#apple seed
handlinepic · 1 year
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Apple Seed 16: Baby of Mine
-Baby Cries Echo Through the Hotel-
Lucifer: (slowly getting more and more excited) B-Baby. Baby. Th-That's a baby! Ha-HA!!! The baby's here! (sprints up the staircase)
Hazbins: (all exchange glances and speed after Lucifer)
Lucifer: (reaches the door and starts clawing at it like a puppy) Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in?
Carmilla: (opens the door while blocking the way) Quiet! The mother is resting.
Lucifer: (tippy taps his feet impatiently) Mmmmmm!
Carmilla: (rolls her eyes and moves just enough to let Lucifer slide through)
Lucifer: (gasp squeals and scrambles into the room, whispering excitedly) Charlie! Vaggie! How is it? Where's the- (jaw drops as tears spring to his eyes)
Vaggie: (silently crying as she half sits, half lays, on the bed, propping herself up on her elbow as she kisses Charlie's head then the baby's head while stroking the baby's back, being mindful of the slightly lavender colored spots on the shoulder blades that looked like a place for wings to sprout in the future)
(whispering) Lo lograste, mi amor. Lo hiciste. Él es perfecto.
Baby: (fussing slightly against Charlie's chest, and black horns start pushing up from the hairline. They have Vaggie's white-silver hair, curved nose, off grey skin that looks like a mix of both Charlie's and Vaggie's, little white marks accent underneath their eyelashes, little fairy feathered - red hooves that matched Charlie's, and purple circles stand out on their chubby cheeks.)
Charlie: (flushed, sweaty, and crying as she holds the baby to her bare chest and sings) Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart. Never to part, baby of mine~
Baby: (horns retreat as they calm down and nestles into Charlie's breast)
Lucifer: (trying so hard not to burst out into a loud wail of a cry at the moment) H-Hey, kiddo. How do you feel?
Charlie: (looks at Lucifer tiredly) Exhausted, ha, but worth it. (nods to the baby) Come say "hello" to your grandson.
Lucifer: (excitedly tippy-taps over and looks at the baby with a coo) Hey, little duckie.... Oh, he's so precious! Look at his little hoofsies! (Tickles the baby's little feathered hooves) They'll harden up in the next week or so. And are those spots fow his wings to show up?! Gee, he really is a perfect mix of both of you! Have you thought of a name? I think Charles would be perfect. Little CJ!
Vaggie: I got shot down with that one already, Sir. (smiling down at the baby as she brushes her finger along his cheek) We decided on Samael.
Lucifer: (eyes widen in shock at his old name from Heaven) S-S-S... A-Are you....
Vaggie: Don't worry, Sir. We're calling him Sammy for short. Samael -Sammy- Lucifer Morningstar.
Baby Sammy: (gives a little, sleepy, gummy smile at his name with a coo)
Lucifer: I-I need a moment! (rushes out the door and immediately wails tears of joy) OOOOOOH-HO-HO-HOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL, EVERYONE!!!!
Hazbins: (sounds of party poppers, bombs exploding and spreading blue smoke everywhere, and kazoos going off fill the room from the hallway) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
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Special Thanks to my friend Sevi for making me this adorable art piece of Sammy!
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plantcrazy · 3 months
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2005 Toppat Clan Elites Reference
Leader - Terrence Suave (Age 38) -> Current leader of the Toppat Clan. He's starting to regret his choice of Right Hand.
Right Hand - Reginald Copperbottom (Age 24) -> The clan's youngest Right Hand, and son of the former one. He's not been very impressed by the actions of the clan's new leader.
Head of the Airship Division - Apple Seed (Age 32) -> It takes 185 apple seeds to kill an adult. In the Toppat Clan's Airship division, it only takes one.
Head of the American Division - Danny Danger (Age 29) -> Farther like son, a born leader and jerk. He doesn't like the new Head of Transportation.
