#aphmau fandom
“A bastard son born from an affair…. Mother will be so proud” OR SOME SHIT LIKE THAT
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pi-pi-pi-pi · 3 months
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Laurence x Aphmau was always one of my fav ships 🤧
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stellisketches · 11 days
S3 had a lot of terrible writing but lets be real it also had what is possibly the funniest incarnation of garmau that could've happened.
Garroth is 1) the second primary caretaker of Aphmau's children 2) having the most personal and honest interactions with Aph that we've seen in the entire show and 3) almost appears to be living with her??? maybe this is wish fulfillment but in ep 2 Garroth left the guard keep (the only place we've ever seen him live) at night after interrogating Zane which makes me think he was probably living somewhere else. Then I remember both Levin and Zoey's old rooms being vacant and long story short I can totally imagine Garroth just kind of. seamlessly moving in to help Aphmau after Alina was born and without any fanfare or discussion he just fuckin... stays there. It starts out as a friend helping a friend and then it turns into unspoken common law marriage and both of them deny any type of romantic nature to their relationship meanwhile Aphmau is wearing the ring he gave her back in s1 and her two daughters have drawings of a big armored man over their bed with the caption "Best daddy in the world" and no one bats an eye at it.
I can only imagine the whiplash Katelyn felt after being gone so long and coming back to her friends co parenting in the world's healthiest situationship and completely refusing to acknowledge that their is anything different between them.
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bbbeowulf · 3 months
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save me dreams of estorra, save me…
this was supposed to be nothing more than a sketch but it turned into a half-rendered piece so here’s my humble sacrifice to aphblr’s brainworms 🤲
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residentcrayonkid · 3 months
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Garmau for life 💙💜 Still gotta do the shading and details, but I like how it's turning out.
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vacantblues · 7 months
Haven't drawn them together in a while
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Og image
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vyladromeave · 9 months
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Inspired by similar October Prompt Lists, Aphtober is a 31 day event in which MCD-related content is created day by day using the prompts listed above and below!
Official Prompt List:
- Old and New
- Devotion
- Divine*
- Song
- Academia
- Transformation*
- In Another Life
- Scars
- Outfit Swap*
- Tarot
- Home Sweet Home
- Is This Love...?*
- Comfort
- Illusion
- Redraw a Scene*
- Fears
- Familiar
- Travel Downtime*
- Truth Revealed
- Parent and Child
- Shadows*
- Headcanon
- Stolen
- Siblings*
- Maritime
- At a Cost
- AU or OC*
- Battle
- Flora and Fauna
- Another Dimension*
Turns out a lot of people wanted a new Aphtober event for 2023, so here it is! Some prompts were re-used from last year's Aphtober list (marked by the sparkles next to them), while some prompts are completely new for this year!
Feel free to use these prompts to inspire any kind of creative work, be it drawing, writing, or something else entirely! Not feeling a specific day's prompt? Check out the ones on last year's 2022 list instead!
Tag any creations with #aphtober or #aphtober2023 (and feel free to @ me if you want your work shared here to make sure I see it!) And most importantly, HAVE FUN!!! Can't wait to see what everyone creates!
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propertyofrjl · 6 months
As someone who is currently rewatching all of Aphmau's series and has major brain rot over the Aphverse, i am desperate to find a fic where some of the mystreet people get somehow transported to the MCD universe. BECAUSE IMAGINE THE ANGST POTENTIAL IF MYSTREET!ZANE WAS IN THIS GROUP OMG.
MCD!Garroth having to see what he could have had with his own brother if things were different is breaking my heart.
Right imagine this little mystreet group is also when they're teenagers, smol little Zane being transported to a world where pretty much everyone despises him because MCD!Zane is the embodiment of evil.
Like, maybe little Aphmau and Zane get separated from the others and end up in Phoenix drop, they manage to make it to the town square where Molly is coming back from praying to Irene, and she sees Zane, the man who hurt her precious baby and used dark magic on their town. Molly then runs to alert whichever guard she can find (it just so happens that Laurence, Garroth and Dante are all leaving the guard tower for their respective patrols at that moment)
These men run to the town square, fearing the place they are sworn to protect is under attack by one of the most dangerous tyrants of their time, and they come to find not only Zane (who's looking around with a sour look on his face, and albeit a little smaller than Garroth remembers) but also the woman they spend their lives protecting (and two of said party are definitely, totally, not in love with her...)
And when i say they're teenagers, i mean the first season of PDH vibes, so Zane and Aphmau with these squeaky voices and no social skills, and Aphmau has spent most of her time looking around in awe up until that point because OH MY IRENE ZANE IT'S JUST LIKE MY GAME!!!
Laurence moves first, rushing over he knocks Zane to the ground harshly before yanking Aphmau away, to which she screams because this tall, scar covered, very scary looking version of her friend (or maybe crush depending on when in PHD this happens) has picked her up far too easily for her liking and she's worried about Zane.
Then Garroth and Dante move in, and suddenly Zane is being looked down upon by his big brother with such a look of disgust and hatred that has never happened before. Garroth loves Zane. Sure they disagree and fight every now and then, they're brothers, but Zane knows Garroth loves him and would keep him safe, and even though he wouldn't admit it, Zane loves his brother too. But the scary and hate filled man standing above him does not make Zane feel safe, and a flush of fear runs through him, followed by watery eyes and embarrassment because why is he feeling so weak and despised by one of the only men in his life who's provided a steady stream of love (unlike his dad)
And when Zane pulls his shaking hands up in surrender, with this wounded animal look upon his face, MCD!Garroth almost has to double take, because not even as children has he ever seen Zane look at him with such fear, the only man who'd ever brought fear upon Zane's face was their father, and maybe that gives Garroth his own little internal crisis because he's tried so hard to be nothing like dear old dad.
