#atz reactions
ja3hwa · 5 months
♡ 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐏𝐭.𝟏 | 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : He couldn't help but think such filth when you were innocently fast asleep only merely a couple of feet away from him.
『Word count』 :  1.12k
-> Genre: Pure smut. Little plot. DBF.
Pairing: Dilf!Hongjoong x Park!Reader [Hwa's Daughter]
[Warnings] : Slightly Noncon (Reader is asleep at first). Masturbation. Cum play. Thoughts and fantasies. Pet names. Sir kinkish. Hongjoong is nasty. Also, Joong is like in his late 30s and tatted while the reader is only 23. Whoops.
Note: No one asked for this, but for some reason, I was hooked on the thought of the Dad's best friend trope, and Hongjoong is really coming for my heart. So, It was a perfect match in my eyes.
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You didn't know what came over yourself. It felt like the heating was turned up tenfold. Your nose scrunched as you began to move more and more in your sleep. Hongjoong couldn’t help but watch your discomfort in curiosity. Were you having a nightmare? No, you weren’t one to have them. But then again, maybe you just didn’t tell anyone. And being on a family trip in the middle of nowhere would cause distress.
Maybe I should wake her?… He thought, now sitting fully up on the pull-out couch bed. You were no longer tucked under the big fluffy covers on the single bed. No, you had thrown them off moments ago, revealing your mid-drift slightly from your short sleep top and the fact you weren't wearing any pants. God, you looked so cute in your black frilly panties…No, he couldn’t think of such a thing. Not when you were his best friend's daughter. 
But oh how you looked delicious. When he met Seonghwa, he had no clue he had a daughter, let alone one that was twenty-two. And when he agreed to go on this camping trip─more like staying in this large cabin on Seonghwa family’s land─he didn’t expect to see you tag along. You were stunning the moment he saw you hop out of your car. You were everything he would want in a woman and after spending hours of the day chatting and getting to know you he knew he was fucked. Anyone outside your conversations, like Seonghwa or his other friends and their kids, would see it as some harmless banter. But in reality, Hongjoong was shamelessly flirting. He didn’t mean it at first, but it just kept going, and you kept egging him on. So what was he supposed to do?
Since there were quite a lot of people that had come on the getaway, rooms were tight. And you had begged your father not to let you sleep in the rooms where the kids were cause you were certain one of San’s boys wanted more than innocent late-night chats… He ended up putting you in the same small study-turned-bedroom where there was a single bed and a double pull-out with Hongjoong. He originally offered to take the single, but you argued, saying his ‘old man back’ wouldn’t like it. He let you take it after that comment.
“J-joong…” you mumbled, almost inaudible. The older man's eyes snapped to your parted lips in a millisecond. Did you just say his name? No, he was definitely hearing things. “Joong, please.”
No, he definitely heard you that time. Your little panting, knitted brow, and soft moans. You weren’t having a nightmare. You were having a sex dream. And it was about him. God, did he wake up in another universe where everything went his way?! He ruffled his hair before rubbing his face in disbelief. He needed to hear you again, but as he took in your figure, he noticed you were now biting your lip, and your hips were jerking slowly. The pillow you were cuddling was tightly pressed up against your covered cunt in between your legs, and every little movement of your hips sent a shock of pleasure through your body.
You were humping your pillow at the thought of them while fast asleep.
He knew it was bad, but as his cock twitched for the millionth time he knew he needed to give himself some relief. And besides, you were sleeping, so you wouldn’t catch him only a couple of feet away from you, fucking his fists in time with your thrusts as your little moans carried out the nastiest fantasies his mind could conjure.... Right?
The thought of you laying out on his bed back at his penthouse. You're soaking on complete display as you beg him to hurry and touch you. He questions if you are a virgin, and if you were would you let him fuck you raw? Just the thought of slipping inside your tight virgin pussy while you tear up at his girth. He squeezed his cock tighter, staring at you intensely, he moved the sheets off himself, hissing slightly at the cool air hitting his hot angry tip. He needed more, he needed to hear his name spill from your mouth again. And it was as if the gods answered his prayers hearing you whimper, “P-please H-hongjoong.”
That was enough to tip him over the edge, speeding up his movements. He noticed the stutter in your hips. You were close to. He’d whisper to himself, “Let’s cum together baby. Cum all over my cock, fuuck.”
He wouldn’t be able to catch himself in time, splurting all over his hand, chest, and some dripping on his thigh. Fuck, he came so much. His eyes were shut, head leaning back against the backing of the couch. His heart was thumping in his ears so loudly he couldn’t even hear anything more. He was in complete ecstasy and peace. That was until he felt the bed dip, making his heart stop and eyes widen. “oh uh..I. um..” fuck, he was so fucked. You were sitting on the end of his bed, half asleep with the haziest expression while staring at his cock still tightly in his hand. His dick twitched, causing a groan, mostly from annoyance as he had been caught and he does even feel an ounce of guilt.
“D-did I cause t-that…” You said sweetly, so innocently. Could you get any more perfect?!
“I’m sorry angel, just go back to sleep, yeah…” He tucks himself back into his boxers, feeling his cum stick to the fabric which caused him to gag. He’s gonna have to slip out for a shower. But you didn’t budge as you took in his words. Instead, you pushed past any anxiety you had over the past days wondering whether Hongjoong liked you the same way, and moved closer to grab his hand that still had some of his cum on. You had woken up over five minutes ago before Hongjoong had creamed himself. His head was thrown back and he was in complete bliss and it caused you to cum just from the sight alone. “A-Angel…”
You didn’t let him speak another word as you placed two of his fingers in your mouth, swirling your tongue around them. Soaking them. And once they were wet enough, you pulled them out with an audible pop. Slowly, without breaking eye contact with the older male, you moved his hand down until those two wet fingers dipped into your completely ruined panties, letting him feel exactly how wet you were for him. They would slip so perfectly into your cunt causing you to sigh in relief, feeling so full just from his fingers alone. “Aren’t you gonna help me, sir.”
Hongjoong was done for.
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beenbaanbuun · 6 months
first kiss with ateez
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park seonghwa
i’m of the belief that seonghwa is a gentleman through and through
unfortunately that means no kiss until at least the third date, and even then your lips would have to look particularly plush and tempting for him to even dare
a bit of pink lip gloss does the trick, drawing his gaze to your lips more than once during the restaurant date that you find yourself on
he studies them when you talk about what’s going on in your life, watching your pretty teeth peeking out from beneath them
in fact, the more you talk, the harder it gets to pull his gaze away to look you in the eyes
how can he when your lips look so, what’s the word, kissable…
and before he can even stop himself, he’s leaning across the table and is oh-so-gently holding your face in place with a hand on your cheek
your words stop in your throat as he breathes against your lips and perhaps you can’t help but find his lips a little tempting too
you close the gap, pushing your lips against his own soft pair and holding yourself in place for just a moment or two
neither of you forget that you’re in the centre of a restaurant so you pull away, sharing a silent promise that it would be the first of many
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kim hongjoong
hongjoong didn’t quite know why he felt so compelled to show you his studio so early in the relationship
it was his safe space away from the rest of the world, and yet there you were, stood right in the centre of it looking like you belonged there
and he believed that you did because why else would you look so pretty under the dim lights that shone from the ceiling?
why else would he be so tempted to pull you over to his desk chair and have a long, passionate make out session with you?
he tries to shake the dirty thoughts away, but a few linger on for longer than he’d like
and as you look around the space, he can’t quite help but imagine what it would feel like to hold his lips to yours
feeling braver than usual, he struts up to you and leans into your personal space, mouth barely an inch from your own
“can i?” he whispers, eyes flickering down to watch your lips part and your tongue dart out to wet them, “want to feel your pretty mouth on mine…”
you nod and before you know it, he has a hand on your shoulder, pulling you close and his lips on yours, drinking you in
he doesn’t pull away until you’re both dizzy from a lack of oxygen, but before you can even fully catch your breath, he’s delving in for more
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jeong yunho
another gentleman except he is more than happy to kiss you on the first date as long as you’re as willing as he is
because he never really believed in love as first sight, but when he sees you for the first time, kissing you is all he can thing about
spends half of his time staring at your lips, and half of his time staring at your eyes wondering how pretty it would be to watch them flicker closed as he kisses you
tries his hardest to listen to you as you talk but how is he supposed to concentrate when all he wants to do is lean in and press his own lips against yours
ends up asking you to repeat yourself pretty much every sentence but you don’t really mind because you like the way he pouts when he asks…
both of you so desperately want to kiss the other and yet neither of you say anything, until…
“is that lipstick on your teeth?” yunho asks. you try to rub it off but you’re rubbing at the wrong tooth and yunho is just giggling to himself
you ask him to get it for you, and he freezes up because he’s unsure as to whether you’re genuinely asking him or whether it’s some sort of weird way of you asking for a kiss
he plays dumb and hopes it’s the latter, leaning in a little and extending the invitation for you to close the gap, which of course, you do
you giggle against his lips as he pushes the tip of his tongue into your mouth to wipe away the lipstick
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kang yeosang
you’ve been dating for a while and you both desperately want to kiss the other but you’re shy and yeosang is clueless
the two of you are trapped in a weird sort of tango where one of you will get just about brave enough to lean in for a kiss before uncertainty kicks in and you take it back
your friends can’t be around you two anymore because it’s genuinely annoying to watch you two perform this weird ritual
they’re all silently begging for the two of you to just quit the bullshit and make out (preferably not in front of them)
but even with the hints the guys drop to yeosang, he still doesn’t seem to understand that of course you want to kiss him as badly as he wants to kiss you
until one night, you’re at his dorm for a movie night that yunho invited you over for
eventually, though, he gets fed up of watching you two love sick idiots watch one another instead of the movie and he stands up with his popcorn bowl and his blanket
“i’m going to bed,” he grumbles, shooting the two of you a frustrated look, “you two need to get a grip and make out already…”
it’s the most direct hint any of the members have given to yeosang, and finally it sinks in that holy shit! maybe you want to kiss him too???
your lips are already on his the second yunho is out of the room and he can’t help but squeak in surprise before fully leaning into the kiss
it’s unsure to start with, but the two of you soon find your feet and as per yunho’s instructions, you do in fact ‘get a grip and make out’
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choi san
another gentleman but only in the sense that he likes to get verbal consent before kissing you
and he’s been waiting so patiently to ask you all night but he can’t quite bring himself to interrupt you as you very cutely ramble on about some random topic
but as much as he could sit and listen to you talk about anything with your angelic voice, he just wants to lean over to where you’re sat on his bed and kiss you
you notice him zoning out after a while and your sentences trail off
“sorry, was i rambling?” you ask, growing shy
“huh?” he shakes himself out of his trance and pouts at you, “aw, you could never ramble, babe…”
while you’re grateful that he’s so quick to squash any insecurities you might have about talking too much, you can’t help but wonder what had him so deep in thought
but before you can ask, san gets there first
“can i kiss you?” you nod, but san doesn’t do anything until you actually say it
when you finally get the word out, he smiles and lunges forwards to let his lips crash against yours
it’s not a gentle kiss, but it’s not an aggressive one either
it’s more like a long awaited one, switching from slow and sensual to desperate and depraved, before going back to the former in mere seconds!