Head of the EU Division - Wilhelm Krighaus (Age 54) -> He's the oldest elite and division head in clan history at 19 years. He's looking forward to retirement.
EU Division - Ahnoldt Schwarz (Age 27) -> The future head of the EU division. He's currently learning the ropes from Wilhelm Krighaus.
Head of the Asian Division - Mr Red (Age 41) -> No one knows his real name, but he always wears red, whether that's his own, or that of his division's enemies.
Head of the Oceniana Division - Hōkū (Age 37) -> A vocal member of the Toppat Clans Manipulator community. He got his name for being there to guide his kind in the dark.
Head of Transportation - Mr Macbeth -> Trained by Tim Smith, he joined as the clan's new Head of Transportation. Despite this, the other elites don't like people who jump the ladder of power.
He doesn't like the Head of the American Division.
Head of Communications - April Mayday -> She's in charge of the major comm line, relaying messages between divisions & clan leader.
Head of Finances - Albert Poshley -> He's a descended of one of the original clan founders, funding the Toppat Clan for generations. Needless to say, he's the unofficial head of finances.
Hello folks, I wanted to get you guys some content since it's been a while since I've had any art or writing. So here's some concept art I needed to make for Ch.10 (I bet you can't guess what that chapter is going to be about).
These turned out really nice, and I love how cute young Ahnoldt looks. I'm also very happy with the colour pallets. I did a bit of experimenting, pushing beyond my normal colour choices, and some of these are REALLY good.
This is 13 years before the events of Lost Children, and I also threw the ages of everyone in there since I figured you guys would find that fun :)
Alrighty, I'm off to write chapter 10. Enjoy.
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best-anime-outfits · 5 months
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Sybel's Apple Seed tank top from Black Magic M-66
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andersonvision · 6 months
Apple Seed (2019) [Blu-ray review]
“Apple Seed” was brought to life by the creative vision of director Michael Worth, who also penned the script. This independent production showcases the resilience and determination of filmmakers operating outside the Hollywood system. Its release in 2019 came at a time when the film industry was dominated by franchise reboots and sequels, making “Apple Seed” a bold and welcome departure from the…
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winterstellium · 10 months
You know what song I can't get enough of right now and will belt it out at any opportunity?
Apple Seed, from S3 of Attack on Titan:
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mediumsizetex · 7 months
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various apple horse redesigns.. by spacescoob8
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mi-spark · 16 days
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@heropartnerweek day 1 - market
already a day late with this but it’s fine :) someday sapphire will be punished for her hubris… bubbles is an unwilling accomplice.
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t00thpasteface · 1 month
look at him
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for the love of god fucking look at him
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negativefouriq · 1 year
the older i get the more i adore apple white. she’s toxic. she loves so much. she’s a mess. she has to have everything under control or she’ll die. she wants to marry a man more than anything else in the world. she’s the biggest lesbian ever to be on tv. she’s smart as a whip. she is the most gullible person alive. like truly a queen of the people
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fullcravings · 2 months
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How to Make Oatmeal - 6 Ways
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handlinepic · 6 months
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 months
Apple Seed 7: Demons
Charlie: (nestled into bed and surrounded by a maternity pillow to help prop up her heavy set baby belly) Are you sure you're alright with me going to bed early? I can stay up a little longer and help with the new residents' paperwork.
Vaggie: (cups Charlie's cheek and brushes her thumb over the bright red circle, slipping her finger into the well hidden dimple camouflaged underneath) I'm sure, hun. I can handle it just fine. I'll be in bed in about two- (checks the bedside clock) -two and a half hours.
Charlie: (pouts) But-
Vaggie: (presses a finger to Charlie's lips) No, no hables más, mi amor. You've been sleeping horribly for weeks. If you're tired, you should sleep. I can take over so you can rest. ¿Comprende?
