#anyway this is so gushy but i love them so much
ruporas · 1 year
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can’t help falling for you
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volturissideslut · 7 months
dating mattheo riddle hc?? pretty please 🥺
𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖔 𝕽𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊
He doesn't have much good in his life, being the dark Lords son and all. He also doesn't trust easily
This means that when he finds you, someone good, who loves him, and he trusts. He's never letting go.l
Would genuinely die for you if push came to shove
Let's not even get into the fights he would get into defending you. He cherishes you, really, and has a dangerous lack of self preservation when it comes to making sure you're treated well
Though his grades are bad, he's actuattky really smart. It's just that he doesn't try
Seriously good at magic, especially DADA. If you're not good at it, he'll teach you. If your amazing, you'll duel.
If you win and beat, he gets really turned on. If you lose he'll teach you to be better
You're everything to him, he's going to make sure you can defend yourself
Gets all soft and mushy gushy when you're alone
He just becomes baby
Literally the embodiment of "🥺"
Wants you to pamper him, but he'll act tough and scowl. It's a cover up for his smile as he sits there with a panda face mask and you paining his nails metallic green.
You know that tiktok thing where draco gives you his ring? He does that. Puts it nice on a necklace to show the other guys you're his
But it's not a one sided thing. Nobody would dare say shit to him anyway, so he'll put on one of your jewelry pieces or scrunchies.
(please please please buy him a nice bracelet of give him one of yours. He LOVES them but would never tell or ask)
Give him flowers, please. He'll cry.
He'll call you princess and treat you like one.
But give him princess treatment back I beg
Is your personal hype man
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stardew-shitposterino · 7 months
Stardew Valley Bachelors and how they deal with their secret crush on the farmer
BEHOOOOLD! I’m kind of back but I’m not because I have a job and feel tired most of the time. I still need to get used to adult life. Anyway, here are the bachelors and how they deal with having a fat crush on you, you cutesy farmer person covered in filth!
Contents might be a bit NSFW so MINORS…you know what not to do *fights them off with a stick*
Enjoy my brainrot 🍓🥰
-Sammy is a cute little guy, almost like a dog wagging it’s tail when they see their owner.
-he is SO BAD at hiding it
-he will dream about you two jamming on a big stage together. In his ideal world, you two are a successful duo who make noise rock (kind of like the white stripes minus the weird siblings or married controversy)
-Sam will write songs about you. It’s not intentional per say, and he thinks he really sucks at writing love songs, but it just happens whenever he has to think about you. The words just start flowing.
-he might or might not have had some steamy shower fantasies about you…while in the shower. Jodie keeps complaining about the water bill being unusually high 👀
-yet, Sam is usually not too horny when he is in love with you. He is more gushy and daydreamy than anything
-homeboy works with nightcore versions of love songs to cope with his longing
-he isn’t the type to show his feelings so openly, so no one really notices his crush on you. Maybe Sam, but well, he is Seb’s best bud. Of course he can tell
-He notices how his sleep has improved since having a crush on you. He willingly goes to bed earlier to have some time to imagine scenarios of you two
-just you and him together on his cool ass motorcycle, driving into the night and ending it with a passionate kiss (sounds familiar?)
-well,,, let’s just say Seb is increasingly horny since having a crush on you. Before, he was almost certain he is some sort of asexual, but nope 😃 he’s healthy and extremely down bad for the filthy farmer who eats raw fish out of the pond 🥰
-what I mean by horny? Uhhh… he didn’t really need to rely on certain websites to satisfy his needs, that’s for sure 👀
-Harvey is a good man. A very good man
-god bless his soul 😫
-Harv isn’t the type to have crushes easily…I can’t believe it either, considering his crush on Maru who is way younger than him 💀
-but in my head, he isn’t the type to be all lovey dovey over someone. That’s why he’s so bad at hiding it. But you don’t really notice. You just suspect it but it could also be his usual anxiety lol
-it happened anyway😎 and he doesn’t know how to cope. At all.
-he has to think about you at all times, especially when he looks at the empty jars of delicious pickles you’ve made him
-This man is usually collected, but now?! He forgets everything, can’t even form a comprehensible sentence at times when his mind is busy thinking about a romantic picknick date with a lovely farmer
-Harvey’s libido is pretty much a dead beat horse 💀 but now he even feels the desire to do some nasty nasty at times. It’s still pretty tame, he’s a gentleman through and through, but wild for him to have those feelings and longings after what feels like decades. He’s not mad at it. He has felt low-key dead inside for so long so this is very exciting and he’s eager to explore this side of him…despite being anxious 😭
-bet your ass he’s the prince of crushes
-he is very dedicated and welcomes those refreshing feelings with a kiss
-feeling better than usual AND having inspiration to write ?! SIGN HIM UP
-he will use every chance he can get to talk to you, maybe even get you drunk (in a non creepy way) because he likes when you’re unapologetically authentic and let loose. It makes him feel more in touch with your soul (or some shit idk I’m not a poet)
-Elliott is NOT SUBTLE
-you practically know from the start that he has the hots for you, but it’s kinda funny seeing him try to pretend it’s not that way…if you can even call that pretending not to be 😭
- his passion doesn’t end at his artistry. This guy will spend a lot of time in his shower thinking about what could be, or sitting at the docks at night just staring at the sea (he’s NOT doing anything nasty in public, peeps. Don’t get it twisted)
-I can also see him recreate a romantic bedroom date he’d love to have with you…but it’s just him 🤷🏼‍♀️ self care king 👑
-like Harvey: HE CANNOT COPE!
-he hasn’t felt like this since high school. Every other encounter with potential partners was surface level and only based on sexual satisfaction
-so caring about you, thinking about what makes you happy and how he could be the reason you smile every day, that’s a lot for him
-as stupid as it sounds, he spirals and becomes low-key miserable over it. Give this man a 101 lesson on how to process emotions 😭
-despite the constant anxiety he feels, he low-key enjoys it. It’s kind of hopeless as well as pointless in his honest opinion, but there is this believe, that 0.00001% chance (in his mind) that he could turn his life around and be happy with you, married and maybe have a child of his own one day
-but that’s wishful thinking, riiiiiiight? So what does a self loathing piece of alcoholic man do instead of making a move? Yeah, self pleasure even more than usual, to get at least a bit of serotonin and the willpower to get his shit together, at least for you if it isn’t for him. He’s pretty rough with it too (ouch, unless you’re into that)
-sorry bros but him having a crush is not really all that cute. He’s my cutie pie, but let’s be real: him dealing with those feelings he tried to shut off for so long will be tragic in a way. He’s battling his inner demons here. So yeah… :(
-my man, my maaaaan 🥰
-he has earned a soft spot in my heart, bless his soul
-so Alex has a crush on you from the start, it’s basically canon
-can he show his feelings? Yes! Can he do that in a way that can be read as the feelings he tries to get across to you? NO!
-low-key bullying is his love language 🥰
-at least in the beginning. He’s a bit anxious and fears he isn’t good enough for you, so he doesn’t try to be authentic. Being the jock jerk everyone expects him to be gets a reaction out of you and that’s better than nothing, right?
-he’s neither the poetic nor the intellectual type, so he doesn’t process his emotions by writing them down or putting them into words. Just imagine him going about his work-out routine, just thinking about your beautiful smile and rocking bod while sweating like a hog
-Alex and quiet ? Yes that’s possible. I imagine him to go quieter than usual since having a crush on you. He processes everything internally and that takes a lot of time for him as he usually just shrugs off his emotions and doesn’t try to brood too much on them. But now?! He can’t but blush in silence as he just imagines how soft and small your hands must be next to his (yours are way more impressive than his and calloused to the gods, but let him have this moment)
-when it comes to being nasty…Alex is a serial romantic. We know that he probably was the lady’s man back in school so he probably got some action one way or another. In other words, man has the libido of a teen that just hit puberty 💀
-despite being quite horny, he was able to manage to just do it every other day. Now, he cannot even get out of bed in the morning before doing it as you pester his dreams and make his hormones go crazy first thing in the morning…so many nice boxer shorts were lost along the way 🫡
-he also did his own laundry for the first time during that period lmfao
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loupy-mongoose · 11 months
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Aneira's comin' early! :D
No, joking, joking! No Aneira yet. XD
I hope this isn't too much mushy-gushy for one day. I had the other thing set for weeks, and then got the idea for this last night because of this post and was like... "Pearls, yes, for anniversary would be perfect but aaaaaaa is it too much?? ;w;" And also the ring thing I've wanted to do for a while now, so I scrunched it in there. XD
Anyways, I've really come to love these dorks, so it makes my heart fuzzy to be giving them all this love. <3
...Hope you all enjoy your diabetes. X3
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Could you do 2005 bill x fem!reader who's in the band (as a guitarist, singer idrc) and they've kind of been together since like 2003, like they never really have said they are boyfriend-girlfriend but they act like it. Like reader sits on his lap when they're on their tour bus and helps him paint his nails and Bill's just looking at her all cute 🤭 (I'm down bad for my lil emo) or during Tokio Hotel TV episodes (I'm pretty sure those started later in 2008+ but let's pretend they had it in 2005) and Bill helps reader dye strands of her hair bc the color is fading. Pretty much just gushy fluff for sort of gf!reader and Bill 🤭🤞 tyyy
(hello! Thank you for requesting, I loved writing this because it's always fun. And I added a different setting in substitute for the hair dye one because I already wrote bill in that scenario. But anyways, enjoy!)
It's Complicated
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There were moments that people caught you two where it was completely different to how you two normally were.
In an interview, the woman, who was previously talking to Georg, turned her sights to you both on the other side of the couch.
Bill had his hand in your lap, the interviewer and the camera noticing you both when you laughed when he whispered something in your ear.
"How about you two?" The woman asked, grabbing both your attention as you guys looked at her.
"About us?" Bill asked with a funny look, glancing back at you with a smile.
"You won't get anything from them." Tom shook his head, a teasing smirk on his face, you kicked his leg ever so gently as you could reach.
"People think you both are a couple, obviously." The woman smiled after she laughed at your shenanigans. 
"They do?" Bill added sarcastically, looking at you with semi-wide eyes.
"I couldn't tell." You smiled, leaning your face closer to his as you both messed with each other.
"That." The woman cut in with her own fake, award winning smile.
"You two never put a label on it, but people wonder how you can do that and not be together. So, are you?" 
The woman egged on, Tom shaking his brother's shoulders to answer when Tom himself already knew the answer.
"The people want to know, Bill." Gustav made a high-pitched voice, mimicking fans online, joining in on the teasing to his friend.
"They can just think what they think." You shrugged, genuinely not caring about what people thought of your relationship.
"Maybe they can figure out an answer." Bill smiled, his arm around your waist now as you leaned your head onto his shoulder.
You patted his cheek to annoy him before pulling away, the now annoyed interviewer moving on back to Tom with a sigh.
Even if you guys always did things to be a couple, the more you thought about it, you couldn't come up with an answer.
It would always be complicated.
It really was with you and Bill, for you and others.
You had been in the band and their friend since as long as you could remember, never quite having met, just popped into each other's lives one day.
As time went on, you and Bill just got closer and closer.
You guys had been acting as a couple since 2003, which was heavily noticed by his and your fans alike.
Lots hated it, lots loved it, but that didn't stop you guys from doing whatever the hell you wanted with each other.
It's why you ended up on Bills lap on the tour bus, his head was on your shoulder as you talked away in hushed whispers.
"Hold still." You said to Bill, his hand shaking from the moving bus but you could care less on why it was. 
You just needed it to stop moving. 
Bill laughed, his breath touching your neck as he held his arms around your waist.
"Shut." You almost swatted him, can't help but to join in on laughing.
You finally grabbed his hand, putting it down on your thigh flat so you could finish painting his nails.
Painting his nails on the bus wasn't ideal, but it's how you guys got most things done on the road.
Bill smiled, putting a small kiss on your jaw as you didn't even flinch, used to his lips anywhere on your body, continuing to focus on his nails.
Bill smiled at you, moving his head ever so slightly to just look at you concentrating as he reveled in the little moments and little things you would do for him.
It wasn't until much later that a photo was released, taken by Gustav and Tom as they pointed the camera at you two on the bus.
It captured Bill's smile perfectly, you couldn't even notice it at the time.
Bill's smile and eyes held longing in them, adoring love. Something you couldn't even grasp in that moment.
That the love he held was for you.
