meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 15
I can't believe we're at 15 already :O
Danny looked at Damian. Damian looked at Danny. They looked at the smoldering remains of the Atlantean barracks, the scores of soldiers whose feet were frozen to the floor or to each other, bearing incredibly precise scorch marks from the wrist ray (maybe he should take confiscate that soon). They looked at the retreating soldiers, some of whom were openly sobbing. Danny looked at the helmet Damian acquired from their poor Atlantean victims, and the bow and arrow strapped over his chest. He looked at the overflowing satchels full of plant-based food they had plundered from the town. The unluckiest of them sported Damian-shaped bite marks on their exposed skin, a very painful reminder to not enter the kid’s personal space.
“You said we were just gonna get a map.”
Damian crossed his arms and honest-to-god pouted. Or scowled. It was a scowly pout. “It was not my fault you lost control over your powers.”
Danny’s face went blank. “Who was the one who demanded to see the seahorses and stick around even after we got what we needed?”
And you know what? Danny could honestly admit the seahorses were pretty cute. Was it worth risking their lives? Probably not, even if with Danny’s powers, there wasn’t much risk to them at all. It was the principle of the thing.
Damian at least had the decency to look a little embarrassed. “Is it truly my fault if I wish to admire our planet’s marine biodiversity up close?”
“Yes, Damian. Absolutely.”
“It matters not. Besides, the Atlanteans deserve what happened to them.”
Now that excuse wiped the deadpan off Danny’s face, leaving him in open-mouthed disbelief.
Damian continued. “We have done nothing to them, and yet they regard our mere presence with fear, and take up arms despite there being no hostility from us.”
Danny looked back to smoldering ruins. Granted, it was just a barracks and a few watchtowers, but still. The Atlanteans fear of them was starting to feel a little justified. Did the first settlement Damian raided yesterday suffer a similar fate?
He ran his hands down his face. Scratch the bloodthirsty theory. He was beginning to think Damian intentionally got them caught to have an excuse to wreck the Atlanteans. Then there were the weapons. One look at Damian’s satisfied face as he looked over the destruction practically confirmed it.
Man, kids really were menaces, weren’t they? Maybe he should’ve thought more carefully before agreeing to travel thousands of miles alone with this chaos kid. Was it the siren instincts? Youngblood was similarly unhinged. Maybe it just released his inhibitions.
His distress must have been visible, because Damian tutted once his silence went on too long. “I was being merciful to them. With my skills, I could have easily gut them like the fish I very reluctantly eat, but no longer have to thanks to having plundered their food stores.”
“You know what? I’m not gonna even try to unpack all of that. That’s a job for my sister.” The elder siren patted his shoulders. “Get on, we’ve got places to go.”
Damian beamed as he swam around Danny and latched on, head held high. And honestly? Danny would be an absolute hypocrite if he said he didn’t absolutely enjoy whooping the high and mighty bigots a new one.
“Hey B.”
Bruce could hear the strain on Tim’s voice. Even now, the boy was clacking away at the Batcomputer. He probably hadn’t taken more than a five-minute break.
“Tim.” Bruce said. He considered his next words. He was never one for talking much. It had become difficult to emote strongly after that night in Crime Alley.
“Still hacking into the GiW, and going over missing person cases. Haven’t found anything. I’ll post you when I do.” Tim said, all in work mode. Bruce sighed.
“Thank you, Tim, but I know it’s getting late at home. When was your last break?”
Tim didn’t say anything, but Bruce could practically hear the pout.
“I know you’re worried. I am too, but the Batcave will still be there in the morning.”
Tim hummed, still defiant to the last. “We’re losing valuable time. I can handle it. I handled Damian’s… everything. This is nothing. I’ve only been awake for sixteen hours.”
And wasn’t that half the issue.
Bruce took a deep breath. Countless hours of miming with Alfred, and talking to cardboard cutouts of his children.
“I’ve been worrying, Tim.” Just calmly. Just ease into the words. Don’t freak Tim out or scare him away.
“All you ever do is worry, and now it’s Damian so you’re worried even more.”
“I’m…” The lump in his throat grew. It felt like breaking glass to push through. “I’m worried about you.”
Silence on the line.
Bruce continued, stumbling into dark. “H-How are you feeling right now?”
A chair scraped on the other end., followed by retreating footsteps. “Nope. Nope. Not doing this.”
Bruce’s stress hiked. “Wait, Tim!”