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song mingi
this man can and will kiss you whenever he feels like it
don’t get me wrong, he gets so incredibly shy around you, but he is also so incredibly impulsive that the moment he gets the idea to kiss you in his head, he can’t shake it out until he’s done it
it’s only your second date, but the two of you click so well that mingi thinks he might already be in love with you
and then he says something jokingly mean, purposefully to make you pout, and he just freezes
have your lips always looked that kissable? because right now, that’s the only thing he can think about
they look so soft and pliant and pink and before he knows it, mingi is leaning down to your height, his own lips just a breath away from yours
“do you want to kiss me?” he asks with a dopey smile, “i want to kiss you…”
you nod with a dazed expression and he closes the gap, wasting no time in deepening the kiss
he puts his huge hands on your waist and holds you flush against him as he explores your mouth
after what feels like a blissful eternity, he pulls away, panting deeply as he licks at his own lips that are covered in your spit
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jung wooyoung
this little shit wants to kiss you soooo bad and unfortunately for you, he can tell that you want to kiss him too
with anyone else, that wouldn’t be a problem, but wooyoung is evil and is absolutely determined to make sure the only thing you can think of all day is his lips
he spends all day biting at his lips and flicking his pretty pink tongue over them the make them glisten in the sun light
acts extra pouty just in case he didn’t already have your full attention on his lips
he can tell by the way you zone out mid sentence to stare at his mouth that he does in fact have your full attention but that doesn’t stop him
oh no, it only drives him to be oven more of a little demon
he decides he wants to get ice cream with you despite it being the middle of winter, and for some reason you agree
he eats it in such a way that gets it smothered on his lips, but with the smirk on his face you can tell it’s intentional
you try and dab it away with a napkin but he just pouts and leans in close
with a sigh and a roll of your eyes, you take the hint and press your barely concealed smile to his own lips
he transfers the ice cream to your own lips before letting his tongue dart out to lick it up
you pull away with a grossed out whine, but he pulls you back in immediately for more
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choi jongho
for jongho, the urge to kiss you built up over time
like sure, on the first date he notices how pretty your lips look but all of you is pretty and that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to kiss you
but then on the second date, he can’t help but notice that you like to chew on your lips and somewhere in the back of his mind is a thought that has him shocked at himself
like, he’s known you for a little over a week, why is he daydreaming about tugging your bottom lip between his teeth before diving in for a kiss
and then suddenly, it’s the fifth date and you’re sat on his sofa curled into his side and he just can’t stop staring as you nibble on your bottom lip
there’s a deep internal conflict about what he should do because he just can’t sit and watch you unintentionally tease him anymore!
decides to be a little bold and takes a deep breath before using his thumb to tug your bottom lip free of your teeth
you look at him in surprise, but you have barely enough time to be shocked before his lips are descending on your own and you’re leaning into the best kiss of your life
it’s slow and passionate and jongho is holding onto you like your made of glass with his hands splayed across your lower back
you pull away before delving back for more immediately, gasping when you’d feel jongho’s teeth scrape against your bottom lip…
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luvh4nji · 6 months
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warning: general drunkenness, reader is referred to as "girl" in san's
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seonghwa ; he's so unbelievably soft for you. something about having his pretty baby so in love with him, hanging off his arm and pressing your side impossibly closer to his, even when you're not completely yourself, makes his heart swell in his chest, his stomach doing somersaults.
"be careful, love." he chastises you gently, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to his side, thumb rubbing little circles on the skin of your shoulder. "don't want you getting into trouble, yeah?" and you just swoon over him, turning in his hold so your arms snaking around his own shoulders, nuzzling into his chest. and you're too hazy to notice the soft look in his eyes and the soft blush that covers his cheeks.
hongjoong ; he seems like the type to be a little insecure in a relationship. he's so busy, he porbably doesn't feel like he gives you enough attention and it gets him down a little bit. the question of what if you find someone who treats you better? always sits in the back of his mind. but when you get all clingy and sweet with him when you get a little drunk at the studio, his worries almost seem to dissipate.
"and those are the reasons why..." you start, cutting yourself off with a hiccup, resting your head against his chest from your spot in his lap. "those are the reasons why i love you." you finish, smiling to yourself in your drunken daze. "ah, okay, i see. " he indulges, nodding and smiling down at the mess you are in his lap. he hears something that sounds like a muffled "you better" coming from you, feeling the vibrations of your voice as he runs his fingers down your back.
yunho ; he would think you're the cutest thing he's ever seen <3 he's truly the type to be completely entranced by his partner and to see you have that same reverence for him? it just makes him so, so happy. he's the type to have you close to him all night, sitting in the booth of the bar wiht his arm slung around your shoulders while you lean against him, ead on his chest, hand lifted to hold his, looking up at him like he hung the stars in the sky.
"you feeling okay, baby?" he asks, noticing how quiet you'd gotten. and you'd just nod against his chest, sniffing a little bit from the drinks, mumbling that you're fine and that you just want to look at him, blinking slowly as you explain yourself. and he gets so red, smiling brightly and keeping you close to his chest proudly while the rest of the guys at the booth tease you relentlessly.
yeosang ; he gets so shy and flusterd, poor guy :( he's not a very touchy person, generally speaking, so when you go to him, laying your head in his lap where he was sitting on the couch in your apartment, once the sleepy affect of the beverage has sunken in, gazing up at him with big, lovestruck eyes, he can't help the soft pink that colors the shells of his ears.
"are you okay, y/n?" he asks, voice low, with that shy quality to it, as you look up at him, your hand reaching to cup his face, fingers tracing his birthmark delicately. "better than okay, sangie." you grin, running a thumb over the crest of his cheekbone. "i got so lucky-- to have someone to beautiful." you hiccup through your words, making him look up and away from your reverent expression, biting the inside of his cheek to hold in a smile.
san ; loves it. adores it even. you already knows he's absolutely a clingy drunk and he loves that you are too because it just proves to him how perfect you are for each other. he's the type to believe in soulmates and this is his sign. he just loves how you look at up at him, blinking slowly, and grabbing his hands, pressing little kisses to his knuckles and telling him how how handsome he is.
"yeah, honey? i'm the prettiest boy you've ever seen?" he asks, half-teasing, but you just nod in agreement, movements slow and lazy due to the alcohol flowing through your system. "i'm glad you think that." he says through a soft smile, reaching to ruffle your hair from you're leaning against his chest. "cause you're the prettiest girl i've ever seen. makes us a perfect match, doesn't it?"
mingi ; adores you when you get clingy. he's absolutely the type to revel in your physical nature. he loves how you excited you get to see him when he comes to pick you up from the bar after your friends had called him, asking for his assistance in getting you home. he loves how you run up to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek, telling him how much you missed these past few hours that you'd been out.
"missed me?" he asks, only half-teasing, laughing to himself when you nod against his chest, mussing your hair in the process. "i missed you, too, honey." he grins, leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of your head. "now lets get you home, yeah?" and he smiles to himself at how you cling onto his arm, grip vice-like in the car.
wooyoung ; he doesn't seem like the type to let himself be soft often. he feels like he has to be funny or flirty or abrasive at all times, but all those walls come down when he's around you, especially when your uninhibited and he knows you need his help. his voice gets so soft, touch gentle as he lets you wrap yourself around him, nuzzling into his chest, pressing sloppy kisses to the skin there.
"okay, baby," he starts when your body goes nearly limp against his. "you think it's time to go home?" and you just shake your head, hair mussing against him, before raising your gaze to meet his and mumbling something about how you'd go wherever he wanted you to. and he'd just laugh, soft and warm, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you out of the bar. "alright, alright. let's get you home, lovey.
jongho ; although he doesn't necessarily seem like the clingiest person himself, he does seem like the type to enjoy having a clingy partner. it has something to do with him liking to be needed. it makes his chest puff up in pride and his eyes shine when you latch onto him. especially when you're all hazy and uninhibited, letting him take care of you.
"oh, really?" he grins pulling you close to him as you grapple onto his strong arms as you mumble something about how strong he is and how you adore him and everything he does for you. "you need me that much?" he asks, tone almost condescending if it wasn't him, and if you weren't inebriated. he shifts his grip around you as you nod againist his arm, staring up at him with big, sparkly eyes. the image of you so adoring of him makes his heart swell in his chest, biting his lip and trying to swallow his smile.
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j-a-nuary · 3 months
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BFF Ateez reacts to you texting them about a date going poorly
Warnings: Mingi's kinda insinuates a drugging (but helpful waitstaff come to the rescue!), San wants to fight people, Wooyoung's has fat-shaming in it, and blue is at least fem presenting in some of these.
Spiritual successor to -> this <-
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Ateez Masterlist
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sluttywonwoo · 6 months
i am OBSESSED with these texts! smthn about your character voices for idols is so yummy... if i may suggest-- 'wrong person' texts + atz hyung line? :eyes:
hyung line ✔️
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
I'm the one who requested the Ateez argument it was so good omg thank you so much .
I can wait to see the part 2 <3
ateez in an arguemnt - making up (part 2)
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genre: hurt/comfort, angst
word count: 2.4k
warnings: still lots of crying i'm sorry??
a/n: wow thank you guys SO MUCH for your support on part 1. i was just blown away by the amount of support it got so thank you very much. it makes me so happy to hear that people like my little writings :] but hey, i didn't want to hurt you all that much like are you gusy okay?? 😭 i hope this part 2 gives you guys some sort of closure and comfort in a way compared to the last one but i honestly don't know because there's a lot of crying in this one as well ANYWAYS sorry for waffling, please let me know if you enjoy <3
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hongjoong set a coffee down by the table next to you. it was just how you liked it: creamy with extra foam on the top and cocoa powder dusting. he was precise, you'd give him that.
"is this supposed to be your attempt at making an apology?" you raised an eyebrow, looking up at him from your place on the couch. neither of you had attempted to speak to the other ever since the argument. it felt like forever ago but it was only last night.
he sighed and seated himself down beside you in a position that looked uncomfortable. he leaned his back against the arm of the couch whilst balancing on the tops of his toes to hold himself up. he seemed perfectly fine and comfortable. you softened at how he endeared you.
"it got you talking to me, didn't it?" he shrugged as he watched you suspiciously grab the coffee and slurp it up. perfection.
"i am sorry," hongjoong muttered, eyes fixated on the swirling patterns on the carpet. you knew this was a very hard thing to say; it impressed you that he did. "things got way too out of hand. i can be jealous at times, i know."
you held a scoff in; this was serious.
"just... seeing you with him..." hongjoong's eyebrows furrowed as he remembered how quick he was to anger. he shook his head at the memory, wanting to forget.
you reached out to touch his hand. "you know i would never want to hurt you like that." hongjoong nodded, not looking up. "i love you. i only have eyes for you. i just want you to know and see that."
hongjoong hummed in agreement and played with the edges of the pillow on his lap.
"this is good coffee, by the way," you slurped another sip, and with a little earnt chuckle from him, it felt like the tension finally dissipated. back to your old usual selves.
i will always keep fighting for us
that's what your text message read to him. he stared down at his phone blankly, a sigh escaping form his lips. he really messed up, didn't he?
you knew seonghwa had been going through a slump recently. life was not treating him well; you just had no idea it had gotten so bad. so, so bad, to the point where if your relationship was on the line, the fight in him had gone already. this wasn't like him, and you knew it well. this wasn't the real hwa.
he could've smiled at your intelligence of him had he not been so completely deflated. how he treated you, how he handled the situation... the old him would never have done something like this.
clicking the phone icon, he raised the phone to his ear, tapping his fingers on his legs as he awaited your response to his call. you picked up soon after.
"hwa?" your voice sounded from the other side. your tone was worried, almost frantic.
seonghwa cleared his throat, scrunching up his eyes as he fought past a sudden headache. there was so much going on today. he felt dizzy and exhausted but all he could focus on was you.
"i want to fight for us, too" seonghwa's voice was the softest it's ever been; you felt comforted by this, compared to the harshness you experienced earlier,
"i don't want to give up," seonghwa sounded desperate as thoughts of loving memories of you flooded his mind. how could he give you up? how could he not see that you were the one constant, beautiful aspect of his life? he needed you.