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Hello! I love your writing a lot and was wondering if at some point you’d consider writing a Frank Zhang x mortal!gf headcanon set? I loved the ones you did for Percy and Jason and just really love the concept. And Frank’s my favorite silly little crush. 💘 Thank you if you do and if you don’t thank you for reading this!! And thank you for everything you write!!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ frank zhang x mortal! reader hcs
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content: frank zhang x mortal! reader hcs warning: not any that i can think of??? very mushy gushy author's note: MORE MORTAL READER HCS???? WHO AM I???? i need to make my precious boy leo some and then he and frank can be a matching pair like jason and percy...which means leo gets the angst one first bc frank got the happy ending lmao- someone request it before saturday so i don't have to delete it pls pls love ya
"w-what do you mean, my cards been declined?" you managed to warble out, tears rapidly filling your eyes as you squeezed your hands around the counter of the little cafe
you see, you were supposed to be getting a little sweet treat because you've had a rough day, and goddamn it, you deserve it!!
you stumbled into the cafe, getting of the streets of san francisco with a beaming smile
but now, all that joy was rapidly crumbling and all the troubles of the day seemed to come back again at full force and you were sure you were about to crumple into a puddle of tears on the ground until they gave you a free coffee because you were just so pathetic-
"im sorry, miss, but there's not much more i can do for you. we've got other customers, so if you could..." the poor guy replied, subtly gesturing towards the door.
"but- but-" you tried, the words getting stuck in your throat, " i really need this...please."
"miss, don't make me ask again. please, leave-"
"i got it," a voice cut in from behind you, awkwardly clearing his throat.
you turned to him, eyes wide and teary
and frank was all that much more confident in his decision to help the pretty girl in front of him
"really?" you asked, your voice cracking just the slightest
frank offered you a soft and sweet smile, nodding his head before turning to the cashier
"just a plain black coffee for me. you want anything from here?" frank asked, tapping his finger against the glass that separated you from the baked goods of the cafe
while your eyes caught on some of the macaroons, you shook your head at the cute guy buying your drink, feeling like you were overstepping
"some of those, please," stated frank, pointing towards the macaroons and you began to wonder if he had the ability to read your mind.
the cashier slide over the pastries as frank paid and you took the plate into your hands, looking up at frank as though he just saved your life
"thank you, truly. from the bottom of my heart," you mused before clearing your throat lightly, "are- are you waiting for friends or- or could i sit with you?? i feel like i owe it to you to get to know you."
"yeah- yeah, no, i'd like that," frank beamed, taking a seat across from you
and when you weren't looking, he was typing a text under the table to percy and jason telling them NOT to come to the cafe if they loved him bc he met the love of his life and did not need those two idiots ruining it for him
and, so, naturally, those two showed up anyways but took up seats in the corner, pretending to not spy on frank even though they were totally spying on frank
you talked to frank about random stuff, what brought you to the city, family gossip, your favorite color and what not
and frank listened, basically staring at you with heart eyes.
"what about you, what brings a guy like you to a city like this?" you joked, looking up at him through your lashes with a tiny smirk
"oh! ummmmm camp- uh, military camp!" he lied, quickly swallowing down his shame at doing so.
"oh, really? didn't peg you as the military type," you frowned, quickly shaking it off as to not offend him.
"well, it's my dad's thing and im...uh, just keeping up tradition," frank added and you nodded in understanding, taking a sip from your drink
but of course, good things were never built to last for demigods
hey, what do you get when you put a son of poseidon, jupiter, and mars in a cafe??
a fury-ious cafe owner, obvi
(pls laugh or ill cry)
bc they are about to wreck the place
i mean not a single chair or table is upright when they are done
and you were so confused, now covered in water and your hair is all knotted from jason's wind and you were prettyyyyyyy sure at some point frank's arm was a bears arm
which is crazy
oh, and the guy that you thought was just a big softie and that you thought was cute and that bought you coffee?? yeah he stabbed somebody- something????
you weren't entirely sure what he stabbed, but stabbing definitely happened
"hey, are they alright?" percy asked, nodding his head towards you, who was still standing in one spot in shock
"y/n...let's go talk, yeah? i've got some explaining to do," frank whispered, gently, leading you through the mess of chairs and tables and out in the cold air of san francisco
and so the two of you walked aimlessly and now it was frank's turn to talk and your turn to listen
you asked strange questions, that always managed to catch frank off guard and lighten the whole situation
"so...half your dna is like...not real??"
"realistically, no one should be dating anyone in those camps. yall are related, that's disgusting."
"frank...you do understand that it's not normal to train your whole life just in case, maybe, a war comes?? dude, im going to be honest with you, i could not survive ten minutes if a war started, which is normal."
he couldn't help but admire how easily you were to accept this, how quick you were to comfort him about his life
it felt like he'd known you years instead of hours
months instead of minutes
lifetimes instead of seconds
and when you smiled up at him and asked another stupidly strange question, he couldn't help but think that maybe he had known you for lifetimes
that your souls kept playing a fun game of hide and seek
and that he finally found you in this one, his heart thudding and soul giggling as it pulled you from your hiding spot and held you tight in its arms
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love-me-purple · 9 months
movie night with the v3 boys
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cw: slight nsfw and cursing in a few of em. spoilers of ET in kaito’s
a/n: might make a 1 and 2 vers. !! naur I did a few light puns in a few of them if you spot them tell me. under the cut cause it’s kinda long
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➼ he’s so sweet
➼ he prioritizes you fully! he gives you the blankets, the snacks, he lets you choose the movie; he does everything.
➼ even if he sits on the sofa cold, hungry, and terribly quiet.
➼ he doesn’t complain a bit.
➼ you notice him shivering slightly a couple minutes into the movie, and even after he protested against getting a half in your luxury, you snuggled against him and buried him under the warm covers.
➼ once you did, he whimpered slightly against you. it just felt so nice. not the fluffy sheets, not the delectable food, and even though the movie was pretty great, you next to him really made the experience better.
➼ he moved closer next to you, kissing you on the cheek. you made him kiss you on the lips after.
➼ the movie run ends with cuddling and tangled arms and legs, overall super fluffy.
➼ large pillow forts with lots of soft pillows and thick blankets. he turns the ac and all the coolers on just so it’ll turn super cold in the house, leading you to bury yourself under the blankets and cuddle closer to him.
➼ he sometimes teases you by stealing the snacks and blankets, making you pissed off and subconsciously pinning him to the carpet floor.
➼ he tries turning the simple, pure movie night into a netflix and chill i SWEAR
➼ he flips the tables and climbs on top of you - kissing you lightly on the lips with a smug look. ➼ and then he gets up and goes back to watching the movie like nothing happened
➼ interpret that any way you want
➼ anyways, if he’s not in that mood, he’s very chatty during movies. ➼ he’ll comment nonstop and predict the future with pretty accurate predictions.
➼ his habit of doing that will, if you don’t already, bring you to do the same.
➼ this guy is so romantic
➼ kisses, smooth; non - pushover pick - up lines, basically everything you’d expect from a good gushy mushy date.
➼ he likes playing with your hair. tangles, small braids, etc. if you don’t have hair, then / another option for him is he runs his hands down your arms and hands.
➼ he draws small patterns on your skin with his fingers while kissing you on the head.
➼ he loves it when you do it to him as well, so by all means, go ahead !!
➼ nooo but the chips with dip are absolute perfection adding to the mix. if you don’t like that kind of thing, he’ll get, like, anything you’d like to eat during the movie -
➼ the prices don’t mean aNYthing to him, he’s happy to spend money for you no matter what it is <3
➼ perfect night for netflix and chill
K1 - B0
➼ he’s a robot. he can’t be cold, he can’t eat, and so all he has to do is sit back and watch.
➼ people (miu) helped him with what to do and how to act during the movie -
➼ he’s so awkward, in a cute way. he’ll get closer to you as the movie progresses, trying to be discreet but pretty much failing.
➼ you pretend you don’t notice though, for his sake.
➼ he’s tense during the movie. but with a few calming, reassuring words - he calms down a bit and attempts to kiss you as a sign of thanks.
➼ oh he also looks up on his mental search engine how to act normal and such and comes across the term of ‘activities’ during watching movies / shows
➼ and then he overheats for a bit (thankfully while you were in the bathroom -)
➼ guess he didn’t have safe search on
➼ horror / documentaries. if you don’t like those things, then …
➼ he likes it when you braid his hair. with any other person he’d kinda just be like ehhh, but when it’s you …
➼ he’s such a simp.
➼ he’s pretty chill, doesn’t really talk except for the parts when either you’re talking, something’s factually wrong, or when something especially pisses him off (usually when the characters are especially dumb).
➼ he likes having his hands free, so, of course, you have the blanket and snacks.
➼ he nuzzles his head into your neck and hair during sweet and overall ushy gushy moments.
➼ yeah
➼ he’s only human after all
➼ like shuichi; he gives the blanket, the snacks, and is awfully quiet.
➼ there’s a sort of worried look on his face, like you won’t like doing this and it’ll never happen again.
➼ he asks you like every couple minutes if you’re okay - nonstop until you reassure him.
➼ because of his overall bulky, tall structure - you’re gonna need a few more blankets to cover him.
➼ and a lotta snacks if he’s especially hungry
➼ he’s the type of guy to watch smth like a bug’s life or the bee movie. and you’ll agree because he’ll be self - conscious of himself if you don’t.
➼ it’s either that or bug documentaries. he hates horror films, especially if it has bugs in it that are thoroughly portrayed incorrectly.
➼ he gets so angry it’s almost funny
➼ until you don’t calm him down and he goes to storm the director’s / producer’s place then uh good luck
➼ tries to be romantic and kinda fails.
➼ the whole mood is sorta goofy. comedy / horror / sci - fi def. if it’s horror though, expect him to scream loudly and cling to you. and then for him to make up an excuse like, “i wasn’t scared! i was just … amazed by the stars in the sky in the film! so … spread out!”
➼ if it’s sci - fi, it’s definitely ET
➼ he cries softly when ET dies. and then he says, “I JUST GOT SOMETHING IN MY EYE WAHHH”
➼ comedy’s chaotic, but pretty fun with him. he tries so hard not to laugh, but when he does, his LaUgh
➼ it depends. it either sounds like a hyena crossed with a donkey or just a hysterical, soft sound.
➼ either way, movie nights with him are always a blast.
➼ he’s smooth. and he predicts the movie in his head, and shows barely emotion during sad, emotional, funny, or romantic moments. like none at all.
➼ but once he gets used to being with you during movies and finding out what exactly you like, he starts showing bits of emotion here and there.
➼ like outward pity. and sadness. and laughter.
➼ sharing is caring when it comes to blankets and snacks. sometimes when both of you reach into the bag / bowl / plate / etc. at the same time, and y’know your hands touch? he’ll squeeze your hand and bring it up to kiss it.
➼ and then he’ll just smile slightly at you. no matter what reaction you have.
➼ yeah other than that it’s pretty normal! still a hit tho
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unamused-boss · 9 months
California Dreaming pt3
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Last part! Warning: Kinda short, but I still hope you love it!
Summary: Max and Billy could only agree on one thing in common.... and that was you. You were their neighbor when the lived in California and Billy had the biggest crush on you. Plus it helped that you babysat, more like hangout with, Max. You were his California dream. And sometimes dreams come true.
You couldn't stand the time you had away from Billy. Your best friend and boyfriend were gone all in one on the same day. You've been writing to Billy which is a plus. Turns out he joined the basketball team. He's been to every party thrown in town, but he says they're all a bust. Met a guy named Munson that gets him weed, but Billy quotes "It's nothing like the shit in Cali...". You can't help but laugh at his sarcastic tones through the letters.
You know he misses it here. He tells you in every letter the love that he holds for you, that nothing will change. He admitted to going on some dates with girl to get you off his mind. He felt guilty, he wanted your forgiveness even though you told him to try an move on to at least have fun. Billy said ,once again, in his letter that he wants no one else but you. Your eyes were something he missed most of all. He said that you had a light in them that he felt only he saw. You always giggled when it came to the gushy stuff in his letters. Billy was a flirt with girls but he was a romantic with you.
Since graduating high school early you've had a lot of time on your hands. You were still gonna walk at graduation, you just weren't going to do anything else. Cause by god you are getting that dumb piece of paper in front of everyone. It was a couple of days before the week up spring break but for you it was a regular working Wednesday. You currently work at some clothing store in the mall and oh so excitedly deal with mother's trying to get some sort of deal out of you.
The time was 5:00pm you are now pulling into your driveway of your house for the night. Happy that your got off early you notice your parents aren't home yet. You make your way down to the mailbox to check for anything. Which you find a bunch of letters piled onto one another. You begin to sift through it.
