#ateez boyfriend
hwaseonghwasworld · 1 month
ATEEZ Reaction To You Accidentally Texting Your Crush Maknae Line
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mybelovedwoo · 10 months
song mingi as boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~0.8k
an: happy mingi day everyone!!
you can request headcanons if you want to (please only headcanons)!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
- the type of boyfriend who will be obsessed with you, and his whole personality would be around loving you and being the best boyfriend possible
-his lockscreen is you smiling for a picture he took on a date, he has playlists on his phone made just for you that you listen to whenever you are together and he talks about you all the time, like always has a fun fact to add about you in a conversation "you know when y/n was a child she liked that too" or "my girlfriend can also do that"
-he would give you the entire world if he could, unfortunately, he can't, but he would do everything with his power to make you feel like you are the most important, precious thing in this world (and next to him you actually feel like it)
-he would quite literally take you everywhere with him, to his studio, to dance practices and schedules, and if you go somewhere he would follow you around too, shopping and even meeting up with your friends
-he likes casual dates, like going out to eat (but not a too fancy place, more like a bbq) or going to the arcade or to the movies
-has a list on his phone about the things you like, and every time a birthday or Christmas, or any holiday comes he opens it and buys a thing from the list. looooves to give you gifts, especially clothes that he thinks would look good on you
-incredibly loyal, he will never leave you behind ever, and you can always count on him, he literally would drop everything if you ask him to
-he LOVES to be pampered, I mean he is just a big baby who loves cuddle time, and also appreciates when you cook for him (it just makes him fall in love with you even more)
-he can get very jealous sometimes, he just gets very sulky those times, but you just have to give him attention and lots of kisses for him and everything is okay
-constantly on a mission to make you laugh, but what makes you laugh actually the embarrassing things he does to make you laugh not the actual joke
-he loves to kiss the top of your head when you lean on him, it's a habit of his that he picked up due to his height
-he thinks you are the cutest human on planet earth and you think the exact same thing about him (bc he is)
-he will get all giggly when you initiate a hug or a kiss, but his favorite is when you hold his face and look deep into his eyes, he probably would get a heart attack from that, he can't take compliments either he would blush so hard
-his kisses are very slow and soft, but he would hold your face with one hand a bit roughly just to hold you secure, and the other hand is around your waist to keep you close to him
-he would call you nicknames like baby, princess or his personal favorite pumpkin, which is even your contact name on his phone
nsfw +18!!!
-so I think mingi is a switch, he could be a soft dom (but not as soft as san if you know what I mean), but he's rather a sub, he likes it when you take control, he thinks it's extremely hot, but doesn't mind taking control either if you're in the mood for that
-it always starts out very soft and romantic, just like his kisses. cuddle times lead to sex 70% of the time, he just wants to feel you even closer to him
-other times he is just really horny, but that's a whole different kind of sex, it would be hot and steamy, like when he comes home all frustrated from practice because he was thinking about you the whole time, or when he gets a bit jealous because you got a bit too close to another member
-when he is a dom ohh boy you'll have a long night. he would do literally anywhere, in the kitchen, in the shower, on the couch
-manhandles you shamelessly, pushes you against the wall, and loves to slap your booty (but not in the way it actually hurts)
-but when he is a sub, he is so loving and careful, all light touches and tender kisses, he just wants to be babied at those times
-for positions, sub mingi loves it when you ride him, he loves the view he gets, but dom mingi loves a good doggy, also loves to view from behind 
-i think vocally he is a bit shy in the bedroom, wouldn't speak much during it, just groans a lot
-aftercare is really important for him but prefers it when you do it to him, or at least for it together, would be really soft and kinda in a sentimental mood after
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bvidzsoo · 1 month
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Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x female reader
TW: none
Word count: 678
Genre: fluff, comfort, established relationship, bullet points, non-idol!au
A/N: Hello, anonie, I see that you have sent the request to my other blog, which I use for rebloging my favorite works (something that I haven't been doing for a long time lol I have to pick up on it again) I'd like to clarify that I don't take requests, sorry guys, but I simply don't have the time rn and I usually struggle coming up with anything unless it's my own idea lol. And if you do send a request, it might take a long time for me to write it, my apologies. This story is in bulletpoints, just letting you know. Hope you enjoy it! ^^
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it had been a long day
too long, actually
normally, tackling a long day of work and going to your Pilates class too wouldn't have made you so exhausted
but you were sick, very, apparently
you had spent the weekend up in the mountains last weekend, at your boyfriend's best friend's weekend cabin and it was rather cold
so naturally, you caught a cold
but life doesn't stop there, no matter how unwell you felt
you still had a job...a very demanding one, at that
and you had just picked up more shifts last week, unknowing of the predicament you'd find yourself in after your little trip
so now, by the time you had reached home at the end of the day, you had no power left in your body
your head was dizzy and you were grateful you managed to get home without crashing your car, but walking up the stairs to your apartment felt like an eternity, and it was horrible
as you fiddled for your keys, on the verge of tears as your whole body was burning up, you became aware of the music coming through the front door, and you boyfriend belting out high notes alongside it
and as you finally unlock the door and push it open, you're met with your boyfriend standing in the middle of the living room in nothing but an oversized t-shirt reaching past his naked thighs and knee-high socks he uses when playing football with his friends after a long working day
and oh, he's holding a wooden spoon, looking completely off-thrown by your arrival
he misjudged the time and thought you wouldn't be home for another hour
now you'd have to wait for dinner, and that's not how he had planned your date night to go
which was a surprise that Wooyoung came up with last minute
you stare at Wooyoung for a second, before dropping everything from your hands and kneeling, holding your head in your hands, tears finally springing from your eyes
Wooyoung is flabbergasted and immediately rushes to your side, dropping the wooden spoon on the small coffee table in the process
he's by your side in an instant, cradling your head to his chest as he presses a kiss to your forehead before he's wiping your tears away, making you finally feel at ease despite the headache, dizziness, and nausea you're feeling
Wooyoung is your pillar when you're feeling even the slightest bit off and he certainly understands that what you need right now are silence, a warm bath, and some painkillers, of course
and so just like that, he helps you up and walks you to your bedroom, leaves you on the bed to discard of your clothes and goes prepare the bath for you
and once you are done with the bath, feeling slightly better as your head isn't pulsating so much anymore, Wooyoung surprises you by bringing dinner to bed, of which you can't eat too much now, but it'll be good in the morning
and then Wooyoung gives you some water and you take the painkillers and before he could go and let you rest, you grab Wooyoung's wrist and offer him a small smile
and he understands without you saying anything
and so, he shuts off all lights in the apartment before joining you in bed, and because you don't want him to catch a cold, he becomes the small spoon as you burry your head into his back, holding onto him tightly
and suddenly all your worries melt away, and today doesn't seem so grim anymore
your head is still thumping, and your nose is still stuffy, and you think your fever is finally going down
but what matters most, is your boyfriend being by your side and humming quietly, tracing your skin gently with his fingers, your right arm resting around his torso, feeling safe
far away from the exhausting world and demanding assignments from your work
and you know you'll feel a lot better by the morning, all thanks to your lovable boyfriend, Jung Wooyoung
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⚞ Masterlist ⚟
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↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaaa
@aaa-sia @sharksandminhos @gong-fourz @a-tinycarat @sooberryworld
@anastasiamin860 @vcutparis @yunhogrippers @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @tunaasan
@poutyjjunie @blvckarabixnvoid @slowee00 @yusalterego @arigakittyo
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
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lovepookie · 3 months
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₊˚ෆ Home - s.mg
♡ sypnosis: i love you. these three treacherous words proved to bite you in the ass every time you let them slip in past relationships. in turn, you were cautious about uttering them. however, there’s something about seeing your boyfriend mingi’s sideprofile, something in his smile as he mindlessly games on his pc, and there’s definitely something in his tone when he cracks a joke to his friends through the mic on his headset. the feeling in your chest tells you everything you need to know; so how do you tell song mingi that you love him?
