, besides a few facetime calls. We got on really well, and hung out a lot on and off set, while I wasn’t filming. Our lovely Charlie, decided he was going to absolutely freak out about this, and started a fight in the middle of the freaking lot, in front of the entire cast and crew, because he thought I was after Alex.” Charlie groaned from behind the pillow, and Alex laughed. “He thought Owen was flirting with me, and yelled at him for a straight 7 minutes, while we just kinda stood there and looked at each other. I felt so bad, I took Charlie home that night and sat with him for like 3 hours, and then I took them both out for dinner the next night. It was weird.” Owen snorted and rubbed his forehead. “You did not just sit with him. I shared an apartment with you, I was in the next room.” Alex punched his arm, and leaned over to ruffle Charlie’s hair. “He’s just protective, you should see him when we go out together, he literally refuses to leave my side.” Owen nodded and smiled at Charlie’s flushed face. “He’s stupid protective of her. One of the crew members actually did flirt with her. We’re lucky the guy’s still alive.” Charlie rolled his eyes at them both and held his hands up. “I had to compete with an entire college full of guys to keep her. And I have 3 brothers. I’m used to fighting for what’s mine.” Alex smiled and stood up, pushing Owen into her spot and sitting beside him, taking Charlie’s hand. “Yeah, what he said. Next question Owen?” Owen shook his head and scrolled once more, raising his eyebrows occasionally. “Okay, this should be easy.”
Who’s the most annoying to live with? Charlie and Alex both immediately pointed to her, and Owen nodded his head. “Even just while we were in Vancouver, this girl drove me up the wall. I don’t know how Charlie does it.” Charlie smirked and rubbed his jaw. “He gets well compensated for his troubles.” Charlie shrugged and nodded, laughing at Owen’s expression. “She’s incapable of showering without leaving the entire bathroom flooded, she never does the laundry unless I phone her four times and ask her to do it, she has never touched the vaccum in her life, and the bed only gets made when she’s not living here. Not to mention she’s the messiest person in the world, and our room is literally carpeted with her- actually wait no, MY clothes, because she never wears her own stuff. Exhibit A.” Alex stood up and spun around, showing off her outfit of Charlie’s t-shirt and a pair of jeans. “He loves me for it though.” She dropped back onto the sofa, smiling as she felt Charlie’s arm slip around her waist and pull her in to his side. “Let’s do some nice ones.”
Are you guys morning people? All three of them laughed, and Alex buried her face in Charlie’s chest. “Owen, is like a late morning early afternoon person. I’m always up before 9, I like doing stuff in the mornings. I sleep in on Saturdays sometimes, or I’ll stay in bed and watch a movie with Alex. But Alex doesn’t get up unless she absolutely has to. Today she got up at like 1230 I think? And that’s early for her, and it was only after a lot of persuasion.” Alex bit her lip, remembering the persuasion Charlie had used that morning, and feeling a familiar heat take over her face. Owen pulled a face, also knowing what he meant, and gagged. “Disgusting. But yeah, I’ll second that. When she lived with us, we’d go home for lunch sometimes, or we’d have a halfday, and she’d still be sleeping. Like Charlie would go in and get her at like 4pm. And she’d wake up and go get coffee. At 4pm.” Charlie nodded, and Alex sighed, sitting up and brushing her hair out of her face. “In my defense, I’m normally up pretty late. I work best at night, and I can never fall asleep before like 3 or 4am.” She shrugged, and leant on Charlie, who was blushing ever so slightly. “We know, Alex, we know. Let me give you a piece of advice, folks. See if your best mate’s girlfriend comes to stay, after 2 months of being apart? Stay away from the apartment for at least 3 days. Maybe a week. Move out if you can. They kept me up, Every. Freaking. Night. I don’t know how Charlie was able to function at 5.30 in the morning, considering he could’ve gotten like maximum an hour of sleep. He was on vocal rest for a reason.” Owen raised his eyebrows at the camera, and Alex hid her face, while Charlie puffed out his cheeks and looked around, avoiding the camera. “Moving swiftly on, what’s the next question Owen?” The blonde grinned and scrolled once more, chuckling under his breath.
What’s your guys favourite thing to do together? Owen looked at them dubiously as Alex clapped her hands, and Charlie grinned. “Besides that.” Charlie rolled his eyes and reached over to clip Owen over the ear, and Alex ducked as they play fought over the top of her. Finally breaking apart, Charlie straightened his shirt and resumed his hold on Alex. “It’s between travelling and playing. With Alex’s family in the UK, and mine in Canada, we fly around quite a lot. Besides, we both love seeing new places, and we have friends all over the place.” Alex nodded and smiled excitedly. “I can’t wait, we’re going to see Mads for her 17th birthday next week- she doesnt’t know, but I won’t post this until we’re there, so it’ll be fine. And we went to visit my dad in New Zealand last month- that was fun. We went to Hawaii, of course, with Jer and that. That was incredible.” Charlie nodded, watching with an adoring expression as his girlfriend’s face lit up, while she spoke about the places she loved so much. “Hawaii was awesome, but I gotta say, going to the UK is like wow. It’s so different over there.” Alex looked at her feet shyly, nodding slightly. “For sure, and my friends are uh, very different from our friends here.” Charlie raised his eyebrows in agreement, feeling Alex’s grip on his hand get a little tighter. “But yeah, besides travelling it’s got to be playing together. We sing together all the time, I’m pretty sure our neighbours hate us.” Alex brightened up and laughed, nodding eagerly. “Honestly, most of the time that’s what we’re doing at like 1am. I’ll get a song stuck in my head and force Charlie to play it for me. He’s so much better at guitar than I am.” Charlie shook his head and held a hand out in excitement. “Nah, see when I tell you this girl can sing, oh my GAWD. There’s a reason I fell in love with her. And she plays piano, and guitar, although I am still teaching her that. And violin!! How cool is that? She’s teaching me. So yeah, our neighbours hate us.” Owen smiled as he watched his best friends talk about each other, the love between them so obvious and real. “Okay, we’ll do like two or three more.”
Who takes longer to get ready in the morning? Instantly pointing at each other, Owen laughed, and pointed to Charlie. “100% this man. She just throws her hair up and puts on whatever he wore the day before. This man has a full haircare routine, every fricking morning. Like seriously, it’s just hair!” Alex nodded in agreement, running her hands through Charlie’s hair. “It is very nice hair though. Nah for sure, Charlie takes longer to get ready first thing, but when we’re going out, it’s me. Like out out, I mean. I’m so indecisive. In Vancouver Savannah literally nearly stabbed me cause I was taking so long.” Charlie grinned and nodded, Owen mirroring his actions. “Never ask her to go out unless you have at least 4 hours to kill. 3 hours for her to be indecisive, and then another for her to be late.” Alex grinned and tilted her head to the side. “Girls, am I right? HA. I’m funny. Okay, moving on.”
Who’s most fun on a night out? Charlie and Owen pointed to Alex simultaneously, who just shrugged and nodded. “I was raised in Scotland, so when I drink, I drink hard. Nobody could keep up with me when we went out in Vancouver. Seriously, Charlie tried and we nearly had to take him to the ER.” Charlie scoffed at this, but the blush spreading up his neck said all that needed to be said. Owen laughed at the memory, and set the phone down. “No really, it was so funny. This tiny 5′5 girl knocking back vodka like it’s water, and Charlie’s trying not to throw up in the corner after like 2. This girl’s liver is deceased.” Alex grinned and kicked her feet up on the table proudly. “Proud drinker since I was 13. Shit, this is going on the internet. Okay, forget I said that. Owen?” Owen reached out and grabbed the phone, scrolling through again.
Do you have any tattoos? Owen rolled up his sleeve and showed off the ghost drummer on his forearm, and Charlie stood up next to him, placing their ghostly characters next to each other. They pulled their shirt sleeves down, and looked to Alex, who groaned and stood up. “I have a few, but they’re pretty small.” She came up close to the camera, followed by Charlie, who helped her pull the collar of her shirt down, and swept her hair away from the nape of her neck, revealing the small outline of a triangle at the top of her spine. “I’ve got that, and then-” She pulled her top up, and showed a single word written on her ribcage, in gaelic. ‘teine’. “It says fire, in scottish gaelic. And this one.” She held her hand up to the camera, showing a daffodil on the inside of her middle finger on her right hand. “And then I have another one on my leg, but obviously can’t show that.” She settled back onto the sofa, smacking Charlie when he laughed. “It’s hardly on her leg. It’s like-” She held a hand over his mouth and smiled at Owen, asking silently for the next question. “Oh wow, okay I like this one.”
Alex, how do you get along with the JATP cast, and who’s your favourite? Owen looked at Alex expectantly, who just rolled her eyes and crossed her legs. “I love them, so much. While Char was away I was constantly on the phone, and they’d just pass me around depending on who was filming. A lot of it was because Charlie was afraid I’d get lonely, but also because he was so busy that he could only grab a couple of minutes to speak to me every now and again. While I was in Vancouver, me and Owen definitely spent a lot of time together, and he showed me round the city while Charlie and Mads were doing perfect harmony shoots and stuff, which was an experience and a half. Note to self, Owen is incredibly competitive at arcade games.” Alex slipped her hand into Charlie’s as she spoke about her time with Owen, knowing he’d probably start overthinking it. “But Mads and I got super close. Like everytime the boys were filming we’d go to craft services and eat our weight in brownies. We made them a lot too, in the apartment. We literally facetime everyday. And Savannah too, oh my god I love that girl so much. She’s like my best friend. I wouldn’t have made it over there without her, she literally picked me up from the airport when someone forgot I was coming.” Charlie held his hands up in defense, and Alex rolled her eyes. “He didn’t forget I was coming, he just ‘lost track of time’. But honestly, I can’t pick a favourite, they’re like family to me.” She smiled at Owen, and leaned back against Charlie, meaning every word. “Aw. How cute. I’m the favourite. Next question. Oh wow, this is a biggie.”
Charlie, are you going to propose? Alex’s eyes widened, and she coughed, turning to look at Charlie. “Good question. It’s nearly four years. Where’s the ring, Charlieboy?” Charlie chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, leaning back against the sofa. “Got a while yet, got to train her up a bit better first.” Alex punched him in the arm, and he winced, rubbing it and glaring at her. “I’m joking, obviously. She’s only just 21, so we’re gonna wait a bit- but yes, I will. One day. If she doesn’t kill me with her cooking first.” Owen raised his eyebrows and brought a leg up underneath him, scrolling through the questions. Alex looked at Charlie with a pout, crossing her arms and moving away from him. “Oh my god, you’re such a child. Yes, I’m going to propose, just not now and not anytime soon! Yikes.” Alex grinned and kissed his cheek, waiting for the next question. “Right, we’ll make this the last one?” Alex and Charlie nodded, Alex tucking her legs up to her chest as she leaned back against Charlie, her head resting on his arm, which was thrown across the back of the couch.
What’s your favourite thing about each other? Alex smirked and looked Charlie up and down, winking at the camera. Charlie did something similar, his arm moving down the sofa and grabbing at her hip, making his intentions more than clear. Owen gagged, and spun round, holding his forehead in his hands and shaking his head. “Joking. I love Charlie’s passion. He gets so invested in the things he loves, and watching him speak about stuff he’s genuinely interested in and excited for is the cutest thing in the world. He gets these like sparkles in his eye, and he jumps up and down and god it’s adorable. I also like his abs. They are, in a word exquisite. Not to mention his arms.” Charlie rolled his eyes, but pressed a loving kiss to her temple. “I love how talented Alex is. There’s not really anything she can’t do. Literally, she’s musical, athletic, and she’s like stupid smart. She has a degree. From college. Like woah. And I also love when she gets super excited about something, or when she gets like really emotional- not sad, just when she’s feeling something really intensely, she starts like bouncing up and down in her seat, and clapping her hands or shaking them really fasr. It’s literally like the most adorable thing ever. And her ass. It’s pretty cool too.” Owen coughed and held a hand up. “Right well, there’s one thing she can’t do. She can’t dance. Like at all. It’s quite funny.” Charlie nodded, as did Alex. “Dancing, definitely not my forte. Also, when he says athletic, he means I played field hockey in high school and college. The most exercise I get now is when he’s hor-” Owen stood up quickly, and Charlie covered her mouth with his hand. “Okay, that’s all for this video! Hope you guys are suitably grossed out. Thanks for watching, goodbye!!!”
Owen turned off the camera, and Alex grinned before turning to Charlie, connecting her lips with his in a soft kiss. Finally being allowed to talk about her relationship was a major relief, after having to hide it for so long. “Gross, can you wait til I’m gone at least?” Alex rolled her eyes and flipped him off, climbing off the sofa. “No, cause we’re going out for dinner. Can you call Sav, baby? Let her know we’ll be like an hour?” Charlie nodded, watching her with a dazed smile as she wandered into their bedroom, already tying her long hair up out of the way for a hard session of outfit searching. “You’re in so deep with that one, man.” Owen looked at Charlie knowingly, who just shrugged and continued to smile. “What can I say. She’s the one.” Owen shook his head and rolled his eyes, but he was smiling, happy that another one of his best friends had found real love. Charlie scrolled through the contacts on Alex’s phone, clicking on Savannah’s name and raising the phone to his ear. He jumped when she picked up, holding the phone at arm’s length. “Oh my god, Sav it’s me, not Alex. She said to tell you we’re going out in a couple of hours, and to be ready to go for 7. That cool?” Savannah spoke rapidly on the other side of the line, agreeing and squealing with excitement when she heard Owen would be there. “I’ve missed you guys! Okay, see you soon!” Charlie hung up and set his girlfriend’s phone down, reaching for the remote, and turning on the TV. “Wanna watch the NHL?” Owen nodded, kicking his feet up on the coffee table, and looking at the clock on the wall. It was only half three.
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
6.  “How do you think this will all end?” for D'leah, please <3
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Pinky once again picking THE juiciest possible combo of prompt + characters, everybody go thank her bc I had a blast with this 👀 I’ve been wanting to write a oneshot for this part of the story for a while and this is the perfect excuse mwahaha 
@palepinkycat here you go! Sorry this one took a little while, I haven’t had time to sit and write it out till now, but hopefully it’s a decent enough length to make it up to you! 👀
I have more to say about the body language I described in here (namely the significance of the “under chin” snuggles & also why D’leah Yelled At Abe When He Tried To Do It To Her At The End), but I have a Worldbuilding tag somewhere in my mentions so I’mma save it for that basically. More Tomato Lore gonna drop sometime in the next week or two once I’m done with the drawings skshsks I tried to do one for this one too but it was not coming out right so maybe some other time XD
I’ve seen a lot of fics explore what it’s like to have a Force bond and communicate with it but I’ve seen very few that deal with the “what if it breaks when one of them dies” side of it, so this is my take on what happens and how it probably feels for the “surviving” party; I usually describe my Force bonds as a sort of ethereal “thread” type thing that then connects their emotions/souls/however you want to see it and yadda yadda, so...you can’t tell me that snapping that thread wouldn’t fucking hurt ;-; For extra heart hurty, the song quotes were the main two songs I listened to while working on each “part” of this fic, so you can use them for ambience if you want ;)
As always I use the Coruscant Translator for (most of) my High Sith, translations are included on the bottom however :) (since the quote from the prompt is said in Sith, they’re gonna talk in High Sith sometimes being well...Sith :3)
Abaron is the best brother-in-law, I do not make the rules. D’leah you need to apologise to this man immediately 😂 she does, immediately after this (not shown) dw, I swear
Timeline/Setting: 3729 BBY (roughly/according to the still-holey timeline I’ve been working on since the “canon” one was released) Immediately post-Valkoriate takeover. As in, literally just happened slash is happening as this occurs.
Warnings: Character Death mention (Kissai), Breaking Force Bonds, Plenty of angst (it was from an “angsty” prompt list, after all! 😬) , possible slight gore (?) in the form of description of a former  injury from a concussion grenade (just to be safe lol), and ofc some Cuss Words (™) 
^^ these are ur warnings, click past this cut at ur own risk and I am not responsible for how you react bc you chose to pass the warning k thanks ^^
“Don’t care if he’s guilty, don’t care if he’s not. He’s good and he’s bad and he’s all that I’ve got. Oh lord, oh lord, I’m begging you please...don’t take that sinner from me -” ~ The Civil Wars, “Devil’s Backbone”
It all happened so fast, they had to react fast if they were going to save the twins, and D’leah knew that. She’d tried so desperately to help her husband, pouring as much of her Force energy as she could through the bond they shared. It had always worked before, why wasn’t it working NOW?! D’leah didn’t know, but she could feel him growing weaker and weaker by the second. 
D’leah - his voice was so distant and faint, she almost didn’t want to acknowledge the reality of it. No, no no, he wasn’t dying he couldn’t be dying, no no no…. D-Don’t do this. Sai… her grip on the control cluster tightened until her knuckles turned pale, they were already in the air. It would be easy to do what she knew he was about to ask...but it would mean leaving him to his fate. Could she do that?
Dimly, D’leah could hear Abaron chattering to the girls behind her as he made sure they stayed in their seats, but she couldn’t hear the words any of them were saying, there was just him and that horrible, ominous weakness bleeding from her husband’s end of the bond. 