The footsteps stopped, although Tim remained silent. Words, words, words, words. What did his manual say about this kind of situation?
“Thank you. I know you and Damian haven’t been on the best terms. But it… It’s…”
Bruce rapidly flipped through his manual, before deciding on the right word, before Tim could get away. “It’s… I’m proud of you. I always have been. And I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
The footsteps resumed, twice as fast as before. Bruce could barely make out muttering about coffee hallucinations. That was good, was it? Bruce looked over his checklist over and over again. Surely he hadn’t missed something?
Maybe he needed to review his notes before talking to Dick…
Arthur Curry, better known to the world as Aquaman, regarded the messaged sent to the palace from the Pacific frontier. The kingdom had benefitted immensely once the zeta system and advancements in instant communication allowed for him to easily communicate with every corner of the country in seconds.
The contents were worrying. Very worrying, in fact. He would almost have dismissed it as impossible, if he weren’t keenly aware of how much damage a clever enough child could do. Memories of the various Robins’ exploits around the Watchtower flashed through his mind, giving him goosebumps.
Never again.
It was a luxury which appeared unable to be afforded to him, as an attendant entered the room and handed him a second message, bound in twine and seaweed. Arthur thanked her, and opened the letter.
Another raid by the same child, this time accompanied by a young teenager. A young teenage siren. The local barracks destroyed, several watchtowers toppled, and food stores plundered. The two sirens fled soon after. About thirty injured personnel, but no casualties, and no civilian injuries either, thank goodness.
It was one of the strangest raids parties he’d ever seen. Usually siren pods descended on vulnerable border towns like a landslide, bringing dozens or hundreds of warriors charging through the countryside, pillaging farmland and razing whole buildings to the seafloor. Arthur transitioned to the archives to continue his research, pulling thousand-year-old records from their carefully preserved cases. His earliest predecessors had seen countless deaths to these war parties, before the Atlantean military was formalised and modernised.
The raids also occasionally took hostages. Sometimes adults or the elderly. Usually children. Arthur’s heart ached at his most vulnerable subjects being stripped away from their families. Those hostages taken were often never seen again, even as Atlantean forces made repeated incursions into siren territory to search for them. They would always be repelled back before finding any.
But one pattern was always clear with the raiders. Although those barbarians took Atlantean children for whatever sick purposes, they never brought their own children to fight. Some of his people believed they didn’t even have children, that they spawned spontaneously as fully formed spirits of destruction and rage.
It looked like those theories were untrue. But what circumstances could produce such a strange result? The first report only described a single siren child, who looked to be about five years old or so by Atlantean standards. The second report confirmed the reappearance of that child, now in tandem with a teenager who still appeared very young. Were they brothers? The reports stated the older one had translucent white and black skin, almost like glass, to the point where even his internal organs were faintly transparent. The younger siren sported a dark green coat, and golden fins and highlights. Neither before or after they struck did the soldiers ever catch a glimpse of an adult.
Could they be orphans? Arthur’s heart panged. Even if they were technically his enemies, he hated the fact that children were the victims of this continued conflict. Despite attempts to work out a peace treaty between his kingdom and the sirens, it could never work out. Atlantis was one kingdom with one king, but the siren pods spent as much time squabbling between themselves as with Atlantis.
Outside of their age and lack of supervision, the children also sported another deviation: Their choice in weaponry. While the capital invested in preferred to traditional weapons, favoring especially polearms like the spear, trident and javelin. Siren war bands in the past favored the bow and arrow, using their superior speed to outmanoeuvre and outrange Atlantean soldiers. Many men and women were lost to their feigned retreat tactics, to the point where every new recruit had to be drilled again and again to never pursue ‘retreating’ sirens.
The elder of the two raiders fought with only his magic, firing icy beams and throwing spears of ice. This was where the duo was most similar to typical siren warriors, contrasting against the disciplined and measured sorcery taught to Aqualad and others his age.
What was alarming was how the younger boy fought. He slashed at one poor soldier who got too close with a sword in his first attack. Mauled six others with his teeth in the second. At ranged he wielded a strange contraption on his wrist, capable of rapidly firing concussive energy beams that let him suppress and disrupt soldiers triple his size.
The sirens were never interested in technological development in the same way as the Atlanteans did, and never had they possessed a weapon even close to as advanced as the one sported by the tiny child.