The rest of the group (let's say...Laurence, KC and Garroth) show up, and they try to find a way home without the help of the villagers of Phoenix drop, only to be attacked and have Zane kidnapped by people MCD!Zane has royally pissed off. The little group run back to Phoenix drop for help, and all the MCD lot just can't seem to understand why these little versions of themselves/their friends want to help Zane of all people so badly. It takes the Garroths having a full on row over it and Mystreet!Aph breaking down in tears to get people to help (because how can Laurence and Garroth watch a small version of the woman they love sob and not do something to try and help?) and obvi Lord Aphmau was on board the moment they asked and was going to do it alone before her Guards through out their protests and Little Garroth decided to cuss out MCD!Garroth for "abandoning his baby brother" (which is where the fight started)
Maybe I should write this myself...
Anyway, that's where my brain has gotten me today.
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ging-dong · 24 days
the ro’meaves have a family group chat where they send each other their nyt game scores (wordle, connections, etc) and that shit gets HEATED
they get into debates about who cheated when in reality some of them are just better at it than others
there’s no good fake group chat creators but like:
“he cheated for sure”
“i literally didn’t??”
“no, i’m going to have to second this one”
“you guys are sick for this”
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yv1e-bee · 4 months
Ok but can we talk abt how Garroth literally stepped up as a Dad towards Lilith and Alina in MCD S3?? Like, ik he said that "He owes Aaron his life" and stuff but fair play. Garroth insures that the girls are safe and well taken care of even though he doesn't need to. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the girls consider him their Dad. I personally don't mind Aaron but I am a firm believer that Garmau should have been the end game. Idc what anyone says, they are the end game. Fight me.
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circkee · 9 months
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ik that one arc where they become cat ppl was kinda angsty but i cant get cat boy laurance out of my mind
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Headcanon that elves have eleven names and human names
I noticed that Levin’s mom has been called both Milfina and Matilda so I think Milfina is her true/elvish name and Matilda is her human name.
On top of that Zoey is Zoey’s human name. Her true name is Xoeyla but it’s hard for humans to pronounce because it doesn’t sound how it’s spelled, so she started going by Zoey instead
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nicholasistrying · 1 year
I drew Laurence :]
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cosmorrian · 1 year
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you are not immune to zanemau propaganda.
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garcargofarfar · 4 months
May I pretty please request some fluffy headcanons for Laurance x Garrorth x reader?
Also, may I pretty please be ⭐ anon?
Omg my first request on this blog! Thank you Anon <3 (I honestly thought the Aphmau community was dead) AND YES OMG I LOVE GARRANCE. I wasn't sure if you wanted this as in separately fighting for your love type or a threesome type. ALSO I wasn't sure if you wanted this set in PDH or MyStreet(or mcd but I haven't watched mcd) so..
Here have them all⭐️
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Laurance x Garroth x Reader HEADCANONS
Laurance x Reader, Garroth x Reader, Garrance
Era of Pdh and MyStreet
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Garroth and Laurance, like with Canon Aph, will both end up falling for you
The two of them would fight for your attention, remaining a friendly competition, but never letting that get in the way of their friendship
Garroth would be the more responsible and caring one
Laurance would be the more popular and carefree one
The two would secretly come to a mutual agreement to share you until you decide who to get with
Meanwhile, they'd both go behind each other's backs and try to spend the most time with you
You have separate classes with them both, respectively, yet also, occasionally have a class with both of them together
Garroth isn't the type for too over-the-top pet names, he'd go for something simple like love, sweetheart, babe, etc.
Laurance doesn't care as much and does whatever he feels like
Both boys will screw over one another and give them false information, thinking you had no clue
Meanwhile, you were aware of everything listed above but just never admit it
Remember what I said earlier about Garroth being the responsible one? Yeah, not anymore.
Garroth will eventually turn out to be the outgoing and goofy bundle of joy, but he knows when to be serious and when not to
Laurance is.. well, Laurance. He hasn't changed much since high school, but a tad bit more serious than he used to be to balance out Garroth's crazy mind
Both the boys would come over to find you occasionally at your house and refuse to leave, always finding excuses to be by your side
Eventually, they'll give in and work together, trying to get your attention together
Seeing as they live together, they hold meetings to plot out the perfect moments
L : "Oh, what a coincidence! Zane says he'd be home late."
G : "Would you mind if we stayed longer? To watch another movie?"
You : "We just watched all eight of the Harry Potter movies! Eight!"
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The two starts off surprised, learning that you're up to try a threesome
At first, it's hard to share you
Eventually, the two boys will learn to be gay asses and they'd purposely show each other more affection than to you to piss you off
You get pissed off
It takes them forever to get your attention and forgiveness, but knowing them, they'd pull this off again in less than two weeks time
The boys are mature, they'll finally learn to share.
Until, of course, they start getting jealous of each other. Again.
Garroth is usually on your left and Laurance on your right
It doesn't mean anything, but it's become habit
Actually, a lot of things have become habit
Like watching movies with the two on the weekends, having one boy's head on your lap as your head lays on the others shoulders, arms wrapped around you
And then, comes Sprinkles.
Laurance uses Sprinkles as bait and gaslighting
You use Sprinkles as emotional support while the two fight over Garroth's love for Sprinkles
You : *petting Sprinkles in your room* "Why are they like this."
Sprinkles : meow.
You : "I don't know what I see in those two idiots either."
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residentcrayonkid · 3 months
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Another Vlayd Ro'maeve drawing (im so original). In serious, i worked on this for a couple of hours, and I thought it was good enough to post. Hope it's enjoyed. (Also, yes, i know his eyes are not always red, but i thought it'd be a cool pop of color)
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