You need to run… Kissai urged her. PROMISE me. The girls-
I can’t...not without you! her mind-voice caught as if the words were difficult to form, she felt him slip further away and frantically tried to bolster his strength up again, but somehow, she couldn’t put her finger on how, it only seemed to make the other Pureblood weaker. Sai, snichi… she pleaded, and she could feel the barest attempt at a smile from her husband as he gave her his final farewell, 
Nu aki j’us, D’leah. RUN. For me...
His words were far weaker now, more forced, as if even Kissai knew he was running out of time to convey his plea. D’leah realised with a growing sense of horror that they really didn’t have another option, she had to protect their daughters. She reached towards the navcomputer to punch in the quickest hyperspace code she could think of that would get them as far away from Imperial Space as possible, but never managed to get there. 
The pain hit her so fast that D’leah had no time to prepare for it even if in reality, she’d known it was coming. First, came the white-hot metal rod of pain that jammed right down the center of her spine. Every nerve ending felt like it was on fire and it was this that was enough to cause her to cry out in pain and lose her grip on the ship’s controls as the Pureblood was thrown sideways in her seat. She managed to fall with just enough grace to get herself out of Abaron’s way and as she hit the floor and the pain kept coming, she faintly heard the man curse in High Sith as he lunged across to take her place in the pilot’s seat before they nose-dived into Force-only-knows what, out here in open space like they were. 
Then she felt the thread of Force energy between herself and her husband straining, threatening to snap, and before long, it did. D’leah knew logically there was nothing she could do to stop it, and that trying would make it hurt more, but she was desperate and on reflex she could not help but try. Frantically, she reached out with her own Force energy and clasped for each thread as it tore away from her, bit by bit, as if clutching at the strings would somehow, futilely, keep him here. Would let him live. But still, the pain came again, and again, and she fancied that the sinews of flesh being ripped from bone when she lost part of her face to that concussion grenade had been less painful than this. “No...no no no no please...please! NO!!!” Everything else was so faint and far-away in comparison that D’leah didn’t realise that her scream had been out loud this time, her fingers fumbling for her heart, though she couldn’t rightly tell if that was where the pain was truly coming from and it was simply a reflexive reaction. 
For a long while she clenched her teeth through wave after wave of pain, and while it didn’t stop, it became easier with every breath for D’leah to push it into the background. Slowly, the Pureblood’s blurry vision cleared and she realised the twins were staring down at her, wide-eyed in horror. 
She needed to get up. She needed to go to them, she needed to be strong. For them.
Saarai reached for her first, but she scooped both of them up into her arms as best as she was able, all but falling into the seat where the twins had been huddled moments before. The girls both clamored to settle themselves as close to her as they could without pushing the other out of her grasp too. D’leah held onto them as tightly as she could, only vaguely aware of Saarai’s voice as she chattered a question up at her, catching every second word or so. “Moooom!” as she reached up towards her again, and “Dad...gonna find us...right?” 
Their mother shushed them softly, adjusting her grip to fit both of the twins, as best she was able, beneath her chin. Safe. They were safe there.
“Shhh, shh-shh, my little one.” she croaked shakily, a tremor passing through her frame as she tried to keep her voice steady and convincing through the lie. “He’ll catch up later, don’t you worry.” 
They sat in silence, D’leah clutching them against her chest as if they, too, might disappear if she let them go for even one second, and Abaron took over piloting the ship so that she didn’t have to. He’d practically done all the work already, anyway. She risked a glance down at her daughters, and caught the wary glint in Saarai’s golden eyes, the sideward glance at her sister, and she knew that they knew it was a lie. But she had not the heart to tell them that yet. Not now, through the tears that had begun to stream from her eyes despite her attempts to hold them at bay. She did not mean to cry, but what else could she do??
Saarai’s tiny fingers reached up shakily, when she realised what they were, to brush the liquid tracks from her chin and the spurs on her jaw. It only made her cry more and hold them tighter.
“Nunchi woiunoks, oi ai utja…” she breathed soothingly, hoping it was convincing enough for the twins. “Mom’s got you...nothing is ever going to hurt you while I’m here.” She held them like that right until they landed.
“The daughter of a lawyer, told the fallen priest “it’s a cold, cold place in the arms of a thief”, And tapping at the arrow in her heel, she said “LEAVE ME ALONE! ...but just don’t leave me here, alright?” Alright..” ~ Iron & Wine, “Arms of a Thief” 
By the time they arrived at their destination, some planet called “Rishii” that she doesn’t ever recall knowing of before - but perhaps that’s a good thing - and Abaron managed to find them a place to stay, the pain she had felt had dulled to more of a phantom throbbing than anything else. But her consciousness felt vulnerable and empty without Kissai’s own Force presence winding around hers, she felt alone, even though physically she was not. D’leah had sung and rocked the twins to sleep, with some effort, and glanced down at them as they slept, Ni’kasi’s arms curled around her sister as she burrowed under her chin for comfort beneath the blanket their mother had tucked around them.
The pain was gone, and in its wake came the FURY. It bubbled to the surface all too quickly, and D’leah began to tremble again, a growl rumbling deep in her throat as she realised that first, the girls were theoretically out of danger, and secondly, she still had a ship. She could go back. 
“I’m going to kill that fucker.” the Pureblood wheeled for the door, only to find it blocked by Abaron, who seemed to have pre-empted her outburst. She stopped short, a hiss slipping past her teeth as her lip curled back to show her fangs briefly. “Abe. Move.” she snarled, resisting the urge to shout so as to not wake Saarai and Ni’kasi from their slumber. The tips of Abaron’s jaw spurs shook as, for once in his life, he declined to follow her order. 
“No. My Lord, I can’t let you do that.”
It took every ounce of her self control not to do worse, but as it was, D’leah tried to lunge for him so she could force her way past, he might not have been taller than her but he was stronger, and heavier too. The man reacted just as quickly, his own hands closing around her wrists to push back and keep her in place, his own feet firmly rooted in the doorway as he grunted. “D’leah! Listen to me, please!” 
The tears threatened to come to the surface again, her eyes burning hot, though this time the matriarch forced them down, though her voice still quivered as she spat, each word punctuated with a quiver in her voice.
“You have no idea how I am feeling right now!”
“Not wholly, no.” Abaron argued, releasing her arms as she dropped them back to her sides, her remaining spurs still rattling softly in agitation. “But I know that going back there now is foolish, my Lord!” 
“Get. Out. Of. My. Way!” D’leah hissed, though she didn’t have the strength left after the manic dash away from Kaas to call the lightning to her fingertips and lend to the threat she was trying to punctuate. “H-He is sitting there, on our homeworld, w-with our people’s blood on his hands!” she tried to shove him again, but her fist connected dully with the plated armour on the other Pureblood’s chest and didn’t make much of an impact on him. “They’re all dead and y-you just want me to -!!” 
“I’m trying to protect you, my Lord!” his teeth flashed back at her, yet another thing she would not have stood for if she was half as lucid as usual. He continued on further, his voice a low, agitated growl as he lowered his face to hers as if to punctuate his point. “That is my charge, it’s what you bid me to do and I will not have you risking your life for such a foolish venture, you’re not thinking straight! We are the only ones left! It’s my duty to make sure that all three of you stay alive!” 
She flinched at the reminder. Them, and Vowrawn, perhaps...if he was sneaky enough. But Abaron was right, going back would put him at risk, too. His eyes searched hers frantically, and his hands remained raised as if Abaron wasn’t completely sure he wouldn’t need to hold her back again. D’leah was in half a mind about it herself, she wasn’t sure how to react now. And what her brother-in-law said next put the nail in the coffin, so to speak: 
“Dias dari j'us minti pa saû iki wisa qorit?” he urged, the words a muttered whisper.
The Pureblood matriarch felt her anger fizzle out almost instantly as the realization sank in. The girls....they were only children. They were far too young for this. Too young, they were too young for this talk of death and loss and grief; too young to have to understand if she left them here and did not come back either. Their father’s passing would weigh heavily on them for the rest of their lives, they didn’t deserve to have to lose their mother, and on the same day, too...
She deflated, her shoulders sagging in defeat, and another tremor wracked her frame as she dropped her own gaze to the floor for the moment. “Abe...I-” 
“I know.” he sighed, relaxing as he stepped up to draw her against his chest sympathetically. She almost didn’t react, until she felt his chin brush the top of her head and she realized what he was trying to do. Despite his attempt at the gesture being comforting, D’leah jerked herself away from him to growl warningly. “Dari nindz.”
He looked momentarily taken aback, holding his hands up amicably as he apologised. “I was just...I thought you needed-” “Nu sûa nindz zo ardira!” she snapped at him, but mercifully, turned away from the door and stalked further inside once more.
Sith translations, in order:
Snichi... - please... 
Nu aki j’us. - I (romantic) love you.
Nunchi woiunoks, oi ai utja. - Sweet little one, it’s alright.
Dias dari j'us minti pa saû iki wisa qorit? - How do you think this will all end? 
Dari nindz - Don’t.
Nu sûa nindz zo ardira! - I’m not a child!
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Belong To Daddy ~ Im Jaebeom
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WARNINGS: Smut, Daddy Kink, Unprotected Sex (wrap it up), Dom/Sub Scenarios, Choking,  Voyeurism, Slight Yandere, Corruption.
I was expecting Daddy to be home any minute to help me out, and who I thought was Daddy, ended up being Mark...Daddy is gonna be so pissed.
A/N: ah yes, I wrote this a while ago but haven’t been able to post it because I’ve been trying to focus on my Promise You story but of course, I have writer’s block. Anyways, as usual I am tagging @yanderejb​ because I love them and they are gonna get tagged in every Jb fic I post whether they like it or not >:)
 I kept clenching my thighs together to get some type of friction from the arousal I felt. I held the phone to my ear as I called Jaebeom, I knew he was on his way home but I needed something to get me through the next several minutes until he got home.  ”Yes Kitten?” I heard from the other end of the line, ”Daddy, ” I whimpered as I rubbed my thighs against each other. ”What's the matter Kitten?” ”I’ve been a good girl, right?” I asked in a small voice. I heard him chuckle lightly ”You’ve been so good lately, I'm so proud of you, ” he began, ”What do you need Kitten?” ”Can I please touch myself, I promise I won't cum until you get here, I just need some relief” I begged softly. 
There was a moment of silence before he spoke ”Okay Kitten, you can touch yourself, but do not cum until I get there. I'm the only one that's allowed to make you cum, ” he said sternly. ”Of course Daddy! I promise!” ”I’ll be home in a few minutes baby, ” he said to me before he hung up. I put my phone down and quickly slipped my clothes off, I roll onto my side then spread my legs and begin to rub my clit. Soft moans left my mouth and I kept my eyes closed as I tried to imagine Jaebeom being there and being the one touching me, wishing he would get home sooner, then suddenly I felt the bed dip behind me and a mouth attack my neck.
The lips felt strange but I didn't think too much of it because it had to be Jaebeom, he grabbed my hand and replaced it with his, his hands felt different too, and although it didn't stop the moans that were pouring out of me, it still didn't feel right. He pushed two fingers into me and I let out a whine ”Daddy...” ”That’s right baby, let Daddy know how good he's making you feel, ” a voice that wasn't Jaebeom’s said against my neck. I immediately widened my eyes and tense up after turning my head and seeing Mark. ”What’s the matter, baby? I'm making you feel good aren't I?” he smirked and started fingering me faster.
 I let out a moan on accident and tried stopping him ”Mark, what the fuck?! I thought you were Jaebeom!” I shouted as I started pushing him away from me. He pulled his fingers out of me and grabbed my chin, ”You need to watch your fucking mouth, little one, ” he said harshly. I grabbed his hand and pushed it roughly away from my face ”Jaebeom is gonna home any minute now, ” I threatened which made him laugh, ”So?” he pushed me back onto the bed and hovered over me, ”Maybe I should start fucking you and show you how better I am than him, ” he said. My eyes widen as he started to unbuckle his pants, but he was pulled off of me be he could even get his pants down, I look up and see Jaebeom fuming as he held Mark by his shirt.
 I took the opportunity and grabbed Jaebeom’s shirt that I was wearing previously and quickly slipped it on, hugging my legs as I watched everything happen. ”Trying to fuck my Kitten? Like fucking hell you will, ” Jaebeom yelled and threw Mark against the wall, then drawing back and punching him a couple of times. Mark had sunk to the floor in pain and Jaebeom grabbed the rope he had in his closet, it happened to be the same rope he used on Jackson when Jackson tried this same stunt. Jaebeom pulled Mark up and threw him into the chair we had in our room, he tied him up and made sure he couldn't get free
. ”I swear to God. First Jackson, now you? Which friend is next to try and pull this shit?” he muttered darkly. Mark sat there limp in the chair as Jaebeom came over to me, I looked up and quickly moved to the edge of the bed, I threw my arms around him and buried my head in his chest ”Daddy, I'm sorry!  I thought he was you, he was behind me when he started touching me!” I explained quickly to Jaebeom. Jaebeom’s eyes went even darker, he was seething with rage. ”He touched you?” Jaebeom asked. I looked up at him and saw he was staring at Mark, the look in his eyes alone could kill him, Mark cowered in fear and tried to apologize ”I’m so-” ”I don't want to hear it!” Jaebeom shouted ”How dare you even think about touching my Kitten, ” he said as he turned back to me and caressed my face. 
Mark scoffed and quietly mumbled ”Well she liked me touching her, ” Jaebeom turned to go after him but I grabbed him and pulled him back towards me. ”Daddy, he's just trying to get a rise out of you!” I said trying to calm him down. ”You know only you can make me feel good, only you can make me cum.” I softly grab his face and turn it towards mine ”Besides, I wouldn't even want him, he's weak, he wouldn't know how to take care of me, ” I began ”I mean, just look at him Daddy, he's cowering because he's scared of you, he's not a real man, ” I tell him. He glances at Mark and smirks, ”Maybe you should show him what real man is, ” I suggested. 
He looks back at me and grips my ass before slapping it, ”Go to the middle of the bed, Kitten, ” he ordered as he undid his tie. I crawled to the middle of the bed and sat, Jaebeom unbuttoned his shirt then also moved onto the bed, he got behind me and pulled me against his chest. He began kissing my neck,  I melted into him and rubbed my thighs together, seeing this he immediately forced my legs apart, so now everything was on display for Mark. Mark lightly groaned at the sight, his jaw slack as he saw how wet I was. Jaebeom looked at him and chuckled, ”I know, the of sight of her is so...Captivating.” he turned my head towards his as he finished, then kissed me with hunger.
His hand touched my core and he groaned as he pulled back from the kiss, ”Oh Kitten, you’re so ready for me, aren't you?” I frantically nodded which made him slap my thigh, ”Use your words, Kitten.” he growled into my ear, ”Y-Yes, Daddy, ” I whimpered. He rubbed my folds then pushed two fingers into me, I let out a mewl as he pumped his finger in and out of me, curling them so he hit my g spot each time. His head dropped to my neck again and started to mark me, so everyone knew who I belonged to. ”D-Daddy, I'm so close, ” I whine out as I feel my stomach tighten. His pace gets faster and his thumb begins to rub my clit, ”Let go, Kitten, ” he commands.
 My hand reaches behind his neck and my other grabs the bedsheets as I come undone on his fingers, Mark licks his lips as he watches the arousal leak out of me. Jaebeom pulls his fingers out then brings them to his lips, he begins to suck on them and his eyes roll back as he savors the dew I left on them. ”Her taste is so sweet, I would taste her all day if I could.”  Mark shifted in his seat, choking back moans as he tried to conceal his boner. Jaebeom had such an evil smirk displayed on his face, kissing my neck once more, he motioned for to go on all fours, still facing Mark. I arched my back so my ass was in the air and the rest of my body was laying on the bed. 
Jaebeom pushed his pants down and lined up with my entrance, ”Such a good Kitten, ” he praised as he gripped my hips and pushed into me.  I let out a soft moan and he let me adjust to him for a second before he started to slam into me over and over again.  He grabbed my hair and pulled me up to him, ”I think you know what to say to little Markie over there, ” he growled into my ear. I nodded and tried choking down my moans, I look Mark in the eye and begin ”Jaebeom is m-my Daddy, only he c-can be my Daddy, ” Jaebeom’s thrusts got faster, ”Only D-Daddy can make me feel this way, I only belong to him, ” I cry out.
My stomach tightened and I whine to Jaebeom, ”Daddy, I'm close, ” his hand goes to my  throat, ”Cum for me, Kitten.” I whimper as I release around his dick,  his grip gets tighter and he let's go right after me and drops his head onto my shoulder, moaning out and biting down. He let's go of my neck and pulls out, I collapse onto the bed, panting as Jaebeom gets dressed. Mark’s eyes stayed locked onto my worn out figure, Jaebeom walks over to me and pets my head, ”Kitten, you get some rest, I'll be back to play some more. But first Mark and I are going to have a talk about touching what's mine, ” he says while glaring at Mark, making him gulp. I nod and give him a kiss before slipping his shirt back on and lay on his side of the bed, the last thing I see before closing my eyes was Mark getting dragged out of the room
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feckin-zicons · 3 years
Squids, Dancing, and Dirty thoughts... Not necessarily in that order or all at once.