Arthur’s eyes furrowed. Could it be that some third party was supplying Atlantis’ enemies? How long before another army gathered, before the kingdom faced another existential threat like Pariah Dark had once posed?
Arthur’s Justice League communicator vibrated. The king of Atlantis picked up the call.
“Arthur.” It was Bruce. “This is urgent.”
“What do you need?”
“What information has your kingdom got on sirens?”
“What a coincidence, because I’ve just received two new reports from the Pacific frontier…”
“… As for this Phantom character, the culprit of the attack seems to match your description perfectly.”
Bruce furrowed his eyes. He marked the location where Phantom had last struck. The boy was heading south, along the California Current. For what reason? Was he migrating according to his needs as a species, or was he searching for another haunt? Was he going further south or would he turn west once he neared the equator and follow the current there?
Six months of stalking a human town, fighting off other sirens, only to abandon it once the GiW came out in force, and then start marauding Atlantean settlements out of nowhere? Something extraordinary had to have happened. According to Arthur, Phantom had never been seen by his soldiers before. Perhaps Phantom had completed whatever goals he had in Amity, and was transitioning to his next move on Atlantis.
Phantom was young, or at least appeared young. Likely no older than fifteen. The fact that no records show any similar pattern of behaviour ruled out the possibility of it being some kind of coming-of-age ceremony. It seemed Phantom was an outlier among his species.
If sirens travelled in pods, then where was Phantom’s?
“It’s funny you mention that, since he wasn’t alone. There was a tiny child with him. I think he was about five years old or so. The boy carried weapons like a warrior, and blasted my soldiers with energy beams from a futuristic wrist gun. I’ll sent you the sketch the commander sent me.”
Bruce confirmed his receipt of the sketch. His eyes widened.
Emblazed on the gun’s side was a very familiar logo, a flaming blue F for Fenton.
The conversation ended soon after, with Arthur promising to forward him translated copies of the reports.
Bruce clasped his hands, holding them tight as he pondered (not brooded, despite what Dick insisted).
It seemed Phantom’s lack of morality couldn’t sink further. He had manipulated Amity Island teenagers into assisting him, and now he was leading what was basically a toddler half of Damian’s age into dangerous battles against trained soldiers.
Bruce’s will hardened with righteous anger. This Phantom was barely fresh off his last crime before preying on another child. He had to be stopped.
Suddenly he had three children to save now.
Please be ok, Damian…
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I made these for me but if you like them, please enjoy.
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imperiuswrecked · 1 month
I love when artists give Namor's eyes this underwater glow. I think it's neat. I headcanon that he has a second set of lids that close over his eyes to help him see in the water. While other Atlanteans don't have one for the surface, so when they come up it's too bright for them
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mermaidtournament · 1 year
Welcome to the Mermaid Tournament!
Got any favourite fishy friends? Nominate them here!
Mermaids do not have to have a fish tail! Any humanoid who lives mostly or partially underwater, or has the ability to do so, counts. They can have an octopus tail like Ursula or legs and lungs like the Ocean Na'vi, as long as they are humanoid and live a significant proportion of their life in the water!
-Characters can be of any Gender
-The number of nominations has no effect on if they get in, you must convince me
-Oc's are allowed
-Real people are allowed if you can convince me why I should consider them a mermaid
-Dolphins, Whales and Manatees are not humanoid in shape enough to be considered mermaids in this tournament, but I acknowledge their potential.
I am planning on having Submissions up until April 10, but I want to do a mega bracket im talking like 600+ mermaids, so if I don't get enough then I might extend it.
Good Luck!
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browsethestacks · 8 months
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The Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe #01 (1983)
Art by Paty Cockrum And Joe Rubinstein
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ormymarius · 2 months
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I like the body horror concepts Atlanteans can provide bc you’re telling me they can turn into things like this through devolving or dark magic, sick as fuck
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heckcareoxytwit · 3 months
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A preview of Resurrection of Magneto #2
In the depths, Magneto was given a key by strange forces—and impossibly, he holds it still. Now, in death, Max Eisenhardt judges his own life—and counts the cost. Should he return to the world? Can he allow Storm to bring him back? And what does the Deep Key unlock?
