#artistic expression
miamaimania · 16 days
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Isabel Canovas's 'Shoes' (1989): A sartorial dance between glamour and craftsmanship at the Met Costume Institute
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Dancer ~ Kate Byrne
Photographer ~ Andy Bate
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veegodoi87 · 4 months
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"Helping girls to blossom and show their inner beauty, as well as coloring this ugly city a little. Just like and comment!" 🌸📱❤️
- C.B. (Cherry Blossom), Maya Aco Hindenburg
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juliaknz · 1 year
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HEATHERWICK STUDIO THE SEED CATHEDRAL, 2010 Expo Shangai, China Images © Iwan Baan
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matyas-ss · 1 year
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Untitled, Mark Rothko (1968). Pace Gallery in New York.
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nowimnothing-inc · 7 months
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Nature and Nurture vs. Guns, God, and Government
Credits to unknown
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memyselfieandi · 1 year
Some of my art!
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Some of my art!
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thastarruh · 11 months
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‘Broken Records’ by me. A MARI original.
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m0tiv8me · 16 days
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“The journey into self-love and self-acceptance must begin with self-examination…until you take the journey of self-reflection it is almost impossible to grow or learn in life.”
- Iyanla Vanzant
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rustydiscoart · 4 months
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liked this pose. couldn’t figure out what to do with it. maybe it’ll mean something to somebody
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saber-monet · 4 months
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natalchartnurtures · 6 months
Pluto Dominants Be Like-
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I swam in the dark until I forgot what light looked like.
I stayed up late nights until I forgot what a good night's sleep felt like.
I decoded, danced with, and drenched myself in the unknown, in the unheard.
I got lost in the twilight of my soul until one moment…
When I woke up! Only to go through it all over again.
I couldn't have possibly seen the beauty of my soul; the world couldn't have reflected it back to me,
even if it wanted to.
Wait, why was I created?
This. This is all I was blessed to know—
My divinity.
My freedom is all I want to know.
My endless thirst to find myself in the,
The endless questions I ask to seek
The endless inside of me.
Poetic, instead.
My life of incredible pain—
I HAD to forget.
I had to tear pieces of my memory to shreds
Before it, me.
My body is rigged that way, isn't it?
But the loophole I found was in the curiosity.
The curiosity to want to know why I behaved the way I did.
Every question took me back to an answer only—
All in the center of my being,
The center of the universe where,
The dark and conniving live indeed right beside the unbridled light.
All but nothing,
To escape death so I could know life.
To realize myself in full form.
To have the heavens worship yet another creation of the universe.
I am a masterpiece,
And now, I stand in the clarity of my wisdom.
~ Original poetry dished out by me, a Pluto- dominant hobbit trying to get by life
Hope you enjoyed it :]
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hippiegoth97 · 5 months
Let Me Make Some Shit Clear
Hey, everybody. I never thought I would have to make a post like this, but here we go. Today I was tagged in a post by the lovely @violetpixiedust (please check out their post about this as well they cover it extremely well) and found out I was mentioned in a 'call-out' post for my Gator Tillman one-shot. The OP of the call-out post didn't have the balls to tag me, and instead listed me with many others and blocked me unprovoked. Here's screenshots of that post. I'll go into my feelings on that in a second. But, take a moment to read through all that.
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So, let's set the record straight so nobody misunderstands me.
I do not in any way support MAGA bullshit, or any conservative ideology of any kind. I am a bisexual, leftist, atheist woman who believes in equality, respect, and rights for all.
I do not condone the awful actions of Gator Tillman, or his shit father. My story was very clear on that as well, he's extremely flawed and I thought I made that obvious. I really tried to drive home the fact that he's a product of abuse.
I was rooting for Dorothy Lyon the whole fucking season, because she is a badass woman who has been through too much for one lifetime. I myself am a victim of child abuse which has carried on into my adulthood. I know her. I am her. But I also know, and am, Gator. The OP also completely glazes over the fact that Gator was extremely abused. We see how Roy treats his 'property'. I do not think Gator would have been able to leave the ranch either, unless he got married off. If he left, he would be hunted down too.
Also, Gator knows he did bad things, he was ready to go to jail to pay for them as long as his awful father was kept away from him. Because he FEARED HIM. He was literally a child stuck in a grown man's body, and that is how we sympathize with him. And he killed that poor old woman on accident, I'm sure he took no pleasure in that. And the man in the skirt paid him back triple.
And another thing, it's fanfiction. And for those of you who have been in the trenches as long as I have would know that all kinds of stories get told in this community of ours. Is it always ethical? no. Is it always 100% morally sound? No. Does it explore many taboo subjects through artistic expression? Hell yes. There is a ton of stuff out there that I find repulsive and would never read. I will not say what because it is not my place to censor or judge others, or tell them how to express themselves. I simply focus on the works I do like, and read those. And this is something new fandom culture has seemed to have forgotten. Over and over I see people wringing their hands at smut, or subjects they find triggering, or things society says are wrong. But you're really opening a fucking can of worms when you're calling for the reporting, banning, and censorship of those who think differently than you. That's how you get laws like KOSA that directly target POC and LGBTQ+ content because some think it's 'pervasive' to children. That's how you get laws prohibiting teaching real history and removing diverse books from libraries.
Lastly, I will NEVER, EVER censor myself to please others. I will write whatever the fuck I want. You don't have to like it. That's fine. I learned a long time ago that I'm not to everyone's taste. And I've long since stopped giving a rat's ass about it. I am an artist, and I will continue to create the art that I am passionate about until my last dying breath.
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cclassical-share · 1 year
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Chinoiserie Peony Flower Seal
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4funblr · 16 days
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100% of votes were in favor of openly spamming this page with more artistic self shots in a recent poll.
So here you go an artful study of morning light casting shadows across my mid section😎
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passionfruitmango · 2 months
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After spotting inspiration in a friend's art, decided to take my late Aries season feelings and combine some things into this.
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