Apparently people like this? I am more confused than Liam is in this chapter. Which you know, makes sense bc this character only exists in my head, but also doesn’t at all bc I have no idea what goes on in there most of the time. Anyway this is for Zayn, Oxford commas, @stanmedusa who pointed out Zayn was also an Oxford comma stan, @redyellowberry, and their anon to started this mess. Also please imagine Zayn with his current blue hair, but also with his long Aladdin hair bc that’s what I’ve been doing and oh holy gods do I need that to happen. Please. Hair gods make it happen I’m begging
Same warnings as ever its 4AM, this is much longer than planned, and I have no interest in editing, making it sound coherent, or good. No, I don’t know about the squids either.
Parts 1&2 here
Liam would like to point out while he's not a stranger to feeling confused, he's still having trouble pinpointing how exactly he got to be Dance Mistress Irina Alinova's personal bitch. 
Ever since he accidentally interrupted one of the dance practises while looking for a missing prop for Director Corden, more and more of them started disappearing only to show up in the basement. No one else was interested in facing the Dance Mistresses' wrath, but Liam didn't mind the yelling. As long as Mistress Alinova didn't start throwing things, he figured he was safe enough. After all, it gave him the chance to see the blue haired ballerino again.  
Zayn Malik, the god in mortal form, the prima ballerino, the prettiest man Liam had ever seen, who had no idea who Liam even was. 
Liam had it bad. 
Liam had it so bad.
Liam had it so bad he tripped over thin air, spilled hot coffee over himself, and walked into a door when he thought he saw him at a Costas with Louis. The man he saw wasn't Zayn, thank fuck, but the entire sequence of events did give Louis more ammunition to tease him with. Stupid pretty boys with long blue hair and piercings sent from hell just to ruin Liam's life. Yeah, he was a goner. 
Louis dragged out the whole sorry story after Liam texted him about spiking his lunch and laughed himself sick knowing just how much of a mess Liam became around people he was interested in. They still didn't talk about Danielle. Which was a good thing considering the end of that relationship had Liam pretty much swearing off women for the rest of his life. No pussy was worth that mess. Dick though? Liam was willing to take that chance on Zayn, even if asking Harry didn't give him much information. 
According to Harry, Zayn had been around for a few years but mostly kept to himself or the other dancers. There was something about him throwing a fit a few weeks before Liam showed up. Upset about being forced to learn the choreography for Winston's show when it was just going to fail on opening night like it always did. 
Liam thought he had a point, considering. He didn't know what bananas, ballet, and really bad rapping had to do with King James VI but didn't want to voice that in front of the man playing the gay king. No one dared fire Zayn, considering he kept the whole theatre afloat, but it also didn't make many actors happy with him. Especially not Mizz Wendy Williams, who played Marie Antoinette in the play. Again, Liam had a lot of questions he didn't dare ask out loud. It's not like he was ever good at history, so it was entirely possible the two lived in the same time period. Or it was some sort of allegory that went over his head like the aristocrats wearing banana suits did. 
Louis always found his stories about his placement hilarious, but even that one had him wondering if there wasn't some sort of gas leak in their apartment. It wouldn't have been the first time, or the second. Most likely, it was the theatre that was growing some sort of mold that caused insanity if breathed in. Some of the things Liam had been forced to clean in the past few weeks were unspeakable. 
But even that probably couldn't explain Zayn Malik. Nothing could explain that sort of beauty and talent. Or those hands... and thighs... and fingers. Ung. Liam would love to get up close and personal with all of him.  
Either way, Liam had just been cleaning the mirrors in the practice room, humming along to Brandy and Monica on the radio, wondering if Niall was actually going to come down and help him instead of hiding away like a coward. Again. By the second verse, he'd given up trying not to sing along, not expecting anyone to come by. It was late, the dancer's practise long over, and Winston left screaming over an hour ago. Liam would have done a recce and skipped out on the last half hour if one of the managers wasn't sticking around still. Piers Morgan, an absolute cunt who treated the lads on probation like hardened criminals, and he was the prison warden. Despite, you know, most of the lads on summary probation, and Liam’s arson charge being the most serious crime out of all of them. 
Anyway, the last thing he's expecting is for anyone to come in while he's singing about the boy being his, rolling his body to the beat. Which is probably how he ends up tripping over himself when he notices Zayn leaning up against the open door, watching him. Watching him, in bright, tight, teal dance tights (were dance tights usually blue? They should be) that looked nice with his hair and complimented the gold tones of his skin. The skin he could see a lot of. Because he was shirtless. Because he was shirtless and had a lot more tattoos than Liam realized. Tattoos Liam wanted to bite. Not hard enough to make a mark or anything, that would be sacrilegious, but enough to make him make a sound. God, Liam hoped he was a moaner. Not that he thought he had a chance with Zayn or anything, but it would be a shame if Zayn was the type that stayed quiet during sex. 
Except he wasn't being quiet now, he was talking. And Liam was staring at him, like an idiot, not paying attention. Because he was an idiot. 
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, why did this always happen to him? 
"Er, what?" Liam asked, desperately hoping he didn't sound as stupid as he felt right then, which was pretty fucking stupid. He probably looked even stupider than he felt and ruined his chances at ever-
"I asked if you were almost done? Was planning on practising more tonight," Zayn answered him. 
Zayn, Zayn Fucking Malik, answered him, and he was still staring at him like an idiot. Shit Liam say something.
Not that you idiot.
"What?" Zayn asked, looking confused and adorable.
Oh god, he was precious. Was that a smile? Was he smiling at him? Liam? Oh no.
"Pretty much, I meant. Pretty much done," Liam replied, wishing the ground would swallow him whole. "Just one more mirror, and I'll be out of your way."
There, those were words, sentences even. Now all he had to do was act normal and finish cleaning. Easy. 
"So, Brandy and Monica, right? You like R'n'B then?" Zayn asked him, walking into the room with a heavy dance bag, setting it off to the side.
Liam felt himself flushing as he turned back around to finish cleaning the mirror so Zayn wouldn't see.  "Yeah," he answered, trying not to peek at Zayn bending over as he rifled through his belongings. 
Those legs, Fuck. Liam wondered what it'd feel like to have them around his- 
"I didn't expect that," Zayn said, drawing Liam out of his filthy thoughts, and making him turn back around.
"No, I- I didn't mean it in a bad way or anything. I guess I just expected you to listen to more rock?" 
Liam was pretty sure he missed half of the conversation somewhere. Was Zayn blushing? He was so pretty. Wow. 
"No, I like everything," he replied dumbly. They were still talking about music, right? That would make sense. Why was Zayn talking to him again? God, Liam couldn't handle this. "Do you like it? The music, I mean."
"Yeah, grew up listening to ‘em. My older sister was obsessed with Monica. So... Who's your favourite artist?" 
"Artist? Oh uh, I've been listening to a lot of Post Malone? How about you? What do you- who do you listen to?" 
"Post Malone's sick, mate. I like most music I guess, but I've been listening to a lot of The Weekend."
"Have you heard his new album?"
"Yeah, it's sick! Do you-" Zayn was cut off by Niall running in out of breath. The bright orange tee that labelled him as one of the community service workers was wet and stained black. Actually.. all of him was soaked and stained black. Was that ink?
"Hey, Payno, are you done yet because we have a situation upstairs," Niall gasped out, hands on his knees, looking like he'd just seen his life flash before his eyes. 
"What the hell happened to you?" 
"There's a squid stick in the toilet." 
"There's a what?"
"A Squid! A giant fucking squid in the toilet!" 
Liam blinked in confusion, trying to wrap his head around why there would be a squid anywhere near the theatre let alone one of the toilets. Did Corden want live animals in his show now? Or Winston. It could be either of them. 
"Why do you need me?" he asked. "I don't know anything about squids."
Niall sounded like he was at the end of his rope when he replied, "You know something about plumbing at least!" 
"Not a lot! Enough to keep the water on at home, but I'm not a plumber." 
"Doesn't matter, we need your help, Ashtons gone to find some butter," Niall said, stomping back around, leaving behind a trail of watery black ink. "We'll meet you upstairs when you're done."
"Wait, what do you need butter for?!" Liam called after him but didn't get a reply. Butter? How was butter going to help?
A muffled giggle distracted Liam from his thoughts, and he was abruptly reminded Zayn was still in the room. Zayn, might as well be a god, was in the room, and Liam was just talking about squids in toilets.
Why him?
"I guess I should go see what they need help with?" Liam tried to say without sounding... Well, he wasn't sure what the proper response was in this situation or how to react to it. 
Zayn smiled at him, and oh. How was it possible he looked even more attractive now? 
Liam thinks Zayn said something about the other lads needing him and it sounding urgent, but really, Liam was in a daze until he also got a face full of ink... From another squid in an entirely different toilet. 
What the fuck.
Louis was never going to let him live this down. 
Really? Squids???
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viscariaa · 4 years
Day 5 - Saiouma Week - Flowers - Helpful Advice
Ship: Oumasai/Saiouma
Words: 1274
Type: Fantasy AU/Fluff
Trigger Warning: Swear words
Posted: 08.06.20
Description: After an argument with his knight, Kaito, Shuichi heads into the castle gardens. And unexpectedly finds good advice! 
“Sidekick! Where are you going?” Kaito yells after the blue haired prince.
Shuichi stomps out of the castle, angry tears spilling on the stone ground. It was a peaceful night, crickets singing with the stars above them, not matching the betrayal inside Shuichi’s heart. He grips onto his sword around his hip with the urge to cut something down. He could hear Kaito chase after him, but he doesn’t stop. 
“Kaito had one simple order. One fucking job. The first order I ever gave him in all my life and he decides to ignore it.” 
He picks up the pace before turning a sharp corner and running behind the castle. Panting, he reaches the castle garden, the hedges inviting him in with the sweet scent of flowers. As Shuichi is about to enter the garden, a hand on his shoulder stops him. 
“Don’t call me that,” Shuichi growls, shoving Kaito off. 
Kaito looks at the usually calm prince in disbelief. Shuichi’s honey eyes were brimming with fury, his white puffy sleeved shirt under the blue vest was stained with tears, his black pants and boots tainted with dirt. 
“Prince Saihara. Why are you mad?” Kaito steps back. 
“You disobeyed my order.”
“I got new orders from your father and-” Kaito tries to explain before getting cut off by Shuichi. 
“You’re my knight, aren’t you?! I gave you an order to not harm any of the guild members or the leader!” Shuichi inhales a breath, “and you decided to slaughter the entire guild along with Maki and Himiko!” 
“They were resisting and the King said ‘if they are resisting, end them’, besides they have been causing all sorts of trouble around the kingdom!” 
“Trouble!?” Shuichi shouts, “they do harmless pranks, but they still help the kingdom by doing quests!”
“Prince Saihara, stop making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. Why do you even care what happens to DICE?” Kaito clenches his fists, ready to draw his sword. 
“These are my people’s lives!” Shuichi steps towards Kaito, “how could I not?!” 
“Prince Saihara, you need to calm-” 
“As my knight...you should know how important it is-” 
“Shut the hell up!” Kaito screams, “as my friend, you should know why I can’t disobey your father!” 
This made Shuichi stop. He forgot all about Kaito’s feelings, he shivers remembering his father’s words to Katio. 
“Dare disobey me and I’ll hurt your precious Maki Roll.”  
He got too caught up with his feelings for DICE's leader. Kokichi Ouma. His secret lover. “Shuichi, listen to yourself! You hurt Kaito! How pathetic…” 
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, Kaito! I-” Shuichi places a hand over his mouth before Kaito bows. 
“Talk to me when you calm down more, Sidekick,” Kaito says before walking off, leaving Shuichi alone with his thoughts. 
“No use if I say sorry now...he’ll only think I said it only because I have to…” 
Shuichi starts to sulk into the garden, his footsteps becoming sluggish amongst the green grass. After walking through rows of white roses, he reaches the middle of the garden, where a huge willow tree is. 
He slouches his back against the tree before falling down, hugging his knees while releasing salty tears. Guilt creeps up on his shoulders, “why...am I...so...careless...I’m such...an...idiot…”
“Why is my beloved with such a pretty face, crying?” 
Shuichi jumps up and draws his sword, scanning for the voice. Then, he spies Kokichi hanging upside down from a tree branch, his black clock making him look like a bat. His purple vest, white long sleeve shirt and pants were tattered and bloody. The crossbow on his back is like a pair of wings.   
“Whoever is doing this! Show yourself!” Shuichi gets into a fighting stance, his eyes darting at every moving shadow. 
“Oh, Beloved! No illusion magic! It truly, truly is me! Or is it?” Kokichi jumps down from the tree, his brown boots landing softly onto the grass, and begins to approach the unconvinced Shuichi. 
 “Prove it to me! Where’s your evidence?” Shuichi spits out, “why would anyone do this? Is something trying to trick me? Is it Himiko? Did Kaito tell her about the fight we had?” 
Kokichi stops before laughing, “remember when we first met...I stumbled into the garden, knocking on death’s door. Despite your father, you snuck me into the palace and nursed me back to health! Or when we were going to DICE for the first time and on the way, I guess you heard my stomach grumble, and bought me loads of grapes!” 
Shuichi faintly smiles at the memory, but continues to hold his grip on his sword. “A-are you really...alive?” 
“Along with half of DICE…” Kokichi pulls his black cloak closer to him, looking away from him, causing the clown mask on the side of his head to cover his face. 
Shuichi places his sword back in its sheath before running to embrace Kokichi, both boys falling onto the ground. “I’m sorry! I really am! I ordered Kaito not to attack! But...but...but my bastard of a father-” 
“It was bound to happen, beloved. I was able to get out 5,000 members and myself, of course. I should have been more prepared to handle an attack!” Kokichi sighs. 
“It’s still my fault in the end!” Shuichi sobs into Kokichi’s chest, smelling his usual scent of grapevine.
“Awww, no it’s not! You can’t control your father's actions! Buttttt-” Kokichi wiggles out from under him, sitting in a criss cross position and stares at him with childish eyes. 
“You can control yours,” Kokichi flicks his forehead. 
“Did you hear my argument with Kaito?” Shuichi leans against him, their shoulders touching, “I thought you didn’t know?” 
“Oops! That was a lie! Nishishi~” 
Shuichi resists rolling his eyes, “I wouldn’t have expected anything less…” He slightly lifts Kokichi’s mask only to give him a quick peck on his lips. 
Kokichi giggles at Shuichi’s affection, “I may hate that idiot! But, I know how close you two are! Hopefully, not cheating on me~” Kokichi wiggles his eyebrows, suggestively. 
Shuichi lets out a loud ‘ahem’ to cover his blushing face, “never would.”
Kokichi feels butterflies in his stomach from the taste of trust, “a-anyways, don’t worry, DICE will be able to recover from this! It’s going to take more than an idiot, an assassin, and a wack mage to defeat us! You and dumbass Kaito just need to step back and see from their point of view!” 
“Kokichi, that was really good advice coming from you!” Shuichi praises his boyfriend. “I’ll give Kaito a chance to calm himself down and we’ll discuss it! Thank you, Kokichi!” 
“P-please, it was nothing!” Kokichi crosses his arms while smirking. “As much as I’ll love to stay...I have to help DICE out as its evil leader! We have to get back to mischief or they’ll get restless and you know how they get!” 
“I’ll try to visit as soon as possible...and help out…” 
“I’d appreciate that! Or will I?” Kokichi stands up, his back facing Shuichi, “now I have to get back to doing evil stuff! Bye-bye, Beloved!”  
“Goodbye, Kokichi,” Shuichi watches him climb the willow tree before jumping on top of the hedges and out of the garden.
“He really knows what to say at the perfect moments...” Shuichi mutters. 
The wind starts to blow, sending off petals into the night sky. He rubs his hands together, hoping to bring warmth to them. “I guess I’ll have to pay him back…” Shuichi walks out of the garden, towards the castle, ready to apologize to Kaito.
This doesn’t have as much romance between the two of them, but I hope it will satisfied your saiouma/oumasai needs. I’m almost done with the next prompt so it’ll be releasing tomorrow! Based off Prompt #5 - Flowers by @saiouma-events (even though I drifted off a bit too much lol). Sending a virtual hug! - December       
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zombiegurlmode · 4 years
Camren is a dead ship. Get over it bish.
I thought about whether i truly wanted to write this or not. Then again, i thought to myself, this is my vent area i will write whatever the hell i want. You no likey you getaway from me. Simple fact of life right?
So a little background story before we dice the meat and butcher it into pieces. Sony is one of those companies that i hate to love and love to hate. It all started with their almighty creation the PlayStation. Such a phenomal brand that it paved the way for the revolutionizing the gaming industry we know of today. And then lo and behold sony is also famed for killing off its own brands by their lousy marketing efforts or failed attempts. Exhibits A to C: sony vaio, sony erickson, PS Vita (probably one of their greatest massacre of all time). So when i learned that 5H were actually part of the Sony umbrella corporation, (ooo this is a reference. Hint: refer to my handle) all i could think about is who’s the next victim. Well we got our casualty right?
Anyway, next stop on our background story is i’ve heard of 5H way before i’ve learned of camren. I mean i couldn’t even be bothered whoever the hell are the members of 5H were. All i know is that i really liked their song work from home and then I listened to their other songs and appreciated some of their other songs while others not so much. Personally, i just thought of 5H before as another run of the mill generic knock off version of Spice Girls. Funnily enough, they did their own version of Spice Girls. Then i came across never be the same and instanly liked it. I never even knew that she was a former 5H member. Honestly, i still couldn’t be bothered at that time.
