#apothecary diaries spoilers
neo--queen--serenity · 4 months
It’s incredibly important to me that the anime decided to include this scene that wasn’t in the manga. In the manga, Maomao does pass out in Jinshi’s lap after saving him from what was obviously an assassination attempt.
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HOWEVER, the manga cuts off at this point, keeping strictly in Maomao’s perspective, and cuts straight to when she regains consciousness in bed after being treated for her injuries. The manga doesn’t show how she got back. They SAY how, and she briefly mentions, “wow that must have been embarrassing; he carried me back,” but we don’t SEE it. We don’t get to feel the true impact of what that means. But the anime DID show us, and holy shit.
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They SHOW us how taboo this is. They show Jinshi carrying her out of the temple, after a public attempt on his life.
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They show us the shock and horror on Lakan’s face as Jinshi silently walks past him. Horror at the state his daughter is in, horror at another man—a man with a status he could never dare to question—staking such a public claim over his child, horror at the fact that he could never have this level of closeness with her (as Maomao would never allow it).
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Everyone hides their gazes, as is their custom when someone of his rank passes by, but the air is different this time. Jinshi is furious, he’s terrified, and he could not give a single shit about how inappropriate it looks to these palace officials.
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The shot that slowly follows her trail of blood—even though it’s a small detail—that in particular leaves such a intense impression of how poignant this is for him.
Maomao talked about this scene in the manga like it was nothing to her. She did what she set out to do: she saved the person who was targeted by the attack. She didn’t even know the target would be someone she knew. But she has no idea that this happened afterwards as a result of her bravery. To her, it likely wasn’t even an act of bravery at all. She acted on impulse; she did what she knew was the right thing to do.
The anime didn’t need to include this, because the manga didn’t show it. But damn, I’m so glad they did.
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kusuriya-maomao · 2 months
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Isn't the view better from here, my dear?
𝓸𝓞𝓸 𝓚𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓲𝔂𝓪 𝓷𝓸 𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓸𝓽𝓸 𝓸𝓞𝓸
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maomao9jinshi · 10 days
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Jinshi is so worried about Maomao, he was digging his The nails dig in his palm
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momoguido · 3 months
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torisaysyeet · 2 months
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Pairin you bisexual disaster that is a child
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lauf-trak · 5 months
vol 5 knh spoilers
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rikuson ur future is bright <3 (unless jinshi gets his hands on him but nvm that!)
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redsavant · 6 months
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rinofwater · 3 months
So y'all know that post that goes something like "stop saying asexual people would be immune to siren songs, the sirens would just sing promises of garlic bread or something instead of the pleasures of the flesh"?
This is Jinshi and Maomao isn't it? Maomao is incredibly put off by Jinshi's flirt-based manipulation he thought would get her wormed into his back pocket (presumably because she knows exactly what he's trying to do and he's used to that working like a charm). And Maomao's WELL aware that he's a beautiful man, usually comparing him to a celestial nymph and the like
So what does Jinshi do when he can't use conventional siren tactics to secure Maomao's help? He finds new ones: caterpillar fungi and ox beazors and poison-related cases to send her heart racing instead in order to override her caution and be able to tap into her knack for connecting the dots, and turn that talent in support of his own work still
He's singing with the promise of garlic bread (or poisons in this case) instead of sex. Huh
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gleefully-macabre · 6 months
The Apothecary Diaries leaves me with so many questions— or one big Question—regarding Jinshi. Mostly based on conclusions I’ve come to from hints/foreshadowing and understanding narrative structure.
So unless I am VERY much mistaken, it’s pretty clear to me that Jinshi is actually the Emperor’s younger brother. Presumably undercover for Reasons.
The younger brother is mentioned as being at the banquet but is conveniently absent from his seat.
Jinshi’s assistant/bodyguard is a high ranking member of the military
The gold hairpin
Why would a harem eunuch be in any way involved in processing bill proposals into law? Pretty sure that job does not typically come with so much paperwork, let alone executive functions.
Anyway, the question:
Wouldn’t the concubines and servants recognize him? I mean, he was at the damned banquet! Someone with a public image (even if the “public” is just the imperial court) isn’t going to be able to maintain a cover.
Unless the concubines and higher-ranking servants do know who he is. But then they’d be on their guard because they’d know he’s not just a charming eunuch, but a member of the royal family.
I should probably take the MST3K approach (“it’s just a show; I should really just relax”), BUT PLOT HOLES!!!
Also, considering his rank (and I’m guessing he isn’t actually a eunuch), would he be able to marry Maomao, or even take her as a concubine? I’m sure it could be handwaved as the palace apothecary having intrinsic rank or as a reward for invaluable services to the imperial court, vis a vis saving lives and solving crimes.
Though Maomao’d probably have less visibility and more freedom just being his lover or mistress, and be able to continue her work as an apothecary.
And keep getting high on poisons, which as we all know is her REAL passion.
