#atz scenarios
His Little Cowboy
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(College AU) Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: It turns out that beards aren't as bad as misinterpreting a text, especially when you want to introduce your lover to your friends. Or maybe don't plan on doing that in a themed college party?
Genre: Hurt Comfort
Word Count: 2.8K
Est. Read Time: 15 min
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Rating: PG-17
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @san-network
Linked With: 22.59
A/N: Shout out to @yessa-vie straight up digging up the cowboy pics for me. The number of times I listened to this song- @edenesth , is to be blamed.
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Moving past the sweaty bodies she groaned, inwardly grimacing at the stench of alcohol, cheap perfume and oh god please don't let that be puke. This is not how she wanted to spend her weekend, but ever since that dinner where the two had confessed to each other, San had been persistent about them making a public appearance together, slight problem though- he was popular, Mr. Charming, Mr. Optimism, Mr- WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!?
With a scoff she jumped over some knocked-out dude, really leave it to Choi San to call her to a party and then not answer his phone- even so, he had wanted her to meet his friends, a very...very intimidating group of loud, popular, good looking guys, truth be told most of them already were in a relationship, which would explain why San was more persistent in giving them an official label, not that she would mind that, she loved him unconditionally, a feeling that had blossomed ever so slowly but hit her like a truck once it began to flow over, which is why...she had agreed to this stupid idea...which is why she had agreed to this...to coming here...to wearing such an outfit. 
Standing on her toes she tried to spot her lover, who was supposed to be dressed as a cowboy in black; leave it to college parties to have the weirdest theme- it wasn't even Wild West, well, it was, but they called it 'Outlaw themed'. The theme itself was off-putting due to several historical events but who was she to say no when he had asked her so politely, so quietly, with his face buried in the crook of her neck in the late hours of the night as her fingers played with his short locks, humming when he mumbled against her skin, squeezing her closer as he asked her to attend this party with him, he'd even tell her what to wear, which was odd for when she had read the text the next morning really did confuse her, but agreed anyway- God her face was so itchy- OH SAN!
"SAN!" She called out, smiling when he turned around, eyes scanning the sea of bodies for her. Waving her arm in the air she walked closer to the man in the black cowboy hat, though his eyes never landed on her, instead, he was still looking around. With a huff she squeezed past a couple and almost tripped, only to collide with his chest- bare chest? Her eyes widened at the man, hands instinctively gripping onto the attire- a cropped leather waistcoat? Staring up at him she licked her chapped lips, tugging on the coat gently as he frowned down at her, why did he look...confused? Was he...upset she actually showed up? To be honest, she didn't have time to divulge her insecurities because the vest was distracting, the tussles were caressing her face and the bandana just made her Sannie look like-
"You lost there, buddy?"
"We thought you were dating someone? What are you collecting little boys for- oh wait the beard means you're a big boy right, partner?" Her head whipped in the direction of the voice, is that Wooyoung? Wait, little boy...my god.
"Sannie! It's me!" She squeaked cupping his face as he stiffened, before she felt him gently squeeze her waist, moving closer to her face before his expression morphed into pure disgust- "What the hell are you supposed to be!?" He whined, ignoring the way Wooyoung had burst out laughing, not stopping when his own partner slapped his shoulder, asking him not to embarrass San and his girlfriend even more.
"Like you said! A cowboy!"
They had moved to a quieter area of the house, one with proper lighting and- kitchen, all of them had crowded the kitchen, with her sitting on a counter as San glared at her, arms crossed over his chest.... how could someone look so nice in such poor lighting.
"What are you supposed to be?" He asked in a low tone, ignoring how his friends were still snickering behind him. It amazed her how he was still towering over her, like that, kind of making her feel smaller than usual, twiddling her thumbs she mumbled "A cowboy...Sannie...you said let's go as a cowboy couple."
A deep laugh resonated from behind the man as she peaked up to find one of them, Seonghwa, who chuckled when their eyes met, only for him to give her a gentle smile, though she could see the glint in his eyes, a little teasing swirling within his orbs, but the angel, his angel, sitting next to him squeezed his hand, begging him to not make it worse.
"What- I? What!?" He gasped, arms flailing around to emphasize whatever the hell he was trying to say as she shrugged, "I SAID A COWBOY COUPLE!?"
"Yeah, and I am one."
"That usually means a guy and his girl!"
 "You realise the actual number of cowgirls was less, if not nonexistent, and usually they did all the work but got little to no credit. This is exactly why these parties confuse me, are we glorifying misogyny?" She deadpanned, pointing to her fake beard causing him to facepalm, never had he met someone so smart yet so stupid- and to think he loved her? Who's the bigger fool here?
"I love how both of you are majoring in communication but aren't able to communicate with each other."
Her lips quirked downwards at that statement, feeling the weight of it hanging in the air- oh- so he wanted her to dress up like those sexy cowgirls...well he should've just said that! Even though she would want to say no, she would have done it anyway because it was for him. That's when it hit her, he wanted to introduce her to his friends too, and while all their significant others were dressed for the occasion, she looked like a hobo, with her baggy cowboy outfit, giant hat and well...the beard. Shit. This was not good, this was not good at all, she misread the situation again- what kind of girlfriend chooses to look unpresentable? What if he thinks she did this to embarrass him- hell he has every right to be upset with her-
The sharp tone of his caused her eyes to flicker up from her lap to his face, gut twisting at the way he had turned back to stare at Wooyoung, his cold glare making the other one let out a nervous chuckle, wait no, he shouldn’t take the anger out on his friend, especially when it is her fault for just assuming what he meant- man this beard was itchy.
“I’m just saying…” Wooyoung shrugged, before looking around at everyone, most of whom were now engaged in talking to each other or on their phones, then back at San, who was still glaring at him. Sure, he wanted them to meet his girlfriend, and sure he was upset that she chose the wrong time to misread the situation, but that did not give anyone the right to humiliate her more than she already had done to herself-
“San-ah…” she whispered, gently nudging his leg with her foot, trying to talk to him, whispering, “I can go back and change…” Nah, she was just gonna dip and not come back, probably telling him how she got abducted by aliens by leaving him a note and disappearing because this was a moment of peak embarrassment-
“Your beard’s really cool, what did you use?”
“Huh?” moving to the right her eyes met a certain blonde man’s- she’d never heard Hongjoong speak before, well that’s because in any class the two shared he’d be sitting quietly at the back, “Oh um…facial glue.”
“Woah, you glued it?” He asked, moving closer to inspect it then hummed, “Dedication.”
“I mean she did fool Sannie here,” Seonghwa added, his angel sitting next to him nodding as she hummed in agreement, “It's an A for effort, I kind of wished I went for something similar.”
“I know right!” the girl who had been glaring at her idiotic boyfriend- the idiot was Wooyoung- for upsetting San added, “I was impressed- we should’ve done this, would’ve been so cool.”
She only smiled at their kind words, a bit upset about how she let him down, but hey, at least they were enjoying it. That was all it took for the awkwardness to fade though, perhaps with the help of the other women involved, the conversation had begun to flow smoothly, each one slowly introducing themselves, most men did constantly talk about the beard, but when it came to Jongho, San’s gym buddy – who she wanted to thank because, lord bless, the way her man had beefed up, she’d make sure Jongho and San never quit being friends- he did point out how “They’re all jealous they can’t grow beards as thick as yours- you pulled it off better than most of them could too.”
The causal chatter thus turned into loud, yet fun banter, her laughter causing San, who had been quietly standing next to her, back leaning against the counter she was sitting on, to look at her, chatting with the rest of them like they had been friends for years. Truth be told he found it amusing, no he loved it, how even at this point, knowing she made a mistake she was honest enough to tell him her opinion, about how she felt about the whole theme parties- communication was never really the problem if you ask him, perhaps it was the intent to make the other happy, that would cause problems, the fear of disappointing the other. No one really said that the girls should come dressed as sexy cowgirls or cowgirls at all, and the effort she had put into the outfit made him realise how this was the first party she had ever attended. He remembers how in the earlier days of their relationship, she had mentioned how she’d never been invited to a party, themed or not, not that she would ever go to one- though he had shushed her and promised to take her to one, but for almost four years she had been avoiding it- well perhaps she said yes, this time because they were an official item now, and not just a fling. That made him feel worse, he had spent 20 minutes of her ‘partying time’, arguing with her over something so stupid. He could only sigh at the way he ended up with someone who was only book smart but an idiot otherwise, someone who was so stubborn yet so caring, someone who would try their best to meet his expectations- even if it meant glueing a beard-
“Ow! San!” she hissed, rubbing her cheek before slapping his hand away, causing everyone else to stop talking and look at their friend, who held a tuft of black synthetic hair pinched between his fingers.
“You okay, dude?” Wooyoung asked as San frowned at the hair and then back at her, mumbling, “My god, this really is glued isn’t it?”
“YAH THINK?” she yelled before snatching the torn piece from his hand as she pouted at it, “What is wrong with you~” she whined only to be cut off by Mingi, who she had learnt was one of the noisiest and nosiest friends, spoke up, “The real question is, is San going to kiss her with the beard on?”
She looked up at him eagerly, batting her eyelashes at him, his eyes widening at the realization of how she was still able to look so cute; this was the exact same look she’d give him every time she knew she was winning, when she knew he’d give into her every whim, the look that would make him feel like he was the most important thing to her in the entire universe- maybe he really was- and for this very reason his head jerked to the side as he broke eye contact, knowing if he kept looking at her for a second longer, maybe he would’ve kissed her right there and then, in front of everyone, even though he knew how public display of affection was not her cup of tea. Even if touch was his love language, he knew she’d bask in it and ask for it behind closed doors, so the kiss right now was more of a way of satisfying the people around them, a way of satisfying him, as if she were trying to make it up to him, for misinterpreting the situation, for which she would choose to come out of her comfort zone just for, just to let him know how much he meant to her- god, he really did love her. The group broke out in laughter, causing San’s face to turn red, almost the same colour as her shirt.
She reached for him, fingertips brushing against his arm, causing him to stand up straight clearing his throat as he mumbled, “I’m gonna get you something to drink, stay with them,” as he left the kitchen, ignoring the ‘boo’s’ he was receiving from his friends- he was desperate to introduce her to his circle of friends, but he also forgot how bloody annoying they could be, teasing him at any moment given, hell they had even made a big deal out of his outfit for today, claiming how he ‘was trying so hard to impress her’, adding the ‘Sannie, you know she likes smart guys- oh wait, no maybe that’s not true since you’re in the picture’.
Sighing he looked at himself in the mirror, why was his face so pink? He had been washing his face for God knows how long, trying to calm down, trying to not think about how now everyone knew about his secret little lover, how they’d steal her attention, how they’d make sure she’d be involved in every activity, which was a good thing, but he was her Sannie! How could be her Sannie with them always around- oh my god, get a grip-did he turn redder? All he did was drink apple juice- shit, he had to get her something to drink!
Slamming open the door he stumbled out only to halt at the sight of the bearded cowboy- oh his bearded cowboy who was frowning up at him, causing him to pout at her, somewhat guilty for leaving her hanging and-
“Is the beard really bothering you this much?”
“No, they’re bothering me.”
“Huh?” she looked up at him as if he had spoken French, “What do you mean? I thought they liked me?”
“They do like you.” He sighed, reaching for her hand as he began to walk towards the nearby terrace, knowing it would be empty since the party was downstairs, sliding open the door he slipped outside pulling her out with him as he made her sit on one of the outdoor chairs, kneeling in front of her on the ground as he held her hands, looking up at her, “I’m afraid they like you so much that I won’t get to be myself around you, you know?” he mumbled before placing her hands on his cheeks, causing her to giggle and squeeze his face.
“Aww, Sannie, you don’t have to worry about that, I’m just glad they don’t think I’m weird.”
“They definitely think you are weird.” He mumbled out, only for her to squish his cheeks harder, leaning down to peck his puckered lips before letting go, though he pulled her back, his hand resting at the back of her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze, holding her still as he brushed his lips against hers, “This beard is really annoying.”
“And here I thought you wouldn’t kiss me with it glued to my face.” She whispered, grateful to finally have a moment of peace with him, a moment where they could just be themselves, “Next time, just come over and tell me what to wear.”
“Nah, I think I like this look on you,” He perked up, pecking her lips once more, causing her to let out a giggle, arms wrapping around his neck, about to ask him about the reason behind his choice of clothes when she was cut off, by a very noisy Mingi who’s hollering could be heard as he ran away,
Shaking her head in disbelief, she stood up, helping him up as well as she squeezed his hand, causing him to look at her, a pout already present on his face, dreading what was to come next, “Ready for a shit ton of teasing?”
“Not really.” He mumbled as he sighed, causing her to let out a chuckle as she dragged him back downstairs to the noisy group who was oh so ready to tease the hell out of their ‘Sannie’ and his little cowboy.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @spooo00oky @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp
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ja3hwa · 5 months
♡ 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐏𝐭.𝟏 | 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : He couldn't help but think such filth when you were innocently fast asleep only merely a couple of feet away from him.
『Word count』 :  1.12k
-> Genre: Pure smut. Little plot. DBF.
Pairing: Dilf!Hongjoong x Park!Reader [Hwa's Daughter]
[Warnings] : Slightly Noncon (Reader is asleep at first). Masturbation. Cum play. Thoughts and fantasies. Pet names. Sir kinkish. Hongjoong is nasty. Also, Joong is like in his late 30s and tatted while the reader is only 23. Whoops.
Note: No one asked for this, but for some reason, I was hooked on the thought of the Dad's best friend trope, and Hongjoong is really coming for my heart. So, It was a perfect match in my eyes.
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You didn't know what came over yourself. It felt like the heating was turned up tenfold. Your nose scrunched as you began to move more and more in your sleep. Hongjoong couldn’t help but watch your discomfort in curiosity. Were you having a nightmare? No, you weren’t one to have them. But then again, maybe you just didn’t tell anyone. And being on a family trip in the middle of nowhere would cause distress.
Maybe I should wake her?… He thought, now sitting fully up on the pull-out couch bed. You were no longer tucked under the big fluffy covers on the single bed. No, you had thrown them off moments ago, revealing your mid-drift slightly from your short sleep top and the fact you weren't wearing any pants. God, you looked so cute in your black frilly panties…No, he couldn’t think of such a thing. Not when you were his best friend's daughter. 
But oh how you looked delicious. When he met Seonghwa, he had no clue he had a daughter, let alone one that was twenty-two. And when he agreed to go on this camping trip─more like staying in this large cabin on Seonghwa family’s land─he didn’t expect to see you tag along. You were stunning the moment he saw you hop out of your car. You were everything he would want in a woman and after spending hours of the day chatting and getting to know you he knew he was fucked. Anyone outside your conversations, like Seonghwa or his other friends and their kids, would see it as some harmless banter. But in reality, Hongjoong was shamelessly flirting. He didn’t mean it at first, but it just kept going, and you kept egging him on. So what was he supposed to do?
Since there were quite a lot of people that had come on the getaway, rooms were tight. And you had begged your father not to let you sleep in the rooms where the kids were cause you were certain one of San’s boys wanted more than innocent late-night chats… He ended up putting you in the same small study-turned-bedroom where there was a single bed and a double pull-out with Hongjoong. He originally offered to take the single, but you argued, saying his ‘old man back’ wouldn’t like it. He let you take it after that comment.
“J-joong…” you mumbled, almost inaudible. The older man's eyes snapped to your parted lips in a millisecond. Did you just say his name? No, he was definitely hearing things. “Joong, please.”
No, he definitely heard you that time. Your little panting, knitted brow, and soft moans. You weren’t having a nightmare. You were having a sex dream. And it was about him. God, did he wake up in another universe where everything went his way?! He ruffled his hair before rubbing his face in disbelief. He needed to hear you again, but as he took in your figure, he noticed you were now biting your lip, and your hips were jerking slowly. The pillow you were cuddling was tightly pressed up against your covered cunt in between your legs, and every little movement of your hips sent a shock of pleasure through your body.
You were humping your pillow at the thought of them while fast asleep.
He knew it was bad, but as his cock twitched for the millionth time he knew he needed to give himself some relief. And besides, you were sleeping, so you wouldn’t catch him only a couple of feet away from you, fucking his fists in time with your thrusts as your little moans carried out the nastiest fantasies his mind could conjure.... Right?