Fast track a few months or a year, i had a major setback with my sexuality. I encountered a colleague of mine whom i have developed strong affections for. This totally knocked me off my orbit and bothered me since A) she’s married and B) i’m in denial. I mean at the back of my head i already knew since i was young. I was just suppressing it. No need to go into details since most of us are on the same boat on this. You know the usual ploy of disasterrific coming out agenda and the whole enchalada. So to eleviate some of my concerns, i even ended up consulting professional help from a friend of mine who is practicing professionally. I learned from her that there are even conversion camps to somehow “change us back to normal”. Creepy if you ask and i’m even downplaying it. Anyway, i saw in a facebook post one of my friends attending a pride march here in the Philippines. So i gathered my courage and spoke to her and ended up coming out to her.
Fast track again, she introduced me to camren and the rest is history. I was hooked, lined, and sunk with this dead ship. And i haven’t been the same ever since. I read Bashuda’s post here (hope i got your name right). An open letter to lauren jauregui. And all she’ve said, i’m willling to bet most camren shippers underwent too. We are all looking for that special kind of love that knocks us out of our orbit, takes our breath away, and drives us crazy up the wall. The all consuming type of love that you know is worth every damn fight you’ll have to go through. And somehow, we shippers see that in camren and gives us the hope and courage that the love we all seek do truly exists in this otherwise selfish, relentless, and brutal world we all live in.
So now unto to the main agenda, Lauren’s live or podcast or whatever we call it now with becky g. All i got is that she doesn’t like being called daddy. I concede defeat you shippers arguing in wattpad can now be laid to rest. It’s now finally settled straight from the horse’s mouth. We now can definitely without a doubt say who tops. Hahahaha. Ok, just kidding. I just couldn’t resist. I mean she had it coming. I’m just feeding my crazy self. Although, you know she did say daddy’s get your sh*t *wink wonk*. You know I wouldn’t mind being called a daddy hahahaha. Again couldn’t resist. At this point, i’m just twisting her words and being playful.
Since i can’t control myself from taking shots at her words, let’s continue on with my tomfoolery. Lauren again gave us another proof. This time she proved herself again that she is in fact a living breathing meme. And this meme came into my mind:
Literally no one: ....
Lauren: you know camren is not real blah blah blah
Cs: who even ask about camren? It’s a dead ship. You said it yourself it’s not real. Get over it bish. (Honestly lauren. Joke’s on you bud)
Ok, ok, all kidding and lousy jokes aside. What i truly can take away from all her passionate speech is this LJ1 IS COMING!!!!!!
I mean denying camren again? Real shocker. News flash to me. Really i swear i almost had a gay panic in the office no less. Honestly lauren it’s 2020 and covid is out here doing it’s thing and your back reliving a dead ship no less and retelling yet again the same things you’ve said before. Oh don’t get me wrong tho. I am not downplaying in any way what you have to go through. I mean come on for crying out loud my front is still in the closet quaking like a damn moron. Look what i truly do not appreciate is why is it about the cs again huh? Come on, it’s not like we tag you in all your accounts to chant our undying faithfulness to our ship that has been turned officially into submarine. Where our beloved captain may or may not be in hiding in plain sight or maybe our delusional minds are conjuring these thoughts. Neither do we publicly declare our posts or force anyone to believe in our conspiracy theory. We have a very dedicated community much like a dedicated server where we gather like cults and study our fine specimens... sorry i meant closely observe and adore our ship. We have a special place where we can commune and comment and make fun of our created fanfics out of the very fine figments of the numerous authors’ machinations. And yet here we are people trespassing on our free space and demanding to cease and desist this atrocious camren lunacy wherein you couldn’t just possibly stumble upon camren accidentally unless you were intending to. Because as i’ve mentioned before i’ve heard of 5H and camila cabello way before i encountered the anomaly of camren. I even searched about 5H because of camila cabello’s involvement in the group. And not in one of those searches did it yield to camren. Not until i was introduced to it by a friend. And now i am clearly a camren fiend.
Anywho, quite obvious to me that the marketing for LJ1 has begun and we are now all entering the hook phase by drawing in attention by creating new drama or reliving or reenvisioning past established conflicts to fit into the narrative. Well i’m excited for its official release and that’s all i have left to say now. Have a pleasant day everyone. The madness had finally ended here.
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baekhypnotized · 4 years
☆— [four]
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summary: Baekhyun is just a man who doesn’t believe in romance as much as Byul, who is trying to give herself to him. But day by day, he will soon realize that her fleeting actions are breaking down his cold-hearted brick wall, no matter if it takes her a million years.
warning(s): -
word count: 4.1k+
author’s note: please let me know what you guys think about this chapter!! if you would want to be tagged for next update, do tell me!! enjoy reading :)
tag list: @iloveagain​ @xlxbaekhyuneex​​ @catboyseni​
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As promised, I come to the cafe early to pass the keys to Senior Hana. I offer to help her with the opening procedure which includes setting up the coffee machine and displaying desserts, so it would be easier for my other colleagues to start their work in the morning. Ever since last night, Baekhyun hasn’t replied to my text, up until now. I’m just hoping he wouldn’t forget our discussion that we had agreed on last night because I don’t want to screw any of my plans for today.  
I make myself a serving of chicken sandwich and a cup of latte for breakfast while waiting for him. At least I can kill time before he arrives. Having done preparing my breakfast, I bring the tray and sit at the table by the window, at his usual spot. I devour the sandwich while watching the customers enter the cafe once Senior Hana opens the cafe for business. They must be the type of people who needs caffeine in order to start their day.
My phone rings, signalling a new notification. I put down my sandwich and grab the device. Finally, it’s a text from Baekhyun. 
[Baekhyun]: I just woke up from my sleep. Am I late?
[Byul]: No you’re not. It’s 10:10 in the morning and you still have time.
[Byul]: Don’t rush yourself because I can wait for you though.
[Baekhyun]: Nah, I hate making a woman wait for me so I’ll be there soon.
[Byul]: Drive safe, Baekhyun.
[Byul]: I don’t want to meet you only with one hand.
[Baekhyun]: Haha, funny. Anyway, good morning.
[Byul]: Good morning :)
A wide smile is plastered across my face after replying to his texts. His replies are always so cute to me. I lock my phone and put it on the table before continuing to munch my sandwich and enjoying my hot latte. I love how today’s morning is peaceful with only a few people walking pass by the cafe. I’m also quite grateful that the class is cancelled. 
I bet Soomin is still sleeping soundly on her bed as I don’t know any of her plans today. She might go out for shopping with Sehun or prefer to stay at home and watch Netflix. The differences between us are pretty visible. Soomin was born into a wealthy family, whereas I came from a humble background. My parents were divorced and my dad just went missing after the separation. My mom, on the other hand, decided to remarry. Even though Soomin and I came from different backgrounds, I’m still grateful that we are friends, because more often than not, we complete each other with our opposite personalities.
Suddenly, I get startled by a few knocks on the window that I accidentally smudge the sandwich across my cheek, leaving a streak of mayonnaise. I turn my head towards the cause of my surprise and is met with Baekhyun, the man is giggling to himself watching my funny reaction. I roll my eyes and pick up tissue to wipe the smudge off as he enters the cafe and joins me.
"Sorry I’m late,” Baekhyun apologies and I shake my head, telling him it’s fine as my mouth is full with the sandwich. He realises that I’m busy eating my sandwich. It makes him chuckle. 
I quickly swallow the food in my mouth and ask him, “Have you had your breakfast?”
"My breakfast is coffee,” he answers and I nod my head. Once I finish eating my sandwich, I grab my cup of latte and sip it slowly, feeling uncomfortable with the sight of Baekhyun watching me.
I pull away from the cup, “Why? Is there any problem?” I ask.
"I want a cup of latte that you make,” he says. I scoff after hearing his request. 
"Really, Byun Baekhyun? All the latte tastes the same!”
"But not yours,” Baekhyun grins widely, showing his white teeth. I sigh in surrender and stand up from my seat. He passes the money to me and I roll my eyes at him, causing him to chuckle. Heading back to the counter, I key in his order into the system and prepare his latte only in a few minutes. I use my skills to draw an angry emoji at his latte as a sign of revenge. As I head back to the table, Baekhyun has his legs crossed while he’s busy scrolling his phone.
I place the cup in front of me before settling down in my seat. “Baekhyun, your latte is there,” I inform him but he does not move any inches. I release a scoff while taking out my laptop from my bag. I don’t even know why he seems surprised to see that I’m back from making his latte.
"Yeay!” He beams. “Thank you, Hanbyul,” Baekhyun continues as he displays a sly grin to me before lifting the cup from the saucer plate and sips it. 
I ignore him this time, rolling my eyes to the back of my head. Without wasting any time, I turn on my laptop for the discussion, expecting Baekhyun might need some time before he is done with his breakfast.
"Do you bring your laptop? Or any notebook to jot down?” I ask him and he replies with a nod. He finishes up his latte and begins to prepare himself for our first discussion by taking out his laptop. 
After we reassure ourselves ready to begin the discussion, both of us starts by reading the statement and question given by our lecturer. Baekhyun looks smart when he shares his opinions regarding this project. I suddenly remember the first time we met at the cafe, he wore a fancy suit to order a coffee and I assume he's someone who already got himself a job. Because right now,  Baekhyun looks like a professional, like someone who is a master in this course. Maybe, there is a reason why he decided to further his study in the Master of Business Administration.
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Throughout our discussion, Baekhyun contributes more in giving his ideas. At the same time, I list down every point that we need to add or do research before starting the assignment. His hand gestures when explaining the details manages to distract my focus from the topic which causing me to keep on staring at it. Baekhyun’s long and slender fingers, hands with a few visible veins popping out shows his masculine side. His attractive silver wristwatch positioned on his left wrist gives an extra point. 
"Hey, missy. Are you lost in your dreams?” Baekhyun snaps his fingers right in front of my face that cause me to jump in surprise in my spot.  
"I’m sorry. Where are we again?” I tighten my grip around the pen as I lift my head to look at his face. Baekhyun chuckles at the astonishment on my face. 
"Let’s continue this, huh?” He suggests and I reply with a hum. Baekhyun shakes his head, probably remembering my face when I was spacing out while he was talking. I admit, my face looks funny.  Biting my lower lip as I try to forget that embarrassing moment, I continue to listen to his explanations diligently.  
After spending hours at the table, I realised it’s already passed at 12 o'clock noon. We were too busy up until we didn’t have the time to even hold the discussion for a rest. Baekhyun already looks exhausted when he rests his back by the backrest. I turn off my laptop and keep it back in my bag, gathering all the used cups and saucer plates to bring it back to the kitchen. 
"Tired, Baekhyun?” I ask him.
"Kinda, my brain isn't working good now,” he expresses. 
I snort softly. “Now, you can go home and rest. I need to get ready for my next shift at 2. Great job for today.” Getting off from my seat, I carry the cups and plates to the kitchen. 
But before I get to move, Baekhyun calls. “Hanbyul.” I turn around to face him with a curious look.
"About our date,” He stops for a second, “can you empty your schedule for this Saturday? I’ve booked a restaurant for dinner. We can go anywhere you want before that, if you want to.” Baekhyun speaks. My heart drops for a second when he mentions the date.I thought he had forgotten about it, not expecting him to be serious about his invitation the other day.
I think of the plans I might have for the day, hoping I will be able to clear it for the date. “Yeah, sure.” I give him an answer, remembering that I am free on that day. Baekhyun beams brightly upon hearing it. 
He keeps all his stuff in his bag while I wait for him. Baekhyun gets ready to leave as he plasters a soft smile on his face. 
"I’ll see you this Saturday, then?” He confirms back as I nod. Baekhyun comes closer to me and gives one last smile before he leaves the cafe without turning back. I swear, my heart is about to jump out of my chest at that moment.
Baekhyun doesn’t text or talk to me after the day we met for the discussion. We didn’t encounter each other by chance either since our Friday’s class was also cancelled by the lecturer. Now I am pacing around in my room on Saturday. I’ve done all the chores in the house today, from doing the laundry to washing the dishes and mopping the floor. I am determined to free my schedule today just for the date. But, I’m not sure if it’s going to be happening at this rate. I don’t have the guts to text him. 
I even refuse Soomin’s invitation to go to the mall because I was waiting for him. In the end, she leaves the house with Sehun and I hope he will cheer her up. I’ve been scrolling my Instagram last night and I encountered his account that practically got me to sit up abruptly from my lying position. 
Indeed, he’s not the type of guy who loves to post pictures of himself. Most of the pictures were random scenery and I found them aesthetic. Maybe, he just doesn’t like to share about his life and somehow, I think it suits his personality. 
Baekhyun is a mysterious guy.
My desire to get to know him, every side of him is getting stronger day by day. He’s… irresistible. There is something different about Baekhyun, something that he hides deeper, away from everyone else. I’m sure it’ll take me some time to figure him out.
Finally, my phone rings after a few hours sitting in silence. I literally run to get to the phone. When I check the notification, a grin makes its way to my face. It’s really him! Like finally! Unlocking the phone, I open the text with a click. 
[Baekhyun]: Hey, miss me? 
I chuckle. Baekhyun is really an annoying guy, expecting that I will be missing him. 
I don’t miss him. I’m just expecting his text. That’s all. 
[Byul]: Ha ha. Obviously not, Byun Baekhyun.
[Baekhyun]: Ouch. That hurts.
[Byul]: Serve you right. So, why are you texting me?
[Baekhyun]: You must’ve forgotten our date tonight, huh?
I thought you’re the one who forgets it, Baekhyun.
[Byul]: Date? What date?
[Baekhyun]: Stop playing around, Hanbyul.
[Baekhyun]: I’ll pick you up at your house if you’re okay with it.
[Byul]: My house? But, I can go by myself to the restaurant.
[Byul]: No worries.
[Baekhyun]: Hanbyul, it’s unpleasant to let a woman go by her own for the date.
[Baekhyun]: I’ll pick you up at 8. Send me your address later.
[Byul]: Okay then…
[Baekhyun]: See you.
[Baekhyun]: And I’m expecting a real address.
Tumblr media
I text him the address of my apartment before he replies to me with a curt 'okay'. Looking at the clock, I realize I still have a few hours left before the date. I stand in front of my wardrobe, staring at the few dresses that I have hanging in it. Going through some dresses, I sigh realizing I don't have any dresses that could be suitable to wear on a first date. He did mention about booking a restaurant so I figured he wouldn't bring me to somewhere I can simply wear my ordinary dresses. After contemplating between a royal blue coloured dress and a black dress for more than a few minutes, I decided to settle with a wine-coloured dress. The dress is short but it ends nicely above my knees. I then take my bath and get myself ready despite having an hour left till 8. I choose to put on natural shades make-up before putting on my dress. Finally, I style my hair with my hair curler and let them fall loose on my shoulders.
I inform Soomin about going out, omitting the fact that I'm going out for dinner with Baekhyun. As usual, she tells me to take care of myself, to not come back too late and to call her if anything happens. I agree with all of the things she told me and tell her to have fun with Sehun. She must be having a splendid day with her boyfriend. I envy her.
When the hands on the clock move to 10 minutes before 8, I receive a text from Baekhyun.
[Baekhyun]: I'm almost there. You can come out now.
It’s time. I bring my purse together with me when leaving the house. Riding the lift to the ground level, my heart couldn’t bring itself to pump normally. I wait for him at the entrance, my toes curling in anticipation. A few minutes later, a familiar black car stops right in front of me. 
The driver rolls down the window, peeking his head from the inside, “Hop in, Hanbyul.”
I take a deep breath before getting into the passenger seat, buckling myself up. Baekhyun watches me settling down and when I turn to look at him, I was awestruck. The car may be dark right now but his charming look is visible.
"Ready to go?” He asks as I nod my head. Baekhyun presses the pedal and drives the car to our destination. Believe me, I just stay still like I used to, fingers gripping tightly around the seatbelt. The urge to look at him, the way he drives, is strong but I fight the desire. I realise he is stealing a few glances at me that makes me blush quietly.
We finally arrive at the restaurant after nearly half an hour. As expected, he brings me to fancy, and most probably, expensive restaurant. I follow Baekhyun from behind as the waiter brings us to the private room that he had reserved for us. He helps me pull my chair out, letting me take my seat before he does and I thank him softly. Baekhyun only replies to me with a smile, as sweet and charming as ever.
The waiter hands out the menu and I get surprised seeing the prices that make me gulp. Baekhyun must have saw me reacting to them as he chuckles softly. 
"Would anything be okay for you? Any allergies or requests?” He asks concernedly.
"Yeah… I’m okay with anything.”
"Good. I’ll order the same thing as usual,” Baekhyun tells the waiter before he leaves the room, leaving me and Baekhyun alone.
"So… how are you?” Baekhyun initiates the talk first. 
"I’m fine, as you can see. How about you, Baekhyun?"
"Quite busy handling something.” He replies. My mouth turns into an ‘O’ shape and we both get into silence again. I’m so nervous to look at him straight into the eyes and at the same time, I just don’t know what topic should we talk.
