#azuras studyblr
academicazura · 1 day
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4 / 250 days of productivity • May 31st
i had such a tired day. despite sleeping for 6 h and 45 min, i took like a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, AND i'm almost falling asleep writing this at 11.30?? it must be the heat and also, sometimes people just get tired, lol, but it's very inconvenient!
i noticed my sweet peas are starting to grow already, i'm so happy!
today i
went grocery shopping
went for a walk
took a nap
spent some time on my bullet journal, cause holy crab it's June tomorrow
calculated my grade average
spent quite a lot of time taking notes on The Dawn of Day, even if i haven't gotten very far yet. it's a slow book, and if you know Nietzsche you know what it's like. he likes his writing lento.
📖: The Dawn of Day, 10%
🎧: tystnar i luren, Miriam Bryant & Victor Leksell
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byronicstudies · 4 years
I would like to join the studyblr discord! Of it is created soon (or already is?) You can dm me @azuras-studies (it's a sideblog so I had to go on Anon) Your blog is so wonderful!
hi!! thank you so much for the nice compliment first of all <3
the blog is created already and im still tweaking some last things so everything runs smoothly when people start pouring in! it will go live on wednesday (after ive done my exam and arrived at home)
i will for sure dm you or mention you in the post once ive sent out the link!
im so happy people are interested and i’ve worked really hard on this discord to include as much as i possibly could.
if you wanna get mentioned in the post with the link to the server so you don’t accidentally miss it, let me know and i’ll mention you in it too! 
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academicazura · 2 days
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enjoy these 2 pictures from my pinterest feed cause once again i failed to take photos today.
3 / 250 days of productivity • May 30th
today i
went for a walk
finished my reading plan for the rest of the year
got an unforeseen change regarding my reading plan for the rest of the year, and had to replan oct-dec
set up a weekly review template
emailed my guidance counsellor about my studies, she's so nice for real, grateful to have her
copied all my course tasks from ALL my courses to microsoft to do so now i have no excuses on “not having my task list available”
finished reading Keats Truth & Imagination
restarted Nietzsche's The Dawn of Day. i wasn't very far with it, but life was so confusing i decided to give it a fair new try
oh and i decluttered and reorganized my phone’s home pages
📖: The Dawn of Day, Friedrich Nietzsche
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academicazura · 25 days
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may 4th-5th
weekend backtrack! i started my philosophy course. i had to unfortunately restart it because of issues with the curriculum change, but i don't mind really, cause at least i have the time now to do it properly.
i wrote a lot of notes! i haven't done that in a while cause of the time restriction, but it's good to get to study properly.
i also finished reading the Kant book and moved onto my precious Nietzsche <3
during the weekend i
started a philosophy course
studied theory on the first chapter
finished reading Kant for Beginners
idk, it's all kind of a blur, where does the time go?
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academicazura · 1 month
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april 19th-21st
bought a whiteboard finally! it's really fun to do exercises on it and makes me feel like i do them faster somehow, although i'm sure that's not true. and if you make a mistake, it's so easy to correct.
also, as promised, some photos of my new weekly bullet journal template. i'm thinking about going with this, and then collect all the information to monthly trackers at the end of the month! the only flaw really is the complete lack of any fitness tracker, but i'm patching that by having a habit tracker of daily routines for the month as well.
during the weekend i
had a breakdown and been working on getting myself together
finished studying philosophy theory
studied physics theory from chapter 2
did physics exercises from chapter 1 and 2
📖: Anne of Green Gables
🎧: Mustelmilla (Mi Amor), Miriam Bryant
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academicazura · 3 days
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2 / 250 days of productivity • May 29th
today was a big planning day. i also spent time reading some John Keats, which i'm loving. i'm not much of a Romantic, but idk, maybe i am. been trying to get my routines in check, also. i think i did a pretty good job. forgot to take photos for this post so here's some proof of the reading i did lol.
tomorrow i'll need to prep my courses the best i can. i kept sensing a nervous breakdown constantly today, and i want to move on from this planning stage to try to prevent that.
today i
read poetry, yay
created new daily routines
prepped this challenge for tumblr, and hopefully that'll be fruitful (omg, i hate that word)
📖: Keats Truth & Imagination, 55% 🎧: the birds above our balcony <3 besties can you wake me up tomorrow?