The thought of you laying out on his bed back at his penthouse. You're soaking on complete display as you beg him to hurry and touch you. He questions if you are a virgin, and if you were would you let him fuck you raw? Just the thought of slipping inside your tight virgin pussy while you tear up at his girth. He squeezed his cock tighter, staring at you intensely, he moved the sheets off himself, hissing slightly at the cool air hitting his hot angry tip. He needed more, he needed to hear his name spill from your mouth again. And it was as if the gods answered his prayers hearing you whimper, “P-please H-hongjoong.”
That was enough to tip him over the edge, speeding up his movements. He noticed the stutter in your hips. You were close to. He’d whisper to himself, “Let’s cum together baby. Cum all over my cock, fuuck.”
He wouldn’t be able to catch himself in time, splurting all over his hand, chest, and some dripping on his thigh. Fuck, he came so much. His eyes were shut, head leaning back against the backing of the couch. His heart was thumping in his ears so loudly he couldn’t even hear anything more. He was in complete ecstasy and peace. That was until he felt the bed dip, making his heart stop and eyes widen. “oh uh..I. um..” fuck, he was so fucked. You were sitting on the end of his bed, half asleep with the haziest expression while staring at his cock still tightly in his hand. His dick twitched, causing a groan, mostly from annoyance as he had been caught and he does even feel an ounce of guilt.
“D-did I cause t-that…” You said sweetly, so innocently. Could you get any more perfect?!
“I’m sorry angel, just go back to sleep, yeah…” He tucks himself back into his boxers, feeling his cum stick to the fabric which caused him to gag. He’s gonna have to slip out for a shower. But you didn’t budge as you took in his words. Instead, you pushed past any anxiety you had over the past days wondering whether Hongjoong liked you the same way, and moved closer to grab his hand that still had some of his cum on. You had woken up over five minutes ago before Hongjoong had creamed himself. His head was thrown back and he was in complete bliss and it caused you to cum just from the sight alone. “A-Angel…”
You didn’t let him speak another word as you placed two of his fingers in your mouth, swirling your tongue around them. Soaking them. And once they were wet enough, you pulled them out with an audible pop. Slowly, without breaking eye contact with the older male, you moved his hand down until those two wet fingers dipped into your completely ruined panties, letting him feel exactly how wet you were for him. They would slip so perfectly into your cunt causing you to sigh in relief, feeling so full just from his fingers alone. “Aren’t you gonna help me, sir.”
Hongjoong was done for.
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beenbaanbuun · 5 months
first kiss with ateez
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park seonghwa
i’m of the belief that seonghwa is a gentleman through and through
unfortunately that means no kiss until at least the third date, and even then your lips would have to look particularly plush and tempting for him to even dare
a bit of pink lip gloss does the trick, drawing his gaze to your lips more than once during the restaurant date that you find yourself on
he studies them when you talk about what’s going on in your life, watching your pretty teeth peeking out from beneath them
in fact, the more you talk, the harder it gets to pull his gaze away to look you in the eyes
how can he when your lips look so, what’s the word, kissable…
and before he can even stop himself, he’s leaning across the table and is oh-so-gently holding your face in place with a hand on your cheek
your words stop in your throat as he breathes against your lips and perhaps you can’t help but find his lips a little tempting too
you close the gap, pushing your lips against his own soft pair and holding yourself in place for just a moment or two
neither of you forget that you’re in the centre of a restaurant so you pull away, sharing a silent promise that it would be the first of many
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kim hongjoong
hongjoong didn’t quite know why he felt so compelled to show you his studio so early in the relationship
it was his safe space away from the rest of the world, and yet there you were, stood right in the centre of it looking like you belonged there
and he believed that you did because why else would you look so pretty under the dim lights that shone from the ceiling?
why else would he be so tempted to pull you over to his desk chair and have a long, passionate make out session with you?
he tries to shake the dirty thoughts away, but a few linger on for longer than he’d like
and as you look around the space, he can’t quite help but imagine what it would feel like to hold his lips to yours
feeling braver than usual, he struts up to you and leans into your personal space, mouth barely an inch from your own
“can i?” he whispers, eyes flickering down to watch your lips part and your tongue dart out to wet them, “want to feel your pretty mouth on mine…”
you nod and before you know it, he has a hand on your shoulder, pulling you close and his lips on yours, drinking you in
he doesn’t pull away until you’re both dizzy from a lack of oxygen, but before you can even fully catch your breath, he’s delving in for more
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jeong yunho
another gentleman except he is more than happy to kiss you on the first date as long as you’re as willing as he is
because he never really believed in love as first sight, but when he sees you for the first time, kissing you is all he can thing about
spends half of his time staring at your lips, and half of his time staring at your eyes wondering how pretty it would be to watch them flicker closed as he kisses you
tries his hardest to listen to you as you talk but how is he supposed to concentrate when all he wants to do is lean in and press his own lips against yours
ends up asking you to repeat yourself pretty much every sentence but you don’t really mind because you like the way he pouts when he asks…
both of you so desperately want to kiss the other and yet neither of you say anything, until…
“is that lipstick on your teeth?” yunho asks. you try to rub it off but you’re rubbing at the wrong tooth and yunho is just giggling to himself
you ask him to get it for you, and he freezes up because he’s unsure as to whether you’re genuinely asking him or whether it’s some sort of weird way of you asking for a kiss
he plays dumb and hopes it’s the latter, leaning in a little and extending the invitation for you to close the gap, which of course, you do
you giggle against his lips as he pushes the tip of his tongue into your mouth to wipe away the lipstick
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kang yeosang
you’ve been dating for a while and you both desperately want to kiss the other but you’re shy and yeosang is clueless
the two of you are trapped in a weird sort of tango where one of you will get just about brave enough to lean in for a kiss before uncertainty kicks in and you take it back
your friends can’t be around you two anymore because it’s genuinely annoying to watch you two perform this weird ritual
they’re all silently begging for the two of you to just quit the bullshit and make out (preferably not in front of them)
but even with the hints the guys drop to yeosang, he still doesn’t seem to understand that of course you want to kiss him as badly as he wants to kiss you
until one night, you’re at his dorm for a movie night that yunho invited you over for
eventually, though, he gets fed up of watching you two love sick idiots watch one another instead of the movie and he stands up with his popcorn bowl and his blanket
“i’m going to bed,” he grumbles, shooting the two of you a frustrated look, “you two need to get a grip and make out already…”
it’s the most direct hint any of the members have given to yeosang, and finally it sinks in that holy shit! maybe you want to kiss him too???
your lips are already on his the second yunho is out of the room and he can’t help but squeak in surprise before fully leaning into the kiss
it’s unsure to start with, but the two of you soon find your feet and as per yunho’s instructions, you do in fact ‘get a grip and make out’
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choi san
another gentleman but only in the sense that he likes to get verbal consent before kissing you
and he’s been waiting so patiently to ask you all night but he can’t quite bring himself to interrupt you as you very cutely ramble on about some random topic
but as much as he could sit and listen to you talk about anything with your angelic voice, he just wants to lean over to where you’re sat on his bed and kiss you
you notice him zoning out after a while and your sentences trail off
“sorry, was i rambling?” you ask, growing shy
“huh?” he shakes himself out of his trance and pouts at you, “aw, you could never ramble, babe…”
while you’re grateful that he’s so quick to squash any insecurities you might have about talking too much, you can’t help but wonder what had him so deep in thought
but before you can ask, san gets there first
“can i kiss you?” you nod, but san doesn’t do anything until you actually say it
when you finally get the word out, he smiles and lunges forwards to let his lips crash against yours
it’s not a gentle kiss, but it’s not an aggressive one either
it’s more like a long awaited one, switching from slow and sensual to desperate and depraved, before going back to the former in mere seconds!
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song mingi
this man can and will kiss you whenever he feels like it
don’t get me wrong, he gets so incredibly shy around you, but he is also so incredibly impulsive that the moment he gets the idea to kiss you in his head, he can’t shake it out until he’s done it
it’s only your second date, but the two of you click so well that mingi thinks he might already be in love with you
and then he says something jokingly mean, purposefully to make you pout, and he just freezes
have your lips always looked that kissable? because right now, that’s the only thing he can think about
they look so soft and pliant and pink and before he knows it, mingi is leaning down to your height, his own lips just a breath away from yours
“do you want to kiss me?” he asks with a dopey smile, “i want to kiss you…”
you nod with a dazed expression and he closes the gap, wasting no time in deepening the kiss
he puts his huge hands on your waist and holds you flush against him as he explores your mouth
after what feels like a blissful eternity, he pulls away, panting deeply as he licks at his own lips that are covered in your spit
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jung wooyoung
this little shit wants to kiss you soooo bad and unfortunately for you, he can tell that you want to kiss him too
with anyone else, that wouldn’t be a problem, but wooyoung is evil and is absolutely determined to make sure the only thing you can think of all day is his lips
he spends all day biting at his lips and flicking his pretty pink tongue over them the make them glisten in the sun light
acts extra pouty just in case he didn’t already have your full attention on his lips
he can tell by the way you zone out mid sentence to stare at his mouth that he does in fact have your full attention but that doesn’t stop him
oh no, it only drives him to be oven more of a little demon
he decides he wants to get ice cream with you despite it being the middle of winter, and for some reason you agree
he eats it in such a way that gets it smothered on his lips, but with the smirk on his face you can tell it’s intentional
you try and dab it away with a napkin but he just pouts and leans in close
with a sigh and a roll of your eyes, you take the hint and press your barely concealed smile to his own lips
he transfers the ice cream to your own lips before letting his tongue dart out to lick it up
you pull away with a grossed out whine, but he pulls you back in immediately for more
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choi jongho
for jongho, the urge to kiss you built up over time
like sure, on the first date he notices how pretty your lips look but all of you is pretty and that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to kiss you
but then on the second date, he can’t help but notice that you like to chew on your lips and somewhere in the back of his mind is a thought that has him shocked at himself
like, he’s known you for a little over a week, why is he daydreaming about tugging your bottom lip between his teeth before diving in for a kiss
and then suddenly, it’s the fifth date and you’re sat on his sofa curled into his side and he just can’t stop staring as you nibble on your bottom lip
there’s a deep internal conflict about what he should do because he just can’t sit and watch you unintentionally tease him anymore!
decides to be a little bold and takes a deep breath before using his thumb to tug your bottom lip free of your teeth
you look at him in surprise, but you have barely enough time to be shocked before his lips are descending on your own and you’re leaning into the best kiss of your life
it’s slow and passionate and jongho is holding onto you like your made of glass with his hands splayed across your lower back
you pull away before delving back for more immediately, gasping when you’d feel jongho’s teeth scrape against your bottom lip…
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myhimbomingi · 4 months
Shower Ecstacy
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✧ pairing: song mingi x afab!reader ✧ theme: established relationship, idol!au ✧ wc: ~1.6k ✧ warnings: smut (18+ mdni), reader is fem forward, fingering (f. receiving), unprotected sex (wrap up ya'll!), creampie, petnames (f. receiving - baby, babe, love), fluff and after care at the end ✧ a/n: this is my first time writing smut! Idk what took over me but I had to get this out of my brain. please be nice ;-; I'm very shy and nervous about posting this but I hope ya'll will like it! maybe even love it? please share your thoughts and any feedback would be amazing so I can write better in the future!
“Babe! I’m gonna shower real quick!” You yell from your boyfriend’s bedroom. You both have been together all day to catch up after a few weeks from being apart. Your boyfriend had many schedules with no breaks in between so today was the first day you both could hang out. He is in the kitchen making some dinner and you just really needed to clean up. 
“Sounds good!” He yells back.
His voice brings a small smile to your face. You just can’t help it!
You walk into his bathroom from his bedroom and get all of your things set up placing fresh clothes on the counter with all of your skin care and hair products. 
You love his bathroom. You wish he could just ask you to move in so you can use it everyday! It’s a master bath size with heated floors, jacuzzi, towel warmer, and a beautiful walk in shower big enough to probably fit 3 people. The amount of times you both had sex together in that shower was beyond the number you can count on your hands and feet combined. 
You take off your clothes, throwing them in a pile in the corner, and turn on the shower making it nice and hot. The best thing about this shower is that it has one of those shower heads that makes it feel like you are showering in the rain. It soothes you so much, releasing all the stress from your body and mind. As you turned it on, you noticed something different. Instead of it being a fixed shower head, it’s now one of those you can take off from the wall. You walk in feeling as if the water is the same but now the shower head has some new features. To your surprise, there is a jet option which does peak your interest.
You look down and bring the shower head between your legs. You jump a bit with sudden sensitivity and pleasure. You try again and hold the strong stream much longer, already feeling the ecstasy flow through your body. You start to whimper, holding on to the wall for balance and placing your foot up on the ledge to be in a better position. 
You try your hardest to stay quiet but the water pressure was beyond anything you have ever felt. Your whimpers turned into loud whines. The sound of the water kept drowning out the sound in your head so you thinking you were still being quiet was quite the opposite. You end up sitting on the ledge with your legs spread wide like you are wanting something more than just the water pressure itself.
As you were getting close to your climax, you heard a knock on the bathroom door.
“Babe, are you okay?” 
Since you’re so close to hitting your climax, you couldn’t muster up any type of reply. You stayed quiet, trying to hurry before he notices but then the door opens. “Babe?”
He walks over to the shower to check in on you only to see you sitting with your legs far apart, holding the water jet right on your heat. 
“Mingi…..” You managed to say, desperately looking into his eyes. You didn't even move the jet away from between your legs, even with being caught like this. 
He looks at you amazed, a growing smile on his face. “I can’t believe you’re playing with your present before I was able to show you” Mingi bites his bottom lip, getting turned on almost instantly seeing you so vulnerable like this. 
You peak down his body, seeing his bulge getting bigger and thicker. You deeply sigh, moving your eyes back to his. “Come here then and play with me” You managed to say, showing in your face the amount of pleasure you're still giving yourself. 
Without a second to spare, Mingi takes his clothes off and gets in the shower with you. He kneels down in front of you and takes the shower head out of your hands. You whine at him for taking away your orgasm that was truly just seconds away from happening. He just grins at you and immediately starts to play with you with his tongue. He runs his hands up your body, squeezing and pulling at your skin with the pleasure he has from just tasting you. 
You thrust your hips up, aching for more already and running your fingers through his hair, pulling and tugging to get him even closer. 
He sucks on your clit just the way you like it and quickly slides in two of his fingers hitting your g spot instantly. You scream in ecstasy, causing another sly grin to form on Mingi’s lips. He pulls off your clit with a pop and takes out his fingers though he of course continues to rub and tease the inside of your thighs to keep your high. “Why are you stopping?” You whine at him, tears streaming down your face with a desperate expression.
“I need you to turn around” Before you even have a chance to stand up and turn around, Mingi pulls you up and puts you in position. Legs spread apart with your hands on the ledge to balance you. Mingi pumps his dick a few times and teases your cunt with it, moving it back and forth with his hips. 
“Here baby, pleasure yourself again. I need you to scream for me and only me” Just by how Mingi says this to you with his deep raspy voice, you know how turned on he is. You know how this is gonna go and you are beyond excited. Out of all the relationships you have been in, Mingi is the only one that makes love to you the way you like it. It’s always fun and you never end up unsatisfied. 
You take the shower head from him and align it so it hits your clit just right. You whimper immediately feeling the ecstasy flow through you once again. 
Mingi quickly pushes his whole dick inside of you, slamming into your g spot without a moment to spare. “God baby, you feel so good…” He moans and tightens his grip on your hips, already leaving marks and bruises on your skin that you love. “You’re so beautiful like this. Taking in all of me with such ease…” He slides his right hand up your body and to your neck, choking you just enough to add into all the amazing sensations you are feeling. Mingi starts to thrust faster in you, gripping his large hand tighter around your neck, almost reaching his own climax. “Keep playing with yourself baby…don’t move that jet…” His breath his heavy.
Tears continue to fall down your face as you moan your boyfriend’s name. “Mingi…I’m so close…please…” Just as you say this, you hit your climax. You scream, whimper, and moan all at once, your body taking a mind of its own with pleasure as your walls pulsate all around Mingi. You keep the water jet pressure on your clit so you can ride out your climax as long as possible. 
“Fu-” Mingi couldn’t even finish the curse under his breath as he reached his climax as well. He removes his hand from your neck and balances himself on your hips, releasing inside of you with sloppy thrusts, trying to continue his feeling of ecstasy. 
“Keep going baby. Please keep going…” Mingi groans in desperation, still feeling your walls tighten around him. You push yourself more into him but you just can’t handle your orgasm anymore. 