"Hey," he calls, making me lift my head up to face him. "You're usually so talkative at the cafe, why are you being quiet now?" He muses, followed by an amused grin.
"Baekhyun, how old are you?” I ask after contemplating for a few seconds. 
"28. Do I look too old?” He questions me back and I chuckle with a shake of my head. 
"I’m 2 years younger than you,” I confess.
"Yeah, I can see that.” He chuckles huskily this time.
A waiter comes into our room with a bottle of wine, pouring it into our glasses. I thank him politely before continuing the conversation. 
"Regarding our assignment, when do you want to proceed? Are you free after we have our classes or—” 
"Hanbyul, can we talk about anything else aside from the project?” He orders. My breathing stops for a second, hearing him speak in such a serious tone. I bring my head down to look at the table, fiddling with the napkin as I try to think of another topic to converse.
"How about you tell me about yourself? Maybe your family or anything?” I purse my lips together, waiting for his answer. Baekhyun smirks slightly, fixing his sitting posture.
"My family isn’t interesting at all. Let’s talk about yours. Shall we?" Baekhyun taps his fingers while staring at me with the same smirk. My stomach is about to flip all over because he's making me nervous with that look. I take a glass of wine and drink it slowly, tasting the alcoholic drink that is foreign in my throat. The wine somehow causes me to make weird facial expressions and I guess, Baekhyun sees it. Because he laughs softly.
"Does it taste weird?" He asks with concern.
"Kinda but it's tolerable. Thank you for asking," I reply. At least, the wine can calm my nerves after being so nervous in front of him. Baekhyun plasters a smile before he drinks his wine, waiting for me to start telling him about myself. I take the opportunity of the silence between us to calm myself down.
"So… here it goes.” I start telling him about my background honestly. I tell him about me being an only child with divorced parents; my dad disappeared since then, while my mom got the full custody of me. A few years after the divorce, she remarried another guy, my current stepfather and decided to move in with him at New Orleans. I also have an older stepbrother named Suho. Suho is two years older than Baekhyun.
"Don’t ask me whether he has a girlfriend or not because he hasn’t talked about it with me,” I warn Baekhyun. He only chuckles to my statement and asks me to proceed with the story.
It goes on from my life in New Orleans, with my new family. He listens to me diligently while waiting for our main courses to arrive. I tell him the reason I’m continuing my studies and it’s because I would love to run my own business. But, would definitely apply for a job at any company once I graduate from this post-graduate study. 
"So, you’re telling me that you work at the cafe to pay for your study?” Baekhyun asks once he sips the wine as I nod my head slowly. 
"I applied for a loan for my study because I had to,” I confess with a soft tone. Realising how tough my life is when I’m trying to be an independent person for my own future. I may belong to a modest family but I have been told by my mom that living without trying to achieve one's dream are useless.
Baekhyun hums. Finally, our meals arrive on time and I am glad for the distraction because I couldn’t bring myself to tell him more about my struggling life. He thanks the waitress that served us the food before she leaves the room. We’re having steaks for dinner tonight. 
"Let’s eat, shall we?” He says and I smile. Both of us start to devour the juicy and thick steaks as I leave myself stupefied with the rich taste of the meat. It’s really scrumptious and no wonder it's one hella expensive food at a 5-star restaurant. 
Baekhyun notices my reaction as he asks, “How does it taste? Good?” 
I bob my head up and down, carrying on to eat. He seems happy watching me eating so well as a wide smile appears across his face. Baekhyun gives me one last glance before he continues to eat. 
"How about you? What made you decide to continue into this course?” I blurt out, asking him a question.
"Well, I want to expand my knowledge in business. Who knows, I might be given the opportunity to handle a big one, one fine day,” he stops, making eye contact with me. I just bob my head a few times as a sign I’m listening to his explanation. 
The conversations go on and on, but the difference is the awkwardness between both of us has vanished. Baekhyun literally tells lame jokes but it’s still funny when he expresses it. It manages to make me almost choke myself while eating. 
Those crescent eyes, bulging cheeks and endearing smile when he smiles caught my attention. It’s a good view to be able to witness his another side apart from his manliness. Manliness was my first impression of him when he stepped into the cafe with a well-tailored suit. Not to mention, the way he talks and behaves, he must be a great person to befriend with. 
We have chocolate lava cakes for dessert. Baekhyun has been asking my favourite flavour as I answer him, “Chocolate. How about you?”
"Strawberry flavour. Gosh, I’m willing to eat them 24/7 rather than kill myself with cucumbers.” Baekhyun explains.
I scoff while giving him an unbelievable look. “You don’t like cucumbers?”
"It’s not just I don’t like it. I hate it.” Baekhyun replies with a serious tone that makes me giggle. He may look like a sulking boy right in front of me, eating the lava cake with a slight pout.  
"Come on, Baekhyun. It’s just a cucumber and delicious too when you eat just like that.” I give him my own opinion.
"Na-ah! Still, I hate it.” He retorts with a scowl on his face. I chuckle lightly and eat the lava cake. Suddenly, his phone rings loudly. He digs out his phone from his pocket and looks at the dialler. Instead of answering it, he lets the rings continue as he silent his phone. 
"You can answer the call, Baekhyun. I don’t mind at all, it might be important.” 
"It’s okay. Not important at all,” he says. “Let’s finish this up and then I’ll send you home, okay?” I hum and continue to eat quietly in my seat. I’m curious about the caller because the phone is still ringing and vibrating as he places his phone on the table. It does look like it’s important but he insists to ignore it so I am left to wonder quietly on my own.
Baekhyun pays for dinner and we go straight to my apartment with silence lingering in the car. Without having any courage to initiate the talk, I decide to stare at the window, looking at the Moon shining brightly in the dark sky. There aren't many stars tonight, only the Moon decorating the lonely night sky. The journey to my apartment is short, basically, he drifts the car at the empty road swiftly like a professional. When we arrive in front of the lobby, he offers to help me get out of the car by opening the door and lending his hand. Which successfully makes my cheeks go red. 
"Thanks for tonight and the wonderful dinner, Baekhyun,” I thank him politely.
"No problem. Rest well and I’ll see you on Monday,” he says and I nod my head. Baekhyun gets back into his car, rolling down the window and bidding the last goodbye before he leaves. I sigh in relief, grateful at the same time for the great time I spent with him tonight. 
I head straight home quietly without making any noises to avoid awakening Soomin who is probably sleeping in her room. After taking a quick shower, I hop on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I reminisce the moment I had with him. It’s almost 11 pm when my phone receives a notification and I bet it’s from Baekhyun.
[Baekhyun]: Asleep already?
[Byul]: Nope. Have you arrived at your home yet?
[Baekhyun]: I’m dropping by somewhere because I promised someone to meet tonight.
[Byul]: Oh… I see.
[Baekhyun]: Hanbyul, I forget to tell you something.
[Byul]: What is it? 
Baekhyun doesn't reply to my question straight away that leaves me curious on my own. I decide to switch off the lights and gets ready to sleep when suddenly my phone rings again. I unlock it and look at the text. That text manages to make my heart and my mind has gone crazy when I read it.
[Baekhyun]: You look amazing in that dress, Hanbyul.
[Baekhyun]: Goodnight and sweet dreams, beautiful.
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celawrites · 4 years
Day 37
It’s 12am and my phone is buzzing and I cannot sleep. What the fuck is going on.
You have 20 new notifications
I click open our class chat first, and to my surprise, it’s all birthday messages.
Clown: Did you guys actually have to type me a whole essay? Thank you tho <3
Pebble: A well written essay!
Sam: Time well spent
My phone vibrates and I’m invited to a call from a handful of friends.
Joining Your Neighborhood Pizza delivery service’s call…
“It’s 12am let me sleep”
“Are you not happy that we’re wishing you happy birthday at 12am?”
“I am, it’s just I’m also exhausted for no reason”
“You’re going out for a McDonalds run right?”
“Yeah. You guys woke me up halfway through”
“I’m sorry it’s 12am and I really wanna know who’s in this call right now”
“Ah! It would be Estelle, Beanie, Min, “
“Your son”
“What the fuck are you guys doing awake?”
“Admiring the stars”
“Sure. Totally believe you”
“Cressie it’s your birthday.”
“One year closer to my demise I guess”
“You’re insane”
“So I’ve been told”
“Ah. Check your mailbox in the morning! There should be a couple things in there”
I yawn. 6 hours of sleep isn’t enough to run on.
“Alright get to bed. Sleep your last 3 hours and I’ll be waiting for you at 3am”
“Mint you’re the most punctual out of all of us why are you picking me up?”
“I’ve never had a McDonalds run with you. Besides, It’s Friday.”
“Alright I’m sleeping now good night”
“Good night birthday girl!”
“That’s so cheesy ksjdfalfa”
Sure enough, at 3am, I wake up and find Mint outside my door, vibing in his car. I shake my head and lock the door.
“Good morning Mint”
“You’re mean you know that?”
“Happy birthday Mint”
“Right back at you”
“My salty ass could never”
“Alright what do you want for your birthday?”
“Neither of us give anything-”
“Our Asian ass could never”
“Ah. I do have a present for you though”
My hand reaches into my backpack and I pull out a scrapbook.
“In true Crescent fashion, I present to you our scrapbook”
“A collection of all the photos we have together with little commentary along the way. This is now yours” I beam.
“You’re joking”
“I didn’t even get you anything like his I-”
“You don’t need to”
He snickers and hands me a small box.
“I found it while shopping online, and it reminded me of that one time A gave you a rainbow rose so I figured I would give you an eternal one”
I stare at the rose. It’s rainbow, and I was surprised he even remembered that his brother had given me one.  I tear up slightly, maybe its because I wasn’t used to getting gifts from him, or the sudden change of heart but I mean-
“I’m crying”
“You’re always crying”
My hands clink at the glass softly, and Mint hums in appreciation as he flips through the scrapbook.
“Where’s this photo from?”
“Hm?”  He points at a photo where both he and his brother are jumping on the trampoline while I’m sitting.
“Your mom sent it to my mom a few years back”
There’s a comfortable silence that passes over us, and I decide to answer all the texts that I had received about my birthday while he flipped through the book.
After about a dozen thank you!’s and 4 conversations, I finish. Mint snickers when he flips to the last page.
“You just had to put that one last huh?”
On the last page lies Mint and I at Junior prom last year. It was a tradition to go with eachother, and my friend had taken a photo where we were pretending to make out.
”Why? Don’t want your future wife seeing it?”
“No. It’s just you saved the best for last” he snorts.
“Of course” I hum.
“Alright what do you want from McDonalds?”
“Ice cream”
“You’re literally bleeding this week no”
“Uhhh. Fries?”
Mint starts his car and we head off. The sky is a calm blue. A dark shade that leaves you wondering if there’s more out there. It was ironic that I had met him so long ago. It was even more surprising when he moved here for junior and senior year. I was horribly confused, and the only explanation he could muster out was a job change for his parents. But I was pretty sure they just wanted to have A mature in a different environment.
“Lost in thought again?”
“Mhm. You never told me how and why you moved here in detail”
“Nothing really. It was a job change on my parents part, and a new path for A”
“What about you?”
“I wanted to chase the only person who never gave up on me”
“You’re disgusting”
“Better than confessing to my crush every day for a whole year”
“You’re the one who brought up how I chased you all the way to California”
“I still wonder how you can pin after someone like me”
“At some point I realized you saw me as a brother”
“I wish I could do that.”
“You’re a hopeless romantic. Have some fun every once in a while”
“Are you implying I should have a one night stand?”
“Once you’re a legal adult sure”
“Bad decision making except it’s Mint giving me bad advice as a joke”
“I hate you”
“Love you too~”
“You’re disgusting”
HE pulls up at the McDonalds drive-through and I scream.
“I’m here”
“Happy birthday Mint darling anyways what do you guys want?”
“The usual”
“Nothing new?”
“Alright! See you at the second window!”
“Cressie darling I got you a gift!”
“I- what?”
“Gift.” He tosses something through the car window and it lands in my hands.
“What is it?”
I click open the box and I find a small pendant with a moon.
“I thought you were a broke high school student?”
“But the boss gave me a raise and told me to get something nice for my lover and like I don’t have one so I mean-”
“I don’t deserve you” I sniff.
“Stop crying darling you’re scaring me”
I really hope you find yourself a lover this year or I will fight everyone around me I SWEAR”
“You’re being too loud again Cress”
He hands us our food and waves us goodbye. It was funny to me. I had so many friends around me now that I had grown.
“Are you gonna make a birthday post?”
“Oh for Serenity!” I gasp.
I type away and Mint steals a couple fries from me. I hiss at him while typing.
“Too bad” he shrugs.
School rolls around and I ‘m met with 20 happy birthdays and a couple gifts fro my other friends. Surprise surprise I have other friends. Z and Sun’s gift surprises me the most.
“Cress” Sun calls for me after school.
“Happy birthday” He hands a medium-sized box to me.
“You always make us scrapbooks for our birthdays so I thought I’d try to make one for you”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you-”
“You remind me pretty often but yeah”
I open the box and a seat little scrapbook sits inside. There’s a white pen, a silver one, and a gold pen rolling around next to it, and there’s a small letter. Z tackles me from behind and I crash into Sun’s chest.
“Z what the f-”
“Language” Sun glares.
“Your gift!” Z hands me a small photo sized box.
“You made a whole batch with notes on the back for me so I decided to print a bunch for you!”
“Thank you Z” I sniff slightly.
“What’s wrong! Do you not like it?”
“No no! I’m emotional haha” I muster up a smile. My cursed birthday luck was gonna catch up with me soon. I just felt it.
“No worries! It was the least I could do” Z smiles.
I nod in response. The rest of the day carries out like normal, and I find myself tired by the end of the day. My classmates threw me a party, and at the end of the day, my friends threw me another one. I enjoyed it, but I was waiting for my cursed birthday luck to catch up to me, I could never be happy until it occurred.
“If you’re thinking about that birthday curse of yours again, I’d advise you to know that with me, there’s no chance of having bad birthday luck” Mint hums. His birthdays had no bad things. It was like the universe favored him.
“I know. But I can’t truly calm down until I get to bed”
There’s a comfortable silence that settles down before Mint speaks up again.
“I’m sorry”
“Why so?”
“You had always wished me happy birthday so consistently, and I never replied and I just feel really bad and all-”
“Don’t worry about it.” I tap at the red solo cup in my hand. “I probably deserved all that”
“You don’t and that’s why I kind of. Um”
“Mint you’re my editor what did you do-”
“Bought tickets back home?” I gape at him. My jaw is dropped, and he seems to panic. “My home’s open and all! I know your house is rented out and the renters for my place just moved out and we have thanksgiving in a month so I figured I would take you back for the break and I’m sorry! I probably should’ve asked first and all but-”
A choked sob escapes my lips. I’m shocked, I hadn’t gone home in so long. How did he know? A stream of incoherent words escapes my lips and Mint tries to soothe me.
“You know.” I managed to force it out. “Some days I question why I stopped crushing on you. You spoil me rotten, and I don’t even deserve someone who cares for me and knows me like you and you always seem to know how I’m feeling and-”
Mint rubs soft circles on my back, and I let out my emotions. My birthday curse wasn’t a curse. It was a tradition. A tradition to cry at least once on my birthday, and for the first time, I was crying tears of joy. A couple minutes pass, and I feel my emotions slowly draw back.
“Thank you” I mumbled weakly.
Serenity made a new post!
It’s my birthday! Thank you to all of you who sent in birthday wishes (and death threats)! Another year has passed and I truly wish that I could thank you all face to face for the support!
Once again, my lovely editor Leaf shares a birthday with me so go ahead and send in some birthday wishes to him as well. For today’s gift from me, you all get a blast of joy! Much love!