"Bill, Bill, Coupon, post card from Aunt Shelly, Bill...y." You stop at, what you thought was another bill but was actually, a letter from Billy. You rush up to your front door to be able to read the letter. Throwing everything onto the kitchen table an make your way to your room. You bounce on your bed at tear open the letter...
Hello Y/N, I hope you are happy with what you're doing. I just read your letter. God I wish I could graduate early to get this shit hole. Anyways, Max is doing good. She still with those little balls of snot for friends. Hopefully you wrote her, so she can stop asking me to check the mail for your letters. I miss you very much. Spring break is about to start, since the public pool opened I got a job there. Hopefully I can get enough money to be able to come an see you and to stay with you. You probably already know me, I'm not really good at this writing shit. But if it's for you, I'll do it. I love you, -Billy
You smiled down at the words on the paper.
"I love you too." You said down to the paper. That feeling came back again. The feeling of wanting to see him. You can't help it, you miss him so much. You go over to your landline in the kitchen to lunch in a number you have memorized by heart now.
"Santa Monica airport, what can I help you with today?" The droned out employee said.
"Hey, I wanna know if you have any direct flights to Hawkins Indiana?"
"Hold on, let me check..." You hear a faint typing for a few seconds.
"Anything?" You question.
"None to Hawkins but we have one to Indianapolis flying out this Friday at 5:00am." They said.
"Perfect!" You shouted. "How much?"
"That will be a hundred an thirty dollars..."
"I've got that!" You race around to your purse to fish out your debit card to pay for the ticket. You give them the info to send the ticket via email for you to print out. It would be thirty more dollar but you didn't care.
"Alright, thank you choosing Santa Monica airlines tod-." You didn't even let them finish. You hung up the phone right away to go pack an call off work for the next week or so. You couldn't stop giggling the whole time. Seeing Billy and Max is going to be the best thing to happen to you in the past few months. Then you hear your front door open and shut. Then you realized something...
"Hey mom, I gotta tell you something!" You shouted running out of your room.
You were honestly shitting your pants the whole way to Hawkins from Santa Monica. You currently stand outside of Hawkins High School waiting for Billy. You slept during your flight over at 5 am but once you were on the ground you couldn't hold still. Your stuff is at the motel just outside of town for the next week.
You passionately waited for Billy to walk out of the school. You could see his car from a mile away. Plus with is reputation it wasn't hard to find out about him. You turned your wrist to look at your watch, 3:15 it read. the bell rang and school was out for spring break. Students passed by you, giving you weird looks.
"Who is that?" "Does Billy know them?" "Probably a desperate Ex." Were some of the things that were thrown around you. As if you couldn't hear the. 'Geez do these people know how to shut up...'
"Billy. Who's that?" An oddly pitchy voice said breaking you out of your thoughts.
Billy ripped his head around to you. You being the last person he would see by his car. The girl he, once had his arm around, was with was now forgotten. Billy thought he was gonna vomit at the sight of you.
"Shit.." You mutter.
"Holy fuck..." He said.
"Billy who is this?" The girl said once again getting annoyed. Billy turned back to her.
"Why are you still here?" He questioned. The girl now looked perplexed. She thought Billy was gonna take her out but now he wants nothing to do with her. Before she could say anything Billy spoke, "Go the hell away. Ya stupid cow..." He muttered the last part.
Billy walked up to you, star struck. He now had you trapped between him and the car with his hands on your hips. Holding you gently. You were smiling up at him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I wanted to see you." you said. "Is that so bad?" You teased him. When you both could call one another you would constantly tease him over the phone.
"No!" He answered quickly. "It's actually great, cause I was loosing my damn mind being away from you." You giggled at him. He his lips down to your temple, kissing you gently. To the students around you it was shocking to see Billy Hargrove be gentle with anybody. But to you this was your Billy.
"Y/N!!" A familiar voice shouted out to you. You turned to her direction to see Max running full speed to you. You part from Billy momentarily to hug Max.
"Hey MadMax!" You exclaimed. Even though Billy thought Max was a pain in the ass most of the time; he loved seeing you two together. He was happy that she got to see you.
"How long are you here for?" She questioned.
"I'm here for all of spring break." You smiled. They both looked at you dumb founded. You were gonna be with them for a week.
"Yes!" Billy said excitedly, pulling you into a hug. You laughed as he squeezed you.
"How about we go on a date tonight?" You asked him.
"Hell yeah!" He shouted. Crashing his lips onto yours. Desperation and love pouring into the moment. He missed your lips. How soft they were and smooth. He missed you so much.
"ew..." It was faint but you both knew it was from Max.
"Get in the car shit bird." Billy said.
"Hey be nice." You sternly said, mighty sapping his arm. He huffed at you, looking at you with soft eyes. The eye you fell in love with.
"Let's take Max home and we can go on our , much needed, date."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." Billy smiled.And that's how it went for the next week. You spent your time with Billy and Max, well more so Billy. Billy held you so close not wanting to let you go when you both cuddled. You met Max's friends and some more people around Hawkins with your small time there. You had some sleepovers with Max, trying to make up for lost time. Neil wouldn't do anything while you where here in town, so that meant a safe environment for Max and Billy even though it was for a week. You found the town cute, but you prefer Santa Monica.
Most of all, you and Billy got time alone. To be with each other in each others arms. Going on cute dates, walks, drives, everything. You became the envy of the town. The one that swooped Billy Hargrove off hid feet the spring break of 85'. He wouldn't have it any other way though. He would stay in this shithole town if it meant being with you.
When it came time for you to go home, it was full of tears and heart felt kisses. You didn't want to leave them again but you had to.
"Once I graduate I'll be back, I promise." You said.
When it came time for you to go home, it was full of tears and heart felt kisses. You didn't want to leave them again but you had to. 
"Once I graduate I'll be back, I promise." You said.
That promise was made two months ago. In those two months you also visited Billy three more times over the summer. In your last visit you brought him back home with you. To California. You got him far away from his pain. 
You both have an apartment near the beach, like you both wanted. You stared college; while Billy started work at a car restoration shop. Billy could surf everyday while you laid in the sun. You both loved each other even more with every day that passed.
A California dream come true.
I know its a cheesy ending but I hope you like it.
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muekyn · 1 year
dating eren headcanons <3
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a/n: random headcanons i have on what it's like dating eren. none are in any order, just sum jeager appreciation t/w: none i think?
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eren probably asked you out while you two were doing something casual like watching a movie or playing a game. the subject of romance was brought up, and he thought it would be the right time to confess.
he fears rejection and the emotions that come with it, so he probably asked you out by joking around.
eren wants you to be playing with his hair all. the. time. he'll curl up on your lap like an oversized puppy, look up at you with pleading eyes, and expect his hair to be played with. he will pout and sigh until you run your hands through his hair.
loves to sleep together. half the time he's laying in bed anyways so he's always asking you to come take a nap with him. eren loves the closeness you two share every time he sleeps with you.
surprisingly, eren likes to receive flowers and plants as gifts. he's all smiles if you bring him home a bouquet of sunflowers or roses. his favorite plant is lavender, so you always try to find bouquets that include it. armin taught eren some basics of plant care so the flowers you get him always last a while.
not a huge fan of PDA. might hold your hand in public or give you a quick smooch on the cheek, but don't expect him to be all gushy. he much prefers privacy to share affection. he views romance as a very serious, very personal affair.
biggest flaw? he plays too much video games, to the point where he's obsessed with them. can spend several hours playing games, yelling into his microphone and clacking away on his keyboard.
another thing he does that could be problematic is how jealous he gets. he simply feels insecure when he sees you talking to other people, especially when he thinks that the person might like you. he won't stop you from talking to others, he' just 'll watch/listen to what you're doing very carefully. he has limits though. the second someone is flirtatious or eyeing you too much, eren's shuffling you out the door.
wants to do things spontaneously with you. might randomly take you out to go shopping at like 10pm, or go get food with you at 3am on a tuesday. don't expect him to carefully plan out things, expect him to rely on his feelings and whatever feels right to him.
spoils you (but won't admit it/doesn't realize it). he buys you whatever you want and takes you wherever you want to go. he doesn't mind, he'll do anything to make you happy.
has notes on his phone that have all of your interests and preferences. he wants to make sure he knows what you like so he writes it down. your favorite food at the restaurant down the street? eren has it written down so he can surprise you with it. your favorite show? it's also written down, so eren knows what to put on tv the second you're having a bad day.
he loves loves loves to spend all day at home with you. to him, his ideal way of spending time together is to do absolutely nothing. the thought of being around people weighs him down, so he much prefers being in bed all day or lounging around for hours. he'll be sure to give you tons of kisses throughout it all.
picks flowers while you two go on walks to give to you. he'll make you a little flower bracelet that crumbles apart by the time your walk is over
has cooked for you a total of three times. it's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that everything that he ends up making comes out burnt to a crisp. he'll usually just go to your favorite restaurant and pay for whatever you want instead of cooking.
has bought you a bracelet with his initials in it. gets upset every time he sees you without it. he doesn't wear a bracelet himself but he wears a ring that has your initials carved into it.
randomly sends you money and gifts. expect to see an extra $100 in your bank account at seemingly incomprehensible times. he just wants to spoil you.
overall he is super sweet and loving. he always wants to be by your side, he just loves being your boyfriend. he couldn't ask for anything more than to love you and be loved by you.
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hippolotamus · 6 months
Fuck it Friday 🏖️
Two snippets today because... fuck it, right?
First! from the unnamed Lutalia ficlet (it is not coming as easy as I'd hoped) [pun fully intended because, yeah, it's probably gonna get spicy] prev snippet here
It’s not like Natalia should even get emotionally invested, or worked up over the message. She and Lucy aren’t anything meaningful like partners or girlfriends. Lovers would be a generous description. They’re… something with benefits. Not friends, exactly. More like acquaintances. That term feels awkward as she turns it around in her brain. But saying ‘acquaintances who met through a guy they have in common’ is even moreso. So, yeah, something with benefits.
She chuckles to herself thinking about ever needing to introduce Lucy. Oh, Lucy? She’s nobody really. We just fuck sometimes. Somewhere in the afterlife her grandmother is probably cursing up a storm because Natalia didn’t marry a nice Catholic boy and have a houseful of kids. Sorry, Nana.
Second! From a published work, my baby, whatever may come (your heart I will choose). I heard the song this chapter was named for and I was overwhelmed with gushy emotions. So, from CH 21....
Eddie has been alone long enough to know he doesn’t want to always be that way. There’s a part of him that still equates romantic love with effort and disappointment, but he’s seen enough to know that some people get it right. Christopher is his priority and anyone he would even think to consider would have to feel the same - they’re a packaged deal, can’t have one without the other.
Much like Buck, Eddie has his fair share of women — and men — try to get his attention on calls. Someone might argue he’s missing out on a meet-cute opportunity, but a person who’s throwing themselves to see which firefighter will catch them isn’t what Eddie is looking for. Honestly, he’s not sure what his type is, or if he even really has one. He’s also not sure if it’s a surprise or not when the person he might want is his best friend. Buck, who became part of Eddie and Christopher’s lives so seamlessly Eddie didn’t realize it had happened until he almost lost him.
When Eddie comes home from his 24, it’s… different. It’s good, he thinks, but there’s definitely something new crackling in the air around him. Eddie had arrived at the station yesterday morning, and gone immediately into his usual routine, barely getting changed before the bell went off. He didn’t have time to think about leaving Buck behind. In his bed. Now that he’s home, however, there’s really no choice.
Buck is just walking out of the bedroom — out of Eddie’s bedroom — stretching so just a sliver of skin peeks out above the waistband of his joggers. There are still pillow creases on his cheek, and his hair is adorably sleep-mussed.
When Buck relaxes the stretch, he notices Eddie, giving him a soft smile before he says good morning. A warm, golden glow builds in the center of Eddie’s chest, filling up the usual beige of coming home to a quiet house. Eddie’s hands twitch at his sides, wanting to reach out, to pull Buck close. Just to see. Just to know. What it might feel like if Buck was his. Buck, oblivious to Eddie’s internal struggle, walks past, brushing their shoulders together.
He asks Eddie questions like ‘How was your shift?’ and ‘I was going to make eggs when Christopher wakes up. Want some?’. Buck prepares regular coffee for himself and decaf for Eddie, because he knows Eddie always wants coffee when he comes off a morning shift and the full strength keeps him too jittery for sleep. Nothing has changed and everything has changed. For Eddie anyway. He’s still Buck’s best friend and this is how they are together, how they’ve always been. Eddie is the only one that can see there might be more. He accepts the mug Buck sets down in front of him, and pretends not to notice when Buck’s fingers seem to linger under Eddie’s longer than they probably need to.