“I can’t…” you drop the shower head and almost collapse with how weak your body is now. Mingi, out of breath, holds on to you before you fall. “It’s okay, love.” 
Mingi lifts you up and sits you back on the ledge to relax from your play. “Do you still need to wash up?” He brushes some hair from your face behind your ear as you look up at him and nod, looking totally beat. He smiles with a small chuckle and without hesitation, starts to wash your hair and lather you up.”Sorry if I was a little too rough. I couldn’t help myself seeing you so vulnerable like that” 
You giggle and reassure him “No, it was all perfect. I truly didn’t intend for this to happen but…curiosity got the best of me. I’m really glad you ended up walking in”
Mingi smiles at you shyly “You know, I really love you a lot” 
“I know you do!” You laugh
“Hey don't laugh! I really do love you. I’m so lucky to have you, y/n.”
You place both your hands on either side of his cheeks and pull him in for a smiley kiss. He kisses you back with a smile as well. “Thank you for being mine” You say quietly on his lips. He just responds with a deeper kiss, pulling away after a few seconds. “Okay, let’s get out of here.” He says happily. 
After finishing what you first intended to do in the shower, Mingi wraps your towel around you before getting his own. “I may need to reheat the dinner I made for us” He chuckles
“That’s okay! All part of our fun spontaneous day!” You exclaim as you playfully shake his cute face from his chin. He laughs with you and wraps his arms around your waist.
“So, can I help you do your skin care before we go eat?” He asks as he kisses the top of your head. You look up at him with the biggest smile on your face. “I thought you would never ask!”
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halaboyz · 14 days
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that and then, wooyoung
stranger! ateez wooyoung x gn! reader it's not angst i swear! it's fluff ^^ i think it falls under love at first sight? i'm not too sure about that wc: 2.1k warnings: food; no more that i know of a/n: brainrot brainrot brainrot (literally)
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"I'm sorry, but your flight is delayed until tomorrow morning, and we can't find a way to reimburse you neither with hotel accommodations," You sigh, massaging your temple.
"Does that even make sense?"
"Does that even make sense?!" You and the guy on the other side of the control table ask (read: he shouted) at the same time, making you whip your head to his side.
He's just as stressed as you, yes.
Okay, maybe him a bit more.
"I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait for a few more hours," The staff apologetically smiles, handing you back your passport.
You just nod defeatedly, heading to the near seats and to look ridiculously at the man almost shouting at the staff.
"As if the staff could control the weather..." You whisper, and almost immediately the man sighs, shakes his head and gets his passport. When he turns around, he meets your what's with this man-face, which you immediately straighten out and try to avert your gaze somewhere else.
You get your book from your bag and try to read a paragraph, when you realize the man was walking to your side of seat. You internally roll your eyes, holding back a sigh.
After minutes of silence, he forcefully lets out a small cough.
"I'm not that kind of person, you know." You hear, and you first look around to see if he was talking to someone else. When you meet his eyes, you ask if he was talking to you. "Yes, you. I was already running late for my plans on the other side of the world, and now I'm stuck for a few more hours now."
"Ah," You smile, nodding and chuckling awkwardly.
"Is your flight delayed too? Heard we said the same thing a while ago."
What an extrovert.
"Yes, until tomorrow morning." You answer shortly, trying to end the conversation by sticking your nose to your book.
"And your hotel?"
"Cannot be provided."
"Do you want to roam around with me?" He asks straightforwardly, having a poker face with him.
"Hmm- What?" You jerk from your seat, almost agreeing to what the weird man was suddenly offering.
"Roam around. Night's alive around here. We're stuck anyway. Would you want to go with me?"
You look around to see if there was someone else hearing this absurdity, which to there was none. When he senses your urgency, he chuckles.
"I'm actually a very fun person to be with, thank you very much. I'm Wooyoung," He shows you his passport, and lets you keep it. "I'm giving you that to assure you. I swear I'm not up to anything. Just fun, I mean that like... fun. F-U-N."
He makes you scoff, and you actually think about it. Like he said, you were stuck anyway. Even though you were an introvert, there was no way in hell you'd stay there sitting for eight hours.
"Okay." You agree, "And I would very much keep this for safety reasons." You chuck his passport to the deepest part of your handbag.
After keeping your luggage on the lockers, you head out with the man.
"I don't think I've gotten your name," He smiles, and you introduce yourself. "Do you want to go to the near night market? They have the best fish cakes I have ever tasted." You chuckle at his exaggeration, following him as he guided you with his blabbering.
He was indeed a very fun person to be with.
And it was indeed the best fish cakes.
You burst out laughing when his excitement caused him to burn his tongue, pointing at his redder part of the tongue.
"Now I can't taste anything!" He sulks, letting the ice of the juice he just bought stay in his tongue.
"Whoever told you to eat that fast," You chuckle, finishing another stick in front of him. "I give it to you, these are the best." You mock his exaggeration, throwing the stick. He pouts and looks back at the stall, stomping.
"I thought I won't have the time to go here, but when I had, I burnt my tongue," He angrily whispers, throwing the now empty cup.
His burnt tongue didn't stop him from having dessert, though. The delight he had on his face when he had tiramisu was so... lovable. He looked like a man going back to being a kid, pointing every stall with the food he loved.
"You're not a kid, are you?" You suddenly question him, stopping him mid-bite of his tiramisu. "I don't want to go back as a kidnapper,"
"Did you not look at my passport or something?" He unbelievably gawks at you, shaking his head.
"Ah, right." You nod dumbly, laughing at yourself. You hear him giggle anyway, and it gives you the butterflies.
Oh god, please no.
You shake your head to reality, slapping yourself internally.
As if he wasn't feeling the same. He's been slapping himself (lightly, physically, without you seeing it) if he caught himself smiling while looking at you.
He only met you three hours ago, come on.
Wait, "Three hours?!" He screams, looking at his phone, and his watch, and your phone, and your watch, and the clock ticking on one of those biggest buildings- yes, it has been three hours.
"Oh, yeah. It's been." You nod, confirming it with your watch. You've been keeping watch of the time, wanting to make the most out of it by enjoying every bit. You pout, him reminding you that yes, again, it has been three hours.
And now three hours and thirty minutes.
"Did you run out of places to go?" You chuckle, feeling the cold night air pass through your face. "I have one, should we?"
Wooyoung instinctively nods away, knowing he'd be good as long as he's with you anyway.
You guide him with a smile, knowing that with the personality he has been showing you, he was going to like the place you're going.
A carnival.
You knew today was going to be its last day, so it was going to last until the morning.
It was... enjoyable.
Seeing unusual costumes paraded and games played, you've never seen a man shine so bright when he smiles, when he (he does) squeals, and jumps and everything he does, and most importantly, never seen a man look at you with those eyes.
Those eyes.
And you have never fallen in love that fast.
Are you in love?
"Hey... I think we need to leave to the airport by now," Now, you were left with two hours. The sky was starting to lighten, the moon starting to and trying to between clearing clouds.
"One last game," He grabs your arm, and starts god knows what he's doing. Wriggling and stomping and pouting and whining. "That card game over there looks fun, ah, please..."
"Fine, fine. It won't hurt." He drags you around hand in hand, and you heave a breath. Not because you were out of it because he was running dragging you with him, but because of how you wanted his hand on yours for a longer time.
"You play it simply guessing what the card is stuck on your forehead. You can do it for ten minutes, thank you."
When the staff leaves, you look at the stacked cards in front of you, being dumbfounded that you had to pay ten dollars for that.
Well, what's a carnival without a scam.
You burst into a fit of giggles, getting the cards and shuffled it. "Looks fun, one said."
Okay- he didn't expect that the game was going to be this simple. He really, really just wanted more time to enjoy with you.
He'd spend every penny he has on his wallet now just to be with you a second longer.
"Let's just start the game," You chuckle, pushing his fringe aside to stick the card to his forehead. When you're done, you laugh at his deadpanned face. "What? You wanted it! Now stick one on mine."
He does the same with your hair, pushing it aside for the card to stick on.
"You know, I really enjoy tonight. I regret even shouting at the staff earlier for delayed flights." He starts, sweetly arranging your hair back. "I did not regret a second."
"I did." You crane your neck, hissing. His face drops in worry, because he thought you were enjoying it as much as he did.
"With what? Oh my god, I'm so sorry... we can leave now if you want!" Wooyoung scurries to leave the tent, but you immediately pull him back.
"I was joking! The only waste was your money going down the drain for this shitty card game," You explain, laughing at him. "I enjoyed tonight too, Mr. Wooyoung. It was a pleasure meeting you too."
You both knew this, whatever this was, but individually you discretely called it love, was short-lived.
Although you both wanted it to be for long, you both want to be each other's side for longer, no one was uttering anything out. You avoided the topic like a plague.
"How do we even guess it... without asking straightforward questions like what the shape or number is..." Wooyoung whispers, and you immediately burst into laughter. A big one.
When you were back at home, laughter came to you like a blue moon. With him, it was easy.
He laughs when you laugh, both leaning to each others shoulders naturally to catch up on your breaths for a whole good 5 minutes.
Because really, how would you do it?
"Is it the shape of a star?" Wooyoung asks, and you gawk at him.
"A diamond is not a star, Wooyoung!" You lecture, pointing at him.
"Okay! Then it's not a diamond... Let me guess now! I think it's two of spades!"
"That's unfair! I blurted out a hint!"
"That wasn't a hint at all, you were just lecturing me! So I guessed it wasn't a diamond so I'm left with what, spades! And you said it was an even number, the first even number was 2 so I guessed that! Just admit it, I'm lucky,"
"Fine! Whatever," You pout, putting the cards down and getting the one on your forehead. "Mine was a joker?!"
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"...would like to call on passengers of ATZ-1117, you may now start heading to gate 8. We would like to apologize once more for the delay of flights. Again, Airline KQ would like to call on passengers of..."
"That's my flight!" You hurry, scurrying to your shared locker as you hear your flight being called the moment you step inside the airport.
"That's your flight?" Wooyoung softly asks, helping you with your things.
"Airline KQ would now like to call on passengers of ATZ-1024, you may now start heading to gate 18. We would like to apologize once more for the delay of flights. Again..."
"And that's mine." Wooyoung sighs, and you stop to memorize his features.
He fiddles with the handle of his luggage, and you muster the courage to cup his face.
"When time permits, we'll meet again." You smile at him, handing him his passport back. "It was fun. I enjoyed a lot, Woo."
He cups your cheeks back, and lands your forehead a kiss.
"We'll see each other again." You pat his back, urging a hug to which he allows. A tight one.
Before he breaks it off, he leans his forehead with yours. mesmirizing the last minutes he has with you before parting ways.
"Wooyoung... I'm sorry,"
"Right. If you don't leave now, I don't think you would, ever. I wouldn't let you," He leaves your forehead another kiss, and finally letting you go.
Except your hand.
He takes another good look at you and smiles, knowing that he'll find you in time.
He hopes he does. He prays he does.
"I'll see you when I do," You smile, and you start stepping back. You give his hand a good grip before finally tearing it apart, turning around with one last smile.
You had a job application to catch up to.
You had to stop yourself from looking back because once you do, you knew you were doomed.
And he had to watch you walk away first before he does, because god knows how wide open his arms would be once you look back and decide to jump back into his arms again.
But yet again, you don't. So he sharply inhales and turns around as well, delving to the reminiscing moments with you in his mind.
He remembers, he had his wedding to attend to.
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jammingjaem · 22 days
hi i saw your requests are open and i was wondering if i could request some hongjoong bf texts if you have the chance 💕
hongjoong as your bf.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE | tell a friend to tell a friend?? she’s back??
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ilwonuu · 25 days
give me the lOve.
⇝ jeong yunho
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𝗂 𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝖾. 𝗂 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅 𝗌𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗆𝗒𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿. 𝗂 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾. 𝗐𝗁𝗒 𝖽𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗄𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝗌𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽?𝗈𝗁 𝗂𝗍 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝖻𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗆𝖾. 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝖽𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗆𝖾 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒? 𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗓 𝖺𝗌 𝗈𝗇𝗅𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗌<𝟥
༅ 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀- 𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖺𝖻𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉, 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅!𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗁𝗈 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝖽𝗈𝗆!𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗁𝗈 𝗑 𝗌𝗎𝖻!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
༅ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌- 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗇𝗈 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍,𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝗑 (𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒), 𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝖾,,,𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽𝗒 𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗁𝗈, 𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗁𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗎 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗎 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅, 𝖽𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄,,, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽, 𝗉𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗌𝖾??, 𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗉𝖾𝗍 𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌 (𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒, 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾𝗌𝗌), 𝗅𝗆𝗄 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾!
༅ 𝖺/𝗇- 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗈 𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗁𝗈 𝖼𝗈𝖽𝖾𝖽<𝟥 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗆𝗌𝗆𝗌𝗆 𝗅𝗆𝗄 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗎 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍 !!! 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖽
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“yunho what are you doing?” your boyfriend acts innocent as he grinds against you. his cock hardening as he continues his movements.
“mm- sorry just feels so fucking good.” he whispers into your ear as he continues to rut into you. you pretend to be annoyed with your needy boyfriend but you can’t hide how good it feels.
“fuuck- can i fuck you? just the tip baby please- “ you nod with a smile.
“p-please yunho-“ yunho has never been this needy with you. you knew he didn’t mean it when he said just tip. you knew he would end up stretching you fully on his cock. how could he resist? he moves your panties to the side in a hurry not bothering to try to take them off you.
“can’t wait princess-“ he smiles into your neck as he pulls his dick out of his sweats. he rubs his cock against your wet folds.
“fuck- you’re always so wet for me. my princess wants me to fuck her so bad huh?” he taunts you as he slowly fucks his tip in with a groan.
“ah- f-fuck yunho- more-“ he grunts as he starts to fuck you slow and hard. his heavy breathing has your stomach tightening quicker.
“f-fuck fuck- princess i’m gonna fuck you full of my cum- feels- fuck so good.” his rambling has you clenching at his dirty words.
“y-yes yunho- please cum in me.” you are practically sobbing as the sound of skin slapping gets louder.
“mm- good girl- fuck i love it when you beg for it. i’m gonna make you mine.” he whispers into your ear with a slight rasp in his voice. your can’t take it anymore as you paint his dick with your cum.
“fuck- that’s it baby- come for me- fuck.” his groans are breathy and loud as he fucks you a little longer.
“shit- princess i’m coming-“ his voice makes you milk his cock of his cum. his cum is deep inside you as he fucks it into you. you can’t help but get butterflies hearing your boyfriends pants and moans. his praise’s to you are making you want him to fuck you again.
“take it perfectly baby-“ he pulls out of you with a smile before hovering over you.
“round two hm?”
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Heyy there! I just love your ateez reactions so much and I saw that requests were open, so here is mine, I hope that's ok.
So, I've seen this concept a bit with other groups but I never found an ateez one, when they give the reader gf privileges, like the reader kiss them on the cheek and they don't have a problem with that (looking at you, hongjoong) and other things like that they don't let the others members do at all. I just imagine the others being so dramatic about it too lol.
ateez giving their s/o partner privileges
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genre: crack, fluff, everything in between
word count: 1.7k
warnings: cursing, wooyoung acting like... wooyoung, sanho bromance, idk its all very chaotic ok??
a/n: there is a LOT of wooyoung in this like he's in most of them because idk he's an icon and i felt like he fit the criteria for most of these so that's that. tysm for your request, this is such a cute and fun idea i love it! sorry it took like 10,000 years for me to do 🧑‍🦯
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wooyoung had his hands on his hips when he found hongjoong cuddled up with you on the sofa. legs folded over yours, arms wrapped around you tightly; he had never seen his leader show this much physical affection before. it was a weird sight to see.
"what do you want," hongjoong peered over your head, which currently lay on his chest, to see wooyoung still watching you both.
"oh," wooyoung said bluntly, "i see how it is."
"what are you on about," hongjoong rolled his eyes.
"i can't even poke your cheek without you squeaming away, but then they are all over you," wooyoung gestures to the cuddling session taking place, his tone exasperated.
hongjoong rolled his eyes and grinned slightly.
"yeah well, they're just better than you," hongjoong stated before placing his chin atop your head as you snuggled down further into his arms.
"why are you acting all jealous, you weirdo" hongjoong added as wooyoung continued to glare.