"i'm not ready to lose you."
you woke up and immediately felt the absence of the warm presence that would be your boyfriend. shivering, you pulled the covers up slightly, missing his warmth.
not only did he come home late last night, but now he had the audacity not to wake up with you? to leave you by yourself yet again? your heart broke a little bit more, the unfortunate familiar feeling of loneliness you felt last night bubbling up inside you again.
you didn't even hear yunho come in, so the sound of his voice surprised you. the loneliness faded, at least. you turned on your other side to face him, and what you saw was something you didn't expect.
he had a mild smile on his face, his arms extended as he held a beautiful tray of breakfast goods for you to indulge in. breakfast in bed? you thought that would be just for special occasions, like valentines day. but yunho wanted to do something special for you.
approaching you and setting the tray gently down on your lap as you sat up, he placed a tender kiss on your cheek.
"i'm sorry i've been letting you down recently," he murmured, his breath fanning your skin. "but i will try my very best to make it up to you."
you weren't going to let him off that easily, but you took a big bite out of a croissant as you looked up at him.
"thank you," you murmured between mouthfuls. there were not a lot of things yunho did wrong, so the fact that he took ownership when he did was quite remarkable.
this man had softened your heart, truly.
he was ready to talk to you.
you knew it would take time. your first mistake was not giving him that time in the first place. yeosang required gentle patience, at times. you knew this, and it got you down that you didn't read your boyfriend at the time.
all you needed to do was wait for him to come to you.
and he did. tired eyes hid behind a messy fringe as he yawned and settled down next to you on the bed. there was a moment of silence, but it wasn't tense or awkward. it was... beautiful, really.
"i'm sorry for pushing you, yeo" you snaked an arm around his shoulder and brought him closer to you, "i should've given you a bit of space."
he shook his head, eyes becoming misty with emotion. he sunk naturally into your soft touch. "no, no. i'm sorry for pushing you away. i don't want you to think i don't appreciate your support, it's just-"
"you don't have to explain anything. i get it, love," you looked at him, a distinct tenderness in your eyes. he looked back at you and could see you were right. there was always a level of unspokeness between you both that made sense. you understood each other beyond words; that's why there was always an instant attraction between you both.
yeosang sank into your arms, feeling safe and comfortable. life had been getting him down recently, which is why he was upset in the first place. having you here with him made things a lot more easier to cope with. a lot more bearable. he thought that love wouldn't change him, but it turns out he was wrong. your love did change him, and for the better.
he didn't have to be alone anymore.
it felt clear that there were a lot of gaps in your relationship with san. a lot of holes that weren't filled that gaped over a long period of time. he felt it just as much as you did.
for this reason, you both knew without spelling it out that last night wasn't just about san getting jealous. it was an accumulation of things; a build-up of every tension, every minor inconvenience. what it all boiled down to was the very last thing he said: you looked like you were having more fun with them than you've had fun with him in a long time.
"last night was stupid" he admitted to you, biting his lip. you nodded, genuinely agreeing with him. "i just-"
he stopped himself, feeling a tightness in his chest. you felt the same way. you felt what he was feeling through his eyes, the way they ached with holding back the tears. he blinked them away and cleared his throat as you moved towards him, pulling him into a hug. you felt him exhale shakily, as he barely hugged you back. there was a disconnect.
"things haven't been good for a long time, i know" you mumbled in his ear, sighing heavily.
"i'm scared" he confessed, burying his face into the crook of your neck. breathing in your scent, he started to appreciate the softness of your skin as he grazed his cheek against your chin. it was like he remembered what it was like to fall in love with you again.
he was scared of that love fading away. slowly but surely, slipping from his grasp, out of his control. that thought feared him more than anything else in the world.
"i know," your voice sounded small now as you pulled away, looking up at him. your gazes connected and soon your lips did too. the shared kiss was scarcely a whisper of a touch, but provided the comfort that both of you needed.
mingi stared at the wall, appalled at how he handled things. his breathing was rampant and uncontrollable and he needed to settle down. squeezing his eyes shut, he caught his breath after a few moments. if he was feeling like this, he couldn't imagine what you were feeling.
but he couldn't leave you to feel it alone.
"i know i'm probably the last person you want to see" mingi's voice sounded behind you as you wiped your tears away. you turned to face him and he could see the glisten of your sadness in the dull bedroom light.
"but i can't let a night pass with you still mad at me."
that's the mingi you fell in love with. noble, loyal, and most of all, kind. there was something very rare and beautiful about mingi's heart; it was like a precious gem. you felt you didn't deserve him for so many reasons, but his heart was the reason that dominated the most.
this is why you feared he had given it to someone else.
"i just love you mingi" you collapsed in his arms, sobbing into his chest as he caught you. he wasn't expecting such an outburst of sadness from you. he expected you to be mad, angry still at his actions. but here you were, crying in his arms, as vulnerable as you could get. a tear ran down his cheek, seeing you like this.
"i love you so much y/n" he pressed hot, passionate kisses on your neck as you calmed down a bit from your crying. you whimpered into his touch; he was so sincerely captivating.
mingi held you close to him and swayed you back and forth until your cries had relinquished.
the last thing he wanted was to be the cause of your sadness.
wooyoung didn't wait for you to leave. he couldn't bare it. chasing after you, he grabbed hold of your wrist, swirling you around to face him. the tears in his eyes matched your own.
grasping your shoulders, he pulled you towards him in a messy hug, wrapping his arms around you tightly as your face hit his chest. you could feel his heart beating against your ear.
"i'm so sorry," he said immediately. his guilt had bubbled over him, so much so that you didn't have to ask for an apology. he was not like the other people you had dated, in that sense. he was humble. he was reflective. as much as he was stubborn at times, wooyoung sure as hell knew when he was in the wrong. and he owned it every time.
you leaned to his touch as he cried loudly. what had gotten into him? what had upset him so much? you wish he would tell you.
you pulled back and wiped his tears away with the sleeves of your hoodie. he sniffed back his sobs, barely able to meet your soft gaze. you hushed him and calmed him down; you always knew how to.
"talk to me."
there was a certain distinct magic that came with your voice. it seemed to reassure and calm wooyoung in a way that he would never have expected. it made him regret going through things on his own; made him regret pushing you away the way he did. he could've leant on you, but he chose not to. with the tender care you provided, he forgets why.
so he did talk to you. the whole night, he talked. about his feelings, about his worries, about everything that had been dragging him down, making him distant.
and you kissed his worries away, talked through all his feelings and held him close to you the whole time. because you knew he would do the exact same for you.
"oh look, it's my favourite person in the whole world. the love of my life" you drawled out, sarcasm injected into your tone as your harsh gaze fell on jongho.
"are you going to make this easy or hard?" jongho matched your defiant energy, not breaking eye contact with you.
"depends on how you're going to handle this," you seat back in your seat, putting down your phone, intrigued with how he is going to resolve the incident that had occurred.
jongho took a deep breath. it was hard for him to find the right words. sometimes his head and his heart didn't always meet, and he didn't want to fail you because of that. he chose his words wisely.
"your worries are important to me," jongho started, "i was being very selfish. i guess i was just hung up on my own job that i didn't take time to consider yours and how you feeling."
jongho lowered his head as you nodded at his words. "what you said really hurt me, jongho."
"i know," he shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he reminisced on what he had said to you. "that wasn't my intention at all. that never is."
there was a moment of silence. you looked up at him from your seat as he continued to stand, before making his way to sit by you. you both perfectly slid into each other's arms for a long, overdue hug. a hug that would've felt so simple before, but now filled with complexities.
there were so many feelings in the air, but the one that was felt the most was love. love always pulled through.
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tags: @handyulset, @mixling-blog, @jadejj, @starry-eyedlune, @atinyreads, @mulletjoonsupremacy, @youre-a-wallflower-charlie, @hwadump, @scuzmunkie, @strawberrysandwitch, @monstaxdirtywonk, @michel-angelhoe, @sanshinee-world, @aishidaishi, @moonbinnie0983, @fix0nbb
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theboyzism · 11 months
[ATEEZ] friends with benefits | mingi
➳ genre: smut/suggestive, very light angst-ish? (minors dni!) ➳ ficstyle: bulletpoints ➳ pairing: fwb! mingi x gn!reader ➳ warnings: friends with benefits relationship, very slight smut, dirty talk, jealousy, hint of angst pls let me know if there are any missing!
mingi was jealous
not just jealous but furious
he was not used to having competition
it's was the third time in the same week that yunho had left to go meet up with you, a regular occurrence by now
now while yunho and mingi didn't exactly have any plans for today, he certainly saw you as a threat, someone who made yunho ditch him
and he couldn't understand why yeosang, who was the only ateez member to have met you so far, liked you so much as well
yunho was quick to notice mingi's huff when your name left his lips
"you know you could just come with. give them a chance, i know you'd like them"
mingi was curious to meet you indeed
he wanted to give you a piece of his mind for stealing his best friend
but when he took yunho up on the offer he didn't expect to take an interest in you
contrary to his initial thought of you
he finally understood why yunho and yeosang liked you so much
instead of feeling annoyed whenever your name was mentioned
he now felt excited
the three of you quickly became a trio with the occasional yeosang a quadruple
but you know what they say about trios..
while yunho was down with a cold and nursed by seonghwa, mingi still decided to come over to your planned movie night
you liked mingi
maybe there was even a little bit of attraction from your side
but you two had never hung out alone before and it was super awkward now without yunho
the air got even more suffocating when a sex scene came on in the movie
mingi let out a cough while blushing, trying to look anywhere but at the tv or you
"it's just sex mingi" you chuckled, trying to overplay the awkwardness
while you didn't seem completely innocent, he blushed even harder at your words
the taunting tone of your words making him feel as if you were challenging him
turning to you, he raised his eyebrow
"so if it's just sex, you wouldn't mind doing the same with me?"
while you were definitely trying to rile him up, you didn't expect him to feed into your little game
"please, i doubt you could get me to cum as fast as she did, she seriously has no self-control" pointing at the tv you failed to notice mingi's eyes narrowing
and now you had done it
"you're on" was all he said before pulling you onto his lap
and so it became a regular thing
you were doing it quite frequently
thanks to mingi's high sex drive
it was all about having fun
and during that time you two just got closer
eventually becoming extremely good friends
now neither of you told yunho
you just blamed your hanging out on being good friends, thanks to yunho
often when you'd hang out together, mingi would offer to take you home, while yunho already went back to the dorm
yunho didn't know when exactly he became a third wheel amongst his two best friends
let's just say that you two tried to not be obvious but you weren't exactly doing a the best job
mingi would love to explore sexually with you
trying all kind of new things
and he'd be so sweet too
i feel like he would spoil you with small gifts
"oh this little bunny keychain? it reminded me of you"
would always support you and listen to every word you say
except for the sneaking around
you could almost swear he was acting like your actual boyfriend
now everyone has their flaws
and one of mingi's was that he could get uncontrollably horny
while mingi had reassured you were alone at the dorms
you still felt it was extremely risky
promising to be quick and needing some sort of relief, mingi had already positioned himself
and as soon as he started thrusting himself into you
the worry in your brain had been replaced with pleasure
surprisingly it all seemed to go well
that was until you had put on your clothes and made your way into the living room, yunho sitting on the couch, waiting for you two
yes he knew for quite some time now
and while he didn't really care cause it's not his business
he had a problem with both of his friends lying to him
and honestly he felt left out in the friendship
you thought mingi and you were on the same page
however that table turned when yunho asked if it was just a fwb thing or if there was more
while you were confident to say that it is just sex
mingi was not
staring at him wide-eyed, yunho took the cue to leave, excusing himself
"what the hell do you mean with 'it is not just sex'?"
