#apple seed au
goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 months
We need Emily's reaction to Chaggie having a baby (if you havent done that already please?)
Hi, @maricantstandyou!
I have not done Emily reacting to Chaggie having a baby! This is about to get adorable!
Emily: (enters the hotel) Hello! Charlie? Vaggie?
Charlie: (sitting pregnantly on the couch in the foyer with a tub of ice-cream in her lap, can of whipped cream to her left, jar of pickle juice to her right, and a stomach churning array of "topings" on the coffee table in front of her) HI, EMILY!!!
Emily: Good Lord! Charlie, what's going on?! Your belly is- well.... round.
Angel: That's because she's got a baby in there, toots.
Emily: YOU ATE A BABY?!?!?!
Vaggie: No! (glares at Angel) No, Emily, Charlie's pregnant.
Emily: Pregnant? .... (gets closer to the couch and peers over the arm to look at Charlie's swollen belly) I've.... never seen a pregnant woman before....
Charlie: (stuffing a pickle juice dipped spoon full of ice cream into her mouth) They don't have pregnancies in Heaven?
Emily: (shakes head as she continues to watch Charlie's belly) Heaven born I suppose, but I've never seen them.
Baby: (gives a little flutter in delight at the pickle ice-cream concoction)
Emily: (gasps and jumps adorably) Your belly moved!!!
Vaggie: They either want to say "Hi" or really like whatever Charlie just ate.
Emily: ooooooooOOoOoooh! (scoots closer and waves her fingers) Hi, baby.
Charlie: (giggles) Here, gimme your hand.
Emily: (gives Charlie her hand hesitantly)
Charlie: (places the hand on her belly)
Baby: (gently kicks and brushes at the area under the hand)
Emily: (immediately starts crying and sniffling) This.... is so.... beautiful..... (hugs Charlie briefly and kisses her hair platonically before throwing her arms around Vaggie) CONGRATULATIONS, YOU TWO!!!!
Vaggie: ACK!!! Thanks.... Emily.... Can't.... breathe....
Charlie: (starts growling as her demon traits grow)
Emily: (still holding Vaggie)
Charlie: *Grrrrrrrrrrr*
Emily: (still holding Vaggie and sighs) You're very warm.
Charlie: (snarling and growling viciously as she eats the empty ice cream container)
Vaggie: Emily..... (tries to peel herself away) Charlie's been really craving those Angel Food Cakes from Heaven lately. Could you maybe go get one quick?
Emily: *gasp* Really?! I can help with the pregnancy?!
Vaggie: Absolutely.
Emily: *SQUEEEEEE* I'll be right back!!! (disappears in a beam of light)
Charlie: (still growling as her tail wraps around Vaggie's waist and pulls her onto her very, very small and dwindling lap) Mine.....
Vaggie: (petting Charlie's hair) I know, hun. I know. (kisses Charlie's temple) Mine.
Emily: (reappears with nearly 50 cakes in tow) HERE YOU GO, CHARLIE!!!!
Charlie: (demon traits disappear and she stares at the mountain of cake with sparkling eyes) EMILY, I LOVE YOU RIGHT NOW!!!
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waywardstation · 3 months
As someone who's gotten verrry good at the first two PMD games I wanted to give the input that Ingo's strategy is honestly not far off the mark- scanning for items can be very useful, especially if you happen to be a hoarder like I am and pack light for the dungeon ahead. Also yeah, starving tends to happen if you're conservative with your resources, not a big deal though usually.
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Sometimes Ingo prepares so much for the dungeon ahead in anticipation of all the items they’ll need to take back with them, that it loops back around to being entirely unprepared for the long haul (<- I do this more often than I should).
Haha I make Ingo a fan of thorough exploration because I’m also a fan of doing it and I’m really the one who insists on scouring every single floor. I love looking for rare items, searching out battles with a specific pokemon to recruit them, farming treasure boxes, and razing monster houses!! So yes among that, I am also a fellow hoarder lol, and I do also pack very light for dungeons to save as much room as possible for whatever I pick up.