"disgusting behaviour," wooyoung fake gagged at the two of you being cute together. he'd have to get used to this side of hongjoong because you couldn't help but bring it out of him.
seonghwa had a thing about his hair. in the sense that... he didn't want anyone touching it.
stylists can, sure. but when his members came close to it seonghwa would throw hands. they would always mess it up, especially woosan, who were both rough with him in general and liked pulling on his hair to tease him.
but you're his partner. who was he to deny you of such a pleasure? playing with his hair brought you great joy.
so you sat on the couch, his head in your lap and eyes fluttered closed as he was telling you about his day in his usual calm, low voice. your hands folded through his hair, fingers lacing in between the fibres.
"oh i see how it is" wooyoung and san collectively joined the room to ruin the peaceful atmosphere, "you let them touch your hair but not us?"
you just grinned as you watched your boyfriend's eyes roll dramatically at his friends.
"go away" he mumbled, closing his eyes once more.
before you could stop them, the pair came over and messed up his hair quickly and not-so-gently, making him gasp and sit upright.
"little shits" seonghwa snarled as they ran away chuckling to themselves.
"you love them really," you said with a smile, pulling his head back down gently to your lap as he closed his eyes once more.
you had many benefits from dating yunho. he was handsome, kind, hilarious... you loved everything about him. but a privilege you have with him is helping him pick out his clothes.
"maybe try this colour tie instead," you handed him a burgundy tie, which seemed to please him.
hongjoong leaned against the door frame, watching yunho slide the tie around his collared neck.
"is this why you don't ask me for fashion advice anymore?" hongjoong pursed his lips as you smirked and winked over at him.
"that," yunho had elegantly twisted his fingers and folded his tie expertly quick, "and the fact that you have a very radical style. too noisy for me, i like things simple."
hongjoong shrugged a bit, "why be boring when you can be bold?"
"why where black when you can wear yellow?" yunho remarked back, grinning at you in the mirror as you stifled a laugh.
"fine, i get it" hongjoong pushed himself off the door frame, "have fun dressing your doll, y/n."
"oh i will~" you hummed, slipping your hands over the shoulders of his suit once he turned around to face you, a small grin still on his lips.
"oh look it's mister 'don't touch me'" jongho mused as he came in to find yeosang spread out on the sofa with you hanging onto him like a koala.
"oh hello," yeosang vaguely looked over in his friend's direction "what's your name again?"
"oh you think you're so funny," jongho shook his head as yeosang snuggled into you gently. "i was gonna watch the football game in here."
"go ahead" you piped up, your voice sounding muffled because your face was buried in yeosang's neck. the vibrations of your voice tickled his neck, making him giggle. yeah, you guys weren't going to move anytime soon.
jongho's blank expression didn't change; public displays of affection were not his thing.
"nah forget it," jongho said, "i'll leave you lovebirds in peace."
"good, bye-bye" yeosang yawned and you hit him lightly for being rude, giving him a little glare
"i mean 'nooo, stay with us'" yeosang was so unserious he literally can't go 2 seconds without being sarcastic.
jongho shook his head "i couldn't possibly think of anything worse. having fun!" and he walked out with no other words said.
san is quite handsy with everyone he is close to so there's not much he wouldn't do to his members than he does to you.
but he would just concentrate his affection on you a lot more. you'd get all the kisses and cuddles you'll ever need to last you the rest of the year!
and the members noticed this.
"no goodnight kiss?" yunho would ask san in a teasing voice.
"not for you," san grinned sleepily, making his way towards his room, where you were waiting for him.
"wow, you've changed" yunho hummed before going back to his video game. of course, he didn't care, he just wanted to get under san's skin.
and he did. san pouted slightly, feeling guilty that he hadn't shown his friend much affection recently.
"you're just jealous because you don't have a partner" san would say, folding his arms over his chest.
when yunho didn't reply san rushed to him and placed a kiss on his cheek "goodnight" he grumbled and yunho grimaced in disgust, leaning away.
"ewww save that for your partner, lover-boy" yunho grimaced in disgust, leaning away from his affectionate roommate, who looked at him in defeat.
"stop biting me, wooyoung"
this was the third time mingi had scolded the younger member. yes, wooyoung had the tendency to bite the other members. this did not come as a surprise to you at all. in fact, you found it hilarious.
"you let y/n do it," wooyoung said matter-of-factly as your face flushed. mingi rubbed the back of his head and chuckled shyly.
"yeah, don't think i don't notice the love bites you come home like every other day," wooyoung raised and eyebrow and shrugged. mingi did in fact have one of these love bites laying perfectly on the skin of his neck as he spoke.
"well, that's different, we're dating" mingi protested after his initial embarrassment about being exposed, "you bite me because you... hell, i don't even know why you bite me."
"it's my way of saying i love you" wooyoung gave mingi big wide eyes while you giggled at this, wrapping an arm around your boyfriend.
"i don't care why you do it, and that's gross" mingi's face screwed up into disgust. you hid your face in the crook of his neck as you hid the laughter into his skin.
"why are you in his neck, y/n? wanna bite him again?" wooyoung interrogated as you raised a leg to kick him.
"find someone else to bite, this one's mine" you finally decided to fight back, giving as much attitude as wooyoung was coming out with.
"i don't why anyone has to be me at all, really..." mingi stared at the ceiling, wondering what he had done to deserve this affectionate abuse.
wooyoung was another affectionate member. in fact, he was so affectionate that he broke the physical boundaries the members found normal, to begin with.
"you're all my partners, in a way" wooyoung would gesture to the entire room as the other members groaned, and you sat up next to him with an amused look on your face. it was always fun to see your boyfriend interact with the others the way he did.
"san is my wife, for instance" wooyoung laughed at himself, earning a punch in the shoulder from san, who shook his head, clearly offended. this was the usual behaviour he had to deal with.
"but i love you the most" wooyoung leaned on your shoulder and fluttered his eyebrows as seonghwa let out a little 'aww', the other members rolling their eyes.
"thank goodness. now we don't have to deal with the snoring anymore," jongho remarked as the boys started laughing. wooyoung glared at the younger member playfully.
"what an honour and a privilege," you said in a non-impressed, monotone voice. wooyoung glided an arm over your shoulder.
"it is, isn't it?" wooyoung beamed while you stared at him with the same blank expression.
"i need more wine."
"i'll have some more too~"
"no, alcohol makes you snore louder!"
jongho is another member who isn't as affectionate as the rest. but he finds himself being different nowadays, because he is dating you. you've definitely softened him, he usually initiates most of the physical affection between you both!
"look at you two," mingi teased, playfully, grinning at the two as you walked arm in arm. you were currently on a walk with all the other members and they all couldn't help but notice how jongho was so open with his affection for you.
"what are you looking at?" jongho whined at his hyung, but his grip tightened on your arm. you blushed lightly at this warm gesture.
"you guys being desperately in love with each other," mingi teased and jongho stared at him with a blank expression. you laughed at this simple exchange.
the 99' liners kept going 'aww' and taking sneaky photos of you two because their precious maknae has found the one.
"leave them alone, guys" seognhwa scolded, but smiled dreamily at the sight of you two. he couldn't help it, you both looked so cute.
"it's nice to see jongho like this," he remarked to hongjoong, who nodded along with him.
you both looked like an exceptionally perfect couple, and the members couldn't get enough of how adorable it all was.
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c0llisiion · 3 months
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Pairing: park seonghwa + f!reader
Genre: smut
★: npr, drabble , slight possessive hwa , makeup sex , slight dumbification — lmk if i missed any!
W/C: 485
A/N: First ateez work HAAAA WTFFFFF! Sorry 4 going mia, i js haven’t gotten the mood to write rn 😭☝️ anyways i hope you like it!!
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ MDNI. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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Makeup sex with Seonghwa would be so sensual. He would have you all spooned up. His thick arm around your neck and a hand rested under your knee, slightly lifted so he could fuck into your sloppy walls with ease. It would begin with slow lovemaking, giving you all the kisses and reassurance, but would eventually turn into heavy fucking as he retrospects the entire fight. This was his redemption.
“m’ so sorry baby… -kiss- i will never do that again …” He gently rolled his hips into your fucked out cunny. Your eyes went white as each thrust hit your sweet spot. Sweet nothings were whispered in your ears at every moment. Giving you all reassurance that it was never your fault but his, because you were his sweet little princess, and he hates seeing his princess sad. “Mmf… Hwa- ‘s too good..haah-“ you mewled as his hips increased pace. He was molding your pussy. Sculpting it to only fit his cock and no one else’s.
The more sweet sounds you let out, the harder he got. The base of his cock was coated in a thick layer of your pent up arousal, leaking down his heavy balls. “Look at me, princess. Look into my eyes… gah-“ he almost choked as your cunny clenched around his throbbing length. He grabbed your jaw and forced you to look straight at him. You stared up at him with your glossy, doe eyes. Tears spilled from the sides. “I will never t-treat you wrong, okay, princess? I will never make you sad ever again.. you’re mine, and I'm yours… It will stay like that until the day we die..” he muttered in between pants and soft breaths.
Your eyes fill up with tears as you feel his fingers toy with your swollen clit. Tugging and pinching on the sensitive nub. “Got it , princess? Can your whore mind understand what i am saying?” His hips pounded into you at an inhuman rate, making you cry out and let out choked moans. “Ye- -hic- yes- fuck! Seonghwaaaaa!!” His mouth found yours, and it was an immediate competition for dominance. His tongue swirled around in your mouth. Almost eating you. His hand worked swiftly on your clit. Making sure you squirted all over his bed no matter what. You whined and moaned into his mouth. His thrusts never seemed to come to a halt. Seonghwas long dick pounded into your puffy cunny without any mercy. Every thrust sends shockwaves up your body. His pink tip, bruising your cervix and hitting your gspot every time he pulls out. You could feel your orgasm building up. The familiar knot in your stomach burst as he landed a harsh slap on your poor clit, making you gush out a stream of clear liquid all over his mattress.
A dark smirk was plastered on his face as he saw you come undone. “Goodgirl.”
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A/N: thank you for reading!!! i have a few drabbles in my draft rn so i might post them! Currently working on a jk rq so :3 ily!
© C0LLISIION , 2024
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tinytinyblogs · 4 months
Gonna show them you're mine
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Seonghwa is tired of keeping you and his relationship a secret; he's ready to take action.
(non-idol au, include one curse word) 2,4k words
💬@s1riushwa Thanks for this request! I hope you like the story I wrote for you. If you have more requests, feel free to let me know—I'm here to help!
Ateez masterlist here
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Your insights and reactions make these posts come alive. Love reblogs, comments, and all the good vibes welcome ✨
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He's really liked by a lot of people because he represents everything many wish to be. With his good looks, kindness, and caring nature, he seems like the perfect person. When he walks into a room, a bunch of people gather to look at him and appreciate how amazing he is. He has lots of different friends, and it seems like his life is really cool. It's like he's walking on a special path with flowers, a path that others can only dream of. When he's around, people can't help but think he's extraordinary, making him stand out as a really special person. Park Seonghwa is known all over the university, and even students from other schools know him. He's the main person everyone pays attention to, catching the eye of the whole university community. In simple terms, he's not just popular for his looks but also for being an outstanding person at the university. His popularity goes beyond just his own school; it reaches and connects with students from other schools too.
It's not only in his immediate academic surroundings that he gets attention. Instead, his influence and importance go beyond that, making him a central figure in the larger student community. You find yourself to be entirely different and the opposite of him, Park Seonghwa – a regular student leading a simple life that's quite different from his impressive and glamorous existence. Your group of friends is small, and your quiet and understated personality often means some students don't notice you, as you tend to keep to yourself. In every way, you give off an ordinary vibe. Both you and Seonghwa share the same university space, but it's like comparing day and night because even though you're aware of his presence, your lives are quite different. Every so often, you watch him from a distance, observing how people are drawn to him, creating a scene that feels like an unreachable experience in your own quieter world.
Your day usually involves basic activities like coming to the university, attending classes, exchanging greetings with a few familiar faces, and then heading home after it's all done. However, in this routine, there's a noticeable lack of the attention and recognition that seems to naturally come Seonghwa's way every day. Unlike him, your presence doesn't attract the same level of notice or interest from those around you. The difference is clear as you navigate through the academic world – Seonghwa effortlessly grabs attention, while you go about your routine with a feeling of being somewhat unnoticed, blending into the background. Life is like a complex picture, and surprises often hide in the corners, away from the eyes of the world. What no one really knows is that, in the busy university life, there's a secret relationship between you and Seonghwa.
Away from public view, you both share private moments as a couple, and Seonghwa proves to be the most wonderful boyfriend you've ever had. The choice to keep your relationship a secret comes from an agreement between you and Seonghwa. Mainly, it's a way to protect you from any potential negativity or unwanted attention that often comes with being connected to someone like Seonghwa. Knowing that some people can get possessive and intense about him, Seonghwa wants to keep you away from any hate or criticism that might come your way. Additionally, both of you understand the importance of keeping the real and personal aspects of your connection safe and intact. By keeping your relationship a secret, you create a special place where the true nature of your connection remains protected from outside influences.
This decision is intentional, aiming for your relationship to develop naturally, shielded from the sometimes harsh judgment of the public eye. So, you and Seonghwa continue to navigate the complexities of your romance in the comforting privacy, appreciating the authentic bond you share away from the prying eyes of the world. But one thing you may overlook is that even though you're not in the spotlight, it doesn't mean others aren't aware of your presence. Just as Seonghwa was captivated by you and charmed by your personality, there are undoubtedly others who have also taken notice. In the intricate dance of human connections, the mysterious and undiscovered often attract people, drawing them towards you, even if the details of your romantic involvement with Seonghwa remain hidden. In the middle of the busy crowd surrounding Seonghwa, there was a moment that made this clear.
He watched as a stranger approached and started chatting with you as if it was a regular conversation. From an outsider's view, it looked normal – just people talking casually. But little did this person know, your heart belonged to Seonghwa, and the conversation only covered what was necessary. The hidden aspects of your relationship added complexity to these seemingly ordinary interactions that unfolded in the colorful tapestry of your shared university experience. As time passed, Seonghwa began to notice a repeated pattern. There was someone who consistently lingered around you, having long conversations and giving subtle glances that, though not obvious, didn't escape Seonghwa's keen awareness. Having experienced those meaningful glances before, Seonghwa understood their importance. As this situation unfolded, a feeling of discomfort started to settle within him.
Even with many people around in different social settings, Seonghwa's focus stayed firmly on you. Seeing you exchange smiles with this persistent person stirred up a mix of emotions in him — a complicated blend of sadness and frustration. The conflict deepened for Seonghwa, who values openness and honesty. He found himself torn between wanting to express his feelings and recognizing the complexity of the situation. The contrast between the lively social scene and the quiet ache in his heart became more noticeable, creating a sense of discord that tested Seonghwa's emotional strength. However, Seonghwa now faces a dilemma. His frustration is not directed at you; instead, he's upset with himself. To your eyes, the other guy seems friendly, but Seonghwa knows the hidden motives behind the guy's seemingly pleasant behavior.
At a certain point, Seonghwa felt a strong urge to step in, to confidently approach you and pull you away from the constant presence of that persistent person. However, a strong restraint held him back — a clear awareness of the potential consequences if the public found out about the secret nature of your relationship. The internal struggle grew into a growing concern, becoming a heavy burden on Seonghwa's heart. The stark difference between the private haven of your affectionate moments behind the scenes of university life and the external appearance of two seemingly unrelated strangers on campus became an increasingly pressing issue. While the idea of maintaining this double life seemed okay at first, Seonghwa started to doubt how sustainable it was. The gap between the close connection you had in private and the apparent distance in public became more noticeable.
This led Seonghwa to realize that what initially seemed fine was now causing discomfort. The delicate balance he had tried to keep was starting to fall apart, making him face the complexities of a relationship that thrives in secrecy but desires acknowledgment in the open. As Seonghwa's jealousy became more apparent, you couldn't help but notice a change in his gaze. Even in busy crowds, his eyes seemed to tell a tale of longing and possessiveness, expressing the unspoken emotions swirling within him. At times, he would purposely take you to quiet places during breaks, a subtle but intentional effort to enjoy moments of focused attention that he felt were being given to the other person. Despite the obvious signs of jealousy, his responses to your questions remained guarded, with seemingly casual phrases like "I'm fine" or "Just wanted to be with you" whenever you asked about his feelings.