mingi could always read your emotions well
except for this time
"shit y/n, i cannot lie to him or to you"
when you just looked at him, mouth still parted in shock, he walked over to you, closing the gap
"you think i didn't fall in love with you? i want us to date, i want to be your boyfriend y/n"
you could feel your stomach twist
you didn't want to hurt him
but you simply didn't feel the same way
turning him down must've been one of the hardest things in your life
the way you saw him cry for the first time
you blamed yourself more than anything
you should've noticed his feelings sooner
before it got too serious
that way you would've never broken his heart
if yunho wouldn't have been there to confront you two, how much longer would it have gone on?
while you were still close to yunho and after some suffering successfully made amends, your relationship to mingi was superficial, if even existing at this point
seeing him move on with someone else felt oddly painful
it made you feel jealous and hurt
you wanted mingi to be happy, you really did
but you just couldn't feel entirely happy for him, not when we was with someone else
while it felt like the little gifts he gave you were looming over you
the bunny keychain decorating your backpack
deciding to toss them into a box and into the deepest corner of your closet
no matter what you did or which methods you tried
you couldn't move on from him
deciding not to be the asshole that first rejected him and then wanted him back as soon as he got into a relationship
you never told anyone how you felt
simply swallowing your pain
unbeknownst to the fact that he wanted you just as much
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altheasays · 6 months
Ateez as boyfriends
Seonghwa is the caring bf, he’s always cleaning when you’ve had a tough day and makin sure you’ve eaten
Seonghwa is a soft dom, very caring and very big on after care, 100% cooes through the whole thing praises
Hongjoong is a shyer bf he’s giving you more stable hints about his feelings, sends gifts quietly 
Hongjoong is a whiney one, lets you have the control, he controls everything in his real life he’s probably let go of the control and get taken care of in the bedroom
Yunho is so boyfriend, he’s always trying to be romantic boba dates, and picnics
Yunho is a taunting dom, strategic and loves pushing the buttons will break you down bit by bit and. Praise you as he cleans you up after
Yeosang is a sweet and sour bf he knows he’s got the power and so uses it to his advantage
Yeosang is a princess, but like kind of a  brat, he’s a sweet but will use his hold to get what he wants
Sannie is cuddly, always wants to be touching you and if you refuse he’s pouting
Sannie is whiney and desperate will always be down for any sort of touch from his partner and always ready to please, a pleasure dom
Mingi is a boaster the man is gonna brag and he’s so soft and proud of everything you do
Mingi is a messy one, very desperate and probably focused on his own orgasm ngl but makes sure to take care of you after wards. he's a bimbo in my head, even when he's dommy he gets pussy drunk n drooly easily
Wooyoung is a menace, absolute tease but he makes up for it by making sure you’re fed and taken care of
Wooyoung is cocky, he knows he can please you and he does just that, with a shit eating grin after edging and teasing you all fuckin night
Jongho is also a menace but a soft menace, it’s more so he’s fighting with the affection even knowing that he craves it more than air only from you tho
Jongho I feel is a simple lover but he likes to get taken care of sometimes
i feel like lowkey most of the time he wont wanna have any dynamic, just fucking. but like those times where he's feelin down and needs to be taken care of or when he's pissed n needs to blow off steam
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outro-jo · 11 months
ateez and silly moments
pairing: ateez members x reader
type: scenario
warnings: none
request: yes
please read info before requesting!
masterlist | info
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hongjoong- your boyfriend makes the silliest noises. give him a quiet moment with you and he’s gotta use his voice somehow. whether it’s cute little hums of a melody he’s working out or an imitation of a cartoon character or just random nonsensical noises. his favorite is when you repeat them back to him, it’s like you two have a little language.
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seonghwa- most of the time seonghwa loves having you around to built lego sets with him… most of the time. it’s sweet when you two are sitting together building a set, a taylor swift record softly filling the room, but every once in a while you get a silly streak to be destructive and knock the small stack of blocks down. your giggles overlap with the music as seonghwa gives you a death glare. of course, it’s never a completed build because you aren’t a monster and it’s all in good fun but that doesn’t mean you aren’t getting a playful, light smack in return.
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yunho- he is ALWAYS doing some kind of goofy, physical gag especially if he can get his hands on a prop. it’s really fun going somewhere that has a statue because he’s gonna pretend to have a conversation with them. he always just dancing around or miming something out just to be silly and make you laugh.
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yeosang- this man is so fun when he’s drunk. you love your boyfriend dearly but it does take quite a bit to get him out of his shell and the quickest way to do that it with alcohol. it starts with spinning the soju bottle to get the little tornado in the bottle then next thing you know he’s screaming psy in a karaoke microphone. the two of you are always in the corner of the booth laughing over literally nothing, falling into each other.
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san- one thing about san is he’s gonna make things a competition. not in a negative, stressful way because he really doesn’t even care about winning, but he just loves making simple, mundane things exciting. he loves to race you when walking to places and “kissing the winner” when he slows up right before you reach the entrance. or entering “taekwondo teacher” mode and trying to see if you can do the high kicks. but everything he does is in good spirits and to get a smile on your face.
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mingi- one of mingi’s favorite things to do is play dinosaurs. he stomps around with his hands tucked up to his torso, growling as he slowly chases you around the apartment. the best is when he finally catches up with you and attacks you… with cuddles.
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wooyoung- wooyoung is the definition of silly but he’s peak silly when teasing you. he’s always poking you or purposefully bumping into you and often joking that you’re the one hitting him. he pokes his lip out in a pout and asks why you’re doing it while continuing to jab you lightly with his shoulder or hip.
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jongho- flirt! jongho is one of the biggest flirts and he loves to fluster you. he comes up with the silliest, cheesiest pick up lines and does them so sincerely, following it up with a cheeky wink. you’re not quite sure if you should blush or laugh. coming from anyone else it would be awful and cringe-worthy but from him it just works so well.
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changbinsboiledegg · 8 months
Hiiii I saw your requests post and wanted to ask for Ateez reactions to breaking up with the reader but meeting again later? ❤️‍🩹🥺
Thank you for your request, angsty atiny 🫶 I hope these are what you were asking for and I hope you enjoy, ILY. :) 🫶🫶
Warnings: Breakups, implied cheating (no one actually cheats ofc), Alcohol mention, let me know if I'm missing any!
Note: Okay, some are fluffy, some are angsty. I tried to mix up the reasonings for the breakups so they all don't have the same outcomes lmao. I'm also sleepy so if there are any typos, please turn a blind eye lmao, ily.
You and Hongjoong only broke up due to differing career paths, which meant you two barely had time— if any at all, to spend with each other. As the years pass by, you’re much more stable than you were before and with a lot more free time.
But with free time, you tend to think about Hongjoong, which makes you wonder if he thinks of you too.
“Will that be cash or card?” The cashier asked as you had already ordered your drink at a local cafe.
“Cash.” You replied, trying not to feel pressured by the line forming behind you. You opened your wallet to find the cash you were wanting to get rid of but to no avail. The cashier began to get a bit impatient, already stressed about the line.
As you were searching more frantically, the pin pad beeped and a hand had removed his card from the chip reader.
“Thank you.” The all too familiar voice spoke, sending a chill up your spine. You quickly stepped out of the way as Hongjoong had begun to order and pay for his own drink.
With a friendly demeanor, he walked over to where you waited. By this time, you already found the cash you were going to pay for your drink with and held it out towards him, only for him to decline.
You scoffed, slowly retracting your arm with a small smile. “I see you haven’t changed.”
“I see you haven’t either.” Hongjoong joked, poking fun at the way you were trying to offload spare cash, rather than use your card.
You felt the urge to throw your arms around him, but it had been so long that doing so would feel awkward.
“Join me? Let’s catch up.” Hongjoong gestured towards an empty table while you both waited for your drinks.
You had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time you saw him again.
Your breakup was mutual, deciding it was for the best. No malice or sadness came from it, although you found yourself thinking about him from time to time.
You moved into a new apartment following the breakup and a year later, you were still there with your roommate.
You hadn’t heard from Seonghwa since your breakup nor did you really speak about him to anyone. He was just another thought in your mind that gave you comfort knowing your past bond with him was real.
You checked the mail while walking your roommate’s dog for them while they were out and started to head back to your unit, not thinking much about the moving vans outside as new people often moved in and out of the complex.
You headed up the stairs with the dog and slid your keys into the keyhole.
“Move slower! I don’t want to trip!” You heard the voice of a male come up the stairs located two doors from your apartment.
You weren’t sure why, but you wanted to see what they were moving up the stairs. But that’s when you saw him, Seonghwa. Your ex-boyfriend. He was on the other end of the couch he was trying to get up the stairs.
Once they were up stairs, you recognized the other guy, Wooyoung. Seonghwa panted, wiping sweat from his forehead before his eyes fell on you.
“You’re my neighbor?” You both said in sync. Seonghwa chuckled at the unison, walking closer to you.
“I was just thinking about you earlier.” Seonghwa confessed, momentarily forgetting the couch.
Wooyoung pinched the bridge of his nose, “hello? Couch? You two can talk in a few minutes.”
You grinned, “better get to it. I’ll be right across from you.”
It was a misunderstanding that broke up your once perfect relationship. It happened when Yunho started to get back home late. Then he used different excuses every time you asked.
Then you saw him at the jewelry store with someone else, laughing and looking at rings.
Now, a year later after your breakup, with a somewhat mended heart, you tried to walk past that same jewelry store in an attempt to get over the hurt attached to it.
You managed to do so without breaking down, but your chest still hurt. It was a process, after all.
You entered a park an decided to sit on the bench in order to take a moment and breath, letting the peacefulness drown out your thoughts of Yunho.
That was until you noticed someone walking up to you in a hesitant manor.
“Hey.” Yunho sheepishly spoke, hoping you wouldn’t shoo him away. You froze when you looked at him, all of the memories flashing through your mind.
“Hey… Oh my God, it’s been a while.” You spoke in a quiet voice and tried to swallow back the lump in your throat. Yunho smiled a bit, sitting beside you.
“How are you?” Yunho asked. You weren’t sure if you wanted to lie or be honest.
“I—” You stopped yourself. Yunho let out a sharp breath of air, “I’ve been wanting to explain myself since a year ago.”
Right. You never allowed him an explanation. You were too wrapped up in jealousy and your broken heart that you didn’t allow him that.
“Who you saw with me, was a friend.” He began, digging into his pocket, holding a ring. “They were helping me find an engagement ring— for you.”
“You kept it?” You felt your heart stop. You were relieved, but very regretful. Yunho nodded, “I didn’t have the heart to get rid of you.”
He widened his eyes, realizing his mistake, “I mean, it. I didn’t have the heart to get rid of it.”
You teared up, feeling more and more regretful, “I am so sorry, I should’ve let you explain.”
Yunho wrapped his arms around you, noticing you were on the verge of tears.
“I would have never wanted to hurt you in that way.” Yunho comforted you, even if he needed to be comforted too.
“Let’s start over,” Yunho eventually pulled away with a much wider smile and holding out his hand for a handshake. “I’m Yunho.”
He was set to debut soon and barely had time to see you. But that didn’t mean he didn’t try. Even if it meant sneaking around or losing more sleep. He loved you. He wanted your relationship to work.
But as he was debuting, he was given an ultimatum. You or his career.
“This is your dream. Your future. I will still be here waiting for as long as it takes.” You reassured him. Yeosang tried to convince himself it would be okay. Which it was, but he wished you were there every step of the way.
And you were. Just not in the way he hoped.
You watched from afar, always there, but never interfering with his work. The last thing you wanted was to ruin his dreams.
Three years later, you were at your favorite spot. The place you and Yeosang always visited when you both wanted to go out but not with people around. You visited almost every day, even if you were alone.
You laid down a picnic blanket on a spot and arranged multiples of his and your favorite snacks. It would be your five year anniversary, had his company let him still continue to be with you. You still loved him and even though you knew the relationship was over, you couldn’t bring yourself to date anyone else. After all, you did tell him you would wait for him.