It’s easier once Christopher is awake and joins them in the kitchen. Mostly. Sort of. Because he gives Eddie a hug first then shuffles over to give one to Buck, wrapping his arms around Buck’s waist like it’s an everyday thing. Like it could just be that simple that Buck has been here for two nights and that’s just the way it is now.
Buck beams and gives Christopher a high-five. “Ready for breakfast?”
“Me, too. Go wash your hands and I’ll start getting it ready.”
Christopher obediently walks toward the bathroom, while Buck washes up in the kitchen sink. Buck makes scrambled eggs and bacon, and Eddie sets the table. Eddie listens to Buck and Christopher tell him about their trip to the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium yesterday and how excited they both are to go to the Heal the Bay and Roundhouse aquariums later in the week.
“Dad, there was a kelp forest inside! Did you know kelp can grow two feet in a day?”
Eddie doesn’t have a chance to answer before Buck is telling him some other fact.
“Yeah! And Eddie! There are these starfish called bat stars. If they bump into each other they have like a slow motion arm wrestling fight.”
“And,” Christopher adds, “they can turn their stomachs inside out.”
That information may have been a bit much for breakfast time, but he’s happy to listen. Buck and Christopher continue to banter back and forth, calling out every fact or exhibit they remember between sips of juice and bites of toast.
“So, what’s the plan for today?” Eddie asks when he’s finally able to get a word in.
“I thought we could take it a little easier, maybe go to the beach? It would get us out and still let you sleep.” Buck looks at Eddie, his blue eyes bright and hopeful. “Unless you wanted to come with us? I can drive.”
Eddie is tired from his shift, but not so exhausted he’s ready to collapse like some days. And with Buck looking at him like that – Eddie doesn’t know how anyone could possibly expect him to say no.
tagged by @callmenewbie @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @wikiangela @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 @spotsandsocks @eddiebabygirldiaz @exhuastedpigeon @lemonzestywrites thank you loves 😘
no pressure tagging @thewolvesof1998 @steadfastsaturnsrings @weewootruck @malewifediaz mi amor @disasterbuckdiaz @thekristen999 @loserdiaz @heartshapedvows @underwater-ninja-13 @fortheloveofbuddie @eowon @jesuisici33 @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @stereopticons @elvensorceress @spagheddiediaz @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @your-catfish-friend @buddierights @911onabc @the-likesofus @honestlydarkprincess @spaceprincessem @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @pirrusstuff @messyhairdiaz @gayedmundodiaz @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @evaneds @maygrantgf @buckbuckgoose @statueinthestone and anybody else who wants to share 💖
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Hi hi hi! I only got Stardew a few weeks ago, and I absolutely LOVE Sam! A couple times while giving him gifts (lol "Hey I know you *just* got off work but look at this cool blue rock I found!"), I noticed him saying how much he hates working at JojaMart.
So what if the farmer offered him some cash to help on the farm instead? Yk, helping out with small things like watering plants or placing scarecrows and getting a cut from produce sold to get away from the corporate hellhole for a while?
Cue the two spending a lot more time together, and fluffy gardening romance. (Lol I think it sounds cute as hell ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
No worries if you don't feel like it, thanks!
Sam Working for the Farmer Headcanons
How could I not feel like doing this? I used to think about the same scenario lol. I really wish he'd (and maybe Shane) be able to work on the farm once you get close enough to them. It would make a good mod, too. Anyways, I hope you like it!
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You offer the job to him right then and there in the Joja Mart. Partly because fuck Morris, and partly because you just can't stand seeing him suffer in that place. He laughs it off a bit at first, because surely you wouldn't ask him that here, right? Then he catches on and is, truthfully, a little taken aback. He didn't think anyone would ever want to offer him a job like that. If anything, he assumed his complaining would drive you away from offering him a place on the property.
Afterwards, he walks right up to Morris and quits. He sort of thought it was a full-time thing (or part-time, considering you already have so much automatic stuff) and didn't bother to think through the consequences of quitting like that. Shane is right there when it happens and if you're close enough with him has this utter look of betrayal.
Of course, before offering him the job for real, he needs to tell his family. Jodi is, well, less than pleased. She was just happy Sam finally had a secure job and pay. But she gets over it fairly quickly. She trusts you to know that you're not a corporate sellout like Morris or Pierre. Kent is a little more indifferent. He's only been back for so long and honestly has bigger problems on his mind. He's more so disappointed his son would give up a job without thinking it through.
You guys start work the next day. He comes up in his usual attire (a little unaware of how badly he's going to ruin it) and you guys get to it.
First up is the simple stuff. Watering crops, feeding animals, making scarecrows, and picking fruits. All the little things you don't have time for in-between mending fences and doing tasks for the townies. He's understandably very good at it. They aren't hard tasks. He particularly loves feeding the ducks. He tried to pat one and got his finger bitten.
You two get into water fights with the watering cans. It started with him accidentally spilling some on your shoes and you retaliating by pouring some on his head. You both ended up soaked in the end and had to call it a day early, but it was fun.
The second day consists of some longer tasks. It's mostly cleaning the house, removing animal poop, and getting rid of any annoying grass patches. You also give him a few tips with foraging. During his break he goes out to Cindersap forest and picks out a few leeks to show you. As reward for cleaning the house, he gets free range to five items in your fridge.
The third day is like a test day. It's him showing off everything he's learned. In reality, it's to give him a break from having to learn all these new things. He's rather proud of his work and gets a little gushy when you compliment him on it. You two decide to take the rest of the day off to hang out and enjoy some ice cream.
Though he knows it's why he's been employed, he hates to be all alone on the farm. There're a few reasons for this. One, he's a very social person and being alone drives him insane. Two, just a teensy tiny bit of him misses you and you alone. He jokes about it, but he really does value your company. It's getting to the point of rivaling his love for Sebastian and Abigail.
When you are there, you two spend his breaks together. It's always something new and fun you do, like trying out a new recipe or watching (and possibly making fun of) a new show. There's also been a few occasions of you two falling asleep in a hammock together. You've had to set up an alarm though, because once neither of you woke up until seven at night.
As for pay, I'd say he's getting a cool five hundred G an hour. I expect Joja Mart would pay somewhere from three hundred to three hundred and fifty, so it's certainly an upgrade. I mean, the farmer canonically never pays taxes and most farmers by the time of being close enough with Sam to hire him by just talking to him have a few extra G to spare, so it's not so crazy to expect them to pay that. He also gets some of your best crops (Jodi especially loves this).
Note: my rule for SDV currency is that G is x10 more than my country's currency (just use whatever currency your country uses), so that's 30-35 per hour at Joja Mart and 60 per hour on the farm.
Now, I know you requested fluff. And to my standards this is not fluff-ified enough. So, here's a comprehensive list of all the fluffy things you two do (plus what I previously mentioned).
Falling asleep in a hammock together. If this was during the pre-alarm era, you would almost always wake up to one of you cuddling the other. Sam was so flustered.
Watering can fights! As previously stated, it started with you pouring water on his head after he spilled some on your show. He's always sure to wear some older clothes underneath his jacket so Jodi doesn't get mad at him for ruining his nice clothing.
You two having little acting classes. This is especially common during the times he's cleaning the house. You two pretend you're some poor '60s couple or you're a rich homeowner and he's just the poor underpaid staff member. If you're comfortable with it, there can and will be some harmless 'platonic' flirting.
Him losing his crap over a giant crop. He walked to the farm one day to see the pumpkin he had been eyeing for Abigail had merged with the eight surrounding it. Then he sees you sitting atop it with a big smile on your face. He clumsily works his way up the crop to see the view with you.
On the days he works back late or when you come home early, he takes on a very caring role. He'll get you some blankets and medicine if you need it. He can't cook, but he does keep the junk food stock up to date. You two sit down and relax for a bit until you feel better. He gets time off work to spend with you and you get a bunch of dad jokes to make you feel better. It's a win-win.
There it is. This was super fun to make. I should do more. But before that I need to organise my masterlist. Also, what the hell does G stand for? Gold? Because if so, they've sure got a ton of it for everything to cost x10 as much. Anyways, I hope you liked these HCs. Remember to get some sleep and drink plenty of water! <3
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elsfairy · 1 year
OMG OMG ok so like what if sev like was dealing with a really drunk reader and (when you say things when your drunk their sober thoughts) SO LIKE reader is saying all these nice things about Sevika and how much they want her baby’s and get married to her and how drop dead gorgeous she really is while laying in her bed and then at the end reader climbs on top of sev and raps their arms around her neck nuzzling their head into the crook of her neck. And whispers to her “I really mean all of this cause Ik you think I’m only saying it cause I’m sooooooo tipsyyyy *giggle* goodnight sevyyyy” and they like pass out. I wonder how sev would react. I was wondering if you could write this thought I have into like scenarios or a fanfic if not that’s totally fine I completely understand YOUR WRITINGS ARE AMAZING I LOVE THEM 💗💗💗💗 sending lots of loveee to youuu hun!
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a/n: I love love love love this pls 😭 i would have done modern!sevika but.... also, sorry this is taking so long to get out, im not okay mentally, and the amount of times I have redone this bc it sucked makes me sick. slightly tweaked some stuff but it's there i swear. Idk how i feel about this i won't lie. ilysm w/c: 1.1k
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First of all, out of the two, Sevika can handle her alcohol so much better than you. So after a few glasses of whatever you had chosen to drink, you're already giggly and hammered by her side, mumbling out random sentences that make no sense but, you're happy, she can see you're happy and enjoying yourself.
"C'mon Sweetheart, drink some water then we can go home yeah? That's it, gotta take care of my girl"
You're extra clingy whenever you drink, so even though you were drunk out of your mind, you both knew it was going to take a little longer to leave the bar, and go home. she's protective of you anyway, but knowing you're drunk she's more protective, holding you close to her, keeping her hand on your lower back. although if you can barely stand, then she's carrying you in her strong arms. (yummy)
You know when a kid likes to run off because they've seen something that makes them happy? You're like that, all excited and gushy about everything, so she has to make sure to hold onto you just a little tighter, pushing people away just to be able to get you out the bar, and on the right path to your home. she could literally lose you amongst people so she needs to take extra precaution.
"Vika, don't wanna move.."
"Hey, i know, but won't it feel good to get home and be warm? it's not that much further"
I can imagine the slow walk home, she's holding you up and guiding you the whole way. chuckling but smiling at how much you're stumbling, obviously she won't let you fall but she just thinks it's cute :( and the way you're rambling about stuff that still makes no sense? girl got it bad for you.
drunk as hell, giggly as fuck but to her you looked so free and so beautiful. sure your makeup was now ruined because of how much you laughed and the tears staining your now rosy cheeks from crying because you had laughed so much, so hard but she's never seen you be such a free spirit in this world. you were truly the definition of perfection.
it wasn't long until she had taken it upon herself to carry you the rest of the way home like she did every time you got drunk. worried you'd end up falling and severely hurting yourself. it was like having your guardian angel. she truly did protect you, even more in a vulnerable state. "you're so strong, Vika.." You'd mutter, giggling into the skin of her neck, oblivious to the sudden heat rising there.
"yeah? does it impress you, Sweet?"
"mhm, all the time.."
it was a gentlewoman thing she did, she will neve lets you untie or take off your own shoes. that was her job, and always do things for you when you weren't completely 100% there. your drunk brain had you swaying, hand on her broad shoulder, trying to keep yourself up as she carefully slipped them off your sore feet, shoving them by the door. so gentle and caring towards you. "so kind to me, what would i do without you, Sev?"
"sleep without me pestering you for a kiss before i go to work every morning is a start. Go and get these clothes off, I'll bring you some water and something to eat, sober you up a little alright?"
the room was cold, too cold for your liking but that was your own fault for leaving the window wide open, knowing Sevika would complain about the chill, still though without a doubt would cuddle you to warm you up. she was so loving towards you, even if you did have days where you were a brat, endlessly annoying the shit out of her. she never shouted at you, or complained, she just loved you and took care of you.
"Hey, got your snacks and water. lemme take your makeup first then you can eat this, and sleep, okay?"
Another thing she did, won't even let you take your own makeup because she simply enjoyed doing that for you. you were also drunk as fuck so you would miss every patch. you watched in awe, watched the way she was quick to rush into the bathroom, coming back seconds later with a damp cloth. "Vika, can i tell you something..?"
She found it amusing you spoke like you were trying to tell her some sort of secret, but shook her head amused anyway. "give me a minute Sweetness, gotta get this off your face. you'll wakeup and cry if i don't"
the movement of the cloth against your face was slow, gentle even. she never rushed this part, she adored the way you looked at her with soft wide eyes, a small pout and overly entranced with her. loved to stroke your face, admiring you. booping your nose, adored the giggle she gained from her action. "You're so beautiful Vika.." you sigh, poking her cheek.