♡ genre: teeth-rotting fluff, slightly suggestive?, established relationship, fem!reader
♡ 3.8k word count
♡ warnings: slightly suggestive mayhaps, insecure mingi, jealousy, pet names, slight misunderstanding
♡ nano note: i’m sick and tired of song mingi. he’s so ughhhhh 😫 iykyk. my delusion is at an all time high here! i saw that he was in the lead for most of my fic poll, so surprise!! please enjoy this mingi fic as well!! tysm for your support loves, muah! 💋
You gazed at your boyfriend as you leisurely hung onto the side of his gaming chair from the stool that you sat on right beside him. It was another lazy day at your two’s shared apartment.
Mingi had been on his game from the moment he woke up. As soon as you had awoken not long after him, you saw him perched onto his gaming chair, trying to be as quiet as possible whilst playing his battle royale games; his friends yelling eagerly through his headset.
By this time, hours had gone by comfortably with you scooting a stool over to sit near him when you decided to get out of bed. After a smile your way and a shy kiss to your forehead, Mingi’s attention was basically glued to his PC.
Occasionally, you’d scroll on your phone for a bit, or get up to grab something to munch and sip on. But now you were getting tired.
Not in a restless way, but more in a needy way.
It seems like even when you were with Mingi, his soft mannerisms and bright laughs would send you into a euphoric feeling. Love songs weren’t kidding when they said, “I miss you even when you’re here.”
Sometimes Mingi got a little carried away and would game for hours. You learned to get used to this though, as his job was very physically demanding and exhausting. So why couldn’t he play his games for a few hours? Well usually you were used to it. But not today. Still, you tried not to let it get to you.
Yes, you were needy and craving attention from your boyfriend, but there was something about watching him do something he enjoyed that made you happy too. In the end that happiness overpowered your needs.
So you stared. What, at first, was an irritated stare, became soft over time as you took in his features and expressions. His concentrated gaze and the way his brows furrowed as he fidgeted with his keyboard was attractive. Yes, he was your boyfriend already, but you didn’t care if you were checking him out like the first time you saw him. So you let yourself be greedy.
You watched as he bit down on his bottom lip in frustration, or how his eyebrows raised in excitement. How he yelled through his headset to one of his friends named Yunho who was currently his teammate.
“Yah! People are here! I need backup!” He squealed in his annoyingly cute thick pitched voice.
You were starting to realize you really adored him.
Like really adored him—maybe a bit too much.
A burning sensation made its way onto your cheeks as a giggle slipped through your lips. He didn’t take notice of this. You took your phone out as a smile made its way onto your face. You sneakily decided you were going to take pictures of him because this moment made you feel some type of way and had to be saved.
You snapped a few pictures of his side view as you reveled in how handsome he was. From the slightly tanned skin on his neck and face, to his Adam’s apple that protruded in just the right way, to his beautifully unique sharp nose. Then you noticed his lips, and their plumpness and remembered how he’d tease you.
“You know what I noticed? You’re always looking at my lips. You’re jealous huh?” He’d tease with his stupid grin, watching your face to get a reaction out of you.
When you’d pout and want to pull away from his embrace in embarrassment, he’d laugh and squish you tighter into his chest.
“I’m just kidding! I’m just kidding!” He’d shout.
Even though you couldn’t see his face, you knew it was in that cute scrunch he did when he laughed. With the eyesmile, his widened lips, and the dimples on the corners of his eyes.
“Please don’t beat my ass.” He’d grumble playfully.
He felt like home.
After you were satisfied with the pictures you had just taken, you decided to scroll through to review them. Some were Live Photos of him yelling and fidgeting, but you had your sound off so you could revel in the masterpiece that was song mingi quietly.
You chuckled as, in one particular photo, he looked a little too handsome for his own good. He had leaned back onto his gaming chair after he lost a match due to Yunho, his gaming partner, being annihilated a few seconds into the game.
Though he looked serious, you knew he wasn’t too angry. If anything his expression and posture made him look really hot. You giggled further as you zoomed in and hearted the picture.
He was so attractive.
You felt your face burn further as you checked your boyfriend out from the pictures on your screen. After a bit, you decided it was enough clinging onto him, and that now you had something to stare at. You got up swiftly and decided to go lay back down in your bed with the soft pillows and blankets, phone with the photo app propped open in hand.
As you chuckled mindlessly and made your way to the bed, this caught the attention of Mingi.
He had taken notice of you giggling on your phone for a few seconds before you got up, and for reasons he didn’t know, it made his chest tighten up in a little jealousy and adoration.
Who could be making you laugh like that?
You were practically cheesing. You looked so precious that he was angry at the thought of anyone garnering this reaction out of you but him.
It made him a little sad, actually.
So he watched as you mindlessly got up and made your way to the bed. You had to have been sitting next to him for three hours or so, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary that you wanted to move. So why was he feeling hurt?
Just as he was about to ask you where you were going, he watched as you snuggled up into the blankets and scrolled on your phone, your eyes practically shooting hearts at whatever you were looking at.
Now Mingi was really getting nervous.
He got up silently, ignoring Yunho’s calls of stress—this decision would soon result in him being murdered in cold blood.
Taking his headset off, he watched as you didn’t even realize his movement, so enraveled into your little phone that you couldn’t take notice of him.
Now he couldn’t hide it anymore.
He walked up to the bed and flung himself to the side of you in hopes to see your phone. When you noticed the sudden weight of someone next to you so quickly, you screeched and clutched your phone to your chest in horror.
Mingi knew you were a scared coward just like him, so why would he do that?
You frowned his way as you expertly turned off your phone, never missing a beat. Yes, you adored him, but you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if he saw what you were doing. He’d remind you of this relentlessly—or worse—he’d get all shy and flattered for the next few days when you were really wanting affection right now.
Plus, this was a very shitty and basic way to tell someone you loved them for the first time. For the few seconds that you were on your phone, you had decided to go through your camera roll and compose an album of all of your favorite pictures of him. You mindlessly titled it; i love you.