Hunger mechanic just really gets in the way sometimes which is why I’m looking hard for the tight belt item right now, it eliminates the hunger points going down entirely (except for a few exceptions I think?) I NEED THAT ITEM!!
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papple · 1 year
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"Will you ever tell me a story?"
He scoffs, a wisp of a shadow flicking across his form. "Why should I?"
The boy grins while tucking himself deeper into the roots, the gap in his teeth on full display. "Well! You must have something to tell!"
"I do not."
"Oh. Are you sure?"
The shadow turns to face Dream with a disapproving look, which does nothing to dampen the younger's smile. Though, he stops pushing and closes his eyes, his thoughts quieting.
When the boy has almost lulled himself to sleep, a hushed voice speaks to the night. "...Once, there was a sacred tree. And for the tree, a guardian to protect and care for it. This guardian was named Nightshade..."
Seven Apple Seeds by @calcium-cat
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justachaoticgremlin · 11 months
Seven Apple Seeds Drabble
When Hades had first discovered Pais, the new godling who protected The Sacred Tree, he was shocked. Furious, even, that the gods would dare replace him. That is, until he realized he could use this to his advantage. And he did, telling the child stories of the world around, making him wonder what all there was to see. He knew from experience, it was a lonely job. A boring job. Of course Pais would be desperate for new things, new faces. For a while, Hades saw Pais as a tool. A means to an end. That is, until he thought about the fact that… technically, they would be considered brothers, by some standards. 
Hades did his best to ignore this. It didn’t matter how they were related, as long as he got what he wanted. As long as Hades got one of the golden apples, as long as his chains were broken, who cared what happened to the child? Though, Hades caught himself mentally referring to Pais as his little brother. That would not do. Yet, he could not seem to break the habit. This feeling only grew when he learned that the little god couldn’t read. It had been the one thing that had kept him sane when he was the guardian, his one solace, yet Pais was denied even that. This little godling was denied many things, he noticed. 
Hades’s first reaction was pity. He quickly reminded himself that his little brother replacement was but a tool to be used and manipulated, to achieve his goals and get what he wanted. Still, he found himself leaving the godling little gifts, and soon he was even considering teaching the child to read. He had… sympathy for the little one, as he knew just how empty and lonely and downright miserable it could be, sitting there all day. Of course, Pais got visitors much more often than he had, yet he could tell the young god was still lonely.
Hades wondered what would have happened if they’d grown up together. He wondered how it would have been if they’d been the guardians of The Tree at the same time. Would things have been better? Worse? Hades shook those thoughts from his mind. The past was the past, and this was now. His little brother was more rebellious than he’d been at that age. When he was Pais’s age, he was complacent. Content with his books and his endless amounts of time to read them. It seemed the other god’s attempts at keeping Pais from drifting had made him wish to wander even more. 
Over time, Hades developed a certain soft spot for his little brother. He understood Pais’s struggles, and he began to want to help the godling, not just for his own sake, but also for the child’s sake. His gifts, though ever enticing, were picked more for the young one. The curiosity they brought was just a bonus. He tried to keep himself from getting attached, but he had failed, miserably so. However, Pais seemed perhaps even more enticed by this. Not only was this mysterious figure telling him all sorts of stories, they were a friend. This was even more invaluable to the lonely guardian, who only had a few friends whose interactions didn’t feel forced. Hades’s newfound fondness for the child was… useful. The godling was more likely to listen to a friend. An ally. His brother. 
One cold, dark night, Pais was curled in the roots of The Tree. The wind was bitter, the sky a deep black. Rain fell, even here, in heaven, and the poor godling was soaked, with nothing but The Tree’s leaves to shelter him from the storm. He shivered, feeling forgotten by the other gods. The child wondered why no one had come, not even to keep him company through the bitter storm. Thunder raged and lightning flashed. Pais winced, the storm was big and bright and loud and he was small and cold and alone. He reminded himself that he was a god, that he should be fearless. He protected The Sacred Tree, he wasn’t afraid of a little storm! This confidence didn’t last long, though, and soon Pais was curled against the tree, shivering and shaking, from fear and cold. 