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kennysatyr · 4 years
Doubt (Part 1 Jasper Chronicles)
(Authors note: Sorry this took so long to post) 4/8/2018 7:49 PM “Wait Wait Wait! What are you doing? “What I need to heat up the potion,” Said Sammy “NOT IN THE MICROWAVE!” yelled Joan it was rare that Joan and Samhain spend time together and sometimes it sparked conversations like that “Why are you making a potion anyway?” “I think it’ll help me and Raffy’s ghost mission” Joan rolled her eyes “We are going to the Goatman bridge that’s 5 hours away in about 2 weeks” “What now?” “Wait does he work this weekend?” “Yup and me” “But aren’t you the manager of the job?” “Oh yeah” suddenly Rafael walked in leaving the door open saying “Just come in dude!” both Joan and Sam were curious now “hey guys” “Who were you talking to?” Joan asked as she took a sip of coffee “oh we have a new roommate” Sam and Joan got more curious suddenly a man with a hood walked in “jasper you can take it off they won’t get scared” “Of what?” Sam asked Jasper then said “if you say so…” he lifted his hood to show his black hair with red and white streaks, grey skin, one eye a normal icy blue the other bleeding and red he attempted to smile and Sam hopped over the counter and said “HOLY SHIT HE IS AWESOME” and ran up to him and Raffy caught them and said “dude chill my mom just rescued him” “Oh so he is traumatized,” said Joan Sam walked up to Jasper and said “hey I’m Sammy” and shook this hand Jasper was a bit uncomfortable and said “h-hey nice to meet you” Raffy went outside and grabbed Jaspers bag and Jasper said “You don’t need to take my bag I’ll probably be in a hotel” “Unacceptable,” Rafael said “You can room with Sammy” he continues to carry Jaspers bag into Sams room Jasper followed “Make yourself cozy dinner will be here in a few” jasper sat on the floor across from Sam’s bed and said “thank you for your hospitality” “No problem dude by the way” Jasper looked up “If you don’t come to eat I’ll drag you” “Good to know” Rafael left the room and shut the door Joan was on the couch with Sam “I swear to god if you out on that stupid sow again!” they noticed Rafael walk in Sam immediately says “What’s the T on the cute new dude” “You find him cute?” Joan questioned “Um yeah” “Sam your taste is weird” Rafael chuckled “I know but still what do you know?” Rafael sighed and said “Well I kinda want him to tell you guys all I know is that my mom wants us to put him back on track in life he is three years behind of everything because he isolated himself” Rafael knew the truth the full truth, but he didn’t want to reveal too much he wanted Jasper to trust him he knew that’d take time “So he is gonna room with us for how long?” Joan asked “As long as needed” “Well does he have a job or..” “Not at all and I’m kinda scared he won’t because of the -” he started pointing at his eye “Well we could probably get him working at the coffee shop but I don’t know how people would respond” “Yeah we all saw how an old lady reacted to your scars” “Ok, THAT WOMAN!-” “Maybe can work with me at the emo store” Sam suggested Rafael thought “that could work” “It would fucking work he already looks like a hardcore metalhead” suddenly the doorbell rang “Shit it’s the pizza” Sam ran on over to the door “Dude does your ADHD ever turn off?” “Nope” they opened the door and grabs the pizza and sodas “34$ will be your total with the coupon” Sam paid the delivery guy with a tip closed the door took all the food to the coffee table “JASPER PIZZA” Jasper came out of the room pulled his hood down and sighed Rafael said “come grab a slice” jasper grabs a slice and says “is it bad this is the first time I’ve had pizza?” Sam looked at him in surprise “bro really!?” “Y-yeah” “How old are you?” “24” “And this is the first time?” “Well my mom never allowed me and my siblings to eat pizza” “Why?” “Welllll my dad left us a long time ago and he uses to work at a pizza place” “That sounds stupid” “She also blamed me for him leaving but she was an alcoholic bitch” “Sounds like Rafael’s bio-dad” “What-” Rafael said as he bit into his pizza Sam was disgusted “Dude I will always say your pizza is disgusting” “Come on!” “Even Joan is grossed out by it” Joan smiled a bit Rafael exclaimed “come on Anchovie, pineapple and pepperoni are good” Sam stuck his tongue out in disgust “I’ll try it,” Jasper said “Bro no it’s gross,” Sam said and grabbed a slice took a cautious bite of it Jaspers face squinted for a bit “it’s not bad” “OH COME ON!”
4/22/2018 10:49 PM “EXCUSE ME, I AM A DEMON” “Well Demon or not I can’t take you seriously with a fedora on,” Sam said “It’s a good hat” the demon kept trying to leave the salt circle but kept failing “Good try that is holy water, salt and sage-infused and we have a witch vampire who has more than enough experience” he pointed to Joan chanting Latin “Why do you mortals make this so difficult?” “Excuse me, sir, I am a half-elf” the demon scoffed “Human but more bitchy” “I mean true” Jasper and Rafael walked into the cabin with silver knives, salt, and holy water Rafael saw the fedora “Woah you caught the hipster goat man” the demon sighed burned his own hat then he started to sniff around and saw Jasper “Woah Woah Woah who is that guy” and pointed at him Jasper was confused and didn’t say anything “He has a familiar scent” “Hey stop smelling him he is a good guy” “I can smell her from here” “Sir I am a boy-” “No, I can smell Mary” Jasper froze in his place Sam said “Well no one here is named Mary and none of us will give our names” Joan kept chanting Latin “Now tell us why you are here?” “I mostly want to know if the bloody eye was involved with Bloody Mary” Jasper starting to get scared Rafael knew something was up Rafael then said, “hey whatever you know about him is-” “How do you know Mary?” Jasper asked the demon smiled “I knew her when we were both humans she is a sadist it’s very rare that she let you go free” “Alright that is enough,” Rafael said “What do you mean rare?” “Usually she takes your soul and kills you, but you must be her puppet” “She already took my soul I-” “Was desperate? Tell me who screwed you over so bad you wanted to summon her jealous ex? Abusive parent? Or maybe it was someone you loved died” ”Shut up!” “Oh so it’s the last part” “JOAN BANISH THE DEMON FASTER,” Sam said “YOU CANNOT BANISH ME I WILL JUST COME BACK” suddenly a knife is thrown at the demon a silver one the demon cried in agony everyone looked Rafael threw it and said, “Stop trying to torment my friend!” “Boy let me go and I will tell you everything you need to know about Mary” Jasper felt intrigued and took a step further the demon smiled Rafael grabbed Jasper and said, “NO he is trying to get you to break the circle!” “Bu-” “Chances are he doesn’t even know who this Mary is!” Suddenly someone burst down the door with a man with round glasses and dyed grey tips “ELLIOT?” “Joan called me 30 minutes ago I’m here to help” he suddenly throws an herb at the demon it screams “What are you doing boy!” “Joan try a different scripture!” Rafael grabbed Jasper and pulled him outside “Jasper what the hell?” “W-what?” “Don’t play dumb dude were you actually going to help the demon out? “M-maybe” “BRO you don’t do that! Dealing with a demon is dangerous!” “YOU DON’T THINK I KNOW THAT!” “That is what is bothering me is that you know but you almost did!” Jasper went silent “I think it was a mistake to bring you with us here, especially knowing you are still recovering” “From what?” “Being tormented by a demon, starving yourself and letting yourself deteriorate over this selling your soul to a demon!” “H-h-” “Mom told me she tells me everything” “Do the others know?” “No, I figured you’d tell them yourself at one point” Jasper looked down “I’m sorry I have been an inconvenience” “You haven’t dude we just need to figure something out”
4/24/2018 3:32 AM She pulled the knife from her chest “was that supposed to hurt?” Jasper was shocked “boy you really have no clue who you are dealing with here” he keeps stepping back “you are a pathetic worm” “B-but” the demon chuckled “I’m not just any demon boy I am, I have spread terror, killed world leaders, I’m only summoned by the desperate…. And the bored” she stepped closer and closer, her chest wound started healing on its own as Jasper was stepping away he backed himself into a wall, the demon smiled and raised her hand suddenly bloody hands come out of the wall forcing him to be still he struggles “You summoned me out of desperation to avenge someone who doesn’t love you” “I SWORE TO PROTECT HER” she places her clawed hand on his throat “When you were a young child making that promise did you really think she’d remember that” “YOU ARE A LIAR” She tightened her grip on his throat and laughs “You really are stupid” Jasper looks down her other hand has a syringe “You expected a blood demon to bring someone back from the dead” a hand covers his mouth so his screams for help are muffled she stabs the syringe into his left eye and draws his blood he is trying to scream, but the hands have completely covered his mouth she took it out his eye starts bleeding the hands release him he falls onto the ground “Type O blood the best” she licks the tip “I might just let you live you were so fun to play with” he starts crying she forces him to look at her “You really are pathetic you know what else WAKE UP!!!” Jasper springs back up out of bed in a pool of sweat “Jasper!” he is no longer being shaken he looks it’s Samhain he starts breathing rapidly “you’re okay you’re okay” Sam hugs Jasper and rubs his back after a few minutes in silence Sam broke it “are you alright?” Jasper didn’t say a word “you were shaking and screaming in your sleep and sweating a lot” “.. I’m fine” “Jasper look at me” Sam takes their gloved hand and puts it on his face moves so they can have eye contact with him, “say that again look into my eyes” Jaspers eyes looked drained “Jasper I know you are not okay” “I am fine” “No, you are not!” Jasper was too exhausted to argue with them. Sam took their glove off “give me your hand” “W-what why?” “Just do it” He hesitantly places his cold hand in Sam’s, Sam’s eyes all of the sudden turn white jaw hangs low “Sam?” they don’t move jasper tries to unleash his hand from theirs, however, it seems stuck in its place “SAM!” Sam comes to eyes back to their hazel color they look at Jasper and hug again “I am so sorry” “What are you sorry for?” “You have sacrificed so much” Jasper pulls away “H-how?” “I have the ability to see someone’s whole life story just by touching them” “For real?” “Yes the only way I can manage it is with the gloves I constantly have on” “So you saw… everything?” They nodded Jasper looks down “I’m pathetic aren’t I?” “No, if anything you are the fifth most badass person I know” “Fifth?” “Well next to my godparents, my stepbrother, Khady, then you” “Wow you put me next to a dangerous assassin whose glare could cut my head off” “Yes, but like you, she’s a good person and the mom of Raffy” ¨I mean you are not wrong she somehow thought I was worth her time ̈ Jasper looked down again Sam hugged him again and said “Nothing was your fault” “I don’t even know what to do” “Well I don’t really know either, but we need to find a way to break you free of mary I’m pretty sure in all the books Elliot has he can find something about her” “We?” “Yeah you can’t do this alone dude and we should get you a therapist” Jasper shook his head “I still don’t know why you want to help” “Because you are now apart of Rafael’s fam and a roomie in the Phantom Crew also you are kinda cute” Jasper blushed he hasn’t been complimented for a while “See you blushing is cute” Jasper covered his face Sam smiled and said “How about we make you some tea and watch TV and talk or don’t” Jasper smiled “that sounds great” “Call it a date” Sam winked jokingly. 5/2/18 5:57 PM “BRO, WHAT THE FUCK?” Jasper and Samhain heard from the living room “Dammit Cody is starting shit again” “What is happening in there?” “Band practice most of the time it turns into Rafael babysitting now keep your hands still” Sam was painting Jasper’s nails “CODY I AM DONE WITH YOUR SHIT” “HEY JOAN WAS TRYING TO PULL A MOVE ON ME” “NO THE FUCK I WASN’T” Joan yelled “Aw fuck Cody is at it again,” Sam said “Wh-” “Cody is jealous Rafael is with Joan so he tries to break them up but this time he is bullshitting and done” Sam put down the nail polish Jasper looked at his nails and smiled they were his favorite color Sage Green “You like them?” “Yes I do” suddenly a crash happened “GET THE FUCK OUT YOU ARE OUT OF THIS BAND” Jasper got up to go to the living room a vase was broken Cody grabbed his drumsticks and stomped out and said “good luck finding another drummer” and slammed the door Rafael just sat on the couch and sighed saw Jasper and said “Sorry if you had to see that” “It’s fine” Rafael began to rub the sides of his head Joan sighed “hun this could be an opportunity to find a new drummer” “Yeah I guess just sucks we have a show tomorrow” Jasper walked over to the drum set and felt the densely beat up tops and found another pair of drumsticks he sat down on the stool behind it Rafael looked at him and said “yeah you can mess around for a bit on it” at first started tapping the skins then tried to drum a song he knew a long time ago for a good minute or two he was lost in the music it felt natural to him Rafael was intrigued by this then Jasper put down the sticks and said “Sorry it felt good” “You are in the band now” “What?” “You are a really good drummer dude!” “R-really?” “Who taught you to play like that?” “I use to be in marching band in high school” “Also it just looked like you were meant to have a pair of drumsticks” “DESTINY!” Sam shouted Jasper was genuinely surprised about everyone’s reaction he kinda blushed at it “Dude we can add you in you just have to learn the songs” Rafael said Jasper thought for a second “I can do that” “So you will join?” “Y-yeah” everyone in the room cheered suddenly the ceiling thumped and someone yelled “KEEP IT DOWN” Sam looked up and said “SORRY MS.HENDERSON” “YOU BETTER BE YALL LUCKY IM LEAVING IN AN HOUR FOR A DATE” “GET IT MS H” “I AM SAMMY” they all giggled then Sam said, “Hey could I take Jasper out for a bit?” Rafael looked at them skeptically “For what? “Shopping we can give him a nice look for tomorrow” “Hmm” “Come on!” “Hmmm” “I’m down,” Jasper said Rafael then said “Sure just be back in an hour so we can practice” “Definitely” Sam grabbed Jasper’s hand and ran off Joan looked at Rafael and asked, “Why were you skeptical about that?” “What do you mean?” “As if you didn’t trust Sam with Jasper” “I trust Sam” “But with Jasper?” “What if I don’t?” “You need to stop coddling Jasper he has made good progress” “Yeah but the mission we went on-” “So he made a mistake so what we all make mistakes recovering!” “Yeah bu-” “Remember when we were first dating and you found out how I fed” “Yes how can I forget you kept vomiting” “I made mistakes while you were trying to help me” “I guess that true” “Then why are you scared?” “I guess because I have a feeling” “You always do” “No like Sam likes Jasper” Joan raised an eyebrow “We all do” “No like the like you and me like” “Oh that’s obvious” “Yeah it is Sam told me when we all went out drinking at the Irish place” “What?” “Yeah so what if they like jasper” “I’m just scared they will both get hurt”
6:15 PM Sam was headbanging in the car jasper was laughing “Yo we are here!” Jasper looked out it was a store a skull and crossbones was on the sign that said “Cold Case” Jasper looked at Sam “Where are we?” “Oh this is where I work we can get an employee discount here” Sam and Jasper both left the car and jasper asked, “Didn’t this use to be in malls?” “Well yeah, but then the owners of the venue said fuck it and made it a regular store” they walked in loud music was put on blast “This is a good song!” Sam said the cahier person said “HEY SAMMY” “SUP BUTTPLUG” Sam grabbed Jaspers hand and lead him to the cashier and said “Hey I have someone for you to meet” Jasper looked at the cash register person they were wearing a crop top that looked like a pentagram, facial piercings all over the face, and a pink and green mohawk “Jasper this is Luna she got me hired here” Jasper felt a bit intimidated by her appearance “Hey dude your makeup is killer” “Hehe yeah makeup,” said nervously “Sam it’s your day off what are you doing here?” “ Well Jasper here needs a new look” Luna looks jasper up and down Jasper was still intimidated Luna smiles and says “Sam I think we can work with him” “Yay” Sam went off in the racks to find something Luna turned to Jasper “But what look do you want to go?” Jasper was confused “You know like emo, punk grunge, goth, etc. or do you want to be a mix like Sam” “I haven’t thought of one” “Hmm well at the moment you are looking like Kurt Cobain” “Who?” Luna tried to conceal her disappointment then Sam came back with a bunch of clothing and said “I got some for him to try on”
10 Minutes later… Sam was patiently sitting outside the dressing room “hey sam I think these pants are too tight!” “Skinny jeans are a good look” Jasper opened the curtain he was wearing black skinny jeans with chains hanging off, a shirt where the sides were cut, and elevated boots “h-Hot” “What?” “Umm uh, Nothing take a look at yourself dude” Sam grabbed his hand and lead him to a mirror Jasper looked at himself he was somewhat stunned at his appearance he usually wears anything to cover up his body seeing himself dressed like this made him feel confident in a sense Sam liked seeing Jasper feel this way it just fueled their feelings for him they had been holding them back for while because they know Jasper needs to heal.
30 Minutes later….
Sam was driving back to the apartment their chest felt really heavy they kept looking over at Jasper looking at the CD’s in the car “What is Your Synthetic Affair?” “Oh that’s an emo band it’s basically the starter pack to being emo” “There are so many labels..” “Yeah it can be overwhelming at times” “I’ll put Synthetic Affair on” “Go for it my l-guy” Sam mentally slapped themselves for that Jasper put in the CD the Album was on shuffle and their song “I constraint your love” Sam then thought “fuck you universe” they let the song play any way they looked over to see jasper looking out the windshield window enjoying the song they felt themselves falling more they pulled up to the apartment complex the song is almost to an end Same was about to turn off the car “Can we stay in here for the rest of the song?” Sam swallowed “S-sure” they sat in silence Sams heart clenched they didn’t know how much longer they could hold it in, suddenly they looked at Jasper and said “Can I do something really quick?” he was skeptical for a second then said “Sure?” Sam leaned in grabbed Jasper’s face and gave him a nice kiss on the lips Jasper was confused at first then accepted it then Sam went back to the driver side and said “We should go inside”
9:55 PM The band was setting up in the club they were performing in Jasper was still processing what Sam did hours before, but after Sam was awkward around him which was unusual he didn’t know why “Hey bud you okay?” Rafael asked “Yeah I am” “You are staring off into space again” “Oh yeah?” “Nervous for the show?” “Y-yeah” He lied he knew how persistent Rafael had been on his recovery he didn’t want to upset him by telling him the moment he and Sam shared Rafael was critical of this, but brushed it off and said, “How good are you at playing the drums with your eyes closed?” “Decent why?” Rafael pulled out a blindfold and said “I know it can be nerve-racking to look at the audience so use this” Jasper took it “thanks” “No problem dude lets knock them dead” Jasper wrapped the wrap over his eyes everything was pitch balck he sat on his drummer stool “NOW LADIES GENTLEMEN AND THOSE WHO CANNOT MAKE UP THEIR MINDS GET READY FOR SMILE TILL IT HURTS!!!!” said the announcer Jasper breathed in and out slowly whispered to himself “let’s do this” he heard the curtain open the audience was cheering “THAT IS MY BOYFRIENDS BAND!” he heard Joan shout Rafael shouted back “I LOVE YOU BABY” they started their set everything was going so smoothly despite Jasper not being able to see suddenly he felt a chill up his a spine a strangely familiar one a sinister laugh rang in his ears he knew then a scream comes from the bathroom behind them Jasper took off his blindfold jumped up and ran towards the scream Rafael stopped as well and said “What’s going on?” he opened the door and saw her a woman with extremly pale skin with bleeding black eyes, antelope horns and long straight black hair holding a woman by the throat Mary smiled and said “nice to see you again Jasper” she dug her claw into the woman’s throat Rafeal came in saw the demon and was shocked the demon smiled and said “Never thougth I’d see the Jade child in person” Jasper suddenly ran towards the mirror and punched it screaming “Ad quos eieci te Speculum Speculum!!!” the demon screamed and dissapeared the woman dropped to the floor coughing Jasper looked at the woman kneeled down grabbed her face she was in shock of what happened and asked “ma’am are you okay?” she nodded he looked at her neck and said “Good thing she did not draw blood” the rest of the band looked at the scene and Rodney asked “What the fuck happened?” Jasper looked at him and said “Bloody Mary is back”
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anonymous-cy-666 · 4 years
Holy fuck, I’m in love!