For starters, you had never said ‘I love you.’ to him. You were saving it for the moment you knew it was right because in past relationships you’d throw it around mindlessly, only to get yourself hurt, or worse, hurt someone else. When you met Mingi, you treasured him from the start. He was one you wanted to take your time with.
He felt different.
So you wanted to save the words for when you meant it immensely, and he respected you for that. He decided to also partake in the sacredness of the words, but a few months ago, on your second anniversary, he let the words slip.
You stared at him in awe, knowing he kept it in for so long. It felt a million times better to hear it now that it was treasured.
Those words felt like home.
Still, you were too nervous to say it back, much to Mingi’s dismay.
Yes, he was a little hurt, but he didn’t let you know that. He respectfully and easily changed the subject to a playful conversation despite the adoration and twinge of hurt you saw in his eyes.
Still, you thought about it day and night. And today, for whatever reason, it felt all too strong.
So, you couldn’t tell him like this.
You inched away from Mingi as you set your phone on the bedside table, throwing him a playfully angry look to try and look natural.
“Why’d you do that!? You scared the shit out of me!” You whined out, crossing your arms for a little razzle dazzle.
He stared at you this time, feigning a look of indifference.
“I don’t know…” He said, it being harder and harder to act unbothered as the moments went on. Your expression softened as you leaned towards him.
“How was your game? Did you lose again?” You said in caution as you took a stray eyelash off of his cheek and took in the sight of him now that his eyes were on you. Mingi’s expression immediately changes.
He couldn’t help it. He was a sucker for you.
So he laughed as he looked down and rolled his eyes.
“I’ll have you know, we actually won ten more games than San and Wooyoung.” Mingi stated as if he was offended, playfully giving you the same treatment you had just gave him. You shook your head and chuckled at your boyfriends match of energy to yours. Boy, you were really whipped for him.
“Uh-huh, that’s why you were screaming and so angry, huh? Come here! My big baby lost didn’t he?” You cooed playfully, throwing your arms open for him to embrace you.
He playfully rolled his eyes, but saw this as a perfect opportunity. He swiftly hugged you, making sure your arms wrapped around his neck so that his arms could trail behind you.
With enough force, he took you down, pinning you against the bed as he hovered above you. On the way down, you squealed and blushed, a million things running across your mind, and almost all of them containing him in one way or another. You felt starstruck.
He was being really attractive right now.
You looked him in the eyes. He stared back for a moment, his gaze a little more serious looking, which kind of intimidated you.
Man, was he something else.
You felt your heart beating fast in your chest as he leaned down. It was like the first time he kissed you all over again. You braced your heart as you closed your eyes, waiting for the moment for his lips to touch yours.
But it never came.
A few seconds go by before you open your eyes, and when you do, he’s still staring at you. He bursts out laughing at this.
“You’re so cute! You know that right?” He said as he tried to keep himself steady whilst laughing as he hovered closer to you, unable to keep his form. His face laughed into your shoulder. You went beet red.
“Shut up.” Was all you could mutter out, smacking his chest in the process. He laughed harder.
“Awh! I wish you could see yourself, you look so pretty….” He said starting to half tease, half simp. “Did you want a kiss?” He asked, pulling the embarrassment trigger.
You blushed harder, you were sure your face never felt this hot before. It was so embarrassing, so you roll your eyes in retaliation.
“And what if I did-“ Just as you were about to finish your retaliation, you felt him move quickly and snatch something from behind you. He rushed off of you as you looked over to what he could’ve snatched.
Your phone.
It was gone.
You hurriedly ran after him, footsteps mirroring his which were a few steps ahead of you.
“Yah! Song Mingi! What do you think you’re doing?!” You screamed, as he locked himself in the bathroom, you being a few seconds too late to stop him.
“Stop! Don’t open my phone!” You yelled in hopes he’d listen.
There was no chance.
When Mingi was up to something he’d get to the bottom of it. Now you wanted to cry in embarrassment. “Yah!” You exclaimed.
The other side of the door was silent for a few moments. You were definitely finished; he definitely found out. He knew your password to your phone just like you knew his.
You didn’t even close out the photo app when you hurriedly tried to turn off your phone in a rush. You sighed, then within a few more quiet moments, the door opened.
There he was, wide eyed and almost on the brink of tears.
“Y/n I want to kiss you, I’m so sorry!” He exclaimed, rushing at you and embracing you in a big hug.
You were shocked, to say the least.
He waddled you back and forth on your feet as he spouted apologies into your shoulder.
“I didn’t know that’s what you were doing, I’m so sorry! I took that moment from you, this isn’t right! I’m so sorry!” He kept insisting.
You couldn’t take it anymore.
Your boyfriend was so cute, and you bursted out laughing in adoration. Mingi pulled away from you, eyebrows furrowing as he looked down at you. You laughed and laughed, your stomach starting to cramp up in retaliation to your tensed muscles.
It hurt, as you bent over and grasped onto your sides, Mingi’s arms undoing themselves from around your waist. You looked up at your big man and his confused expression, this launching you into an even bigger fit of laughter.
“Y-Yah…” He muttered out.
“Why are you laughing?” He questioned, a pout making its way onto his face.
“This is supposed to be serious.” He grumbled. This made you laugh harder.
“Ahaha, Mingi- haha! Why are you sorry-“ You could barely get a sentence out.
Mingi just stood in shame. “…Because…this was supposed to be special.” He mumbled.
He truly was your big baby.
As you calmed down from your hysterical episode, you couldn’t help but to launch yourself back into his arms. He was taken aback but wrapped his arms tightly around you again anyways.
“You’re okay haha- and it’s true.” You stated and chuckled a little bit more quietly into his chest. He pulled away and looked down to see your face, a confused expression present in his beautiful eyes.
You felt your heart melting all over again as you took him in. His blonde hair was shaggy and held a wavy pattern as it fell onto the apples of his cheeks that were sharp. They framed his monolided eyes in just the right way, you note.
You trailed down to his sharpened nose that reminded you of the way it perfectly led you to his pretty lips that you were always so jealous of.
It wasn’t fair.
You watched as the big man before you shriveled up into shyness.
“Why are you looking at me like that? And…what’s true?” The poor man mumbled, still so confused.
You couldn’t help yourself from smiling, a wide grin making its way onto your face.
“Mingi…” You started,
“I love you.”
You watched as he fidgeted before you, shock and happiness evident in his eyes. He pulled away from you as you took notice of his face reddening, eyes almost disappearing too.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” Was all he got out, before running off.
You just stand in confusion at your boyfriends antics. Weren’t you the one who was supposed to be fangirling and such?
You trailed after him in curiousness. You watched as he walked back to his PC and snatched his phone off of his desk. He walked back to you as he tapped and swiped away on his screen, then lifted the phone up to you.
You start to hear the picture app going off and as a result you start to laugh again.
“What are you doing Mingi?” You chuckled, reaching forward to try and block his camera from taking pictures of you.
He knew you didn’t like taking pictures. Still, he backed away and raised his phone further, probably taking outrageous forehead photos of you, and pictures from his high point of view.
“What?! I’m taking pictures of my baby.” He started.