“Happy anniversary.” You mumbled, blowing out a candle you had lit up a few seconds prior.
“Happy anniversary.”
You snapped your head in the direction of his voice, seeing Yeosang. He looked different. Older. But you could tell he was the same person you fell in love with.
He smiled fondly at you as he sat beside you on the blanket. “You actually waited.”
“I told you, I would.” You wanted to hug and kiss him, but you were waiting for the ‘go ahead’ to do so. Yeosang stared at you, his eyes twinkling with gratitude that you didn’t give up after all this time.
“Good. I’m still very much in love with you.”
“What about your company?” You asked, heart racing in your chest. Yeosang smiled a bit wider, rolling his eyes slightly.
“They aren’t as strict as before. That’s why I finally came back.” He emphasized the word ‘finally’.
You couldn’t hold back anymore, pulling him closer to you in your arms, “I missed you so much.”
Yeosang wrapped his arms snuggly around you, “I missed you too.”
It was the worst argument you two had since your relationship started. Any other argument prior was minor or over something small that you two made up for later. At first, you thought this would be one of those situations but the louder you two yelled, the more volatile the argument got.
Within that same hour, San left you alone, crying and broken hearted. Within a few days, he came for his stuff.
And two years later, he came back.
It was raining and yet that didn’t stop your doorbell form ringing. You weren’t prepared for San to be on the other side, soaking wet and with alcohol on his breath.
“San? Why are you—” You shook your head, letting him inside and out of the rain before he caught a cold.
“I admit, I got drunk and couldn’t stop thinking about you so… here I am.” San’s speech slurred as you grabbed a towel to give him. San wrapped himself in the towel, shivering slightly. “I still hate you.”
You didn’t respond, knowing he was drunk and you didn’t want to argue— again, with someone who had one too many.
“I hate you, but why am I still so in love with you?” San whined, sitting down on the couch, almost missing it completely had it not been for your help.
“Stay here.” You ignored his words, although you can’t lie; your heart skipped a beat.
You came back with water and dry clothes that he forgotten long ago that you never got around to discarding.
San took the water, drinking some of it before taking the clothes off your hands.
“Go change.” You mumbled, wondering what you were doing helping your drunk ex-boyfriend.
San got up and went to change. When he came back, he looked tired as he leaned against the wall to cover up the fact that he almost stumbled into it first.
“I don’t hate you.” San rubbed his eyes. “I do still love you.”
“San—” ”Please, I know you moved on but let me tell you before I regret this in the morning.” His voice still slurred, leaning his head against the wall as well. “I shouldn’t have left. I love you. I never meant to hurt you. I love you! Why did we argue?”
“San, seriously. I would rather talk about this when you’re not drunk.” You blinked hard to hold back your tears. San walked over to the couch and plopped down with a low grunt.
“I love you.”
“Fine. Tomorrow.”
Somewhere along the way, you both fell out of love. It happens to everyone at least once. But you didn’t expect it to hurt as much as it did when you two actually broke up and parted ways.
Something so good had died down, making the person you loved more than anything into a stranger.
You’ve dated other people since the breakup. But they weren’t Mingi. Even if you fell out of love with him and he you, you couldn’t stop but thinking about him and how good he was to you.
It had been months since your breakup and you tried one more time— for now, to date someone and convince yourself you weren’t just trying to rid your thoughts of Mingi.
You waited for you blind date at the reserved table, looking over the menu.
Right on time, you heard the screeching of a chair being dragged against the floor. Looking up, you immediately widened your eyes.
Mingi was just as surprised, freezing for a second before hesitantly sitting down.
“We’ve come full circle, huh?” Mingi lightheartedly chuckled. You immediately smiled at him, shaking your head.
“Guess so. I won’t be upset if you want to leave.” You offered but deep down, you hoped he would stay.
“I’m hungry, you’re hungry.” Mingi shook his head, “and you’re my date.”
You were so sure you didn’t feel anything for him anymore. How untrue that was.
Mingi’s presence felt natural. Relieving. Familiar.
“Right.” You cleared your throat, handing him a menu. “I think you can guess what I’m getting.”
Mingi slightly smirked, glancing up from the menu at you. He then collected the menus and chuckled.
“Me too.”
You two had a strong relationship. Never did you ever imagine someone else would try and successfully break it up.
It started when someone Wooyoung worked with became infatuated with him. Slowly, they worked their way into his and your lives and did everything they could to make you look bad. Even going as far as to frame you for cheating.
Unfortunately, Wooyoung believed them.
Now you’re left to pick up the broken pieces of your heart after being wrongfully accused of cheating and even losing friends in the process.
You were home, feeling as lonely as ever when your phone dinged and a message popped up on screen.
You had deleted his number, but you knew right away that was Wooyoung.
-‘Hey. I’m sorry I thought you cheated. I shouldn’t have been quick to believe it. Can we please talk?’
You stared at the message, contemplating whether you actually wanted to see him again or not.
You left him on read for the night, deciding to sleep on your decision. When you woke up the next day, you saw another message from him.
-‘I know I hurt you. Please let’s talk.’
You thought it over, letting your heart speak rather than your brain.
-’Come over.’ you messaged, hoping you wouldn’t regret it.
When Wooyoung arrived, he looked as if he ran a marathon, panting and sweating profusely.
“I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.” Wooyoung took a deep breath to control his breathing. You still felt the hurt, crossing your arms over your chest.
“When did you realize that I never cheated?”
“You had an alibi— Listen, I really screwed up. I don’t know why I didn’t just ask you first instead of jumping to conclusions.” Wooyoung apologized. He had a look of regret as he gave you a pleading look.
“Yeah. I was sent screenshots of a conversation about how the evidence of you cheating were fake.” Wooyoung explained, “I really am sorry. I really screwed up, please. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but at least… consider letting me make up for it?”
You felt tears prick your eyes but didn’t dare let them spill. “I will consider it. But just know that you really hurt me.”
Your breakup happened due to lack of time together. It wasn’t that there was anything wrong, you were just both busy when the other was free. And feeling like it wasn’t fair to either of you, you both made the decision to break up.
After a few years, you were in the grocery store, going off a list you had been meaning to get to. As you walked down an isle to find the last item you needed, you saw it.
Only it was in the back of the shelf and hard to reach. You let out a sigh, reaching as far as you could.
“Agh! How far back does this damn shelf go?” You cursed to yourself.
“Hey, let me help.”
You were startled for a moment, but when it registered and you turned to face the person who the voice belonged to, you instantly stepped out of the way and let him take care of it.
Within a moment, Jongho managed to maneuver the item closer to you. You grabbed it, mumbling a ‘thank you’, and setting it in your cart.
Jongho seemed to have a look of hope on his features as he examined you.
“Wow, it’s been a long time.” Jongho commented, smiling slightly. You looked at him in exchange, your heart fluttering and hurting all the same when you thought of how much time had passed since your mutual breakup.
“Oh yeah… You look… great.” You complimented, meaning it. Jongho’s smile grew.
“You look… great too.” Jongho’s smile turned into a smirk as he teased the way you paused. You chuckled, rolling your eyes.
“I am so glad to see you again.” You spoke with sincerity.
“I am so glad to see you too.”
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kimsmuse · 1 year
yandere hongjoong + baby trapping ♡ !!
i do not condone anything here, it’s all just fictional. do not consume if you don’t like yandere or dark themes.
fem!reader (no pronouns, just because there's mention of pregnancy) 1.2k words. warnings include manipulation, mentions/implications of sex and messing with birth control and condoms, and yandere behavior, and also kinda stockholm syndrome?
i have a planned part two, so let me know if anybody is interested <3
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Your relationship with hongjoong is normal. Very normal, in fact. He has the kind of aura that would automatically appeal to everyone around you as your perfect partner. He had a caring nature and it wasn’t just limited to you, he brought out gifts and things your parents briefly mentioned that they liked for them and helped them out in tasks that even you being their kid, didn’t want to. And when it came to your friends, they were rightly impressed by him from the very first time that they met him over lunch and he insisted on paying the bill. But even without the economic front, all of them were secretly swooning over how when you said you didn’t like the food you ordered and rather liked his dish, he was immediate in swapping them even though it was evident that even he didn’t like it.
Your parents had already dreamt of him as the perfect son-in-law, the one that they would be bragging about to neighbours, relatives, you name it and they’d be bragging and your friends were already planning to invite him and you, ofcourse to this new italian place that opened for lunch..
So it comes as a shock to them when you let them know that your relationship has sunk to a saturation point, meaning it was just dying. it wasn’t even anybody's fault - not yours and neither hongjoong's but it felt like a pretty, beautiful flower wilting, slowly withering away. it was good while it lasted though.
your father's first comment was to ask, "does that mean i have to watch all my baseball matches alone from now?"
you knew what it meant though. have you two broken up? not yet, but you were going to talk to him today.
lately, all he replied to you was with “hmm's” and a nod or maybe if you were lucky enough, he would look your way. he said it was because he was stressed about his work, and that he really needed some time and space to focus for it, which you weren't quite against but the way things had steadily been the same for about more than 6 months, you felt like you had to be the bad person and pull the trigger.
he sits down on the sofa and sighs, but responds to you, his voice tired.
“yes, baby? ” he asks.
you're in the kitchen, removing your apron and slowly making your way to the living room, you wonder what his reaction will be when you finally break the news to him. accepting? angry? upset?
“ hongjoong, we need to talk, ”
now, hongjoong wasn’t born yesterday, he knows what that stands for wnd he's been aware of the crumbling of the relationship as well but when push comes to shove…
he decides that he'll let you speak, he'll let you pour out whatever you feel like saying, what are the problems you think are bothering your relationship.
“I get it, baby,” he emphasises on the nickname sourly, “do it.”
he looks nonchalant about the whole situation while you just want out now, you didn’t like where this whole thing seemed to be heading now, his eyes were getting almost angry, something you’ve seen him do with others, but you? you’d never have imagined him looking your way like that.
there’s something scary about it, “oh, joong, i don’t want to break it off, i’m just wondering if we can work on it, give it a better chance.”
relief fills you when you see that his expressions have softened. “i’m sorry, i thought you wanted to leave, shit. sorry, i can’t believe i would…”
hongjoong had messed up, big time. it wasn’t excusable this time, he felt guilty that he was angry at you when you didn’t even want to leave him. you’d never want to leave him, right?
hongjoong waits, with bated breath. he's been waiting for about, 3 weeks, yes, as the calendar tells him. and it finally begins, the wave of nausea starts hitting you and its not his alarm that wakes him up but the sound of you retching out your guts. he doesn’t mind it, not right now, when it was his plan all along.
and he can tell you're confused, you had the pills! you took them! and he watches you try to sheepishly dispose of the pregnancy tests, and he even follows you to the gynec’s clinic, careful to keep a distance so you can’t see him.
but you see, if there’s one rule hongjoong would always tell his future kid to follow is to never trust anybody, in your case you didn't have a choice really so he doesn't blame you for giving in to him. but for his kid, he needs to instill this one thing in him thoroughly. the world was a big, bad place, where people like his father lived.
after you confronted him, it was like hongjoong woke up from his sleep, like if he didn’t do anything, didn’t put in efforts, then you could actually leave, and he’d be damned if he ever let you do that. so he decided to level up his games, first it was his change in behaviour, he came home early, he brought in all sorts of trinkets and snacks that he thought you would like and he returned to his normal self, but he could, deep down, sense that it wasn’t the way it was before and he was scared that you pack up and leave still.
it was why he had replaced the birth control pills and even went as far as to poke holes in his condom.
he wasn't a bad man really, but he was getting sick of your protests to leave soon and that you've had enough of him or that you both aren't working anymore. he notices that those complaints have considerably started going down as your focus shifts to your health.
and now he doesn't think the crumbling state of his relationship would matter much, he would hit the reset button and he would become the man that you and his kid needed.
he becomes so, so soft throughout the entire period, it would make you forget about any of the cruelties he ever inflicted on you. and you think to yourself, maybe he really can change, maybe he really did change for the better?
and hongjoong thinks that as well, he's just so happy for the both of you. you're having a baby! it's so exciting!
when you tell him he pretends to not know, to be surprised, “we’re having a baby!” as if he wasn’t the one who conspired and made the whole thing happen.
the best thing is that you seem happy about it too, hongjoong has changed, and there’s nobody else you’d rather have a kid with, especially since you’ve seen how caring he is with other kids and just other people generally, so when it would come to his own kid, he would definitely come into the perfect father category.
when you looked at him, holding his hand, he feels like the man you fell in love with in the beginning and you’re sure, that you’ll love the father of your kid forever. let’s just hope you never find out how he bent seas and mountains to make that happen.