The contrast between Seonghwa's quiet expressions of longing and his outward assurances that everything was okay created a complex interplay of emotions. His desire for the attention you gave to the other person became a strong motivation behind these private moments, sharply contrasting with the calm responses he gave when questioned. The dynamic between the unspoken wish for a special connection and the act of appearing casual added a complex layer to the evolving story of your relationship, leaving both of you navigating the fragile terrain of emotions and unspoken feelings. All Seonghwa wants is to have your complete attention, just for himself. As Seonghwa, your dedicated partner, got more and more wrapped up in a mix of emotions, he found himself daydreaming about being openly recognized. He felt a twinge of jealousy watching other couples freely showing their love in public, holding hands as if the world revolved around their shared moments.
The longing to break free from the secrecy started growing within him, pushing him to express the thoughts that had been swirling in his mind. One evening, in the cozy setting of your home after a day at the university, Seonghwa cautiously brought up the topic. With his hand gently on your cheek, he pondered out loud, "What if we let people know that we're dating?" The question hung in the air, carrying the weight of his unspoken desires. Your response served as a gentle reminder of the agreement you both made to keep your relationship private, framing the conversation within the context of the deliberate choice you had made together. The contrast between Seonghwa's longing for public recognition and the commitment to maintaining secrecy added a poignant color to the delicate dynamics of your shared connection. The tipping point for Seonghwa came on a particular day when he noticed the other guy crossing certain boundaries.
The situation became more intense as Seonghwa saw lingering gazes filled with affection directed at you, even when your attention was elsewhere. The moment became especially difficult for him as he witnessed the guy's enamored smile in response to the sweet gestures or actions you took. In Seonghwa's heart, those gestures were supposed to be exclusively reserved for him, and the realization that someone else was intruding on what he considered his own territory proved too much for him to bear. The turning point, however, happened when the guy went so far as to use his hand to gently move strands of your hair away from your face. This seemingly innocent action, with an underlying tone of familiarity and intimacy, stirred up a storm within Seonghwa. The surge of possessiveness and jealousy that had been building up underneath erupted, and Seonghwa found himself unable to hold back the swirl of emotions any longer.
This explosive reaction was a clear expression of the emotional turmoil that had been brewing. Seonghwa struggled with the unsettling idea that someone else was intruding into the space of affection and connection that he believed should belong exclusively to him. In a moment of intense emotion, Seonghwa forcefully moved through the crowd, creating a path that brought him closer to you. Without a second thought, he grabbed your hand, urging you to follow him as he quickly guided you towards the privacy of the school rooftop. He was determined to distance both of you from the presence of that other guy who had been encroaching on what Seonghwa considered his own territory. In the heat of the moment, there was a strong intensity as Seonghwa pulled you along, gently but firmly pressing you against a wall along the way. Seeing your worried expression, you sought answers from Seonghwa, asking, "Hwa, what's wrong?" A heavy silence hung in the air as Seonghwa, still catching his breath, wrestled with the powerful emotions that had driven him into this sudden escape.
The presence of the other guy had stirred up a storm within him, leaving him momentarily unable to speak. "They're going to see us," you pointed out, trying to make sense of the situation. However, Seonghwa, with a determined shake of his head, dismissed any concerns about potential onlookers. "I don't care," he asserted, his voice carrying a newfound determination. "I no longer care whether they know or not." Placing a hand gently on your chin and drawing you even closer, he expressed his unfiltered feelings, "I want them to know that you are mine." The weight of his words, filled with possessiveness and a desire for public recognition, hung in the air, marking a significant moment in your relationship as Seonghwa unabashedly took control of the narrative of your shared connection. A significant realization dawned on Seonghwa as he looked into your eyes, reflecting on the depth of his emotions.
A feeling of regret swept over him, tied to the choice to keep your relationship a secret. In the earnestness of your gaze, he found himself revisiting the beginning of his affection for you, realizing that, right from the start, he should have proudly declared your connection to the world, without caring about others' opinions or attention. "I should announce to the whole world that you are mine," Seonghwa admitted with a hint of remorse, recognizing the weight of the emotions he had concealed. The intensity of your stare served as a poignant reminder of the missed chances to openly celebrate your love. In response, he declared, "No, I won't let anyone else love what's mine. I won't let anyone else entertain the idea that they have a chance." The firmness in his tone reflected a newfound determination to claim his stake and protect the sanctity of your connection.
Seonghwa, unwavering in his dedication, declared that regardless of others' approval or the acceptance of the other guy, you were undeniably his beloved. This statement served as a strong assertion of ownership and a commitment to no longer hide the love that rightfully belonged to him. Disregarding societal judgments, Seonghwa boldly stated, "I don't care about what other people think! Tomorrow, I'll proudly hold your hand all the way to university." The passion in his words was sealed with a heartfelt kiss, a tangible symbol of his resolve to cast aside the secrecy that had concealed your relationship. As the rooftop door opened, revealing both of you, Seonghwa met the other guy's gaze without hesitation. Instead of avoiding it, Seonghwa embraced the revelation, wanting the guy to understand the depth of your connection.
In that moment, Seonghwa's casual attitude carried a clear message: your love was no longer a secret to be kept. With the truth out in the open, Seonghwa's lack of concern about the possibility of news spreading about your relationship became apparent. In his eyes, others' opinions didn't matter much. The most important thing was that you belonged to him, and as long as that remained true, everything else could fall into place however it might. The recognition of your love, free from external judgments, marked a significant change in your relationship dynamics. Seonghwa embraced an unwavering determination to openly claim you, unaffected by the opinions of the world around you. Because, once again, whether they like it or not, you are his, no matter what.
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Idol Wooyoung x (F)Reader
Summary: It amazed him how he ended up with a brat, one that had the attention span of a toddler but the love as warm as the sun.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.9K
Est. Read Time: 15 min
Warnings: None
Rating: SFW
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Banner: @cafekitsune
A/N: Basically inspired by @edenesth being my platonic Woo <3- the urge to procrastinate was real strong last night.
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“Put it away.”
Her ears picked up the irritated voice, turning her head she glanced at the man sitting on her bed, glasses on top of his head, chin in palm as he scrolled on his phone. Must’ve been talking to himself, turning back around she went back to doing what she was doing before she was rudely interrupted, eying the shoes, maybe she could get the red ones, they’d match the dress he got her recently, oh no, but then she’d limit the things she could wear them with, oh if she gets a black pair then- “HEY!”
“Don’t you have a final exam tomorrow???”
When did he come all the way here? He was standing right next to her, a hand on his hip, the other holding her phone above her head as he looked at the screen, “Seriously? Are we shopping right now?”
“What~” she whined, trying to reach for her phone but he pulled away, frowning at her before shoving the device in his pocket, “Woo, it's retail therapy!”
“No, it’s a distraction.” He huffed before walking over to her bed, “You told me to make sure you study, and I’ll do exactly that,” he flopped down on the comfortable space, sighing at the familiar scent engulfing his senses, calming him down, who knew his girlfriend had the same attention span as his baby brother, no wonder the two got along so well. Sure, on any other day, he would have been thrilled to see that, but not tonight, no, he had to follow the strict boyfriend code, the one where the guy makes sure his baby girl isn’t distracted and focuses on cramming for her final exam.
Craning her neck back, she pouted at him, only to receive an eye-roll causing her to huff, date an idol they said, it’ll be fun they said- if ‘they’ only knew how this idol who was forcing her to study instead of ‘lollygagging’ around, they’d know how dating an idol is NOT fun at all! With a huff she turned back around, wearing her headphones as she began to write once more. Truth be told she was glad he had taken her phone from her; she knew she would get distracted way too easily, especially when she was stressed and considering right now, she felt like the world was about to explode; even though retail therapy would have helped her calm down, it would have also wasted a great amount of time, the time she could have spent reading and making notes.
He glanced at her going back to work, smiling to himself before looking back at the messages in his group chat, the guys had decided to go out tonight, to eat, and he had too- that is until she had texted him last minute, asking him if he could come cover. He had been avoiding her for a week now, not because he didn’t like her, no, but because he knew she’d be easily distracted by him and would choose to spend time with him rather than studying- even though he knew his girl loved those A’s, she was just silly like that, wanting to conquer the world but also getting distracted by a butterfly. So, when he had received the text, “Hey…can you come over and make sure I study?”  He had turned to San and shown him the text, earning a snort from the taller man, who shrugged in response but gave him an assuring pat on the shoulder- good, that means no one would have issues with him suddenly bailing on them.
There was a moment of somewhat irritancy on his drive here, he was somewhat disappointed he was unable to relax with his friends after months of promotion, on the other hand, he was also disappointed in himself for even thinking of choosing downtime over helping out his lover. That irritancy had morphed into guilt when she had opened the door for him, instantly wrapping her arms around him as she hugged him close, thanking him for coming here on such short notice, glad that she could always count on him to be there for her. The guilt turned into a form of penitence when he saw the scattered books, papers, numerous highlighters and pens, along with several mugs (what he assumed was coffee) crammed all over her desk, amid the chaos was her laptop, trying to breathe in the mess. He had sat her down on her chair.
He told her to wait, proceeding to pick up the mugs, running to the kitchen to place them in the sink, running back to sorting the papers and books for her, in order of ‘what do you need next’, stacking the pens and highlighters neatly in a box and removing any other clutter that he could find, before pushing her swivel chair closer to the desk. This act had helped his guilt subside, though when he met her loving gaze, it had completely vanished, especially when she had reached up to press her lips against his cheek, mumbling, “I’m so lucky to have you in my life, Youngie~”
He truly felt like he was fortunate to have her in his life- at least that was what he had felt like two hours ago, with two hours gone she was left with three easy topics, ones she had done a million times, but did that mean that was enough of an excuse for her to get distracted? No. He had come to ensure she covered all topics regardless of their difficulty levels, and like a good, dutiful boyfriend he was going to do- “HEY! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?” He screeched, tossing his phone on the bed as he jumped off it, running to her as she fumbled with the laptop, closing the tab and blabbering out apologies.
“I cannot believe you!” exasperating he slammed his hand on the desk causing her to flinch, as he knelt to look at her, though she only averted her gaze as he huffed, “What’s the excuse this time, huh?”
“I uh…wanted to watch your scenes in the MV.”
“That’s it.” With that he marched out of the room, leaving her confused- oh shit, was he mad at her? She did call him here even though he had plans for the night, great, good-going girl, make sure your boyfriend dumps you tonight, the same boyfriend who took time out of his busy idol life, who chose to sacrifice his recreational time to babysit you because you have some form of attention deficit. Make sure you lose that one man who’s always been there for you-
“Now, if I see you do ANYTHING ELSE, I’ll take away all your devices for a week!” he dictated, entering the room and causing her train of inner turmoil to halt- is that a chair?
Dragging the chair next to hers he sat down and, turning to face her as she moved back a bit, only for him to place his hand on top of her head and gently turn it to the laptop, “I better not see you look away even for a second, you got me?” with that he crossed his arms over his chest and continued to stare at her, like a mama hen watching her chicks- god, this was giving preschool all over again.
“Are you really going to be staring at me the entire time I read?”
“That’s creepy.”
“No, you wanting to watch me in an MV, rather than turning around to see me on your bed is creepy.”
“You looked cute!”
To be honest, it was odd how he was staring at her so intently, but it was also endearing, she felt so loved, so pampered, so spoiled- oh if Hongjoong were to find out about how Wooyoung often got a taste of his own antics, through his loving, adorable girlfriend, he’d probably pay her to do worse. Nonetheless, she had soon gotten used to him burning holes at the side of her head, she hadn’t even realized when he had moved closer, his fingers brushing against her skin causing her to jerk, eying him as she earned a sheepish apology, “Sorry…was trying to keep your hair out of your face.” See, it was little things like these that made her heart swell with joy and admiration, little details that he’d note and little acts of kindness that would spark joys of glee within her.
He was a pervert, God, he was such a pervert. This had all started off to annoy her, but the more he watched her work, the more difficult it became for him, he never knew he was this messed up in the head, he found it hot, he found it extremely hot, to have her so focused on something that was not him, so focused on finishing her work, so focused on making him proud- the thought of this doing it because he asked her to was such a turn on- Wooyoung you need help. 
Almost an hour later of watching her, playing with her pens and rearranging her notes, his phone rang and he sprang in joy, though he cleared his throat when she side-eyed him (of course he was glad someone was calling him, he'd been sitting here bored to death for an hour, only because he loved her endlessly), leaning closer he smacked a wet kiss against her warm, soft cheek, ignoring her when she slightly shoved him away.
"I'll be back in a second, be a good girl and don't get distracted."
A faint "I'm always a good girl", caught his ear as he walked out of the room, picking up the call, starting with an "I hate school" only to receive an earful from Hongjoong for 'distracting his own girlfriend' - the NERVE of this man! How dare he accuse him of such blasphemy! He was a good boy, and an even better boyfriend- so much so that he had spent almost 40 minutes arguing with him. Only realised how long it had taken when he ended the call.
Jogging back to the room he turned the corner and gasped- AGAIN!? What- was she sleeping? With a huff he walked over to her, ready to wake her up, hand pausing right above her shoulder when he realised that everything was neatly packed- oh, she had finished. Her laptop was turned off, her notes were stacked aside, her pens were in the case and all the checkpoints on her neon-bright sticky notes were marked off- his girl really did make him proud.
"Hey...let's get you to bed, yeah?" He felt her stir in her sleep, smiling when she refused to move, only helping him when he picked her up, her arms wrapping around his neck even though she was 'asleep'. What a brat! He looked down only to find her snuggling closer to him, she didn't pull away when he laid her down- only grabbed his shirt and tugged him closer as he chuckled, adjusting himself closer to her, he pulled the covers, feeling her move closer to him, as he placed his chin on top of her head, arms wrapping around her frame, almost asleep until he heard her mumble something against him.
"Hmm? Did you say something?"
There was silence for a moment before he heard a muffled sound, her warm breath tickling his neck as she mumbled,
"Gotta work Gotta make that money, make purse-"
 A cackle broke past his lips as he squeezed her closer, earning a giggle from her, as he began singing along to her mumbling, glad that if he had to end up with someone, it was a lovable, adorable brat like him;
"Got a fur coat, so I make it purr  Give 'em whiplash when they see me earn"
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @the-kpop-simp @mlysalt @spooo00oky @slaayysis
146 notes · View notes
ja3hwa · 5 months
♡ 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : Your boyfriend just wanted to give you an early Christmas present.
『Word count』 : 5.3k
-> Genre: Pure smut with little plot, hehe.
Pairing: Boyfriend!San x Reader [SeongJoong x Reader]
[Warnings] : Reader is insecure. Foursome. Powerplay. Pet names [Angel, Bunny, Baby, Sweet Thing.] Light Choking. Kissing, Neck kisses. Body worship. Anxious thoughts. Some self-doubt, but the boys take lots of care of the reader. Possessive San. Voyeur San. Seonghwa likes to call reader whore but in a sweet way. Spanking. Dom!SeongSanJoong. Unprotected sex. Very subby Reader. Subspace. Dry humping. Oral. Use of the word slut. Daddy kink. MxM. San is secretly a switch/bottom. Creampie. Multiple orgasms. Squirting. Brat taming. Sharing is caring. Dirty talk. Deep throating. I was drunk when I wrote half of this, so bare with me...
Note: Hi, Hi! Ahh, this fic is finally done. Hehe. I spent early hours in the morning, and one night after, i drank way too much vodka heh. So if there is anything weird. Uhh, blame drunk me. Also! This is most likely the last fic I'll be posting for 2023. So that's crazy. I'll still be around but I'm going to a wedding, so I won't be near my computer. Ahhh
Also, thank you so much to the wonderful @fandems for helping make this masterpiece come to life. I hope you enjoy the read, darling. ♡♡
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“Okay, okay. I’ll be there soon.” You hummed hearing your boyfriend whine about how much he misses you and how he wanted to see you try on the hoodie in person. He and the others were currently staying at some hotel just outside Seoul for a shoot they were doing, and his mom had brought hoods she made with each of their names on it. Of course, she made one for you as well. Saying it was not up for debate even though you tried to decline, saying it was just ‘for the boys’.
“Please hurry. I miss you so much.” His blunt whimpers caused a stir in your tummy when you first heard them. You had to stop yourself from complaining about how he was making you wet from his voice alone. So, instead, you thought it would be cute to dress up a bit. Wear something a little more revealing. A nice crop top and shorts. Yes, that was a nice idea. Of course, since it was cold out and you weren't about to walk around Seoul in next to nothing anyways, so, you covered yourself with a large overcoat that draped all the way for to your knees. It was an early Christmas gift from Hongjoong. Which made your heart flutter when he gave it to you. You didn’t expect a gift from any of the members, really. But when Hongjoong brought you the gift while you were cuddling with San on the couch in the studio, you couldn’t help but blush. Or another time when he and Seonghwa brought you food when you were sick when they dropped off San at your apartment. Or when it was just the four of you chilling out at your place while watching a random film.