“You can take pictures of me, so I’m taking pictures of you. This is a moment to remember.” He finished, as he backed away from your grabby hands. You laughed as you rolled your eyes, stopping indefinitely and looking up at him.
He stopped taking pictures as he looked down at your sudden serious stature.
“Song Mingi, can you kiss me already?” You asked, just tired of the fight for affection from the boy you loved. You felt the atmosphere change as he lowered his phone and stared at you in a certain type of way. It was a serious face of adoration; one you didn’t see on Mingi that often because of his shy persona. He threw his phone onto the bed, and inched towards you.
“Don’t think I didn’t want to, I just wanted to see if you wanted it too.” He said quietly in his deep voice when he got close enough to you.
You stared up at him with a smile. “Did Mr. Song Mingi, my boyfriend, get jealous?” You asked teasingly, raising a brow.
Mingi placed his hands on your waist as he grumbled down at you. “…Maybe…” He says.
“I know I shouldn’t be, but you were smiling down at your phone and I got kind of suspicious. Not to question your loyalty or anything!-“ He says, sad eyes going wide as he tried to save himself.
“It’s okay,” You chuckled, reassuring him.
“I was looking at you anyways.”
You watch the worry leave his eyes and facial expression. He leaned closer to you grabbing your arms and manually placing them around his neck. There was a quiet moment of you two just staring at eachother, comfortable silence lingering about.
“I know this is kinda dumb but I’m still going to ask….Can I kiss you?” He stated, even though your faces were so close together already. You blushed at his respectful nature; he never did change from the moment you met him.
You nodded as you looked him in the eyes. He leaned in, connecting his lips with yours within a second. At first it was sensual and smooth, the kiss being reciprocated, but just as it was about to get deep, he pulled away. Just as you were about to whine in retaliation, you were dipped backwards, Mingi steadying you so you wouldn’t fall. Then he proceeded to make obnoxious kissing smooches all over your face. Your chin, your neck, your forehead and nose, were all fluttered in kisses as you laughed, holding onto his forearms in fear of him dropping you.
“Don’t drop me!” You exclaimed as you started laughing at his obnoxious “muah!” “muah!” kissing noises. This made your heart beat crazily through your chest. Mingi just laughs mid-smooch between your eyebrows.
“I’m not going to drop you! Stop struggling!” He exclaims, which makes you both burst into laughter. He was always so goofy, you couldn’t take it. Even in the most serious of moments, he made you laugh.
With one last peck to your lips, he let you stand up properly. Just as he was about to let you go, you grabbed his chin and kissed him one last time until you were satisfied.
When you pulled away with a pink face at your neediness being portrayed, you met eyes with a love struck puppy. You laughed as he looked at you with these dangerous eyes that you don’t get to see often.
“What?” You ask, face getting hotter by the moment. Mingi just bites his lip and turns away from you.
“Give me a moment.” He says before walking over to his desk and picking up his headset to turn on the mic. You had forgotten all about him playing his games.
“Hey guys, I am busy. I have to go. I won’t be on anymore today. Bye.” He stated quickly before putting down the headset, leaving the party, and turning off his system.
You bursted out laughing.
“Oh, so now you want to give me attention?” You teased aloud, crossing your arms and turning away to walk into the living room.
You hear a deep chuckle from Mingi, then right as you were walking into the living room, he quickly backhugs you, straining your walk. You laugh louder.
“Communication is key. If you wanted my love and affection, all you had to do was ask Princess.” He mumbles into your neck, making your heart skip a beat.
Still, you tried to keep your composure, coming up with a comback, “Says the one who stole my phone!”
“Yah! We don’t talk about that anymore-“ You hear Mingi say shyly from behind you, and it’s here where your wide smile starts to hurt your cheeks. This man was something else.
“You know I still love you right?” He says in a low tone. “Thanks for telling me, even if it did come out like that…” Mingi finishes.
Your face blushes red in a way you thought wasn’t possible. “Mhm…” is all you can mutter out as he chuckles and rests his head on top of yours.
This was home—it was nice to finally admit it too.
“I love you, Mingi.” You say, voice a little shaky because of how he made you feel.
Mingi just laughs and starts shouting.
“My girlfriend loves me! She’s the love of my life! She loves me!” He shouts, shaking you from side to side like you were his rag doll.
“Unless?” You shout through laughter, just to tease him. He stops shaking you automatically and you swore you could feel his pout from behind you. You turn around in his grasp and laugh as your suspicions were true.
“Yah….” He says quietly, sad puppy eyes back in business. You laugh and walk towards the kitchen to start getting ready to go out and do something after eating.
“Hey you didn’t say you were kidding! You’re supposed to say just kidding!” Mingi whines as he trails after you like a child.
He truly was your big baby, and you loved every second of it.
You were finally home. 
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2024 © lovepookie
♡ please do not plagarize, repost, copy or translate any of my works. thank you.
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yuyu1024 · 3 months
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a.k.a Boyfriend 🖤🖤🖤🖤
I don't know what to feel and think. i'm definitely not okay..not fine..not surviving this... 😭😭😭
This is not good for my well being
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atiny-moon · 9 months
ATEEZ as Boyfriends
Genre: soft, fluffy, suggestive
Pairing: ot8 x gn!reader
Tags: a little bit of everything <3
Word Count: 1.6K
Definitely the type of bf to fix your clothes - like if you’re going out somewhere, i can see him helping you pick out smth to wear or even styling you himself. And when you two are out, he’s constantly adjusting your fit so you don’t look bad. The type of guy wander off in the middle of a party just so he can admire you from afar
Though he isn’t too fond of being overly emotional, will hype you up to anyone who would listen and not even in an annoying way, it just so happens that the majority of his sentences start off with ‘oh, my partner..’
Loves leaving marks - biting, hickies, etc. in places only he knows about
Will call you every time he’s eating, even if he doesn’t say anything, just bc he missed you and wanted to have you around for a little bit
Doesn’t like to cuddle but does give the best kisses the kind where he just holds your chin in place and plays with the ways his lips touch yours
Ultimate king of push and pull
Ugh, the way this man would absolutely dote on his partner. Anything they wanted - he’d be all over it. Think acts of service type of love
Loves all the cheesy romantic shit, all of it - the matching accessories, matching hairstyles, coordinating outfits, taking an insane amount of cute couple photos, going to the most aesthetic date spots just so y’all can take photos together. Knows your best angles, duh
So many gifts. And expensive gifts, too! Hwa’s got super expensive taste and i feel like he’s the type of bf to dote on you so much that he wouldn’t want you to wear inexpensive clothing. Like he’ll be like, ‘oh, babe, i got you these new silk pajamas because you said mine were so comfy’ meanwhile he’s already replaced like all of your clothes
Super comfy stay-at-home dates where you do skincare and watch the latest episode of whichever drama you’re watching. Even when he’s hella busy, he’d find time to video call you so you could watch the newest episode together.
