#art challenge
rainbowd00dles · 3 days
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I'll screenshot and delete the poll once I see the like and reblog threshold have been reached
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☝screenshot not a poll
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grimmtells · 2 days
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✦ "This Caine is a smidge different from the one I know... not that much."
I'd post a little more general non-AU stuff before jumping into it, but I saw @endomentendo's digital wonderland collab and couldn't help myself- (background inspired by @starryyskies's version!)
Anyhow, lovely AU and lovely designs ! Love seeing it on my dashboard~
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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miley1442111 · 2 days
(part 7) choices in hindsight- a.donaldson
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summary: eleven years later.
(dw there are more parts after this :))
pairing: art donaldson x reader, patrick zweig x reader
warnings: angst, feelings of disappointment and depression, hurt, cheating, loneliness, etc.
Eleven years later….
You sat beside the umpire, your opponent smashing her racket in frustration as tears fell down her face. You were tired. Every bone in your body ached, your muscles were tense, your skin felt too tight. 
Your mind was worse. Playing tennis since you were a little girl does that to someone. Being in the public eye does that to someone, being alone does that to someone.
“You fucking bitch!” She shouted. “You fucking bitch!”
You didn’t care about it, the match was done, and you’d won. As usual. 
You hated tennis. You hated your life. Your lonely, empty life. 
“How about a challenger? To boost your motivation?” Your manager, Michael, offered. 
“I’ll do whatever,” you shrugged. 
Michael stopped in front of you, stopping you from walking. “What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m fine,” you plastered on a fake smile. “Just tired.”
“In what sense?” He asked. He’d always been able to see right through you. You rolled your eyes. 
“In the sense that I’m completely alone and I’m sick of knowing that I’m a winner while I feel like a failure!” You exploded. “Tashi and Art got married. Patrick isn’t anywhere near as good as he was. I have no friends. I have no family. I have nothing but a bunch of cold, metal trophies, and a team who don’t care if I want to play anymore. All they care about is my game. And I fucking hate tennis!” 
Michael stared at you, face hardening. “You really had to do that in front of everyone?” He asked. You looked around. Your team was around you, but so was your next opponent.
“I’m not exactly worried,” you snarled. 
Michael rolled his eyes. “Go win the match, then we’ll let you have some alcohol and you can drown your sorrows.”
“Fuck yourself!” you shouted as he walked away. 
“How can I do that when you’re constantly fucking me over anyways!” He shouted back. 
Back on the court again. Another subpar player against you. 
HIT. You’re worthless. HIT. You’re awful. HIT. You’re nothing. HIT. You deserve to be lonely. HIT. You deserve to be alone. HIT. You deserve to feel worthless.
HIT. Be better. HIT. Be stronger. HIT. Be more. 
“We have a winner!” 
“Come on!” Lily shouted from beside him, her eyes on the court as you won, yet again. She’d seen her mother do it so much she was turning it into a catch-phrase. 
“She’s pretty good, right?” He chuckled, his eyes never leaving you. He didn't want to let himself admit it, but god you looked good. The white tennis outfit you had on was practically making him weak in the knees, as well as the 'I don't give a shit' attitude you carried with you. You were simply leaning in your chair, a drink in hand as your opponent screamed to her manager about how unfair playing against you was.
I mean she wasn't wrong. You were the top female tennis player and you were practically unbeatable. You were incredible.
“She’s amazing!” Lily smiled. “When does she play again?”
“Tomorrow,” he answered. He had your schedule memorised. 
“Can I meet her?” 
Art shook his head. “She and mom have a complicated history.” Also, I’m still madly in love with her.
“How so?” Lily asked as he walked with her, hand in hand to the concessions stand. 
“Well, back in college mom and her didn’t get along because mom couldn’t beat her-” he started but he felt Tashi beside him. 
“You’re lying to Lily now?” She snarked. 
Art felt his skin go cold. “No. It’s true-”
“I beat her,” Tashi nodded. “Dad used to date Y/n as well, isn’t that right?”
Art nodded and Lily looked up at him.
“That’s weird,” she confessed. “Why did you break up?”
“I was in love with mom,” Art lied and kissed Tashi on the cheek, the entire display looking awkward and rehearsed. His regret and resentment grew everyday. He’d never regret having Lily, but he regretted everything he did to you, and letting you get away. 
“That’s gross!” She squealed, shielding her eyes from her parents kissing.
“Alright peanut, what do you want?” He asked, moving up in the line and getting ready to order. 
HIT.  Train harder. HIT. Work harder. HIT. You deserve nothing. 
The ball hit into your side and you groaned out in pain. “Fuck!”
You let yourself rest on the ground, not even bothering to turn off the automatic ball-throwing machine. 
“Hi,” a familiar voice smiled at you. Your eyes opened to find Patrick Zweig over your head. 