Written by: Al Ewing Art by: Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel Cover by: Stefano Caselli, Jesus Aburtov Page Count: 28 Pages Release Date: February 28, 2024
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Taylor Caldwell with Jess Stearn - The Romance of Atlantis - William Morrow - 1975 (art by Jerry Pinkney)
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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The Avengers in battle with the Sub-Mariner and his soldiers, by Michael Golden.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Part 7
reblog and comment plz <3 i read every one of them and love them all
also here's the masterpost
Damian knew Phantom used echolocation to locate this ravine in the first place, but the question was whether Damian could try the same thing. Damian hugged the walls of the cliff face, keeping his body flush against the surface, and lurking around corners and behind obstacles. The coast was clear.
Clearing his throat, he let out a high-pitched click, projecting it as far as his voice could carry. Immediately, his sensitive ears picked up the echoes coming back in layers. While the sound he sent was singular, the echoes came back in staggered waves, with layers of different pitches and tones and brief silent spells over the course of a millisecond.
This echolocation was useless!
Damian weighed his options. He could approach the surface, but there was no telling if Skulker had a vessel nearby where he could lick his wounds. The worst thing he could do was just hand himself on a silver platter to the creep. On the other hand, he doubted a flashlight would be very useful at the very depths of the ocean.
He still had to try.
Damian’s backside tingled with a light pressure, a feeling he’d come to associate with his lateral line. He armed the wrist ray on his left hand, and grabbed the Anti-Creep Stick with the other. Scanning the ravine revealed no other sirens or fish, but a slight stirring caught his eye.
Damian squinted at the crevice on the opposite side of the bark, not quite sure of what he was supposed to be looking at, until his nose caught the smell. There was definitely something there, but it didn’t smell like another siren the way Phantom and the teenage girls did.
An octopus then?
Octopodes were intelligent creatures, beautiful examples of the ocean’s biodiversity.
But Phantom needed sustenance, and he couldn’t afford for Damian to be picky. However, he put away the bat regardless. He wasn’t so cruel as to bash its head in to death. No, he would make it quick.
Damian unsheathed his claws, and coiled up his tail. Hopefully it wasn’t one of the poisonous varieties. He truly did not want to test Phantom’s immunities at the moment. Like a tiger waiting to leap, Damian kept his body still, and scrutinised the rock for the slightest deviation in colour…
There! Damian pounced. The octopus’s colour returned to its natural yellow pallor. His hands wrapped around its bulbous head. Score! Now to kill it. Sorry octopus, your sacrifice will not be in vain.
However, the mollusk was not about to give up without a fight. Suckered tentacles slapped at Damian’s face. The slimy skin of its head allowed it to slip out of its grasp. As Damian went to activate the wrist ray, a cloud of ink spurted right into his face, and he lost track of it.
Dammit! Damian let out some uncouth words under his breath, and banged his hand on the rock.
Hunting for food was difficult. Theoretically it should’ve been simple. Find something edible, kill it, bring it back, but everything Damian found was either too small to be worth the effort, or too big to risk his life. Multiple times Damian was forced to dive around corners or into claustrophobic cracks as ocean behemoths crossed his path. He couldn’t even find a patch of seaweed or algae this deep into the trench.
He was running out of options as the sun began to set above. Damian was starving himself, and it was getting frustrating. His body was not adapted to thrive in these waters, or maybe it was, and he just didn’t know how.
Either way, the exhaustion of the hunt began to take its toll on him. Far from providing for Phantom’s recovery, he had only wasted his own energy for nothing. Each failed kill, each accumulated bruise left him more and more anxious. That was why when he spotted a lone anglerfish creeping up from the depths, Damian decided to challenge it.
She, for male anglerfish were absolutely tiny satellites to the females, drifted into the twilight zone where Damian caught sight of her. She was almost half his size, and her teeth seemed as big as his fingers Her lure glowed brightly against the darkness of the deep ocean, as little fish wandered closer to the ‘sun’ and got chomped for their troubles. She was truly beautiful.
Hiding behind a small shelf, Damian aimed the wrist ray. The gills should allow him to subdue her quickly. Then securing the kill should be easy.
Damian waited. Just a little closer…
Then he fired.
The light of the shot was almost blinding. When the glare faded, Damian saw not a dead anglerfish, but a very much alive one dashing away. No! Damian sprung into a sprint after her. This may well be his last chance to get anything edible. He had to give chase.
Thankfully he’d gotten a lot of practice the last few others. As the anglerfish tried to round a corner, Damian grabbed its tailfin with his claws, digging in to try and slow it down.
Instead, the angler swerved to the side. Its powerful muscles slammed Damian against the rocky wall. Damian cried out in pain, and his grip loosened enough for the angler to get away.