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neo--queen--serenity · 2 months
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Jinshi: you can’t use your leg right now, you’re injured. Let me help you.
Maomao, her eyes enormous: you CARRY Maomao?? You pick her body up like the football??? OH!! Oh!!! Jail for Master Jinshi, jail for one thousand years!!
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kusuriya-maomao · 2 months
Jinmao 💙💜
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𝓸𝓞𝓸 𝓚𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓲𝔂𝓪 𝓷𝓸 𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓸𝓽𝓸 𝓸𝓞𝓸
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maomao9jinshi · 10 days
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katarh-mest · 4 months
the real overarching theme of Apothecary Diaries
It's anti-primogeniture: The first son isn't necessarily the one that should inherit everything.
(Spoilers for the novels released into English up to volume 10-ish, with some speculation beyond that, so I'm putting this all behind a cut to keep those who are anime only or manga only safe unless they wanna read it.)
The idea that the "first son should inherit it all" in some cultures (although ironically, more often in Western than Eastern cultures) fails to take into account a lot of different variables.
Sometimes the first son (or only son) isn't suited to the job and there is no one else who can do it. (See: the former Emperor.) That's why his mom ended up becoming Empress Regent and ruling in his name, and doing the unspeakable in the hopes that one of the young girls might still bear her a grandson. (In any other clan, she could have just adopted a branch family member, but doing so with distant relatives in the Ka clan would have probably caused a civil war, since they were all in other named families.)
Sometimes the second son is far more suitable to the job, and the first son has talents that would be better placed elsewhere (Lahan vs Lahan's Older Brother.) The oldest brother might be in denial about it, but it's clear to everyone around them that that boy belongs on a farm, not trying to arrange family members like pieces on a shogi board like Lakan or Lahan are capable of doing.
Sometimes there's only a daughter, and she is perfectly suited to take over the job, if only someone would give her the proper training and the opportunity! (I believe that eventually Maomao will be the head doctor of the Rear Palace, taking over Luomen's original family business, so to speak. Even if she's also forced to become a princess consort in the process. The two positions are not incompatible.)
Sometimes the oldest son is suited to some parts of the family business, but not other parts. (Jinshi would probably be okay as an actual ruler, but as a monogamist to the core, finds the idea of a harem of concubines repulsive.) And so he wants no part of it and wants out of the line of succession.
Sometimes the family business really should be handled by the ENTIRE FAMILY - see the three sons of the metalworker. Only the youngest son had the talent of their father, but the two older sons had their own roles within the family business, and between the three of them, the business will thrive.
It's really an examination of the family version of the Peter Principle - it's entirely possible to force a family into extinction by making people unsuited to govern fail upward.
Speculation time:
The Yi clans and the Shi clans fell because their families got too ambitious. They wanted to rule for the sake of ruling, instead of focusing their talents on their historical strengths, and supporting the family that did currently rule.
Now, when the former emperor and the empress regnant were still in power, it made sense to consider trying to seize the throne - the succession hinged on a lone surviving male (the current Emperor) and it appeared that the Ka clan was in danger of dying out because of the "curse" that kept killing his children (leaded facepaint.) The Yi clan were wipe out by the Empress Regnant (still waiting for the details on that in the next volume or two) and the Shi clan plotted to take out the last surviving threat, the Moon Prince. That plot failed because of Maomao.
Unfortunately for them, the current Emperor is suited for the job of ruling the country, and knew what shogi pieces to send to stop them from their rebellion.
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swankitty · 2 months
saw an apothecary diaries poll about ppls fave courtesans and the op called loulan "that bitch traitor" . sorry you couldn't understand her swag. sorry you didn't get her absolutely slay. sorry you couldn't appreciate how she literally set the blueprint for the shift in the series' tone. sorry you couldn't see how deeply she affected maomao. no fucking loulan slander in this house
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dontfollowmeman · 3 months
don't get me wrong I love Apothecary Diaries to bits but that final scene in ep 19... did that seem weird and wholly out of character for anyone else? Spoilers under the cut
Okay the whole bridal carry thing past her shocked shitass bio dad makes for a good visual but
do you expect me to believe that my main man just calmly picked her up and carried her out while she was bleeding on the floor with an emotionless look? That he wouldn't be panicking, shouting, ordering people to get the court physician? That he would walk slowly like a procession rather than running with her in his arms, as fast as he could? Like, it makes no sense logically to do that, and it especially makes no sense for his character, when he's always been expressive when it comes to her, and always always rushed to help her when he thought she needed it.
Is that another court thing, that he has to appear calm in that scenario? He just almost got killed, I'd assume court traditions don't take priority here anyway.
I do not understand that scene, quite frankly.
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calfkill · 3 months
Maomao is an in interesting position in Apothecary Diaries where she is not tied to any sort of disciplinary body, but she can also only do so much to hide things from Jinshi/Gaoshun who are compelled to act on them.
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