The little god tried to shield himself from the rain, tried to block out the sounds of thunder, but he couldn’t. Pais whimpered, wishing he wasn’t alone. Eventually, he managed to fall asleep, though his dreams were dark, filled with danger that he had to stop all on his own. He awoke with a start, soul pounding. It was all too much for the tired little god, and he began to sob, pulling himself into a little ball, going completely forgotten and unnoticed by the other gods. 
It was cold and he was soaked and everything was too loud and it was too dark but also too bright when the lightning flashed and he was so scared and why was he out here alone and- 
Tears flowed from the child’s eyes, though it was hard to tell with how the rain pelted him, relentless and unending. 
Hades was awoken that fateful night by some sort of instinct.
He had this feeling that something was wrong somehow. What, he didn’t know, but it felt important. Hades had a feeling he wasn’t going to be able to sleep if he didn’t solve it, a deep unease settling in his soul. The dark god felt restless, though he didn’t know why. It was incredibly frustrating, yet also worrying. What had happened that was so important? Something was very wrong, he was sure of it, but he couldn’t find the source of this awful feeling. Everything was normal in the underworld. His wraiths were fine. The only thing he could think of was Heaven. 
Had something happened? He didn’t care about most of the gods, but- 
It was Pais. It had to be. Something was wrong with his little brother. As he thought this, the feeling swelled, that instinctual feeling that something wasn’t right. What had happened? Using the shadows and the darkness caused by the storm, he looked upon his brother’s perch, curled against The Tree. He could tell, from here, the child was distressed and almost panicking. His brother was pretty much completely exposed to the storm, and the poor godling looked terrified, shaking and whimpering, eyes squeezed shut. Why had no one come to check on him? Why was Hades the only one to even notice? He knew he had to do something. This was for the dark god’s gain, of course. If Pais was exhausted in the morning, he’d be of no use, and that would be a waste.
It was rather obvious that the dark god was still in denial. 
Either way, Hades stopped watching for a moment. There was something in particular he needed to find. It took a bit of searching, but he found what he was looking for. He grabbed the faded purple and yellow cloth. It was an old blanket, soft with colors faded by time and use. It had been his once, one of very few comforts he had when he was the one curled against The Tree. What made this blanket especially important was what it could do. He had long forgotten which god had given it to him originally, but it could repel the rain. The fabric had gotten him through many a storm, and now it would belong to Pais. Hades hoped this would calm the child as well as the feeling of wrongness in his soul. 
The child in question was still shaking, still afraid, still soaked, still alone. Pais wished he wasn’t all by himself. Thunder boomed overhead, and the little godling sobbed again, flinching at the loud sound. Then, he spotted it. A new gift, a soft… something. He didn’t know what it was called. What he did know was that it looked warm. Shakily, the child stood, walking over to the object. He wrapped it around himself. As he did so, he noticed that it was protecting him from the rain. The blanket was the perfect size, big enough to cover him comfortably but not so big he would trip on it. He headed back to his spot by The Tree, sniffling softly as his tears subsided, grateful for the warmth and comfort the blanket provided.
Hades sighed in relief as Pais settled, falling asleep once more. The uncomfortable feeling in the dark god’s soul faded, and he found he was rather tired now that the restlessness had eased. He checked on his little brother one last time, resolving to eventually teach the little god how to read. He would get what he wanted in due time. For now, though, he could wait.
SAS belongs to @calcium-cat
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lysutsia · 1 month
Babs Seed 💖
Ці прапорки по прикольчику
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synthetic-sonata · 2 years
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.. and a different au of the same two characters !