Charlie: (huffs childishly but eyes slowly soften as she kisses Vaggie's finger) Yes, Ma'am. I understand. (snuggles under the covers and strokes her belly) I love you, Vaggie.
Vaggie: I love you too, querida. (kisses Charlie's forehead) Good night. (slowly exits the room and shuts the door with a soft click)
Vaggie: (sighs heavily and shuffles down the hall with an uneasy stride and hunch in her shoulders) Mierda... What am I going to do?
Vaggie: (enters the office and sits behind the desk, slowly opening a side drawer to reveal a hidden flask and pulling it out to take a pull of the liquor inside) Fuck.... Now, I'm drinking by myself because of this... Shit....
Vaggie: (bites her lip and pulls out her phone) I cannot believe I'm doing this. (dials the number and sets the phone to speaker)
-Brrrrrrrrd! ....Brrrrrrrd! ....Brrrrrrrrd!-
Carmilla: Carmine Industries. State your business.
Vaggie: (nervous) Uh, hello, Ms. Carmine. This is Vaggie Morningstar.
Carmilla: I'm well aware who you are, Vaggie. That's the point of caller ID. What do you want?
Vaggie: (under her breath) Gee, aren't you just as perky as ever. (clears her throat) I'm... in need of some... ugh...shit.... advice.
Carmilla: .............I'm listening.
Vaggie: You have two daughters.
Carmilla: How astute of you.
Vaggie: Smartass comments aside! (gets quiet and nervous) How... do you do it?
Carmilla: ..........I must say. Normally, I'd pride myself on being able to understand most nonsensical babbling, but I'm not quite following yours. Elaborate.
Vaggie: (sighs and sinks into the chair) How do you do it? Hold your kids when you have blood on your hands? (stares at her palms and flinches as flashes of deep crimson blood stain her fingers before returning to normal)
Carmilla: I see. This is about your prior Exorcist work and the baby on the way, isn't it?
Vaggie: (nods sullenly before remembering that she's on a voice call) Fuck! Yes! This is about that! How can I hold a perfect little being after everything I've done?! After all the people I've killed here in Hell? (flood gates open as her emotions run wild and tears sting her eyes) I know Charlie has forgiven me, but what if I hurt them? What if... I'm not good enough?
Carmilla: .............
Vaggie: (slowly calms down and wipes the tears from her eyes)
Carmilla: (softly) Because when that child is born, the hands that you once used to kill will be used to protect something even more precious than you could ever imagine.
Vaggie: (blinks) Carmine?
Carmilla: That innocent, perfect little baby will rely on you for everything the moment they're born. Your wife will rely on you to help her shoulder the burden. Do you honestly think that child will care about the people you killed when they only know the love you've given it? The care you've provided to it and it's mother?
Vaggie: But.... what if I-
Carmilla: Taint it? (huffs a laugh) With what? Slightly sullied hands that may or may not be covered in spit up? A child isn't tainted by the past sins of a parent, stupid girl.
Vaggie: (glances at her hands and watches as the blood washes away to a gross, white milky substance and cringes at the thought of spit up) Not sure how much I want that either....
Carmilla: Just remember to burp the child thoroughly between changing breasts if the princess is breastfeeding, and especially after. It should help with any projectile vomiting.
Vaggie: (smiles softly and relaxes) Do... you have anymore words of maternal wisdom for me? I... uh... feel pretty useless right now.
Carmilla: Hmmph. (sits down at her desk and leans back in amusement) Grab a notebook, and I'll give you a few tricks of the trade.
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c00kiesart · 5 months
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Commission for @needs-to-stop-looking-at-valves 🍎
Welcome home belongs to the ever talented @partycoffin
{Commission info}
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agentc0rn · 8 months
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Dreams sweet as peach
Mushed into pulp
All gone but the pit
Out of mind, swallowed it whole
amygladin comes
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askbloomin · 1 month
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I've been busy doing some MLP screenshots redraws aswell as redesigns of characters!!! //
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