Everything just felt right.
You tried to hide your feelings towards the other two men, but it was growing harder after each interaction. They were so kind to you. They cared for you. And it made you feel like you were on cloud nine when they were around. San has made jokes in the past about you having a crush on his members, but you always brushed it off so he wouldn't feel bad. You love San, you really do. He was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. But there was just something about Hongjoong and Seonghwa that you just couldn’t shake.
“Okay, I’m out the front. I’m gonna hang up now,” you said goodbye quickly before heading for the entrance of the hotel. San had already mentioned to the front desk clerk that you would show up, so they had a key waiting for you and everything. Standing in the elevator, you suddenly felt your nerves tingle. What if he just wanted to cuddle for a bit, give you the gift, and then kick you out. Or worse.. what if San wasn’t in the mood for some dirty antics?
Who are you kidding, he’s always in the mood.
But that still didn’t calm your shaky hands as you reached for the door handle while you scanned the key card against the lock. The room was silent.. the smell of musk caught your attention, making it known San had recently showered using the new body wash you had bought him. “H-Hello.”
You walked inside, locking the door behind you. Slipping off your shoes, you also placed your coat on the rack next to the entrance. Feeling the warmth of the hotel heating creep up on you. You walked slowly further into the little apartment. The only light was the ones from the city below and a side light next to a bed. Strange? “S-Sannie? Are you here…”
“Hello, angel.” A deep chuckle caught you off guard as a pair of hands gripped your waist suddenly. The light gasps that left your lips made the unknown male sigh in satisfaction, nuzzling his nose into your neck. You know his cologne. This voice. That chuckle.
“J-Joong?” You were shaking, but not out of fear but excitement. You felt like you had walked straight into a dream. A different reality even. You had to kick yourself for falling so quickly for the man who wasn’t your lover. Your eyes snapped open, and a breath was hitched. What were you doing?! you couldn’t do this. Not when you were with San. “Wait. Hongjoong.” You tried to pull out of Joong’s tight grasp, your voice sounding more stern and clear. 
“awe, come on, Angel. I’m only playing.” He let you go suddenly, letting the tension of your hips push you forward, tripping, until you slammed into something broad. A tall, warm body. Your hands gripped the man's shoulders while he pulled you flushed against his chest by your waist.
“S-San…” You whimper, feeling guilt cloud your judgment. Hot breath tickled your ear lobe before a deep voice sent shivers down your spine;
“Guess again, Bunny.” Your body completely tenses up hearing Seonghwa’s sombre smooth voice. The same voice he uses when he makes the calming ASMR videos. God, you could fall asleep peacefully to this man just simply talking. Or humming. Wait, no, stop.
“W-Where’s San. He needs to give m-me─A personalized hoodie.” Your words get cut off by none other than your lover, San. His ravenous chuckle made your mouth water. What were these three trying to do to you? Send you into an early grave. “I thought we could have a little fun before I give you the gift.”
You can hear lusts dripping from his voice. But yet you still couldn’t see anything. Your eyes have not adjusted to the dark room, but San was clearly behind you while your face and body were still firmly against Seonghwa’s chest. “We want the city to see just how good you can be.” Seonghwa sounded more dominant than San. His alluring aura made you want to stink to your knees and do whatever he wished. You were trembling against him, which he no doubtfully felt. And without a word being spoken. He let you go, leaving you standing, alone, in the dark. You were about to protest when all of a sudden you felt familiar arms snake around you, pulling you flush against him. San nuzzled his face in your neck, giving you some light kisses, trying his best to calm your nerves. 
In truth, San, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong had many conversations about you. One more dirtier than the last. It first started with San gloating about how you were so good for him. How you would walk around in nothing but his hoodies and how he always got a nice look at your plump ass. Another time, he brought up the fact that you were an excellent dick sucker. He swore he could nut just from your mouth alone. This, of course, made the other men jealous. How dare San have you all to himself when they all know very well the way you look at them. The way your thighs clench whenever Hwa or Joong would accidentally touch you. You were just as needy as they were. “You gonna be a good girl, baby?”
San’s lips latched onto your neck, sucking a harsh purple mark. You still couldn’t see your surroundings, but you could feel, other than San's hands that were still on your waist, another pair of hands gripped a hand full of your plump thighs. You felt a whimper brew in your throat as San’s hands snaked up towards your chest, letting his fingertips graze just under your breasts. The unknown male's set of hands that were still perched on your thighs slowly moved upwards until they were tugging your legs apart, slowly tugging your shorts off. The dark chuckle from below made you realize the man who was holding your legs was crouched in front of you. With his head so close to where you need care the most. “S-Sann..”
“Uh, Uh. Answer the question, baby. Are you going to be a good girl for all three of us?” His hot breath tickled your earlobe, making your mind spin. Your hand reached down, finding a soft head of fluffy locks, your fingers tangling in them, pulling him closer to your heated core. Your other hand grasps San’s shoulder, pushing him towards your neck once more. 
“Please, sir.” You whined loudly, earning a groan from all three men, making you realize the last male was also standing behind you. San mutters something you didn’t bother listening to as suddenly felt a set of teeth bite down on your inner thigh, making you gasp in a high pitch. “Oh my god!”
The man between your legs snickered, pulling your panties to the side so he could press his nose against your soaked cunt. “That’s right bunny. I’m your god.” Seonghwa’s voice was so deep, filling with lust at each breath. You had to moan from his words, knowing full well how much of a god complex Seonghwa had. Your fingers tugged tighter on his hair, earning a low growl from that man. You were about to say something but your voice got caught in your throat as San’s hand wrapped perfectly around your neck, squeezing tight enough that it got your head spinning.
“Last time I checked, you weren’t a god Seonghwa.” San’s cheeky mumble caused the man between your legs to huff, rolling his eyes as he went back to licking a strip along your fold. His fingers play with your entrance, pushing his tongue against your sensitive clit making you gasp out yet again, ‘Oh my god’, which made Seonghwa chuckle lowly.
“She says differently there, Sannie.” The vibration of Seonghwa’s voice made you clench around his lone finger. San’s hand got tighter around your neck, pulling you backwards so you were bent in a weird position, looking at San with a shocked expression. 
“Baby. Don’t start being a brat. I’m your sir, and this is Hwa and Joong. Go it!” He spat out, annoyance lacing on his tongue. Your hazy eyes looked up at him with sorrow. You pouted slightly, knowing exactly how to play San’s games.
“I’m sorry, sir. Please forgive me.” You whimpered trying to keep your eyes open but it was becoming increasingly harder as you feel Seonghwa add another finger into your wet pussy. San just scoffed before telling Seonghwa to move. You cried from the loss of contact but since Hwa is such a people pleaser, he slowly kissed up your body, collar and neck before whispering in your ear;
“Don’t worry my obedient little whore. I’ll treat you soon enough.” San didn’t respond this time, just scoffing before letting you go. Your knees buckled trying to keep yourself upright. But a new pair of hands grabbed you, letting you lean against a hard chest. 
“Hey there, angel, ready for some fun?” Hongjoong’s voice was higher pitched than the others, but it still held the same authority if not more. You nodded with a quick ‘yes’ letting the male chuckle at how obedient you are. San had turned on the bedside lamps, letting the dim orange hue shine through the room, letting you see the three men for the first time tonight. Seonghwa’s hair was a mess from your fingers, lips glistening from your slick. God, as if he couldn’t get any more hot, there he was in all his egotistical glory. 
“Baby. Stand you for us. And take off your shirt.” San said, nonchalantly, while downing a glass of liquor from the dry bar in the corner of the hotel room. You gulp slowly, taking off your shirt, leaving you in your bra. You became all too aware that you were only in your underwear in front of three very powerful men. You weren’t the thinnest either, so your insecurities started being placed on full alert. Seonghwa seemed to notice first, moving so he was flushed against you, chest to chest. he gave you the warmest smile before dipping his head in closer. His nose was grazing against yours, his lips almost close enough to touch. You had no idea if you were allowed to kiss him or Hongjoong, but given his face was between your legs only minutes ago, what harm would it entail?
Seonghwa gave you a surprised groan as he felt your plump lips. His tongue slipped effortlessly into your mouth like it was made to do just that. You could taste yourself on him, which caused a whimper to escape. His hands gripped your bare hips tightly, holding you so close that you could feel his bulge against your thigh. San was watching the situation unfold in front of him, biting his bottom lip at just how submissive you can quickly become around the three of them. How almost normal it felt. San gave a little whistle for Hongjoong to join in, while he took a seat on a large seat that sits by the window, gifting him the perfect view of the show you were so eagerly putting on. 
“Play nice with her. Or I’ll never let you touch her again.” San’s voice was stern and controlling. But man, did it make you shiver. You knew if you wanted to be rough or slow you would use your safe word or the traffic light system and you were also damn sure that San drilled it into the other two’s heads before this little ordeal. So you knew you were in a completely safe environment, and this was all for the thrill. 
“You hear that, Bunny. Sannie thinks we can’t play nice.” Seonghwa mumbles against your lips before moving down to kiss your cheek, jaw, and neck.
“He thinks we’re gonna get too rough with you.” Hongjoong grabs a fist full of your breasts squeezing tightly, drawing out a choked moan from you. His lips grazed your ear before biting softly on your ear lobe. Your nerves felt like they were on fire with the way these two tag teamed you. Like they had practised many times for this moment. “But you like it rough don’t you, angel?”
“Yeah, you like it when you're manhandled. Thrown around like a pleasure whore. Hmm?” Seonghwa nipped at your collarbone causing a yelp to escape you. The two of them just chuckled, knowing exactly how to tease you from hearing detail after detail of San explaining how much of a subby little fuck toy you are for him. 
"Please, Da-Hongjoong... touch me." You whimpered, almost calling him something other than his name. Even though San said not to call them anything other than what he gave you. Yet you had the biggest urge to disobey.
"But am I touching you, angel?" Hongjoong knew what he was doing. He needed you to break, spill all your dirty secrets out before he touched you. But Seonghwa, on the other hand, all he wanted to do was make you squirm until overdrive. His hands gripping at any part of exposed flesh, his hot tongue licking along your neck, while he suckles yet another red and purple mark. You were most certain that you had leaked through your panties and down your leg by now. Your brain clouded, and all judgement slipped slowly into your subspace as two pairs of lips find the most sensitive spots on your neck and collarbone.
“F-Fuckk.” You swore, tilting your head back against Hongjoong’s shoulder. Seonghwa’s hand dipped into the top of your panties siding his fingers down through your soaking cunt. Hongjoong on the other hand, tugged on your bra until your breasts spilled out the top of it. His fingers pinched your peaked nipples while Seonghwa start to slowly fuck two fingers in you, stretching you out nicely. Both men didn’t stop their assault on your neck, littering your skin with bright marks and bites. You hazily hummed, opening your eyes to see San sitting with his lips parted and his hand palming his crotch. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“Such a potty mouth, Bunny.” Seonghwa laughed pushing a third finger inside you while his palm rests on your clit perfectly. “I wonder what other filthy things you can say sweet things.”
“Oh, she can say many filthy things.” San’s voice made you jump, not realizing you had your eyes closed and San had moved to stand next to you, completely trapping you in the middle of all three of them. “You just gotta know what buttons to press.” 
San gripped Seonghwa’s wrist, tugging it out of your cunt making you yelp. His hands grabbed your hips before literally ripping your panties to shreds, letting the pieces of fabric fall to the floor. San’s hand gave your ass cheek as loud, harsh slap making you fall forward towards the perfectly made bed. “Come on baby. Shake that pretty thing for us.” You lazily wiggle your ass, letting the three men stare at your plump cake and leaking cunt. You felt humiliated in the best way possible, wanting nothing but the approval of the men behind you.
San stood behind you, pressing his clothed crotch against your ass, grinding slowly. You choked, feeling the rough fabric of his pants against your skin. His fingers gripping your waist tight enough, it threatened to draw blood, while his hips pulled away before snapping back on your ass. He was thrusted against you dry. Railing you up, causing you to slip into your subspace. “What do you need, baby? Tell us what you want.” He thrusted with. Every. Word.
“I w-wan…” You whimper, feeling tears swell in your eyes, your fingers tangling into the white sheets. “I want you, sir, please.”
A sharp pain shot down your nerves as you felt Sans's hand smack your ass. “You can do better. What. Do. You. Want. Slut.” He pushed two fingers into your pussy making you cry out, shaking at the sudden pleasure.
“I-I want cock please sir. I want to be fucked so badly.” All three men groaned at your filthy cry. Not just asking for San but to just be fucked in general. “I want to be full so badly.”
“See, what wasn’t so hard now, was it.” San snaked his fingers in your hair, yanking your head upwards. You yelped at the slight pain, your arms shaking, trying your best to keep yourself up. “Now the real question is. Which cock you want first?”
“Daddy…” You gaze at the two men standing by the window on your left-hand side. Seonghwa’s eyebrow raised while Hongjoong had the most sadistic smile you’d ever seen. San looked over to them, confused for a moment, feeling a little bit of rage but yet a hint of curiosity. Hongjoong scoffed, clicking his tongue before he started to undo his belt. San tugged you by the hair, so you were standing completely straight up. His hot breath against your earlobe before he gave your ass one more final slap, then squeeze. If you were going to play a bratty game. Then a bratty game it shall be.
“Okay, baby. You want his cock, then you can have it…” His hand snaked back around your throat choking you harshly. “But if you call him daddy one more time, I’ll grab that vibrator I know you have in your backpack and leave it on you until you learn your lesson. Got it.”
You nodded like an idiot, whining just wanting to be filled. But at the same time, San’s empty threat sounded so very tempting. Sadly, before you could say anything, San twisted you around until you fell on your back on the bed. Hongjoong was on you in seconds. His face is inches from you, with the same sadistic smile painted on it. “Hi there Angel…” He kissed your cheek before whispering in your ear. “Don’t worry, Darling, Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.” His voice was low enough that San would only be able to hear mumbles, which caused him to roll his eyes with what felt like the millionth time tonight. Seonghwa, of course, noticed, letting out a laugh.
“Lighten up, Sannie. Share some of the reins. It’ll be more enjoyable.” Seonghwa grabbed the younger male's shoulders, pushing his fingers into his deep neck tissue, feeling his muscles so tense and tight. San closed his eyes for a moment, finally relaxing against the older man. You watched the whole situation unfold, making your head spin. The boys all cared for one another so much and looked out for one another. You felt your heart swell.
“Hey, eyes on me, sweet thing. I want you to look at me while I ruin you.” Your gaze snapped back to him instantly, biting your lip while your brows knitted together. You felt his cock rubbed against your dripping folds, making you forget the other two that stood next to the window. “That’s it, baby. Deep breath.”
You did as you were told, taking in a sharp breath as you felt Hongjoong ease inside you. He wasn’t as long as San, but his girth was something else. He felt like you were being stretched to the breaking point, turning your already mushy brain into more mush if that was even possible. “Hongjoong!!”
His pace was unforgiving, snapping his hips against you without a second thought. He did not wait for you to get used to him, making his thrust mix with the best kind of pain and pleasure. Your mouth hung open with drool pooling on your right side while you moan uncontrollably. You tried your best to keep your eyes open but the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of you was making it hard. You didn’t even notice the bed dipping until you saw a washed-out red hair sitting above you. He leaned down giving you a drawn-out kiss while Hongjoong’s hips snapped against you with fury and determination as he fell forward to case your right nipple in his hot mouth. You felt like you were going to explode within seconds. “You gonna cum for Joong bunny?” 
Seonghwa’s voice stirred you forward feeling a sharp burn snap in your gut as his fingers attach to your clit and his lips to your nipple. You’ve never felt so overstimulated in one moment, having three pairs of hands groping, squeezing and teasing any and all parts of your body. Three mouths licking, sucking, and biting you like you were their last meal on earth. You couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop the sudden gush of liquid that slipped out of you, screaming into San’s mouth, sounding like a pathetic porn star. “Fuck did you just squirt?” Hongjoong was the first to speak slowing his thrusts for a moment.
“She did, look the bed is covered.” Seonghwa chuckled.
“Such a good girl. Now you gonna take Joongie’s cum hmm?” San didn’t need to see the other two men’s expressions to know their excitement just grew about a million percent. Hongjoong had to snap his cock back inside you just at the thought.