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bestjeanistmonster · 1 month
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Dc au- lil scamps on the Ark who love dirt
I imagine they’d often go to the section of the ark that is specifically for growing plants and food to play in the dirt and plant apple seeds leftover from their lunches
They are often chased out but they always manage to sneak back in
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goodmorrowing · 2 years
Actually, apple seeds can be used to poison someone
bestie i love you 😭🖤
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
You know how oranges are a common metaphor for love and forgiveness in literature? Yeah that's my weird way of flirting! Just peeling/spitting up an orange with ptm jade and listening as his thoughts go wild. Maybe even handfeeding him idk, that's be a cute moment. Very soft.
Just let him lay in my lap as I feed him an orange half. Not even leading to anything. Just a soft moment with my future husband. Mi media naranja, como te amo~
I'm in soft mode rn cause of aceyuu madoka au… but oranges as a metaphor for love 🥺
I've never actually heard of that, though I've seen like that orange peel theory on tiktok, but fruit as metaphors for love…pomegranates and their seeds symbolizing closeness…opening them being messy and bloody…the traditional mythos with Hades and Persephone…
Apples as a metaphor for love…the forbidden fruit…trusting someone else even if it damns you…apples being given to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to demonstrate their love to her…
My thoughts are full and wonderful, like Jade's thoughts for Yuu. We tend to focus so much on the sly, sneaky, teasing eel that we forget, he is just a (mer)man. A man who is weak to the intimacy that inherently comes with domestic love. His heart yearns for the one that's grasped his heart, whether they're aware of it or not. Jade Leech is in fact his namesake, a scrounger for the scraps of affection he can get from Yuu. He's suffering, heart full of longing and aches for the person who has all the power to crush it, to kill him, in the palm of their hands.
So what does his mind do? What do the thoughts filling his brain do when Yuu decides to take the leap that he's too much of a coward to take, and starts hand feeding him? An action reserved for lovers in merculture? He is…momentarily freaking out. As Jade takes the first bite, eyes that he didn't realize had closed open, looking at Yuu's blushing face, he has a blanket of calm fall over him. His heart is still pounding, but it feels…sated. The infamous Jade Leech, full of emotions that even he didn't know he was capable of, and his heart are at peace with the object of their desires.
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Hello, thank you for your hard work, you page is really useful!
I’m looking for some Hades and Persephone AU fics since I’m obsessed with the idea of our favorite angel and demon as Greek gods, but I suck at scrolling through Ao3 tags. Is there any chance you can find them?
Hi. There is an Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) tag on ao3. Combine that with a Good Omens tag of your choice and you will only have a couple of pages to look through. Here's a selection...
beneath the weigth of the goodness by ashms (E)
A retelling of the myth of Hades and Persephone. The Underworld god Crowley falls in love with the god of agriculture Aziraphale and abduct him.
Pomegranate Seeds In Your Heart by WaitingToBeBroken (T)
Persephone/Hades AU In which Crowley is the god of the Underworld, calls Aziraphale 'petal' and is his normal protective and oblivious self. Enter Aziraphale, the god of spring, whose only problem with visiting his friend is that he is not allowed to eat anything. Throw in the fact that he can make flowers grow from underneath his feet but is, also, very oblivious to their meaning and you get a fluffy retelling of our most beloved myth.
Of Roses and Pomegranates by pilatesandpinot (E)
Flower nymph Aziraphale is about to take her vows of maidenhood in honor of the goddess Artemis, but she can’t bring herself to turn her back from the dryad who’s captured her heart, Crowley. To be with the one she loves and redefine her destiny, Aziraphale runs into the dark forest of Arcadia, where Crowley serves as a guardian, and makes the ultimate vow. A retelling of the Hades and Persephone myth.