Always smells incredibly good, addictive even
Forehead kisses & top of the head kisses are his favorite
Textbook romantic gentleman. The type that makes sure you walk on the inside of the sidewalk, opens every door for you, never ever lets you lift a finger, and will always give you his jacket if you’re cold
Super sentimental. Like if you put together a scrapbook of all of your time together, guaranteed this man will cry. Especially if there’s a handwritten letter explaining how much you love him - he would simply be undone
Tries to remember every single detail about you so he can either plan the perfect date or gift you the perfect item. Truly works soo hard at being a good boyfriend. Also really good with birthdays. Like, scary good.
And tbh, the type of bf to call you out on your bs - like when you’re being a little unreasonable or if you’re telling him about a situation that you’re going through, i think yunho would be the type of bf to tell you when you’re wrong but in a nice way! (maybe.. he can be kinda savage sometimes lmao)
While I don’t think he’d be super into PDA i do think he’d just always be near you like close enough to reach out and hold his hand or close enough that you two would be able to talk without raising your voices
This man loves back hugs
The best at good morning and goodnight texts. They somehow always make you feel loved and special
Super supportive? The type of bf to set reminders in his phone so he can wish you good luck on whatever upcoming project you’re working on. Even if it’s like the smallest thing ever, he’d be so proud of you for working toward it and even more proud when you achieve it
Really deep and interesting conversations
I think it would be so easy to be with Yeosang - like the both of you wake up together, get hungry at the same time, get sleepy at the same time, etc
It’s not that he’s not into PDA, he just forgets about it like of course he loves holding your hand, but he got distracted thinking about what he wanted to get for lunch
Laying his head on your lap is his preferred way to fall asleep
Loooooooves physical affection. Cannot get enough of it. I think his ideal would be being able to glue himself to you so two could just walk around permanently attached to each other. also I feel like San runs really fricken hot - like a cute lil heater
The ultimate hype man. It could be a pre-workout selfie, a just finished taking a shower selfie, an all dressed up selfie, a sleepytime selfie, a i just woke up selfie, IT DONT MATTER!! San is going to hype you up every single time. Which obviously does wonders for your confidence (which was his plan all along ;) )
Loves to stay in and just watch movies. Mostly so he can spend as much time as he can cuddling with you. Matter of fact, most of the dates he plans are just excuses to spend more time with you - physically and emotionally
Speaking of, San would be such a good listener! Like I feel he’d understand where you’re coming from emotionally and provide support in a positive and affirming way and never ever make you feel like your emotions are wrong or you were wrong, for that matter truly wants the best for you
And bc he loves you so much, I feel like he would also respect you a whole heck of a lot which means the first time you guys wanna do anything sexual, it takes him a loooong time to be okay with it. Like i think you would have to initiate
That said, he would absolutely blow your back out every chance he got once he got comfortable
Loyal af. Once he makes a decision on who he likes, it’s that person FOR EVA so get used to the idea of having song mingi in your life
The wildest communicator - like, y’all abandoned texting very early on in the relationship and now exclusively communicate via selfies/photos, voice memos & memes. His voice memos are hilarious and sometimes incredibly lewd. Like will sing you an entire song that he just made up. In voice memos. Then follow it up with what he wants to do to you in excruciatingly graphic details.
While he won’t do completely matching outfits, he is super down to coordinate outfits - wear the same colors, or complementary silhouettes, something that lets ppl know you two are an ~item~
And though I think he likes being Princess Mingi, i think he would go to great lengths to make sure you’re taken care of - whatever you need, he’d get it for you.. Or get someone else to get it for you lolol
Will always pull you into his lap. He likes how easy/fun it is to manhandle you.
Loves PDA. I’m talkin full on make-out sessions, ass grabbing, hand holding, and everything in-between. good luck getting him off you!
Likes biting. A lot. Especially the marks it leaves
Super generous. Like, the most giving man you have ever met. Will give you the shirt off his back even if you don’t ask for it. This also extends to anyone you know, especially! family. He likes knowing he’s the one taking care of you && yours
This man is crazy into fashion and i think his style would end up affecting your style, not bc he wants to but bc he just looks so cool all the time, you’d wanna match him, if you know what i mean. Definitely gives me gomez & morticia addams vibes.
Learns your favorite dishes and cooks them for you.
I think Wooyo’d be the type of bf to be a little controlling or ride the line of being a little mean just so he can rile you up. It turns him on when you get angry. But would also definitely cut it out if he saw you weren’t having it.. He wants to fuck you, not make you mad!
Can and will makeout with you for hours
Would have such a hard time telling you how he feels, but has no problem showing you how he feels - whether it’s buying you a little trinket, or making sure you ate, or even just listening to you, i think you would always feel loved when you’re with Jongho
Is actually really funny? Or maybe he’s just good at learning what makes you laugh and then gets good at telling you jokes that align more with your humor
Your family would absolutely adore Jongho
Wants to experience new things with you so all of your dates are either trying out a new restaurant, or visiting a new pop-up event, or going to a new city for the weekend, anything that helps creates memories with you
Hella anti-PDA. Will actively avoid holding your hand in public. But as soon as you are behind closed doors, will be the sweetest and most loving bf - being silly/cute, soft sweet kisses, plenty of hugs (which he’s surprisingly really good at), and sooo many massages
Jongho would give the best aftercare
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tinytinyblogs · 4 months
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While others may perceive him as a monster, in your eyes, he is anything but.
(Mentioned self-loathing, stranger to lover, gender-neutral) 2,1K words
A narrative drawn from inspiration found on Pinterest.
Ateez masterlist here
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Your insights and reactions make these posts come alive. Love reblogs, comments, and all the good vibes welcome ✨
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The world saw San as a stormy cloud, like a large creature in human form making loud noises. His uniqueness, deeply ingrained in him, was like a red mark on his soul. Instead of being curious, people were scared of him. He is a destroyer; everything he touches ends up broken or injured. His name was rarely spoken, like a forbidden sound in the normal places. He was naturally isolated, surrounded by whispers and avoided looks. Every time he tried to touch someone, it ended in disaster, leaving behind only pain. The laughter he wanted to hear was like a song in his dreams, unfamiliar in the regular world. His heart, wanting warmth, stayed in the cold shadow of being rejected. Every morning reminded him of his lonely existence, and every laugh mocked his silent cries. The world seemed to have created a lonely prison for him, and its key was made from a distorted view. As bitterness grew, San felt a change in the ground beneath him. Whispers turned into screams, and avoided looks turned into full-blown terror. He, who was pushed away, started pushing others away. His pain, fueled by the world's negativity, started fighting back, a desperate plea for acknowledgment and connection, even if it meant creating it through the fires of fear.
The monster in him believed that nobody on earth could be kind to him. His heart was like a closed garden with no space for the difficulties of human interaction. And then there was you—a spark in the lonely landscape of his life. Your eyes, without the usual flinch or disgust, seemed like windows to a world he thought he could never access. When you bent down to pick up his red scarf, a gift from a long-gone mother, your voice, a soothing touch to his troubled soul, broke the silence. "You dropped this," you whispered, the words carrying a melody he'd never heard before. Hesitantly, he reached for it, his eyes meeting yours once again. There was no sign of fear or disgust, just a gentle curiosity. Surely, you knew. You must have. Whispers followed him like crows, a dark group casting shadows on his soul. Yet, there you were, untouched by fear, offering a connection like a bridge across a deep gap. The red scarf, once a symbol of his isolation, now became a delicate lifeline—a glimmer of hope in the overwhelming darkness. Could it be? Could someone truly see beyond the scary exterior and catch a glimpse of the boy he might be? The question lingered in the air, a silent plea resonating between your gazes.