This is something small that I did for my friend on our discord server. It’s inspired by a prompt and also by how we came to meet, a while back. It can be read as platonic or romantic LAMP! I hope you like it! Small disclaimer, there are some swear words in this so if this isn’t your thing... you won’t like most of what I write.
--------------------------------------------- For Virgil Dharke, it had all started a couple of months ago. He had been hanging out on Tumblr on a sleepless night, as he usually did when his roommates were in the apartment, and he didn’t want to bother them by turning on the TV in the living room when he had stumbled onto an ask blog. 
Ask blogs weren’t usually his things. He didn’t want to try to find questions that would further the plot without putting the author in a bad spot or risk sending boring questions that would only be answered out of pity. But, he liked the drawing of this particular author, so he decided to read what was currently out and forget about it after that. After all, it was only two AM and, he didn’t have anything to do the day after. He had checked at least 10 times earlier to be sure that he absolutely didn’t have anything to do tomorrow. And, in a couple of hours, he had read everything that the blog had to offer him.
But instead of closing the blog and going back to Youtube to see if anything new had come out since he had last stalked his favourite Youtubers, he got out his graphic tablet and started drawing one of the side characters that had been presented on the ask blog. His hand was itching with a familiar sensation. As soon as he had started being engaged within the plot, he hadn’t been able to help himself but wonder how he would personally draw certain characters. How he could think of other clothes that would fit them or how he could put them in other situations. He didn’t stop until he was sure it was perfect. Then, he went on his own account and published the picture, too tired to overthink it and fell back into his bed. The next day, when he woke up and immediately grabbed his phone, he was greeted by a notification. The author of the Tumblr blog had reblogged his picture and suddenly, he was bombarded by comments and notes. He, of course, immediately went over to Janus’ room to panic. Since then, he had become a known figure on the ask blog. Whenever there was an update, people knew that Virgil or, as he was known then, PanicAtTheAnxiety would soon be posting something too. This was something that Virgil had grown comfortable with. After all, if he fucked up monumentally, he only had to disappear from the internet in a couple of weeks, no one would remember him because anyway, he wasn’t that important after all. But then, the author had decided to create a Discord server for anyone who wanted to discuss the universe with other people and the author themselves! 
This, this had again, made Virgil race to Janus’ room. Of course, he wanted to talk about some of his favourite character with people other than Janus who was always critiquing the intelligence of some of the main character and Remus who always turned everything into a possible gory or horny scenario. But, what if people didn’t like him? What if they thought that he was boring? What if they saw the way that he typed when he wasn’t trying to be professional and, they didn’t want to talk to him anymore? What if they mocked him? What if it was all just a joke to make fun of him and there wasn’t even a discord server in the first place? Seeing the man going down in a spiral of anxiety, Janus just took the phone from his hands and made him join the server. That way, he would have no other choice than at least say hi to everyone before panicking again. Which he did and immediately got overwhelmed by comments on his fan art. Soon, Virgil had grown comfortable with the discord server. After getting to know them, he could now, almost, confidently say that most of the people within it weren’t so bad. He would even dare to say that he was considering some of them his friends. Now, instead of spending sleepless nights, scrolling through Tumblr, he would spend them talking with the people within the server. Well, mostly three people within it. First of them was Patton. He had been quickly nicknamed the dad of the server. He was always there to remind everyone to eat, sleep and drink enough water during their day. He also seemed to be easily offended at the use of ‘’potty language’’, so Virgil did his best to not swear too much when he knew that the man was connected. Talking to him was always like snuggling up a blanket. 
Second of them was Logan. When he wasn’t busy question the logic of the characters actions, he was always there to debate with Virgil about whatever subject he pleased. For Logan, the problem with the existence with Mothman wasn’t the fact that almost no one had ever seen him, but that he couldn’t understand how the DNA of a moth and a human could merge together to form a living breathing being. Talking to him was always a breath of fresh air. 
Third of them was Roman. He… He had been hard to get along with at the start. Even if they had similar passions, they never seemed to see eye to eye on anything. They were always arguing in the server, only stopping because they didn’t want to hurt their friends. Well, this had been until Virgil had discovered that Remus was Roman’s twin brother. Then, they had seen eye to eye on at least one thing; that Remus could be a such a pain sometimes. After that, their arguing match had somehow turned into friendly debating where they could say to one another if the other had gone too far. Talking to him was always like walking on embers without getting burned. 
So, when it had all gone downhill, he should have known that it would have been because of Remus. 
Virgil’s first mistake was that he had been sitting in the living room of his, Janus’ and Remus’ apartment with his wireless headphones on. 
His second mistake was that he had been listening to his music with the volume a little too high up, so he couldn’t hear Remus returning from his nightly shift at the small venue that he worked at. His third mistake was that he was grinning like an idiot while texting Roman, Logan and Patton. Well, Roman, Logan and Patton were talking in the vocal chat and, they were texting him at the same time. That had, on more than one occasion, told him that he was free to join them if he wanted to, but he had refused. He… didn’t want to break what they had established with each other. So, he had been texting them when a hand had suddenly grabbed his phone. He blinked and jerked his head up, squinting at Remus who was looking at him with a mischievous smile on his lips. He had barely time to notice that the music had stopped playing in his ears when a calm voice reached his ears: ‘’....Virgil?’’ The anxious man immediately squawked and jumped on Remus to try to reach his phone again. Remus, being the tallest out of the two of them, kept his phone out of reach while starting to laugh pretty loudly. The same voice that had spoken directly into his ears a couple of seconds ago spoke again, still in that calmed manner: ‘’Ah, it seems that Remus has decided to steal Virgil’s phone. Perhaps he hasn’t noticed that the vocal chat option has been turned on.’’ This comment only caused Virgil’s determination to grow bigger and bigger while another voice responded in a worried manner: ‘’Oh no, that’s terrible! I don’t want to hear my dark son’s voice if he doesn’t want us to hear it? Do you think we should leave the chat?’’ ‘’Don’t worry, padre! I’ll call Remus to tell him to knock it off!’’ Trying to not concentrate too much on guessing whose voice belonged to who, Virgil finally managed to grab his phone and ran off into his room. He knew Remus wouldn’t follow him there. They had established that no one could enter someone else’s room without being specifically told that they could at this exact moment and this was one of the rare rules that Remus wouldn’t break by respect for his other two roommates. Once safe, he sat on his bed and bit his lips. He could close the voice chat and confirm in the chat what had happened, or… He muted his microphone, still leaving his headphones working perfectly, before typing in the conversation: ‘’Sorry guys, Remus was being a dick again’’
A shocked gasp that clearly came from Patton resonated in his headphones. ‘’Virgil! You shouldn’t text such things!’’ ‘’Sorry, popstar, forgot’’
There was, again a small silence, before the same calm voice that spoke first was heard again: ‘’Are you sure that you want to stay in the Voice call? Not that I want to imply that I don’t want you here, because I do enjoy your company, but you seemed certain of your decision to not hearing us talk.’’
This was definitely Logan. There was a certain drawl to his voice that Virgil immediately associated with the way that Logan texted. Finally, the last voice spoke up in a loud manner that seemed to be a family thing with the Princes:
‘’Yeah, emo! I thought you were too scared to hear our voices and fall head over heels for us!’’ Virgil snorted a bit. ‘’I changed my mind.
Plus, y’all have really nice voices
Except Roman, who’s surprised?’’
There were some giggles and an immediate undignified squawk from Roman and suddenly, everything was back to normal. Except, maybe, for the fact that Virgil had now beautiful voices in his mind of each of his precious friend. It stayed like that for weeks. Virgil would come on the Voice chat, but would only respond by typing. Sure, sometimes, it could be inconvenient, but he didn’t want to speak out loud. After all, he still wasn’t a hundred percent sure if they would understand the way that he pronounced his vowels. Or how his th sometimes sounded like s or t. They all seemed to like him so much. He couldn’t ruin that by talking like an idiot.
He was sure that he had a pretty strong resolve, but slowly, small comments by small comments, his determination to stay quiet seemed to falter. Even if they didn’t seem to do that intentionally, but they would sometimes make comment about how they imagined what his voice sounded like from the very short sounds that they had heard him let out when Remus would sneak up on him, himself being in the voice chat to let them hear his voice. Patton had even once told him in private messages that if it was that he was uncomfortable because he didn’t want other people that he didn’t know that much to pop up while he was talking, they could always another server to help him feel safe. And after all that, and a lot of night rambling about it to Janus, he decided to talk in the VC. It wouldn’t kill him, right?
It was a pretty quiet night when he finally decided to put his plan in action. There weren’t a lot of people active on the server that night and Logan, Roman and Patton seemed to be the only one that were talking about something else than the blog, so no one would interrupt them. He took a bight breath, before pressing send on the message that had been waiting on his screen for about 30 minutes. ‘’I have made a decision guys. I’m gonna unmute tonight.’’
The few seconds before Roman finished saying what he was saying and, they went up to read what he had sent them felt like hours, but the excited squeals that Patton made after reading it suddenly made it feel like it was worth it. ‘’Are you sure, kiddo? We wouldn’t want to pressure you into anything that you don’t want.’’ ‘’Yeah, I’m sure’’ ‘’Well then…’’ There were a few seconds of silence before Patton, soon joined by Roman, started chanting: ‘’Unmute! Unmute! Unmute! Unmute!’’ ‘’Could you stop chanting this ridiculous thing? This is clearly stressful for Virgil, we wouldn’t want to put any more pressure on him.’’ The voices all went deadly silent as Virgil pressed a trembling finger on his screen to unmute his microphone. He bit his lips, not knowing what to say, after all those months of pure silence. ‘’Virgil, it is okay if you do not wish to speak. I understand that you are uncomfortable with that idea and if you wish for more time, we will gladly give it to you.’’ Virgil took a big breath before saying in a quiet voice: ‘’No, it’s okay.’’ There was a moment of quiet before a loud thump resonated from one of the boys’ microphone and, they heard Roman screaming, away from his mic but still very clearly: ‘’Holy fuck, I’m in love!’’ Patton laughed a bit. ‘’I wouldn’t have said it like this, kiddo, but I agree with you! You have such a pretty voice, Virgil!!’’ ‘’Ah yes, it is indeed, quite pleasing to hear your voice… Will you do us the honour of letting us hear it again?’’ And, it was with a face burning from embarrassment and a heart getting slowly bigger and bigger with joy and a feeling that he didn’t quite understand yet, that Virgil slowly created himself a new normal. 
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toothsy · 5 years
Get to know me
My friend : *comes to me randomly* HEY
Me: *jumps* geez you scared me..
My friend : You have a blog on tumblr, right ?
Me : uh... yeah ? I don’t wanna talk about what I write on it plea-
My friend : NONONO that’s not what I want to talk about. Knowing you, you probably didn’t say anything about yourself on your blog :
Me : well-
My friend : SO - I found this *show me the post* - and - hope u do it.
Me : *shrugs* fine
(Just letting you know how I found this -)
A/N : I know I don’t have a lot of followers and probably no one wanna know who I am but I just wanted to do it
And my friends wanted me to do it too, so uh, here it goes
1. What is you middle name? Don’t have one ?
2. How old are you? 14- I’m 15 in December 2 though
3. When is your birthday? December 2
4. What is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius heh
5. What is your favorite color? Hmm, would say blue or green
6. What’s your lucky number? Hmm... would say 13 ?
7. Do you have any pets? Okay hum... 11 dogs - and 3 fish
8. Where are you from? Canada, Quebec to be more specific...
9. How tall are you? Okay please... don’t - laugh at me for this... but I’m 4’9. Which is totally small ugh
10. What shoe size are you? 36-5.5, something like that
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 2
12. What was your last dream about? It was pretty weird - but it was just me drinking coffee until my sister came in and said I forgot to put cream in it and then I said ‘’but I like black coffee’’
13. What talents do you have? I draw, I write, I play piano, lil bit of guitar and trumpet , dunno if I should call myself talented though
14. Are you psychic in any way? No ? I don’t know ?
15. Favorite song? Hmm, I wouldn’t say I have a favorite one, but I’m listening to Billie Eilish a lot
16. Favorite movie? Aaargagsgaga, Jurassic Park, since I’m 4 so...
17. Who would be your ideal partner? *shrugs* honestly I don’t even care about the personality of the person (I mean, except if the person is really an asshole) as long as they’re here for me
And laugh at my terrible puns.
18. Do you want children? Hell no, well at least really not right now. Some kids really gets on my nerves honestly ;;’ and one of my worst phobia is too much pain so -
19. Do you want a church wedding? Heh, not really into that stuff, but it could change, depends I guess.
20. Are you religious? Not really
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Well - of course -
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nah never, I’m a cool person honestly xd
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? No but would love to
24. Baths or showers? I really like both, it depends I guess
25. What color socks are you wearing? Black uwu
26. Have you ever been famous? hahahHA no
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Huh, I’m scared of being overwhelmed by people so maybe not xd
28. What type of music do you like? Depends, I like calm and rock music, weird huh
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No ?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3, I feel like if I don’t hug something while sleeping - I just don’t sleep well, and yes , I also sleep with a plushie ‘cuz of this
31. What position do you usually sleep in? Lateral safety position
32. How big is your house? *shrugs* big enough for 4 people
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Rice Krispies, believe it or not, I love them. This and milk obviously
34. Have you ever fired a gun? No
35. Have you ever tried archery? Neither
36. Favorite clean word? Geez ? Dunno
37. Favorite swear word? Fuck, I’m saying this a lot and also, in Quebec there’s some swear words that came from religion - which I say them a lot too
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 1 complete day I guess
39. Do you have any scars? Yep, on my arms
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Nop, who would be a secret admirer for a loser like me ? x)
41. Are you a good liar? Nop that’s why I never lie
42. Are you a good judge of character? Not really
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? English accent and french accent (because french from France And from Quebec have different accents)
44. Do you have a strong accent? Not really
45. What is your favorite accent? British accent didndkdnnd
46. What is your personality type? Mine ? Would say a really nervous but acts like a chill person every time, never sleeps, always do puns and not funny jokes and ... I’m tomboy.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Oh- would say shoes for running for now
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yep
49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie
50. Left or right handed? Right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? Nop !! I love them, I want a tarantula when I’ll be older
52. Favorite food? Sushis and shrimps
53. Favorite foreign food? Hmmm dunno
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Messy
55. Most used phrased? ‘’Aw shit, here we go again’’
56. Most used word? Geez, shit, aw, oh, welp, heh.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Not too long, I don’t put makeup or anything, just anything baggy and then we’re outta here
58. Do you have much of an ego? Nop, actually, I don’t have one at all xd
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? ... definitely weird questions for people like me but I suck.
60. Do you talk to yourself? When I’m angry xd
61. Do you sing to yourself? Nop
62. Are you a good singer? Dunno, it’s not too bad but not great either
63. Biggest Fear? Hmm height
64. Are you a gossip? Nah
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Don’t like drama :v
66. Do you like long or short hair? For me I prefer short hair, but I like both for the others
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? No but I can tell you a part of the book 50 shades of- *my friend slaps my head* ow
68. Favorite school subject? English and music
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nop and will probably never
71. What makes you nervous? People coming into my room without permissions, people talking shit about me, my dad, but nothing else x)
72. Are you scared of the dark? Nop
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? I do it just to be funny when I know it’s in a good time to do it, but never for anything else
74. Are you ticklish? Yes, really
75. Have you ever started a rumor? Nop and would never. I had a lot of rumors about me in my old school and it’s definitely not pleasant so I’ll never do that
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Nop
77. Have you ever drank underage? Yes - a - lot. Sorry :’v
78. Have you ever done drugs? Nop and would never
79. Who was your first real crush? Huh... real crush ? I had small crushes but never real ones... except Bakugo.. *cough* sorry
80. How many piercings do you have? Only on my ears and never put earrings ah
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ Nah
82. How fast can you type? Pretty fast
83. How fast can you run? Not fast
84. What color is your hair? Blond, naturally blond (hate that color tho.)
85. What color is your eyes? Blue
86. What are you allergic to? Nothing right now
87. Do you keep a journal? Nop
88. What do your parents do? Right now they fight, but huh. Nothing
Oh- jobs, idk
89. Do you like your age? I’ll be in paradise once I’ll be in 15, since I’ll finally start my driving lessons
90. What makes you angry? People not accepting the others and being close minded (my dad most)
91. Do you like your own name? No, I would like an unisex one like Max
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Huuuh, don’t want kids. But it would be Maxine for a girl and Jay/Jeff for a guy
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Doesn’t matter, as long as they’re my kid right ?