The Myth of Aziraphale by Shay_Moonsilk (E)
“I didn’t really Fall,” Crowley reflected, twisting the apple about in his hands. “Just, you know. Sauntered vaguely downwards.” “Downwards, into ruling the Underworld?” Aziraphale asked, unable to keep the dubiousness out of his voice. He kept his gaze on the demon’s face, lest he be tempted to eat the apple and seal his fate to Crowley. It did look rather tempting. The King shrugged and said, “Promotions come easy to me,” and took a large bite, though it was Aziraphale himself that felt devoured. --- Armageddon never happened. Crowley is the King of Hell. Aziraphale doesn't want to get married to an angel he doesn't love. Perhaps time in the underworld will help them find the answers they need.
When Earth Freezes Over by WorseOmens (NR)
When Earth freezes over, it’s springtime for the Underworld — but it wasn’t always that way. Aziraphale, God of Spring, was once isolated from the other gods by his overbearing mother. Crowley, God of the Underworld, wanted him to take the freedom he deserved — and all it took, in the end, was a little piece of fruit, and a lot of temptation. (Good Omens Hades & Persephone AU)
The God Below by ChubbyHornedEquine (M)
In order to have good crops, a spring & summer, every year someone is sacrificed to The God Below. (Hades/Persephone/A dash of beauty and the beast inspired AU.)
- Mod D
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Apple Seed 16: Baby of Mine
-Baby Cries Echo Through the Hotel-
Lucifer: (slowly getting more and more excited) B-Baby. Baby. Th-That's a baby! Ha-HA!!! The baby's here! (sprints up the staircase)
Hazbins: (all exchange glances and speed after Lucifer)
Lucifer: (reaches the door and starts clawing at it like a puppy) Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in?
Carmilla: (opens the door while blocking the way) Quiet! The mother is resting.
Lucifer: (tippy taps his feet impatiently) Mmmmmm!
Carmilla: (rolls her eyes and moves just enough to let Lucifer slide through)
Lucifer: (gasp squeals and scrambles into the room, whispering excitedly) Charlie! Vaggie! How is it? Where's the- (jaw drops as tears spring to his eyes)
Vaggie: (silently crying as she half sits, half lays, on the bed, propping herself up on her elbow as she kisses Charlie's head then the baby's head while stroking the baby's back, being mindful of the slightly lavender colored spots on the shoulder blades that looked like a place for wings to sprout in the future)
(whispering) Lo lograste, mi amor. Lo hiciste. Él es perfecto.
Baby: (fussing slightly against Charlie's chest, and black horns start pushing up from the hairline. They have Vaggie's white-silver hair, curved nose, off grey skin that looks like a mix of both Charlie's and Vaggie's, little white marks accent underneath their eyelashes, little fairy feathered - red hooves that matched Charlie's, and purple circles stand out on their chubby cheeks.)
Charlie: (flushed, sweaty, and crying as she holds the baby to her bare chest and sings) Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart. Never to part, baby of mine~
Baby: (horns retreat as they calm down and nestles into Charlie's breast)
Lucifer: (trying so hard not to burst out into a loud wail of a cry at the moment) H-Hey, kiddo. How do you feel?
Charlie: (looks at Lucifer tiredly) Exhausted, ha, but worth it. (nods to the baby) Come say "hello" to your grandson.
Lucifer: (excitedly tippy-taps over and looks at the baby with a coo) Hey, little duckie.... Oh, he's so precious! Look at his little hoofsies! (Tickles the baby's little feathered hooves) They'll harden up in the next week or so. And are those spots fow his wings to show up?! Gee, he really is a perfect mix of both of you! Have you thought of a name? I think Charles would be perfect. Little CJ!
Vaggie: I got shot down with that one already, Sir. (smiling down at the baby as she brushes her finger along his cheek) We decided on Samael.
Lucifer: (eyes widen in shock at his old name from Heaven) S-S-S... A-Are you....
Vaggie: Don't worry, Sir. We're calling him Sammy for short. Samael -Sammy- Lucifer Morningstar.
Baby Sammy: (gives a little, sleepy, gummy smile at his name with a coo)
Lucifer: I-I need a moment! (rushes out the door and immediately wails tears of joy) OOOOOOH-HO-HO-HOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL, EVERYONE!!!!