"Me? you should see you, angel"
alcohol made you more tired than usual, so it wasn't a surprise to Sevika when you crawled onto her body, snuggling your face into her neck, that deep blush returning on your face when she pulls you more into her chest. "Vika can i tell you now?"
"Right, of course Sweet"
"Just really want you to know that i think you are so beautiful.. i don't know why you don't accept my compliments or whatever.. but i hope you know that I'm telling the truth.. I'd never lie to you.. you're so pretty.. so pretty i want to cry when someone else looks at you, but i can't blame them.. you're the prettiest of all pretty things.. you wanna know something else? wanna marry you Vika, you make me feel so safe and loved.. you're so kind and gentle with me.. i wanna wake up to know you're my wife.. wanna have children with you.. grow up so they can be strong like you are.. kind like you are.. really want a family with you Vika.. love you so much.."
the abrupt end to your giggle told her your ass somehow quickly fell asleep, head snuggled right in the crook of her neck, your breath fanning her now hot skin. she didn't ignore your compliments, she loved them but she kept it hidden because she's never been told how beautiful she is. until she met you.
her heart was beating way too fast, the heat on her face was oblivious to you in your deep slumber but she felt warm. your words warmed her heart. you have had this feeling and thought for a while? to marry her? you wanted to start a family with her? have children together? the hand on your back halted, and lips grazed your forehead.
"I'd marry and have a family with you in a heartbeat, Sweetheart"
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egg-emperor · 9 months
Eggman isn't the overly physically affectionate gushing and throwing arms around people type, it doesn't suit his demeanor and behavior and I'm glad to see that hasn't been suddenly forced with Sage. And that's even aside the way she's still actually not a physical being in the way she's a digital program so he'd surely just phase through her anyway since I'm pretty sure there isn't a solid physical sense of touch actually going on here between them, but again that's besides the point anyway-
This isn't over the top and uncomfortable OOC like in fanon. I like how it's a subtle and small gesture, with him extending his arm with hand out to her but looking away and forward. He's quiet, solemn, and reserved. His demeanor and body language is very important. He takes a breath that seems like a "sigh well, here goes" kind of way then mumbles it, not much, just small words of praise towards her doing the very things he created and praised her for before- doing what he wants her to and serving her purpose as his protector like she protected him in the fight, and calling her his daughter also has the same effect in encouraging her and he knows it, as well as how it's appealing to him for his pride as he said in the memo.
Also wow his bear paws are so fucking big do you see what I'm saying god damn lol I wanna hold them so bad too ahhgufdbkgshj 🥰 Speaking of, this is literally exactly how I imagine such gestures with him in my self sh!pp!ng too and I think anything different would be OOC, this is the way that works in any form I think
It's very important to acknowledge that he's not shy at all, that's the last word to describe him. He has the highest self esteem, self love, and confidence and it's all genuine. It's just that hyper affectionate super warm and mushy gushy-ness, be it through feelings, words, or actions isn't his thing. The most he's ever going to hype someone up close to it is in a performative manipulative way to urge them to continue doing what pleases him, and he forces it in some cases more than others, you get varying degrees.
But I like how it's on the more subtle side here a lot because it's even more telling of his true character. When he's acting like this it aligns with that reasoning again but with a new look at his style of showing it in a physical subtle manner, with his behavior being similar to the scene where she saved him in Cyber Space and said he was proud of her for it- only it was only through words then. We've now seen how he can show this verbally and physically and I like it a lot, it's the only way this can work and they did it. This is the best outcome.
Let me elaborate further; I truly believe that he doesn't know how to feel the typical conventional idea of "love" for anyone but himself because he is the biggest egotist and narcissist in all of existence and is extremely selfish and y'all seem to be forgetting what that entails for his behavior and personality feelings, and mindset with his self absorption and low empathy. There are no sudden exceptions to this, Sage is literally just another perfect example of it, nothing has changed with him.
The only way he can value anyone that isn't himself is in what they can do for him, what's in it for him is always his mindset, so it's the same thing of self praising, self serving, and self-centered, just being served through another person appealing to that through serving him, agreeing with his outlook, and having a willingness to serve and good use to him. And guess what? That's still the exact reasoning behind it with Sage. This is known and true in the prequel comic, memos, and Flynn's words and hasn't changed.
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And why wouldn't he be pleased with her for this and praise her for it when it goes along the exact lines of that?
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It's in character because Sage is the one giving some thing to him, protecting him, serving him, and showing loyalty, support, and respect for his desires. She does exactly what he wants as she's created for and is genuinely willing and enthusiastic about it unlike a lot of other creations of his. Eggman still hasn't done shit for Sage except praise her when she does what he wants but then becomes grumpy and snaps at her every time she does something he doesn't.
In fact he does it again in this scene too where he's seemingly really jealous and pissed when he notices her looking at Super Sonic with admiration lol
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It's selfish on Eggman's side and selfless on Sage's side, so it works.
That's why I still wouldn't put the word "love" to Eggman's side of the dynamic because I feel it has connotations that don't accurately define his feelings. Though you could at least say he "loves" and "cares" for her "in his… own way" as Sonic put it, because there's actually selfish and unsettling reasons behind it as Flynn himself put it too. But it's not hyper affectionate, unconditional, or genuinely selfless like people are acting like it is. And it's so much more interesting that way and fun to analyze.
Eggman commending Sage for her work and for serving her purpose makes sense and is in character. It's nothing different to the reasons I said the standard base game ending was. The only difference is a hand hold presented in the best way. He finally has a creation genuinely enthusiastic and willing to serve him and being her creator and father gives him a lot of pride for being the one to create her and make her that way and his success and pride in doing so with the ways she benefits him and values his selfish desires are what his value is factually rooted in in the game.
So overall yeah, I really like how Eggman and Sage and their dynamic were handled in this update. They'll probably be a lot more in depth thoughts to come because I'm short on time right now, this is a mini essay in itself but l have tons more like always lol. But for now, since nobody seems to understand my take on their dynamic despite me just relaying what the game itself showed and repeating what Ian Flynn says, let me just remind you of my actual summarized take on how I see it is and how I cleared up misconceptions people have about my take on it here.
And everything we saw in this update aligns with and doesn't contradict any of what I've perceived and analyzed and discussed throughout my Sonic Frontiers tag on my blog! Very pleased. 👏
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late ask BUT director's cut for a home for two?
fuck, anon. you don't know what can of worms you just opened.
i was going to keep this concise to one point but upon rereading it for the first time in a while i just....have too much to say about a home for two.
it's my all time favorite fic ive ever written, if it's not obvious.
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firstly, i want to bring up these snippets (STARTING OFF STRONG....SORRY)
these were the moments where error finally started opening up to paperjam. and they mean a lot to me.
his personality is finally starting to shine through; his stubbornness and hotheaded-ness. it's the moments where it was clear that this kid wasn't as closed off as paperjam thought and had a personality masked by trauma and anxiety.
after so much struggle, seeing his personality finally peak through sends pj (and hopefully the reader) into fondness.
i love the little details. I KNOW I WROTE IT. but i love the little details.
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these snippets were the moments where error started expressing his safety and trust towards pj
he's really made a lot of progress over the course of the few days in the fic, and seeing him finally feel the safety and love he deserves makes me so....AGH. AAGRGRGHG.
the entire fic is so tense and mildly stressful that finally writing down error's new found stability makes me so mushy and gushy!! god
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i didn't emphasize it a lot but paperjam really didn't talk to error like most people would towards a four-year-old.
and that's not a bad thing! in fact, the opposite!
this is partly because paperjam is unprepared and does not know how to talk to children, but talking to kids like real, actual people and not dumbing everything down for them is actually really beneficial to their learning and growth process! (iirc, that is)
this scene and the dialogue earlier in it also really showed paperjam's frustrations. he's not perfect in any way, and he almost took it out then and there on error through a stern talking.
neither of it was their fault, of course. just a lot of misplaced love and stress from everything.
i like making my characters feel like people. and pj is such.....a person. i love him dearly.
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i could gush about toriel forever in any instance about the way she acts like such a mom, not just this fic. but mostly this fic.
i love toriel. if i could grab every toriel scene in the fic, i would. but one example is enough, and this one shows the best of her.
her fondness, her motherly attitude, her jokes, and her pride towards pj. god i love toriel in this fic i LOVE TORIEL DREEMURR!!!!!!!!!!
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i just think this is important. :p
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"holy shit they said the thing"
i think title drops are funny lol
ANYWAY YEAH. i had a lot to say about it LOL. i love a home for two and i reread my fics a lot, and this one is the one i reread the most. im so so so proud of it.
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hellohannie · 11 months
Hits Different | lc
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“𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 ‘𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙩’𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪”
it was no secret that you had dated many people in your past. when you were with them, you believed you loved them and they loved you. when you broke up, you realized that they didn't truly love you. but you still believed that love was real. then, you met lee chan. when he broke up with you, you started to question if love truly did exist after all. part of the taylor swift x seventeen collection
♡ PLAYERS - lee chan x f.reader
♡ TAGS - exes to lovers au, rockbandmember!chan, fluff, angst, alcohol use, mentions of one night stands, reader is bisexual, reader gets called sexist things (not by chan))
♡ INSPIRATION - Hits Different by Taylor Swift
♡ NOTES - guuyysss, i had the hardest time writing the mushy gushy scenes in this one and i have no idea whyyyy so please forgive me if they are cringy T_T anyways, i hope you enjoy this one!!
p.s thank you so much for all the kind comments on MA&THP! you are all so sweet!
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You could feel the bass beat through your feet as you swayed on the elevated surface at the club. The lights formed a kaleidoscope of colors behind your closed eyelids as you swung your hips back and forth, stumbling a bit in your heeled boots. You were long past the point of being conscious of where your limbs were, heavily dependent on the boys around you to keep you upright. 
You felt a light squeeze on your hand, and you wrenched your eyes open to look down at Hansol who was standing on the ground in front of you, ready to catch you in case you pitched yourself off the stage in your drunken haze. 
“Are you ready to go?” The music was too loud to hear what he said, but you managed to make out the movement of his lips. 
“No!” you gasped, backing into Seungkwan, who tightened his grip on your hips. “I love this song!”
Hansol looked over your shoulder, having a wordless conversation with his friend. You felt Seungkwan sigh, his warm breath tickling your ear. “It’s alright, we’ll stay for one more,” he reassured you. You relaxed, allowing him to guide your bodies to the rhythm of the music. Hansol kept a grip on your hand, making a face when he caught your eyes. You laughed, looking past his shoulder at the crowd, when a blonde head caught your attention. 
The boy threw his head back to laugh, and you jolted. Was that…
“Chan?” you mumbled, standing still. 
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Seungkwan came to stand next to you, as Hansol turned around, trying to figure out what caused the anguished look on your face, but you paid them no mind. 
Your heart was racing. Chan was here. With another girl. It shocked you completely out of your daze, enough to where you started to focus on your surroundings again. That’s when you heard it. The speakers were blasting yours and Chan’s song. The song he would play in the car as you drove down the city streets at midnight. The song he would play after dinners in his apartment as you danced together in the kitchen. It was your song, and here he was, dancing to it with someone else. 
“I need to get down,” you choked out, squatting down to get off the stage.
“Y/N that’s not him,” Seungkwan was repeating frantically. He must’ve noticed what caught your eye. “That’s not Chan.” 
But you were past the point of listening. 
Hansol gripped your waist and helped you down, trying to steady you as you swayed on your feet. You shook his hands off and sped towards the exit, feeling too suffocated in the musty nightclub. 
You stumbled outside, chest heaving as you allowed the chill air to clean out your lungs and clear up your mind. 
That boy in there wasn’t Chan, but you didn’t feel relieved. Your intoxicated mind ran scenarios of Chan laughing like that with other girls. Scenarios of Chan with other girls. 
“Y/N,” Seungkwan grabbed you by your shoulders, forcing you to look at him. Hansol stood behind him, head bent over his phone, probably ordering an Uber. “That wasn’t him.”
“I know,” you nodded, arms clutching your stomach. Your mind just wouldn’t stop thinking. “Oh God, I’m gonna yak,” you groaned. Seungkwan’s arms retracted at lightning speed as you spun around, throwing up onto the street. Then, you stumbled back until your body hit the brick wall of the building, sliding down until you were sitting like a marionette doll on the concrete sidewalk, legs splayed out in front of you. Your head was throbbing and tears stung your eyes. You vaguely heard Hansol sigh and say “I’ll go get her some water.” They were used to this. After all, this wasn’t the first time you had made a scene like this at a club.