94. What are you strengths? Hmm, dunno, would be my endurance ?
95. What are your weaknesses? Social skills lmao
96. How did you get your name? ?? My parents - oh
For my user I just took Tooth put an sy to make it look ‘cute’, I’m sure it’s not tho
97. Were your ancestors royalty? Don’t think so
98. Do you have any scars? Yes... I think it was already asked ? On my arms.
99. Color of your bedspread? Blue
100. Color of your room? White walls
Anyway, hope you like it uwu
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aj-the-psycho · 5 years
The Hour: A Sanders Sides Story - Chapter 15
TW: None
Summary:  Patton dragged Damien to the park; Damien is missing someone.
Note: So, I headcannoned that Deceit would make a real great lawyer, and I was right (Selfishness vs. Selflessness episode). I didn’t steal the idea, I swear and this chapter has been up on AO3 for almost seven to eight months, so yeah. Just saying. Enjoy!
AO3 Link
It’s weekend again. That means no classes and he would be free of stress. Not that he ever gets too stressed. That day, his body decided that waking up in an unusually early hour is a good idea. He tried to put himself back to sleep, but he couldn’t seem to fall into slumber once again. He chose to get up instead. He went out of his room and opened the door next to his room. His brother was still asleep, which was a normal thing since it was only 06:30.
Patton didn’t actually know what he wanted to do. He could maybe try to cook, but that was usually Damien’s thing and he wasn’t in the mood either. He went to the kitchen and had a glass of water. Retreating back to his room, his mind drifted to random things. ‘What would happen in the future? Will Damien and I still stay together and share everything like we are right now? Will he be a successful lawyer like he wants to be? How about Logan?’ His mind halted at the thought.
Logan. The stiff, somewhat robotic soulmate of his. He remembered how he had offered reassurance that time in the coffee shop a few days ago. Having Logan there to just hold his hand made a big difference. It was as if his presence and their little contact drowned out all the tension that was hovering above them. His mind started to wander again, thinking of what life would bring him in the future. Once again, his thought drifted to those icy blue eyes, cool and mysterious.
Patton hadn’t actually known Logan for long. Only a month and a few weeks. There’s still a lot they don’t know about each other. And Patton was eager to find out more about his soulmate.
“Hey, Dee,” Patton broke the comforting silence that settled in the kitchen. Breakfast that morning was simple, but good. Two waffles for each of them—with strawberries—and bacon. The twins didn’t have any plans for the day, so they were going to stay in.
“Why did you want to be a lawyer?”
“Well… ‘cause I’m a good liar, good at bullshitting,” Damien said, then he added, “and I sound convincing, so yeah.”
Patton only nodded in response. Damien had always have a habit of lying, especially in high-stress situations. Sometimes, it wasn’t even lies. Instead, he would just speak in reverse. Though, Patton got used to it. His brother was bullied for his odd speech when they were younger, but now Damien have learned to control it better. Patton had been furious the first time someone called his brother a ‘slimy snake,’ but Damien just went with it. He just started hissing at people when they called him snake. ‘Living up to my name to the fullest, I guess,’ Damien had thought. Now, he doesn’t do that anymore, but he still feel the urge to hiss at people he doesn’t like.
After breakfast, Damien was about to turn the TV on. He wasn’t in the mood for too much social interaction. Everyone knew that Damien wasn’t a people person, but he wasn’t all that bad with people. Some people find his cool demeanor charming and mysterious. Damien himself didn’t understand how or why people find him charming or even remotely attractive and he didn’t how to react to that information. He once thought that maybe people see him that way, because he’s basically an identical copy of his brother, who most people find cute. Well, almost identical, anyway. When you’ve seen your face and your twin’s face side-by-side for who knows how many times, it’s going to start looking very different.
Patton, though, had other ideas. He really wanted to do something today. He wanted to go out and just enjoy the warmth of the still-rising sun or the still-cool, fresh breeze of the morning. His thoughts of soulmates from that morning came back to him. Remy and Damien had gone on a date—was it a date?—when they were in the coffee shop a few days ago. He doesn’t know a lot about Remy yet, but his brother seemed to like that boy. And Patton knew that Damien didn’t usually like people all that much. So, that must have said something about Remy—right?
“Dee, let’s go out. To the park! So we can see the little doggies!” Patton said with excitement, already pulling his brother out of the living room. “I swear, it’ll be fun!”
Damien didn’t like that. Not one bit. He really didn’t want to go out. However, he didn’t really have an excuse not to go either, so he obliged. “Kay, kay, yeah. Whatever, Pat.”
The coffee was getting cold. He had bought the coffee at the stall near the entrance of the park earlier. Patton was playing with the little dogs that were running around the park and Damien was left to sit alone on the bench, sipping his coffee. Honestly, Damien didn’t really mind to be left alone in the park, as long as he can see his brother in his field of vision. However, alone also meant that he was left with his thoughts.
His mind would drift to random topics. ‘Do tiger cubs meow? What would happen to my brain if I isolate myself? It’s weird that we cook bacon and we bake cookies… What’s in the fridge in the apartment right now? How do I not know that? I literally cooked this morning.’  After a while, his mind started to run through his memories. One by one, moment through moment. Then, he stumbled on the memory of his hour.
‘Oh yeah… that was wild.’
Damien was out alone again. It’s the middle of summer and he had too much free time in his hands. So, he chose to spend his time in his favorite coffee shop, Jacked Up Coffee. The atmosphere there was always so relaxing to him. The smell of coffee, the reddish hue of the sunset sweeping across the interior of the cafe and the sound of smooth jazz in the background.
While waiting for his order to come, he took out his phone and browsed through it. His social life wasn’t the most exciting thing on the planet, so his social media feeds weren’t that interesting either. It’s mostly just memes. Bad ones. A few boring minutes later, he put his phone down on the table—oh and look, the coffee is here. Finally!
All of a sudden, he felt a throbbing pain at the back of his head. It wasn’t intense, but it wasn’t a welcomed sensation either. He held his head in his hands, resting his elbows on the table for support. When the pain went away, he looked up again. And then the pain was back. ‘Am I getting sick or something? It’s annoying.’ He closed his eyes, hoping the pesky headache would go away soon.
When he opened his eyes again, he was greeted with darkness. Literally, darkness. He was sitting in a dark room with the lower half of his body covered with thick fabric. ‘Blanket,’ He vaguely noted. He quickly realized he was sitting on a bed in a darkened bedroom. Once his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could see the outline of the room properly. He went to turn the lights on.
The bed he was sitting on wasn’t that small. It could fit two people, though it would be a tight fit. It was covered in soft, black and brown sheets with white accents. To the left of the bed was a small desk with minimal decoration. Next to the desk, tucked in the corner against the wall was a stack of canvases. The smallest one was visible. It was a painting of a small bird. On the other side of the bed was a wooden bedside table with an alarm clock on it and a lamp. Next to the bedside table was the door, next to which he was standing. There were posters on the wall and two of those were of a band he didn’t recognize. ‘Leningrad?’
Damien was wondering how he got there. Was he dreaming? ‘I thought I was in the coffee shop a second ago?’ When he drew the blinds open, it was dark outside. ‘The fuck…’ What is happening?
He looked around the room to see if something else was wrong. His eyes found the alarm clock. 00:00. ‘How is it midnight?  I thought it was five p.m.! Where the hell am I? What is happening?’ Then, he noticed a phone on the desk, still charging. He unlocked the phone using fingerprint—and he vaguely realized that it wasn’t his phone, even though he could unlock it with his fingerprint, but he was too confused and slightly panicked to care—and checked the date and location.
“Okay, okay,” Damien thought out loud to help himself think. “So, I’m in Russia. In motherfucking Russia! And it’s seven hours ahead of Florida here.” He walked in circles in the room, trying to make sense of what is happening. “Alright, Dee, you got this! How did you end up here?”
His eyes darted around the room again. Then, he saw it. It was a small card with words written on it.
С днем рождения!
What is that? What does that mean? He unlocked the phone again and typed in the phrase on the browser to find what the phrase said. He had to draw out the characters one by one, which read ‘S dnem rozhdeniya!’ Then he typed that out for a translation. ‘Happy birthday!’  was the translation result. Birthday? Who’s birthday? Oh… Oh…
“I’m in the fuckin’ hour! Holy shit, my soulmate is Russian?!” He was starting to freak out again. What was he supposed to do? One minute he was in Florida, enjoying a nice evening alone and then a second later he was in a dark bedroom in Saint Petersburg. Who wouldn’t freak out? He was literally in a different continent!
Alright, so, note first! He walked to the desk, hoping to find something that he could use to write. He found a bundle of post-it notes and a pen. He needed to sort his head out first. What to write first and all that. He can freak out—and maybe rant on the note—later.
Damien Harvey (21)
Florida, United States
Sanders University - economics and pol. Science
(I want to be a lawyer)
I have a twin brother (I’m older)
Well, I’m sorry if you don’t speak English,
but it’s the only language I speak.
It was annoying that each post-it only fit eight broken lines. He added the last two lines, because… well, he didn’t know why. If his soulmate did speak English, those two lines would be redundant. If they don’t speak English, those two lines would mean nothing to his soulmate. However, he continued his rant anyway. He added another post-it note and wrote again.
I was planning to write a small little thing,
but it looks like I’m not doing that right now.
So, I’m in Russia. It’s insane.
What if someone came in and decided to
talk to me? How am I gonna answer?
I don’t know why I’m ranting here, you might
not even understand what I’m talking about.
Feeling like he’d had enough with the note, he checked the time again. He still had forty minutes. Which was a lot of time to do nothing else. So, he decided to go outside. The house wasn’t too big, but it wasn’t small either. The living room was big, with an equally gigantic fireplace on the opposite wall of the entrance. He kept walking through the house. When he reached the kitchen, he was quite amazed. It was big with marble counter tops and a big kitchen island in the middle. Upon closer look, on the side of the island was two small fridges built into the structure.‘That’s pretty hecking cool.’
Suddenly, there was a voice behind him. “Remus, pochemú ty ne spish'?”
Damien whipped his head back, finding a middle aged man looking at him with sleepy eyes. ‘Oh fuck, what do I do?’ He tried to find his words, to say something, but his mind advised him to stay silent. ‘It’s not like I know any Russian…’   He remembered writing a possible scenario of someone finding him while he was having his hour on the note. Well, his fear came true. At the end, he just nodded nervously and head back to the room in a rush. He could feel the man stare at his back, but he didn’t dare look back again.
Once he got the door closed, he leaned against it and sagged in relief. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted another door opposite the window. Next to the door was a light switch, indicating that it was a bathroom. Damien decided to go into the bathroom to see his soulmate for the first time. It’s not like he cared if his soulmate was actually good looking or not, he was just curious.
The mirror in the bathroom wasn’t too big, but it was big enough for him to be able to see half of his body. When he saw the reflection in the mirror, his mind went blank. ‘Geez, what is it with Russia and gorgeous people?’
The first thing he noticed from his soulmate was those eyes. It was such a weird color. The green color of the eyes is so pale, but it was definitely green. Like a pair of beautiful jade beads. The deep auburn hair complimented the color of those pale eyes so well, it made the subtle color pop. The jawlines were so ungodly defined, Damien had to trail his finger over it. Pink lips adorned the face, which curl into a sweet smile. Looking down, he could see the white shirt he was wearing fit very well, though a bit loose at the waist. He dared to put one hand under the shirt, feeling bumps of muscle. He felt one strong, straight line down the middle of the abs. Going a little bit up, he could feel his chest, flat and a little hard.
He was getting more curious, so he lifted his shirt up to see underneath. ‘Oh man…’ Damien couldn’t help himself but trace over the subtle lines of muscle on the waist. The forearms also had visible cuts, though not extreme. ‘This guys is probably the hottest person I’ve ever seen...’
Going back into the bedroom, he sat on the bed. He didn’t know what else he was supposed to do. He still had twenty five minutes to kill. So, he turned the lights back off and wrapped himself in the soft, thick blanket. He supposed it made sense to have thick blankets here, since Russia gets really cold in winters.
Damien never thought he would ever have a soulmate. Having a soulmate was always a weird thought to him. He thought, he didn’t have a soulmate and for a while he was fine with that. Now, though, he was having his hour and he had been stuck in his soulmate’s body for about forty to forty five minutes. Thinking about the idea of him living his life alone was getting a little sad and depressing.
Damien had never liked being alone. He wanted to have many friends, but he knew it wasn’t his scene. He was always awkward and he constantly lie when he’s in a bad mood or in a high-stress situation. Sitting on that bed, Damien was starting to think that maybe a life alone would not be very interesting. Maybe, it wasn’t so bad to have a person in your life that you could depend on and you could… love.
He kept thinking about soulmates and his life in the future. He was getting deeper into his mind, so he wasn’t aware that his times was almost up. When he felt a headache coming, he thought nothing of it. Then, he remembered that the headache meant he had to go back. It was time. As another wave of headache came, he thought, ‘There’s so much distance between us, when will we ever meet each other?’
A minute later, he was back at Jacked Up Coffee. Nothing seemed to change and no one around him seemed to even notice what just happened. The girl a few tables away was still reading her book and that guy sitting across the room was still on his phone. When he looked down, he saw that his coffee was already halfway done and he could taste the slightly bitter taste of coffee in his mouth. ‘That’s interesting.’ Another thing that he found on the table was a small note.
Remus Galanicheff (19)
Yes I’m Russian. And yes, I speak English.
See you whenever I’ll see you.
The note was short, but it stirred something inside Damien. He folded the note carefully and put it in his pocket.
Damien was pulled out of his memory when a small dog approached him, butting its head softly on his leg. He put his now-cold half-cup of coffee on the bench and reached down to pet the dog. Patton came running and flopped himself next to his brother on the bench.
“Oh my goodness, it’s so cute!” Patton reached his hand down to pet the dog.
“Skittles! Skittles, don’t annoy people. I told you to stay with me.” A young boy came and squatted next to the dog. Then, the boy looked up at Damien and said, “Sorry, mister. Skittles was having too much fun, I thought I lost him again.”
“That’s alright kid. Your dog’s pretty cute.” The boy only nodded in reply and smiled. The boy looked to Damien’s side—at Patton—and back at Damien again.
“Are you guys twins?” The boy asked timidly.
“Yep!” Patton answered enthusiastically. He always liked it when people asked about their twin-ship—Patton wasn’t sure if that’s a word, but that’s what he call his relationship with his brother. “He’s eight minutes older,” Patton said, pointing at Damien with his thumb.
The boy nodded again. “That’s cool. I’ve never seen adult twins before. All the pair of twins I know are my age.” The boy said with a hint of fascination. “Alright, I have to go now. Bye.” Without waiting for a reply, the kid ran off with his dog.
Once the boy was out of sight, Damien spoke up. “It’s weird that people still ask if we’re twins. You think being asked that question for twenty one years would make you get used to it.”
“Well, I’m fine with it.” After that, it was silence. The good kind of silence. The one that you enjoy, where you just absorb your surroundings. The birds singing in the trees, the warm sun hitting their skin and the sound of children playing in the park.
“Hey Pat, what did it feel like the first time you met Logan?” Damien asked after a long moment of silence.
Patton still remembered that morning in the coffee shop when he met Logan for the first time. It felt so long ago when it was only been about a month and two or three weeks. The first time he recognized Logan it felt relieving. There was no other way to describe it. It felt like he had just found something he thought he lost. Like that satisfying feel when you finish a herculean task.
“Well, I…” Patton tried to piece his thoughts together. “At first it was weird. Like, ‘oh wait, I know you even though I’ve never met you.’ It just felt…right?  As if there was some kind of magic.”
“Yeah, magic kinda makes sense Pat. I mean, no one on Earth has ever explained this phenomenon of people having their souls transferred into their soulmate’s body for an hour and all that. It’s literally magic.”
“I guess so… Why’d ya ask?”
“Oh, nothing. Just curious.”
Patton looked unconvinced by Damien’s answer, but he nodded anyway. He still, however, threw his brother a skeptical look. Little did he know, Damien was thinking about his soulmate again. What is he doing right now? Is he alright after that whole fighting thing a few days ago? Damien didn’t realize this at that moment, but he was actually missing his soulmate. It was a very peculiar thought, given that they’ve only known each other for a week. But, Damien missed Remy. He just didn’t realize that.
And once again, you've reached the end of the chapter. As I said earlier, the next chapter would—hopefully—be more exciting. Thank you so much for reading!! Please leave some feedback in the comment section, let me know what I should add or take out. --- Russian stuff (tell me of an mistakes!):
С днем рождения S dnem rozhdeniya [Happy birthday]
почему ты не спишь? pochemú ty ne spish'? [why aren't you sleeping?]
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