The monster in him, a twisted snake of fear and distrust, showed itself. You, with clear eyes and a kind voice, bravely peeked beneath the damaged mask he wore. A tiny bit of hope grew in his empty heart, but old hurts quickly killed it. He thought, maybe, your innocence was fake, and your kind look just a passing fancy. He couldn't let himself believe in such a cruel trick. The lonely street, covered in swirling snow, matched the emptiness inside him. The freezing cold got through his worn-out coat, but it was the isolating loneliness that really made him numb. Every gust of wind reminded him of his solitude, an unwanted friend in the quiet. Then, a bit of warmth broke through the darkness. A careful tap on his shoulder, a whisper in the icy air. Surprised, he turned to see you standing there, a steady light in the snowy darkness. Your closeness woke up his senses, but your gaze stayed calm, as pure as the first snow. Stuck in your eyes, a captive of your comforting presence, he felt drawn to a part of himself he hadn't explored before. This vulnerability, this dependence, made him feel uncomfortable yet strangely comforted, leaving him angry at himself.
The monster in him woke up, confused. You, offering kindness like he had never experienced. Your hesitant smile appeared as you pulled out a paper bag from under your coat, holding it like a precious ember against the winter cold. With a gentle push, you placed it in front of him, silently inviting him to share. San, cautious but curious, looked inside. In the bag, like a small sun warming the chilly air, was a bread shaped like a fish, its golden crust still carrying the warmth of the oven. Yet, it wasn't just the warmth of the bread that surprised him. As he cautiously broke off a piece and tasted it, a different kind of warmth spread through him, thawing the corners of his long-cold heart. The simple act, the unspoken understanding in your eyes, sparked a glimmer of hope he hadn't dared to nurture. He enjoyed the bread, each bite a small rebellion against the loneliness he had worn like a second skin. The taste – sweet, yeasty, with a hint of the sea – turned into a connection, a song playing just for him. In that moment, the scary part loosened its grip on him, and a crack appeared in the icy fortress he had built around himself. It's cozy, but it's not because of that fish-shaped bread – it's because of you.
The monster in him roared, a basic clash against something he didn't know. You, a guiding light in the chaotic landscape of his life, showed a kindness so real, so different from the harsh treatment he was used to, that it stirred up his very soul. Was this warmth you were giving real, or just another cruel illusion in the emptiness of his existence? Doubt and questions messed with his mind like hungry rats. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the cautious stares of the people around, fear evident as they moved away from the monster they thought he was. But in the midst of his contemplation, a glimmer of hope appeared. It was the image of you, stepping out of the store like sunshine breaking through heavy clouds. He braced himself for the expected – your eyes turning away, quickly passing him, silently confirming his outsider status. However, you looked into his eyes, and everything around him paused. A smile, a real and bright smile, spread across your face, like a flower blooming in the desolation of his lonely world. He stood still, unable to believe it. Never before in his memories had he seen such a sight.
The monster in him backed away, like a quiet puppy retreating after a surprising encounter. He couldn't believe what was happening. You, like an angel in a world full of troubles, were walking towards him, a bright smile on your face. The whispers from the people around, like a mean song, stopped when you showed up, and their fear faded away in the face of your constant kindness. He stood still, stuck in the whirlwind of you coming closer. The city sounds turned into a dull noise, and all he could focus on was you. When you stopped, like a heavenly being in the busy marketplace, the air was filled with unspoken questions. Your hand, like an offering from another world, held a simple candy, a symbol of something much bigger. "Do you want some?" your voice, a melody he never thought he'd hear, floated in the air. His world, full of shadows, couldn't possibly fit someone like you. He was the scary one people talked about in quiet voices, the one kids hid from, the one fear kept away. But there you were, a real embodiment of hope, offering him a sweet treat dipped in kindness. It's sweet, but it's not because of the candy – it's because of you.
The monster in him once like a growling storm cloud, had now become a quiet shadow. However, doubt still stuck around, like a fog hanging onto the edges of his thoughts. Was it real, the warmth and kindness you shared, like a sprinkle of care on his lonely life? He really wanted it – the feeling of sunlight, a sense of belonging. He wanted to believe in you, in the chance you brought, like a fragile bridge connecting his solitude to the rest of the world. So, he began to notice you everywhere. Not actually everywhere, but in sounds like your laughter or in the sunlight like your smile. He took a risk and started talking to you, cautiously at first, like opening a rusty lock, scared that it might make noise. But with each moment he stole with you, each word he shared, the rust started to loosen, and the door to his heart opened a bit wider. Listening to your voice, the stories you told with laughter and vulnerability, made him feel alive again. He wasn't just the scary one people talked about in quiet voices, the shadowy thing. You saw him, really saw him, not with fear but with a kind curiosity that melted the frost around his heart. And in return, he found the forgotten joy of smiles hiding in the corners of his own lips.
The monster in him started moving, a dark feeling of fear twisting in his stomach. The idea of you, the light he wanted the most, turning away and leaving him in never-ending darkness - it was a terror too deep to describe. The silence between you felt like a big gap he really wanted to fill, but he didn't know how. He couldn't take the heavy quiet, so he spoke up, his voice rough with hidden pain. "I'm a monster," he said, the words feeling like a sharp blade cutting through his throat. Your reply, simple but deep, hung in the air, like a rope thrown across the gap. "No, you're not," you said, your voice filled with gentle confidence. He raised his voice, saying, "I am," his eyes teary, letting out emotions he had kept inside for a long time. "I've always been different; people always avoid me. I destroy everything; I hurt people. Are you still pretending you don't know?" he exclaimed, without a hint of a smile, while you sat next to him, watching his inner struggle. "I don't care," you answered calmly. This wasn't news to you; warnings about him had reached you when you first came to town, but you never let those warnings change your view. After expressing your lack of concern, he went quiet, stood up from the bench, and started walking away. "San," you called after him, and he stopped without turning to look at you. "You've never been a monster in my eyes," you reassured him.
It was the monster within him, wanting you like a dry desert wants rain. Even though he tried to keep away, staying alone, your image stayed in his mind like a ghost that wouldn't leave. So, the scary part gave in, leading him to your door without a plan. With hesitation, his hand touched your door, knocking gently. You answered right away, warm and welcoming. There you were, looking beautiful in your soft clothes, a smile on your face like a sunrise. Without saying anything, you moved aside, inviting him in without words. In that moment, under your kind eyes, the scary part inside him did more than want – it felt a strong desire for you. He stepped inside, like a hesitant traveler entering a special place. Your scent, familiar and comforting, wrapped around him like a gentle hug. The scary part, so used to darkness, blinked in the soft light of your presence. You guided him in, offering not judgment but a safe place. And the scary part, for the first time ever, felt a bit of hope, a chance for redemption, just because you let him in. "I'm sorry for taking it out on you," he whispered, and you replied with a soft sound. "No need to apologize, San. Not at all."