Seungkwan sat down next to you, gently guiding your head to rest on his shoulder and petting your hair. 
“I miss him,” you sobbed, pathetically, the melody of your song playing faintly from inside the club.  
“I know babe, I know.”
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“Love is a lie,” you had once said to Seungkwan and Hansol after your first major break up, post high school graduation. Your boyfriend at the time did not want to pursue a long distance relationship, and since neither of you wanted to give up attending your dream universities, the relationship had met an inevitable end. 
You had moved on pretty quickly however, getting into a serious relationship with a girl in your sociology class freshman year of college. That was until she moved away junior year to join the national swimming team full time. 
“Love is a lie,” Seungkwan had said as you sat in his embrace, Hansol handing you a mug of comfort hot chocolate. You sniffled and nodded. Sure, your friends would tell you love was a lie, but you didn't really believe that. It was just something you said to get by. To help your heart move on.
It was a pattern from that point forward. You would meet someone you thought you loved more than your previous partner, then you’d break up for some unavoidable reason. Your best friends would assure you that your partner didn’t love you, that love was a lie. You’d mourn a bit, then move onto the next. After all, it’s easy to move on from something that wasn’t true love, especially when you believed that your real love was waiting for you somewhere. 
Then, you met Lee Chan. It was at a dive bar near your college town, where they held the annual battle of the bands. Hansol’s band was competing, and you and Seungkwan went, half for moral support and half to scout for post-graduation flings. 
“Oh my God,” you grumbled. “Just go talk to him instead of sitting here and drooling everywhere!”
Seungkwan squawked in indignation, “I am NOT drooling!” 
You rolled your eyes in disagreement.
“I can’t just go and ‘talk to him’,” his fingers formed air quotes. “He is so hot, and-”
“Totally your type,” you interrupted. 
“Exactly,” Seungkwan protested. “Which is why I know his type is not me.”
You glanced at your friend, who looked genuinely defeated, shoulders hunched forward and lips slightly pouting. You sighed, tossing back the rest of your drink before hopping off the stool and grabbing Seungkwan’s hand. 
“C’mon,” you tugged. “Let’s go.”
Seungkwan’s head shot up, eyeing you in confusion. “Go where?”
Now you were trying to pull Seungkwan off his chair with both hands. “We have 5 minutes until Hansol’s set, which means we have 5 minutes to get you a date with Mr. Total Hunk over there.”
Seungkwan was resisting, playing a game of tug of war with you. “Are you crazy?” he practically shrilled, drawing the attention of the people nearby. 
You looked over your shoulder to see that Seungkwan’s crush and his companion were both looking over in your direction, eyes alight in amusement. You whipped back around, stamping on Seungkwan’s foot to throw him off balance. “They are looking over here, stop embarrassing yourself,” you hissed. 
After taking a moment to compose yourselves, you once again yanked Seungkwan in the men’s direction, your friend following willingly this time. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N! And this,” you subtly tugged, “is Seungkwan.”
Your full attention was on the tall brunette Seungkwan was eyeing, trying to figure out if he was interested in your friend. 
“I’m Mingyu, this is Chan.” A large hand stretched out towards your friend first, and you smirked. Perfect. It seemed like Mingyu did swing that way, which meant it was time for you to leave, taking his friend with you. 
“You know, I am just so thirsty-” your breath hitched as you truly looked at the blonde boy for the first time that night. Oh no, he’s beautiful. 
The boy, Chan, smiled at you, a big grin showing perfectly white teeth. “I can get you something at the bar, my treat.” He stood as you nodded, utterly speechless. You shook yourself out of your stupor and followed him to the bar. No Y/N, you thought, you are taking a break from dating. Just distract him for Seungkwan, that’s it. 
“What would you like?” Chan leaned against the bar top, left arm propped on the counter. 
You hummed. “Surprise me.” You eyed him up and down as he rattled off an order to the bartender. It was clear this man knew how to dress, from the leather jacket that enhanced his broad shoulders and the white tank underneath that showed off his sharp collarbones, to the extremely ripped jeans that did nothing to hide his thick thighs-
You subtly fanned your warm cheeks, hand shooting down to your side when the boy turned back around.
“For you,” Chan handed you a clear drink. 
You took a sip and crinkled your nose. “Vodka soda, how creative,” you droned. 
“Well,” he shrugged, though it was so graceful you’re not quite sure if it could be called something so inelegant. “Guess you’ll have to stick by me so I can get you another drink later.”
You raised an eyebrow. Ok, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just flirt back a bit. 
“What makes you think I would want to be in your company for that long? If your drink of choice is any indication, you don’t seem all that interesting.”
Chan scoffed, bracing his hip against the counter as he crossed his arms. Your eyes shot to his biceps straining against the sleeves of his jacket before shooting back up to his face. A smug look took over his face. “Is being part of the town’s best band interesting enough for you?”
Ah, he’s one of those guys who’s in a band just to pick up girls. You were barely able to contain an irritated eye roll, choosing to fake an impressed look instead. 
“You’re in a band?” You cocked your head to the right, reaching up to tuck a lock of hair behind your left ear. The dangly earring you exposed laid gently against your skin, showing off the slope of your neck. You watched Chan’s eyes linger there before taking a gulp of his drink. You tried not to get entranced by the bobbing of his Adam’s apple. 
“Mhm,” he nodded in affirmation. “We’re competing tonight. You’ll vote me,” he leaned in closer, using the tip of his index to nudge your earring. “Won’t you Darling?”
If the fluttering of your heart at that moment made a noise, it would be similar to the tinkling of your earring, light and dreamy. As flustered as you were, you refused to let the cocky man in front of you know that. 
“I would,” you replied in a sing-song, “but…” You traced a finger along Chan’s (ridiculously) sharp jawline, applying a little pressure to turn his head towards the stage. “That band up there is my best friend’s band and considering they are running four years undefeated,” you gripped his chin, jerking his face back to yours. The two of you were so close together, the tips of your noses brushed against each other. “I’d say you should spend less time flirting for votes and more time worrying about your performance.”
Your words were cruel, you knew that, but you suddenly felt the need to defend Hansol and his bandmates. Especially from someone who didn’t seem to care about music, and rather chose to use it as a means to pick up dates. You expected Chan to feel so slighted that he’d step away from you, maybe hurl some not-so-kind words your way, then leave. Except, he didn’t do any of that. Instead, he glanced at your mouth, leaning his forehead against yours. “I think you underestimate me,” he whispered. His breath smelled like mint, warm as it tickled your lips. You were about to respond when a loud voice appeared behind Chan.
“Lee Chan, let’s go! It’s almost our set!” 
You jumped back, startled out of whatever bubble you and Chan had created around yourselves. It wasn’t clear to you if you should be cursing Mingyu for ruining the moment or thanking him. Chan on the other hand squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a disgruntled sigh. Clearly, he felt the former. You pinch the space between your thumb and index finger on your left hand, the pain a reminder that your heart could not handle another failed relationship. You were waiting for the right one, your forever person. There’s no way this man was them.   
By now, Mingyu and Seungkwan had made their way to your sides, the taller one grabbing his bandmate’s elbow. Chan had slipped the smug mask back onto his face. “Guess a bet is in order. If my band wins tonight, you let me take you out on a date.”
You crossed your arms, one eyebrow shooting up at the sheer audacity of this man in front of you. “And if you lose?”
Chan started walking backward, allowing Mingyu to tug him towards the stage. He shot you a smile, but this one was different from the ones he gave you every other time tonight. This one was not so perfect or staged. It was slightly crooked, the left side pushing deeper into his cheek than the right. It caused his eyes to glitter. “Don’t you worry your pretty little mind about that Darling. I won’t lose.”
Later that night, as you looked up at Chan on the stage, who winked at you as he held his trophy up in the air, you thought to yourself that maybe you wouldn’t mind if you got your heart broken by someone like him. At least you would’ve had the privilege of loving him.
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You slip your sunglasses onto your face, laying back onto the beach towel, letting the sun rays warm your skin. You could hear the hollers of your friends from where they played in the water. It was a miserable day.
“Y/N c’mon! Come get in the water, it’s a beautiful day!” Soonyoung shouted.
You stayed laying down, simply lifting an arm to wave him off. They were trying so hard, your friends, to distract you from what the date signified, but you wished they’d just let you wallow in your misery. 
Suddenly, a shower of sand struck your face. You sputtered, shooting up into a sitting position as you scrubbed the sand off your glossed lips. 
“Seokmin!” You shrieked, ripping your sunglasses off so the exciting man standing over you could clearly see your glare. “What the hell?”
He was undeterred, gripping your forearm to pull you up. “Let’s go!”
“Where?” You allowed yourself to be pulled up, too depressed to put up a fight. 
“The ocean! We didn’t drive all this way just so you could create a Y/N sized dent in the sand.”
You huffed, dragging your feet along the sand as you followed Seokmin to join the rest of your group. The ocean water was chilly, but you were too distracted to notice. 
The last time you were at the beach, it was with Chan, just a month after your fourth anniversary. Chan’s band had successfully recorded their first demo and sent it off to recording agencies, and you brought him here to celebrate. Little did you know, that just two months after that, he’d be breaking up with you. It’s not your friends’ fault that they didn’t know. They thought they were doing a nice thing, bringing you to the beach to distract you from the fact that today would’ve been yours and Chan’s fifth anniversary. It’s not their fault that it was as if Chan had touched every corner of Korea, to the point where every place reminded you of him. 
A pinch to your waist snapped you out of your reverie. You slapped Jeonghan's hand before taking note of your surroundings. Somehow, you had waded your way deep enough into the ocean that the water was grazing the hem of your bikini top. 
“How kind of you to join us, Princess,” he quipped. You simply stuck your tongue out at him before splashing his face with water. 
“I wouldn’t make that face if I were you,” his voice took on a conspiratory tone. 
You shot him a confused look. “Why not?”
He jerked his chin in a direction just past your shoulder. “There’s a guy there who cannot take his eyes off you. Maybe a potential summer fling?” 
Jeonghan was the first person you ever had a one night stand with. You met him at a party during orientation week in university, and while you both had a good time, you both decided you'd be better off as friends. Soon after, Jeonghan found a long term boyfriend in Joshua, whereas you…well, let’s just say the couple was well versed in being your wingmen. Though, once you started dating Chan, Jeonghan and Joshua figured they could officially retire from their unofficial jobs, and so did you. Now, here Jeonghan was again, trying to find you another notch to add to your bedpost. 
You glanced just once over your shoulder at the man Jeonghan pointed at, giving him an awkward smile when he noticed your gaze and waved. You turned back around towards Jeonghan, giving him a doubtful look. “Seriously, you want to set me up with him? He looks like a Ken doll.”
“What, I thought you liked blondes?” Jeonghan laughed, teasing you further. “Or is it just the bleached ones?” 
Your mouth dropped open, dumfounded. Jeonghan’s eyes widened, as if just realizing what exactly it was that he said. “Y/N, I didn’t mean-”
“Not cool, Han. I thought you of all people would understand what it is I’m going through.” You didn’t stick around to hear a response, choosing to start making your way back to the beach instead. 
Jeonghan, like you, used to have a habit of sleeping around, switching out partners like dolls. Joshua was Jeonghan’s first real partner, so when you told him how you felt about Chan, he understood. Chan was not just any other partner, he was the love of your life, like Joshua was his. 
Tears began to sting at your eyes, blurring your vision so much that you didn’t see the person in front of you and ended up running right into his chest. You stumbled back, almost falling backwards into the water. 
“Woah,” hands grabbed at your elbows. “Sorry I thought you saw me.” It was the guy from earlier. Somewhere from the time you left the boys’ spot in the water to here, the guy had approached you. 
You swiped at the tears brimming your eyelids, “Sorry, I was lost in thought.”
“Is everything ok?” His hands stayed on your arms. “You’re crying.”
He leaned down to level his head with yours. You stepped out of his grip, having to jerk your arms back to make his grip loosen. “I’m good, thanks.” Your tone was clipped, but apparently the guy in front of you couldn’t (or didn’t) take the hint. 
He stepped closer. “Are you sure? Doesn’t seem like you’re ok? Maybe I can help?” The further you stepped back, the more he came forward. “I came over here because I thought…”
Shit, shit, shit. This guy was crowding in way too close to you, and you felt incredibly unsafe, but there wasn’t much you could do. You couldn’t run in the water, or swim fast enough away, and the faint voices of your friends were indication enough that they were not close enough to help you, let alone notice something was wrong. 