Hazbins: (sounds of party poppers, bombs exploding and spreading blue smoke everywhere, and kazoos going off fill the room from the hallway) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
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Special Thanks to my friend Sevi for making me this adorable art piece of Sammy!
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zolimarts · 2 months
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Colored version of Lucifer being the others Sins.
In less words, in any of these different alternate universes, Lucifer is still Charlie's father and the (depressed divorce) King of Hell, the difference whit the canon version are the reasons behind his falls.
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Into this universe he introduced "the root of evil love", contaminating the way which love and sex are expressed by humans. He gave the apple to both, Adam and Eve. Pollinate the Eden with the fluids that exudes from the acts of lust/love them created in the garden.
He is more diligent in his actions as King, since he carries a very specific moral baton regarding pleasure, causing the majority of sinners confined to his ring to end up involved in some type of sexual job or peripheral to this type of business.
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He married Lilith and Eve out of his whim to conserve everything beautiful (valuable) in the cosmos, but he ended up neglecting the marriage due to his excessive need to consume and obtaining everything there was existing.
He greed the knowledge provided by the tree of life so much that he did not even give the apple to Eve, but instead planted another tree with the seeds expanding the greedy roots of evil.
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He ate the apple. Enchanted by the flavor he decided to share this discovery with everyone in a great banquet and parties.
Managing to create food with the same properties as the apple, his guests of honor were the humans in Eden. Hooking humanity on the evil roots of eternal hunger.
It is said that he was the inventor of cannibalism. But, that's just a silly rumor, right?
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gallusrostromegalus · 7 months
So I have noticed something very interesting. Gin is buttering up aizen to feed him to the god machine as some premuim petrol. BUT ALSO many powerful souls that die DON't get fed to the god machine. They go to hell because they are powerfull enough that their removal from the world harms the god machine more than feeding them helps it. So my question is, whats up with that?
there's a couple parts to this:
Powerful souls that go to hell because they're powerful ARE STILL feeding The Life Machine- All that power they're off-gassing in Hell is still going into The Life machine- Hell exists more or less as a ringer to squeeze spiritual energy out of souls before sending them back into the cycle to grow again.
It harms The Life machine more to consume a powerful soul in totality because then The Life Machine doesn't get to use that *particualrly good* soul to generate energy it needs again, and again, and again- So someone like Yamamoto is going to go around about a zillion more times, if things go well.
Problem is, things are NOT going well right now- the wheel is jammed and not giving the Life Machine nearly the energy it needs, so it needs an emergency calorie dump while Tech Support works out how to unjam the wheel, which may, technically, involve stopping and starting it again.
The final thing is a matter of scale. if we think of souls in terms of calories: >Regular animal/plant soul: One Cheez-it. Not a lot individually, but they add up. >Regular Human Soul: One Chicken Nugget/celery and peanut butter. it's technically a snack, but it's not satisfying on it's own. >Average Shingami, Quincy footsoldier or lesser hollow Soul: Fast-food meal. About as much food at most people really need in a day. >Captain-class Shinigami or Espada-class Hollows or Sternritter: Giant Meal At Grandma's House that leaves you passed out on the couch and the leftovers she sends you home with that feed you for a week. >Aizen, once he fuses with the hollow inside the Hogyoku and achieves his Final Form: Actually eating every last crumb of every last dish at the Family Reunion thanksgiving with four grandmas cooking: Two turkeys, A Standing Rib Roast, A Ham, six kinds of soup, two salads, four types of baked vegetables, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, potatoes au gratin, popovers, busicuits, rolls and bread, an actual ocean of gravy- and then there's dessert: Apple pie, pumkin pie, pecan pie, cherry pie, chocolate cake, cookies, early christmas cookies, avalanches of whipped cream. And ofc- cider and beer and hot chocolate and coffee and soda and fuck it just drink a whole gallon of milk while you're at it. More food than any human should consume in a whole year, let alone one sitting.