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academicazura · 19 days
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may 13th
i couldn't be happier with how this week started. like my mondays are always slow, but i got stuff done even with all the slowness going on. my extremely ambitious goal for this week if to get the first drafts of the whole course done and then keep it for improvements for a couple of weeks before i turn it in.
hope you all had a nice Mother's day, if you celebrated it!
today i
went for a refreshing morning walk
finished my first read through of the philosophy course theory
continued my notes from chapter 4 (out of 6)
cooked with my mom, did the dishes
read very little, but still, i read.
🎧Over, Maya Hawke
📖The Dawn of Day, Friedrich Nietzsche
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academicazura · 1 month
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may 1st
i was meant to plan my courses but that got pushed. i feel like i got a lot done at home. like i organized my room - the clothes chair was barely visible anymore, so it was past due.
i washed our balcony and now the floor is nice and shiny, so maybe study sessions there after i get all the furniture in its right place!
i dragged 5 boxes of clothes from storage and redid my whole wardrobe. it was a huge job but i'm glad i pushed through and got it done in one evening. now i just have to take all the boxes back...
today i
organized my room
washed the balcony
redid my wardrobe for the summer
went for an evening walk
spent a lot of time journaling throughout the day
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academicazura · 1 month
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april 30th
OMG YOU GUYS, i made it, i finally turned the physics course in and hey it was still 3 hours before the deadline, lol... i couldn't get started until 1pm cause i was at the eye doctor for the whole morning!
i'm honestly so relieved to get it over with this course. i'm not happy that i couldn't do it to the full extent of my capability. the study log kind of sucked and i skipped one of the 20 exercises. but i gotta be proud of myself for doing everything in a small timeframe and not giving up on it even if it was hard. and i'm happy with a lot of the things i learnt, it's a great feeling. but honestly, i can't wait to sleep in peace tonight.
ON TO OTHER THINGS: in the photos you can see a new journal i bought. i thought i'd separate my freewriting/diary entries from my bullet journal to a different notebook, so i bought this one today! i'm kind of excited to start journaling for real, again. it's been a while.
tomorrow, i'll take the day off, kind of. i'll have to plan the rest of my courses, but that's chill work if anything. then i can spend some time with my hobbies. i really want to get my routines back on track for may and be able to write, watch films, exercise, etc. reguralry.
sorry for the long post! i'm excited to move on to may, even if my may day eve partying was just finishing a school course XD tomorrow we ball
today i
finished the rest of my physics assignments! (5/6)
made a decision: didn't do the last one out of all 20 ex. and i forgive myself cause today was the deadline for the course and by the time i had done the 19th exercise it was 6pm and i still had to write the WHOLE study log...
made stuff up for the study log, honestly couldn't remember what i had studied at all but i made it sound sincere, i'm more of a writer than a physician anyways
next up: relax for the evening and go to bed early!!
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academicazura · 21 days
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may 6th-9th
i've once again fallen a bit behind on everything i wanted to post here, but here's what i can gather for you guys:
i've been very very slowly progressing with the philosophy course, i'm gonna pick things up from now. i made myself a rolling study task list on the back of my study notebook, and i'm hoping it'll give me some extra oomph.
i planned to bake blueberry bran muffins like 4 months ago so, here they finally are! super easy to bake, i'm wondering why i can't pull myself together faster. so that was a little bright spot in my week even if it's shadowed by my unlimited procrastination.
today's post, i promise, will be up this evening!