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ja3hwa · 6 months
♡ 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : Your boyfriend just wanted to give you an early Christmas present.
『Word count』 : 5.3k
-> Genre: Pure smut with little plot, hehe.
Pairing: Boyfriend!San x Reader [SeongJoong x Reader]
[Warnings] : Reader is insecure. Foursome. Powerplay. Pet names [Angel, Bunny, Baby, Sweet Thing.] Light Choking. Kissing, Neck kisses. Body worship. Anxious thoughts. Some self-doubt, but the boys take lots of care of the reader. Possessive San. Voyeur San. Seonghwa likes to call reader whore but in a sweet way. Spanking. Dom!SeongSanJoong. Unprotected sex. Very subby Reader. Subspace. Dry humping. Oral. Use of the word slut. Daddy kink. MxM. San is secretly a switch/bottom. Creampie. Multiple orgasms. Squirting. Brat taming. Sharing is caring. Dirty talk. Deep throating. I was drunk when I wrote half of this, so bare with me...
Note: Hi, Hi! Ahh, this fic is finally done. Hehe. I spent early hours in the morning, and one night after, i drank way too much vodka heh. So if there is anything weird. Uhh, blame drunk me. Also! This is most likely the last fic I'll be posting for 2023. So that's crazy. I'll still be around but I'm going to a wedding, so I won't be near my computer. Ahhh
Also, thank you so much to the wonderful @fandems for helping make this masterpiece come to life. I hope you enjoy the read, darling. ♡♡
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“Okay, okay. I’ll be there soon.” You hummed hearing your boyfriend whine about how much he misses you and how he wanted to see you try on the hoodie in person. He and the others were currently staying at some hotel just outside Seoul for a shoot they were doing, and his mom had brought hoods she made with each of their names on it. Of course, she made one for you as well. Saying it was not up for debate even though you tried to decline, saying it was just ‘for the boys’.
“Please hurry. I miss you so much.” His blunt whimpers caused a stir in your tummy when you first heard them. You had to stop yourself from complaining about how he was making you wet from his voice alone. So, instead, you thought it would be cute to dress up a bit. Wear something a little more revealing. A nice crop top and shorts. Yes, that was a nice idea. Of course, since it was cold out and you weren't about to walk around Seoul in next to nothing anyways, so, you covered yourself with a large overcoat that draped all the way for to your knees. It was an early Christmas gift from Hongjoong. Which made your heart flutter when he gave it to you. You didn’t expect a gift from any of the members, really. But when Hongjoong brought you the gift while you were cuddling with San on the couch in the studio, you couldn’t help but blush. Or another time when he and Seonghwa brought you food when you were sick when they dropped off San at your apartment. Or when it was just the four of you chilling out at your place while watching a random film.
Everything just felt right.
You tried to hide your feelings towards the other two men, but it was growing harder after each interaction. They were so kind to you. They cared for you. And it made you feel like you were on cloud nine when they were around. San has made jokes in the past about you having a crush on his members, but you always brushed it off so he wouldn't feel bad. You love San, you really do. He was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. But there was just something about Hongjoong and Seonghwa that you just couldn’t shake.
“Okay, I’m out the front. I’m gonna hang up now,” you said goodbye quickly before heading for the entrance of the hotel. San had already mentioned to the front desk clerk that you would show up, so they had a key waiting for you and everything. Standing in the elevator, you suddenly felt your nerves tingle. What if he just wanted to cuddle for a bit, give you the gift, and then kick you out. Or worse.. what if San wasn’t in the mood for some dirty antics?
Who are you kidding, he’s always in the mood.
But that still didn’t calm your shaky hands as you reached for the door handle while you scanned the key card against the lock. The room was silent.. the smell of musk caught your attention, making it known San had recently showered using the new body wash you had bought him. “H-Hello.”
You walked inside, locking the door behind you. Slipping off your shoes, you also placed your coat on the rack next to the entrance. Feeling the warmth of the hotel heating creep up on you. You walked slowly further into the little apartment. The only light was the ones from the city below and a side light next to a bed. Strange? “S-Sannie? Are you here…”
“Hello, angel.” A deep chuckle caught you off guard as a pair of hands gripped your waist suddenly. The light gasps that left your lips made the unknown male sigh in satisfaction, nuzzling his nose into your neck. You know his cologne. This voice. That chuckle.
“J-Joong?” You were shaking, but not out of fear but excitement. You felt like you had walked straight into a dream. A different reality even. You had to kick yourself for falling so quickly for the man who wasn’t your lover. Your eyes snapped open, and a breath was hitched. What were you doing?! you couldn’t do this. Not when you were with San. “Wait. Hongjoong.” You tried to pull out of Joong’s tight grasp, your voice sounding more stern and clear. 
“awe, come on, Angel. I’m only playing.” He let you go suddenly, letting the tension of your hips push you forward, tripping, until you slammed into something broad. A tall, warm body. Your hands gripped the man's shoulders while he pulled you flushed against his chest by your waist.
“S-San…” You whimper, feeling guilt cloud your judgment. Hot breath tickled your ear lobe before a deep voice sent shivers down your spine;
“Guess again, Bunny.” Your body completely tenses up hearing Seonghwa’s sombre smooth voice. The same voice he uses when he makes the calming ASMR videos. God, you could fall asleep peacefully to this man just simply talking. Or humming. Wait, no, stop.
“W-Where’s San. He needs to give m-me─A personalized hoodie.” Your words get cut off by none other than your lover, San. His ravenous chuckle made your mouth water. What were these three trying to do to you? Send you into an early grave. “I thought we could have a little fun before I give you the gift.”
You can hear lusts dripping from his voice. But yet you still couldn’t see anything. Your eyes have not adjusted to the dark room, but San was clearly behind you while your face and body were still firmly against Seonghwa’s chest. “We want the city to see just how good you can be.” Seonghwa sounded more dominant than San. His alluring aura made you want to stink to your knees and do whatever he wished. You were trembling against him, which he no doubtfully felt. And without a word being spoken. He let you go, leaving you standing, alone, in the dark. You were about to protest when all of a sudden you felt familiar arms snake around you, pulling you flush against him. San nuzzled his face in your neck, giving you some light kisses, trying his best to calm your nerves. 
In truth, San, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong had many conversations about you. One more dirtier than the last. It first started with San gloating about how you were so good for him. How you would walk around in nothing but his hoodies and how he always got a nice look at your plump ass. Another time, he brought up the fact that you were an excellent dick sucker. He swore he could nut just from your mouth alone. This, of course, made the other men jealous. How dare San have you all to himself when they all know very well the way you look at them. The way your thighs clench whenever Hwa or Joong would accidentally touch you. You were just as needy as they were. “You gonna be a good girl, baby?”
San’s lips latched onto your neck, sucking a harsh purple mark. You still couldn’t see your surroundings, but you could feel, other than San's hands that were still on your waist, another pair of hands gripped a hand full of your plump thighs. You felt a whimper brew in your throat as San’s hands snaked up towards your chest, letting his fingertips graze just under your breasts. The unknown male's set of hands that were still perched on your thighs slowly moved upwards until they were tugging your legs apart, slowly tugging your shorts off. The dark chuckle from below made you realize the man who was holding your legs was crouched in front of you. With his head so close to where you need care the most. “S-Sann..”
“Uh, Uh. Answer the question, baby. Are you going to be a good girl for all three of us?” His hot breath tickled your earlobe, making your mind spin. Your hand reached down, finding a soft head of fluffy locks, your fingers tangling in them, pulling him closer to your heated core. Your other hand grasps San’s shoulder, pushing him towards your neck once more. 
“Please, sir.” You whined loudly, earning a groan from all three men, making you realize the last male was also standing behind you. San mutters something you didn’t bother listening to as suddenly felt a set of teeth bite down on your inner thigh, making you gasp in a high pitch. “Oh my god!”
The man between your legs snickered, pulling your panties to the side so he could press his nose against your soaked cunt. “That’s right bunny. I’m your god.” Seonghwa’s voice was so deep, filling with lust at each breath. You had to moan from his words, knowing full well how much of a god complex Seonghwa had. Your fingers tugged tighter on his hair, earning a low growl from that man. You were about to say something but your voice got caught in your throat as San’s hand wrapped perfectly around your neck, squeezing tight enough that it got your head spinning.
“Last time I checked, you weren’t a god Seonghwa.” San’s cheeky mumble caused the man between your legs to huff, rolling his eyes as he went back to licking a strip along your fold. His fingers play with your entrance, pushing his tongue against your sensitive clit making you gasp out yet again, ‘Oh my god’, which made Seonghwa chuckle lowly.
“She says differently there, Sannie.” The vibration of Seonghwa’s voice made you clench around his lone finger. San’s hand got tighter around your neck, pulling you backwards so you were bent in a weird position, looking at San with a shocked expression. 
“Baby. Don’t start being a brat. I’m your sir, and this is Hwa and Joong. Go it!” He spat out, annoyance lacing on his tongue. Your hazy eyes looked up at him with sorrow. You pouted slightly, knowing exactly how to play San’s games.
“I’m sorry, sir. Please forgive me.” You whimpered trying to keep your eyes open but it was becoming increasingly harder as you feel Seonghwa add another finger into your wet pussy. San just scoffed before telling Seonghwa to move. You cried from the loss of contact but since Hwa is such a people pleaser, he slowly kissed up your body, collar and neck before whispering in your ear;
“Don’t worry my obedient little whore. I’ll treat you soon enough.” San didn’t respond this time, just scoffing before letting you go. Your knees buckled trying to keep yourself upright. But a new pair of hands grabbed you, letting you lean against a hard chest. 
“Hey there, angel, ready for some fun?” Hongjoong’s voice was higher pitched than the others, but it still held the same authority if not more. You nodded with a quick ‘yes’ letting the male chuckle at how obedient you are. San had turned on the bedside lamps, letting the dim orange hue shine through the room, letting you see the three men for the first time tonight. Seonghwa’s hair was a mess from your fingers, lips glistening from your slick. God, as if he couldn’t get any more hot, there he was in all his egotistical glory. 
“Baby. Stand you for us. And take off your shirt.” San said, nonchalantly, while downing a glass of liquor from the dry bar in the corner of the hotel room. You gulp slowly, taking off your shirt, leaving you in your bra. You became all too aware that you were only in your underwear in front of three very powerful men. You weren’t the thinnest either, so your insecurities started being placed on full alert. Seonghwa seemed to notice first, moving so he was flushed against you, chest to chest. he gave you the warmest smile before dipping his head in closer. His nose was grazing against yours, his lips almost close enough to touch. You had no idea if you were allowed to kiss him or Hongjoong, but given his face was between your legs only minutes ago, what harm would it entail?