And suddenly, the monster in him fall silent as he rest his head on your lap. his head nestled in your lap, a haven of warmth and comfort. Your fingers combed through his hair, each touch a silent symphony of tenderness. He inhaled the scent of you, a balm to his troubled soul. "Can I stay like this?" he murmured, eyes fluttering shut. "Can I keep feeling this… this sunlit warmth from you? Can I just be with you… always?" His hand found yours, resting it gently on your knee, anchoring him to this precious moment. He yearned to bottle it, to preserve it against the inevitable tides of time. "I don't need anyone else," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Only you." A soft smile curved your lips. "Then stay," you breathed, pulling him closer. "Stay here with me, san. You're safe here." In your eyes, he saw not a monster, but a reflection of the man he could be. You treated him with respect, with an understanding that pierced through the layers of darkness he'd worn for so long. And perhaps, under your gentle touch, the beast within him was finally learning to recede, replaced by the flicker of a hopeful future. The monster in him has vanished as he found his home, it's no more.
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kikitulips · 1 month
ꢐ Hongjoong ꒰ ꒰ ateez ꒱ ꒱ lockscreens ♡
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sheoh · 4 months
Hongjoong Hard thoughts in bed
I can see hongjoong being bossy and talkative in the bedroom. Telling you to open your legs wider, arch your back further or just doing it himself, constantly asking if you’re enjoying it. He wants to make sure you’re feeling as good as he is and he would never want to “use you” if you weren’t truly liking every second of it. He’ll be unintentionally rough and bossy as opposed to—let’s say—seonghwa or san who would be extremely conscious to be more gentle with you. Like he is with his career, i can see him being genuinely curious about experimenting sexually with his partner and their body/turn ons. When he pushes it so deep inside, your stomach bulges. He’d be confused and concerned and a bit turned on then stop mid fucking to ask if it hurts and if you like it.
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myfuturelover-blog · 3 months
An edit I put together to depict the real-life state of my ✨️ mental health ✨️ 😃
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choisanmybeloved · 7 months
Dating ATEEZ Aesthetics: Hyung Line Ver.
Maknae Line Ver.
Kim Hongjoong:
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Park Seonghwa:
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Jeong Yunho: 
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Kang Yeosang:
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hwaseonghwasworld · 1 month
ATEEZ Reaction To You Accidentally Texting Your Crush Hyung Line
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Maknae line
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mybelovedwoo · 7 months
Yeosang as boyfriend plsss
hey, thank you so much for your request <3 i hope you'll like it!!
kang yeosang as your boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~0.7k
an: i'm just so soft for this man TTTT
you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
-literally the sweetest, most gentle boyfriend ever, takes your relationship really seriously but is also just such a goofball, your best friend
-would laugh with him 24/7, so many jokes and fun with him, makes you laugh so hard that your stomach would hurt
-we all know he can't ask for kisses or hugs, so you have to initiate them all the time, but it's his favorite thing
-he likes back hugs, but he's more on the receiving side, just loves it when you cling to him, he just wants to stay like that forever if he could
-he loves it when you compliment his muscles, he feels so proud and would always shows them off for you, it motivates him to work out even more
-would immediately notice when something changes on you, like your hair or you bought some new clothes, "wow, y/n, you look really great" 
-you are the type of couple that relies on each other all the time, when you go somewhere together there's not a second you leave the other alone 
-he would do the most random things, like propose to you (as a joke) with a gummy ring or "take you out on the fanciest a date" where you all dress up, but it's actually on your balcony with takeouts and wine
-he always says what's in his mind, so you never have to wonder what's in his head, communication is really key in your relationship, but sometimes you wish he wouldn't say everything out loud
-although it can be difficult to express his emotions through words, so instead he would show them through actions, his love language is definitely acts of service
-he gives you everything you desire, more than you need actually, treats you like a princess really, gives little gifts, tries to cook for you (but fails every time), gives you massage 
-literally no jealousy or possessiveness in your relationship (at least what you know about), he trusts you with all his heart and he expects the same from you
-he wants to spend every spare time with you, he can't be far away from you for too long
-he'll literally do anything just to get your affection (but ask for it TT), he likes to entertain you, that's why he often brings you with him to the gym, he doesn't want you to get bored of him
-calls you cute nicknames, like sweetie, cutie or bub, also your contact name is bub, it's the most used one of all of them
-kisses with him are just so soft, he caresses your hair or cheeks and you would melt into his touch
-would run to you, asking for rescue when his members are teasing him, you are his safe place and knows you would help him out
-once he accidentally used your shampoo instead of his, now it has become a habit of his and only uses your products
-dating yeosang would mean arguing with woosan 24/7 about whose yeosang really is
nsfw +18!!!
-he is a switch, depending on the mood and the day he has, but literally always the sweetest when it comes to such a vulnerable state
-he doesn't really care about the pleasure part, but the emotions that comes with it, he likes to be close to you and the excitement that comes within
-it is kinda part of your routine now, maybe not every day but really often ends the day naked,  in each other's arms
-that's why the morning often starts with an intimate shower together
-yess, he is the vanilla type of guy, with traditional positions, where you can just hug each other real close
-something that would be a no no is anything really wild and out of his comfort zone, he is more like the traditional type of guy as i said, and seeing you in pain or hurt is also a big turn off
-lots of kisses and little "i love you" during sex
-not very vocal other than that, just lots of breath and groan
-could be very shy about it, so probably wouldn't do it when his members are around, or at least would be very careful and very quiet
-cockwarming is a must for him once in a while, he likes to be connected with you and being warmed by the love of his life
-he collapses after, he would be very worn out, but still makes sure to hold you close to him, he falls asleep almost immediately 
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hwauroras · 11 months
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pic sources in order left -> right: pinterest, pinterest, pinterest
disclaimers in my pinned post. part one of eight, masterpost here. contains pet names right at the top. as this is purely a sfw headcanon, there's no warning for anything explicit. and though this is an "as your boyfriend", it's not a y/n situation. mentions painting each other's nails, but i have offered the alternative of it being just him if that's not your thing. also mentions sitting on his lap to do his eyeliner. slight mentions of physical affection.
baby, sweetheart, darling
joong, joongie
museum dates
casual dining
chilling in his studio, painting each other's nails at 2am (if you're not into that, then he would just let you paint his)
sitting on his lap and doing his eyeliner
listening to music together
either jamming out or sharing earphones
gifts of sentimental value
might be the type to buy you a star in the sky
writing and exchanging love letters
songs dedicated to you and his thoughts and feelings with love
a long list of notes with your favorite things + things you have said
looking at you with stars in his eyes
holding and brushing of pinkies
no matter how busy he may be, he wouldn't miss an important date or event
good morning texts !!!!!!!!!!!
overall, not overly physically affectionate, but his subtle actions are still just as meaningful
a protective hand on the small of your back
would look after you if you're sick
nose, cheek, forehead and temple kisses
kisses on the back of your hand
cupping your face in his hands
would walk on the side closer to the road
making you custom clothes/jewelry
or buying two of everything so you can both match
his phone lockscreen would probably be a picture of just you, or a picture of both of you, that he adores
very annoying (endearing) when in a playful mood
overdramatic king
jokingly calling his mom to tattle and sulk (just like what he did with wooyo)
very supportive !!!! of everything !!! including tax fraud !!!!!
but seriously, would support your dreams
if you're creative, he would let you collaborate with him
respectful of needs and CAN COMMUNICATE !!!!!!!!