Damian groaned. Not another one.
Damian lay there, dizzy from pain and exhaustion, watching morosely as the scraped scales healed themselves before his eyes, taking up valuable energy that he did not have to spare. Night fell. Without light, the next few quarries would be even more difficult, if not impossible. What he would do for Alfred’s cooking right about now. He would never make trouble at the dinner table again, if he ever got out of this alive.
His lateral line spiked up again, but Damian just felt tired. Sighing, he readied himself for another beating. How the might have fallen…
He noticed a beam of light shining from around a corner. Hushed voices followed. They were speaking Atlantean! Damian’s heart soared. He didn’t know they were this close to Aquaman’s territory! He knew there were a small number of settlements in the Pacific, but he never expected to stumble into one of them!
“Over here, I require assistance!” He called out.
The whispers rose into rushed conversation he couldn’t make out. Soon he found a light being shined on him, and two Atlantean soldiers, a man and a woman, pointing their spears at him. What?
“State your business here, siren.”  The venom in the woman’s voice was palpable. Belatedly, Damian realised it was hasty of him to assume good relations between the two ocean peoples. However, this was his last shot.
“Please, my companion is injured and requires medical assistance. I swear on my name that we do not mean you harm.” Damian pleaded, with complete earnestness. He even added a whimper at the end to make himself look more vulnerable, more childlike and unthreatening, even if it was beneath him.
The man laughed. “Hah! I’ve heard that one before, punk. But if you think you’re gonna pull one over us easily, you’re shit outa luck. Your kind’s not welcome in these waters, now scram.”
Damian’s mouth gaped open. Did these people have not the slightest compassion? He often criticised his father’s habit of picking up strays, but deep down he knew that that trait was a quality of his character, and not a flaw. These Atlanteans could not even be bothered to spare him a glance outside of telling him to leave. Their eyes did not hold compassion, or sympathy, or even pity, only hardened wariness, and contempt.
“Please, I beg of you.”
The soldiers bared their spears at him. “I said scram, siren! Go back to your pod and stay there.”
Damian gave them his best glare as he turned tail and swam.
Only, he stopped once he turned a corner, but was still in earshot.
“Damn sirens, sinking to new lows. What next, a baby?” The male soldier muttered, his voice trailing off as the two returned to their patrol.
Patrolling soldiers meant an outpost, maybe even a settlement. And that meant food, medical supplies, and weapons. Damian knew a golden opportunity when he saw one. If these miscreants would not grant him the aid requested, then who was Damian to decide he didn’t need permission?
And so Damian stalked them closely. He trailed behind the duo of soldiers a dozen or so metres away, using his lateral line and nose to keep close track of their movements. A sense of calm quelled the ever present instinctual fear of being out in the open, as the familiarity of stalking targets washed over him. He almost didn’t have to try, with how terrible their situational awareness. If he were in king of the ocean’s shoes, he’d be very disappointed with his underlings’ performance.
Perhaps he’d have to snitch on them to Aquaman once this was all over. That would be suitable revenge.
The soldiers unwittingly guided him through the ravine, finally ascending. Above the cliff shelf, about two hundred metres away, stood an Atlantean settlement. Looks like he managed to catch them at the end of their route. Excellent.
Damian estimated the town’s circumference to be around ten kilometres, judging by parallax. He could just spot scores of Atlanteans going about their day, kicking their legs about to swim in a way that seemed so clumsy after seeing Phantom zip through the waves. The buildings stretched out from the flat sandy planes to jutting out from the sides of cliffs.
What was more important was the fields. Huge fields full of leafy plants he had never seen before. Along the cliff face, vines weaved between stone supports bearing strange fruits.
Damian grinned.
Now, all he needed to do was infiltrate.
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merrymarvelite · 10 months
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Cover of the Day: Avengers #154 (December, 1976) Art by Jack Kirby and Al Milgrom
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fire-fira · 3 months
Some further thoughts in regards to [this post] just in terms of what I personally think would make sense for all of them.
Coral: yes, keep her as the emissary for Neptunos in Poseidonis, though with both of her partners being so thoroughly tied to Poseidonis I'd include at least some hints that it doesn't come without challenges or some doubts about where her loyalties lay. She's a politician, she can handle it, but it'd be a little more intriguing to have her have to occasionally fend off criticism from people in Neptunos who might think she's getting a little 'too fond' of Poseidonis.