Seonghwa gave you a surprised groan as he felt your plump lips. His tongue slipped effortlessly into your mouth like it was made to do just that. You could taste yourself on him, which caused a whimper to escape. His hands gripped your bare hips tightly, holding you so close that you could feel his bulge against your thigh. San was watching the situation unfold in front of him, biting his bottom lip at just how submissive you can quickly become around the three of them. How almost normal it felt. San gave a little whistle for Hongjoong to join in, while he took a seat on a large seat that sits by the window, gifting him the perfect view of the show you were so eagerly putting on. 
“Play nice with her. Or I’ll never let you touch her again.” San’s voice was stern and controlling. But man, did it make you shiver. You knew if you wanted to be rough or slow you would use your safe word or the traffic light system and you were also damn sure that San drilled it into the other two’s heads before this little ordeal. So you knew you were in a completely safe environment, and this was all for the thrill. 
“You hear that, Bunny. Sannie thinks we can’t play nice.” Seonghwa mumbles against your lips before moving down to kiss your cheek, jaw, and neck.
“He thinks we’re gonna get too rough with you.” Hongjoong grabs a fist full of your breasts squeezing tightly, drawing out a choked moan from you. His lips grazed your ear before biting softly on your ear lobe. Your nerves felt like they were on fire with the way these two tag teamed you. Like they had practised many times for this moment. “But you like it rough don’t you, angel?”
“Yeah, you like it when you're manhandled. Thrown around like a pleasure whore. Hmm?” Seonghwa nipped at your collarbone causing a yelp to escape you. The two of them just chuckled, knowing exactly how to tease you from hearing detail after detail of San explaining how much of a subby little fuck toy you are for him. 
"Please, Da-Hongjoong... touch me." You whimpered, almost calling him something other than his name. Even though San said not to call them anything other than what he gave you. Yet you had the biggest urge to disobey.
"But am I touching you, angel?" Hongjoong knew what he was doing. He needed you to break, spill all your dirty secrets out before he touched you. But Seonghwa, on the other hand, all he wanted to do was make you squirm until overdrive. His hands gripping at any part of exposed flesh, his hot tongue licking along your neck, while he suckles yet another red and purple mark. You were most certain that you had leaked through your panties and down your leg by now. Your brain clouded, and all judgement slipped slowly into your subspace as two pairs of lips find the most sensitive spots on your neck and collarbone.
“F-Fuckk.” You swore, tilting your head back against Hongjoong’s shoulder. Seonghwa’s hand dipped into the top of your panties siding his fingers down through your soaking cunt. Hongjoong on the other hand, tugged on your bra until your breasts spilled out the top of it. His fingers pinched your peaked nipples while Seonghwa start to slowly fuck two fingers in you, stretching you out nicely. Both men didn’t stop their assault on your neck, littering your skin with bright marks and bites. You hazily hummed, opening your eyes to see San sitting with his lips parted and his hand palming his crotch. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“Such a potty mouth, Bunny.” Seonghwa laughed pushing a third finger inside you while his palm rests on your clit perfectly. “I wonder what other filthy things you can say sweet things.”
“Oh, she can say many filthy things.” San’s voice made you jump, not realizing you had your eyes closed and San had moved to stand next to you, completely trapping you in the middle of all three of them. “You just gotta know what buttons to press.” 
San gripped Seonghwa’s wrist, tugging it out of your cunt making you yelp. His hands grabbed your hips before literally ripping your panties to shreds, letting the pieces of fabric fall to the floor. San’s hand gave your ass cheek as loud, harsh slap making you fall forward towards the perfectly made bed. “Come on baby. Shake that pretty thing for us.” You lazily wiggle your ass, letting the three men stare at your plump cake and leaking cunt. You felt humiliated in the best way possible, wanting nothing but the approval of the men behind you.
San stood behind you, pressing his clothed crotch against your ass, grinding slowly. You choked, feeling the rough fabric of his pants against your skin. His fingers gripping your waist tight enough, it threatened to draw blood, while his hips pulled away before snapping back on your ass. He was thrusted against you dry. Railing you up, causing you to slip into your subspace. “What do you need, baby? Tell us what you want.” He thrusted with. Every. Word.
“I w-wan…” You whimper, feeling tears swell in your eyes, your fingers tangling into the white sheets. “I want you, sir, please.”
A sharp pain shot down your nerves as you felt Sans's hand smack your ass. “You can do better. What. Do. You. Want. Slut.” He pushed two fingers into your pussy making you cry out, shaking at the sudden pleasure.
“I-I want cock please sir. I want to be fucked so badly.” All three men groaned at your filthy cry. Not just asking for San but to just be fucked in general. “I want to be full so badly.”
“See, what wasn’t so hard now, was it.” San snaked his fingers in your hair, yanking your head upwards. You yelped at the slight pain, your arms shaking, trying your best to keep yourself up. “Now the real question is. Which cock you want first?”
“Daddy…” You gaze at the two men standing by the window on your left-hand side. Seonghwa’s eyebrow raised while Hongjoong had the most sadistic smile you’d ever seen. San looked over to them, confused for a moment, feeling a little bit of rage but yet a hint of curiosity. Hongjoong scoffed, clicking his tongue before he started to undo his belt. San tugged you by the hair, so you were standing completely straight up. His hot breath against your earlobe before he gave your ass one more final slap, then squeeze. If you were going to play a bratty game. Then a bratty game it shall be.
“Okay, baby. You want his cock, then you can have it…” His hand snaked back around your throat choking you harshly. “But if you call him daddy one more time, I’ll grab that vibrator I know you have in your backpack and leave it on you until you learn your lesson. Got it.”
You nodded like an idiot, whining just wanting to be filled. But at the same time, San’s empty threat sounded so very tempting. Sadly, before you could say anything, San twisted you around until you fell on your back on the bed. Hongjoong was on you in seconds. His face is inches from you, with the same sadistic smile painted on it. “Hi there Angel…” He kissed your cheek before whispering in your ear. “Don’t worry, Darling, Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.” His voice was low enough that San would only be able to hear mumbles, which caused him to roll his eyes with what felt like the millionth time tonight. Seonghwa, of course, noticed, letting out a laugh.
“Lighten up, Sannie. Share some of the reins. It’ll be more enjoyable.” Seonghwa grabbed the younger male's shoulders, pushing his fingers into his deep neck tissue, feeling his muscles so tense and tight. San closed his eyes for a moment, finally relaxing against the older man. You watched the whole situation unfold, making your head spin. The boys all cared for one another so much and looked out for one another. You felt your heart swell.
“Hey, eyes on me, sweet thing. I want you to look at me while I ruin you.” Your gaze snapped back to him instantly, biting your lip while your brows knitted together. You felt his cock rubbed against your dripping folds, making you forget the other two that stood next to the window. “That’s it, baby. Deep breath.”
You did as you were told, taking in a sharp breath as you felt Hongjoong ease inside you. He wasn’t as long as San, but his girth was something else. He felt like you were being stretched to the breaking point, turning your already mushy brain into more mush if that was even possible. “Hongjoong!!”
His pace was unforgiving, snapping his hips against you without a second thought. He did not wait for you to get used to him, making his thrust mix with the best kind of pain and pleasure. Your mouth hung open with drool pooling on your right side while you moan uncontrollably. You tried your best to keep your eyes open but the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of you was making it hard. You didn’t even notice the bed dipping until you saw a washed-out red hair sitting above you. He leaned down giving you a drawn-out kiss while Hongjoong’s hips snapped against you with fury and determination as he fell forward to case your right nipple in his hot mouth. You felt like you were going to explode within seconds. “You gonna cum for Joong bunny?” 
Seonghwa’s voice stirred you forward feeling a sharp burn snap in your gut as his fingers attach to your clit and his lips to your nipple. You’ve never felt so overstimulated in one moment, having three pairs of hands groping, squeezing and teasing any and all parts of your body. Three mouths licking, sucking, and biting you like you were their last meal on earth. You couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop the sudden gush of liquid that slipped out of you, screaming into San’s mouth, sounding like a pathetic porn star. “Fuck did you just squirt?” Hongjoong was the first to speak slowing his thrusts for a moment.
“She did, look the bed is covered.” Seonghwa chuckled.
“Such a good girl. Now you gonna take Joongie’s cum hmm?” San didn’t need to see the other two men’s expressions to know their excitement just grew about a million percent. Hongjoong had to snap his cock back inside you just at the thought.
“Really San? You’ll let us come in your girl?” Hongjoong sounded like he was asking a completely mundane question and not currently balls deep inside of you. San gave you one slap quick peck on the lips as if he was checking in on you without needing to say anything. He could see the sparkle in your eyes, giving him the okay to answer.
“Oh course. Sharing is caring.” 
Everything happened so fast. You couldn’t even tell whose hands were whose. Your body was flipped around until your legs dangled on the end of the bed and Hongjoong was back pushing into your sensitive puffy pussy. He crossed his arms over to grab your hips, holding you firmly as he fucked you hard, quick and desperately. Trying to chase his own high. “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.” Hongjoong was so close he just needed a little more, just a little push. And then you clenched hard around him, feeling you about to come again making him choke as he suddenly stop his thrusts, spilling his hot cum deep into your cunt. “Oh fuck. This is the best pussy I’ve ever had.”
“I know, right? And no matter how many times you fucker her. She’s still so needy.” San prided himself in his stamina and when he found out you could go for multiple rounds, it was like a match made in heaven. “Step aside, Joong, I need to feel my baby's cunt.”
A panting Hongjoong pulled out of you slowly, feeling you clench. He groaned, seeing his cum mix with yours as it spilled out of your pussy and down your leg. San was quick to pull you up, walking you over to the chair by the window. He sat down letting you fall onto his lap. You whined, fingers tangling into his shirt. “T-too clothed sir.”
“Hmm, what’s that doll? Am I too clothed for you?” San giggled, tilting his head back as you nodded your head. he held your face, kissing you deeply while mumbling against your lips, “Okay then, baby.”
He turned you around in his lap so your back was against his chest. Your gaze scanned the room seeing Hongjoong laying down on the couch, his cock stuffed by him his sweats but Seonghwa on the hand was stalking his way towards you and San, tugging his shirt off. Neither man had to say another word as San tilted you forward, making you place your hands on his knees. Your face was eye leveled with Seonghwa’s aching clothed crotch, while you could hear San remove his clothes. Seonghwa grabbed your chin, making you look up between your lashes at the older male. His smirk sent shivers down your spine, “Gonna let me fuck your mouth like a good obedient little whore?” 
“Yes, please, Sir.” A loud slap echoed in the room as you let out a yelp. San’s hand rubs your raw ass, smoothing your hot skin. 
“What d-did I say?” San growled.
You looked over your shoulder quickly, seeing San’s eyes were almost pitch, pooling with lust. You gave him a small simple smile before looking back to Seonghwa. “Please. May I please have your cock… Sir.” 
“Fucking brat.” San stood up, gripping your hips tightly, bending you so you could place your hands on the arms of the chair. San gave your ass another harsh slap making you cry, tears swelling down your cheeks. “You want to be a brat. I’ll fuck you like one.”
He sunk into your cunt in one swift motion, knocking the wind right out of your lungs. You screamed, dropping your head while you moaned San’s name over and over against with each sharp, brutal thrust. Your nails dug into the chair, eyes shut tight. Every nerve in your body was on fire, feeling San’s big cock abuse your cervix. “Fuck, sir! Please. So big. Fuck. So full.”
“What? Cock drunk already? Too stupid to form a sentence anymore?” San mocked you, placing a hand on your shoulder, while the other stayed firmly on your hip. He pushed you up slightly, whistling slightly. You didn’t understand what was going on but the next thing you knew was feeling Seonghwa take a seat on the chair in front of you, his hard cock lying against his bare chest. Your eyes grew wide, he was longer and thicker than Hongjoong and San.