these days i
studied a bit of theory
tried to get my habits back on track and struggled but a little is better than nothing!
accompanied my mom at the eye doctor two times so she didn't have to wait alone <3 (and i got an excuse to read nietzsche)
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academicazura · 1 month
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april 23rd
had a pretty good day! finished studying physics theory and started the assignments, finished the whole ch. 2 for english and at least prepped learning log for philosophy, even if i didn't finish anything for it. i'm still reading the book for my report, i don't seem to progress and i'm only a quarter into it, but i'll try to progress more tomorrow. the hard thing about being in a rush is that you need to both write a lot and read a lot in one day.
today i
finished studying physics theory & finished reading the study book
started mandatory assignments (2/20)
did some super simple grammar exercises for my english course
wrote learning log for english
completed ch. 2 for english
started a learning log entry for philosophy, but left it half way
still reading Anne of Green Gables
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academicazura · 2 months
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april 1st
i made this silly graduation countdown!
i’m so done but ugh, i’ve fallen behind with my studies and i just emailed my guidance counselor yesterday to check in what courses i need to do that would correspond 2 courses i haven’t done yet, that are leaving the server before i can get them done, and honestly you guys, it’s a mess.
i still have to do like 10 courses and i’m like so done with school. all i know is that i just have to get them done and then i can take a break from all this. i can’t wait for summer. i’m gonna do so much pleasure reading my pleasure censors are gonna go crazy!
like i love studying but this type of senseless donkeywork just ain’t it
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academicazura · 3 months
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march 12th
a real quick update: made a tracker for the huge amount of math exercises i have. got an A for my last math course, so i guess that gave me some dopamine. avocado seeds i was trying to plant got mold, so i guess that’s bit of a hit.
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academicazura · 3 months
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march 8th, 2024
today i studied the first chapter of my integral course… 2 theory chapters in and overall around 70 exercises done - and i gotta be honest, i’m not feeling it. i do kinda like the challenge, but i’m in a rush to get courses done and this course started slow, so can you imagine it when things get hard? not that i should worry about it or anything, just take it one day at time.
i’m currently reading The Loop -trilogy by Ben Oliver! i read the first book a few days ago and i couldn’t put it down. as someone who loves The Matrix, this book was it. i’m trying to slow myself down with the second book cause i have so much studying to do but even the beginning hooked me. it’s almost like i’m stuck in a loop of starting a new chapter right as i finish one… lol
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academicazura · 1 month
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april 18th
things are getting heated in this brain of mine </3 i'm trying to survive through studying theory while fighting back trauma symptoms. also my calf is hurting weird
today i
finished reading 30-Second Philosophies! it was, like, better than the recommended course book...
tried out a new weekly bullet journal spread. it seems to be efficient, and maybe i'll post pictures later :)
omg, the brain fog, ended up singing along to swedish bangers for the evening
did a couple of hours worth of philosophy notes on laptop in the middle of the night
📖: Anne of Green Gables, which i get to read for a book report -- i'm just living my best life out here with the tiny angel <3
🎧: You Said Something, PJ Harvey
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academicazura · 1 month
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april 28th
hi! i reached 50 followers, so i thought i'd post and say THANK YOU. you guys really make me feel like a part of the community here and i love it.
if you've been following me, you might've noticed i'm going through a bit of a hard time lately. i am taking care of myself, but it's been quite hectic. i need to turn in my physics course tomorrow, and i don't know, it's not my usual level, and i still need to do 15 exercises and come up with something for the study log but at least i'll get some sort of a grade.
after that i'll take a breather, i'll plan the rest of my courses thoroughly, probably make that my whole Wednesday. i'm hoping that this kind of a new beginning or a restart, if you will, will make life a bit easier for me.
are you guys ready for May?! [photos of my May bullet journal routine tracker, bullet journal key and my calendar]
today i
did physics' mandatory assignments (5/20)
went for a long walk
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