So you can see why Aizen is getting pulled out of the cycle for special treatment. He's gonna be there for The Life Machine to gnaw on for most of the series. And even then, after suffering the most direct and intimate contact anyone can get with what passes for god, The Life Machine may yet choose to send his empty, heavily chewed husk back for another turn because that why waste the seed of a good crop like?
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hssssssssh-eishi · 1 month
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Dreamtale + Fran Bow au I made forever ago and decided to finally draw. I know they look iffy but I haven’t drawn these guys since 2017 😅
Dreamtale belongs to @jokublog
Fresh belongs to @loverofpiggies
More info below the cut! Also, will either update this post or just make another one if I ever add onto this au I know a lot of this makes no sense but pretend it does
•Dream was taken to the asylum after waking up from stone
•The pills are dark apple seeds, the damage around Dreams eye worsens each time he takes them. He can’t feel the breaking due to the negativity from the seeds
•Fresh isn’t a childhood imaginary friend like Itward, he instead spoke to Dream while he was stone
•Passive!Nightmare’s spirit escaped his corrupted body into the cat the Corruption killed(don’t know how this works yet, I’ll figure it out)
•Fresh always has the chorus of Funkytown by Lipps, Inc. playing faintly around him, you can’t hear it unless it’s really quiet but it really does ruin the creepy vibes quite often—adding on to this, he can control the volume but can’t turn it off. He just blasts Funkytown sometimes
•Corruption sounds like Passive!Nightmare but distorted, echoed, and jittery. He also does owl noises when hiding in the dark
•You can constantly hear cracking and a very faint lullaby from Corruption
•Dreams vision from the damaged eye is all purple
•Fresh’s glasses text are always yellow, except for when he’s talking to the twins, (don’t know who they are yet), then they’re blue
•The fan on Fresh’s hat is constantly spinning slowly, but gets faster when Corruption is around. Corruption hates the hat.
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blank-t137 · 3 months
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Doomsday13 Dreamswap-Multiverse
The early stage of the worldview: The authoritarian government (who had cooperated with JR) attempted to use children for human experiments. After the failure, a small number of experimental subjects escaped and disguised themselves as ordinary children, intending to subvert society for revenge. This is the early stage of the worldview from the end: a government (that is, The one who was supposed to use DS!Ink but in this universe they did not) attempted to use children for human experiments. After the failure, a few experimental subjects escaped and disguised themselves as ordinary children, intending to subvert society and take revenge. This is the origin of the apocalypse.
DS original multiverse was incorrectly merged into Domus Dea (creator issue)
Many characters have lost their magical abilities due to the fusion.
Out code characters have some magical abilities (weakened)
Guardian: As long as there is a stable energy source, they can continuously recover and can survive without eating, drinking or sleeping. They are also resistant to zombie viruses (unless they are bent on death, they will basically not be infected). Some guardians can change forms.
However, Dream and Nightmare are not a community of destiny in this AU (In most of my AUs, they are not the kind that if one dies, the other must also die)
The meaning here is roughly that if Nightmare dies, Dream will have memories of nm and feel negative emotions, and if Dream dies, Nightmare will have memories of Dream. (Headcanon)
Nightmare just escaped from the zombie area and had nothing. He could only use his sickles (connected by chains which was different with canon Dreamswap) to kill zombies and eat their meat. He acquired some zombie characteristics due to the zombie wave that initially attacked him, such as being more interested in eating raw meat.
DS Nightmare ''Robin'':
-Lawful Neutral → Chaotic Neutral → Neutral Evil (Canon DS’s nightmare is chaotic neutral)
-The maintainer of order in the black market, who is good at modifying weapons/vehicles, etc., was betrayed when the apocalypse broke out, and was used as a tool to vent his anger. After the use value was drained, he was thrown into the zombie crowd as bait. After that, the dark side of human nature broke out, he escaped from the gathering area and established a black market.