“Hi,” you mumbled, getting up. 
“How are you?” he asked, following you as you began to hit the balls again. 
“Fine,” you grunted out. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” he smirked, watching your figure as you bent to hit a ball. “Very good.”
“Your dad give you a job yet?” 
Patrick’s fantasy was broken. He rolled his eyes and sighed. “No, not yet.”
“Too bad. You’d make a much better corporate asshole than the piece-of-shit tennis player you are.”
“Tread easy,” he chuckled, a touch of pathetic begging in his plea. You just rolled your eyes and continued on your exercise. 
“How about you go fuck yourself, Patrick?” Tashi scoffed from the stands, Art beside her. 
“How can I go back to that when she fucks me so well?” He joked. HIT. 
“Leave her alone Pat,” Art sighed. HIT. 
“Why are you defending her?” Tashi questioned, turning to Art. HIT. 
“She is right here in case you don’t see her,” Pat defended. HIT. 
“Pat we fucking know-” Art started, but it just ended up in Tashi talking over him to the point that Patrick started talking over both of them in the argument. 
“All three of you can fuck off!” you screamed. “I never want to see your stupid face again Patrick, Tashi you can stop flaunting that you got the love of my life, and Art, go be a dad or something! I don’t care anymore!” 
All three of them turned to you with various faces. Patrick was smirking, happy he’d finally pushed your buttons to the extreme. Tashi looked awkward and caught, maybe even guilty. 
But Art. Art looked at you like you’d hung the stars just for him, then tore it all down in front of him. His beautiful blue eyes filling with tears as he finally got to hear you admit that he was the love of your life, only eleven years too late. 
“I’m content with being alone, as shit as it is. I suggest you all move on from me now,” you sighed, grabbing your bag and walking off to find you manager. 
“See you at the challenger!” Patrick called after you. The ATP Challenger Tour. 
The same one from eleven years ago. 
Where everything fell apart. 
You got that familiar sinking feeling in your stomach.
art donaldson masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
people who asked to be tagged :)
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pyrasterran · 3 days
Requested fan-designed Godzillas from folks on Twitter, here are the ones I drew
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0-yeni-0 · 1 day
tsp art challenge!!11!!
draw your narrator as a pony \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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@robygoonn (/ω\*)……… (/ω•\*)
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Everyone saying tashi doesn’t love art but she literally asked Patrick to throw the match after saying she would leave art if he loses! She loves him just in a really fucked up way!!!!
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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nightmaretherabbit · 2 days
🌸 with any character :))
Got a little extra with this.
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Charlie holding a lotus flower 🪷 cause they are a symbol of life and rebirth !!
[Ask Game Link]
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aumbraer · 3 days
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Mermay Prompt: Anime
So far behind the Mermay daily challenge so I'm choosing whatever I feel doing in the official Mermay prompt list, I chose anime and I chose Sailor Venus/Minako from Sailor Moon :))
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moriah-dooodles · 6 hours
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💙 Leo!!! 💙
TMayNT Day 5: Best Leo
This boy has grown so much as a character, a leader, and a great family member … even though he annoys me from time to time!
So proud of him! Love this little stinker!
TMayNT Master Post
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nyaatsuko · 3 days
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day 12 again super heavy inspired by nankidais doodl.do you think his feet are cold that guy has 0 shoes and the floors dont look that comfy
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miley1442111 · 2 days
(part 6) choices on the court- a.donaldson
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a/n: this is kind of a bad and i hate it but i need to post it to make the next part make sense so sorry that it's awful the next part is actually good i promise :) i'm posting them together but like... it just makes sense in my head ok sorry :)
summary: the confrontation where you find out about a few things. (dw there are more parts after this :))
pairing: art donaldson x reader, patrick zweig x reader
warnings: angst, feelings of disappointment and depression, hurt, cheating, sexual content, etc. +
Art felt like his world had been crashing down around him for months even though he was getting what he wanted. He had Tashi (despite their break-up that lasted a week), he was going pro, and he had all the deals and things he wanted. But he didn't have you. He felt like a lonely idiot, and he lost a lot of enjoyment for things. Tennis was a job, not a passion. Seeing you on the courts, watching you work was the highlight of his days, thank god he had the Nike deal.
But it nagged at him. You were fucking Patrick. You were fucking Patrick even though he'd know about his infidelity and not told you, just like Art hadn't. What was so special about Patrick?
You stood on the court, Art on the other side. 
“You’re fucking Patrick?” He tried to keep his tone even, but he knew he failed by the way you served the ball. 
“Why do you care? You got Tashi, you got what you wanted,” you hit the ball back and forth with so much strength Art narrowly hit it back. 
"I never said I have anything I want," He hit the ball back.
"So what do you want? Two girls at the same time?" you scoffed. "Just admit that you're contented with your life and move on, it's fine Art, I'm happy for you and Tashi just like you should be happy for me and Patrick."