“...listening? Um…hello?” Your eyes snapped back to the man in front of you. “Were you listening?” It was clear from his expression that he was annoyed, the false kindness from before completely gone. You were in trouble.
You stuttered, “I…uh…sorry, I was-” 
The guy scoffed. “Of course, here I was trying to be a nice guy and check up on a cute girl that looked sad, but you zoned me out. Bitches like you like guys who treat you bad don’t you. Should’ve known from the way you’re dressed that you’re nothing more than a dirty-”
“Hey!” a hand slipped around your waist as two bodies appeared on either side of you. You sighed in relief. 
The guy in front you stepped back, eyeing the two men who interrupted. “Who are you guys?”
“I’m her boyfriend,” Wonwoo said, tugging you closer to his chest.
“And you are?” Jun asked, lazily. 
The guy in front of you was tall and broad, but not as tall and broad as Wonwoo or Jun. Clearly he noticed that as well, as he started to scurry backwards, away from your large group as the rest of your friends began to join. 
He started to laugh slowly, as if trying not to show that he was intimidated, but failing greatly. “All these guys,” he pointed at your circle of friends, “are your ‘friends’? I knew it, you are a whore.” 
Wonwoo took one menacing step forward, and it was all the guy needed to trip backwards into the water before quickly making his way onto the beach and away from you. 
Jun placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, “Are you ok, Y/N.”
You nodded, suddenly too exhausted to do much else. “I want to go home.”
Quickly, the boys began to run onto the beach and pack up all of your things to load the cars. You followed behind slowly. A few months ago, the beach filled you with happiness and a sense of freedom. Now, the sun felt like it was burning your skin, and the sand was scratching at the bottom of your feet. Who knew the absence of just one person could make an environment feel so different.
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You whined as a hand snatched the red solo cup out of your hand, “Wasn’ done w’that.” You lifted your head off Jeonghan’s shoulder to give Seungkwan (what you hoped) was a glare. 
“Babe, there was nothing left in the cup anyways,” the former commented. “You’re wearing your drink.”
“Oh,” you responded, oh-so eloquently. 
By the time your group left the beach and made it back to the little cottage you had rented for the weekend, it was sunset time. Everyone quickly showered and set up a bonfire in the back. According to Seokmin, s'mores and alcohol were the best pick me ups. You had not wanted to join at first, still disoriented from your less that ideal experience with the guy from the beach. Jeonghan however had begged you to join, clearly very apologetic for unknowingly putting you in that position. After you had a few drinks in you, you had completely forgiven him, leading to your position now, half in his lap as you both squeezed into a lawn chair by the fire. 
“Here Y/N,” it was Joshua, handing you a well assembled s’more from the other side of Jeonghan. 
“Thanks Joshie,” you mumbled, while taking a bite. You stared at the burnt marshmallow as you chewed slowly, tears starting to stream down your cheeks. 
“Y/N! What’s wrong?” Soonyoung called from the opposite side of the circle. His voice caught the rest of the group’s attention and suddenly, everyone was fussing over you. 
“It’s just that…Channie liked his marshmallows burnt like this,” you had started full on sobbing. “I miss him!”
If you were even the slightest bit sober, you would’ve noticed the exasperated looks the boys sent one another. It was yet another event where you got drunk and started slurring Chan’s name. While the boys were sympathetic to your plight, it was only so long they could stand a fun night being brought down by broken-hearted crying. 
“I’m sorry,” you choked out, swiping at your face. “I’ll go inside. You guys can enjoy the rest of the night.”
“No, Y/N, it’s ok-” 
“Seriously,” you lightly shook off Jeonghan’s fingers that had circled your wrist as you stumbled onto your feet. “Good night everyone.”
A chorus of pitying ‘good nights’ followed you as you made your way into the house and to the room you shared with Seungkwan and Hansol. As you laid in bed begging the world to stop spinning, you had a sinking feeling that you would not be receiving any more invitations to go out. At least, not for the time being.
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Let it be known that you and Chan did not break up for lack of love. Let it also be known that you didn’t see it coming because you both had loved each other so much.
It had been one of your regular weekly date nights, where you and Chan would eat dinner at your apartment and then watch a movie afterwards.  
Chan had been oddly silent that night, and you could tell something was bothering him. Still, you decided not to ask, knowing he’d confide in you if he chose to. What tipped you off that the issue must be serious was when he didn’t ask you to dance when the speaker played your song. 
“Channie,” you started, hesitantly. “Is everything ok?” At this point, you were sitting on the couch as he paced anxiously in front of you. “Here, come sit.” You grabbed his hand and guided him to sit next to you. 
Chan was silent for a long time, the clicking of the wall clock’s second hand indicating that it had been a full 30 seconds before he spoke. “My band signed a record deal.”
“Oh my God! Darling, that’s amazing!” You threw your hands around his neck, giving him a tight squeeze before kissing his cheek. “Which agency did you guys choose? SM, JYP…”
Chan mumbled under his breath. 
“Hm? I didn’t hear you.” 
Your smile started to fade when Chan reached up to unhook your arms from his neck, choosing to hold your hands in his lap. His thumbs drew circles on the back of them as he said again, “Republic Records.”
You bent your head to try and catch his eye. “Like Taylor Swift’s label, Republic Records?” 
He nodded, and said nothing else. 
“But, they are based in New York. How will you guys work with them from Korea?” 
No response. 
Still nothing. You were getting anxious.
“Lee Chan!” You ripped your hands away from him, forcing him to look up at you. Your breath hitched when you saw his red eyes, rimmed with tears. No, you thought, please don’t say-
“I have to move. To New York.” 
You knew it. 
You bolted up from the couch. “How…how could you make this decision without at least talking to me?” You were standing over him, screaming at the top of his head. Little dark spots started to stain the beige couch where Chan’s tears dripped. “Long distance relationships aren’t so easy that you can just decide without me!”
Chan looked up at you, cheeks glistening with tears. His breathing was shaky and uneven. He didn’t say anything, not even an apology. “We won’t do long distance.”
You felt your heart drop to your stomach. If Chan meant that as ‘we won’t do long distance because you’re coming with me’, he would’ve definitely told you about this before signing the contract. Which only meant one thing. 
“No,” you started to step back, away from him. “No, no, no, no. This can’t be happening to me. Not again.” You were vigorously shaking your head. 
“Y/N,” Chan was scrambling to his feet. 
“No! Don’t do this, please-”
Chan seized your shoulders and pulled you into his chest as you began to sob. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he kept repeating, as the two of you eventually sank to your knees. 
“Why? Why are you break-” you couldn’t say the word. “Why are you doing this,” you whispered, throat too sore to yell anymore. “Is it because I got upset? I didn’t mean to get angry, I support you, you know I support you.”
Chan pulled you away from his chest, cupping your face with both hands. “It’s not that. I know you support me. That’s why we have to do this. Break up.”
You heaved another sob. 
“Y/N, I love you. I love you so much, which is why I can say confidently that no one knows you like I do. You hate long distance relationships-”
“That was different!” You insisted, gripping his wrists as tight as you could. “I didn’t love him like I love you!”
“I know Darling,” he swiped at a tear with his thumb. “It’s because you love me more that long distance won’t work. You need consistency. You need someone who will combine Google calendars with you and stick to a schedule you create together. That’s the only way you’ll feel reassured that you truly have someone. I can’t give you that abroad. I can’t call or video chat with you at the same time every day. I can’t give you consistency. Long distance won’t sustain our relationship, it’ll just prolong our inevitable breakup.” He placed the most delicate kiss on the bridge of your nose. “It’s selfish, but I wanted to be able to cut it off while holding you, so I could tell you that this isn’t ending because we fell out of love. I wanted us to have a clean break.”
You were angry again, this time choosing to punch at his chest. “This is anything but clean! You think after you leave, I’ll just forget about you? That I’ll just move on, like this is a normal break up? How dare you leave me here alone, thinking I’d just get over you? You’re a jerk, Lee Chan!”
“Chan? Y/N? What’s going on?” It was Seungkwan with Hansol trailing behind, both wearing similar looks of confusion on their faces. 
Neither you nor Chan acknowledged them. “You won’t be alone. You have them.” He leaned in to place a singular kiss to your lips. That kiss would be forever ingrained in your mind. Your last kiss with Chan, one that tasted of salt and despair. “Take care of yourself, Darling.”
“No!” You started weeping again, desperately trying to grab onto Chan as he stood up and stepped away. 
“What the hell is happening?” Seungkwan demanded, sharp eyes pointed at Chan. He simply shook his head, as if saying sorry, before leaving. You could only see until he reached your doorway because by then, Seungkwan had fallen to his knees in front of you, blocking your view. 
Hansol followed Chan out the door, stopping him halfway down the hallway. 
“Chan, what happened? Why did you tell us to come here?” he asked rather calmly.
The boy in question turned to face his friend, eyes once again filling with tears. “We got signed by a record label in New York. I broke up with her.”
Hansol nodded just once. While he didn’t quite understand why Chan made the decision he did, Hansol knew that he didn’t do it to hurt you. In fact, this must be hurting him just as much as it was hurting you, if not more. “Good luck.”
Chan’s shoulders dropped visibly, as if he felt that he no longer needed to hold himself together. “Hansol, I know I’m probably not in a position to ask any favors from you but,” he cringed as another sob echoed down the hallway, “can you make sure she understands that I never lied to her when I told her I loved her?”
When Hansol made it back into the doorway of your apartment, he heard Seungkwan say, “Love is a lie.” 
You agreed like every time before, but Hansol could tell from your face that it was different this time. You really did believe it.
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The warm summer air faded away to welcome the crisp autumn breeze, but that didn’t mean you weren’t still sweating buckets at the slightest amount of physical work. 
“Seungkwan, push!” 
“I’m trying, you little witch! I still don’t understand why you insist on jam packing suitcases with your winter clothes and sticking them in a storage room when you could just leave them in your closet!” 
Seungkwan had offered (read: been bribed) to help you switch out your warm weather clothes for your cold weather clothes. Unfortunately for you both, the elevator in your building was broken, leading to the two of you lugging suitcases up and down three flights of stairs. 
“Finally,” he grunted, flopping down on your couch once the last of your bags had been brought into your place. 
“Thank you, Kwannie,” you sang, voice extra sweet. 
He rolled his eyes fondly, “Yeah, whatever. You should be thankful Jihoon has been dragging me to the gym with him.” 
You giggled, moving to unzip one of the suitcases when Seungkwan’s phone rang, indicating that he had received a text message. 
“It’s Hansol. We are out of groceries, and God forbid someone sends him to the store alone. Once, I told him to bring home fruit and he brought back a bag of tomatoes insisting I should’ve been clearer. Who thinks of tomatoes first when someone mentions fruit?” Seungkwan ranted as he made his way to your door. “Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N!” The door slammed shut. 
You were silently glad Seungkwan left so suddenly as you fully opened the suitcase in front of you. You had forgotten that this was the one filled with all of the clothes Chan left behind in your apartment, as well as your own that held memories connected to him. 
Placed right on top was a denim bucket hat that he used to wear when you both would go for bike rides along the river bank. Tears pricked your eyes, as you contemplated what to do. Hansol and Seungkwan would tell you to throw everything away, that keeping these items wouldn’t help you get over him any quicker.
You cursed as memories came flooding back. It had been nearly a year since he left, and you still couldn’t figure out why. You felt like there were so many options besides simply breaking it off. Hansol kept telling you what Chan told him, but you couldn’t believe it. If he loved you, truly loved you, then why did he leave?
You thought of the creases by his eyes when he smiled at you, his soft hair that brushed your cheeks when he kissed you. He believed that the world was inherently good, that people don’t do things for the sake of hurting others. He made you believe too. How could you have possibly guessed that that boy would shatter your heart beyond repair. 
You huffed, rushing to the bathroom to splash water on your face. You needed to stop crying over him. 
Over the sound of the sink, you thought you heard the lock twist on your front door. You turned the faucet off and paused, trying to listen for any more sounds. Nothing. You shrugged, patting your face with a towel. Great, guess I’m hearing things now. 
Then, another noise. This time, it was the door creaking open. 
“Seungkwan…?” you called out hesitantly. He was the only person who knew about the key under your mat. Well, except Hansol, but he makes it a point to not use it and bang on the door instead. 
“Seungkwan,” you repeated, louder this time. Still no response. Now you were scared. Quickly, you grabbed your curling iron from the sink, the long wire making it a great throwing weapon. 
You peaked your head out into the hallway, trying to catch a glimpse of the intruder. 
Blonde hair. Bleached, blonde hair. 
Warm brown eyes, staring right at you, as if this person knew the layout of your apartment.