-He was an egoist who was in neutral faction (a bit of a dystopian style, after all, he hates the government which caused these events). If he encounters the teammates(Not Cross and Error) who betrayed him before, he will decisively become their enemy.
-Has lost most of his compassion and kindness.
- Occasionally rob government armed delivery trucks.
-Proficient in weapons: sickles, firearms, including sniper rifles, heavy machine guns, submachine guns, assault rifles, precision shooter rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers and rocket launchers.
-The pure gold headdress on his head was snatched away at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. After being passed around many times, it was given to ds dream (his brother).
-Currently, he made a new headgear using pure platinum by hand (after all, he have worn it for more than a hundred years and it is uncomfortable even if he don’t wear it).
-He used to serve as a soldier in the army under a fake identity and even became a major general. He basically pawned his military ranks and medals and established a black market. (his pseudonym is Lotus Crescent)
-Kevin was slaughtered at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse but there were some apple seeds left in the dust.
-Raised an eagle, and named it Kevin in memory of Kevin.
-He is friend with Randy, Bobby and Hacker on the black market (the three Creepypasta Squad members can be considered his previous acquaintances, after all, they are all in jail)
-He wears a long, thick cloak on the black market so no one can recognize him as the political prisoner who was wanted for hundreds of years before the end of time.
-Because of his name Robin, he is often mistaken for a girl.
-Occasionally kills government personnel because he believes that many such people are just freeloaders, using other people's survival resources to bully others.
-Nightmare’s life or death in the outside world is unknown
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cherry-blossom-qf · 1 month
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I have redesigned Promised Magolor and Oakley (slightly), just cuz they deserve it!
I'm kinda proud of myself for doing this, so I hope y'all like it as much as I do.
And just so I can link this post to future Promised Prince Magolor AU posts, I'm gonna share an updated lore dump about this AU under the cut
↓↓ Long Lore Dump ↓↓
In this AU, Magolor lost the fight to Mistilteinn by taking too many hits and nearly bleeding to death when he failed to cut the tree down. As Magolor pleaded for his life before fainting, Mistilteinn decided to spare him and take care of his wounds.
You see, the poor crown, filled with dark matter due to their previous kings' selfish desires, was tired of all the negativity that his power brings. He wanted something new, something different, something positive for once. And since Magolor is the only "king" that survived his corruption, he decided to take the chance and become his partner in life (think Meta and Galaxia but it gets weirdly romantic)
The crown tree, using the Gem Apple Seed as his host for his new body, proposes an offer to Magolor. A proposal that the crown will exchange his loyal onto Magolor if Magolor does the same for him. Which.... is basically a marriage proposal.
Magolor, fearing for his life at the time, took his offer. At first it was terrifying, having to be partnered up with something that nearly killed him. But the more they spend time together, the more they fell for each other (mostly like the plot of Beauty and the Beast).
When they officially tied the knot (crown boi wanted to wait until Magolor and him were seen as equals before they did the wedding), Magolor was crowned "The Promised Prince of The Void" and now raines over the dimension that once claimed him has a prisoner. And once Magolor's injuries were fully healed, he was able to the stuff he did canonically in the games (Kirby Clash stuff, Star Allies stuff, you get the idea). Tho Magolor has to keep his relationship a secret for a while, cuz if anyone like Meta Knight or Susie knows about this out of context, it's definitely gonna turn out bad.
As for the crown, he now goes by the name "Oakley", a name given to him by Magolor that he now wears proudly as king. Despite his background, he's actually a really big sweetheart and an old soul. He devoted himself to never bring his prince to harm in any circumstances. (in my words: he is a golden retriever with gentlemen vibes)
Idk how to finish this lore dump, so gonna try to sum it up to this: Theses two of are the biggest (and surprisingly healthiest) power couple in the Kirby galaxy, and rule over their little kingdom with an iron fist.
So yeah, that it! Thanks for reading all this! Get yourself a cookie! You deserve it!
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