“Open wide, Bunny.” You gazed up at him for a moment, seeing a smirk painted on his perfect face. You spread your legs wider, so you’d be levelled with Seonghwa. San let go of your shoulder, stilling his hips so you could take Seonghwa’s cock in your mouth. You tried your best not to gag, gripping tightly onto his thighs while San started to grind his cock against you again once you could take at least half of him. “Fuck. Your mouth feels so good Bunny. So warm.”
“Oh, Just wait-fuck..till you feel her cunt.” San smirked.
“Like I said best pussy I’d ever had.” Hongjoong laughed from afar, most likely still on the bed, watching. Seonghwa threw his head back losing himself in the feeling of your mouth, while San’s thrusts began to get unstable feeling his orgasm creeping closer. He snaked a hand under you to rub your clit, trying to get you to come first. He needed you to come first, he needs to feel you let go and cream around his cock before he could pump you full.
“Come on baby, can you... f-fuck, can you cum for me. I need you to let go, baby.” San was mumbling, losing himself with the feeling of your soaked cunt clenching around his aching cock. You were crying around Seonghwa’s cock, making the vibration down his shaft cause him to buck his hips into you. Everything is so overwhelming, being filled by two men at the same time, while both being lost in pleasure from the feeling of your body. It made you dizzy as he squirted all over San, legs shaking and knees buckling. San came soon after, holding your hips in place so you wouldn’t fall. He swore, feeling his cum leak out around his cock as all the liquid pooled on the floor.
“Fuck, Bunny.” Seonghwa gripped your shoulders, tugging you off himself. San slipped out of you, sidestepping to take Seonghwa’s place in the chair, racking his hands through his sweaty, wet hair. Seonghwa manhandled you to lean against the window. Your nipples chilling to the cold temperature of the glass. Your hands sat flat on the window as Seonghwa laced his fingers with yours. He slowly glided his cock through your dripping folds before sinking right into your sensitive cunt with a groan. His pace was slow, calculated. You’ve never had a cock as big as Seonghwa and it was hitting all the right spots perfectly with each thrust. It didn’t take you long to feel the tinge in your gut again, already so oversensitive from being fucked twice already.
“Sir please I’m gonna cum again.” you completely forgot about San’s rule but no one seemed to notice except for Seonghwa, which made his ego grow more than he’d like to admit. Fucking your hard against the glass for all the city to see...
“Well go on. Cum like a little whore on my cock bunny. Cum while watching the city lights.” Seonghwa’s filthy words were just the right amount to send you over the edge, clamping down hard on his cock. He pulled out of you mid-high causing your body to shake in pain but you didn’t have any time to say anything, as he pushed right back in with a harsh slam, biting down on your shoulder.
You screamed. He came quicker than he would have liked, but the feeling of your cunt was too much for him. Everything went still, the only thing heard was heavy panting and racing hearts. Your mind was too hazy to register the two men helping you to the bed, laying you down where Hongjoong had been. You vaguely could see all three of them standing half-dressed and a mess, at the end of the bed, staring at you. They all thought how beautiful you looked and how well you did for them. And from that day on they knew their relationship with you was going to be completely different and none of them minded one bit.
San might have also ‘forgotten’ the next morning to give you the personalized hoodie so you would have to go back and get it. But not before himself, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong had another round with you.
- ♡
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hissecretsin · 1 year
wooyoung | atz | m
“say please, say it.” his voice was bitter, grounded with jealousy as his eyes roamed your naked body. his bratty ways coming through as his mind went back to days prior. wooyoung wasn’t the one to stay mad… but remembering the way you would tease him during work hours , strutting yourself like the vixen you truly are made him see red. You knew the rules, no office play… be a good girl and he will reward you. But now-
“woo- please… i didn’t mean-ugh fuck- please-” you tried your best to withhold from such pleasure, his tormenting ways was doing too much to you. It was unexplainable, you enjoyed the pain. the sudden ups and downs of lust was the only thing pushing you thru such bullshit. wooyoung stayed neutral, avoiding your glassy round eyes and quivering lips as your climax rounded the corner, threatening to spill such passionate words as you neared your end with violent thrashes.
“you never listen to me, huh princess? i warned you, multiple times that you should be professional at work and my little slut at home. Hmm… i guess you like being punished. Huh?” He sneered, a slight chuckle as he presses another button making the vibrating toy lodged deep within your cunt come back to life, as well as the one pinched around your nipples and clit squeezed tighter making you throw your head back on a silent scream.
“next time you don’t follow the rules, i won’t stop till you cry with pain. understood?” wooyoung warned once again, immediately putting a full stop to the painful games as he relieved you of your torment, roughly thrusting into you when he could, making you see a bright white light. between heavy grunts and quick movements, he helped you reached the peak of ecstasy, calling out his name in a blissful manner just as sleep caught up to you. forgetting the games and punishments.. you vowed silently to continue with his rules even if at times you wanted to rile him up.
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luvh4nji · 10 months
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warning: general drunkenness, reader is shorter than yeosang and yunho, use of "y/n" if y'all don't like that
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seonghwa ; he seems like a quiet drunk. he's the type to space out, staring at nothing in particular while he thinks. and he gets so happy when you notice how quiet he's gotten and come over to sit with him, nearly purring when you run a hand through his hair and ask him what he's thinking about.
"just you." he replies, watching you with an almost reverent gaze. "well, a lot of things, really, but mostly you." he continues, a light blush coating his features. and he doesn't really have the energy to talk, so he just asks how your night's going, listening to ramble with an impossibly soft look on his face.
hongjoong ; he seems like the type to be an emotional drunk. he just starts thinking a lot when he gets some drink in him; thinking about ateez, about how much he's been through and how hard he's worked to get where he is. and about you. how you've been with him through everything, been his rock through all the tough times he's had over the years.
"you're just so... good." he mumbles, his hands cupping your cheeks, keeping you still and close to him so he can really look at you, as if he's trying to relay all his feelings for you through his gaze. "i couldn't have done it without you, baby. i hope you know that."
yunho ; he seems like a flirty drunk. he's the type to tower over you with his tall frame, letting his broad shoulders box you into the couch of your apartment. he wants to make you flush, to be the reason you're flustered. honestly, you'd have to physically push him away before he runs out of energy and passes out.
"you're so pretty, honey." he mumbles, almost reverently, if it wasn't for the grease that colored his tone. "can't believe i got so lucky, havin' someone like you." and all you can really do is listen to his flirting devolve into affectionate rambles about how much he loves you.
yeosang ; he's a giggly drunk. everything just becomes so funny to him when he gets some drink in him. and he's not necessarily loud either, he just giggles, holding his hand in front of his mouth, eyes pressed up into crescents from how hard he's smiling.
"you're just so cute," he tells you between little laughs, looking down at you from where you stood in front of him, tugging on the sleeve of his shirt, trying to convince him to go home. "how am i supposed to t-take you seriously, babe?" but he just lets you drag him along, giggling through his hand the whole time, his cheeks red and achy from how much he'd been smiling.
san ; he seems like the type to get clingy. he'd hold you in his arms, tight enough so you can't move anywhere without him tagging along with you. and when you try to shake him off, try to pry yourself away from him, telling him you need to go to the bathroom, he starts complaining and holding onto you tighter.
"i don't care that you have to go the bathroom, y/nnie." he whines, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and pressing sloppy kisses along the skin. "i can just go with you, baby, no problem. i don't understand why you wanna get away from me so bad." and he looks up at you, pouting and giving you a pleading look until you decide he's had enough and it's time to go home.
mingi ; clumsy! he's already an extremely clumsy man, but it gets so much worse when he's drunk. his head's swimming and his legs are shaking as he tries to walk around your apartment, stumbling every few steps until you decide to step in and wrap an arm around him, helping him keep himself up. and he's not completely aware of his situation and a little delusional generally, so he thinks you're just trying to flirt with him.
"woah, y/n," he starts, wrapping an arm around your shoulders so he doesn't fall. he'd look at you with shining eyes and a bright smile. "i didn't know you could be so... so bold. if... if you wanted... to hold me you could've... just said." he tells you through slurred sentences, laughing at his own joke.
wooyoung ; you already know he's the loudest, most extraverted drunk there is. he's walking around, making friends with everyone in his line of sight, giving out his entire life story in an entirely too loud voice. however, you are a part of that life story. all he can do is brag about how pretty his baby is, how lucky he is to have someone like you in his life. especially when you walk over, wrapping an arm around his waist as he wraps his own around your shoulders, trying to keep him steady.
"h-hey, here they are. this is—this is my y/n." he'd tell whoever was present, pointing at you with a shaky hand and turning his gaze over at you with a lovestruck look in his eyes. "they... they're the best, let me tell you. no one can compare to my baby." he rambles between heavy sighs and hiccups to anyone who'll listen until you decide to take him home.
jongho ; he's definitely not a lightweight. it would take a lot of drinking to get him drunk and, even then, he doesn't let himself get to the point where he thinks it's irresponsible. he likes to be aware of and in charge of what's going on around him, but you can still tell when he's feeling a little more tipsy than usual by the way he laughs at everything, cute little giggles that ring in the air and make your heart flutter in your chest.
"c'mon, babe, you don't need to be drinking that much." he'd coo, taking the shot glass from your hand and setting it just out of reach, laughing when you lean over and press yourself into his side, half-heartedly telling him how mean he is. "i know, honey, i know. i'm the meanest guy around." he giggles, head only swimming a little bit as he leans down to press a kiss to the crown of your head.
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j-a-nuary · 2 months
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BFF Ateez reacts to you being a fan of other artists
Warnings: accusations of horniness, lots of calling blue a cheater, the general friends calling each other a bitch thing
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Ateez Masterlist
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sluttywonwoo · 11 months
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seonghwa: his entire body is extremely sensitive and because of that you can’t help but tease him. play with his nipples for a little too long or press your tongue to the underside of his cock and he’s suddenly cumming, hips bucking helplessly as he makes a mess of himself (and sometimes you). he’d be so embarrassed. he wouldn’t even want to look at you but you’d force him to
hongjoong: it only happens when he’s really pent up, either with emotions or if it’s been a while. but being ‘pent up’ means more stamina than usual, either in the form of energy or the amount of cum. he can go multiple rounds back to back like that, and will only stop when you beg him for mercy.
yunho: something about you on top of him makes him trigger happy… but he’s shameless about it tbh. he’s just like “yeah, what, it happens sometimes. not my fault you’re so hot”.
yeosang: he usually warns you when he’s getting close but sometimes he’s so caught up in the moment that he forgets to tell you to slow down or stop. his orgasms usually trigger your own so he has nothing to be embarrassed about… but he always is. he gets sooo whiny and flustered as he apologizes and hides his face from you that it turns you on all over again.
san: he gets so in his feelings about how in love he is with you… thinking about how perfect you are for him and how lucky he is to have you is like a tripwire for him. he can’t hold back anything— professions of love, cum, sometimes tears… it’s all very intense and you both need time to recover after but when that post-nut clarity hits him he’s all shy and embarrassed and wants to make it up to you
mingi: back shots, man. mingi feels so feral when he’s fucking you from behind, hands holding your waist so tight he’ll leave bruises in the shape of his fingertips, he just can’t control himself sometimes. but when it happens he’ll immediately get on his knees and start eating you out from the back until your legs are shaking and his mouth is full of both of your cum.
wooyoung: it happens more often than he’d like. he’s just Really into you. and sometimes that means cumming at the drop of a hat. once it happened when you took your top off— he ruined the inside of his pants after seeing your tits for a few seconds. his reaction never gets old. he goes from the brattiest bbg ever to the shyest as soon as he’s cumming all over himself. he whimpers through it, begging you to hold his hand and squeezing so hard you lose circulation but you don’t mind.
jongho: it simply Doesn’t happen to him. if he feels himself getting too close he’ll pull out and count to ten. sometimes you purposely try to get him to break but it never works in your favor. he always catches on to your tricks and you’re the one who ends up cumming without warning (or permission)
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