Topo: Historian and restorationist, full stop. He doesn't seem to me to be the type to really be comfortable being an outright politician, but as an adviser whose knowledge of history makes him an invaluable asset, he would shine. Atlantis has a looooooong history, and if you go with the headcanon that magic extends the lives of those who use it (and that the more skilled a person is, the longer they can live-- which could easily result in at least a few being hundreds of years old), then that would make his knowledge even more valuable because that history would be much more blatantly present than might otherwise be expected.
Lori: While arguments could be made for keeping Lori as a General for Tritonis, I will admit I have a fondness for the idea of Lori having thrown herself wholeheartedly into the study of healing magic while at the Conservatory of Sorcery. (Also, having a General as Tritonis's emissary to Poseidonis seems a bit counter-effective to me. Why send a General from their military when it would make more sense to send someone who should ideally have better negotiating skills than what would likely be presumed of a General?) But as a healer? A magic user whose emphasis is in healing and who might have gained the knowledge of how to track and contain things like pandemics and other public health crises in Atlantis? She could easily have all the authority of a General, but on a broader scale than just Tritonis or Poseidonis, she could be a key public health advisor for all of Atlantis, and she has the connections to pave her way to that position. (Plus, Lori getting to have moments of being the quintessential snarly 'white mage' amuses me to no end.)
Garth: He can stay as the Atlantean Minister of Diplomacy and the UN Ambassador for Atlantis. Neither of those ties him explicitly to only one city-state of Atlantis, and he has the personal and political ties for it to make sense for how he eventually wound up in the position. Though with his being the protégé/apprentice to Arthur/Orin, I'm sure he would occasionally get met with accusations of prioritizing Poseidonis over the other city-states, but that just adds another layer (like Coral) that makes him having the position interesting. Plus, his experience from being on the surface gives him an edge of familiarity that would serve him well as the UN Ambassador. (And with my own headcanons and fics, he's got plenty of practice in diplomatically talking around things he'd rather avoid getting into, which is a skill I'm sure he'd use if he has it at his disposal.)
Beluga: I'm not opposed to Beluga having become the equivalent of a bishop or cleric, but the episodes he was in had him come across as a joke-- a bottom-of-the-barrel pick for a representative for Xebel. And while yeah, having a bottom-of-the-barrel pick was an easy way to show Mera's father snubbing Orin and that whole council and has its own narrative merits, at the same time it's just... SIGH. It also doesn't help that there's barely anything to his character shown in the series. And that's not even getting into the conflicting implication that in season 1 (his first appearance) Xebel was either largely unknown of in Atlantis proper, or that it wasn't technically considered part of Atlantis for a while (up until at least the end of season 1 at the earliest)-- which would mean that if he was originally from Xebel that his chances of attending the Conservatory would probably have been really limited. On the other hand, Beluga as a privileged son of some official who went into the Conservatory and eventually became a cleric and decided to take his practice to Xebel? That I can buy. (And in that context, Nereus pushing Beluga into the position of a politician when he's uncomfortable with it because it's seriously out of his wheelhouse while also leaning on his background as the son of some official for why he's the 'appropriate choice', sounds like an appropriately dick-ish move for Nereus without making Beluga an outright joke.)
Ronal: I'll admit, I do not like the idea of him being a 'lord' of Crastinus. Yes, he practically screams 'I am the son of someone with a LOT of political power', but putting him on the same level of royal families like Orin, Mera, Nereus, and Sha'ark just feels off-base and loads of 'ick' to me. (I personally headcanon him as the son of the Consul Magistrate of Poseidonis, putting his mother as one of the most politically powerful people in Atlantis right below the various royal families, but that's me.) I can buy him getting a political position due to the precedent set by his parent(s), however, due to his past history as a known purist I suspect his position would be precarious as hell. Making him an emissary would be a political landmine that I think most of the Atlantean city-states wouldn't want to risk. Taking up a position as a consul or a praetor though (since I doubt he'd be accepted as a consul magistrate due to being a political landmine)? That I can easily see happening. He'd have a political position due to his family background and training, but having been a known purist should have cost him access to higher levels of political power.
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ninebaalart · 7 months
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31 Days of Monsters: Lara Croft Atlantean
the Atlanteans from the first tomb raider are interesting because they dont really have any skin, it's kind of a weird look for their name and all since you sort of expect fish people but nope, skinless demons
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gotham-at-nightfall · 11 months
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Ocean Master in Aquaman #16
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