#archives of our own
midnightepiphany · 2 years
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mimiscappinisideblog · 11 months
Me throughout 2020-2021-2022-2023:
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Me the moment AO3 has been down for more than ten hours:
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kipkiphoorayy · 2 months
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everyone panic
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mywitchcultblr · 1 year
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almaprincess66 · 3 months
I'm currently downloading my whole Ao3 history because I'm scared to death by Ao3 being trminated due to KOSA and I can't do anything about it because I'm not american.
Please for the safety of all of us and history stop KOSA! This is not an over exaguration
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gerandor · 11 months
It doesn't matter who we are and where we live and what kind of specific shit each of us go through on a daily basis. When ao3 is down, we all suffer the same way. Collectively.
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iamafanofcartoons · 10 months
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Top WlW fanfics in Summer 2023 on AO3
Source link www.archiveofourown.org/works/49183780/chapters/124100707
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i-am-randomtrash00 · 11 months
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This post just makes me laugh. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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I firmly believe Andrew and Neil are the most cryptic texters- Messages riddled with abbreviations, references and symbols
Their conversations would look like some abstract code. but the reality is that they’re just lazy fuckers who can’t be bothered to spell out the whole word and/or correct any spelling mistakes.
Every time Aaron gets a text from Andrew he has to put aside a good few minutes to figure out what he’s saying (Aarons coworkers still aren’t convinced that he’s not a spy/gang member)
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mnih765 · 9 months
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A concept for a cover of the fanfic I'm making illustrations for (with @may-lutlone )
It's a fanfic created by our mutal and I think it has a really cool concept and it's worth checking out :)
Here's the link for Morgana was late
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lukehemmigs36 · 11 months
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kipkiphoorayy · 11 months
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cyber attackers work hard, but ao3 volunteers work much, much harder
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
I'm done with your purity
I'm fucking done with all of you westerners fucks who take your freedom for granted. AO3 was banned in china because pissy fans reporting RPF TO THE GOVERNMENT UNDER FALSE REPORT OF PEDO OR WHATEVER thus making life a living hell for Chinese writers and fans. ALSO LET ME TELL YOU that fanfic and AO3 is a safe space for many oppressed LGBT people outside of the west
I can't fucking say that I'm trans and bi without having people beating the shit out of me, but I can fuckin' write that I'm gay as fuck in fanfic or writing gay shit about my fave with fanfic
Imagine some people defending state wide censorship over fanfic, because they don't like icky fanfic, that's a sign that either you are brainwashed or fucking privileged and taking your freedom for granted. You know why Asian and other non western USA-European are more chill with fanfic and fandom?
Why we are less prone to make some stupid callout over fanworks?
Because most of us doesn't have the same information and expression privilege like the west, we take any freedom that we can have
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That's in 2017... There's probably more than one million websites being censored rn. I cannot even buy pride pin here because NO ONE outside of internet selling it! The censorship always begin from "banning information to protect children and moral from nsfw" down to censoring Spongebob Squarepants
You don't like something? Just don't fucking read it, it wouldn't stop the author to write and when they do stop writing usually after they are harassed so bad to the point of mental break down or suicide. What the actual fuck...
Defending and supporting state wide censorship because you want to feel superior on the internet is beyond stupid and it showing your privilege... Also yah fuck you who defend china aggressive state wide censorship because adult x adult RPF icky or whatever, I like reading Tom Hiddleston x Reader, because I'm lonely and it's fun. Don't lie that you never thinking of marrying your favorite celebrities or dreaming about dating Gerard Way.
What the fuck you gonna do about it? Crucify my ass? So long you are not shoving it to the person's face, who give a fuck? It's not a justifiable ground to cheer for government mandated national wide censorship. A lot of westerners are so privileged and terminally online to the point their mind revolve around online discourse 24/7 I'm not saying discourse has no damn merits but you get what I said...
Some people particularly white westerners are so privileged they have the chance to goes back 180° and agreeing with conservative mindset they claim to hate so much... Also your kink critical bullshit and your bullshit crusading over dark stories? Yeah. Heavily influenced by TERF and conservatism. Newsflash...
I'm not a person who agree with all ship or stories, i don't claim any moral high ground. I was so scared of getting cancelled due to the hostile neo puritan fandom culture, but seeing people defending China great firewall and aggressive censorship finally broke something inside of me and I cannot stay quiet
I don't give a fuck about your fanfic discourse, If i don't like something i just wouldn't fucking engage with it and wouldn't read...
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I'm done, I'm tired. Fucking tagging this shit as anti vs pro because i need to get the message out there and LET THE CHAOS begin
( When you want to escape your country censorship to the internet but then you see the supposed liberated westerners people wanting censorship because they want to feel moral. Yes there are even westerners who don't want to see anything even remotely 'problematic' example: they will attack Zutara or fuckin' Reylo shipper whatever. See? You are terminally online and so privileged... Congratulations... Here's your fucking medal and gold star)
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midnightepiphany · 2 years
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analogicalreasoning · 4 months
Hey, AnalogicalReasoning, Michael here.
My blog is mostly centered around Sanders Sides ships and pairings, but also the general content of the series, the character lore, etc. As my name suggests, I thoroughly enjoy Analogical (Virgil × Logan) as a ship, but I also make content for other pairings as well! (Mainly Janus/Logan/Virgil oriented, but not strictly those three together–)
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I have an AO3! I really enjoy writing domestic fluff, pre-relationship content, and romantic tension. However, on a rare occasion, I write angst and NSFW stories, so explore at your own risk~ I hope you enjoy what you find there!
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Here's the link to my AO3:
Feel free to leave suggestions either in my ask box or at my AO3! Hope to see you soon~
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goldenandhappy · 2 years
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Meme inspired by @purplehairedwonder and her gut wrenching fic Lead Me Back to Suffering.
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