#aragorn x eowyn
bethany-antonias · 24 days
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Miranda Otto as Éowyn and Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS 2002 | dir. Peter Jackson
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telumendils · 11 months
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"As she stood before Aragorn she paused suddenly and looked upon him, and her eyes were shining. And he looked down upon her fair face and smiled; but as he took the cup, his hand met hers, and he knew that she trembled at the touch." - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
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ARAGORN + EOWYN - Return of the King
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tlotrgifs · 1 year
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Because they love you.
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Canva has made me too powerful. Kill me now
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“While women don’t have to all be warriors in a fantasy series to be strong or interesting, the way Arwen is portrayed in the story makes her come across as something of a damsel waiting around for Aragorn. Eowyn, on the other hand, is an active participant in the narrative. While she does somewhat see Aragorn as someone who can save her, she’s also willing to do what needs to be done to save herself. She comes across as less passive than Arwen and has some iconic moments such as slaying the Witch-King, and this makes her seem like a better match for Aragorn who is also a person of action.” - screenrant.com
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la-pheacienne · 3 months
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i got this from the diary i kept at 13 yo, this is how i imagined the first meeting between me and my crush (we hadn't met obviously)
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gandalf-the-fool · 1 year
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glorf1ndel · 2 months
4 & 23 for the ask game please!
4. Is there a popular pairing you don’t necessarily dislike but aren’t too invested in?
I suppose Russingon. I tend to view their relationship as queerplatonic or a strong platonic bond, so I’m not as invested in them as a romantic ship. But there are a lot of great fics and art for them out there, which I love seeing! 💛
23. Has your favorite character/ ship changed over time?
So my favorite Tolkien character has always been Aragorn. He is the OG. I tacked on Lúthien and Glorfindel to the favorite characters list as I learned more about them!
As for favorite ships, my initial fave was Aragorn/Éowyn! I still love them so much, though I also support the canon relationships they ended up in. I just want good things for both characters. :P
After that, my favorite ship was Angbang! I actually saw fanart for this ship before even getting into the Silm, and it prompted me to try reading it. I did not get very far, but I still enjoyed seeing Angbang fanart. 😂
I have adored Beren and Lúthien since successfully reading the Silm, and their book only added to my love for the couple. Theirs is a fairy tale-like story with so many twists and subversions!
As for Glorestor, that might be my newest favorite Tolkien ship! I have loved them for years, but I admit I forgot about Erestor for a long while before stumbling across him in some fanfics. Sorry, Erestor!
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bethany-antonias · 1 month
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Miranda Otto as Éowyn and Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2003 | dir. Peter Jackson
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darklinaforever · 4 months
Anyone have a romance resembling to the ship Aragorn and Eowyn by any chance ? In movies ? Shows ? Books ?! Anything ?!
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
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ARAGORN + EOWYN - The Two Towers
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fossarian-ii · 6 months
Maybe I'm biased but I just think Miranda Otto and Viggo Mortensen had way more tangible chemistry in the films.
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You know what really saddens me?
How there are basically NO Eowyn/Aragorn fics out there, and the few that exist depict her to be this pathetic pining girly.
She is such a strong and amazing character, and does not deserve to so often be reduced to a pining girl, often even unhealthily obsessive.
NONE of that mirrors what she really is like, how her love for Aragorn works.
Tolkien HIMSELF said that she was TOO AMAZING a woman to end up with Aragorn, who is of a more heavy spirit.
She deserves all the fics with her and Aragorn being happy!
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i wanna share you some Troy thoughts:
Briseis must suck at cooking because she is a princess in one of the richest kingdoms of the world in her time. Imagine an Achilles x Briseis/ Aragorn x Eowyn paralelism on a scene where she is sent to cook ( after all, she is a slave, she gotta do some slave work) and the result is the most disgusting dish Achilles, Patroclus and Eudorus have ever tried.
Imagine them reacting like Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli when Eowyn cooked that terrible stew.
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“You do not command the others to stay. They fight beside you because they would not be parted from you! Because they love you...”
“The character of Arwen was introduced very late. Originally, Aragorn was to marry Éowyn, then Tolkien decided Éowyn should die and Aragorn never marry because he didn't get over his grief. Tolkien's wife convinced him not to kill Éowyn, so Arwen came into being (this is part of why her and Aragorn's story is included in the Appendices rather than the book itself). This created a fair amount of Fan Wank even when the books first came out, with some wishing he'd married Éowyn as originally planned”.- tvtropes.org
“Aragorn is destined to be a king of peace, he does not accept the crown until a time when Sauron is defeated and no enemy still stands before Gondor, for this reason he should have a queen of like mind, a queen to nurture and support her king and the people as they set about rebuilding a world so stricken by evil deeds. Through the union of Aragorn and Eowyn, the world would be able to rebuild and move forward without the threat of outside evils causing destruction and pain, for their king and queen had already vanquished the evil, and so proven themselves in battle that no feasible foe could bring their reign to an end.”
“By wedding Eowyn and making her his queen, Aragorn would have solidified the union of Rohan and Gondor as one kingdom, allies against any threat that either faces. The people of Gondor and Rohan, was well as the Dunedain in the north, would benefit greatly from having a queen of the people. Eowyn fought, and almost died for the sake of mankind, and had lived for her entire life under the shadow of impending doom set forth by Sauron and exemplified by Saruman’s treachery. She understands the trials that men face and the spirit with which they can rise up and turn the worst situation into hope and revitalization.”
“Eowyn’s character traits and personality speak volumes towards her ability to be a great queen, thought the direction that Middle Earth is headed and the future of the Men also suggest that Eowyn would have done great things as Aragorn’s queen.” - 10-1-2015 Eowyn as Queen Brian Scheidt Marquette University
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