“Really San? You’ll let us come in your girl?” Hongjoong sounded like he was asking a completely mundane question and not currently balls deep inside of you. San gave you one slap quick peck on the lips as if he was checking in on you without needing to say anything. He could see the sparkle in your eyes, giving him the okay to answer.
“Oh course. Sharing is caring.” 
Everything happened so fast. You couldn’t even tell whose hands were whose. Your body was flipped around until your legs dangled on the end of the bed and Hongjoong was back pushing into your sensitive puffy pussy. He crossed his arms over to grab your hips, holding you firmly as he fucked you hard, quick and desperately. Trying to chase his own high. “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.” Hongjoong was so close he just needed a little more, just a little push. And then you clenched hard around him, feeling you about to come again making him choke as he suddenly stop his thrusts, spilling his hot cum deep into your cunt. “Oh fuck. This is the best pussy I’ve ever had.”
“I know, right? And no matter how many times you fucker her. She’s still so needy.” San prided himself in his stamina and when he found out you could go for multiple rounds, it was like a match made in heaven. “Step aside, Joong, I need to feel my baby's cunt.”
A panting Hongjoong pulled out of you slowly, feeling you clench. He groaned, seeing his cum mix with yours as it spilled out of your pussy and down your leg. San was quick to pull you up, walking you over to the chair by the window. He sat down letting you fall onto his lap. You whined, fingers tangling into his shirt. “T-too clothed sir.”
“Hmm, what’s that doll? Am I too clothed for you?” San giggled, tilting his head back as you nodded your head. he held your face, kissing you deeply while mumbling against your lips, “Okay then, baby.”
He turned you around in his lap so your back was against his chest. Your gaze scanned the room seeing Hongjoong laying down on the couch, his cock stuffed by him his sweats but Seonghwa on the hand was stalking his way towards you and San, tugging his shirt off. Neither man had to say another word as San tilted you forward, making you place your hands on his knees. Your face was eye leveled with Seonghwa’s aching clothed crotch, while you could hear San remove his clothes. Seonghwa grabbed your chin, making you look up between your lashes at the older male. His smirk sent shivers down your spine, “Gonna let me fuck your mouth like a good obedient little whore?” 
“Yes, please, Sir.” A loud slap echoed in the room as you let out a yelp. San’s hand rubs your raw ass, smoothing your hot skin. 
“What d-did I say?” San growled.
You looked over your shoulder quickly, seeing San’s eyes were almost pitch, pooling with lust. You gave him a small simple smile before looking back to Seonghwa. “Please. May I please have your cock… Sir.” 
“Fucking brat.” San stood up, gripping your hips tightly, bending you so you could place your hands on the arms of the chair. San gave your ass another harsh slap making you cry, tears swelling down your cheeks. “You want to be a brat. I’ll fuck you like one.”
He sunk into your cunt in one swift motion, knocking the wind right out of your lungs. You screamed, dropping your head while you moaned San’s name over and over against with each sharp, brutal thrust. Your nails dug into the chair, eyes shut tight. Every nerve in your body was on fire, feeling San’s big cock abuse your cervix. “Fuck, sir! Please. So big. Fuck. So full.”
“What? Cock drunk already? Too stupid to form a sentence anymore?” San mocked you, placing a hand on your shoulder, while the other stayed firmly on your hip. He pushed you up slightly, whistling slightly. You didn’t understand what was going on but the next thing you knew was feeling Seonghwa take a seat on the chair in front of you, his hard cock lying against his bare chest. Your eyes grew wide, he was longer and thicker than Hongjoong and San.
“Open wide, Bunny.” You gazed up at him for a moment, seeing a smirk painted on his perfect face. You spread your legs wider, so you’d be levelled with Seonghwa. San let go of your shoulder, stilling his hips so you could take Seonghwa’s cock in your mouth. You tried your best not to gag, gripping tightly onto his thighs while San started to grind his cock against you again once you could take at least half of him. “Fuck. Your mouth feels so good Bunny. So warm.”
“Oh, Just wait-fuck..till you feel her cunt.” San smirked.
“Like I said best pussy I’d ever had.” Hongjoong laughed from afar, most likely still on the bed, watching. Seonghwa threw his head back losing himself in the feeling of your mouth, while San’s thrusts began to get unstable feeling his orgasm creeping closer. He snaked a hand under you to rub your clit, trying to get you to come first. He needed you to come first, he needs to feel you let go and cream around his cock before he could pump you full.
“Come on baby, can you... f-fuck, can you cum for me. I need you to let go, baby.” San was mumbling, losing himself with the feeling of your soaked cunt clenching around his aching cock. You were crying around Seonghwa’s cock, making the vibration down his shaft cause him to buck his hips into you. Everything is so overwhelming, being filled by two men at the same time, while both being lost in pleasure from the feeling of your body. It made you dizzy as he squirted all over San, legs shaking and knees buckling. San came soon after, holding your hips in place so you wouldn’t fall. He swore, feeling his cum leak out around his cock as all the liquid pooled on the floor.
“Fuck, Bunny.” Seonghwa gripped your shoulders, tugging you off himself. San slipped out of you, sidestepping to take Seonghwa’s place in the chair, racking his hands through his sweaty, wet hair. Seonghwa manhandled you to lean against the window. Your nipples chilling to the cold temperature of the glass. Your hands sat flat on the window as Seonghwa laced his fingers with yours. He slowly glided his cock through your dripping folds before sinking right into your sensitive cunt with a groan. His pace was slow, calculated. You’ve never had a cock as big as Seonghwa and it was hitting all the right spots perfectly with each thrust. It didn’t take you long to feel the tinge in your gut again, already so oversensitive from being fucked twice already.
“Sir please I’m gonna cum again.” you completely forgot about San’s rule but no one seemed to notice except for Seonghwa, which made his ego grow more than he’d like to admit. Fucking your hard against the glass for all the city to see...
“Well go on. Cum like a little whore on my cock bunny. Cum while watching the city lights.” Seonghwa’s filthy words were just the right amount to send you over the edge, clamping down hard on his cock. He pulled out of you mid-high causing your body to shake in pain but you didn’t have any time to say anything, as he pushed right back in with a harsh slam, biting down on your shoulder.
You screamed. He came quicker than he would have liked, but the feeling of your cunt was too much for him. Everything went still, the only thing heard was heavy panting and racing hearts. Your mind was too hazy to register the two men helping you to the bed, laying you down where Hongjoong had been. You vaguely could see all three of them standing half-dressed and a mess, at the end of the bed, staring at you. They all thought how beautiful you looked and how well you did for them. And from that day on they knew their relationship with you was going to be completely different and none of them minded one bit.
San might have also ‘forgotten’ the next morning to give you the personalized hoodie so you would have to go back and get it. But not before himself, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong had another round with you.
- ♡
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theboyzism · 11 months
[ATEEZ] friends with benefits | mingi
➳ genre: smut/suggestive, very light angst-ish? (minors dni!) ➳ ficstyle: bulletpoints ➳ pairing: fwb! mingi x gn!reader ➳ warnings: friends with benefits relationship, very slight smut, dirty talk, jealousy, hint of angst pls let me know if there are any missing!
mingi was jealous
not just jealous but furious
he was not used to having competition
it's was the third time in the same week that yunho had left to go meet up with you, a regular occurrence by now
now while yunho and mingi didn't exactly have any plans for today, he certainly saw you as a threat, someone who made yunho ditch him
and he couldn't understand why yeosang, who was the only ateez member to have met you so far, liked you so much as well
yunho was quick to notice mingi's huff when your name left his lips
"you know you could just come with. give them a chance, i know you'd like them"
mingi was curious to meet you indeed
he wanted to give you a piece of his mind for stealing his best friend
but when he took yunho up on the offer he didn't expect to take an interest in you
contrary to his initial thought of you
he finally understood why yunho and yeosang liked you so much
instead of feeling annoyed whenever your name was mentioned
he now felt excited
the three of you quickly became a trio with the occasional yeosang a quadruple
but you know what they say about trios..
while yunho was down with a cold and nursed by seonghwa, mingi still decided to come over to your planned movie night
you liked mingi
maybe there was even a little bit of attraction from your side
but you two had never hung out alone before and it was super awkward now without yunho
the air got even more suffocating when a sex scene came on in the movie
mingi let out a cough while blushing, trying to look anywhere but at the tv or you
"it's just sex mingi" you chuckled, trying to overplay the awkwardness
while you didn't seem completely innocent, he blushed even harder at your words
the taunting tone of your words making him feel as if you were challenging him
turning to you, he raised his eyebrow
"so if it's just sex, you wouldn't mind doing the same with me?"
while you were definitely trying to rile him up, you didn't expect him to feed into your little game
"please, i doubt you could get me to cum as fast as she did, she seriously has no self-control" pointing at the tv you failed to notice mingi's eyes narrowing
and now you had done it
"you're on" was all he said before pulling you onto his lap
and so it became a regular thing
you were doing it quite frequently
thanks to mingi's high sex drive
it was all about having fun
and during that time you two just got closer
eventually becoming extremely good friends
now neither of you told yunho
you just blamed your hanging out on being good friends, thanks to yunho
often when you'd hang out together, mingi would offer to take you home, while yunho already went back to the dorm
yunho didn't know when exactly he became a third wheel amongst his two best friends
let's just say that you two tried to not be obvious but you weren't exactly doing a the best job
mingi would love to explore sexually with you
trying all kind of new things
and he'd be so sweet too
i feel like he would spoil you with small gifts
"oh this little bunny keychain? it reminded me of you"
would always support you and listen to every word you say
except for the sneaking around
you could almost swear he was acting like your actual boyfriend
now everyone has their flaws
and one of mingi's was that he could get uncontrollably horny
while mingi had reassured you were alone at the dorms
you still felt it was extremely risky
promising to be quick and needing some sort of relief, mingi had already positioned himself
and as soon as he started thrusting himself into you
the worry in your brain had been replaced with pleasure
surprisingly it all seemed to go well
that was until you had put on your clothes and made your way into the living room, yunho sitting on the couch, waiting for you two
yes he knew for quite some time now
and while he didn't really care cause it's not his business
he had a problem with both of his friends lying to him
and honestly he felt left out in the friendship
you thought mingi and you were on the same page
however that table turned when yunho asked if it was just a fwb thing or if there was more
while you were confident to say that it is just sex
mingi was not
staring at him wide-eyed, yunho took the cue to leave, excusing himself
"what the hell do you mean with 'it is not just sex'?"
mingi could always read your emotions well
except for this time
"shit y/n, i cannot lie to him or to you"
when you just looked at him, mouth still parted in shock, he walked over to you, closing the gap
"you think i didn't fall in love with you? i want us to date, i want to be your boyfriend y/n"
you could feel your stomach twist
you didn't want to hurt him
but you simply didn't feel the same way
turning him down must've been one of the hardest things in your life
the way you saw him cry for the first time
you blamed yourself more than anything
you should've noticed his feelings sooner
before it got too serious
that way you would've never broken his heart
if yunho wouldn't have been there to confront you two, how much longer would it have gone on?
while you were still close to yunho and after some suffering successfully made amends, your relationship to mingi was superficial, if even existing at this point
seeing him move on with someone else felt oddly painful
it made you feel jealous and hurt
you wanted mingi to be happy, you really did
but you just couldn't feel entirely happy for him, not when we was with someone else
while it felt like the little gifts he gave you were looming over you
the bunny keychain decorating your backpack
deciding to toss them into a box and into the deepest corner of your closet
no matter what you did or which methods you tried
you couldn't move on from him
deciding not to be the asshole that first rejected him and then wanted him back as soon as he got into a relationship
you never told anyone how you felt
simply swallowing your pain
unbeknownst to the fact that he wanted you just as much
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beenbaanbuun · 5 months
soft cuddles with ateez
park seonghwa
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he’s sitting on the floor, very intensely reaching the instructions to his new lego set that you bought him
there’s no reaction when you sit next to him to watch as his pretty fingers attach the pieces to one another
it takes about 5 minutes for you to lean your head on his shoulder and snuggle your cheek into his shoulder
he chuckles lightly, but just carries on with his lego, not giving you the attention you so clearly crave
it takes another 5 minutes for you to get bored and try to move away but seonghwa won’t let you
he finally takes his attention away from his lego set when you lift your head and begin to stand up
with a discontented hum, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you straight into his lap
“and where do you think you’re going, hm?” he pressed a kiss to your cheek, “stay with me while i make this, yeah?”
you agree and rest your head on him once more, except this time, comforted by his warm cuddles
kim hongjoong
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you get a text from seonghwa at around midnight asking you to go and rescue your boyfriend from the studio
you agree, feelings of excitement and annoyance bubbling up within you simultaneously
excitement because you get to see your boyfriend but annoyance because he was overworking himself… again
it takes 10 minutes to walk to his studio and by the time you get there, you just want some warmth
you walk straight up to his studio, bypassing the receptionist who knows you well at this point, and knock on the door
“the doors open!” he calls out, presumably not wanting to leave his desk for even a second, “oh, hey baby!” he smiles the moment he sees you
you don’t answer him simply ambling over to him and dropping onto his lap
he chuckles and holds you close before going back to his work, idly chit-chatting with you every so often
“your skin is cold, baby. did you walk here?” you nod in response, “you should’ve got a taxi! i’ll finish soon and then we can go home and get warm, okay?”
you fall asleep on his lap before he gets chance to take you home, and the two of you end up sleeping on the sofa in his studio
jeong yunho
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he’s been gaming for what seems like hours and you miss him
yes, you might literally be on your bed, 2 metres away from his desk, but you miss him so bad!
and no matter how many times you call him over and beg him to pay attention to you, you just get the same response
“just one more game and then i’m all yours, honey!”
it was either a really long game, or it was all lies…
you eventually get tired of waiting and scramble out of bed on your tired legs
he doesn’t even flinch when you crawl onto his lap and wrap your limbs around him in a koala-esque fashion
in fact, the most reaction you get is a deep chuckle in your ear and a kiss to your cheek before he goes back to his game
it doesn’t take long for him to finish and say goodbye to whoever it was on the other side of his headset
he just wraps his long arms around your waist and the two of you sit in a comfortable silence on his gaming chair for a while…
kang yeosang
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you’ve had a bad day at work and all you want to do is get home and sit on the couch with your boyfriend
you have so much to complain about and yeosang is such a good listener and feeling his arms around you as you complain would be the best right now
but you get home and yeosang is nowhere to be seen
in fact, the lights are turned off and the living room is completely silent
you sigh, realising your boyfriend must not be home yet, and kick your shoes off before carrying yourself to your bedroom
except when you get to your bedroom, you can’t help but notice a mop of bleached hair splayed across one of your pillows and a yeosang shaped lump under the quilt
you smile, but you don’t say a word as you crawl into bed beside him
he wakes up just enough to wrap his arms around you and pull you into his chest
he mumbles something that sounds kind of like, “how was your day?” but you can’t tell
“better now i’m with you,” you reply anyway
choi san
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you’re only just awake by the time san comes back from the gym
you open your eyes to him in front of the mirror, checking his own progress as the sweat covering his skin glistens in the soft morning light
“pretty,” you mutter as you watch his muscles flex
he jumps in surprise and spins around to face you with a look of shock
“babe, i didn’t even know you were awake,” he smiles and you can’t help but get all giggly as his dimples show, “just give me a minute to shower and then i’ll come give you your morning cuddles, okay?”
normally you’d agree, but for some reason you’re feeling extra clingy
“come cuddle me now, sannie,” you say as you hold your arms out to him
“i’m sweaty, babe,” he chuckles, “i’ll get the sheets dirty
he gives in when you pout and look at him like you’re about to burst into tears if he doesn’t cuddle you
“sheets can be changed,” you say as he lays with half of his body on top of you, “this is more important right now…”
song mingi
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it’s your day off and yet you’ve spent all of it bored inside of your apartment waiting for your boyfriend to get home from work
first it was supposed to be 1pm, then you get a text letting you know it’d probably be closer to 2pm, and then 3pm
its 6pm now, and you’re staring at the front door as if that’s going to make your boyfriend walk through it any quicker
as sad as it makes you that he’s not with you, you know it’s hardly his fault that works been busy recently
you finally turn away from the door with a sigh and lie down on the sofa
seconds later, you hear the lock click open and a tired sounding mingi announce himself
“i’m home, sweetheart,” he grunts as he kicks his shoes off and slams the door behind him, “sorry i’m l-”
he gets cut off with a grunt when you leap at him and attach your body to his in a tight hug
your thighs are tightly wrapped around his waist and your arms hold onto his neck for dear life
“hi, baby,” he chuckles into your hair, “missed me, did you?”
jung wooyoung
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he’s sick and whilst you’re trying not to get sick yourself, there’s only so much whining you can put up with before it gets insufferable
it starts with him whining about the soup not being warm enough, so you give him a tight lipped grin before replacing it
then suddenly he’s cold and begging for more blankets so of course, you oblige before the sound of his aegyo drives you insane
after you bring back the blankets, he wants tucking in
you give him a look before doing as he asks all while he smirks at you
“somethings still missing, baby,” he pouts and points to his lips, “a kiss?”