"So you and Patrick are a 'thing' now?" Art missed the ball, then served it back to you with a ridiculous amount of force. The tension on the court was aplpable, certain words being punctuated by the slap of the ball against your rackets. You were both angry. Though, he had no right to be. He'd cheated on you. He's the asshole.
"Yeah, we are," you shrugged. "Just like you and Tashi are a thing."
“I don’t want Tashi! I never wanted Tashi!” He shouted back, dropping his racket and ultimately ending the game. “I wanted- I want you.”
“Then why did you fuck her?” you asked mockingly, laughing in his face. “Oh yeah, because you’re a fucking asshole who never cared about me!” 
“I care about you!” He shouted back. “I care about you enough to tell you that Patrick isn’t good for you!”
“And how would you know that? At least he doesn’t cheat on me!”
“It’s not like he’s completely innocent either,” he scoffed. “He watched. He watched me fuck Tashi.”
Your heart broke for a third time. How could you be so stupid.
“What?” you asked, lowering your voice. You noticed Patrick out of the corner of your eye and Tashi entering from the other entrance. “Is that true? You three all knew and none of you told me?!”
There was silence on the court. 
“Fucking answer me!” you screamed. 
“Yeah. No one told you,” Tashi answered. 
“Great. Y’know, keep me out of your weird fucking threesome bullshit from now on, please? It really shouldn’t be that fucking hard, considering you all seemingly hate each other. Just keep your heads out of your cocks, alright?” You shouted storming off the court. 
There was a silence over the court for a few moments. 
“Fuck you!” Art screamed. 
“Oh fuck me? Fuck you!” Patrick laughed. “You broke her heart, all I did was break her fucking hymen!”
“Fuck both of you! You’re both assholes!” Tashi shouted from the bleachers.
The boys looked at each other. “Fuck us?” they said in unison.
“You’re the one who pitted us against each other for your attention, then made our careers about you,” Patrick commented.
“ Tashi, you’ve been awful to her. You tried to sabotage her biggest match,” Art mentioned. 
“Fuck you,” they said in unison once again. 
Three months later…
“Hey,” You smiled, feeling giddy from the copious amounts of alcohol you’d consumed. 
“Hey,” Art smiled back, just as drunk as you. 
You’d gone back to your dorm. You’d kissed him. It felt good. 
“I’m so sorry-” he tried to apologise for well… everything. But all you wanted was to have sex and pass out.
“Shush!” You hushed him and giggled, pulling off your t-shirt and bra. Art’s eyes widened, then he smirked. His lips latched onto yours as you undressed yourselves and landed on his bed. You laid back as Art took his time kissing you. Your lips, your face, your neck, your chest, your stomach, all the way down to your core. 
“Art,” you moaned. “Please.” 
The haziness of the alcohol was getting to him and he was beginning to feel much too tired, but he’d be damned if he let another chance with you pass him by. “What do you want, baby?”
“You,” you moaned breathlessly. “You.”
A sense of pride blossomed in Art's chest. You wanted him. You were with him. Here, he wasn't second best to Patrick, nor was he controlled by Tashi. He was with you. His dream girl. "You have me, baby."
You’d felt so stupid when Art wasn’t there in the morning. Why did you trust him? Why did he do that? 
Why, why why?
You two didn’t talk again. Well, not until about eleven years later. 
art donaldson masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
people who asked to be tagged :)
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kon4ka · 1 day
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A comfortable moment after the end of Astarion and Blur's stories
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overlysimplify · 2 days
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jadetheblueartist · 2 days
TMayNT Day Twenty-Nine: Favorite Alternative Outfit or Design
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The class, the elegance, the feeling (see what I did there?). This outfit just has everything. And don’t get me wrong, I love all the outfits these boys wear tbh but this one just holds a special place in my heart for some reason hahaha
The point of this was mainly to mess around with some extra saturated colors and a little bit of lighting stuff but I just love this episode hahaha
Here’s the challenge by @tmaynt (can’t believe only two days left)
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FremiMay Day 6: Mermaid!
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Chose a crocodile icefish for Fremi! :D They're funky, live in Antarctica, and have a nice pale-blue color palette, so I thought it'd fit him well! ^^
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invizz · 8 hours
hi i had the idea for you to do this challenge from @shrimp-sanji
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i thought you could have fun with it <3
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thank you for this fun idea! you're right, it really was a lot of fun! 💛 btw interestingly enough, there is no character that is exactly 1,75m?? 😭so rude! i picked luffy then, since he is 1,74m! (bonney too, and usopp is next with 1,76m) maybe i'm wrong though, but where i looked there wasnt a 1,75m character >:c
and eye colors are so hard with one piece haha i have blueish grey eyes and since i hc zoro having those, i ran with it xD oda isnt very consistent with eye colors anyways
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