Plump, pink lips quirked in a smirk and long fingers holding onto the keys you hid under the doormat. 
“Still haven’t moved these?” 
You dropped the curling iron onto the tiles, stepping out fully into the hallway. “Chan?” Great, now you were seeing things.
“Hi Darling,” he smiled that smile. The crooked one that made his eyes glitter. The one he reserved solely for you.
Your heart was racing and beating so hard you thought Chan would be able to hear it. One step. Then two, then three. Your feet were moving all on their own. Then an abrupt stop. Your brain took over. You can’t run at Chan and throw yourselves into his arms like you did before. Like he was yours. 
Chan’s lips pursed into a straight line when he noticed you stop. “Y/N-”
“What are you doing here?” You spoke, frantically. “You-You should be in New York.”
“I quit,” he responded, looking at you expectantly as if that should answer all your questions. 
You huffed out a laugh in disbelief. “You quit? Why?”
“I regretted my choice.” 
You blinked, at a loss for words. 
Chan’s eyes flickered to the open suitcase. He knelt down, gently running his fingers over his old hat. “You kept all of my things,” he said in awe. 
You bristled, angry that he believed you would be heartless enough to throw them out. Of course he thought that, he must’ve assumed you had moved on. Just like he must’ve. 
“I was about to trash them-”
“You still love me,” he looked up at you, light brown eyes twinkling with joy. 
You were caught off guard. “No, I don’t, I-”
Chan rose to his feet, starting to walk towards you. You stood in your place. “You kept my things because they remind you of us. Because you still love me. You never threw them out because you never got over me. You love me.” He was laughing now, eyes forming crescents on his face. Chan was standing barely two feet in front of you, but you moved your eyes to the ground. If you looked at him now, when he was standing so close, you’d kiss him, and you couldn’t do that because he wasn’t yours to kiss anymore. 
“It doesn’t matter how I feel,” your arms were wrapped around your torso, as if they were holding you together. “It doesn’t change the fact that you left.”
“And I’ve regretted it ever since,” he whispered. “There was a time when the greatest love in my life was my music. It was all that ran through my veins. It was what kept me feeling alive. Then, I met you. Darling-” his voice cracked, forcing you to look up. A lone tear slipped from Chan’s eye, but he didn’t wipe it away. Instead, he lifted his hands to cup your face so gently, as if you would disperse like a cloud if he squeezed too tight. 
“The more I knew you, the more I loved you, you became my music. My greatest love. You kept me feeling alive, but I didn’t realize it until I left. I thought I was doing the right thing, leaving you behind, but I was wrong. I should’ve never let you go,” his hands began to slip. “I know I have no right to ask for a second chance but-”
You grabbed his wrists and pressed your lips to his, cutting off his words. You tasted salt, and it reminded you of the last time you had ever kissed him. Your eyes began to burn, and soon you were both crying softly as you kissed.
“I forgive you,” you mumbled, lips brushing his as you spoke. “You deserve a second chance. You taught me love is true.” Your foreheads touched. Chan wiped your tears with his thumbs as you spoke. “All those heartbreaks led me to you, my one real love.”   
You made a strangled noise of surprise when Chan’s arms circled your waist and picked you off the ground. “I love you, fuck, I love you.” You giggled into his kiss, legs wrapping around his waist as he stumbled over to the couch, falling onto it with you sitting on his lap. 
You kissed and kissed, the feeling of familiarity and love settling comfortably in your heart. When the two of you eventually pulled away, it was to catch your breath. You ran a hand through his soft hair as Chan brought your other hand to his lips, brushing gentle kisses over your knuckles. 
“Missed you,” he mumbled. “Missed your voice and your eyes,” he raised his head to look at you. 
“Your hair,” he tucked a lock of it behind your ear.
“The smell of your perfume,” he leaned in to press a kiss to your neck, then trailed his nose along the slope of it until he could whisper into your ear.
“Your body,” he nipped at your ear lobe. 
“Channie!” you squealed, pushing at his chest. He fell back with ease, his loud laughter echoing throughout your apartment. 
“Even missed that, the way you say my name.” Your stomach fluttered like it was filled with butterflies. Only he could be so shamelessly flirtatious one minute and so devastatingly sweet the next. 
You laid your head on Chan’s chest, his heartbeat playing a soothing sound to your ears. “What now?” You asked as his hands gently rubbed your back. 
“What do you mean?”
“What are you going to do now that you left New York? What about your band and your music?” To be honest, you felt a bit worried. If Chan’s future was ruined because of you, you’d never get over the guilt. 
You felt lips pressing against the crown of your head. “There’s no need to worry your pretty little mind about that Darling. Turns out there’s a pretty successful band in the area that’s looking for some new members. Mingyu even came back with me because of it.”
It was his sly tone that made you sit up straight and give Chan a skeptical look. “Really…what band?”
He smirked.
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You were sitting at a table in the familiar dive bar with Seungkwan, having a serious case of deja vu. “Why can’t you talk to him this time?”
“Because Y/N,” Seungkwan snarked, “you weren’t the only one left behind. Mingyu had the nerve to leave for New York without even saying goodbye, and then doesn’t even have the decency to let me know he’s back? I refuse to go back to such an inconsiderate, unmindful, callous-”
“He’s staring at you like a kicked puppy.”
Seungkwan chanced a look over his shoulder, sighing when he saw the hopeful smile sent his way. “He is pretty cute isn’t he? Maybe I’ve made him sweat enough.”
You nodded, amused. 
Seungkwan groaned before tossing back the rest of his drink. “God,” he looked up at the ceiling of the building, “I am NOT your strongest soldier.” Then, he hopped off the stool and strolled towards Mingyu, who was visibly perking up with every step taken his way.
You were giggling at the scene when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see a cup being held out to you. You raised an eyebrow before accepting the orange drink and taking a sip. “A Mai Tai? Looks like your drink orders are getting a lot more creative.”
 A flirty smile. “Told you I’d get you another drink if you stuck with me.”
You laughed loudly before pulling your boyfriend in for a kiss.
Tonight was the night of your town’s annual battle of the bands and you’d been reminiscing the whole time. After all, this dingy little bar held all the memories of the first time you met Chan. This was where it had all started, and it seemed that Chan was insistent on replicating those memories.  
“You know, my band is competing tonight. You’ll vote for me,” he smiled wide, “won’t you Darling?”
You put on a thoughtful expression, trying your hardest not to break character. “Well… I heard the band up there right now is this year’s defending champion,” you traced a finger along Chan’s jawline. “I’d say you should spend less time flirting for votes and more time worrying about your performance.”
“Yeah?” Chan leaned into your ear, his soft hair tickling your cheek. “How about a bet? If we win, you’ll spend the rest of your life with me.”
You turned your head to face him, your nose bumping his. “And if you lose?”
Chan smiled, hands resting on your waist as he brushed his lips against yours. “I have my good luck charm right here. Just like last time, I won’t lose.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh before clutching the front of Chan’s shirt with your fingers and pulling him in for a searing kiss. He tasted like alcohol and home.
“Lee Chan, quit making out with my best friend and get over here! We’re next!” Hansol yelled from halfway across the bar. 
You pulled away, proud to see that Chan’s cheeks were just as flushed as yours probably were. “Good luck, my love,” you placed one last peck to his soft hips. 
“Don’t forget the bet,” he called as he walked away, smiling a real, crooked, smile.
Later that night, as you looked up at Chan on the stage, who winked at you as he (once again) held his trophy up in the air, you thought to yourself that you truly didn’t mind that you got your heart broken by him. It led to this moment and now, you were looking forward to spending forever loving him.
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dokoni-mo · 1 year
okay so imagine
Reader teaching William how to play CoD Zombies or Left 4 Dead because he wants to get closer to reader and its totally not like he felt left out or anything (he’s definitely not suffering from having no attention definitely not) . Sitting in the living room with the lights off during the night the coffee table is filled with snacks and drinks and the big screen is playing one of those choices. Reader is sitting in his lap while his arms are wrapped around reader, controller in both of their hands and the game is going. Micheal being away for the weekend and reader and William just having fun playing the console and eating snacks till the ass crack of dawn.
Mr Krabs anon although you are the newest and freshest anon I am already in love with you /p
please take this as a token of my gratitude
warnings: swearing, established relationship, age-gap relationship (reader is 20 will is pushing 40), willy in general, mushy gushy, fluff, kisses, cuddles pet names, also i made the technology more time-period accurate i hope you dont mind <333 also i didnt proofread like at all LOL
William never thought that he showed his age too much. Not around you, at the very least. He considered himself to be up-to-date on the times. But, as he watched you hook up your new gaming console to his TV, he couldn't help but be confused.
Even though you didn't seem to care, William couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He had tried to set it up for you when you came over. You were his bunny. It was his job to take care of things for you. Even though he hadn't seen much technology like the console before, he figured it couldn't be that hard. He was a very skilled engineer and mechanic. He made dozens of highly-intelligent robots in his lifetime. One little Atari shouldn't be too hard.
William had struggled with the device for what seemed like hours as you watched him from the couch. You had offered several times to take over and set it up, but he refused each time. Goddamn it. He was going to figure this out. But did they have to make everything so confusing? Not even the manual was much help. William tried and tried again to no avail, his frustration growing with each failed attempt. He was probably teaching you so many new English swears you had never hard before, too. Not a very good look, William.
After his 8th failed attempt and a rather loud and obnoxiously British bloody hell, you had giggled and slid off the couch, pushing him out of the way as you took over the set-up. William felt bad that he had to make you do all the work. You were his sweet bunny, you shouldn't have to lift a finger around him. And after you went to all this trouble? To come up with a little date for the two of you? And buy all these snacks? On your dime too. Silly bunny, you should've asked William for some cash. He would've happily given it to you.
But, you were a determined person. He knew this. It was one of the many reasons he loved you.
The Atari was more of your generation, anyway.
Fine. You win this time, little one.
But don't think you're gonna get away with much else.
"Are you sure you don't need any help, love?" William asked as he watched you from the couch.
Your back was turned to him while you were hooking all the wires together, but you could hear how you snorted out one of your cute little laughs.
"No, thank you," you responded with a hint of sarcasm, glancing over your shoulder to the older man, "I'm already almost done."
"Yes, really."
"You figured it out rather quickly, hm? Good job, bunny."
William heard you giggle again as you turned the console on, picking up the scattered games from off the floor as you turned back to him, "And I thought you were the tech-expert here."
"No need to get smart with me, little one."
You shot a smile up to the brit as you pushed some of the snacks out of the way, placing the games in an array so that he could see all of them.
"You get to pick out the game, since this was my idea." You explained to him, making him smile a little down at you. Sweet bunny. Always so thoughtful.
Scanning his grey eyes over all your games, William had to admit. None of them seemed that appealing to him. Nor very familiar. William was never really a fan of video games. Perhaps he was just old-fashioned, but he thought it was better for people to get entertainment outside of their own homes, with something that was real. Or, selfishly, at one of his restaurants. But, when you called him during the week and proposed this little idea of yours, he found it hard to say no. He found it hard to say no to you in general, but he found this especially hard.
You had just talked about it so excitedly. His relationship with you was still very much a secret. The Brit only got to see you on the weekends, and that's if you weren't swamped with your college courses. He couldn't take you on real dates like he wanted to as well. He had to get creative sometimes. And this was your way of being creative about it. Your way of showing him that you appreciated all of his efforts. Aside from your love, of course. So, even though William didn't really like it, he'd put up with it.
For you.
He'd do anything to see you smile. He knew this. Besides, even if he was bored by the games, he was just happy to have you close to him. Have you to himself. Hold you. Cuddle you. Kiss you. Touch you.
You were the real treat here.
"This one seems alright." He eventually said, touching one of the games you laid out, "I heard Evan talking about it once."
"Ooo," you hummed, "That's a good one!"
William watched as you waddled on your knees back over to the console and put the game inside. Once it was shut and the opening screen flashed on the TV, you waddled back over to the couch with the controller in your hands. William leaned his back against the plush cushions and spread his thighs further apart, giving you space to sit in between them. You took the seat happily, draping your legs over one of his own and leaning your back against his chest. Instinctively, William snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, pressing a few chaste kisses to your cheek and jaw.
What a good bunny you were. You were so cute when you cuddled with him. He loved it when you were close. If only he could keep you like this forever.
"So you've never used one of these before?" You asked, your little fingers gliding over the controller to set a game up for you and him.
"No, never." Mr. Afton responded.
"You should get some for your diner. The kids would love it."
William let out a hum, pressing another kiss to your jaw, "Children are destructive, love. That would be expensive to replace them all the time, yeah?"
"I guess," you said.
Oh, how cute you were.
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