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mingiswow · 2 years
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⚠️ English is not my first language, so sorry if there's any mistake
ok, is really hard for me to write about him because he has the same age as my little sister 
So it feels weird to me lol 
Baby boy Jongho 
He has such a tsundere vibe for me 
Not because he wants to 
But because he doesn’t know how to act around you
His shyness acts as coldness 
And that doesn’t help him at the beginning 
Bc when you guys met you thought he didn’t like you 
He barely spoke to you 
Never looked at you 
And the word exchange was reduced to sounds or monosyllabic words
But that’s because he couldn’t even look at you 
God you were so beautiful and ethereal to him 
An angel on earth 
So he asked help to your mutual friends 
“Let’s get drunk and then you use a little liquid courage”
It didn’t work the way he had planned because another person was hitting on you and he got jealous 
“Get away from yn they’re mine!” 
Now imagine the scene: he all drunk and tipsy, face red, eyes small and a pout that he thought was making an angry face but was more on the sad puppy side 
But hey! You thought he was cute like that and happy that he liked you back 
Jongho is a very discreet boyfriend 
Def not a fan of pda 
Or skinship in general 
I feel like he leaves the touches and caressing to more special moments
But as soon as you got more intimate in your relationship he became a cuddle bug 
He loves laying down in bed with your head on his chest and your arms wrapped around each other
A comfortable and comforting silence falls upon you two 
He just enjoys the comfort of your presence 
You don’t have to say or do anything, just being by his side he is ultimately happy 
He is quite a sappy boyfriend
He knows that he doesn’t touch you as much as he should but it’s just the way he is 
So he compensates (even tho you tell him he doesn’t have to) with homemade meals, long walks at the beach at night, dinner at a restaurant you said you wanted to try, little flower bouquets every now and then just because, opens the doors for you, pulls the chair for you to seat, hangs your jacket for you
The last romantic™️
He also changes a lot around people because of you
He gets softer
And is a daydreamer 
Sometimes his mind is doing things on auto mode that he doesn’t even realize that he’s thinking of you while practicing the new routine 
The boys don’t complain tho
They are loving this Jongho 
Mostly wooyoung because now he can rest lol 
Like I said, he is a sappy romantic boyfriend that just came out of some teen rom-com from the 00s
And so came his kisses 
Omg I feel like this man's kisses are the absolute most amazing kisses you could ever experience 
He just holds your face between his hands with such love and care
And look at your eyes deeply as he is professing his love by the way he looks at you 
Then he gently touches your nose before finally touching your lips 
His lips are a little rough but that doesn’t mean his kisses are rough as well
No no no 
This man has the softest, feathered and smooth kiss you’ve ever tasted 
He is a slow kisser
Tastes you so deeply
Makes your heart and stomach do backflips in excitement
You feel so so loved
You literally melt in his arms as you hold him
But as we know, most pros have their cons
And jongho is no exception 
He tends to get jealous very easily 
Not because he doesn’t trust you or doubt himself, but more because he doesn’t trust the other person 
He gets overprotective over you very easily 
And this can be quite annoying sometimes 
“Why are you home so late?”
“I told you I was going to go drink with my friend after work/school”
“Well, I was worried. What if something happened to you?”
Because of that, you fight quite a bit 
Not big fights 
But discussions 
That sometimes ends with you going to sleep in some of your friend's house or him in the dorms 
But he learned to pass over his pride and learned how to apologize over the time 
Because I’m the beginning he never apologized because he didn’t want to admit he was wrong 
But you guys talked through it 
You told him how you felt and he told you as well 
So the discussions always end with you both apologizing a few hours after 
NSFW from here on ⇉ minors dni ⇇
I have no other words other than dom
He is a soft man 
But he loooooves the sensation of being a little mean and authoritarian 
I mean, he is the maknae, he’s almost never in charge in his work 
So he enjoys bossing you around 
Even if you are older than him 
He is still dominating you
He is equal parts sweet and mean 
And you can notice in the way he talks to you 
He praises you for being so good to him for holding your orgasm like he asks you to do 
And seconds later he is laughing at your fucked out state and mocking you for begging to cum 
Jongho is a big big big fan of toys 
Because they’re his best friends 
They help him not only tease you but please you 
Has an enormous collection of vibrators, they’re his favorite 
Probably will use a toy every time you guys have sex 
Because he sees sex as this intimate and almost immaculate thing 
So he likes to take his time and enjoy the process 
Loves the little turning-on game you guys play before actually having sex 
Testing kisses and touches, kisses that last longer than they should, lips that go to other places, hands that adventure around each other’s bodies, sweet promises and teases whispered in your ears 
So the use of toys is a prolonging of that game 
Also, jongho is not a fan of giving oral 
Sorry everyone 
But since he uses the toys is all good 
And also, won’t force you to give him head 
But gladly enjoys it when you do 
It’s when he praises you the most tho
He is also a huge fan of sensory deprivation and stimuli
I’m talking about tying you up so you can’t touch him, blindfolding you so you can’t see him, playing with hot wax or ice on your skin so you get extra aware of your senses and surroundings 
But nothing will ever compare to the feeling of fucking you 
This man goes feral when he is inside of you 
He just can’t hold it 
Your walls feel so good around him 
He gets so lost that he does everything in auto mode 
Plays with your skin, your sensitive parts, nipples, hold you by your neck (not actually choking, just holding), pulls your hair (if you have), biting and marking your skin 
He just lets his primal instincts take over 
And if you start scratching and nailing his back he goes even wilder 
He’s not afraid of moaning 
But he just growls
Like an actual animal 
“If you keep marking me like this I won’t last longer sweetie”
It’s a lie 
This man has stamina 
He can go and go and go 
So prepare yourself 
Because when he is in the mood to make love to you - on his own terms of the act obviously - you guys will be locked in the bedroom for days 
But being the gentleman he is, after all of that he will treat you like royalty 
Will clean you up and take you for a warm bath with bath salts that will relax and soothe your body 
Will wash your hair, brush and even dry it 
And if he’s feeling extra lovely he’ll massage your feet and your arms
Then he just cuddles you and lulls you to sleep with his beautiful voice 
He is a gentleman in the streets and a freaky gentleman in the sheets
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fxckteez · 8 months
| Seonghwa |
Pinki pinki boy 🩷
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