“absolutely not,” you shake your head, “i’m not catching the black death just because you’re being whiny!”
“fine, but can you come and check my temperature?”
again, you oblige, but before you can even touch his forehead, he has a hand around your wrist and you’re toppling down onto the bed beside him
his vice-like grip suddenly finds its way around you and you suppose you just have to accept your fate and cuddle him back…
choi jongho
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you haven’t felt great for a while but after an argument with a sibling and just an overall bad day, you decide to retreat to your bedroom with your boyfriends hoodie and a pint of icecream
he promised he’s be there once he finished eating with the rest of the guys, but you don’t know if you can wait that long so you send him a text
you don’t want to be a burden and make him think it’s too urgent, but you still want to make sure he knows you’re not feeling great, so it’s just something short and to the point
you don’t expect him too soon, but within 15 minutes you can hear the tell-tale sound of his spare key sliding into your front door
“i’m here, baby,” he calls as he shuts the door, “where are you?”
you don’t need to respond for him to know you’re in bed, and before you can get a word out he’s already poking his head around the door frame
he gives you a sympathetic pout as he sees your red-ringed eyes and quickly sheds himself of his more sophisticated clothing as he can be comfy as he crawls in beside you
his bare arms wrap around your waist and he brings you as close as humanly possible to his chest
“you don’t have to tell me what’s wrong,” he whispers as he pets the back of your head, “but just know that i’m here to listen if you ever want to.”
perhaps tomorrow, you decide as you nuzzle into his neck and let his strong form swaddle you
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httpseungmxn · 4 days
Song Mingi Smut Drabble
Idol!Song Mingi x Fan!Reader
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authors note: This is just something I came up with randomly! It was actually for my partner but he didn't appreciate it as much as I thought he would 😭 ( @69shadesofzen , I'm just joking, I love you🥺 ) so I figured I'd post it here for you all to enjoy as well
Warnings: blowjob given, fan x idol situationship, cum licking
Triggers: n/a
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Mingi knew he wanted you from the second he spotted you in the crowd. Those glossed lips that begged to be sucked on by him and the bright smile you were shooting him.
It was an obvious he was your bias from the way you stared at him. If idols could have biases, you would be his. He could see a poster in your hands that read "I WANT YOU MINGI", well that worked perfectly for him because he wanted you too. And he did everything to get you.
Getting one of his security guards to bring you backstage after the concert. Relieved when he saw your beautiful face enter his dressing room. Barely any words were spoken before you were on your knees between his spread legs with your pretty lips wrapped around the tip of his dick.
There was no way he'd be able to last with those beautiful eyes staring up at him so lovingly. He was smart to have brought you backstage of all the fans who called his name. You stuck out to him. You were beautiful and he wanted you as his.
Especially when you swallowed all of his cum once he hit his peak. Nobody ever swallowed anymore. You were officially his prize for life. Wiping a smidge of cum from your bottom lip with his thumb and leaning back to suck it off.
No regrets.
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Authors note: I'll probably make more of these in the future in place of mini fics and fics sometimes because they're easier to do and quicker !
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shinescape · 9 months
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Chosen for Heaven, Cursed for Love
Mingi x Fem Reader
tw: blood, injury, it is pretty angsty
note: finally an official oneshot for my cutie patootie song mingi! I have held this idea for so long and finally got to it! Also didn’t expect it to be this long considering how i kind of lost my rhythm in writing and do note this is a work of fiction. Enjoy the read!
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“never talk to strangers.” 
“do not open the door to anyone.” 
You’ve been told this many times by your mother. Growing up she was always protective of you but in a slightly unnecessary way in your opinion. You know she meant well but you are practically an adult now and although she doesn’t remind you of the warnings anymore, her voice is clear as the first time you heard it when you were a child. It was more prominent the moment your eyes stared right at a figure dragging himself outside the road. 
The thunders were exceptionally active tonight and you were binge watching a series but something at the back of your mind told you to pause and head straight to the window. Following your instincts, carefully you stepped closer to the window, pushing the curtains just enough for you to see the situation outside. 
It was still raining but not as harsh as earlier when you were having dinner with both your mother and grandmother. Three women in a house together somehow made you feel the need to be extra protective like how your mother was to you. As the youngest in the household, naturally you were to obey the elders, especially your grandmother. 
However, the sight of a lone man with head hung low dragging himself in the pouring rain made you want to act on impulse. You could not make it clearly but it seems there’s a trail of liquid behind him. It made you extremely curious. Not thinking of the consequences, you were determined to find out what you saw was real or just a fragment of imagination. 
Looking back at their bedrooms to make sure none of the two was awake, you grabbed the keys and carefully unlocked the door and went out. Only then you realised that there was no need to be quiet because it was raining so heavily. The road was empty except for the man and without a second thought you ran towards him not expecting him to stop for you.
“Excuse me, are you lost?” Just then you realised that this would be a perfect scene in a horror movie and how dumb of you to not calculate your actions before deciding to casually talk with this stranger. 
You expected him to be frail but the closer you were now, he was tall and had quite a build. His eyes were shaped in a way that would pierce through your heart like daggers but it suddenly softened when he took in your features.
“...princess” he mumbled out but you couldn’t hear due to the storm and held his arm instead. “Your back is bleeding, did you get into an accident?” He said nothing and only had a very solemn expression across his wet face. 
You knew this was crazy but if this is how you die then so be it. “I don’t think the rain will stop any time soon. Do you mind coming with me?” Your mother will faint if she knew what you were doing right at the moment.
Again, he said nothing but slightly turned around letting you guide him. You passed a smile before letting go of his hand a walk ahead, actually feeling scared for your life. There is no turning back, I already invited him over. 
You tried to calm your heartbeat and steadied your breath as you stepped onto the porch. He quietly followed behind you when you opened the door. “Can you go up by yourself? My room is on the immediate right. I’ll be right there.” You didn’t wait for his answer and headed straight to the kitchen trying to find a rag to wipe the blood covered floor.  
“He’s bleeding a lot. I wonder what happened…” You made sure to take glances just in case any of the two ladies decided to get up and have a midnight snack and caught you suspiciously wiping the floor in the dark. You pat the floor and sniff your palm and surprisingly no stain or copperish smell was there.
Making your way upstairs and heading straight into your room, only to find him standing at a corner as if afraid he might break anything if he moved any further into your space. 
“Come over to the bed, I’ll clean up your wounds.” You were way too cheerful about this strange situation and remembering that he was a stranger and potentially might be dangerous for everyone in the house right now had you switched your personality to a less friendlier one. 
“I’m fine over here.” He noticed how your eyes widened when he spoke and averted his eyes away. Woah, he has a very deep voice. Snap out of it! It’s time to help. You grabbed a folding chair that happens to be in your room for some reason and called him over to sit which he was hesitant but listened to you anyways. 
You observed his appearance and pinch a bit of the fabric he was wearing. It looked and felt like silk but somewhat rougher as you rub on it. “Do you mind if I take this off, I need to see how badly your injury is.” You can tell he was unsure about everything that was going on but decided to trust you. As he crossed his arms to take the top off, you heard him winced as he immediately hunched to the front. 
“I guess the pain just got to you.” He remained in that position as you went to grab a pair of scissors and carefully cut it through the material on his back. Nothing could have prepared you for what you were seeing. There was a deep hole on each side of his back as if something was ripped off from his body. Taking off the cloth from his body you quickly pressed the wounds and hoped the bleeding would eventually stop. 
You didn’t know why but hearing him hissing and groaning in pain worried you. From time to time you apologised and told him to hang in there as you cleaned his wounds up and bandaged the upper part of his torso. “My mother is a nurse so I know a thing or two. Although I must say this is my first time actually doing this.” You dabbed a wet cloth over his face and could not help but be awestruck at his defined features. But why was he wandering in the streets in the middle of a thunderstorm heavily injured?
“Can I ask what’s your name?” you were prepared for him to lash out at you but he didn’t and answered you simply with “Mingi.” You unconsciously smiled to yourself as you repeated his name unaware of his flustered reaction to hearing your voice saying his name.
“What actually happened to you, Mingi?” You asked as you plopped down in front of him and started putting band aids on his feet to which he surprised you by grabbing hold of your wrist. “Y-you don’t have to go that far...” It seemed that he didn’t trust you enough to share anything other than his name. You take that as a cue to back away and give him space.
You watched as Mingi mustered up all the energy left to sit up straight. At the sight of his pained expression, you softened even more feeling helpless at your limited capabilities to help him feel better. “I have a bathroom over there, you can use it while I grab a change of pants for you to wear.” His face remained unchanged as he continued to stare at you. Before standing up to leave the room, you did not forget to pass him a smile. 
It was like mission impossible for you, going into the spare room and even sneaking into your mother’s room to find anything that belonged to your father or grandfather and actually managed to do so. Placing the pyjama pants in front of the bathroom, you informed Mingi about the garment and went about the sleeping arrangement for the night. 
You heard the door open and turned to speak only to flutter your eyes away at the sight of him. “You can have my bed, I’ll sleep right here.” You pointed at the space right next to the bed. He stepped closer with yet the same pained expression. You wonder if it’s from his injuries or something else that you have no knowledge of. 
“You don’t have to do all this”
“I want to. I don’t feel great if you sleep on the floor with such serious wounds.” You gave him no choice and quickly laid down on the layered futon you made. Mingi huffed at your actions and reluctantly went to occupy your bed. You heard him groan and peek through the blanket to watch him find a comfortable position to rest. He did not notice you sitting up and observing him toss and turning on the bed until you let out a sound. 
“I think the only way to sleep is on your front.” You patted your chest and gave him a lopsided smile. He sighed, taking your advice as he lay down on his front, head turning to the side. You too were back under the blanket and stared right at the ceiling. It was indeed a weird night for you. Initially everything seemed crazy and dangerous but those feelings seemed to die down as the night went by. 
“Would you believe me If I say I fell?” At his voice, you turn to your side and look at him genuinely interested. “You fell?” He nodded. “I fell…from the sky.” He scoffed at the obvious confusion written on your face. “Are you being serious right now?” Again, Mingi nodded. 
“I know you won’t believe me. But that’s what happened.” His lips slightly curved upwards as if hoping for you to believe him despite knowing that would be impossible in that short amount of time.
“I believe you,” His eyes widened at your words. “But there has to be more to that, right?” You yawned right after and Mingi could only watch as you slowly drift off to sleep leaving him alone to his thoughts. 
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The warmth and slight sweat woke you up from the fantasy-like dream. Looking around, you realised that you were no more on the floor and was laid down on the bed with the heavy comforter covering you like a baby. “I wasn’t dreaming…” slightly panicking in your half awake state, you stepped down and went straight to the direction of the voices that seemed too normal to be true. 
Your eyes met. There he was, the man that wasn’t part of your dreams but was clearly in your room last night, lying almost pathetically on your bed. Your eyes then glance to the women, your mother had this stiff aura around her while your grandmother ushered you to come closer. 
“I can explain” You nervously said, voice trembling as your palms came up in defence. “Sit down, dear. Mingi here told us everything.” Confused was an understatement at that moment. What does she mean by he told them everything? The only man at the dining table did not utter a word as he fiddled with the mug’s handle as if it was the most interesting item at that moment.  
“He told us…where it’s more like grandma here figured out what happened. And you better thank the Heavens that it was her who found out first and not me.” Your mother sighed with a disappointed look and you were sure that Mingi’s body reacted to the word Heavens. Everything was happening so fast, you had so many things to say and to ask but nothing was coming out of your mouth.
“I found this feather outside your bedroom door. Right after that, this young man opened the door and gave me a good surprise.” The old lady laughed as she stroked the single bird-like feather in her hands.
“Your mother and I changed his bandages since it was soaked with blood. You did well trying to help this unfortunate young man, dear.” Her words were sincere and felt like a compliment but the daggers from your mother said otherwise. As if telling you that bringing Mingi in your house was the last thing you should have done. 
There was a short silence hanging in the air before he suddenly spoke. “Can we talk? Just the two of us?” You turned to look at him and unconsciously nodded at his words. He stood up, excused himself and walked away. “Sweetie, whatever you do, please think of yourself first.” Getting slightly annoyed by your mother, you said nothing and went to find Mingi.
You saw him by the steps outside and went to sit next to him. “Hey” you murmured, enough for him to hear you. It felt awkward and kind of weird and you then realised that you were still in your pyjamas which was fine considering you were at home but there is this inhumane looking being right next to you that made you feel inferior all of a sudden.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, totally! Sorry…I mean yes everything is fine.” Clearing your throat, you calmed down and continued, “You wanted to talk to me, right?” His eyes never left your face as if trying to remember every detail and sketch it in his mind on repeat. The way your head tilted made him feel something he never experienced before.
“This is going to sound really weird but I actually fell…” 
“Yeah you told me last night-”
“From heaven”
There was a deafening silence as you hugged your legs closer to your chest when the wind suddenly rushed over. “So that feather earlier was yours?” He nodded, worry painted all over his face as he waited for you to gather your thoughts. “Hold on, that injury on your back… Mingi, are you an angel?” A hand clasped over your mouth as you watched him frowned further at your words. 
“I was one. But not anymore. A-are you scared of me?” You shook your head denying almost instantly. “No, of course not. It’s just…what happened?” You noticed he was a bit restless and carefully gathered his palms in yours, stroking his knuckles to assure him that you were indeed not scared of him.
“I desired for something I should not have even thought of in the first place. I wished to live as a human and that alone got me banished.” Your fingers curled tighter on his cold ones as you waited for him to continue on. “I was your guardian angel actually,” He chuckled dryly when your eyes widened at the revelation. 
“I knew everything about you. How sensitive you are to others emotions, how you argue a lot with your mother and your grandmother always siding with you. I know how your father…how he called you princess to stop you from crying. I knew then that I had to be there for you, not from up there but right next to you.” Mingi then pressed his forehead to yours, his hands now shifted to hold yours instead. 
“I was different from the rest. I had human emotions and I realised that I was in love with you. I wanted to be with you, princess.” His tears dropped right on your skin, each drop was warmer than the one before. Your lips parted wanting to utter something but as usual nothing came out. Everything happened so fast that there was no time to properly think and come up with something that will not sound half hearted. 
You most definitely did not want to hurt him further than what he had gone through. You can’t even imagine the pain he endured from being different like the rest yet you had nothing to say to him as of that moment. Mingi backed away when he felt you pulling your hands from his hold. His face wore the most heart wrenching expression you have ever seen on a person.  
You glanced back towards the door and windows, making sure there were no signs of the two nosy ladies before looking right back at Mingi. Shyly nodding your head, you waited for him to take the lead as you closed your eyes. Heat rushed to your face as embarrassment took over your whole being.  
“I would have given you a big warm hug but I don’t want to hurt you.” Your eyes wandered to the bandages wrapped neatly around his torso. All of this was new to you. A fallen guardian angel confessing his love to you a day after you saved him from near death. How would one even react to all of this?
“Then, can I kiss you?” His deep voice interrupted the sea of thoughts that would have given away how drifted you were from the reality of the situation.
“Y-yes Mingi?”
“I don’t exactly know how to kiss. Can you-”
Cupping his face, you leaned over to kiss him before another thought could invade both your anxious minds. You felt his strong arms wrapped themselves around you, pulling you impossibly close as you deepened the kiss. A loud rumbling from above had both of you parted with chest heaving heavily from lack of air. 
“I think the Heavens are angry with us.” You joked trying to lighten the mood when Mingi suddenly pulled you in for another hug, nuzzling his nose on your neck as he softly pressed his lips on your skin. 
“I don’t care if they are. I have you this close to me and that’s all that matters. I love you princess. My heaven on earth.” 
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